The purpose of the Whitney M. Young Jr. Service Award is to recognize outstanding services
by an adult individual or an organization for demonstrated involvement in the development
and implementation of Scouting opportunities for youth from rural or low-income urban back-
grounds—this is in ful fillment of Whitney Young’s dream of justice and equality for all.
1. Recipients are approved nationally through nomination by a local council. (Councils must
use the Whitney M. Young Jr. Service Award nomination form, No. 512-427, which is available
online at
2. The award is presented to people at all levels of the organization (executive board, district
Scouters, unit personnel) and to people of all races and income levels.
3. The council’s annual quota of awards shall not exceed the number of districts in the council.
Emphasis is on being selective, with no intention that the full quota must be used every year.
The quota is noncumulative.
4. The council president designates a committee to administer the award for the council. This
may be a special Whitney M. Young Jr. Award committee or the council’s advancement and rec-
ognition committee, Silver Beaver committee, or inner-city/rural advisory committee. The com-
mittee should include at least one person who is familiar with low-income urban and/or rural
outreach. The Scout executive or a designated staff member serves as adviser to the committee.
5. The committee screens, prioritizes, and selects worthy nominees. Nominations may be sub-
mitted to the committee by committee members, professional staff, or any other registered
6. Nominations are then submitted by the local council to the Program Impact Department at
the national office. Please allow 60 days for review and consideration of approval by a national
volunteer committee and delivery of the award. Approval should be received before the award
is announced or presented.
7. Select a highly visible event with an appropriate ceremony to present the award. Council and
district appreciation dinners, annual business meetings, testimonial dinners, or a major func-
tion that the recipient is associated with provide excellent settings for the award presentation.
8. The presentation might also involve other community agencies that are actively involved with
rural or low-income urban outreach (such as the Urban League, for which Whitney Young
served as national executive director).
9. Use the publicity kit that is sent to councils with each approved award. It contains press releases, a
sample presentation outline, publication-quality photos, and information about Whitney Young.
10. The award should not be presented posthumously.
Submitted by the ___________________________________________________________ Council, No. ___________
Name of council
Boy Scouts of America,______________________________________________________________________________
City State Zip code
We hereby nominate
Name _________________________________________________________________________________________
Address _______________________________________________________________________________________
City ________________________________________________State ____________ Zip code ________________
Occupation ____________________________________________________________________________________
Scouting affiliation _______________________________________________________________________________
Local council committee approval
On _______________ the ___________________________________________________________________committee
approved the nominee as worthy of this award.
________________________________________ Signed ________________________________________
Presentation date Committee chair
Scout executive
NOTE: Allow two months for national volunteer committee consideration,
approval, and delivery of the award.
Approved by the Whitney M. Young Jr. Service Award
Date ________ By_____________________________
Committee chair
Staff adviser
The following are examples of the criteria, a combination of which might make a possible candidate for this recognition.
They suggest what the nominating committee should be looking for. This list is not definitive, as there are many ways in
which an outstanding contribution can be made to youth from rural or low-income urban backgrounds.
Give facts, dates, and offices held that show specific accomplishments of the nominee in contributing to Scouting for
youth from low-income backgrounds. You also may include other services (e.g., activities in business, civic, religious,
educational, service, other fields) that indirectly assisted in extending an opportunity to such youth.
NOTE: Accomplishments (quantitative and qualitative), as opposed to number of years of involvement, should be the
more important criteria for receiving this award. For each criterion, please be specific as to how the candidate has influ-
enced youth from low-income backgrounds and their communities. (A biography will not be accepted as a substitute for
a completed application.)
The nominee has made a significant contribution while acting as an advocate for rural or low-income urban people,
encouraging outreach to improve their conditions, and sensitizing Scoutings and Americas leadership to these condi-
tions. The nominee
1. Actively served on the following committees or boards that promoted activities and services for low-income
communities (urban or rural):
2. Extended Scouting opportunities to youth of low-income communities (urban or rural) in the following ways:
3. Assisted the local council executive board and district committee(s) in the recruitment of key leadership as follows:
4. Participated in the development of volunteer leadership in low-income areas (urban or rural). Describe.
5. Responded to hands-on activities at summer camp, in community service projects, or in other activities of special
assistance to people in low-income areas (urban or rural). Describe.
Caused greater comprehension of the uses of Scouting in organizations that serve far-reaching rural or low-income urban
communities. Explain how.
7. Created a better understanding of how to apply the aims and ideals of Scouting in low-income com muni ties
or rural).
Explain how.
8. .deerc ro ,dnuorgkcab cimonoce ,noigiler ,ecar fo sseldrager htuoy lla rof gnituocS gnitomorp ni pihsredael evaG
Helped others understand how to make Scouting operations meaningful to people in rural or low-income urban
areas, including outreach and organizational methods. Describe.
9. Provided, through achievements and deeds, a civic and charitable role model for Scouts, Venturers, and Scouters.
10. Gave leadership to funding, training, methods development, and/or other administrative support necessary to make
Scouting effective in low-income communities
(urban or rural)
. Explain.
11. Describe other involvement.
(If more space is needed, please add extra sheets.)
TO: Program Impact Department
Boy Scouts of America, S209
1325 West Walnut Hill Lane
P.O. Box 152079
Irving, TX 75015-2441
Phone: 972-580-2119
Fax: 972-580-7894
Email: Whitney.M.Y[email protected]
Please ship the following item(s):
Amount enclosed $ _________________
(Make checks payable to Boy Scouts of America (account 79005-6280). In the event that a nominee is not selected,
funds will be refunded promptly.)
Name _________________________________________________________________________________________
Address _______________________________________________________________________________________
City ___________________________________ State ________________ Zip code _________________________
Phone _____________________________________
Area code
Date of presentation _______________________________________ NOTE: Please allow two months for national
volunteer committee consideration, approval,
and delivery of award.
Name __________________________________________________________________________________________
Title ___________________________________________________________________________________________
Date ___________________________________________________________________________________________
Description of the Award
An 8
2-by-10-inch walnut plaque with an engraving of Whitney M. Young Jr. and a plate for engraving
the recipient’s name.
Name of Article Unit Price Quantity Subtotal
Whitney M. Young Jr. Service Award
Lapel Pin—optional
(not available for organization recipients)
Embroidered Square Knot—optional
(not available for organization recipients)
Pendant on Ribbon—optional
(not available for organization recipients)
2011 Printing