Document Title: Personal Characteristics and Validity of
Eyewitness Testimony
Author(s): Igor Areh and Peter Umek
Document No.: 208001
Date Received: December 2004
This paper appears in Policing in Central and
Eastern Europe: Dilemmas of Contemporary
Criminal Justice, edited by Gorazd Mesko, Milan
Pagon, and Bojan Dobovsek, and published by
the Faculty of Criminal Justice, University of
Maribor, Slovenia.
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If criminal investigators do not find any firm evidence and relevant witness of a
crime exists, a question about reliability of a witness is brought forward. Is it
possible to successfully assess a subject and predict the validity of an eyewitness
testimony? In an effort to come close to an answer we have been working on a
research project in which we try to explain connection between specific personal
characteristics and memory recall. We assume that it is possible to develop a model
which will help criminal investigators (psychologists) to predict, with some fair
certainty, suitability of an eyewitness.
Personal characteristics were measured by Eysenck's test of personality EPQ, with
which we searched for a correlation among personal traits and the validity of
witness memory recall.
Persons high on extroversion and low on neuroticism are more reliable witnesses.
Extrovert ones are oriented toward other people and more empathetic. Accuracy of
memory recall also depends on personal emotional stability. Thus subjects with
high neuroticism produce less accurate recall (higher proportion of added and
false details). Similar performance by subjects with high psychoticism was found.
They are less empathetic, less social and they care less about collaboration with in
vestigators and performance in the experiment. They also showed a weak response
or low quantity of recalled data.
A criminal justice system relies heavily on eyewitness reports for investigating and
prosecuting crimes. An incorrect or a completely false eyewitness testimony can have
negative or even fatal consequences, especially if it is the only piece of evidence
available. Psychologists and other scientists are trying to investigate various factors
related to the accuracy of eyewitness testimony. These factors include characteristics
of the eyewitness, of the witnessed event, of the testimony etc.
Research began in the 1970s and the findings were quite important. In spite of that, it was
not until 1990s that criminal justice personnel began to take these research results
seriously. This change in the attitude was partly due to the putting of DNA tests into
force. The research in the USA showed that among one hundred people who were
convicted prior to the advent of forensic DNA tests, approximately 75 % were victims of
mistaken eyewitness identification (Wells, 1998). Those results are not only a conse
quence of memory imperfection. It is obvious that a behaviour expressed by a witness
has an important influence on police officers, investigators, members of a jury, judges
etc. (Ebbesen, 2000). Due to the fact that in most cases crimes do not include DNA-rich
biological traces, our reliance on eyewitness testimony has not been weakened.
Today's knowledge about problems connected with eyewitness testimony derives
form two sources: from the simulations made in the laboratory conditions and from
real-world observations. If we wish to understand the quality and quantity of eyewit
ness testimony, we need to investigate real-world situations (Schacter, 1996). Never
theless, in these situations it is often difficult to gather objective knowledge of the
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are those of the author and do not imply endorsement, recommendation, or favor by the U.S. Government.
events as they occurred - objective records of the real-world events are rarely made. To
avoid this problem, eyewitness researchers often present simulated events (on video
tape or staged) that can later be recalled. In a well considered simulation, it is not hard
to be in necessary control of most relevant variables. Irrespective of the quality of the
simulation, we get the research results whose ecological validity is limited. In the arti
ficial environment, some key factors are missing, among them surprise, life-threaten
ing circumstances, high emotions…
A few years ago Peter Umek began a systematic research on eyewitness testimony. He
carried out several experiments in which he wanted to verify theoretical and experi
mental findings that came from Western Europe and especially from the USA. These
experiments included eyewitness line-up and photo spread identification, eyewitness
suggestibility and memory distortions. The results of his research done in different
social contexts are in accordance with the findings of other researchers.
Recently we began a research project in which we are trying to build up a model of a
witness assessment. Our efforts are focused on the search for a connection among
personal characteristics and accuracy of her/his testimony. The hypothesis we are
trying to confirm is that the accuracy of testimony is possible to predict if specific
personal characteristics are known. We intend to use several well known personality
tests which are standardized in Slovenia and examine the connection among personal
traits and accuracy of eyewitness testimony.
Hundred persons aged about twenty participated in the experiment, approximately 50
% of each gender, all of them freshmen at the Faculty of Criminal Justice. None of
them had any prior knowledge about eyewitness testimony. They participated volun
We used Eysenck's questionnaire of personality EPQ witch is standardized for the use
with the Slovenian population. The questionnaire measures three dimensions of per
introversion extraversion (extraversion refers to a tendency to be sociable and
willing to take risks. These subjects are open to the experience coming from the
environment. Introversion stands for the opposite characteristics). Because of
their characteristics we assumed that extraverts would produce better eyewitness
Psychoticism impulse control (people high on psychoticism are aggressive,
egocentric, impulsive, antisocial. Those who are low in psychoticism are empa
thic and able to control their impulses). We assumed that low psychoticism
helped in eyewitness testimony.
Neuroticism emotional stability (persons high on neuroticism report feeling
anxious, guilty, tense, moody and they tend to have low self-esteem). Again, we
expected a high correlation between emotional stability and quality of eyewitness
We also found the lie scale very interesting (L). It shows person's tendency to give
answers that are socially more desirable or, in other words, answers that are expected
to please the experimenter. We hypothesize that people with a high lie score would
show less accurate memory recall.
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are those of the author and do not imply endorsement, recommendation, or favor by the U.S. Government.
Beside Eysenck's questionnaire a short film about physical attack which ends with a
robbery was shown. The robbery starts with a man bumping into a woman going
downstairs from her apartment. He starts to beg for a small amount of money. She
refuses him and gradually his behaviour becomes more violent until he physically
attacks her and finally grabs her bag and runs away. To be more realistic, the film
simulated a recording made by the safety camera.
Characteristics of memory recall were checked with a special form (half structured
interview). The form had four pages and it contained several check points which
helped participants in recalling details of the event and details of both persons
A relationship among variables was established on the basis of Pearson's correlation co
efficient. As a dependant variable accuracy of memory recall was used. As independent
or predicting variable Eysenck's three dimensions and the lie scale (L) were used.
In the effort to predict the quality or validity of an eyewitness, we used the regression
method. As predicting variables we entered the personal dimensions from the personal
questionnaire, besides we entered the value of the participants self-estimated self- con
After filling in the personal questionnaire the short film presenting a robbery was
shown to the participants. Before the film was shown the participants were told that the
event actually happened a few weeks ago and that they are asked to help criminal in
vestigators in their effort to confirm some hypotheses regarding the robbery. Seven
days later the quality and quantity of memory recall were tested.
The regression analysis produced the results that were a bit disappointing. Based on
the gathered data it is impossible to make a good prediction of a testimony validity. Re
gression calculations show that, with the set of the predictors mentioned above, it is
possible to explain only 26 % of total variance on witness accuracy. Among all the pre
dictors there is only one that entered the regression equation participants' or wit
nesses' confidence. In other words, we can not make a valid witness assessment with
Eysenck's personal questionnaire EPQ. At least not in the way we tried it.
However, we have obtained some other interesting results. Among women we found
1. The correlation between confidence and extraversion is 0.44 (significant at the
0.01 level). People high on extraversion are prone to take risks. In this case, a feeling of
confidence may be unjustified. However, we also found positive correlation between
extraversion and a sum of recalled true details (up to 0.27) and positive correlation
between extraversion and quantity of memory recall (up to 0.31). Considering these
findings we can assume that extraverts give better testimony – in terms of quality and
2. The correlation between neuroticism and confidence is -0.3 (at the 0.05 level).
This result is expected high neuroticism is connected with anxiety, which reduces
self- confidence.
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are those of the author and do not imply endorsement, recommendation, or favor by the U.S. Government.
3. The correlation between accuracy of memory recall and confidence is 0.52 (p <
0.01). Compared to the results of other authors (their correlation coefficients extends
up to 0.4 (Wells, Olson & Charman, 2002)), this correlation is among the highest. We
also found correlation between quantity and confidence to be quite similar: 0.54 (p <
4. The correlation between lie scale and accuracy of recall is almost zero (0.05). But
we found a very weak correlation between lie scale and confidence (it comes to 0.16).
The result is not statistically important at the 0.05 level but if this correlation really
exists the connection between accuracy and confidence should be reconsidered.
Unfortunately, the results we got while calculating men's answers are unclear. The cor
relation coefficients show a tendency similar to that of women, but all of coefficients
are smaller and statistically non-significant at the 0.05 level. The problem probably
occurred because of the small number of participants (we only had 44 male partici
pants) and heterogeneity of the sample (diversity in the age of the participants).
Our main intention was to investigate the possibility of using a personal questionnaire
EPQ as a basis for an assessment of witness accuracy. Unfortunately, with the use of
Eysenck's personal traits as predicting variables, we can explain only 26 % of total
variance on witness accuracy. Because a false witness assessment can have fatal con
sequences, this amount of explainable variance is far too small and does not allow us to
rely on such a model.
The connection between extraversion and accuracy of memory recall is in accordance
with the results of some other researches (e.g.: Lieberman, 2000; Ward & Loftus,
1985). The reason for existence of positive correlation is not clear yet, but it seems that
this finding is correct high extraversion goes along with more reliable memory recall.
Similar stands for ascertained positive correlation between accuracy of memory recall
and confidence generally, our finding are in agreement with prior findings, but the
question is why the coefficient we got is so high? This fact might be accounted for by
the participants' motivation they believed that the event actually occurred. From their
perspective molestation and a physical attack on a woman of their age was seen.
At the end, we would like to emphasize that these research results represent only the
beginning of the search for a model of witness evaluation. We believe that it is possible
to build up a model of that kind and we do hope that in the near future we will be able to
predict the validity of eyewitness testimony with reliable certainty.
Igor Areh, MA, is assistant in psychology at the Faculty of Criminal Justice, Univer
sity of Maribor, Slovenia.
Peter Umek, PhD, is Professor of criminal/forensic psychology at the Faculty of
Criminal Justice, University of Maribor, Slovenia.
This item was translated into English by the source and not subject to subsequent editing. Views, opinions, and conclusions
are those of the author and do not imply endorsement, recommendation, or favor by the U.S. Government.
Ebbesen, E. B. (2000). Some Thoughts About generalizing the Role That Confidence Plays in the
Accuracy of Eyewitness Memory. Retrieved May, 10, 2004, from University of California, San
Diego. Web site:
Lieberman, M. D. (2000). Introversion and Working Memory: Central Executive Differences. Per
sonality and Individual Differences, 28, 479-486.
Schacter, D. L. (1996). Searching for Memory. The Brain, the Mind, and the Past. New York: Basic
Ward, R. A. in Loftus, E. F. (1985). Eyewitness Performance in Different Psychological Types. The
Journal of General Psychology, 112, 191-200.
Wells, G. L., Olson, E. A. in Charman, S. D. (2002). The Confidence of Eyewitness in Their Identifi
cations From Lineups. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 11, 151-154.
Wells, G.L., Small, M., Penrod, S., Malpass, R.S., Fulero, S.M., Brimacombe, C.A.E. (1998). Eyewit
ness identification procedures: Recommendations for lineups and photospreads. Law and Human
Behavior, 22, 603-645.
This item was translated into English by the source and not subject to subsequent editing. Views, opinions, and conclusions
are those of the author and do not imply endorsement, recommendation, or favor by the U.S. Government.