September 2017 Naonal Nurse-Led Care Consorum -
State-by-State Guide to Laws Regarding Nurse Praconer Prescripve Authority and Physician Pracce
Pracce Agreement
Transion-to-pracce Requirement Physician Meeng Requiremnt
On-site/In-person Physician
Oversight Required
Specic Physician to NP
Collaboraon Rao
Alabama Yes -
Yes. Physician must visit each
pracce site 4 mes a year.
Yes. Physician must be on-site for
10% of the NP’s hours.
Yes. Three FTE NPs per
Alaska No No - - -
Arizona No No - - -
Arkansas Yes - No No No
California Yes - No No Yes. Four NPs per physcian.
Colorado No
Yes. APRN must complete 1000 hours in a mentorship
with a physician or an advanced pracce nurse who
has prescripve authority and experience in prescribing
medicaons; see CO Statute 12-38-111.6(4.5)(b)(I)(A).
- - -
Conneccut No
Yes. APRN must pracce in a formal, wrien
collaborave agreement with a physician for three
years and 2000 hours; APRN may then elect to
pracce independently or remain in collaboraon with
a physician or another health care provider; see CT
Statute 20-87a(b)(3).
- - -
Delaware Yes*
Yes. New graduate APRN must pracce under a
collaborave agreement for at least two years and
4,000 hours in the applicable role and populaon foci;
see 24 Del. Admin Code § 1900-8.16(1).
No No No
District of Columbia No No - - -
Flordia Yes - No No No.
Georgia Yes -
Yes. NP must meet with
their collaborave physician
quarterly, either in person or via
Yes. A physician may enter into
a collaborave agreement with
as many as eight NPs, but may
supervise only four NPs at any
given me.*
Hawaii No No - - -
Idaho No No - - -
Illinois No
Yes. To qualify for full pracce authority, APRNs must
complete: 1) 4000 hours of clinical experience and 2)
250 hours of connuing educaon or training aer
rst aaining naonal cercaon in their APRN
No. No No
Indiana Yes - No No No
Iowa No No - - -
September 2017 Naonal Nurse-Led Care Consorum -
Kansas Yes - No No No
Kentucky Yes - No No No
Louisiana Yes - No No No
Maine No
Yes. NP can obtain full prescripve authority aer
praccing for at least 24 months under the supervision
of a physician or supervising NP, or while employed
by a clinic or hospital with a medical director who is a
licensed physician; see ME Statute 32-2102(2-A)(C).
- - -
Maryland No
Yes. NP can obtain full pracce prescripve authority
aer consulng and collaborang with an NP or
physician mentor for 18 months; see MD Statute
- - -
Massachuses Yes - No No No
Michigan Yes - No No No
Minnesota No
Yes. NP must pracce for at least 2,080 hours within
the context of a collaborave pracce agreement with
a physician before exercising full pracce authority.
- - -
Mississippi Yes - No No No
Missouri Ye s - No
Yes. NP must pracce for one
month with the physician
connuously present.
Yes. Three FTE NPs per
Montana No No - - -
Nebraska No
Yes. New graduate NP must complete 2000 hours
under a collaborave agreement with a physician or
an established APRN before obtaining full pracce
prescripve authority; see NE Statute 38-2322(2).
- - -
Nevada No
Yes. APRN must have at least 2 years or 2000 hours
of clinical experience in order to prescribe; see NV
Statute 632.237(3)(a).
- - -
New Hampshire No No - - -
New Jersey Yes - No No No
New Mexico No No - - -
New York Ye s - No No
Yes. Four NPs at other sites than
the physician.
North Carolina Yes No
Yes. Once a month for the rst
6 months of the CPA, and once
every 6 months thereaer.
- -
North Dakota No No - - -
Pracce Agreement
Transion-to-pracce Requirement Physician Meeng Requiremnt
On-site/In-person Physician
Oversight Required
Specic Physician to NP
Collaboraon Rao
September 2017 Naonal Nurse-Led Care Consorum -
Ohio Yes -
Yes. Annual review by the
physician, following a chart
Yes. Five prescribing NPs per
Oklahoma Yes - No No
Yes. Two FTE NPs, or 4 NPs, per
Oregon No No - - -
Pennsylvania Yes -
Yes. Physician must be available
on a “regularly scheduled basis.
No No
Rhode Island No No - - -
South Carolina Ye s - No No
No. If a physician supervises
more than 3 NPs, the Board
of Nursing must review the
applicaon to determine if there
is “adequate supervision.
South Dakota No
Yes. ARNP must maintain a collaborave agreement
with a NP nurse midwife for at least 1,040 hours.
- - -
Tennessee Yes -
Yes. Physician must visit “any
remote site” once every 30 days.
No. Review can be done
remotely through elecontronic
Texas Yes -
Yes. Once a month, in person,
for the rst 3 years, and four
mes a year thereaer, with
connued monthly meengs via
Yes. Seven FTE NPs per
Utah Ye s - No No No
Vermont No
Yes. APRN must have formal collaboraon agreement
with a physician or an APRN with prescripve authority
for 2 years and 2,400 hours of nursing pracce in an
inial role and populaon focus. In any subsequent
role and populaon focus, APRN must have a formal
collaboraon agreement for up to 12 months and
1,600 hours of pracce; see VT Statute 26-1613.
- - -
Yes. NPs must pracce
as part of a physician-
led paent care team.
- No No Yes. Six NPs per physician.
Washington No No - - -
West Virginia Yes -
Yes. CPA must include “periodic
and joint” evaluaon and review.
No No
Wisconsin Yes - No No No
Wyoming No No - - -
Pracce Agreement
Transion-to-pracce Requirement Physician Meeng Requiremnt
On-site/In-person Physician
Oversight Required
Specic Physician to NP
Collaboraon Rao