ICS 100 – Incident Command System
Lesson 1: ICS Overview
Lesson Overview
The ICS Overview lesson introduces you to:
The background and development of ICS.
ICS as the standard for emergency management across the country.
ICS as interdisciplinary and organizationally flexible.
Applications of ICS.
This lesson should take approximately 30 minutes to complete. Remember, you must
complete the entire lesson to receive credit.
The Incident Command System (ICS)
An incident is an occurrence, either human caused or by natural phenomena that requires action
by emergency service personnel to prevent or minimize loss of life or damage to property and/or
natural resources.
Examples of incidents include:
Fire, both structural and wildfire
Hazardous material situations
Search and rescue
Oil spills
Pest eradication
Control of animal diseases
Planned events, such as parades or political rallies just to name a few.
Because of today’s budget constraints, limited staffing of local, State, and Federal agencies,
it’s not possible for any one agency to handle all the management and resource needs for the
increasing numbers of incidents nationwide. Local, State, and Federal agencies must work
together in a smooth, coordinated effort under the same management system.
The Incident Command System or ICS is a standardized, on-scene, all-risk incident management
concept. ICS allows its users to adopt an integrated organizational structure to match the
complexities and demands of single or multiple incidents without being hindered by jurisdictional
ICS has considerable internal flexibility. It can grow or shrink to meet different needs.
This flexibility makes it a very cost effective and efficient management approach for both small
and large situations.
ICS 100 – Incident Command System
History of the Incident Command System (ICS)
The Incident Command System (ICS) was developed in the 1970s following a series of
catastrophic fires in California’s urban interface. Property damage ran into the millions, and many
people died or were injured. The personnel assigned to determine the causes of this disaster
studied the case histories and discovered that incident failures could rarely be attributed to lack of
resources or failure of tactics.
What were the lessons learned? Surprisingly, studies found was that incident failures were far
more likely to result from inadequate management than from any other single reason.
Weaknesses in incident management were often due to:
Lack of personnel accountability, including unclear chains of command and supervision.
Poor communication due to both inefficient uses of available communications systems and
conflicting codes and terminology.
Lack of an orderly, systematic planning process.
No common, flexible, predesigned management structure that enables commanders to
delegate responsibilities and manage workloads efficiently.
No predefined methods to integrate interagency requirements into the management structure
and planning process effectively.
A poorly managed incident response can be devastating to our economy, the food supply, and our
health and safety. With so much at stake, we must effectively manage our response efforts. The
Incident Command System, or ICS, allows us to do so. ICS is a proven management system
based on successful business practices. This course introduces you to ICS and the vital role that
you can play.
ICS Built on Best Practices
ICS is:
A proven management system based on successful business practices.
The result of decades of lessons learned in the organization and management of emergency
This system represents organizational “best practices,” and has become the standard for
emergency management across the country.
ICS 100 – Incident Command System
What ICS Is Designed To Do
Designers of the system recognized early that ICS must be interdisciplinary and organizationally
flexible to meet the following management challenges:
Meet the needs of incidents of any kind or size.
Be usable for routine or planned events such as conferences, as well as large and complex
emergency incidents.
Allow personnel from a variety of agencies to meld rapidly into a common management
Provide logistical and administrative support to ensure that operational staff, such as
entomologists or veterinarians, can meet tactical objectives.
Be cost effective by avoiding duplication of efforts.
ICS has been tested in more than 30 years of emergency and nonemergency applications, by all
levels of government and in the private sector.
Scenario: The Texas counties bordering Mexico have suffered an outbreak of bloody water
disease (a.k.a. Texas Cattle Fever) carried by cattle crossing the border. The disease, which is
carried by ticks, is readily transferred from infested cattle to herds that have not been dipped in
pesticide. U.S. cattle lack immunity to the disease, and U.S. ranchers do not ordinarily dip their
herds because of cost. Because of the ease and rapidity with which this disease spreads, and the
fact that there is no cost-effective cure, prevention through dipping is the only viable control
alternative. All herds within a 25-mile distance of the border have been ordered dipped. It is
estimated that 40 herds ranging from several hundred to more then 1,000 cattle will need to be
treated in the next 10 days. The process will be repeated 14 days later to break the lifecycle of
the tick. Until this has been accomplished, cattle cannot be shipped off their ranges for any
What management challenges does this scenario present that could be addressed by
using ICS?
Using ICS to manage this response could help to:
Manage multiagency and multijurisdictional resources (including Federal, State, and local
personnel as well as Mexican resources) assigned over a widespread geographic area.
Meet incident objectives including the rapid assessment of herds that are at risk of contracting
Texas Cattle Fever.
Handle logistics such as the purchase of the pesticide dip.
Provide logistical support so that qualified personnel are freed up to oversee the treatment.
Remember, ICS:
Allows personnel from a variety of agencies to meld rapidly into a common management
Is cost effective and ensures that resources are deployed where most needed.
Provides the logistical and administrative support to ensure that operational staff can meet
incident objectives.
ICS 100 – Incident Command System
Applications for the Use of ICS
Applications for the use of ICS have included:
Routine or planned events (e.g., celebrations, parades, and concerts).
Fires, hazardous materials, and multicasualty incidents.
Multijurisdiction and multiagency disasters such as earthquakes, hurricanes, floods, and
winter storms.
Search and rescue missions.
Biological pest eradication programs.
Biological outbreaks and disease containment.
Acts of terrorism.
Dr. Bill Smith
USDA, Veterinary Services
“The first time I really used ICS was in Harrisonburg, Virginia, in response to a low path influenza
The ICS allows us to organize and plan to make sure all the major tasks that need to be done are
identified and someone is charged to make sure it’s done and then with that, with the hierarchy
with the organization structures, who you report to is done and we can organize it. So, it’s
flexible in that you can use them for small outbreaks, big outbreaks. It has a self contained
organizational system built into it, can be used for any, any type of animal health event, it doesn’t
have to be disease of magnitude. It could be as simple as moving an area office if you will or a
Federal office or moving people, so on and so forth. One disease outbreak or a huge disease
outbreak, it doesn’t matter, that’s how I would define the beauty of the flexibility of it.”
Dr. Carey Floyd
Oklahoma Department of Agriculture
“We first started with our training with ICS during the time that the foot and mouth outbreak was
going on in England because it was apparent that an outbreak like that would be too big for us to
handle as we’d always handled disease outbreaks here in the United States and so we did
training, we put together a team here in Oklahoma that has both State and Federal employees on
it and we were able to use our training when we had a herd of elk that had chronic wasting
disease so we used our ICS training to plan the depopulation of those animals.
The best thing is it’s very clear who is in charge of each part of the response. There’s not any
doubt about the responsibilities of each individual in each of those positions and what they are
supposed to do. So it’s very clear who does which part of the response.”
ICS 100 – Incident Command System
Van Bateman
USDA, Forest Service
“The way the system is built it is very good at gathering the information that you need to do the
job. The problem they had at the World Trade Center is a long campaign for FDNY is, they are on
the fire 24 hours, 36 hours. When we got there they had no way to gather information or plan
and that’s basically what we did for them. It took us a while to get our foot in the door but once
we got our foot in the door and showed them that we could plan out the next 24 hours, the next
36 hours, if something happened out there, they would know who’s working in that area, what
equipment they had, what equipment they didn’t have, what they needed and once they saw that
what became a reluctant partnership became a very strong partnership.
Since the World Trade Center there’s been a group of us last year that went back and we’re
training the entire Fire Department of New York in it. Also we did do some training with the
Department of Agriculture from Oklahoma, not the Federal but the State. That’s when hoof-and-
mouth disease was big and they were thinking maybe they were going to have to use it in hoof-
and-mouth disease.”
ICS Features
In this course, you will learn about the following ICS features:
ICS organization
Incident facilities
Incident action Plan
Span of control
Common responsibilities
Lesson Summary
You have completed the ICS Overview lesson. This lesson addressed how:
ICS is a standardized management tool designed to allow its users to adopt an integrated
organizational structure flexible enough to meet the demands of small or large emergency or
nonemergency situations.
Identification of areas of management weakness resulted in the development of ICS.
ICS represents organizational “best practices,” and has become the standard for emergency
management across the country.
Designers of ICS recognized early that it must be interdisciplinary and organizationally
Applications of ICS have included planned events, natural disasters, and acts of terrorism.
The next lesson will provide an overview of the ICS organization and introduce the Incident
Commander and Command Staff.
ICS 100 – Incident Command System
Lesson 2: ICS Organization: Part I
Lesson Overview
The ICS Organization: Part I lesson introduces you to the:
Organizational structure of ICS.
Five major management functions.
Principle of span of control.
Use of position titles.
Roles and responsibilities of the Incident Commander and Command Staff.
This lesson should take approximately 30 minutes to complete. Remember, you must
complete the entire lesson to receive credit.
ICS Organization
There is no correlation between the ICS organization and the administrative structure of any
single agency or jurisdiction. This is deliberate, because confusion over different position titles
and organizational structures has been a significant stumbling block to effective incident
management in the past.
For example, the Department of Agriculture has an Office of Communication. This office has no
relationship to the position of Communication Unit Leader in ICS, which is responsible for the
hardware that the ICS organization uses to communicate.
Performance of Management Functions
Every incident or event requires that certain management functions be performed. The problem
must be identified and assessed, a plan to deal with it developed and implemented, and the
necessary resources procured and paid for.
Even if an incident is very small, and only one or two people are involved, these management
functions still will apply to some degree.
ICS 100 – Incident Command System
Five Major Management Functions
There are five major management functions that are the foundation upon which the ICS
organization develops. These functions apply whether you are handling a routine emergency,
organizing for a major nonemergency event, or managing a response to a major disaster. The
five major management functions are:
Incident Command
Management Function Descriptions
Below is a brief description of each ICS function:
Command: Sets incident objectives and priorities and has overall responsibility at the
incident or event.
Operations: Conducts tactical operations to carry out the plan. Develops the tactical
assignments and organization, and directs all tactical resources.
Planning: Prepares and documents the Incident Action Plan to accomplish the incident
objectives, collects and evaluates information, maintains resource status, and maintains
documentation for incident records.
Logistics: Provides support, resources, and all other services needed to meet the incident
Finance/Administration: Monitors costs related to the incident. Provides accounting,
procurement, time recording, and cost analyses.
The ICS Management Functions can be applied to something as common as planning a vacation.
For each ICS Management Function, list the vacation activities that you would perform.
Management Function Vacation Activity
Command Establish a budget and select the destination.
Operations Select the method of travel, determine the route to the destination,
and operate the vehicle.
Planning Find the most expedient route to the destination, determine whether
there is any current road construction or other obstacles, and
determine how many miles will be traveled.
Logistics Arrange for vehicle, fuel, lodging, and food.
Finance/Administration Pay for the trip.
ICS 100 – Incident Command System
Organizational Structure – Incident Commander
On small incidents and events, one person, the Incident Commander, may accomplish all five
management functions. In fact, the Incident Commander is the only position that is always
staffed in ICS applications. However, large incidents or events may require that these functions
be set up as separate Sections within the organization.
Organizational Structure—ICS Sections
Each of the primary ICS Sections may be subdivided as needed. The ICS organization has the
capability to expand or contract to meet the needs of the incident.
A basic ICS operating guideline is that the person at the top of the organization is responsible
until the authority is delegated to another person. Thus, on smaller incidents when these
additional persons are not required, the Incident Commander will personally accomplish or
manage all aspects of the incident organization.
ICS Span of Control
Another basic operating guideline concerns the supervisory structure of the organization.
Span of control pertains to the number of individuals or resources that one supervisor can
manage effectively on emergency response incidents. Maintaining an effective span of control is
particularly important on incidents where safety and accountability are a top priority.
Maintaining Span of Control
Maintaining adequate span of control throughout the ICS organization is very important.
Effective span of control on incidents may vary from three to seven, and a ratio of one
supervisor to five reporting elements is recommended.
If the number of reporting elements falls outside of these ranges, expansion or consolidation of
the organization may be necessary. There may be exceptions, usually in lower-risk
assignments or where resources work in close proximity to each other.
ICS 100 – Incident Command System
ICS Position Titles
To maintain span of control, the ICS organization can be divided into many levels of supervision.
At each level, individuals with primary responsibility positions have distinct titles. Using specific
ICS position titles serves three important purposes:
Titles provide a common standard all users. For example, if one agency uses the title
Branch Chief, another Branch Manager, etc., this lack of consistency can cause confusion at
the incident.
The use of distinct titles for ICS positions allows for filling ICS positions with the most
qualified individuals rather than by rank.
Standardized position titles is useful when requesting qualified personnel. For example, in
ordering personnel, it is important to know if the positions needed are Unit Leaders, clerks,
Supervisory Position Titles
The titles for all supervisory levels of the organization are shown in the table below.
Organizational Level Title Support Position
Incident Command Incident Commander Deputy
Command Staff Officer Assistant
General Staff (Section) Chief Deputy
Branch Director Deputy
Division/Group Supervisor N/A
Unit Leader Manager
Strike Team/Task Force Leader Single Resource Boss
ICS 100 – Incident Command System
ICS Organizational Components
Sections: The organizational levels with responsibility for a major functional area of the incident
(e.g., Operations, Planning, Logistics, Finance/Administration). The person in charge of each
Section is designated as a Chief.
Divisions: Used to divide an incident geographically. The person in charge of each Division is
designated as a Supervisor.
Groups: Used to describe functional areas of operations. The person in charge of each Group is
designated as a Supervisor.
Branches: Used when the number of Divisions or Groups extends the span of control. Can be
either geographical or functional. The person in charge of each Branch is designated as a Director.
Task Forces: A combination of mixed resources with common communications operating under
the direct supervision of a Task Force Leader.
Strike Teams: A set number of resources of the same kind and type with common
communications operating under the direct supervision of a Strike Team Leader.
Single Resources: May be individuals, a piece of equipment and its personnel complement, or a
crew or team of individuals with an identified supervisor that can be used at an incident.
Roles and Responsibilities
You should now be familiar with the basic ICS organizational structure, the five major
management functions, and the principle of span of control.
In this section, you'll learn about the expansion of the ICS organization and the roles and
responsibilities of the Incident Commander and Command Staff.
Incident Commander’s Overall Role
The Incident Commander has overall responsibility for managing the incident. The Incident
Commander must be fully briefed and should have a written delegation of authority. Initially,
assigning tactical resources and overseeing operations will be under the direct supervision of the
Incident Commander.
Incident Commander
“My job is to provide the overall leadership for incident response. I am able to delegate my
authority to others to manage the ICS organization. Like any other organization, I have bosses
too. I take general direction and receive my delegation of authority from the responsible agency
or jurisdiction administrator or administrators, and I am accountable to them. It’s important to
note that these agency or jurisdiction administrators may or may not include my real-life boss.
For example, the jurisdiction administrators for an incident might include Department of
Agriculture agency heads as well as representatives from State and local government.
It’s also important that my staff knows that they have the authority of their positions, even if it’s
not the same authority that they have at home.”
ICS 100 – Incident Command System
Incident Commander Responsibilities
In addition to having overall responsibility for managing the entire incident, the Incident
Has responsibility for ensuring incident safety, providing information services to internal and
external stakeholders, and establishing and maintaining liaison with other agencies
participating in the incident.
May have one or more Deputies from the same agency or from other agencies or jurisdictions.
Deputy Incident Commanders must be as qualified as the Incident Commander.
Incident Commander
“As the Incident Commander, I am responsible for all activities and functions until I staff them.
So, one of the first things I do is assess my need for staff. I know that for an incident that is both
complex and long-term, I will need more staff. In addition, I may decide that I need a Deputy.
Also, I establish incident objectives for the organization based on the direction given by agency
directors. The type of plan depends on the magnitude of the incident. During a complex incident,
I’ll direct my staff to develop a written Incident Action Plan. The beauty of ICS is that you can
tailor your organization to match the need.”
Selecting and Changing Incident Commanders
As incidents expand in size, change in jurisdiction or discipline, or become more complex,
command may change to a more experienced Incident Commander.
Rank, grade, and seniority are not the factors used to select the Incident Commander. The
Incident Commander is always a highly qualified individual trained to lead the incident response.
Transfer of command at an incident always requires that there be a full briefing for the incoming
Incident Commander and notification to all personnel that a change in command is taking place.
ICS 100 – Incident Command System
Expanding the Organization
As incidents grow, the Incident Commander may delegate authority for performance of certain
activities to the Command Staff and the General Staff.
Command Staff: The Command Staff provide information, safety, and liaison services for
the entire organization.
General Staff: The General Staff are assigned functional authority for Operations, Planning,
Logistics, and Finance/Administration.
Command Staff
Depending upon the size and type of incident or event, it may be necessary for the Incident
Commander to designate personnel to provide information, safety, and liaison services for the
entire organization. In ICS, these personnel make up the Command Staff and consist of the:
Public Information Officer, who serves as the conduit for information to internal and
external stakeholders, including the media or other organizations seeking information
directly from the incident or event.
Safety Officer, who monitors safety conditions and develops measures for assuring the
safety of all assigned personnel.
Liaison Officer, who serves as the primary contact for supporting agencies assigned to an
ICS 100 – Incident Command System
Meet the Command Staff
Public Information Officer
“I report directly to the Incident Commander and advise him or her on issues related to
information dissemination and media relations. I am the primary contact for anyone who wants
information about the incident and our response to it. I serve both an external audience through
the media, and an internal audience including both incident staff and agency personnel. It’s very
important for me to coordinate with other information staff to ensure that we do not issue
confusing or conflicting information. Since the Planning Section is gathering intelligence and
other information pertinent to the incident, I get a lot of my information from them. Accurate
information is essential. In the end, the Incident Commander will approve all information that I
release. During a complex incident, I will probably need several Assistant Public Information
Officers to help me.”
Safety Officer
“My job is to make sure everyone does the job safely and gets home in one piece. I advise the
Incident Commander on issues regarding incident safety, but I would like to emphasize that
safety is everyone’s responsibility. I work very closely with Operations to make sure that our
people in the field are as safe as possible under the circumstances, including wearing appropriate
protective equipment and implementing the safest tactical options. I conduct risk analyses and
implement hazard mitigation measures. I normally do this through the planning process, but I do
have the authority to stop any unsafe activity that I observe. While a lot of my attention is
focused on Operations, I am also concerned about safety for the rest of the organization. I
minimize other employee risk by promoting safe driving habits, eliminating tripping hazards,
ensuring safe food handling, things like that. I spend a lot of time out of the command post
looking at what’s going on. During a complex incident, I will need quite a few assistants to be
my eyes and ears.”
Liaison Officer
“I’m the go between. I assist the Incident Commander by gathering information about agencies
that are supporting our efforts on this incident. The Incident Commander’s time is devoted to
managing the incident, so my job is to serve as a facilitator for cooperating and assisting
agencies if they are not represented in the command. I provide briefings to agency
representatives and work with them to address their questions and concerns about the operation.
I ask agency representatives about restrictions on their resources that may impact how we can
use them or special support requirements that they might have. I also ask about availability of
any other specialized resources they might have that may prove useful. What I don’t do is try to
coordinate their tactical activities. Operations needs to do that. During a complex incident, I
may have a lot of agency representatives, but I can usually handle the job myself.”
ICS 100 – Incident Command System
Lesson Summary
You have completed the ICS Organization: Part I lesson. The lesson addressed the:
Organizational structure of ICS.
Five major management functions.
Principle of span of control.
Use of position titles.
Roles and responsibilities of the Incident Commander and Command Staff.
Selection and transfer of Incident Commanders.
The next lesson will provide an introduction to the General Staff and the expansion and
contraction of the ICS organization.
ICS 100 – Incident Command System
Lesson 3: ICS Organization: Part II
Lesson Overview
The ICS Organization: Part II lesson introduces you to the:
Roles and responsibilities of the General Staff.
Expansion and contraction of the ICS organization.
This lesson should take approximately 30 minutes to complete. Remember, you must
complete the entire lesson to receive credit.
General Staff
Expansion of the incident may also require the delegation of authority for the performance of the
other management functions. The people who perform the other four management functions are
designated as the General Staff. The General Staff is made up of four sections: Operations,
Planning, Logistics, and Finance/Administration.
ICS Section Chiefs and Deputies
As mentioned previously, the person in charge of each section is designated as a Chief. Section
Chiefs have the ability to expand their section to meet the needs of the situation. Each of the
Section Chiefs may have a Deputy, or more than one, if necessary. The Deputy:
May assume responsibility for a specific portion of the primary position, work as relief, or be
assigned other tasks.
Should always be as proficient as the person for whom he or she works.
In large incidents, especially where multiple disciplines or jurisdictions are involved, the use of
Deputies from other organizations can greatly increase interagency coordination.
Operations Section
Until Operations is established as a separate Section, the Incident Commander has direct control
of tactical resources. The Incident Commander will determine the need for a separate Operations
Section at an incident or event. When the Incident Commander activates an Operations Section,
he or she will assign an individual as the Operations Section Chief.
ICS 100 – Incident Command System
Operations Section Chief
The Operations Section Chief will develop and manage the Operations Section to accomplish the
incident objectives set by the Incident Commander. The Operations Section Chief is normally the
person with the greatest technical and tactical expertise in dealing with the problem at hand.
Operations Section Chief
“I’m responsible for developing and implementing strategy and tactics to carry out the Incident
Objectives. This means that I organize, assign, and supervise all of the tactical field resources
assigned to an incident, including air operations and those resources in a staging area.
I work very closely and coordinate my activities with the other members of the Command and
General Staff.”
Operations Section: Maintaining Span of Control
The Operations function is where the tactical fieldwork is done. Therefore, most incident
resources are assigned to the Operations Section. Often the most hazardous activities are
carried out there. Because of this, it is necessary to monitor carefully the number of resources
that report to any one supervisor. The following supervisory levels can be added to help manage
span of control:
Divisions are used to divide an incident geographically.
Groups are used to describe functional areas of operation.
Branches are used when the number of Divisions or Groups extends the span of control and
can be either geographical or functional.
Operations Section: Divisions
Divisions are used to divide an incident geographically.
The person in charge of each Division is designated as a
Supervisor. How the area is divided is determined by the
needs of the incident.
The most common way to identify Divisions is by using
alphabet characters (A, B, C, etc.). Other identifiers may
be used as long as Division identifiers are known by assigned responders.
The important thing to remember about ICS Divisions is that they are established to divide an
incident into geographical areas of operation.
ICS 100 – Incident Command System
Operations Section: Groups
Groups are used to describe functional areas of operation.
The person in charge of each Group is designated as a
The kind of Group to be established will also be determined
by the needs of an incident. Groups are normally labeled
according to the job that they are assigned (e.g., Sampling
Group, Disposal Group, etc.). Groups will work wherever their assigned task is needed and are
not limited geographically.
Operations Section: Divisions and Groups
Divisions and Groups can be used together on an
incident. Divisions and Groups are at an equal level
in the organization. One does not supervise the
other. When a Group is working within a Division
on a special assignment, Division and Group
Supervisors must closely coordinate their activities.
Operations Section: Establishing Branches
If the number of Divisions or Groups exceeds the span of control, it may be necessary to establish
another level of organization within the Operations Section, called Branches. The person in
charge of each Branch is designated as a Director. Deputies may also be used at the Branch
ICS 100 – Incident Command System
Operations Section: Branches, Other Factors
While span of control is a common reason to establish Branches, additional considerations may
also indicate the need to use these Branches, including:
Multidiscipline Incidents. Some incidents have multiple disciplines involved (e.g., Plant
Protection and Quarantine (PPQ), Veterinary Services, Food Safety and Inspection Services
(FSIS), etc.) that may create the need to set up incident operations around a functional
Branch structure.
Multijurisdiction Incidents. In some incidents it may be better to organize the incident
around jurisdictional lines. In these situations, Branches may be set up to reflect jurisdictional
Very Large Incidents. Very large incidents may organize using geographic or functional
Managing the Operations Section
Operations Section Chief
“In a recent incident, there were hundreds of resources deployed to the Operations Section. I
couldn’t possibly manage them all directly. Trying to do so would result in inefficient resource
management at best, and personal injury at worst. While there are any number of ways to
organize field resources, I might decide to use Branches for each agency, as well as Groups, to
organize resources and maintain the recommended span of control of one supervisor to five
It can be a big job and with all of the tactics often needed in an incident, I have to depend on my
Branch Directors to help me. For complex incidents, I may also have a Deputy. I also depend on
the rest of the General Staff to support me. I can’t develop detailed situation analyses—or worry
about where the sandwiches are coming from or who’s paying for them—and still do my job.”
ICS 100 – Incident Command System
Operations Section: Expanding and Contracting
The organization within the Operations Section reflects the objectives established by the Incident
Commander. The Operations organization usually develops from the bottom up and may include:
Task Forces: A combination of mixed resources with common communications operating
under the direct supervision of a Task Force Leader.
Strike Teams: A set number of resources of the same kind and type with common
communications operating under the direct supervision of a Strike Team Leader.
Single Resources: May be individuals, a piece of equipment and its personnel complement,
or a crew or team of individuals with an identified supervisor.
The Incident Commander or Operations Section Chief at an incident may work initially with only a
few single resources or staff members.
The Operations Section usually develops from the bottom up. The organization will expand to
include needed levels of supervision as more and more resources are deployed.
Task Forces are a combination of mixed resources with common communications operating under
the direct supervision of a Leader. Task Forces can be versatile combinations of resources and
their use is encouraged. The combining of resources into Task Forces allows for several resource
elements to be managed under one individual’s supervision, thus lessening the span of control of
the Division/Group Supervisor.
ICS 100 – Incident Command System
Strike Teams are a set number of resources of the same kind and type with common
communications operating under the direct supervision of a Strike Team Leader. Strike Teams
are highly effective management units. The foreknowledge that all elements have the same
capability and the knowledge of how many will be applied allows for better planning, ordering,
utilization and management.
Single Resources may be individuals, a piece of equipment and its personnel complement, or a
crew or team of individuals with an identified supervisor that can be used at an incident.
As we covered earlier, it is important to maintain an effective span of control. Maintaining span of
control can be done easily by grouping resources into Divisions or Groups.
Another way to add supervision levels is to create Branches within the Operations Section.
ICS 100 – Incident Command System
At some point, the Operations Section and the rest of the ICS organization will contract. The
decision to contract will be based on the achievement of tactical objectives. Demobilization
planning begins upon activation of the first personnel and continues until the ICS organization
ceases operation.
Planning Section
The Incident Commander will determine if there is a need for a Planning Section and designate a
Planning Section Chief. If no Planning Section is established, the Incident Commander will
perform all planning functions. It is up to the Planning Section Chief to activate any needed
additional staffing.
Planning Section Chief
“My job is to gather and analyze information so that we’ll be ready for tomorrow and the next
day. I’m responsible for intelligence and information gathering, analysis, and dissemination.
Also, our section manages the planning process and compiles the Incident Action Plan using input
from the rest of the organization.
For large incidents, and when the Incident Commander has directed, we will develop a written
Incident Action Plan. I also may be responsible for managing the activities of Technical
Specialists who can be anyone, from anywhere, who knows anything that may be useful in
responding to this incident.
I work closely with the Incident Commander and other members of the General Staff to be sure
that information is shared effectively and results in an efficient planning process to meet the
needs of the Incident Commander and Operations.”
Incident Action Plan
Every incident must have a verbal or written Incident Action Plan. The purpose of this plan is to
provide all incident supervisory personnel with direction for actions to be implemented during the
operational period identified in the plan.
Incident Action Plans include the measurable tactical operations to be achieved and are prepared
around a timeframe called an Operational Period. At the simplest level, all Incident Action
Plans must have four elements:
What do we want to do?
Who is responsible for doing it?
How do we communicate with each other?
What is the procedure if someone is injured?
ICS 100 – Incident Command System
Planning Section: Major Activities
The major activities of the Planning Section may include:
Collecting, evaluating, and displaying incident intelligence and information.
Preparing and documenting Incident Action Plans.
Conducting long-range and/or contingency planning.
Developing plans for demobilization as the incident winds down.
Maintaining incident documentation.
Tracking resources assigned to the incident.
Planning Section: Units
The Planning Section can be further staffed with four Units:
Resources Unit
Situation Unit
Documentation Unit
Demobilization Unit
In addition, Technical Specialists who provide special expertise useful in incident management
and response may also be assigned to work in the Planning Section. Depending on the needs,
Technical Specialists may also be assigned to other Sections in the organization.
Logistics Section
The Incident Commander will determine if there is a need for a Logistics Section at the incident,
and designate an individual to fill the position of the Logistics Section Chief. If no Logistics
Section is established, the Incident Commander will perform all logistical functions. The size of
the incident, complexity of support needs, and the incident length will determine whether a
separate Logistics Section is established. Additional staffing is the responsibility of the Logistics
Section Chief.
Logistics Section Chief
“Logistics can make or break an incident response. I assist the Incident Commander by providing
the resources and services required to support incident activities. I coordinate my activities very
closely with the other members of the Command and General Staff.
The Logistics Section develops several portions of the written Incident Action Plan and forwards
them to the Planning Section. Logistics and Finance have to work closely to contract for and
purchase goods and services needed at the incident. I may have up to six Unit Leaders who
report to me. When an incident becomes highly complex, I need them all. So, I would have to
reduce my span of control by ordering Service and Support Branch Directors to supervise the Unit
ICS 100 – Incident Command System
Logistics Section: Major Activities
The Logistics Section is responsible for all of the services and support needs, including:
Obtaining and maintaining essential personnel, equipment, and supplies.
Providing communication planning and resources.
Setting up food services.
Setting up and maintaining incident facilities.
Providing transportation.
Providing medical services to incident personnel.
Logistics Section: Branches and Units
The Logistics Section can be further staffed
by two Branches and six Units. Not all of
the Units may be required; they will be
established based on need. The titles of the
Units are descriptive of their responsibilities:
Service Branch:
Communication Unit
Medical Unit
Food Unit
Support Branch:
Supply Unit
Facilities Unit
Ground Support Unit
Finance/Administration Section
The Incident Commander will determine if there is a need for a Finance/Administration Section at
the incident and designate an individual to fill the position of the Finance/Administration Section
If no Finance/Administration Section is established, the Incident Commander will perform all
finance functions.
Finance/Administration Section Chief
“I’m the one who worries about paying for the response efforts. I’m responsible for all of the
financial and cost analysis aspects of an incident. These include contract negotiation, tracking
personnel and equipment time, documenting and processing claims for accidents and injuries
occurring at the incident, and keeping a running tally of the costs associated with the incident.
Sometimes I wish I had financial veto authority, but I don’t.
Because of the large scope of some incidents, the number of agencies involved, and the amount
of financial activity it will generate, I might need to activate all four units that report to me.
These include the Time, Cost, Compensation and Claims, and Procurement Units. I coordinate
with all members of the Command and General Staff, but I work most closely with Logistics to be
sure that we are able to contract for and procure the resources necessary to manage an
ICS 100 – Incident Command System
Finance/Administration Section: Major Activities
The Finance/Administration Section is set up for any incident that requires incident-specific
financial management. The Finance/Administration Section is responsible for:
Contract negotiation and monitoring.
Cost analysis.
Compensation for injury or damage to property.
Finance/Administration Section: Increasing Use
More and more larger incidents are using a Finance/Administration Section to monitor costs.
Smaller incidents may also require certain Finance/Administration support.
For example, the Incident Commander may establish one or more Units of the
Finance/Administration Section for such things as procuring special equipment, contracting with a
vendor, or making cost estimates for alternative response strategies.
Finance/Administration Section: Units
The Finance/Administration Section may staff four Units:
Procurement Unit
Time Unit
Cost Unit
Compensation/Claims Unit
Not all Units may be required; they will be established based on need.
Lesson Summary
You have completed the ICS Organization: Part II lesson. This lesson addressed the:
Roles and responsibilities of the General Staff.
Expansion and contraction of the ICS organization.
The next lesson will provide an overview of the features and principles of ICS.
ICS 100 – Incident Command System
Lesson 4: ICS Features and Principles
Lesson Overview
The ICS Features and Principles lesson introduces you to:
Use of Common Terminology.
Incident Facilities.
Common ICS Responsibilities.
This lesson should take approximately 20 minutes to complete. Remember, you must
complete the entire lesson to receive credit.
Common Terminology
The ability to communicate within ICS is absolutely critical. Using standard or common
terminology is essential to ensuring efficient, clear communication. ICS requires the use of
common terminology, meaning standard titles for facilities and positions within the organization.
Common terminology also includes the use of “clear text”—that is, communication without the
use of agency-specific codes or jargon. In other words, use plain English.
Uncommon Terminology: “APHIS Branch, this is PPQ ID 1, we are 10-24.”
Common Terminology: “APHIS Branch, this is PPQ ID 1, we have completed our assignment.”
Organizational Elements and Resources
As you learned earlier, organizational elements require a consistent pattern for designating each
level within the ICS organization.
Resources are also assigned common designations. Many kinds of resources may also be
classified by type, which will indicate their capabilities (e.g., types of helicopters, sprayers, etc.).
ICS 100 – Incident Command System
Organizational Facilities
Common terminology is also used to define incident facilities, help clarify the activities that take
place at a specific facility, and identify what members of the organization can be found there.
Incident facilities will be addressed in greater detail later in this lesson.
Use of Position Titles
As mentioned previously, ICS Command and General Staff positions have distinct titles.
Only the Incident Commander is called Commander.
Only the heads of the Sections in the General Staff are called Chiefs.
Learning and using this standard terminology helps reduce confusion between the day-to-day
position occupied by an individual and his or her position at the incident.
The following are standardized titles used in ICS:
Organizational Level Title Support Position
Incident Command Incident Commander Deputy
Command Staff Officer Assistant
General Staff (Section) Chief Deputy
Branch Director Deputy
Division/Group Supervisor N/A
Unit Leader Manager
Strike Team/Task Force Leader Single Resource Boss
Integrated Communications
Every incident requires a Communications Plan. Communications includes:
The “hardware” systems that transfer information.
Planning for the use of all available communications frequencies and resources.
The procedures and processes for transferring information internally and externally.
Communications needs for large incidents may exceed available radio frequencies. Some
incidents are conducted entirely without radio support. In such situations, other communications
resources (cell phones, alpha pagers, email, and secure phone lines) may be the only
communication methods used to coordinate communication and to transfer large amounts of data
ICS 100 – Incident Command System
Incident Facilities
Incident activities may be accomplished from a variety of facilities. Facilities will be established
depending on the kind and complexity of the incident or event. It is important to know and
understand the names and functions of the principal ICS facilities.
Only those facilities needed for any given incident will be activated. Some incidents may require
facilities not included in the standard list.
Incident Facilities Virtual Tour
The standard ICS incident facilities include:
Incident Command Post (ICP): Where the Incident Commander oversees the incident.
Every incident or event will have an ICP.
Staging Areas: Where resources are kept while waiting to be assigned.
Base: Where primary service and support activities take place.
Camps: Where resources may be kept.
Helibase/Helispot: The area from which helicopter operations are conducted.
Only those facilities needed for any given incident will be activated.
The Incident Command Post, or ICP, is the location from which the Incident Commander
oversees all incident operations. There is only one ICP for each incident or event. Every incident
or event must have some form of an Incident Command Post. The ICP may be located in a
vehicle, trailer, tent, or within a building. The ICP will be positioned outside of the present and
potential hazard zone, but close enough to the incident to maintain command.
Staging Areas are temporary locations at an incident where personnel and equipment are kept
while waiting for tactical assignments. Staging Areas should be located close enough to the
incident for a timely response, but far enough away to be out of the immediate impact zone.
There may be more than one Staging Area at an incident. Each Staging Area will have a Staging
Area Manager who reports to the Operations Section Chief or to the Incident Commander if an
Operations Section has not been established.
A Base is the location from which primary service and support activities, such as feeding and
resupply, are performed. Not all incidents will have a Base. There will be no more than one Base
per incident.
A Camp is the location where resources may be kept to support incident operations if a Base is
not accessible to all resources. Not all incidents will have Camps.
A Helibase is the location from which helicopter-centered air operations are conducted.
Helibases are generally used on a more long-term basis and include such services as fueling and
Helispots are more temporary facilities used for loading and unloading personnel and
cargo. Large incidents may require more than one Helibase and several Helispots.
ICS 100 – Incident Command System
Common Responsibilities
You should now be familiar with the use of common terminology and the various types of incident
facilities. In this section, you’ll learn about your responsibilities.
The next screens review the common responsibilities associated with ICS assignments.
You will receive additional training and guidance on your specific duties.
Your First ICS Deployment
Wondering what your first deployment will be like?
Dr. Bill Smith
USDA, Veterinary Services
“My tips would be follow, don’t reinvent. Work within the ICS structure because it’s proven to be
successful and let it work for you. Don’t get in there and say well, we don’t do it this way, try it
their way, you’ll be surprised.”
Dr. Carey Floyd
Oklahoma Department of Agriculture
“I would say be sure and, and take your notebook because you are going to want to take notes.
Go with some questions in mind but be willing to spend some time to just sit back and watch
what’s going on.”
Van Bateman
USDA, Forest Service
“Make sure you know exactly what your responsibility is, exactly what’s expected of you. Make
sure that whoever you are working for on that given day sits down and gives you a very complete
briefing on what to expect that day and what you are going to be doing and where you are going
to be doing it at.”
General Guidelines – Lengthy Assignments
Many incidents last only a short time, and may not require travel. Other deployments may
require a lengthy assignment away from home. Below are general guidelines for incidents
requiring extended stays or travel:
Assemble a travel kit containing any special technical information (e.g., maps, manuals,
contact lists, and reference materials).
Prepare personal items needed for your estimated length of stay, including medications, cash,
credit cards, etc.
Ensure that family members know your destination and how to contact you.
Determine appropriate travel authorizations.
Familiarize yourself with travel and pickup arrangements.
Determine your return mode of transportation (if possible).
Determine payroll procedures (at incident or through home agency).
ICS 100 – Incident Command System
General Guidelines—Roles and Authorities
In addition to preparing for your travel arrangements, it is important to understand your role and
Review your emergency assignment. Know to whom you will report and what your
responsibilities will be.
Establish a clear understanding of your decisionmaking authority.
Determine communications procedures for contacting your headquarters or home office (if
Identify purchasing authority and procedures.
Determine how food and lodging will be provided (incident, personal, and agency).
Actions Prior to Departure
Upon receiving an incident assignment, your deployment briefing should include, but may not be
limited to, the following information:
Incident type and name or designation
Incident check-in location
Specific assignment
Reporting date and time
Travel instructions
Communications instructions
Resource order number or request number (if applicable)
Special support requirements (facilities, equipment transportation and off-loading, etc.)
Travel authorization for air, rental car, lodging, meals, and incidental expenses
Check-In at the Incident: Activities
Check-in officially logs you in at the incident. The check-in process and information helps to:
Ensure personnel accountability.
Track resources.
Prepare personnel for assignments and reassignments.
Locate personnel in case of an emergency.
Establish personnel time records and payroll documentation.
Plan for releasing personnel.
Organize the demobilization process.
ICS 100 – Incident Command System
Check-In at the Incident: Locations
Check in only once. Check-in locations may be found at several incident facilities, including:
Incident Command Post (Resources Unit).
Base or Camp(s).
Staging Areas.
Note that these locations may not all be activated at every incident. Check-in information is
usually recorded on the ICS Form 211, Check-In List.
Common Responsibilities at the Incident
After check-in, locate your incident supervisor, and obtain your initial briefing. The briefing
information helps you plan your tasks and communicate with others. Briefings received and given
should include:
Current situation assessment.
Identification of your specific job responsibilities.
Identification of coworkers.
Location of work area.
Identification of eating and sleeping arrangements, as appropriate.
Procedural instructions for obtaining additional supplies, services, and personnel.
Operational periods/work shifts.
Required Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and safety procedures.
Incident Recordkeeping
All incidents require some form of recordkeeping. Requirements vary depending upon the
agencies involved and the nature of the incident. Detailed information on using ICS forms will be
covered in other training sessions, or may be found in the Forms Manual.
Below are general guidelines for incident recordkeeping:
Print or type all entries.
Enter dates by month/day/year format.
Enter date and time on all forms and records.
Fill in all blanks. Use N/A as appropriate.
Use military 24-hour time.
ICS 100 – Incident Command System
Communications Discipline
Important considerations related to communications include:
Observing strict radio/telephone procedures.
Using plain English in all communications. Codes should not be used in radio transmissions.
Limit the use of discipline-specific jargon, especially on interdisciplinary incidents.
Limiting radio and telephone traffic to essential information only. Plan what you are going to
Following procedures for secure communications as required.
Incident Demobilization
Agency requirements for demobilization may vary considerably. General demobilization
guidelines for all personnel are to:
Complete all work assignments and required forms/reports.
Brief replacements, subordinates, and supervisor.
Follow incident and agency check-out procedures.
Provide adequate followup contact information.
Return any incident-issued equipment or other nonexpendable supplies.
Complete postincident reports, critiques, and medical followup.
Complete all payment and/or payroll issues or obligations.
Report to assigned departure points on time or slightly ahead of schedule.
Stay with your group until you arrive at your final destination (as appropriate).
Lesson Summary
You have completed the ICS Features & Principles lesson. This lesson addressed that:
The ability to communicate within ICS is absolutely critical. Using standard or common
terminology (clear text) is essential to ensuring efficient, clear communication.
Incident facilities will be established depending on the kind and complexity of the incident or
event. Only those facilities needed for any given incident will be activated.
Common ICS responsibilities include preparing travel arrangements, understanding your role
and authorities, the check-in process, incident recordkeeping, and preparing for
You have now completed all of the ICS content lessons! When you are ready, you should
proceed to the Course Summary and Posttest. To receive credit for the course, you must
complete the posttest.
ICS 100 – Incident Command System
Lesson 5: Summary and Posttest
Summary and Posttest: Overview
This lesson provides a brief summary of the ICS 100 Course contents. After reviewing the
summary information, you will then take the course posttest.
Completing this summary and the posttest should take approximately 25 minutes to complete.
Remember, you must complete the posttest to receive credit for this course.
The Incident Command System: Summary
ICS is:
A proven management system based on successful business practices.
The result of decades of lessons learned in the organization and management of emergency
This system represents organizational “best practices,” and has become the standard for
emergency management across the country.
Goals of ICS
Designers of the system recognized early that ICS must be interdisciplinary and organizationally
flexible to meet the following management challenges:
Meet the needs of incidents of any kind or size.
Be usable for routine or planned events such as conferences, as well as large and complex
emergency incidents.
Allow personnel from a variety of agencies to meld rapidly into a common management
Provide logistical and administrative support to ensure that operational staff, such as
entomologists or veterinarians, can meet tactical objectives.
Be cost effective by avoiding duplication of efforts.
ICS has been tested in more than 30 years of emergency and nonemergency applications, by all
levels of government and in the private sector.
ICS Applications
Applications for the use of ICS have included:
Routine or planned events (e.g., celebrations, parades, and concerts).
Fires, hazardous materials, and multicasualty incidents.
Multijurisdiction and multiagency disasters such as earthquakes, hurricanes, floods, and
winter storms.
Search and rescue missions.
Biological pest eradication programs.
Biological outbreaks and disease containment.
Acts of terrorism.
ICS 100 – Incident Command System
Five Major Management Functions: Summary
The five major management functions are:
Command: Sets incident objectives and priorities and has overall responsibility at the
incident or event.
Operations: Conducts tactical operations to carry out the plan. Develops the tactical
assignments and organization, and directs all tactical resources.
Planning: Prepares and documents the Incident Action Plan to accomplish the incident
objectives, collects and evaluates information, maintains resource status, and maintains
documentation for incident records.
Logistics: Provides support to meet incident needs. Provides resources and all other
services needed to support the incident.
Finance/Administration: Monitors costs related to the incident. Provides accounting,
procurement, time recording, and cost analyses.
Maintaining Span of Control: Summary
Maintaining adequate span of control throughout the ICS organization is very important.
Effective span of control on incidents may vary from three to seven, and a ratio of one
supervisor to five reporting elements is recommended.
If the number of reporting elements falls outside of these ranges, expansion or consolidation of
the organization may be necessary. There may be exceptions, usually in lower-risk
assignments or where resources work in close proximity to each other.
Expanding the Organization: Summary
As incidents grow, the Incident Commander may delegate authority for performance of certain
activities to the Command Staff and General Staff.
ICS 100 – Incident Command System
Expanding the Organization: Summary
The Command Staff include:
Public Information Officer: Serves as the conduit for information to internal
and external stakeholders including the media, or other organizations seeking
information directly from the incident or event.
Safety Officer: Monitors safety conditions and develops measures for assuring
the safety of all assigned personnel.
Liaison Officer: Serves as the primary contact for supporting agencies assigned
to an incident.
The General Staff include:
Operations Section Chief
The Operations function is where the tactical fieldwork is done, and most incident resources are
assigned to it. The Operations Section Chief will develop and manage the Operations Section to
accomplish the incident objectives set by the Incident Commander. The Operations Section Chief
is normally the person with the greatest technical and tactical expertise in dealing with the
problem at hand.
Planning Section Chief
The major activities of the Planning Section may include:
Collecting, evaluating, and displaying intelligence and information about the incident.
Preparing and documenting Incident Action Plans.
Conducting long-range and/or contingency planning.
Developing plans for demobilization as the incident winds down.
Maintaining incident documentation.
Tracking resources assigned to the incident.
Logistics Section Chief
The Logistics Section is responsible for all of the services and support needs of an incident,
Obtaining and maintaining essential personnel, equipment, and supplies.
Providing communication planning and resources.
Setting up food services.
Setting up and maintaining incident facilities.
Providing transportation.
Providing medical services to incident personnel.
Finance/Administration Section Chief
The Finance/Administration Section is set up for any incident that requires incident-specific
financial management. The Finance/Administration Section is responsible for:
Contract negotiation and monitoring.
Cost analysis.
Compensation for injury or damage to property.
ICS 100 – Incident Command System
Communications: Summary
Every incident requires a Communications Plan.
The ability to communicate within the ICS is absolutely critical. An essential method for ensuring
the ability to communicate is by using standard or common terminology.
Common Terminology
ICS requires the use of common terminology, meaning standard titles for facilities and positions
within the organization. Common terminology also includes the use of “clear text”—that is,
communication without the use of agency-specific codes or jargon. In other words, use plain
Common Terminology: “APHIS Branch, this is PPQ ID 1, we have completed our assignment.”
Uncommon Terminology: “APHIS Branch, this is PPQ ID 1, we are 10-24.”
Integrated Communications
Every incident requires a Communications Plan. Communications includes:
The “hardware” systems that transfer information.
Planning for the use of all available communications frequencies and resources.
The procedures and processes for transferring information internally and externally.
Standard Incident Facilities: Summary
The standard ICS incident facilities include:
Incident Command Post: Where the Incident Commander oversees the incident response.
Staging Areas: Where resources are kept while waiting to be assigned.
Base: Where primary service and support activities take place.
Camps: Where resources may be kept.
Helibase/Helispot: The area from which helicopter operations are conducted.
Common Responsibilities: Summary
Common responsibilities associated with Incident Command System assignments include:
Preparing for extended stay or out-of-jurisdiction travel.
Understanding your role and authorities.
Checking in at the incident.
Locating your incident supervisor and obtaining your initial briefing.
Keeping appropriate records.
Following procedures for secure communications as required.
Understanding your requirements for demobilization.
ICS 100 – Incident Command System
Taking the Posttest
You should now be ready to take the ICS 100 posttest. The purpose of the test is to make sure
that you have learned the course content. The posttest includes 25 multiple-choice items. To
receive credit for this course, you must correctly answer 70% of the questions.
Tips for Taking the Posttest
Review the printable version of this course. You may refer to your notes and materials
printed from this course.
When you are ready, begin the test by reading the directions carefully.
Read each question and then review ALL possible answers before selecting one. Do NOT
click on the first answer that looks good! Click on the single best answer from the options
Answer every test item. If you do not know the answer, review your reference materials.
Review your work. Before clicking on the Submit button, check your answers.