Student Alcohol and Substance Misuse Policy
Revised - October 2014
1. This policy relates to all students, including occasional students (‘students’ hereafter) at Imperial
College London, during hours undertaking work or study and when undertaking activities on
behalf of the College or attending College-related social events.
2. While the College has a general interest in the well-being of its students, what they do in their
private lives is generally outside the scope of this policy unless it affects their work, interferes
with the legitimate activities of other members of the College or risks their safety or that of others,
or brings the College into disrepute.
3. The College is committed to promoting the health and well-being of its students and will ensure
any students with alcohol or substance dependency problems have the opportunity to obtain
support and are treated sensitively. The College wishes to ensure that the health, safety and
welfare of its students are not jeopardised through misuse of alcohol or substances in College.
The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 stipulates that employers have a duty to ensure the
health, safety and welfare of employees and others who may be affected by work activities,
including students and visitors, as far as is reasonably practicable.
4. This policy sets out the approach the College will normally take when the consumption of drugs
and/or alcohol affects the performance of its students. Each case will be considered on its
merits. The College is committed to offering guidance and early assistance with the primary
concern being to help the individual whose performance and/or behaviour is affected.
5. The Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 makes it an offence for anyone who occupies, or is involved in the
management of premises, to knowingly allow the production or supply of controlled drugs or
illegal substances on their premises.
A student who contravenes this policy, refuses support or whose performance and/or behaviour does
not improve following support may be subject to the College’s Student Disciplinary Procedures.
Substance Misuse
drinking alcohol, taking drugs or a substance (either legal or illegal), either
intermittently or continuously, such that it adversely interferes with an individual’s health, work or study
performance or conduct, or affects the work performance and/or safety of themselves and others.
This term includes prescription medicines where the prescription medicines have not been
prescribed for the person possessing or using them and/or such prescription medicines which are not
taken in accordance with a physician’s direction; includes any substance (other than alcohol) either
legal or illegal that produces physical, mental, emotional or behavioural changes in the user.
Controlled Substanceincludes all chemical substances or drugs listed in any controlled substances
acts or regulations applicable under the law.
6. Each student is responsible for ensuring their own behaviour and work or study performance
remains appropriate whilst engaged in College activity (Paragraph 1) and is not affected by
excessive alcohol consumption or substance misuse.
7. Students who suspect, or know, that they have an alcohol, or substance-related problem should
seek professional help at an early stage to avoid the problem becoming worse. The “Support”
section in Appendix 1 provides further information. They may also choose to confidentially refer
themselves to the College Health Centre.
8. Students should familiarise themselves and comply with any College policy that prohibits
consumption of alcohol during working hours. There are many roles and activities in College
where any reduction of alertness or disturbance of critical faculties could compromise the health
and safety of the person involved or others.
9. Students must not bring or use illegal substances on College premises under any circumstances.
10. Students should notify their Tutor/Senior Tutor (undergraduate), or Tutor/ Supervisor/
Postgraduate Tutor (postgraduate) if they are taking prescribed medication that could affect their
ability to work or study safely.
Head of Department/Course Organiser/Senior Tutor/Postgraduate Tutor
11. Ensure that students are aware of the policy and the support available to them.
12. Having considered the nature of activities undertaken within their jurisdiction, identify
work/locations/ tasks with high accident risk and define and implement a ‘dry roles’ policy.
13. Where relevant, ensure systems for notification of third parties (for instance, an NHS Trust, a
regulatory body or the police; please note this is not an exhaustive list) of their concerns relating
to a student’s alcohol or substance dependency issue, where they have reasonable grounds to
think the person may pose a safety risk to others or if there is a legal requirement. In these
cases the Head of Department/Senior Tutor/Postgraduate Tutor will normally notify the student
before proceeding.
Head of Department/Course Organiser/Personal Tutor/Supervisor/Hall Warden
14. Ensure compliance with the Policy.
15. Communicate which roles have been designated as ‘dry roles’ to students.
16. Reinforce to students the requirement for appropriate behaviour at College related social events.
17. Refer students for assessment or help to the College Health Centre where required following the
student’s consent.
18. Provide students with support and adjustment to facilitate recovery as far as reasonably practical
following advice from the College Health Centre and the Registry.
The College Health Service is responsible for:
19. Assessing students who self refer or are referred by a member of College for a medical opinion.
19. Providing general advice to tutors/supervisors/wardens on the early recognition and
management of individuals misusing alcohol or drugs.
21. Offer in-house treatment, monitoring and support to students and where appropriate arrange
referral to specialist external agencies.
22. With the student’s consent, liaise with relevant College personnel, on their progress, fitness to
study and any disciplinary matters during and after treatment of an alcohol or substance misuse
The College Occupational Health Service is responsible for:
23. Assist in the medical assessment of medical students where there is concern that the student
may have an alcohol or substance misuse problem that may affect their fitness to practise.
24. Monitor progress and advise on compliance with treatment of a drug or and alcohol problem
where compliance is a condition for return to or continuation on their course of study after an
alcohol or substance misuse problem affecting their fitness to practise has been identified.
25. Where there is concern that a medical student’s fitness to work with patients may by impaired
because of alcohol or substance misuse, the student should be referred to the college
Occupational Physician for assessment
Where a student appears to be under the influence of alcohol or a substance
26. The Tutor/Supervisor, another member of academic staff or Hall Warden should seek guidance,
where practically possible, from the Senior Tutor/Postgraduate Tutor if they suspect a student is
under the influence of alcohol or a substance. The student should be sent home for the day if
not already in Hall. If there is uncertainty over a student’s fitness to travel home unaccompanied
then advice should be sought from the College Health Centre.
27. It is the responsibility of the Senior Tutor/Postgraduate Tutor to discuss with a student as soon as
possible if their behaviour, performance or absence indicates a possible problem with alcohol or
substance misuse.
28. Senior Tutor/Postgraduate tutor will normally, with the student’s consent, make a decision to refer
an individual directly to the College Health Centre when a student discloses an alcohol or
substance abuse problem or when, after investigation, it is suspected that the student’s abnormal
behaviour or performance maybe due to alcohol or substance abuse.
29. Students should also be referred to the College Health Centre for assessment if, in other
circumstances, they disclose a problem of alcohol or substance misuse or if the tutor/supervisor
suspects that problems in work performance or attendance may be due to alcohol or substance
30. Tutors/supervisors should additionally encourage, on an informal basis, students whom they
believe may have an alcohol or substance misuse problem, but which is not affecting their work,
to nonetheless seek help for this.
31. Where possible the College will take a supportive approach, however there may be situations
where the circumstances are such that the situation may be dealt with under the provisions of
Student Disciplinary Procedures immediately rather than under the Alcohol and Substance
Misuse Policy. If the individual is not willing to comply with suggested treatment or if the alcohol
and/or substance misuse continue, they will be subject to Disciplinary Procedures (as above [5]).
The College and external organisations
32. Where students work on projects with, or for, external organisations the College requires them to
comply with that organisation’s own policies relating to alcohol and substance misuse.
Revised: October 2014; approved by Senate 29 October 2014
Appendix 1 - Support
There are a number of different sources of support for students, including the College Health Centre,
which may also refer students on to other sources of treatment and support as well as their own GP if
not registered with the College Health Centre. Senior Tutors/Postgraduate Tutors/College Tutors are
also expected to manage such issues with discretion and sensitivity when approached by students.
Specific Organisations
Alcohol issues:
Alcoholics Anonymous
PO Box 1
Stonebow House
Stonebow, York
Tel. 020 7352 3001
Support group/fellowship for those with problem drinking, who want to stop
Provides lots of information on how to recognize you have a problem and what might help
61 Great Dover Street,
London 32-36, SE1 4YF
Tel. 020 7403 0888
Information and support for the family and friends of those with drinking problems
Substance misuse issues:
Tel. 0800 77 66 00, Text 82111
Information about drugs, their effects and their legal status on-line, on the phone and by text
Narcotics Anonymous
Tel. 0845 373 3366
Information and support for those who may have a drug problem
Community Assessment and Primary Services (CAPS) for Drugs and Alcohol
Tel. 020 3315 5800
69 Warwick Road
London SW5 9HB
Provides a range of special health care interventions for individuals and families who are
affected by the misuse of drugs and alcohol and who live in Kensington, Chelsea and
Westminster. Individuals may self refer or be referred by their GP.
Tel. 020 7553 7640
Information and support for the family and friends of drug users and those with alcohol problems.
Tel. 020 7631 0101
[6pm to 8am every night of term]
A confidential listening, support and practical information service run by student volunteers, for
students in London. Nightline is open between 6pm and 8am every night of term and you can talk
to them about anything.
The Samaritans
Provide confidential emotional support 24/7 to those experiencing despair, distress or suicidal
feelings, whatever the reason.
Appendix 2 - Alcohol at College
Within the range of College activities there are times where alcohol is available at student events.
The College’s position is that all events should be as inclusive as possible so that most people
are able to attend them without embarrassment or difficulties. Great care should be taken in
planning events to respect the views of anyone who does not drink or does not wish to drink
alcohol. This is particularly pertinent when welcoming new students in their Fresher’s term.
The Legal Position of Alcohol at College
Several bars and catering outlets in the College have licenses to sell alcohol for consumption on
the premises. They permit liquor to be sold to staff and students of the College and their bona
fide guests.
In consequence, two actions are illegal:
(a) selling alcoholic drinks to people who are neither staff nor students of the College nor their
bona fide guests;
(b) selling alcoholic drinks for consumption off the licensed premises (usually designated bar
Six other actions, amongst others, are illegal here and anywhere else:
(c) selling alcoholic drinks without a meal where the license is for drink accompanying meals;
(d) serving alcoholic drink to a customer who is already drunk in the opinion of the person
(e) serving alcoholic drink to persons under the legal age limit of 18 years (with some exceptions
relating to table meals);
(f) allowing a drunken person to be on the premises without good reason (e.g. illness);
(g) allowing gambling to take place, with minor exceptions;
(h) allowing arguments or unsociable behaviour to take place.
Licensing at College
College licensees are required to attend a suitable training course. The licensed premises in the
College are normally open at lunchtime and in the evening, with regular extensions during term-
time for the Union bar until midnight on Wednesdays and 1.00 am on Saturdays (i.e. extended
from Friday evening). It is College policy that sales of alcohol must not be promoted at lunchtime.
The prices in College bars are, in general, appreciably lower than those in the pubs closest to the
College but can often be matched in other pubs not far away. This pricing policy, agreed by
College Catering and the Union, is believed to be in the interests of students by encouraging
those who drink to do so on the College premises rather than elsewhere.
Useful Information
Office Use:
Document title:
Student Alcohol and Substance Misuse Policy
February 2011
October 2014
Document location and file
R: 07. Quality Assurance / Policy Unit / Student Alcohol and Substance Misuse Policy
Student Welfare Committee / Senate
Effective from:
Student Welfare Committee
Contact for queries:
Professor Denis Wright, Director of Student Support
Cross References:
Employee Alcohol and Substance Misuse Policy