Ezairo® 7160 SL Pre Suite Getting Started Guide
October 2023
© SCILLC, 2023
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Ezairo 7160 SL Pre Suite Getting Started Guide
Table of Contents
Table of Contents 2
1. Introduction 4
2. Product Overview 5
2.1 Hardware Setup 5
2.2 Hybrid Module 5
2.3 Firmware Bundle 5
2.4 Sound Designer Software 10
2.5 Hybrid Demonstrator Board 11
2.6 Programming Box 11
3. Initial Setup 13
3.1 Prerequisites and Software Downloads 13
3.2 Installation Instructions 13
3.2.1 Updating the RSL10 Dongle Driver 14 RSL10 Dongle Driver 14 RSL10 Dongle Firmware Update 14
3.2.2 Additional Sound Designer Software Features, Locations, and Installation 15 Documentation 15 Sample Code 15 iOS and Android App Development Tools 15
3.3 Configuring the Hybrid Demonstrator Board 16
3.4 Connecting the Programming Box 17
4. Working with the Sound Designer SDK 19
4.1 Working with the SDK 19
4.1.1 Connect to Device 19
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Ezairo 7160 SL Pre Suite Getting Started Guide
4.2 Example Operations 24
4.2.1 Audio Path Configuration 24 What You Need 24 Enable the Sound Generator 25
4.2.2 Basic Wireless Configuration 26 What You Need 26 Enable Wireless Operation and Change the Device Name 26
5. Further Reading 27
1. Introduction
SoundDesigner Software Development Kit (SDK) Pre Suite is a comprehensive turnkey solution for Bluetooth®
Low Energy-enabled hearing aids. Using the various tools described in this document, Ezairo7160 SL Pre Suite greatly
simplifies the development of wireless hearing-aid products. This document provides a guide for getting started with
Ezairo7160 SL Pre Suite, illustrating interaction of the system components and required tools.
2. Product Overview
Ezairo7160 SL Pre Suite is comprised of the Ezairo 7160 SL hybrid module and the Ezairo7160 SL Firmware
Bundle. The product is configured using SoundDesigner Software, the Ezairo 7160 SL Hybrid Demonstrator Board,
and a programming box that provides PC-to-device communications. This group of topics provides a brief overview of
each component.
The "Typical Evaluation and Development Setup" figure (Figure 1) illustrates a typical evaluation and development
Figure 1. Typical Evaluation and Development Setup
Ezairo 7160 SL is an open-programmable DSP-based hybrid module specifically designed for wireless enabled,
high-performance hearing aids. The Ezairo 7160 SL hybrid is comprised of: the Ezairo7100SL System-on-Chip (SoC)
audiology processor; RSL10, the industry's lowest power Bluetooth® 5 radio SoC; EA2M, a 2 Mb EEPROM; and all
necessary passive components for operating the sub-system and interfacing with hearing aid transducers.
Full details for the Ezairo 7160 SL hybrid module (including a hearing-aid connection diagram) can be found in the
Ezairo 7160 SL data sheet.
The Ezairo7160 SL Firmware Bundle implements all the features required for an advanced, Bluetooth Low Energy
enabled wireless hearing aid. These are listed in the "Firmware Features (Continued)" table (Table 1), below.
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Ezairo 7160 SL Pre Suite Getting Started Guide
Feature Description
Control over Bluetooth Low Energy Volume control and program memory selection can be performed over the
Bluetooth Low Energy interface. Both remote-control functions as well as the
hearing-aid battery status are provided as discoverable, Bluetooth Low
Energy-compliant services.
Multi-protocol wireless audio streaming The device can also receive wireless audio streams, either from certain
proprietary devices (when capacity and licensing permit this), or via a custom
protocol. The received audio stream is mixed with the microphone audio signal
using an adjustable gain that can be configured wirelessly.
Andorid audio streaming support for hearing aids. Ezairo7160 SL supports the Android accessibility feature Audio Streaming for
Hearing Aids (ASHA), which uses Bluetooth Low Energy to stream audio from
ASHA-enabled Android mobile devices to connected hearing aids.
Wireless binaural synchronization Operation of the user controls is synchronized between the left and right
hearing aids in a binaural pair. Pushing a button on one ear automatically
causes a corresponding change in the opposite ear. Synchronization of the
environment classifier state further ensures that the left and right hearing aids
are always in the same environment.
Firmware Over The Air (FOTA) support Ezairo7160 SL supports Firmware Over-The-Air (FOTA) updates for the radio
application only.
Audio bandwidth All features in the audio path, from microphone inputs to the receiver output,
operate at a sample frequency of 24 kHz, providing an audio bandwidth of 12
kHz. Wireless audio streaming operates at a sample frequency of 16 kHz with
a built-in conversion to 24 kHz for local audio mixing.
16-channel WDRC with in-channel limiting Fully adjustable WDRC that provides independent compression in up to 16
channels. Each channel provides a compression curve with four separate
knee points: expansion, low-level gain, high-level gain, and output limiting.
Dynamic behavior covers a wide range through adjustable time constants.
Impulse Noise Reduction (INR) Hearing aids are designed to amplify soft sounds to a level that is above the
patient’s elevated threshold of hearing.
On average, this leads to improved audibility of speech sounds. In real life,
however, desired speech sounds are often accompanied by short-duration
sounds that, when amplified, lead to listener discomfort. Such impulsive
sounds include doors slamming and clatter from dishes and cutlery. This
algorithm reduces the over-amplification for this type of impulsive sound.
Wideband limiter (AGCo) Adjustable wideband gain with integrated fast-acting compression limiting.
48-band graphic Equalizer (EQ) A graphic EQ provides an independent gain adjustment in each of the 48
separate frequency bands. Gains can be adjusted from -18 to +18 dB.
Adaptive Feedback Canceller Second Generation Advanced, multiband feedback canceller with independent operation in each
frequency band. A rich set of controls are provided to allow tuning over a wide
range of acoustic conditions. An optional gain management feature further
augments the canceller to minimize the occurrence of feedback events.
Adaptive noise reduction Attenuates noise independently in 48 frequency bands. Maximum attenuation
is adjustable in each frequency band up to a maximum of 15 dB.
Table 1. Firmware Features
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Ezairo 7160 SL Pre Suite Getting Started Guide
Feature Description
Adaptive Directional Microphone Synthesizes a directional microphone pattern from two omnidirectional
microphones (front and rear). Automatically steers/adjusts the microphone
pattern to minimize interfering noise sources. The directional block includes an
optional low-frequency boost to equalize the directional microphone response.
Telecoil and Direct Audio Inputs (DAI) An additional auxiliary input can be configured as telecoil, DAI, or wireless
Environment Classification Automatically classifies the acoustic environment and activates the
appropriate program memory. Detection characteristics are adjustable, and
the behavior of the device in each environment is completely flexible. Supports
quiet, speech in quiet, noise, speech in noise, wind, and music.
8 Program Memories The device supports up to 8 program memories with independent parameters.
Selection of the active memory can be performed over Bluetooth Low Energy,
by using push-button controls, or via the environment classifier feature.
General Purpose Filters Eight general-purpose digital filters are provided for fine tuning the audio path.
Each of the eight filters are second-order, Infinite Impulse Response (IIR)
filters (also called biquads). Four filters (pre-biquads) are placed near the input
stage, ahead of the WDRC processing; and four filters are placed near the
output stage, after the WDRC processing. Filter coefficients are completely
programmable via SoundDesigner Software.
Datalogging A short-term data log periodically records device status and system events into
a circular buffer. A total of 512 events can be logged in the buffer which,
assuming a log interval of 1 hour, covers a total time period of over 4 weeks. A
separate long-term data log keeps track of how much time has been spent in
each program memory.
Automatic Receiver Detection (ARD) The ARD feature is intended for detachable RIC-style hearing aids. It provides
a means of automatically detecting the type of attached receiver link. ARD
operates in real time and provides rapid detection of the connected receiver
link with no audible artifacts.
Firmware updates The Pre Suite framework supports field upgradeable firmware.
Sound Generator for Tinnitus Treatment Consists of a random noise generator with adjustable frequency shaping and
randomized time modulation for tinnitus treatment.
Configurable Man-Machine Interface (MMI) The MMI feature supports a push-button style volume control (up/down
presses), an 8-program memory select function, and an automatic telecoil
activation feature. Operation of the MMI is fully configurable, and the IO pins
used for the MMI functions are selectable through the SoundDesigner
Software Windows application. Twenty-one different system events are
signaled through an acoustic indicator feature that supports both tone-based
and pre-recorded alert signals.
Fitting All device parameters can be accessed over both the wired and wireless
interfaces via the SoundDesigner SDK. Wireless fitting is supported for
Windows, via NoahLINK wireless or the RSL10 dongle, Android, and iOS. By
providing a consistent API across multiple platforms, the Software
Development Kit simplifies the development of fitting software.
Diagnostics The Ezairo7160 SL firmware bundle also provides numerous features
designed to simplify hearing-aid design and manufacturing. These features
include battery management, live display data, tone generation, and feedback-
path measurement.
Table 1. Firmware Features (Continued)
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Ezairo 7160 SL Pre Suite Getting Started Guide
The main features are illustrated by the block diagram shown in the "Ezairo 7160 SL Firmware Bundle Block
Diagram" figure (Figure 2).
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Ezairo 7160 SL Pre Suite Getting Started Guide
Figure 2. Ezairo 7160 SL Firmware Bundle Block Diagram
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Ezairo 7160 SL Pre Suite Getting Started Guide
Full product information is provided in the Ezairo7160 SL Firmware Bundle User’s Guide, which is included with
the SoundDesigner Software Windows Application.
The Ezairo SoundDesigner Software Application is an engineering tool that allows Hearing Aid manufacturers to
configure any Pre Suite Firmware bundle and derive several different Hearing Aid end products. SoundDesigner
Software consists of the SoundDesigner Software Windows Application and the SoundDesigner Software
Development Kit (SDK).
The SoundDesigner Software Application provides a complete desktop environment for hearing aid design. It
integrates a device modeler, parameter map editor, product library manager, device control panel, and a calibration and
configuration utility. This allows hearing aid manufacturers to create, configure, and test hearing aids more efficiently,
with less time spent on repetitive tasks. The application’s menu is shown in the "Application Opening Menu" figure
(Figure 3).
Figure 3. Application Opening Menu
The SoundDesigner SDK is a cross-platform library that provides an interface to the hearing aid modeling and
control functions. By providing a consistent API across multiple platforms, it simplifies the development of fitting
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Ezairo 7160 SL Pre Suite Getting Started Guide
software targeting the Ezairo7160 SL Pre Suite product. The SDK distribution file also contains sample mobile
applications for iOS, Android and Xamarin, to facilitate the development of mobile applications that work with the
Ezairo7160 SL Pre Suite and Windows sample code.
A complete reference guide for the SoundDesigner Software Windows Application is provided upon installation of
the software (see below for installation instructions). An SDK reference guide is included with the SDK distribution
The Hybrid Demonstrator Board is designed to be used with the Ezairo7160 SL Pre Suite firmware bundle to
develop wireless-enabled hearing aids based on Ezairo 7160 SL. The board includes an antenna and matching filter, and
it features many configuration options available via standard 0.1 inch header pins. Two versions of the Ezairo7160 SL
demonstrator board are available but the descriptions in this document pertain to one version only: the socketed version
(E7160SL-001GEVB). This version of the board is recommended for development, testing and debug purposes since
the Ezairo7160 SL hybrid module can be easily replaced.
The picture and the configuration options are described in Section3.3 “Configuring the Hybrid Demonstrator
Board” on page16.
When using the Ezairo 7160 SL Hybrid Demonstrator Board, a programming box interface is provided through a 6-
pin DIN connector that is mounted on the board. A 6-pin DIN to 6-pin DIN cable is also provided, allowing direct
connection to the programming box. This connector is compatible with the connections provided on most of the
programming boxes listed in the "Supported Communication Interfaces and Protocols" table (Table 2), with the
exception of the Promira. When using the Promira, use the 6-pin DIN to 34-pin header adapter, provided with the
Ezairo 7160 SL Hybrid Demonstrator Board.
Communicating with a device requires an I
C connection between the Windows PC and Ezairo 7160 SL. The I
interface is provided by one of a number of different programming boxes that are compatible with SoundDesigner
Software. Supported devices are listed in "Supported Communication Interfaces and Protocols" table (Table 2).
Communication Accelerator Adaptor (CAA) X
HiPro X
Promira Serial Platform X
NOAHlink X
NOAHlink Wireless X
RSL10 Dongle X
Table 2. Supported Communication Interfaces and Protocols
SoundDesigner Software works with any of the programming boxes listed above, but before using a wireless
programmer or any other wireless feature, Ezairo7160 SL must first be configured for wireless operation using a wired
programming box. In addition, you must ensure that the Windows drivers provided by the manufacturer have been
installed prior to using SoundDesigner Software. Windows drivers for the various programming boxes are available
from the manufacturers listed below in the "Windows Programmer Drivers and Their Manufacturers" table (Table 3).
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Ezairo 7160 SL Pre Suite Getting Started Guide
Inferface Manufacturers of Drivers
HiPro2 Otometrics
Noahlink/Noahlink Wireless HIMSA
RSL10 Dongle onsemi
Promira TotalPhase Inc.
CAA onsemi
DSP3 onsemi
Table 3. Windows Programmer Drivers and Their Manufacturers
3. Initial Setup
This section describes the initial setup for evaluating the Ezairo7160 SL Pre Suite. This includes downloading and
installing the SoundDesigner Software Windows application, configuring the Ezairo 7160 SL Hybrid Demonstrator
Board, and connecting the programming box. The description is intended for first-time users. If you have already
completed the initial setup, you can proceed to Section4.2.1 “Audio Path Configuration” on page24.
Before attempting to install SoundDesigner Software, ensure that the computer meets the following minimum
Processor: 1 GHz
Memory: 512 MB RAM
Display: 16-bit color, 1024x768 screen resolution
Hard Drive: 150 MB of free space
Peripherals: communications interface for connecting to the Hybrid Demo Board (typically a serial or
USB port - see below)
One of the following versions of Microsoft® Windows®:
Windows 7 with Service Pack 1 (32-bit or 64-bit)
Windows 8.1 (32-bit or 64-bit)
Windows 10 (32-bit or 64-bit)
For running the code samples:
CTK: This package is installed automatically as part of the Sound Designer Software installation and
needs to be installed if you are using any programmer other than the Noahlink™ Wireless or the RSL10
dongle. The Noahlink Wireless programmer and RSL10 dongle do not require the CTK package to be
i. Microsoft® Visual C++ 2010 SP1 Redistributable Package (x86) (vcredist_x86.exe) available
here: SoundDesignerSDK/redistribution/MS VC++ 2010 Redist (x86). The installation of this
redistributable is required for CTK.
ii. CTK installer: SoundDesignerSDK/redistribution/CTK
Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable Update 2 for 32-bit operating systems (vc_redist.x86.exe),
available here: SoundDesignerSDK/redistribution/MS VC++ 2015 Redist (x86). Installation of this
package is required for the SDK.
The prerequisites listed in the README files contained in the individual code samples’ sub-directories.
For example, to run the C# sample you need the Dot Net Core runtime (as indicated in the README file
of that sample), in addition to the Visual Studio 2015 C++ redistributable.
To download SoundDesigner Software, you require a MyON login account. If you do not have a MyON account,
please contact your local onsemi sales representative.
To download the SoundDesigner Software package, log into your MyON account and select the Software
hyperlink from the main Ezairo 7160 SL landing page. From the Design Tools tab, select E7160SL Firmware, Sound
Designer and SDK to download the main .ZIP file. Unzip the file contents to a local directory and then follow the
instructions below.
To install SoundDesigner Software, follow these steps:
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Ezairo 7160 SL Pre Suite Getting Started Guide
1. Double-click sounddesigner_setup.exe. Follow the prompts for installing the software on your computer. When
installation is complete, the SoundDesigner Software can be launched from the Start menu under onsemi >
Sound Designer > Sound Designer.
2. Select the appropriate programming box installation procedure from the following list:
a. If you are using a DSP3 (from manufacturer onsemi), install the DSP3 Programmer driver version 2.1.71
(included in redistribution/DSP3).
b. If you are using a HI-PRO (from manufacturer Otometrics), install the latest HI-PRO driver (currently
version 4.02) from Otometrics®; add the following to your system path (found in the environment
variables) to complete the HI-PRO programmer installation:
C:\Program Files (x86)\HI-PRO;
c. If you are using a Promira™ Serial Platform (from manufacturer Total Phase), ensure that you are
running firmware version 1.35 or later. Ensure also that your Promira is registered in the Device
Manager under Network Devices, not under Other Devices. It might appear as Remote NDIS
Compatible Device. When you plug in the Promira Serial Platform for the first time on a particular USB
port, you need to wait for about two minutes to allow it to register before using SoundDesigner
Software. During registration, the blue light comes on, which normally indicates that the device is ready
for use; however, if the registration is incomplete, SoundDesigner Software cannot use Promira. See the
Promira Serial Platform System User Manual from TotalPhase™ for more information.
d. If you are using Noahlink Wireless (from manufacturer HIMSA), the driver is a simple plug-and-play
setup. If it is not automatically installed, see https://www.himsa.com/en-
us/download/noahlinkwireless.aspx. The driver's SDK path is configurable in SoundDesigner Software.
SoundDesigner Software supports Noahlink Wireless version All required DLLs need to be in
a flat list in that directory.
e. If you are using the RSL10 dongle, the driver is installed automatically when the dongle is plugged into
the PC. For more information about the driver, see Section3.2.1 “Updating the RSL10 Dongle Driver”
on page14.
3.2.1 Updating the RSL10 Dongle Driver RSL10 Dongle Driver
To determine if you need to install the driver, open the Windows Control Panel > Device Manager > Ports
(COM & LPT). If it is working correctly, it is identified as onsemi RSL10 USB dongle USB to UART Bridge. If the
dongle is not shown under this category in the Device Manager, or it shows up under Other Devices as CP2102N USB
to UART Bridge Controller, then the driver needs to be installed. You need the listed COM port when configuring
SoundDesigner Software to use the dongle.
The driver installation files are provided in the redistribution folder under RSL10/Driver. Check the RSL10 USB
Dongle version number printed on it to determine whether it is RSL10 v1.02 or RSL10 v1.02B. Unzip the archive
corresponding to the RSL10 USB Dongle version, and install the appropriate .exe file. RSL10 Dongle Firmware Update
The version information can be obtained when you connect to a device with the dongle via Sound Designer (in the
console) and is shown as follows:
RSL10 Dongle Information:
App Version = 1.1.1
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Ezairo 7160 SL Pre Suite Getting Started Guide
If the version shown is less than 1.1.1 then the software will not connect to the device and you must update the
dongle firmware. To update the dongle firmware to the latest version, follow the instructions in
3.2.2 Additional Sound Designer Software Features, Locations, and Installation Documentation
Once the SoundDesigner Software has been installed, you also have access to all the detailed technical
documentation, such as the Ezairo7160 SL Firmware Bundle User’s Guide and the Ezairo SoundDesigner Software
User’s Guide. See the Documentation directory under the SD installation directory; and the Firmware Bundle
documentation is also located in the SDK documentation folder. This documentation is not required at this stage, but is
useful for more advanced device configuration. Sample Code
As part of the SoundDesigner Software Development Kit (SDK), you have access to an archive containing sample
code for all operating systems supported by the SoundDesigner Software API. The "Code Sample Types and
Locations" table (Table 4) shows the types of code samples available and where to find them in the archive.
Code Sample Type Location
C# samples using .NET Core and .NET Framework samples/win/cs
COM samples in the form of API tests and a Win32 application samples/win/COM
Python samples in the form of tests samples/win/python
Xamarin for iOS sample app samples/ios/xamarin
Swift for iOS sample app samples/ios/sdmobile
Android sample app samples/android
Table 4. Code Sample Types and Locations iOS and Android App Development Tools
Unzipping the SoundDesigner Software Development Kit (SDK) gives you access to frameworks and libraries for
developing iOS and Android apps, as described below in the "App Development Tools in the Sound Designer SDK"
table (Table 5).
Tool Description Location More Information
iOS SoundDesigner
Software Frameworks
XCode app samples/ios/sdmobile samples/ios/sdmobile/sdmobile/README.TXT
Xamarin app samples/ios/xamarin/Framework samples/ios/xamarin/README.TXT
Android Sound Designer
Software Libraries
Android software
libraries and a
samples/android samples/android/E7150SL_SDK_
Table 5. App Development Tools in the Sound Designer SDK
More details on the SoundDesigner SDK and its features can be found in the SDK Readme.html file, located at the
top level of the main .ZIP file.
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Ezairo 7160 SL Pre Suite Getting Started Guide
The description below assumes use of the socketed version of the Ezairo 7160 SL Hybrid Demonstrator Board
(E7160SL-001GEVB) can be used for rapid evaluation of the Ezairo7160 SL Pre Suite. The non-socketed version
(E7160SL-002GEVB) can also be used.
Before connecting the Ezairo 7160 SL Hybrid Demonstrator Board to the programming box, ensure that a
functioning Ezairo 7160 SL hybrid is installed. Refer to the Ezairo 7160 SL Hybrid Demo Board User’s Manual
(EVBUM2581) for detailed instructions on how to install the hybrid. Once the hybrid is installed, ensure that the
jumpers and power switch are configured as listed in the "Jumper Configurations for the Hybrid Demonstrator Board"
table (Table 6). If you are planning to work on wireless features, you also need to ensure that an appropriate antenna is
connected to the threaded connector J1. Full information on the jumper settings and other board options can be found in
the Ezairo 7160 SL Hybrid Demo Board User’s Manual (EVBUM2581).
Jumper/Switch Required Setting Description
PSU-SEL Short pins 1&2 Draws power from 6-pin DIN connector
VBAT-I Short pins together Not measuring current
RCVR-EN Short pins 1&2 Enable 7160SL output drivers
RCVR-BAT Leave open Using onboard power
ON-OFF Set to ON Power switch for 7160SL
Table 6. Jumper Configurations for the Hybrid Demonstrator Board
A properly configured Hybrid Demonstrator Board looks like the one shown in the "Properly Configured Ezairo
7160 SL Hybrid Demonstrator Board " figure (Figure 4). The correct settings are indicated by red rectangles.
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Ezairo 7160 SL Pre Suite Getting Started Guide
Figure 4. Properly Configured Ezairo 7160 SL Hybrid Demonstrator Board
The programming box is connected to the Hybrid Demonstrator Board via the 6-pin DIN connector provided on the
Hybrid Demonstrator Board. The programming box connection is either a similar 6-pin DIN connector, or in the case of
the Promira, a 34-pin header adapter.
Next, connect the programming box to the PC using a USB cable. The fully connected system appears as shown in
the "Connected Ezairo 7160 SL Hybrid Demonstrator Board, Windows PC, and Programming Box " figure (Figure 5).
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Ezairo 7160 SL Pre Suite Getting Started Guide
Figure 5. Connected Ezairo 7160 SL Hybrid Demonstrator Board, Windows PC, and Programming Box
Once the system is connected, you can perform the initial communication from the PC to Ezairo 7160 SL (device
4. Working with the Sound Designer SDK
4.1.1 Connect to Device
NOTE: The Ezairo Pre Suite firmware bundles are embedded within the SoundDesigner Software.
Options for selecting the appropriate firmware are provided upon initial connection to a device.
To establish a connection with the device, follow these steps:
1. Power on your device by plugging in the programming box and moving the Hybrid Demonstrator Board ON-
OFF switch to the ON position (if not already done).
2. Start SoundDesigner Software by clicking on the Sound Designer link under the onsemi tab on the Windows
Start menu.
3. When the Select a Workspace dialog box appears, you need to choose a workspace to for SoundDesigner
Software. For new installations, we highly recommend selecting an empty directory for the workspace. Errors
might occur if opening a workspace created using an earlier version of the SoundDesigner Software
Application. To create a workspace, click Browse and the software allows you to create one. If you click
Browse and select a pre-existing directory for your workspace, make sure it is empty. To begin working with
the Ezairo7160 SL, check Import Sample Workspace, and select E7160SL from the drop-down list. Click
OK. (See the "Selecting a Workspace" figure (Figure 6).)
Figure 6. Selecting a Workspace
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IMPORTANT: If you experience problems, such as an error opening a map file, when you use a workspace
that has been created for an older version of SoundDesigner Software, try creating a new workspace.
4. Optionally, open the console window by clicking the Show Console icon (shown in the "Opening the Control
Panel and the Console Window" figure (Figure 7)). The console window displays error and status messages
accumulated in this session. We recommend having the console viewable at all times while using
SoundDesigner Software, to get immediate status information.
Figure 7. Opening the Control Panel and the Console Window
5. To configure device parameters, click on the Control Panel icon (circled in red in the "Opening the Control
Panel and the Console Window" figure (Figure 7)) and, when prompted, double-click the Ezairo7160SL.param
sample parameter file to open the demo product library, as shown below in the "Selecting the Parameter File"
figure (Figure 8).
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Figure 8. Selecting the Parameter File
6. To connect to the device, go to the Settings screen. Select the correct Programmer, and Port if applicable.
Next, click Detect. A successful detection populates the device information in the Device Info box, as shown in
the "Detecting the Device" figure (Figure 9).
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Figure 9. Detecting the Device
NOTE: Selecting NOAHlink Wireless or RSL10 Dongle displays a Scan button and a text field. The
text field accepts the name of a device. Alternatively, using the Scan button opens a window that
would allow the NOAHlink Wireless or RSL10 Dongle to scan for available devices so that you
can choose one.
7. Use the back button—the arrow in the top left corner—to return to the Control Panel.
8. To connect to the device, click Programmer > Connect. You might get a popup warning you that the device is
configured with another library. If you see this pop-up, click OK.
9. Before communicating any parameter information, SoundDesigner Software checks the device to determine the
firmware version currently residing in NVM. If the current version (contained within SoundDesigner Software)
is not the same as that currently in the device, you are prompted to upgrade the firmware. The prompt screen
looks similar to that shown in the "Upgrading the Firmware" figure (Figure 10).
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Ezairo 7160 SL Pre Suite Getting Started Guide
Figure 10. Upgrading the Firmware
NOTE: Firmware cannot be updated over the wireless interface. When using a wireless programmer, you
are notified of the firmware version but you will not be able to update the device. This requires a
wired programmer.
10. Once the connection succeeds, the connection status symbol appears to the right of the file name, as shown
below in the "Successful Connection" figure (Figure 11). You can hover over this symbol to view the
programmer name and the firmware ID of the device. It is now possible to configure the device parameters.
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Figure 11. Successful Connection
4.2.1 Audio Path Configuration
Once connected to a device, it is possible to read, write and burn parameters to the Ezairo 7160 SL internal NVM.
The steps below illustrate how to configure the built-in sound generator to generate an audio signal from the Ezairo
7160 SL. What You Need
Before beginning, you need to connect headphones or some other audio equipment to the output of the Ezairo 7160
SL Hybrid Demonstrator Board. Please refer to the Ezairo 7160 SL Hybrid Demo Board User’s Manual for details.
The direct audio output from Ezairo 7160 SL is a pulse density modulated signal that can be used to directly drive
hearing aid receivers or high impedance headphones. It is available on pins 2 and 4 of the header pins labelled
The Demonstrator Board also provides a low-pass filtered output that is more appropriate for connection to sound
cards and other audio equipment. The filtered output is enabled by connecting jumpers across pins 1 and 2 and 3 and 4
of header pin connector labelled FILTEN0. The filtered audio output is then available across pins labelled OUT0.
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Ezairo 7160 SL Pre Suite Getting Started Guide Enable the Sound Generator
If you are using a new device for the first time, all parameters need to be set to their default settings, as shown in
the E7160SL.param file. If you are uncertain of the device state, or to ensure that the SoundDesigner Software
parameters are consistent with those stored in the device, you can perform a Burn All to NVM operation. This
operation burns all default parameters from the current parameter file into NVM on the device, ensuring consistency
with SoundDesigner Software.
In the default configuration, only a basic audio path is configured. The front microphone input is enabled but the
preamplifier gain is set to 0 dB. All advanced features are disabled. At this point, no audio signal is observed at the
device output.
To generate an audio signal, follow these steps:
1. Select the SG tab in the Control Panel window.
2. Ensure that the SG Bandwidth parameter is set to 250 Hz + 11750 Hz per sideband.
3. Ensure the Pre-Channel Level is set to -40 dB.
4. Enable the sound generator by selecting Static from the drop-down menu for the Enable Mode parameter. The
Control Panel screen needs to look like the "Enabling the Sound Generator " figure (Figure 12).
Figure 12. Enabling the Sound Generator
5. Click the Programmer button and select Write to RAM.
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Ezairo 7160 SL Pre Suite Getting Started Guide
6. A white noise signal is now observable at the output of the device.
7. To disable the sound generator, select Disabled from the drop-down menu for the Enable Mode parameter and
write that to RAM. The noise signal is now off.
If you can hear an audio signal from your device, then your system has been configured correctly. You can now
use a similar procedure to modify other device parameters. For full details on the various features, refer to the
Ezairo7160 SL Firmware Bundle User’s Guide.
4.2.2 Basic Wireless Configuration
This section demonstrates basic wireless configuration of the Ezairo7160 SL. The simplest way to demonstrate
wireless operation is to change the displayed device name. The device name is a string of ASCII text that is transmitted
from the device to enable correct identification during pairing operations. It is typically used to advertise a manufacturer
or model name of the wireless hearing aid. What You Need
In order to observe the wireless operation of the Ezairo7160 SL, you will need the following:
1. A suitable antenna connected to the Ezairo7160 SL Hybrid Demonstrator Board
2. A mobile phone or other Bluetooth wireless-enabled device that is capable of operating as a Bluetooth central
device. The central device will be used to scan for and display the names of currently advertising Bluetooth
devices. Enable Wireless Operation and Change the Device Name
To configure the device name, follow these steps:
1. From the SoundDesigner Software Control Panel, select the Wireless tab.
2. Enter a unique and recognizable device name into the edit box labelled Device name (ASCII text).
3. Enable the wireless system by selecting Enabled from the drop-down menu for the Wireless Enable parameter.
4. Select Programmer > Burn to NVM.
5. Power cycle the EVB.
6. Go to the settings menu of your mobile device and select the Bluetooth option.
7. Under the Bluetooth settings, you can find a way to show a list of nearby devices available for connections.
Check the list to see the device name entered under step 2, above.
For complete details of configuring the wireless system, refer to the Ezairo7160 SL Firmware Bundle User’s
5. Further Reading
For additional technical details and more information regarding firmware bundle algorithm parameters, refer to the
following resources:
Ezairo7160 SL Firmware Bundle User’s Guide
Ezairo SoundDesigner Software Development Kit (SDK) Programmer’s Guide
These documents can be requested through your local onsemi representative or authorized distributor:
The Ezairo 7160 SL Datasheet
Ezairo7160SL Hybrid Demo Board User’s Manual
AND9838/D: Bluetooth Certification Guidelines for SoundDesigner Software Development Kit (SDK)-based
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Ezairo 7160 SL Pre Suite Getting Started Guide
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