Molecular Cell 24, 469–479, November 3, 2006 ª2006 Elsevier Inc. DOI 10.1016/j.molcel.2006.09.009
Nucleosomes Can Form a Polar Barrier
to Transcript Elongation by RNA Polymerase II
Vladimir A. Bondarenko,
Louise M. Steele,
Andrea U
Daria A. Gaykalova,
Olga I. Kulaeva,
Yury S. Polikanov,
Donal S. Luse,
and Vasily M. Studitsky
Department of Pharmacology
University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey
Robert Wood Johnson Medical School
675 Hoes Lane, Room 405
Piscataway, New Jersey 08854
Department of Molecular Genetics
Lerner Research Institute
Cleveland Clinic
Cleveland, Ohio 44195
Nucleosomes uniquely positioned on high-affinity
DNA sequences present a polar barrier to transcription
by human and yeast RNA polymerase II (Pol II). In one
transcriptional orientation, these nucleosomes pro-
vide a strong, factor- and salt-insensitive barrier at the
entry into the H3/H4 tetramer that can be recapitulated
without H2A/H2B dimers. The same nucleosomes tran-
scribed in the opposite orientation form a weaker, more
diffuse barrier that is largely relieved by higher salt,
TFIIS, or FACT. Barrier properties are therefore dic-
tated by both the local nucleosome structure (influ-
enced by the strength of the histone-DNA interactions)
and the location of the high-affinity DNA region within
the nucleosome. Pol II transcribes DNA sequences
at the entry into the tetramer much less efficiently
than the same sequences located distal to the nucleo-
some dyad. Thus, entry into the tetramer by Pol II facil-
itates further transcription, perhaps due to partial
unfolding of the tetramer from DNA.
Chromatin consists of repeating units called nucleo-
somes. Within each nucleosome core, a central H3/H4
tetramer is flanked on both sides by H2A/H2B dimers.
Nucleosomes can be transiently displaced from eukary-
otic genes when transcription levels are very high (Krist-
juhan and Svejstrup, 2004; Schwabish and Struhl, 2004),
but the majority of transcribed genes retain nucleosomal
organization and thus each Pol II complex must encoun-
ter nucleosomes during elongation. Although Pol II can
clearly traverse nucleosomes efficiently in vivo, nucleo-
somes form a high barrier to transcribing Pol II in vitro
(Izban and Luse, 1991, 1992; Kireeva et al., 2002). Pol II
itself can overcome this in vitro barrier only at 300 mM
or higher ionic strength (Izban and Luse, 1991, 1992;
Kireeva et al., 2002). During nucleosome traversal by
Pol II, a single H2A/H2B dimer is released (Kireeva
et al., 2002), which matches the apparent effect of Pol
II passage in vivo (Kimura and Cook, 2001; Thiriet and
Hayes, 2005). The elongation factor FACT can act as
an H2A/H2B chaperone during nucleosome assembly,
and this activity most likely mediates its stimulating
effect on transcription of nucleosomal templates (Belot-
serkovskaya et al., 2003). TFIIS, which facilitates tran-
script cleavage and restoration of catalytic activity of
Pol II in arrested transcription complexes, can also facil-
itate transcript elongation on nucleosomal templates
(Kireeva et al., 2005).
A number of previous experiments have shown that
transcription of mononucleosomal templates recapitu-
lates many important aspects of chromatin transcription
in vivo (Kireeva et al., 2002, 2005). In the present study,
we employed mononucleosomal templates containing
DNA sequences with high affinity for the histone oc-
tamer. These DNAs direct assembly of nucleosomes to
single, well-defined locations. Our analysis indicates
that there is considerable sequence and orientation-
dependent variation in both overall height and location of
the nucleosomal transcription barrier. Nucleosomes as-
sembled on strong nucleosome-positioning sequences
(NPS) can present very strong salt- and factor-insensi-
tive blockades to Pol II, but these exceptional barriers
occur in only one transcriptional orientation. A substan-
tial part of these very strong nucleosomal barriers can
be observed with only the H3/H4 tetramer. Thus, nucle-
osomes do not represent a uniform, symmetrical barrier
to transcript elongation by Pol II. Efficient traversal of
nucleosomes, at least in some cases, must involve
mechanisms in addition to the transient loss of an H2A/
H2B dimer.
A Nucleosome Formed on a Strong
Nucleosome-Positioning Sequence Can
Present an Insurmountable Barrier to Pol II
In our previous studies, transcription complexes were
directly assembled with yeast Pol II, template oligonu-
cleotides, and short initial RNAs. DNA fragments bear-
ing single nucleosomes assembled in multiple positions
were then ligated downstream of the yeast transcription
complexes (Kireeva et al., 2002). A major goal of the
present study was to analyze Pol II transcript elongation
through a variety of uniquely positioned mononucleo-
somes. We therefore utilized DNA sequences having
high affinity for the histone octamer, which can precisely
position nucleosomes (Lowary and Widom, 1998; Thas-
trom et al., 1999). The single expected positions of the
mononucleosomes on the templates were verified by
analysis in native gels (Figure S1 in the Supplemental
Data available with this article online), restriction diges-
tion analysis (Figure S2), and DNase I and hydroxyl rad-
ical footprinting (data not shown). Yeast Pol II elongation
complexes containing 9 nt RNA (EC9) were ligated to
these uniquely positioned nucleosomes and advanced
to produce 45 nt EC45 complexes as described earlier
(Kireeva et al., 2002; Figure 1A). We also wished to com-
pare the elongation competence of the assembled yeast
Pol II complexes with promoter-initiated human Pol II.
*Correspondence: lu[email protected] (D.S.L.), [email protected]
However, preliminary experiments indicated that the
ligation procedure was not tolerated by human Pol II.
Thus, for the human polymerase, templates containing
both a promoter and an NPS were employed. After
nucleosomes were assembled on these longer DNA
fragments, human Pol II preinitiation complexes were
assembled with purified RNA polymerase and purified
or recombinant general transcription factors (Pal et al.,
2005; Figure 1B). Human Pol II complexes were initially
advanced with a subset of the NTPs to produce stalled
EC21 elongation complexes (Figure 1B). The yeast
EC45 and human EC21 complexes were extended in
Figure 1. A Nucleosome Formed on a Strong Nucleosome-Positioning Sequence Can Present an Insurmountable Barrier to Pol II
(A) The experimental system for analysis of transcription through a nucleosome by yeast Pol II. Pol II elongation complex (EC9) was assembled
on a 50 bp DNA fragment. The EC9 was immobilized on Ni
-NTA agarose beads, ligated to DNA or nucleosomal templates, and washed. Pol II
was advanced to produce 45 nt transcripts (EC45 complex) by using a subset of NTPs and [a-
P] GTP to label the RNA. The EC45 complexes
were washed, and transcription was resumed by addition of all unlabeled NTPs.
(B) Experimental system for analysis of transcription through a nucleosome by human Pol II. DNA fragments preassembled into nucleosomes
were attached to beads and then used for assembly of Pol II preinitiation complexes, which were advanced to EC21 and then chased with
four NTPs. All templates for yeast and human Pol II were constructed in a similar way; in particular, strong nucleosome-positioning sequences
(NPS) were always located on the downstream DNA end and overall length of template DNA was constant in most experiments.
(C) Nucleosome cores assembled on the 601 DNA sequence form a strong barrier to yeast Pol II. Histone-free 601 DNA or nucleosomes were
transcribed in the presence of the indicated concentrations of NTPs and KCl, in the presence or absence of FACT. Arrows indicate positions
of the labeled transcripts in the gel. Position of the nucleosome on the template is indicated by the oval (the nucleosomal dyad is shown as a black
square). The positions of strong nucleosomal pausing are indicated by black rectangles. M, end-labeled pBR322-Msp digest.
(D) The 601 nucleosome core presents a strong barrier to human Pol II. Pol II transcription complexes were assembled on bead-attached pure
DNA or nucleosomal templates bearing the 601 sequence. In all lanes except 1 and 5 (marked nc), the initial U21 ternary complex was chased at
the KCl concentration and with the addition of sarkosyl or TFIIS as indicated in the figure.
Molecular Cell
the presence of all four NTPs, and the resulting tran-
scripts were analyzed.
For our initial experiments, templates bearing the 601
sequence element (Lowary and Widom, 1998; Thastrom
et al., 1999) were used to direct nucleosome assembly.
Histone-free 601 templates were transcribed to comple-
tion by both yeast and human Pol II provided that NTPs
were present at a sufficiently high concentration (100 mM
or higher, Figures 1C and 1D). However, in contrast to
the results of earlier studies (Izban and Luse, 1991,
1992; Kireeva et al., 2002, 2005), both RNA polymerases
failed to efficiently traverse the 601 nucleosome, even at
300 mM salt (Figures 1C and 1D). Yeast Pol II recognized
major pauses at w10–20 nt and at w45 nt into the 601
nucleosome (Figure 1C); less than 10% traversal
occurred even at 300 mM KCl (summary in Figure 4).
Human Pol II observed very similar pause sites, although
the w+45 pause predominated at all salt concentrations
(Figure 1D). Human Pol II traversed the 601 nucleosome
more efficiently than the yeast enzyme, but only about
40% readthrough was achieved at 300 mM KCl (Fig-
ure 4). The height and salt resistance of the 601 nucleo-
somal barrier to Pol II exceeds that observed previously
with any other nucleosome.
Some major stops (such as the pauses at w+15) on
the 601 nucleosomal template matched corresponding
transient pauses seen on free DNA at low NTP levels
(Figure 1C), in agreement with previous studies of nucle-
osome transcription (Izban and Luse, 1991, 1992; Kir-
eeva et al., 2002, 2005). However, the major pause at
+45 was very selectively and strongly amplified in the
presence of the nucleosome (Figures 1C and 1D). Be-
cause nucleosomal pauses were not observed on free
DNA at the high NTP levels used for nucleosome tran-
scription, they are nucleosome specific. As expected,
transcription of the nucleosomal 601 template in the
presence of reagents that strongly destabilize DNA-
histone interactions (1 M KCl or the detergent sarkosyl)
resulted in efficient synthesis of run-off transcripts (Fig-
ures 1C and 1D).
The elongation factor TFIIS can relieve a large part
of the nucleosomal barrier to transcript elongation by
yeast Pol II (Kireeva et al., 2005). However, TFIIS could
only partially relieve the 601 nucleosome barrier for hu-
man Pol II. When the run-off bands were quantified, we
found that readthrough transcription increased from
12% to 38% at 40 mM salt and from 20% to 33% at
150 mM salt in the presence of TFIIS (Figure 1D). The
strongest 601 pause site is located approximately where
nucleosomal DNA begins to interact with the central
H3/H4 tetramer, suggesting that this part of the barrier
is conferred primarily by the tetramer. Consistent with
this idea and the proposed role for FACT as an H2A/
H2B chaperone (Belotserkovskaya et al., 2003; Formosa
et al., 2002), FACT could not increase traversal of the 601
nucleosome by yeast Pol II at 100 mM KCl (Figure 1C).
The FACT preparation was active, because it allowed
yeast Pol II to penetrate further into the 601 nucleosome
at 100 mM salt, relieving the barrier formed by the H2A/
H2B dimers (Figure 1
C). Similar results were obtained
with human Pol II and FACT (Figure S3).
Because the barrier formed by the 601 nucleosome is
localized in the tetramer and FACT cannot relieve it, we
next tested whether the tetramer alone assembled on the
601 sequence can recreate the barrier imposed by the
entire 601 nucleosome. As expected, a single tetramer
is bound to the central part of the 601 positioning se-
quence (Figures 2A and 2B). Neither polymerase paused
significantly in the +15 region on the tetramer-containing
templates, even at 40 mM KCl, but strong pausing in the
Figure 2. The Insurmountable Barrier to Pol II Persists after Removal of H2A/H2B Dimers from the 601 Nucleosome
(A) Schematic diagram of tetramer positioning on the 601 NPS. Cleavage sites for restriction enzymes and the expected position of the tetramer
on the template (oval) are indicated.
(B) Mapping of the position of the tetramer on the 601 template using a restriction enzyme sensitivity assay. Analysis of DNA-protein complexes
by nondenaturing PAGE. M, end-labeled pBR322-Msp digest.
(C) Omission of H2A/H2B dimers from the 601 nucleosome leaves the major barrier to yeast Pol II intact. Pulse-labeled RNA in EC45 was
extended in the presence of unlabeled NTPs at the indicated concentrations of KCl on 601 nucleosomes or DNA-bound tetramer.
(D) Omission of H2A/H2B dimers from the 601 nucleosome leaves the major barrier to human Pol II intact. Pol II transcription complexes assem-
bled on 601 templates bearing either nucleosomes or DNA-bound tetramers were extended as in Figure 1D.
Mechanism of Transcription through Chromatin
+45 region occurred at all salt concentrations tested and
at nearly the same intensity on the tetramer- and oc-
tamer-containing 601 templates (Figures 2C and 2D).
The Height of the Nucleosomal Barrier to Pol II
Depends on Both the DNA-Histone Affinity
and the Orientation of the Nucleosome
Why is the nucleosomal barrier on the 601 template so
high? The 601 DNA sequence was selected based pri-
marily on the affinity of the central w70 bp for the H3/
H4 tetramer (Thastrom et al., 2004). Thus, strong binding
of the H3/H4 tetramer to 601 DNA could account for the
high barrier to Pol II, particularly at the point of entry into
the tetramer. If this were true and all DNA-histone inter-
actions are equally strong along the tetramer-bound
DNA region, one would expect that (1) the 601 sequence
would provide an equally strong barrier regardless of its
orientation on the template and (2) nucleosomes assem-
bled on other DNA sequences with comparable affinities
for histones would provide comparably strong barriers
to transcript elongation in analogous locations.
To test these predictions, we constructed 601R, a
template with the reverse orientation of the 601 position-
ing sequence. We also made four other templates (603,
603R, 605, and 605R) utilizing the 603 and 605 DNA se-
quences in both transcriptional orientations. The 601,
603, and 605 positioning elements are essentially unre-
lated in DNA sequence, but they have equally high affin-
ities for core histones (Lowary and Widom, 1998; Thas-
trom et al., 1999). Yeast and human Pol II elongation
complexes were assembled on these nucleosomal tem-
plates as described in Figures 1A and 1B. Transcripts
were extended at different concentrations of KCl in the
presence or absence of TFIIS (human Pol II) or FACT.
The results are shown in Figure 3 and Figure S3 and
summarized in Figure 4 and Figure S5.
We observed a clear orientation dependence of the
height and location of the transcriptional barrier formed
on these nucleosomes. Polymerases paused primarily
at w+45 on the 603R and 605R nucleosomal templates,
and this barrier was only slightly reduced by 300 mM KCl
or TFIIS, as was the case with the 601 template. In
Figure 3. The Height and Organization of the Nucleosomal Barrier to Transcription by Pol II Are Orientation Dependent
(A) The 601 and 603 nucleosomes present orientation-dependent barriers to transcription by yeast Pol II. RNA-labeled EC45 complexes were
extended in the presence of unlabeled NTPs at the indicated concentrations of KCl.
(B) FACT can relieve the 601R nucleosomal barrier to yeast Pol II. Transcription of the 601R nucleosomes was conducted as described above; the
45-mer was extended in the presence or in the absence of FACT.
(C) The height and location of the nucleosomal barrier to transcription by human Pol II is variable and depends on the underlying DNA sequence
and its orientation. Pol II transcription complexes assembled on nucleosomal templates bearing the 601R, 603, or 603R sequences were
extended as in Figure 1D.
Molecular Cell
contrast, the 601R, 603, and 605 barriers were less local-
ized at 40 or 150 mM KCl and significantly relieved by 300
mM salt (Figures 3 and 4 and Figures S4 and S5). At 300
mM KCl, the amount of run-off transcript generated by
yeast Pol II increased from <10% on 601 and 603R, and
<20% on 605R, to 35% on 601R and >40% on 603 and
605. With human Pol II as well, traversal at 300 mM was
considerably lower for the less-permissive group of tem-
plates (42% on 601 and 30% on 603R) as compared to
traversal levels for the more permissive template group
(67%, 82%, and 57% on 601R, 603, and 605, respec-
tively). On the 601R, 603, and 605 templates, a significant
fraction of yeast and human Pol II complexes transcribed
past the +45 pausing area even at 150 mM KCl. The bar-
rier on the nucleosomal 603 template is lower than the
barrier formed by nucleosomes bound to the 5S DNA
sequence (Kireeva et al., 2002), although 5S DNA has at
least 100-fold lower affinity for the octamer than the
603 sequence (Lowary and Widom, 1998; Thastrom
et al., 1999).
The 601, 603R, and 605R transcriptional barriers have
similar structures and heights. In contrast, pause sites
on 601R, 603, and 605 differed in both intensity and loca-
tion (Figures 3 and 4 and Figures S4 and S5). Although
pause locations between roughly +10 to +20 and +35 to
+55 were seen for all nucleosomes, the details of the
pausing patterns were quite distinct for each template
(Figure 4 and Figure S5). For a given salt concentration,
the human enzyme always produced a greater propor-
tion of run-off transcripts in comparison with yeast
Pol II. Comparison of the nucleosomal pause locations
with patterns of transient pausing on the corresponding
histone-free DNA at lower concentrations of NTPs dem-
onstrates that only a subset of the nucleosomal pauses
represents increases in free DNA pausing (Figure 1C
and data not shown). Thus, our results indicate that the
extent of the nucleosomal barrier to transcript elongation
by Pol II is determined by a combination of the underlying
DNA sequence and the position of this sequence within
the nucleosome. Some major pauses on nucleosomal
templates occurred at or beyond the nucleosomal dyad
(601R, 603, and 605 templates; see Figure 4 and Fig-
ure S5), suggesting that nucleosomes remain bound to
the DNA template after Pol II has crossed the dyad.
Figure 4. Summary of the Positions and Intensities of Nucleosome-Specific Pauses Formed during Transcription of 601 and 603 Templates by
Yeast or Human Pol II
The extent of pausing at different sites was quantified. The location of each pause within the given nucleosome is shown on the x axis (RO, run
off). Narrow-width bars show pausing at a single location, whereas wide bars indicate pausing in closely spaced groups. Bar height shows the
amount of pausing at the indicated location, with the amount of run off at 1 M KCl (yeast) or 1% sarkosyl (human) set to 100%. Dark bars show
results at 40 mM KCl, gray bars show results at 150 mM KCl, and white bars show results at 300 mM KCl.
Mechanism of Transcription through Chromatin
In contrast to the case with the 601 nucleosome (Fig-
ure 1C), FACT stimulated RNA synthesis on the 601R
template for yeast Pol II (Figure 3B), raising run-off levels
to those seen with 300 mM KCl. With human Pol II, FACT
essentially eliminated pausing in the promoter-proximal
segment of the 601R nucleosome, whereas pausing in
the analogous region of the 601 nucleosome was only
slightly reduced by FACT (Figure S3). TFIIS stimulated
elongation by human Pol II on the 601R, 603, and 605
nucleosomal templates (Figure 3C and Figure S4), in-
creasing run-off levels in 40 mM salt to those seen with
150 mM salt in the absence of TFIIS. As we observed
with the 601 template, run-off transcription on 601R
and 605 nucleosomes at 150 mM KCl in the presence
of TFIIS was not significantly greater than run-off levels
at 40 mM salt in the presence of TFIIS. However, TFIIS
did stimulate elongation at 150 mM salt on the 603
template, increasing readthrough to roughly the same
level (over 80%) seen at 300 mM KCl in the absence
of TFIIS. Thus, in agreement with earlier results (Kireeva
et al., 2005) with yeast Pol II, stimulation of human Pol II
by TFIIS on nucleosomal templates was easily evident
at low-salt concentrations, but at physiological ionic
strength, TFIIS increased run-off transcription beyond
the 50% level on only one of our nucleosomal templates.
Nucleosome Organization Does Not Necessarily
Determine the Location of the Barrier
to Transcription by Pol II
The variability of the nucleosome-specific pausing pat-
terns on various templates (Figure 4) raises the question
of if there are any pausing features determined entirely
by nucleosome structure. To eliminate sequence bias,
templates for yeast Pol II containing mostly random DNA
sequence were constructed as shown in Figure 5A.
Transcription of these histone-free templates at lower
NTP concentrations resulted in transient, apparently
sequence-specific pauses at positions +4 and +5 and
at several locations near the dyad (Figure 5B). These
pauses occurred within the defined-sequence linkers
used to assemble the otherwise random-sequence
DNA templates (Figure 5A).
Pausing by yeast Pol II on the random-sequence nu-
cleosome at 40 mM KCl occurred at a discrete set of
nucleosome-specific positions near +15 and a broader
range of sites centered within the promoter-proximal
30–40 bp of the nucleosome (Figure 5B). These fea-
tures generally resembled those seen on the specific-
sequence nucleosomes under these conditions (Figure 4
and Figure S5). The tight distribution of these pauses
suggests that the majority of random-sequence nucleo-
somes were positioned on the template with a variation
of no more than 2–3 bp. The mean distribution of the
pausing pattern progressively shifted into the nucleo-
some as the salt concentration was increased to 150
and 300 mM KCl. The only discrete pauses seen at
150–300 mM KCl (downstream of the +15 pause) were
very faint bands within the proximal half of the nucleo-
some (marked by dots in Figure 5B), which lacked the
10 bp periodicity observed during transcription through
a nucleosome by yeast Pol III (Studitsky et al., 1997).
Very little run-off RNA was obtained until the salt con-
centration was raised to 300 mM; at this ionic strength,
most of the pausing was localized within the boundaries
of the central H3/H4 tetramer. Some pausing was ob-
served within the random-sequence nucleosome at or
Figure 5. Nucleosome Organization Does Not Necessarily Specify Distinct Pausing by Yeast Pol II
(A) Experimental approach.
(B) Transcription of the random-sequence DNA and nucleosome. DNA or nucleosomes were transcribed in the presence of the indicated con-
centrations of NTPs and KCl. The clusters of nucleosome-specific pauses are indicated by the black rectangle and by black dots. Nonrandom
DNA sequences (NR) are indicated; positions of sequence-specific pauses are indicated by asterisks. Note that nucleosomal DNA was labeled
(unligated DNA is indicated by arrowhead). M, end-labeled pBR322-Msp digest.
Molecular Cell
beyond the nucleosome dyad, particularly at 300 mM
The data in Figure 5 indicate that the histone octamer
presents a barrier for Pol II that extends continuously
into the nucleosome, including a considerable distance
past the dyad. Except for the discrete pause at w+15, no
specific position within the nucleosome predominated in
directing pausing. The random-sequence nucleosome
transcriptional barrier was of intermediate strength,
between the 601/603R barriers and the 601R/603 bar-
riers, as judged by the extent of run-off RNA production
by yeast Pol II at 300 mM KCl.
Polymerase Specificity of the Nucleosomal
Barrier to Transcription
Pol II and E. coli RNA polymerase (RNAP) encounter
a strong nucleosomal barrier to transcription. Traversal
of the nucleosome by these polymerases results in
nucleosome remodeling (loss of one H2A/2B dimer),
but the nucleosome remains in place on the template
(Kireeva et al., 2002; Walter et al., 2003). In contrast,
eukaryotic Pol III and bacteriophage SP6 RNAP see
a much lower nucleosomal barrier to transcription (Bed-
nar et al., 1999; Studitsky et al., 1995, 1997). As these lat-
ter polymerases proceed, nucleosomes remain intact
but are displaced from their original locations. To evalu-
ate polymerase specificity of the nucleosomal barrier
formed on high-affinity positioning sequences, tem-
plates were constructed with the 601 and 601R position-
ing elements attached to promoters for bacteriophage
SP6 RNAP (Figure S6). These templates were tran-
scribed, as free DNA or mononucleosomes, for various
time intervals at 40 mM KCl (Figure 6). The nucleosomal
barriers to SP6 transcription were much lower than
those encountered by Pol II: up to 70% of SP6 RNAP
molecules synthesized run-off transcript under these
low-salt conditions (Figure 6). Therefore, even a nucleo-
some that cannot be traversed by Pol II at 40 mM salt
(601, Figure 1) does not form a high barrier to SP6
RNAP under the same conditions. However, some fea-
tures of the barrier to the SP6 RNAP are in common
with the Pol II barrier on both the 601 and 601R tem-
plates. The locations of the major w+45 pause sites in
both 601 and 601R for SP6 RNAP were essentially iden-
tical to those seen with Pol II. In addition, the level of
pausing by SP6 polymerase was weaker and more dif-
fuse on the 601R template as compared with 601, which
is similar to the results of transcription of 601 and 601R
by Pol II. Thus, the barrier imposed by the H3/H4 tetra-
mer is recognized by both Pol II and SP6 RNAP,
although the barrier is much lower for the phage poly-
merase. Note that, unlike Pol II, the SP6 polymerase
did not pause beyond the dyad on the 601R template.
This is consistent with the observation that transcription
past the dyad by SP6 polymerase results in relief of the
nucleosomal barrier by nucleosome relocation (Studit-
sky et al., 1995).
We have established an experimental system for analy-
sis of the mechanism of Pol II transcript elongation
through uniquely positioned nucleosomes. To guarantee
that nucleosomes occupy a single position, templates
Figure 6. RNA Polymerase Specificity of the
Nucleosomal Barrier to Transcription
(A) Nucleosomal templates for transcription
by SP6 RNA polymerase.
(B) The nucleosomal barrier to SP6 RNA poly-
merase formed on the 601 and 601R tem-
plates is low. Preformed RNA-labeled EC14
complexes were extended in the presence
of all cold NTPs at 40 mM KCl on 601 or
601R DNA or nucleosomes. Arrow at the left
indicates the run-off transcripts; arrowhead
indicates the end-labeled DNA used as
a loading control.
Mechanism of Transcription through Chromatin
containing high-affinity nucleosome assembly se-
quences were used. Striking features of the transcrip-
tional blockades imposed by these nucleosomal tem-
plates include the strength and polarity of the barriers.
These critical features of the barriers are Pol II specific.
The 601, 603R, and 605R templates provided very high,
factor- and salt-insensitive barriers. Because such high-
strength barriers have never been observed using
DNA sequences with lower affinities to core histones,
the high-affinity DNA sequences must dictate a primary
characteristic of the barriers. The high-strength barriers
are always localized at the point of entry into the H3/H4
tetramer and were never detected within the dyad-distal
part of the histone tetramer.
Transcription of the high-strength barrier templates in
the reverse orientation did not reveal high-strength bar-
riers. Traversal of the 601R, 603, and 605 nucleosomes
by Pol II resulted in a diffuse collection of pause sites
that could be largely relieved by higher salt or the elon-
gation factors TFIIS or FACT. The characteristics of the
nucleosomal barrier are therefore dictated both by the
local nucleosome structure (which is likely to be a func-
tion of the strength of the histone-DNA interactions) and
the location of the DNA sequence elements within the
nucleosome. The fact that Pol II transcribes DNA regions
at the entry into the tetramer much less efficiently than
the same regions when encountered distal to the nucle-
osomal dyad axis suggests that after entering the tetra-
mer, Pol II facilitates its own progression through the
nucleosome. A likely explanation for this effect would
be a partial unfolding of the histone tetramer from DNA
as a result of the entry of Pol II into the tetramer.
The Nature of the Nucleosomal Barrier
to Transcribing Pol II
None of the nucleosomes in our study could be effi-
ciently traversed by either human or yeast Pol II at (or
below) physiological ionic strength in the absence of
elongation factors. For one orientation of each of the
templates, at least one-third (and in many cases, a
majority) of the polymerases could cross the nucleo-
some at 300 mM KCl (Figure 4 and Figure S5), in agree-
ment with earlier work (Izban and Luse, 1991, 1992;
Kireeva et al., 2002). However, the 601, 603R, and 605R
nucleosomes could not be crossed efficiently under
any condition tested. The location of the most prominent
pause sites on these three templates, w45 bp into the
nucleosome (Figure 7), suggested that the H3/H4 tetra-
mer alone can impose the major transcriptional barrier
on these sequences. This hypothesis was confirmed by
demonstrating that the pausing at +45 directed by a 601
DNA-bound histone tetramer is similar to the pausing
produced at this location by the complete 601 nucleo-
some (Figures 2C and 2D). Consistent with this observa-
tion, the H2A/H2B chaperone FACT was not able to sig-
nificantly decrease the height of the major 601 barrier,
although FACT can stimulate transcription through other
nucleosomes (Belotserkovskaya et al., 2003), including
601R (Figure 3B and Figure S3). In preliminary tests
(data not shown), we found that FACT also stimulates
traversal of the 603, but not the 603R, nucleosome by hu-
man Pol II. These results indicate that traffic of the H2A/
H2B dimers does not always control nucleosome tra-
versal by Pol II. The other factor known to facilitate tran-
scription through nucleosomes, TFIIS (Guermah et al.,
2006; Kireeva et al., 2005), could only partially stimulate
readthrough on the nucleosomal 601 and 603R tem-
plates. Thus, nucleosomes can form a barrier to tran-
script elongation by Pol II that cannot be significantly
relieved by 300 mM salt or any known elongation factor.
All of the templates employed in this study contained
nucleosome-positioning elements that have high, and
comparable, affinities for the core histones, particularly
for the H3/H4 tetramer (Lowary and Widom, 1998; Thas-
trom et al., 1999, 2004). Because positioning sequences
used in earlier studies did not support assembly of
high-strength nucleosomal barriers that resisted salt
and elongation factors, exceptional barrier strength
Figure 7. Positions of Nucleosome-Specific Pauses within the Nucleosomal Structure
The structure of the nucleosome core (Luger et al., 1997) is shown on the left and the path of nucleosomal DNA on the right. The backbone of
nucleosomal DNA is shown in white and gray, the H3/H4 tetramer in purple, and the H2A/H2B dimers in green and blue. The regions of histone
interactions with DNA are colored correspondingly (on the right). The locations of ten base intervals on the template DNA strand (numbered from
the upper end of the nucleosome) are indicated along the DNA backbone. The major positions of strong Pol II pausing that occur in the 601, 603R,
and 605R nucleosomes are shown by white rectangles.
Molecular Cell
must require high affinity of DNA for the histone core.
However, simply inverting the 601, 603, or 605 sequence
elements, which would not change the affinity of the
nucleosomes for the underlying DNA, significantly
changed the height and predominant location of the
nucleosomal barrier to transcription (Figure 4 and
Figure S5). This barrier asymmetry suggests that the
high affinity of the 601, 603, and 605 assembly se-
quences for the H3/H4 tetramer does not extend over
the entire central segment of the elements but instead
can be localized to only one side of the H3/H4 tetra-
mer-bound DNA region. This model can explain the
sharp blockade to entry into the tetramer provided
by nucleosomes assembled with the high-affinity se-
quences on the promoter-proximal side of the nucleoso-
mal dyad (i.e., 601, 603R, and 605R). However, if local-
ized high affinity of DNA for the underlying H3/H4
tetramer always provides a strong barrier to transcrip-
tion, why is such a barrier not observed on the pro-
moter-distal side of the dyad with the 601R, 603, and
605 nucleosomes? Our data suggest that after entering
the tetramer Pol II induces a cooperative partial unfold-
ing of the tetramer from DNA, facilitating continued tran-
scription through the nucleosome. If polymerase entry
into the tetramer reduces downstream barriers, then
high-affinity elements located downstream of the dyad
would not be expected to provide an exceptionally
strong blockade to Pol II after it passes the +45 region.
Interestingly, the only significant pause by SP6 RNAP
on the 601 and 601R nucleosomes (Figure 6) occurred at
the entry into the H3/H4 tetramer, suggesting that this
is a particularly difficult step for any transcriptional
machinery. At this stage of our analysis, we cannot iden-
tify the critical contact between Pol II and the histones
that blocks further progress at tetramer entry. In this
context, it is important to note that bacterial RNAP,
which is very similar to Pol II at its catalytic core, can ex-
tend transcripts to within 7 bp of the exonuclease III
boundary of EcoRI bound to DNA (Pavco and Steege,
1990) and up the base preceding a psoralen crosslink
in the template (Shi et al., 1988). Thus, because the lead-
ing edge of Pol II halted at the +45 barrier should be
located w20 nt downstream of +45 (Samkurashvili and
Luse, 1996), the major barrier in the 601, 603R, and
605R nucleosomes could actually be located within the
range from 1 to 20 bp downstream of the +45 region.
Does Pol II pausing within nucleosomes simply reflect
difficulties in transcribing the underlying DNA sequence
that are made more severe by the association of the
template with the nucleosome surface? The amplifica-
tion of free DNA pausing within the corresponding
nucleosomes has been frequently reported (Izban and
Luse, 1991, 1992; Kireeva et al., 2002, 2005; Studitsky
et al., 1995). Such nucleosome-specific amplification
of free DNA pausing could be explained in part by the
results obtained with nucleosomes formed on random-
sequence DNA (Figure 5). These data show that nucleo-
some organization does not necessarily determine the
location of the barrier to transcription by Pol II. Thus,
given the tight association of DNA with histones on
the nucleosome surface, sequence-specific DNA paus-
ing is likely to be generally increased by the presence
of nucleosomes. However, within some nucleosomes,
particular free DNA pauses can be very selectively am-
plified. A striking example is the strong +45 pause on
the 601 nucleosome, which was barely detectable dur-
ing transcription of histone-free 601 DNA (Figure 1D)
even at low concentrations of NTPs (Figure 1C). We con-
clude that the strength of Pol II pausing on a nucleoso-
mal template cannot be predicted with certainty either
from the exact location of that sequence within the
nucleosome or from the tendency of Pol II to pause on
that sequence when it is transcribed as free DNA.
Polymerase Specificity of the Nucleosomal Barrier
to Transcription
A major goal in these studies was the comparison of
nucleosomal transcription by assembled yeast Pol II
elongation complexes and promoter-initiated mamma-
lian Pol II complexes. Although yeast Pol II was uni-
formly less effective in elongating transcripts at a given
salt concentration, the two polymerases showed similar
responses to the nucleosomal templates, particularly to
the very strong 601 and 603R barriers (
Figure 4). Thus,
both systems should be suitable for further analysis of
the mechanism of transcription through chromatin.
Critical features of the nucleosomal barrier are spe-
cific to Pol II. In contrast to Pol II, SP6 RNAP crossed
the 601 nucleosome efficiently at 40 mM KCl (Figure 6).
Nucleosome traversal by Pol II and E. coli RNAP (Kireeva
et al., 2002; Walter et al., 2003) involves coincident dis-
placement of one H2A/H2B dimer. In contrast, yeast
Pol III and bacteriophage SP6 RNAP relocate the nucle-
osome upstream of the transcribing enzyme (Bednar
et al., 1999; Studitsky et al., 1994, 1997). Because nucle-
osome translocation by these latter enzymes occurs
before they approach the nucleosomal dyad, the tran-
scription barrier never extends past this point (Figure 6,
Kireeva et al. [2002], and Studitsky et al. [1995, 1997]).
Importantly, in the present study, significant Pol II
pauses were detected on some nucleosomes near or
downstream of the nucleosome dyad axis, including
some locations in the distal half of the nucleosome (Fig-
ures 3 and 4). Nucleosome-specific pauses on random-
sequence nucleosomes were also observed past the
dyad (Figure 5). Thus, even though the contacts be-
tween the H3/H4 tetramer and the underlying DNA may
be transiently unfolded during Pol II traversal, the results
very strongly suggest that Pol II does not completely
displace the octamer into solution during transcription
through nucleosomes.
The Height of the Nucleosomal Barrier to
Transcription by Pol II Can Be Regulated
We observed nucleosome traversal levels with yeast Pol
II that ranged, at physiological salt, from a few percent
on the 601 and 603R templates (Figure 4) to over 50%
for the 603 template in presence of FACT (Figure 3B
and data not shown). This emphasizes both the potential
dynamic range and sequence dependence of such reg-
ulation. It has been suggested that an intrinsically high
nucleosomal barrier might be important for regulation
of the rate of transcript elongation (Brown et al., 1996;
Kireeva et al., 2002). ATP-dependent chromatin-remod-
eling activities are obvious candidates for transcrip-
tional regulators at the nucleosome level, particularly
because such effects have already been demonstrated
(Brown et al., 1996; Corey et al., 2003; Sullivan et al., 2001).
Mechanism of Transcription through Chromatin
Chaperones that facilitate the transient removal of a
subset of the core histones should function to assist
the intrinsic ability of Pol II to remodel nucleosomes and
thereby stimulate transcript elongation on nucleosomal
templates. The H2A/H2B chaperone FACT can perform
this role (Belotserkovskaya et al., 2003; Pavri et al.,
2006), but we have shown here that FACT does not facil-
itate traversal of nucleosomes in which the primary bar-
rier is provided by entry into the H3/H4 tetramer. We may
therefore expect that activities that function analogously
to FACT, but act through the tetramer, remain to be dis-
covered. An important role for the histone H3/H4 chaper-
one Asf1 in displacement/deposition of H3/H4 histones
during transcript elongation in yeast has recently been
reported (Schwabish and Struhl, 2006).
Transcription through nucleosomes could also be
regulated by factors that act directly on Pol II to maintain
elongation competence. TFIIS performs this function
in vitro (Kireeva et al., 2005; Pavri et al., 2006) and likely
has a role in vivo as well (Kulish and Struhl, 2001). We
found that TFIIS increased nucleosome traversal levels,
particularly at low-salt concentrations, but it could not
stimulate all polymerases to cross any of the nucleo-
somes we tested. In addition, most human Pol II com-
plexes were released into elongation by removal of the
nucleosome with sarkosyl in the absence of TFIIS.
Thus, at least the majority of human Pol II complexes
paused within a nucleosome have not entered the
same state as complexes halted at well-characterized
arrest sites on pure DNA templates (see for example
Izban and Luse [1993]). Additional insight into the molec-
ular basis for Pol II pausing within a nucleosome will be
critical for uncovering activities that can confer elonga-
tion competence to Pol II on chromatin templates.
Experimental Procedures
DNA Templates
Plasmids containing nucleosome positioning sequences 601, 603,
and 605 were kindly provided by Dr. Widom (Lowary and Widom,
1998). To prepare the templates for yeast Pol II, the nucleosome
positioning sequences were amplified by PCR, digested with TspRI,
gel purified, and used for nucleosome reconstitution and subse-
quent ligation to yeast EC9 transcription complexes as described
earlier (Kireeva et al., 2002). For the human Pol II templates, the
TspRI fragments were ligated to a promoter-bearing fragment con-
taining the segment from 256 to +41 of the pML20-42 plasmid (Pal
et al., 2005). PCR with a biotinylated upstream primer was then
used to amplify this ligation product. The complete templates
were gel purified and used for nucleosome reconstitution. To obtain
the random-sequence DNA templates for transcription by yeast Pol
II, two single-stranded DNA fragments were synthesized. One DNA
fragment was 5
end-labeled with T4 kinase. After annealing, the
fragments were extended with Klenow(exo-) DNA polymerase and
PCR amplified. The products of the reaction were digested with
TspRI restriction enzyme, and the resulting 150 bp DNA fragment
was purified and used for nucleosome reconstitution.
To prepare the 601 and 601R templates for transcription by SP6
RNAP, oligonucleotides containing an SP6 promoter were ligated
to TspRI-cleaved fragments bearing the 601 and 601R assembly se-
quences. The final templates were PCR amplified, gel purified, and
then used for nucleosome reconstitution. Details of the construction
procedures as well as the sequences of the templates will be pro-
vided upon request.
Protein Purification and Nucleosome Assembly
Yeast Pol II with hexahistidine-tagged RPB3 subunit was purified as
described (Kireeva et al., 2002). Human TFIIH and Pol II (purified
from HeLa cells) and recombinant human transcription factors
TBP, TFIIB, TFIIE, TFIIF, and TFIIS were prepared as described
(Pal et al., 2005; U
ri and Luse, 2006). Human FACT was provided
by Dr. D. Reinberg.
Nucleosomes for yeast Pol II transcription were reconstituted on
the DNA templates by octamer exchange from chicken erythrocyte
donor chromatin (Kireeva et al., 2002). Tetrasomes for yeast or
human Pol II and nucleosomes for human Pol II or SP6 RNAP were
reconstituted by decreasing salt dialysis using core histones puri-
fied from chicken erythrocytes (Studitsky, 1999). Assembly of
nucleosomes from purified histones was conducted in the presence
of a 2-fold excess of sheared salmon competitor DNA.
Transcription of nucleosomal and DNA templates by yeast His-
tagged Pol II was performed as described (Kireeva et al., 2002). In
short, Pol II elongation complex (EC9) was assembled on a 50 bp
DNA fragment. The EC9 was immobilized on Ni
-NTA agarose
beads, ligated to DNA or nucleosomal templates, and washed. Pol
II was advanced to the +45 position by using [a-
P] NTPs to label
the RNA. The ECs were washed, and transcription was resumed
by addition of all unlabeled NTPs. Transcription in the presence of
human recombinant FACT was conducted as described (Belotser-
kovskaya et al., 2003). Transcription by SP6 RNAP was conducted
as described (Studitsky et al., 1995). Human Pol II preinitiation com-
plexes (PICs) were assembled as described (U
ri and Luse, 2006),
using 132 ng (free DNA or nucleosomes) or 264 ng (tetrasomes) of
bead-attached DNA template per 100 ml. Template was doubled
for tetrasome reactions because the promoter was occluded by
the presence of a second tetramer on about half of these templates.
To obtain U21 complexes, PICs were incubated with 0.25 mM CpA,
100 mM UTP, 0.7 mM a-
P CTP, and 50 mM dATP at 30
C for 5 min,
followed by the addition of nonlabeled CTP to 100 mM for 5 more min
at 30
C. The U21 complexes were washed twice with 30 mM Tris-
HCl (pH 7.9), 40 mM KCl, 10 mM b-glycerophosphate, 0.5 mM
EDTA, 8 mM MgCl
, 1 mM DTT, and 10% (v/v) glycerol and then re-
suspended in this same buffer. Rinsed complexes were supple-
mented with KCl, sarkosyl (1%), or TFIIS (24 mg/ml) as indicated in
the figures, and then all complexes were incubated with 1 mM
NTPs for 5 min at 30
C. For some reactions, sarkosyl was added
after the first 5 min and transcripts were elongated for an additional
5 min at 30
C. All transcription reactions were stopped by the addi-
tion of EDTA to 19 mM, followed by extraction with phenol/chloro-
form and ethanol precipitation.
Transcripts made with yeast and human Pol II were resolved on
denaturing polyacrylamide gels. Transcripts were quantified (Fig-
ure 4 and Figure S5) by using a Storm imager and ImageQuant
software (GE Medical Systems).
Supplemental Data
Supplemental Data include six figures and can be found with
this article online at
We thank John Widom for plasmids containing the nucleosome-
positioning sequences, Guohong Li and Danny Reinberg for purified
human FACT, and Mahadeb Pal for assistance with preparation of
human transcription components. This work was supported by
National Institutes of Health (NIH) grant GM58650 to V.M.S. and by
NIH grant GM59684 and support from the Cleveland Clinic to D.S.L.
Received: March 27, 2006
Revised: July 5, 2006
Accepted: September 20, 2006
Published: November 2, 2006
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Mechanism of Transcription through Chromatin