For full-me unionized employees
working more than 6 months
Government of Canada Pension Plan
Supplementary Death Benet
Disability Insurance
Public Service Health Care Plan
Dental Plan
Benets Documentaon
Help Desk Informaon
For more Informaon:
Benets Documentaon
To schedule your Benets Documentaon Session, contact
the HR Helpdesk per contact informaon below to avoid
potenal delays in accessing benets. Ensure you contact us
within sixty days of eligibility.
You will be required to provide copies of the following:
Birth Cercate for you and applicable dependents,
including spouse/common-law spouse
Marriage Cercate if applicable
In lieu of a birth cercate, you may provide a passport
Benets related Informaon and Forms:
For Human Resources and Benets informaon, contact the HR
HR Help Desk
Phone: (867) 678-6625, Toll free 1-866-475-8162
Please include your Employee ID on correspondence.
Hours of operaon:
Mon-Fri 8:30am to 12:00 noon and 1:00pm to 5:00pm
Closed Weekends and Statutory Holidays
Oponal benets (cont.)
GNWT Dental Plan
This plan is oered through Green Shield Canada. It provides
premium-free (Employer paid) dental care to employees and
their eligible dependents.
You are only responsible for the annual deducble amount,
which is payable each scal year (Apr 1 to Mar 31) if you use
the dental services.
$25.00 per year for single coverage
$50.00 per year for family coverage
Coverage for most dental services has a maximum benet of
$1,500 per benet year per member and each listed
dependent. For orthodoncs, there is $4,000 per coverage
person per lifeme, eligible only if ongoing treatment
commenced by age 19.
You will be eligible for coverage on the rst day following six
months of connuous acve employment.
The Dental Booklet is available online at:
As a Green Shield Canada plan member, you have access to
their naonal preferred provider vision network arrangement.
A list of vision providers and vision discounts is available at
Government of Canada Pension Plan
The plan is designed to provide eligible plan members with a
pension. Please contact the Pension Center to obtain further
pension informaon and esmates.
The 2018 deducon amount employees would contribute:
Contribuon rates for Group 1 (prior to 2013)
members parcipang in the plan
9.83% of pensionable earnings up to $55,900
12.13% of pensionable earnings over $55,900
The Employer contributes 1.01 mes the amount you pay
into the pension plan.
Contribuon rates for Group 2 (post-2012) new
members parcipang in the plan
8.77% of pensionable earnings up to $55,900
10.46% of pensionable earnings over $55,900
The Employer contributes 1.00 mes the amount you pay
into the pension plan.
Supplementary Death Benet (SDB)
SDB is part two of your pension plan. This provides you with
life insurance coverage equal to twice your annual salary
rounded to the nearest $1,000.
The monthly premium is $0.15 per $1,000 of coverage. The
premium for SDB is deducted monthly. The Employer pays 4
cents per $1,000 of coverage on your behalf.
If you have not yet designated a beneciary or if you wish to
change your SDB beneciary, please contact the Pension
Center directly at 1-800-561-7930 and provide your Personal
Record Idener (PRI) which is found in HRIS Self-Service.
It is the employee’s responsibility to educate themselves about
the Government of Canada Pension Plan and SDB.
It is employee’s responsibilies to submit copies of birth
cercates for yourself and applicable dependents including
marriage cercates to the Pension Centre.
Disability Insurance (DI)
DI is a long-term income protecon benet paid to you if you
become sick or disabled and are unable to work.
The benet payable is 70% of your basic salary, as long as you
connue to meet the criteria for medical disability deter-
mined by Sun Life.
The waing period is 13 weeks or the expiraon of all sick
leave credits, whichever is later.
The plan may not cover health condions that existed prior to
your becoming a GNWT employee if the same condion
causes an inability to work, following your hire date.
The cost of DI is $0.2895 per $1,000 adjusted annual salary
per month. The deducon is taken from one pay each month.
The Employer pays approximately $1.6405 per $1,000 salary
on your behalf.
If you think you may need to ulize this benet, contact a
Benets Specialist at HRhelpdesk@gov.nt.ca ASAP.
Disability Insurance Booklet online:
Oponal benets
Public Service Health Care Plan (PSHCP)
PSHCP is provided through Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada
and covers many expenses not covered under the NWT
Health Care Plan*.
Under the Extended Health Provision, the plan generally
provides 80% reimbursement for most expenses.
Refer to the PSHCP Direcve for a complete list of
eligible expenses, their maximums, list of required prescrip-
ons for certain reimbursements, restricons and other im-
portant informaon hps://my.hr.gov.nt.ca/employee-
services/benets and click PSHCP Direcves.
PSHCP (Cont.)
PSHCP also provides a Hospital Benet provision available
in three (3) levels. In each level, Sun Life reimburses the
employee customary and reasonable expenses incurred if,
during a hospital stay, you upgrade from a bed in a ward to
a semi-private or private room. Hospital Benet provides
for a maximum coverage of:
Level 1: $60 per day
Level 2: $140 per day
Level 3: $220 per day
The level of Hospital Benet you choose is the only poron
of PSHCP that aects the premium deducted from your
pay. The 2017 premium rates follows:
If you apply for coverage within 60 days of eligibility,
coverage will take eect the 1st day of the month
following our receipt of your applicaon in our oce.
For example: if your rst day of eligibility is in July,
your applicaon is received in August, the
applicable deducon is taken in August, and
coverage begins on September 1st.
If you apply for coverage aer 60 days of eligibility,
coverage will take eect the 1st day of the 4th month
following our receipt of your applicaon in our oce.
For example: if your rst day of eligibility is in July,
your applicaon is received in October, the
applicable deducon taken in January, and
coverage begins on February 1st.
Aer your PSHCP applicaon is submied to your Benets
Ocer, it is mandatory that new plan members complete
Posive Enrollment on the Sun Life website before any
claims are to be processed and to receive a benet card
from Sun Life. Www.sunlife.ca/pshcp or 1-888-757-7427.
Posive Enrollment Instrucons can be found online:
Employee Premiums Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
Employee-Single 0 $1.10 $ 5.31
Employee-Family 0 $3.53 $10.34
* The NWT Health Care Plan is not an employment benet.
This plan is administered by the Department of Health &
Social Services. For enrolment or informaon call Toll Free 1-
For full-me unionized employees
working more than 6 months
Payroll Informaon
Charitable Deducons
Medical Travel
Northern Allowance
Employee Assistance Program
Union Dues
Self Service (PeopleSo)
HRIS Self-Service (“PeopleSo”)
Human Resource Management Informaon System (HRIS)
known as “PeopleSo” or “Self-Service” produces your pay
cheques, holds your employment records, keeps track of your
leave entlements, and personal details.
Employees are required to verify and monitor their own
informaon regularly, enter their own leave, update personal
informaon such as addresses, and make changes to their
direct deposit informaon in HRIS. Employees can also view
their benet enrollments and benet numbers at any me.
HRIS Instrucons are available online at:
Benets Informaon and Forms:
For Human Resources and Benets informaon, contact the HR
HR Help Desk
Phone: (867) 678-6625, Toll free 1-866-475-8162
Please include your Employee ID on correspondence.
Hours of operaon:
Mon-Fri 8:30am to 12:00 noon and 1:00pm to 5:00pm
Closed Weekends and Statutory Holidays
Addional informaon (cont.)
Medical Travel
Medical travel (including travel for dental purposes) is availa-
ble to you and your eligible dependents if you meet the
following criteria.
1) Non-elecve medical service to the nearest place where
adequate treatment is available
2) From your community of residence
3) A qualifying medical praconer (physician, nurse, denst)
must request for a medical travel via Stanton Medical trav-
el (or Green Shield Canada for dental service).
When medical travel has been pre-approved from Stanton
Medical Travel (or Green Shield Canada), Benets Ocers will
help you with your travel arrangements. To contact your
Benets Ocer contact the HR Helpdesk.
Employees should read their Terms of Employment, UNW
Collecve Agreement, Arcle 20.
Employee Family Assistance Program (EFAP)
EFAP is a voluntary and condenal program supported by
your Employer designed to help employees and their eligible
dependents with personal and work related programs. The
service is free.
The GNWT EFAP provider is Shepelle FGI and accessed in the
following ways: hp://www.workhealthlife.com,
1-844-880-9142 English, or 1-844-880-9143 French
Further informaon is contained in the EFAP Booklet available
on the Department of Finance website:
Payroll informaon
The GNWT pays its employees for 26 pays per year, biweekly
on Fridays, and paid one week aer the pay period cut o.
Your pay will be directly deposited to your bank account and
your pay cheque can be viewed online in HRIS.
You may view your pay informaon by following the online
instrucons: hps://my.hr.gov.nt.ca/employee-services/pay/
Pension and union dues are deducted from each pay.
Insurances (SDB, LTD, and PSHCP) are deducted monthly.
Statutory deducons for Employment Insurance (EI), Canada
Pension Plan (CPP), Federal Tax and Payroll Tax (2% of your
gross earnings) are deducted from each pay.
Maximum Employment Insurance (EI) deducons for the
year 2018 is $858.22. EI is deducted at the rate of 1.66% of
insurable earnings unl the year’s maximum is reached.
Maximum Canada Pension Plan (CPP) deducons for the
year 2018 is $2,593.80. CPP is deducted at the rate of 4.95%
of earnings unl the year’s maximum is reached.
Northern Allowance
This is an allowance paid to GNWT employees to help with
the higher cost of living in the North.
You will receive this allowance biweekly at an hourly rate for
each hour you receive pay. This is not paid for periods of
overme or leave without pay.
Northern Allowance is based upon the community you work
in and is outlined on your job oer.
Rates is also available in the UNW Collecve Agreement: hp://
United Way Payroll Deducon Program
A United Way campaign is held in November. This program
gives you the opportunity to donate, by payroll deducon, to
the United Way of Yellowknife and/or to a charity of your
choice from an established list. Informaon about enrolment
is circulated to employees in October.
Union Dues
Union Dues are payable by all unionized employees under
the UNW Collecve Agreement at a rate of 1.841% on all
salary, overme and some allowances.
The deducon is taken from all pays. Paying these dues
does not mean you are a member of the Union. In order to
become a member with vong rights you must sign a mem-
bership card.
In addion each bargaining unit member pays 2 cents per
hour for all hours worked to the PSAC Social Jusce Fund.
Group Life Insurance is available through the UNW.
The UNW Head Oce is located at:
Suite 400, 4910 - 53rd Street
Yellowknife, NT, X1A 1V2
Phone: 867-873-5668 or toll free 1-877-906-4447.
To obtain a membership card and vong rights, please
contact the UNW head oce at www.unw.ca.
Addional Informaon
Leave Credits
Leave Credits are earned for Vacaon, Sick, and Special
Leave. Leave will accrue on all regular hours, paid vacaon
leave, paid sick leave, paid special leave hours, and union
leave with or without pay except for leave under Arcle
12.09. Leave will also accrue on earned lieu me taken,
designated paid holidays taken and on mandatory leave with
pay days taken. This provision applies to all employee types
and all types of paid leave.
Vacaon Leave: is earned for each hour, per the rate chart
below, that an employee receives pay per Arcle 18.
Leave (cont.)
Sick Leave: 0.057693 hour for each hour that an employee
receives pay per Arcle 20.
Special Leave: 0.023077 hour for each hour that an em-
ployee receives pay per Arcle 19.
Winter Bonus: for every 5 consecuve vacaon leave days
taken between October 1 & March 31 of any year, you are
entled to receive 1 day of extra leave, up to a max. of 4
days per scal year. These days must be taken immediately
following or preceding the vacaon leave.
More informaon on leave entlements, other types of
leave, and how to apply for leave, can be found in the Hu-
man Resource Manual, Secon 800, at www.hr.gov.nt.ca/
Extended Leave
Refer to your UNW collecve agreement for informaon
on leave such as Maternity, Parental, Sick, Deferred, etc.
For any leave without pay for over six days and processing
of extended leave, please contact a Benet Specialist at
Mandatory Leave With Pay (MLWP)
All employees are entled to take ve day mandatory
leave with pay (MLWP) each scal year.
Non-connuous employees will take the ve days MLWP
on days set by the Employer as the GNWT operaons shut-
down period.
MLWP is calculated by month for connuous employees.
The ve days MLWP will be scheduled in advance to be
taken at a me that is mutually acceptable by the Employ-
er and Employee.
The supervisor will advise an employee on whether he/she
is a connuous or non-connuous operaon person.
0-2 years service 0.063462 hour per hour
2-7 years service 0.082616 hour per hour
7-15 years service 0.096000 hour per hour
15-20 years service 0.115385 hour per hour
20 + years service 0.134770 hour per hour