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Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems
ISSN: 2168-3565 (Print) 2168-3573 (Online) Journal homepage: https://www.tandfonline.com/loi/wjsa21
Producing urban agroecology in the East Bay: from
soil health to community empowerment
Alana Bowen Siegner, Charisma Acey & Jennifer Sowerwine
To cite this article: Alana Bowen Siegner, Charisma Acey & Jennifer Sowerwine (2019):
Producing urban agroecology in the East Bay: from soil health to community empowerment,
Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems, DOI: 10.1080/21683565.2019.1690615
To link to this article: https://doi.org/10.1080/21683565.2019.1690615
Published online: 17 Nov 2019.
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Producing urban agroecology in the East Bay: from soil
health to community empowerment
Alana Bowen Siegner
, Charisma Acey
, and Jennifer Sowerwine
U.C. Berkeley Energy and Resources Group, Berkeley, CA, USA;
U.C. Berkeley Department of City and
Regional Planning, Berkeley, CA, USA;
U.C. Berkeley Department of Environmental Science, Policy and
Management, Berkeley, CA, USA
Despite a growing civic movement to create spaces for urban
agriculture (UA) in U.S. cities, public investment remains both
inequitable and inadequate to support the diverse practices
and practitioners growing food locally. As a result, outcomes of
UA initiatives are uneven, ad hoc, and often the result of
resistance and concerted advocacy. This is due, in part, to
agriculture not being a standard urban land use designation
or central focus of urban policymaking, despite decades of
research demonstrating health, food, environmental and edu-
cational benefits of growing food in cities. Agroecology is
a robust framework for urban food justice advocates and
policymakers in the U.S. to identify synergistic ecological,
socio-cultural and economic benefits of UA. In this paper, we
analyze survey responses from 35 East Bay urban farms
through an agroecology lens, documenting how the diverse
farms form part of a fragile system that produces important
spaces of food, community, health, and culture. With land use
and affordability challenges rising in contexts like San
Francisco Bay Area, we contend that urban agroecology as
both scientific mode of inquiry and set of agricultural practices
can improve urban food research-action projects aiming to
protect urban farms as vital city infrastructure.
Urban agroecology; food
distribution; food justice;
food sovereignty; food
system governance
Introduction from urban agriculture to urban agroecology
Scholars have published extensively on the multifunctional benefits of urban
(UA) including: promoting urban sustainability, reducing air and
water pollution, building social cohesion, promoting community health and
nutrition, teaching food literacy, and creating radical economic spaces for
resistance to the capitalist political economy and structural inequities
embedded in the neoliberal city (Bradley and Galt 2014; Biewener 2016;
Lin, Philpott, and Jha 2015; Poulsen and Spiker 2014; Poulsen, Neff, and
Winch 2017; McClintock, Miewald, and McCann 2018; Tornaghi 2017).
Despite growing evidence of these diverse health, education, and
CONTACT Alana Bowen Siegner [email protected] U.C. Berkeley Energy and Resources Group
Color versions of one or more of the figures in the article can be found online at www.tandfonline.com/wjsa.
© 2019 Taylor & Francis
environmental benefits of urban agriculture, these vibrant spaces of civic
engagement remain undervalued by city policymakers and planners in the
United States. Because urban farming takes on many different forms and
functions, with intended outcomes that may or may not include yield and
profits (Poulsen, Neff, and Winch 2017), thriving urban farms and gardens
are under constant threat of conversion to housing or other competing,
higher-value land uses due to rising land values, and other city priorities.
This land use challenge and threat to urban farm land tenure is especially
characteristic of U.S. cities like San Francisco, one of the most expensive land
and housing markets in the country.
Under the current urban agriculture paradigm in the U.S., food justice
scholars and advocates either try to quantify and highlight the multiple benefits
of UA (including but not limited to an ongoing focus on the productive potential
of urban farming) (see reviews by Golden 2013; Santo, Palmer, and Kim 2016)or
pursue a critical theoretical approach, arguing that urban agriculture can yield
unfavorable results if pursued without an equity lens, especially in cities with
intense development pressures and gentrification concerns (Horst et al. 2017;
McClintock, Miewald, and McCann 2018;Sbicca2019). A productivist focus is
problematic, because, while urban agriculture can be an important component
of community food security, its other social and ecological benefits are just as,
and sometimes more, significant (Siegner, Sowerwine and Acey2018). In this
article, we suggest that the current debates around urban agriculture in the
U.S. often lead to an unhelpful comparison with rural farms regarding yield,
productivity, economic viability, and ability to feed urban populations, most
notably in the policy arena. Defined in these ways, the radical, transformative
potential of urban food production spaces and their preservation often gets lost
or pushed to the side in city planning decisions in metropolitan regions such as
the San Francisco Bay Area, where the threat of displacement is ubiquitous given
high levels of economic inequality and extreme lack of affordable land.
In order to facilitate what scholars such as Anderson et al. (2018a) refers to
as the agroecological transition, already underway in many urban food
ecosystems around the globe (see Renting 2017), we argue that applying an
agroecological approach to inquiry and research into the diversity of sites,
goals, and ways in which food is produced in cities can help enumerate the
synergistic effects of urban food producers. This in turn encourages the
realization of the transformative potential of urban farming, and an articula-
tion of its value meriting protected (or planned) space in urban regions. Urban
agroecology (UAE) is an evolving concept that includes the social-ecological
and political dimensions as well as the science of ecologically sustainable food
production (Altieri and Nichols 2019; Dehaene, Tornaghi, and Sage 2016;
Tornaghi 2017). UAE provides a more holistic framework than urban agri-
culture to assess how well urban food initiatives produce food and promote
environmental literacy, community engagement, and ecosystem services.
This paper presents a case study of 35 urban farms in San Franciscos East
Bay in which we investigated key questions related to mission, production
(including inputs and outputs), labor, financing, land tenure, and educational
programming. Our results reveal a rich and diverse East Bay agroecosystem
(i.e. the network of urban farmers and their connection to and interaction
with food justice organizations, NGOs, food policy councils, school gardens,
and other food system actors) engaged in varying capacities to fundamentally
transform the use of urban space and the regional food system by engaging
the public in efforts to stabilize, improve, and sustainably scale urban food
production and distribution. Yet, as in other cities across the country, they
face numerous threats to their existence, including land tenure, labor costs,
development pressure, and other factors that threaten the wider adoption of
agroecological principles.
We begin by comparing the concepts of UA and UAE in scholarship and
practice, bringing in the relevant literature and i ntellectual histories of each
term and clarifying how we apply the term agroecology to our analysis.
We pay particular attention to the important non-ecological factors that the
literature has identified as vital to agroecology, but seldomly documents
(Palomo-Campesino, González, and García-Llorente 2018). We then pre-
sent findings from a survey of 35 diverse urban farm operations in the East
Bay. We discuss the results, showing how an agroecological method of
inquiry amplifies important aspects of urban food production spaces and
identifies gaps in na tional urban agriculture policy circles. We conclud e by
positing unique characteristics of urban agroecology in need of further
studies and action to create equitable, resilient and protected urban food
Definitions of urban agriculture
Agricultural policy in the United States is primarily concerned with yield,
markets, monetary exchange, and rural development. The United States
Department of Agriculture (USDA) defines agricultural activities as those
taking place on farms. Farms are defined as any place from which $1,000 or
more of agricultural products were produced and sold, or normally would
have been sold, during the year (USDA ERS). Urban agriculture has been
proliferating across the country in the last decade on both public and private
lands, as both for-profit and nonprofit entities, with diverse goals, missions
and practices largely centered on food justice priorities and re-localizing the
food system. Yet U.S. agriculture policy has been struggling to keep up. In
2016, the USDA published an Urban Agriculture Toolkit, which aims to
provide aspiring farmers with the resources to start an urban farm including
an overview of the startup costs, strategies for accessing land and capital,
assessing soil quality and water availability, production and marketing, and
safety and security (USDA 2016). The 2018 U.S. Farm Bill provides
a definition of urban agriculture to include the practices of aquaponics,
hydroponics, vertical farming, and other indoor or controlled environment
agriculture (CEA) systems primarily geared toward commercial sales. In both
the Toolkit and Farm Bill, nonprofit, subsistence, and educational urban
farming enterprises are not well integrated or included in the conceptualiza-
tion of (and therefore, available funding for) UA.
While there are many definitions of urban agriculture in the literature
from the simp lest definition of producing food in c ities (McClintock,
Miewald, and McCann 2018) to longer descriptions of UA such as that of
the American Planning Association that incorporate school, rooftop and
community gardens with a purpose extending beyond home consump-
tion and education, the f ocus of many UA definitions u sed i n policy
arenas continues to center around the production and sale of urban
produced foods. Accordingly, food systems scholars have recognized that
Urban agriculture, [as defined], is like agriculture in general,devoidof
the many political, educational, and food justice dimensions that are
prioritized by many U.S. urban farming efforts. Thus, the social-political
nature of farming, food production, and food sovereignty are not i nvoked
by formal UA policy in the U.S.
Many goals and activities common in urban food production, including
education, non-monetary forms of exchange, and gardening for subsis-
tence ar e obscured by the productivist definitions and can be thus
U.S. remains largely agnostic about the sustainability of production prac-
tices (other than assessing soil contamination risk) and their impact on
the environment. While U.S. agriculture policy narrowly focuses on the
production, distribution and marketing potential of UA, broader discus-
from a range of fields including geography, u rban planning, sociology,
nutrition, and environmental studies. These scholars are quick to point
out that UA is much more than the pr oduction and marketing of food in
the city, and includes important justice elements (Agyeman and McEntee
2014; Alkon and Agyeman 2011 ; Alkon and Norgaard 2009).
In the Bay Area context, we continue to see the result of this dichotomy:
thriving urban farms lose their leases (Arnold and Rogé 2018), struggle to
maintain profitability or even viability (Daftary-Steel, Herrera, and Porter
2015) and encounter difficulties creating monetary value out of their social
enterprises. In light of the ongoing challenge to secure the longevity of UA in
the United States, there is a need for an alternative framework through which
food and farming justice advocates can better understand and articulate what
UA is, and why it matters in cities.
Urban agroecology in the United States
Agroecology is defined as the application of ecological principles to the study,
design and management of agroecosystems that are both productive and
natural resource conserving, culturally sensitive, socially just and economically
viable (Altieri and Toledo 2011; Gliessman 2015; quoted in Tornaghi 2017),
and presents itself as a viable alternative to productivist forms of agriculture.
Agroecology in its most expansive form coalesces the social, ecological, and
political elements of growing food in a manner that directly confronts the
dominant industrial food system paradigm, and explicitly seeks to transform
food and agriculture systems, addressing the root causes of problems in an
integrated way and providing holistic and long-term solutions (FAO 2018). It
is simultaneously a set of ecological farming practices and a method of inquiry,
and, recently, a framework for urban policymaking (agroecological urban-
ism); a practice, a science and a social movement (Wezel et al. 2009).
Agroecology has strong historical ties to the international peasant rights
movement La Via Campesinas food sovereignty concept, and a rural livelihoods
approach to agriculture where knowledge is created through non-hegemonic
forms of information exchange, i.e. farmer-to-farmer networks (Gliessman
2015; Holt-Gimenez 2005). Méndez, Bacon, and Cohen (2013) describe the
vast diversity of agroecological perspectives in the literature as agroecologies
and encourage future work that is characterized by a transdisciplinary, partici-
patory and action-oriented approach. In 2015, a global gathering of social
movements convened at the International Forum of Agroecology in Selengue,
Mali to define a common, grassroots vision for the concept, building on earlier
gatherings in 2006 and 2007 to define food sovereignty and agrarian reform. The
declaration represents the views of small-scale food producers, landless rural
workers, indigenous peoples and urban communities alike, affirming that
Agroecology is not a mere set of technologies or production practices and
that Agroecology is political; it requires us to challenge and transform struc-
tures of power in society (Nyéléni 2015). The declaration goes on to outline the
bottom-up strategies being employed to build, defend and strengthen agroecol-
ogy, including policies such as democratized planning processes, knowledge
sharing, recognizing the central role of women, building local economies and
alliances, protecting biodiversity and genetic resources, tackling and adapting to
climate change, and fighting corporate cooptation of agroecology.
Recently, scholars have begun exploring agroecology in the urban context. In
2017, scholars from around the world collaborated on an issue of the Urban
AgriculturemagazinetitledUrban Agroecology, conceptualizing the field both
in theory and through practical examples of city initiatives, urban policies,
citizen activism, and social movements. In this compendium, Van Dyck et al.
(2017) describe urban agroecology as a stepping stone to collectively think and
act upon food system knowledge production, access to healthy and culturally
appropriate food, decent living conditions for food producers and the cultiva-
tion of living soils and biodiversity, all at once. Drawing from examples across
Europe, Africa, Latin America and Asia and the United States, the editors
observe that u rban agroecology is a practice which while it could be similar
to many urban agricultural initiatives born out of the desire to re-build com-
munity ties and sustainable food systems, has gone a step further: it has clearly
positioned itself in ecological, social and political terms. (Tornaghi and
Hoekstra 2017).
Urban agroecology takes into account urban governance as a transformative
process (Schmutz 2017) and follows from the reemergence of food on the
urban policy agenda in the past 510 years. However, it requires further
conceptual development. Some common approaches in rural agroecology do
not necessarily align with urban settings, where regenerative soil processes may
require attention to industrial contamination. In other cases, the urban context
provides specific knowledge, resources, and capacities which may be lacking
in rural settings such as shorter direct marketing channels, greater possibility
for producerconsumer relations, participatory approaches in labor mobiliza-
tion and certification, and initiatives in the area of solidarity economy
(Renting 2017).
Focusing on the social and political dimensions of agroecology, Altieri and
others have explicitly applied the term agroecology to the urban context, calling
for the union of urban and r ural agrarian food justice and sovereignty struggles
(Altieri and Nichols 2019; Dehaene, Tornaghi, and Sage 2016;MontenegrodeWit
2014;Tornaghi2017). Dehaene, Tornaghi, and Sage (2016) speak directly to the
revolutionary potential of an agroecological urban food system, building toward
an emancipatory society with strong community health and justice outcomes.
They go on to argue that UAE is a new model for sustainable urbanization:
It is a way of conceiving of a city, its functions, zoning, green infrastructure, and
governance, within an agroecological perspective where human wellbeing is fun-
damentally connected to food production and where this cannot be left to uneven
forms of market allocation, dictated by wealth, opportunism, or profitability, but
rather by a coherent agenda for social emancipation that recognises its constitution
within ecological relations.
Our research builds upon this emergent body of work that employs urban
agroecology as an entry point into broader policy discussions that can enable
transitions to more sustainable and equitable city and regional food systems
in the U.S. (Anderson et al. 2018a). This transition in UAE policymaking is
already well underway in many European cities (see Anderson, Maughan,
and Pimbert 2018b).
As noted, there are many dimensions of agroecology and ways in which it
is conceptualized and applied. We employ the 10 elements of agroecology
recently developed by the UN FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of
the United Nations 2018) in our discussion of urban agroecology
. These 10
elements characterize the key constituents of agroecology including the
social, ecological, cultural, and political elements. Despite the emancipatory
goals of agroecology, a recent review of the literature by Palomo-Campesino,
González, and García-Llorente (2018) found that few papers mention the
non-ecological elements of agroecology and fewer than one-third of the
papers directly considered more than 3 of the 10 FAO-defined elements. In
an effort to help guide the transition to more just and sustainable food and
agricultural systems in cities across the U.S., we propose that food system
scholars and activists consider using the 10 elements as an analytical tool to
both operationalize agroecology, and to systematically assess and commu-
nicate not only the ecological, but also the social, cultural and political values
of urban agroecology. By identifying important properties of agroecological
systems and approaches, as well as key considerations in developing an
enabling environment for agroecology, the 10 Elements [can be] a guide
for policymakers, practitioners and stakeholders in planning, managing and
evaluating agroecological transitions (FAO 2018)
Our study builds on foundational work promulgating the concept of UAE
by providing important grounding of the theoretical elements of agroecology
tied to what we see in practice on East Bay urban farms.
Applying an urban agroecology conceptual framework to the East
region of San Francisco
Case study context
In San Franciscos East Bay region, urban food production proliferates in
schoolyards, in half-acre lots converted to urban farms, on rooftops, and in
backyards reflecting a diversity of participants, goals, impacts and challenges
(Bradley and Galt 2014; Haletky and Taylor 2006; McClintock 2011;
McClintock, Cooper, and Khandeshi 2013). The San Francisco East Bay region
is also experiencing rapid gentrification and a worsening affordable housing
crisis coupled with high rates of income inequality and food insecurity
challenge of urban soil contamination creates tradeoffs for aspiring growers
between vacant lot availability and siting on the most heavily polluted plots (see
McClintock 2012 for an analysis of East Bay soil contamination). Specific city
policies vary in the degree to which they support or discourage urban agricul-
tural activities, and availability of arable land across the East Bay is uneven.
Our case study focuses on urban farmers in the East Bay spanning over 28
miles (45 kilometers) from El Sobrante in the northeastern edge of the bay, to
Hayward in the southern East Bay as shown in Figure 1. We include both
for-profit and nonprofit farms ranging from educational school gardens to
roof-top farms marketing microgreens.
We employed a p articipatory and collaborative mixed methods approach,
involving diver se stakeholders from the East Bay Agroecosystem. We held
two stakeholder input sessions involving over 40 urban farmers and food
advocates to co-create the research questions, advise on the data collection
process, interpret the results, and prioriti ze workshop topics for th e
We administered an online Qualtrics survey to 120 urban farms in the
East Bay that had been previously identified by the University of California
Cooperative Extension (UCCE) Urban Agriculture working group and addi-
tional outreach. The survey launched in Summer 2018, which is
was kept open until November 2018. Thirty-five farmers responded in total,
representing a 30% response rate. While there are limitations in our ability
to generalize findings to the East Bay urban farming landscape as a whole
due to the relatively small sample size, we obtained a fairly repr esentative
sample of the diversi ty of farm types in the East Bay based on our typ ology
of the original 120 farm typ es (10% for profit, 90% nonprofit). Surve y
Description, 3) Operating Expenses and Revenues, 4) Land Access and
Tenure, 5) Production and Soil Health, 6) Distribution, 7) Waste and
Figure 1. Location of survey respondents.
Compost, 8) Food Access, and 9) Training, Communications, and Follow
Up. There were a few open-ended questions allowing farmers to express
what they saw as t he three largest challenges facing urban agriculture
operations in the area, and policy-relevant suggestions for securing spaces
for urban farms and increasing community food security.
In addition, we interviewed five urba n farmers to deepen our under-
standing of the social, political, economic, and ecological constraints under
which t heir farms operate. These farmers are particularly involved in
networking efforts to strengthen urban farm viability in the East Bay.
Four out of five represent locally prominent nonprofit farms and one
subject represents an alternative cooperatively-run urban farm; three inter-
view subjects are women and two are men. Our study complied with UC
Berkeleys Institutional Review Board (IRB) protocol (CPHS Protocol 2018-
02-10698) for the protection of human subjects and all participants gave
consent for participation.
Data analysis
We analyzed our survey data using STATA (14.1) to generate descrip-
tive statistics as well as to explore relationships among variables.
Interviews and long response data from the survey were coded and
analyzed using Atlas TI (8.3.1). The authors jointly identified 57 codes
using both deductive and inductive methods, and the lead author coded
the data.
Spatial analysis of food distribution networks in ArcGIS and Carto pro-
vides insight into the diversity of organizations receiving urban produce, the
value of informal food distribution networks, and the volumes of food that
are distributed through donations and for volunteer consumption.
Results from the east bay agroecosystem
Respondent characteristics: The majority of our survey respondents were
operations (77%) headed by women (62%). The nonprofits repre-
sent a diversity of farm types including educational, school or church-based,
university, and community gardens; many are affiliated with or co-located at
public institutions such as the Oakland Parks and Recreation Department.
Urban farms ranged in size from 0.1 to 4.5 acres with an average size of 1.8
acres and have been in operation from 1 to over 10 years. The top three
highest ranked farm missions were community food security (CFS), food
sovereignty, and food justice (#1), education (#2) and environmental sustain-
ability (#3), whereas the lowest ranked missions were job creation (#6) and
profit (#5) (See Graph 1).
Agroecological practices
Crops diversity and regenerative farm practices
Urban farms in our study are highly diversified, producing on average 4.5
different categories of food products including vegetables, fruits/nuts, flowers,
poultry and small ruminants, bees, culturally relevant crops, and grains. The
crops most frequently grown on East Bay urban farms are vegetables and fruits,
followed by flowers to attract beneficial insects. Respondents who own the land
that they farm were slightly more likely to grow fruit/nut trees, but not sig-
nificantly (chi-squared p = .091). Over half of the farms (n = 18) reported
cultivating bees for honey and pollination services, speaking to a broader dialo-
gue around ecosystem services provided by urban farms. Smaller numbers of
farms reported raising chickens (for both meat and eggs; n = 14), small mam-
mals (n =3),andgrains(n = 3). There is a positive but not significant correlation
between farm size and crop diversity (r = 0.4666, p = .2438), and a positive,
significant association between crop diversity and number of soil health prac-
tices used (r = 0.3608, p = .0361). Production practices are intentionally regen-
erative, with 83% of farmers reporting use of at least three soil building practices
including cover cropping, no-till, compost and manure amendments, and crop
rotation. The motivation for these practices comes from both desire to adopt
climate-friendly practices, and a pragmatic need to amend and build poor urban
soils allowing for crop productivity.
Circular and solidarity economy
A significant percentage of the food (45%) produced on urban farms in the East
Bay is donated rather than sold to consumers (See Graph 2). The percentage of
donated food positively correlates with nonprofit status (r = 0.5182, p = .0017)
Graph 1. Missions of urban farmers.
and those farms that ranked food security as a top priority (r = 0.4238, p =.0125),
while for-profit operations positively correlate with higher percentages of food
sales (r = 0.6531, p = .0000). From some nonprofit respondents, up to 97% of the
food was donated, while from two for-profit operations, up to 90% of the food
was sold. Food donations surprisingly are negatively correlated with total rev-
enue from grants (r = 0.2482, 0.3665, and p = .1636, 0.0854, respectively),
suggesting the powerful social justice mission of even farms with the lowest
Most farms including the UC Oxford Tract and Gill Tract Farms distribute
food to a diverse array of community organizations (see Figure 2). The two
Graph 3. Urban farm annual revenue.
Graph 2. What happens to urban produce.
aforementioned farms together distribute food to over 50 community orga-
nizations, ranging from food pantries to community health groups to native
land trusts seeking to feed and reclaim land for those of indigenous heritage.
Fifty-two percent of respondents distribute all food within 5 miles of their
Figure 2. Distribution network from U.C. Berkeley Oxford experimental tract (below) and Gill
tract community farm (left).
farm, while 70% distribute within 10 miles. Produce from each farm site
reaches approximately 250 people per week on average during the peak
growing season or approximately 7,000 people from all surveyed farms.
Customers reached is moderately correlated with total revenue (r = 0.3794,
p = .0510) suggesting a growing impact on CFS as farms access additional
Farmers reported diversified distribution methods including volunteers
harvesting and taking food home (63%), on-site consumption (particularly
at schools are where basic kitchen equipment is available), on-site farm stand
distribution, CSA boxes at pick up sites, and volunteers delivering the
produce directly to distribution sites (food pantries, etc.). Some gleaning
and second harvesting occur at urban farms and gardens (20%) with poten-
tial for growth given reported unharvested and wasted food percentages.
Backyard produce is also exchanged through crop swaps and neighborhood
food boxes (20%). Eight operations reported having access to a refrigerated
truck for food deliveries, and two are willing to share their truck with other
farmers. There is no universally used or city-organized process for distribut-
ing produce off of urban farms and into the community, yet there exists great
interest in aggregating produce or distribution channels (of interest to over
90% of respondents, primarily in order to reach more food insecure people),
an unrealized goal of urban farmers in the East Bay.
All of the food system stakeholders involved in our study are working
toward transformative food system change, focused on increasing equity,
food security, and access to healthy, locally sourced food. See Box 1 for
a description of one of the non-farmer stakeholders engaged in the food
recovery and distribution system, who has recently established an aggrega-
tion hub to serve as a network for reducing food waste and channeling excess
food in the urban community to those who are food insecure.
Human and Social Values: Farmers in our study stressed the importance
of producing non-food related values on their farms, including education and
community building. One farmer in particular emphasized their organiza-
tions mission of growing urban farmers growing food, or teaching other
people how to grow a portion of their food basket, thus unlocking food
Box 1. Vision for cooperative aquaponics.
To create the kind of systemic change we need to see we need [solutions like cooperative aquaponics
systems].. If we were growing half a million pounds or so of produce in the aquaponics farm, and open
sourcing the technology, training people how to do it, and then starting a producers cooperative
that would help people get access to much smaller lots and you could replicate the technology on
a smaller scale, and buyers would be set up through Planting Justices existing connections with Kaiser,
OUSD, and other anchor institutions wedbelowering the barrier to entry so people could just
learn how to grow the food and not have to worry about the business planning and all of these
bureaucratic hurdles (Survey Respondent, Fall 2018).
sovereignty and food literacy while increasing healthy food access. Another
respondent reported that their farm is highly desirable for adults with
special needs that need a safe place to be outside, echoing respondents
who point out the intimate connection between food and health (mental,
physical, emotional, and spiritual). Farms frequently reported hosting educa-
tional and community-building workshops, cooking and food processing
demonstrations, harvest festivals, and other open-to-the-public community
events enhancing the resilience and connectivity of people, communities and
ecosystems. Social networks emerged as an important theme for enabling the
establishment of urban farms (eg. due to a church contact allowing a member
to start a church-supported garden), and sustaining operations through social
connections between urban farmers and other food justice and health advo-
cates. One farmer described food production and access from a human rights
perspective, stating: We live in a society that is based on profit not human
needs. We believe access to healthy organic local food
should be a basic right for all of the people.
Threats to the agroecosystem and farmer perspectives on urban policies
The high price of operating a farm makes it difficult to sustain unless there is
general support from the national, state or local level. This is something we need to
repeat again and again until there is the political will to see that growing food locally
is something worth supporting financially- and seeing it as a public health, as well as
an environmental issue. Farming is so misunderstood in our society. Many consu-
mers of food dont know the challenges involved in the growing food, and so dont see
it as an important service to support (Survey Respondent, Fall 2018).
Farmers identified three primary challenges: revenue, land, and labor inputs.
Half of all respondents reported farm earnings of $1,500 annually or less, and
all four operations receiving over $250,000 in annual revenue are well-funded
nonprofit operations (see Graph 3). Regardless of for-profit or nonprofit
Box 2. Sara Webber and the Berkeley food network.
Sara Webber is the founder of the Berkeley Food Network (BFN), an initiative that provides bags of food
and prepared meals to those experiencing food insecurity who are not currently served by the
emergency food distribution (food bank/food pantry) network. BFN delivers food to over 800
individuals each month through senior centers, schools, and other community centers, partnering
with commercial kitchen spaces in order to provide warm meals in addition to raw food bags. BFN
just recently established its own storage space after receiving city approvals and permits, which
allows recovery and storage of additional amounts of perishable food to better serve the existing
need. BFN plans to partner with local urban farmers to recover food donations and currently un-
harvested food waste from these farms to use for raw food bags and value-added processing. They
are working to acquire additional refrigerated storage space as well as access to a truck and paid
delivery staff to fully achieve its vision. BFN is poised to provide valuable assistance to urban farms
who struggle to distribute all produce, lacking time and infrastructure to harvest and deliver at full
status, most farms reported multiple sources of revenue as important to their
continued operation (e.g. grants, fundraisers, educational events, space ren-
tals for community workshops, and donations in addition to produce sales),
with an average of three revenue streams per farm. All nonprofit farms
reported multiple revenue streams except for three, who were sustained
entirely by either board donations, membership fees (in the case of
a community garden), and grants. The most important revenue sources for
nonprofits include grants, grassroots fundraising, and unsolicited donations
rather than sales. In addition to these monetary sources, all farms reported
receiving substantial non-monetary support (e.g. in-kind donations,
exchanges, low-cost lease agreements with the city or landowner, and
resource sharing built around personal relationships), which adds to the
precarity of operations when these informal support channels disappear.
Land and labor inputs
Land tenure arrangements range from land accessed without payment
through contracts with City or School District officials, to arrangements
where a token fee is paid (i.e. $12/year or $1 for 40 years), to more formal
leasing arrangements at the utility-owned Sunol Ag Park, where (mostly for-
profit) land tenants pay $1000/acre/year for their plots, ranging from 1 to 3
acres. Only five of the respondents owned their land (14%), representing
a mix of for-profit (2) and nonprofit operations (3). Challenges around land
access, security, and tenure were the most frequently occurring theme in the
survey long response and interview analysis process, including consensus that
land access is the largest barrier to scaling UA in the East Bay.
The cost of labor and, relatedly, access to capital and grant funding to
pay living wage salaries were also extremely significant challenges identified
by survey respondents. The majority of respondents stated that most of
their labor is volunteer rather than paid, with nonprofit respondents
reporting this more frequently (71% volunteer-driven operations) than for-
profit enterprises (50% volunteer/unpaid intern driven). The maximum
number of paid staff (part time, full time or internships) at any operation
is 20 (in the case of a college farm with paid summer student interns), while
the average is 4. Many farms reported the desire to be able to hire and pay
workers more, but not having sufficient revenue to accomplish that goal.
Annual volunteer labor participants on farms ranged from 0 to 1542 with
an average of 97 volunteers, representing a significant public interest in
participating in local food production. Not surprisingly, amount of paid
labor and total farm income are positively correlated (r = 0.6498, p = .0000).
However, volunteer labor i s also positively but more moderately correlated
with total farm income (r = 0.3588, p = .0372).
Farmers also expressed a desire to enhance race and ethnic diversity in
terms of labor participation, with 16 farms indicating interest in learning
how their farm can better address racial justice and equity through opera-
tions and participation.
Policy (And non-policy) recommendations from growers
The farmers in our study acknowledged many challenges facing urban
agriculture, stemming both from the high economic costs of production
and land rents, and insufficient monetary returns from produce sales. They
also framed these challenges through a food justice lens, arguing that the
current political economy does not fully compensate farmers for the social-
ecological services provided from their farms.
Farmers articulated many solutions that could improve the viability of
their farm operations including: conversion of city parks into food-producing
gardens with paid staff, government and institutional procurement goals for
urban-produced foods, municipal investment in cooperatives or other com-
munity-based food production (e.g. aquaponics, see Box 2), and establish-
ment of aggregation hubs and distribution infrastructure.
See Appendix B2 for network diagram of solutions brought forward by
survey respondents.
Our survey results describe a highly diversified East Bay Agroecosystem
urban farmers and other food system stakeholders that are
growing food as well as food literacy, civic engagement, connectivity, and
community. Applying an agroecological lens to interpret our findings of East
Bay urban agriculture operations reveals the many agroecological practices
farms have long been engaged in, as well as the important distinctions of
UAE that still need to be explored, and specific threats to agroecology in
urban areas. Pimbert (2017) suggests that agroecologys focus on whole food
systems invites urban producers to think beyond their garden plots and
consider broader issues such as citizens access to food within urban munici-
palities and the governance of food systems. We argue that applying an
agroecological lens to the urban context also invites researchers and urban
planners and policymakers to think beyond garden plots and singular ben-
efits of food production, to consider these sites as part of a larger agro-
ecosystem with synergistic social, cultural and ecological dimensions. We
reference the 10 elements of agroecology to illustrate the dynamics of how
these elements manifest in practice in this urban context.
Agroecological practices
All of the farms in our survey follow agroecological production practices
which include a focus on building soil health through, most commonly,
cover cropping, compost application, and no-till practices. These practices
produce synergistic effects of adding fertility to the soil through organic
matter amendments and boosting water holding capacity. Soil building
practices are a response to the impetus to remediate toxins present in
urban soils (which may be contaminated with lead and other heavy metals
as well as ambient air and industrial pollutants), a prerequisite to intensive
cultivation and unique consideration of the urban farm environment.
Overall, production practices on our urban farms seek to conserve, protect
and enhance natural resources.
Our survey respondents described numerous strategies for enabling diversi-
fied, intensive production of fruits, vegetables, and other agricultural products.
These strategies span both short and long term, from planting in raised beds
with imported soil, to building soil health in situ via heavy applications of
compost, manure, and cover crops for several years leading up to vegetable
crop production. There is a growing interest in using no-till practices, which are
among the suite of practices associated with carbon farming for enhancing soil
carbon sequestration (Paustian et al. 2016). This illustrates a synergistic oppor-
tunity for urban food policy and urban climate policy, showing where urban
food production and city Climate Action Plans (CAPs)
can converge and
generate mutual support (see Mohareb et al. 2017, 2018 for specific examples
of urban food systems' participation in GHG reduction policies; also Shattuck
et al. 2018).
Farmers are also engaged in innovative resource recycling and resource
use efficiency and other strategies to enhance resilience such as installing
rainwater catchment systems in concert with swales and soil health practices
to optimize the use of this scarce resource. Farms are planting native flowers
and shrubs to attract beneficial insects, rather than purchasing chemical
inputs for pest management. From a city planning perspective, the impetus
to remediate stormwater overflows and maintain corridors for essential
pollinators are two priorities that can be met through incentivizing and
planning spaces for UAE.
Overcoming threats to urban-agroecological operations. Diversification is
key to agroecological transitions
East Bay urban farms reflect multiple scales and forms of diversity including
agrobiodiversity, organizational and participant diversity, diversified sources
of capital, labor, and land arrangements, as well as diversified modes of
exchange. Diversity among operations technically doing the same thing
growing food in cities signals the fluid, flexible, peripheral, and at times
revolutionary nature of urban food production spaces, which may conflict
with or resist the institutional, political-economic status quo (e.g. Alkon and
Norgaard 2009; Tornaghi 2017; Van Dyck, Tornaghi, and Halder 2018).
Urban farms rely on diverse revenue streams from their diversity of
activities b eyond the sa le o f produce. These activities, including educational
services and community events, are important to elevate in policy conversa-
tions. Valuing and therefore protecting urban food production spaces
requires thinking differently abouttheminacontextliketheSan
Francisco Bay Area. One stakeholder suggested considering urban farms
as museums, providing essential cultural and educational offerings to city
residents (in addition to the important but relatively small total percentage
of food delivered from urban farms to food insecure urban residents). The
quality of the food (local, organic) and the value of the education, health,
and c ommunity building are strong arguments for including urban farms in
an urban-agroecological framework for city planning and e fforts to
improve CFS.
The diversity of land access agreements and labor sources used by urban
farmers in the East Bay underscores equity considerations in urban-
agroecological transitions. Farms rely heavily on donated land and volunteer
and citizen labor. Even 50% of the for-profit enterprises reported relying on
volunteer labor, speaking to both the precarious economics of running an
economically viable for-profit food production business in the city, and the
interest among young people and aspiring farmers in gaining agroecological
cultivation skills through arrangements where they donate their labor free of
charge. Volunteer labor substitutes for revenue to a certain degree, allowing
farms to exist and distribute food informally without needing to generate
much revenue or provide many jobs. In the UA literature, reliance on
volunteer labor comes under criticism for being a product of the neoliberal
city, where responsibility for action falls to the individual rather than the
state, and the equity concerns around who is able to volunteer their time are
problematized (Biewener 2016). By reporting the common use of volunteers
on East Bay urban farms, we do not seek to promote or valorize this practice,
but rather recognize it as a necessary interim step occurring in our study
context in the absence of dramatic local government intervention or radical
reforms to address community food insecurity: those who are willing and
able are participating through civic engagement in urban farms to produce,
harvest and distribute healthy food to those in need. Many volunteers are
retired or recent graduates, seeking opportunities to contribute meaningfully
to their communities. The volunteers we have communicated with generally
report positive experiences and enjoyment from their time digging in the soil.
Despite this, it is vital to acknowledge that the goals of food sovereignty
underlying agroecology, especially the Nyéléni declaration, imply that food
producers need to be able to earn a living to secure other basic needs, farm
revenue is needed to sustain operations, and community members need to be
able to pay. However, in cities where wages are stagnating relative to the cost
of living and the right to remain is under threat to rising property values and
rents (Californias recently passed state-wide rent control law notwithstand-
ing), affordability of food impacts growers and consumers alike. The critique
in the literature against charity in the food system is that the dependence on
charitable donations in the food space is a patch for the destructive neoliberal
state, which has shifted the burden of social well-being onto the nonprofit
sector. Heynen, critiquing the depoliticization of hunger and poverty through
charity, asserts that [c]harity, however well intentioned, has become the
means by which the welfare state was successfully rolled back (Heynen
2010). At the same time, in exploring the radical democratic politics of
groups like Food-Not-Bombs, Heynen describes the kind of anarchist philo-
sophy of mutual aid and cooperativism through food sharing that we see in
the East Bay agroecosystem. Farms are not just distributing food to the
hungry in hidden basements or exploiting free labor, but engaging in highly
visible work, inviting those who visit or consume farm outputs to work, cook,
learn, teach, share and get political. The reality is that growing food in cities
has particular challenges, increasing the costs of farming on top of issues
already outlined regarding the cost of land and labor (including soil reme-
diation and challenges to distribution). We find that the importance of
donated money and time to further the anti-hunger and advocacy efforts of
farms is not counter to the transformational goals of AE broadly or UAE in
In this way, we seek to nuance the premise that volunteer labor is universally
problematic and counter-productive to radical food system reform efforts,
aligning instead with some urban-agroecological scholarship that argues for
improved worklife balance through living wage jobs that afford more people
opportunities to pursue hobbies and interests and volunteer their time support-
ing community efforts that align with their values (Pimbert 2017). Pimbert
outlines three dimensions of urban-agroecological transformation that are
needed, including economic, with new forms of organization and relocalized
wealth production as well as creation of free time for citizens to shape and re-
govern urban spaces (Pimbert 2017). Volunteerism has a place in
a transformed, equitable, environmentally sustainable local food system,
although reliance on it as the primary source of labor is undesirable.
Our findings around labor in particular stand in contrast to the often-
referenced benefit of urban agriculture as a job creation tool (Pudup 2008;
USDA 2019; Vitiello and Wolf-Powers 2014). At least in the current political-
economic landscape of the East Bay, urban farms do not generate enough
economic revenue or city investment in order to hire many full-time posi-
tions; this remains a goal of many operations and opportunity for policy
intervention, especially with respect to enhancing the resilience of urban
agroecosystems to economic disturbance.
Ending hunger and promoting equitable access to healthy, culturally
appropriate food
Farms in our case study display a strong focus on reducing hunger and
promoting food equity, namely through culturally appropriate diets, and the
emphasis on human and social values. Due to the plethora of produce going
home with volunteers, circulating at neighborhood crop swaps, and gleaned
or harvested by community members that are not weighed and tracked
before it is consumed, it is understandably difficult to quantify the food
security impacts of urban agriculture (see Siegner, Sowerwine and Acey
2018). While food security may be difficult to quantify, it is nevertheless
being addressed by urban farms in unique ways (when compared to other
citywide food security initiatives). In school gardens, for example, produce
that is not used for classroom cooking demonstrations sometimes goes home
with students or families excited to find culturally relevant crops growing in
their neighborhood.
Supporting healthy, diversified and culturally appropriate diets is an
important element of agroecology. The diversi ty a nd quality of produce
grown, especial ly when it is an item that might not otherwise be available
to a family in a food desert, contribute greatly to the value produced on
urban farms. One farmer interviewed described how one school garden
site serves students from Hispanic, African American, Middle E astern,
Asian, and Eastern European families. The garden teacher spoke about
the diversity of crops relevant to various cultural food traditions; for
example, the chayote plants were of particular interest to Latinx students
excited to bring them home to their mothers, while African American
students eagerly collected bunches of collards, and Middle Eastern
mothers came to the garden in person to collect fava beans and figs. In
this way, urban agroecology contributes to food security and nutrition as
well as biodiversity. It also serves to reaffirm cultural identity and a sense
of place for immigrant and refugee families.
Agroecology places a strong emphasis on human and social values, such
as dignity, equity, inclusion, and justice contributing to improved liveli-
hoods o f [urban] communities (FAO: element 9). Our study demonstrated
that the majority of farm respondents placed food security, education, and
environmental sustainability above profit,sales,andyield.Fortypercentof
respondents self-identified as Educa tional farms, and most others offer
educational workshops and demonstrations as part of their focus on
horizontal knowledge-sharing. Agroecology seeks to address gender
inequalities by creating opportunities for women. The majority of our
study respondents were also women. As a grassroots movement, urban
agroecology can empower women to become their own agents of change.
Toward urban agroecology in the US
Implications for Policy: Our results suggest the opportunity to reconceptua-
lize and refocus the urban food policy discussion in U.S. cities around urban
agriculture in a way that includes and values their social, educational, and
cultural services. Urban farms are recreational and cultural heritage sites
bearing comparison to public parks and museums, while also producing
invaluable healthy food in areas that most need it. They provide important
respite, social connection, and stress reduction to urban residents, often
particularly in need of peaceful spaces. In the words of one farmer, Urban
farms can be havens of peace, health, and community, but it requires heavy
involvement and advocacy from those communities for the long term in order
to be successful (emphasis added).
Agroecology calls for responsible and effective governance to support the
transition to just, equitable and sustainable food and farming systems. In an
urban environment, this requires the creation of enabling policies that ensure
equitable land access and producer control over access to land, especially
among the more vulnerable and historically marginalized populations. Land
access is expressed most frequently as an obstacle to scaling urban food
production by survey respondents, and it is certainly more of a challenge
for lower-income and minority groups interested in cultivating their own
commons (Bollier 2014). There are examples among our East Bay survey
respondents of collective governance at the farm and community level, such
as one farm site which is owned cooperatively by three nonprofit organiza-
tions that collectively serve minority and formerly incarcerated populations,
aspiring beginning farmers, and the local community through a cooperative
goat dairy, fruit tree nursery, and annual vegetable production plots. City and
county governance bodies have an opportunity to strengthen the resilience of
urban agriculture operations and opportunities for farmer collaboration by
providing subsidies and incentives for social and ecosystem services. City-
level efforts to compensate or recognize farmers for ecosystem services such
as soil remediation and carbon sequestration, for example, are not yet
realized. Further examples of responsible governance from our data include
recommendations for public procurement programs to source food from
aggregated urban produce (a recommendation that would be enabled by
a regional food hub).
Our respondents are engaged in circular and solidarity economies, key
features of agroecology, including bartering, sharing, and exchanging
resources and produce with those in their social networks. They are also
interested in collaborating in a localized effort to strengthen the link between
producers and consumers by aggregating produce and sharing distribution
(92% interest in sharing trucks or distribution systems). As cities work to
fulfill their role in providing basic services to citizens, farmers are pointing
out an important opportunity to provide refrigerated transportation, storage,
and organizational infrastructure to transfer all possible produce grown on
urban farms to the best distribution sites. Communication platforms, trans-
port systems, and streamlined procurement in this arena following from
other regional food hub models could improve the landscape for urban
food distribution dramatically (see Berti and Mulligan 2016; Cleveland et al.
2014; Cooper 2018).
All urban farm respondents are also engaged in closed-loop waste cycles:
through composting all farm waste onsite and collecting food scraps from
local businesses, farms are involved in a process of regeneration, from food
debris to soil. The activities of urban farms fall naturally under definitions
and descriptions of agroecology. Through extending the UAE framework
from farms to urban policy and planning conversations, more efficient path-
ways for addressing food insecurity in part through strategic centers of urban
production and distribution can emerge in cities of the East Bay and else-
where in the United States.
Finally, agroecology relies on the co-creation and sharing of knowledge. Top-
down models of food system transformation have had little success. Urban
planners have an opportunity to address food insecurity and other urban food
system challenges including production, consumption, waste management, and
recycling by co-creating solutions with urban farmers through participatory
processes and investing in community-led solutions. In our systematic review
of the literature on whether urban agriculture improves urban food security, we
found three key factors mediating the effect of UA on food security: the
economic realities of achieving an economically viable urban farm, the role of
city policy and planning, and the importance of civic engagement in the urban
food system (Siegner et al. 2018). A radical transformation toward a more
equitable, sustainable and just urban food system will require more responsible
governance and investment in UA as a public good, that is driven by active
community engagement and advocacy.
We believe that urban agroecology principles provide an effective framework
capture the multiple ecological, social, economic and political dimensions
of urban farming, beyond yield, and profits, enabling those seeking transfor-
mative food systems change in the U.S. a common language and opportunity
to measure and communicate more clearly the multiple benefits worthy of
public investment. Framing this work as urban agroecology values the knowl-
edge creation, community building, and human well-being that are also
products of urban food initiatives. Our data illustrate how urban food sites
are spaces of vibrant civic engagement and food literacy development yet
remain undervalued by city planners and under constant threat of conversion
as well as pressures of gentrification. With the majority of operations in our
study functioning as nonprofits, it is questionable whether many urban farms
would actually be considered a true agricultural operation per the USDA
definition as a majority of farms earn less than $1,000 in sales annually. As
such, they are largely ineligible to apply for funding or loans from many of
the federal and state agencies or granting programs such as the Farm Service
Agency or NRCS.
The idea that the UAE framework can illuminate multiple and often hidden
socio-political dimensions of urban food production sites is powerful. For
example, over 75% of urban farming sites in our study came into being for
a multitude of reasons: including re-establishing justice and dignity into histori-
cally neglected and marginalized urban communities, fighting poverty, resisting
the environmentally extractive, exploitative, racist, and obesity-inducing indus-
trial farming system, reclaiming the ability to be self-sufficient and work with
your hands, and re-educating society about the physical and emotional value of
cultivating the Earth. Urban farmers aspire to many things: affirming a human
right to healthy food, a food literate civil society, land tenure arrangements that
favor socially beneficial rather than profit-maximizing land uses, and alternative
forms of exchange and value creation outside the capitalist political economy.
The term agroecology locates these values in a historical network of similar
efforts to transform the global food system along socially just and ecologically
resilient lines.
Reframing UA through the lens of UAE can ultimately help U.S. policymakers
and city planners better understand and support urban-agroecological endea-
vors, and provide researchers, urban citizens and urban food producers a more
inclusive mode of inquiry that can lead to transformative food system change,
taking care not to dismantle, invalidate, or eliminate the revolutionary, anti-
oppression elements through overly prescriptive policy solutions.
When it comes to researching, documenting, and advancing transitions to
sustainable food systems through agroecology, the urban context is an important
one to consider, given the growing percentage of the global population living in
cities. We acknowledge Gliessmans call for applications of his 5 levels of food
systems change, showing in our data how East Bay urban farmers are endea-
voring to scale up to Level 5: build a new global food system, based on equity,
participation, democracy, and justice, that is not only sustainable but helps
restore and protect earths life support systems upon which we all depend
(Gliessman 2016). We encourage future engaged scholarship in the U.S. that
employs a UAE framework to ask and answer important remaining questions
about the transition to sustainable food systems, in partnership with urban
farmers, around valuation, preservation, and connectivity of diversified food
production sites in the modern city.
Our re search complies with UC Berkeleys IRB (CPHS Protocol 2 018-
1. The 10 Elements of Agroecology are based primarily on the seminal scientific literature
on agroecology in particular, Altieris(2002) five principles of agroecology and
Gliessmans(2015) five levels of agroecological transitions. This scientific foundation
was complemented by participatory discussions held in workshop settings during
FAOs multi-actor regional meetings on agroecology from 2015 to 2017, which incor-
porated civil society values on agroecology, and subsequently, several rounds of revi-
sion by international and FAO experts (FAO 2018).
2. The 10 elements are: 1) diversity 2) co-creation and sharing of knowledge 3) syner-
4) efficiency 5) recycling 6) resilience 7) human and social values 8) culture and
food traditions 9) responsible governance and 10) circular and solidarity economy (See
Appendix A for descriptions of each element).
3. One in five residents of Alameda County relies on food bank assistance to feed
and their families, and over half of food bank patrons have worked for
pay in the past year, reflecting the increasingly unaffordable costs of living in the region
(Alameda County Community Food Bank 2014).
4. The City of Berkeleys
recent Urban Agriculture Ordinance creates an explicit link
between supporting urban agriculture as part of the Citys Climate Action Plan (CAP),
setting a goal of building a more complete and sustainable local food production and
distribution system (City of Berkeley 2018). What this goal entails in terms of social
justice, equity, and available city resources to truly facilitate and protect spaces of urban
food production remains unclear, but presents a policy opportunity.
The authors gratefully acknowledge the support and participation of the 35 urban farmers who
participated in the survey, some of whom also participated in interviews and project stakeholder
meetings. We are grateful to our project team for their partnership in our research investigation
into diverse elements of the East Bay Agroecosystem. This paper has been strengthened thanks to
anonymous reviewer comments. The work is funded by the Foundation for Food and Agriculture
Research (FFAR) Seeding Solutions, Urban Food Systems Program, grant number 534678, as well
as matching funds from the Berkeley Food Institute (BFI).
This work was supported by the Foundation for Food and Agriculture Research [534678], as
well as by the Berkeley Food Institute.
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Table A1. UN FAO 10 Elements of Agroecology.
Element of Agroecology Brief Description
1) Diversity Diversity at multiple scales including genetic diversity, species diversity,
agroforestry practices, crop rotation, and crop-livestock systems that in
turn lead to market diversity, resilience, nutritional diversity, and improved
health outcomes
2) Synergies At field scale, use diversified crop-livestock or aquatic systems to enhance
ecological function and resource-use efficiency; at landscape level,
strategize productive activities in space and time to boost ecosystem
3) Efficiency Relates to natural resource use especially those that are abundant/free
(solar radiation, atmospheric C and N); enhance biological processes to
require fewer external inputs
4) Resilience Greater capacity to recover from disturbances
5) Recycling Rejects waste as a human concept not part of natural ecosystems; closes
the loop at both farm and landscape scales
6) Co-creation and sharing
of knowledge
Non-hegemonic forms of information exchange via horizontal learning
platforms, i.e. farmer to farmer context-specific knowledge transfers;
blends traditional and indigenous knowledge with global scientific
7) Human and social values Emphasis on dignity, equity, inclusion and justice; creates opportunities
for women; recognition that improving ag. livelihoods is essential for
sustainable food systems
8) Culture and food
Re-balances tradition and modern food habits to promote healthy food
production and consumption; values cultural varieties and crops
9) Responsible governance Transparent, accountable and inclusive mechanisms to create enabling
environment supporting producers to transform their systems; i.e. school
feeding and public procurement programs, subsidies for ecosystem
10) Circular and solidarity
Reconnecting producers and consumers of food; creating space for
alternative, innovative, and non-market forms of exchange