A Checklist for Evaluation Large-Scale Assessment Programs 1
Lorrie A. Shepard
University of Colorado
April 1977
Paper #9
Occasional Paper Series
The Evaluation Center
Western Michigan University
There are many evaluation models around. The only justification for creating another is that it may
make the evaluator’s work easier or more insightful. The word modelrefers to an ideal plan, which,
if followed, would result in the best possible evaluation. The connotation is that it will ensure that
even a dull evaluator will do a good evaluation. Instead, it seems that existing models are either
hopelessly elaborate or too general to be helpful in specific situations. Either of these deficiencies
places more responsibility on the evaluator. If the model is too elaborate, the evaluator must
decide which elements are essential and which can be safely omitted. If the model is over-
simplified, the evaluator must be clever enough to put meaning on the barebones.
The authors of various evaluation models, (Alkin, 1969; Hammond, undated; Provus, 1969; Stake,
1967; Stufflebeam, 1971) have not told us exactly what to do but have stimulated our thinking
about what evaluation ought to include. The purpose of this paper is this more modest goal. A
checklist for evaluating large-scale assessment is offered to prompt evaluators to ask questions
and seek effects in areas they might otherwise have missed. It should be more helpful than a
general model because it is more specific.
In addition to improving the evaluation of assessment, a secondary purpose exists. Knowing what
an evaluation of an assessment program ought to entail should be helpful to assessment staff. Not
only could they more effectively marshall their arguments and documentation, but the evaluation
guidelines in this paper could foster self-study.
At the heart of this paper, after some preliminary discussion, is a checklist for evaluating
assessment. A checklist is proposed rather than a model because a checklist is more down-to-
earth and practical. A checklist can be used to make sure that all potential categories are
considered but allows the evaluator to focus on those that are most salient for judging a specific
assessment program.
A Checklist for Evaluation Large-Scale Assessment Programs 2
Preview of the Assessment Checklist
The checklist for evaluating assessments has these major categories:
1. Goals and Purposes
2. Technical Aspects
3. Management
4. Intended and Unintended Effects
5. Costs
Full explication of these topics, with important subcategories and criteria, is given later in the paper.
The complete checklist is presented in Table 4 on page 14. Briefly, the evaluation of assessment
goals includes consideration of social significance and feasibility. Technical aspects include
content validity of tests, the appropriateness of sampling procedures, and the tailoring of reports
for specific audiences. Management refers tooperationsof the assessment;subcategoriesinclude
sub-contractors and formative evaluation. The effects category is discussed from a number of
different aspects – not only what effects might be but how to look for them. Examples of effects
would be increased teacher loathing of tests or increased legislative funding for a new math
curriculum. The cost category includes itemizing costs in dollars, hours, and attitudes. Ultimate
judgements about costs and benefits are discussed in the final section of the paper following the
Sources for the Checklist
Although the usefulness of this paper will depend on the unique insights it provides for evaluating
assessments, it would be foolish to start from scratch. Existing evaluation models are not
immediately applicable to evaluating assessments; but, if properly translated, they already contain
many of the important elements that one would wish to include in an evaluation of assessment.
Almost any model, if studied in the assessment context, would add to our evaluation schema for
The purpose of this section of the paper is to review three existing evaluation frameworks:
Stufflebeam’s Meta-Evaluation Criteria (1974a), Scriven’s Checklist for the Evaluation of Products,
Procedures, and Proposals (1974), and Stake’s Table of Contents for a Final Evaluation Report
(1969). The purpose of this review is to acknowledge how much the groundwork has already been
laidfor evaluating public service programs (see also, Sanders and Nafzinger, 1976) andtoillustrate
the additional steps needed to apply these schema to assessment.
Beforediscussingtheapplicabilityoftheseframeworks for theevaluationofassessment programs,
one point should be made. These three sets of evaluation categories in Tables 1, 2, and 3 were
devised by their authors for different purposes. None were intended for evaluation of assessment
programs. There is some awkwardnessinapplying each to the evaluation of an assessment, since
assessment is both the object of an evaluation and an evaluation activity itself. The Scriven and
Stake outlines should be read as if assessment were the educational activity being evaluated.
Stufflebeam’s Meta-Evaluation criteria are for the evaluation of evaluation.
Stufflebeam’s framework is unlike the other two in that is was not intended for judging ordinary
educational endeavors. It was meant to be used to evaluate evaluations. Though it would be a
grave mistake to equate evaluation and assessment, assessment is nonetheless an evaluation
A Checklist for Evaluation Large-Scale Assessment Programs 3
activity. Hence, the Stufflebeam criteria are generally applicable to the evaluation of assessments.
These criteria are summarized in Table 1.
Table 1
Stufflebeam’s Meta-Evaluation Criteria
I. Technical Adequacy
A. Internal Validity
: Does the assessment
design unequivocally
answer the question it was intended to answer?
B. External Validity
: Do the assessment results have the desired
generalizability? Can the necessary extrapolations to other
populations, other program conditions, and other times be
safely made?
C. Reliability
: Are the assessment data accurate and consistent?
D. Objectivity
: Would other competent assessors agreeonthe
conclusion of the assessment
II. Utility Criteria A. Relevance
: Are the findings relevant to the audiences of the
B. Importance
: Have the most important and significant of the
potentially relevant data been included in the assessment
C. Scope
: Does the assessment information have adequate
D. Credibility
: Do the audiences view the assessment as valid
and unbiased?
E. Timeliness
: Are the results provided to the audiences when
they are needed?
F. Pervasiveness
: Are the results disseminated to all of the
intended audiences
III. Efficiency Criterion A. Is the assessment
cost-effective in achieving the assessment
Note the substitution of assessment as the object of the Meta-Evaluation. Assessment is not
evaluation, but it may be considered an evaluation activity.
Note: Table 1 derived from Stufflebeam, 1974 (a).
A creditable job of evaluating assessment could be done by following Stufflebeam’s outline. Some
of Stufflebeam’s criteria could be used as they are. For example, Timeliness and Scope are sub-
categories in the Assessment Checklist and have essentially the same meaning as Stufflebeam
gave them. The Internal Validity criteria, however, would have to include a number of assessment
issues that are not immediately obvious, such as the content validity of assessment materials. A
more serious difficulty in using only the Stufflebeam criteria is some apparent omissions. For
example, the “utility” criteria neglect negative side-effects. This is not to suggest that Stufflebeam
would overlook them in his own work; indeed, he has not when conducting actual evaluations
(House, Rivers, and Stufflebeam, 1974). But a novice might make this error if he did not
understand the full implication of what was meant by “utility”. Hopefully, then reducing such risks
justifies developing a new plan for evaluation when other schemes already exist.
The Scriven Checklist (1974) in Table 2 has greatly influenced the content of this paper as well as
the decision to adopt a checklist format. If conscientiously applied, the Scriven Checklist would
result in good evaluation of an assessment program. Once again, however, many of the important
considerations are implicit rather than explicit. Scriven’s Need category refers to the social
A Checklist for Evaluation Large-Scale Assessment Programs 4
importance of a program. The evaluator must determine real need not just audience receptivity.
After all “snake oil is salable” (Scriven, 1974, p.13). Scriven’s elaborations of the need criterion
also includes the requirement of uniqueness. A need diminishes in importance if it is already
served by other programs. Checkpoints for importance and uniqueness are subsumed in
Assessment Checklist by evaluation of goals.
Table 2
Scriven’s Checklist for Evaluating Products, Procedures, and Proposals
1. Need
Need must be important and not served by other programs.
2. Market
Many needed products are unsalable. Must be mechanisms for
reaching intended market.
3. Performance
(True Field Trials)
Try out the final product in typical setting with real users.
4. Performance
(True Consumer)
Who are the real recipients? (Don’t focus on teachers, legislators,
and state department and miss parents, taxpayers,employers.)
5. Performance
Would another program be more successful or less costly (e.g.,
district-initiated testing programs)?
6. Performance
Long-lasting effects.
7. Performance
Unintended effects.
8. Performance
What goes on when the product is implemented (e.g., teacher
anxiety, student enjoyment, parent involvement)?
9. Performance
Are the observed effects really due to the product? (Would the
legislature have made those same appropriations anyway?)
10. Performance
Are the effects considered in the above criteria real or due to
sampling error?
11. Performance
Synthesis of items 1-10.
12. Costs and Cost-
Psychic as well as dollar costs.
13. Extended Support Systematic continuing procedure for upgrading product.
Note: Table 2 derived from Scriven, 1974.
Scriven’s Market checkpoint is distinguished from need. Some things like safety belts are needed
but are salable. Much of what is implied by Scriven’s Market criterion corresponds to Stufflebeam’s
Disseminability. Elements of this issue emerge on the Assessment Checklist in both the Technical
and Effects categories. Reporting is a technical matter but is also related to whether assessment
results are used by their intended audiences.
A Checklist for Evaluation Large-Scale Assessment Programs 5
Scriven suggests eight performance categories that, when combined with Market and Need, are
the basis for judging the most important checkpoint, Educational Significance. In general, Scriven
has focused on effects. There appears to be little concern for what Scriven (1967) earlier referred
to as intrinsic or secondary evaluation, that is, judging the design of a program. Intrinsic evaluation
in this context would include many of the technical criteria and some of the management
considerations proposed in the Assessment Checklist. Instead, Scriven has focused on questions
of program or product “payoff.” Of course, technical criteria are failed, effects will be near zero or
negative. Certainly Scriven would not miss technical errors or management inefficiency.
Nonetheless, there is some merit to making these requirements explicit so that others will not miss
Stake’s (1969) Table of Contents for Final Evaluation Report, Table 3, provides a larger
perspective than is suggested by the other two schema. Rather than just proposing what kinds of
information should be collected and judged, Stake has suggested some preliminary activities that
ought to occupy the evaluators, e.g., determining the goals of the evaluation. One is reminded that
if one were applying the Scriven Checklist or the Stufflebeam Criteria, there would be some
additional activities required for beginning and ending the evaluation.
Table 3
Stake’s Table of Contents for a Final Evaluation Report
I. Objectives of the
A. Audiences to be served by the evaluation (assessment staff,
legislators, public).
B. Decisions about the program, anticipated.
C. Rationale, bias of evaluators.
II. Specification of
A. Educational Philosophy behind the program.
B. Subject matter.
C. Learning objectives, staff aims (assessment objectives).
D. Instructional procedures, tactics, media.
E. Students (Students, teachers, district personnel who participate in
the assessment).
F. Instructional and community setting.
G. Standards, bases for judging quality (in the assessment context
those would be criteria for evaluating the assessment rather that
performance standards in the instruments themselves).
III. Program
A. Opportunities, experiences provided.
B. Student gains and losses (effects on the educational system).
C. Side effects and bonuses.
D. Costs of all kinds.
IV. Relationships and
A. Congruencies, real and intended (a report of all congruence
between what was intended and what was actually observed).
B. Contingencies, causes and effects.
C. Trend lines, indicators, and comparisons.
V. Judgements of
A. Value of outcomes.
B. Relevance of objectives to needs.
C. Usefulness of evaluation information gathered (significance and
implications of the findings).
Note: Table 3 derived from Stake, 1969.
A Checklist for Evaluation Large-Scale Assessment Programs 6
Much of the Stake outline is redundant with what has already been discussed. An evaluator using
Scriven’s performance checkpoints or Stake’s outcome categories would focus on the same
considerations. Stake does make explicit the identification of standards, although this can be
inferred from Scriven as well. Stake’s specification of the program section includes some
descriptive elements which are not in the other frameworks and which have likewise been excluded
from the Assessment Checklist and placed in a preparatory section. In the Relationships and
Indicators portion, Stake goes further than Scriven in suggesting that effects be linked to program
Inadditiontothethreegeneralframeworksreviewed, existing evaluationsof assessment programs
were studied to glean specific criteria for judging assessments. The following reports were read,
some in rough draft:
The 1974 site visit evaluation of National Assessment (“An evaluation of the NAEP”, 1974)
The 1975 site visit evaluation of National Assessment (“An evaluation of the NAEP”, 1975)
Greenbaum’s study of NAEP (in press)
House, Rivers, and Stufflebeam’s Assessment of the Michigan Accountability System
The Michigan State Department Response to the House et al, evaluation (“Staff
Stufflebeam’s response to the response (1974 [b])
Murphy and Cohen’s article on the Michigan experience (1974)
A legislative evaluation of Minnesota’s Assessment (“Minnesota”, 1975)
The response of the Minnesota Assessment Staff (“Response to the senate”, 1975)
A staff report to the Florida House Committee on Education (“Staff report to the
Blue ribbon Panel report on Statewide Pupil Testing in New York State
(in press)
Womer and Lehmann’s evaluation of Oregon’s Assessment (1974).
Complete reference for these works are given in the bibliography.
Individual reports are referenced in the text when they provide substantiation or elaboration of a
particular topic.
Preparatory Activities
In any evaluation there are activities which must precede judging merit. This section describes the
following preparatory activities.
Staffing the Evaluation
Defining the Purpose of the Evaluation
Identifying Strategies for Data Collection
Describing the Assessment Program
Modifying the Checklist
A Checklist for Evaluation Large-Scale Assessment Programs 7
Staffing the Evaluation
Evaluators ought to be knowledgeable about all aspects of an assessment. Glancing ahead to the
checklist suggests many of the areas in which evaluators must be competent to make judgements.
Evaluators should understand issues of test construction and sampling. Equally important is the
ability of evaluators to judge social utility. Sixteen courses in measurement and statistics will not
guarantee such insights.
Experts who possess all of the necessary knowledge are hard to find. A team approach may be
used to ensure that various kinds of expertise are represented. I was a member of the 1975 site-
visit team appointed by the National Center for Education Statistics to evaluate National
Assessment. The membership of that team was strikingly diverse. Five of the nine members were
not educationists. I was the only member of the team who could be identified with the traditional
measurement-assessment community. Other members of the team contributed perspectives and
knowledge that I did not have. David Wallace from the University of Chicago and David Farrell of
Harvard were experts in data analysis and computer utilization. Martin Frankel from the National
Opinion Research Center played this same role but also poured over the details of NAEP’s national
sample and research operations; Frederick Hays from the Fund for the City of New York knew
more about the management of large-scale bureaucracies than most academicians could ever
hope to know. Maureen Webster from Syracuse Educational Policy Research Center and Norman
Johnson of Carnegie-Mellon University had remarkable perspectives on national politics and could
comment on which NAEP activities were likely to affect public policy and how.
Diversity has some drawbacks, of course. It’s expensive to buy. In the NAEP example cited,
some diversity might well have been traded for a deep study of a less varied team. Also, not
having shared assumptions may make cooperation difficult. But this liability is also a strength since
it protects against bias or narrow vision.
Though evaluators must be technically competent, there is a danger in selecting assessment
experts to evaluate assessment. Assessors are likely to be philosophically committed to
assessment. Others in the evaluation-measurement community have decided that testing is
fundamentally harmful. It would be difficult to find many who were technically trained who did not
already have leanings or biases in one direction or the other. These judges may be so committed
to their beliefs about the value of assessments that they can be counted on only to discriminate
degrees of goodness and badness. Overall judgements of the social utility of assessment
programs may more appropriately be left to judges who are less professionally and philosophically
committed to a particular view on assessment.
A method of evaluation has little validity if the conclusions it generates depend on the personal bias
of the evaluators conducting it. Care must be taken from the outset to ensure both the validity and
credibility of the evaluation. A first step is to identify biases of potential evaluators. Ideally, we
should be able to identify those who favor assessment and those who do not in the same way that
Republicans are distinguished from the Democrats or that the Republicanism of Goldwater is
different from Rockefeller’s. Some affiliations for or against assessment are public knowledge,
some are subtle or unconscious and cannot be identified, but some are ones that the evaluators
themselves would accede to. At the very least, candidates should be asked to rate themselves on
the pro-assessment anti-assessment continuum. Then, an evaluation team should be composed
to balance points of view. Evaluators of different persuasions might work together to reach
consensus or might function as adversaries using a judicial or adversary approach. In his paper
A Checklist for Evaluation Large-Scale Assessment Programs 8
on Evaluation Bias and Its Control, Scriven (1975) recommended a double-teaming approach
whereby two evaluators (or teams) work independently and then critique each other’s reports.
There are many public and private complaints about the biases of the blue-ribbon panel of experts
who evaluated the Michigan Accountability System (House, et al., 1974). Murphy and Cohen
(1974) characterized the evaluators as follows.
House has attacked the basic ideas behind accountability, and last summer he helped NEA
develop its anti-accountability platform; Rivers has written about the evils of culturally
biased tests; and Stufflebeam is an expert on evaluation and a stickler for research
design.(p. 66)
Although they might disapprove of these one-line summaries, House and Rivers would probably
locate themselves at the “skeptical-about-testing” end of the continuum. The characterization of
Stufflebeam is most off the mark; he would probably say he was the pro-testing voice on the panel.
One way to reduce these complaints, however, would have been to identify these philosophical
differences in advance.
The evaluators had a contract with NEA and MEA to prohibit censorship of their reports. But, they
had no defense against the claim that they were hand-picked by the NEA to represent its point of
view. One good protection would have been to invite the assessment staff or some other pro-
assessment group (which the NEA is not) to nominate half the evaluation team. My guess is that
they would have selected Stufflebeam or someone very much like him, but such post hoc
speculation is not as good as providing the guarantees at the outset.
Similar problems might arise if the Oregon State Department tried to quiet hostile anti-testers with
the recent formative evaluation of their assessment. The evaluation was conducted by Frank
Womer and Irv Lehmann, who are inveterate assessors. Their pro-assessment affiliation–as well
as the fact that they conducted a formative evaluation and never meant to question the existence
of the assessment–would hardly be palatable to those who believe the assessment does more
harm than good.
Detecting and controlling bias is not simple. Perhaps we need an inventory to administer to
potential evaluators. It could test knowledge and attitudes including questions such as, “Are you
more like Bob Ebel or Jim Popham?” It’s the kind of inventory that would have to be validated
using known groups. Items would be retained if they helped identify clusters such as Bob Evel and
Frank Womer, Ernie House and Bob Stake, or Wendell Rivers and Jane Mercer.
Another possibility is to select evaluators for their disinterest and train them in the technical issues.
Scriven (1975) pointed out that the federal General Accounting Office is independent enough to
be above suspicion though they may currently lack the expertise for conducting evaluation. In a
similar context, he mentioned Alan Post, California’s non-partisan Legislative Analyst. My
colleague, Gene Glass, was recently an expert witness in a trial involving the interpretation of test
results. He was impressed with the ability of two bright lawyers to grasp the technical issues and
use the information after brief but intensive instruction. These examples make the idea of selecting
evaluators who are not technically trained seem promising. It should certainly be considered for
a large-scale evaluation.
A Checklist for Evaluation Large-Scale Assessment Programs 9
Defining the Purpose of the Evaluation
Specifying the purpose of an evaluation makes it more likely that the purpose will be accomplished.
This point has been discussed at length in the evaluation literature and will not be belabored here.
The reader should beware, of course, that we now have to keep straight the goals of the
evaluation, the goals of the assessment being evaluated, and the goals of the educational system
being assessed.
The purpose of the evaluation will determine how the evaluation is conducted, what information is
collected, and how it will be reported. Stake (1969) wrote that identifying goals of the evaluation
involves recognizing audiences and the kinds of questions to be answered. One technique for
accomplishing this is to simulate some possible conclusions and try them out on intended
audiences. Would legislators want to know about recommended changes in test scoring or that
other assessment programs obtain twice as much information for half as much money? Do
classroom teachers want to know if the tests really measure what they are purported to measure
or if the assessment should be made every five years instead of three?
One of the most important clarifications of purpose is the formative-summative distinction. Scriven
(1967) originally coined the terms to distinguish between evaluations designed primarily to identify
strengths and weaknesses for improvement (formative evaluation) and those intended to pass an
overall judgment on a program (summative evaluation). Although Scriven (1974) subsequently
stated that good formative evaluation involves giving the best possible simulation of a summative
evaluation” (p.9), the intention of the two types of evaluation is fundamentally different. Evaluators
engaged in a summative evaluation are more likely to call into question the existence of the whole
enterprise. Formative evaluators are more likely to assume the project’s continuance and look for
ways to correct weaknesses.
Identifying Strategies for Data Collection
Having decided on the evaluation’s purpose, the evaluators must plan their work. Hopefully, the
checklist explicated in this paper will serve to determine what kinds of information ought to be
collected. There are, however, some over-arching issues about how information is gathered.
The well-known evaluation of the Michigan Accountability System (House, et al., 1974) was based
on the examination of written documents and on testimony of various representatives of the
educational system. Hearings were also used in New York by Webster, Millman, and Gordon
(1974) to study the effects of statewide pupil testing. Their findings were combined with results of
a survey of college admissions officers regarding the usefulness of the regents’ examinations and
athorough analysisof testing costs. TwoevaluationsofNationalAssessmenthaveusedsite-visits.
Greenbaum (in press) studied NAEP by reviewing transcripts of the founding conferences and by
interviewing NAEP staff. In Florida, staff for the House Committee on Education (“Staff report,”
1976) interviewed teachers and administrators from a random sample of ten school districts to
identify issues in education. Accountability and assessment was one of the areas probed.
Instructional programs are hard to evaluate, but there is still the possibility that with the right
combination of tests and observations it will be possible to document program effects. The effects
of assessment are more elusive. Evaluations of assessment will necessarily draw heavily on
opinion surveys. This is risky. Opinions may be fairly accurate reflections of feelings about an
assessment but may not be very good indicators of other kinds of effects. Somewhere in an
A Checklist for Evaluation Large-Scale Assessment Programs 10
educational research text was the observation that survey research is good for many things, but
finding out which teaching method is best is not something one answers with a survey.
Evaluators will have to plan strategies so as not to miss effects. Some suggestions are given in
the effects section of the checklist. Scriven’s (1974) modus operandi
method may be called for,
searching for clues as Sherlock Holmes would have. Perhaps one could juxtapose release of
assessment results and government spending or study the relationship between sending home
pupil test scores and the incidence of unrequested parent visits to school. In the case of the
Coleman report (1966), one would try to establish its effects on the funding of compensatory
education by first interviewing politicians. Ask what facts they believe are proven” or are “common
knowledge” regarding equality of educational opportunity. Ask for sources they know of that
substantiate these facts or ask their legislative aides. Go to the materials they identify and seek
their sources in turn. Although it oversimplifies the method, we could say that the more frequently
Coleman appears in these bibliographies the greater the impact of that report on compensatory
funding. A similar “search for connections” might be used to link the decline in SAT scores with
the reinstatement of freshman remedial writing courses.
This issue was not saved for the effects section of the paper since some decisions have to be
made early on. Because opinions are likely to be an important source of information, evaluators
will have to decide whom to talk to and when. Scriven (1974) argued convincingly that the
evaluator ought to search for effects without knowing what the effects were supposed to be;
thereby, his search would be less biased. Such goal-free evaluation might be particularly difficult
in the assessment case since a number of persons will want to talk about goals, though this could
be saved for last. Examining test materials and reports will not suffice since judgments about the
adequacy of materials will depend on purposes. This point is given considerable attention later in
the paper. A compromise which Scriven agrees to is that evaluators may begin goal-free and later
switch to a goal-based approach. This would allow detection of unintended as well as intended
effects. Then the evaluator could pursue program purposes and intents. To this end, the
Assessment Checklist could be modified to consider effects first.
Each datum collected about an assessment program is fallible. The best procedure to ensure a
fair evaluation is to cross-check each opinion with other data sources. Our strategies should be
much like that of investigative reporting now made famous by Woodward and Bernstein (1976).
If a teacher testifies that all her children cried when they took the test, verify the effect. Don’t just
ask another teacher if her children cried–though a random sample of teachers might be
appropriate. Check the story with representatives from other levels in the system. Interview
children or watch while a test is given.
Evaluators should collect information by more than one method to balance the errors of a single
method. In the now classic volume on Unobtrusive Measures
, Webb et al. (1966) referred to this
safeguard as “triangulation”:
...Themostpersuasive evidencecomes through a triangulation of measurement processes.
If a proposition can survive the onslaught of a series of imperfect measures, with all their
irrelevant error, confidence should be placed on it. (p. 3)
In addition, the evaluation design should be flexible enough to allow for the identification of
additional data sources to corroborate the data collected in the first round.
A Checklist for Evaluation Large-Scale Assessment Programs 11
Describing the Assessment Program
The Assessment Checklist isa set of categories for judging assessment programs. But, evaluation
is not only judging. It has a large descriptive component. Some evaluation theorists have, at some
times, argued that evaluation is only description-–providing information to the decision-maker; they
have argued that the application of standards and values ought to be left to the reader
(Stufflebeam, 1971; Stake, 1973). I have taken the larger view that the evaluator must provide
judgements as well as facts. But, description is essential in either case.
Evaluation reports should include a narration about the following aspects of assessment:
Rationale and Purpose
Dissemination of Results
These descriptions will be needed by many readers as a context for the judgements that follow.
Narration will also be important for better informed readers (like assessment staff) to establish that
the evaluators knew what it was they were judging. Some disagreements about judgements may
be traced to misinformation about operations or purpose.
If the evaluators have decided to begin their study goal-free, most of the descriptive information
except procedures should be held until after the study of effects. But, in the final report, context
information should be presented first.
includes: The testing programs and other educational indicators available before the
assessment; preliminary committee work to create the assessment; legislation; implementation
schedule; and the current stage of the assessment in the total chronology.
Rationale and purpose
should include an account of why the assessment was instituted. An
example of assessment purpose is this excerpt from Florida Statutes (Section 229, 57 (2))
describing legislative intent:
(a) To provide for the establishment of educational accountability in the public
educational system of Florida;
(b) To assure that education programs operated in the public schools of Florida lead
to the attainment of established objectives for education;
(c) To provide information for accurate analysis of the costs associated with public
education programs; and
(d) To provide information for analysisof the differentialeffectiveness of instructional
Another example is taken from the Teacher’s Manual for the California Second and Third Grade
Reading Test:
The purpose of the state testing legislation is to determine the effectiveness of education
in California. The California Assessment Program is to provide the public, the legislature,
and school districts with information for evaluating the strengths and weaknesses of
educational programs. State testing is not designed to meet classroom needs for individual
pupil diagnosis. In order to provide reliable individual diagnostic information, tests for each
A Checklist for Evaluation Large-Scale Assessment Programs 12
pupil would have to be much longer than those used in this program; even with longer tests
there stillmight be lessthanone-to-one correspondence betweenthe objectives of the tests
and the objectives of a particular school for district. Diagnostic testing is, therefore, a
responsibility of the school district. (Teachers’ Manual, 1974, p.1)
If course, there are purposes that are not acknowledged in assessment documents. Unofficial
purposes will emerge as evaluators contact various assessment constituents.
of the assessment is the history of implementation: hiring assessment staff,
identifying educational goals, specifyingobjectives, selectingsubcontractors,testconstruction,field
testing, and review panels. Many of the development activities will be judged by technical criteria
in the checklist. Most evaluators will find it clearer to combine descriptions and judgments in their
reports. In the process of their evaluation, however, thorough descriptions will precede judgment.
are the most observable aspects of the assessment. Procedures refers to the
distribution of tests or proctors, children taking practice tests, teachers coding biographical data,
children taking tests or performing exercises, and machine scoring of instruments.
Dissemination of results
will be an important part in judging assessment usefulness. In the
descriptive phase, “Dissemination of results” means identifying which kind of information is
released to which audiences and in what form. What are the typical channels for dissemination
of results after they leave the assessment office? Do principals pass information on to teachers?
What is the frequency and tone of newspaper stories. (Incidentally, I recommend that
assessments insitute a clipping service. Select a representative sample of 10 newspapers in the
state and save any articles pertaining to assessment. Do not save only those articles that are
examples of journalistic abuses. If such a file is not available, evaluators will have to do some
archival work.)
Modifying the Checklist
In the introduction to this paper, I argued that evaluation models had to be translated” to determine
what they implied in a specific evaluation context. A method proposed specifically for evaluating
assessment requires less translation. But, there are still unique evaluation purposes and features
of the assessment being evaluated which require some special tailoring of the plan.
The best way to use the Assessment Checklist is to review the categories and specify what each
means in a specific assessment context. Some subcategories may be omitted if they do not apply.
However, these same categories may be reinstated if early data collection suggests they are
relevant after all.
The categories of my checklist are not discrete. They interact and give each other meaning. This
problem is present in the Scriven and Stufflebeam frameworks, but it is exacerbated by the effort
here to be more specific. In the 1975 evaluation of NAEP, Maury Johnson (“An evaluation of the
NAEP,” 1975) outlined three sets of evaluation questions appropriate for evaluating any
assessment program:
...mission, quality, and efficiency. The first set asks what the project is trying to accomplish
in relation to what it could contribute to the Nation’s well-being. The second examines how
well current intentions are being realized, as reflected in the quantity and quality of
A Checklist for Evaluation Large-Scale Assessment Programs 13
products. The third set concerns the costs of these benefits and how well the project is run
as an organization. Thus, the project can be viewed from a social and philosophical
standpoint, from a technical standpoint, and from an economic and management
standpoint. (p. 2)
These categories are comprehensive and distinct. The level of conceptualization is so synthesized
that goals and attainments appear as one category. Still, these grand sets of questions imply most
of the finer entries in the Assessment Checklist. The difficulty is that the more specific one
becomes, the harder it is to separate the categories–order them, keep them from overlapping and
The most serious and pervasive interaction in the checklist is that of purpose with technical
adequacy. Questions of sampling or test construction have to be considered in light of purposes
or uses. Measurement texts always carry the adage that validity is not a property of a test, but of
a use of a test. It is for this reason that goal-free evaluators may study effects without knowing
purposes but must be informed about goals before they judge technical adequacy.
The checklist is arranged in an apparently sensible order. An evaluator may proceed in a different
order or do several things at once. The best way to use the checklist is to become familiar with the
major categories so as to decide how these issues or combinations of issues ought to be
addressed in a particular evaluation. It will serve its purpose well if an important area is probed that
might otherwise be omitted.
Using the Checklist
1. Goals and Purposes
Kind of Goals
Below are outlined possible purposes for an assessment program with illustrations of ways in which
the assessment design should be modified to serve each purpose.
Pupil diagnosis
is the most molecular purpose of testing. It means at least finding out what an
individual child’s strengths and weaknesses are. In a more specialized sense, it means finding out
what kinds of errors are made so as to prescribe remediation. For this purpose, classroom teachers
should not give tests to find out what they already know. For example, suppose we have an old-
fashioned reading test of 50 items. If a child’s teacher can predict accurately that the child will miss
20 and get 20 correct but is unsure about the remaining 10, the best use of assessment time (for
this purpose) is to administer those 10 items–or better still 20 or 30 items of the same type. In this
way, the teacher will acquire new information about what this child is able to do and may even have
enough information to notice consistent errors.
A Checklist for Evaluation Large-Scale Assessment Programs 14
Table 4
A Checklist for Evaluating Assessment
1. Goals and Purposes
Kinds of Goals:
Pupil diagnosis
Pupil Certification
Program evaluation
program improvement
program selection
Resource allocation
Criteria for Judging Goals:
2. Technical Aspects
Criterion-referenced vs. norm-referenced
Content validity
Cultural bias
Empirical validity
Administration of tests
Data analysis
Different reports for different audiences
3. Management
Documentation of process
Formative evaluation
Support services
Effective decision-making procedures
Equal Opportunity
Redress of grievances
A Checklist for Evaluation Large-Scale Assessment Programs 15
4. Intended and Unintended Effects
People and Groups Who May Be Affected
District Superintendent
District curriculum specialists
Regional personnel
State curriculum experts
State legislators
State governors
Special interest groups
Kinds of Effects
Outcome and process effects
Immediate and long-term effects
Resource allocation
Effects of assessment technology
5. Costs
Negative effects
The difficulty in serving this purpose along with others is that the 30-item test that one child should
take is not the same as the one the next child should take.
Pupil certification
is another general purpose for testing individual students. Tests used for this
purpose must necessarily be the same for every individual and may produce results that are
redundant to the classroom teacher. The redundancy is necessary to obtain the external
verification of achievement. The new California Proficiency Test, whereby 16 and 17-year-olds
may obtain high school diplomas early, is an example of an “assessment” with this purpose. The
New York State Regents’ Examinations and the state administered bar exams are also examples.
Personnel evaluation
is probably the most distrusted purpose for conducting a large-scale
assessment. Judging teachers, principals, or superintendents on the basis of pupil test scores is
invalid when there has been no correction for initial differences in pupil achievement, motivation,
or ability to learn. Statistical adjustments for pupil differences are imperfect. While such
adjustments may be acceptable for research purposes or for program evaluation, their potential
for error must be taken into account when making individual decisions of merit. For a succinct
refutation of the use of test scores to evaluate teachers, see Glass (1974).
A Checklist for Evaluation Large-Scale Assessment Programs 16
Whenstudent performance data is to be used for personnel evaluation, class differences unrelated
to the quality of instruction must be controlled either by random assignment of students to teachers
or by statistically adjusting for differences in student ability. Even after this is done, confidence
intervals should be constructed to reflect the accuracy in the statistical adjustments. One way to
protect against over-interpreting chance differences is to use results from more than one year. If
a teacher’s student achievement (adjusted for ability) is very low year-after-year, and other
teachers inthesamecircumstance havemuchgreater achievement the evidenceis compelling that
the teacher is not effective.
Even after properly adjusted, it should be remembered that test scores only reflect attainment in
a few of the many areas for which teachers are responsible.
Program evaluation
is an appropriate use of assessment results. It should be noted, however,
that the assessment results are not themselves the evaluation but may be used as data in an
evaluation. Using assessment results to discriminate among programs requires that test content
be program-fair and that tests have sufficient sensitivity to find important differences when they
Program evaluation may be conducted at the national, state, district, or school building level. While
there are many parallels in the requirements for conducting program evaluation at these different
levels, they ought to be considered as separate purposes when judging adequacy or cost
Program evaluation includes both summative and formative purposes. For example, evaluation
using assessment results may be used to select the best of three math curricula. It is more likely,
however, that it will be used to identify strengths and weaknesses for use in modifying existing
programs. Curriculum experts at both the state and local level may have the need for the most
detailed reporting of assessment results. Developers of a reading program, for example, will need
performance data whichdistinguishes betweenliteralandinterpretivecomprehensionandbetween
phonetic and structural analysis skills.
Resource allocation
is an often-stated purpose of assessment. Whether assessment results are
actually used for this purpose or whether they should be is a tangled problem. Some state and
federal funds are awarded to needy districts which have been identified on the basis of low test
scores. Some politicians have objected that this system “rewards failure. As an alternative,
Michigan adopted its Chapter Three incentives program. In the first year, funds were to be
allocated on the basis of need, but in the succeeding years, money would be distributed on the
basis of pupil progress. Districts with the highest percentage of children who reached 75 percent
of the month-for-month criterion would get the highest funding. The plan was to reward success
instead of failure. Murphy and Cohen (1974) point out the fallacies in the plan and document the
fact that is has never been implemented. House et al. (1974) objected to it because it was
demeaning to educators. I object to it because it ignores the political and moral justification for
providing these funds in the first place. In order to “punish” the staff because of low pupil goals,
funds are withheld; students who are in the need of the most help get the least assistance.
It is more defensible that assessment results would be used to establish state and national
priorities: more dollars for education, fewer for highways or more dollars for math, fewer for
science. Some differential allocation to districts may be possible if the above dilemma is resolved.
In addition to allocating money, states may also distribute curriculum consultants on the basis of
test results.
A Checklist for Evaluation Large-Scale Assessment Programs 17
Accountability is implied in some of the other purposes (pupil certification and program
evaluation), but it is also an end in itself. One connotation of accountability is the publicness of
information. Satisfying the public’s right-to-know may be a purpose of assessment.
This purpose requires that assessment results be both comprehensive and brief. The public and
representatives of the public are impatient with mountains of data. They want simple answers.
may be a purpose of assessment. It is different from program evaluation in that it not
only seeks the best instructional methods but tries to discern why
one method is better than
another. Research is often ridiculed as an assessment purpose because it is not practical. It may
be dysfunctional, but for a different reason. Research may be an awkward purpose for assessment
because it requires tight controls that are not possible on so grand a scale.
Criteria for Judging Goals
. The question here is whether the assessment is attempting to accomplish “good
goals.” One could hardly quibble with the importance of such goals as improving education” or
even firing incompetent teachers, though the latter would have to be faulted on feasibility and
technical criteria.
If assessments are hardly likely to aspire to bad goals, one might ask why this criteria is included.
Well, relative judgments will have to be made in the ultimate analysis of cost and benefit. If a goal
is good but not earthshaking and costs a lot, it will not justify the assessment.
. Importance and uniqueness are the two ingredients in Scriven’s Need checkpoint.
I have separated these criteria because many goals are likely to pass the first and fail the second.
The distinction prevents importance from camouflaging redundancy.
If an identified purpose is already served by other programs, it is less urgent. State assessment
goals should receive low marks if they duplicate those of local district programs. NAEP (“An
evaluation of the NAEP,” 1975) received high marks for the goals which it served uniquely, adult
assessment and administration performance exercises. Duplication of assessment efforts not only
reduces the social needs; it may also have direct deleterious effects in over testing pupils.
. Some assessment programs are guilty of inflated advertising. Many have promised
that assessment will not only locate educational strengths and weaknesses, but will find solutions
to ameliorate deficiencies. This criterion may sound like a judgment of technical adequacy. But
it is not a matter of fine tuning the assessment design. Some intended purposes are beyond the
scope of any assessment and should never have been promised. For example, finding and
disseminating exemplary programs requires much more than assessment data and would involve
product development and research.
. Are the assessment goals too broad or too narrow? In the simplest sense, this may mean
asking whether the assessment ought to include science and social studies as well as reading and
More significantly, however, this criterion pertains to the question about how many purposes can
be combined before they begin to detract from one another. Curriculum experts and program
evaluators need comprehensive information on content objectives. The California Reading Test
for second and third graders includes almost 250 items (although each child only answers about
A Checklist for Evaluation Large-Scale Assessment Programs 18
30 questions). Classroom teachers need information for every pupil. If they select different tests
for each child, the results cannot be aggregated for accountability purposes or to answer the
questions of the curriculum experts. If the comprehensive test was administered to every child, it
would be extremely time consuming, give the classroom teacher a great deal of redundant data
along with the good stuff, and would have much more statistical power than was desired by either
the curriculum experts or program evaluators. This dilemma is exemplified by Murphy’s and
Cohen’s (1974) distress at the development of a new test in Michigan:
The consequences boggle the mind. For example, a trial run of the first grade
assessment (which had to be individually administered with these young children) wound up
taking 30 hours per pupil just to test 50 minimum performance objectives. If a teacher started
testing the first day of school, and tested all day, every day, until all 30 students had been
individually assessed (assuming five hours of testing per day and an hour off for lunch in a
nine-to-three school day), she would complete testing at 3:00 p.m. on the last day of the
school year. (In its first year, the old assessment took only two hours.)
This is ridiculous, of course, and the Department’s testers realize it, but it does
demonstrate some of the costs of being increasingly specific about objectives. In this case,
the agency will probably either have to give up reporting all individual scores (by testing only
samples on some objectives, which will make the results less useful to teachers), or it will
have to test only high priority minimum objectives (as it did this year, which raises questions
about what minimum objectives really are). (p.68)
Some purposes will have to excluded so that those remaining can be served well.
2. Technical Aspects
. This consideration might be relegatedtoadiscussion
of test content or to the question of interpretation. The subject emerges so frequently as a topic
of debate, however, that it deserves special attention. Criterion-referenced tests are preferred by
many because they yield results that tell what individual children can do, rather than rank-ordering
the test takers. Unfortunately, criterion-referenced testing may produce voluminous data that is
ill-suited for some assessment purposes. Classroom teachers and curriculum makers are better
served by specific information on 100 objectives but state legislators require more condensed
Norm-referenced tests are probably preferable for placement purposes when the percentage of
students who can be placed in certain situations is fixed. This is true of college admission. In other
circumstances, knowing absolute, rather than relative, performance levels is more diagnostic both
for individuals and programs. Most criterion-referenced tests are, however, missing the “criteria”
necessary for aggregate, social-policy interpretation. Most so-called criterion-referenced tests are
content-referenced or objective-referenced but are missing the implied standards. Elsewhere, I
have discussed the difficulties inherent in setting standards and have proposed some mechanisms
for establishing criteria (Shepard, 1975). Without standards or comparative norms to assist in
interpretation, the assessment results will be judged useless for certain audiences.
Content validity
. The largest issues in content validity overlap with the question of scope in goal-
evaluation. The content of the assessment should match the educational goals. There are
A Checklist for Evaluation Large-Scale Assessment Programs 19
tradeoffs allowed by other categories in the checklist to justify assessing in some goal areas and
not others. It is much less defensible, however, to narrow the definition of those subjects selected
for assessment.
Making sure the tests measure what they are supposed to measure is assured in part by proper
development procedures. Deciding what to include or exclude in the definition of an assessment
topic should not be left to closeted groups of subject matter experts. Parents and taxpayers also
have something to say about what language or social studies tests ought to include. Greenbaum
(in press) criticized NAEP for allowing the political clout of the school audience to disenfranchise
lay representatives on objective-writing committees.
More detailed specification of test content is accomplished by writing objectives and items. Items
should be reviewedto verify that they measure the intended objective and that, taken together, they
provide a balanced representation of the content universe. There is a tendency to create many
“easy to write” types of items and fewer addressing the objective that are hard to measure.
Someone has to keep an eye on the total picture.
Cultural bias
. A test is culturally biased if certain children who have a skill are unable to
demonstrate it because of extraneous elements clouding test questions. Webster, Millman, and
Gordon (1974) helped clarify the distinctions between those aspects of culture that are relevant to
achievement and those that are irrelevant and indicative of bias: A test of ability to read road signs
printed in English would have a strong and legitimate culture-specific content, while a test of
reading comprehension might be biased by a culture-specific set of passages that comprise that
test.” (p. 16)
Tests are harmful if they are formed on majority groups (or groups in which the majority dominated)
and are used to make irreversible decisions about individual children. Using test results to group
children for instructional purposes is not harmful, however, if there is easy and frequent movement
in and out of groups. When tests are used to evaluate programs, there is less concern that
individual children will be diagnosed incorrectly, but it is still essential that each child be able to do
their best.”
Empirical validity
. Tests are valid if they measure what they purport to measure. Content validity,
discussed above, is established by logical analysis of test items referenced to the intended content
universe. Additional evidence is needed, however, to verify the soundness of both the test-
construction logic and the content analysis. Empirical evidence of test validity is typically obtained
by correlating test scores with other measures of the same skills. Since these various criterion
measures are also fallible, it is preferable to use more than one validation criterion. If a new test
is developed for an assessment program, it may be advisable to study the agreement between
student scores and teacher ratings of student skills and to examine correlations between subtests
and other more lengthy tests available for assessing the same subskills. For an excellent summary
of validation procedures see Cronbach (1971).
As was stated earlier, validity is not inherent in a test but depends on how a test is used. The uses
that will be made of test results must, therefore, be taken into account when seeking evidence of
validity. For example, when tests are to be used for program evaluation, evidence is needed of
sensitivityto instruction or sensitivity to between-program differences (Airasian and Madaus, 1976;
Rakow, Airasian, & Madaus, 1976). If tests are to be used to select individuals, predictive validity
should be well established. The evaluator or evaluation team are not responsible for collecting
such data but must certainly judge the adequacy of existing validity data.
A Checklist for Evaluation Large-Scale Assessment Programs 20
My consideration of validity here is necessarily brief because there are so many items in the
checklist to cover and because the importance and method of test validation are known to both
assessors and evaluators. I have introduced a few special issues to think about in the context of
large-scale assessment. Such an abbreviated treatment should by no means be mistaken for an
underrating of the importance of test validity. If the assessment instruments have serious flaws,
the entire assessment effort is invalid. If the tests are not content valid, are culturally biased, or
lack evidence of empirical validity, then the assessment results are questionable.
. Reliability is a prerequisite for validity. In order to measure accurately, an assessment
instrument must measure dependably. Traditionally,reliability is best operationalized bytest-retest
correlation coefficients. However, when many children receive near-perfect scores, which may be
the case when tests are used to certify minimum competencies or to discriminate among programs
rather than children, correlations will be near zero because of restriction of range. Additional
information will be needed to make a sensible interpretation. In some instances, it would be
appropriate to statistically correct for range restriction. Or, depending again on the use of the tests,
it may be appropriate to examine the stability of program differences rather than pupil differences.
Some evidence must exist, however, that assessment results are not quixotic and that conclusions
would not be altered if children were tested on another day or in another setting. Articles by Huynh
(1976) and Subkoviak (1976) indicate some of the progress being made at developing appropriate
reliability statistics for criterion-referenced or mastery tests.
Sampling must be appraised in light of assessment purposed. If the Michigan first-grade test (cited
earlier) was ever implemented statewide, it would be a disaster due to the divergent purposes of
individual testing and state-level testing. To meet the state level purposes efficiently, sampling is
prescribed. For classroom teachers’ use, every-pupil testing is required.
If sampling is appropriate, many more technical issues remain: adequate specification of the
population, practical sampling methods (e.g., cluster sampling vs. random sampling), correct
representationof sub-populationsforreportingpurposes, efficient sampling (small standard errors),
and adequate follow-up of non-respondents.
Administration of Tests
Judging the administration of the assessment hinges on two major questions: do testing
procedures yield the most accurate results possible and is the disruption as little as possible?
Test administration includes the selection and training of testers and the clarity of instructions to
teachers. In most instances, evaluators should also inspect instructions to district superintendents
and building principals to see if they have been well informed about the assessment being
conducted in their jurisdiction. Most importantly, evaluators will have to judge how appropriate test
format and vocabulary are for the children to whom it is administered. An assessment would get
low ratings in this category if separate answer sheets were required for children in the primary
grades. The California Assessment Program would get bonus points because every test is
accompanied by a practice test to make sure that all children know how to respond. At least some
practice questions are essential for all ages of respondents.
A Checklist for Evaluation Large-Scale Assessment Programs 21
Reporting is essential to make an assessment useful. Evaluation in this area is likely to require
study of effects as well as study of assessment endeavors.
Data analysis
. Routine data processing will have to be judged by the often incompatible criteria
of accuracy and efficiency. Data analysis is more complicated. It requires judgments about
statistical correctness but also prompts the larger question about appropriateness of selected
variables. This may turn out to be a major issue in evaluating the utility of the assessment. Some
critics of NAEP, for example, have insisted that results should be reported for Chicanos or for
Spanish-speaking respondents. There are fairly large cost considerations, of course, that must be
weighed against the gain in information.
Different reports for different audiences
. Basically, what we are looking for are reports that
contain the right kind of information and are understandable to their respective audiences.
Recommendations for better reporting practices were made in Shepard (1975). Intrinsic evaluation
of reporting documents involves consideration of length, medium selected for presentation,
availability of personal explanations, journalistic style, use of visual displays, and avoidance of
technical jargon. Empirical verification of the adequacy of reports should come from true field trials
or from follow-up studies of reporting in the full-scale assessment.
. Some assessment exercises have self-evident meaning. It is clearly bad, for
example, that in the first citizenship cycle, NAEP found that 25 percent of the nation’s 17 year olds
believed that they had to vote according to their party registration. But most assessment results
require additional information to give them meaning. The extra ingredient must either be a
performance standard or norm against which the obtained results may be compared.
Some assessors are fearful of making interpretations because they believe it will undermine their
neutrality, an attribute considered essential for working cooperatively with schools. However,
assessors could take responsibility for seeing that interpretations are made without passing
judgment themselves. A number of states have begun the practice of inviting subject-matter
experts to review results and publish their interpretations. This practice will ultimately have to be
judged by its effects, but, in general, should be positively rated by the evaluators. As a word of
caution, such responsibility for interpretation should not be left only to the school people. Perhaps
the League of Women Voters or the NAACP should be invited to make interpretations as well.
Greenbaum (in press) proposed an additional group of reactors, political and social scientists. In
a similar vein, I heard in a committee meeting a reference to the ultimate reporting vehicle: “Your
results probably won’t receive public notice until somebody famous writes a book about you.”
3. Management
Checkpoint three calls for judgments of facilitating or enabling activities. Only two of the subpoints,
formative evaluation and grievance procedures, are ends in themselves. The remaining topics are
considered because they are likely to affect program outcomes.
A Checklist for Evaluation Large-Scale Assessment Programs 22
I have a personal aversion for elaborate PERT charts, but it is essential that the assessment staff
identify each step in development and implementation and plan who will work on each activity
during which weeks and months. There is a tendency in all of us to work methodically at first and
then run out of time for the last segments of a project. This paper has more attention at the
beginning than at the end. Perhaps its only salvation is that the total outline was decided before
the detailed work began.
Assessment staffs ought to be scrutinized particularly for how they deal with unreasonable
expectations. If they are being asked to do more than is possible, do they have good coping
behaviors”? Are they able to set priorities? Are they able to petition effectively for more resources
or diminish expectations (“This will take two years instead of one.”)?
Documentation of Process
This is a record keeping requirement. Work may be duplicated if good records are not kept.
Compromises reached about test content or sampling plansshouldbe welldocumented, specifying
the arguments on each side and the details of the compromise. Faulty memory on these matters
will require that consensus be constantly reestablished. Though constant debate would be
dysfunctional for the operations of the assessment, new compromises will have to be reached from
time to time. In these instances, an accurate history would make the deliberations more efficient.
Documentation may be maintained by recording decision-making meetings or by keeping a file of
working papers summarizing arguments and agreements.
Formative Evaluation
Scriven’s Extended Support checkpoint causes us to look for mechanisms wherebythe product will
be continually upgraded. Formative evaluation may be a comprehensive study of the assessment
or it may be a combination of separate activities such as field testing instruments and reports. It
should, in either case, address questions of social utility. Is the assessment being used? Are there
unintended uses that can be expanded? Scriven (1974) asks the question, Are there others who
are producing a better product to serve the same need? “One decision that should remain open
is the decision to cease production, even if it is commercially profitable to continue, when the
evidence clearly indicated the existence of a superior product that can reasonably be expected to
take over a free market” (p. 21).
The assessment program should be graded on the provision for and use of formative evaluation.
The next three categories, Personnel, Support Services, and Subcontractors, should be taken
together to ensure that all the necessary competencies are available to conduct the assessment.
Assessment requires political insight, technical expertise, management skills, writing ability, and
a good sense of humor. Each member of the assessment team does not have all of the skills, but
they must all be represented. An assessment run by experienced educators with lots of political
savvy is just as imbalanced as one run by a dozen statisticians. If some of the necessary skills are
A Checklist for Evaluation Large-Scale Assessment Programs 23
missing in the assessment staff, assessment personnel have to be clever enough to know when
to hire consultants or subcontractors.
Support Services
At the simplest level, this item means asking whether work is being thwarted because six staff
members share one secretary. Evaluators will not want to waste their time measuring office space
and counting filing cabinets, but gross inadequacies or excesses in materials or services should
be challenged. If assessment staff are housed in separate floors so that conferences are difficult
to arrange, evaluators may give this ailment special attention. If computer facilities are grossly
underused, time-sharing arrangements with other agencies might be recommended. Consultants
should be used when need to augment staff expertise.
Writing RFP’s (request for proposals) is an art that assessment staff will be graded on.
Assessment staff are responsible for deciding which task can most appropriately be assigned to
a subcontractor, for selecting the subcontractor, and for carefully monitoring subcontract activities.
For example, a minor criticism of NAEP (“An evaluation of the NAEP,” 1975) was that they had
“farmed-out” a research report on background variables. At issue was not the quality of the report
produced by the subcontractor, but the opportunity lost to the NAEP staff. It’s bad for morale to
relegate staff to routine tasks and give more inspired assignments to a subcontractor. In addition,
NAEP staff might lack the familiarity with the intricacies of the report that they could have had if
they had been its authors.
More frequent sources of error are subcontractors who are generally competent, but who lack
specific insight into the needs of a local assessment. The remedy for this is close cooperation
between assessment staff and contractor.
Effective Decision-Making Procedures
Ineffective decision making could be an amorphous malaise that is observable only in late reports
or contradictory public statements. However, if evaluators can be specific about decision-making
difficulties, there maybeclear implications for program improvement. Here are some things to look
for: Are all decisions reserved for a boss who’s out-of-town 50 percent of the time? Are decisions
made by default? Are key decisions made by uninformed sources outside of the assessment staff?
Are members of the staff satisfied with the way decisions are made?
Equal Opportunity
Assessments mayhavespecial problems as equal-opportunityemployers. Assessment is a “math-
related” activity. Women have been taught to avoid math and may remove themselves from the
competition for assessment jobs. If some minority group members have poor elementary and
secondary training in mathematics, they may have eschewed math-related subjects in college.
Special recruitment may be necessary to interrupt this trend.
Redress of Grievances
Regular procedures should be established for hearing and redressing complaints against the
assessment. If particular school and district results are in error, new reports should be printed.
A Checklist for Evaluation Large-Scale Assessment Programs 24
Assessment staff are likely to receive a certain amount of hate-mail and irate phone calls. In the
interest of fairness, responses to complaints should make clear exactly what will be done to correct
the problem. In many instances, the appropriate answer is that no change will be made. Reasons
for this staff stance should be clearly delineated. The assessment staff should only be faulted if
they make false promises.
This criterion needs little elaboration. Good information is not helpful if it arrives after decisions
have already been made.
When assessment results are collected for long-term census monitoring, delays of six months in
reporting are not crucial. When assessment results are meant to be used for program evaluation
or state-level decision-making, delaysmayrender the reports useless. This item certainly overlaps
with the effects considered in the next section.
4. Intended and Unintended Effects
People and Groups Who May be Affected
Earlier, I suggested some strategies for seeking the effects of assessment. Effects may be subtle
and indirect. The evaluator must be a bit of a sleuth to detect them. For example, the true effect
of the New York State Regents’ Exam may not be to provide evidence for admission to college but
to increase the amount of studying done by high school juniors and seniors.
Possible effects might be discovered by surveying diverse audiences. Then, purported effects
must be tracked down and verified. The evaluator must be particularly cautious not to identify
consumers who are only in the educational community. Educators are the more visible consumers
and are perhaps better informed about assessment but important recipients exist in the larger
The Assessment Checklist identifies individuals and groups who may be affected by assessment:
District superintendents
District curriculum specialists
Regional personnel
State curriculum experts
State legislators
State governors
Special interest groups
A Checklist for Evaluation Large-Scale Assessment Programs 25
The evaluator may add to the list. Each audience must then be studied in light of the possible
This checkpoint incorporates process effects as well as outcomes. If children enjoy taking a test
or if teachers feel threatened by the results of the test, these are effects of the assessment. The
discussion of effects subsumes Stufflebeam’s utility criteria of Relevance, Importance, Credibility,
and Pervasiveness. The impact of the assessment is measured in terms of who uses the results
and how widespread the effect is. Suppose one or two teachers testify that they have used
assessment results to modify their classroom instruction. If they are isolated examples of this
practice, there is evidence of potential use but not of significant current use.
Scriven’s discussion of Educational Significance suggests that at some point we go back to the
original need. Is this program serving the purpose for which is was intended? Of course, we must
also be on the lookout for unintended effects and canceled purposes.
Kind of Effects
The second set of entries in the Effects category contains some possible consequences of
assessment to consider.
Outcome and process effects
. In other evaluation contexts, process variables are usually given
separate consideration. In this situation, however, processes are those described in the
management portion of this paper. Things that happen to teachers and children in the process of
test administration are actually side effects of the assessment.
Immediate and long-term effects
. Immediate consequences of the assessment should be
observable in program changes, public reactions, resource allocations, and development of new
curricula. Long-term effects can be only estimated by the evaluator. Educational assessment is
in its infancy. Some uses which may emerge in the future have not been identified. Reliance on
the on-going nature of the information has not been established. The evaluator may have to be
an advocate in trying to project the assessment’s ultimate usefulness. What uses have emerged
for data from analogous enterprises, the U.S. Census and the GNP, that were not thought of when
the data collection began? Of course, the evaluator’s advocacy should not subvert his
responsibility to obtain confirming opinions of his projections or to report contrary views of the
future as well.
. Attitudes toward testing and toward education may be influenced by an assessment
program. For example, if teachers believe that an assessment program is unfair, they may loose
confidence in all tests and convey this misgiving to their children. A positive outcome may occur
when children have an opportunity to take “easy” tests. The California first-grade test is not meant
to discriminate among children. It is used for baseline data to distinguish programs. Tests on
which many children get a perfect score can still show differences between schools and programs.
The California test consisted of questions that 80 or 90 percent of the children answered correctly.
On the hardest question half of the children got the right answer. Teachers reported that children
thought the test was fun.
The affective component of accountability should also be considered under this heading. Public
confidence in education may result simply because people have access to information.
A Checklist for Evaluation Large-Scale Assessment Programs 26
Decisions, laws, resource allocation. Decisions are tangible, e.g., a new emphasis on math,
government funding for consumer education, legislative requirements for minimum competency
testing. The question is, which decisions are attributable to assessment results? One might begin
by asking decision-makers, superintendents, and legislators. But many effects are more subtle.
Scriven’s modus operandi
method cited previously many help us uncover more grass-roots
influences. Are citizens voting against school bond issues because they won’t pay higher taxes
or have they lost confidence in the public schools? What evidence do citizens cite for or against
public schools? How many editorials in selected newspapers refer to assessment results? How
do interest groups use assessment to lobby for their purposes? The evaluator should review
legislative debates on educational measures. Are assessment results quoted? Decisions about
resource allocation should be the easiest to document. What are the formulae for distributing
federal and state funds? Within districts, how are special resources apportioned to schools?
There is probably no harm in assessment staffs collecting evidence that verifies the uses of
assessment results as long as they do not throw out evidence of misuses. True, this may give a
biased view since many isolated examples of use may not reflect pervasive use. However, it will
be up to the evaluator to substantiate the extent of each type of use.
In searching for examples of information use, evaluators should be wary of the “common
knowledge” fallacy. In the State Senate evaluation of the Minnesota Assessment (1975), there is
this complaint:
It is no secret that students from poor families do not perform as well as students from
middle and upper income level families; just as it’s not secret that boys read better than
girls [this is backwards] and that students from homes exposed to reading materials
outperform students from homes with no books around. (P.3)
Have such things always been known? What these authors claim is no secret may not have
always been common knowledge. We ought to find out how much of this was publicly
acknowledged before Coleman. What kinds of evidence were used to argue for ESEA Title I and
Headstart? The Senate researchers may have a valid point if these are countless assessments
all producing duplicate information; but that is a separate issue from whether the information is
useful in itself.
Effects of assessment technology
. Assessment efforts may produce expertise as well as data.
Through numerous conferences with state and local educators NAEP has disseminated its
methodological expertise and fostered sharing among other assessors. Shared expertise should
improve the overall quality of assessment. However, evaluators should watch for instances where
the imported model is inappropriate for local purposes. State departments may, in turn, give
assistance to local districts who wish to conduct assessments for their own purposes. “Piggy-
backing” is the term that has been adopted in the trade to signify local assessments that take
advantage of the instrument development and sampling plan of the larger assessment
organization. By over sampling in districts who ask for more information, state assessments can
provide them with test data much more economically than if they had tried to conduct the
assessment themselves.
A Checklist for Evaluation Large-Scale Assessment Programs 27
5. Costs
The evaluator should collect cost data as carefully as he gathers effects data. Costs must include
expenditures in dollars and time. It is a matter of style, however, whether one wishes to count
emotional costs in this category or consider them as effects in checkpoint four.
Scriven (1974) made several requirements of cost data: “There should be some consideration of
opportunity costs...What else could the district or state have done with the funds...Cost estimates
and real costs...should be verified independently...[and], costs must, of course, be provided for the
critical competitors.” (p. 20-21)
In an assessment context, costs should include obvious things like the salaries of assessment staff
and the cost of their offices. The most obvious cost is that of consultants or subcontractors since
they present a bill. Costs which are often overlooked are the salaries of teachers and curriculum
experts who are released by their districts to consult on objectives development or item writing.
Also, forgotten are the cost in teacher and student time while the assessment is underway. How
many total hours are spent by district personnel and principals distributing and collecting test
materials. Be sure to count the time they spend on the telephone answering questions.
Synthesizing Checklist Findings
The checklist produces a collection of judgements-–B+ on the sampling plan, C- on public
knowledge about results. But, these are raw judgments. In the end, the evaluator must help
combine the information so that the assessment can be judged. Unfortunately, a simple grade-
point average will not do. Some of the checklist items are more important than others. Some must
be combined or weighed one against the other.
The single most important checklist category is Effects. Technical aspects and management are
important only because they serve the effects. Goals do not count for much if they are not
Cost-benefit analysis will certainly be a part of the synthesis. This analytical procedure is borrowed
from economics, but is not well refined since it is more difficult to assign dollar values to informed
decisions or data preserved for future comparison that it is to compute the cost of capital
equipment or increased tax revenues form 10,000 new jobs. The most straightforward device is
a tally sheet. What are the positive effects of the assessment? The evaluator should try to specify
how big each effect is in terms of the number of school districts it reaches or the number of
classroom teachers actually using the information. Opposite these entries are the costs and
negative side effects. For example, the usefulness of the data to teachers will have to be weighed
against a portion of the total assessment costs and against the number of teachers who were
required to administer the tests but found no use for results.
Finally, the total assessment package must be judged in comparison to what Scriven calls Critical
Competitors. How many of the assessment purposes would go unserved if the assessment
program were discontinued? Might all or part of the assessment effects be accomplished by
commercial publishers or by local districts. If a state assessment has also presumed to conduct
classroom testing for its local districts, what are the gains in teacher appreciation of the data and
uniformity. Are these gains worth the increased testing time and loss of local autonomy in selecting
A Checklist for Evaluation Large-Scale Assessment Programs 28
Although technical aspects of the assessment and management considerations may not be the
focus of summative judgments about the assessment, these checkpoints are the ones more likely
to provide diagnosis of needed improvements in the assessment. If a large-scale assessment is
engaged in every-pupil testing but is providing redundant information to the classroom teacher, the
evaluators should recommend sampling.
A Checklist for Evaluation Large-Scale Assessment Programs 29
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A Checklist for Evaluation Large-Scale Assessment Programs 30
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Response to the senate research report
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Scriven, M. The methodology of evaluation. In R. E. Stake (Ed.), Curriculum evaluation.
American Educational Research Association monograph series on evaluation, no. 1,
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Sanders (Eds.), Educational evaluation: Theory and practice
. Worthington, OH: Charles
A. Jones, 1973.
Scriven, M. Evaluation perspectives and procedures. In W. J. Popham (Ed.), Evaluation in
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Scriven, M. Evaluation bias and its control. Occasional Paper
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Staff response to the report: An assessment of the Michigan accountability System
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Stake, R. E. The countenance of educational evaluation. Teachers College Record
523-540. Reprinted in B. R. Worthen & J. R. Sanders (Eds.), Educational evaluation:
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Stake, R. E. Evaluation design, instrumentation, data collection, and analysis of data. In J. L.
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A Checklist for Evaluation Large-Scale Assessment Programs 31
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