Chapter 311, RSMo
District I (Kansas City): (816) 743-8888
District II (Jefferson City) & Headquarters: (573) 751-2333
District III (St. Louis): (314) 416-6280
District IV (Springfield): (417) 895-5004
The website provides links to Chapters 311 and 407 Missouri Revised Statutes, and the Code of State Regulations.
Chapter 311
Liquor Control Law
General Provisions
311.010. Title of law.
311.015. Purpose clause.
311.020. Definition of intoxicating liquor.
311.025. Definition of Missouri Bourbon Whiskey
311.028. Ozark Highlands spirits, qualification as, requirements
Single Malt, qualification as Ozark Highlands map
311.030. Definition of person.
311.040. Application of law.
Licenses and Regulations
311.050. License required.
311.055. License to manufacture not required, personal or family use-
-limitation--removal from premises permitted, when--
inapplicability, when.
311.060. Qualifications for licensesresident corporation and financial
interest defined--revocation, effect of, new license, when.
311.061. Stock ownership not deemed financial interest, when.
311.070. Financial interest in retail businesses by certain licensees
prohibited exceptionspenaltiesdefinitionsactivities per-
mitted between wholesalers and licenseescertain contracts
unenforceablecontributions to certain organizations per-
mitted, whensale of Missouri wines only, license issued,
311.071. Special events, not-for-profit organizations, contributions of
money permitted, when.
311.075. Financial interests in distillery in close proximity to a
recreational resort. (08/28/2017 Distiller Resort License)
311.080. Sale of liquor prohibited near schools and churches, excep-
311.082. Labeling of kegs sold at retail for off-premise consumption,
311.085. License for sale of intoxicating liquor by the drink in unin-
corporated areas of countysale of malt liquor and light wines
by drink and in package, annual fee (first class charter
311.086. Portable bars, entertainment district special licensedefini-
tionsissuance, procedure (Kansas City).
311.087. Repealed L. 2012 H.B. 1498 § A.
311.088. Special permit for sale of intoxicating liquor by the drink
from 6 a.m. to 3 a.m. the following day--limit on number of
permits per year--fee (Kansas City).
311.089. Sunday liquor sales by the drink, permitted when (St. Louis
City, Kansas City).
311.090. Sale of liquor by the drink, cities, requirements.
311.091. Boat or vessel, liquor sale by drink, requirements, fee.
311.092. Liquor by the drink on vessels regularly moored in city of St.
311.093. Repealed L. 2012 H.B. 1498 § A.
311.095. Resorts, seasonal resort restaurants, restaurants, sale of liquor
by the drink, resort definedtemporary license, new
businesses, when.
311.096. Common eating and drinking area, definedlicenses for sale
of liquor by the drink not for consumption on premises fees
extended hours for convention trade areas.
311.097. Repealed L. 2012 H.B. 1498 § A.
311.098. Repealed L. 2012 H.B. 1498 § A.
311.099. Controlled access liquor cabinet system for qualified estab-
lishmentsdefinitionslicenseemployees, requirements
temporary license, whensales to establishment, require-
311.100. Sale by drink defined.
311.101. Unfinished bottles of wine may be carried out of a restaurant
bar, whentransportation permittedwineries, unfinished
bottles of wine may be removed, whentransportation
permitteddefinition of winery.
311.102. Repealed L. 2012 H.B. 1498 § A
311.104. Repealed L. 2012 H.B. 1498 § A
311.110. Election to determine whether liquor may be sold by drink
311.130. Form of ballot.
311.140. Result of election-favorable vote.
311.150 Result of electionunfavorable vote.
311.160. Question may be resubmitted, whenmanner.
311.170. Local option provisions applicable only to sales for con-
sumption on premises.
311.174. Convention trade area, Kansas City, North Kansas City,
Jackson County, liquor sale by drink, extended hours for
business, requirements, fee.
311.176. Convention trade area, St. Louis City, liquor sale by drink,
extended hours for business, requirements, feeresort
311.178. Convention trade area, St. Louis County, liquor sale by drink,
extended hours for business, requirements, feeresort de-
311.179 St. Louis Lambert International Airport and Kansas City
International Airport, special permit, fee.
311.180. Manufacturers, wholesalers, solicitorslicense feeswhole-
salers, sale to gaming commission licensees, allowed.
311.181. Wholesaler's license to sell malt liquor, geographical area
311.182. Exclusive areas for wholesalersviolation of area limitations
by wholesalers or brewers, penalties.
311.185. Shipments of alcohol to residents permitted, when.
311.190. Wine or brandy manufacturer's license, feeuse of materials
produced outside state, limitation, exceptionwhat sales may
be made, when.
311.191. Vintage wine, definitionsale of vintage wine through
auction, authorized sellerslicenses to auctionauction
conducted, where, no consumption, issuance period, fee
shipment out of statetastingsauctioneer subject to
311.192. Wine manufacturer defined.
311.193. Vintage wine, municipalities may sell by sealed bids
issuance of license, restrictionsconsumption on premises
prohibited, whenshippingwine tastings violations,
311.195. Microbrewery, definedlicense, feeretail license allowed,
proceduresale to wholesalers allowed, whencertain
exemptions, when.
311.196. Consumption off the premises, sale of beer permitted for
restaurant bar without an on-site brewery, when.
311.197. Samples, furnishing and acceptance of, when.
311.198. Portable refrigeration units, lease to retail licensee, when
requirements duration of lease rulemaking authority
expiration date. (1/1/2026)
311.200. Licensesretail liquor dealersfeesapplications.
311.201. Draft beer, sale of 32 to 128 fluid ounces dispensed on
premises for consumption off premises requirements.
311.202 Sale of retailer-packaged alcoholic beverages to customers in
containers for off-premises consumption, when
requirements. (effective 8/28/2021)
311.205 Table Top Dispensing- Allowed, requirements
311.210. Applicationremittance, made to whom, powers of super-
311.211. Fishing skills contest, ticket sales to participants on premises
not grounds to deny license.
311.212. Licenses, suspension or revocation of, violations occurring
more than three years prior, not valid grounds
311.218. Fourth of July celebrations, temporary permits for wine and
malt liquor for certain organizations, fee.
311.220. Counties and cities may charge for licenses amount
display of license.
311.230. Application for license to manufacture or sell made to
311.240. Period of licensefederal license requiredcontents of
311.250. Licenses nontransferableexceptions.
311.260. More than three licenses by any one person prohibited,
311.265. Retailer going out of business in debt to wholesaler,
procedurenew license prohibited.
311.270. License for sale of malt liquor onlycertain restrictions
penalty for violation.
311.273. Repealed L. 2012 H.B. 1498 § A.
311.275. Wholesale-solicitors registration required primary
American source of supply, defined vintage wine
registration approval of application, when.
311.280. Unlawful for licensed retailer to purchase from other than
licensed wholesalerprohibited acts.
311.290. Time fixed for opening and closing premisesclosed place
311.293. Sunday sales licensee allowed, hours, feecity or county may
also charge fee, limitations.
311.294. Wine and malt beverages, permit to allow tasting on
premises limitations.
311.297. Alcohol samples for tasting off licensed retail premises, when.
311.298. Certain holidays, sale by the drink on Sunday allowed.
311.299. Warning sign displayed, liquor licensesviolations
311.300. Persons eighteen years of age or older may sell or handle
liquor or beer, when.
311.310. Sale to minorcertain other persons, misdemeanorexcep-
tionspermitting drinking or possession by a minor, penalty,
311.315. Manufacturing a false identification, offense of penalty.
311.320. Misrepresentation of age by minor to obtain liquoruse of
altered driver's license, passport or I.D. cards, penalties.
311.325. Purchase or possession by minor, penalty container need
not be opened and contents verified, when consent to
chemical testing deemed given, when burden of proof on
violator to prove not intoxicating liquor section not
applicable to certain students, requirements.
311.326. Expungement of record permitted, when.
311.328. Identification, acceptable forms.
311.329. Reproduction or alteration of identification card, penalty.
311.330. Unauthorized liquors prohibited on premises licensed for sale
by drink, exceptions.
311.332. Wholesale price regulation, discrimination prohibited
delivery to certain organizations for nonresale purposes,
allowed whendonation permitted, when.
311.333. Wholesalers, returns of alcoholic beverages to, supervisor to
regulate--wholesaler pricing to be made available to retailers,
311.334. Repealed L. 2009 H.B. 132 § A.
311.335. Liquor sales by wholesalers, delivery price--delayed
shipment--sale of close-out merchandise permitted, when.
311.336. Repealed L. 2009 H.B. 132 § A.
311.338. Violation of wholesale price regulations, misdemeanorsus-
pension of license.
311.340. Mixing liquor with drugs prohibited.
311.355. Manufacturer rebate coupons by wholesalers, regulation of.
311.360. Misrepresentation of brand of liquor unlawful, penalty
311.370. Liquor in storagereport to supervisor, whencontents of
311.373. Beer required to be in possession of licensed wholesaler prior
to sale at retail.
311.380. Warehouse receiptsunlawful to sell or give awaypenalty.
311.390. Duty of carriers to furnish certain informationpenalty for
311.400. Unclaimed shipments of liquor may be sold.
311.401. Repossessed liquor, sale by lending institution, whenno
license required.
311.410. Transportation of intoxicating liquor into or through state,
when permitted.
311.420. Transporter's licensefeebondqualificationscertain
carriers exempt.
311.430. Revocation of transporter's license.
311.440. Transporter's license to be exhibited to officers, when.
311.450. Bill of lading to accompany transported alcoholic liquors
311.460. Violation of sections 311.410 to 311.450, penalty.
311.462 (Repealed L. 2017 H.B. 115)
311.470. Repealed L. 2010 H.B. 1965§ A.
311.480. Eating places, drinking of intoxicating liquor on premises,
license required, when, hoursregulations penalties
311.481. Repealed L. 2012 H.B. 1498 § A.
311.482. Temporary permit for sale by drink may be issued to certain
organizations, when, duration collection of sales taxes,
notice to director of revenue.
311.483. Festivals, temporary permit to sell liquor by the drink,
311.485. Temporary location for liquor by the drink, catererspermit
and fee requiredother laws applicable, exception.
311.486. Special license, drink at retail for consumption on the
premises, when duration of license fees.
311.487. Annual license for beer and wine sales at state fair, issued
when, feesubject to laws of municipality.
311.489. Repealed L. 2014 H.B. 1298 Revision § A.
Inspection and Excises
311.490. Ingredients of beerintoxicating malt liquor.
311.500. Inspection of breweriesby whom.
311.510. Inspection of malt liquors duty of supervisor product
samples not required for approval.
311.520. Fee for inspecting and gauging malt liquors.
311.530. Inspection of beerexported out of state.
311.540. Liquor inspection, labeling and gaugingrequirements.
311.550. Additional revenue chargesfines and penalties.
311.553. Monthly returns and payment of additional charges required
failure to pay, penalty.
311.554. Privilege of selling wine, additional revenue chargepur-
pose limitation on use of revenue.
311.555. Bondfailure to fileforfeiture.
311.557. License, revocation.
311.561. Charges, how paid and collected.
311.580. Possession of illegal or untaxed liquor prohibitedmanufac-
turers, blenders and wholesalers excepted, when.
311.600. Unlawful to sell unlabeled liquorpenalty.
Administration of Law–License Suspension
311.610. Supervisor of liquor controlappointment, bond, duties,
assistantsminimum compensation provided.
311.615. Division of alcohol and tobacco control established, duties.
311.620. Qualification and requirements of agent, assistant, deputy, or
311.630. Peace officersauthorized to make arrests for certain viola-
tionsmethod of selectionduty of supervisor.
311.640. Supervisoremployees not permitted to have interest in
liquor business.
311.650. Offices of supervisor.
311.660. Powers of supervisorregulationssubpoenas.
311.665. Sales and use tax must be paid to renew license statement
311.670. Failure of supervisor and employees to perform duties.
311.680. Disorderly place, warning, probation, suspension or revoca-
tion of license, when, noticecivil penalty.
311.685. Civil actions permitted, when.
311.691. Review by administrative hearing commission.
311.710. Additional complaintsby whom madeprocedure.
311.720. License automatically revoked upon convictionexceptions.
311.722. Alcohol and tobacco control, minors not to be used in
enforcement, exceptionsstandardsminors immune from
liability, when.
311.730. Fees paid into general revenue fund and division of alcohol
and tobacco control fund.
311.735. Division of alcohol and tobacco control fund created, use of
Enforcement and Penalties
311.740. Maintaining public nuisancepenalty.
311.750. Action to enjoin nuisanceprocedure.
311.760. Penalty for violation of terms of injunction.
311.770. Duty of prosecuting attorneyfailure to perform.
311.780. List of complaints, revocations, suspensions to prosecuting
attorneysattorney general, when.
311.790. Prosecution of violations, by whomfees and expenses.
311.800. Attorney general may direct prosecuting attorneys to conduct
311.810. Search warrants, how issuedsearch and seizureprocedure
arrestsdisposition of perishable products.
311.820. Search of vehicles for contraband liquoruse of evidence
311.830. Transported liquor and vehicle to be seized as contraband,
311.840. Action to forfeit seized liquor as contrabandnoticeinter-
ventionjudgmentappealsale of forfeited liquorliability of
officersprosecutor's duties.
311.850. Action to replevin seized liquor, limitations, procedure
damagesappealssale of seized liquorduties of prosecuting
311.860. Fees and mileage of officers executing search warrants.
311.868. Fines for violations by manufacturers and distillers to super-
sede other penalties.
311.870. Execution on default by corporation in payment of fine.
311.880. Violation a misdemeanorpenalty.
311.915. Special permit for festivals limit on shipment in state
excise taxes duration of permit.
311.950. Entertainment facilities, purchase through mobile
applications identification required rulemaking
General Provisions
311.010. Title of law.
This law may be cited as the "Liquor Control Law".
(RSMo 1939 § 4874) (1941) Right to traffic in intoxicating liquor is not a "natural right",
such business not being lawful except as authorized by law. Therefore it may be fully
regulated by law and such regulation does not violate natural rights of citizens. State ex
rel. Klein v. Balsiger (A.), 151 S.W.2d 521. Statutes
(1950) State ex rel. Hospital v. Nangle (A.), 230 S.W.2d 128.
311.015. Purpose clause.
Alcohol is, by law, an age-restricted product that is regulated
differently than other products. The provisions of this chapter
establish vital state regulation of the sale and distribution of alcohol
beverages in order to promote responsible consumption, combat
illegal underage drinking, and achieve other important state policy
goals such as maintaining an orderly marketplace composed of state-
licensed alcohol producers, importers, distributors, and retailers.
(L. 2007 S.B. 299 & S.B. 616) Statutes
311.020. Definition of intoxicating liquor.
The term "intoxicating liquor" as used in this chapter shall mean and
include alcohol for beverage purposes, alcoholic, spirituous, vinous,
fermented, malt, or other liquors, or combination of liquors, a part of
which is spirituous, vinous, or fermented, and all preparations or
mixtures for beverage purposes, containing in excess of one-half of
one percent by volume. All beverages having an alcoholic content of
less than one-half of one percent by volume shall be exempt from the
provisions of this chapter, but subject to inspection as provided by
sections 196.365 to 196.445*.
(RSMo 1939 § 4894, A.L. 1990 H.B. 1180, A.L. 2009 H.B. 132) Statutes
*Sections 196.365 to 196.445 were repealed in 2003 by H.B. 600 merged with S.B. 175.
311.025. Definition of Missouri Bourbon Whiskey
1. To qualify as "Missouri Bourbon" or "Missouri Bourbon Whiskey",
and to be labeled as such, a product shall be a spirit that meets the
following conditions:
(1) The product shall be mashed, fermented, distilled, aged, and
bottled in Missouri; and
(2) The product shall be aged in oak barrels manufactured in
2. Beginning January 1, 2020, to qualify as "Missouri Bourbon" or
"Missouri Bourbon Whiskey", and to be labeled as such, all corn used
in the mash must be Missouri-grown corn.
(L. 20196 H B 266) Statutes
311.028. Ozark Highlands spirits, qualification as, requirements
— Single Malt, qualification as — Ozark Highlands map
1. (1) To qualify as "Ozark Highlands" spirits, and to be labeled as
such for sale in Missouri, a product shall meet the following
(a) The product shall be mashed, fermented, distilled, aged, and
bottled in the Ozark Highlands region;
(b) The product shall be aged in barrels manufactured from
(c) The water source shall be untreated or natural from natural
springs or deep wells in the Ozark Highlands, and without chlorination
or added chemicals such as fluoride; and
(d) The minimum age of a whiskey shall be four years.
(2) To qualify as "Ozark Highlands" spirits, and to be labeled as
such for sale in Missouri, an unaged product, such as gin or vodka,
shall meet the following conditions:
(a) The product shall be mashed, fermented, distilled, and bottled
in the Ozark Highlands region; and
(b) The water source shall be untreated or natural from natural
springs or deep wells in the Ozark Highlands, and without
chlorination or added chemicals such as fluoride.
2. To additionally qualify as "Single Malt", the final product shall be
distilled and bottled at a single distillery.
3. The product shall be further certified, by seal or other means, by the
Ozark Highland Distillers Guild as a qualifying "Ozark Highlands"
4. For the purposes of this section, the Missouri department of natural
resources shall produce, in collaboration with the Ozark Highland
Distillers Guild, and publish an official map of the Ozark Highlands
(L. 2022 H.B. 1738)
311.030. Definition of person.
The term "person" as used in this chapter shall mean and include any
individual, association, joint stock company, syndicate, copartnership,
corporation, receiver, trustee, conservator, or other officer appointed
by any state or federal court.
(RSMo 1939 § 4934) Statutes
311.040. Application of law.
The provisions of this law shall be in force in and apply to every
incorporated city, town or village in this state, whether same be
organized under the general law relating to cities, towns and villages,
or by special charter under the state constitution, any ordinance or
charter provision of any city, town or village to the contrary
(RSMo 1939 § 4908) (1957) City ordinance prohibiting sales by any wholesaler to
retailers who are delinquent in payment of accounts to any wholesaler held valid and not
in conflict with either the liquor control law or the nonintoxicating beer law. Passler v.
Johnson (Mo.), 304 S.W.2d 903. Statutes
Licenses and Regulations
311.050. License required.
It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, partnership or corporation to
manufacture, sell or expose for sale in this state intoxicating liquor, as
defined in section 311.020, in any quantity, without taking out a
license. Statutes
(RSMo 1939 § 4895) (1943) Objection to use of word "spirituous" in information charging
sale of "spirituous intoxicating liquor" held without merit. State v. Varnon (Mo.), 174
S.W.2d 146. (1955) Where evidence showed that whiskey purchased was poured from
"shot" glass into Coca-Cola bottle, that such bottle may have contained some other liquid,
it was not error to admit it in evidence, in prosecution for sale without license, even
though alcoholic content of liquor therein was less than that in bottle from which
testimony showed it was poured. State v. Krout (Mo.), 282 S.W.2d 529.
311.055. License to manufacture not required, personal or
family use–limitation—removal from premises permitted, when
—inapplicability, when.
1. No person at least twenty-one years of age shall be required to
obtain a license to manufacture intoxicating liquor, as defined in
section 311.020, for personal or family use. The aggregate amount of
intoxicating liquor manufactured per household shall not exceed two
hundred gallons per calendar year if there are two or more persons
over the age of twenty-one years in such household, or one hundred
gallons per calendar year if there is only one person over the age of
twenty-one years in such household. Any intoxicating liquor
manufactured under this section shall not be sold or offered for sale.
2. Beer brewed under this section may be removed from the premises
where brewed for personal or family use, including use at organized
events, exhibitions, or competitions, such as home brewer contests,
tastings, or judging. The use may occur off licensed retail premises, on
any premises under a temporary retail license issued under section*
311.218, 311.482, 311.485, 311.486, or 311.487, or on any tax exempt
organization's licensed premises as described in section 311.090.
3. Any beer brewed under this section used at an organized event
where an admission fee is paid for entry, at which the beer is available
without a separate charge, shall not be deemed a sale of beer, provided
that the person who brewed the beer receives none of the proceeds
from the admission fee and all consumption is conducted off licensed
retail premises, under the premises of a temporary retail license issued
under section 311.218, 311.482, 311.485, 311.486, or 311.487, or on
any tax exempt organization's licensed premises as described in
section 311.090. Statutes
(L. 1995 S.B. 468, A.L. 2009 H.B. 132, A.L. 2013 S.B. 121, A.L. 2014 H.B. 1304)
*Word "sections" appears in original rolls.
311.060. Qualifications for licenses–resident corporation and
financial interest defined--revocation, effect of, new license, when.
1. No person shall be granted a license hereunder unless such person is
of good moral character and a qualified legal voter and a taxpaying
citizen of the county, town, city or village, nor shall any corporation
be granted a license hereunder unless the managing officer of such
corporation is of good moral character and a qualified legal voter and
taxpaying citizen of the county, town, city or village; and, except as
otherwise provided under subsection 7 of this section, no person shall
be granted a license or permit hereunder whose license as such dealer
has been revoked, or who has been convicted, since the ratification of
the twenty-first amendment to the Constitution of the United States, of
a violation of the provisions of any law applicable to the manufacture
or sale of intoxicating liquor, or who employs in his or her business as
such dealer any person whose license has been revoked unless five
years have passed since the revocation as provided under subsection 6
of this section, or who has been convicted of violating such law since
the date aforesaid; provided, that nothing in this section contained
shall prevent the issuance of licenses to nonresidents of Missouri or
foreign corporations for the privilege of selling to duly licensed
wholesalers and soliciting orders for the sale of intoxicating liquors to,
by or through a duly licensed wholesaler, within this state.
2. (1) No person, partnership or corporation shall be qualified for a
license under this law if such person, any member of such partnership,
or such corporation, or any officer, director, or any stockholder
owning, legally or beneficially, directly or indirectly, ten percent or
more of the stock of such corporation, or other financial interest
therein, or ten percent or more of the interest in the business for which
the person, partnership or corporation is licensed, or any person
employed in the business licensed under this law shall have had a
license revoked under this law except as otherwise provided under
subsections 6 and 7 of this section, or shall have been convicted of
violating the provisions of any law applicable to the manufacture or
sale of intoxicating liquor since the ratification of the twenty-first
amendment to the Constitution of the United States, or shall not be a
person of good moral character.
(2) No license issued under this chapter shall be denied, suspended,
revoked or otherwise affected based solely on the fact that an
employee of the licensee has been convicted of a felony unrelated to
the manufacture or sale of intoxicating liquor. The division of liquor
control shall promulgate rules to enforce the provisions of this
(3) No wholesaler license shall be issued to a corporation for the
sale of intoxicating liquor containing alcohol in excess of five percent
by weight, except to a resident corporation as defined in this section.
3. A "resident corporation" is defined to be a corporation
incorporated under the laws of this state, all the officers and directors
of which, and all the stockholders, who legally and beneficially own
or control sixty percent or more of the stock in amount and in voting
rights, shall be qualified legal voters and taxpaying citizens of the
county and municipality in which they reside and who shall have been
bona fide residents of the state for a period of three years continuously
immediately prior to the date of filing of application for a license,
provided that a stockholder need not be a voter or a taxpayer, and all
the resident stockholders of which shall own, legally and beneficially,
at least sixty percent of all the financial interest in the business to be
licensed under this law; provided, that no corporation, licensed under
the provisions of this law on January 1, 1947, nor any corporation
succeeding to the business of a corporation licensed on January 1,
1947, as a result of a tax-free reorganization coming within the
provisions of Section 112, United States Internal Revenue Code, shall
be disqualified by reason of the new requirements herein, except
corporations engaged in the manufacture of alcoholic beverages
containing alcohol in excess of five percent by weight, or owned or
controlled, directly or indirectly, by nonresident persons, partnerships
or corporations engaged in the manufacture of alcoholic beverages
containing alcohol in excess of five percent by weight.
4. The term "financial interest" as used in this chapter is defined to
mean all interest, legal or beneficial, direct or indirect, in the capital
devoted to the licensed enterprise and all such interest in the net
profits of the enterprise, after the payment of reasonable and necessary
operating business expenses and taxes, including interest in dividends,
preferred dividends, interest and profits, directly or indirectly paid as
compensation for, or in consideration of interest in, or for use of, the
capital devoted to the enterprise, or for property or money advanced,
loaned or otherwise made available to the enterprise, except by way of
ordinary commercial credit or bona fide bank credit not in excess of
credit customarily granted by banking institutions, whether paid as
dividends, interest or profits, or in the guise of royalties, commissions,
salaries, or any other form whatsoever.
5. The supervisor shall by regulation require all applicants for licenses
to file written statements, under oath, containing the information
reasonably required to administer this section. Statements by
applicants for licenses as wholesalers and retailers shall set out, with
other information required, full information concerning the residence
of all persons financially interested in the business to be licensed as
required by regulation. All material changes in the information filed
shall be promptly reported to the supervisor.
6. Any person whose license or permit issued under this chapter has
been revoked shall be automatically eligible to work as an employee
of an establishment holding a license or permit under this chapter five
years after the date of the revocation.
7. Any person whose license or permit issued under this chapter has
been revoked shall be eligible to apply and be qualified for a new
license or permit five years after the date of the revocation. The
person may be issued a new license or permit at the discretion of the
division of alcohol and tobacco control. If the division denies the
request for a new permit or license, the person may not submit a new
application for five years from the date of the denial. If the application
is approved, the person shall pay all fees required by law for the
license or permit. Any person whose request for a new license or
permit is denied may seek a determination by the administrative
hearing commission as provided under section 311.691. Statutes
(RSMo 1939 § 4906, A.L. 1947 V. I p. 370, A.L. 1987 H.B. 520 merged with H.B. 62 &
70, A.L. 2009 H.B. 132, A.L. 2016 S.B. 994, A.L. 2021 S.B. 26)
*Effective 10-14-16, see § 21.250. S.B. 994 was vetoed July 1, 2016. The veto was
overridden on September 14, 2016.
(1972) Eligibility for employee's liquor permit, lost following applicant's conviction of
violation of federal tax laws involving sale and manufacture of intoxicating liquors, was
reinstated by Presidential Pardon received after service in armed forces. Damiano v.
Burge (A.), 481 S.W.2d 562.
(1973) Conviction on misdemeanor charge of possessing obscene literature by 100%
stockholder held sufficient grounds for refusal of liquor by the drink license. Peppermint
Lounge Inc. v. Wright (Mo.), 498 S.W.2d 749.
(1975) Held governor's power to pardon is limited to criminal prosecutions and does not
extend to administrative revocation of license. The court also held that the governor has no
authority to “order” an action by the director of liquor control when the statute places such
duty on the director. Theodoro v. Department of Liquor Control (Mo.), 527 S.W.2d 350.
311.061. Stock ownership not deemed financial interest, when.
Notwithstanding the definition of "financial interest" contained in sec-
tion 311.060, service as a member of the board of directors of a corpo-
ration, the stock of which is traded on the New York or American
Stock Exchange or NASDAQ, or ownership of less than ten percent of
the outstanding shares in such corporation, shall not constitute a
financial interest in such corporation or a subsidiary thereof. Statutes
(L. 1985 H.B. 166, A.L. 1994 S.B. 474)
311.070. Financial interest in retail businesses by certain
licensees prohibited, exceptions--penalties--definitions--activities
permitted between wholesalers and licensees--certain contracts
unenforceable--contributions to certain organizations permitted,
when--sale of Missouri wines only, license issued, when.
1. Distillers, wholesalers, winemakers, brewers or their employees,
officers or agents shall not, except as provided in this section, directly
or indirectly, have any financial interest in the retail business for sale
of intoxicating liquors, and shall not, except as provided in this
section, directly or indirectly, loan, give away or furnish equipment,
money, credit or property of any kind, except ordinary commercial
credit for liquors sold to such retail dealers. However, notwithstanding
any other provision of this chapter to the contrary, for the purpose of
the promotion of tourism, a distiller whose manufacturing
establishment is located within this state may apply for and the
supervisor of alcohol and tobacco control may issue a license to sell
intoxicating liquor, as in this chapter defined, by the drink at retail for
consumption on the premises where sold; and provided further that the
premises so licensed shall be in close proximity to the distillery and
may remain open between the hours of 6:00 a.m. and 1:30 a.m.,
Monday through Saturday and between the hours of 6:00 a.m. on
Sundays and 1:30 a.m. on Mondays. The authority for the collection
of fees by cities and counties as provided in section 311.220, and all
other laws and regulations relating to the sale of liquor by the drink for
consumption on the premises where sold, shall apply to the holder of a
license issued under the provisions of this section in the same manner
as they apply to establishments licensed under the provisions of
section 311.085, 311.090, or 311.095.
2. Any distiller, wholesaler, winemaker or brewer who shall violate
the provisions of subsection 1 of this section, or permit his or her
employees, officers or agents to do so, shall be guilty of a
misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished as
(1) For the first offense, by a fine of one thousand dollars;
(2) For a second offense, by a fine of five thousand dollars; and
(3) For a third or subsequent offense, by a fine of ten thousand
dollars or the license of such person shall be revoked.
3. As used in this section, the following terms mean:
(1) "Consumer advertising specialties", advertising items that are
designed to be carried away by the consumer, such items include, but
are not limited to: trading stamps, nonalcoholic mixers, pouring racks,
ash trays, bottle or can openers, cork screws, shopping bags, matches,
printed recipes, pamphlets, cards, leaflets, blotters, postcards, pencils,
shirts, caps and visors;
(2) "Equipment and supplies", glassware (or similar containers
made of other materials), carbon dioxide (and other gasses used in
dispensing equipment), ice, nonrefrigerated rolling coolers, portable
bars, agitating tanks, tubs, tents not to exceed one hundred square feet
in size, and any permanently inscribed or securely affixed brand
identified nonrefrigerated item that promotes intoxicating liquor;
(3) "Nonrefrigeration dispensing accessories", includes
regulators, gauges, vents, nuts, clamps, splicers, keg stackers, washers,
shanks, wall brackets, beer and air distributors, beer line insulation,
beer and gas hoses, faucets, taps, tap standards, couplers, air pumps
draft arms, blankets or other coverings for temporary wrapping of
barrels, tavern head and their internal parts, and any other technology
or parts necessary to preserve and serve intoxicating liquor that are not
(4) "Permanent point-of-sale advertising materials", advertising
items designed to be used within a retail business establishment for an
extended period of time to attract consumer attention to the products
of a distiller, wholesaler, winemaker or brewer. Such materials shall
only include inside signs (electric, mechanical or otherwise), mirrors,
table umbrellas, and sweepstakes/contest prizes displayed on the
licensed premises;
(5) "Product display", wine racks, portable branded
nonrefrigerated coolers, bins, barrels, casks, shelving or similar items
the primary function of which is to hold and display consumer
(6) "Promotion", an advertising and publicity campaign to further
the acceptance and sale of the merchandise or products of a distiller,
wholesaler, winemaker or brewer;
(7) "Temporary point-of-sale advertising materials", advertising
items designed to be used for short periods of time. Such materials
include, but are not limited to: banners, decorations reflecting a
particular season or a limited-time promotion, or paper napkins,
coasters, cups, tap handles, ice buckets, condiment caddies, napkin
holders, bar rail mats, shakers, salt rimmers, or menus.
4. Notwithstanding other provisions contained herein, the distiller,
wholesaler, winemaker or brewer, or their employees, officers or
agents may engage in the following activities with a retail licensee
licensed pursuant to this chapter:
(1) The distiller, wholesaler, winemaker or brewer may give or sell
product displays to a retail business if all of the following
requirements are met:
(a) The total value of all product displays given or sold to a retail
business shall not exceed three hundred dollars per brand at any one
time in any one retail outlet. There shall be no combining or pooling
of the three hundred dollar limits to provide a retail business a product
display in excess of three hundred dollars per brand. The value of a
product display is the actual cost to the distiller, wholesaler,
winemaker or brewer who initially purchased such product display.
Transportation and installation costs shall be excluded;
(b) All product displays shall bear in a conspicuous manner sub-
stantial advertising matter on the product or the name of the distiller,
wholesaler, winemaker or brewer. The name and address of the retail
business may appear on the product displays; and
(c) The giving or selling of product displays may be conditioned on
the purchase of intoxicating beverages advertised on the displays by
the retail business in a quantity necessary for the initial completion of
the product display. No other condition shall be imposed by the
distiller, wholesaler, winemaker or brewer on the retail business in
order for such retail business to obtain the product display;
(2) Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, the
distiller, wholesaler, winemaker or brewer may provide, give or sell
any permanent point-of-sale advertising materials, and consumer
advertising specialties to a retail business if all the following
requirements are met:
(a) The total value of all permanent point-of-sale advertising
materials provided to a retail business by a distiller, wholesaler,
winemaker, or brewer shall not exceed five hundred dollars per
calendar year, per brand, per retail outlet. The replacement of similar
in appearance, type, and dollar value permanent point-of-sale
advertising materials that are damaged and nonfunctioning shall not
count towards the maximum of five hundred dollars per calendar year,
per brand, per retail outlet. The value of permanent point-of-sale
advertising materials is the actual cost to the distiller, wholesaler,
winemaker or brewer who initially purchased such item.
Transportation and installation costs shall be excluded. All permanent
point-of-sale advertising materials provided to a retailer shall be
recorded, and records shall be maintained for a period of three years;
(b) The provider of permanent point-of-sale advertising materials
shall own and otherwise control the use of permanent point-of-sale
advertising materials that are provided by any distiller, wholesaler,
winemaker, or brewer;
(c) All permanent point-of-sale advertising materials, temporary
point-of-sale advertising materials, and consumer advertising special-
ties shall bear in a conspicuous manner substantial advertising matter
about the product or the name of the distiller, wholesaler, winemaker
or brewer. The name, address and logos of the retail business may
appear on the permanent point-of-sale advertising materials,
temporary point of-sale advertising materials, or the consumer
advertising specialties; and
(d) The distiller, wholesaler, winemaker or brewer shall not directly
or indirectly pay or credit the retail business for using or distributing
the permanent point-of-sale advertising materials, temporary point-of-
sale advertising materials, or consumer advertising specialties or for
any incidental expenses arising from their use or distribution;
(3) A distiller, wholesaler, winemaker, or brewer may give a gift not
to exceed a value of one thousand dollars per year to a holder of a
temporary permit as described in section 311.482;
(4) The distiller, wholesaler, winemaker, or brewer may sell
equipment and supplies to a retail business if all the following
requirements are met:
(a) The equipment and supplies shall be sold at a price not less than
the cost to the distiller, wholesaler, winemaker or brewer who initially
purchased such equipment and supplies; and
(b) The price charged for the equipment and supplies shall be col-
lected in accordance with credit regulations as established in the code
of state regulations;
(5) The wholesaler or brewer may install nonrefrigeration
dispensing accessories at the retail business establishment, which shall
include for the purposes of beer equipment to properly preserve and
serve draught beer only and to facilitate the delivery to the retailer the
brewers and wholesalers may lend, give, rent or sell and they may
stall or repair nonrefrigeration dispensing accessories and damage
caused by any beer delivery excluding normal wear and tear. A
complete record of equipment and supplies, and nonrefrigeration
dispensing accessories furnished and installed and repairs and service
made or rendered must be kept by the brewer or wholesalers
furnishing, making or rendering same for a period of not less than one
(6) The distiller, wholesaler, winemaker or brewer may furnish,
give or sell cleaning and sanitation services to a retailer to preserve
product integrity of distilled spirits, wine, or malt beverages;
(7) A wholesaler of intoxicating liquor may furnish or give and a
retailer may accept a sample of distilled spirits or wine as long as the
retailer has not previously purchased the brand from that wholesaler,
if all the following requirements are met:
(a) The wholesaler may furnish or give not more than seven
hundred fifty milliliters of any brand of distilled spirits and not more
than seven hundred fifty milliliters of any brand of wine; if a
particular product is not available in a size within the quantity
limitations of this subsection, a wholesaler may furnish or give to a
retailer the next larger size;
(b) The wholesaler shall keep a record of the name of the retailer
and the quantity of each brand furnished or given to such retailer;
(c) For the purposes of this subsection, no samples of intoxicating
liquor provided to retailers shall be consumed on the premises nor
shall any sample of intoxicating liquor be opened on the premises of
the retailer except as provided by the retail license;
(d) For the purpose of this subsection, the word "brand" refers to
differences in brand name of product or differences in nature of
product; examples of different brands would be products having a
difference in: brand name; class, type or kind designation; appellation
of origin (wine); viticulture area (wine); vintage date (wine); age
(distilled spirits); or proof (distilled spirits); differences in packaging
such as different style, type, size of container, or differences in color
or design of a label are not considered different brands;
(8) The distiller, wholesaler, winemaker or brewer may package and
distribute intoxicating beverages in combination with other nonalco-
holic items as originally packaged by the supplier for sale ultimately
to consumers; notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary,
for the purpose of this subsection, intoxicating liquor and wine
holesalers are not required to charge for nonalcoholic items any
more than the actual cost of purchasing such nonalcoholic items from
the supplier;
(9) T
he distiller, wholesaler, winemaker or brewer may sell or give
the retail business newspaper cuts, mats or engraved blocks for use in
the advertisements of the retail business;
(10) The distiller, wholesaler, winemaker or brewer may in an
advertisement list the names and addresses of two or more unaffiliated
retail businesses selling its product if all of the following requirements
are met:
(a) The advertisement shall not contain the retail price of the
(b) The listing of the retail businesses shall be the only reference to
such retail businesses in the advertisement;
(c) The listing of the retail businesses shall be relatively
inconspicuous in relation to the advertisement as a whole; and
(d) The advertisement shall not refer only to one retail business or
only to a retail business controlled directly or indirectly by the same
retail business;
(11) Distillers, winemakers, wholesalers, brewers or retailers may
conduct a local or national sweepstakes/contest upon a licensed retail
premise. The sweepstakes/contest prize dollar amount shall not be
limited and can be displayed in a photo, banner, or other temporary
point-of-sale advertising materials on a licensed premises, if the
following requirements are met;
(a) No money of something of value is given to the retailer for the
privilege or opportunity of conducting the sweepstakes or contest; and
(b) The actual sweepstakes/contest prize is not displayed on the
licensed premises if the prize value exceeds the permanent point-of-
sale advertising materials dollar limit provided in this section;
(12) The distiller, wholesaler, winemaker or brewer may stock,
rotate, rearrange or reset the products sold by such distiller,
wholesaler, wine-maker or brewer at the establishment of the retail
business so long as the products of any other distiller, wholesaler,
winemaker or brewer are not altered or disturbed;
(13) The distiller, wholesaler, winemaker or brewer may provide a
recommended shelf plan or shelf schematic for distilled spirits, wine
or malt beverages;
(14) The distiller, wholesaler, winemaker or brewer participating in
the activities of a retail business association may do any of the
(a) Display, serve, or donate its products at or to a convention or
trade show;
(b) Rent display booth space if the rental fee is the same paid by all
others renting similar space at the association activity;
(c) Provide its own hospitality which is independent from the
association activity;
(d) Purchase tickets to functions and pay registration fees if such
purchase or payment is the same as that paid by all attendees,
participants or exhibitors at the association activity; and
(e) Make payments for advertisements in programs or brochures
issued by retail business associations if the total payments made for all
such advertisements are fair and reasonable;
(f) Pay dues to the retail business association if such dues or
payments are fair and reasonable;
(g) Make payments or donations for retail employee training on
preventive sales to minors and intoxicated persons, checking
identifications, age verification devices, and the alcohol and tobacco
control laws;
(h) Make contributions not to exceed one thousand dollars per
calendar year for transportation services that shall be used to assist
patrons from retail establishments to his or her residence or overnight
(i) Donate or serve up to five hundred dollars per event of alcoholic
products at retail business association activities; and
(j) Any retail business association that receives payments or
donations shall, upon written request, provide the division of alcohol
and tobacco control with copies of relevant financial records and
documents to ensure compliance with this subsection;
(15) The distiller, wholesaler, winemaker or brewer may sell or give
a permanent outside sign to a retail business if the following require-
ments are met:
(a) The sign, which shall be constructed of metal, glass, wood,
plastic, or other durable, rigid material, with or without illumination,
or painted or otherwise printed onto a rigid material or structure, shall
bear in a conspicuous manner substantial advertising matter about the
product or the name of the distiller, wholesaler, winemaker, or brewer;
(b) The retail business shall not be compensated, directly or
indirectly, for displaying the permanent sign or a temporary banner;
(c) The cost of the permanent sign shall not exceed five hundred
dollars; and
(d) Temporary banners of a seasonal nature or promoting a specific
event shall not be constructed to be permanent outdoor signs and may
be provided to retailers. The total cost of temporary outdoor banners
provided to a retailer in use at any one time shall not exceed five hun-
dred dollars per brand;
(16) A wholesaler may, but shall not be required to, exchange for
an equal quantity of identical product or allow credit against
outstanding indebtedness for intoxicating liquor with alcohol content
of less than five percent by weight and malt liquor that was delivered
in a damaged condition or damaged while in the possession of the
(17) To assure and control product quality, wholesalers at the time
of a regular delivery may, but shall not be required to, withdraw, with
the permission of the retailer, a quantity of intoxicating liquor with
alcohol content of less than five percent by weight and malt liquor in
its undamaged original carton from the retailer's stock, if the
wholesaler replaces the product with an equal quantity of identical
(18) In addition to withdrawals authorized pursuant to subdivision
(17) of this subsection, to assure and control product quality,
wholesalers at the time of a regular delivery may, but shall not be
required to, withdraw, with the permission of the retailer, a quantity of
intoxicating liquor with alcohol content of less than five percent by
weight and malt liquor in its undamaged original carton from the
retailer's stock and give the retailer credit against outstanding
indebtedness for the product if:
(a) The product is withdrawn at least thirty days after initial
delivery and within twenty-one days of the date considered by the
manufacturer of the product to be the date the product becomes
inappropriate for sale to a consumer; and
(b) The quantity of product withdrawn does not exceed the
equivalent of twenty-five cases of twenty-four twelve-ounce
containers; and
(c) To assure and control product quality, a wholesaler may, but
not be required to, give a retailer credit for intoxicating liquor with an
alcohol content of less than five percent by weight and malt liquor, in
a container with a capacity of four gallons or more, delivered but not
used, if the wholesaler removes the product within seven days of the
initial delivery;
(19) Wholesalers shall distribute consumer advertising specialties,
equipment and supplies, nonrefrigeration dispensing accessories,
permanent point-of-sale advertising materials, product display,
promotion, and temporary point-of-sale advertising materials to their
retailers in a fair and reasonable manner; and
(20) Nothing in this section authorizes consignment sales.
5. (1) A distiller, wholesaler, winemaker, or brewer that is also in
business as a bona fide producer or vendor of nonalcoholic beverages
shall not condition the sale of its alcoholic beverages on the sale of its
nonalcoholic beverages nor combine the sale of its alcoholic
beverages with the sale of its nonalcoholic beverages, except as
provided in subdivision (8) of subsection 4 of this section. The
distiller, wholesaler, winemaker, or brewer that is also in business as a
bona fide producer or vendor of nonalcoholic beverages may sell,
credit, market, and promote nonalcoholic beverages in the same
manner in which the nonalcoholic products are sold, credited,
marketed, or promoted by a manufacturer or wholesaler not licensed
by the supervisor of alcohol and tobacco control;
(2) Any fixtures, equipment, or furnishings provided by any distiller,
wholesaler, winemaker, or brewer in furtherance of the sale of
nonalcoholic products shall not be used by the retail licensee to store,
service, display, advertise, furnish, or sell, or aid in the sale of
alcoholic products regulated by the supervisor of alcohol and tobacco
control. All such fixtures, equipment, or furnishing shall be identified
by the retail licensee as being furnished by a licensed distiller,
wholesaler, winemaker, or brewer.
6. Distillers, wholesalers, brewers and winemakers, or their officers or
directors shall not require, by agreement or otherwise, that any retailer
purchase any intoxicating liquor from such distillers, wholesalers,
brewers or winemakers to the exclusion in whole or in part of intoxi-
cating liquor sold or offered for sale by other distillers, wholesalers,
brewers, or winemakers.
7. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this chapter to the
contrary, a distiller, winemaker, or wholesaler may install
nonrefrigeration dispensing accessories at the retail business
establishment, which shall include for the purposes of distilled spirits
and wine equipment to properly preserve and serve premixed distilled
spirit and wine beverages only. To facilitate delivery to the retailer,
the distiller, winemaker, or wholesaler may lend, give, rent or sell and
the distiller, winemaker, or wholesaler may install or repair
nonrefrigeration dispensing accessories and damage caused by any
delivery excluding normal wear and tear. A complete record of
nonrefrigeration dispensing accessories furnished and installed and
repairs or service made or rendered shall be kept by the distiller,
winemaker, or wholesaler furnishing, making or rendering the same
for a period of not less than one year.
8. Distillers, wholesalers, winemakers, brewers or their employees or
officers shall be permitted to make contributions of money or mer-
chandise to a licensed retail liquor dealer that is a charitable, fraternal,
civic, service, veterans', or religious organization as defined in section
313.005, RSMo, or an educational institution if such contributions are
unrelated to such organization's retail operations.
9. Distillers, brewers, wholesalers, and winemakers may make pay-
ments for advertisements in programs or brochures of tax-exempt
organizations licensed under section 311.090 if the total payments
made for all such advertisements are the same as those paid by other
10. A brewer or manufacturer, its employees, officers or agents may
have a financial interest in the retail business for sale of intoxicating
liquors at entertainment facilities owned, in whole or in part, by the
brewer or manufacturer, its subsidiaries or affiliates including, but not
limited to, arenas and stadiums used primarily for concerts, shows and
sporting events of all kinds.
11. For the purpose of the promotion of tourism, a wine manufacturer,
its employees, officers or agents located within this state may apply
for and the supervisor of alcohol and tobacco control may issue a
license to sell intoxicating liquor, as defined in this chapter, by the
drink at retail for consumption on the premises where sold, if the
premises so licensed is in close proximity to the winery. Such
premises shall be closed during the hours specified under section
311.290 and may remain open between the hours of 6:00 a.m. on
Sundays and 1:30 a.m. on Mondays.
12. For the purpose of the promotion of tourism, a person may apply
for and the supervisor of alcohol and tobacco control may issue a
license to sell intoxicating liquor by the drink at retail for consumption
on the premises where sold, but seventy-five percent or more of the
intoxicating liquor sold by such licensed person shall be Missouri-
produced wines received from manufacturers licensed under section
311.190. Such premises may remain open between the hours of 6:00
a.m. and midnight, Monday through Saturday, and between the hours
of 6:00 a.m. on Sundays and 1:30 a.m. on Mondays. Statutes
(RSMo 1939 § 4879, A.L. 1984 S.B. 441, A.L. 1986 S.B. 444, A.L. 1987 H.B. 62 & 70,
A.L. 1995 S.B. 43, A.L. 1996 S.B. 933, A.L. 2000 H.B. 1631, A.L. 2002 S.B. 834, A.L.
2005 S.B. 262, A.L. 2007 S.B. 299 & S.B. 616, A.L. 2009 H.B. 132, A.L. 2017 H.B. 115,
A.L. 2021 S.B. 126)
(2020) Section and related regulations on information that alcohol manufacturers,
wholesalers, distributors and retailers could include in commercial advertisements violates
the First Amendment of the U. S. Constitution. Missouri Broadcasters Association v.
Schmitt, 946 F.3d 453 (8th Cir.).
311.071. Special events, not-for-profit organizations, contribu-
tions of money permitted, when.
1. Distillers, wholesalers, winemakers, brewers, or their employees or
officers may make contributions of money for special events where
alcohol is sold at retail to a not-for-profit organization that:
(1) Does not hold a liquor license;
(2) Less than forty percent of the members and officers are liquor
(3) Is registered with the secretary of state as a not-for-profit
organization; and
(4) Of which no part of the net earnings or contributions inures to
the benefit of any private shareholder or any retail licensee member of
such organization. The contributions from distillers, wholesalers,
winemakers, brewers, or their employees or officers shall be used to
pay special event infrastructure expenses unrelated to any retail
alcohol sales, which include, but are not limited to: security,
sanitation, fencing, entertainment, and advertising.
2. Distillers, wholesalers, winemakers, brewers, retailers, or their
employees or officers may make contributions of money for festivals
as defined in section 316.150 where alcohol is sold at retail to a not-
for-profit organization that:
(1) Is registered with the secretary of state as a not-for-profit
(2) Of which no part of the net earnings or contributions, directly or
indirectly, inures to the benefit of any private shareholder or any retail
licensee member of such organization; and
(3) Uses the contributions from distillers, wholesalers, winemakers,
brewers, retailers, or their employees or officers only to pay special
event infrastructure expenses unrelated to any retail alcohol sales,
which include, but are not limited to, security, sanitation, fencing,
advertising and transportation.
3. Any not-for-profit organization that receives contributions under
this section shall allow the division of alcohol and tobacco control full
access to the organization's records for audit purposes. Statutes
(L. 2007 S.B. 299 & S.B. 616, A.L. 2013 S.B. 121)
311.075. Financial interests in distillery in close proximity to a
recreational resort.
1. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this chapter to the
contrary, for the purpose of the promotion of tourism, a retailer, its
employees, officers, shareholders, and agents may have a financial
interest in a distillery for the manufacturing of intoxicating liquors
located in close proximity to the grounds of a recreational resort
owned, in whole or in part, by the retailer, its subsidiaries, or affiliates.
As used in this section, the term “recreational resort” shall mean any
grounds used to entertain guests that are owned and operated as part of
a facility by the retailer, its subsidiaries, or affiliates, which shall have
a restaurant, at least thirty rooms for overnight accommodations, and
outdoor activities that include fishing or golf. The distillery shall be in
close proximity to the grounds of the recreational resort.
2. A retailer who is a holder of a license to sell intoxicating liquor by
the drink at retail for consumption on the recreational resort’s grounds
shall be exempt from the provisions of section 311.280, for such
intoxicating liquor that is manufactured in close proximity to the
grounds of the recreational resort in accordance with the provisions of
this chapter. All other intoxicating liquor sold by the drink at retail for
consumption on the recreational resort’s grounds shall be obtained in
accordance with section 311.280.
3. The holder of a recreational resort distillery license* pursuant to
this section may also sell intoxicating liquor produced on the distillery
premises to duly licensed wholesalers, and all such sales to
wholesalers shall be subject to the provisions of sections 311.275 and
311.540. However, holders of a recreational resort distillery license
shall not, under any circumstances, directly or indirectly, have any
financial interest in any Missouri wholesaler’s business. Statutes
(L. 2017 H.B. 115) *Word "licensed" appears in original rolls.
311.080. Sale of liquor prohibited near schools and churches,
1. No license shall be granted for the sale of intoxicating liquor, as
defined in this chapter, within one hundred feet of any school, church
or other building regularly used as a place of religious worship, unless
the applicant for the license shall first obtain the consent in writing of
the board of aldermen, city council, or other proper authorities of any
incorporated city, town, or village, except that when a school, church
or place of worship shall hereafter be established within one hundred
feet of any place of business licensed to sell intoxicating liquor, the
license shall not be denied for this reason. Such consent shall not be
granted until at least ten days' written notice has been provided to all
owners of property within one hundred feet of the proposed licensed
2. The board of aldermen, city council or other proper authorities of
any incorporated city, town or village may by ordinance prohibit the
granting of a license for the sale of intoxicating liquor within a
distance as great as three hundred feet of any school, church, or other
building regularly used as a place of religious worship. In such cases,
and where the ordinance has been lawfully enacted, no license of any
character shall be issued in conflict with the ordinance while it is in
effect; except, that when a school, church or place of worship is
established within the prohibited distance from any place of business
licensed to sell intoxicating liquor, the license shall not be denied for
this reason.
3. Subsection 1 of this section shall not apply to a license issued by
the supervisor of alcohol and tobacco control for the sale of
intoxicating liquor pursuant to section 311.218 or to a license issued
to any church, school, civic, service, fraternal, veteran, political, or
charitable club or organization which has obtained an exemption from
the payment of federal taxes.
4. Subsection 1 of this section shall not apply to any premises holding
a license issued before January 1, 2004, by the supervisor of alcohol
and tobacco control for the sale of intoxicating liquor. To retain a
license under this subsection, the licensed premises shall not change
license type, amend the legal description, or be without a liquor
license for more than ninety days. Statutes
(RSMo 1939 § 4948, A.L. 1959 H.B. 139, A.L. 2003 S.B. 298, A.L. 2005 S.B. 262)
311.082. Labeling of kegs sold at retail for off-premise consump-
tion, procedures.
1. As used in this section, the following terms shall mean:
(1) "Keg", any container capable of holding four gallons or more of
beer, wine, or intoxicating liquor and which is designed to dispense
beer, wine, or intoxicating liquor directly from the container for pur-
poses of consumption. Any nonreturnable container with a capacity of
less than six gallons shall not be considered a keg under this section;
(2) "Supervisor of alcohol and tobacco control", the person appoint-
ed pursuant to section 311.610.
2. Each keg sold at retail for off-premise consumption shall be labeled
with a numbered identification tag. The division of alcohol and
tobacco control may prescribe the numbered identification tags to be
used for this purpose. The recyclable numbered identification tag shall
be affixed to the handle on the top chime of the keg. The recyclable
numbered identification tag shall be supplied by the division of
alcohol and tobacco control without fee and securely affixed to the
keg by the licensee making the sale.
3. Each retail licensee shall require each keg purchaser to present valid
identification and a minimum deposit of fifty dollars per keg at the
time of purchase. On the identification form provided by the division
of alcohol and tobacco control the licensee shall record for each keg
sale the date of sale, the size of keg, keg tag identification number, the
amount of container deposit, the name, address, and date of birth of
the purchaser, and the form of identification presented by such
purchaser. The purchaser shall sign a statement at the time of purchase
attesting to the accuracy of the purchaser's name and address and
acknowledging that misuse of the keg or its contents may result in
civil liability, criminal prosecution, or both. The licensee shall retain
the identification form for a minimum of three months following the
sale of the keg.
4. The licensee shall not refund a deposit for a keg that is returned
without the numbered identification tag intact and legible. The
licensee shall record the date of return of the keg and the condition of
the numbered identification tag on the identification form required
pursuant to subsection 3 of this section. The licensee may retain any
deposit not refunded for this reason. Upon the return of a properly
tagged keg from a consumer, the licensee shall remove the tag from
the keg and retain such tag with the identification form as required
pursuant to subsection 3 of this section.
5. The supervisor shall promulgate rules and regulations for the
administration of this section and shall design all necessary forms. No
rule, regulation, or portion of a rule or regulation promulgated pursu-
ant to the authority of this section shall become effective unless it has
been promulgated pursuant to chapter 536, RSMo.
6. The provisions of this section shall become effective on July 1,
7. This section shall fully preempt and supersede any ordinances,
rules, or regulations made by any city, county, or other political sub-
division of the state of Missouri which regulate the selling, labeling, or
registering of kegs. This section shall not impose any new or addi-
tional civil or criminal liability upon the retail licensee. Statutes
(L. 2003 S.B. 298 § 1, A.L. 2005 S.B. 262)
311.085. License for sale of intoxicating liquor by the drink in
unincorporated areas of county–sale of malt liquor and light wines
by drink and in package, annual fee (first class charter counties).
Any person possessing the qualifications and meeting the
requirements of this chapter and the ordinances, rules and regulations
of the first class county having a charter form of government in which
such licensee proposes to operate his business may apply for, and the
supervisor of liquor control may issue, a license for the sale by the
drink of intoxicating liquor on the premises described in the
application. This license shall be valid only for premises located
wholly within the unincorporated areas of such a county. Statutes
(L. 1967 p. 423, A.L. 1981 S.B. 126, A.L. 1994 S.B. 474 merged with S.B. 710, A.L. 1995
S.B. 43)
311.086. Portable bars, entertainment district special license–
definitions–issuance, procedure (Kansas City).
1. As used in this section, the following terms mean:
(1) "Common area", any area designated as a common area in a
development plan for the entertainment district approved by the
governing body of the city, any area of a public right-of-way that is
adjacent to or within the entertainment district when it is closed to
vehicular traffic and any other area identified in the development plan
where a physical barrier precludes motor vehicle traffic and limits
pedestrian accessibility;
(2) "Entertainment district", any area located in a home rule city
with more than four hundred thousand inhabitants and located in more
than one county with a population of at least four thousand inhabitants
(a) Is located in the city's central business district which is the
historic core locally known as the city's downtown area;
(b) Contains a combination of entertainment venues, bars,
nightclubs, and restaurants; and
(c) Is designated as a redevelopment area by the governing body of
the city under and pursuant to the Missouri downtown and rural eco-
nomic stimulus act, sections 99.915 to 99.1060, RSMo;
(3) "Portable bar", any bar, table, kiosk, cart, or stand that is not a
permanent fixture and can be moved from place to place;
(4) "Promotional association", an association, incorporated in the
state of Missouri, which is organized or authorized by one or more
property owners located within the entertainment district, who own or
otherwise control not less than one hundred thousand square feet of
premises designed, constructed, and available for lease for bars, night-
clubs, restaurants, and other entertainment venues, for the purpose of
organizing and promoting activities within the entertainment district.
For purposes of determining ownership or control as set forth in this
subdivision, the square footage of premises used for residential, office
or retail uses, (other than bars, nightclubs, restaurants, and other enter-
tainment venues), parking facilities, and hotels within the
entertainment district shall not be used in the calculation of square
2. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this chapter to the
contrary, any person acting on behalf of or designated by a
promotional association, who possesses the qualifications required by
this chapter, and who meets the requirements of and complies with the
provisions of this chapter, may apply for, and the supervisor of
alcohol and tobacco control may issue, an entertainment district
special license to sell intoxicating liquor by the drink for retail for
consumption dispensed from one or more portable bars within the
common areas of the entertainment district until 3:00 a.m. on
Mondays through Saturdays and from 6:00 a.m. on Sundays and until
1:30 a.m. on Mondays.
3. An applicant granted an entertainment district special license under
this section shall pay a license fee of three hundred dollars per year.
4. Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter to the contrary,
on such days and at such times designated by the promotional associa-
tion, in its sole discretion, provided such times are during the hours a
license is allowed under this chapter to sell alcoholic beverages, the
promotional association may allow persons to leave licensed establish-
ments, located in portions of the entertainment district designated by
the promotional association, with an alcoholic beverage and enter
upon and consume the alcoholic beverage within other licensed
establishments and common areas located in portions of the
entertainment district designated by the promotional association. No
person shall take any alcoholic beverage or alcoholic beverages
outside the boundaries of the entertainment district or portions of the
entertainment district as designated by the promotional association, in
its sole discretion. At times when a person is allowed to consume
alcoholic beverages dispensed from portable bars and in common
areas of all or any portion of the entertainment district designated by
the promotional association, the promotional association must and
shall ensure that minors can be easily distinguished form persons of
legal age buying alcoholic beverages.
5. Every licensee within the entertainment district must and shall serve
alcoholic beverages in containers that display and contain the
licensee's trade name or logo or some other mark that is unique to that
license and licensee.
6. The holder of an entertainment district special license is solely
responsible for alcohol violations occurring at its portable bar and in
any common area. Statutes
(L. 2005 H.B. 58 § 311.087 merged with S.B. 262, A.L. 2021 S.B. 126)
311.087.1 (Repealed L. 2012 H.B. 1498 § A)
311.088. Special permit for sale of intoxicating liquor by the
drink from 6 a.m. to 3 a.m. the following day--limit on number of
permits per year--fee (Kansas City).
Any person possessing the qualifications and meeting the
requirements of this chapter who is licensed to sell intoxicating liquor
by the drink at retail for consumption on the premises in a home rule
city with more than four hundred thousand inhabitants and located in
more than one county may be issued a special permit by the state and
such city. Notwithstanding the provisions of section 311.089 to the
contrary, the special permit issued under this section shall allow the
licensed premises to sell intoxicating liquor from 6:00 a.m. until 3:00
a.m. on the morning of the following day within one twenty-four hour
period. Any person granted a special permit under this section shall
only be authorized to receive up to six such special permits from the
city in a calendar year. For every special permit issued under the
provisions of this section, the permittee shall pay to the director of the
department of revenue the sum of fifty dollars. Statutes
(L. 2011 H.B. 101)
311.089. Sunday liquor sales by the drink, permitted when (St.
Louis City, Kansas City).
Any establishment possessing or qualifying for a license to sell
intoxicating liquor by the drink at retail in any city not within a
county, any home rule city with more than four hundred thousand
inhabitants and located in more than one county and if such
establishment is also located in a resort area, convention trade area, or
enterprise zone area, the establishment may apply for a Sunday by-
the-drink license between the hours of 6:00 a.m. on Sundays and 1:30
a.m. on Mondays. The license fee for such Sunday by-the-drink
license shall be six hundred dollars per year. The license fee shall be
prorated for the period of the license based on the cost of the annual
license for the establishment. Statutes
(L. 2003 S.B. 298 § 2, A.L. 2012 H.B. 1498, A.L. 2021 S.B. 126)
311.090. Sale of liquor by the drink, cities, requirements.
1. Any person who possesses the qualifications required by this
chapter, and who meets the requirements of and complies with the
provisions of this chapter, and the ordinances, rules and regulations of
the incorporated city in which such licensee proposes to operate his
business, may apply for, and the supervisor of alcohol and tobacco
control may issue, a license to sell intoxicating liquor, as defined in
this chapter, by the drink at retail for consumption on the premises
described in the application; provided, that no license shall be issued
for the sale of intoxicating liquor, other than malt liquor as defined in
section 311.490, and light wines containing not in excess of fourteen
percent of alcohol by weight made exclusively from grapes, berries
and other fruits and vegetables, by the drink at retail for consumption
on the premises where sold to any person other than a charitable,
fraternal, religious, service or veterans’ organization which has
obtained an exemption from the payment of federal income taxes as
provided in Section 501(c)(3), 501(c)(4), 501(c)(5), 501(c)(7),
501(c)(8), 501(c)(10), 501(c)(19), or 501(d) of the United States
Internal Revenue Code of 1954, as amended, in any incorporated city
having a population of less than nineteen thousand five hundred
inhabitants, until the sale of such intoxicating liquor, by the drink at
retail for consumption on the premises where sold, shall have been
authorized by a vote of the majority of the qualified voters of the city.
Such authority shall be determined by an election to be held in those
cities having a population of less than nineteen thousand five hundred
inhabitants as determined by the last preceding federal decennial
census, under the provisions and methods set out in this chapter.
Once such licenses are issued in a city with a population of at least
nineteen thousand five hundred inhabitants, any subsequent loss of
population shall not require the qualified voters of such a city to
approve the sale of such intoxicating liquor prior to the issuance or
renewal of such licenses. No license shall be issued for the sale of
intoxicating liquor, other than malt liquor as defined in section
311.490, and light wines containing not in excess of fourteen percent
of alcohol by weight made exclusively from grapes, berries and other
fruits and vegetables, by the drink at retail for consumption on the
premises where sold, outside the limits of such incorporated cities
unless the licensee is a charitable, fraternal, religious, service or
veterans’ organization which has obtained an exemption from the
payment of federal income taxes as provided in Section 501(c)(3),
501(c)(4), 501(c)(5), 501(c)(7), 501(c)(8), 501(c)(10), 501(c)(19), or
501(d) of the United States Internal Revenue Code of 1954, as
2. If any charitable, fraternal, religious, service, or veterans’
organization has a license to sell intoxicating liquor on its premises
pursuant to this section and such premises includes two or more
buildings in close proximity, such permit shall be valid for the sale of
intoxicating liquor at any such building. Statutes
(RSMo 1939 § 4890, A.L. 1981 S.B. 126, A.L. 1983 H.B. 85, et al., A.L. 1984 S.B. 441,
A.L. 1990 H.B. 1180, A.L. 1993 S.B. 76, A.L. 1994 S.B. 474, A.L. 1995 S.B. 43, A.L.
2009 H.B. 132, A.L. 2012 H.B. 1498, A.L. 2016 S.B. 919)
311.091. Boat or vessel, liquor sale by drink, requirements, fee.
1. Except as provided under subsection 2 of this section and
notwithstanding any other provisions of this chapter to the contrary,
any person who possesses the qualifications required by this chapter
and who meets the requirements of and complies with the provisions
of this chapter may apply for and the supervisor of alcohol and
tobacco control may issue a license to sell intoxicating liquor, as
defined in this chapter, by the drink at retail for consumption on the
premises of any boat, or other vessel licensed by the United States
Coast Guard to carry thirty or more passengers for hire on navigable
waters in or adjacent to this state, which has a regular place of
mooring in a location in this state or within two hundred yards of a
location which would otherwise be licensable under this chapter. The
license shall be valid even though the boat, or other vessel, leaves its
regular place of mooring during the course of its operation.
2. For every license for sale of liquor by the drink at retail for
consumption on the premises of any boat or other vessel issued under
the provisions of this section, the licensee shall pay to the director of
revenue the sum of three hundred dollars per year. Statutes
(L. 1981 S.B. 126 § 5, A.L. 2013 S.B. 121, A.L. 2016 S.B. 994)
*Effective 10-14-16, see § 21.250. S.B. 994 was vetoed July 1, 2016. The veto was
overridden on September 14, 2016.
311.092. Liquor by the drink on vessels regularly moored in city
of St. Louis.
Notwithstanding any other provisions of this chapter to the contrary,
any person who possesses the qualifications required by this chapter,
and who meets the requirements of and complies with the provisions
of this chapter, may apply for and the supervisor of liquor control may
issue a license to sell intoxicating liquor, as in this chapter defined, by
the drink at retail for consumption on the premises of any boat, or
other vessel which travels on water, which has a regular place of
mooring within the limits of a city not within a county with a popula-
tion of more than six hundred thousand inhabitants. The license shall
be valid even though the boat, or other vessel, leaves the corporate
limits of the city during the course of its operation. Statutes
(L. 1974 S.B. 394)
311.093.1 (Repealed L. 2012 H.B. 1498 § A)
311.095. Resorts, seasonal resort restaurants, restaurants, sale
of liquor by the drink, resort defined–temporary license, new
businesses, when.
1. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this chapter to the con-
trary, any person who possesses the qualifications required by this
chapter, and who now or hereafter meets the requirements of and
complies with the provisions of this chapter, may apply for, and the
supervisor of liquor control may issue, a license to sell intoxicating
liquor, as defined in this chapter, by the drink at retail for consumption
on the premises of any resort as described in the application. As used
in this section the term "resort" means any establishment having at
least thirty rooms for the overnight accommodation of transient
guests, having a restaurant or similar facility on the premises at least
sixty percent of the gross income of which is derived from the sale of
prepared meals or food, or means a restaurant provided with special
space and accommodations where, in consideration of payment, food,
without lodging, is habitually furnished to travelers and customers,
and which restaurant establishment's annual gross receipts
immediately preceding its application for a license shall not have been
less than seventy-five thousand dollars per year with at least fifty
thousand dollars of such gross receipts from nonalcoholic sales, or
means a seasonal resort restaurant with food sales as determined in
subsection 2 of this section. Any facility which is owned and operated
as a part of the resort may be used to sell intoxicating liquor by the
drink for consumption on the premises of such facility and, for the
purpose of meeting the annual gross receipts requirements of this
subsection, if any facility which is a part of the resort meets such
requirement, such requirement shall be deemed met for any other
facility which is a part of the resort.
2. A seasonal resort restaurant is a restaurant which is not a new
restaurant establishment and which is open for business eight or fewer
consecutive months in any calendar year. Fifty percent of all gross
sales of such restaurant shall be sales of prepared meals. Any new
seasonal resort restaurant establishment having been in operation for
less than twelve weeks may be issued a temporary license to sell
intoxicating liquor by the drink at retail for consumption on the
premises for a period not to exceed ninety days if the seasonal resort
restaurant establishment can show a projection for annualized gross
sales of which fifty percent shall be sales of prepared meals. The
temporary license fee and the annual license fee shall be prorated to
reflect the period of operation of the seasonal resort restaurant. The
license shall be valid only during the period for which application was
made and for which the fee was paid. Any seasonal resort restaurant
upon resuming business for its season of operation shall not be
considered a new establishment for purposes of issuing a temporary
license. Nothing in this subsection shall prohibit a seasonal resort
restaurant from becoming a resort restaurant upon application,
payment of fees, and compliance with the requirements of this
3. The times for opening and closing the establishments as fixed in
section 311.290, the authority for the collection of fees by counties as
provided in section 311.220, and all other laws and- regulations of the
state relating to the sale of liquor by the drink for consumption on the
premises where sold shall apply to resorts in the same manner as they
apply to establishments licensed under section 311.090.
4. Any new resort or restaurant establishment having been in operation
for less than ninety days may be issued a temporary license to sell
intoxicating liquor by the drink at retail for consumption on the prem-
ises for a period not to exceed ninety days if the resort or restaurant
establishment can show a projection of an annual gross receipts of not
less than seventy-five thousand dollars per year with at least fifty
thousand dollars of such gross receipts from nonalcoholic sales. The
license fee shall be prorated for the period of the temporary license
based on the cost of the annual license for the establishment. Statutes
(L. 1967 p. 423, A.L. 1974 S.B. 348, A.L. 1981 S.B. 126, A.L. 1987 S.B. 150, A.L. 1993
H.B. 63, A.L. 1994 S.B. 474, A.L. 1995 S.B. 43)
311.096. Common eating and drinking area, defined–licenses for
sale of liquor by the drink not for consumption on premises– fees–
extended hours for convention trade areas.
1. As used in this section, the term "common eating and drinking area"
means an area or areas within a building or group of buildings
designated for the eating of food and drinking of liquor sold at retail by
establishments which do not provide areas within their premises for the
consumption of food and liquor; where the costs of maintaining such
area or areas are shared by the payment of common area maintenance
charges, as provided in the respective leases permitting the use of such
areas, or otherwise; and where the annual gross income from the sale
of prepared meals or food consumed in such common eating and
drinking area is, or is projected to be, at least two hundred seventy-five
thousand dollars.
2. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this chapter to the
contrary, any person who possesses the qualifications required by this
chapter, or who now or hereafter meets the requirements of and
complies with the provisions of this chapter, may apply for, and the
supervisor of alcohol and tobacco control may issue, a license to sell
intoxicating liquor, as defined in this chapter, by the drink at retail not
for consumption on the premises where sold but for consumption in a
common eating and drinking area, as described in the application for
such license. In addition to all other fees required by law, each
establishment in a common eating and drinking area licensed under
this subsection shall pay to the director of revenue the sum of three
hundred dollars per year. The times for selling intoxicating liquor as
fixed in section 311.290, the authority for the collection of fees by
counties and cities as provided in section 311.220, and all other laws
and regulations of this state relating to the sale of intoxicating liquor
by the drink shall apply to each establishment licensed under this
subsection in the same manner as they apply to establishments
licensed under sections 311.085 and 311.090.
3. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this chapter to the
contrary, any person who possesses the qualifications required by this
chapter, and who now or hereafter meets the requirements of and
complies with the provisions of this chapter, may apply for, and the
supervisor of alcohol and tobacco control may issue, a license to sell
intoxicating liquor, as defined in this chapter, between the hours of
6:00 a.m. on Sundays and 1:30 a.m. on Mondays by the drink at retail
not for consumption on the premises where sold but for consumption
in a common eating and drinking area, as described in the application
for such license. In addition to all other fees required by law, each
establishment in a common eating and drinking area licensed under
this subsection shall pay an additional fee of two hundred dollars a
year payable at the same time and in the same manner as its other
license fees.
4. Any person possessing the qualifications and meeting the
requirements of this chapter, who is licensed to sell intoxicating liquor
by the drink at retail not for consumption on the premises where sold
but for consumption in a common eating and drinking area, may apply
to the supervisor of alcohol and tobacco control for a special permit to
remain open on all days of the week between the hours of 1:30 a.m. to
3:00 a.m. To qualify for such a permit, the premises of such an
applicant must be located in an area which has been designated as a
convention trade area by the governing body of the county or city.
An applicant granted a special permit under this section shall pay, in
addition to all other fees required by this chapter, an additional fee of
three hundred dollars a year payable at the time and in the same
manner as its other license fees. Statutes
(L. 1986 S.B. 444, A.L. 1994 S.B. 474, A.L. 2021 S.B. 126)
311.097.1 (Repealed L. 2012 H.B. 1498 § A)
311.098.1 (Repealed L. 2012 H.B. 1498 § A)
311.099. Controlled access liquor cabinet system for qualified
establishments–definitions–license–employees, requirements–tem-
porary license, when–sales to establishment, requirements.
1. As used in this section, the following terms mean:
(1) "Controlled access liquor cabinet", a closed container, either
refrigerated in whole or in part or nonrefrigerated, access to the
interior of which is restricted by means of a locking device which
requires the use of a key, access by means of a locking device as
hereinabove described;
(2) "Controlled access liquor cabinet system", a system for the
sale of intoxicating liquor in qualified packages or containers in the
rooms provided for the overnight accommodation of transient guests
in a qualified establishment by means of a controlled access liquor
cabinet, and such system shall permit the licensee to maintain in the
rooms provided for the overnight accommodation of transient guests a
controlled access liquor cabinet in which such licensee may maintain
for sale intoxicating liquor in qualified packages or containers,
together with, if desired, other beverages or food, and such system
shall permit the adult registered guests of the room in which such
controlled access liquor cabinet is located to use the key, magnetic
card or other similar device to gain access to such controlled access
liquor cabinet to obtain the intoxicating liquor or other beverages or
food for consumption;
(3) "Qualified establishment", any establishment having at least
forty rooms for the overnight accommodation of transient guests and
having a restaurant or similar facility on the premises at least sixty
percent of the gross income of which is derived from the sale of
prepared meals or food, which restaurant's annual gross food sales for
the past two years immediately preceding its application for a license
shall not have been less than one hundred thousand dollars per year or,
if such restaurant has been in operation for less than two years, such
restaurant has been in operation for at least ninety days preceding the
application for license for sale of intoxicating liquor by means of
controlled access liquor cabinets and has a projected experience based
upon its sale of food during the preceding ninety days which would
exceed one hundred thousand dollars per year;
(4) "Qualified packages or containers", packages or containers
for intoxicating liquor, other than beer or other malt liquor, which hold
not less than fifty milliliters and not more than two hundred milliliters,
and any packages or containers for beer or other malt liquor;
(5) "Registered guest", each person who signs his name to the
guest register of the qualified establishment or takes some other
equivalent action for the purpose of registering as a guest of such
qualified establishment;
(6) "Room", a room in a qualified establishment which is intended
to be used as, and which is provided for, the overnight accommodation
of transient guests.
2. Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter to the contrary,
any person who possesses the qualifications required by this chapter,
and who now or hereafter meets the requirements of and complies
with the provisions of this chapter, and who operates a qualified
establishment and who is licensed to sell liquor by the drink at retail
with respect to such qualified establishment, may apply for, and the
supervisor of liquor control shall issue, a license to sell intoxicating
liquor in the rooms of such qualified establishment by means of a
controlled access liquor cabinet system on and subject to the following
terms and conditions:
(1) The key, magnetic card or other similar device required to attain
access to the controlled access liquor cabinet in a particular room may
be provided only to each adult registered guest who is registered to
stay in such room;
(2) Prior to providing a key, magnetic card or other similar device
required to attain access to the controlled access liquor cabinet in a
particular room to the registered guest, the licensee shall verify that
each such registered guest to whom such key, magnetic card or similar
device is to be provided is not a minor, as defined by section 311.310;
(3) All employees handling the intoxicating liquor to be placed in
the controlled access liquor cabinet, including without limitation any
employee who inventories and/or restocks and replenishes the intoxi-
cating liquor in the controlled access liquor cabinet, shall be at least
eighteen years of age and shall obtain such employee permits as the
city, county or other local governmental entity in which the qualified
establishment is located requires to be obtained by employees of the
restaurant operated at such qualified establishment; provided,
however, that no such employee permits shall be required of any
employee who handles the intoxicating liquor in the original case and
who does not open such original case;
(4) Registered guests may use the key, magnetic card or other
similar device required to attain access to the controlled access liquor
cabinet in such registered guest's room at any time; provided,
however, that no controlled access liquor cabinet may be restocked or
replenished with intoxicating liquor, nor shall any intoxicating liquor
be delivered to a room in order to restock or replenish the supply of
intoxicating liquor in the controlled access liquor cabinet, at any time
when the restaurant operated at the qualified establishment is not
permitted to sell liquor by the drink at retail pursuant to the provisions
of this chapter;
(5) Upon request from the registered guest at any time, the qualified
establishment shall cause all intoxicating liquor to be removed from
the controlled access liquor cabinet in the room of such registered
guest as soon as reasonably practicable; and
(6) The qualified establishment shall have the right to collect
payment for the intoxicating liquor or other beverages or food taken
from the controlled access liquor cabinet in the room of a registered
guest in such manner as it shall determine to be appropriate, including
without limitation the inclusion of such charges together with the
charges made to such registered guest for the use of the room or for
purchase of meals at the restaurant operated at such qualified
3. Any new qualified establishment having been in operation for less
than ninety days may be issued a temporary license to sell intoxicating
liquor in the rooms of such qualified establishment by means of a con-
trolled access liquor cabinet system for a period not to exceed ninety
days if such establishment can show a projection of an annual
business from prepared meals or food which would exceed not less
than one hundred thousand dollars per year.
4. In addition to any right to sell granted pursuant to any other provi-
sion of this chapter, a duly licensed wholesaler shall be permitted to
sell intoxicating liquor to a qualified establishment in any size of
qualified packages or containers for use in a controlled access liquor
cabinet system; provided, however, that as to any size of qualified
packages or containers which could not be legally sold to the qualified
establishment except for the provisions of this section, any such size
of qualified packages or containers shall be sold by the qualified
establishment only by means of the controlled access liquor cabinet
system. Statutes
(L. 1984 S.B. 441, A.L. 1993 H.B. 63)
Effective 6-7-93
311.100. Sale by drink defined.
The sale of any intoxicating liquor except malt liquor, in the original
package, in any quantity less than fifty milliliters shall be deemed
"sale by the drink", and may be made only by a holder of a retail
liquor dealer's license and when so made, the container in every case
shall be emptied and the contents thereof served as other intoxicating
liquors sold by the drink are served. Statutes
(RSMo 1939 § 4915, A.L. 1980 S.B. 511, A.L. 1984 S.B. 441)
311.101. Unfinished bottles of wine may be carried out of a res-
taurant bar, when–transportation permitted–wineries, unfinished
bottles of wine may be removed, when–transportation permit-ted–
definition of winery.
1. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, it shall not be unlawful
for the owner, operator, or employees of a restaurant bar, as defined in
section 311.097, to allow patrons to carry out one or more bottles of
unfinished wine, nor shall it be unlawful for patrons of such restaurant
bar to carry out one or more bottles of unfinished wine under the fol-
lowing conditions:
(1) The patron must have ordered a meal;
(2) The bottle or bottles of wine must have been at least partially
consumed during the meal;
(3) The restaurant bar must provide a dated receipt for the
unfinished bottle or bottles of wine; and
(4) The restaurant bar must securely reseal the bottle or bottles of
wine and place them in one or more one-time-use, tamperproof, trans-
parent bags and securely seal the bags.
2. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, no person who
transports one or more bottles of unfinished wine which came from a
restaurant bar under the circumstances described in subsection 1 of
this section, in a vehicle, shall be considered to have violated any state
law or local ordinance regarding open containers in vehicles so long as
such person has in his or her possession the dated receipt from the
restaurant bar and the bottle or bottles of wine remain in the restaurant
bar-furnished, one-time-use, tamperproof, transparent bags with the
seals intact.
3. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, it shall be lawful for
the owner, operator, or employees of a winery to allow patrons to
carry out one or more bottles of unfinished wine and it shall be lawful
for patrons of such winery to carry out one or more bottles of
unfinished wine under the following conditions:
(1) The bottle or bottles of wine must have been at least partially
consumed at the winery;
(2) The winery must provide a dated receipt for the unfinished bottle
or bottles of wine; and
(3) The winery must securely reseal the bottle or bottles of wine and
place them in one or more one-time-use, tamperproof, transparent
bags and securely seal the bags.
4. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, no person who trans-
ports one or more bottles of unfinished wine which came from a
winery under the circumstances described under subsection 3 of this
section shall be considered to have violated any state law or local
ordinance regarding open containers in vehicles so long as such
person has in his or her possession the dated receipt from the winery
and the bottle or bottles of wine remain in the winery-furnished, one-
time-use, tamper-proof, transparent bags with the seals intact.
5. As used in this section "winery" means any establishment at which
wine is made. Statutes
(L. 2005 S.B. 262)
*Section 311.097 was repealed by H.B. 1498, 2012
311.102.1 (Repealed L. 2012 H.B. 1498 § A)
311.104.1 (Repealed L. 2012 H.B. 1498 § A)
311.110. Election to determine whether liquor may be sold by
Upon application by petition signed by one-fifth of the voters of any
incorporated city, who are qualified to vote for members of the
legislature in such incorporated city of this state, the board of
aldermen, city council or other proper officials of such incorporated
city shall submit the question to the voters of the incorporated city, to
determine whether or not intoxicating liquor, as defined in this
chapter, other than malt liquor containing not to exceed five percent of
alcohol by weight, shall be sold, furnished or given away within the
corporate limits of such incorporated city; and the result thereof shall
be entered upon the records of such board of aldermen, city council or
other proper officials, provided further, that the board of aldermen,
city council or other proper officials shall determine the sufficiency of
the petition presented by the poll books of the last previous city
election. Statutes
(RSMo 1939 § 4935, A.L. 1978 H.B. 971)
311.130. Form of ballot.
The question shall be submitted in substantially the following form:
Shall intoxicating liquor, containing alcohol in excess of five percent
(5%) by weight, be sold by the drink at retail for consumption on the
premises where sold? Statutes
(RSMo 1939 § 4937, A.L. 1965 p. 502, A.L. 1978 H.B. 971)
311.140. Result of election–favorable vote.
If a majority of the votes cast on the question be for the sale of
intoxicating liquor, containing alcohol in excess of five percent by
weight, by the drink at retail for consumption on the premises where
sold, such intoxicating liquors may be sold under the provisions of
existing laws regulating the sale thereof and the procuring of a license
for that purpose; and if a majority of the votes cast on the question be
against the sale of intoxicating liquor, containing alcohol in excess of
five percent by weight, by the drink at retail for consumption on the
premises where sold, the board of aldermen, city council or other
proper authorities of such incorporated city submitting the question
shall publish the result once a week for four consecutive weeks in the
same newspaper in which the notice of submission of the question was
published, and the provisions of this chapter shall take effect and be in
force from and after the date of the last insertion of the publication last
above referred to; and provided further, that no license to sell
intoxicating liquor, by the drink at retail for consumption on the
premises where sold, other than malt liquor containing not to exceed
five percent of alcohol by weight, shall be granted during the time of
publication last above mentioned; provided further, that this law shall
not be construed to interfere with any license issued before the date of
the filing of the petition for the submission of the question, but such
license may run until the date of its expiration and shall not be
renewed. The election in this chapter provided for, and the result
thereof, may be contested in the same manner as is now provided for
by law for the contest of elections of county officers in this state, by
any voter of such incorporated city in which said election shall be
held, by an action to contest, and which shall be brought against the
city holding such election. Statutes
(RSMo 1939 § 4938, A.L. 1978 H.B. 971)
311.150. Result of election–unfavorable vote.
If a majority of the votes cast on the question held under the
provisions of this chapter shall be against the sale of intoxicating
liquor containing alcohol in excess of five percent by weight, by the
drink at retail for consumption on the premises where sold, it shall not
be lawful for any person within the limits of such incorporated city to,
directly or indirectly, sell, give away or barter in any manner whatever
intoxicating liquor, by the drink at retail for consumption on the
premises where sold, except malt liquor, containing alcohol not to
exceed five percent by weight, under proper license, in any quantity
whatever, under the penalties prescribed in this chapter. Statutes
(RSMo 1939 § 4939, A.L. 1978 H.B. 971)
311.160. Question may be resubmitted, when–manner.
Whenever the question submitted in this chapter provided for has been
decided for or against the sale of intoxicating liquor containing
alcohol in excess of five percent by weight, by the drink at retail for
consumption on the premises where sold, then the question shall not
be again submitted within four years next thereafter in the same
incorporated city, and then only on a petition and in every respect
conforming to the provisions of this law. Statutes
(RSMo 1939 § 4940, A.L. 1978 H.B. 971)
311.170. Local option provisions applicable only to sales for con-
sumption on premises.
The provisions made by this chapter for local option shall be held to
be applicable only to sales for consumption on the premises where
sold, and shall not be construed to prevent the sale of intoxicating
liquor in the original package and not to be opened or consumed on
the premises where sold, nor to prevent the sale, at retail by the drink
for consumption on the premises where sold, of malt liquor containing
not to exceed five percent of alcohol by weight, under licenses issued
in accordance with the provisions of this chapter. Statutes
(RSMo 1939 § 4941)
311.174. Convention trade area, Kansas City, North Kansas
City, Jackson County, liquor sale by drink, extended hours for
business, requirements, fee.
1. Any person possessing the qualifications and meeting the
requirements of this chapter who is licensed to sell intoxicating liquor
by the drink at retail for consumption on the premises in a city with a
population of at least four thousand inhabitants which borders the
Missouri River and also borders a city with a population of over three
hundred thousand inhabitants located in at least three counties, in a
city with a population of over three hundred thousand which is located
in whole or in part within a first class county having a charter form of
government or in a first class county having a charter form of
government which contains all or part of a city with a population of
over three hundred thousand inhabitants, may apply to the supervisor
of alcohol and tobacco control for a special permit to remain open on
each day of the week until 3:00 a.m. of the morning of the following
day; except that, an entity exempt from federal income taxes under
Section 501(c)(7) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended,
and located in a building designated as a National Historic Landmark
by the United States Department of the Interior may apply for a
license to remain open until 6:00 a.m. of the following day. The time
of opening on Sunday may be 6:00 a.m. The provisions of this section
and not those of section 311.293 regarding the time of closing shall
apply to the sale of intoxicating liquor by the drink at retail for
consumption on the premises on Sunday. When the premises of such
an applicant is located in a city as defined in this section, then the
premises must be located in an area which has been designated as a
convention trade area by the governing body of the city. When the
premises of such an applicant is located in a county as defined in this
section, then the premises must be located in an area which has been
designated as a convention trade area by the governing body of the
2. An applicant granted a special permit under this section shall in
addition to all other fees required by this chapter pay an additional fee
of three hundred dollars a year payable at the time and in the same
manner as its other license fees.
3. The provisions of this section allowing for extended hours of
business shall not apply in any incorporated area wholly located in
any first class county having a charter form of government which
contains all or part of a city with a population of over three hundred
thousand inhabitants until the governing body of such incorporated
area shall have by ordinance or order adopted the extended hours
authorized by this section. Statutes
(L. 1981 S.B. 126 § 4, A.L. 1986 S.B. 500, A.L. 1995 S.B. 43, A.L. 2007 S.B. 299 & S.B.
616, A.L. 2012 H.B. 1498, A.L. 2021 S.B. 126)
311.176. Convention trade area, St. Louis City, liquor sale by
drink, extended hours for business, requirements, fee–resort
1. Any person possessing the qualifications and meeting the
requirements of this chapter who is licensed to sell intoxicating liquor
by the drink at retail for consumption on the premises in a city not
located within a county may apply to the supervisor of alcohol and
tobacco control for a special permit to remain open on each day of the
week until 3:00 a.m. of the morning of the following day. The time of
opening on Sunday may be 6:00 a.m. The provisions of this section
and not those of section 311.293 regarding the time of closing shall
apply to the sale of intoxicating liquor by the drink at retail for
consumption on the premises on Sunday. To qualify for such a permit,
the premises of such an applicant must be located in an area which has
been designated as a convention trade area by the governing body of
the city and the applicant must meet at least one of the following
(1) The business establishment's annual gross sales for the year
immediately preceding the application for extended hours equals one
hundred fifty thousand dollars or more; or
(2) The business is a resort. For purposes of this section, a "resort" is
defined as any establishment having at least sixty rooms for the
overnight accommodation of transient guests and having a restaurant
located on the premises.
2. An applicant granted a special permit pursuant to this section shall,
in addition to all other fees required by this chapter, pay an additional
fee of three hundred dollars a year payable at the time and in the same
manner as its other license fees. Statutes
(L. 1981 S.B. 126 § 3, A.L. 1986 S.B. 500, A.L. 1996 S.B. 933, A.L. 2012 H.B. 1498,
A.L. 2021 S.B. 126)
311.178. Convention trade area, St. Louis County, liquor sale by
drink, extended hours for business, requirements, fee–resort
defined–special permit for liquor sale by drink (Miller, Morgan,
and Camden counties).
1. Any person possessing the qualifications and meeting the
requirements of this chapter who is licensed to sell intoxicating liquor
by the drink at retail for consumption on the premises in a county of
the first classification having a charter form of government and not
containing all or part of a city with a population of over three hundred
thousand may apply to the supervisor of alcohol and tobacco control
for a special permit to remain open on each day of the week until 3:00
a.m. of the morning of the following day. The time of opening on
Sunday may be 6:00 a.m. The provisions of this section and not those
of section 311.293 regarding the time of closing shall apply to the sale
of intoxicating liquor by the drink at retail for consumption on the
premises on Sunday. The premises of such an applicant shall be
located in an area which has been designated as a convention trade
area by the governing body of the county and the applicant shall meet
at least one of the following conditions:
(1) The business establishment's annual gross sales for the year
immediately preceding the application for extended hours equals one
hundred fifty thousand dollars or more; or
(2) The business is a resort. For purposes of this subsection, a
"resort" is defined as any establishment having at least sixty rooms for
the overnight accommodation of transient guests and having a
restaurant located on the premises.
2. Any person possessing the qualifications and meeting the
requirements of this chapter who is licensed to sell intoxicating liquor
by the drink at retail for consumption on the premises in a county of
the third classification without a township form of government having
a population of more than twenty-three thousand five hundred but less
than twenty-three thousand six hundred inhabitants, a county of the
third classification without a township form of government having a
population of more than nineteen thousand three hundred but less than
nineteen thousand four hundred inhabitants or a county of the first
classification without a charter form of government with a population
of at least thirty-seven thousand inhabitants but not more than thirty-
seven thousand one hundred inhabitants may apply to the supervisor
of alcohol and tobacco control for a special permit to remain open on
each day of the week until 3:00 a.m. of the morning of the following
day. The time of opening on Sunday may be 6:00 a.m. The provisions
of this section and not those of section 311.293 regarding the time of
closing shall apply to the sale of intoxicating liquor by the drink at
retail for consumption on the premises on Sunday. The applicant shall
meet all of the following conditions:
(1) The business establishment's annual gross sales for the year
immediately preceding the application for extended hours equals one
hundred thousand dollars or more;
(2) The business is a resort. For purposes of this subsection, a
"resort" is defined as any establishment having at least seventy-five
rooms for the overnight accommodation of transient guests, having at
least three thousand square feet of meeting space and having a
restaurant located on the premises; and
(3) The applicant shall develop, and if granted a special permit shall
implement, a plan ensuring that between the hours of 1:30 a.m. and
3:00 a.m. no sale of intoxicating liquor shall be made except to guests
with overnight accommodations at the licensee's resort. The plan shall
be subject to approval by the supervisor of alcohol and tobacco control
and shall provide a practical method for the division of alcohol and
tobacco control and other law enforcement agencies to enforce the
provisions of subsection 3 of this section.
3. While open between the hours of 1:30 a.m. and 3:00 a.m. under a
special permit issued pursuant to subsection 2 of this section, it shall
be unlawful for a licensee or any employee of a licensee to sell
intoxicating liquor to or permit the consumption of intoxicating liquor
by any person except a guest with overnight accommodations at the
licensee's resort.
4. An applicant granted a special permit pursuant to this section shall,
in addition to all other fees required by this chapter, pay an additional
fee of three hundred dollars a year payable at the time and in the same
manner as its other license fees.
5. The provisions of this section allowing for extended hours of
business shall not apply in any incorporated area wholly located in any
county of the first classification having a charter form of government
which does not contain all or part of a city with a population of over
three hundred thousand inhabitants until the governing body of such
incorporated area shall have by ordinance or order adopted the
extended hours authorized by this section. Statutes
(L. 1981 S.B. 126 § 2, A.L. 1986 S.B. 500, A.L. 2002 S.B. 834, A.L. 2007 S.B. 299 &
S.B. 616 merged with S.B. 613 Revision, A.L. 2012 H.B. 1498, A.L. 2021 S.B. 126)
311.179. St. Louis Lambert International Airport and Kansas
City International Airport, special permit, fee.
1. Any person possessing the qualifications and meeting the
requirements of this chapter who is licensed to sell intoxicating liquor
by the drink at retail in an international airport located in a county
with a charter form of government and with more than nine hundred
fifty thousand inhabitants or in a county of the first classification with
more than eighty-three thousand but fewer than ninety-two thousand
inhabitants and with a city of the fourth classification with more than
four thousand five hundred but fewer than five thousand inhabitants as
the county seat may apply to the supervisor of alcohol and tobacco
control for a special permit which:
(1) Allows the premises located in the international airport in such
county to open at 4 a.m. and sell intoxicating liquor by the drink at
retail for consumption. The provisions of this section and not those of
section 311.293 regarding the time of opening shall apply to the sale
of intoxicating liquor by the drink at retail for consumption on
(2) Allows persons to leave licensed establishments with an
alcoholic beverage and enter other airport designated areas located
within such airport. No person shall take any alcoholic beverage or
beverages outside such designated areas, including onto any airplane;
(3) Requires every licensee within such international airport to serve
alcoholic beverages in containers that display and contain the
licensee’s trade name or logo or some other mark that is unique to that
license and licensee.
2. An applicant granted a special permit pursuant to this section shall,
in addition to all other fees required by this chapter, pay an additional
fee of three hundred dollars a year payable at the time and in the same
manner as its other license fees. Statutes
(L. 2012 H.B. 1498, A.L. 2017 H.B. 115, A.L. 2021 S.B. 126)
311.180. Manufacturers, wholesalers, solicitors–license fees–
wholesalers, sale to gaming commission licensees, allowed.
1. No person, partnership, association of persons or corporation shall
manufacture, distill, blend, sell or offer for sale intoxicating liquor
within this state at wholesale or retail, or solicit orders for the sale of
intoxicating liquor within this state without procuring a license from
the supervisor of alcohol and tobacco control authorizing them so to
do. For such license there shall be paid to and collected by the director
of revenue annual charges as follows:
(1) For the privilege of manufacturing and brewing in this state malt
liquor containing not in excess of five percent of alcohol by weight
and the privilege of selling to duly licensed wholesalers and soliciting
orders for the sale of malt liquors containing not in excess of five per-
cent of alcohol by weight, to, by or through a duly licensed wholesaler
within this state, the sum of two hundred fifty dollars;
(2) For the privilege of manufacturing in this state intoxicating
liquor containing not in excess of twenty-two percent of alcohol by
weight and the privilege of selling to duly licensed wholesalers and
soliciting orders for the sale of intoxicating liquor containing not in
excess of twenty-two percent of alcohol by weight, to, by or through a
duly licensed wholesaler within this state, the sum of two hundred
(3) For the privilege of manufacturing, distilling or blending intoxi-
cating liquor of all kinds within this state and the privilege of selling
to duly licensed wholesalers and soliciting orders for the sale of
intoxicating liquor of all kinds, to, by or through a duly licensed
wholesaler within this state, the sum of four hundred and fifty dollars;
(4) For the privilege of selling to duly licensed wholesalers and
soliciting orders for the sale of malt liquor containing not in excess of
five percent of alcohol by weight, to, by or through a duly licensed
wholesaler within this state, the sum of fifty dollars;
(5) For the privilege of selling to duly licensed wholesalers and
soliciting orders for the sale of intoxicating liquor containing not in
excess of twenty-two percent of alcohol by weight, to, by or through a
duly licensed wholesaler within this state, the sum of one hundred
(6) For the privilege of selling to duly licensed wholesalers and
soliciting orders for the sale of intoxicating liquor of all kinds, to, by
or through a duly licensed wholesaler within this state, the sum of two
hundred and fifty dollars;
(7) For the privilege of selling intoxicating liquor containing not in
excess of five percent of alcohol by weight by a wholesaler to a person
duly licensed to sell such malt liquor at retail and the privilege of
selling to duly licensed wholesalers and soliciting orders for the sale
of malt liquor containing not in excess of five percent of alcohol by
weight, to, by or through a duly licensed wholesaler within this state,
the sum of one hundred dollars;
(8) For the privilege of selling intoxicating liquor containing not in
excess of twenty-two percent of alcohol by weight by a wholesaler to
a person duly licensed to sell such intoxicating liquor at retail and the
privilege of selling to duly licensed wholesalers and soliciting orders
for the sale of intoxicating liquor containing not in excess of twenty-
two percent of alcohol by weight, to, by or through a duly licensed
wholesaler within this state, the sum of two hundred dollars;
(9) For the privilege of selling intoxicating liquor of all kinds by a
wholesaler to a person duly licensed to sell such intoxicating liquor at
retail and the privilege of selling to duly licensed wholesalers and
soliciting orders for the sale of intoxicating liquor of all kinds, to, by
or through a duly licensed wholesaler within this state, the sum of five
hundred dollars, except that a license authorizing the holder to sell to
duly licensed wholesalers and to solicit orders for sale of intoxicating
liquor, to, by or through a duly licensed wholesaler, shall not entitle
the holder thereof to sell within the state of Missouri, direct to
(10) For the privilege of selling to duly licensed wholesalers and
soliciting orders for the sale of vintage wine as defined in section
311.191, to, by, or through a duly licensed wholesaler within this
state, the sum of five hundred dollars.
2. Solicitors, manufacturers and blenders of intoxicating liquor shall
not be required to take out a merchant's license for the sale of their
products at the place of manufacture or in quantities of not less than
one gallon.
3. The provisions of this section relating to the privilege of selling
malt liquor are subject to and limited by the provisions of sections
311.181 and 311.182.
4. The licenses prescribed in this section for the privilege of selling
intoxicating liquor by a wholesaler to a person duly licensed to sell
such intoxicating liquor at retail shall allow such wholesaler to sell
intoxicating liquor to licensees licensed by the gaming commission to
sell beer or alcoholic beverages pursuant to section 313.840, RSMo.
(RSMo 1939 § 4898, A.L. 1945 p. 1043, A.L. 1985 H.B. 369, A.L. 1994 S.B. 651, A.L.
1995 S.B. 43,
A.L. 2007 S.B. 299 & S.B. 616)
311.181. Wholesaler's license to sell malt liquor, geographical
area limitation–exception–requirements.
1. In addition to any other information or documents required by law,
an applicant for a license which grants alone or with other privileges
the privilege of selling intoxicating liquor containing not in excess of
five percent of alcohol by weight by a wholesaler to a person duly
licensed to sell such malt liquor at retail shall submit to the supervisor
of liquor control a statement under oath designating clearly the
geographical area within which the applicant has been authorized by
the brewer to sell such malt liquor, the brand or brands he proposes to
sell, and the brewer or brewers who manufacture the brands, and
affirming that the applicant will maintain a warehouse and delivery
facilities within the designated geographical area. Each such
wholesaler applicant shall enter into a written agreement with the
brewer of the brand or brands which the applicant proposes to sell,
which agreement must specifically designate a geographic area within
which such wholesaler applicant is authorized to sell such brand or
brands. A copy of such written agreement shall be filed with the
supervisor of liquor control as a part of such application. It shall be
unlawful for any such wholesaler applicant, who is granted a license
hereunder, to sell any brand or brands of malt liquor in the state of
Missouri except in the designated geographic area described in said
agreement. Provided, however, that when such an applicant is
prevented from servicing the designated geographic area due to fire,
flood, or other causes beyond his reasonable control, another licensed
wholesaler not within the designated geographic area may sell the
specified brands of malt liquor in that designated geographic area, if
the applicant wholesaler who is prevented from servicing the area
consents thereto and approval is obtained from the applicable brewer
and the supervisor of liquor control.
2. A specified geographic area designation in any agreement required
by this section shall be changed only upon a written agreement
between the wholesaler and the brewer, and shall be filed pursuant to
this section and the supervisor shall require the brewer and wholesaler
to verify that the level of service within the designated geographic
area will not be affected by such change.
3. No provision of any written agreement required by this section shall
expressly or by implication or in its operation establish or maintain the
resale price of any brand or brands of beer by the licensed wholesaler.
4. The provisions of section 311.720 shall not apply to this section.
(L. 1985 H.B. 369, A.L. 2009 H.B. 132) Statutes
311.182. Exclusive areas for wholesalers–violation of area
limitations by wholesalers or brewers, penalties.
1. No brewer or manufacturer of malt liquor, who designates a
specific geographic area for which a wholesaler shall be responsible,
shall enter into any agreement with any other person for the purpose
of establishing an additional wholesaler for the same brands of malt
liquor in such designated area. Provided, however, that section
311.181 and this section shall not prevent a brewer, manufacturer or
wholesaler of malt liquor from exercising or enforcing any rights or
obligations established by or contained within any written agreement
required by section 311.181.
2. Any wholesaler or brewer who shall violate the provisions of
section 311.181 or this section, or permit his employees, officers or
agents to do so, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction
thereof shall be punished only as follows:
(1) For the first offense, by a fine of one thousand dollars;
(2) For a second offense, by a fine of five thousand dollars; and
(3) For a third offense, by a fine of twenty-five thousand dollars.
3. The provisions of section 311.720 shall not apply to this section.
(L. 1985 H.B. 369, A.L. 2009 H.B. 132)
311.185. Shipments of alcohol to residents permitted, when.
1. Notwithstanding any rule, law, or regulation to the contrary, any
person currently licensed in this state or any other state as a wine
manufacturer may apply for and the supervisor of alcohol and tobacco
control may issue a wine direct shipper license, as provided in this
section, which allows a wine manufacturer to ship up to two cases of
wine per month directly to a resident of this state who is at least
twenty-one years of age for such resident's personal use and not for
resale. Before sending any shipment to a resident of this state, the
wine manufacturer shall first obtain a wine direct shipper license as
(1) File an application with the division of alcohol and tobacco con-
trol; and
(2) Provide to the division of alcohol and tobacco control a true
copy of its current alcoholic beverage license issued in this state or
any other state, as well as a copy of the winery license from the
Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau.
2. All wine direct shipper licensees shall:
(1) Not ship more than two cases of wine per month to any person
for his or her personal use and not for resale;
(2) Not use any carrier for shipping of wine that is not licensed
under this section;
(3) Only ship wine that is properly registered with the Alcohol and
Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau;
(4) Only ship wine manufactured on the winery premises;
(5) Ensure that all containers of wine delivered directly to a resident
of this state are conspicuously labeled with the words "CONTAINS
REQUIRED FOR DELIVERY" or are conspicuously labeled with
wording preapproved by the division of alcohol and tobacco control;
(6) If the winery is located outside of this state, by January thirty-
first, make a report under oath to the supervisor of alcohol and tobacco
control setting out the total amount of wine shipped into the state the
preceding year;
(7) If the winery is located outside of this state, pay the division of
alcohol and tobacco control all excise taxes due on the amount to be
calculated as if the sale were in this state at the location where the
delivery is made;
(8) If the winery is located within this state, provide the division of
alcohol and tobacco control any additional information deemed neces-
sary beyond that already required for retail sales from the winery tast-
ing room to ensure compliance with this section;
(9) Permit the division of alcohol and tobacco control to perform an
audit of the wine direct shipper licensees' records upon request; and
(10) Be deemed to have consented to the jurisdiction of the division
of alcohol and tobacco control or any other state agency and the
Missouri courts concerning enforcement of this section and any
related laws, rules, or regulations.
3. The wine direct shipper licensee may annually renew its license
with the division of alcohol and tobacco control by providing the
division of alcohol and tobacco control all required items provided in
subsection 1 of this section.
4. Notwithstanding any law, rule, or regulation to the contrary, any
carrier may apply for and the supervisor of alcohol and tobacco
control may issue an alcohol carrier license, as provided in this
section, which allows the carrier to transport and deliver shipments of
wine directly to a resident of this state who is at least twenty-one years
of age or older. Before transporting any shipment of wine to a resident
of this state, the carrier shall first obtain an alcohol carrier license by
filing an application with the division of alcohol and tobacco control.
5. All alcohol carrier licensees shall:
(1) Not deliver to any person under twenty-one years of age, or to
any intoxicated person, or any person appearing to be in a state of
(2) Require valid proof of identity and age;
(3) Obtain the signature of an adult as a condition of delivery; and
(4) Keep records of wine shipped which include the license number
and name of the winery or retailer, quantity of wine shipped,
recipients; name and address, and an electronic or paper form of
signature from the recipient of the wine.
6. The division of alcohol and tobacco control may promulgate rules
to effectuate the provisions of this section. Any rule or portion of a
rule, as that term is defined in section 536.010, RSMo, that is created
under the authority delegated in this section shall become effective
only if it complies with and is subject to all of the provisions of
chapter 536, RSMo, and, if applicable, section 536.028, RSMo. This
section and chapter 536, RSMo, are nonseverable and if any of the
powers vested with the general assembly pursuant to chapter 536,
RSMo, to review, to delay the effective date or to disapprove and
annul a rule are subsequently held unconstitutional, then the grant of
rulemaking authority and any rule proposed or adopted after August
28, 2007, shall be invalid and void. Statutes
(L. 2007 S.B. 299 & S.B. 616)
311.190. Wine or brandy manufacturer's license, fee–use of
materials produced outside state, limitation, exception–what sales
may be made, when.
1. For the privilege of manufacturing wine or brandy, which
manufacturing shall be in accordance with all provisions of federal
law applicable thereto except as may otherwise be specified in this
section, in quantities not to exceed five hundred thousand gallons, not
in excess of eighteen percent of alcohol by weight for wine, or not in
excess of thirty-four percent of alcohol by weight for brandy, from
grapes, berries, other fruits, fruit products, honey, and vegetables
produced or grown in the state of Missouri, exclusive of sugar, water
and spirits, there shall be paid to and collected by the director of
revenue, in lieu of the charges provided in section 311.180, a license
fee of five dollars for each five hundred gallons or fraction thereof of
wine or brandy produced up to a maximum license fee of three
hundred dollars.
2. Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection 1 of this section, a
manufacturer licensed under this section may use in any calendar year
such wine- and brandy-making material produced or grown outside
the state of Missouri in a quantity not exceeding fifteen percent of the
manufacturer's wine entered into fermentation in the prior calendar
3. In any year when a natural disaster causes substantial loss to the
Missouri crop of grapes, berries, other fruits, fruit products, honey or
vegetables from which wines are made, the director of the department
of agriculture shall determine the percent of loss and allow a certain
additional percent, based on the prior calendar year's production of
such products, to be purchased outside the state of Missouri to be used
and offered for sale by Missouri wineries.
4. A manufacturer licensed under this section may purchase and sell
bulk or packaged wines or brandies received from other manufacturers
licensed under this section and may also purchase in bulk, bottle and
sell to duly licensed wineries, wholesalers and retail dealers on any
day except Sunday, and a manufacturer licensed under this section
may offer samples of wine, may sell wine and brandy in its original
package directly to consumers at the winery, and may open wine so
purchased by customers so that it may be consumed on the winery
premises on Monday through Saturday between 6:00 a.m. and
midnight and on Sunday between 6:00 a.m. and 1:30 a.m. on
Mondays. Statutes
(L. 1943 p. 620 § 4898a, A.L. 1945 p. 1056, A.L. 1969 H.B. 237, A.L. 1979 H.B. 701,
A.L. 1982 H.B. 1323, A.L. 1993 H.B. 63, A.L. 1994 S.B. 474, A.L. 1999 S.B. 391, A.L.
2007 S.B. 299 & S.B. 616, A.L. 2021 S.B. 126)
311.191. Vintage wine, definition–sale of vintage wine through
auction, authorized sellers–licenses to auction–auction conducted,
where, no consumption, issuance period, fee–shipment out of
state–tastings–auctioneer subject to regulations–penalty.
1. As used herein, the term "vintage wine" means bottled domestic
white, rose or sparkling wine which is not less than five years old,
domestic red wine which is not less than ten years old, or imported
white, rose, red, sparkling or port wine which is not less than three
years old.
2. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this chapter, any munici-
pality or person legally owning, controlling or possessing a private
collection of vintage wines in their original packages, including an
executor, administrator, personal representative, guardian or
conservator of an estate, sheriff, trustee in bankruptcy, or person
appointed or authorized by a court to act upon or execute a court order
or writ of execution with regard to the disposition of that vintage wine,
is authorized to sell that vintage wine at auction on consignment
through an auctioneer licensed herein. The auctioneer involved in such
sale shall ensure that each bottle of vintage wine sold from a private
collection has a permanently fixed label stating that the bottle was
acquired from a private collection.
3. The supervisor of liquor control is hereby authorized to issue a
license to conduct auctions of vintage wine to any person licensed as
an auctioneer pursuant to chapter 343, RSMo, and regularly
conducting business as an auctioneer at a fixed location in this state
within a city in a county of the first classification with a charter form
of government; provided, however, that no such license to auction
vintage wine may be issued to any person, or any entity controlled in
whole or in part by a person, who:
(1) Has been convicted of a felony or of any offense under this*
(2) Either possesses a current license to sell intoxicating liquor at
wholesale or retail, or previously possessed such a license which was
revoked for cause; or
(3) Has not been continuously in business in this state as an
auctioneer for a period of ten years prior to making application for
such license to auction vintage wine. The license to auction vintage
wine shall be in addition to any license or permit requirements
imposed by ordinance within the county or municipal jurisdictions in
which the auctioneer conducts such business.
4. No auction of vintage wine may be conducted off the business
premises of the auctioneer. No vintage wine sold at auction shall be
consumed on the premises of the auctioneer, nor shall any original
package of vintage wine be opened on such premises in the course of
any such auction, except as provided herein. A license to conduct
auctions of vintage wine shall be issued for a period of one year and
shall authorize the auctioneer to conduct not more than six auctions of
vintage wine during such year. The license shall be issued in such
form and upon the completion of such application as may be required
by the supervisor of liquor control. The fee for such license shall be
five hundred dollars per year.
5. A municipality or person legally owning, controlling or possessing
a private collection of vintage wines in their original packages may
ship the vintage wine in such packages from any location within the
state of Missouri to an auctioneer licensed pursuant to this act. Upon
receipt of the vintage wine the auctioneer shall be responsible for the
storage and warehousing thereof, for the labeling thereof pursuant to
the requirements of subsection 2 of this section, for the delivery of the
vintage wine to the purchasers at auction, and for the payment and
transfer of any applicable state and local taxes in connection with the
auction sale.
6. An auctioneer licensed to sell vintage wine pursuant to this section
may hold vintage wine tastings on the premises where an auction of
such vintage wine is to be conducted within the period of twenty-four
hours immediately preceding the commencement of the auction.
7. An auctioneer licensed pursuant to this section shall be subject to
all restrictions, regulations and provisions of this chapter governing
the acquisition, storage and sale of intoxicating liquor for off-premises
consumption which are not inconsistent with the provisions of this*
8. An auctioneer who affixes a label to any bottle of vintage wine, as
provided in subsection 2 of this section, without having determined
through the exercise of reasonable diligence that the wine was
acquired from a bona fide private collection, shall be guilty of a class
C misdemeanor and, upon a finding of or plea of guilty with regard to
any such misdemeanor, shall be subject to cancellation of the license
issued pursuant to subsection 3 of this section. Statutes
(L. 1996 S.B. 933, A.L. 2005 S.B. 262) *The word "this" does not appear in original rolls.
**"This act" (S.B. 933, 1996) contains numerous sections. Consult Disposition of Sections
table for definitive listing.
311.192. Wine manufacturer defined.
The term "wine manufacturer" as used in this chapter shall mean
any person, partnership, association of persons, or corporation who
has procured a license under subdivision (2) of subsection 1 of section
311.180 or section 311.190, and who manufactures in excess of two
hundred gallons of wine per calendar year. Statutes
(L. 2009 H.B. 132)
311.193. Vintage wine, municipalities may sell by sealed bids–
issuance of license, restrictions–consumption on premises prohib-
ited, when–shipping–wine tastings–violations, and penalty.
1. As used in this section, the term "vintage wine" means bottled
domestic white, rose, or sparkling wine which is not less than five
years old, domestic red wine which is not less than ten years old, or
imported white, rose, red, sparkling, or port wine which is not less
than three years old.
2. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this chapter, any munici-
pality legally owning, controlling or possessing a private collection of
vintage wines in their original packages is authorized to sell such
Vintage wine through a sealed bid process. The municipality may set a
minimum bid and may reserve the right to reject all bids. The
municipality shall designate a municipal employee to sell vintage wine
through a sealed bid process who shall ensure that each bottle of
vintage wine sold from a private collection has a permanently fixed
label stating that the bottle was acquired from a private collection.
3. The supervisor of liquor control is hereby authorized to issue a
license to a designated municipal employee provided that no such
license to sell vintage wine through a sealed bid process may be issued
to any person who:
(1) Has been convicted of a felony or of any offense under this
(2) Either possesses a current license to sell intoxicating liquor at
wholesale or retail, or previously possessed such a license which was
revoked for cause.
4. The license to sell vintage wine through a sealed bid process shall
be in addition to any license or permit requirements imposed by ordi-
nance within the county or municipality.
5. No vintage wine sold through the sealed bid process shall be
consumed on the premises of the municipality, nor shall any original
package of vintage wine be opened on such premises, except as
provided herein. A license to sell vintage wine through a sealed bid
process shall be issued for a period of one year and shall authorize the
designated municipal employee to sell such wine not more than six
different times during that year. The license shall be issued in such
form and upon completion of such application as may be required by
the supervisor of liquor control. The fee for such license shall be fifty
dollars per year which shall be paid by the municipality.
6. The municipality legally owning, controlling, or possessing a
private collection of vintage wines in their original packages may ship
the vintage wine in such packages from any location within the state
of Missouri to the designated municipal employee licensed pursuant to
this section. Upon receipt of the vintage wine the designated
municipal employee shall be responsible for the storage and ware-
housing thereof, for the labeling thereof pursuant to the requirements
of subsection 2 of this section, for the delivery of the vintage wine to
the purchasers, and for the payment and transfer of any applicable
state and local taxes in connection with the sale.
7. The designated municipal employee licensed to sell vintage wine
pursuant to this section may hold vintage wine tastings on the prem-
ises where the vintage wine is stored within the period of twenty-four
hours immediately preceding the first date on which sealed bids will
be accepted.
8. The designated municipal employee licensed pursuant to this sec-
tion shall be subject to all restrictions, regulations, and provisions of
this chapter governing the acquisition, storage, and sale of intoxicating
liquor for off-premises consumption which are not inconsistent with
the provisions of this section.
9. A municipal employee designated by the municipality to sell vin-
tage wine through a sealed bid process who affixes a label to any bot-
tle of wine, as provided in subsection 2 of this section, without having
determined through the exercise of reasonable diligence that the wine
was acquired from a bona fide private collection, shall be guilty of a
class C misdemeanor and, upon a finding of or plea of guilty with
regard to any such misdemeanor, shall be subject to a cancellation of
the license issued pursuant to subsection 3 of this section. Statutes
(L. 2005 S.B. 262)
311.195. Microbrewery, defined–license, fee–retail license
allowed, procedure–sale to wholesalers allowed, when–certain
exemptions, when.
1. As used in this section, the term "microbrewery" means a
business whose primary activity is the brewing and selling of beer,
with an annual production of ten thousand barrels or less.
2. A microbrewer’s license shall authorize the licensee to manufacture
beer and malt liquor in quantities not to exceed ten thousand barrels
per annum. In lieu of the charges provided in section 311.180, a
license fee of five dollars for each one hundred barrels or fraction
thereof, up to a maximum license fee of two hundred fifty dollars,
shall be paid to and collected by the director of revenue.
3. Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter to the contrary,
the holder of a microbrewer’s license may apply for, and the
supervisor of alcohol and tobacco control may issue, a license to sell
all kinds of intoxicating liquor, as defined in this chapter, by the drink
at retail for consumption on the premises of the microbrewery or in
close proximity to the microbrewery. No holder of a microbrewer’s
license, or any employee, officer, agent, subsidiary, or affiliate
thereof, shall have more than ten licenses to sell intoxicating liquor by
the drink at retail for consumption on the premises.
4. The holder of a microbrewer’s license may also sell beer and malt
liquor produced on the brewery premises to duly licensed wholesalers.
However, holders of a microbrewer’s license shall not, under any
circumstances, directly or indirectly, have any financial interest in any
wholesaler’s business, and all such sales to wholesalers shall be
subject to the restrictions of sections 311.181 and 311.182.
5. A microbrewer who is a holder of a license to sell intoxicating
liquor by the drink at retail for consumption on the premises shall be
exempt from the provisions of section 311.280, for such intoxicating
liquor that is produced on the premises in accordance with the
provisions of this chapter. For all other intoxicating liquor sold by the
drink at retail for consumption on the premises that the microbrewer
possesses a license for must be obtained in accordance with section
311.280. Statutes
(L. 1990 H.B. 1180, A.L. 1993 H.B. 63, A.L. 2003 S.B. 298 merged with S.B. 540, A.L.
2009 H.B. 132, A.L. 2016 S.B. 919)
311.196. Consumption off the premises, sale of beer permitted
for restaurant bar without an on-site brewery, when.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, any
restaurant bar without an on-site brewery that serves twenty or more
different types of draft beer may sell thirty-two fluid ounces or more
of such beer to customers for consumption off the premises of such
bar or tavern. As used in this section, the term "restaurant bar" means
any establishment having a restaurant or similar facility on the
premises at least fifty percent of the gross income of which is derived
from the sale of prepared meals or food consumed on such premises.
(L. 2009 H.B. 132, A.L. 2012 H.B. 1498)
311.197. Samples, furnishing and acceptance of, when.
1. A wholesaler of malt liquor may furnish or give, and a retailer may
accept, a sample of malt liquor as long as the retailer has not
previously purchased the brand of malt liquor from that wholesaler if
all of the following requirements are met:
(1) The sample shall not be more than seventy-two fluid ounces;
except if a particular product is not available in a size of seventy-two
fluid ounces or less, a wholesaler may furnish or give the next larger
size to the retailer;
(2) The wholesaler shall keep a record of the name of the retailer
and the quantity of each brand furnished or given to such retailer; and
(3) No samples of malt liquor provided shall be consumed or opened
on the premises of the retailer except as provided by the retail license.
2. For purposes of this section, brands shall be differentiated by
differences in the brand names of the products or the nature of the
products, including products that differ in the designation of class,
type, or kind. Differences in packaging, such as differences in the
style, type, or size of the product container or the color or design of a
label shall not be considered different brands. Statutes
(L. 2013 S.B. 121)
311.198. Portable refrigeration units, lease to retail licensee,
when — requirements — duration of lease — rulemaking
authority — expiration date.
1. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, rule, or regulation to
the contrary, a brewer may lease to the retail licensee and the retail
licensee may accept portable refrigeration units at a total lease value
equal to the cost of the unit to the brewer plus two percent of the total
lease value as of the execution of the lease. Such portable refrigeration
units shall remain the property of the brewer. The brewer may also
enter into lease agreements with wholesalers, who may enter into
sublease agreements with retail licensees in which the value contained
in the sublease is equal to the unit cost to the brewer plus two percent
of the total lease value as of the execution of the lease. If the lease
agreement is with a wholesaler, the portable refrigeration units shall
become the property of the wholesaler at the end of the lease period,
which is to be defined between the brewer and the wholesaler. A
wholesaler may not directly or indirectly fund the cost or maintenance
of the portable refrigeration units. Brewers shall be responsible for
maintaining adequate records of retailer payments to be able to verify
fulfillment of lease agreements. No portable refrigeration unit may
exceed forty cubic feet in storage space. A brewer may lease, or
wholesaler may sublease, not more than one portable refrigeration unit
per retail location. Such portable refrigeration unit may bear in a
conspicuous manner substantial advertising matter about a product or
products of the brewer and shall be visible to consumers inside the
retail outlet. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, rule,
regulation, or lease to the contrary, the retail licensee is hereby
authorized to stock, display, and sell any product in and from the
portable refrigeration units. No dispensing equipment shall be attached
to a leased portable refrigeration unit, and no beer, wine, or
intoxicating liquor shall be dispensed directly from a leased portable
refrigeration unit. Any brewer or wholesaler that provides portable
refrigeration units shall within thirty days thereafter notify the division
of alcohol and tobacco control on forms designated by the division of
the location, lease terms, and total cubic storage space of the units.
The division is hereby given authority, including rulemaking
authority, to enforce this section and to ensure compliance by having
access to and copies of lease, payment, and portable refrigeration unit
records and information.
2. Any lease or sublease executed under this section shall not exceed
five years in duration and shall not contain any provision allowing for
or requiring the automatic renewal of the lease or sublease.
3. Any rule or portion of a rule, as that term is defined in section
536.010, that is created under the authority delegated in this section
shall become effective only if it complies with and is subject to all of
the provisions of chapter 536 and, if applicable, section 536.028.
This section and chapter 536 are nonseverable and if any of the
powers vested with the general assembly pursuant to chapter 536 to
review, to delay the effective date, or to disapprove and annul a rule
are subsequently held unconstitutional, then the grant of rulemaking
authority and any rule proposed or adopted after January 1, 2017, shall
be invalid and void.
4. This section shall expire on January 1, 2026. Any lease or
sublease executed under this section prior to January 1, 2026, shall
remain in effect until the expiration of such lease or sublease. Statutes
(L. 2016 S.B. 919) Effective 1-01-17
*Expires 1-01-20 311.200. **(L. 2019 S B 197 extends expiration date to January 1,
311.200. Licenses — retail liquor dealers — fees — applications.
1. No license shall be issued for the sale of intoxicating liquor in the
original package, not to be consumed upon the premises where sold,
except to a person engaged in, and to be used in connection with, the
operation of one or more of the following businesses: a drug store, a
cigar and tobacco store, a grocery store, a general merchandise store, a
confectionery or delicatessen store, nor to any such person who does
not have and keep in his or her store a stock of goods having a value
according to invoices of at least one thousand dollars, exclusive of
fixtures and intoxicating liquors. Under such license, no intoxicating
liquor shall be consumed on the premises where sold nor shall any
original package be opened on the premises of the vendor except as
otherwise provided in this law. For every license for sale at retail in
the original package, the licensee shall pay to the director of revenue
the sum of one hundred dollars per year.
2. For a permit authorizing the sale of malt liquor, as defined in
section 311.490, by grocers and other merchants and dealers in the
original package direct to consumers but not for resale, a fee of fifty
dollars per year payable to the director of the department of revenue
shall be required. The phrase "original package" shall be construed
and held to refer to any package containing one or more standard
bottles, cans, or pouches of beer. Notwithstanding the provisions of
section 311.290, any person licensed pursuant to this subsection may
also sell malt liquor at retail between the hours of 6:00 a.m. on
Sundays and 1:30 a.m. on Mondays.
3. For every license issued for the sale of malt liquor, as defined in
section 311.490, at retail by drink for consumption on the premises
where sold, the licensee shall pay to the director of revenue the sum of
fifty dollars per year. Notwithstanding the provisions of section
311.290, any person licensed pursuant to this subsection may also sell
malt liquor at retail between the hours of 6:00 a.m. on Sundays and
1:30 a.m. on Mondays.
4. For every license issued for the sale of malt liquor, as defined in
section 311.490, and light wines containing not in excess of fourteen
percent of alcohol by weight made exclusively from grapes, berries
and other fruits and vegetables, at retail by the drink for consumption
on the premises where sold, the licensee shall pay to the director of
revenue the sum of fifty dollars per year.
5. For every license issued for the sale of all kinds of intoxicating
liquor, at retail by the drink for consumption on premises of the
licensee, the licensee shall pay to the director of revenue the sum of
three hundred dollars per year, which shall include the sale of
intoxicating liquor in the original package.
6. For every license issued to any railroad company, railway sleeping
car company operated in this state, for sale of all kinds of intoxicating
liquor, as defined in this chapter, at retail for consumption on its
dining cars, buffet cars and observation cars, the sum of one hundred
dollars per year. A duplicate of such license shall be posted in every
car where such beverage is sold or served, for which the licensee shall
pay a fee of one dollar for each duplicate license.
7. All applications for licenses shall be made upon such forms and in
such manner as the supervisor of alcohol and tobacco control shall
prescribe. No license shall be issued until the sum prescribed by this
section for such license shall be paid to the director of revenue. Statutes
(RSMo 1939 § 4901, A.L. 1945 p. 1043, A.L. 1945 p. 1061, A. 1949 S.B. 1114, A.L. 1981
S.B. 126, A.L. 1983 H.B. 85, et al., A.L. 1995 S.B. 43, A.L. 2003 S.B. 298, A.L. 2009
H.B. 132, A.L. 2013 S.B. 121, A.L. 2014 S.B. 653, A.L. 2014 H.B. 1304 merged with S.B.
689, A.L. 2016 S.B. 919, A.L. 2021 S.B. 126)
(1954) Operator of drug store which was located within zoning district in city in which the
sale of intoxicating liquors was not authorized, held not entitled to a license from the city
for sale of such liquor in original packages. State ex rel. Barnett v. Sappington (A.), 266
S.W.2d 774.
311.201. Draft beer, sale of 32 to 128 fluid ounces dispensed on
premises for consumption off premises — requirements.
1. Any person who is licensed to sell intoxicating liquor in the original
package at retail as provided in subsection 1 of section 311.200 may
sell from thirty-two to one hundred twenty-eight fluid ounces of draft
beer to customers in containers filled by any employee of the retailer
on the premises for consumption off such premises. Any employee of
the licensee shall be at least twenty-one years of age to fill containers
with draft beer.
2. No provision of law, rule, or regulation of the supervisor of alcohol
and tobacco control shall be interpreted to allow any wholesaler,
distributor, or manufacturer of intoxicating liquor to furnish
dispensing or cooling equipment, or containers that are filled or
refilled under subsection 1 of this section, to any person who is
licensed to sell intoxicating liquor in the original package at retail as
provided in subsection 1 of section 311.200.
3. (1) Containers that are filled or refilled under subsection 1 of this
section shall be affixed with a label or a tag that shall contain the
following information in type not smaller than three millimeters in
height and not more than twelve characters per inch:
(a) Brand name of the product dispensed;
(b) Name of brewer or bottler;
(c) Class of product, such as beer, ale, lager, bock, stout, or other
brewed or fermented beverage;
(d) Net contents;
(e) Name and address of the business that filled or refilled the
(f) Date of fill or refill;
(g) The following statement: “This product may be unfiltered and
unpasteurized. Keep refrigerated at all times.”
(2) Containers that are filled or refilled under subsection 1 of this
section shall be affixed with the alcoholic beverage health warning
statement as required by the Federal Alcohol Administration Act, 27
CFR Sections 16.20 to 16.22.
4. (1) The filling and refilling of containers shall only occur on
demand by a customer and containers shall not be prefilled by the
retailer or its employee.
(2) Containers shall only be filled or refilled by an employee of the
(3) Containers shall be filled or refilled as follows:
(a) Containers shall be filled or refilled with a tube as described in
subdivision (4) of this subsection and:
a. Food grade sanitizer shall be used in accordance with the
Environmental Protection Agency registered label use instructions;
b. A container of liquid food-grade sanitizer shall be maintained
for no more than ten malt beverage taps that will be used for filling
and refilling containers;
c. Each container shall contain no less than five tubes that will
be used only for filling and refilling containers;
d. The container shall be inspected visually for contamination;
e. After each filling or refilling of a container, the tube shall be
immersed in the container with the liquid food-grade sanitizer; and
f. A different tube from the container shall be used for each
filling or refilling of a container; or
(b) Containers shall be filled or refilled with a contamination-free
process and:
a. The container shall be inspected visually for contamination;
b. The container shall only be filled or refilled by the retailer’s
employee; and
c. The filling or refilling shall be in compliance with the Food
and Drug Administration Code 2009, Section 3-304.17(c).
(4) Containers shall be filled or refilled from the bottom of the
container to the top with a tube that is attached to the malt beverage
faucet and extends to the bottom of the container or with a commercial
filling machine.
(5) When not in use, tubes to fill or refill shall be immersed and
stored in a container with liquid food-grade sanitizer.
(6) After filling or refilling a container, the container shall be sealed
as set forth in subsection 1 of this section. Statutes
(L. 2016 S.B. 919)
311.202. Sale of retailer-packaged alcoholic beverages to
customers in containers for off-premises consumption, when —
1. Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, any person
who is licensed to sell intoxicating liquor at retail by the drink for on-
premises consumption may sell retailer-packaged alcoholic beverages
to customers in containers, filled on such premises by any employee
of the retailer who is twenty-one years of age or older, for off-
premises consumption if all the following requirements are met:
(1) The container of the alcoholic beverage is rigid, durable,
leakproof, sealable, and designed to prevent consumption without
removal of the tamperproof cap or seal. A sealable container does not
include a container with a lid with sipping holes or openings for
(2) The contents of each container do not exceed one hundred
twenty-eight ounces;
(3) The patron orders and purchases a meal from the licensee
simultaneous with the alcoholic beverage purchase. For purposes of
this subdivision, a "meal" is defined as food that has been prepared
(4) The number of alcoholic beverages sold under this section by a
licensee for off-premises consumption is limited to twice the number
of meal servings sold by the licensee for off-premises consumption;
(5) The licensee provides the patron with a dated receipt or an
electronic record for the meal and alcohol beverages; and
(6) The container is either:
(a) Placed in a one-time-use, tamperproof, transparent bag that is
securely sealed; or
(b) The container opening is sealed with tamperproof tape.
For purposes of this subdivision, "tamperproof" means that a lid,
cap, or seal visibly demonstrates when a bag or container has been
2. Containers that are filled under subsection 1 of this section shall be
affixed with a label or a tag that contains the name and address of the
business that filled the container, in type not smaller than three
millimeters in height and not more than twelve characters per inch,
3. The filling of a container under this section shall be in compliance
with Section 3-304.17(C) of the 2009 Food and Drug Administration
Food Code.
4. No provision of law, or rule or regulation of the division of alcohol
and tobacco control, shall be interpreted to allow any wholesaler,
distributor, or manufacturer of intoxicating liquor to furnish containers
that are filled under subsection 1 of this section to any person who is
licensed to sell intoxicating liquor at retail. . Statutes
(L. 2021 S.B. 126)
311.205. Self-dispensing of beer permitted, when.
1. Any person licensed to sell liquor at retail by the drink for
consumption on the premises where sold may use a self-dispensing
system, which is monitored and controlled by the licensee and allows
patrons of the licensee to self-dispense beer or wine. Before a patron
may dispense beer or wine, an employee of the licensee must first
authorize an amount of beer or wine, not to exceed thirty-two ounces
of beer or sixteen ounces of wine per patron per authorization, to be
dispensed by the self-dispensing system.
2. No provision of law or rule or regulation of the supervisor shall be
interpreted to allow any wholesaler, distributor, or manufacturer of
intoxicating liquor to furnish self-dispensing or cooling equipment or
provide services for the maintenance, sanitation, or repair of self-
dispensing systems. Statutes
(L. 2012 H.B. 1498, A.L. 2016 S.B. 919 merged with S.B. 994)
Effective 8-28-16 (S.B. 919); *10-14-16 (S.B. 994), see § 21.250
*S.B. 994 was vetoed July 1, 2016. The veto was overridden on September 14, 2016.
311.210. Application–remittance, made to whom, powers of
1. All applications for all licenses mentioned in this chapter shall be
made to the supervisor of liquor control and shall be accompanied by
a proper remittance made payable to the director of revenue.
2. The supervisor of liquor control shall have the power and duty to
determine whether each application for such license shall be approved
or disapproved. Upon disapproval of any application for a license, the
supervisor of liquor control shall so notify the applicant in writing,
setting forth therein the grounds and reasons for disapproval, and shall
return therewith the applicant's remittance. Upon approval of any
application for a license, the supervisor of liquor control shall issue to
the applicant the appropriate license and contemporaneously with such
issuance shall file a notice of the issuance of such license together
with the applicant's remittance in payment of the same with the
director of revenue. The director of revenue shall immediately issue a
receipt in duplicate for such payment, one copy of which shall be filed
with the supervisor of liquor control and one copy retained by the
director of revenue. Statutes
(RSMo 1939 § 4888, A.L. 1945 p. 1043)
311.211. Fishing skills contest, ticket sales to participants on
premises not ground to deny license.
Sales of tickets for participation in fishing contests wherein the skill of
the participant is an element shall not be construed as gambling or
participation in gambling activities for the purpose of administering
the provisions of this chapter, or rules and regulations made pursuant
thereto. The division of alcohol and tobacco control shall not deny,
suspend or revoke any license issued under those chapters because of
the sale of such tickets on the licensed premises. Statutes
(L. 1989 S.B. 419 § 1, A.L. 2009 H.B. 132)
311.212. Licenses, suspension or revocation of, violations occur-
ring more than three years prior, not valid grounds.
The division of liquor control shall not suspend, revoke, refuse to
renew or refuse to grant a license issued under the provisions of this
chapter based on a violation of any provision of this chapter or of any
rule or regulation promulgated by the supervisor of liquor control,
when such violation occurred more than three years prior to the
division's decision to suspend, revoke, refuse to renew or refuse to
grant such license. Statutes
(L. 1987 S.B. 150 § 2, A.L. 2009 H.B. 132)
311.218. Fourth of July celebrations, temporary permits for
wine and malt liquor for certain organizations, fee.
1. Other provisions of this chapter to the contrary notwithstanding, a
permit for the sale of wine and malt liquor for consumption on the
premises where sold may be issued to any church, school, civic,
service, fraternal, veteran, political, or charitable club or organization
for sale of such wine and malt liquor at any picnic, bazaar, fair,
festival or similar gathering or event held to commemorate the annual
anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence of the
United States. Such permit shall be issued only during the period from
June fifteenth to July fifteenth annually and only for the day or days
named therein and it shall not authorize the sale of wine and malt
liquor except between the hours of 6:00 a.m. and 1:30 a.m. and for not
more than seven days by any such organization. The permit may be
issued to cover more than one place of sale within the general confines
of the place where the gathering or event is held; provided, however,
no permit shall be issued to any organization which selects or restricts
the membership thereof on the basis of race, religion, color, creed, or
place of national origin. For the permit, the holder thereof shall pay to
the director of revenue the sum of one hundred dollars. No provision
of law or rule or regulation of the supervisor shall prevent any
wholesaler or distributor from providing customary storage, cooling or
dispensing equipment for use by the holder of the permit at such
gathering or event.
2. As used in this section the term "wine" means a beverage
containing not in excess of fourteen percent of alcohol by weight.
(L. 1983 H.B. 460, A.L. 2009 H.B. 132, A.L. 2021 S.B. 126)
311.220. Counties and cities may charge for licenses — amount
— display of license.
1. In addition to the permit fees and license fees and inspection fees by
this law required to be paid into the state treasury, every holder of a
permit or license authorized by this law shall pay into the county
treasury of the county wherein the premises described and covered by
such permit or license are located, or in case such premises are located
in the City of St. Louis, to the collector of revenue of said city, a fee in
such sum not in excess of the amount by this law required to be paid
into the state treasury for such state permit or license, as the county
commission, or the corresponding authority in the City of St. Louis, as
the case may be, shall by order of record determine, and shall pay into
the treasury of the municipal corporation, wherein said premises are
located, a license fee in such sum, not exceeding one and one-half
times the amount by this law required to be paid into the state treasury
for such state permit or license, as the lawmaking body of such
municipality, including the City of St. Louis may by ordinance
2. The board of aldermen, city council or other proper authorities of
incorporated cities may charge for licenses issued to manufacturers,
distillers, brewers, wholesalers and retailers of all intoxicating liquor,
located within their limits, fix the amount to be charged for such
license, subject to the limitations of this law, and provide for the
collection thereof, make and enforce ordinances for the regulation and
control of the sale of all intoxicating liquors within their limits,
provide for penalties for the violation of such ordinances, where not
inconsistent with the provisions of this law.
3. Every licensee shall keep displayed prominently at all times on their
licensed premises any city or county license designating their premises
as a place licensed by the city or county to sell intoxicating liquors.
Nonetheless, no application shall be disapproved by the supervisor of
alcohol and tobacco control for failure to possess a city or county
license when making application for a license. Within ten days from
the issuance of said city or county license, the licensee shall file with
the supervisor of alcohol and tobacco control a copy of such city or
county license. Statutes
(RSMo 1939 § 4904, A.L. 2016 S.B. 919)
(1954) In certiorari proceeding to review denial of liquor license by city liquor control
director, court could only quash its writ or quash the decision of the director of liquor
control. State ex rel. Bruno v. Johnson (A.), 270 S.W.2d 99.
(1956) Evidence that applicant for city liquor license was sole owner of business rather
than partner of her husband held sufficient to require issuance of such license. State ex rel.
Sirna v. Johnson (A.), 287 S.W.2d 114.
(1957) City ordinance prohibiting sales by any wholesaler to retailers who are delinquent
in payment of accounts to any wholesaler held valid and not in conflict with either the
liquor control law or the nonintoxicating beer law. Passler v. Johnson (Mo.), 304 S.W.2d
(1968) Evidence sufficient to support petition for writ of mandamus to compel city council
to issue liquor license. State v. City of St. Robert (A.), 424 S.W.2d 73.
(1969) No provision is made for notice and hearing in case of municipal authority to grant
or deny liquor license and court will not imply requirement of notice. Kopper Kettle
Restaurants, Inc. v. City of St. Robert (A.), 439 S.W.2d 1.
311.230. Application for license to manufacture or sell made to
Application for license to manufacture or sell intoxicating liquor,
under the provisions of this law, shall be made to the supervisor of
liquor control. Statutes
(RSMo 1939 § 4896, A.L. 1967 p. 424)
311.240. Period of license–federal license required–contents of
1. On approval of the application and payment of the license tax
provided in this chapter, the supervisor of liquor control shall grant the
applicant a license to conduct business in the state for a term to expire
with the thirtieth day of June next succeeding the date of such license.
A separate license shall be required for each place of business. Of the
license tax to be paid for any such license, the applicant shall pay as
many twelfths as there are months (part of a month counted as a
month) remaining from the date of the license to the next succeeding
July first.
2. No such license shall be effective, and no right granted thereby shall
be exercised by the licensee, unless and until the licensee shall
have obtained and securely affixed to the license in the space provided
therefor an original stamp or other form of receipt issued by the duly
authorized representative of the federal government, evidencing the
payment by the licensee to the federal government of whatever excise
or occupational tax is by any law of the United States then in effect
required to be paid by a dealer engaged in the occupation designated
in said license. Within ten days from the issuance of said federal
stamp or receipt, the licensee shall file with the supervisor of liquor
control a photostat copy thereof, or such duplicate or indented and
numbered stub therefrom as the federal government may have issued
to the taxpayer with the original.
3. Every license issued under the provisions of this chapter shall
particularly describe the premises at which intoxicating liquor may be
sold thereunder, and such license shall not be deemed to authorize or
permit the sale of intoxicating liquor at any place other than that
described therein.
4. Applications for renewal of licenses must be filed on or before the
first day of May of each calendar year.
5. In case of failure to submit the completed renewal application
required under subsection 4 of this section on or before the first day of
May, there shall be added to the amount of the renewal fee a late
charge of one hundred dollars from the second day of May to the last
day of May; a late charge of two hundred dollars if the renewal
application is submitted on the first day of June to the last day of June;
or a late charge of three hundred dollars if the renewal application is
submitted after the last day of June. Statutes_2
(RSMo 1939 § 4897, A.L. 2007 S.B. 299 & S.B. 616)
311.250. Licenses nontransferable–exceptions.
1. No license issued under this chapter shall be transferable or
assignable except as herein provided. In the event of the death of the
licensee, the widow or widower or the next of kin of such deceased
licensee, who shall meet the other requirements of this law may make
application and the supervisor of liquor control may transfer such
license to permit the operation of the business of the deceased for the
remainder of the period for which a license fee has been paid by the
2. Whenever one or more members of a partnership withdraws from
the partnership the supervisor of liquor control, upon being requested,
shall permit the remaining partner, or partners, originally licensed, to
continue to operate for the remainder of the period for which the
license fee has been paid, without obtaining a new license. Statutes_2
(RSMo 1939 § 4893, A.L. 1947 V. I p. 372)
311.260. More than five licenses by any one person prohibited,
1. No person, corporation, employee, officer, agent, subsidiary, or
affiliate thereof, shall:
(1) Have more than five licenses; or
(2) Be directly or indirectly interested in any business of any other
person, corporation, or employee, officer, agent, subsidiary, or
affiliate thereof, who sells intoxicating liquor at retail by the drink for
consumption on the premises described in any license; or
(3) Sell intoxicating liquor at retail by the drink for consumption at
the place of sale at more than five places in this state.
2. Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter or municipal
ordinance to the contrary, for the purpose of determining whether a
person, corporation, employee, officer, agent, subsidiary, or affiliate
thereof has a disqualifying interest in more than five licenses pursuant
to subsection 1 of this section, there shall not be counted any license
to sell intoxicating liquor at retail by the drink for consumption on the
following premises:
(1) Restaurants where at least fifty percent of the gross income of
which is derived from the sale of prepared meals or food consumed on
the premises where sold; or
(2) Establishments which have an annual gross income of at least
two hundred thousand dollars from the sale of prepared meals or food
consumed on the premises where sold; or
(3) Facilities designed for the performance of live entertainment and
where the receipts for admission to such performances exceed one
hundred thousand dollars per calendar year; or
(4) Any establishment having at least forty rooms for the overnight
accommodation of transient guests. Statutes_2
(RSMo 1939 § 4907, A.L. 1971 S.B. 18, A.L. 1990 H.B. 1180, A.L. 1995 S.B. 43, A.L.
2003 S.B. 298, A.L. 2009 H.B. 132)
311.265. Retailer going out of business in debt to wholesaler,
procedure–new license prohibited.
When a retailer licensed under this chapter, is delinquent beyond the
permissible ordinary commercial credit period, the wholesaler shall
notify the supervisor of liquor control in writing of the debt and no
new or renewal license shall be issued to the retailer until the reported
debt is satisfied. The wholesaler shall immediately notify the
supervisor of liquor control in writing when the debt is satisfied. As
used in this section, the term "retailer" shall include an individual,
corporation, partnership or limited liability company, all officers and
directors of such person or entity and all stockholders owning, legally
or beneficially, directly or indirectly, ten percent or more of the stock
of such person or entity. Statutes_2
(L. 1985 H.B. 166, A.L. 1995 S.B. 43, A.L. 2009 H.B. 132)
311.270. License for sale of malt liquor only–certain restric-
tions–penalty for violation.
1. It shall be unlawful for any person, holding a license for the sale of
malt liquor only, to possess, consume, store, sell or offer for sale, give
away or otherwise dispose of, upon or about the premises mentioned
in said license, or, upon or about said premises, to suffer or permit any
person to possess, consume, store, sell or offer for sale, give away or
otherwise dispose of, any intoxicating liquor of any kind whatsoever
other than malt liquor brewed or manufactured by the method, in the
manner, and of the ingredients, required by the laws of this state.
Whosoever shall violate any provision of this section shall be guilty of
a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof by any court of com-
petent jurisdiction shall be punished as in this chapter provided as to
misdemeanors. Upon such conviction becoming final, the license of
the person so convicted shall forthwith, and without other or further
action, order or proceeding, be deemed to have been revoked, and
shall by the licensee be forthwith surrendered to the supervisor and
2. No license for the sale of malt liquor only shall be issued to any
person having in his possession or on the premises to be licensed a
federal excise or occupational tax stamp or receipt, designating such
person or premises as the person or place for dealing in intoxicating
liquor other than malt liquors, or evidencing the payment of a tax for
being a dealer in liquors other than malt liquors. If any person having
a license for the sale of malt liquors only shall have in his possession
or on the licensed premises a federal excise or occupational tax stamp
or special tax receipt, designating such person or premises as the
person or place for dealing in intoxicating liquors, except malt liquors,
or evidencing the payment of a tax for being a dealer in liquor other
than malt liquors, the license of such person shall be revoked by the
supervisor. In any prosecution for the violation of this section,
evidence that the defendant has in his possession or upon the premises
in question a federal excise or occupational tax stamp or special tax
receipt, designating such person or premises as the person or place for
dealing in intoxicating liquors other than malt liquors, or evidencing
the payment of a tax for being a dealer in liquors, other than malt
liquors, shall be deemed prima facie evidence of a violation of the
provisions of this section.
3. Any person holding a license for the sale of malt liquor only, who
shall have in his possession or upon the licensed premises a federal
excise or occupational tax stamp or receipt, designating such person or
premises as the person or place for dealing in intoxicating liquors,
except malt liquors, or evidencing the payment of a tax for being a
dealer in liquor other than malt liquors, or for a term to expire after the
expiration of his permit, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and
upon conviction shall be punished by imprisonment in the county jail
for a term of not less than three months, nor more than one year, or by
a fine of not less than one hundred dollars, nor more than one
thousand dollars, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Statutes_2
(RSMo 1939 § 4914, A. 1949 S.B. 1114)
311.273.1 (Repealed L. 2012 H.B. 1498 § A)
311.275. Wholesale-solicitors registration required — primary
American source of supply, defined — vintage wine registration
— approval of application, when.
1. For purposes of tax revenue control, beginning January 1, 1980, no
holder of a license to solicit orders for the sale of intoxicating liquor,
as defined in this chapter, within this state, other than a wholesale-
solicitor, shall solicit, accept, or fill any order for any intoxicating
liquor from a holder of a wholesaler’s license issued under this
chapter, unless the holder of such solicitor’s license has registered
with the division of alcohol and tobacco control as the primary
American source of supply for the brand of intoxicating liquor sold or
sought to be sold. The supervisor of alcohol and tobacco control shall
provide forms for annual registration as the primary American source
of supply, and shall prescribe the procedures for such registration.
2. Beginning January 1, 1980, no holder of a wholesaler’s license
issued under this chapter shall order, purchase or receive any
intoxicating liquor from any solicitor, other than a wholesale-solicitor,
unless the solicitor has registered with the division of alcohol and
tobacco control as the primary American source of supply for the
brand of intoxicating liquor ordered, purchased or received.
3. The term “primary American source of supply” as used herein
shall mean the distiller, producer, the owner of the commodity at the
time it became a marketable product, the bottler, or the exclusive
agent of any such distiller, producer, bottler or owner, the basic
requirement being that the nonresident seller be the first source closest
to the manufacturer in the channel of commerce from whom the
product can be secured by American wholesalers.
4. Any vintage wine solicitor licensed under section 311.180 may
register as the primary American source of supply for vintage wine
with the division of alcohol and tobacco control, provided that another
solicitor is not registered as the primary American source of supply
for the vintage wine and the vintage wine has been approved for sale
by the federal Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau.
5. The supervisor of alcohol and tobacco control shall approve or deny
any application for primary American source of supply for any
intoxicating liquor product within five working days following the
receipt of a properly completed application. Any such application for
an intoxicating liquor product received by the supervisor of alcohol
and tobacco control that is not approved or denied within five working
days shall be considered conditionally approved and such intoxicating
liquor product may be solicited, sold, shipped, ordered, purchased, and
received in this state. All such applications submitted by applicants
located in the state, and exclusively doing business in the state, shall
be approved or denied before any such applications originating from
other states are approved or denied. Statutes_2
(L. 1979 H.B. 701, A.L. 2007 S.B. 299 & S.B. 616, A.L. 2017 H.B. 115)
311.280. Unlawful for licensed retailer to purchase from other
than licensed wholesaler–prohibited acts.
1. It shall be unlawful for any person in this state holding a retail
liquor license to purchase any intoxicating liquor except from, by or
through a duly licensed wholesale liquor dealer in this state. It shall be
unlawful for such retail liquor dealer to sell or offer for sale any
intoxicating liquor purchased in violation of the provisions of this
section. Any person violating any provision of this section shall be
deemed guilty of a misdemeanor.
2. Any retailer licensed pursuant to this chapter shall not:
(1) Sell intoxicating liquor with an alcohol content of less than five
percent by weight to the consumer in an original carton received from
the wholesaler that has been mutilated, torn apart, or cut apart; or
(2) Repackage intoxicating liquor with an alcohol content of less
than five percent by weight in a manner misleading to the consumer or
that results in required labeling being omitted or obscured. Statutes_2
(RSMo 1939 § 4913, A.L. 2003 S.B. 298, A.L. 2009 H.B. 132)
311.290. Time fixed for opening and closing premises--closed
place defined--penalty.
No person having a license issued pursuant to this chapter, nor any
employee of such person, shall sell, give away, or permit the
consumption of any intoxicating liquor in any quantity between the
hours of 1:30 a.m. and 6:00 a.m. on weekdays and between the hours
of 1:30 a.m. Sunday and 6:00 a.m. Monday, upon or about his or her
premises. If the person has a license to sell intoxicating liquor by the
drink, his premises shall be and remain a closed place as defined in
this section between the hours of 1:30 a.m. and 6:00 a.m. on weekdays
and between the hours of 1:30 a.m. Sunday and 6:00 a.m. Monday.
Where such licenses authorizing the sale of intoxicating liquor by the
drink are held by clubs, hotels, or bowling alleys, this section shall
apply only to the room or rooms in which intoxicating liquor is
dispensed; and where such licenses are held by restaurants or bowling
alleys whose business is conducted in one room only, then the licensee
shall keep securely locked during the hours and on the days specified
in this section all refrigerators, cabinets, cases, boxes, and taps from
which intoxicating liquor is dispensed. A "closed place" is defined to
mean a place where all doors are locked and where no patrons are in
the place or about the premises. Any person violating any provision of
this section shall be deemed guilty of a class A misdemeanor. Nothing
in this section shall be construed to prohibit the sale or delivery of any
intoxicating liquor during any of the hours or on any of the days
specified in this section by a wholesaler licensed under the provisions
of section 311.180 to a person licensed to sell the intoxicating liquor at
retail. Statutes_2
(RSMo 1939 § 4891, A.L. 1941 p. 412, A.L. 1951 p. 16, A.L. 1957 p. 27, A.L. 1967 p.
424, A.L. 1979 S.B. 192, A.L. 1981 S.B. 128, A.L. 1987 S.B. 150, A.L. 2003 S.B. 298,
A.L. 2009 H.B. 132, A.L. 2013 S.B. 59, A.L. 2013 S.B. 121)
(1954) Where customer placed groceries and illegally purchased whiskey in his car which
was parked on driveway of grocery store, a search of his car cannot be objected to by store
owner on prosecution for illegal sale of liquor. State v. Egan (A.), 272 S.W.2d 719.
(1968) The opening and closing hours of liquor establishments under this section are fixed
according to the system or method generally used by the people of Missouri, its business
and commerce, its public agencies, and its political subdivisions, at the time when the
method of computation or the meaning of the statute is brought into question. Playboy
Club, Inc. v. Myers (Mo.), 431 S.W.2d 221.
311.293. Sunday sales, package liquor licensee allowed, hours,
fee–city or county may also charge fee, limitations--exception.
1. Except for any establishment that may apply for a license under
section 311.089, any person possessing the qualifications and meeting
the requirements of this chapter, who is licensed to sell intoxicating
liquor at retail, may apply to the supervisor of alcohol and tobacco
control for a special license to sell intoxicating liquor at retail between
the hours of 6:00 a.m. on Sundays and 1:30 a.m. on Mondays. A
licensee under this section shall pay to the director of revenue an
additional fee of two hundred dollars a year payable at the same time
and in the same manner as its other license fees.
2. In addition to any fee collected pursuant to section 311.220, a city
or county may charge and collect an additional fee not to exceed three
hundred dollars from any licensee under this section for the privilege
of selling intoxicating liquor at retail between the hours of 6:00 a.m.
on Sundays and 1:30 a.m. on Mondays in such city or county;
however the additional fee shall not exceed the fee charged by that
city or county for a special license issued pursuant to any provision of
this chapter which allows a licensee to sell intoxicating liquor by the
drink for consumption on the premises of the licensee on Sundays.
3. The provisions of this section regarding the time of closing shall not
apply to any person who possesses a special permit issued under
section 311.174, 311.176, or 311.178. Statutes_2
(L. 1993 H.B. 63, A.L. 1994 S.B. 474, A.L. 2003 S.B. 298, A.L. 2012 H.B. 1498, A.L.
2021 S.B. 126)
(2002) Section specifies only the time when liquor can be sold, and not the type of liquor
which can be sold. Ozark Wholesale Beverage Company v. Supervisor of Liquor Control,
80 S.W.3d 491 (Mo. App. W.D.).
311.294. Wine and malt beverages, permit to allow tasting on
1. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this chapter to the
contrary, any person possessing the qualifications and meeting the
requirements of this chapter, who is licensed to sell intoxicating liquor
in the original package at retail under sections 311.200 and 311.293,
may apply to the supervisor of liquor control for a special permit to
conduct wine, malt beverage and distilled spirit tastings on the
licensed premises. A licensee under this section shall pay to the
director of revenue an additional twenty-five dollars a year payable at
the same time and manner as other license fees.
2. Nothing in this section shall be construed to permit the licensee to
sell wine, malt beverages or distilled spirits for on-premises
consumption. Statutes_2
(L. 1994 S.B. 474 § 311.295, A.L. 1995 S.B. 43)
311.297. Alcohol samples for tasting off licensed retail premises,
1. Any winery, distiller, manufacturer, wholesaler, or brewer or
designated employee may provide and pour distilled spirits, wine, or
malt beverage samples off a licensed retail premises for tasting
purposes provided no sales transactions take place. For purposes of
this section, a "sales transaction" shall mean an actual and immediate
exchange of monetary consideration for the immediate delivery of
goods at the tasting site.
2. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this chapter to the
contrary, any winery, distiller, manufacturer, wholesaler, or brewer or
designated employee may provide, furnish, or pour distilled spirits,
wine, or malt beverage samples for customer tasting purposes on any
temporary licensed retail premises as described in section 311.218,
311.482, 311.485, 311.486, or 311.487, or on any tax exempt
organization's licensed premises as described in section 311.090.
3. (1) Notwithstanding any other provisions of this chapter to the
contrary, any winery, distiller, manufacturer, wholesaler, or brewer or
designated employee may provide or furnish distilled spirits, wine, or
malt beverage samples on a licensed retail premises for customer
tasting purposes so long as the winery, distiller, manufacturer,
wholesaler, or brewer or designated employee has permission from the
person holding the retail license. The retail licensed premises where
such product tasting is provided shall maintain a special permit in
accordance with section 311.294 or hold a by-the-drink-for-
consumption-on-the-premises-where-sold retail license. No money or
anything of value shall be given to the retailers for the privilege or
opportunity of conducting the on-the-premises product tasting.
(2) Distilled spirits, wine, or malt beverage samples may be
dispensed by an employee of the retailer, winery, distiller,
manufacturer, or brewer or by a sampling service retained by the
retailer, winery, distiller, manufacturer, or brewer. All sampling
service employees that provide and pour intoxicating liquor samples
on a licensed retail premises shall be required to complete a server
training program approved by the division of alcohol and tobacco
(3) Any distilled spirits, wine, or malt beverage sample provided by
the retailer, winery, distiller, manufacturer, wholesaler, or brewer
remaining after the tasting shall be returned to the retailer, winery,
distiller, manufacturer, wholesaler, or brewer. Statutes_2
(L. 2007 S.B. 299 & S.B. 616, A.L. 2011 H.B. 101)
311.298. Certain holidays, sale by the drink on Sunday allowed.
When January first, March seventeenth, July fourth, or December
thirty-first falls on Sunday, and on the Sundays prior to Memorial Day
and Labor Day and on the Sunday on which the national
championship game of the national football league is played,
commonly known as "Super Bowl Sunday", any person having a
license to sell intoxicating liquor by the drink may be open for
business and sell intoxicating liquor by the drink under the provisions
of his license on that day from the time and until the time which
would be lawful on another day of the week, notwithstanding any
provisions of section 311.290 or any other provision of law to the
contrary. Statutes_2
(L. 1967 p. 425 § 1, A.L. 1969 H.B. 665, A.L. 1993 H.B. 63, A.L. 1994 S.B. 474)
311.299. Warning sign displayed, liquor licenses–violations.
1. Any person who is licensed pursuant to this chapter to sell or serve
alcoholic beverages at any establishment shall place on the premises
of such establishment a warning sign as described in this section. Such
sign shall be at least eleven inches by fourteen inches and shall read
“WARNING: Drinking alcoholic beverages during pregnancy may
cause birth defects.” The licensee shall display such sign in a
conspicuous place on the licensed premises.
2. Any employee of the supervisor of liquor control may report a
violation of this section to the supervisor, and the supervisor shall
issue a warning to the licensee of the violation.
3. Notwithstanding the provisions of section 311.880 to the contrary,
no person who violates the provisions of this section shall be guilty of
a crime. Statutes_2
(L. 2001 S.B. 130)
311.300. Persons eighteen years of age or older may sell or
handle intoxicating liquor, when.
1. Except as provided in this section, no person under the age of
twenty-one years shall sell or assist in the sale or dispensing of
intoxicating liquor.
2. In any place of business licensed in accordance with section
311.200, persons at least eighteen years of age may stock, arrange
displays, operate the cash register or scanner connected to a cash
register and accept payment for, and sack for carryout, intoxicating
liquor. Delivery of intoxicating liquor away from the licensed business
premises cannot be performed by anyone under the age of twenty-one
years. Any licensee who employs any person under the age of twenty-
one years, as authorized by this subsection, shall, when at least fifty
percent of the licensee's gross sales does not consist of nonalcoholic
sales, have an employee twenty-one years of age or older on the
licensed premises during all hours of operation.
3. In any distillery, warehouse, wholesale distributorship, or similar
place of business which stores or distributes intoxicating liquor but
which does not sell intoxicating liquor at retail, persons at least
eighteen years of age may be employed and their duties may include
the handling of intoxicating liquor for all purposes except
consumption, sale at retail, or dispensing for consumption or sale at
4. Any wholesaler licensed pursuant to this chapter may employ
persons of at least eighteen years of age to:
(1) Rotate, stock and arrange displays at retail establishments
licensed to sell intoxicating liquor; and
(2) Un
load delivery vehicles and transfer intoxicating liquor into
retail licensed premises if such persons are supervised by a delivery
vehicle driver who is twenty-one years of age or older.
5. Persons eighteen years of age or older may, when acting in the
capacity of a waiter or waitress, accept payment for or serve
intoxicating liquor in places of business which sell food for
consumption on the premises if at least fifty percent of all sales in
those places consists of food; provided that nothing in this section
shall authorize persons under twenty-one years of age to mix or serve
across the bar intoxicating beverages. Statutes_2
(RSMo 1939 § 4885, A. 1949 S.B. 1114, A.L. 1969 S.B. 37, A.L. 1971 H.B. 173, A.L.
1976 S.B. 487, H.B. 1367, A.L. 1981 S.B. 128, A.L. 1996 S.B. 933, A.L. 1997 H.B. 63,
A.L. 2009 H.B. 132, A.L. 2019 S.B. 197)
311.310. Sale to minor–c
ertain other persons, misdemeanor–
exceptions–permitting drinking or possession by a minor, penalty,
1. Any licensee under this chapter, or his employee, who shall sell,
vend, give away or otherwise supply any intoxicating liquor in any
quantity whatsoever to any person under the age of twenty-one years,
or to any person intoxicated or appearing to be in a state of intoxica-
tion, or to a habitual drunkard, and any person whomsoever except
his parent or guardian who shall procure for, sell, give away or
otherwise supply intoxicating liquor to any person under the age of
years, or to any intoxicated person or any person
appearing to be in a state of intoxication, or to a habitual drunkard,
shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, except that this section
shall not apply to the supplying of intoxicating liquor to a person
under the age of twenty-one years for medical purposes only, or to the
administering of such intoxicating liquor to any person by a duly
licensed physician. No person shall be denied a license or renewal of
a license issued under this chapter solely due to a conviction for
unlawful sale or supply to a minor when serving in the capacity as an
employee of a licensed establishment.
2. Any owner, occupant, or other person or legal entity with a lawful
right to the exclusive use and enjoyment of any property who know-
ingly allows a person under the age of twenty-one to drink or possess
intoxicating liquor or knowingly fails to stop a person under the age
of twenty-one from drinking or possessing intoxicating liquor on such
property, unless such person allowing the person under the age of
twenty-one to drink or possess intoxicating liquor is his or her parent
or guardian, is guilty of a class B misdemeanor. Any second or
subsequent violation of this subsection is a class A misdemeanor.
3. It shall be a defense to prosecution under this section if:
(1) The defendant is a licensed retailer, club, drinking establishment,
or caterer or holds a temporary permit, or an employee thereof;
(2) The defendant sold the intoxicating liquor to the minor with rea-
able cause to believe that the minor was twenty-one or more years
of age; and
(3) To purchase the intoxicating liquor, the person exhibited to the
defendant a driver's license, Missouri nondriver's identification card,
or other official or apparently official document, containing a
photograph of the minor and purporting to establish that such minor
was twenty-one years of age and of the legal age for consumption of
intoxicating liquor. Statutes_2
(L. 1947 V. I p. 373 § 4885a, A.L. 1990 H.B. 1180, A.L. 2005 H.B. 972 merged with S.B.
37, et al. and
S.B. 402, A.L. 2005 1st Ex. Sess. H.B. 2)
Effective 9-15-05
CROSS REFERENCE: Action for personal injuries or death when sale is proximate cause
and party is convicted under 311.310, RSMo 537.053
(1964) Evidence was sufficient for superintendent to find that licensee had sold
intoxicating liquor to minor and it was not necessary that licensee's guilt be determined by
court or jury or that supervisor overcome any presumption of innocence of licensee in
order for superintendent to suspend licensee's license. Crooms v. Ketchum (Mo.), 379
S.W.2d 580.
(1976) Held that it is not a defense to regulatory action under this section to assert that
minor was acting as an agent for an adult. May Dept. Stores v. Supervisor of Liquor
Control (A.), 530 S.W.2d 460.
(1980) Civil cause of action can arise in favor of a minor who suffers injury as result of
becoming intoxicated on liquor illegally sold to him in a drinking establishment. Sampson
v. W. F. Enterprises, Inc. (A.), 611 S.W.2d 333.
(1985) This statute does not impose civil liability upon a social host for serving alcohol to
an intoxicated guest who subsequently injures a third party. Harriman v. Smith (A.), 697
S.W.2d 219.
(1987) Neither the local chapter nor the national parent of a fraternity have any civil duty
to refrain from serving alcohol to any person under this section. Andres v. Alpha Kappa
Lambda Fraternity, 730 S.W.2d 547 (Mo. banc).
(1989) Civil liability cause of action under statute limited to tavern owners who dispense
alcoholic beverages by the drink. Passenger injured in accident while riding in automobile
operated by allegedly intoxicated underage driver did not have cause of action against
another passenger who had given intoxicating beverages to driver nor did he have cause of
action against the operator of package liquor store who allegedly sold the alcoholic
beverages. (Mo.App. W.D.) Leimkuehler v. Myers, 780 S.W.2d 653.
(2012) Amendment to section in 2005 adding to list of possible offenders the owners and
occupiers of land did not create a new civil duty and cause of action against landowners as
social hosts. Otte v. Edwards, 370 S.W.3d 898 (Mo.App.E.D.).
311.315. Manufacturing a false identification, offense of
1. A person commits the offense of manufacturing a false
identification if he or she possesses any means of identification for the
purpose of manufacturing and providing or selling a false
identification card to a person under the age of twenty-one for the
purpose of purchasing or obtaining alcohol.
2. The offense of manufacturing a false identification is a class A
misdemeanor. Statutes_2
(L. 2014 S.B. 491) Effective 1-01-17
311.320. Misrepresentation of age by minor to obtain liquor–use
of altered driver's license, passport or I.D. cards, penalties.
1. Any person of the age of seventeen years and under the age of
twenty-one years who shall represent that he has attained the age of
twenty-one years for the purpose of purchasing, asking for or in any
way receiving any intoxicating liquor, except in cases authorized by
law, shall upon conviction be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor. Any
person under the age of seventeen years who shall represent that he has
attained the age of twenty-one years for the purpose of purchasing,
asking for or in any way receiving any intoxicating liquor, except in
cases authorized by law, may be considered a delinquent child and
may be dealt with in accordance with the provisions of chapter 211,
2. In addition to any other penalties established in subsection 1 of this
section and established in sections 577.500 to 577.530, RSMo, any
person who is less than twenty-one years of age who uses a
reproduced, modified or altered chauffeur's license, motor vehicle
operator's license, identification card issued by any uniformed service
of the United States, passport or identification card established in
section 302.181, RSMo, for the purpose of purchasing, asking for or in
any way receiving any intoxicating liquor, shall be guilty of a
misdemeanor and shall be subject to a fine of five hundred dollars for
each separate offense. Statutes_2
(L. 1947 V. I p. 373 § 4885b, A.L. 1989 H.B. 397, A.L. 1992 H.B. 1316, A.L. 1993 H.B.
63) Effective 6-7-93
311.325. Purchase or possession by minor, penalty container
need not be opened and contents verified, when — consent to
chemical testing deemed given, when — burden of proof on
violator to prove not intoxicating liquor — section not applicable
to certain students, requirements.
1. Any person under the age of twenty-one years, who purchases or
attempts to purchase, or has in his or her possession, any intoxicating
liquor as defined in section 311.020 or who is visibly in an intoxicated
condition as defined in section 577.001, or has a detectable blood
alcohol content of more than two-hundredths of one percent or more
by weight of alcohol in such person's blood is guilty of a
misdemeanor. A first violation of this section shall be punishable as a
class D misdemeanor. A second or subsequent violation of this section
shall be punishable as a class A misdemeanor. Prior findings of guilt
shall be pleaded and proven in the same manner as required by section
558.021. For purposes of prosecution under this section or any other
provision of this chapter involving an alleged illegal sale or transfer of
intoxicating liquor to a person under twenty-one years of age, a
manufacturer-sealed container describing that there is intoxicating
liquor therein need not be opened or the contents therein tested to
verify that there is intoxicating liquor in such container. The alleged
violator may allege that there was not intoxicating liquor in such
container, but the burden of proof of such allegation is on such person,
as it shall be presumed that such a sealed container describing that
there is intoxicating liquor therein contains intoxicating liquor.
2. For purposes of determining violations of any provision of this
chapter, or of any rule or regulation of the supervisor of alcohol and
tobacco control, a manufacturer-sealed container describing that there
is intoxicating liquor therein need not be opened or the contents
therein tested to verify that there is intoxicating liquor in such
container. The alleged violator may allege that there was not
intoxicating liquor in such container, but the burden of proof of such
allegation is on such person, as it shall be presumed that such a sealed
container describing that there is intoxicating liquor therein contains
intoxicating liquor.
3. Any person under the age of twenty-one years who purchases or
attempts to purchase, or has in his or her possession, any intoxicating
liquor, or who is visibly in an intoxicated condition as defined in
section 577.001, shall be deemed to have given consent to a chemical
test or tests of the person's breath, blood, saliva, or urine for the
purpose of determining the alcohol or drug content of the person's
blood. The implied consent to submit to the chemical tests listed in
this subsection shall be limited to not more than two such tests arising
from the same arrest, incident, or charge. Chemical analysis of the
person's breath, blood, saliva, or urine shall be performed according to
methods approved by the state department of health and senior
services by licensed medical personnel or by a person possessing a
valid permit issued by the state department of health and senior
services for this purpose. The state department of health and senior
services shall approve satisfactory techniques, devices, equipment, or
methods to be considered valid and shall establish standards to
ascertain the qualifications and competence of individuals to conduct
analyses and to issue permits which shall be subject to termination or
revocation by the state department of health and senior services. The
person tested may have a physician, or a qualified technician, chemist,
registered nurse, or other qualified person at the choosing and expense
of the person to be tested, administer a test in addition to any
administered at the direction of a law enforcement officer. The failure
or inability to obtain an additional test by a person shall not preclude
the admission of evidence relating to the test taken at the direction of a
law enforcement officer. Upon the request of the person who is tested,
full information concerning the test shall be made available to such
person. Full information is limited to the following:
(1) The type of test administered and the procedures followed;
(2) The time of the collection of the blood or breath sample or urine
(3) The numerical results of the test indicating the alcohol content of
the blood and breath and urine;
(4) The type and status of any permit which was held by the person
who performed the test;
(5) If the test was administered by means of a breath-testing
instrument, the date of performance of the most recent required
maintenance of such instrument.
Full information does not include manuals, schematics, or software of
the instrument used to test the person or any other material that is not
in the actual possession of the state. Additionally, full information
does not include information in the possession of the manufacturer of
the test instrument.
4. The provisions of this section shall not apply to a student who:
(1) Is eighteen years of age or older;
(2) Is enrolled in an accredited college or university and is a student
in a culinary course;
(3) Is required to taste, but not consume or imbibe, any beer, ale,
porter, wine, or other similar malt or fermented beverage as part of the
required curriculum; and
(4) Tastes a beverage under subdivision (3) of this subsection only
for instructional purposes during classes that are part of the curriculum
of the accredited college or university. The beverage must at all times
remain in the possession and control of an authorized instructor of the
college or university, who must be twenty-one years of age or older.
Nothing in this subsection may be construed to allow a student under
the age of twenty-one to receive any beer, ale, porter, wine, or other
similar malt or fermented beverage unless the beverage is delivered as
part of the student's required curriculum and the beverage is used only
for instructional purposes during classes conducted as part of the
curriculum. Statutes_2
(L. 1959 H.B. 248 § 1, A.L. 1994 S.B. 693, A.L. 2003 S.B. 298, A.L. 2005 S.B. 402, A.L.
2006 S.B. 725, A.L. 2009 H.B. 62, A.L. 2011 H.B. 111, A.L. 2014 S.B. 491)
Effective 1-01-17
311.326. Expungement of record permitted, when.
After a period of not less than one year after reaching the age of
twenty-one a person who has pleaded guilty to or has been found
guilty of violating section 311.325 for the first time, and who since
such conviction has not been convicted of any other alcohol-related
offense, may apply to the court in which he or she was sentenced for
an order to expunge all official records of his or her arrest, plea, trial
and conviction. No records shall be expunged if the person who has
pleaded* guilty to or has been found guilty of violating section
311.325 is licensed as a commercial motor vehicle driver or was
operating a commercial motor vehicle as defined in section 302.700 at
the time of the violation. If the court determines, upon review, that
such person has not been convicted of any other alcohol-related
offense at the time of the application for expungement, and the person
has had no other alcohol-related enforcement contacts, as defined in
section 302.525, the court shall enter an order of expungement. The
effect of such an order shall be to restore such person to the status he
or she occupied prior to such arrest, plea or conviction, as if such
event had never happened. No person as to whom such order has been
entered shall be held thereafter under any provision of any law to be
guilty of perjury or otherwise giving a false statement by reason of his
or her failure to recite or acknowledge such arrest, plea, trial,
conviction or expungement in response to any inquiry made of him or
her for any purpose whatsoever. A person shall be entitled to only one
expungement pursuant to this section. Nothing contained in this
section shall prevent courts or other state officials from maintaining
such records as are necessary to ensure that an individual receives
only one expungement pursuant to this section. Statutes_2
(L. 2005 S.B. 402, A.L. 2009 H.B. 62 merged with H.B. 683, A.L. 2009 H.B. 62 merged
with H.B. 683) *Word "plead" appears in original rolls.
311.328. Identification, acceptable forms.
1. A valid and unexpired operator’s or chauffeur’s license issued
under the provisions of section 302.177, or a valid and unexpired
operator’s or chauffeur’s license issued under the laws of any state or
territory of the United States to residents of those states or territories,
or a valid and unexpired identification card or nondriver’s license as
provided for under section 302.181, or a valid and unexpired
nondriver’s license issued under the laws of any state or territory of
the United States to residents of those states or territories, or a valid
and unexpired identification card issued by any uniformed service of
the United States, or a valid and unexpired passport shall be presented
by the holder thereof upon request of any agent of the division of
alcohol and tobacco control or any licensee or the servant, agent or
employee thereof for the purpose of aiding the licensee or the servant,
agent or employee to determine whether or not the person is at least
twenty-one years of age when such person desires to purchase or
consume alcoholic beverages procured from a licensee. Upon such
presentation the licensee or the servant, agent or employee thereof
shall compare the photograph and physical characteristics noted on the
license, identification card or passport with the physical characteristics
of the person presenting the license, identification card or passport.
2. Upon proof by the licensee of full compliance with the provisions
of this section, no penalty shall be imposed if the supervisor of the
division of alcohol and tobacco control or the courts are satisfied that
the licensee acted in good faith.
3. Any person who shall, without authorization from the department of
revenue, reproduce, alter, modify, or misrepresent any chauffeur’s
license, motor vehicle operator’s license or identification card shall be
deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be subject
to a fine of not more than one thousand dollars, and confinement for
not more than one year, or by both such fine and imprisonment.
(L. 1965 p. 503 §§ 1 to 5, A.L. 1971 H.B. 365, A.L. 1972 S.B. 462, A.L. 1982 H.B. 986,
A.L. 1987 S.B. 230, A.L. 1992 H.B. 1316, A.L. 1993 H.B. 63, A.L. 2003 S.B. 298, A.L.
2016 S.B. 919)
311.329. Reproduction or alteration of identification card, pen-
Any person who has in his possession a reproduced, modified or
altered motor vehicle driver's license, nondriver's license issued by
any uniformed service of the United States, or identification card
established in section 302.181, RSMo, or any other such identification
card which indicates that the person represented on the card is over
twenty-one years of age, is guilty of a class A misdemeanor. Statutes_2
(L. 1993 S.B. 180 § 10)
311.330. Unauthorized liquors prohibited on premises licensed
for sale by drink, exceptions.
It shall be unlawful for the holder of any license authorized by this
chapter, for the sale of any intoxicating liquor at retail by the drink for
consumption on the premises where sold, to keep or secrete, or to
allow any other person to keep or secrete in or upon the premises
described in such license, any intoxicating liquor, other than the kind
of liquor expressly authorized to be sold by such license, or any kind
of liquor used exclusively as an ingredient in any foods being prepared
and sold on the premises. Statutes_2
(RSMo 1939 § 4899, A.L. 1980 H.B. 1234, A.L. 1996 S.B. 933)
311.332. Wholesale price regulation, discrimination prohibited-
-delivery to certain organizations for nonresale purposes, allowed
when--donation permitted, when.
1. It shall be unlawful for any wholesaler licensed to sell intoxicating
liquor and wine containing alcohol in excess of five percent by weight
to persons duly licensed to sell such intoxicating liquor and wine at
retail, to discriminate between retailers or in favor of or against any
retailer or group of retailers, directly or indirectly, in price, in
discounts for time of payment, or in discounts on quantity of
merchandise sold, or to grant directly or indirectly any discount,
rebate, free goods, allowance or other inducement, excepting a
discount not in excess of one percent for quantity of liquor and wine,
and a discount not in excess of one percent for payment on or before a
certain date. The delivery of manufacturer rebate coupons by
wholesalers to retailers shall not be a violation of this subsection.
2. Manufacturers or wholesalers shall be permitted to donate or deliver
or cause to be delivered beer, wine, or brandy for nonresale purposes
to any unlicensed person or any licensed retail dealer who is a
charitable or religious organization as defined in section 313.005 or
educational institution, at any location or licensed premises, provided,
such beer, wine, or brandy is unrelated to the organization's or
institution's licensed retail operation. A charge for admission to an
event or activity at which beer, wine, or brandy is available without
separate charge shall not constitute resale for the purposes of this
subsection. Wine used in religious ceremonies may be sold by
wholesalers to a religious organization as defined in section 313.005.
Any manufacturer or wholesaler providing nonresale items shall keep
a record of any deliveries made pursuant to this subsection.
3. Manufacturers, wholesalers, retailers and unlicensed persons may
donate wine in the original package to a charitable or religious
organization as defined in section 313.005 or educational institution
for the sole purpose of being auctioned by the organization or
institution for fund-raising purposes, provided the auction takes place
on a retail-licensed premises and all proceeds from the sale go into a
fund of an organization or institution that is unrelated to any licensed
retail operation. Statutes_2
(L. 1955 p. 40 § 311.331, A.L. 1985 H.B. 166, A.L. 1986 S.B. 444, A.L. 1987 H.B. 62 &
70, A.L. 1995 S.B. 43, A.L. 1997 H.B. 63, A.L. 2005 S.B. 262, A.L. 2009 H.B. 132)
(1966) This section does not make it unlawful for a wholesaler to refuse to sell its products
to any particular retailer; it makes it unlawful only for a wholesaler to discriminate
between retailers, (1) in price;
(2) in discounts for time payments, and (3) in discounts for quantity of merchandise sold.
It also makes it unlawful for a wholesaler to grant any rebate, free goods, allowances or
other inducements, except as specifically authorized. Giloti v. Hamm-Singer Corp. (Mo.),
396 S.W.2d 711.
311.333. Wholesalers, returns of alcoholic beverages to,
supervisor to regulate--wholesaler pricing to be made available to
retailers, when.
1. Any wholesaler licensed under this chapter to sell intoxicating
liquors and wines may accept the return of any intoxicating liquor
containing alcohol in excess of five percent by weight and wines as
provided by rules and regulations promulgated by the supervisor of
liquor control, pursuant to chapter 536.
2. Any wholesaler licensed to sell intoxicating liquor or wine
containing alcohol in excess of five percent by weight to persons duly
licensed to sell such intoxicating liquor and wine at retail shall make
available to all such retailers, not later than five days prior to the first
day of the month in which the pricing is to be effective, information
regarding all products which shall be available for sale in the next
month. Such information shall include the brand or trade name,
capacity of individual packages, nature of contents, age and proof, the
per-bottle and per-case price which shall be offered equally to all
retailers, the number of bottles contained in each case, and the size
thereof. The price provided to retailers under this section shall become
effective on the first day of the next month and remain in effect until
the last day of that month. Supplemental pricing information may be
provided to retailers by wholesalers for items that were
unintentionally left off a regular monthly item information listing or
for new items after approval for sale in Missouri by the Missouri
division of alcohol and tobacco control. A wholesaler shall be allowed
to sell such items to retailers immediately upon production of such
supplemental information. Statutes_2
(L. 1987 S.B. 150 § 1, A.L. 2009 H.B. 132)
311.334. (Repealed L. 2009 H.B.132 ₰ A)
311.335. Liquor sales by wholesalers, delivery price--delayed
shipment--sale of close-out merchandise permitted, when.
1. Any wholesaler licensed to sell intoxicating liquor and wine
containing alcohol in excess of five percent by weight shall deliver
such intoxicating liquor and wine to a retailer at the price in effect for
that calendar month in which the delivery occurs.
2. Such wholesaler licensed to sell intoxicating liquor and wine
containing alcohol in excess of five percent by weight shall not take
an order for delivery in a month subsequent to the month in which the
order is taken, provided that during the last five business days of each
month, orders may be taken for delivery in the following month at the
price in effect for that following month and provided, further, that for
any order received within the last five business days of a month, the
wholesaler may, with the consent of the retailer placing such order,
deliver such order to the retailer within the first five business days of
the month following the month in which the order was received by
such wholesaler at the price in effect for the month in which the order
was placed. Such order received within the last five business days of a
month and delivered within the first five business days of the
subsequent month shall be known as a "delayed shipment". A delayed
shipment shall be deemed delivered on the last business day of the
month in which the order was received for purposes of implementing
and enforcing rules and regulations of the supervisor of alcohol and
tobacco control relating to invoicing, discounts and ordinary
commercial credit terms.
3. Any wholesaler licensed to sell intoxicating liquors and wines
containing alcohol in excess of five percent by weight shall be allowed
to offer for sale intoxicating liquors or wines containing alcohol in
excess of five percent by weight to persons duly licensed to sell
intoxicating liquors and wines at retail at prices which are below the
wholesaler's cost only if such intoxicating liquors and wines are
designated to be close-out merchandise. Wholesalers shall designate
intoxicating liquors and wines containing alcohol in excess of five
percent by weight to be close-out merchandise by identifying them
such as close-out items when providing monthly pricing information
to retailers as required in section 311.333. A wholesaler shall not
purchase any intoxicating liquor or wine containing alcohol in excess
of five percent by weight while such intoxicating liquor or wine is
designated as close-out merchandise. Intoxicating liquors or wines
containing alcohol in excess of five percent by weight that are
designated as close-out merchandise shall be designated as close-out
merchandise for not less than six consecutive months. After such time,
a wholesaler may remove items from close-out designation by no
longer identifying them as close-out items when providing monthly
pricing information to retailers as required in section 311.333. Statutes_2
(L. 1998 H.B. 1705 § 1, A.L. 2009 H.B. 132)
311.336. (Repealed L. 2009 H.B.132 ₰ A)
(1984) Liquor price posting laws, making wholesaler prices available for public display,
does not itself constitute a violation of the Sherman Act. (Mo. banc) Wine and Spirits
Specialty, Inc. v. Daniel, 666 S.W.2d 416.
311.338. Violation of wholesale price regulations, misdemeanor-
-suspension of license.
Alleged violations of sections 311.332, 311.333, and 311.335 shall be
reported to the supervisor of alcohol and tobacco control. Any person
violating any provisions of sections 311.332, 311.333, and 311.335
shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and it shall be the duty of
the supervisor of alcohol and tobacco control to suspend or revoke the
license of any wholesaler violating any of the provisions of sections
311.332, 311.333, and 311.335. Statutes_2
(L. 1955 p. 40 § 311.334, A.L. 1985 H.B. 166, A.L. 2009 H.B. 132)
311.340. Mixing liquor with drugs prohibited.
No holder of a license under this chapter, or any other person, shall for
any purpose whatsoever mix or permit or cause to be mixed with any
intoxicating liquor kept for sale, sold or supplied by him as a
beverage, any drug or form of methyl alcohol or impure form of
alcohol. Statutes_2
(RSMo 1939 § 4882)
311.355. Manufacturer rebate coupons by wholesalers,
regulation of.
1. Manufacturers of intoxicating liquor other than beer or wine shall
be permitted to offer consumer cash rebate coupons as provided in this
(1) Consumer cash rebate coupons may be published or advertised
by manufacturers in newspapers, magazines and other mass media;
(2) Coupon advertisements may list the amount of the cash rebate,
but not the retail price of the intoxicating liquor after the rebate;
(3) Applications for cash rebates must be made directly from the
consumer to the manufacturer, and not through retailers or
(4) Cash rebates must be made directly to consumers by
(5) Wholesalers and manufacturers may deliver cash rebate coupons
to retailers, either for distribution at the point of sale or in connection
with packaging.
2. Manufacturers of intoxicating liquor including beer and wine may
offer coupons redeemable for nonalcoholic merchandise, except that
such redeemable coupons must be made available without a purchase
requirement to consumers at the point of sale, or by request through
the mail, or at the retailer's cash register. Redeemable coupons may be
published or advertised by manufacturers in newspapers, magazines
and other mass media. Advertisements must state that no purchase is
required to obtain the nonalcoholic merchandise and provide informa-
tion on the procedure to obtain such merchandise. The retail value of
the nonalcoholic merchandise shall not be stated in the advertisement
or on the product. Wholesalers and manufacturers may deliver these
redeemable coupons at the point of sale or in connection with
packaging. Statutes_2
(L. 1986 S.B. 444 § 1, A.L. 1995 S.B. 43)
311.360. Misrepresentation of brand of liquor unlawful, penalty
— exceptions.
1. No person holding a license or permit shall sell malt liquor, or any
other intoxicating liquor in this state, or shall offer for sale any such
malt liquor, or other intoxicating liquor whatsoever, brewed,
manufactured or distilled by one manufacturer, in substitution for, or
with the representation that any such malt liquor or other intoxicating
liquor, is the product of any other brewer, manufacturer or distiller.
Whosoever shall violate the provisions of this section shall be deemed
guilty of a misdemeanor.
2. Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection 1 of this section, no
person holding a license or permit shall be deemed guilty of a
misdemeanor for offering for sale, or for the sale of, wine or brandy so
long as the manufacturer of the brandy or the wine manufacturer has
provided the supervisor of alcohol and tobacco control with a copy of
the certificate of label approval issued by the Alcohol and Tobacco
Tax and Trade Bureau and, if necessary, has properly registered such
label or name with the appropriate state agency. Statutes_2
(RSMo 1939 § 4911, A.L. 1996 S.B. 933, A.L. 2003 S.B. 298, A.L. 2009 H.B. 132)
311.370. Liquor in storage--report to supervisor, when--
contents of report.
Every person, firm, partnership or corporation who shall keep or store
any intoxicating liquor in any warehouse, or other storage place in this
state, shall at the time such liquor is received and stored, notify the
supervisor of liquor control and furnish to him a list of the kind and
quantity of such intoxicating liquor, and the name and address of the
owner thereof, and upon the withdrawal of said intoxicating liquor, or
any part thereof, shall notify said supervisor and furnish to him the
name and address of the person to whom such intoxicating liquor shall
be delivered, the kind, quantity and amount thereof. A violation of any
of the provisions of this section shall constitute a misdemeanor.
(RSMo 1939 § 4947)
311.373. Beer required to be in possession of licensed wholesaler
prior to sale at retail.
All malt beverages purchased for resale in this state prior to being
resold at retail shall physically come into the possession of a licensed
wholesaler and be unloaded in and distributed from the licensed
wholesaler's warehouse in this state. Statutes_2
(L. 1993 S.B. 76) Effective 5-5-93
311.380. Warehouse receipts–unlawful to sell or give away–pen-
It shall be unlawful to sell, offer for sale, or give away any warehouse
receipt, or receipts, of intoxicating liquor without first securing
permission, written or printed, of the supervisor of liquor control so to
do. Any person violating any provision of this section shall be deemed
guilty of a misdemeanor. Statutes_2
(RSMo 1939 § 4912)
311.390. Duty of carriers to furnish certain information–penalty
for failure –proceedings.
1. Every railroad, express or transportation company, or other com-
mon carrier or contract hauler, shall, when requested, furnish to the
supervisor of liquor control a duplicate bill of lading or receipt, show-
ing the name of the consignor and consignee, date, place received,
destination and quantity of intoxicating liquors, received by them for
shipment to any point within this state. Upon failure to comply with
the provisions herein, said railroad, express or transportation
company, or other common carrier or contract hauler, shall forfeit and
pay to the state of Missouri the sum of fifty dollars for each and every
failure, to be recovered in any court of competent jurisdiction.
2. The supervisor of liquor control and the director of revenue are each
hereby authorized and empowered to call upon the prosecuting
attorneys of the respective counties or the circuit attorneys or the attor-
ney general to bring any proceeding hereunder on the relation of the
supervisor of liquor control or the director of revenue, as the case may
be, to the use of the state of Missouri. The penalties collected shall be
disposed of as provided by section 7, article IX, of the Constitution of
Missouri, and section 171.010, RSMo. Statutes_2
(RSMo 1939 § 4931, A.L. 1945 p. 1043)
311.400. Unclaimed shipments of liquor may be sold.
Any railroad or express company doing business in this state shall
have the right to sell unclaimed or refused shipments of intoxicating
liquor in the same manner that such railroad or express company is or
may be hereafter authorized to sell other unclaimed or refused
property under the laws of this state, and no license or permit shall be
required of such railroad or express company for such sale of such
unclaimed or refused intoxicating liquor. Statutes_2
(RSMo 1939 § 4919)
311.401. Repossessed liquor, sale by lending institution, when–
no license required.
Any lending institution doing business with any distiller, wholesaler,
winemaker, brewer, or retailer in Missouri duly licensed under this
chapter shall have the right to sell intoxicating liquor which such
lending institution has repossessed to a retailer duly licensed under
this chapter, with the approval of the supervisor of alcohol and
tobacco control, provided such liquor was originally taken as
collateral for a business loan. No license or permit shall be required
for such sale, and such sale shall be limited to cases, kegs, or barrels
of such liquor, and any leftover unopened containers. Such transaction
shall be subject to the provisions of chapter 400, RSMo. As used in
this section, the term "lending institution" means any bank or trust
company incorporated under the laws of this state or of the United
States. Statutes_2
(L. 1983 S.B. 6, A.L. 2003 S.B. 298)
311.410. Transportation of intoxicating liquor into or through
state, when permitted.
No person shall transport intoxicating liquor in, into or through the
state of Missouri which has not been lawfully manufactured. No
person shall transport intoxicating liquor in any quantity exceeding
five gallons in or into the state of Missouri for delivery or use therein,
unless the required inspection, labeling or gauging fee or license has
been paid thereon and unless the bottle or other container in which the
liquor is immediately contained has upon it stamps of the director of
revenue of the state of Missouri evidencing payment of such fee;
provided, however, that persons licensed by the supervisor of liquor
control as manufacturers, blenders, or distillers of intoxicating liquor
may import intoxicating liquor into and transport it into and within
this state in bulk without having paid the fees above referred to and
without first affixing the stamps to the containers of such liquor when
it is to be used only in manufacturing, blending, or distilling
intoxicating liquor, and subject to such regulations as the supervisor of
liquor control may prescribe to safeguard the fees due the state of
Missouri; and provided further, that persons licensed as
manufacturers, blenders, distillers, and wholesalers whose licensed
premises are within the state of Missouri may import into United
States government bonded warehouses located in this state
intoxicating liquors which have been bottled in United States govern-
ment bond without first paying said fees and without first affixing the
stamps to the containers of such liquor, subject to such regulations as
the supervisor of liquor control may prescribe to safeguard the fees
due this state when such liquor is withdrawn from said warehouse for
sale or storage in this state outside of a United States internal revenue
bonded warehouse; and provided further, that wholesalers licensed by
the supervisor of liquor control whose licensed premises are within the
state of Missouri may import into and transport into United States cus-
toms bonded warehouses in this state intoxicating liquors from foreign
countries and from other United States customs bonded warehouses,
located in any state of the United States, without first paying the fees
above referred to and without first affixing the stamps to the contain-
ers of said liquor subject to such regulations as have been or may be
prescribed by the supervisor of liquor control to safeguard the fees due
the state of Missouri when such liquor is withdrawn from such United
States customs bonded warehouse for sale or storage in this state out-
side of a United States customs bonded warehouse. Statutes_2
(RSMo 1939 § 4932, A.L. 1949 p. 320)
311.420. Transporter's license–fee–bond–qualifications–certain
carriers exempt.
1. No person, except carriers regulated by the motor carrier and
railroad safety division of the department of economic development
under chapters 387, 389 and 390, RSMo, shall transport into, within,
or through the state of Missouri any intoxicating liquors in quantities
larger than five gallons unless such person holds a valid license or per-
mit from the supervisor of alcohol and tobacco control of the state of
Missouri to do so. For such license, there shall be paid to the director
of revenue the sum of ten dollars per annum. Application for such
license shall be made to the supervisor of alcohol and tobacco control
of the state of Missouri and each applicant shall submit with his
application a bond in the penal sum of one thousand dollars with
sufficient surety to be approved by the supervisor of alcohol and
tobacco control, conditioned that he will not violate any provisions of
the liquor control laws of this state or any regulation promulgated
under such liquor control laws, and any violation of such condition
shall work a forfeiture of such bond to the state of Missouri. The
license year shall end on June thirtieth, and the applicant shall pay as
many twelfths as there are months, with each part of a month being
counted as a month, remaining from the date of the license to the next
succeeding July first. The supervisor of alcohol and tobacco control
may issue single transaction licenses, for which there shall be paid to
the director of revenue the sum of five dollars, and, if the value of the
liquor to be transported exceeds one hundred dollars, the permit shall
not be issued until the bond provided for above in this section is given
to the state. No such transporter's license shall be required of any
person licensed by the supervisor of alcohol and tobacco control
whose licensed premises are located in the state of Missouri, nor shall
it be necessary to procure a license to transport liquor purchased from
a retail liquor dealer duly licensed by the supervisor of alcohol and
tobacco control of the state of Missouri. No license or permit shall be
required to transport industrial alcohol.
2. The qualifications prescribed for the issuance of other licenses by
the provisions of the liquor control law shall not apply to licenses
issued under this section, but no license shall be issued to any person
who is not of good moral character or who has been convicted since
the ratification of the twenty-first amendment to the Constitution of
the United States of the violation of any law applicable to the
manufacture or sale of intoxicating liquor, nor to any person who has
had a license from the supervisor of alcohol and tobacco control
revoked. If applicant is a corporation, the managing officer thereof
must possess the qualifications prescribed in this section.
3. Carriers licensed under this section or carriers exempt from holding
a permit under this section shall not deliver wine to a resident of this
state without obtaining an alcohol carrier license under section
(L. 1949
p. 320 § 4932, A.L. 1985 H.B. 157, A.L. 2007 S.B. 299 & S.B. 616 )
motor carrier and railroad safety abolished, duties and functions transferred
highways and transportation commission and department of transportation,
(1951) Provisions of § 311.820 constitute a condition to the granting of a license hereunder
and application and acceptance of a license under this section requires consent to the
inspection of cargo by enforcement officers. Constitutional rights against search therefor
are waived by licensee. State v. Ward, 361 Mo. 1236, 239 S.W.2d 313.
311.430. Revocation of transporter's license.
The supervisor of liquor
control may revoke any transportation permit
or license granted by him for failure of the licensee or permittee to
comply with the conditions or requirements set forth in sections
311.410 to 313.450 and for violation of any section of the liquor
control law of the state of Missouri. Statutes_2
(L. 1949 p. 320 § 4932)
311.440. Transporter's license to be exhibited to officers, when.
Every person transporting liquor within, into, or through the state of
Missouri shall, upon demand, supply the supervisor of liquor control
and any of his agents or any peace officer of the state of Missouri with
evidence that a liquor transporter's license has been issued to him by
the supervisor of liquor control of the state of Missouri. Statutes_2
(L. 1949 p. 320 § 4932)
311.450. Bill of lading to accompany transported alcoholic
liquors– contents–inspection.
Any alcoholic liquors in excess of one hundred gallons being
transported into, within, or through the state of Missouri shall be
accompanied at all times during transportation by a bill of lading or
other memorandum of shipment, showing an exact description of the
alcoholic liquors being transported, the name and address of the
consignor, the name and address of the consignee, the route to be
traveled by such vehicle while in Missouri, and the vehicle
transporting such liquors shall not vary from such route. Such bill of
lading or memorandum shall be shown to the supervisor of liquor
control or any peace officer of this state upon demand. The name of
the consignor on any such bill of lading or other memorandum of
shipment shall be the name of the true consignor of the alcoholic
beverages being transported and such consignor shall only be a person
who has the legal right to make such shipment. The name of the
consignee on such bill of lading or memorandum of shipment shall be
the true consignee of the alcoholic beverages being transported and
who has previously authorized in writing the shipment of the alcoholic
beverages being transported and who has a legal right to receive such
beverages at the point of destination shown on the bill of lading or
other memorandum of shipment. Statutes_2
(L. 1949 p. 320 § 4932, A.L. 1987 S.B. 150)
311.460. Violation of sections 311.410 to 311.450, penalty.
Any person knowingly and willfully violating any provisions of
sections 311.410 to 311.450 shall be deemed guilty of a felony and
shall be punished upon conviction by imprisonment in the penitentiary
not exceeding two years or by imprisonment in the county jail not
exceeding one year or by a fine not exceeding one thousand dollars.
(L. 1949 p. 320 § 4932) Statutes_2
(1961) Information which failed to allege that the defendant knowingly and willfully
transported illegally manufactured intoxicating liquor held insufficient notwithstanding it
stated that defendant did "unlawfully and feloniously transport, etc." State v. Thomas
(Mo.), 343 S.W.2d 56.
311.462. (Repealed L. 2017 H.B. 115) (8/28/2017)
311.470. (Repealed L. 2010 H.B. 1965)
311.480. Eating places, drinking of intoxicating liquor on
premises, license required, when, hours–regulations–penalties–
1. It shall be unlawful for any person operating any premises where
food, beverages or entertainment are sold or provided for
compensation, who does not possess a license for the sale of
intoxicating liquor, to permit the drinking or consumption of
intoxicating liquor in the premises, without having a license as in this
section provided.
2. Application for such license shall be made to the supervisor of
alcohol and tobacco control on forms to be prescribed by him or her,
describing the premises to be licensed and giving all other reasonable
information required by the form. The license shall be issued upon the
payment of the fee required in this section. A license shall be required
for each separate premises and shall expire on the thirtieth day of June
next succeeding the date of such license. The license fee shall be sixty
dollars per year and the applicant shall pay five dollars for each month
or part thereof remaining from the date of the license to the next
succeeding first of July. Applications for renewals of licenses shall be
filed on or before the first of May of each year.
3. The drinking or consumption of intoxicating liquor shall not be
permitted in or upon the licensed premises by any person under
twenty-one years of age, or by any other person between the hours of
1:30 a.m. and 6:00 a.m. on any day of the week. Licenses issued
hereunder shall be conditioned upon the observance of the provisions
of this section and the regulations promulgated thereunder governing
the conduct of premises licensed for the sale of intoxicating liquor by
the drink. The provision of this section regulating the drinking or
consumption of intoxicating liquor between certain hours and on
Sunday shall apply also to premises licensed under this chapter to sell
intoxicating liquor by the drink. In any incorporated city having a
population of more than twenty thousand inhabitants, the board of
aldermen, city council, or other proper authorities of incorporated
cities may, in addition to the license fee required in this section,
require a license fee not exceeding three hundred dollars per annum,
payable to the incorporated cities, and provide for the collection
thereof; make and enforce ordinances regulating the hours of
consumption of intoxicating liquors on premises licensed hereunder,
not inconsistent with the other provisions of this law, and provide
penalties for the violation thereof. No person shall be granted a license
hereunder unless such person is of good moral character and a
qualified legal voter and a taxpaying citizen of the county, town, city
or village, nor shall any corporation be granted a license hereunder
unless the managing officer of such corporation is of good moral
character and a qualified legal voter and taxpaying citizen of the
county, town, city or village.
4. Any premises operated in violation of the provisions of this section,
or where intoxicating liquor is consumed in violation of this section, is
hereby declared to be a public and common nuisance, and it shall be
the duty of the supervisor of alcohol and tobacco control and of the
prosecuting or circuit attorney of the city of St. Louis, and the
prosecuting attorney of the county in which the premises are located,
to enjoin such nuisance
5. Any person operating any premises, or any employee, agent,
representative, partner, or associate of such person, who shall
knowingly violate any of the provisions of this section, or any of the
laws or regulations herein made applicable to the conduct of such
premises, is guilty of a class A misdemeanor.
6. The supervisor of alcohol and tobacco control is hereby empowered
to promulgate regulations necessary or reasonably designed to enforce
or construe the provisions of this section, and is empowered to revoke
or suspend any license issued hereunder, as provided in this chapter,
for violation of this section or any of the laws or regulations herein
made applicable to the conduct of premises licensed hereunder.
7. Nothing in this section shall be construed to prohibit the sale or
delivery of any intoxicating liquor during any of the hours or on any
of the days specified in this section by a wholesaler licensed under the
provisions of section 311.180 to a person licensed to sell the
intoxicating liquor at retail.
8. No intoxicating liquor may be served or sold on any premises used
as a polling place on election day. Statutes_2
(L. 1945 p. 1032 § 4895a, A.L. 1978 H.B. 1634, A.L. 1979 S.B. 192, A.L. 1981 S.B. 126,
A.L. 1987 S.B. 150, A.L. 2003 S.B. 298, A.L. 2009 H.B. 132, A.L. 2021 S.B. 126)
311.481.1 (Repealed L. 2012 H.B. 1498 § A)
311.482. Temporary permit for sale by drink may be issued to
certain organizations, when, duration--collection of sales taxes,
notice to director of revenue.
1. Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, a permit for the
sale of all kinds of intoxicating liquor, including intoxicating liquor in
the original package, at retail by the drink for consumption on the
premises of the licensee may be issued to any church, school, civic,
service, fraternal, veteran, political, or charitable club or organization
for the sale of such intoxicating liquor at a picnic, bazaar, fair, or
similar gathering. The permit shall be issued only for the day or days
named therein and it shall not authorize the sale of intoxicating liquor
for more than seven days by any such club or organization.
2. To secure the permit, the applicant shall complete a form provided
by the supervisor, but no applicant shall be required to furnish a per-
sonal photograph as part of the application. The applicant shall pay a
fee of twenty-five dollars for such permit.
3. If the event will be held on a Sunday, the permit shall authorize the
sale of intoxicating liquor on that day beginning at 6:00 a.m.
4. At the same time that an applicant applies for a permit under the
provisions of this section, the applicant shall notify the director of
revenue of the holding of the event and by such notification, by
certified mail, shall accept responsibility for the collection and
payment of any applicable sales tax. Any sales tax due shall be paid to
the director of revenue within fifteen days after the close of the event,
and failure to do so shall result in a liability of triple the amount of the
tax due plus payment of the tax, and denial of any other permit for a
period of three years. Under no circumstances shall a bond be required
from the applicant.
5. No provision of law or rule or regulation of the supervisor shall be
interpreted as preventing any wholesaler or distributor from providing
customary storage, cooling or dispensing equipment for use by the
permit holder at such picnic, bazaar, fair or similar gathering. Statutes_2
(L. 1987 S.B. 150 § 3, A.L. 1995 S.B. 43, A.L. 2009 H.B. 132, A.L. 2011 H.B. 101, A.L.
2021 S.B. 126)
311.483. Festivals, temporary permit to sell liquor by the drink,
1. The supervisor of liquor control may issue a temporary permit to
persons holding licenses to sell intoxicating liquor by the drink at
retail for consumption on the premises pursuant to the provisions of
this chapter who furnish provisions and service for use at a festival as
defined in chapter 316. An application for a permit under this section
shall be made at least five business days prior to the festival. The
temporary permit shall be effective for a period not to exceed one
hundred sixty-eight consecutive hours, and shall authorize the service
of alcoholic beverages at such festival during the hours at which
alcoholic beverages may lawfully be sold or served upon premises
licensed to sell alcoholic beverages for on-premises consumption. For
every permit issued pursuant to the provisions of this section, the
permittee shall pay to the director of revenue the sum of ten dollars for
each calendar day, or fraction thereof, for which the permit is issued.
2. All provisions of the liquor control law and the ordinances, rules,
and regulations of the incorporated city, or the unincorporated area of
any county, in which is located the premises in which such function,
occasion, or event is held shall extend to such premises and shall be in
force and enforceable during all the time that the permittee, its agents,
servants, employees, or stock are in such premises. This temporary
permit shall allow the sale of intoxicating liquor in the original
3. To assure and control product quality, wholesalers may, but shall
not be required to, give a retailer credit for intoxicating liquor
delivered and invoiced under the permit number, but not used, if the
wholesaler removes the product within seventy-two hours of the
expiration of the permit issued pursuant to this section.
4. No provision of law or rule or regulation of the supervisor shall be
interpreted as preventing any wholesaler, retailers, or distributor from
providing customary storage, cooling, or dispensing equipment for use
at a festival. Statutes_2
(L. 2013 S.B. 121)
311.485. Temporary location for liquor by the drink, caterers
permit and fee requiredother laws applicable, exception.
1. The supervisor of liquor control may issue a temporary permit to
caterers and other persons holding licenses to sell intoxicating liquor
by the drink at retail for consumption on the premises pursuant to the
provisions of this chapter who furnish provisions and service for use at
a particular function, occasion or event at a particular location other
than the licensed premises, but not including a festival as defined in
chapter 316. The temporary permit shall be effective for a period not
to exceed one hundred sixty-eight consecutive hours, and shall
authorize the service of alcoholic beverages at such function, occasion
or event during the hours at which alcoholic beverages may lawfully
be sold or served upon premises licensed to sell alcoholic beverages
for on-premises consumption. For every permit issued pursuant to the
provisions of this section, the permittee shall pay to the director of
revenue the sum of ten dollars for each calendar day, or fraction
thereof, for which the permit is issued.
2. Except as provided in subsection 3 of this section, all provisions of
the liquor control law and the ordinances, rules and regulations of the
incorporated city, or the unincorporated area of any county, in which
is located the premises in which such function, occasion or event is
held shall extend to such premises and shall be in force and
enforceable during all the time that the permittee, its agents, servants,
employees, or stock are in such premises. This temporary permit shall
allow the sale of intoxicating liquor in the original package.
3. Notwithstanding any other law to the contrary, any caterer who
possesses a valid state and valid local liquor license may deliver
alcoholic beverages in the course of his or her catering business. A
caterer who possesses a valid state and valid local liquor license need
not obtain a separate license for each city the caterer delivers in, so
long as such city permits any caterer to deliver alcoholic beverages
within the city.
4. To assure and control product quality, wholesalers may, but shall
not be required to, give a retailer credit for intoxicating liquor with an
alcohol content of less than five percent by weight delivered and
invoiced under the catering permit number, but not used, if the
wholesaler removes the product within seventy-two hours of the
expiration of the catering permit issued pursuant to this section.
(L. 1978 H.B. 978, A.L. 1987 S.B. 150, A.L. 1994 S.B. 474, A.L. 1995 S.B. 43, A.L. 1999
S.B. 81, A.L. 2000 H.B. 1631, A.L. 2005 S.B. 262, A.L. 2009 H.B. 132, A.L. 2011 H.B.
101, A.L. 2012 H.B. 1498)
311.486. Special
license, drink at retail for consumption on the
premises, when — duration of license — fees.
1. The supervisor of alcohol and tobacco control may issue a special
license to caterers and other persons holding licenses to sell
intoxicating liquor by the drink at retail for consumption on the
premises pursuant to the provisions of this chapter who furnish
provisions and
service for use at a particular function, occasion, or
event at a particular location other than the licensed premises, but not
including a festival as defined in chapter 316. The special license shall
be effective for a maximum of fifty days during any year, and shall
authorize the service of alcoholic beverages at such function, occasion,
or event during the hours at which alcoholic beverages may lawfully
be sold or served upon premises licensed to sell alcoholic beverages
for on-premises consumption. For every special license issued
pursuant to the provisions of this subsection, the licensee shall pay to
the director of revenue the sum of five hundred dollars a year payable
at the same time and in the same manner as its other license fees.
e supervisor of alcohol and tobacco control may issue a special
license to caterers and other persons holding licenses to sell
intoxicating liquor by the drink at retail for consumption on the
premises pursuant to the provisions of this chapter who furnish
provisions and service for use at a particular function, occasion, or
event at a particular location other than the licensed premises, but not
including a festival as defined in chapter 316. The special license shall
be effective for an unlimited number of functions during the year, and
shall authorize the service of alcoholic beverages at such function,
occasion, or event during the hours at which alcoholic beverages may
lawfully be sold or served upon premises licensed to sell alcoholic
beverages for on-premises consumption. For every special license
issued pursuant to the provisions of this subsection, the licensee shall
pay to the director of revenue the sum of one thousand dollars a year
payable at the same time and in the same manner as its other license
3. Caterers issued a special license pursuant to subsections 1 and 2 of
this section shall report to the supervisor of alcohol and tobacco
control the location of each function three business days in advance.
The report of each function shall include permission from the property
owner and city, description of the premises, and the date or dates the
function will be held.
4. Except as provided in subsection 5 of this section, all provisions of
the liquor control law and the ordinances, rules and regulations of the
incorporated city, or the unincorporated area of any county, in which is
located the premises in which such function, occasion, or event is held
shall extend to such premises and shall be in force and enforceable
during all the time that the licensee, its agents, servants, employees, or
stock are in such premises. Any special license issued
under this section shall allow the sale of intoxicating liquor in the
original package.
5. Notwithstanding any other law to the contrary, any caterer who
possesses a valid state and valid local liquor license may deliver
alcoholic beverages, in the course of his or her catering business. A
caterer who possesses a valid state and valid local liquor license need
not obtain a separate license for each city the caterer delivers in, so
long as such city permits any caterer to deliver alcoholic beverages
within the city.
6. To assure and control product quality, wholesalers may, but shall
not be required to, give a retailer credit for intoxicating liquor with an
alcohol content of less than five percent by weight delivered and
invoiced under the catering license number, but not used, if the
wholesaler removes the product within seventy-two hours of the
expiration of the catering function. Statutes_2
(L. 2004 S.B. 1062, A.L. 2009 H.B. 132, A.L. 2011 H.B. 101, A.L. 2012 H.B. 1498)
311.487. Annual license for beer and wine sales at state fair,
issued when, fee–subject to laws of municipality.
1. The supervisor of liquor control may issue to any person holding a
concessionaire's contract, issued by the Missouri state fair, an annual
license effective for the fourteen-day period when the fair is held and
for any additional periods of time approved by the director of the fair
which shall authorize the sale of malt liquor and Missouri-produced
wines, for consumption on the premises where sold, on the Missouri
state fairgrounds and, in the case of Missouri-produced wines, in the
original package, on each day of the week within any period which
has been approved by the director of the fair and during the hours at
which such malt liquor or wine may lawfully be sold or served upon
premises licensed to sell malt liquor or wine for on-premises
consumption in the incorporated city in which the Missouri state fair
is located. For every permit issued pursuant to the provisions of this
section, the permittee shall pay to the director of revenue the sum of
one hundred dollars for such license, except that for licenses issued to
the concessionaire of the premises on the fairgrounds known as the
grandstand and to the concessionaire of the premises on the
fairgrounds known as the exhibition center, there shall be paid to the
director of revenue the sum of three hundred dollars for such licenses.
2. All provisions of the liquor control law and the ordinances, rules
and regulations of the incorporated city in which is located the
Missouri state fair shall extend to such premises and shall be in force
and enforceable during all the time that the permittee, its agents,
servants, employees or stock are on such premises. Statutes_2
(L. 1993 S.B. 76, A.L. 1994 S.B. 474, A.L. 2009 H.B. 132)
311.489.1 (Repealed L. 2014 H.B. 1298 Revision § A)
Inspection and Excises
311.490. Ingredients of beer–intoxicating malt liquor.
No person, partnership or corporation engaged in the brewing,
manufacture or sale of beer as defined, in this chapter, or other
intoxicating malt liquor, shall use in the manufacture or brewing
thereof, or shall sell any such beer or other intoxicating malt liquor
which contains ingredients not in compliance with the following
(1) Beer shall be brewed from malt or a malt substitute, which only
includes rice, grain of any kind, bean, glucose, sugar, and molasses.
Honey, fruit, fruit juices, fruit concentrate, herbs, spices, and other
food materials may be used as adjuncts in fermenting beer;
(2) Flavor and other nonbeverage ingredients containing alcohol
may be used in producing beer, but may contribute to no more than
forty-nine percent of the overall alcohol content of the finished beer.
In the case of beer with an alcohol content of more than six percent by
volume, no more than one and one-half percent of the volume of the
beer may consist of alcohol derived from added flavors and other
nonbeverage ingredients containing alcohol; and
(3) Beer, intoxicating malt liquor, and malt beverages, as defined in
this section, shall not be subject to the requirements of subsection 1 of
section 311.332 and sections 311.335 and 311.338. Statutes_2
(RSMo 1939 § 4921, A.L. 2006 S.B. 725, A.L. 2009 H.B. 132)
311.500. Inspection of breweries–by whom.
Every person, partnership, or corporation who shall erect or keep a
brewery for the manufacture or brewing of beer, or other malt
products within this state, for the purpose of offering the same for
sale, shall cause the same to be inspected by the said supervisor of
liquor control or his agents. Statutes_2
(RSMo 1939 § 4920)
311.510. Inspection of malt liquors — duty of supervisor —
product samples not required for approval.
1. It shall be the duty of the supervisor of liquor control, or his or her
designee, to cause to be inspected all beer, as defined in this chapter,
or other intoxicating malt liquors, brewed, manufactured or sold in
this state, and he or she shall determine whether such beer or other
intoxicating malt liquor has been made from pure hops or the pure
extract of hops, or of pure barley malt or other wholesome grains or
cereals, or wholesome yeast, and pure water, and whether the package
containing such beer or intoxicating malt liquor has been correctly
labeled to show that the same has been made from wholesome
2. Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection 1 of this section, the
supervisor of liquor control, or his or her designee, shall not require
product samples and shall not require the testing of product samples to
determine alcohol content prior to granting approval for the sale of
any such beer or other intoxicating malt liquor product in the state of
Missouri if the supervisor of liquor control is provided with a copy of
a certificate of label approval issued by the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax
and Trade Bureau*.
3. Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection 1 of this section, the
supervisor of liquor control shall not require product samples prior to
granting approval for the sale of any beer or other intoxicating malt
liquors brewed, manufactured, and sold exclusively in this state if the
supervisor of liquor control is provided a label. The supervisor of
liquor control shall have sole authority to approve all labels for keg
collars, bottles, and cans of such beer or other intoxicating malt liquor
and any inspections to determine labeling compliance for such
products shall be under the sole authority of the supervisor of liquor
control, with no approval or inspection by the Alcohol and Tobacco
Tax and Trade Bureau required. Statutes_2
(RSMo 1939 § 4922, A.L. 1945 p. 1043, A.L. 2000 H.B. 1631, A.L. 2017 H.B. 115)
*Words "Alcohol and Tobacco Trade Bureau" appear in original rolls.
311.520. Fee for inspecting and gauging malt liquors.
As a charge for the inspection and gauging of all malt liquors, the
director of revenue shall collect the sum of one dollar and eighty-six
cents per barrel. Statutes_2
(RSMo 1939 § 4925, A.L. 1945 p. 1043, A.L. 1961 p. 43, A.L. 1969 4th Ex. Sess. S.B. 2,
A.L. 2009 H.B. 132)
311.530. Inspection of beer–exported out of state.
All beer as defined in this chapter, or other intoxicating malt liquors
manufactured in the state and exported outside of the state for sale,
shall be inspected as other liquors designated in this chapter, but said
inspection shall be free of cost to the manufacturer. Statutes_2
(RSMo 1939 § 4927)
311.540. Liquor inspection, labeling and gauging–requirements.
1. Every person, persons or corporation who shall manufacture or
distill spirituous liquors, including brandy, rum, whiskey, and gin, and
other spirituous liquors, within this state, and wholesale or retail
dealers or any other person who shall import such intoxicating liquors
into this state, for the purpose of sale or offering the same for sale in
this state, shall, before offering the same for sale, cause the same to be
inspected and gauged by the supervisor of liquor control, or his or her
designee. It shall be the duty of the supervisor of liquor control, or his
or her designee, to inspect and gauge such character of intoxicating
liquor referred to in this section and to ascertain whether the same is
correctly labeled.
2. Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection 1 of this section, the
supervisor of liquor control, or his or her designee, shall not require
product samples and shall not require the testing of product samples to
determine alcohol content prior to granting approval for the sale of
any such spirituous liquors product in the state if the supervisor of
liquor control, or his or her designee, is provided with a copy of a
certificate of label approval issued by the Federal Bureau of Alcohol,
Tobacco and Firearms which verifies the alcohol content of the
product. Statutes_2
(RSMo 1939 § 4902, A.L. 1945 p. 1043, A.L. 2000 H.B. 1631, A.L. 2017 H.B. 115)
311.550. Additional revenue charges–fines and penalties.
1. In addition to all other licenses and charges, there shall be paid to
and collected by the director of revenue charges as follows:
(1) For the privilege of selling in the state of Missouri spirituous
liquors, including brandy, rum, whiskey, and gin, and other spirituous
liquors and alcohol for beverage purposes, there shall be paid, and the
director of revenue shall be entitled to receive, the sum of two dollars
per gallon or fraction thereof;
(2) For the privilege of selling wines, the sum of thirty cents per
gallon to the credit of the agriculture protection fund created under
section 261.200 to be used solely for agricultural business
development and marketing-related functions of the department of
2. The person who shall first sell such liquor to any person in this state
shall be liable for the payment, except that no refund of any tax
collected and remitted to the director of revenue by a retail seller upon
gross receipts from a sale of beer, liquor or wine subject to the charges
contained in sections 311.520, 311.550 and 311.554 shall be claimed
for refund under chapter 144 for any amount illegally or erroneously
overcharged or over collected as a result of imposition of sales tax by
the retail seller upon amounts representing the charges imposed under
this chapter.
3. Any person who sells to any person within this state any
intoxicating liquors mentioned in subdivision (1) of subsection 1,
unless the charge hereby imposed is paid, is guilty of a felony and
shall be punished by imprisonment by the state department of
corrections for a term of not less than two years nor more than five
years, or by imprisonment in the county jail for a term of not less than
one month nor more than one year, or by a fine of not less than fifty
dollars nor more than one thousand dollars, or by both such fine and
4. It shall be unlawful for any person to remove the contents of any
container containing any of the intoxicating liquors mentioned in
subdivision (1) of subsection 1 without destroying such container, or
to refill any such container, in whole or in part, with any of the liquors
mentioned in subdivision (1) of subsection 1. Any person violating the
provisions of this subsection shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.
5. Every manufacturer, out-state solicitor and wholesale dealer
licensed under this chapter shall make a true duplicate invoice of the
same, showing the date, amount and value of each class of such
liquors shipped or delivered, and retain a duplicate thereof, subject to
the use and inspection of the supervisor of liquor control and his
representatives for two years.
6. Any person who shall sell in this state any intoxicating liquor
without first having procured a license from the supervisor of liquor
control authorizing him to sell such intoxicating liquor is guilty of a
felony and upon conviction shall be punished by imprisonment by the
state department of corrections for a term of not less than two years
nor more than five years, or by imprisonment in the county jail for a
term of not less than three months nor more than one year, or by a fine
of not less than one hundred dollars nor more than one thousand
dollars, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Statutes_2
(RSMo 1939 § 4900, A.L. 1945 p. 1043, A.L. 1961 p. 43, A.L. 1969 4th Ex. Sess. S.B. 2,
A.L. 1994 S.B. 477, et al., A.L. 2010 S.B. 795)
Effective 12-31-94, and shall apply to all tax periods beginning on or after 1-1-95 (S.B.
477 § C, 1994)
311.553. Monthly returns and payment of additional charges
required–failure to pay, penalty.
1. Payment of the charges provided by section 311.550 shall be made
by the manufacturer, including one who blends or bottles intoxicating
liquors, as to all intoxicating liquor produced or imported by the
manufacturer for sale or use for beverage purposes within this state,
by the out-state solicitor who imports into this state intoxicating liquor
manufactured or produced outside of this state for sale or use for
beverage purposes within this state and by the wholesale dealer who
imports or receives intoxicating liquor manufactured or produced
without the United States for sale or use for beverage purposes within
this state. Each manufacturer, out-state solicitor and wholesale dealer
on or before the fifteenth day of each calendar month shall file with
the supervisor of liquor control, on forms prescribed and furnished by
the supervisor, a written report in duplicate, under oath, in such form
as is required by the supervisor to enable him to compute, and assure
the accuracy of, the charges due on all sales and importations of
intoxicating liquor occurring during the preceding month. Payment of
the charges in the amount disclosed by the report by bank draft,
money order, certified check or cashier's check payable to the
department of revenue shall accompany the report to the supervisor of
liquor control.
2. If the supervisor of liquor control deems it necessary in order to
ensure the payment of the charges imposed by this law, he may
require returns to be made more frequently than and covering periods
of less than a month. The return shall contain such further information
as the supervisor of liquor control may reasonably require. Each such
manufacturer, out-state solicitor or wholesale dealer shall pay to the
director of revenue, with the filing of such return, the tax imposed by
this law, as so reported during the period covered by such return.
3. In case of failure to pay any charges as required under sections
311.520 and 311.550 on or before the date prescribed therefor, there
shall be added to the amount of charge an amount equal to one percent
per business day of the deficiency, not to exceed twenty-five percent
of the deficiency, and in addition interest on the deficient charge and
penalty at the rate of one percent a month or fraction of a month from
the date the deficient charge became due until paid. Statutes_2
(L. 1961 p. 43, A.L. 1989 S.B. 429, A.L. 1990 H.B. 1180)
311.554. Privilege of selling wine, additional revenue charge
purpose–Missouri wine and grape fund created–limitation on use
of revenue.
1. In addition to the charges imposed by section 311.550, there shall
be paid to and collected by the director of revenue for the privilege of
selling wine, an additional charge of six cents per gallon or fraction
thereof. The additional charge shall be paid and collected in the same
manner and at the same time that the charges imposed by section
311.550 are paid and collected.
2. Until June 30, 2006, the revenue derived from the additional charge
imposed by subsection 1 shall be deposited by the state treasurer to the
credit of a separate account in the marketing development fund
created by section 261.035. Beginning July 1, 2006, the revenue
derived from such additional charge shall be deposited by the state
treasurer in the Missouri wine and grape fund created by this section.
Moneys to the credit of both the marketing development fund and the
Missouri wine and grape fund shall be used only for market
development in developing programs for growing, selling, and
marketing of grapes and grape products grown in Missouri, including
all necessary funding for the employment of experts in the fields of
viticulture and enology as deemed necessary, and programs aimed at
improving marketing of all varieties of grapes grown in Missouri; and
shall be appropriated and used for no other purpose.
3. There is hereby created in the state treasury the "Missouri Wine and
Grape Fund", which shall consist of money collected under this
section. The state treasurer shall be custodian of the fund and shall
approve disbursements from the fund to the department of agriculture
for use solely by the Missouri wine and grape board created under
section 262.820 in accordance with sections 30.170 and 30.180. Upon
appropriation, money in the fund shall be used solely for the
administration of this section. Notwithstanding the provisions of
section 33.080 to the contrary, any moneys remaining in the fund at
the end of the biennium shall not revert to the credit of the general
revenue fund. The state treasurer shall invest moneys in the fund in
the same manner as other funds are invested. Any interest and moneys
earned on such investments shall be credited to the fund.
4. In addition to the charges imposed by subsection 1 of this section
and section 311.550, there shall be paid to and collected by the
director of revenue for the privilege of selling wine an additional
charge of six cents per gallon or fraction thereof. Until June 30, 2006,
this additional six cents per gallon shall be deposited by the state
treasurer to the credit of a separate account in the marketing
development fund created by section 261.035. Beginning July 1, 2006,
the revenue derived from such additional charge shall be deposited by
the state treasurer in the Missouri wine and grape fund created in this
section. Statutes_2
(L. 1983 S.B. 6 §§ 311.554, 2, A.L. 1989 S.B. 340, A.L. 1998 H.B. 1240, A.L. 2002 H.B.
1348, A.L. 2005 S.B. 355)
311.555. Bond–failure to file–forfeiture.
Every manufacturer, including one who blends or bottles intoxicating
liquors, as to all intoxicating liquor produced or imported by the
manufacturer for sale or use for beverage purposes within this state,
and the out-state solicitor who imports into this state intoxicating
liquor manufactured or produced outside of this state for sale or use
for beverage purposes within this state, and the wholesale dealer who
imports or receives intoxicating liquor manufactured or produced
without the United States for sale or use for beverage purposes within
this state and, therefore, shall be liable for payment for charges as
provided by section 311.553, shall also file with the supervisor of
liquor control a bond in an amount not less than one thousand dollars
and not to exceed one hundred thousand dollars on a form to be
approved by, and with a surety satisfactory to, the supervisor of liquor
control. Such bond shall be conditioned upon the manufacturer, out-
state solicitor or wholesale dealer paying to the director of revenue all
moneys becoming due from such manufacturer, out-state solicitor or
wholesale dealer under this law. The supervisor of liquor control shall
fix the penalty of the bond in each case, taking into consideration the
amount of intoxicating liquor expected to be sold and used by such
manufacturer, out-state solicitor or wholesale dealer, and the penalty
fixed by the supervisor shall be sufficient in the supervisor's opinion,
to protect the state of Missouri against failure to pay any amount due
under this law, but the amount of the penalty fixed by the supervisor
shall not exceed twice the amount of tax liability of a monthly return.
In no event shall the amount of such penalty be less than one thousand
dollars. Failure by any licensed manufacturer, out-state solicitor or
wholesale dealer to keep a satisfactory bond in effect with the
supervisor or to furnish additional bond to the supervisor when
required hereunder by the supervisor to do so shall be grounds for the
revocation or suspension of such manufacturer's, out-state solicitor's
or wholesale dealer's license by the supervisor. If a manufacturer, out-
state solicitor or wholesale dealer fails to pay any amount due under
this law, his bond with the supervisor shall be deemed forfeited, and
the department of revenue may institute a suit in its own name on such
bond. Statutes_2
(L. 1961 p. 43 § 311.553, A.L. 1967 p. 426)
311.557. License, revocation.
After notice and opportunity for a hearing, the supervisor may revoke
or suspend the license of any manufacturer, out-state solicitor or
wholesale dealer who fails to comply with the provisions of sections
311.553 and 311.555. No new or renewal license shall be granted to a
person who fails to comply with sections 311.553 and 311.555. Statutes_2
(L. 1961 p. 43 § 311.553)
311.561. Charges, how paid and collected.
Notwithstanding any provision in this chapter, all charges imposed by
this chapter shall be paid and collected as provided in sections
311.520 and 311.553, and the affixing of stamps to the containers of
intoxicating liquor shall not be required or sufficient to show the
payment of the charges. Statutes_2
(L. 1961 p. 43)
311.580. Possession of illegal or untaxed liquor prohibited–
manufacturers, blenders and wholesalers excepted, when.
1. No person shall possess intoxicating liquor in any quantity for any
purpose in the state of Missouri which has not been lawfully manufac-
2. No person shall possess intoxicating liquor within the state of
Missouri for sale in any quantity, or for any other purpose in any
quantity, in excess of five gallons, unless the required inspection,
labeling or gauging fee or license has been paid thereon, except that
persons licensed by the supervisor of liquor control as manufacturers,
blenders, or distillers of intoxicating liquor may possess intoxicating
liquor in this state in bulk without having paid the fees above referred
to when it is to be used only in manufacturing, blending, or distilling
intoxicating liquor, and subject to such regulations as the supervisor of
liquor control may prescribe to safeguard the fees due the state of
Missouri. Persons licensed as manufacturers, blenders, distillers, and
wholesalers whose licensed premises are within the state of Missouri
may possess in United States government bonded warehouses located
in this state intoxicating liquors which have been bottled in United
States government bond without first paying the fees subject to such
regulations as the supervisor of liquor control may prescribe to
safeguard the fees due this state when the liquor is withdrawn from
said warehouse for sale or storage in this state outside of a United
States internal revenue bonded warehouse. Wholesalers licensed by
the supervisor of liquor control whose licensed premises are within the
state of Missouri may possess in United States customs bonded
warehouses in this state intoxicating liquors without first paying the
fees above referred to subject to regulations prescribed by the
supervisor of liquor control to safeguard the fees due the state of
Missouri when the liquor is withdrawn from a United States customs
bonded warehouse for sale or storage in this state outside of a United
States customs bonded warehouse. Statutes_2
(RSMo 1939 § 4884, A.L. 1945 p. 1043, A.L. 1949 p. 320, A.L. 1961 p. 43)
311.600. Unlawful to sell unlabeled liquor–penalty.
Any person who shall sell any intoxicating liquors, as defined in this
chapter, within this state, which have not been inspected and labeled
according to the provisions of this law, shall be deemed guilty of a
misdemeanor, and in addition thereto shall have his license or other
authority, giving him the right to manufacture or sell said liquors in
this state, revoked, and shall not again receive any such license or
other authority for a period of two years thereafter. Statutes_2
(RSMo 1939 § 4928, A.L. 1945 p. 1043, A.L. 1961 p. 43)
Administrative Law - License Suspension
311.610. Supervisor of liquor control–appointment, bond,
duties, assistants–minimum compensation provided.
1. For the purpose of carrying out the provisions of this chapter and
the liquor control law, the governor, by and with the advice and
consent of the senate, shall appoint some suitable person of good
moral character over the age of thirty years, who has been a qualified
elector in the state of Missouri for at least five years next before the
date of his appointment, as supervisor of liquor control. The
supervisor of liquor control shall serve at the pleasure and under the
supervision and direction of the governor.
2. The supervisor of liquor control shall devote his entire time to the
duties of his office and, with the approval of the governor, appoint and
employ all agents, assistants, deputies, inspectors and employees
necessary for the proper enforcement and administration of the
provisions of the liquor control law whose salaries shall be fixed by
the governor, but no salary shall be greater than that paid to
employees in other state departments for similar work, except that no
salary of an agent directly engaged in the enforcement of the liquor
control law shall be less than eight thousand dollars a year. In addition
to his salary, the supervisor of liquor control and each of the agents,
assistants, deputies, inspectors and employees shall be reimbursed for
all expenses necessarily incurred in the discharge of their duties. No
expenses shall be allowed for sustenance to any supervisor, agent,
assistant, deputy, inspector or employee while in the city or town of
his residence.
3. Before entering upon the discharge of his duties, the supervisor of
liquor control shall take and subscribe to an oath to support the
Constitution of the United States and of this state, and faithfully
demean himself in office, and shall also execute bond to the state of
Missouri in the penal sum of ten thousand dollars, conditioned for the
faithful performance of the duties of his office, which bond shall be
approved by the governor and deposited with the secretary of state and
kept in his office; the premiums of the bond shall be paid by the state
out of funds appropriated for that purpose.
4. The supervisor of liquor control shall issue licenses for the
manufacture and sale of ardent spirits, malt, vinous, fermented and
every class of liquors used as beverages. The supervisor of liquor
control shall keep a record of all intoxicating liquor manufactured,
brewed or sold in this state by every brewery, distiller, manufacturer,
distributor or wholesaler, and make a complete report of the same to
the governor at the end of each calendar year, or as soon thereafter as
possible. Statutes_2
RSMo 1939 § 4875, A.L. 1945 p. 1043, A.L. 1959 H.B. 104, A.L. 1972 H.B. 649, A.L.
2009 H.B. 132)
Appointment, nomination by director of department of public safety, RSMo 650.005
Supervisor of alcohol and tobacco control, position created, 311.615
311.615. Division of liquor control established, duties.
There shall be a division within the department of public safety known
as the "Division of Alcohol and Tobacco Control", which shall have as
its chief executive officer the supervisor of alcohol and tobacco
control appointed pursuant to section 311.610. All references to the
division of liquor control and the supervisor of liquor control in the
statutes shall mean the division of alcohol and tobacco control and
supervisor of alcohol and tobacco control. Statutes_2
(L. 2003 S.B. 298, A.L. 2005 S.B. 262)
311.620. Qualification and requirements of agent, assistant,
deputy, or inspector.
1. No person shall be appointed as agent, assistant, deputy or inspector
under the provisions of the liquor control law who shall have been
convicted of or against whom any indictment may be pending for any
offense; nor shall any person be appointed as such agent, assistant,
deputy or inspector who is not of good character or who is not a
citizen of the United States, and who is not a resident taxpaying
citizen of the state at the time of his or her appointment; or who is not
able to read and write the English language or who does not possess
ordinary physical strength and who is not able to pass such physical
and mental examination as the supervisor of alcohol and tobacco
control may prescribe.
2. No agent, assistant, deputy or inspector so appointed shall hold any
other commission or office, elective or appointive or accept any other
employment compensation while he or she is an employee of the
division of alcohol and tobacco control, except with the written
permission of the supervisor of alcohol and tobacco control. No agent,
assistant, deputy or inspector of the division of alcohol and tobacco
control shall accept any reward or gift other than his or her regular
salary and expenses as provided in this chapter. No agent, assistant,
deputy or inspector of the division of alcohol and tobacco control shall
perform any police duty connected with the conduct of any election,
nor at any time or in any manner electioneer for or against any party
ticket, or any candidate for nomination or office on any party ticket,
nor for or against any proposition of any kind or nature to be voted
upon at any election.
3. The agents, assistants, deputies and inspectors appointed under the
provisions of section 311.610 shall before entering upon the discharge
of their duties, each take and subscribe an oath to support the
Constitution and laws of the United States and the State of Missouri
and to faithfully demean themselves in office in the form prescribed
by Section 11, Article VII of the Constitution of this State, and they
shall each give bond to be approved by the supervisor of alcohol and
tobacco control for faithful performance of the duties of their
respective offices and to safely keep and account for all moneys and
property received by them. This bond shall be in the sum of five
thousand dollars, and the cost of furnishing all such bonds shall be
paid by the state.
4. Any agent, assistant, deputy or inspector of the division of alcohol
and tobacco control who shall violate the provisions of this chapter
shall be immediately discharged. Statutes_2
(L. 1941 p. 409 § 4875a, A.L. 1945 p. 1040, A.L. 1995 S.B. 43, A.L. 2021 S.B. 126)
311.630. Peace officers–authorized to make arrests for certain
violations–method of selection–duty of supervisor.
1. The supervisor of alcohol and tobacco control and employees to be
selected and designated as peace officers by the supervisor of alcohol
and tobacco control are hereby declared to be peace officers of the
state of Missouri, with full power and authority to make arrests and
searches and seizures only for violations of the provisions of this
chapter relating to intoxicating liquors, and sections 407.924 to
407.934 relating to tobacco products, and to serve any process
connected with the enforcement of such laws. The peace officers so
designated shall have been previously appointed and qualified under
the provisions of section 311.620 and shall be required to hold a valid
peace officer license pursuant to chapter 590.
2. The supervisor of alcohol and tobacco control shall furnish such
peace officers with credentials showing their authority and a special
badge, which they shall carry on their person at all times while on
duty. The names of the peace officers so designated shall be made a
matter of public record in the office of the supervisor of alcohol and
tobacco control.
3 All fees for the arrest and transportation of persons arrested and for
the service of writs and process shall be the same as provided by law
in criminal proceedings and shall be taxed as costs. Statutes_2
(L. 1943 p. 621 § 4876a, A.L. 1945 p. 1042, A.L. 1990 H.B. 1180, A.L. 1995 S.B. 43,
A.L. 2003 S.B. 298, A.L. 2009 H.B. 132)
311.640. Supervisor–employees not permitted to have interest in
liquor business.
Neither the supervisor of liquor control nor any of his employees,
shall have any interest, directly or indirectly, either proprietary or by
means of any loan, mortgage or other lien, either for his own benefit
or in a fiduciary capacity, or in any other manner in or on any
premises where intoxicating liquor is distilled, brewed, manufactured
or sold; nor shall he or they have any interest, directly or indirectly in
any business, wholly or partially devoted to the distilling, brewing,
manufacture or sale of intoxicating liquor; nor shall he or they,
directly or indirectly, engage in dealing in or distilling, brewing,
manufacturing or selling intoxicating liquor, either as owner, part
owner, partner, member of a syndicate, shareholder of a corporation,
agent or employee, either for his or their benefit or in a fiduciary
capacity. Statutes_2
(RSMo 1939 § 4883)
311.650. Offices of supervisor.
The principal office of the supervisor of liquor control shall be at the
seat of government at Jefferson City, and the director of the division
of facilities management, design and construction at the capitol shall
provide offices for the liquor control department. Statutes_2
(RSMo 1939 § 4887, A.L. 2014 H.B. 1299 Revision)
311.660. Powers of supervisor–r
1. The supervisor of liquor control shall have the authority to suspend
or revoke for cause all such licenses; and to make the following
regulations, without limiting the generality of provisions empowering
the supervisor of liquor control as in this chapter set forth as to the
following matters, acts and things:
(1) Fix and determine the nature, form and capacity of all packages
used for containing intoxicating liquor of any kind, to be kept or sold
under this law;
(2) Prescribe an official seal and label and determine the manner
such seal or label shall be attached to every package of
intoxicating liquor so sold under this law; this includes prescribing
different official seals or different labels for the different classes,
varieties or brands of intoxicating liquor;
(3) Prescribe
all forms, applications and licenses and such other
forms as are necessary to carry out the provisions of this chapter,
except that when a licensee substantially complies with all
requirements for the renewal of a license by the date on which the
application for renewal is due, such licensee shall be permitted at least
an additional ten days from the date notice is sent that the application
is deficient, in which to complete the application;
(4) Prescribe the terms and conditions of the licenses issued and
granted under this law;
(5) Prescribe the nature of the proof to be furnished and conditions to
be observed in the issuance of duplicate licenses, in lieu of those lost
or destroyed;
(6) Establish rules and regulations for the conduct of the business
carried on by each specific licensee under the license, and such rules
and regulations if not obeyed by every licensee shall be grounds for
the revocation or suspension of the license;
(7) The right to examine books, records and papers of each licensee
and to hear and determine complaints against any licensee;
(8) To issue subpoenas and all necessary processes and require the
production of papers, to administer oaths and to take testimony;
(9) Prescribe all forms of labels to be affixed to all packages
containing intoxicating liquor of any kind; and
(10) To make such other rules and regulations as are necessary and
feasible for carrying out the provisions of this chapter, as are not
inconsistent with this law.
2. Notwithstanding subsection 1 of this section, the supervisor of
liquor control shall not prohibit persons from participating in the sale
of intoxicating liquor within the scope of their employment solely on
the basis of being found guilty of any felony offense, except for
prohibitions set forth in sections 311.191 and 311.193. Statutes_2
(RSMo 1939 § 4889, A.L. 1989 S.B. 429, A.L. 2021 S.B. 26)
CROSS REFERENCE: Regulations to be filed in office of secretary of state, Const. Art. V
§ 22
(1964) This section and regulation of supervisor pursuant thereto forbidding any
advertisement of intoxicating liquor which contains offer of coupon, premium, prize or
rebate as inducement to purchase intoxicating liquor held valid. Milgram Food Stores, Inc.
v. Ketchum (Mo.), 384 S.W.2d 510. (1975) For discussion of "reasonable rule regulation"
as applied to this section, see Brown-Foreman Distillers Corporation v. Stewart (Mo.), 520
S.W.2d 1.
311.665. Sales and use tax must be paid to renew license
statement required.
1. Before any license is renewed under the provisions of this chapter,
the supervisor of liquor control shall require a statement from the
director of revenue that the applicant has paid all sales and use taxes
due, including all penalties and interest or does not owe any sales or
use tax.
2. Within ten days from the issuance of a sales and use tax statement
by the director of revenue, the licensee shall file with the supervisor of
alcohol and tobacco control a copy of such sales and use tax
statement. Statutes_2
(L. 1984 H.B. 1533, et al. § 2, A.L. 2009
H.B. 132, A.L. 2016 S.B. 919)
311.670. Failure of supervisor and employees to perform duties.
If the supervisor of liquor control or any of his employees or agents
shall fail to perform any of the duties imposed upon them by this
chapter, or shall in any manner violate any of the provisions thereof,
he or they shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and, if the
supervisor of liquor control or any of his employees or agents shall
fail to faithfully perform the duties enjoined upon them by this
chapter, they may be removed from office by the governor. Statutes_2
(RSMo 1939 § 4929)
311.680. Disorderly place, warning, probation, suspension or
revocation of license, when, notice--civil penalties--meet and
confer opportunity, when.
1. Whenever it shall be shown, or whenever the supervisor of liquor
control has knowledge, that a person licensed hereunder has not at all
times kept an orderly place or house, or has violated any of the
provisions of this chapter, the supervisor of liquor control may warn,
place on probation on such terms and conditions as the supervisor of
liquor control deems appropriate for a period not to exceed twelve
months, suspend or revoke the license of that person, but the person
shall have ten days' notice of the application to warn, place on
probation, suspend or revoke the person's license prior to the order of
warning, probation, revocation or suspension issuing.
2. Any wholesaler licensed pursuant to this chapter in lieu of, or in
addition to, the warning, probation, suspension or revocation
authorized in subsection 1 of this section, may be assessed a civil
penalty by the supervisor of liquor control of not less than one
hundred dollars or more than twenty-five hundred dollars for each
3. Any solicitor licensed pursuant to this chapter in lieu of the
suspension or revocation authorized in subsection 1 of this section
may be assessed a civil penalty or fine by the supervisor of liquor
control of not less than one hundred dollars nor more than five
thousand dollars for each violation.
4. Any retailer with less than five thousand occupant capacity licensed
pursuant to this chapter in lieu of the suspension or revocation
authorized by subsection 1 of this section may be assessed a civil
penalty or fine by the supervisor of liquor control of not less than fifty
dollars nor more than one thousand dollars for each violation.
5. Any retailer with five thousand or more occupant capacity licensed
pursuant to this chapter in lieu of the suspension or revocation
authorized by subsection 1 of this section, may be assessed a civil
penalty or fine by the supervisor of liquor control of not less than fifty
dollars nor more than five thousand dollars for each violation.
6. Any aggrieved person may appeal to the administrative hearing
commission in accordance with section 311.691.
7. In order to encourage the early resolution of disputes between the
supervisor of liquor control and licensees, the supervisor of liquor
control, prior to issuing an order of warning, probation, revocation,
suspension, or fine, shall provide the licensee with the opportunity to
meet or to confer with the supervisor of liquor control, or his or her
designee, concerning the alleged violations. At least ten days prior to
such meeting or conference, the supervisor shall provide the licensee
with notice of the time and place of such meeting or conference, and
the supervisor of liquor control shall also provide the licensee with a
written description of the specific conduct for which discipline is
sought, a citation of the law or rules allegedly violated, and, upon
request, copies of any violation report or any other documents which
are the basis for such action. Any order of warning, probation,
revocation, suspension, or fine shall be effective no sooner than thirty
days from the date of such order. Statutes_3
(RSMo 1939 § 4905, A.L. 1978 S
.B. 661, A.L. 1996 S.B. 933, A.L. 2002 S.B. 834, A.L.
2009 H.B. 132)
(1964) Evidence was sufficient for superintendent to find that licensee had sold
intoxicating liquor to minor and it was not necessary that licensee's guilt be determined by
court or jury or that supervisor overcome any presumption of innocence of licensee in
order for superintendent to suspend licensee's license. Crooms v. Ketchum (Mo.), 379
S.W.2d 580.
311.685. Civil actions permitted, when.
1. Any retail licensee selling intoxicating liquor under this chapter and
aggrieved by official action of the supervisor affecting the licensee
may bring a civil action against any person who is the proximate cause
of such official action by the supervisor, if the violation occurred on or
about the premises of the retail licensee. If a judgment is entered in
favor of the licensee, the court shall award the retail licensee civil
damages up to an amount of five thousand dollars and shall award
reasonable court costs and attorney fees.
2. No civil action shall be brought under this section against any
employee of the supervisor of alcohol and tobacco control or any law
enforcement officer. Statutes_3
(L. 2007 S.B. 299 & S.B. 616, A.L. 2009 H.B. 132)
311.691. Review by administrative hearing comm
Any person aggrieved by official action of the supervisor of liquor
control affecting the licensed status of a person subject to the jurisdic-
tion of the supervisor of liquor control, including the refusal to grant,
the grant, the revocation, the suspension, the warning, the probation,
the imposition of a civil penalty or the failure to renew a license, may
seek a determination thereon by the administrative hearing
commission pursuant to the provisions of section 621.045, RSMo, and
it shall not be a condition to such determination that the person
aggrieved seek a reconsideration, a rehearing, or exhaust any other
procedure within the office of the supervisor of liquor control. Statutes_3
L. 1978 S.B. 661, A.L. 1996 S.B. 933)
311.710. Additional complaints–b
y whom made–procedure.
1. In addition to the penalties and proceedings for suspension or
revocation of licenses provided for in this chapter, and without limit-
ing them, proceedings for the suspension or revocation of any license
authorizing the sale of intoxicating liquor at retail may be brought in
the circuit court of any county in this state, or in the city of St. Louis,
in which the licensed premises are located and such proceedings may
be brought by the sheriff or any peace officer of that county or by any
eight or more persons who are taxpaying citizens of the county or city
for any of the following offenses:
(1) Selling, giving or otherwise supplying intoxicating liquor to a
habitual drunkard or to any person who is under or apparently under
the influence of intoxicating liquor;
(2) Knowingly permitting any prostitute, degenerate, or dissolute
person to frequent the licensed premises;
(3) Permitting on the licensed premises any disorderly conduct,
breach of the peace, or any lewd, immoral or improper entertainment,
conduct or practices;
(4) Selling, offering for sale, possessing or knowingly permitting the
consumption on the licensed premises of any kind of intoxicating
liquors, the sale, possession or consumption of which is not authorized
under his or her license;
(5) Selling, giving, or otherwise supplying intoxicating liquor to any
person under the age of twenty-one years;
(6) Selling, giving or otherwise supplying intoxicating liquors
between the hours of 1:30 a.m. and 6:00 a.m. any day of the week.
2. Provided, that said taxpaying citizen shall submit in writing, under
oath, by registered United States mail to the supervisor of alcohol and
tobacco control a joint complaint, stating the name of the licensee, the
name under which the licensee's business is conducted and the
address of the licensed premises, setting out in general the character
and nature of the offense or offenses charged, together with the names
and addresses of the witnesses by whom proof thereof is expected to
be made; and provided, that after a period of thirty days after the
mailing of such complaint to the supervisor of alcohol and tobacco
control the person therein complained of shall not have been cited by
the supervisor to appear and show cause why his or her license should
not be suspended or revoked then they shall file with the circuit clerk
of the county or city in which the premises are located a copy of the
complaint on file with the supervisor of alcohol and tobacco control.
3. If, pursuant to the receipt of such complaint by the supervisor of
and tobacco control, the licensee appears and shows cause why
his or her license should not be suspended or revoked at a hearing held
for that purpose by the supervisor and either the complainants or the
licensee consider themselves aggrieved with the order of the
supervisor then, after a request in writing by either the complainants or
the licensee, the supervisor shall certify to the circuit clerk of the
county or city in which the licensed premises are located a copy of the
original complaint filed with him or her, together with a copy of the
transcript of the evidence adduced at the hearing held by him or her.
Such certification by the supervisor shall not act as a supersedeas of
any order made by him or her.
4. Upon receipt of such complaint, whether from the complainant
directly or from the supervisor of alcohol and tobacco control, the
court shall set a date for an early hearing thereon and it shall be the
duty of the circuit clerk to cause to be delivered by registered United
States mail to the prosecuting attorney of the county or to the circuit
attorney of the City of St. Louis and to the licensee copies of the
complaint and he or she shall, at the same time, give notice of the time
and place of the hearing. Such notice shall be delivered to the
prosecuting attorney or to the circuit attorney and to the licensee at
least fifteen days prior to the date of the hearing.
5. The complaint shall be heard by the court without a jury and if there
has been a prior hearing thereon by the supervisor of alcohol and
tobacco control then the case shall be heard de novo and both the
complainants and the licensee may produce new and additional
evidence material to the issues.
6. If the court shall find upon the hearing that the offense or offenses
charged in the complaint have been established by the evidence, the
court shall order the suspension or revocation of the license but, in so
doing, shall take into consideration whatever order, if any, may have
been made in the premises by the supervisor of alcohol and tobacco
control. If the court finds that to revoke the license would be unduly
severe, then the court may suspend the license for such period of time
as the court deems proper.
7. The judgment of the court in no event shall be superseded or stayed
during pendency of any appeal therefrom.
8. It shall be the duty of the prosecuting attorney or circuit attorney to
prosecute diligently and without delay any such complaints coming to
him or her by virtue of this section.
9. The jurisdiction herein conferred upon the circuit courts to hear and
determine complaints for the suspension or revocation of licenses in
the manner provided in this section shall not be exclusive and any
authority conferred upon the supervisor of alcohol and tobacco control
to revoke or suspend licenses shall remain in full force and effect, and
the suspension or revocation of a license as provided in this section
shall be in addition to and not in lieu of any other revocation or
suspension provided by this chapter.
10. Costs accruing
because of such hearings in the circuit court shall
be taxed in the same manner as criminal costs. Statutes_3
(L. 1943 p. 617 § 4946a, A.L. 2021 S.B. 126)
311.720. License automatically revoked upon conviction–excep-
Conviction in any court of any violation of this chapter, or any felony
violation of chapter 195, RSMo, in the course of business, shall have
the effect of automatically revoking the license of the person
convicted, and such revocation shall continue operative until said case
is finally disposed of, and if the defendant is finally acquitted, he may
apply for and receive a license hereunder, upon paying the regular
license charge therefor, in the same manner as though he had never
had a license hereunder; provided, however, that the provisions of this
section shall not apply to violations of section 311.070, and violations
of said section shall be punished only as therein provided. Statutes_3
(RSMo 1939 § 4909, A.L. 1941 p. 410, A.L. 1998 H.B. 1147, et al.)
311.722. Alcohol and tobacco control, minors not to be used in
enforcement, exceptions–standards–minors immune from
liability, when.
1. The supervisor of alcohol and tobacco control shall not use minors
to enforce the laws of this chapter unless the supervisor promulgates
rules and regulations that establish standards for the use of minors.
The standards shall include those in subsection 2 of this section.
2. The supervisor shall establish, by July 1, 2006, permissive
standards for the use of minors in investigations by any state, county,
municipal or other local law enforcement authority, and which shall,
at a minimum, provide for the following:
(1) The minor shall be eighteen or nineteen years of age;
(2) The minor shall have a youthful appearance and the minor, if a
male, shall not have facial hair or a receding hairline;
(3) The minor shall carry his or her own identification showing the
minor's correct date of birth and shall, upon request, produce such
identification to the seller of the intoxicating liquor at the licensed
(4) The minor shall answer truthfully any questions about his or her
age and shall not remain silent when asked questions regarding his or
er age, nor misrepresent anything in order to induce a sale of
intoxicating liquor.
3. The supervisor of alcohol and tobacco control shall not participate
with any state, county, municipal, or other local law enforcement
agency, nor discipline any licensed establishment when any state,
county, municipal, or other law enforcement agency chooses not to
follow the supervisor's permissive standards.
4. Any minors used in investigations under this section shall be
exempt from any violations under this chapter during the time they are
under direct control of the state, county, municipal, or other law
enforcement authorities. Statutes_3
(L. 2005 S.B. 402, A.L. 2009 H.B. 132)
311.730. Fees paid into general revenue fund and division of
alcohol and tobacco control fund.
1. Except as otherwise provided under subsection 2 of this section, all
fees collected by the director of revenue as provided for in this
chapter, including licenses, inspection and gauging fees, shall be paid
into the state treasury, to the credit of the ordinary state revenue fund.
2. Seventy percent of all fees for licenses and permits collected under
this chapter shall be paid to the credit of the division of alcohol and
tobacco control fund established under section 311.735. Statutes_3
(RSMo 1939 § 4930, A.L. 1945 p. 1043, A.L. 2015 S.B. 373)
311.735. Division of alcohol and tobacco control fund created,
use of moneys.
1. There is hereby created in the state treasury the "Division of
Alcohol and Tobacco Control Fund". The state treasurer shall be
custodian of the fund. In accordance with sections 30.170 and 30.180,
the state treasurer may approve disbursements. The fund shall be a
dedicated fund and, upon appropriation, money in the fund shall be
used solely by the division of alcohol and tobacco control for the
administration of this chapter and sections 407.925 to 407.934, and
any duties under such chapter and sections relating to licensing,
training, technical assistance, and regulations.
2. Notwithstanding the provisions of section 33.080 to the contrary,
any moneys remaining in the fund at the end of the biennium shall not
revert to the credit of the general revenue fund.
3. Appropriation of funds by the general assembly from the fund shall
be used to support the division of alcohol and tobacco control for the
purposes provided under subsection 1 of this section. Statutes_3
(L. 2015 S.B. 373)
Enforcement and Penalties
311.740. Maintaining public nuisance–p
1. Any room, house, building, boat, vehicle, structure or place of any
kind where intoxicating liquor is sold, manufactured, kept for sale or
bartered, in violation of this law and all intoxicating liquors and all
property kept and used in maintaining such a place and any still, dou-
bler, worm, worm tub, mash tub, fermenting tub, vessel, fixture or
other property of any kind or character used or fit for use in the
production or manufacture of intoxicating liquor is hereby declared to
be a public and common nuisance, and any person who maintains or
assists in maintaining such public and common nuisance shall be
guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be fined
not less than one hundred dollars nor more than one thousand dollars
or by imprisonment for not less than thirty days nor more than one
year or both.
2. If a person has knowledge or reason to believe that his property,
real or personal, vehicle, boat or structure is occupied or used for the
manufacture, sale, storing, keeping or bartering of intoxicating liquor
in violation of the provisions of this law and suffers the same to be so
used, or maintains or keeps therein any still, doubler, worm, worm
tub, mash tub, fermenting tub or fixture used or fit for use in the
production or manufacture of intoxicating liquor illegally, after such
knowledge or reason to believe, such property shall be subject to a
lien for and may be sold to pay all fines and costs assessed against the
occupant of such building or property for any violation of this law
occurring after the passage thereof which said lien shall attach from
time of filing of notice of commencement of the suit in the office
where the records of the transfer of real estate are kept and any such
may be established and enforced by legal action instituted for
that purpose in any court having jurisdiction.
3. Such lien shall be released upon final judgment assessing no fines
or costs or by paying the final judgment assessing fine and cost.
(RSMo 1939 § 4943)
1954) Place where intoxicating liquor was sold and in which immoral men congregated
and engaged in such cursing, fighting and quarreling as to disturb others was properly
padlocked and its use enjoined. State ex rel. Davenport v. Henry (A.), 270 S.W.2d 88.
311.750. Action to enjoin nuisance–procedure.
1. That an action to enjoin any nuisance defined in this chapter maybe
brought in the name of the state of Missouri by the attorney general of
the state of Missouri, or by any prosecuting attorney or circuit attorney
of any county or city of the state of Missouri. Such action shall be
brought and tried as an action in equity and may be brought in any
court having jurisdiction to hear and determine equity cases. If it is
made to appear by affidavit, or otherwise to the satisfaction of the
court, or judge in vacation, that such nuisance exists, a temporary writ
of injunction shall forthwith issue restraining the defendant from
conducting or maintaining any such nuisance until the conclusion of
the trial. Where a temporary injunction is prayed for, the court may
issue an order restraining the defendant and all other persons from
removing or in any way interfering with the liquor or fixtures, or other
things used in connection with the violation of this chapter
constituting such nuisance. No bond shall be required in instituting
such proceedings.
2. It shall not be necessary for the court to find the property involved
was being lawfully used as aforesaid at the time of the hearing, but on
finding that the material allegations of the petition are true, the court
shall order that no liquors shall be manufactured, sold, bartered, stored
or kept in any such room, house, building, boat, vehicle, structure or
place, or any part thereof. And upon such judgment of the court order-
ing said nuisance to be abated, the court may order that the room,
house, building, boat, vehicle, structure or place, shall not be occupied
or used for such period as the court may determine, not to exceed the
period of one year; provided, however, that the court may find that the
owner of such property, real or personal, or boat, vehicle, room or
other structure or place knew or should have known or had reason to
believe that the said property, boat, vehicle, room or structure was
used for the purpose of the violation of this law. Statutes_3
(RSMo 1939 § 4944)
(1942) Where evidence showed defendants sold intoxicating liquors in amusement resort
and restaurant without license in violation of the law, court properly enjoined such
violation, but that part of judgment which enjoined wife as one of owners by entirety from
managing or working about premises was reversed. State ex rel. Wallach v. Oehler (A.),
159 S.W.2d 313.
311.760. Penalty for violation of terms of injunction.
Any person violating the terms of the injunction as provided for in this
chapter, shall be punished for contempt by fine of not less than one
hundred dollars, nor more than one thousand dollars, or by
imprisonment in the county jail for not less than thirty days or more
than one year; or by both such fine and imprisonment and the court
shall have the power to enforce such injunction by such measures and
means as in the judgment of the court may be necessary. Statutes_3
(RSMo 1939 § 4945)
311.770. Duty of prosecuting attorney–failure to perform.
1. In case the existence of any place where intoxicating liquors are
manufactured or sold in violation of law is disclosed in any criminal
proceedings, it shall be the duty of the prosecuting attorney to proceed
promptly to enforce the provisions of this law against such place as a
2. In any affidavit, information or indictment for the violation of this
law, separate offenses may be united in separate counts and the
defendant may be tried on all of the separate offenses at one trial and
the cumulative penalty for each offense may be imposed by the courts.
It shall not be necessary in any affidavit, information or indictment to
give the name of the purchaser or to include any defensive negative
averments, but it shall be sufficient to state that the act complained of
was then and there prohibited and unlawful.
3. Whenever any prosecuting attorney shall be unable or shall neglect,
fail or refuse to enforce any of the provisions of this chapter, or for
any reason whatsoever, the provisions of this chapter shall not be
enforced in any county in this state, it shall be the duty of the attorney
general of the state to enforce the same in such county, and for that
purpose, he may appoint as many assistants as he shall deem
necessary, and he and his assistants shall be authorized to sign, verify
and file, all such complaints, affidavits, petitions, informations,
indictments and papers as the prosecuting attorney is authorized to
sign, verify or file, and to do and perform any act that the prosecuting
attorney might lawfully do or perform. Statutes_3
(RSMo 1939 § 4946)
311.780. List of complaints, revocations, suspensions to
prosecuting attorneys–attorney general, when.
1. The supervisor of liquor control shall, at least once each month,
transmit a list of all complaints made to or by him against licensees
for alleged violations of the liquor control law to the circuit attorney
of the city of St. Louis and to the prosecuting attorney of every county
in which said violations are alleged to have occurred, together with a
list showing all revocations and suspensions of licenses within such
county ordered by said supervisor of liquor control, together with a
brief statement of the facts pertaining to each case, and it shall be the
duty of the supervisor of liquor control at the time of transmitting each
such list and statement to transmit to the attorney general a duplicate
thereof for the information of the attorney general in carrying out and
enforcing the provisions of the liquor control law.
2. It shall be the duty of the circuit attorney of the city of St. Louis and
the prosecuting attorney of every county to transmit to the supervisor
of liquor control, at least once in every three months, a written report
of the action, if any, taken by such circuit or prosecuting attorney on
each complaint contained on the lists so transmitted to him. Statutes_3
(RSMo 1939 § 4878, A.L. 1978 H.B. 1634) Effective 1-2-79
311.790. Prosecution of violations, by whom–fees and expenses.
1. For the purpose of enforcing the provisions of this chapter and acts
amendatory thereto, the prosecuting attorneys of the respective
counties or the circuit attorneys, or at the request of the governor, the
attorney general shall investigate and prosecute all violations of any
provision of this law; and shall represent the supervisor of liquor
control in any and all legal matters arising under this chapter. When
requested by the governor, the attorney general, or his assistants shall
in the enforcement of this law, have the power to sign indictments or
informations and conduct prosecutions in any county or city within
this state.
2. Whenever any tax, fee or other charge, as authorized by this chapter
shall be due, suit may be instituted in any court of competent
jurisdiction by the prosecuting attorney of the county, or at the request
of the director of revenue, by the attorney general, in the name of the
state at the relation of the director of revenue, to recover such tax, fee
or other charge, and in any such suit all persons, associations or
corporations interested may be made parties and service may be had
on both residents and nonresidents in the same manner as provided by
law in civil actions. Statutes_3
(RSMo 1939 § 4876, A.L. 1945 p. 1043)
311.800. Attorney general may direct prosecuting attorneys to
conduct prosecutions.
Whenever requested to carry out any of the duties as required by this
chapter, the attorney general may, in his discretion, direct the
prosecuting attorney of the county to conduct prosecutions and
institute suits as required by this chapter. Statutes_3
(RSMo 1939 § 4877)
311.810. Search warrants, how issued–search and
seizure–procedure–arrests–disposition of perishable
1. The attorney general of the state of Missouri at the direction of the
governor, or the prosecuting attorney of any county, or the supervisor
of liquor control, or any assistant deputy or inspector appointed by the
supervisor of liquor control, is hereby empowered to file in the circuit
court an application for a search warrant, which application shall be
presented to a circuit or associate circuit judge and shall be by petition
setting forth substantially the facts upon which the same is based,
describing the place to be searched and the thing or things to be seized
as nearly as may be, which petition shall be verified by the oath of the
officer filing the same.
2. If it shall appear to the satisfaction of the court in which said peti-
tion is filed, either from the facts set forth in such petition, if
supported by the affidavit of a competent witness to the facts set forth
therein, or from evidence heard thereon, that there is probable cause to
believe that intoxicating liquor is being unlawfully manufactured,
sold, stored or kept in any building, structure, motor vehicle or other
conveyance, or at any place described in such petition, within such
county or transported, as by the law of this state defined, contrary to
the provisions of any such law, or that thereat or therein is being used
or kept any still, doubler, worm, worm tub, mash, mash tub,
fermenting tub, vessel, fixture or equipment, or any part or parts
thereof used or fit for use in the unlawful manufacture or production
of intoxicating liquor, it shall be the duty of such court to issue or
cause to be issued a search warrant thereon, directed to the sheriff or
other officer authorized by law to serve such process in this state,
which search warrant shall substantially recite the facts set forth in
such petition, and it shall thereupon be the duty of the officer
executing such search warrant forthwith to enter any such building,
structure, place, motor vehicle or other conveyance, either in the
daytime or nighttime, by force if necessary, and to remove therefrom
any intoxicating liquor, malt, mash and all grain, grain products, fruit
or fruit products found therein or thereat which have reached such a
stage of fermentation as to be unfit for any use save in the unlawful
manufacture of intoxicating liquor; and to seize and remove therefrom
any intoxicating liquor, still, doubler, worm, worm tub, mash, mash
tub, fermenting tub, vessel, fixture or equipment, or any part or parts
thereof, used or fit for use in the unlawful manufacture of intoxicating
liquor, and all grain, grain products, sugar syrup, hops, raisins and
other fruit or fruit products used or fit for use in the unlawful
manufacture of intoxicating liquor, which have not so fermented as to
be useless for any other purpose than in the manufacture or production
of intoxicating liquor, and to hold such property until all prosecutions
arising out of such search and seizure shall be ended and determined.
All intoxicating liquor unlawfully manufactured, stored, kept, sold,
transported or otherwise disposed of, and the containers thereof and all
equipment used or fit for use in the manufacture or production of the
same, including all grain or other materials used, in the unlawful
manufacture of intoxicating liquor, and which are found at or about
any still or outfit for the unlawful making or manufacture of intoxicat-
ing liquor, are hereby declared contraband, and no right of property
shall be or exist in any person or persons, firm, or corporation owning,
furnishing or possessing any such property, liquor, material or equip-
ment; but all such intoxicating liquors, property, articles and things,
shall be sold upon an order of the court and in the manner provided in
this chapter and the proceeds thereof shall be applied on the payment
of any fine and costs lawfully assessed against any person or persons
convicted of the unlawful manufacture, production, transportation,
sale, gift, storing, or possession of intoxicating liquor, or for any other
unlawful disposition thereof in any such building, structure, motor
vehicle or other conveyance, at any such place or on the premises
thereof, or applied on the payment of any fine or costs of any person
so convicted of keeping therein or thereat any still, doubler, worm,
worm tub, mash, mash tub, fermenting tub, vessel, fixture or equip-
ment, or any part or parts thereof used or fit for use in the unlawful
manufacture or production of intoxicating liquor, contrary to the
provisions of this chapter, and all such property shall likewise be
liable for the costs of making any search and seizure in case no person
or persons shall be found in charge or control of any such property or
claiming the same; provided, that all persons engaged in the work of
unlawfully manufacturing intoxicating liquors in any building,
structure, motor vehicle or other conveyance, or at any place as
defined in this chapter, or of keeping, storing or selling intoxicating
liquor in violation of this law or of any of the laws of this state, or
assisting in any way in such unlawful manufacture, production,
keeping, storing, selling or transporting same, and all persons in
possession or control, whether owners or not, of any still, doubler,
worm, worm tub, mash, mash tub, fermenting tub, vessel, fixture or
equipment used or fit for use in the unlawful manufacture or
production of intoxicating liquor, or in possession or control of any
grain, grain products, syrup, sugar, hops, raisins, or other fruit or fruit
products, being used in the unlawful manufacture or unlawful
production of intoxicating liquor, shall be deemed equally guilty of a
violation of this law; provided further, that nothing in this chapter
shall be so construed as to prevent any officer whose duty it is to make
arrests from arresting, with or without warrant, any person or persons
found violating any of the provisions of this law or from seizing or
holding, as the case may be, any of the intoxicating liquor so found,
including any liquor in process of fermentation or distillation, or any
of the equipment, articles or materials, being in use or fit for use, in
the process of unlawfully manufacturing intoxicating liquor as herein
specified; however, in the case of a misdemeanor or a violation of a
municipal or county ordinance, no physical arrest shall be made of any
licensee who was not on the licensed premises at the time the violation
occurred but a summons for later appearance may be issued. It is
hereby expressly made the duty of the sheriffs and their deputies
within their respective counties, and of marshals, chiefs of police and
policemen in cities, towns and villages, and of all other officials
whose duty it is or shall be to make arrests, to diligently suppress any
violation of this law, and to this end such officers are hereby
authorized and directed to arrest, with or without a warrant, any
person or persons found violating any such provisions; and, if arrested
without a warrant, then such officer shall immediately report the same
to the prosecuting attorney of the county, and file the necessary
complaint thereon. It shall be equally the duty of any officer to seize
and hold without first obtaining a search warrant, any intoxicating
liquor, still, doubler, worm, worm tub, mash, mash tub, fermenting
tub, vessel, fixture or equipment, or any part or parts thereof, which he
may find in use or fit for use in the unlawful manufacture of
intoxicating liquor and to report same immediately to the prosecuting
attorney of the county in which such liquor, articles and equipment
may be found; provided further, that any officer executing a search
warrant as provided in this chapter shall forthwith make his return
thereon to the court issuing said search warrant of the manner and date
of his execution thereof, showing what, if anything, was seized and
held by such search, together with the name of the owner or owners, if
known, of the things seized, and if not known, then the name or names
of the person or persons appearing to be in charge or control thereof,
and shall attach to said return as a part thereof an accurate list or
inventory of the article and things so seized and in case of the seizure
of any such articles, things or equipment, or intoxicating liquor which
said officer may have found in use or fit for use without the aid of a
search warrant as herein provided, he shall immediately file a list of
the things so seized with the prosecuting attorney of the county in
which the same were found, and shall hold the things so seized for
disposition in accordance with the provisions of this law; and
provided further, that all such articles, products and things declared in
this section to be contraband, and which shall be seized by any officer
and which shall be of such perishable nature as not to be susceptible
of preservation until the determination of any prosecution arising out
of seizure, shall be sold or otherwise disposed of as provided in this
chapter by an order of the court issuing such search warrant, and the
proceeds of such sale shall be held and applied as in this law
providing. Statutes_3
(RSMo 1939 § 4916, A.L. 1945 p. 1043, A.L. 1978 H.B. 1634, A.L. 1987 H.B. 520)
311.820. Search of vehicles for contraband liquor–use of
evidence found.
The supervisor of liquor control of the state of Missouri and his agents
and inspectors, members of the Missouri state highway patrol, and
every sheriff and deputy sheriff in the state of Missouri may inspect
and search any vehicle, with or without a search warrant, which he has
probable cause to believe is being used in violation of the terms of this
statute; provided, however, that any evidence found by any such
officer while inspecting or searching any vehicle pursuant to the
provisions of sections 311.410 to 311.460 may be used in any
prosecution for the violation of sections 311.410 to 311.460; in any
proceeding seeking to have any property seized in such search
declared contraband under the provisions of sections 311.410 to
311.460, 311.580 and 311.820 to 311.850, but any such evidence shall
not be used in any other proceeding whatsoever, civil or criminal.
(L. 1949 p. 320 § 4932)
(1951) The provisions of this section constitute a condition to the granting of a license
under § 311.420 and consequently, objections to search on constitutional grounds are
waived by application for and acceptance of license. State v. Ward, 361 Mo. 1236, 239
S.W.2d 313.
(1953) If party to action for forfeiture does not establish that he is the owner of or has an
interest in the whiskey he cannot question the legality of the search and seizure. State v.
Rodgers, 364 Mo. 247, 260 S.W.2d 736.
311.830. Transported liquor and vehicle to be seized as contra-
band, when.
Any intoxicating liquor being transported into, within, or through the
state of Missouri in knowing and willful violation of the provisions of
sections 311.410 to 311.460, 311.580 and 311.820 to 311.850, and the
conveyance in which it is being transported shall be deemed
contraband and shall be forfeited to the state of Missouri, and the
supervisor of liquor control, or any of his agents and inspectors, and
any peace officer of the state of Missouri shall seize any such liquor
and the conveyance in which it is being transported as contraband.
(L. 1949 p. 320 § 4932)
311.840. Action to forfeit seized liquor as contraband–notice–
intervention–judgment–appeal–sale of forfeited liquor–liability of
officers–prosecutor's duties.
1. Whenever any intoxicating liquor or other property having a value
of more than fifty dollars is seized as contraband under any section of
the liquor control law, the officer seizing such property, or the
supervisor of liquor control, if the seizure is made by one of his
agents, shall commence an action in the circuit court of the county in
which such property is seized by filing a petition in the office of the
clerk of said court in the name of the state of Missouri as plaintiff
against the person from whom the property was seized as defendant,
and there shall be a rebuttable presumption that said property is the
property of the defendant from whom it was seized. Said petition shall
describe the property seized and the circumstances of the seizure and
shall pray the court to make an order, declaring said liquor or other
property to be contraband and directing said seizing officer or the
supervisor of liquor control, if the seizure was made by the supervisor
or one of his agents, to sell said property at public or private sale,
subject to the approval of the said circuit court. A summons shall be
issued and process served on the defendant as in other civil suits. The
defendant shall file his answer within thirty days after service of
process upon him, whether such service is personal service, service by
mail, or service by publication. After defendant's time for filing
answer has expired, the court shall fix a day for hearing and said
action shall be heard by the court without a jury and shall be
conducted, except as otherwise in this chapter provided, as other cases
under the code of civil procedure of the state of Missouri.
2. However, in addition to any other process provided by the civil
code, the clerk of the circuit court shall cause to be published one time
in some newspaper having a general circulation in the county where
the action is pending, or if there be no newspaper of general circula-
tion in the county, then in some newspaper of an adjoining county, a
notice to all persons whom it may concern that said petition has been
filed in said court, briefly describing the property seized, the time and
circumstances of the seizure, the person from whom seized, and
stating that any person claiming any interest in the property may, upon
his own request, be made a party to the action and assert any claim he
may have thereto within thirty days after the publication of said
3. Any person claiming any interest in said property may intervene in
said action within thirty days after the publication of said notice,
setting forth any claim he may have to said property.
4. The court shall render such judgment as to it shall seem meet and
just, and if it shall appear that any person who has made claim to said
property is the owner thereof and was ignorant of the illegal use
thereof and such illegal use was without his connivance or consent,
express or implied, or if the court shall find that said property was not
being illegally used at the time of seizure, the court shall relieve said
property from forfeiture and restore it to the rightful owner, or if it
shall appear that the claimant is the holder of a bona fide lien against
the property, and that he was ignorant of the illegal use thereof and
that such use was without his connivance or consent, express or
implied, the court shall, first, if the lien so established is equal to or
more than the value of the property, order said property to be
delivered to the lien or. Or, if the property is valued at more than the
established lien and all costs of proceedings and sale, an order shall be
made for the sale of said property by the seizing officer or by the
supervisor of liquor control, if the seizure was made by him or one of
his agents, at public or private sale, subject to the approval of the
court, and out of the proceeds of such sale shall be paid: Storage, if
any, the lien, the cost of the proceedings, and the residue, if any, shall
be paid into the general revenue fund of the state of Missouri. If it
shall be determined that no person, other than the defendant, has any
interest in said property or that the person or persons having any
interest in said property knew of or connived or gave consent, express
or implied, to the illegal use thereof, and if it shall be found by the
court that said property was, at the time it was seized, being illegally
used and was contraband, as declared by any section of the liquor
control law of the state of Missouri, the said property shall be declared
to be forfeited to the state of Missouri, and the court shall order the
officer who seized said property or the supervisor of liquor control, if
the property was seized by one of his agents, to sell said property at
public or private sale, subject to the approval of the court, and out of
the proceeds of said sale shall be paid: The cost of storage, if any, cost
of the proceedings of the case and the balance thereof shall be paid
into the general revenue fund of the state of Missouri.
5. Appeals shall be allowed from the judgment of the circuit court as
in other civil actions.
6. Whenever any liquor is sold under the provisions of this section, the
officer selling it shall procure the proper excise stamps from the
director of revenue and attach them to the container thereof, unless
such liquor is already properly stamped, and he shall be reimbursed
for the cost of said stamps out of the proceeds of the sale.
7. Under no circumstances shall the officer commencing said action
on behalf of the state be liable for any costs or storage.
he supervisor of liquor control and his agents and any other officer
authorized to make seizures of contraband under the liquor control law
are each hereby authorized and empowered to call upon the pros-
ecuting attorneys of the respective counties and the circuit attorney of
the city of St. Louis and the attorney general of the state of Missouri to
represent them in any proceeding hereunder, and thereafter it shall be
the duty of such prosecuting or circuit attorney or the attorney general
to proceed on behalf of the officer making such call according to the
provisions of this chapter. Statutes_3
(L. 1949 p. 320 § 4917, A.L. 1978 H.B. 1634)
Effective 1-2-79
311.850. Action to replevin seized liquor, limitations,
procedure– damages–appeals–sale of seized liquor–duties of
prosecuting officials.
1. Whenever any intoxicating liquor or other property of the value of
fifty dollars or less is seized as contraband under any provision of the
liquor control law by any officer, he shall give to the person from
whom it is seized a receipt for said property. Any person claiming title
to said property as owner or otherwise may at any time within sixty
days of such seizure file a suit in replevin against the officer seizing
said property. Said suit shall be heard by the court without a jury and
conducted as any other suit in replevin is conducted except as
otherwise provided in this chapter, but if the court shall adjudge the
return of the property to the defendant or to some third party, the
officer making the seizure shall not be liable for any costs or damages,
unless the court shall find that said seizure was made maliciously and
that said officer did not have probable cause to believe said property
was contraband. If the court shall find that- said seized property is
contraband, he shall order it turned over to the supervisor of liquor
control to be sold by him and the proceeds to be paid into the general
revenue fund of the state.
2. Appeals shall be allowed from the judgment of the court as in other
civil actions.
3. If no suit is filed within sixty days after the seizure of such prop-
erty, the officer seizing said property shall turn it over to the
supervisor of liquor control to be sold by him and the proceeds of the
sale shall be paid into the general revenue fund of the state of
Missouri. Whenever any liquor is sold by any officer which does not
bear proper stamps of the director of revenue upon the containers, he
shall, before selling it, obtain the proper excise stamps from the
director of revenue and affix them to the containers of such liquor, and
the cost thereof shall be returned to the officer out of the proceeds of
the sale.
4. The supervisor of liquor control and his agents and any other officer
authorized to make seizures of contraband property under the liquor
control act are each hereby authorized and empowered to call upon the
prosecuting attorneys of the respective counties and the circuit
attorney of the city of St. Louis and the attorney general of the state of
Missouri to represent them in any proceeding hereunder, and
thereafter it shall be the duty of such prosecuting or circuit attorney or
the attorney general to proceed on behalf of the officer making such
call according to the provisions of this chapter. Statutes_3
(L. 1949 p. 320 § 4917a)
311.860. Fees and mileage of officers executing search warrants.
All officers whose duty it is to issue or execute search warrants as pro-
vided for in this chapter, shall be entitled to the same fees and mileage
as such officers are now or may hereafter be entitled to for similar ser-
vices in the issuance and execution of criminal processes, the same to
be taxed and collected as other criminal costs are taxed and collected.
(RSMo 1939 § 4918)
311.868. Fines for violations by manufacturers and distillers to
supersede other penalties.
1. Notwithstanding the provisions of section 311.070, 311.550, or
311.600, or any other provision within this chapter containing a pen-
alty provision, any person who shall manufacture or distill
intoxicating liquor in this state shall be subject only to the penalty
provision of subsection 2 of this section with regard only to its
manufacturer's or distiller's license rather than the general or specific
penalty provisions of the other provisions within this chapter, or any
rule or regulation promulgated pursuant thereto. Such manufacturer or
distiller shall not be subject to any other form of punishment with
regard to its manufacturer's or distiller's license.
2. Any person as defined by subsection 1 of this section violating a
provision of law contained in this chapter, or any rule or regulation
promulgated pursuant thereto, shall be fined for the first offense, ten
thousand dollars; for the second offense, twenty-five thousand dollars;
and for the third and subsequent offenses, fifty thousand dollars.
(L. 1984 S.B. 619 § 1, A.L. 1984 S.B. 441 § 1)
311.870. Execution on default by corporation in payment of fine.
Whenever any corporation is convicted of any offense under this
chapter, and a pecuniary penalty is imposed or an order under this
chapter requires payment of a sum of money by a corporation, the
court, judge or magistrate, upon its conviction or order, after
adjudging payment of such penalties with costs, may order and
adjudge that in default of payment of such penalty forthwith such
penalty or sum of money shall be levied by execution and sale of the
goods and chattels of such corporation. Statutes_3
(RSMo 1939 § 4886, A.L. 1945 p. 1043)
311.880. Violation a misdemeanor–penalty.
Any person violating any of the provisions of this chapter, except
where some penalty is otherwise provided, shall upon conviction
thereof be adjudged guilty of a misdemeanor and punished by a fine of
not less than fifty dollars, nor more than one thousand dollars, or by
imprisonment in the county jail for a term not exceeding one year, or
by both such fine and jail sentence. Statutes_3
(RSMo 1939 § 4933)
Out-of-State Manufacturers
311.915. Special permit for festivals limit on shipment in
state — excise taxes duration of permit.
A special permit shall be issued to an out-of-state manufacturer of
intoxicating liquor who is not licensed in the state of Missouri for
participation in festivals, bazaars, or similar events. Registration
requirements under section 311.275 shall be waived for such
event. The amount of intoxicating liquor shipped in the state under
this permit shall not exceed two hundred gallons. Excise taxes shall
be paid by the licensed manufacturer that holds a retail license
organizing the event in the same manner as if it were produced or
purchased by the manufacturer. A permit issued under this section by
the division of alcohol and tobacco control shall be valid for no more
than seventy-two hours. An applicant shall complete a form provided
by the supervisor of alcohol and tobacco control and pay a fee of
twenty-five dollars before a special permit shall be issued. Statutes_3
(L. 2016 S.B. 919)
Mobile Application
311.950. Entertainment facilities, purchase through mobile
applications — identification required — rulemaking authority.
1. Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, entertainment
facilities including, but not limited to, arenas and stadiums used
primarily for concerts, shows, and sporting events of any kind and
entities selling concessions at such facilities that possess all necessary
and valid licenses and permits to allow for the sale of alcoholic
beverages shall not be prohibited from selling and delivering alcoholic
beverages purchased through the use of mobile applications to
individuals attending events on the premises of such facilities if the
facilities are in compliance with all applicable state laws and
regulations regarding the sale of alcoholic beverages.
2. For purposes of this section, the term “mobile application” shall
mean a computer program or software designed to be used on hand-
held mobile devices such as cellular phones and tablet computers.
3. Any employee of a facility or entity selling concessions at a facility
who delivers an alcoholic beverage purchased through a mobile
application to an individual shall require the individual to show a
valid, government-issued identification document that includes the
photograph and birth date of the individual, such as a driver’s license,
and shall verify that the individual is twenty-one years of age or older
before the individual is allowed possession of the alcoholic beverage.
4. The division of alcohol and tobacco control may promulgate rules
to implement the provisions of this section. Any rule or portion of a
rule, as that term is defined in section 536.010, that is created under
the authority delegated in this section shall become effective only if it
complies with and is subject to all of the provisions of chapter 536
and, if applicable, section 536.028. This section and chapter 536 are
nonseverable and if any of the powers vested with the general
assembly pursuant to chapter 536 to review, to delay the effective
date, or to disapprove and annul a rule are subsequently held
unconstitutional, then the grant of rulemaking authority and any rule
proposed or adopted after August 28, 2016, shall be invalid and void.
(L. 2016 S.B. 994) *Effective 10-14-16, see § 21.250. Statutes_3
S.B. 994 was vetoed July 1, 2016. The veto was overridden on September 14, 2016.
Chapter 311
Liquor Control Law
Actions to forfeit seized liquor, procedure, 311.840
Actions to replevin seized liquor, procedure, 311.850
Advertising restriction, rebate coupons, 311.355
Advertising by industry 70-2.240(5)
Age, eighteen years of age may handle, exceptions, 311.300
Age, requirement for service, 311.480
Agents, compensation, minimum, 311.610
Agricultural Protection Fund, 311.550
Agents, qualifications, oath, bond, 311.620
Airports, international, 4:00 a.m. opening, license, 311.179
Alcohol and tobacco control fund created 311.735
Alcohol carrier license, 311.185
Alcohol education program, persons under twenty-one years of
age, required, when, 302.425
Alcohol samples for tasting guidelines, 311.297
Apps, mobile 311.950
Application of law, 311.040
Arrests and seizures, how made, 311.810
At rest laws, beer 311.373
Auctioneers, issuance of license, 311.191
Auctions, charitable exemption, 311.332
Auctions of vintage wines, 311.191
Bad product, seeking refund of taxes, 70-2.150
Bank sales, 311.401
Bazaars, temporary license for certain organizations may also
include Sunday sales, when, 311.482
Beer, at rest laws 311.373
Beer, ingredients, 311.490
Beer, inspection, product samples and testing not required for
approval for sale, when, 311.510
Beer, license 311.200.2 & 3
Beer by drink license with wine 311.200.4
Beer returns, 311.070.4 (17)
Beer, sales of 32 0z. for consumption off premises permitted
on restaurant without onsite brewery, 311.196
Growlers, at original package stores, 311.201
Beer Samples 311.197
Bill of lading to accompany transported alcoholic beverages,
content, inspection, penalty, 311.450, 311.460
Boats and vessels regularly moored in certain cities, license
authorized, 311.091, 311.092
Bond of manufacturer and wholesale dealer, forfeiture,
Bourbon, Missouri Bourbon Whiskey, 311.025
Brands, misrepresentation, penalty, 311.360
Brand Registration, 311.275
Breweries, inspection, 311.500
Activities permitted with licensee, interest in retail
business, 311.070
Contributions of money or merchandise to retail liquor
dealers permitted, when, 311.070
Dispensing accessories, installation allowed, when,
Family, personal use, license not required, 311.055
Interest in retail business
Permitted when, sale by drink on premises of
entertainment facilities 311.070
Prohibited when, exception, sale by drink promotion
of tourism, requirements, 311.070
Label, information included on, when, 311.360
License 311.180
Microbrewer’s license, fee, sales allowed, requirements,
Personal, family use, license not required, 311.055
Sampling 311.197
Tasting guidelines, 311.297
Carriers transporting, license required, certain carriers, exempt,
Caterers, special license to be issued to, festival, when, duration of
license, fee, 311.483, 311.485, 311.486
Central warehousing 70-2-230
Charitable contributions to retail liquor dealers, permitted when,
Churches, no license granted within certain distance without
permission, exceptions, 311.080
Churches, temporary license for certain organizations may also
include Sunday sales, when, 311.482
Civic organizations, temporary license for certain organizations
may also include Sunday sales, when, 311.482
Civil actions, 311.685
Closed place, defined, penalty, 311.290
Close-out merchandise, defined, price reduction authorized,
limitation, 311.332
Closing hours, penalty, 311.290
Close-out merchandise 311.335
Closed place, definition 311.290
Coast Guard, 311.091, 311.092
COLA required, beer 311.510, spirits 311.540
Combination Packaging 311.070.4(8)
Common Area 311.086
Common eating and drinking area, defined 311.096
Consumer advertising specialties, definition, 311.070
Consumer tastings 311.294 & 311.297
Consumer promotion coupons 311.355
Consumer contests and sweepstakes 311.070.4(2) and (11)
Consumer refunds, 70-2.240(5)(E)
Consumption of liquor 311.480
Containers, destruction, reuse prohibited, penalty, 311.550
Contests, fishing skills, ticket sales 311.211
Contraband, sale of, procedure, 311.840, 311.850
Contracts, exclusive dealership, void, 311.070
Controlled access liquor cabinet 311.099
Contributions to certain organizations, 311.070
Controlled access liquor cabinet system, definitions,
employees’ handling, requirements, 311.099
License required, 311.099
Qualified establishments, defined, 311.099
Qualified packages, defined, 311.099
Registered guests, defined, 311.099
Removal of all liquor on request by guest, duty, 311.099
Sales by wholesaler of special size authorized, 311.099
Temporary license, when, 311.099
Convention trade areas, sale of liquor by the drink, not on premises,
common eating and drinking areas, extended hours of
business, 311.096, 311.174, 311.176, 311.178
Corporations, default in payment of fine, execution, 311.870
Counties and cities may charge for license 311.220
Coupons, manufacturer rebates 311.355
Credit may be given by wholesaler for unused liquor, when,
Credit for unused liquor to caterer within three days of temporary
permit expiration, when allowed, 311.485
Customary storage, cooling or dispensing equipment
311.482.5 & 311.483.4
Definitions, 311.020, 311.030, 311.070
Debt of retailer going out of business to wholesaler, procedure,
new or renewal license prohibited, 311.265
Delayed Shipment 311.335
Delivery to certain organizations, nonresale purposes, allowed,
when, 311.332
Discounts by wholesaler, when, limitations, 311.332
Direct wine shipping 311.185
Disorderly place maintained by licensee, civil penalty,
amounts, 311.680
Dispensing accessories, installation by wholesaler for retailer,
allowed when, 311.070
Dispensing, Table Tap dispensing, 311.205
Alcohol samples for tasting, permitted, when, 311.297
Contributions of money or merchandise to retail liquor
dealers permitted, when, 311.070
Interest in retail business, prohibited, exception, sale by
drink, on premises, promotion of tourism,
requirements, 311.070
Distiller’s and manufacturer’s violations, fines to
supersede all other penalties, amounts, 311.868
Recreational resort, distilling, 311.075
Distillers license 311.180
Distillers Resort license 311.075
Distressed Merchandise 70-2.250(2)(B) & (C)
Domestic Wine 311.190, 70-2.010(4)
Donations by Manufacturer, Wholesaler 311.332
Driver’s license
Alcohol related driving offenses expunged from record,
when, procedure, effect, limitations, 610.130
Altered I.D. used to misrepresent age to obtain liquor,
penalties, 311.320
Suspension or revocation of driving privileges, persons
under twenty-one years of age, 302.400
Drugs, mixing with liquor prohibited, 311.340
Drunkards, habitual, sales to, penalty, 311.310
Eighteen year old, work 311.300
Enforcement, 311.770
Election to determine whether liquor can be sold by drink
Favorable vote 311.140
Unfavorable vote 311.150
Enforcement, 311.770
Entertainment district 311.086
Equipment and supplies, definition, 311.070
Exemption, Unlicensed event 311.332
Excise tax
Failure to pay, penalty, amount, interest, 311.553
Fee for inspecting and gauging malt liquors, 311.520
Paid and collected, how, 311.561
Returns and payments, 311.553
Wines and spirituous liquors, 311.550
Extended Hours Licenses
Historic Landmark, Kansas City, 311.174
Kansas City, North Kansas City, Jackson County,
Lake of the Ozarks, 311.178
Lambert St. Louis International Airport 4:00 a.m. license,
Mall, 311.096
One day permit, Kansas City, 311.088
St. Louis City, 311.176
Fairs, temporary license for certain organizations may also
include Sunday sales, when, 311.482
False identification card 311.315
Family use, personal use 311.055
Disposition, 311.730
Inspecting and gauging, beer, 311.520
Liquor and wine fees 311.550, 311.554
Paid into general revenue and alcohol and tobacco control
fund 311.730
Temporary permit, caterers, 311.485, 311.486
Fees and taxes, actions for, 311.790
Festivals, manufacturer special event 311.915
Festivals, temporary permit 311.483
Financial interest, defined, 311.060
Financial interest in retail business of licensee with distillers,
wholesalers, winemakers or brewers, 311.070
Financial interest not to include certain stock ownership,
Fines for violations by manufacturers and distillers to supersede
other penalties, 311.868
Form of ballot 311.130
Fourth of July celebrations, wine and malt liquor, temporary
permit, fee, certain organizations, hours, 311.218
Fraternal groups, temporary license for certain organizations may
also include Sunday sales, when, 311.482
Gambling, 70-2.140(16)
Geographical area limitation, wholesaler 311.181 & 311.182
Going out of business, retailer in debt to wholesaler, procedure,
new or renewal license prohibited, 311.265
Growlers, 311.196 & 311.201
Holidays, certain specific dates, sale by drink, 311.298
Home brewing, personal use 311.055
Home brewing contests 311.055
Hours of Operation 311.290
Cards, penalties, 311.328
Driver’s licenses, Missouri and certain other states
authorized, 311.328
Licensees, driver’s licenses, passports and identification cards,
use to determine age of consumer, 311.328
Reproduction or altercation of identification card 311.329
Illegal or untaxed liquor, possession of prohibited, exceptions,
Information, content, 311.770
Ingredients, beer 311.490
Injunction, violation of, penalty, 311.760
Inspection, beer, cost, 311.520
Inspectors, agents, deputy, qualifications, 311.620
Inspectors, appointment, qualifications, oath, bond, 311.620
Interstate reciprocal wine shipments, allowed when, limitations,
Intoxicating Liquor, definition 311.020
Sampling 311.070.4(7) & 311.197
Intoxicated persons, sale to, penalty, 311.310
Invoices in duplicate, duty of manufacturers, wholesale dealers,
Kegs, retail sale for off-premise consumption, labeling,
requirements, 311.082
Keg registration, requirements, 311.082
Beer, malt liquor, information included on label, when,
Brand misrepresentation, penalty, 311.360
Brand registration, 311.275
Leasing, portable refrigeration units 311.198
Licensees, keeping on premises unauthorized liquor prohibited,
exceptions, 311.330
Licensees, qualifications, 311.060
Activities permitted between wholesaler and retail
licensee, interest in retail business, 311.070
Applicants, qualifications, 311.060
Applications, how made, 311.210; to whom, 311.230
Boats or vessels regularly moored in certain cities, 311.092
Brewers, distillers, wholesalers, winemakers, tourism
promotion, sale of drink on premises, 311.070
Canceled, when, 311.270
Caterers, temporary permit, how, extent, credit for unused
liquor allowed, when, 311.485
Caterers, annual permit, 311.486
Churches, no license granted within certain distance
without permission, exceptions, 311.080
City, county, fees, how fixed, 311.220
Common eating and drinking areas, defined, license
requirement, Sunday sales by drink for consumption
not on premises, extended hours in convention trade
areas, 311.096
Controlled access liquor cabinet system, requirements,
Convention trade areas, sale by drink, extended hours
Jackson County, 311.174
Kansas City, 311.174
North Kansas City, 311.174
St. Louis City, 311.176
St. Louis County, 311.178
Credit for unused liquor to caterer within three day of
temporary permit expiration, allowed, 311.485
Debt of retailer going out of business to wholesaler,
procedure, new or renewal license prohibited, 311.265
Defense, good faith, failure to determine age of buyer,
Denial, invalid reasons, 311.212
Entertainment District Special License, Portable Bars
(Kansas City), 311.086
Family, personal use, license not required, 311.055
Federal license required, 311.240
Financial interest, defined, 311.060
Fishing skill contests, sales of ticket to participant on
premises not grounds to deny licenses, 311.211
Fourth of July celebrations, wine and malt liquor,
temporary permit, fee, certain organizations, hours,
Going out of business, retailer in debt to wholesaler,
procedure, new or renewal licensed prohibited,
Issuance, procedure, 311.210
Keeping on premises unauthorized liquor prohibited,
exceptions, 311.330
Light wine, sale by drink, 311.200
Liquor in storage 311.370
Malt liquors, restrictions on holder, penalty, 311.270
Manufacturers, fees, 311.180
Microbrewers, fee required, sales allowed, requirements,
Nonassignable and nontransferable, exceptions, 311.250
Notice of warning, probation, revocation, suspension,
required, 311.680
Number of licenses allowed one party, 311.260
Original package sales, fee, 311.200
Sunday sales, fee, hours, 311.293
Package sales, wine tasting permit, limitations, 311.294
Period of license, contents, 311.240
Personal, family use, license not required, 311.055
Renewal, when filed, late charges, 311.240
Renewals, extension of time, when, 311.660
Resident corporation, defined, 311.060
Resorts, sale by drink, new businesses, temporary license,
Restaurants and places of entertainment, 311.480
Restaurants sale by drink
Beer, sales of 32 ounces for consumption off the
premises permitted on restaurant without onsite brewery,
Gross income required from sale of food consumed on
premises, resort, 311.095
New businesses, temporary license, 311.095
Restrictions on granting in certain localities, 311.080
Retailer to purchase from licensed wholesaler, 311.280
Retail, sale by drink, 311.200
Review of revocation or suspension, warning or probation, no
prior hearing required, 311.691
Revocation or suspension, 311.555, 311.557, 311.600,
Revocation or suspension, fishing skill contests, ticket sales on
premises to participants not grounds for, 311.211
Sale by drink, 311.085, 311.090, 311.200.4-6
Sale by lending institution of repossessed liquor, no license
required, 311.401
Sale or manufacture, unlawful without, 311.050
Sale to minor, not grounds for denial of license, when,
Sales and use taxes must be paid to obtain, statement required,
Sales, without penalty, 311.550
Schools, no license granted within certain distance
without permission, exceptions, 311.080
Seasonal resort restaurant, sale by drink, 311.095
State fair, beer and wine, issued, when, 311.487
Stock ownership not deemed a financial interest, when,
Sunday sales, fee, hours, 311.293
Suspension or revocation
Felony drug conviction, automatic revocation, 311.720
Invalid reason, 311.212
Procedure, 311.710, 311.720
When, notice, 311.680
Suspension, violation of price regulations, 311.338
Tasting permit, wine and malt beverage, limitation, 311.294
Temporary permit
Caterers, how, extent, credit for unused liquor allowed,
when, 311.485
Certain organizations, sale by the drink on premises for
special occasions, 311.482
Credit allowed caterers for unused liquor, when, 311.485
Transfer, legal when, 311.250
Transporters, 311.420 to 311.440
Transporters, certain carrier exempt, 311.420
Violations, conduct more than three years prior, not valid
reason to suspend or revoke, 311.212
Vintage wine, municipalities may sell by sealed bid, 311.193
Warning or probation, when, notice, 311.680
Wholesalers, fees, 311.180
Wine, light, sale by drink, 311.200
Loans, liquor as collateral, repossession, authority for
lending institution to sell, no license required,
Local option
Applicable, when, 311.170
Ballots, form, 311.130
Disapproval, effect, 311.150
Election, when and how held, 311.110
Elections, notice of result, contest, 311.140
Petition for election, 311.110
Resubmission of question, 311.160
Malt beverage tasting permit, limitation, 311.294
Malt liquor
Exclusive territories of assigned areas for sales by
wholesalers, violation, penalties, 311.182
Fourth of July sales, temporary license, certain
organization, fee, hours, 311.218
Ingredients, 311.490
Inspection fee not charged, when, 311.530
Inspection, product samples and testing not required for
approval for sale, when, 311.510, 311.520
Label, information included on, when, 311.360
Sales, license, fee, 311.200
Sampling, Malt Liquor, 311.197
Wholesaler’s licensing requirements
Application, content, filed where, 311.181
Brewer to authorize sales in geographic area by
written agreement, 311.181
Exclusive right of wholesaler to assigned area,
brewer prohibited from additional contracts,
Geographic area changes, how made, filed where,
Geographic area limitation on license, exception,
Violation of geographic area in sales, penalties,
Warehouse and delivery facilities, maintained in area
required, 311.181
Manufacturer’s and distiller’s violations, fines to supersede all
other penalties, amounts, 311.868
Manufacturers, interest in retail business, permitted, when, sale
by drink on premises of entertainment facilities, 311.070
Manufacturer’s licenses – 311.180
Microbrewers, license, fee, sales allowed, procedure, 311.195
Alcohol related traffic offenses, 577.500
Alteration, misrepresentation of license, 577.500
Burden of proof on violator that container does not
contain liquor, 311.325
Consumption, knowingly permitting, 311.310
Container describing contents as liquor need not be
opened and tested, presumption that is liquor,
Delivery by, prohibited, when, 311.300
Driver’s license, passport or I.D. altered to misrepresent
age to obtain liquor, penalties, 311.320
Driver’s license, revocation Alcohol education program,
persons under twenty-one years of age, required,
when, 302.425
Enforcement, minors not to be used, exceptions, 311.722
Expungement of record permitted, when, 311.326
Identification, acceptable forms 311.328
Misrepresentation of age, penalty, 311.320
Possession of alcohol for second time, 302.400
Possession or use of alcohol in motor vehicle, 302.400
Purchase or possession by, misdemeanor, 311.325
Sale by minor, prohibited, when, exception, 311.300
Sale to prohibited, not grounds for denial of license, when,
Standards for using minors in enforcement, 311.722
Student accredited college or university, culinary course,
Visibly intoxicated, penalty, 311.325
Work in Industry, Minors 311.300
MIR manufacturing instant rebates, 311.355
Misrepresentation of brand of liquor 311.360
Missouri Bourbon Whiskey 311.025
Mobile Applications, 311.950
Monthly returns 311.553
Nonalcoholic beverages, sale of, 311.070.55
Nonlabeled or noninspected, sale of, penalty, 311.600
Action to enjoin, procedure, 311.750
Maintaining, penalty, 311.740
Serving in violation of law, 311.480
One day permit, extended hours, Kansas City, 311.088
Original package license 311.200.1 & 2
Definition, original package 311.200.2
Growler 311.201
Out of-state manufacturers, 311.915
Outside Signs 311.070.4(15)
Outdoor Banners 311.070.4(15)
Ordinary Commercial Credit, definition 70-2.010(11)
Ozark Highlands Spirits, qualifications as, requirements 311.028
Package sales, when licensed to sell malt liquor and wine by drink,
effect, exceptions, 311.200
Package stores, requirements, fees, 311.200
Payment of tax, returns, 311.553
Peace officers arrests, authority for, liquor violations, 311.630
Arrests, authority for liquor and tobacco violations, 311.630
Badges and credentials to be furnished, 311.630
Fees, for arrest and transportation of persons arrested, service
of writ, amount, 311.630
Search and seizure, powers, 311.630
Selection by supervisor of alcohol and tobacco control,
Training requirements, 311.630
Penalties, civil, 311.680
Penalties, failure to determine age of buyer, licensee exempt from,
good faith, 311.328
Permanent point of sale advertising material 311.070.3(3)
Personal use, family use 311.055
Persons eighteen years of age may handle, exceptions, 311.300
Picnics, temporary license for certain organizations may also
include Sunday sales, may sell in the original package for off
premise consumption, when, 311.482
Point of sale advertising materials, definition, 311.070
Portable bars, definition, 311.086
Possession of illegal or untaxed liquor prohibited 311.580
Powers of Supervisor 311.660
Pregnancy warning signs, required 311.299
Premises licensed for sale by drink, keeping unauthorized liquor
prohibited, exceptions, 311.330
Price Liquor and Wine
Discrimination by wholesalers, prohibited, 311.332
Pricing to be made available to retailers, when, 311.333
Reduction by wholesaler to retailers authorized, when,
limitations, 311.332, 311.335
Regulations, violation misdemeanor, 311.338
Primary American source of supply, defined, 311.275
Product display, definition, 311.070.4(1)
Product tasting, 311.297
Promotion, definition, 311.070
Promotional association 311.086
Public nuisance 311.740
Purpose of chapter 311 311.015
Railroad companies, license, fees, 311.200
Rebate coupons, permitted, regulation of, 311.332, 311.355
Recordkeeping requirements 70-2.140(6), 311.070.4(2)(a),
311.070(14)(a), 311.070.7, 311.071.3, 311.082.3
Recreational resorts, distillery, 311.075
Refrigeration units, portable, leasing 311.198
Religious organizations, donation, delivery or sale to, allowed
when, 311.332
Replevin, seized liquor, procedure, 311.850
Repossession by lending authority to sell, limitation, no license
required, 311.401
Resident Corporation 311.060
Resort, defined, license for sale by drink, 311.095, 311.178
Restaurant bar with that serves 20 different types of draft beer,
without an onsite brewery, may sell 32 oz. for off premise
consumption, 311.196
Restaurants and places of entertainment, licensing of, 311.480
Retailer association activities 311.070.4(14)
Retail dealer to purchase from licensed wholesaler only,
Retailers, hours, closed when, 311.290
Returns, 70-2.190(8) & 311.070.4(16) (18)
Review by administrative hearing commission 311.691
Revocation 311.557
Roadhouses, licensing, 311.480
Sale by lending institution, - repossessed as collateral, no
license required, 311.401
Sale by the drink
Arenas, brewers and manufacturers, sales on premises,
requirements, 311.070
Bill of lading to accompany shipment, when, contents,
inspection, 311.450
Birth defects caused by drinking while pregnant, warning
notice sign on display, 311.299
Boats, requirements, fee, 311.091
Charitable, fraternal, religious, service, veterans, on
premises or in close proximity, requirement, 311.090
Civil actions permitted, when, 311.685
Closed place defined, penalty, 311.290
Common eating and drinking areas, defined, 311.096
Extended hours of business permitted, when,
Fees, amount, authority for cities and counties to
collect, 311.096
Sunday sales, permitted, when, 311.096
Convention trade areas, extended hours for business
Kansas City, requirements, fee, 311.174
North Kansas City, requirements, fee, 311.174
St. Louis City, requirements, fee, 311.176
St. Louis County, requirements, fee, 311.178
Counties, first class, charter form, requirements, 311.085
Defined, sale by drink, 311.100
Election to authorize, cities under 19,500 population,
Entertainment facilities, brewers and manufacturers, sales
on premises, requirements, 311.070
License, 311.085, 311.090, 311.095, 311.200
Malt liquor, counties of first classification, 311.085
Malt liquors license, fees, applications, 311.200
Common eating and drinking areas, defined, 311.096
Extended hours of business permitted, when, 311.096
Fees, amount, authority for cities and counties to collect,
Sunday sales, permitted, when, 311.096
Premises licensed for sale by drink, keeping unauthorized
liquor on, prohibited, 311.330
Resorts, requirements, new resorts, temporary licenses,
Restaurants, requirements, new businesses, temporary
licenses, requirement, 311.095
School, no license granted within certain distance without
permission, exceptions, 311.080
Seasonal resort restaurants, requirements, temporary licenses,
Sign required on premises, warning of dangers of pregnant
women, 311.299
Special events, contributions of money permitted, when,
Stadiums, brewers and manufacturers, sales on premises,
requirements, 311.070
Temporary permit, certain organizations, sale by the drink on
premises for special occasions, picnics, 311.482
Tourism promotion, brewers, distillers, winemakers, sales on
premises, requirements, 311.070
Wine, light, 311.200
Wines, license to sell only Missouri produced wine, 311.070
Wine manufacturers and employees on premises or in close
proximity to winery, 311.070
Sale, hours of, penalty, 311.290
Sale of noninspected or nonlabeled, penalty, 311.600
Sale to minor, not grounds for denial of license, when, 311.310
Sales and use tax must be paid to obtain license 311.665
Samples, 311.070.4(7) & 311.197
Salvaged Alcohol 70-2.250(2)(B) & (C)
Schools, no license granted within certain distance without
permission, exceptions, 311.080
Search warrants, issuance, 311.810
Search warrants, officers executing, fees, mileage, 311.860
Seasonal resort restaurant, defined, license for sale by drink,
Seized liquor, actions to forfeit, 311.840
Seizure of transported liquor and vehicle, 311.830
Selling without paying tax, penalty, 311.550
Shipments, unclaimed, sale, 311.400
Special events, contributions, 311.071
Spirituous liquors, gallonage tax, 311.550
Spirituous liquors, inspection, product samples and testing not
required for approval for sale, when, 311.540
Spirituous liquors, inspection, 311.450
State fair, annual license, beer and wine, issued, when,
Stored liquor, report of, penalty, 311.370
Tasting Guidelines, 311.297
Wines, license to sell only Missouri produced wine, 311.070
Self dispensing systems, 311.205
Shipping, direct wine shipping 311.185
Signs required, warning pregnancy 311.299
State fair license 311.487
Statute of limitations - 311.212
Stocking and Rotating 311.070.4(12)
Storage liquor 311.370, 70-2.140
Sunday sales
Common eating and drinking areas, defined, time open,
Holidays, certain specific dates, sale by drink, 311.298
Local licenses, Sunday sales, limitations, 311.293
Malt beverage tasting permit, limitation, 311.294
Sunday liquor, license, fee, hours, 311.293
Restaurants Convention trade areas, special extended
hours, requirements, 311.174 to 311.178
Generally, hours for opening and closing, 311.293
Super Bowl Sunday, sale by drink, 311.298
Wine tasting permit, limitations, 311.294
Supervisor, wholesale-solicitor, registration forms to 311.275
Supervisor Agents, appointment, 311.610
Agents, seizures, power to make, 311.850
Appointment, qualification, bond, oath, duties, 311.610
Complaints, transfer of prosecuting attorneys, duties,
Appointment, expenses allowed, 311.610
Failure to perform duties, penalty, 311.670
Interest in liquor industry prohibited, 311.640
Applications for, duties, 311.210
Renewals, extension of time, when, 311.660
Requirements, powers, 311.060
Suspension, revocation powers, 311.660
Malt liquors, inspection, product samples and testing
not required for approval for sale, when,
Offices, location, 311.650
Peace officers, selection, 311.630
Penalties, civil, 311.680
Powers and duties, 311.660
Removal from office, 311.670
Report to Governor, 311.610
Revocation or suspension of licenses, 311.557,
Revocations and suspensions, list of, duties, 311.780
Rules and regulations on return of liquor to
wholesalers, 311.333
Sales and use taxes to be paid to obtain license,
duties, 311.665
Seizures, power to make, 311.850
State fair, beer and wine, license issued, when,
Suspension or revocation of licenses, powers, 311.68
Sweepstakes 311.070.4(11)
Table tap dispensing system, 311.205
Tasting license 311.294
Tasting on and off retail premises, when 311.297
Temporary permit, caterers, authority to issue, credit for
unused liquor allowed, when, 311.485
Temporary permit, certain organizations, sale by the drink on
premises for special occasions, 311.482
Temporary license, 4th of July celebrations, certain
organizations, wine, malt liquor, fee, hours, 311.218
Temporary permit, certain organizations, sale by the drink on
premises for special occasion, 311.282
Temporary point of sale advertising materials, definition,
Title of law, citation, 311.010
Transportation into or through state, requirements, 311.410;
penalty, 311.460
Transportation, wine, interstate reciprocal shipments, allowed
when, limitations, 311.462
Transported liquor and vehicle to be seized, when, 311.830
Transporters, 311.420 to 311.440
Transporter’s license, revocation, 311.430
Vehicles, authority to search, 311.820
Warning or probation of licensees, powers, 311.680
Wholesaler’s licenses for malt liquor duties, 311.180, 311.181
Wholesalers, return of liquor to, rules and regulations, 311.333
Transporters, license required, certain carriers exempt, 311.420
Transporting alcoholic liquor, bill of lading to accompany, content,
inspection, 311.450
Unauthorized liquors prohibited on premises 311.330
Unclaimed shipments of liquor may be sold 311.400
Unfinished bottles of wine may be carried out, when - 311.101
Unlabeled liquor, unlawful to sell 311.600
Unlawful for retailer to purchase from other than wholesaler
Unlicensed events, exemption - 311.332
Vehicles, search, evidence used how, 311.820
Veterans, temporary license for certain organizations may
also include Sunday sales, when, 311.482
Vintage wine, definition, 311.191
Vintage wine license, 311.180
Vintage wine license for sale by municipalities, 311.193
Manufacturers and distillers, fines to supersede all other
penalties, amounts, 311.868
Penalty, 311.880
Prosecuted, how, 311.790, 311.800
Warehouse receipts, sale or gift of, prohibited - 311.380
Warehousing, central 70-2.230
Whiskey, Missouri Bourbon Whiskey 311.025
Activities permitted with retailer, 311.070
Alcohol samples for tasting, who, when, 311.297
Close-out merchandise, discount to retailers authorized,
limitation, 311.335
Condition of sale of alcoholic beverages on sale of
nonalcoholic beverages prohibited, exception, 311.070
Credit for unused liquor may be given, when, 311.070
Debt of retailer, going out of business, procedure, dealer’s
effect, 311.265
Delayed shipments because of price changes prohibited,
penalty, 311.335
Discounts to retailers authorized when, limitation, 311.332
Dispensing accessories, installation allowed by, when,
Gaming commission licensees, sales to, allowed, 311.180
Interest in retail business, prohibited, exception, activities
permitted, sale by drink, on premises, promotion of
tourism, requirements, 311.070
Licensing 311.180
Price changes, delayed shipments, penalty, 311.335
Price discrimination by, prohibited, 311.332
Price reductions by wholesaler to retailers authorized, when,
limitations, 311.333
Pricing to be made available to retailers, when, 311.333
Rebate coupons, permitted, regulation of, 311.332, 311.355
Returns of alcoholic beverages permitted, supervisor to
regulate, 311.333
Sales, delivery to retailer permitted, when, 311.290, 311.480
Suspension of license for violation of price regulations,
Violation, license suspended or revoked, 311.338
Wholesale price discrimination, misdemeanor, 311.338
Wholesalers, activities permitted with retail licensee, 311.070
Form provided, procedure, 311.275
Primary American source of supply, defined, 311.275
Registration with division of liquor control required,
Wholesalers prohibited from ordering from unless
registered, 311.275
Additional tax on selling, collection, deposit, purpose,
Alcohol carrier license, 311.185
Auction of vintage wines, 311.191
Direct wine shipping, 311.185
Domestic wine license, 311.190
Fourth of July sales, temporary license, certain
organizations, fees, hours, 311.218
Gallonage tax, 311.550
Interstate reciprocal shipments, allowed when, limitations,
Limitation on use of revenue, 311.554
Wine, light
Alcohol content not to exceed fourteen percent, 311.090
Charitable, fraternal, religious, service, veterans, sale by
drink, outside city limits, when, 311.090
Definition, 311.090
License for sale, required, 311.090
Sale by drink, consumption on premises, license fee,
Sale by drink, effect on other package liquor sales,
exceptions, 311.200
Tasting permitted, when 311.297
Wine manufacturers
Consumption of wine purchased on premises, hours, 311.190
Crops, natural disaster, use of products from outside state,
procedure, 311.190
Definition, 200 Gallons, 311.192
Federal regulations applicable, 311.190
License, fees, 311.190 Products not grown or produced in
state, limitation, exception, 311.190
Samples, authority to serve, 311.190
Selling, authority to serve, 311.190
Sunday sales, 311.190
Tasting permitted, when 311.297
Transportation of unfinished bottle of wine permitted, when,
Vintage wine, municipalities may sell sealed bids 311.193
Vintage wine, Solicitor permitted to register as Primary
American Source of supply, 311.275
Wine marketing and research, additional charge for director of
agriculture use, 275.464
Wine, license to sell by drink only Missouri produced wines,
Wholesalers, retail dealers, sales to, hours, exceptions, 311.190
Winemakers, contributions of money or merchandise to retail
liquor dealers, permitted, when, 311.070
Winemakers, interest in retail business prohibited, exception, sale
by drink, on premises, promotion of tourism, requirements,
Winery, alcohol samples for tasting permitted, when, 311.297
of the
11 CSR 70-1
11 CSR 70-2
Index to Regulations
Table of Contents
70-1.010 Organization and Methods of Operation
70-2.010 Definitions
70-2.020 Application for License
70-2.030 Change of Facts, Posting, Transfer and Lost
Licenses ExecutorsAdministrators
70-2.040 Manufacturers, Wholesalers and Distributors
70-2.050 Wholesalers’ Conduct of Business
70-2.060 Manufacturers
70-2.070 Tax on Spirituous Liquor and Wine
70-2.080 Malt Liquor Tax
70-2.090 Reporting Distillers, Rectifiers, Wine Manufacturers
and Wholesalers
70-2.100 Report of Brewers and Beer Wholesalers
70-2.110 Domestic Wine
70-2.120 Retail Licensees
70-2.130 Retailer’s Conduct of Business
70-2.140 All Licensees
70-2.150 Refunds
70-2.170 Warehouse Receipts for Storage of Intoxicating Liquor
70-2.180 Ceded Areas
70-2.190 Unlawful Discrimination and Price Scheduling
70-2.230 Multiple Store Retailers
70-2.240 Advertising of Intoxicating Liquor and Nonintoxicating Beer
70-2.250 Salvaged Alcoholic Beverages
70-2.260 State of Emergency
70-2.270 Transfer and Registration of Lines or Brands of
Spirituous Liquor and Wine
70-2.280 Guidelines for Using Minors in Intoxicating Liquor
Division 70–Division of Liquor Control
Chapter 1–General Organization
Regulation No. 70-1.010
Organization and Methods of Operation
PURPOSE: This rule describes the organization, methods of
operation and procedures of the Division of Liquor Control.
(1) The Department of Liquor Control was established under the Liquor
Control Act passed by the Fifty-Seventh General Assembly in extra
session, was signed by the governor on January 13, 1934 and became
effective on that date. The Omnibus State Reorganization Act of 1974
created the Department of Public Safety and made the Department of
Liquor Control a division of that department. The Liquor Control Law
is sections 311.010, RSMo. On August 28, 2001, the division gained
responsibility for enforcement of youth access to tobacco laws and in
2003, was renamed the Division of Alcohol and Tobacco Control. The
division enforces the tobacco laws under sections 407.925 through
407.934, RSMo.
(2) The supervisor of Alcohol and Tobacco Control is vested with the
exclusive power to issue and to revoke or suspend licenses for the sale
of intoxicating liquor and with the power to make rules governing the
conduct and method of operation of all licensees set out in section
311.660(10), RSMo.
(A) The supervisor, with the approval of the director of the
Department of Public Safety, is authorized to appoint and employ all
agents, assistants, deputies, and inspectors as are necessary for the
proper enforcement and administration of the Liquor Control Law.
(B) These appointees are prohibited from participating in any type of
partisan political activity and are likewise prohibited from
electioneering for or against any proposition to be voted on at any
election. Appointees are required to meet minimum physical and mental
requirements and receive training in the laws and their enforcement.
(3) All licenses issued by the Division of Alcohol and Tobacco Control
expire on the thirtieth day of June, next following the date that the
license was issued. Correct license fees shall be paid before any license
is issued. Cities and counties are permitted by law to license and
regulate the sale of liquor.
(4) The supervisor of Alcohol and Tobacco Control, agents of the
Division of Alcohol and Tobacco Control, prosecuting attorneys,
sheriffs, their deputies, and police officers are charged with the duty of
enforcing the Liquor Control Law. The division works closely with
other law enforcement agencies and personnel in an effort to ensure
compliance with the liquor control laws and youth access to tobacco
(A) It is the purpose of the division to assist licensees and to eliminate
the persistent violator. The supervisor of Alcohol and Tobacco Control
has the authority to impose civil penalties and suspend or revoke
AUTHORITY: section 311.660, RSMo 2016.* Original rule filed Dec. 31, 1975, effective
Jan. 10, 1976. Amended: Filed Dec. 4, 1984, effective March 11, 1985. Amended: Filed Jan.
8, 1990, effective April 26, 1990. Amended: Filed Feb. 27, 1998, effective Aug. 30, 1998.
Amended: Filed Oct. 10, 2018, effective May 30, 2019.
*Original authority: 311.660, RSMo 1939, amended 1989.
Brown-Forman Distillers Corp. v. Stewart, 520 SW2d 1 (Mo. banc 1975). Supervisor of
liquor control is statutorily vested with the power and authority to promulgate valid
regulations to fill in the interstices of the Liquor Control Law. Rules which are in pari
materia must be construed together. The broad, yet valid, authority conferred upon the
supervisor by subsections (6) and (10) of section 311.660, RSMo 1969 is limited only in the
respect that regulations be necessary, reasonable and not inconsistent with the Liquor
Control Law.
Division 70–Division of Liquor Control
Chapter 2–Rules and Regulations
Regulation No. 70-2.010
11 CSR 70-2.010 Definitions PURPOSE: This rule defines certain
terms pertaining to and commonly used throughout Chapter 311,
RSMo, and the rules and regulations of the supervisor of liquor control.
(1) Close proximity refers to two (2) or more areas that are located on
one (1) continuous tract of land owned or leased by the same person, or
within line of sight of one another, or located on an adjoining property
owned or leased by the same person.
(2) Delivery occurs when a licensee transports or uses an employee or
agent to transport intoxicating liquor to a consumer at a location other
than the licensed premises.
(3) Direct financial interest means personally having, owning, or
otherwise holding a financial interest.
(4) Domestic wine is defined in accordance with section 311.190,
(5) Good moral character refers to honesty, fairness, and respect for
the rights of others and for the laws of the state and nation.
(6) Indirect financial interest means enjoying the benefits of a direct
financial interest of another person, as that term is defined in section
311.030, RSMo, or having any control over another person with a direct
financial interest, including but not limited to: a spouse, minor child, or
other relative living in the same home holding a direct financial interest;
sharing monetary assets or liabilities with another person with a direct
financial interest; having more than a ten percent (10%) ownership
interest in another person with a direct financial interest; directly
managing or serving as the managing officer of another person with a
direct financial interest; or sharing common ownership where the
common owner has more than a ten percent (10%) interest in each
(7) Intoxicating liquor is defined in accordance with 311.020, RSMo.
(8) Malt liquor or beer is defined in accordance with section
311.490(1) and (2), RSMo.
(9) Managing officer means an individual in an applicant or licensee’s
employ or agent thereof who shall be responsible for any licenses issued
by the state supervisor and serves as the division’s primary point of
contact with the applicant or licensee.
(10) The words manufacturer and manufacturer-solicitor, whenever
used as nouns in Chapter 311, RSMo, and in these regulations, are
(11) Ordinary Commercial Credit.
(A) Malt Beverages. Ordinary commercial credit for malt beverages
is credit that requires payment to be made by the retail licensee by the
last day of the month for malt beverages delivered on or after the first
day of the month and up to and including the fifteenth day of the month
and by the fifteenth day of the following month for malt beverages
delivered to the retail licensee on or after the sixteenth day of the month
and up to and including the last day of the month. No brewer or
wholesaler may sell or deliver malt beverages while the retail licensee
owes the brewer or wholesaler for malt beverages beyond the period of
time as indicated in this subsection.
(B) Spirituous Liquor and Wine. Ordinary commercial credit for
spirituous liquor and/or wine is credit that requires payment to be made
by the retail licensee within thirty (30) days after the delivery of
spirituous liquor and/or wine to the retail licensee. No distiller,
wholesaler, or wine maker may sell or deliver spirituous liquor and/or
wine while the licensee owes the distiller, wholesaler, or wine maker
for spirituous liquor and/or wine beyond the period of time as indicated
in this subsection.
(12) Original package refers to any package containing one (1) or more
bottles, pouches, or cans of malt liquor, spirituous liquors, or wine in
the manufacturer’s original sealed container.
(13) The word permit, whenever used as a verb in Chapter 311, RSMo,
and in these regulations, means to have knowledge of an event or
activity and to authorize, make possible, allow by tacit consent, or fail
to prevent said event or activity from occurring. Knowledge of an event
or activity may be inferred if the event or activity occurs openly, or if
knowledge of the event or activity could have been obtained through
the exercise of reasonable care and diligence.
(14) The words permit and license, whenever used as nouns in Chapter
311, RSMo, and in these regulations are synonymous.
(15) The words permittee and licensee, whenever used as nouns in
Chapter 311, RSMo, and in these regulations are synonymous.
(16) Person is defined in accordance with section 311.030, RSMo.
(17) Premises or premise refers to any place where intoxicating liquor
is sold or consumed and may be one (1) room, a building comprising
several rooms, two (2) or more buildings permanently connected by a
covered walkway, or a building with adjacent or surrounding land that
has clearly delineated, permanent boundaries and is not used primarily
for vehicular travel or parking, such as a lot or garden.
(18) Retailer is a person holding a license from the state supervisor
authorizing the person to sell, offer to sell, or facilitate the sale of
intoxicating liquor to consumers.
(19) Shipment occurs when a licensee uses a common carrier to
transport intoxicating liquor to a consumer at a location other than the
licensed premises.
(20) Spirits or spirituous liquor includes brandy, rum, whiskey, gin,
any distilled intoxicating liquor, and all other preparations, dilutions, or
mixtures for beverage purposes of a like character and excludes all other
vinous, fermented, or malt liquors.
(21) Unlabeled liquor includes any intoxicating liquor that does not
have a label affixed to the original package, that has a label affixed to
the original package which has not been approved in accordance with
state and federal laws and regulations, or that has an approved label that
has been affixed to the original package in a way that is not in
accordance with state or federal laws and regulations.
(22) The words wholesaler and/or wholesale-solicitor whenever used
as nouns in Chapter 311, RSMo, and in these regulations, are
(23) Wine is a vinous liquor produced by fermentation of juices of
grapes, berries, or other fruits, or a preparation of certain vegetables by
fermentation, and containing alcohol not in excess of twenty-two
percent (22%) by volume.
(24) A case of wine, for the purposes of wine direct shipments, is a box,
crate, or other container that holds twelve (12) standard bottles of wine
in the manufacturer’s original package, each containing seven hundred
fifty milliliters (750 ml), or holds one (1) or more containers of wine in
the manufacturer’s original package with an aggregate total of no more
than nine (9) liters or two and thirty-eight hundredths (2.38) gallons of
(25) Applicant refers to the sole proprietor, partnership, or entity
applying for a liquor license.
(26) Entity refers to any association, corporation, limited liability
company, limited partnership, or other business structure which has a
separate legal existence from its owner(s). Entity also includes any
business structure not in conformance with a sole proprietor or
partnership structure as defined herein.
(27) Partnership refers to two (2) or more individuals who share
control over the management and profits of a business structure. The
business has no separate legal existence from the partners.
(28) Sole proprietor refers to one (1) individual who exercises
exclusive control over the management and profits of a business
structure. The business has no separate existence from its owner.
Income and losses are taxed on the individual’s personal income tax
AUTHORITY: section 311.660, RSMo Supp. 2021.* This version of rule filed Feb. 8, 1973,
effective Feb. 18, 1973. Amended: Filed Nov. 21, 1974, effective Dec. 1, 1974. Amended:
Filed Sept. 30, 1976, effective Feb. 11, 1977. Amended: Filed Jan. 7, 1985, effective April
11, 1985. Amended: Filed Dec. 2, 1993, effective June 6, 1994. Amended: Filed Jan. 22,
1996, effective July 30, 1996. Amended: Filed Oct. 10, 2018, effective May 30, 2019. **
Amended: Filed Jan. 25, 2022, effective Aug. 30, 2022.
*Original authority: 311.660, RSMo 1939, amended 1989, 2021.
**Pursuant to Executive Order 21-07, 11 CSR 70-2.010, section (5) was suspended from
April 14, 2020 through August 27, 2021.
Op. Atty. Gen. No. 132, Russell (7-18-79). Ethanol used solely as a fuel for motor vehicle
purposes is not a section 311.020, RSMo “intoxicating liquor.” Also, manufacturers of
ethanol for fuel purposes need not be licensed under Chapter 311, RSMo if the ethanol is
denatured by some means.
Op. Atty. Gen. No. 37, Mueller (1-17-79). Wines used as part of religious services are not
“for beverage purposes” since they are not being consumed for the mere pleasure of drinking
or for physical or mental exaltation. Therefore, these “sacramental wines” are not
intoxicating liquors as defined in Chapter 311, RSMo.
Regulation No. 70-2.020
Application for License
PURPOSE: This rule prescribes forms and applications and establishes
procedure for the issuance of all intoxicating liquor licenses.
(1) Applications for licenses including payment for the correct amount
of the license fee are to be submitted to the supervisor of Alcohol and
Tobacco Control at the Central Office in Jefferson City, or any
operational Alcohol and Tobacco Control field office within the state.
If payment is rejected for insufficient funds and the licensee has not
replaced such payment within fifteen (15) days of notification with
sufficient funds, then beginning with the sixteenth day, if such
licensee’s renewed license has been issued, such renewed license shall
be suspended until the day following the day the licensee makes
restitution for the insufficient funds payment, or if such licensee’s
renewed license has not been issued, the renewed license shall not be
issued until on or after the day following the day the licensee makes
restitution for the insufficient funds payment.
(2) Application is to be made on the forms prescribed by the supervisor.
(3) No applicant may exercise the privileges of the license applied for
prior to its issuance.
(4) If application is made by a partnership, the application shall set out
the names and residences of all the partners, whether they be active or
silent, and be signed by all the partners. All partners shall qualify under
the laws of Missouri for the license.
(5) If application is made by an entity, the application shall set out the
names and residences of any officers and all members or shareholders,
whether they be active or silent, and be signed by the managing officer.
The entity shall qualify under the laws of Missouri for the license.
(6) No application will be considered which is not complete. No license
may be granted to an applicant unless the applicant makes full, true, and
complete answers to all questions in the application. Any false answer
to any question in the application or omission of a material matter in
the application, may be cause for denial of the application or discipline
of any license issued pursuant to the application.
(7) Violation of any oath taken by a licensee or any person(s) listed in
the application in connection with the application for a license is cause
for denial of the application or discipline of any license issued pursuant
to the application.
(8) If the supervisor of Alcohol and Tobacco Control has reason to
believe that an applicant or any person(s) listed in the application has a
criminal record and is not a person of good moral character, the
supervisor may request that the applicant or person(s) listed in the
application submit to being fingerprinted and fingerprints forwarded to
the Department of Justice to ascertain if the applicant or person(s) listed
in the application has been convicted of any crime.
(9) The surety on the bond of any licensee at any time may notify the
supervisor of Alcohol and Tobacco Control and the licensee that s/he
desires after a date named, which is at least thirty (30) days after the
receipt of notification by the licensee and the supervisor, to be relieved
of liability on the bond. Upon receipt, the privileges of the principal
under the license as is supported by the bond may be terminated and
cancelled on the date specified, unless supported by other sufficient
bond(s), and the surety can be relieved of liability on the bond for any
default of the principal accruing on and after the date named.
(10) Every applicant for a liquor license of any kind will present all
applicable items listed on the checklist of requirements that corresponds
to the application form as prescribed by the supervisor of Alcohol and
Tobacco Control. Failure to present all applicable items may be cause
for denial of the application or discipline of any license issued pursuant
to the application.
(11) Every applicant for a liquor license of any kind must provide
written notice to the supervisor of Alcohol and Tobacco Control if any
fact or information changes from what is set forth in the application.
Failure to provide written notice of such changes may be cause to deny
the application or to discipline any license issued pursuant to the
(12) No license may be issued to the spouse, child(ren), step-child(ren),
parent(s), stepparent(s), son-in-law or daughter-in-law, employee, or
other person having any interest in the business of a licensee whose
license has been revoked, for the privilege of doing business at the same
location or in close proximity to the location of the establishment whose
license was revoked until a period of five (5) years after the date of the
revocation of the license, and then at the discretion of the supervisor of
Alcohol and Tobacco Control.
(13) Ineligible Premises.
(A) No license may be issued for any premises that has been
condemned by a federal, state, county, or local government entity, or
has been declared a public and common nuisance by a court of law.
(B) No license may be issued for any premises that is transitory,
moveable, or not permanently anchored to the ground, unless expressly
permitted under Chapter 311, RSMo, or the regulations promulgated
thereunder. This regulation does not apply to any applicant seeking a
temporary license, except for temporary licenses issued under section
311.095, RSMo.
(C) No license may be issued for any premises that contains a private
residence. Where an application seeks to license a portion of any
building that contains a private residence, the building must have
permanent partitions such that the licensed premises is separate and
distinct from any residential areas. The licensed premises and the
private residence must each have separate entrances and street
addresses. This regulation does not apply to hotels, motels, bed and
breakfasts, any premises that offers commercial overnight lodging, or
any premises that does not receive or store intoxicating liquor on-site
for commercial use.
(D) No license may be issued to any premises that includes, in whole
or in part, the licensed premises of a current licensee. Where an
applicant wishes to be licensed to operate on a premises that includes,
in whole or in part, the licensed premises of a current licensee, the
applicant must provide documentation showing that the current licensee
either no longer owns or has a lease to operate out of the licensed
premises or has agreed to surrender the premises in question to the
applicant for the applicant’s exclusive use. This regulation does not
apply to any applicant seeking a temporary license, except for
temporary licenses issued under section 311.095, RSMo.
(14) When the supervisor receives applications from two or more
applicants seeking to operate out of the same premises, those
applications will be processed in the order in which they were received.
No application will be considered unless the previous applicant(s) have
withdrawn its application or the supervisor has denied the previous
applicant(s) and the previous applicant(s) have exhausted the
administrative remedies found in section 311.691, RSMo.
(15) The supervisor of Alcohol and Tobacco Control, at his/her
discretion and for good cause, may issue a temporary license for up to
ten (10) days. A completed application with all required current
documents and payment of license fees and any late charges must be in
receipt of the Division of Alcohol and Tobacco Control before a
temporary license may be considered by the supervisor of Alcohol and
Tobacco Control.
AUTHORITY: section 311.660, RSMo Supp. 2021.* This version of rule filed Feb. 8, 1973,
effective Feb. 18, 1973. Amended: Filed July 11, 1984, effective Oct. 11, 1984. Amended:
Filed Dec. 2, 1993, effective June 6, 1994. Amended: Filed Feb. 27, 1998, effective Aug.
30, 1998. Amended: Filed Sept. 22, 1998, effective March 30, 1999. Amended: Filed June
5, 2008, effective Nov. 30, 2008. Amended: Filed Oct. 10, 2018, effective May 30, 2019.
Amended: Filed Jan. 25, 2022, effective Aug. 30, 2022.
*Original authority: 311.660, RSMo 1939, amended 1989, 2021.
Brown-Forman Distillers Corp. v. Stewart, 520 S.W.2d 1 (Mo. banc 1975). Separate
licenses are required for every phase of the liquor traffic and manufacturers, wholesalers
and retailers are statutorily categorized as distinct separate phases thereof. The statutes
indicate a legislative intent to preclude a licensee in one phase of the liquor traffic from
controlling traffic in liquor in its entirety.
Pinzio v. Supervisor of Liquor Control, 334 S.W.2d 20 (1960). A review of the statutes
makes it clear that the legislature has vested sole discretion in the supervisor (of liquor
control) to issue or refuse to issue each license, whether one of original issue or a renewal
and that a hearing is not an essential prerequisite to the lawful exercise of that sole discretion.
Failure to hold a hearing prior to the refusal to issue a denial of due process is in violation
of the pertinent provisions of the state and federal constitutions.
State ex rel. Floyd v. Philp et. al., 266 S.W.2d 704 (Mo. banc 1954). The exclusive authority
to determine whether statutory qualifications for an applicant for a state license to sell
intoxicating liquor at retail had been met and the authority to issue such licenses is vested
in the state supervisor of liquor control.
Regulation No. 70-2.030
Change of Facts, Posting, Transfer and
Lost Licenses–Executors–Administrators
PURPOSE: This rule establishes procedure for reporting changes in
status of license, transfer, death of licensee or managing officer, loss
of, etc.
(1) Written notice is to be provided to the supervisor of Alcohol and
Tobacco Control within fifteen (15) days if any factor or information
changes from what is set forth on an application during a period of
(2) A license issued pursuant to this chapter is to be displayed in a
conspicuous place on the premises where the business is carried on, as
well as any city or county license designating the premises as a place to
sell intoxicating liquor. No license may be posted at the premises where
traffic in intoxicating liquor is being carried on by any person other than
the licensee. A license may not be knowingly defaced, destroyed, or
(3) The supervisor of Alcohol and Tobacco Control may allow a license
to be transferred to any other premises or to any other part of the
building containing the licensed premises, provided the premises
sought to be licensed meets the requirements of the law. The licensee
must apply for permission to transfer in writing, and the supervisor must
approve the application for permission to transfer before the license can
be transferred. The application for permission to transfer must
(A) Legal name, business name or d/b/a, and license number(s) of
(B) Address and legal description of current premises;
(C) Address and legal description of premises to which transfer is
sought, together with name and address of owner or landlord; and
(D) A consent of surety(ies), signed, and witnessed by private
individuals in the same manner in which the signatures appear on the
bond itself. If the bond was signed by a surety company, the consent
needs to be signed by a duly authorized officer or attorney-in-fact of the
company whose authority or power of attorney is on file in the Division
of Alcohol and Tobacco Control.
(4) Whenever a license is lost or destroyed, a duplicate license in lieu
of the lost or destroyed license may be issued by the supervisor of
Alcohol and Tobacco Control without cost to the licensee.
(5) Unless licensed by the supervisor of Alcohol and Tobacco Control
as such, no receiver, assignee, trustee, guardian, administrator, or
executor may sell any intoxicating liquor belonging to the estate over
which s/he has control, except to a licensed wholesaler or retailer with
the written consent of the supervisor of Alcohol and Tobacco Control
to sell the intoxicating liquor. The supervisor may give written consent
after receiving the following documents and information:
(A) A copy of the order of the court having jurisdiction over the estate
authorizing the sale; and
(B) A joint affidavit signed by the receiver, assignee, trustee,
guardian, administrator, or executor and the purchaser, setting out an
inventory of the stock, the price for which it is to be sold, the date of the
contract of sale, and the license number of the purchaser.
(6) In the event that a licensee’s license has been lost, stolen, destroyed,
or a transfer to another place of business is desired, an agent or
inspector, with the approval of the supervisor, may issue a special
certificate which will allow the licensee to continue his/her business. In
no event may the special certificate continue in effect for more than ten
(10) days from the date of issuance.
(7) Corporations and other entities licensed under the provisions of
section 311.060, RSMo, shall designate a managing officer who is an
individual in the corporation’s or other entity’s employ, either as an
officer or an employee with the general control and superintendence of
the licensed premises, or an agent capable of representing and binding
the corporation or other entity during all interactions or proceedings
with the supervisor or a designated representative dealing with the
Liquor Control Law.
(A) The managing officer shall be responsible for:
1. Receiving correspondence from the supervisor or a designated
representative dealing with the Liquor Control Law;
2. Responding to verbal communications requests from the
supervisor or a designated representative dealing with the Liquor
Control Law;
3. Providing information requested by the state supervisor or a
designated representative dealing with the Liquor Control Law;
4. Assisting in the preparation of the original application for
licensure and any subsequent renewal applications, signing such
applications, and swearing to the accuracy of all information contained
in such applications.
(B) If the managing officer is not an officer or an employee with the
general control and superintendence of the licensed premises, the
managing officer must have limited power of attorney to represent and
bind the corporation or other entity during all interactions with the
supervisor or a designated representative dealing with the Liquor
Control Law.
(C) Applicants must submit documentation alongside their
application sufficient to prove that the managing officer designated in
the application satisfies the qualifications in section 311.060, RSMo,
and this regulation.
(D) If a vacancy occurs in the office of the managing officer, a
replacement shall be named within fifteen (15) days of the vacancy.
Replacements must qualify under section 311.060, RSMo, and this
regulation. If the supervisor determines that a replacement does not
qualify under section 311.060, RSMo, and this regulation, the
supervisor shall notify the licensee in writing, and the licensee shall
have fifteen (15) days from the date of the written notice to name a
qualified replacement.
(8) Licensees are responsible for ensuring that the contact information
for all persons listed in the application on record with the division is
accurate and current.
AUTHORITY: section 311.660, RSMo Supp. 2021.* This version of rule filed Feb. 8, 1973,
effective Feb. 18, 1973. Amended: Filed Oct. 10, 2018, effective May 30, 2019. Amended:
Filed Aug. 14, 2020, effective March 30, 2021. Amended: Filed Jan. 25, 2022, effective
Aug. 30, 2022.
*Original authority: 311.660, RSMo 1939, amended 1989, 2021.
Regulation No. 70-2.040
Manufacturers, Wholesalers and Distributors
PURPOSE: This rule defines credit and advertising items allowed to be
provided to retailers by manufacturers, wholesalers, and distributors.
(1) Except as provided in section 311.070, RSMo, no retail licensee,
directly or indirectly, may accept any loans, equipment, money, credit,
or property of any kind, except ordinary commercial credit. Except as
provided in section 311.070, RSMo, no retail licensee may permit any
distiller, wholesaler, wine maker, solicitor, brewer or employees,
officers, or agents, under any circumstances to have any direct or
indirect financial interest in his/her retail business for the sale of
intoxicating liquor, and s/he shall not accept, directly or indirectly, from
a distiller, wholesaler, wine maker, solicitor, brewer or its employees,
officers, or agents any loan, gift, equipment, money, credit, or property
of any kind except ordinary commercial credit for intoxicating liquor
sold to the retailer. A retailer may accept, to properly preserve and serve
draught beer and to properly preserve and serve draught wine, only
equipment and services as allowed in section 311.070, RSMo.
(A) A sale by a licensed wholesaler to a licensed retailer of
intoxicating liquor at a price which is less than the cost of the
intoxicating liquor to the licensed wholesaler making the sale is
presumed (subject to rebuttal as set out in this rule) to constitute a gift
of money or property to the licensed retailer in violation of this
regulation and sections 311.060 and 311.070, RSMo.
(B) The word cost as used in this regulation means the actual invoice
charge for the merchandise by the supplier of the merchandise to the
wholesaler, manufacturer, brewer, or solicitor, plus the cost of
transportation to the wholesaler and all federal and Missouri excise
taxes and custom duties allocable to the merchandise.
(C) The presumption may be rebutted by reasonable proof that the
fair wholesale market value of the intoxicating liquor in question is less
than the cost of intoxicating liquor to the wholesaler selling the same,
and has been designated as close-out merchandise pursuant to section
311.335.3, RSMo and 11 CSR 70-2.190(2)(D). A licensed wholesaler
may not use close-out pricing as an inducement for retailers to purchase
other intoxicating liquors.
(2) No distiller, wholesaler, wine maker, solicitor, brewer or employees,
officers, or agents of same may, directly or indirectly, pay any fee rental
or other consideration to any retail licensee for the use of any part of the
licensed retail premises for advertising any brand name of distilled
spirits, wine, or malt liquor, or for the purpose of advertising the name,
trademark, or trade name of any marker of the trademark.
(3) Except as provided in section 311.070, RSMo, no distiller, solicitor,
wholesaler, wine maker, brewer or their employees, officers, or agents,
directly or indirectly, may give or offer to give any financial assistance,
gratuity, or make or offer to make any gift of their products to any retail
AUTHORITY: section 311.660, RSMo 2016.* This version of rule filed Feb. 8, 1973,
effective Feb. 18, 1973. Amended: Filed Feb. 24, 1987, effective May 11, 1987. Amended:
Filed May 14, 1987, effective Aug. 13, 1987. Amended: Filed Nov. 21, 1996, effective May
30, 1997. Amended: Filed Feb. 27, 1998, effective Aug. 30, 1998. Amended: Filed Oct. 10,
2018, effective May 30, 2019.
*Original authority: 311.660, RSMo 1939, amended 1989.
Regulation No. 70-2.050
Wholesalers’ Conduct of Business
PURPOSE: This rule establishes guidelines for wholesalers regarding
purchases, deliveries, sales and storage of products.
(1) No wholesaler may buy, obtain, or accept any intoxicating liquors
from any person who is not registered with the division of Alcohol and
Tobacco Control as the primary American source of supply or who is
not a licensed wholesale-solicitor. However, a wholesaler owning
warehouse receipts may obtain the written permission from the
supervisor of Alcohol and Tobacco Control to receive intoxicating
liquor from federal customs bonded warehouses or federal internal
revenue bonded warehouses.
(2) No wholesaler may sell, deliver, or cause any intoxicating liquors to
be sold or delivered to any licensee unless the wholesaler bought,
obtained, or accepted the intoxicating liquor from the person registered
with the division of Alcohol and Tobacco Control as the primary
American source of supply or a licensed wholesale-solicitor.
(3) No wholesale licensee may sell, deliver, or cause any intoxicating
liquors to be sold or delivered to any licensee while the licensee is under
suspension by the supervisor of Alcohol and Tobacco Control.
(4) No wholesale licensee who has had his/her license suspended by
order of the supervisor of Alcohol and Tobacco Control may sell or give
away any intoxicating liquor, nor order or accept delivery of any
intoxicating liquor during the period of time the order of suspension is
in effect.
(5) All wholesale licensees are to keep and maintain a place for storage
of merchandise, which is designated in the license and separate and
apart from any storage place used by others and with a separate entrance
and street address.
(6) No wholesaler licensee may deliver or cause intoxicating liquors to
be delivered to any premises unless there is a license displayed
prominently issued by the supervisor of Alcohol and Tobacco Control
to the person purchasing the liquor, wine, or beer, designating the
purchaser as a person licensed to sell on the premises the kind of liquor,
wine, or beer s/he is about to deliver.
(7) Wholesalers licensed to sell intoxicating liquor are to make and keep
invoices for all sales or deliveries of intoxicating liquor and the
Missouri license number of every person to whom intoxicating liquor
is sold or delivered by the licensees is to be written or stamped upon the
(8) Shipments by wholesalers or solicitors may be made only to
licensed dealers of this or other states. A bill of lading is to be secured
from the carrier and kept on file for a period of two (2) years so that
shipments may be traced by the division’s auditors or agents.
AUTHORITY: section 311.660, RSMo Supp. 2021.* This version of rule filed Feb. 8, 1973,
effective Feb. 18, 1973. Amended: Filed April 23, 1981, effective Aug. 13, 1981. Amended:
Filed Oct. 10, 2018, effective May 30, 2019. Amended: Filed Jan. 25, 2022, effective Aug.
30, 2022.
*Original authority: 311.660, RSMo 1939, amended 1989, 2021.
Regulation No. 70-2.060
PURPOSE: This rule establishes procedures for labeling, bottling, and
delivery of products.
PUBLISHER’S NOTE: The secretary of state has determined that the
publication of the entire text of the material which is incorporated by
reference as a portion of this rule would be unduly cumbersome or
expensive. This material as incorporated by reference in this rule shall
be maintained by the agency at its headquarters and shall be made
available to the public for inspection and copying at no more than the
actual cost of reproduction. This note applies only to the reference
material. The entire text of the rule is printed here.
(1) For the purpose of this regulation the following definitions apply:
(A) A “facility which brews or manufactures malt liquor” is defined
as a brewery or manufacturing plant premises licensed by either or both
the state within which it is located and/or the U.S. Treasury Department,
Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau; and
(B) An “owner” of a facility which brews or manufactures malt liquor
is defined as a person or entity, that holds the entire facility in fee
simple, or has a leasehold interest for a term of years in that entire
facility, and is the person or business entity licensed for that entire
facility by either or both the state within which the facility is located
and/or the U.S. Treasury Department, Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and
Trade Bureau.
(2) The Federal Alcohol Administration Act is hereby incorporated by
reference (published by the United States House, dated January 1, 2022
and available at:
edition=prelim). This does not include any later amendments or
additions. These regulations apply to distilled spirits, wine, and malt
beverages packaged purely for interstate shipment insofar as the
regulations are not contrary to or inconsistent with the laws of Missouri.
In addition to the regulations, the label of every container of spirituous
liquor, wine, or malt liquor, unless already required by the regulations,
shall set forth the name and address of the manufacturer, brewer,
distiller, rectifier, or producer of the spirituous liquor, wine, or malt
liquor as the case may be; provided that if the name of the brewer or
manufacturer of malt liquor which appears on the label is not the owner
of the facility where the malt liquor was brewed or manufactured, then
the name, owner, and address of the facility shall also be set forth on
the label.
(3) All licensees engaged in bottling intoxicating liquor and alcoholic
beverages, before filling any bottle, shall cause the same to be sterilized
by one (1) of the following methods:
(A) All new bottles, unless sterile, are to be sterilized or cleaned by
thoroughly rinsing with clean sterile water or by blowing or vacuuming
with proper machines for sterilization or cleansing; or
(B) All used bottles are to be sterilized by soaking in a hot caustic
solution which contains not less than three percent (3%) caustic or alkali
expressed in terms of sodium hydrate. The period of time in the solution
is to be governed by the temperature and strength of the solution. The
bottles are then to be rinsed thoroughly in clean sterile water until free
from alkali or sodium hydrate.
(4) All manufacturers and wholesalers are to keep their premises and
equipment in a clean and sanitary condition.
(5) Applicants for a manufacturing license shall provide a copy of a
certificate demonstrating successful completion of a health inspection
with their license application. No such applicant may be granted a
manufacturer license without such a certificate, subject to the following
(A) If an applicant does not have a health inspection certificate on the
day they file their license application, they may submit a written
statement with their application stating that they will provide a copy of
their health inspection certificate within ten (10) days of the issuance of
that certificate. Failure to provide a copy of the health certificate within
ten (10) days of issuance may result in disciplinary action; and
(B) If a state or local health authority determines that an applicant
does not need a health inspection, the applicant may submit
documentation from said state or local health authority showing that the
applicant does not need a health inspection in lieu of a health inspection
(6) No intoxicating liquor may be brought in or transported within this
state for the purpose of sale to any licensee or sold to any licensee except
in containers the sizes of which have been approved by the U.S.
Treasury Department, Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau.
(7) No manufacturer who has acquired knowledge or been given notice
that a wholesaler has been suspended may make sales or deliver
merchandise to the wholesaler during the period of time that the licensee
is under suspension.
AUTHORITY: section 311.660, RSMo Supp. 2021.* This version of rule filed Feb. 8, 1973,
effective Feb. 18, 1973. Emergency amendment filed Nov. 21, 1996, effective Dec. 31,
1996, expired June 28, 1997. Amended: Filed Nov. 21, 1996, effective May 30, 1997.
Amended: Filed Feb. 27, 1998, effective Aug. 30, 1998. Amended: Filed Oct. 10, 2018,
effective May 30, 2019. Amended: Filed Aug. 14, 2020, effective March 30, 2021.
Amended: Filed Jan. 25, 2022, effective Aug. 30, 2022.
*Original authority: 311.660, RSMo 1939, amended 1989, 2021.
Regulation No. 70-2.070
Tax on Spirituous Liquor and Wine
PURPOSE: This rule establishes tax amounts on various container
sizes of wine and spirituous liquor, defines contraband and prohibits
possession of untaxed liquor or wine.
(1) The tax on spirituous liquor is two dollars ($2.00) per gallon and the
tax on wine is forty-two cents ($0.42) per gallon.
(2) Any spirituous liquor or wine shipped, delivered, sold, or offered for
sale in this state without payment of the proper amount of taxes due is
contraband and may be seized and disposed of by the supervisor or
his/her agents.
(3) No person other than a licensed distiller, rectifier, wine
manufacturer, or solicitor may possess in this state any spirituous liquor
or wines without the proper amount of taxes having been paid, except
as provided in section 311.580, RSMo.
AUTHORITY: section 311.660, RSMo Supp. 2021.* This version of rule filed Feb. 8, 1973,
effective Feb. 18, 1973. Amended: Filed Sept. 30, 1976, effective Feb. 11, 1977. Amended:
Filed Feb. 27, 1998, effective Aug. 30, 1998. Amended: Filed Oct. 10, 2018, effective May
30, 2019. Amended: Filed Jan. 25, 2022, effective Aug. 30, 2022.
*Original authority: 311.660, RSMo 1939, amended 1989, 2021.
Regulation No. 70-2.080
Malt Liquor Tax
PURPOSE: This rule establishes tax amounts on various container
sizes of malt beverages, defines contraband, and prohibits possession
of untaxed cereal malt beverages.
(1) The tax on malt liquor is one dollar eighty-six cents ($1.86) per
barrel or six cents ($0.06) per gallon.
(2) Any malt liquor shipped, delivered, sold, or offered for sale in this
state without payment of the proper amount of taxes due is contraband
and may be seized and disposed of by the supervisor or his/her agents.
(3) No person other than a licensed brewer, malt liquor manufacturer,
or solicitor may possess in this state any malt liquor without the proper
amount of taxes having been paid, except as provided in section
311.580, RSMo.
AUTHORITY: section 311.660, RSMo Supp. 2021.* This version of rule filed Feb. 8, 1973,
effective Feb. 18, 1973. Amended: Filed Feb. 27, 1998, effective Aug. 30, 1998. Amended:
Filed Oct. 10, 2018, effective May 30, 2019. Amended: Filed Jan. 25, 2022, effective Aug.
30, 2022.
*Original authority: 311.660, RSMo 1939, amended 1989, 2021.
Regulation No. 70-2.090
Reporting Distillers, Solicitors,
Wine Manufacturers, and Wholesalers
PURPOSE: This rule establishes format for reports of shipment and
payment of tax on liquor and wine.
(1) Every distiller, solicitor, and wine manufacturer licensed to sell
spirituous liquor and wine in this state needs to file with the supervisor
of Alcohol and Tobacco Control a report listing all Missouri wholesale
licensees with whom it transacts business and attach to the report a copy
of any contract or agreement between the distiller, solicitor, or wine
manufacturer and wholesale licensee. Any change in the listing is to be
reported in writing within fifteen (15) days of the effective date of the
change. A copy of any change in an existing contract or agreement and
a copy of any new contract or agreement is to be submitted at the time
of execution thereof. If there is no contract or agreement with respect
to any wholesaler, the distiller, solicitor, or wine manufacturer should
so indicate in its report.
(2) On or before the 15th of each month, every distiller, solicitor, wine
manufacturer, and wholesaler authorized to ship spirituous liquor and
wine in this state, whether for sale in this state or to be shipped outside
this state, shall certify in a report under oath to the supervisor of Alcohol
and Tobacco Control setting out all sales of spirituous liquor and wine
in this state for the preceding month.
(3) All reports required by this regulation must be submitted on forms
provided by the supervisor of Alcohol and Tobacco Control.
(4) All reports required by this regulation must be complete in every
material detail. If any information requested in a report is missing,
inaccurate, or otherwise incomplete, the supervisor of Alcohol and
Tobacco Control may, at his/her sole discretion: reject the report;
require the licensee to correct the report; require the licensee to pay any
shortcomings or discrepancies; or any combination thereof. The
licensee must submit a new report, correct the report, and/or pay any
shortcomings or discrepancies within fifteen (15) days of the supervisor
sending written notice to the licensee at the address currently registered
with the division. Failure to do so may result in disciplinary action.
AUTHORITY: section 311.660, RSMo Supp. 2021.* This version of rule filed Feb. 8, 1973,
effective Feb. 18, 1973. Amended: Filed Oct. 10, 2018, effective May 30, 2019. Amended:
Filed Jan. 25, 2022, effective Aug. 30, 2022.
*Original authority: 311.660, RSMo 1939, amended 1989, 2021.
Regulation No. 70-2.100
Report of Brewers and Beer Wholesalers
PURPOSE: This rule establishes format for reports of shipment and
payment of taxes on malt liquor.
(1) On or before the 15th of each month, every brewer and malt liquor
manufacturer, solicitor, and wholesaler authorized to ship malt liquor in
this state, whether for sale in this state or to be shipped outside this state,
shall certify in a report under oath to the supervisor of Alcohol and
Tobacco Control setting out all sales of malt liquor for the preceding
(2) All reports required by this regulation must be submitted on forms
provided by the supervisor of Alcohol and Tobacco Control.
(3) All reports required by this regulation must be complete in every
material detail. If any information requested in a report is missing,
inaccurate, or otherwise incomplete, the supervisor of Alcohol and
Tobacco Control may, at his/her sole discretion: reject the report;
require the licensee to correct the report; require the licensee to pay any
shortcomings or discrepancies; or any combination thereof. The
licensee must submit a new report, correct the report, and/or pay any
shortcomings or discrepancies within fifteen (15) days of the supervisor
sending written notice to the licensee at the address currently registered
with the division. Failure to do so may result in disciplinary action.
AUTHORITY: section 311.660, RSMo Supp. 2021.* This version of rule filed Feb. 8, 1973,
effective Feb. 18, 1973. Amended: Filed Oct. 10, 2018, effective May 30, 2019. Amended:
Filed Jan. 25, 2022, effective Aug. 30, 2022.
*Original authority: 311.660, RSMo 1939, amended 1989, 2021.
Regulation No. 70-2.110
Domestic Wine
PURPOSE: This rule establishes rules for domestic wine producers
licensed under section 311.190, RSMo.
(1) All domestic wine sold must be in an original package of not less
than one hundred (100) milliliters (3.4 ounces) nor more than fifteen
and one-half (15.5) gallons.
(2) No person licensed to manufacture and sell domestic wine may use
or permit other persons to use any concentrate in production.
(3) All premises used for the manufacture and sale of domestic wine
shall be separate and apart from any residence.
(4) All domestic wine in the process of fermentation shall be kept on
the premises covered by the license.
AUTHORITY: section 311.660, RSMo Supp. 1989.* This version of rule filed Feb. 8, 1973,
effective Feb. 18, 1973. Amended: Filed July 11, 1984, effective Oct. 11, 1984.
*Original authority 1939, amended 1989.
Regulation No. 70-2.120
Retail Licensees
PURPOSE: This rule establishes conditions of licensing and operation
of premises.
(1) Sanitary Premises.
(A) All retail intoxicating liquor licensees are to keep their licensed
premises clean and sanitary and meeting minimum standards of the
Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services and local sanitation
laws and ordinances where applicable.
(B) Applicants for a retail liquor license who prepare or pour
intoxicating liquor as defined in section 311.020, RSMo, or permit the
consumption thereof on their premises shall provide a copy of a
certificate demonstrating successful completion of a health inspection
with their license application. No such applicant may be granted a retail
liquor license without such a certificate, subject to the following
1. If an applicant does not have a health inspection certificate on the
day they file their license application, they may submit a written
statement with their application stating that they will provide a copy of
their health inspection certificate within ten (10) days of the issuance of
that certificate. Failure to provide a copy of the health inspection
certificate within ten (10) days of issuance may result in disciplinary
2. If a state or local health authority determines that an applicant
does not need a health inspection, the applicant may submit
documentation from said state or local health authority showing that the
applicant does not need a health inspection in lieu of a health inspection
certificate; and 3. This regulation does not apply to any applicant
seeking a temporary license.
(2) No retailer may place or permit the placing of any object on or
within the windows of premises covered by licenses which impedes or
obstructs vision from the exterior into the interior.
(3) No holder of a retail license may use illuminated brand signs
exclusively for illuminating purposes. Sufficient light must be
maintained at all times to ensure clear visibility into the interior and
within the interior of the premises.
(4) No licensee may operate, play, or permit the operation of any public
speaking system transmitter, sound amplification device, or any other
type of device, mechanical or electronic, to emit or direct music, spoken
words, sounds, or noise of any kind exceeding eighty-six (86) decibels
on an A-weighted scale when measured across a residential property
line fifty feet (50') or more from the source of the noise between the
hours of 11:00 p.m. and 11:00 a.m. This regulation does not supersede
any state or local laws or ordinances regulating noise in the area.
(5) Any premises for which a secondary retail license is sought must be
the same as the premises covered by the primary retail license. This
regulation shall not apply to catering or festival licenses.
(6) Resorts. Licenses authorizing the retail sale of liquor by the drink
may be issued to qualified applicants for resorts as defined in section
311.095, RSMo. Applicants for a resort license shall prepare and
maintain records in order to substantiate the sales figures as presented
in the certified statement, including but not limited to bank statements,
cancelled checks, and invoices for food and intoxicating liquor
AUTHORITY: section 311.660, RSMo Supp. 2022.* This version of rule filed Feb. 8, 1973,
effective Feb. 18, 1973. Amended: Filed June 7, 1977, effective Sept. 11, 1977. Amended:
Filed Aug. 20, 1979, effective Dec. 13, 1979. Amended: Filed Aug. 11, 1980, effective Nov.
13, 1980. Amended: Filed Jan. 2, 1981, effective April 11, 1981. Amended: Filed Feb. 16,
1984, effective June 11, 1984. Amended: Filed Jan. 7, 1985, effective April 11, 1985.
Amended: Filed July 25, 1986, effective Oct. 11, 1986. Amended: Filed Jan. 8, 1990,
effective April 26, 1990. Amended: Filed Nov. 18, 1991, effective April 9, 1992. Amended:
Filed Dec. 2, 1993, effective June 6, 1994. Amended: Filed Jan. 22, 1996, effective July 30,
1996. Amended: Filed Nov. 20, 2003, effective July 30, 2004. Amended: Filed Oct. 10,
2018, effective May 30, 2019. Amended: Filed Aug. 14, 2020, effective March 30, 2021.
Amended: Filed May 27, 2022, effective Jan. 30, 2023.
*Original authority: 311.660, RSMo 1939, amended 1989, 2021.
Regulation No. 70-2.130
Retailer’s Conduct of Business
PURPOSE: This rule establishes general rules of conducting retail
(1) No person holding a license for the retail sale of intoxicating liquor
who has had his/her license suspended by order of the supervisor of
alcohol and tobacco control may sell, give away, or permit the
consumption of any intoxicating liquor on or about the licensed
premise, nor may s/he order or accept delivery of any intoxicating liquor
during the period of time the order of suspension is in effect. Any
licensee desiring to keep his/her premises open for the sale of food or
merchandise during the period of suspension shall display the order of
suspension issued by the supervisor of alcohol and tobacco control in a
conspicuous place on the premises so that all persons visiting the
premises may readily see the order of suspension and shall ensure that
all places where intoxicating liquor is stored or dispensed on or about
the licensed premises are closed in accordance with section 311.290,
RSMo, for the duration of the suspension.
(2) No person holding a license for the retail sale of malt liquor by the
drink may knowingly sell, give away, or serve upon the premises
described in the license any glass, ice, water, soda water, phosphates, or
any other kind of liquids to be used for the purpose of mixing
intoxicating drinks and commonly referred to as set-ups; nor may any
person holding a license for the retail sale of malt liquor by the drink
allow any person on or about the licensed premise to possess or
consume any intoxicating liquor other than malt liquor, or to pour into,
mix with, or add intoxicating liquor other than malt liquor, to water,
soda water, ginger ale, seltzer, or other liquid.
(3) No person holding a license for the retail sale of intoxicating liquor
may sell or deliver any intoxicating liquor to any person with
knowledge or with reasonable cause to believe that the person to whom
the liquor is sold or delivered has acquired the liquor for the purpose of
peddling or reselling it.
(4) Any person holding a license for the retail sale of intoxicating liquor
who delivers intoxicating liquor to a consumer at a location other than
the licensed premises must ensure that delivery
(A) Is not made during any hours when the licensed premises is
required by law to be a closed place;
(B) Is not made to the licensed premises of a licensed retailer;
(C) Is made by an employee or agent of the licensee expressly
authorized to deliver intoxicating liquor on the licensee’s behalf; and
(D) Complies with all other provisions of Chapter 311, RSMo, and
the regulations promulgated thereunder.
(5) No person holding a license for the retail sale of intoxicating liquor
may sell, give away, or possess any intoxicating liquor from or in any
container when the intoxicating liquor is not that set out on the
manufacturer’s label on the container or does not have alcoholic content
shown on the manufacturer’s label.
(6) No person holding a license for the retail sale of intoxicating liquor
may bottle any intoxicating liquor from any barrel or other container
nor may s/he refill any bottle or add to the contents of the bottle from
any barrel or other container except where explicitly authorized by
(7) Any person holding a license for the retail sale of intoxicating liquor
by the drink, when requested to serve a particular brand or type of
intoxicating liquor, may not substitute another brand or type of
intoxicating liquor.
(8) No person holding a license for the retail sale of intoxicating liquor
may allow or cause any sign or advertisement pertaining to intoxicating
liquor to be carried or transported upon any sidewalk or street of any
municipality or upon any highway of the state. This provision is
inapplicable to any legal sign or advertisement placed on a vehicle
being used to deliver intoxicating liquor.
(9) Whenever hours of time are set forth in the Liquor Control Act, they
are to be interpreted to mean clock time which shall be either Central
Standard Time or Central Daylight Time, whichever one is then being
(10) No person holding a license for the retail sale of intoxicating liquor
may possess any intoxicating liquor which has not been purchased
from, by, or through duly licensed wholesalers.
(11) No person holding a license for the retail sale of intoxicating liquor,
nor their employees or agents, may consume any intoxicating liquor, in
any quantity, while on duty or acting within the scope of employment
or agency relationship. This provision shall not apply to a licensee, their
employee, or agent who
(A) Is conducting a tasting for one (1) or more customers and tastes
the product, but does not consume or imbibe, to educate the consumer
on the product; or
(B) Is sampling a new product presented by a salesperson marketing
the product, as authorized by section 311.070.4(7) and/or 311.197,
RSMo; or
(C) Is in the business, but is not on duty nor acting within the scope
of employment, whether the establishment is open or closed to the
public, so long as the licensee is allowed to be open pursuant to section
311.290, RSMo, or any other provision of Chapter 311 relating to
opening and closing.
(12) Any person holding a license for the retail sale of intoxicating
liquor must have at least one (1) on duty employee at the establishment
who is responsible for the sale, dispersion, and consumption of
intoxicating liquor on or about the licensed premises whenever the
establishment is not a closed place in accordance with section 311.290,
(13) Lewdness. No person holding a license for the retail sale of
intoxicating liquor may permit in or upon his/her licensed premises
(A) The performance of acts or simulated acts of sexual intercourse,
masturbation, sodomy, bestiality, oral copulation, flagellation, or any
sexual acts which are prohibited by law;
(B) The displaying of any portion of the areola of the female breast;
(C) The actual or simulated touching, caressing, or fondling of the
breast, buttocks, anus, or genitals;
(D) The actual or simulated displaying of the pubic hair, anus, vulva,
or genitals;
(E) The permitting by a licensee of any person to remain in or upon
the licensed premises who exposes to public view any portion of his/her
genitals or anus; and
(F) The displaying of films, video programs, or pictures depicting
acts, the live performances of which are prohibited by this regulation or
by any other law.
(14) No person holding a license for the retail sale of intoxicating liquor
may permit any person to smoke or imbibe marijuana on or about the
licensed premises or create any non-public or quasi-public areas on or
about the licensed premises for marijuana usage anytime when
intoxicating liquor is being sold, displayed for sale, or consumed. This
provision may not preclude a licensee from hosting a private event
during which persons holding a valid medical marijuana patient ID card
issued by the Department of Health and Senior Services smoke or
imbibe medical marijuana in a designated nonpublic or quasi-public
area on or about the licensed premises. To be eligible, the event must
occur during allowable hours of operation pursuant to section 311.290,
RSMo, or any other provision of Chapter 311 relating to opening and
closing; no intoxicating liquor may be sold, displayed for sale, or
consumed on or about the licensed premises, and all refrigerators,
cabinets, cases, boxes, and taps from which intoxicating liquor is
dispensed shall be kept securely locked during the event; and written
approval must be obtained from the supervisor of alcohol and tobacco
control prior to the event.
(15) In the event the premises of any licensee is declared to be off-limits
by the military authorities, the licensee may not permit any member of
the armed forces to be in or upon the premises covered by his/her
license. Provided, this is only effective after the licensee is notified of
the order by the supervisor of alcohol and tobacco control. Members of
the Military Police or Shore Patrol are exempt from this provision.
AUTHORITY: section 311.660, RSMo Supp. 2022.* This version of rule filed Feb. 8, 1973,
effective Feb. 18, 1973. Amended: Filed Aug. 23, 1974, effective Sept. 2, 1974. Amended:
Filed May 16, 1977, effective Aug. 11, 1977. Amended: Filed Aug. 20, 1979, effective Dec.
13, 1979. Amended: Filed April 23, 1981, effective Aug. 13, 1981. Amended: Filed April
7, 1983, effective July 11, 1983. Amended: Filed May 25, 1983, effective Sept. 11, 1983.
Amended: Filed Aug. 5, 1991, effective Jan. 13, 1992. Amended: Filed Feb. 27, 1998,
effective Aug. 30, 1998. Amended: Filed Oct. 10, 2018, effective May 30, 2019. Amended:
Filed May 27, 2022, effective Jan. 30, 2023.
*Original authority: 311.660, RSMo 1939, amended 1989, 2021.
Chilton v. Wright, 480 SW2d 1 (1972). Two agents testifying that they removed 44 bottles
of liquor from licensee’s premises suspected to be refills in violation of rules and regulations
because some appeared to be overfilled and some had worn strip stamps on their necks,
along with testimony of expert chemist, was competent substantial evidence that the licensee
possessed refilled bottles in violation of rules and regulations 13(c) (now covered by 11 CSR
70-2.130(6)). But evidence of “several different brands of liquor—the bulk of it was in half-
pints and pints” and the geographical location of the retail outlet and its proximity to known
“dry” states did not constitute substantial evidence that the licensees had reasonable cause
to believe that their customers purchased liquor for purposes of resale in violation of rule
13(d) (now 11 CSR 70-2.130(4)).
Regulation No. 70-2.140
All Licensees
PURPOSE: This rule establishes additional rules for the conduct of
business in all establishments licensed by the supervisor regarding
inspection, record keeping, storage, employment, sales, gambling,
consumption by minors, and other aspects of enforcement of Chapter
311, RSMo.
(1) Licensees are at all times responsible for satisfying and maintaining
the qualifications for licensure in section 311.060, RSMo. Failure to do
so may result in disciplinary action by the state supervisor.
(2) Licensees are at all times responsible for ensuring that the following
individuals understand their responsibilities and obligations under
Chapter 311, RSMo, and the regulations promulgated thereunder: the
licensee; the managing officer, if applicable; any owners, shareholders,
members, or partners; or any employee or agent who serves, sells,
distributes, or furnishes intoxicating liquor on behalf of the licensee;
and any third parties hired, contracted, or otherwise authorized by the
licensee to serve, sell, distribute, furnish, or otherwise promote the sale
or consumption of intoxicating liquor.
(3) Licensees are at all times responsible for the conduct of their
business and at all times are directly responsible for any act or conduct
of any employee or agent on the premises or acting within the scope of
their employment or agency relationship, and for any third parties hired,
contracted, or otherwise authorized by the licensee to provide services
or entertainment to customers or patrons which is in violation of the
Liquor Control Law or the regulations of the supervisor of alcohol and
tobacco control.
(4) Improper Acts.
(A) At no time, under any circumstances, may any licensee or his/her
employees immediately fail to prevent or suppress any violent quarrel,
disorder, brawl, fight, or other improper or unlawful conduct of any
person upon the licensed premises, nor may any licensee or his/her
employees allow any indecent, profane, or obscene literature or
advertising material upon the licensed premises.
(B) In the event that a licensee or his/her employee knows or should
have known that an illegal or violent act has been committed on or about
the licensed premises, they are obligated to immediately report the
occurrence to law enforcement authorities and cooperate with law
enforcement authorities and agents of the Division of Alcohol and
Tobacco Control during the course of any investigation into an
(C) This regulation applies to all areas on or about the licensed
premise, including areas that have been rented to or reserved for
temporary use by third parties.
(5) The licensed premises and all portions of the building of the
premises, including all rooms, cellars, outbuildings, passageways,
closets, vaults, yards, attics, and all buildings used in connection with
the operations carried on under the license and which are in the
licensee’s possession or under its control, and all places where the
licensee keeps or has liquor stored, may be inspected by the supervisor
of alcohol and tobacco control and his/her agents at any time to ensure
compliance with and enforcement of the provisions of Chapter 311,
RSMo, and the regulations promulgated thereunder. Licensees shall
cooperate fully with the agents during the inspections.
(6) All licensees shall keep complete and accurate records pertaining to
their businesses. Such records include a complete and accurate record
of all purchases and of all sales of intoxicating liquor made by them.
These records are to include the names and addresses of all persons
from whom the liquor is purchased, the dates, kinds, and quantities of
the purchases and the dates and amounts of payments on account. They
also should include the daily gross returns from sales.
(A) All licensees are to keep all records pertaining to their business,
including but not limited to files; books; papers; state, county and city
licenses; and accounts and memoranda pertaining to the business
conducted by them, on the licensed premises. Except for state, county
and city licenses, electronic records may be kept in lieu of hard copies,
but must be readily accessible.
(B) All records required to be kept by law or rule of the supervisor
shall be kept and preserved for a period of two (2) years from the date
the record was made, unless otherwise specified in statute.
(C) The supervisor of alcohol and tobacco control or his/her duly
authorized agents and auditors, may inspect, audit, or copy such records
at any time.
(7) Whenever units of measurement are set forth in the Liquor Control
Law or the regulations promulgated thereunder, they are to be
interpreted in accordance with their common usage in the imperial
system and the metric system.
(8) Only one (1) person, partnership, or entity may be licensed by the
supervisor to operate out of any particular premises.
(9) If any premises has multiple licenses for separate businesses in the
same building or complex, then the building or complex shall be
partitioned in a manner that the partitions run from the front of the
building to the rear of the building, from the ceiling to the floor and be
permanently affixed to the ceiling, floor, front, and rear of the building
in a manner as to make separate and distinct premises for each licensee.
Each licensee shall have a separate entrance and different street
addresses, so as to indicate sufficiently that the businesses are run
separately and distinct from each other. In addition, the business
maintained on each of the premises shall be manned and serviced by an
entirely separate and distinct group of employees and there may be no
buzzers, bells, or other wiring or speaking system connecting one (1)
business with the other. Separate files, records, and accounts pertaining
to the businesses are to be maintained.
(10) If the division sends a written inquiry or request to a licensee at its
address currently registered with the division, the licensee must respond
in writing within thirty (30) days of the date of the division’s written
inquiry or request. Failing to provide a written response, withholding
records, documents, or information relevant to the division’s inquiry or
request, or providing false information on a written response may result
in disciplinary action.
(11) No licensee may buy or accept any warehouse receipt unless the
seller or donor of the receipt first acquires the written permission of the
supervisor of alcohol and tobacco control to sell or give away the
(12) No licensee may have consigned to him/her, receive or accept the
delivery of, or keep in storage any intoxicating liquors upon any
premises other than those described in his/her license without first
having obtained the written permission of the supervisor of alcohol and
tobacco control.
(13) No wholesale or retail licensee may sell or possess any spirituous
liquor in any package or container holding less than fifty (50) milliliters
(1.7 ounces) or more than one (1) gallon. No wholesale or retail licensee
may sell or possess any wine in any package or container holding less
than one hundred (100) milliliters (3.4 ounces) or more than fifteen and
one-half (15 1/2) gallons.
(14) Requirements for employing minors
(A) Licensees who desire to employ persons under the age of twenty-
one (21) as authorized by section 311.300, RSMo, may apply to the
supervisor using forms provided for that purpose; and
(B) Licensees who employ persons under the age of eighteen (18) may
not allow those employees to sell, serve, or dispense, or assist in the
sale, service, or dispensing of intoxicating liquor. Employees under the
age of eighteen (18) may not stock intoxicating liquor, arrange
intoxicating liquor displays, accept payment for intoxicating liquor,
sack intoxicating liquor for carryout, or otherwise handle intoxicating
(15) No person licensed by the supervisor of alcohol and tobacco
control may allow upon his/her licensed premises any self-service, coin-
operated, mechanical devices, or automatic dispensers for the purpose
of selling or dispensing intoxicating liquor except as pursuant to section
311.205, RSMo.
(16) Any licensee may sponsor or allow promotional games, raffles, and
similar contests to be conducted upon his/her licensed premises,
provided that
(A) The consumption of intoxicating liquor shall not be related to or
an element of a promotional game, raffle, or similar contest either
directly or indirectly;
(B) Intoxicating liquor may not be a prize of a promotional game,
raffle, or similar contest either directly or indirectly.
1. Any licensee conducting a promotional game, raffle, or similar
contest must notify any winners and recipients of cash prizes, gift cards,
coupons, discounts, or other similar prizes that those prizes exclude the
purchase of intoxicating liquor.
2. No licensee may knowingly accept cash prizes, gift cards,
coupons, discounts, or other similar prizes from a promotional game,
raffle, or similar contest hosted by a licensee for purchases of
intoxicating liquor;
(C) The conduct or playing of games on premises approved by the
Missouri Gaming Commission to conduct games in accordance with
Chapter 313, RSMo, does not constitute gambling or gambling
activities when the games are conducted in accordance with Chapter
313, RSMo, and the activity, by itself, does not constitute a violation of
this regulation;
(D) The sale of state lottery tickets or shares on premises licensed by
the lottery commission to sell lottery tickets or shares to the public does
not constitute gambling or gambling devices when conducted in
accordance with Chapter 313, RSMo, and the activity, by itself, does
not constitute a violation of this regulation;
(E) The giving of door prizes or other gifts by lot or drawing after
payment of a price by members or guests of a charitable organization
which has obtained an exemption from payment of federal income taxes
as provided in Section 501(C)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954
does not constitute gambling or gambling devices when conducted on
a licensed premises by the charitable organization; and
(F) The promotional game, raffle, or similar contests complies with
all other aspects of Missouri law.
(17) No licensee may employ on or about the licensed premises any
person who has been convicted since the ratification of the twenty-first
amendment of the Constitution of the United States of a violation of the
provisions of any law applicable to the manufacture or sale of
intoxicating liquor; or any person who has had a license revoked under
Chapter 311, RSMo, unless five (5) years have passed since the
revocation of the license.
(18) No licensee, his/her agent, or employee may sell or supply
intoxicating liquor in any place other than that designated on the license
or at any other time or in any other manner except as authorized by the
license. Order of and payment for any intoxicating liquor must be made
directly to the licensee. For the purpose of this regulation, deliveries of
intoxicating liquor previously purchased shall not constitute supply.
(19) No licensee, his/her agent, or employee may permit anyone under
the age of twenty-one (21) years of age to consume or possess
intoxicating liquor upon or about his/her licensed premises.
(20) No licensee, his/her agent, or employee may allow upon or about
the licensed premises solicitation for the purposes of prostitution or
other immoral activities by any person.
(21) No licensee, his/her agent, or employee may possess, store, sell or
offer for sale, give away, or otherwise dispose of upon or about the
licensed premises or permit any person upon or about the licensed
premises to possess, store, sell or offer for sale, give away, or otherwise
dispose of any controlled substance as defined in Chapters 195 and 579,
(22) No licensee, his/her agent, or employee may mix or pour, or permit
to be mixed or poured, any intoxicating liquor directly into any person’s
mouth upon or about the licensed premises.
(23) No licensee shall use exterior signage or advertising that does not
accurately reflect the licensee’s legal name, business name or d/b/a, or
trade name as stated on the state liquor license or on file with the
(24) Any licensee wishing to appeal any disciplinary action imposed by
the state supervisor in accordance with section 311.691, RSMo, must
do so before the effective date of thedisciplinary order.
(25) The expiration, cancellation, revocation, reversion, surrender, or
termination in any manner of a license does not prevent the initiation or
completion of any disciplinary proceeding against the licensee for
actions that occurred prior to the expiration, cancellation, revocation,
reversion, surrender, or termination in any manner of the license.
AUTHORITY: section 311.660, RSMo Supp. 2022.* This version of rule filed Feb. 8, 1973,
effective Feb. 18, 1973. Amended: Filed Aug. 23, 1974, effective Sept. 2, 1974. Amended:
Filed Dec. 19, 1975, effective Dec. 29, 1975. Amended: Filed June 4, 1976, effective Nov.
11, 1976. Amended: Filed Sept. 30, 1976, effective April 15, 1977. Amended: Filed Aug.
21, 1980, effective Dec. 12, 1980. Amended: Filed Aug. 5, 1981, effective Nov. 12, 1981.
Amended: Filed Nov. 6, 1981, effective Feb. 11, 1982. Amended: Filed April 7, 1983,
effective July 11, 1983. Amended: Filed July 11, 1984, effective Oct. 11, 1984. Amended:
Filed Aug. 30, 1985, effective Nov. 11, 1985. Amended: Filed May 13, 1986, effective July
26, 1986. Amended: Filed Aug. 14, 1987, effective Nov. 12, 1987. Amended: Filed Oct. 14,
1987, effective Jan. 14, 1988. Emergency amendment filed Nov. 22, 1989, effective Dec. 2,
1989, expired March 31, 1990. Amended: Filed Nov. 30, 1989, effective Feb. 25, 1990.
Amended: Filed Aug. 5, 1991, effective Jan. 13, 1992. Amended: Filed Nov. 4, 1991,
effective March 9, 1992. Emergency amendment filed Aug. 26, 1996, effective Sept. 5,
1996, expired March 3, 1997. Amended: Filed Aug. 26, 1996, effective Feb. 28, 1997.
Amended: Filed Nov. 21, 1996, effective May 30, 1997. Amended: Filed Feb. 27, 1998,
effective Aug. 30, 1998. Amended: Filed Nov. 20, 2003, effective July 30, 2004. Amended:
Filed June 5, 2018, effective Jan. 30, 2019. Amended: Filed May 27, 2022, effective Jan.
30, 2023.
*Original authority: 311.660, RSMo 1939, amended 1989, 2021.
State ex rel., Glendinning Co. v. Letz, 591 SW2d 92 (Mo. App. 1979). The Supervisor of
Liquor Control may prohibit gambling on licensed premises by rule despite the general
preemption language contained in the criminal code at section 572.100, RSMo.
Op. Atty. Gen. No. 178, Wilson (10-18-79). A person convicted of supplying intoxicating
liquor to a minor does not necessarily violate section 311.060, RSMo (regarding licensing)
or 11 CSR 70- 2.140(13) (regarding employment).
State ex rel. Letz v. Riley, 559 SW2d 631 (Mo. App. 1977). Despite the issuance by the
attorney general of a “no action” letter stating that certain games in theory were not violative
of Chapter 563, RSMo, the doctrine of equitable estoppel was not available to support an
injunction restraining the supervisor of the Division of Liquor Control from enforcing
Liquor Control Regulations 15(k) (prohibiting any licensee from allowing any sort of
gambling upon licensed premises) and 25 II(c)(1)(g) (restricting advertisement of
intoxicating liquor and nonintoxicating beer).
Op. Atty. Gen. No. 167, Moran (7-7-66). A licensee of the Department of Liquor Control is
not violating the rules and regulations of the department by having on his/her licensed
premises a pinball machine of the type designated by federal statute as a gambling device
per se and requiring a $250 CoinOperated Gaming Device Stamp but on which the machine
only awards free games for replay. It is a violation of regulation 15(1) (now covered by 11
CSR 70-2.140(12)) of the rules of the Department of Liquor Control if patrons using the
pinball machines are actually paid off in money or merchandise by the liquor licensee or if
patrons using the pinball machines actually wager money or property among themselves on
the outcome of games played and the licensee allows such gambling.
11 CSR 70-2.150
Tax Credits and Refunds
PURPOSE: This rule establishes procedures for refund of unused
licenses and receiving tax credits on intoxicating liquor.
(1) Any licensee who pays more taxes on intoxicating liquor than what
they actually owed may request a tax credit to apply to future payments
of taxes on intoxicating liquor.
(A) Every licensee who requests a tax credit for Missouri tax on
intoxicating liquor shall present requests to the supervisor of alcohol
and tobacco control and attach to the request a complete statement,
under oath, as to the facts supporting the request.
(B) After the tax credit request is accepted for audit by the supervisor
and the claimant has been notified of the acceptance, then an inspection
can be made by the supervisor or his/her agents. The agents shall make
an affidavit that they inspected the intoxicating liquors denoting in the
affidavit the brand, number of the containers or cases, and the
disposition to be made of the spirituous liquor, wine, or malt liquor.
(C) Under no circumstances shall tax credit requests be accepted by
the supervisor if the sole reason for their presentation to him/her is
because the claimant has purchased beyond his/her capacity to sell.
(D) The supervisor shall not accept tax credit requests filed more than
ninety (90) days after the date listed on the underlying invoice(s) for the
(E) The supervisor reserves the right to refuse any or all tax credit
requests presented.
(2) Any person who obtains a liquor license, and does not use the
license at all, may request a refund of license fees.
(A) The supervisor shall not accept partial refund requests for unused
portions of licenses.
(B) The supervisor shall not accept refund requests filed more than
ninety (90) days after the expiration date on the license.
AUTHORITY: section 311.660, RSMo Supp. 2022.* This version of rule filed Feb. 8, 1973,
effective Feb. 18, 1973. Amended: Filed Oct. 10, 2018, effective May 30, 2019. Amended:
Filed May 27, 2022, effective Jan. 30, 2023.
*Original authority: 311.660, RSMo 1939, amended 1989, 2021.
Regulation No. 70-2.170
Warehouse Receipts for Storage of Intoxicating Liquor
PURPOSE: This rule defines warehouse receipts and establishes rules
governing their use in business practices.
(1) The term warehouse receipt, as used in section 311.380, RSMo, is
defined to mean any warehouse receipt issued for the storage of
intoxicating liquor which can be negotiated and any nonnegotiable
warehouse receipt which can be assigned, transferred, or sold.
(2) Any person or entity licensed by the supervisor of Alcohol and
Tobacco Control to sell intoxicating liquor may pledge any warehouse
receipt(s) owned by him/her to secure the payment of any debt to any
person or entity in Missouri. Any Missouri state bank or trust company
which is a member of the Federal Reserve System and any national
bank with its principal office in Missouri may repledge with a federal
reserve bank any warehouse receipts of which it is the pledgee.
(A) In case of default in the terms of the pledge agreement, the
pledgee or the assignee of the pledge agreement may not negotiate,
assign, transfer, or sell any warehouse receipt(s) without first obtaining
the permission of the supervisor of Alcohol and Tobacco Control to do
(B) Request for permission can be submitted by the pledgee to the
supervisor of Alcohol and Tobacco Control in writing and include the
name of the proposed purchaser and whether or not the proposed
purchaser intends to take possession of the liquor under the receipt(s).
Under no circumstances may permission be given to the pledgee to sell
any of the warehouse receipt(s) to any person or entity which intends to
take possession of intoxicating liquor described in the receipt(s) unless
the proposed purchaser is duly licensed as a wholesaler or manufacturer
by the supervisor of Alcohol and Tobacco Control in Missouri.
(C) The pledgee seeking the permission to sell the warehouse
receipt(s) should accompany the request by a copy of the pledge
agreement and a copy of the warehouse receipt(s) which s/he desires to
sell, together with an inventory of the liquor covered by the receipts,
unless the inventory is contained in the receipts.
(3) Under no circumstances may any person or entity licensed by the
supervisor of Alcohol and Tobacco Control import or cause to be
imported or transport or cause to be transported into the state any
intoxicating liquor which has been sold out of the state to satisfy the
payment of any debt contracted outside of the state.
(4) No person or entity may be granted permission to sell warehouse
receipts and no licensee of the supervisor of Alcohol and Tobacco
Control may be given permission to purchase any warehouse receipt(s)
unless the person or entity seeking permission, either to sell or to buy,
agrees as a condition precedent to the granting of any permission that
s/he shall make regular monthly reports for each calendar month by the
fifteenth of the following month in accordance with forms designated
by the supervisor of Alcohol and Tobacco Control. Any permission
given will be promptly revoked unless the reports are made. Regulations
AUTHORITY: section 311.660, RSMo 2016.* This version of rule filed Feb. 8, 1973,
effective Feb. 18, 1973. Amended: Filed Oct. 10, 2018, effective May 30, 2019.
*Original authority: 311.660, RSMo 1939, amended 1989.
Regulation No. 70-2.180
Ceded Areas
PURPOSE: This rule exempts from tax and license fees in areas ceded
to the federal government for military installations.
(1) Licenses are unnecessary for the retail sale of intoxicating liquor for
establishments located on lands within the state ceded to the federal
government for military purposes and upon which military installations
exist or for United States military federal instrumentalities.
(2) No excise nor inspection fees may be imposed on any intoxicating
liquor sold or offered for sale by establishments located on lands within
the state ceded to the federal government and upon which military
installations exist. Regulations
AUTHORITY: section 311.660, RSMo 2016.* This version of rule filed Feb. 8, 1973,
effective Feb. 18, 1973. Amended: Filed Dec. 14, 1987, effective March 11, 1988.
Amended: Filed Oct. 10, 2018, effective May 30, 2019.
*Original authority: 311.660, RSMo 1939, amended 1989.
Regulation No. 70-2.190
Unlawful Discrimination and Price Scheduling
PURPOSE: This rule establishes procedures for price posting, deliv-
eries, return of merchandise and discounts.
(1) This regulation applies to spirituous liquor and wine products
containing alcohol in excess of five percent (5%) by weight sold by a
duly licensed wholesaler to a duly licensed retailer.
(2) For the purpose of this rule, substantively identical products refers
to products that are indistinguishable from one another and products
where the UPC or barcode is the only distinguishing factor.
(3) Product Pricing Information.
(A) The product pricing information is to be made available to
retailers five (5) days prior to the last day of the month and include the
brand number, brand or trade name, capacity of individual packages,
nature of contents, age and proof, the per bottle and per case price, the
number of bottles contained in each case, and the size thereof.
(B) Supplemental pricing information is to be made available to
retailers when a new product, new size, or new proof is added by a
wholesaler during the month and not subject to change before the first
of the month when regularly filed product pricing information is
effective. A wholesaler is allowed to sell such items to retailers
immediately upon production of such supplemental information.
Supplemental pricing information includes the brand number, brand or
trade name, capacity of individual packages, nature of contents, age and
proof, the per bottle and per case price, the number of bottles contained
in each case, and the size thereof.
(C) The wholesaler may sell at any price for any item as long as it is
sold above their cost and they sell all substantively identical products
at the same price to all retailers as indicated on their product pricing
(D) Close out items should be identified as such on the product
pricing information that is made available to retailers at prices which
may be below the wholesaler’s costs for not less than six (6)
consecutive months during which time the wholesaler may not purchase
further inventory. The wholesaler should not use close out pricing as an
inducement for retailers to purchase other intoxicating liquors.
(4) Discounts.
(A) The wholesaler may grant any discount up to one (1) per centum
for quantity of spirituous liquor and wine and one (1) per centum for
payment on or before a certain date.
(B) Quantity discounts. A quantity discount may be granted only for
quantities of two (2) or more. If a price is listed for bottles only, then a
quantity discount may be allowed on quantities of two (2) or more
bottles. If a price is listed for both bottles and cases, then a quantity
discount may be allowed only on quantities of two (2) or more unbroken
cases. Quantity discounts may be graduated but not exceed the
maximum one percent (1%).
(C) Discounts for time of payment. A discount for time of payment
may be granted only for 1) payment for time of delivery, 2) payment on
or before ten (10) days from the date of delivery, or 3) payment on or
before fifteen (15) days from the date of delivery.
(D) The combination of discounts to be posted on the product pricing
information are as follows: No discount, one percent (1%) for time of
payment, one percent (1%) for quantity discounts, or one percent (1%)
for time of payment and one percent (1%) for quantity.
(E) No person licensed to sell spirituous liquor and wine at retail may
accept any discount, rebate, free goods, allowances, or other
inducement from any wholesalers except the discount for payment and
quantity discount on or before a certain date.
(5) Case Size. For the purpose of this regulation, a case of spirituous
liquor or a case of wine is declared to be a cardboard, wooden, or other
container, containing bottles of equal size filled with spirituous liquor
or wine of the same brand, age, and proof. The following table depicts
the number of bottles considered to be a case of various bottle sizes for
both the English and metric systems of measure, for pricing purposes:
Number of Bottles
Size of Bottle per Case
Less than 8 oz. 48, 60, 96, 120,
144, 192 or 240
8 oz. up to, but not including, 10 oz. 48
10 oz. up to, but not including, 21 oz. 24
21 oz. up to, but not including, 43 oz. 12
43 oz. up to, but not including, 85 oz. 6
85 oz. up to, but not including, 128 oz. 3, 4, 6
128 oz. or more 2
(A) The Universal Coding of Alcoholic Beverages for Products by
container size is to be used to code the bottle size. An item is declared
to be either a bottle or a case of spirituous liquor or wine scheduled as
(B) All sizes less than one-half (1/2) pint or eight (8) ounces under
the English system of measure are defined as miniatures. Under the
metric system of measure, miniatures are defined as fifty (50) milliliters
(1.7 ounces) for spirituous liquors and one hundred (100) milliliters (3.4
ounces) for vinous liquors. Acceptable case sizes for miniatures are 240,
192, 144, 120, 96, 60, and 48 bottles. Miniatures may be sold in only
one (1) case size for each bottle size sold; and
(C) If a spirituous liquor or wine product is packaged by the
manufacturer in a bottle quantity for that bottle size exceeding one (1)
bottle but either more or less than the case quantity for the bottle size
listed in section (4), a wholesaler may sell that package for a total price
that reflects the same per bottle price as the per bottle price in the posted
case price, if the wholesaler’s invoice specifies the quantity in the
(6) The price to retailers, except retailers operating railroad cars, should
include federal custom duties, internal revenue taxes, state excise tax,
bottling and handling charges, and the cost of delivery to the retailer.
The price to retailers operating railroad cars may be scheduled at a price
“ex state excise tax,” but shall include all other taxes and costs
computed in prices to other retailers. No charge(s) may be made in
addition to the price except that on past due accounts there may be
imposed a finance (interest) charge in accord with that permitted by law.
Provided, however, that if a wholesaler elects to impose a finance
(interest) charge on past due account the charge shall be of uniform rate
to all retailers and imposed on all retailers who have past due accounts.
(7) Delivery. Any brand of spirituous liquor or wine sold to a retailer is
to be shipped to and received by the retailer at the price in effect for that
calendar month in which the delivery occurs. Delayed shipment orders
may be taken the last five (5) days of the month and delivered in the
first five (5) days of the following month.
(8) Returns. Merchandise returns exceeding seven (7) days from
delivery date may not be accepted for return from a retailer, except
pursuant to a court order or with prior approval from the supervisor for
any of the following reasons:
(A) The merchandise delivered does not conform to the merchandise
ordered, whether an error was made at the time the order was taken or
when the merchandise was delivered. Requests to return merchandise
delivered in error should be submitted to the supervisor within thirty
(30) days of the original invoice; or
(B) The retailer is abandoning the retail liquor business.
(9) Breakage, Samples, Expenses. As part of its regular books and
records, each wholesaler licensed to sell spirituous liquor or wine is
required to keep a monthly record of all allowances for breakage
containing the name, address, and license number of the customer, the
amount of breakage allowance, and the date and number of the invoice
of sale for which allowance is given. No allowance for breakage may
be given unless the broken bottle is returned to the seller within seventy
two (72) hours after delivery. Broken bottles are to be kept available on
the wholesaler’s licensed premises for inspection by representatives of
the supervisor and may not be removed from the licensed premises or
destroyed except with permission from the supervisor.
(10) Posting of Contraband Spirituous Liquors and Wines Purchased
from Supervisor. Bottles or cases of spirituous liquor or wine as
described in section (4) which have been declared contraband and
purchased by a wholesaler from the supervisor or the officer who seized
the same under the provisions of sections 311.820 and 311.840, RSMo,
or by a wholesaler from a wholesaler who so purchased the same, may
be posted by the wholesaler at prices less than other spirituous liquors
and wines of the same brand, age, and proof. When the spirituous
liquors and wines are so posted, the pricing is to be accompanied by a
writing on which the spirituous liquors and wines are exactly described
and the quantity(ies) available for purchase set forth and upon sale of
all or any part of the quantity a copy of the invoice shall be sent to the
supervisor upon the day it is prepared. Only spirituous liquors and
wines so purchased by a wholesaler may be sold at the posted prices.
(11) Discriminatory Agreements.
(A) No person holding a license as a manufacturer-solicitor or
outstate solicitor of spirituous liquor or wine may enter into or
participate in any combination or agreement with any person holding a
license as a wholesaler for the sale of spirituous liquor or wine which
restrict the customers to whom the wholesaler may sell merchandise
which s/he owns.
(B) No person holding a license as the wholesaler for the sale of
spirituous liquor or wine may enter into or participate in any
combination or agreement with any person holding a license as a
manufacturer-solicitor or outstate solicitor of spirituous liquor or wine,
which restricts the customers to whom the wholesaler may sell
merchandise which s/he owns.
(12) Universal Numeric Codes on Invoices. The Universal Numeric
Code for Alcoholic Beverages and Missouri’s brand number is to be
used to code all wines on all invoices written by any manufacturer,
vintner, solicitor, and/or wholesaler licensed by the Division of Alcohol
and Tobacco Control of Missouri; this includes invoices written by
wholesalers to retail licensee. In addition, the descriptive data for
spirituous liquors and wines includes the age or vintage, proof or
percent of alcohol by weight, class and type, and brand name. Missouri
wholesalers are to include brand name, age, and proof for spirituous
liquors and vintage for wines on all invoices to retailers when the
vintage creates a cost differential for the same type of wine. Any failure
of any person, firm, or corporation licensed under any provisions of
Chapter 311, RSMo, to comply in all respects with the rules and any
violation by any licensee of these rules may be deemed to be cause for
the revocation or suspension of the license of the offending licensee.
AUTHORITY: section 311.660, RSMo Supp. 2022.* This version of rule filed Dec. 22,
1975, effective Jan. 1, 1976. Amended: Filed Sept. 30, 1976, effective April 15, 1977.
Amended: Filed Jan. 26, 1977, effective July 11, 1977. Amended: Filed Sept. 1, 1977,
effective Dec. 11, 1977. Amended: Filed Dec. 6, 1985, effective Feb. 24, 1986. Amended:
Filed April 20, 1987, effective July 11, 1987. Amended: Filed Aug. 17, 1999, effective
March 30, 2000. Amended: Filed Oct. 10, 2018, effective May 30, 2019.** Amended: Filed
May 27, 2022, effective Jan. 30, 2023.
*Original authority: 311.660, RSMo 1939, amended 1989, 2021.
**Pursuant to Executive Order 21-09, 11 CSR 70-2.190, section (6) was suspended from
October 13, 2021 through December 31, 2021. Pursuant to Executive Order 21-09, 11 CSR
70-2.190, sections (1) and (7) was suspended from April 27, 2020 through December 31,
11 CSR 70-2.200
(Rescinded January 30, 2019)
AUTHORITY: section 311.660, RSMo Supp. 1989. This version of rule filed Feb. 8,
1973, effective Feb. 18, 1973. Rescinded: Filed June 5, 2018, effective Jan. 30, 2019.
11 CSR 70-2.210
(Rescinded May 30, 1997)
AUTHORITY: section 311.660, RSMo 1994. This version of rule filed Feb. 8, 1973,
effective Feb. 18, 1973. Amended: Filed Jan. 22, 1996, effective July 30, 1996. Rescinded:
Filed Nov. 21, 1996, effective May 30, 1997.
11 CSR 70-2.220
Prohibiting Manufacturers and Solicitors of Intoxicating Liquor
and Licensed Retailers From Contacting Each Other for Business
(Rescinded January 30, 2019)
AUTHORITY: section 311.660, RSMo Supp. 1989. This version of rule filed Feb. 8,
1973, effective Feb. 18, 1973. Rescinded: Filed July 9, 2018, effective Jan. 30,
2019.Regulation No. 70-2.230
Multiple Store Retailers
Regulation No. 70-2.230
Multiple Store Retailers
PURPOSE: This rule establishes procedure for storage and transfer
from a central warehouse by multiple licensed intoxicating liquor
(1) This regulation applies to all persons or entities who own and
operate more than one (1) premises licensed to sell intoxicating liquor
at retail.
(2) Any person or entity set forth in section (1), with the permission of
the supervisor of Alcohol and Tobacco Control, may designate one (1)
or more places as a central warehouse to which intoxicating liquors
ordered and purchased by a person or entity from licensed wholesalers
may be delivered by licensed wholesalers and at which intoxicating
liquors so owned by a person or entity may be stored.
(3) Any person or entity set forth in section (1) owning and storing
intoxicating liquors in a central warehouse as provided in section (1)
may transfer all or any part of the intoxicating liquors so stored from
the central warehouse to any premises licensed to sell intoxicating
liquors at retail which is owned and operated by the same person or
entity and which is located in the same county in which the central
warehouse is located, or is located in a county adjoining and contiguous
to the county in which the central warehouse is located, but not
otherwise; except that private brands of intoxicating liquor owned and
sold exclusively by only one (1) person or entity as set forth in section
(1), and brands not privately owned but sold exclusively by only one (1)
person or entity may be transferred from the warehouse to any licensed
premises in the state owned by a person or entity, who is the exclusive
retail dealer of the brand; provided, however, that malt liquor is not
transferred from the central warehouse to another licensed premises
unless the licensed premises is located in the same designated
geographic area of the wholesaler from whom the malt liquor was
purchased. The City of St. Louis is deemed to be a county for the
purposes of this regulation.
(4) Any person or entity set forth in section (1) desiring to transfer
intoxicating liquor from a premises licensed to sell intoxicating liquors
at retail-owned and controlled by a person or entity to another premises
so licensed and owned and controlled by the same person or entity,
should first notify the supervisor of Alcohol and Tobacco Control in
writing describing the type, brand, size containers, and amount of
intoxicating liquors to be so transferred, the license numbers of the
premises from which and to which the transfer is to be made, and the
true reason for the transfer and no transfer may be made until the
supervisor of Alcohol and Tobacco Control has assented to the transfer
or until three (3) full days (not counting Saturdays, Sundays, and
holidays) has elapsed after the receipt of the notice by the supervisor of
Alcohol and Tobacco Control during which time the supervisor did not
refuse the transfer. Regulations
AUTHORITY: section 311.660, RSMo 2016.* This version of rule filed Feb. 8, 1973,
effective Feb. 18, 1973. Amended: Filed May 15, 1987, effective Aug. 13, 1987. Amended:
Filed Oct. 10, 2018, effective May 30, 2019.
*Original authority: 311.660, RSMo 1939, amended 1989.
Regulation No. 70-2.240
Advertising of Intoxicating Liquor
PURPOSE: This rule allows manufacturers of intoxicating liquor to
offer consumer rebate coupons and clarifies the advertising regulation
as it applies to the advertising of sales price below cost.
(1) No person engaged in business as a producer, manufacturer, brewer,
bottler, importer, wholesaler, or retailer of intoxicating liquor, directly
or indirectly, may publish or disseminate or cause to be published or
disseminated any advertisement of intoxicating liquor, unless the
advertisement is in conformity with the regulations.
(A) These provisions do not apply to the publisher of any newspaper,
magazine, or similar publication, unless the publisher is engaged in
business as a producer, manufacturer, brewer, bottler, importer,
wholesaler, or retailer of intoxicating liquor, directly or indirectly.
(2) The term advertisement includes any dissemination of information
by print, audio or video means, whether through the media or otherwise,
including but not limited to, radio, television, motion pictures,
newspapers, Internet, email, texting, website, mobile applications,
magazines or similar publications or other printed or graphic matter, or
any electronic means, except that the term shall not include:
(A) Any label affixed to any container of intoxicating liquor or any
individual covering, carton, or other wrapper of a container; and
(B) Any editorial in any periodical or publication or newspaper for
the preparation or publication of which no money or other valuable
consideration is paid or promised, directly or indirectly, by any person
subject to these regulations.
(3) Mandatory statements include:
(A) The name and address of the producer, manufacturer, bottler,
brewer, importer, wholesaler, or retailer responsible for its publication;
(B) A conspicuous statement of the class and type or other
designation of the product, corresponding with the complete
designation which appears on the brand label of the product;
(C) The alcoholic content stated in the manner and form in which it
appears on the labels of intoxicating liquor advertised;
(D) In the case of distilled spirits (other than cordials, liqueurs and
specialties) produced by blending or rectification, if neutral spirits have
been used in the production of distilled spirits, the percentage of neutral
spirits so used and the name of the commodity from which the neutral
spirits have been distilled in substantially the manner and form in which
these statements appear on the labels of the distilled spirits advertised.
In the case of neutral spirits or of gin produced by a process of
continuous distillation, the name of the commodity from which the
neutral spirits or gin have been distilled substantially in the manner
and form in which this statement appears on the labels of the distilled
spirits advertised;
(E) Where an advertisement does not mention a specific product but
merely refers to a class of intoxicating liquor (such as whiskey or beer)
and the advertiser markets more than one (1) brand of intoxicating
liquor of that class, or where the advertisement refers to several classes
of intoxicating liquor (such as whiskey, brandy, rum, gin, liqueur, wine,
beer, etc.) marketed under a single brand, the only mandatory
information prescribed by section (1) applicable to advertisement would
be the name and address of the responsible advertiser; and
(F) Advertisements by retail establishments which merely refer to the
availability of intoxicating liquor in these establishments, but which
otherwise make no reference to a specific brand of intoxicating liquor
are subject only to the prohibited statements provisions of section (5) of
this rule.
(4) Statements required by these regulations to be stated in any written,
printed, or graphic advertisement should appear in lettering or type of a
size, kind, and color sufficient to render them both conspicuous and
readily legible. In particular
(A) Required information shall be stated against a contrasting
background and in type or lettering which is at least the equivalent of
eight- (8-) point type;
(B) Mandated information should be so stated as to appear to be a part
of the advertisement and not be separated in any manner from the
remainder of the advertisement;
(C) Where an advertisement relates to more than one (1) product, the
necessary information is to appear in a manner as to clearly indicate the
particular products to which it is applicable; and
(D) No mandated information may be buried or concealed in
unrequired descriptive matter or decorative designs.
(5) No advertisements of intoxicating liquor may contain
(A) Any statement that is false or misleading in any material
(B) Any statement that is disparaging of a competitor’s products;
(C) Any statement, design, device, or representation which is
obscene, indecent, in poor taste, or conveys a derogatory connotation;
(D) Any statement design, device, or representation of or relating to
analyses, standards, or tests, irrespective of falsity, which is likely to
mislead the consumer;
(E) Any statement, design, device, or representation of or relating to
any guarantee, irrespective of falsity, which is likely to mislead the
consumer. Nothing in this subsection prevents the use of any
enforceable guarantee in substantially the following form: “We will
refund the purchase price to the purchaser if s/he is in any manner
dissatisfied with the contents of this package”;
(F) Any statement that the product is produced, blended, brewed,
made, bottled, packaged, sold under or in accordance with any
authorization, law, or regulation of any municipality, county, state,
federal or foreign government unless the statement is necessary or
specifically authorized by the laws or regulations of the government;
and, if a municipality, county, state, or federal permit number is stated,
the permit number shall not be accompanied by an additional statement
relating to it;
(G) Any statement offering any coupon, premium, prize, rebate, sales
price below cost, or discount as an inducement to purchase intoxicating
liquor except, manufacturers of intoxicating liquor other than beer or
wine shall be permitted to offer and advertise consumer cash rebate
coupons and all manufacturers of intoxicating liquor may offer and
advertise coupons for nonalcoholic merchandise in accordance with
section 311.355, RSMo;
(H) Any statement offering free delivery or credit terms to consumers,
as an inducement to purchase intoxicating liquor; and
(I) A price that is below the retailer’s actual cost.
(6) No advertisement may contain any statement concerning a brand or
lot of intoxicating liquor that is inconsistent with any statement on the
(7) No advertisement may contain any statement, design, or device
representing that the use of any intoxicating liquor has curative or
therapeutic effects or tending to create an impression that it has curative
or therapeutic effects.
(8) No advertisement may contain any statement, design, device, or
pictorial representation of or relating to, or capable of being construed
as relating to the armed forces of the United States or of the American
flag, any state flag, or of any emblem, seal, insignia, or decoration
associated with any such flag or the armed forces of the United States;
nor may any advertisement containing any statement device, design, or
pictorial representation of or concerning any flag, seal, coat of arms,
crest, or other insignia, likely to falsely lead the consumer to believe
that the product has been endorsed, made or used by, or produced for
or under the supervision of or in accordance with the specifications of
the government, organization, family, or individual with whom the
flag, seal, coat of arms, crest, or insignia is associated.
(9) No advertisement for distilled spirits may contain
(A) The words bond, bottled in bond, aged in bond, or phrases
containing these or synonymous terms, unless these words or phrases
appear upon the labels of the distilled spirits advertised and are stated
in the advertisement in the manner and form in which they appear upon
the label;
(B) Any statement, design, or device, directly or by implication
concerning age or maturity of any brand or lot of distilled spirits unless
a statement of age appears on the labels of the advertised product. When
any statement, design, or device concerning age or maturity is contained
in any advertisement, it shall include (in direct conjunction with the
advertisement and with substantially equal conspicuousness) all parts
of the statement concerning age and percentages, if any, which appear
on the label. However, an advertisement for any whiskey or brandy,
which does not bear a statement of age on the label or an advertisement
for rum which is four (4) years or more old, may contain general
inconspicuous age, maturity or other similar representations, for
example aged in wood, mellowed in fine oak cask; and
(C) A representation that intoxicating liquor was manufactured in or
imported from a place or country other than of its actual origin or was
produced or processed by one who was not in fact the actual producer
or processor.
(10) No Advertisement for wine may contain
(A) Any statement of bonded winecellar or bonded winery numbers
unless stated in direct conjunction with the name and address of the
person operating the winery or storeroom. Statement of bonded
wineceller and bonded winery numbers may be made in the following
form: “Bonded Winecellar No.. .,” Bonded Winery No . . . .,” “B.W.C.
No . . . .,” or “B.W. No . . . .,” No additional reference to numbers shall
be made, or any use be made of a statement that may convey the
impression that the wine has been made or matured under United States
government or any state government supervision or in accordance with
United States government or any state government specifications or
standards; and
(B) Any statement, design, device, or representation which relates to
alcoholic content or which tends to create the impression that a wine is
unfortified or has been fortified or has intoxicating qualities or contains
distilled spirits except for a reference to distilled spirits in a statement
of composition where the statement is required by these regulations to
appear as a part of the designation of the product.
(11) No statement of age or representation relative to age (including
words or devices in any brand name or mark) may be made, except
(A) In the case of vintage wine, the year of vintage may be stated if it
appears on the label; and
(B) Truthful references of a general and informative nature relating to
methods of production involving storage or aging, for example “This
wine has been mellowed in oak casks,” “Stored in small barrels,” or
“Matured at regulated temperatures in our cellars,” may be made.
(12) The statement of any bottling date is not deemed to be a
representation relative to age, if the statement appears without undue
emphasis in the following form: “bottled in ....,” (inserting the year in
which the wine was bottled).
(13) No date, except as provided in this section and section (12) of this
rule with respect to statement of vintage year and bottling date, may be
stated unless, in addition to the year and date, and in direct conjunction
with the year and date, in the same size and kind of printing an
explanation of the significance of the date is stated. If any date refers to
the date of establishment of any business, this date is to be stated
without undue emphasis and in direct conjunction with the name of the
person to whom it refers.
(14) No advertisement may represent that the wine was manufactured
in, or imported from, a place or country other than that of the actual
origin or produced or processed by one who was not in fact the actual
producer or processor.
(15) No retail licensee may advertise for sale any brand of intoxicating
liquor unless s/he has the particular brand and size of container or
package of intoxicating liquor in his/her licensed premises for sale.
(16) No wholesale licensee may allow any sign owned by him/her or
advertising his/her product to be placed or allowed to remain on or upon
any building unless the building has an occupant holding a license
issued by the supervisor.
(17) No wholesale or retail licensee may use any loudspeaker or public
address system to advertise intoxicating liquor.
(18) No producer, manufacturer, brewer, bottler, importer, or
wholesaler of intoxicating liquor may advertise the retail price or
suggested retail price of intoxicating liquor. Regulations
AUTHORITY: section 311.660, RSMo 2016.* This version of rule filed Feb. 8, 1973,
effective Feb. 18, 1973. Amended: Filed Dec. 12, 1986, effective Feb. 28, 1987. Amended:
Filed Jan. 22, 1996, effective July 30, 1996. Amended: Filed Feb. 27, 1998, effective Aug.
30, 1998. Amended: Filed Jan. 17, 2019, effective Sept. 30, 2019.
*Original authority: 311.660, RSMo 1939, amended 1989.
State ex rel. Letz v. Riley, 559 SW2d 631 (Mo. App. 1977). Despite the issuance by the
attorney general of a “no action” letter stating that certain games in theory were not violative
of Chapter 563, RSMo, the doctrine of equitable estoppel was not available to support an
injunction restraining the supervisor of the Division of Liquor Control from enforcing
Liquor Control Regulation 15(k) (prohibiting any licensee from allowing any sort of
gambling upon licensed premises) and 25II(c)(1)(g) (restricting advertisement of
intoxicating liquor and nonintoxicating beer).
Milgram Food Stores, Inc. v. Ketchum, 384 SW2d 510, (Mo. App. 1965) cert. denied, 382
U.S. 801. Regulation 15(f)(5) (now covered by 11 CSR 70-2.240(2) and (5)(G) and (H))
prohibiting the advertisement of intoxicating liquor which offers any coupon, premium,
prize, rebate as an inducement to purchase such intoxicating liquor, did have a reasonable
relation to and in accord with the provisions and purposes of the Liquor Control Law; and
that rule is not unreasonable, arbitrary and capricious as claimed by the respondent, as to
“free” Santa Claus covers offered in advertisement with purchase of certain liquors, this fell
within prohibited practices and suspension of respondent’s license for twenty-five (25) days
was not unreasonable.
Regulation No. 70-2.250
Salvaged Alcoholic Beverages
PURPOSE: This rule establishes licensing and procedure for disposal
of salvaged alcoholic beverages.
(1) Alcoholic beverages which are damaged in this state as a result of
flood, wreck, fire or similar occurrence may be sold for salvage.
(2) Alcoholic beverages so salvaged may be sold to a Missouri licensee,
upon the approval of the supervisor under the following terms and
(A) Application shall be made to the supervisor for authority to sell
distressed merchandise in Missouri. The application shall contain the
name of the person desiring to sell the merchandise, the nature of the
damage, a description of the merchandise and whether the contemplated
sale is to be to a Missouri licensee;
(B) The distressed merchandise shall be examined at the scene of the
occurrence, as soon as practicable, by a representative of the
Department of Health and the sale shall not be approved by the super-
visor until notified by the representative that the merchandise is fit for
human consumption;
(C) Written approval and release for the sale of distressed
merchandise shall not be issued until an inspection of the distressed
merchandise is made by an agent of the Division of Liquor Control who
will determine whether the merchandise is within the meaning of this
regulation and that all Missouri taxes have been paid;
(D) No merchandise shall be sold under this regulation where the
original packages have been so damaged so as to render the label on the
package not within the requirements under 11 CSR 70-2.060(1); and
(E) Anyone seeking to sell distressed merchandise shall obtain a per-
mit from the supervisor.
(3) Alcoholic beverages so salvaged shall be referred to as distressed
(A) Each container of alcoholic beverage sold pursuant to this regula-
tion shall bear a label, to be provided by the Division of Liquor Control,
certifying the merchandise as distressed merchandise.
(B) No distressed merchandise salvaged outside of the state may be
imported into Missouri for sale pursuant to this regulation.
AUTHORITY: section 311.660, RSMo 2016.* This version of rule filed Feb. 8, 1973,
effective Feb. 18, 1973. Amended: Filed Oct. 10, 2018, effective May 30, 2019.
*Original authority: 311.660, RSMo 1939, amended 1989.
Regulation No. 70-2.260
State of Emergency
PURPOSE: This rule establishes authority for the supervisor of liquor
control when a state of emergency is declared.
(1) Whenever, pursuant to the Constitution and laws of Missouri, the
governor or acting governor of this state declares a state of emergency,
calls out the organized militia or any portion or individual of the militia
to execute or ensure obedience to law or declare a state of martial law
in any section of this state, all persons, partnerships, or entities licensed
under the laws of Missouri to sell, dispense, or otherwise deal with
intoxicating liquor, upon notice from the supervisor of Alcohol and
Tobacco Control, announced publicly or delivered personally, are to
suspend further business under the licenses issued to the persons,
partnerships, or entities until the time as the supervisor determines and
so informs the licensees that the proclamation of emergency or crisis as
issued by the governor or acting governor has been terminated, provided
that the supervisor of Alcohol and Tobacco Control may specify the
geographical limit within the state within which area the licenses shall
be suspended. Regulations
AUTHORITY: section 311.660, RSMo 2016.* This version of rule filed Feb. 8, 1973,
effective Feb. 18, 1973. Amended: Filed Oct. 10, 2018, effective May 30, 2019.
*Original authority: 311.660, RSMo 1939, amended 1989.
Regulation No. 70-2.270
Transfer and Registration of Lines or
Brands of Spirituous Liquor and Wine
PURPOSE: This rule provides procedures for a supplier of spirituous
liquor and wine to remove and/or create any additional distributor or
any line or brand of product.
(1) The term supplier, as used in this regulation, means any person,
partnership, or entity licensed as a manufacturer, distiller, vintner,
rectifier, solicitor (or any employee or agent of the solicitor) which
distributes wine or spirituous liquor to duly licensed wholesalers in this
(2) The term wholesaler, as used in this regulation, means any person,
partnership, or entity (or any employee or agent of the enterprise)
licensed to sell wine or spirituous liquor to duly licensed retailers in this
(3) No supplier may encourage, solicit, cause, or conspire with a
wholesaler to evade or disobey any laws or regulations of the state of
Missouri relating to intoxicating liquor. No supplier may, directly or
indirectly, threaten to remove or remove a line or brand from a
wholesaler because of the refusal or failure of the wholesaler to evade
or disobey any laws or regulations of Missouri relating to intoxicating
liquor. Nor may any supplier, directly or indirectly, threaten to or create
an additional distributorship in retaliation against a wholesaler who
refuses to evade or disobey any laws or regulations of Missouri relating
to intoxicating liquor.
(4) All wholesalers are to register with the supervisor of Alcohol and
Tobacco Control, the lines, brands, or both of alcoholic beverages
which they handle and distribute in this state. No wholesaler may add
an additional line or brand without first filing a statement under oath
with the supervisor and with every other wholesaler affected. The
statement shall contain the following:
(A) The name of each line or brand of spirituous liquor or wine which
they will handle and distribute in this state and the anticipated date upon
which the distribution of the line or brand is to begin;
(B) A certification that this additional line or brand is not being added
in collusion with any supplier in retaliation against another wholesaler
who refuses to evade or disobey any laws or regulations of Missouri
relating to intoxicating liquor; and
(C) Prior to making any sale of any additional line or brand, each
wholesaler shall comply with all other requirements relating to the
posting of wholesale prices.
(5) Prior to removing a line or brand from one (1) wholesaler and/or
prior to creating an additional distributorship on a line or brand,
suppliers are to file with the supervisor a statement under oath
containing the following:
(A) The name and address of each wholesaler to whom a line, brand,
or both is being transferred or added;
(B) The name and address of each wholesaler from whom a line or
brand is being removed;
(C) The name of each line or brand to be removed, transferred, or
added; and
(D) A certification that this removal, transfer, or creation of an
additional distributorship is not in retaliation against any wholesaler
who refuses to evade or disobey any existing laws or regulations of
Missouri relating to intoxicating liquor.
(6) A copy of this statement shall at the same time be delivered by mail
or personal service to every wholesaler affected.
AUTHORITY: section 311.660, RSMo 2016.* This version of rule filed April 16, 1975,
effective April 26, 1975. Amended: Filed Oct. 10, 2018, effective May 30, 2019.
*Original authority: 311.660, RSMo 1939, amended 1989.
Brown-Forman Distillers Corp. v. Stewart, 520 SW2d 1 (Mo. banc 1975). Regulation 28,
permitting supervisor of liquor control to prohibit the transfer of a brand or the creation of
a dual distributorship absent the showing of a good business reason, (“without reasonable
cause, which cause must be submitted to the supervisor of liquor control in writing”) the
employment of “reasonable cause” in regulation 28 renders it invalid and void because the
language used is so sweeping and broad that it clothes the supervisor with arbitrary power
that is incompatible with the test of reasonableness” and it is inconsistent” with the
objectives of the Liquor Control Law and the legitimate evils sought to be eliminated.
Regulation No. 70-2.280
Standards for Using Minors in Intoxicating Liquor Investigations
PURPOSE: This rule establishes guidelines for the use of minors in
intoxicating liquor investigations by a state, county, municipal or other
local law enforcement authority.
(1) On-site Investigations. The following are standards for the use of
minors in intoxicating liquor investigations by a state, county,
municipal, or other local law enforcement authority where intoxicating
liquor is purchased by the minor on or about the licensed premises:
(A) The minor must be eighteen (18) or nineteen (19) years of age;
(B) The minor must have a youthful appearance. The minor must not
have facial hair or a receding hairline, or wear excessive makeup or
excessive jewelry, or wear headgear that will obstruct a clear view of
the face or hairline. If the minor is wearing headgear or facial coverings
required by law, executive order, or any official mandate from the city,
county, state, or federal government, or if the business requests the
minor to wear certain headgear or facial coverings, the minor shall be
permitted to wear such item(s), but must temporarily remove said
item(s) upon request by the seller of the intoxicating liquor so as to
provide a clear view of the face and hairline;
(C) The minor must carry his or her own valid governmentissued
identification showing the minor’s correct date of birth and, upon
request, produce such identification to the seller of the intoxicating
liquor at the licensed establishment; and the state, county, municipal, or
other local law enforcement agency conducting the investigation must
search the minor prior to the investigation to ensure that the minor is
not in possession of any other valid or fictitious identification;
(D) The minor must answer truthfully any questions about his or her
age and must not remain silent when asked questions regarding his or
her age, nor misrepresent anything in order to induce a sale of
intoxicating liquor;
(E) The state, county, municipal, or other local law enforcement
agency must make a copy of the minor’s valid identification showing
the minor’s correct date of birth;
(F) The state, county, municipal, or other local law enforcement
agency conducting such investigations must videotape or audiotape any
attempt by the minor to purchase intoxicating liquor in a good faith
effort to record all statements made by the minor and the seller;
(G) No state, county, municipal, or other local law enforcement
agency may employ minors on an incentive or quota basis;
(H) If a violation occurs, the state, county, municipal, or other local
law enforcement agency must make reasonable efforts to confront the
seller in a timely manner, and within forty-eight (48) hours contact or
take all reasonable steps to contact the owner, manager, or managing
officer of the establishment;
(I) The state, county, municipal, or other local law enforcement
agency must maintain records of each visit to an establishment where a
minor is used by the agency during an intoxicating liquor investigation
for a period of at least one (1) year following the investigation
regardless of whether a violation occurs at each investigation, and such
records must, at a minimum, include the following information:
1. An Information and Consent document, completed by the minor
in advance of the investigation, on the division form or a similar form
approved by the division;
2. An Alcohol and Compliance Buy Checklist, signed by the minor
and the peace officer responsible for reviewing the checklist with said
minor, on the division form or a similar form approved by the division;
3. A photograph of the minor taken immediately prior to the
4. A copy of the minor’s valid identification, showing the minor’s
correct date of birth;
5. The audiotape or videotape specified in subsection (1) (F) above;
6. A written Minor Report on the division form or a similar form
approved by the division;
(J) The state, county, municipal, or other local law enforcement
agency must provide pre-recorded currency to the minor, to be used in
the investigation. If a violation occurs, said agency should attempt to
recover the pre-recorded funds tendered to the seller, or an amount equal
thereto, and return any change tendered to the minor, and should further
secure and inventory any intoxicating liquor product(s) purchased; and
(K) The state, county, municipal, or other local law enforcement
agency, in advance of the investigation, must train the minor who will
be used in the investigation. Training, at a minimum, must include:
1. Instruction to enter the designated establishment and to proceed
immediately to attempt to purchase or be supplied with an intoxicating
liquor product;
2. Instruction to provide the minor’s valid identification upon a
request for identification by the seller;
3. Instruction to answer truthfully all questions about age;
4. Instruction not to lie to the seller to induce a sale of intoxicating
liquor products;
5. Instruction on the use of pre-recorded currency; and
6. Instruction on the other matters set out in this regulation.
(2) Off-site Investigations. The following are standards for the use of
minors in intoxicating liquor investigations by a state, county,
municipal, or other local law enforcement authority where intoxicating
liquor is delivered or shipped to the minor at a location other than the
licensed establishment:
(A) For the purposes of this section, licensees are at all times
responsible for the actions and conduct of any employees, agents, or
third parties delivering or shipping intoxicating liquor on the licensee’s
behalf pursuant to an order by internet, telephone, mail, or any method
of ordering other than in person on the licensed premises;
(B) The minor must be eighteen or nineteen years of age;
(C) The minor must have a youthful appearance. The minor must not
have facial hair or a receding hairline, or wear excessive makeup or
excessive jewelry, or wear headgear that will obstruct a clear view of
the face or hairline. If the minor is wearing headgear or facial coverings
required by law, executive order, or any official mandate from the city,
county, state, or federal government, the minor shall be permitted to
wear such item(s), but must temporarily remove said item(s) upon
request by the person delivering or shipping the intoxicating liquor so
as to provide a clear view of the face and hairline;
(D) The minor must carry his or her own valid government issued
identification showing the minor’s correct date of birth and, upon
request, produce such identification to the person delivering or shipping
the intoxicating liquor; and the state, county, municipal, or other local
law enforcement agency conducting the investigation must search the
minor prior to the investigation to ensure that the minor is not in
possession of any other valid or fictitious identification;
(E) The minor must answer truthfully any questions about his or her
age and must not remain silent when asked questions regarding his or
her age, nor misrepresent anything in order to induce a delivery or
shipment of intoxicating liquor;
(F) The state, county, municipal, or other local law enforcement
agency must make a copy of the minor’s valid identification showing
the minor’s correct date of birth;
(G) The state, county, municipal, or other local law enforcement
agency conducting such investigations must videotape or audiotape the
delivery or shipment of the intoxicating liquor in a good faith effort to
record all statements made by the minor and the person delivering or
shipping the intoxicating liquor;
(H) No state, county, municipal, or other local law enforcement
agency may employ minors on an incentive or quota basis;
(I) If a violation occurs, the state, county, municipal, or other local
law enforcement agency must make reasonable efforts to confront the
person who delivered or shipped the intoxicating liquor product(s) in a
timely manner, and within forty-eight (48) hours contact or take all
reasonable steps to contact the owner, manager, or managing officer of
the establishment that sold the intoxicating liquor;
(J) The state, county, municipal, or other local law enforcement
agency must maintain records of each delivery or shipment where a
minor is used by the agency during an intoxicating liquor investigation
for a period of at least one (1) year following the investigation,
regardless of whether a violation occurs at each investigation, and such
records must, at a minimum, include the following information:
1. An Information and Consent document, completed by the minor
in advance of the investigation, on the division form or a similar form
approved by the division;
2. An Alcohol and Compliance Buy Checklist, signed by the minor
and the peace officer responsible for reviewing the checklist with said
minor, on the division form or a similar form approved by the division;
3. A photograph of the minor taken immediately prior to the
4. A copy of the minor’s valid identification, showing the minor’s
correct date of birth;
5. The audiotape or videotape specified in subsection (2) (H) above;
6. A written Minor Report on the division form or a similar form
approved by the division;
(K) The state, county, municipal, or other local law enforcement
agency must place the order using the minor’s information. Regardless
of whether a violation occurs, said agency should attempt to recover any
funds tendered to the seller and the person delivering or shipping the
intoxicating liquor, or an amount equal thereto, and should further
secure and inventory any intoxicating liquor delivered or shipped; and
(L) The state, county, municipal, or other local law enforcement
agency, in advance of the investigation, must train the minor who will
be used in the investigation. Training, at a minimum, must include:
1. Instruction to respond to the designated delivery or shipment spot
and proceed immediately to attempt to take possession of or be supplied
with the intoxicating liquor product(s);
2. Instruction to provide the minor’s valid identification upon a
request for identification by the person delivering or shipping the
intoxicating liquor;
3. Instruction to answer truthfully all questions about age;
4. Instruction not to lie to the person delivering or shipping the
intoxicating liquor to induce a delivery or shipment of intoxicating
liquor products;
5. Instructions on the use of pre-recorded currency; and
6. Instruction on the other matters set out in this regulation.
AUTHORITY: section 311.722, RSMo 2016. Original rule filed Jan. 13, 2006, effective
Aug. 30, 2006. Amended: Filed Oct. 10, 2018, effective May 30, 2019. Amended: Filed
May 27, 2022, effective Jan. 30, 2023.
*Original authority: 311.722, RSMo 2005, amended 2009.
Schedule of Pro-Rated Fees
July June 30
August June 30
Sept June 30
Oct June 30
Nov June 30
Dec June 30
Jan June 30
Feb June 30
March June 30
April June 30
May June 30
June 1 June 30
NOTE: On approval of the application and payment of the license fee herein provided, the Supervisor of Alcohol and Tobacco
Control shall grant the applicant a license to do business in the State for a term to expire with the thirtieth day of June next
succeeding the date of such license. Of the license tax to be paid for any such license, the applicant shall pay as many twelfths as
there are months (part of a month is counted as a month) remaining from the date of license to the next succeeding June 30.
Applications for renewal of licenses must be filed on or before the first day of May of each calendar year.
Retail Liquor By the Drink
Vintage Wine Solicitor
Retail Liquor By the Drink Resort
Retail Liquor By Drink Picnic
(7 days)
Retail Liquor By the Drink Exempt
Beer and Wine by Drink Picnic
(6/15 to 7/15) - (7 days)
Retail Liquor By the Drink Boat
Retail Liquor By Drink Caterer
(per day)
Retail Liquor By the Drink Mall
Retail by Drink Caterer - Unlimited
Retail Liquor By the Drink
Retail by Drink Caterer - 50 events
Retail Liquor By Drink
Temporary Festival (per day)
Beer and Light Wine Caterer (per
Beer By Drink (includes Sunday)
Original Package Liquor
Beer and Light Wine By Drink
Beer Original Package (includes
Sunday Beer and Light Wine By
Beer and Light Wine by Drink
Temporary Festival (per day)
Original Package Tasting
Railroad ($l.00 per duplicate)
Consumption of Intoxicating Liquor
Sunday by Drink-Convention
Sunday By Drink
Liquor Manufacturer Solicitor
Sunday Original Package Liquor
22% Manufacturer Solicitor
Extended Hours
5% Manufacturer Solicitor
Extended Hours Mall
Liquor Solicitor
Extended Hours for Historic
22% Solicitor
Extended Hours Kansas City (per
Extended Hours St. Louis Airport
5% Solicitor
Retail Liquor By Drink Resort
Temporary (90 days)
$ 75.00
Liquor Wholesale Solicitor
Retail Liquor By Drink Seasonal
Resort (per month)
$ 25.00
22% Wholesale Solicitor
Retail Liquor By Drink Seasonal
Resort Temp ( 90 days)
$ 75.00
5% Wholesale Solicitor
State Fair Beer and Light Wine By
Domestic Winery (per 500 gallon)
State Fair Beer and Light Wine By
Drink (exhibition/grandstand)
Microbrewery (per 100 barrels)
Temporary Manufacturer Event
$ 25.00
Missouri Wine By Drink
Vintage Wine Auction/Municipality
Vintage Wine Auctioneer
Alcohol Carrier
no fee
Wine Direct Shipper
no fee
Chapter 407, RSMo
Merchandising Practices - Tobacco Products -
Sales to Minors Prohibited
Chapter 407
Merchandising Practices
Tobacco Products- Sales to Minors Prohibited, Regulation
407.924. Division of liquor control to enforce underage tobacco sales
annual report submitted.
407.925. Definitions.
407.926. No tobacco sales to minors--penalties--alternative nicotine
products and vapor products, sale to minors prohibited--
nicotine liquid containers, requirements, penalty.
407.927. Required sign stating violation of state law to sell tobacco,
alternative nicotine products, or vapor products to minors
under age 18--display of sign required on displays and
vending machines.
407.928. Restrictions on sales of individual packs of cigarettes.
407.929. Proof of age required, whendefense to action for violation is
reasonable reliance on proofliability.
407.931. Unlawful to sell or distribute tobacco products, alternative
nicotine products, or vapor products to minors--vending
machine requirements--what persons are liable--owners
exempt, when--appeal to administrative hearing commission,
407.932. Political subdivisions may make more stringent rules.
407.933. Minors employed by division of liquor control may purchase
cigarettes for enforcement purposesmisrepresentation of age,
407.934. Sales tax license required to sell tobacco productsdivision of
liquor control to have inspection authoritylimitations on use
of minors for enforcement purposes.
407.924. Division of liquor control to enforce underage tobacco
sales–annual report submitted.
1. The division of liquor control within the department of public safety
shall implement and enforce the provisions of sections 407.925 to
2. Beginning January 1, 2003, the division of liquor control shall submit
an annual report to the general assembly on the effectiveness of sections
407.925 to 407.934 in reducing tobacco possession by minors and the
enforcement activities by the division for violations of sections 407.925
to 407.934.
(L. 2001 H.B. 381)
407.925. Definitions.
(1) "Alternative nicotine product", any noncombustible product
containing nicotine that is intended for human consumption, whether
chewed, absorbed, dissolved, or ingested by any other means.
Alternative nicotine product does not include any vapor product,
tobacco product or any product regulated as a drug or device by the
United States Food and Drug Administration under Chapter V of the
Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act;
(2) "Center of youth activities", any playground, school or other facility,
when such facility is being used primarily by persons under the age of
eighteen for recreational, educational or other purposes;
(3) "Distribute", a conveyance to the public by sale, barter, gift or
(4) "Minor", a person under the age of eighteen;
(5) "Municipality", the city, village or town within which tobacco
products, alternative nicotine products or vapor products are sold or
distributed or, in the case of tobacco products, alternative nicotine
products or vapor products that are not sold or distributed within a city,
village or town, the county in which they are sold or distributed;
(6) "Person", an individual, partnership, copartnership, firm, company,
public or private corporation, association, joint stock company, trust,
estate, political subdivision or any agency, board, department or bureau
of the state or federal government, or any other legal entity which is
recognized by law as the subject of rights and duties;
(7) "Proof of age", a driver's license or other generally accepted means
of identification that contains a picture of the individual and appears on
its face to be valid;
(8) "Rolling papers", paper designed, manufactured, marketed, or sold
for use primarily as a wrapping or enclosure for tobacco, which enables
a person to roll loose tobacco into a smokable cigarette;
(9) "Sample", a tobacco product, alternative nicotine product, or vapor
product distributed to members of the general public at no cost or at
nominal cost for product promotional purposes;
(10) "Sampling", the distribution to members of the general public of
tobacco product, alternative nicotine product or vapor product samples;
(11) "Tobacco products", any substance containing tobacco leaf,
including, but not limited to, cigarettes, cigars, pipe tobacco, snuff,
chewing tobacco, or dipping tobacco but does not include alternative
nicotine products, or vapor products;
(12) "Vapor product", any noncombustible product containing nicotine
that employs a heating element, power source, electronic circuit, or
other electronic, chemical or mechanical means, regardless of shape or
size, that can be used to produce vapor from nicotine in a solution or
other form. Vapor product includes any electronic cigarette, electronic
cigar, electronic cigarillo, electronic pipe, or similar product or device
and any vapor cartridge or other container of nicotine in a solution or
other form that is intended to be used with or in an electronic cigarette,
electronic cigar, electronic cigarillo, electronic pipe, or similar product
or device. Vapor product does not include any alternative nicotine
product or tobacco product;
(13) "Vending machine", any mechanical electric or electronic, self-
service device which, upon insertion of money, tokens or any other
form of payment, dispenses tobacco products, alternative nicotine
products, or vapor products.
(L. 1992 S.B. 509, et al. § 7, A.L. 2014 S.B. 841)
*Effective 10-10-14, see § 21.250. S.B. 841 was vetoed July 14, 2014. The veto was
overridden on September 10, 2014.
407.926. No tobacco sales to minors--penalties--alternative
nicotine products and vapor products, sale to minors prohibited--
nicotine liquid containers, requirements, penalty.
1. Any person or entity who sells tobacco products, alternative nicotine
products, or vapor products shall deny the sale of such tobacco products
to any person who is less than eighteen years of age.
2. Any person or entity who sells or distributes tobacco products,
alternative nicotine products, or vapor products by mail or through the
internet in this state in violation of subsection 1 of this section shall be
assessed a fine of two hundred fifty dollars for the first violation and
five hundred dollars for each subsequent violation.
3. Alternative nicotine products and vapor products shall only be sold
to persons eighteen years of age or older, shall be subject to local and
state sales tax, but shall not be otherwise taxed or regulated as tobacco
4. (1) Any nicotine liquid container that is sold at retail in this state shall
satisfy the child-resistant effectiveness standards set forth in 16 CFR
1700.15(b) as in effect on August 28, 2015, when tested in accordance
with the method described in 16 CFR 1700.20 as in effect on August
28, 2015.
(2) For the purposes of this subsection, "nicotine liquid container"
shall mean a bottle or other container of liquid or other substance
containing nicotine if the liquid or substance is sold, marketed, or
intended for use in a vapor product. A "nicotine liquid container" shall
not include a liquid or other substance containing nicotine in a cartridge
that is sold, marketed, or intended for use in a vapor product, provided
that such cartridge is prefilled and sealed by the manufacturer and not
intended to be opened by the consumer.
(3) Any person who engages in retail sales of liquid nicotine
containers in this state in violation of this subsection shall be assessed a
fine of two hundred fifty dollars for the first violation and five hundred
dollars for each subsequent violation.
(4) The department of health and senior services may adopt rules
necessary to carry out the provisions of this subsection. Any rule or
portion of a rule, as that term is defined in section 536.010, that is
created under the authority delegated in this section shall become
effective only if it complies with and is subject to all of the provisions
of chapter 536 and, if applicable, section 536.028. This section and
chapter 536 are nonseverable and if any of the powers vested with the
general assembly under chapter 536 to review, to delay the effective
date, or to disapprove and annul a rule are subsequently held
unconstitutional, then the grant of rulemaking authority and any rule
proposed or adopted after August 28, 2015, shall be invalid and void.
(5) The provisions of this subsection and any rules adopted hereunder
shall be null, void, and of no force and effect upon the effective date of
the final regulations issued by the federal Food and Drug
Administration or from any other federal agency if such regulations
mandate child-resistant effectiveness standards for nicotine liquid
(L. 2001 H.B. 381, A.L. 2014 S.B. 841, A.L. 2015 H.B. 531)
407.927. Required sign stating violation of state law to sell
tobacco, alternative nicotine products, or vapor products to minors
under age 18--display of sign required on displays and vending
1. The owner of an establishment at which tobacco products, alternative
nicotine products, vapor products, or rolling papers are sold at retail or
through vending machines shall cause to be prominently displayed in a
conspicuous place at every display from which tobacco products,
alternative nicotine products, or vapor products are sold and on every
vending machine where tobacco products are purchased a sign that
(1) Contain in red lettering at least one-half inch high on a white
background the following: "It is a violation of state law for cigarettes,
other tobacco products, alternative nicotine products, or vapor products
to be sold or otherwise provided to any person under the age of eighteen
or for such person to purchase, attempt to purchase or possess cigarettes,
other tobacco products, alternative nicotine products or vapor
products."; and
(2) Include a depiction of a pack of cigarettes at least two inches high
defaced by a red diagonal diameter of a surrounding red circle, and the
words "Under 18".
(L. 1992 S.B. 509, et al. § 9, A.L. 2001 H.B. 381, A.L. 2014 S.B. 841)
*Effective 10-10-14, see § 21.250. S.B. 841 was vetoed July 14, 2014. The veto was
overridden on September 10, 2014.
407.928. Restrictions on sales of individual packs of cigarettes. No
person or entity shall sell individual packs of cigarettes or smokeless
tobacco products unless such packs satisfy one of the following condi-
tions prior to the time of sale:
(1) It is sold through a vending machine; or
(2) It is displayed behind the check-out counter or it is within the
unobstructed line of sight of the sales clerk or store attendant from the
checkout counter.
(L. 2001 H.B. 381)
407.929. Proof of age required, when--defense to action for
violation is reasonable reliance on proof--liability.
1. A person or entity selling tobacco products, alternative nicotine
products, or vapor products or rolling papers or distributing tobacco
product, alternative nicotine product, or vapor product samples shall
require proof of age from a prospective purchaser or recipient if an
ordinary person would conclude on the basis of appearance that such
prospective purchaser or recipient may be under the age of eighteen.
2. The operator's or chauffeur's license issued pursuant to the provisions
of section 302.177, or the operator's or chauffeur's license issued
pursuant to the laws of any state or possession of the United States to
residents of those states or possessions, or an identification card as
provided for in section 302.181, or the identification card issued by any
uniformed service of the United States, or a valid passport shall be
presented by the holder thereof upon request of any agent of the division
of liquor control or any owner or employee of an establishment that
sells tobacco, alternative nicotine products, or vapor products, for the
purpose of aiding the registrant, agent or employee to determine
whether or not the person is at least eighteen years of age when such
person desires to purchase or possess tobacco products, alternative
nicotine products, or vapor products procured from a registrant. Upon
such presentation, the owner or employee of the establishment shall
compare the photograph and physical characteristics noted on the
license, identification card or passport with the physical characteristics
of the person presenting the license, identification card or passport.
3. Any person who shall, without authorization from the department of
revenue, reproduce, alter, modify or misrepresent any chauffeur's
license, motor vehicle operator's license or identification card shall be
deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be subject
to a fine of not more than one thousand dollars, and confinement for not
more than one year, or by both such fine and imprisonment.
4. Reasonable reliance on proof of age or on the appearance of the
purchaser or recipient shall be a defense to any action for a violation of
subsections 1, 2 and 3 of section 407.931. No person shall be liable for
more than one violation of subsections 2 and 3 of section 407.931 on
any single day.
(L. 1992 S.B. 509, et al. §§ 11, 13, A.L. 2001 H.B. 381, A.L. 2014 S.B. 841)
*Effective 10-10-14, see § 21.250. S.B. 841 was vetoed July 14, 2014. The veto was
overridden on September 10, 2014.
407.931. Unlawful to sell or distribute tobacco products,
alternative nicotine products, or vapor products to minors--
vending machine requirements--what persons are liable--owners
exempt, when--appeal to administrative hearing commission,
1. It shall be unlawful for any person to sell, provide or distribute
tobacco products, alternative nicotine products, or vapor products to
persons under eighteen years of age.
2. All vending machines that dispense tobacco products, alternative
nicotine products, or vapor products shall be located within the
unobstructed line of sight and under the direct supervision of an adult
responsible for preventing persons less than eighteen years of age from
purchasing any tobacco product, alternative nicotine product, or vapor
product from such machine or shall be equipped with a lock-out
device to prevent the machines from being operated until the person
responsible for monitoring sales from the machines disables the lock.
Such locking device shall be of a design that prevents it from being
left in an unlocked condition and which will allow only a single sale
when activated. A locking device shall not be required on machines
that are located in areas where persons less than eighteen years of age
are not permitted or prohibited by law. An owner of an establishment
whose vending machine is not in compliance with the provisions of
this subsection shall be subject to the penalties contained in subsection
5 of this section. A determination of noncompliance may be made by a
local law enforcement agency or the division of liquor control.
Nothing in this section shall apply to a vending machine if located in a
factory, private club or other location not generally accessible to the
general public.
3. No person or entity shall sell, provide or distribute any tobacco
product, alternative nicotine product, or vapor product or rolling
papers to any minor, or sell any individual cigarettes to any person in
this state. This subsection shall not apply to the distribution by family
members on property that is not open to the public.
4. Any person including, but not limited to, a sales clerk, owner or
operator who violates subsection 1, 2 or 3 of this section or section
407.927 shall be penalized as follows:
(1) For the first offense, twenty-five dollars;
(2) For the second offense, one hundred dollars;
(3) For a third and subsequent offense, two hundred fifty dollars.
5. Any owner of the establishment where tobacco products, alternative
nicotine products, or vapor products are available for sale who violates
subsection 3 of this section, in addition to the penalties established in
subsection 4 of this section, shall be penalized in the following
(1) For the first violation per location within two years, a reprimand
shall be issued by the division of liquor control;
(2) For the second violation per location within two years, the
division of liquor control shall issue a citation prohibiting the outlet
from selling tobacco products, alternative nicotine products, or vapor
products for a twenty-four-hour period;
(3) For the third violation per location within two years, the division
of liquor control shall issue a citation prohibiting the outlet from
selling tobacco products, alternative nicotine products, or vapor
products for a forty-eight-hour period;
(4) For the fourth and any subsequent violations per location within
two years, the division of liquor control shall issue a citation
prohibiting the outlet from selling tobacco products for a five-day
6. Any owner of the establishment where tobacco products are
available for sale who violates subsection 3 of this section shall not be
penalized pursuant to this section if such person documents the
(1) An in-house or other tobacco compliance employee training
program was in place to provide the employee with information on the
state and federal regulations regarding sales of tobacco products,
alternative nicotine products, or vapor products to minors. Such
training program must be attended by all employees who sell tobacco
products, alternative nicotine products, or vapor products to the
general public;
(2) A signed statement by the employee stating that the employee
has been trained and understands the state laws and federal regulations
regarding the sale of tobacco products, alternative nicotine products,
or vapor products to minors; and
(3) Such in-house or other tobacco compliance training meets the
minimum training criteria, which shall not exceed a total of ninety
minutes in length, established by the division of liquor control.
7. The exemption in subsection 6 of this section shall not apply to any
person who is considered the general owner or operator of the outlet
where tobacco products, alternative nicotine products, or vapor
products are available for sale if:
(1) Four or more violations per location of subsection 3 of this
section occur within a one-year period; or
(2) Such person knowingly violates or knowingly allows his or her
employees to violate subsection 3 of this section.
8. If a sale is made by an employee of the owner of an establishment
in violation of sections 407.925 to 407.934, the employee shall be
guilty of an offense established in subsections 1, 2 and 3 of this
section. If a vending machine is in violation of section 407.927, the
owner of the establishment shall be guilty of an offense established in
subsections 3 and 4 of this section. If a sample is distributed by an
employee of a company conducting the sampling, such employee shall
be guilty of an offense established in subsections 3 and 4 of this
9. A person cited for selling, providing or distributing any tobacco
product, alternative nicotine product, or vapor product to any
individual less than eighteen years of age in violation of subsection 1,
2 or 3 of this section shall conclusively be presumed to have
reasonably relied on proof of age of the purchaser or recipient, and
such person shall not be found guilty of such violation if such person
raises and proves as an affirmative defense that such individual
presented a driver's license or other government-issued photo
identification purporting to establish that such individual was eighteen
years of age or older.
10. Any person adversely affected by this section may file an appeal
with the administrative hearing commission which shall be
adjudicated pursuant to the procedures established in chapter 621.
(L. 1992 S.B. 509, et al. §§ 8, 10, 12, A.L. 2001 H.B. 381, A.L. 2014 S.B. 841)
*Effective 10-10-14, see § 21.250. S.B. 841 was vetoed July 14, 2014. The veto was
overridden on September 10, 2014.
407.932. Political subdivisions may make more stringent rules.
Nothing in sections 407.925 to 407.932 shall prohibit local political
subdivisions from enacting more stringent ordinances or rules.
(L. 1992 S.B. 509, et al. § 14)
407.933. Minors employed by division of liquor control may
purchase tobacco products, alternative nicotine products, or vapor
products for enforcement purposes--misrepresentation of age,
1. No person less than eighteen years of age shall purchase, attempt to
purchase or possess cigarettes, other tobacco products, alternative
nicotine products, or vapor products unless such person is an employee
of a seller of cigarettes, tobacco products, alternative nicotine products,
or vapor products and is in such possession to effect a sale in the course
of employment, or an employee of the division of liquor control for
enforcement purposes pursuant to subsection 5 of section 407.934.
2. Any person less than eighteen years of age shall not misrepresent his
or her age to purchase cigarettes, tobacco products, alternative nicotine
products, or vapor products.
3. Any person who violates the provisions of this section shall be
penalized as follows:
(1) For the first violation, the person is guilty of an infraction and shall
have any cigarettes, tobacco products, alternative nicotine products, or
vapor products confiscated;
(2) For a second violation and any subsequent violations, the person
is guilty of an infraction, shall have any cigarettes, tobacco products,
alternative nicotine products, or vapor products confiscated and shall
complete a tobacco education or smoking cessation program, if
(L. 2001 H.B. 381, A.L. 2014 S.B. 841)
*Effective 10-10-14, see § 21.250. S.B. 841 was vetoed July 14, 2014. The veto was
overridden on September 10, 2014.
407.934. Sales tax license required to sell tobacco products,
alternative nicotine products, or vapor products--division of liquor
control to have inspection authority--limitations on use of minors
for enforcement purposes.
1. No person shall sell cigarettes, tobacco products, alternative nicotine
products, or vapor products unless the person has a retail sales tax
2. The department of revenue shall permit persons to designate through
the internet or by including a place on all sales tax license applications
for the applicant to designate himself or herself as a seller of tobacco
products, alternative nicotine products, or vapor products and to provide
a list of all locations where the applicant sells such products.
3. On or before July first of each year, the department of revenue shall
make available to the division of liquor control and the department of
mental health a complete list of every establishment which sells
cigarettes, other tobacco products, alternative nicotine products, or
vapor products in this state.
4. The division of liquor control shall have the authority to inspect stores
and tobacco outlets for compliance with all laws related to access of
tobacco products, alternative nicotine products, or vapor products to
minors. The division may employ a person seventeen years of age, with
parental consent, to attempt to purchase tobacco for the purpose of
inspection or enforcement of tobacco laws.
5. The supervisor of the division of liquor control shall not use minors
to enforce the provisions of this chapter unless the supervisor
promulgates rules that establish standards for the use of minors. The
supervisor shall establish mandatory guidelines for the use of minors in
investigations by a state, county, municipal or other local law
enforcement authority which shall be followed by such authority and
which shall, at a minimum, provide for the following:
(1) The minor shall be seventeen years of age;
(2) The minor shall have a youthful appearance, and the minor, if a
male, shall not have facial hair or a receding hairline and if a female,
shall not wear excessive makeup or excessive jewelry;
(3) The state, county, municipal or other local law enforcement
agency shall obtain the consent of the minor's parent or legal guardian
before the use of such minor on a form approved by the supervisor;
(4) The state, county, municipal or other local law enforcement
agency shall make a photocopy of the minor's valid identification
showing the minor's correct date of birth;
(5) Any attempt by such minor to purchase tobacco products,
alternative nicotine products, or vapor products shall be videotaped or
audiotaped with equipment sufficient to record all statements made by
the minor and the seller of the tobacco product;
(6) The minor shall carry his or her own identification showing the
minor's correct date of birth and shall, upon request, produce such
identification to the seller of the tobacco product, alternative nicotine
product, or vapor product;
(7) The minor shall answer truthfully any questions about his or her
age and shall not remain silent when asked questions regarding his or
her age;
(8) The minor shall not lie to the seller of the tobacco product,
alternative nicotine product, or vapor product to induce a sale of tobacco
(9) The minor shall not be employed by the state, county, municipal
or other local law enforcement agency on an incentive or quota basis;
(10) The state, county, municipal or other local law enforcement
agency shall, within forty-eight hours, contact or take all reasonable
steps to contact the owner or manager of the establishment if a violation
(11) The state, county, municipal or other local law enforcement
agency shall maintain records of each visit to an establishment where a
minor is used by the state, county, municipal or other local law
enforcement agency for a period of at least one year following the
incident, regardless of whether a violation occurs at each visit, and such
records shall, at a minimum, include the following information:
(a) The signed consent form of the minor's parent or legal guardian;
(b) A Polaroid photograph of the minor;
(c) A photocopy of the minor's valid identification, showing the
minor's correct date of birth;
(d) An information sheet completed by the minor on a form approved
by the supervisor; and
(e) The name of each establishment visited by the minor, and the
date and time of each visit.
6. If the state, county, municipal or other local law enforcement
authority uses minors in investigations or in enforcing or determining
violations of this chapter or any local ordinance and does not comply
with the mandatory guidelines established by the supervisor of liquor
control in subsection 5 of this section, the supervisor of liquor control
shall not take any disciplinary action against the establishment or seller
pursuant to this chapter based on an alleged violation discovered when
using a minor and shall not cooperate in any way with the state, county,
municipal or other local law enforcement authority in prosecuting any
alleged violation discovered when using a minor.
(L. 2001 H.B. 381, A.L. 2014 S.B. 841)
*Effective 10-10-14, see § 21.250. S.B. 841 was vetoed July 14, 2014. The veto was
overridden on September 10, 2014.
Chapter 407 Merchandising Practices - Tobacco Products
Affirmative defense, conclusive presumption, proof required,
Alternative nicotine products, defined 407.925.
Center of youth activity, defined, 407.925.
Compliance training not to exceed ninety minutes, 407.929.
Defense to violation actions, reasonable reliance on proof, 407.925.
Definitions, 407.925.
Distribute, defined, 407.925.
Distribution or sale by mail or through internet, violation, penalties,
Family members exempt if distribution in place not open to
public, 407.931.
Owners of establishments selling tobacco products exempt, when,
exemption does not apply, when, 407.931.
Individual cigarettes, prohibited sale and distribution of, 407.931.
Individual packs of cigarettes, conditions for selling, 407.928.
Liability limitations, 407.929
Minor, defined, 407.925
Misrepresentation of age by minor to purchase tobacco products
prohibited, penalties, 407.933.
Municipality, defined, 407.925
Nicotine liquid container, defined, 407.926
Childproof container, 407.926
Penalties, 407.931.
Person, defined, 407.925
Political subdivision may make more stringent rules, 407.932.
Possession, purchase or attempted purchase by minor prohibited,
exceptions, penalties, 407.933
Proof of age
Alteration, modification or misrepresentation of license or
identification card, penalty, 407.929.
Defined, 407.925.
Required, when, 407.929.
Acceptable types of I.D., 407.929.
Holder required to present, when, 407.929. Owner or
employee required to compare physical characteristics,
Retail sales tax license required for sale of tobacco products, 407.934.
Right of appeal, 407.925.
Rolling papers, defined, 407.925.
Sale to minors, prohibited, 407.925.
Sampling, defined, 407.925.
Sign stating violation to sell to minor, content, size, and color of
sign, 407.927.
Failure to display sign, penalty, 407.931.
Owners of establishment to prominently display, 407.927.
Vending machines, display, 407.927.
Tobacco Products, defined, 407.925.
Vapor product, defined, 407.925
Vending Machines, defined, 407.925.
Violations, person liable, limitation, penalties, 407.929.
Rules and Regulations of the
Supervisor of Alcohol and Tobacco Control
11 CSR 70-3
Rules of
Department of Public Safety
Division 70—Division of Liquor Control
Chapter 3—Tobacco Regulations
Title Page
11 CSR 70-3.010 Retailer Employee Tobacco Training Criteria ...........................................................3
11 CSR 70-3.020 Use of Minors in Enforcement………………………………....................................3
Division of Liquor Control
Chapter 3—Tobacco Regulations
11 CSR 70-3.010
Retailer Employee Tobacco Training Criteria
PURPOSE: This rule establishes training criteria for retailers and
employees selling tobacco products.
(1) Minimum retailer employee tobacco training, as referenced in
section 407.931.6, RSMo, is not to exceed a total of ninety (90)
minutes in length and covers the following criteria:
(A) State laws set out in sections 407.926, RSMo, et seq.;
(B) Federal regulations pertaining to retail sales of tobacco products,
alternative nicotine products, or vapor products, set out in 21 CFR
1140.1 et seq.;
(C) What constitutes a valid identification as set out in section
407.929.2, RSMo;
(D) How to determine the validity of an identification and to detect
fake, invalid and/or altered identifications; and
(E) The refusal and denial of the sale of tobacco products,
alternative nicotine products, or vapor products to a minor or to
someone without proper identification.
(2) An owner of an establishment where tobacco products, alternative
nicotine products, or vapor products are available for sale may claim
the exemption of section 407.931.6, RSMo if said owner had in place
an in-house or other tobacco compliance employee training program
meeting the criteria in section (1) above, and the training was attended
by all employees who sell tobacco products, alternative nicotine
products, or vapor products to the general public.
(3) Each employee attending the training is to sign and date a
certification upon completion of the training stating that the employee
has been trained and understands the state laws and federal regulations
regarding the sale of tobacco products, alternative nicotine products,
or vapor products. This certification is to be presented to the
supervisor of Alcohol and Tobacco Control upon request.
AUTHORITY: section 407.931.6(3), RSMo 2016.* Original rule filed Sept. 27, 2001,
effective March 30, 2002. Amended: Filed Oct. 10, 2018, effective May 30, 2019.
*Original authority: 407.931, RSMo 1992, amended 2001, 2014.
11 CSR 70-3.020
Use of Minors in Enforcement
PURPOSE: This rule establishes guidelines for the use of minors by
a state, county, municipal, or other local law enforcement authority
pursuant to section 407.934, RSMo.
(1) The Supervisor of the Division of Alcohol and Tobacco Control
(the “supervisor” and the “division”) adopts the standards set forth in
subsection 5 of section 407.934, RSMo (the “statute”), as mandatory
guidelines for the use of minors in investigations of violations of
Chapter 407 by a state, county, municipal, or other local law
enforcement agency (“agency” or “authority”), which shall be
followed by such authority. Agencies are also to adhere to the
following guidelines:
(A) The agency shall search the minor prior to an investigation to
ensure that the minor is not in possession of
1. Any identification showing an incorrect date of birth for the
minor; or
2. Any tobacco, alternative nicotine, or vapor product;
(B) The agency shall, in advance of an investigation, train the minor
who will be used in the operation. At a minimum, this training shall
include instruction on the standards set forth in the statute and this
rule; and
(C) A color photograph that clearly identifies the minor when
printed or displayed at a size of three inches (3") by three inches (3")
or larger shall satisfy any requirement for a photograph contained in
the statute.
(2) Blank copies of the current editions of forms approved by the
supervisor pursuant to the statute and this rule shall be made available
on the division’s website.
(3) All references to statutes in this section include any successor
AUTHORITY: section 407.934.5, RSMo 2016.* Original rule filed on Sept. 27, 2001,
effective March 30, 2002. Rescinded: Filed July 9, 2018, effective Jan. 30, 2019. Proposed
rule filed Aug. 14, 2020, effective March 30, 2021.
*Original authority: 407.934, RSMo 2001, amended 2014.
Chapter 302, RSMo
Chapter 302
Abuse and Lose
302.400. Suspension or revocation of driving privileges, persons
under twenty-one years of age — violation of certain laws
— surrender of licenses — court to forward to director of
revenue — period of suspension; Effective 1-01-17
302.405. Revocation of driving privileges, persons over twenty-one
years of age — possession or use of drug in motor vehicle
surrender of licenses court shall forward order to
department of revenue; Effective 1-01-17
302.410. Director of revenue to suspend or revoke license, when
hardship driving privileges may be granted, procedure
temporary instruction permits allowed, when.; Effective
302.415. Failure to surrender licenses, certain law enforcement
officer may seize. ; Effective 1-01-17
302.420. License reinstatement, substance abuse traffic offender
program — professional assessment — supplemental fee,
disposition, failure to remit, penalty.; Effective 1-01-17
302.425. Completion of substance abuse traffic offender program,
persons under twenty-one years of age, required, when,
standards by department of mental health; Effective 1-01-
302.426. Department of revenue — rules and regulations; Effective
302.400. Suspension or revocation of driving privileges, persons
under twenty-one years of age — violation of certain laws —
surrender of licenses — court to forward to director of revenue
period of suspension.
1. A court of competent jurisdiction shall, upon a finding of guilt, or, if
the court is a juvenile court, upon a finding of fact that the offense was
committed by a juvenile, enter an order suspending or revoking the
driving privileges of any person determined to have committed one of
the following offenses and who, at the time said offense was
committed, was under twenty-one years of age:
(1) Any alcohol-related traffic offense in violation of state law or a
county or municipal ordinance, where the defendant was represented
by an attorney or waived the right to an attorney in writing;
(2) Any offense in violation of state law or a county or municipal
ordinance, where the defendant was represented by an attorney or
waived the right to an attorney in writing, involving the possession or
use of alcohol, committed while operating a motor vehicle;
(3) Any offense involving the possession or use of a controlled
substance as defined in chapter 195 in violation of state law or a
county or municipal ordinance, where the defendant was represented
by an attorney or waived the right to an attorney in writing;
(4) Any offense involving the alteration, modification, or
misrepresentation of a license to operate a motor vehicle in violation
of section 311.328;
(5) Any subsequent offense in violation of state law or a county or
municipal ordinance, where the defendant was represented by, or
waived in writing the right to, an attorney, involving the possession or
use of alcohol; except that a determination of guilt or its equivalent
shall have been made for the first offense and both offenses shall have
been committed by the person when the person was under eighteen
years of age.
2. A court of competent jurisdiction shall, upon a finding of guilt, or,
if the court is a juvenile court, upon a finding of fact that the offense
was committed by a juvenile, enter an order suspending or revoking
the driving privileges of any person determined to have committed a
violation of section 311.325 and who, at the time said violation was
committed, was more than fifteen years of age and under twenty-one
years of age.
3. The court shall require the person against whom a court has entered
an order suspending or revoking driving privileges under subsections
1 and 2 of this section to surrender any license to operate a motor
vehicle, temporary instruction permit, intermediate driver's license, or
any other driving privilege then held by such person.
4. The court, if other than a juvenile court, shall forward to the
director of revenue the order of suspension or revocation of driving
privileges and any licenses, temporary instruction permits,
intermediate driver's licenses, or any other driving privilege acquired
under subsection 3 of this section.
5. (1) Notwithstanding chapter 211 to the contrary, the court, if a
juvenile court, shall forward to the director of revenue the order of
suspension or revocation of driving privileges and any licenses,
temporary instruction permits, intermediate driver's licenses, or any
other driving privilege acquired under subsection 3 of this section for
any person sixteen years of age or older.
(2) Notwithstanding chapter 211 to the contrary, the court, if a
juvenile court, shall hold the order of suspension or revocation of
driving privileges for any person less than sixteen years of age until
thirty days before the person's sixteenth birthday, at which time the
juvenile court shall forward to the director of revenue the order of
suspension or revocation of driving privileges.
6. The period of suspension for a first offense under subsection 1 of
this section shall be ninety days. Any second or subsequent offense
under subsection 1 of this section shall result in revocation of the
offender's driving privileges for one year. The period of suspension
for a first offense under subsection 2 of this section shall be thirty
days. The period of suspension for a second offense under subsection
2 of this section shall be ninety days. Any third or subsequent offense
under subsection 2 of this section shall result in revocation of the
offender's driving privileges for one year.
(L. 1987 S.B. 230 § 1, A.L. 1991 S.B. 125 & 341, A.L. 2005 H.B. 353 merged with S.B.
37, et al. merged with S.B. 402, A.L. 2014 S.B. 491)
Transferred 2014; formerly 577.500; Effective 1-01-17
302.405. Revocation of driving privileges, persons over twenty-
one years of age possession or use of drug in motor vehicle
surrender of licenses — court shall forward order to department of
A court of competent jurisdiction shall enter an order revoking the
driving privileges of any person determined to have violated any state,
county, or municipal law involving the possession or use of a controlled
substance, as defined in chapter 195, while operating a motor vehicle
and who, at the time said offense was committed, was twenty-one years
of age or older. The court shall require the person to surrender to the
court all operator's and chauffeur's licenses then held by such person.
The court shall forward to the director of revenue the order of
revocation of driving privileges and any licenses surrendered.
(L. 1987 S.B. 230 § 2, A.L. 2014 S.B. 491)
Transferred 2014; formerly 577.505; Effective 1-01-17
302.410. Director of revenue to suspend or revoke license, when
hardship driving privileges may be granted, procedure
temporary instruction permits allowed, when.
1. Upon receipt of a court order suspending or revoking the driving
privileges of a person under sections 302.400 and 302.405, the director
of revenue shall suspend the driving privileges for ninety days or revoke
the driving privileges of such person for a period of one year, provided
however, that in the case of a person who at the time of the offense was
less than sixteen years of age, the period of suspension or revocation
shall commence on that person's sixteenth birthday. The provisions of
this chapter to the contrary notwithstanding, the suspension or
revocation shall be imposed without further hearing. Any person whose
driving privileges have been suspended or revoked under sections
302.400 and 302.405 may petition the circuit court for a hardship
driving privilege and said application shall be determined and
administered in the same manner as allowed in section 302.309.
2. The director of revenue shall permit the issuance of a temporary
instruction permit in the same manner as allowed in subsection 3 of
section 302.130 to persons fifteen years of age and under seventeen
years of age denied driving privileges by court order pursuant to section
302.400. This exception only applies to instruction permits that entitle
a person to operate a motor vehicle on the highways in the presence of
an authorized instructor.
(L. 1987 S.B. 230 § 3, A.L. 1991 S.B. 125 & 341, A.L. 2014 S.B. 491)
Transferred 2014; formerly 577.510; Effective 1-01-17
302.415. Failure to surrender licenses, certain law enforcement
officer may seize.
If a person shall neglect or refuse to surrender all operator's and
chauffeur's licenses, as provided for in sections 302.400 and 302.405,
the director shall direct the state highway patrol or any peace or police
officer to secure possession thereof and return such license or licenses
to the director.
(L. 1987 S.B. 230 § 4, A.L. 2014 S.B. 491)
Transferred 2014; formerly 577.515; Effective 1-01-17
302.420. License reinstatement, substance abuse traffic offender
program professional assessment supplemental fee,
disposition, failure to remit, penalty..
1. No person who has had his or her license suspended or revoked under
the provisions of sections 302.400 and 302.405 shall have that license
reinstated until he or she has paid a twenty-dollar reinstatement fee and
has successfully completed a substance abuse traffic offender program
as defined in section 302.010.
2. The fees for the substance abuse traffic offender program, or a portion
thereof to be determined by the division of alcohol and drug abuse of
the department of mental health, shall be paid by the person enrolled in
the program. Any person who is enrolled in the program shall pay, in
addition to any fee charged for the program, a supplemental fee to be
determined by the department of mental health for the purposes of
funding the substance abuse traffic offender program defined in section
302.010, or a program determined to be comparable by the department
of mental health. The administrator of the program shall remit to the
division of alcohol and drug abuse of the department of mental health
on or before the fifteenth of each month the supplemental fees for all
persons enrolled in the program, less two percent for administrative
costs. Interest shall be charged on any unpaid balance of the
supplemental fees due the division of alcohol and drug abuse pursuant
to this section and shall accrue at a rate not to exceed the annual rates
established pursuant to the provisions of section 32.065 plus three
percentage points. The supplemental fees and any interest received by
the department of mental health pursuant to this section shall be
deposited in the mental health earnings fund which is created in section
3. Any administrator who fails to remit to the division of alcohol and
drug abuse of the department of mental health the supplemental fees
and interest for all persons enrolled in the program pursuant to this
section shall be subject to a penalty equal to the amount of interest
accrued on the supplemental fees due the division pursuant to this
section. If the supplemental fees, interest, and penalties are not remitted
to the division of alcohol and drug abuse of the department of mental
health within six months of the due date, the attorney general of the
state of Missouri shall initiate appropriate action to collect said fees and
any accrued interest. The court shall assess attorney fees and court costs
against any delinquent program.
(L. 1987 S.B. 230 § 5, A.L. 1991 S.B. 125 & 341, A.L. 1993 S.B. 167, A.L. 1996 H.B. 1169
& 1271 merged with S.B. 722, A.L. 2003 H.B. 600, A.L. 2014 S.B. 491)
Transferred 2014; formerly 577.520; Effective 1-01-17
302.425. Completion of substance abuse traffic offender
program, persons under twenty-one years of age, required, when,
standards by department of mental health.
Any court which has jurisdiction over violations of state, county or
municipal laws shall enter an order, in addition to other orders
authorized by law, requiring the completion of a substance abuse traffic
offender program as defined in section 302.010, as a part of the
judgment entered in the case, for any person determined to have
violated a state, county, or municipal law involving the possession or
use of alcohol and who at the time of said offense was under twenty-
one years of age when the court, if a juvenile court, finds that the
offense was committed by such person or, if a city, county, or state
court, when the person pleads guilty, or is found guilty of such offense
by the court.
(L. 1987 S.B. 230 § 6, A.L. 1991 S.B. 125 & 341, A.L. 1996 H.B. 1169 & 1271 merged
with S.B. 722, A.L. 2014 S.B. 491)
Transferred 2014; formerly 577.525; Effective 1-01-17
302.426. Department of revenue — rules and regulations.
The director of revenue shall have authority to make such rules and
regulations as he or she deems necessary for the administration of
sections 302.400 to 302.425. Any rule or portion of a rule, as that term
is defined in section 536.010, that is created under the authority
delegated in this section shall become effective only if it complies with
and is subject to all of the provisions of chapter 536 and, if applicable,
section 536.028. This section and chapter 536 are nonseverable and if
any of the powers vested with the general assembly under chapter 536
to review, to delay the effective date, or to disapprove and annul a rule
are subsequently held unconstitutional, then the grant of rulemaking
authority and any rule proposed or adopted after January 1, 2017, shall
be invalid and void.
(L. 1987 S.B. 230 § 7, A.L. 1993 S.B. 52, A.L. 1995 S.B. 3, A.L. 2014 S.B. 491)
Transferred 2014; formerly 577.530; Effective 1-01-17