This Notice tells how your medical information
may be used or shared. It also tells how you can
get your information. Please read it carefully.
Ask us if you have any questions. Or call the
Privacy Ofce at (615) 936-3594.
Why We Keep Information about You
We keep medical information about you to help
care for you and because the law requires us to.
The law also says we must:
protect your medical information
give you this Notice
follow what the Notice says.
What the Words We Use Mean
“Notice” means this Notice of Privacy
“VUMC” means Vanderbilt University
Medical Center, its staff, and any afliated
organizations covered by the Notice. (Covered
entities are listed at the end of the Notice.)
“We,” “our,” or “us” means one or more
VUMC organizations, providers, or staff.
“You” means the patient that the medical
information is about.
“Medical information” means all the paper
and electronic records related to a patient’s
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MC 2740 (09/2013)
Notice of Privacy Practices
Effective September 1, 2013
physical and mental health care—past,
present, or future. These records tell who
the patient is and include information about
billing and payment.
“Use” means sharing or using medical
information within VUMC.
“Share” means giving medical information,
or access to information, to someone outside
How We May Use and Share Information
about You
We use electronic record systems to manage
your care. These systems have safeguards
to protect the information in them. We also
have policies and training that limit the use of
information to those who need it to do their job.
Doctors and other people who are not employed
by VUMC may share information they have
about you with our employees in order to care
for you.
Hospitals, clinics, doctors, and other caregivers,
programs, and services may share medical
information about you without your consent for
many reasons. Here are just a few examples:
For Treatment
We may use and share medical information to
treat you. For example, a doctor treating you
for a broken leg will need to know if you have
diabetes because diabetes can slow healing.
The doctor may need to tell food services that
you have diabetes so the right meals can be
prepared for you.
We may also share medical information about
you so that you can get
medicine, medical equipment, or other things
you need for your health care
lab tests, x-rays, transportation, home care,
nursing care, rehab, or other health care
Medical information may also be shared when
needed to plan for your care after you leave
For Billing and Payment
We may use and share your information so
that we and others who have provided services
to you can bill and collect payment for these
services. For example, we may share your
medical information with your health plan:
so your health plan will pay for care you got
to get approval before doing a procedure
so your health plan can make sure they have
paid the right amount to VUMC.
We may also share your information with a
collection agency if a bill is overdue.
For Business Reasons
We may use and share information about you
for business reasons. When we do this, we may,
if we can, take out information that identies
who you are.
Some of the business reasons we may use or
share your medical information include:
to follow laws and regulations
to train and educate
for credentialing, licensure, certication, and
to improve our care and services
to budget and plan
to do an audit
to maintain computer systems
to evaluate our staff
to decide if we should offer more services
to nd out how satised our patients are
to bill and collect payment.
Anyone we share information with in order to
do these tasks on behalf of us must also protect
and restrict the use of your medical information.
To Contact You about Appointments, Insurance,
and Other Matters
We may contact you by mail, phone, text, or
email for many reasons, including to:
remind you about an appointment
register you for a procedure
give you test results
ask about insurance, billing, or payment
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follow up on your care
ask you how well we cared for you.
We may leave voice messages at the telephone
number you give to us. If you choose to have us
contact you by text, texting charges may apply.
To Tell You about Treatment Options or
Health-related Products and Services
We may use or share your information to let you
know about treatment options or health-related
products or services that may interest you.
For Fundraising
We may use your name, address, phone number,
the dates and places you got services at VUMC,
and the names of your doctors to contact you
to try to raise money for VUMC. You have the
right to ask not to be contacted for fundraising.
If we contact you, we will tell you how to
prevent future contact if you wish.
For the Hospital Directory
If you are admitted to the hospital, your name,
where you are in the hospital, your general
condition (such as “fair” or “stable”), and your
religion is included in the patient directory at
the information desk. This helps family, friends,
and clergy visit you and learn your condition.
Except for your religion, this information may
be shared with visitors or phone callers who
ask for you by name. Unless you tell us not to,
your religion may be shared with a member of
the clergy, such as a priest or rabbi, even if you
aren’t asked for by name.
If you ask us to take your name from the
directory, we will not share your information
even if you are asked for by name.
To Inform Family Members and Friends Involved
in Your Care or Paying for Your Care
We may share information about you with
family members and friends who are involved
in your care or paying for your care. Whenever
possible, we will allow you to tell us who
you would like to be involved in your care.
However, in emergencies or other situations in
which you are unable to tell us who to share
information with, we will use our best judgment
and share only information that others need to
know. We may also share information about you
with a public or private agency during a disaster
so that the agency can help contact your family
or friends to tell them where you are and how
you are doing.
For Research
We may use and share medical information
about you for the research we do to improve
public health and develop new knowledge.
For example, a research project may compare
the health and recovery of patients who
received one medicine for an illness to those
who received a different medicine for the same
illness. We use and share your information for
research only as allowed by federal and state
rules. Each research project is approved through
a special process that balances the research
needs with the patient’s need for privacy. In
most cases, if the research involves your care
or the sharing of medical information that can
identify you, we will rst explain to you how
your information will be used and ask your
consent to use the information. We may access
your medical information before the approval
process to design the research project and
provide the information needed for approval.
Health information used to prepare a research
project does not leave VUMC.
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To Stop a Serious Threat
We may share your medical information to
prevent a serious and urgent threat to the health
and safety of you or someone else. For example,
a threat to harm another person may be reported
to the police.
For Organ, Eye, and Tissue Donation
We share medical information about organ, eye,
and tissue donors and about the patients who
need the organs, eyes, and tissues with others
involved in getting, storing, and transplanting
the organs, eyes, and tissues.
With Military Authorities
If you are a member or veteran of the armed
forces, we may share your medical information
with the military as authorized or required
by law. We may also share information about
foreign military personnel to the proper foreign
military authority.
For Workers’ Compensation
We may share medical information about you
with those who need it in order to provide
benets for work-related injuries or illness.
For Health Oversight and Public Health Reporting
We may share information for audits,
investigations, inspections, and licensing with
agencies that oversee health organizations.
We may also share your medical information in
reports to public health agencies.
Some reasons for this include:
to prevent or control disease and injuries
to report certain kinds of events, such as
births and deaths
to report abuse or neglect of children, elders,
or dependent adults
to report reactions to medicines or problems
with medical products
to tell people about recalls of medical
products they may be using
to let someone know that they may have been
exposed to a disease or may spread a disease
to notify the authorities if we believe a patient
has been the victim of abuse, neglect, or
domestic violence.
For Lawsuits and Disputes
We may share your medical information as
directed by a court order, subpoena, discovery
request, warrant, summons, or other lawful
instructions from a court or public body when
needed for a legal or administrative proceeding.
With Law Enforcement and Other Ocials
We may share your medical information with
a law enforcement ofcial as authorized or
required by law:
in response to a court order, subpoena,
warrant, summons, or similar process
to identify or nd a suspect, fugitive, material
witness, or missing person
if you are suspected to be a victim of a crime.
(We generally do this with your permission)
because of a death we believe may have been
caused by a crime
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because of criminal conduct at the hospital
in an emergency: to report a crime; the
location of the crime or victims; or the
identity, description, or location of the person
who committed the crime
if you are under the custody of the police or
other law enforcement ofcial.
We May Also Share Your Medical Information with:
coroners, medical examiners, and funeral
directors, so they can carry out their duties
federal ofcials for national security and
intelligence activities
federal ofcials who provide protective
services for the President and others, such as
foreign heads of state, or to conduct special
a correctional institution if you are an inmate
a school to conrm that you have been
Other Uses of Your Medical Information
We will not use or share your medical
information for reasons other than those
described in this Notice unless you agree to this
in writing. For example, you may want us to
give medical information to your employer. We
will do this only with your written approval.
Likewise, we would not use your information
for marketing, sell your information, or share
psychotherapy notes without your written
approval. You may revoke the approval in
writing at any time, but we cannot take back
any medical information that has already been
shared with your approval.
Your Rights Regarding
Your Medical Information
The records we create and maintain using your
medical information belong to VUMC, but you
have the following rights:
Right to Review and Get a Copy of
Your Medical Information
You have the right to look at and get a copy of
your medical information, including billing
records. You must make your request in writing
to Medical Information Services at the address
listed at the end of this Notice. We may charge
a fee to cover copying, mailing, and other costs
and supplies. In rare cases, we may deny your
request for certain information. If we deny your
request, we will give you the reason why in
writing. In some cases, you may ask that the
denial be reviewed by a licensed health care
professional chosen by VUMC.
Right to Ask for a Change in
Your Medical Information
If you think our information about you is not
correct or complete, you may ask us to correct
your record by writing to Medical Information
Services at the address listed at the end of this
Notice. Your written request must say why you
are asking for the correction. We will respond in
60 days.
If we agree, we will tell you and correct your
record. We cannot take anything out of the
record. We can only add new information to
complete or correct the existing information.
With your help, we will notify others who have
the incorrect or incomplete medical information.
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If we deny your request, we will tell you why in
writing. You will then have the right to submit a
written statement of 250 words or less that tells
what you believe is not correct or is missing. We
will add your written statement to your records
and include it whenever we share the part of
your medical record that your written statement
relates to.
Right to Ask For a List of When Your Medical
Information Was Shared
You have the right to ask for a list of when your
medical information was shared without your
written consent.
This list will NOT include uses or sharing:
for treatment, payment, or business reasons
with you or someone representing you
with those who ask for your information as
listed in the hospital directory
with family members or friends involved in
your care
in those very few instances where the law
does not require or permit it
as part of a limited data set with direct
identiers removed
released before April 14, 2003.
You must request this list in writing from the
Privacy Ofce at the address listed at the end
of this Notice. Your request must state the time
period for which you want the list. The time
period may not be longer than 6 years from the
date of your request. The rst list you ask for
within a 12-month period will be free. You may
be charged a fee if you ask for another list in that
same 12-month period.
Right to Notice in Case of a Breach
You have a right to know if your information
has been breached (not treated according to our
rules). We will follow what the privacy laws
require to let you know if your information has
been shared in error.
Right to Ask for Limits on the Use and Sharing of
Your Medical Information
You have the right to ask that we limit the use or
sharing of information about you for treatment,
payment, or business reasons. You also have the
right to ask us to limit the medical information
we share about you with someone involved
in your care or paying for your care, such as
a family member or friend. For example, you
could ask that we not share information about
a surgery you had. Except for the sharing of
information with health plans described in
the next section, we reserve the right to accept
or reject your request. Generally, we will not
accept limits for treatment, payment, or business
reasons. We will let you know if we do not agree
to your request. If we do agree, our agreement
must be in writing, and we will follow your
request unless the information is needed to
treat you in an emergency. We are allowed to
end a limit if we tell you. If we end a limit,
only medical information that was created or
received after we notify you will be affected.
You must make your request to limit the use and
sharing of your medical information in writing to
the Privacy Ofce at the address listed at the end
of this Notice. In your request, you must tell us
what information you want to limit
whether you want to limit our use or sharing
of the information, or both
AND to whom you want the limits to apply.
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Right to Limit Sharing of Information
with Health Plans
If you paid in full for your services, you have
the right to limit the information that is shared
with your health plan or insurer. To do this,
you must ask before you receive any services.
Let us know you want to limit sharing with
your health plan when you schedule your
Any information shared before we receive
payment in full, such as information for pre-
authorizing your insurance, may be shared.
Also, because we have a medical record
system that combines all your records, we can
limit information only for an episode of care
(services given during a single visit to the clinic
or hospital). If you wish to limit information
beyond an episode of care, you will have to pay
in full for each future visit as well.
Right to Ask for Condential Communications
You have the right to ask us to communicate
with you in a certain way or at a certain place.
For example, you can ask that we contact you
only at work or only using a post ofce box.
You must make your request in writing to the
Privacy Ofce at the address listed at the end of
this Notice. You do not need to tell us the reason
for your request. Your request must say how
or where you wish to be contacted. You must
also tell us what address to send your bills for
payment. We will accept all reasonable requests.
However, if we are unable to contact you using
the ways or locations you have requested, we
may contact you using any information we have.
Right to Get a Paper Copy of This Notice
You have the right to get a paper copy of this
Notice, even if you have agreed to receive it
electronically. You may get a copy:
at any of our facilities
by contacting the Privacy Ofce at the
number listed at the end of this Notice
Changes to this Notice
We have the right to change this Notice at
any time. Any change could apply to medical
information we already have about you, as well
as information we receive in the future. The
effective date of this Notice is on the rst page
of the Notice. A copy of the current
Notice is posted throughout VUMC and at
How to Ask a Question or
Report a Complaint
If you have questions about this Notice or want
to talk about a problem without ling a formal
complaint, please contact the Privacy Ofce at
(615) 936-3594. If you believe your privacy rights
have been violated, you may le a complaint
with us. Please send it to the VUMC Privacy
Ofcial at the address listed at the end of this
Notice. You may also le a complaint with
VUMC Patient Relations or the Ofce of Civil
Rights at the addresses listed at the end of this
You will not be treated differently for ling a
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How to Contact Us
VUMC Privacy Ofce
2146 Belcourt Avenue, 1st Floor
Nashville, TN 37212
(615) 936-3594
privacy.of[email protected]
VUMC Medical Information Services
4560 Trousdale Drive, Suite 101
Nashville, TN 37204-4538
(615) 322-2062
VUMC Patient Relations
1817 The Vanderbilt Clinic
Nashville, TN 37232-5612
(615) 322-6154
Ofce for Civil Rights, Region IV, DHHS
Atlanta Federal Center
61 Forsyth Street SW, Suite 3B70
Atlanta, GA 30323
VUMC Includes the Following Covered Entities:
Vanderbilt University Hospital
Psychiatric Hospital at Vanderbilt
Monroe Carell Jr. Children’s Hospital at
VUMC clinics and practices
VUMC Outpatient Pharmacies
Members of the VUMC Medical Staff while
practicing at VUMC
Vanderbilt Medical Group
Vanderbilt School of Medicine
Vanderbilt School of Nursing
VUMC Administration (functions that
involve the use or sharing of protected health
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Vanderbilt Home Care Services
Vanderbilt Integrated Providers (VIP)
VIP MidSouth, LLC
Vanderbilt Imaging Services, LLC
Cool Springs Imaging (Williamson Imaging,
One Hundred Oaks Imaging, LLC
Gateway-Vanderbilt Cancer Treatment Center
Vanderbilt Health Williamson Medical Center
Clinics and Services, LLC
This list may be updated from time to time. For
a current list, contact the VUMC Privacy Ofce.