Over 100 Years of Municipal Service
City of North Chicago
1850 Lewis Avenue, North Chicago, Illinois • 847-596-8600 • www.northchicago.org
Original proposals and with four copies will be submitted sealed via mail or courier to:
City of North Chicago
Website Design and Development
Attn: Gregory Jackson, Chief of Staff, Office of the Mayor
1850 Lewis Avenue
North Chicago, Illinois 60064
Inquiries regarding this RFP must be submitted via email to: [email protected].
DEADLINE FOR PROPOSAL SUBMISSIONS: August 2, 2024, by Close of Business
(5 p.m. CST)
Over 100 Years of Municipal Service
City of North Chicago
1850 Lewis Avenue, North Chicago, Illinois • 847-596-8600 • www.northchicago.org
PROJECT BACKGROUND .......................................................................................................... 3
PROPOSAL SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS .......................................................................... 3
PROJECT GOALS AND SCOPE ................................................................................................ 3
Graphic Design ......................................................................................................................... 4
Informational Design ................................................................................................................ 4
Functionality .............................................................................................................................. 4
Content Management .............................................................................................................. 6
Hosting ....................................................................................................................................... 6
Content Migration ..................................................................................................................... 6
Training ...................................................................................................................................... 7
TIMELINE ....................................................................................................................................... 7
SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS ......................................................................................................... 7
CONTRACT DURATION AND PRICE CHANGES .................................................................... 7
ADDENDA ...................................................................................................................................... 7
EXCEPTIONS ................................................................................................................................ 8
CONFIDENTIALITY OF INFORMATION .................................................................................... 8
INCURRING COSTS ..................................................................................................................... 8
PROPOSAL CLARIFICATION QUESTIONS .............................................................................. 8
EVALUATION CRITERIA .............................................................................................................. 8
PROPOSAL ACCEPTANCE ........................................................................................................ 9
PROPOSAL AWARD .................................................................................................................... 9
CONTRACT NEGOTIATIONS ..................................................................................................... 9
CONTRACT DOCUMENTS ......................................................................................................... 9
FEES AND COMPENSATION ................................................................................................... 10
WARRANTY ................................................................................................................................. 10
SECURITY ................................................................................................................................... 10
INSTALLATION AND DELIVERY .............................................................................................. 10
Over 100 Years of Municipal Service
City of North Chicago
1850 Lewis Avenue, North Chicago, Illinois • 847-596-8600 • www.northchicago.org
The City of North Chicago, Illinois seeks proposals from qualified professionals and firms
to refresh and update its current website. The city is targeting the first quarter of 2025
for the new website launch.
For reference, the current website can be located at www.northchicago.org.
1. The respondent’s proposal must include the following:
2. Cover memorandum.
3. Detailed profile of company including all relevant contact information. For sole
proprietors a resume/CV must be provided. Note: subcontracting any portion of
design or development for this engagement is prohibited.
4. Detailed summary of all costs/fees for design, development, deployment, and
ongoing maintenance.
5. Project timeline.
6. Narrative describing project management process.
7. Identification of key personnel responsible for leading and executing this project.
8. Like project references with at least three from municipal units of government.
Original proposals and with four copies will be submitted sealed via mail or courier to:
City of North Chicago
Website Design and Development
Attn: Gregory Jackson, Chief of Staff, Office of the Mayor
1850 Lewis Avenue
North Chicago, Illinois 60064
Inquiries regarding this RFP must be submitted via email to: [email protected].
The City of North Chicago seeks the service of a qualified contractor with considerable
ability on the areas of web design, graphic design, content management, and project
management to redesign the city’s website. The city is seeking one firm for this project.
Over 100 Years of Municipal Service
City of North Chicago
1850 Lewis Avenue, North Chicago, Illinois • 847-596-8600 • www.northchicago.org
The following items are strong preferences, but not necessarily rigid requirements. If
expertise finds that here are more effective methods or tools to achieve the preferences,
you are strongly encouraged to offer those recommendations. In addition, if there is
additional functionality that is beneficial to the city and not included in this RFP, please
include both descriptions and costs.
Graphic Design
1. The website should have consistent design template(s) for all pages.
2. The site must comply with the current requirements of the ADA, with Section 508 of
the Rehabilitations Amendments Act of 1998, and with the Electronic and Information
Technology Standards adopted by the Architectural and Transportation Barriers
Compliance Board (reference 36 CFR Part 1194).
3. Design should provide sufficient contrast so that color-blind visitors can properly
interact with the site.
4. The website must be visually appealing to include a mix of text, photos, and
5. Uncluttered appearance that does not overwhelm visitors.
6. Ability to secure pages or sections from public view, with access restricted by
password protection.
7. The website should not require any plug-ins to function.
8. Mobile browser capability and usability on a variety of mobile devices of various
screen sizes and resolutions.
Informational Design
1. The website should consist of an updated informational outline in keeping with
municipal website standards and/or best practices.
2. Suggested top-level navigation includes:
a. Residents
b. Visitors
c. About Us
d. Online Services
e. News
f. Calendar
1. Calendar: Comprehensive and user-friendly. Include a calendar that is updated
internally. The calendar should be searchable by meeting or event. The calendar
Over 100 Years of Municipal Service
City of North Chicago
1850 Lewis Avenue, North Chicago, Illinois • 847-596-8600 • www.northchicago.org
should offer multiple views with the ability to filter by categories, including calendar
grid as well as chronological listing.
2. E-Mail Notifications (Mass Notification): Provide a user-friendly way for residents to
register and receive E-Mail notifications/Unlimited SMS/Voice Messages (Robocall)
and geo-tracking.
3. Emergency Notification: Ability to display an emergency message on a scroll across
the website, NOAA integrations and IPAWS.
4. Form: Ability for staff to easily create and compile forms that can be submitted by
visitors to the site. A workflow function that directs inquiries to departments and
allows for tracking would be ideal.
5. Meeting and Agenda Management Solution: If available, provide cost and services
relative to agenda and meeting management solutions.
6. News Center: A simple administrative editor for adding news releases. Automatic
chronological indexing of existing and past release within and archive section.
7. Breaking News, Communications/Social Media Portal: Provide an interactive
interface for breaking news as well as discussion forums for the public to register
comments, complaints, and feedback. Provide a direct home-page interface to social
media channels for news.
8. Resident Feedback: The city is interested in soliciting feedback from residents and
utilizing the site as a tool for interaction. The site should provide an easily accessible,
mobile-friendly user interface for residents to report any non-emergency city issues,
ask questions, and find answers.
9. Search: Pages should be constructed for indexing by common methods with the
capability to designate certain pages to remain unindexed. Ability to search PDF
documents, Word, Excel, and PowerPoint documents, in addition to standard HTML
or database searches. Ability to control the priority of pages/documents returned for
certain search phrases. Administrative report of the most frequently search terms
configurable by date range and number of terms.
10. Social Media Integration: To ensure that the city is communicating important
information to all audiences through current technologies, propose programming
services for social media that allows the city to automatically push updated content
to various outlets.
11. Efficient Navigability and Effective Searchability of Public Documents: Provide an
intuitive navigation structure and an easy-to-use portal for uploading and archiving
public documents with a database component for efficient searchability by the
public. The site must be able to provide “friendly” URLs through the Content
Management System.
12. Departmental Service Pages and Employee Directory: Provide a searchable
employee directory as well as easily navigable pages for departmental information,
including public safety, public works, human resources, careers, etc.
Over 100 Years of Municipal Service
City of North Chicago
1850 Lewis Avenue, North Chicago, Illinois • 847-596-8600 • www.northchicago.org
13. Available Properties and Business Databases: Provide an effective and efficient
searchable database for available properties (residential and commercial) and local
14. Transparency/FOIA Tracking Module: If available, provide cost and services relative
to transparency/FOIA tracking services.
Content Management
The current city website is updated by a limited number of staff in decentralized
operating departments. It is likely that a limited number of staff will remain responsible
for future content updates. A content management system (CMS) should include:
1. Updating photos, videos, documents, creating hyperlinks, and entering text by non-
technical personnel.
2. Permit the use of custom code.
3. The ability for the website administrator(s) to approve content before being posted to
the website.
4. Schedule the launch and expiration of content.
5. Workflow features to set reminders to update content.
6. Language/Translation Services.
Respondents should indicate the type of software being used and list any additional
software that will be utilized to create the site. Respondents will also need to indicate
any software licenses or maintenance the city will need to purchase, if applicable.
The website may be hosted in the cloud; however, the city requires service-level
guarantees important. Additional hosting services requested include:
1. Fixed IP address for the site.
2. SSL Certificate.
3. Unlimited or generous file storage.
4. Unlimited or generous bandwidth.
5. Significant reporting and metrics on a monthly or on-demand basis.
6. Automatically scalable.
Content Migration
Content from the existing site will need to be extracted and added to the new site.
Over 100 Years of Municipal Service
City of North Chicago
1850 Lewis Avenue, North Chicago, Illinois • 847-596-8600 • www.northchicago.org
The selected company will be required to provide training to city staff on content
management, routine maintenance/troubleshooting, and adding audio/visual
components to the website.
RFP Issued: July 1, 2024
Vendor Submissions Due: August 2, 2024, by Close of Business (5 p.m. CST)
Bid Opening: August 5, 2024 at 9:00 a.m.
Vendor Presentations (Required): August 16, 2024
Vendor Recommendation Chosen: August 23, 2024
Recommendation to Committee: September 3, 2024
Council Approval: September 16, 2024
Project Begins: September 30, 2024
Web Site Launch TBD
Maintenance, system, and software support must be provided as a part of the contract
and must be included as one of the items in the cost summary. All items submitted in
the proposal must be fully supported by the manufacturer/vendor. The selected vendor
will be required to assume all responsibility for the delivery, installation, and testing of all
software and support systems offered in their proposal, whether the vendor is the
producer or manufacturer.
The City of North Chicago is seeking a multi-year agreement with all conversion,
application, hosting, and maintenance services as part of the costs proposed. At no point
will pricing be allowed to rise above the stated contract. Devices and additional services
may be added during this time.
Addenda are any graphic or written instruments issued by the City of North Chicago
prior to the date for receipt of proposals that modify or interpret this document by
additions, deletions, clarifications, or corrections.
Over 100 Years of Municipal Service
City of North Chicago
1850 Lewis Avenue, North Chicago, Illinois • 847-596-8600 • www.northchicago.org
Exceptions to any part of the requirements stated in this request must be clearly
identified as exceptions in the submitted proposal.
Any submitted information considered trade secret or confidential to the proposer or
rendered via a non- disclosure agreement with the City must be so labeled and
enclosed separately. The proposer, the City of North Chicago, and their agents will hold
the submitted proposal and any related materials in confidence if so requested by the
proposer. Throughout the evaluation process, any information therein will not be made
available to any other party unless precluded by Illinois State Code. No debriefings or
scoring sheets will be released before the final recommendation. However, after the
award, all contents of the selected proposal will be considered public information. All
proposal material supplied, including supporting material and information disclosed
during the proposal evaluation process, will become the property of the City of North
Chicago, and will be retained for internal use. The City of North Chicago reserves the
right to retain all proposals submitted and to use any ideas in a proposal regardless of
whether that proposal is selected. Submission of a proposal indicates acceptance by the
proposer of the conditions contained in this request for proposal, unless clearly and
specifically noted in the proposal submitted and confirmed in the contract between the
City of North Chicago and the vendor selected.
The City of North Chicago is not liable for any costs incurred by replying to this RFP.
After reviewing all proposals received in response to this RFP, the City of North Chicago
may develop a list of clarification questions to be addressed by the Vendor. The City of
North Chicago will send these questions to the Vendor for clarification, and vendors
should address these questions in their presentations.
This RFP is not meant to favor any vendor. Instead, it is designed to meet the needs of
the City of North Chicago. The City of North Chicago will weigh the proposals based on
the proposer’s references, qualifications, and support as well as technical merit and
cost. The award will not be made on price alone.
Over 100 Years of Municipal Service
City of North Chicago
1850 Lewis Avenue, North Chicago, Illinois • 847-596-8600 • www.northchicago.org
A “short list” of vendors meeting the desired criteria will be compiled. Vendors making
the “short-list” will be asked to come on-site or virtually to provide a presentation of their
In awarding the Contract, the City will take into consideration the proposer's skill,
facilities, capacity, experience, responsibility, previous work record, financial standing,
the necessity of prompt and efficient completion of work described in the proposal
documents, or other factors the City of North Chicago considers relevant. The inability
of the proposer to meet these conditions may be cause for rejection of the proposal.
The city is seeking a solution that best addresses the needs outlined in this RFP.
Vendors may respond “a’ la carte’” to items identified in this proposal. Vendors may
partner to achieve the total solution requested and such partnerships and
subcontracting relationships should be clearly identified in the proposal response. One
vendor must be identified as the primary vendor for the portion of the proposal they are
responding to.
The City of North Chicago reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals and
waive formalities or irregularities in the process. A proposal once submitted shall be
deemed final and binding on the proposer and shall constitute an option with the City of
North Chicago to enter into a contract upon the terms set forth in the proposal. All
proposal prices must be valid for 60 days from the proposal due date.
Unless otherwise indicated in the specification for a proposal, the City of North Chicago
reserves the right to award the proposal in whole or in part, by item, or by a group of
items where such action serves the best interests of the City of North Chicago.
The City of North Chicago reserves the right to negotiate a contract after the successful
proposer is selected. Selection will be based only on the proposal and subsequent
interviews, if any; therefore, proposals must be complete.
The proposer’s response to this RFP, response to questions, and written addenda will
become part of the contractual documents upon signing of contract documents. The
order of precedence shall be signed contract, response to follow-up questions,
Over 100 Years of Municipal Service
City of North Chicago
1850 Lewis Avenue, North Chicago, Illinois • 847-596-8600 • www.northchicago.org
response to addenda, and response to the RFP. The most recently dated response to an
item will supersede other items referencing the same topic.
Provide a proposed lump sum budget for the completion of the proposed scope of
services with cost breakdowns by scope element. Payment terms will be negotiated
through the contract process.
Warranty on all systems proposed will begin after successful installation, NOT upon
delivery of the system.
Applications that are included in the proposal must be demonstrated on a production
basis before acceptance of the proposed system takes place. No “beta” products shall
be proposed for this project. Included in the exceptions portion of the proposal are any
points where the proposed application packages DO NOT conform to the Functional
Requirements included in this RFP.
There must be a secure administrative function provided to maintain and monitor
security. Secure, administrative functionality must exist to maintain users and provide
access to users so that they only have access to those pages that they are given rights.
Administrators must have access to all areas of the website. Administrative functionality
should also include the ability to make modifications to the main page of the site.
Any materials/equipment shall be delivered to its proper location and installed by the
proposer. During the time between delivery and acceptance, the City of North Chicago
cannot be held liable for any damage or theft of any components. It will, therefore, be
the responsibility of the contractor to obtain insurance against loss, theft, and damage.
Please identify the exact tasks that the City of North Chicago must perform and/or be
responsible for accomplishing the delivery and installation of the system if any. (Attach a
Over 100 Years of Municipal Service
City of North Chicago
1850 Lewis Avenue, North Chicago, Illinois • 847-596-8600 • www.northchicago.org
separate sheet labeled “Required Pre-Delivery and Installation Tasks” if needed.) This
may include, but not be limited to