for OAH & ACYF Teenage Pregnancy Prevention Grantees
November 2014 • Brief 5
Sample Attrition in Teen Pregnancy Prevention Impact Evaluations
randomized controlled trial (RCT) allows for an unbiased test of program impact, provided that the impact is
estimated using the full sample that was initially assigned to condition. Random assignment ensures that the
assigned intervention and comparison groups are similar on all pre-intervention characteristics (any differences will be
due to random sampling error). Therefore, any differences in outcomes observed across groups after the intervention can
be attributed to the effect, or “impact,” of the intervention. Sample attrition is a key threat to achieving such unbiased
impact estimates. In this brief, we discuss how attrition affects individual- and cluster-level RCTs, how it is assessed,
and strategies to limit it. We pay particular attention to meeting the requirements of the current U.S. Department of Health
and Human Services (HHS) Evidence Standards for Teen Pregnancy Prevention (TPP) Evaluations.
What is attrition in impact evaluations,
and why is it a problem?
Attrition occurs when randomly assigned sample members are lost
from the analysis due to nonconsent, item nonresponse, or entire
survey nonresponse.
The loss of study participants can bias the
study’s impact estimates by creating differences in the distribu-
tion of characteristics of the intervention and comparison groups.
The intervention may affect whether or not an individual will
participate throughout the study period and complete a follow-up
assessment. Therefore, people who drop out of a study may be
very different from those who do not drop out. For example, some
intervention group members may drop out of a study soon after
experiencing the program because they do not nd the services
useful. As a result, in RCTs where the initially assigned groups
are equivalent on key baseline variables, attrition can produce
nal samples that are not comparable. Therefore, when outcomes
are compared in the nal samples (which will be subsets of the
samples originally assigned to condition), the resulting impact
estimates will be biased due to underlying differences between
the intervention and comparison groups being used to estimate the
impacts. See Figure 1 for a visual example of this.
In Figure 1, at the time of random assignment, the intervention
and comparison groups are equivalent on background character-
istics. (In this example, assume the colors of the sample members
represent their proclivity to engage in risky/unprotected sexual
activity.) However, at the follow-up period, there was some
sample attrition, and only a subset of the initially assigned sample
members is observed. In this example, these remaining sample
members have very different background characteristics (inter-
vention group is predominantly magenta/orange, and comparison
group is predominantly blue/green). If impacts are estimated
Figure 1. Illustration of non-equivalence of baseline
characteristics due to sample attrition
Sample members at time of
random assignment
Sample members who were
observed at follow-up
using this sample, any post-intervention differences would con-
ate intervention effects with the fact that these subsamples have
very different baseline characteristics.
How is attrition assessed against HHS
evidence standards?
The HHS evidence review assesses the level of sample attrition
against standards established by the U.S. Department of Educa-
tion’s What Works Clearinghouse (WWC).
As Figure 2 shows,
the attrition standards recognize a trade-off between “overall”
and “differential” attrition, where overall attrition reects the
total amount of nonresponse in the sample as a whole (including
both intervention and comparison groups—this kind of attrition
is shown on the horizontal axis of Figure 2), and differential
attrition reects the differences in the attrition rates between
the intervention and comparison groups (shown on the vertical
axis of Figure 2).
Figure 2. Standard for assessing sample attrition in
study quality ratings
Differential Attrition
Overall Attrition
105 555045403530252015 60 650
Percentage Points
= Low Attrition = High Attrition
Blue region (low attrition). This area of the gure shows
an allowable combination of overall and differential attrition
that will limit bias due to nonresponse.
Orange region (high attrition). This area of the gure
shows a combination of overall and differential attrition that
does not adequately limit bias. When a study has attrition
levels in this region, the observed impact is likely to contain
substantial bias due to nonresponse.
Studies with relatively little overall attrition can meet standards
with moderate differential attrition, but studies with relatively
severe overall attrition require a lower level of differential attri-
tion to meet standards. Therefore, the cutoff for an acceptable
level of sample attrition is tied not to the extent of overall attrition
only or differential attrition only, but rather to a combination of
the two. For example, for studies with a relatively low overall
attrition rate of 10 percent, the attrition standard allows a rate
of differential attrition up to approximately 6 percentage points.
However, for studies with a higher overall attrition rate of 30 percent,
the attrition standard requires a lower rate of differential attrition,
at approximately 4 percentage points. See Appendix A for a table
of attrition values that provides more detail than Figure 2.
The method for calculating sample attrition differs depending on
whether the study randomly assigns people to condition (individual-
level RCT) or clusters to condition, such as assigning schools to
intervention or comparison conditions (cluster RCT).
Individual-level RCT
For an individual-level RCT study design, the attrition calculation
is a simple comparison of sample sizes observed at follow-up
relative to the sample sizes at the time of random assignment.
The following box provides an example of the calculations used
to produce both an overall and a differential attrition rate.
Example individual-level RCT attrition
Consider a study with 100 youth assigned to the
intervention condition and 100 youth assigned to the
comparison condition. Assume that follow-up data were
obtained from 80 youth in the intervention condition
(20 youth attrite, which represents a 20 percent attrition
rate in the intervention group) and 90 youth in the com-
parison condition (10 youth attrite, which represents a
10 percent attrition rate in the comparison group). Thus,
the overall attrition rate is 30/200 = 15%, and the differ-
ential attrition is = 20% – 10% = 10 percentage points.
When the combination of overall and differential attrition in this
example is plotted in Figure 3, we see that this combination falls
within the orange region. That is, a combination of 15 percent
overall attrition on the X axis and 10 percentage point differen-
tial attrition on the Y axis results in a point in the orange/high
attrition area of Figure 3. This implies that attrition bias exceeds
the desired thresholds; therefore, the authors would be required
to demonstrate baseline equivalence of the sample on observed
characteristics. See the HHS evidence review protocol, version 3.0
for more details on establishing baseline equivalence.
Figure 3. Example individual-level RCT illustrates
“high” level of attrition
105 555045403530252015 60 650
Differential Attrition
Overall Attrition
Percentage Points
= Low Attrition = High Attrition
Cluster-level RCT
For cluster-level RCTs, in which people are assigned to inter-
vention and comparison conditions in groups (for example,
schools or classrooms), attrition is calculated in two steps:
1. Cluster attrition assessment. The number of clusters
initially assigned to condition is compared against the
number of clusters that contribute youth sample (subcluster)
members to the impact analysis sample to produce overall
and differential cluster-attrition rates. The combination of the
overall and differential attrition rates is examined relative to
the attrition gure. If there is high cluster attrition, the study
must demonstrate baseline equivalence. If the study has low
cluster attrition, then youth attrition is assessed.
2. Youth attrition assessment. The assessment of youth
attrition is similar to the assessment of attrition in an
individual-level RCT, with one exception. For cluster RCTs,
attrition is calculated by comparing the same ratio of youth
with follow-up data to youth randomly assigned, but the
calculation includes youth in only the clusters contributing
to the impact analysis (the clusters that did not attrite). This
modication was done to prevent double-counting of sample
attrition (at the cluster and youth levels). Table 1 provides an
example of this.
Table 1 shows a cluster RCT in which 40 groups were randomly
assigned to condition (20 to the intervention condition, and
20 to the comparison condition), where each group contained
100 youth at the time of random assignment. One cluster in the
intervention condition dropped out after random assignment;
therefore, the overall cluster attrition rate is 2.5 percent and
differential attrition is 5 percentage points. In the youth attrition
calculation, youth attrition is calculated relative to the number
of youth in clusters that did not attrite, rather than to the initial
number of youth in all clusters at random assignment, to guard
against double-counting those youth in the attrition calculations.
Therefore, in Table 1, in the calculation of the youth attrition rate
for the intervention group, the denominator is 1,900 youth,
rather than 2,000. This produces an overall youth attrition rate
of 20 percent and a differential attrition is 0 percentage points.
Table 1. Example of assessing youth attrition when there is cluster-level attrition
Cluster attrition calculation
Intervention Comparison Overall
Number of clusters in initial random
20 20 40
Number of clusters observed at follow-up 19 20 39
Cluster attrition rate 5% = (20 – 19) /20 0%= (20 – 20) / 20 2.5%= (40 – 39) / 40
Youth Attrition Calculation
Intervention Comparison Overall
Number of youth randomly assigned in all
2,000 2,000 4,000
Number of youth randomly assigned in
clusters that did not attrite
1,900 2,000 3,900
Number of youth observed at follow-up 1,520 1,600 3,120
Youth attrition rate 20%
= (1,900 – 1,520) / 1,900
= (2,000 – 1,600) / 2,000
= (3,900 – 3,120) / 3,900
Figure 4. Both cluster and subcluster attrition levels
from Table 1 result in “low” levels of sample attrition.
Differential Attrition
Overall Attrition
105 555045403530252015 60 650
Percentage Points
Differential Attrition
Overall Attrition
105 555045403530252015 60 650
Percentage Points
= Low Attrition = High Attrition
As Figure 4 shows, both cluster- and subcluster-level attrition
fall within the acceptably low range when plotted on the attri-
tion standards graph.
Note: According to current HHS evidence standards,
cluster RCTs with low attrition at the cluster level but high
attrition at the subcluster level are assigned the moderate
study rating. Cluster RCTs also receive a moderate rating
if sample members were added during the intervention
period (for example, if a study of a multiyear pregnancy
prevention program for high school students included in
the impact analysis new students who transferred into the
school the year after the program began).
Quasi-experimental designs
Attrition standards are not applied to quasi-experimental studies. This
is because these studies are reviewed based on the baseline equiva-
lence of their nal analytic samples, from which there is no attrition.
Strategies for limiting attrition in TPP
Attrition is driven by the loss of sample members who were ini-
tially randomized but were not included in the ultimate impact
analysis. Common sources of attrition in TPP evaluations
include nonconsent after random assignment, dropping out of a
study, and item or full survey nonresponse at the focal follow-
up period used to estimate intervention impacts.
As described earlier, the attrition calculations are based on two
key sets of numbers: (1) the number of youth (and clusters, if
applicable) assigned to each condition; and (2) the number of
youth (and clusters, if applicable) observed at follow-up. There-
fore, researchers must keep track of these numbers carefully at
the design and analysis phases, and understand what to do if
their study is likely to fail the attrition standard. The following
strategies can be used to help limit the threat of sample attrition:
Collect follow-up data from all people assigned to condition,
even if they do not complete the program or if they have a
low dose of the program.
Plan to conduct follow-up assessment using several modes to
allow for multiple opportunities to gather data from respondents.
Consider mailing the assessments to youth who move or providing
assessments online for those absent for in-person data collection.
Plan several days of in-person data collection at each location,
to the extent possible.
Collect extensive contact information at baseline and update
this information throughout the study to enable the study
team to locate follow-up nonresponders.
When possible, conduct consent before random assignment,
because nonconsent after random assignment is considered
a form of attrition.
When possible, use incentives to obtain higher response rates.
Finally, although this does not address attrition, it is good practice
to collect baseline assessments of the outcome of interest, because
they can be used to (1) improve precision of the impact estimate,
and (2) establish baseline equivalence for the study to receive a
moderate evidence rating (if the study does have high attrition).
Reviews of studies with high levels
of sample attrition
If a study has problematic levels of sample attrition, that study
will not be eligible to achieve the highest rating under HHS evi-
dence standards. However, if the study establishes that the nal
analytic sample is equivalent at baseline on key variables that
inuence the outcome of interest, the study will still be eligible
for a moderate rating. See the TPP Eval TA brief on matching
techniques for recommended approaches to creating compari-
son groups that are equivalent on observable characteristics.
When there are multiple outcomes to be examined and some item
non-response across the outcomes, the TPP Eval TA team recom-
mends identifying a single, common analytic sample that does not have
missing data across the outcomes of interest, and using that common
sample for the purposes of analysis and attrition calculations. Using a
common analytic sample will produce an easy-to follow and under-
standable presentation of the analyses across multiple outcome mea-
sures. If, however, there is substantial item-non response across two or
more outcomes, then it is recommended to consider each outcome as
requiring its own, unique analytic sample, which will require multiple
attrition scenarios for the various outcomes examined.
The WWC has two attrition thresholds. Selection of the threshold
for a particular topic is contingent on the likelihood of attrition being
related to the outcome. Because many TPP programs are voluntary,
the HHS evidence review selected the WWC’s conservative attrition
threshold, which accounts for the fact that attrition might be related to
the outcomes when estimating the potential bias due to attrition. For
more information on the WWC attrition standards, see the “Assessing
Attrition Bias” white paper on the WWC website.
Mathematica Policy Research. “Identifying Programs That Impact Teen
Pregnancy, Sexually Transmitted Infections, and Associated Sexual
Risk Behaviors Review Protocol Version 3.0.” Retrieved from
U.S. Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences, What
Works Clearinghouse. “Procedures and Standards Handbook Version
3.0.” Retrieved from http://ies.ed.gov/ncee/wwc/pdf/reference_
This brief was written by Russell Cole and Seth Chizeck from Mathematica Policy Research for the
HHS Ofce of Adolescent Health under contract #HHSP233201300416G.
Highest differential attrition for a sample to maintain low attrition, by overall attrition.
0 5.7 22 5.2 44 2.0
1 5.8 23 5.1 45 1.8
2 5.9 24 4.9 46 1.6
3 5.9 25 4.8 47 1.5
4 6.0 26 4.7 48 1.3
5 6.1 27 4.5 49 1.2
6 6.2 28 4.4 50 1.0
7 6.3 29 4.3 51 0.9
8 6.3 30 4.1 52 0.7
9 6.3 31 4.0 53 0.6
10 6.3 32 3.8 54 0.4
11 6.2 33 3.6 55 0.3
12 6.2 34 3.5 56 0.2
13 6.1 35 3.3 57 0.0
14 6.0 36 3.2 58 -
15 5.9 37 3.1 59 -
16 5.9 38 2.9 60 -
17 5.8 39 2.8 61 -
18 5.7 40 2.6 62 -
19 5.5 41 2.5 63
20 5.4 42 2.3 64
21 5.3 43 2.1 65 -
Source: What Works Clearinghouse. “Procedures and Standards Handbook Version 3.0.”