Associate Professor
Department of Educational Leadership & Policy, University of Utah
1721 Campus Center Drive, SAEC Room #2230
Salt Lake City, Utah 84112
(801) 585-5097 office
Doctor of Philosophy
Social Sciences and Comparative Education,
Race & Ethnic Studies Concentration
University of California,
Los Angeles, CA
Master of Education
Administration, Planning, and Social Policy,
Higher Education Concentration
Harvard Graduate School of
Education, Cambridge, MA
Bachelor of Arts
English Major, Ethnic Studies Minor
University of California,
Berkeley, CA
Focus on equity oriented critical policy analysis for praxis, including the historicizing and contextualizing
race-conscious social policy in higher education.
6/2017 to present
8/2016 to 5/2017
Associate Professor & Director of Graduate Studies, Department of Educational
Leadership & Policy, University of Utah
Assistant Professor, Department of Educational Leadership & Policy, University
of Utah
American Educational Research Association (AERA) Scholars of Color Early Career
Contribution Award
Summer 2011
The American Association of Hispanics in Higher Education (AAHHE)/Ford
Foundation Faculty Fellowship
Houston Higher Education Law Roundtable Fellow
June 2009
ASHE Institute on Research Methods and Critical Analysis of Qualitative Data
Ford Foundation Diversity Postdoctoral Fellowship Recipient
Ford Foundation Diversity Dissertation Fellowship Recipient
University of California, Los Angeles Institute of American Cultures Dissertation Fellowship
Recipient (declined)
University of California, Student Regent
University of California, Student Regent Designate
University of California / All Campus Consortium On Research for Diversity
(UC/ACCORD) Dissertation Year Fellowship, University of California, LA
Graduate Student Representative for the University of California System-wide Committee on
the Board of Admissions & Relations with Schools (BOARS)
Summer 2004
Graduate Summer Research Mentorship Award, University of California, LA
Fall 2003
Honors Distinction in Doctoral Qualifying Exams, University of California, LA
Spencer Research Training Grant Fellowship, University of California, LA
Refereed Journal Articles
Ledesma, M.C. & *Guerrero, V.A. (in preparation). And we are still not heard: First-generation faculty still
“shattering the silences.”
Ledesma, M.C. & *Guerrero, V.A. (under review) Towards a “tenure attaining culture”: First generation
faculty socialization in higher education.
Ledesma, M.C. (in press for The Review of Higher Education). California Sunset: O’Connor’s post-affirmative
action ideal comes of age in California.
Ledesma, M.C. (2017). Leadership as mission critical: Latinas/os, the military, and affirmative action
in higher education. Journal of Hispanics in Higher Education, 16(2), 123-143.
Ledesma, M.C. (2016). Complicating the binary: Toward a discussion of campus climate
health. Journal Committed to Social Change on Race and Ethnicity, 2(1), 6-35.
Ledesma, M.C. & Franquiz, M. (2015). Reflections on Latinas/os, affirmative action, and higher education.
Association of Mexican American Educators Journal, 9(1), 6-12.
Ledesma, M.C. (2015). Public discourse versus public policy: Latinas/os, affirmative action and the court of
public opinion. Association of Mexican American Educators Journal, 9(1), 57-72.
Ledesma, M.C. & Calderón, D. (2015). Critical race theory in education: A review of past
literature and a look to the future. Qualitative Inquiry, 21(3), 206-222.
Ledesma, M.C. (2013). Revisiting Grutter and Gratz in the wake of Fisher: Looking back to move forward.
Equity & Excellence in Education, 46(2), 220-235.
Chang, M., Chang, J., & Ledesma, M. C. (2005). Beyond magical thinking: Doing the real work of diversifying
our institutions. About Campus, 10, 9-16.
Ledesma, M.C. (2004). Contesting an Illusion of Equity: A Textual Analysis of "Friend of the Court" Briefs in
the University of Michigan Affirmative Action Cases." InterActions: UCLA Journal of Education and
Information Studies, 1(1), Article 2.
* Student Collaborator
Referred Monograph
Museus, S.D. Ledesma, M.C., & Parker, T. (2015) Race and racial equity in higher education. Association for the
Study of Higher Education Report Series, Vol. 42(1).
Book Chapters
Ledesma, M.C. & Burciaga, R. (2015). Faculty governance at Hispanic-serving institutions through the lens of
critical race theory. In J.P. Mendez, F. Bonner, J. Méndez-Negrete, & R.T. Palmer (Eds.). Hispanic-
Serving Institutions in American Higher Education: Their origin, and present and future challenges, (pp. 40-57).
Virginia: Stylus Publishing.
Ledesma, M.C. (2015). Walking the diversity rationale talk: A call to institutions. In U.M.
Jayakumar, L.M. Garces, & F. Fernandez (Eds.). Affirmative action and racial equality: Considering the
Fisher case to forge the path ahead (pp. 165-185). New York: Routledge.
Ledesma, M.C. & Sorzano, D.G. (2013). Naming their pain: How everyday racial microaggressions impact
students and teachers. In D. J. Carter Andrews & F. Tuitt (Eds.) Contesting the myth of a post-racialera:
The continued significance of race in U.S. education (pp.112-127). New York: Peter Lang.
Chang, M.J. & Ledesma, M.C. (2011). The diversity rationale: Its limitations for educational practice. In L.M.
Stulberg & S.L. Weinberg (Eds.) Diversity in American higher education: Toward a more comprehensive
approach (pp.74-85). New York: Routledge.
Ledesma, M.C., & Ruiz de Velasco, J. (2010). Getting to the root causes of social and economic
disconnection. In C. Edley Jr. & J. Ruiz de Velasco (Eds.) Changing places: How communities will improve
the health of boys of color (pp.578-585). Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press.
Research & Policy Reports
Ledesma, M.C., (2007, September) Study Group on University Diversity: Campus Climate Report.
Unpublished report for the University of California.
Solórzano, D.G., Ledesma, M.C., Pérez, J., Burciaga, R., & Ornelas, A. (2003). Latina Equity in Education
Project: Gaining Access to Academic Enrichment Programs. UCLA Chicano Studies Research
Center, Latino Policy & Issues Brief (No.4), University of California, Los Angeles.
Solórzano, D.G. Burciaga, R., Calderón, D., Ledesma, M.C., Ochoa, V., Rivas, M. A., Sanchez, M., Velez, V.,
Watford, T., Ortega, L., Pineda, J. (2004). Unlocking GATE: A Case Study of Student of Color
(Under)Representation in a Southwestern California School District’s Gifted and Talented Education
Program. Report to the American Civil Liberties Union, Latina Rights Project, Southern California
Solórzano, D.G., Burciaga, R., Calderón, D., Lamas Gonzalez, P., Ledesma, M.C., Rivas, M.A., & Watford, T.
(2003). Unlocking GATE: A Case Study of Latina representation in a Southern California School
District’s Gifted and Talented Program. Unpublished report.
Solórzano, D.G., Ledesma, M.C., Pérez, J., Burciaga, R., & Ornelas, A. (2002). Latina Equity in Education
Project. A Report to the American Civil Liberties Union Latina Rights Project, Southern California
Ledesma, M.C. (2007, December). The power of public narrative: Framing and decoding race- conscious
affirmative action in higher education. University of California, Los Angeles. Unpublished
In Progress
Ledesma, M.C. (in preparation). The “power preservation principle” in higher education. Building upon
Derrick Bell’s interest convergence theory for the twenty-first century.
Ledesma, M.C. (in preparation). “Climate perception as fundraising reality: The impact of
campus climate on alumni giving.”
Ledesma, M.C. & Buenavista, T.L. (Eds.) (book project in preparation). First generation faculty:
(Re)examining the experiences of faculty of color in higher education.
Ledesma, M.C. (book manuscript in preparation). Still shattering the silences: First-generation
faculty in higher education.
Refereed Papers, Symposia & Roundtables
Ledesma, M.C. & *Guerrero, V.A. (2018, November). And we are still not heard: First-generation faculty still
“shattering the silences.” Association for the Study of Higher Education Annual Conference. Tampa,
Ledesma, M.C. (2017, April). Interest convergence as power preservation: Considering the intersection of
institutional and individual interest convergences. American Educational Research Association
Annual Meeting, San Antonio, TX.
Slay, K.E., Allen, W., Garces, L., Jayakumar, U.M., Ledesma, M.C., Park, J. (2016, November). Critical lessons
from a post-affirmative action context: Race, diversity, and equity in California and Michigan.
Association for the Study of Higher Education Annual Conference. Columbus, OH.
Ledesma, M.C. & *Guerrero, V.A. (2016, June). First-generation faculty of color in higher education: Moving
towards a tenure attaining culture. Critical Race Studies in Education Association Annual
Conference, Denver, CO.
Ledesma, M.C. (2016, April). First-Generation Faculty of Color in Higher Education: Toward a Tenure-
Attaining Culture. American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C.
Ledesma, M.C. & Sorzano, D.G. (2015, April). Reward and resistance: The evolution of Latina/o Critical
Theory in Educational Scholarship. American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting,
Chicago, IL.
Calderón, D., Ali, A., Ledesma, M.C., Marsh, T., & Stovall, D. (2015, April). The Relationship
Between Ethnic Studies and Critical Race Theory in Education: Theoretical
Considerations for the Future. Critical Ethnic Studies Association Annual Conference.
Toronto, Canada.
Park, J.J., Poon, O., Ledesma, M.C., Teranishi, R., & Wong, J. (2014, November). Asian Americans,
affirmative action, and the future of Proposition 209: Unpacking the SCA-5 Controversy.
Association for the Study of Higher Education Annual Conference. Washington, D.C.
Ledesma, M.C., Aleman, E., Espino, M., Garces, L., Gonzales, L., & Valles, B. (2014, November). The utility
of affirmative action for Chican@s/Latin@s in Higher Education: Towards a new policy and acción
model. Association for the Study of Higher Education Annual Conference. Washington, D.C.
Ledesma, M.C. (2014, April). “The utility of affirmative action for Chican@s/Latin@s: Towards a new policy
and acción model.” National Association of Chicana and Chicano Scholars Annual Conference, Salt
Lake City, UT.
Ledesma, M.C. (2014, April). “Critical race theory in education: A review of the past and a look to the
future.” American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA.
Ledesma, M.C. (2013, April). “Building upon Derrick Bell’s ‘interest convergence dilemma’: Naming and
unpacking the power preservation principle.” American Educational Research Association Annual
Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
Ledesma, M.C., (2012, November). “Beyond interest convergence: Building on Derrick Bell’s seminal theory
for the twenty-first century.Association for the Study of Higher Education Annual Conference. Las
Vegas, NV.
Ledesma, M.C., (2012, May). “Derrick Bell’s interest convergence dilemma for the twenty-first century.”
Critical Race Studies in Education Association Annual Conference, New York, New York.
Ledesma, M.C., Alemán, E., Calderon, D., Delgado Bernal, D., Parker, L., Villalpando, O. (2012, April).
Critical race research, activism, and praxis at a predominately white research institution: Reflections
from a critical mass symposia. American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting,
Vancouver, B.C.
Ledesma, M.C. (2012, April). “Building upon interest convergence.” American Educational Research
Association Annual Meeting, Vancouver, B.C.
Ledesma, M.C. & Solórzano, D.G. (2012, April).Naming their pain: How racial microaggressions impact
students and teachers of color.” American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting,
Vancouver, B.C.
Ledesma, M.C. (2011, April). “The diversity rationale: Its limitations for educational practice.” American
Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA.
Ledesma, M.C. (2010, April). “Lessons from the Green Brief.American Educational Research Association
Annual Meeting. Denver, CO.
Ledesma, M.C. (2008, November 8). “Framing and decoding race-conscious affirmative action policy in
higher education. “Association for the Study of Higher Education Annual Conference. Jacksonville,
Yamamura, E.K., Ledesma, M.C., Calderon, D., & Buenavista, T. (2008, November 9)
“Unintended Impact: The End of Affirmative Action and its Effects on Outreach Programs in
California.” Research roundtable presented at the Association for the Study of Higher Education
Annual Conference. Jacksonville, FL.
Ledesma, M.C. (2008, September 20). “Reclaiming the past to save the future: An analysis of how race-
conscious affirmative action policy in higher education is ahistorically and acontextually framed and
coded.” Annual Conference of Ford Foundation Fellows. Washington, D.C.
Ledesma, M.C. (2006, April 8). “The power of public narrative: Access to higher education as a political act.”
American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting. San Francisco, CA.
Ledesma, M.C. (2003, August 16). “With amici like these, who needs enemies? What textual analysis of
‘Friend of the Court’ briefs teaches us about the state of race in America.” Association of Black
Sociologists, 33rd Annual Meeting. Atlanta, GA.
Ledesma, M.C. (2003, April 21). “School Context and Advanced Placement.” American Educational Research
Association Annual Meeting. Chicago, IL.
Referred Presidential Sessions
Ledesma, M.C., Garces, L.M., Espinosa, L., Flores, S.M., Jayakumar, U.M., Park, J.J., Rios Aguilar, C., &
Rodriguez, A. (2016, April). Influencing equality before the law: Enhancing the use of social science
for the public good. Invited Presidential Session. American Educational Research Association
Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C.
Ledesma, M.C., Poon, O., Garces, L.M., Griffith, K., Jayakumar, U.M., & Park, J., (2015, April). Toward
Collective Action to Reclaim Public Narratives for Justice: Ameliorating an Impoverished Cultural
Discourse on Affirmative Action in Higher Education Presidential Session. American Educational
Research Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL.
Discussant, Chair, Invited Addresses, and Non-Refereed Presentations
“We live it. We breathe it: A discussion on systemic racism.” A presentation for the Office of Equity and
Diversity for the MLK Jr. Celebration. January 19, 2017. University of Utah, Hinckley Caucus Room.
“Historical amnesia, affirmative action, & campus climate: The politics of race in higher education.” A
presentation to the University of Utah’s Student Affairs Diversity Council. February 19, 2014.
“Fireside chat on Affirmative Action. A presentation at the 13
Annual UC/ACCORD (All Campus
Consortium On Research for Diversity) Conference. November 8, 2013. UCLA Conference Center,
Lake Arrowhead, CA.
“Qualitative research design: Training, positionality, and courage” at the Dr. Carlos Vallejo Research
Fellowship Program for Latinos/as in Education. A pre-conference seminar presentation of the
AERA Multicultural/ Multiethnic Education Special Interest Group. April 27, 2013. American
Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
“Mapping a new world: First-year college student experiences” Research Roundtable Chair. May 1, 2013.
American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
“The road to Fisher v. U.T. Austin: Reflections on diversity, discourse, and doctrine in higher education.” A
faculty research presentation at the Annual Spring Faculty Social & College Council Executive
Meeting. April 16, 2013. College of Education, University of Utah.
“Chicana/o challenges to school segregation in California and Texas: Using critical race theory in education
as a tool for historical recovery”Research Session Discussant. American Educational Research
Association Annual Meeting, April 2012, Vancouver, B.C.
“The use of race in university admissions decisions: A discussion of Fisher v. University of Texas at Austin.”
October 15, 2012, Presentation to the College of Education, University of Maryland, College Park.
11th Annual UC/ACCORD (All Campus Constorium On Research for Diversity), Research Panel
Moderator. November 5, 2011, Lake Arrowhead, CA.
"Persisting. Graduating. Tenure. What You Need to Know!" Presented to the National Black Graduate
Student Association Western Regional Conference, University of Utah. October 21, 2011, Salt Lake
City, UT.
“Report of the Campus Climate Work Team of the Study Group on University Diversity.” Presentation to
the University California Board of Regents, Committee on Educational Policy meeting. September
17, 2008, Irvine, CA.
“Re-framing Merit: Strategies for Impacting Media and Community Perspectives on African American Access
to Higher Education.” Presentation at the College Access Project for African Americans (CAPAA)
Symposium. May 16, 2008, University of California, Los Angeles, CA.
“A view from the boardroom: A conversation about serving as UC Student Regent.” October 31, 2007, Santa
Barbara, CA.
“Multiple perspectives in the Academy.” Presentation at the University of California Conference on
Supporting Graduate Students: The Role of Student Affairs. August 8, 2007, Los Angeles, CA.
“Perspectives on the Academy.” Keynote speech at Changing the Culture of the Academy: Toward a More
Inclusive Practice Conference. March 22, 2007. Berkeley, CA.
“University of California & Proposition 209: Ten Years Later.” UC/ACCORD (All Campus Consortium On
Research for Diversity) Annual Fall Conference. December 10, 2006, Lake Arrowhead, CA.
“Higher Education: The Past and Future of Proposition 209” Panel Moderator. Equal Opportunity in
Higher Education: The Past and Future of Proposition 209 Conference. The Chief Justice Earl
Warren Institute on Race, Ethnicity, and Diversity at UC Berkeley Law. October 27, 2006, Berkeley,
“Ten Years after Proposition 209: Challenges for Latino Higher Education and Latino Health.” University of
California, San Francisco. September 28, 2005, San Francisco, CA.
“Eligibility and Admissions: A Strategic View.” University of California Student Association Annual
Congress. August 13, 2005, Berkeley, CA.
“Unlocking GATE: A case study of inequity in a Southern California District’s Gifted and Talented
Education Program” presented to the Graduate School of Education and Information Studies,
Education 288: Research Apprenticeship Course. University of California, Los Angeles. December
2003, Los Angeles, CA.
“GATED out, locked out, pushed out.” Presented to student in Chicana/o Studies 10A: History, Culture,
and Identity Course, University of California, Los Angeles. October 2003, Los Angeles, CA.
“California Fault Lines: Latina Representation in GATE and Honors Courses.” Harvard Graduate School of
Education, First Annual Alumni of Color Conference. March 2003, Cambridge, MA.
“Advanced Placement and Students of Color: A Question of Access.” The College Board Western Regional
Meeting, AP Equity and Access Session. February 2003, Phoenix, AZ.
“Theories and pedagogies of race.” Presented to the Institute for Democracy, Education, and Access.
University of California, Los Angeles. Los Angeles, CA.
“California State University, Monterey Bay's policies and programs: The genesis of a student retention
model.” Presented to the President’s Executive Cabinet, California State University at Monterey Bay.
April 1999, Seaside, CA.
“Increasing Student Learning through Family Involvement.” California Service and Volunteerism Statewide
Conference. March 1996, Oakland, CA.
Blogs, Newsletter Article & Op-Ed Pieces
Buenavista, T.L. & Ledesma, M.C. (2015). “Do Black Lives Matter in Higher Education?” A Community of
Higher Ed Scholars: The Official Blog of AERA Division J.
Ledesma, M.C. (2013, June). Equity Alliance Blog, Arizona State University,
Ledesma, M.C. (2008, Sept 18). Keeping the affirmative action debate in context. Diverse Issues in Higher
Education, Last Word.
Ledesma, M.C., Allen, B., & Scorza, D. (2007, Sept 27-Oct 3). The Regents tackle Diversity, Commentary.
Sentinel, Los Angeles, CA. Vol. 72, Iss. 59; pg. 10.
University of Utah
Department of Educational Leadership & Policy:
ELP 6270: Masters’ Capstone Seminar
ELP 6520/7520: Educational Leadership for Social Justice
ELP 6580/7580: Multiculturalism & Diversity in Higher Education
ELP 6580/7580: Contemporary Issues in Diversity in Higher Education
ELP 6960/7960: Contemporary Issues in Higher Education Policy
ELP 7060: Qualitative Research Methods
ELP 7240: Organizational Theory in Higher Education
ELP 7490: History & Philosophy of U.S. Higher Education
ELP 7600: Dissertation Proposal Writing Seminar
ELP 7960: Affirmative Action in Higher Education
ELP 7060: Introduction to Qualitative Methods
ELP 7960: Social Protest Movements and Education
University of California, Los Angeles
Education M102: The Chicano and Chicano and the Schools (Instructor)
Migrant Student Leadership Institute (Teaching Assistant for Professor Kris Gutierrez)
Spencer Research Training Grant Summer Institute (Teaching Assistant for Professor Patricia McDonough)
1. Liliana Castrellón, ELP
2. Rudy Medina, ELP
3. Valerie Guerrero, ELP
4. Vanessa C. Johnson, ELP
Finishing coursework
5. Roxana Luna, ELP
Finishing coursework
6. Mona Lisa Chavez-Esqueda, Social Work
Committee Member
7. Colin Ben, ELP
Committee Member
Degree Completed
8. Cindy Fierros, Education, Culture, &
Committee Member
Degree Completed
9. Stacey Overholt, Communications
Committee Member
Degree Completed
10. Andrea Garfinkel-Castro, City and
Metropolitan Planning
Committee Member
11. Jessica Oyler, ELP
Committee Member
Degree Completed
12. Andrew Stone, ELP
Committee Member
Degree Completed
13. Mateo Remsburg, ELP
Committee Member
Degree Completed
14. Silvia Garcia, ELP
Committee Member
Degree Completed
Director of Graduate Studies
ELP EdD Recruitment & Admissions Committee, Member
ELP Scholarship Committee, Member
ELP Higher Education Curriculum Alignment & Improvement, Member
Higher Education Masters Capstone Project, Member
Doctoral Recruitment & Admissions Committee, Member
Higher Education Faculty Search Committee, Member
Higher Education Faculty Search Committee, Co-Chair
College of Education
Retention, Promotion, & Tenure Committee
College Research & Grants Committee, ELP Representative
College Executive Committee, ELP Representative
College of Education Dean Search Committee, ELP Representative
Diversity Action Task Force, ELP Representative
Appeals Committee, ELP Representative
University of Utah
2012-2013 Faculty Senate Diversity Committee
Office for Equity & Diversity, Consultant
National/Professional Service
Invited Reviewer, Ford Foundation Fellowships Program
ASHE Film Festival, Co-Chair
AERA Hispanic Research Issues SIG Early Career Scholar Award, Selection Committee
American Association of Hispanics in Higher Education (AAHHE) Faculty Fellow
Program Co-Chair
Conference Program Planning Committee Member, Association for the Study of Higher
Education (ASHE) Annual Conference
Division J Planning Committee Section 2 (Student College Access) Chair, American
Educational Research Association
Council for Ethnic Participation Mentor/Protégé Committee Member, Association for
Study of Higher Education
Conference Proposal Reviewer, American Educational Research Association
Conference Proposal Reviewer, Association for Study of Higher Education
Dissertation Fellowship Reviewer, University of California /All Campus Consortium On
Research for Diversity (UC/ACCORD)
Manuscript Reviewer, American Educational Research Journal; Association of Mexican
American Educators Journal, Educational Policy, Review of Education Research,
Journal of Diversity in Higher Education; Equity & Excellence in Education;
Journal of Higher Education; Peabody Journal of Education; Social
Invited Class Presentations
Educational Leadership & Policy (ELP)
March 2015 ELP, Discourse Analysis (instructor, Irene Yoon, Ph.D.)
Oct 2011 ELP, ProSeminar (instructor, M. Skorheim, Ph.D.)
Dec 2010 ELP, ProSeminar (instructor, P. Smith, Ph.D.)
Education, Culture, & Society (ECS)
Nov 2011 ECS, Critical Race Theory (instructor, D. Delgado Bernal, Ph.D.)
Ethnic Studies
March 2017 Ethnic Studies (instructor, Kimberly Jew, Ph.D.)
March 2016 Ethnic Studies (instructor, Dolores Calderon, Ph.D.)
March 2015 Ethnic Studies (instructor, Sonya Alemán, Ph.D.)
March 2013 Ethnic Studies (instructor, Sonya Alemán, Ph.D.)
March 2012 Ethnic Studies (instructor, Sonya Alemán, Ph.D.)
Virtual Presentations
Fall 2015 “Foundations of Postsecondary Education” (Assistant Professor Leslie Gonzalez, Ph.D.,
Department of Education Administration, Michigan State University)
Spring 2013 “Examining Critical Race Theory in Education” (Associate Professor Dorinda Carter-
Andrews, Ed.D., Department of Teacher Education, Michigan State University)
Fall 2012 History of American Higher Education” (Associate Professor Ryan Gildersleeve, Ph.D.,
Morgridge College of Education, Higher Education Program, University of Denver)
The Chief Justice Earl Warren Institute on Law and Social Policy
UC Berkeley Law, Berkeley, CA. Education Research Fellow
The Civil Rights Project/Proyecto Derechos Civiles, UCLA, Los Angeles,
CA, Research Coordinator/Research Associate
The Chief Justice Earl Warren Institute on Law and Social Policy
UC Berkeley Law, Berkeley, CA. Research Fellow
Summer 2006
Ralph J. Bunche Center for African American Studies, UCLA, Los
Angeles, CA. Graduate Student Researcher
UC/All Campus Consortium On Research for Diversity (ACCORD),
UCLA, Los Angeles, CA. Graduate Student Researcher
UC/All Campus Consortium On Research for Diversity (ACCORD),
UCLA, Los Angeles, CA. Graduate Student Researcher
Latina Equity in Education Project, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA. Graduate
Student Researcher
10/01 1/2004
CHOICES Project, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA. Graduate Student Researcher
Administrative, Consulting, Leadership
University of California, Berkeley
UC Berkeley, Berkeley, CA. Admissions/Recruitment Specialist
Summer 2009
Center for Urban Education, University of Southern California, Los
Angeles, CA. Research Associate/Consultant
Student Affairs, Educator, Other Experiences
9/99 to 7/01
Early Academic Outreach Program, UC Berkeley, Berkeley, CA.
Outreach Coordinator
7/99 to 8/99
Incentive Awards Pre-Collegiate Academy, UC Berkeley, Berkeley, CA
Writing Workshop Leader
911/96 to 7/98
Service-Learning Research & Development Center. UC Berkeley, Berkeley, CA,
Project Manager
8/96 to 10/96
Survey Research Center, Berkeley, CA. Senior Survey Worker
8/94 to 6/96
Partners in School Innovation, San Francisco, CA. Elementary School
Leadership Team Member
American Association of Hispanics in Higher Education (AAHHE)
American Education Research Association (AERA)
Association for the Study of Higher Education (ASHE)
Critical Race Studies in Education Association (CRSEA)