1. Resident Classification
2. Applicant’s full legal name
3. Gender
4. Birth date and age
5. Student ID number
Leave blank if unknown.
6. Permanent address
7. Contact information
8. Length of contract
9. Contract selections
10. Meal plan
11. Source of funds
Check all that apply.
12. Applicant’s signature
New Renewal
Last First Middle Suffix
Female Male
_____ /_____ /_______ Age: _____
Month Day Year
Street City State Zip
________________________________________________ _______________________________________________
Cell Phone Email Address
Academic year (August to May) Spring Semester (January to May) Summer Semester (May to August)
Full year (August to July)
Please rank (1-7) in order of your selection. In consideration of an assignment in the University residences, I agree to
pay the contracted price for Housing along with purchasing a required meal plan per semester. I understand that
preferences cannot be guaranteed and specif
ic assignments are made based on space availability and date of
Complex Unit Type Fall Rent Spring Rent Summer Rent
___ University Village A 4 bd. $2,550.00 $2,550.00 $1,685.00
___ University Village B 4 bd. $2,550.00 $2,550.00 $1,685.00
___ University Village B 2 bd. $2,705.00 $2,705.00 $1,785.00
___ University Village B 2 bd. Private $3,330.00 $3,330.00 $2,200.00
___ University Village B 1 bd. $3,330.00 $3,330.00 $2,
___ University Village C Semi-Private $2,395.00 $2,395.00 $1,580.00
___ University Village C Private $2,915.00 $2,915.00 $1,925.00
Meal Semester Meals Block Meals Flex
Options Cost Per Week Per Semester Dollars
___ Meal Plan A $2,226.00 18 $150
___ Meal Plan B $2,236.00 15 $200
___ Meal Plan C $2,257.00 11 $325
___ Meal Plan D* $1,944.00 135 $400
*Only available to residents residing in 4 bedroom units in UVA and UVB.
Aid Job Parents Other_________________________________________________
My signature below indicates that I understand that this is a legally binding Contract and that this document constitutes
my agreement to meet all specified terms, conditions, and obligations. Submission of a contract and a deposit does not
guarantee housing accommodations. Failure to meet financial obligat
ions may result in a student being denied access
to his/her living accommodations and termination of contract.
_______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________
Name Signature Date
____________________________________________ ____________________ ____________________
Complex Beginning Date Ending Date
____________________ ____________________ ____________________________________________
Per Semester Total Unit Type
Last Revised: 3/24
Turn to see page 2
This Contract is a legal document. Your signature indicates your understanding and acceptance of all the terms and conditions stated herein.
The Housing Contract cannot be processed unless accompanied by a security deposit payment in the amount of $200.00. This security deposit can be used to pay any
unpaid balance owed to the University including, but not limited to unpaid rent, utility cha
rges, damages and fines, and tuition. The security deposit is eligible for release if:
1. It is the end of an academic year, there is not an active contract on file for upcoming semesters, and proper checkout procedure is followed.
2. There are no additional damages present in your room or your apartment common areas upon checkout.
Term of Contract
The Contract commences when processed by the Office o
f Residential Life, with a move-in date established by that office, and remains in effect until the end of
the chosen Contract term. Please refer to the dates on page 1 of this Contract.
RSU is committed to the goal of equal educational opportunities for students with disabilities. Requests for reasonable accommodations for disability related
needs should be submitted to the Director of
Residential Life after student has registered with the Office of Student Affairs.
If you are single and enrolled as a full time student at RSU, you can live on campus. The University Village housing facilities do not accommodate children.
Cancellation of the Housing Contract
You may terminate this Contract, subject to the following conditions and deadlines and approval of the Housing Contract Com
Contract Termination Prior to the First Day of Classes
1.Full Refund- If written notice is received before the deadline, your initial Contract payment (deposit and rent) will be refunded. Deadlines: July 1st for Fall semester,
December 15th for new Contracts for the Spring semester, and May 1st for the Summer Semester.
2.No Refund- After July 1st for the Fall semester, December 15th for new c
ontracts for the Spring semester, and May 1st for the Summer semester, there will be
no refund of the deposit.
Contract Termination On or After Taking Occupancy
1. If you are enrolled in classes and terminate your contract on or after taking occupancy, you will be charged the following:
a. If cancelling and moving out within first calendar week of classes, full room charges will be refunded, the meal plan charge will be prorated based on move-out date, and the deposit
will be forfeited.
b. If cancelling and moving out during the second calendar week of classes, student will be charged one month’s rent, the meal plan charge will be prorated based on move-out date,
and the deposit will be forfeited.
c. After the first two calendar weeks of classes, full room charges will be assessed through the date on which you are officially released from this Contract by the Housing Contract
Committee as follows: 25% of the remaining balance; Loss of security deposit; Meal plan and flex dollars will be pro-rated on a weekly basis if leaving the University, otherwise, meal
plan charges remain on your account.
Termination of the Housing Contract
Upon reasonable notice and for good cause, the University reser
ves the right to terminate this Contract. Good cause in this section means any conduct which disrupts
the orderly administration and/or function of RSU or any of its activities, suspension from the housing facilities or the university and academic or disciplinary
withdrawal. If this Contract is terminated, you must vacate the premises immediately or as required by law.
Release from Housing Contract
you are enrolled and wish to be released from the Contract, you may apply for a Contract Release from the Director of Residential Life or his/her designee. Releases
are at the discretion of the Housing Contract Committee. Releases will be granted only under extreme and extenuating circumstances. If a release is approved and after
completion of proper check out procedures, you will be obligated to p
ay for room charges accumulated from the start of the Contract through date of checkout, a cancellation
fee of 25% of the remaining balance of your Contract, and the deposit is forfeited. If you move prior to a release, your charges will accumulate until a release is approved.
Housing Assignments
Assignments are made based on the date of receipt of housing Contract and deposit. The Contract and the
deposit reserve a space in the housing complex, not a specific
room or roommate. We cannot guarantee a particular space. If you fail to move in to your assigned space on or before the first day of classes, your space may be assigned
to another resident. Failure to occupy space does not nullify the Contract. Charges will continue through the Contract period or until you officially withdraw from the
A room may be occupied by only the student to whom it is assigned.
Room Changes/Consolidation
Requests for room changes are accepted at any time and are subject to space availability. If approved, you will have 48 hours to complete your room change or rent will
be charged on both rooms until the move is complete. The first room change is free of charge, subsequent room changes will resu
lt in a $25.00 room change fee.
Residents in an unit with less than full occupancy will be required to accept a roommate if one is assigned. Residents in a unit that is below occupancy may be required
to move to a different unit or be assigned new roommate/roommates in order to consolidate space.
Guest Policy
Overnight guests must be approved through the housing office. Each resident and each guest i
s allowed five guest passes per semester. You must accompany your
guests at all times, and the guest is expected to carry a guest pass at all times. Guests shall be required to comply with all University Policies including those contained in
the Student Code of Conduct and the RSU Residential Life Handbook. The resident is responsible for any damages to the property by their guest. Failure to abide
by these
regulations will result in fines and/or other disciplinary measures. You will be held jointly and severally liable for any damages caused by your guests.
Room Inspection, Security, and Cleanliness Standards
The University reserves the right to enter any room in case of emergency, maintenance needs, Health and Safety inspection, or room inspection. If repair work or any
like service is requ
ired, a reasonable effort will be made to notify you prior to entry. Upon taking possession of a room, you will be responsible for keeping your room in a
clean and sanitary condition. Health and Safety inspections will be conducted by the housing staff at the discretion of the Director of Residential Life.
Every effort will be made to protect your belongings . The university is not responsible for
loss of or damage to your personal property. You should contract with a
private insurance company for coverage of your personal belongings.
A minimum of $50 cleaning fee for UVA and UVB residents and minimum of $75 cleaning for UVC residents will be assessed at the beginning of the first semester of
contract. Family Housing will be assessed a minimum of $50 cleaning fee upon move-out.
Additional cleaning charges may
be assessed against residents whose housing units
require other than routine cleaning including, but not limited to, carpet stains, etc.
PLEASE NOTE: Fines will be assessed for the cost of repair to any item in the unit that is found damaged at the time the residential life staff conducts final check out
or at any other time such damage is discovered. This shall include
, but is not limited to, damages the walls, carpet, furniture, appliances, flooring, fixtures, etc.
All residents living in UVA, UVB, and UVC will be charged a $30 fee each semester for usage of laundry facility. This will allow re
sident only t
o use washers and dryers
without having to put Cat Cash on account or having quarters.
In harmony with Governor’s Executive Order
2012-01, Rogers State University is a tobacco and smoke free campus.
Statement of Understanding
I have read and understand all the rules, provisions, regulations, and policies set forth in this Contract. I also understand that I acknowledge the r
eceipt of, and
responsibility for familiarity with the rules, provisions, regulations, and policies set forth in the RSU Residential Life Handbook, the RSU S
tudent Code of Conduct, and any
other applicable official publications of the University as may be amended from time to time. I agree to pay for the total amount of my Contract according to the term I
_________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _______________
Name Signature Date