726 North Washington Street | Alexandria, VA 22314 | Fax (703) 549-6517 | Phone (703) 549-5276 |
www.rossmoncure.com | t[email protected]
This Non-Disclosure Agreement (the “Agreement”) is made and entered into as of the latter of
the two signature dates below by and between:
(1) Ross & Moncure, Inc. ( “Receiving Party”)
(2) ___________________________________________________ (“Client or “Disclosing
1. Definition of Confidential Information.
“Confidential Information” means non-public information that a party to this Agreement
(“Disclosing Party”) designates as being confidential to the party that receives such information
(“Receiving Party”) or which, under the circumstances surrounding disclosure ought to be
treated as confidential by the Receiving Party.
Ross & Moncure recognizes Confidential Information to be any information or personal data
that it receives from the Client in the process of tax preparation or planning.
2. Obligations Regarding Confidential Information.
Ross & Moncure pledges not to disclose any information to which it has access in the process of
the performance of a Client engagement. Ross & Moncure also agrees to only request of the
Client information necessary to carry out services requested by the Client.
Ross & Moncure shall process information and data provided in accordance with the
instructions given by the Client and shall refrain from recording, reproducing, or storing data
for superfluous reasons. This prohibition affects both hard-copy data and data on any
electronic, magnetic, analogue or digital medium. Under no circumstances may it disclose such
data to third parties without written authorization from the Client, even merely for safekeeping.
Ross & Moncure recognizes that the duties of secrecy and non-disclosure continue to apply
indefinitely even after all service engagements have terminated.
Ross & Moncure undertakes to take and maintain the technical and organizational steps
required to guarantee data security and prevent their alteration, loss and unauthorized
processing or access, according to the security level required pursuant to the aforementioned
legislation. These steps refer to the files, processing centers, premises, equipment, systems,
programs and people involved in processing.
Once the contractual service has been performed, Ross & Moncure agrees to hand back to the
Client all of the raw data used in tax planning upon the Client’s written request. Ross &
726 North Washington Street | Alexandria, VA 22314 | Fax (703) 549-6517 | Phone (703) 549-5276 |
www.rossmoncure.com | t[email protected]
Moncure does not agree to hand back and destroy copies of completed tax returns, as the
American Institute of Certified Public Accountants and the Association for Accounting
Administration both dictate that best practice is to keep this work on hand.
3. Rights and Remedies
Ross & Moncure shall notify the undersigned Client immediately upon discovery of any
unauthorized use or disclosure of Confidential Information or any other breach of this
Agreement by an employee of Ross & Moncure, and will cooperate with the Disclosing Party in
every reasonable way to help the Disclosing Party to regain possession of the Confidential
Information and prevent its further unauthorized use or disclosure.
Ross & Moncure shall bear the burden of any damages arising from negligence and/or lack of
confidentiality, improper use, processing or communication of personal data, or any other
infringement of data protection rules. The full extent of these damages shall be determined by a
court of competent jurisdiction.
4. Miscellaneous
Ross & Moncure may not subcontract the provision of any services agreed herein in whole or in
Ross & Moncure, Inc. Client: __________________________
726 North Washington Street ________________________
Alexandria, VA 22314 _________________________
_________________________________ ____________________________________
Signature Signature
C. Braxton Moncure, CEO; or, Client or Client Representative
Steven W. Street, General Manager
_________________________________ ____________________________________
Date Date
Title of Client Representative (if applicable)