(Appendix I to Bylaws of the Faculty)
College of Pharmacy
University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences
Successor guidelines approved on April 29, 2011
(originally approved on July 7, 1998; last amended on March 7, 2006)
Last amended in May 2018.
This version of Promotion and Tenure Guidelines, serves as Appendix I to the Bylaws of the
Faculty, College of Pharmacy, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences. This version supersedes
and replaces all previous versions, amended or otherwise modified by vote of the faculty.
This version is compatible with and derived from the governing guidelines and policies of
the Board of Trustees, University of Arkansas as well as UAMS campus wide policies and guidelines.
University of Arkansas Board Policy 405.1 provides the definitions, rights and obligations related to
tenure, as well as the foundation for the promotion and tenure guidelines and process described
below. Review of the latest revision of the Board Policy is advised prior to proceeding
It shall be the responsibility of the Committee to evaluate all COP faculty candidates for promotion
and/or tenure in accordance with guidelines set down in this document which shall be the only basis
for evaluation.
I. Basis of Promotion and Tenure
The basis for promotion and tenure in the College of Pharmacy are the demonstrated
abilities and accomplishments of the individual, while in the current rank and appointment
type (tenure or non-tenure track). Specific focus is given towards those activities and
accomplishments that represent the primary areas of teaching, scholarship, and service.
II. UAMS College of Pharmacy Faculty Appointments and Annual Evaluations
The College of Pharmacy faculty consists of individuals who are on a developmental pathway
that may lead to tenure (tenure track) and faculty that are on a developmental pathway that does
not include tenure (non-tenure track). The guidelines and criteria for promotion are outlined below.
There are several different appointment characteristics for the faculty of the College. Some
are readily identifiable such as research-focused, teaching-focused, clinical, split-funded, etc. While
these designations are important and useful for the College and Departments in executing its
mission, they do not alter or modify the primary criteria for promotion or tenure. Nevertheless, as
seen below, the promotion and tenure process in the College of Pharmacy involves an awareness
of the context of a faculty member’s appointment and designated duties. This awareness in no way
dilutes the fundamental criteria for promotion and tenure; rather it serves to evaluate the activities
and accomplishments of each faculty member within the scope and parameters of their
responsibilities. The faculty of the College of Pharmacy believes that contributions in teaching,
scholarship, and service activities should be sufficiently demonstrated by all faculty to garner the
recommendation of their peers and administrators for promotion in rank and tenure (where
The roles and responsibilities for individual faculty members shall be outlined within their most
recent appointment letters and annual evaluations by their department chair. Should a faculty
member switch tracks (tenure track to non-tenure track or vice versa), an updated appointment
letter shall outline changes in roles and responsibilities in accordance with the change in track. It is
the responsibility of the faculty member to maintain any changes with time and effort and must be
coordinated with and approved by the department chair. Annual evaluations by the department
chair are adequate to document the expectation of the faculty.
III. Promotion and Tenure Committee
A. Composition, Election, & Voting
1. Membership shall consist of seven members of the voting faculty who hold the rank of
associate professor or professor and who are elected by the entire faculty. The
distribution of the seven members shall be as follows:
Two (2) tenured faculty from the Pharmacy Practice Department,
One non-tenure track faculty from the Pharmacy Practice Department,
Three (3) tenured faculty from the Pharmaceutical Sciences Department,
One at large faculty from either department (tenured, tenure-track, or non-tenure
Three (3) alternate tenured members, one from Pharmaceutical Sciences and two
from Pharmacy Practice. A separate election will be held for alternates.
2. The members and alternates shall be elected annually by May 15 by the faculty.
Members will be seated based on receiving the most votes. Alternates will be those
receiving the next highest votes. The election will be conducted by written secret
ballot (same procedure as outlined in Article IX. C.). Members shall serve staggered,
two-year terms and the alternates shall serve one-year terms.
3. In the event a member of the committee resigns or is unable to complete the term of
membership, the alternate from the same department shall complete that member’s
two-year term. The faculty shall then elect a new alternate member.
4. Should a member of the committee seek promotion, the alternate from the same
department shall serve for the member for the duration of the promotion and tenure
review process of that specific cycle; the member will resume their original committee
seat for any other Committee activities. In the case of a non-tenured member’s
resignation or inability to complete the term of membership, the faculty shall elect a
new non-tenured alternate member.
5. The dean, associate and assistant deans, and department chairs are not eligible for
election to the Promotion and Tenure Committee. In the case of the evaluation of a
faculty member under direct supervision (performs evaluations) by a member of the
Committee, that member will recuse himself/herself from the discussion and vote of
the candidate. The Committee member with a conflict will leave the room during the
discussion of that candidate.
6. Alternate committee members may not attend P&T meetings unless selected to serve
on the committee as defined.
7. Only those members of the Committee holding tenure may vote on the question of
tenure of a candidate for tenure and/or promotion.
8. The Committee chair shall be elected annually by the Committee no later than June 15
and must have tenure.
IV. Promotion & Tenure Process
A. An important note about CONFIDENTIALITY
Discussions by the committee are confidential; failure of any member to comply with maintaining
confidentiality may result in forfeiture of eligibility for membership of the Promotion & Tenure
B. Committee Responsibilities and Time Frame
1. The dates below will be adhered to by the Promotion & Tenure Committee:
By May 31
P&T Committee should be seated by the faculty. The Dean will call the first
By June 15
P&T Committee chair will be elected annually by P&T Committee members
for a term extending through May 30 the following year.
July 1
Deadline for department chairs to notify the Dean who is seeking
promotion &/or tenure
August 1
Deadline for department chairs to receive draft dossier from candidates
August 15
Deadline for COMPLETE dossiers to be submitted by department chair to
the P&T Committee chair and to the Dean; dossier must include a letter
from the chair. Dossier must include the external reviewer name
suggestions with contact information.
By Sept 1
External reviewer letters solicited by the Dean’s office; all items sent to
external reviewers.
Oct 15
External reviewer letters due back to P&T Committee.
Nov 1
All completed packets (including external review letters) are compiled and
distributed to P&T Committee members
Dec 1-15
Final letter(s) prepared by P&T chair.
Dec 31
Deadline for letter(s) from P&T chair to Dean.
January 15
Promotion and Tenure Chair calls for interim review submissions
Mar 1
Deadline for receipt by P&T Committee of portfolio for interim reviews.
May 1
Non-binding review letters distributed to faculty who sought interim
2. Recommendations for promotion or tenure shall originate with the department chair,
who shall inform the faculty members who are being considered for promotion or
tenure and shall give them the opportunity to submit material which they believe will
facilitate consideration of their competence and performance. (Board Policy 405.1 IV.
A. 5.)
3. Faculty candidates are responsible for providing the documentation of their activities
to support the promotion and/or tenure nomination. Detailed descriptions of the
types of activities and documentation desired by the Committee are provided later in
this document along with the general criteria for achieving a positive
4. The Promotion and Tenure Committee will require electronic submission of dossier
materials with the exception of evidence that is available in paper format only (i.e.
textbooks, etc.).
5. The external review process will be completed for each candidate. (See below.)
6. The votes regarding faculty members’ promotion and tenure will be taken by secret
7. The committee shall make separate recommendations to the Dean for promotion and
tenure for each candidate.
8. The Dean will review all materials and recommendations and make his/her
recommendation to the Provost regarding each request for promotion and/or tenure.
9. Prior to forwarding the recommendations to the Provost, the Dean shall convey
his/her written decision along with the Promotion & Tenure Committee’s
recommendation to the candidate and the candidate’s department chair.
10. If the Dean’s recommendation is negative,
A. the faculty member may respond to the negative recommendation(s) by
submission of a letter to the Dean within five (5) working days following
notification. The Dean may change the recommendation or uphold the
negative recommendation. Following a negative recommendation by the
Dean, the candidate will be given the opportunity to withdraw from
consideration. In the case a candidate in tenure track withdraws from
consideration, the timeline leading to terminal appointment will apply. The
faculty member may elect to withdraw from further consideration at any time
prior to the time the recommendation is sent to the Provost. A request for
withdrawal from consideration must be documented in writing to the chair of
the Promotion and Tenure Committee, the Dean, and the faculty member’s
department chair. Following this request, all materials and letters of review will
be destroyed.
B. After reviewing the faculty member’s written response, the Dean’s
recommendation will be forwarded by January 15 to the Provost for
consideration. If the Dean’s recommendation remains negative, the faculty
member may respond to the negative recommendation(s) by submission of a
letter to the Provost by January 31. If requested by the Provost, a copy of all
supporting documentation will be provided.
11. The final decision will be communicated to the faculty candidate following the decision
by the University of Arkansas Board of Trustees and President of the University
according to their timeline.
C. External Review Process
1. The Department Chair will gather a minimum of six names. The candidate may provide
names of up to four external reviewers while the other names may be provided by the
P&T Committee or the Department Chair, or both.
2. Solicitation of the potential external reviews will be coordinated by the Dean’s office.
3. Solicitations of recommendation letters from external reviewers will include a copy of
the College’s criteria for awarding promotion and/or tenure (i.e. the present
document) and the performance documentation as submitted by the candidate.
4. To be eligible to provide an external review, individuals shall hold rank and tenure
(when applicable) at a level at or above that to which the faculty member is seeking
promotion. Individuals should not have served as a mentor, advisor, nor significantly
collaborated with the faculty member seeking promotion (i.e. a significant
collaboration includes serving as a co-author or co-investigator in the previous 3
5. The Dean will invite external reviewers to provide an evaluation of the candidate. The
Dean’s invitation will:
request the reviewer to explicitly state his/her qualifications for providing the
request the reviewer to describe any relationship with the candidate, past and
request the reviewer to evaluate the candidate’s performance against the UAMS
College of Pharmacy promotion criteria and provide a letter stating the opinion.
inform the reviewer that the review is confidential.
6. All letters received from external reviewers will be available for review by the P&T
Committee members. Letters disclosing a relationship as mentor, advisor, or
significant collaborator will not be considered by the Committee. The letters will not
be disclosed to the candidate.
D. Switching Pathways
1. A candidate in the non-tenure pathway may switch one time to the tenure pathway
with the permission of the department Chair and the Dean. A candidate in the tenure
pathway may switch one time to a non-tenure pathway with the permission of the
department Chair and the Dean.
2. For individuals who are granted a transfer from a non-tenure track to a tenure track
position, the probationary period in the tenure-track will begin the day of transfer.
V. Documentation for Review
Faculty candidates are responsible for providing the documentation of their activities to
support the promotion and/or tenure nomination. The table below outlines items to be
included as documentation by the faculty candidate in the dossier. The list is not all-inclusive
as there may be other items unique to a faculty member which should also be included. Items
should be ordered as below. With failure to comply, the dossier will be returned to the faculty
member without review.
General Overview
Recommendation letter from the Department Chair that includes a statement regarding
willingness to share in teaching assignments
Cover/petition letter addressed to the Promotion & Tenure Committee that includes:
Current rank
Tenure status
Rank and/or status sought
Comprehensive summary of major activities and accomplishments in the areas of
teaching, scholarship, and service, and self-evaluation of progress in rank to date
Initial appointment letter or promotion/tenure letter (for candidates who have already been
promoted and/or tenured within the College of Pharmacy, for new hires after July 2018
Recommendation letter from a direct supervisor (if applicable)
Names and contact information of 3-4 potential external reviewers excluding previous
mentors/advisers and collaborators
Letters of support from professional colleagues, peers, and trainees, both on and off
campus, who are familiar with the quality and significance of the faculty member's work
Summary of teaching activities in a table format (course, role, contact hours) addressing:
• Didactic teaching in core and elective courses in professional and graduate programs
• Experiential teaching
• Course coordination
• Mentoring of graduate students
• Post-graduate teaching, training, and mentoring
• Interprofessional teaching
• Invited lectures outside of UAMS
• Mentoring and academic advising
• Educational course and/or curriculum development
Self-evaluation of didactic teaching addressing:
• Student instructor evaluations
• Peer teaching evaluations
• Course evaluations
• Trainee and mentee evaluations
Self-evaluation of experiential teaching addressing:
• Student, resident, and/or fellow evaluations and comments
• Peer evaluations (if applicable)
Self-evaluation of training, mentoring and advising efforts
Teaching certificates and/or development activities
Teaching awards
Published textbooks or textbook chapters
Teaching innovations
Documentation included in the Appendix:
• Student evaluations with comments
Peer evaluations
• Course evaluations
• Representative examples of teaching materials and handouts
• Selected textbooks and/or chapters in a textbook
Hyperlinks to websites and/or learning management systems hosting examples of
teaching activities and materials
• Representative examples of workshops and CE materials and handouts
• Award letters and certificates
Summary of research/scholarly activities with self-evaluation of scholarly accomplishments
Summary of grants, including agency and role:
• Funded grants as PI or Co-PI
Unfunded grants
• Contracts
Comprehensive list of peer-reviewed publications
Comprehensive list of non peer-reviewed publications
Patents, inventions, and disclosures
Therapies and drugs approved or in clinical development
Books and/or book chapters
Original or copyrighted materials (software, tools)
Invited lectures
Presentations (including poster or podium), abstracts, seminars
Professional recognition:
Editorial work
• Study section memberships (standing and ad hoc)
Honors, awards, designation as fellow in major scientific or professional organization or
similar practice achievement recognition
Documentation included in the Appendix:
Grant award letters
• Grant critiques
• An example of a recently funded grant
• Selected publications
Citation report
• Selected book/book chapter
• Patent issue letters
Selected patent application
• Letters of professional recognition, awards and honors
Summary and self-evaluation of service activities
Summary of clinical service, including:
clinical services provided
new clinical services developed
impact of services on economic, clinical, or humanistic outcomes
Academic service:
service to the department
service to the College
service to the University or other institution (e.g., practice site)
Service on professional committees and boards at the state/regional/national/international
Officer in a professional organization
Contributions to organization of professional meetings/symposia/conferences
Contributions to professional education programs
Contributions to public health policies and/or programs
Editorial/editorial board service
Service as a referee for professional or scientific journal(s) and/or meetings/symposia
Service to student organizations
Service activities that require on-demand participation (e.g., providing a peer teaching
evaluation, facilitating a small group session, appearing on TV or presenting to the
legislature on behalf of UAMS or the COP, etc)
Public and community service programs including health-related programs and initiatives
Certifications and credentialing
Documentation and evidence for service activities should be included in the Appendix
A. Criteria for Positive Recommendation concerning Promotion
1. Criteria for granting promotion must be relevant to the objectives and goals of the
College of Pharmacy, the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences and the University
System. Criteria for reappointment and promotion are provided (Rubrics 1-2).
2. Promotion to a given rank requires that the individual has shown substantial progress
and achievement and has attained the qualifications expected of the next rank. It is
not based on time in rank only. In certain cases an individual might be considered a
valuable faculty member at a certain rank for many years, yet without showing
sufficient progress to merit promotion.
3. The faculty of the College of Pharmacy believes that proficiency in teaching,
scholarship, and service activities represent the fundamental criteria for evaluation
for all levels of faculty rank. Successful advancement in rank necessitates evidence of
a progressively higher order of commitment, achievement and reputation within
these criteria according to the rubric that applies to the faculty candidate seeking
advancement. Achievements must be judged relative to the individual faculty
member’s responsibilities and assignments, as defined in their letters of
appointment, and any other documents submitted to the Promotion & Tenure
4. Rubrics 1 and 2 define the expectations for promotion to Associate Professor and
Professor, respectively.
In general:
Assistant Professors are expected to reach Achievement Level 1 for all areas
(teaching, scholarship, and service).
Associate Professors are expected to reach Achievement Level 2 in the
primary area of focus and maintain Achievement Level 1 for the other areas.
Full Professors are expected to establish a national or international reputation
and either reach Achievement Level 3 in the primary area of focus while
maintaining Achievement Level 1 in the other two areas OR reach
Achievement Level 2 in two areas while achieving level 1 in the third area.
Within an Achievement Level, the listed criteria are not intended to be inclusive or
exclusive, only indicators of meeting that level of achievement.These achievement
levels will be used in preparation of documentation that is required to be promoted
and tenured in the tenure track, and promoted in the non-tenure track faculty rank.
5. Although a candidate for promotion or tenure may satisfy criteria for an achievement
in two of three areas, a candidate should not double count his/her efforts and should
instead make a case for one area or another. For example, if a faculty member gives
a presentation regarding service, the activity should be counted as either service or
scholarship, but not both. It is the faculty member’s decision to determine which
category the activity should be considered.
B. Rubrics
1. Promotion to Associate Professor
Advancement to the rank of associate professor is based on clear evidence of
substantial development and commitment to the College.
Rubric 1: Guidelines and Achievement Levels Required for Promotion from Assistant Professor to
Associate Professor
Non-tenure Track or Tenure Track
Assistant Professor to Associate Professor
At least a Level 2 in the area in which the
majority of their time and effort is
assigned, and at least a Level 1 in the other
2 areas
Modified Appointments (not eligible for tenure)
Adjunct Assistant Professor to Adjunct Associate Professor
At least a Level 2 in the area of focus, with
other areas being NR.
Clinical Assistant Professor to Clinical Associate Professor
Research Assistant Professor to Research Associate Professor
NR=not required
2. Promotion to Professor
Advancement to the rank of professor is based on clear and substantial evidence of
the highest standard of achievement and commitment to the College. The candidate
shall demonstrate achievement as shown below (Rubric 2). In addition to achieving the
required levels in teaching, scholarship, and service, the candidate must demonstrate
evidence of a national and/or international reputation.
They shall also demonstrate the skills of an effective and committed teacher;
substantiated by objective evidence. If active in clinical care, their record of
achievement and advancement of quality clinical care must be evident. Evidence of
service to the college, university, and/or profession should reflect a degree of
responsibility, leadership, and involvement above simple committee membership and
passive academic citizenship. It is expected that the candidate will show evidence of
excellence since their appointment as associate professor in at least two criteria areas.
Rubric 2: Guidelines and Achievement Levels Required for Promotion from Associate Professor to
Non-tenure Track or Tenure Track
Associate Professor to Professor
Evidence of a national and/or international
A. At least a Level 3 in the area in which the
majority of their time and effort is
assigned, and at least a Level 1 in the
other areas,
B. At least a Level 2 in two areas and at
least a Level 1 in the other area.
Modified Appointments (not eligible for tenure)
Clinical Associate Professor to Clinical Professor
Adjunct Associate Professor to Adjunct Professor
At least a Level 3 in the area of focus, with other
areas being NR.
Research Associate Professor to Research Professor
NR=not required
C. Descriptions of Achievement Levels
1. Teaching
Teaching is expected of all faculty. Teaching responsibilities under consideration will
encompass didactic instruction in professional and graduate courses, experiential instruction
in professional and postgraduate programs, mentoring professional and graduate students,
residents, fellows, and less experienced faculty, and providing laboratory instruction.
Level 1: Must demonstrate ability to achieve all of the following:
Communicate effectively and present information and concepts in a clear and well
organized fashion
Utilize useful instructional materials and provide timely updates to teaching materials
Write clear and appropriate test questions (if participate in writing exams)
Obtain student evaluations for individual faculty that indicate minimally acceptable
standards of teaching effectiveness in experiential teaching (if applicable, indicated by
achieving a score of at least a 4 out of 5) and in didactic teaching (either a score of at least
a 4 out of 5 for the overall evaluation item OR an average < 1 standard deviation below the
average of all evaluated items for the College faculty as provided by the Associate Dean of
Academic Affairs) OR clear evidence of consistent progress.
Demonstrates the ability to correct and overcome weaknesses identified in evaluations
And >2 of the following:
Demonstrates that their teaching efforts inspire and challenge students; effectively
stimulates critical and/or creative thinking
Applies appropriate higher order learning (per Bloom’s taxonomy)
Uses innovative teaching methods and technologies to enhance learning
Participates in faculty development activities to enhance teaching skills and effectiveness
Effectively contributes to experiential teaching of students and/or residents
Serves as an academic advisor and/or mentor for:
a. Pharm.D. students
b. Graduate students
c. Postdoctoral fellows
d. Residents
Other activity listed as a Level 2 or Level 3 teaching contribution
Level 2: Must demonstrate ability to achieve all of the following:
Teaches in courses beyond the number of hours required by the department chair
(evidenced by letter from Department Chair or course coordinator)
Receive consistent positive evaluations from students and peers in didactic and/or
experiential education as measured by achieving at least the mean for the college
Revise and improve an existing course
Add or develop a new course, clerkship, teaching series, or elective
Coordinate a course (not required of faculty in clinical modified appointments)
Serves continuously as academic advisor and/or mentor for:
a. Pharm.D. students
b. Graduate students
c. Postdoctoral fellows
d. Residents
And >3 of the following:
Consistently implements innovative teaching methods
Major contributions to curriculum development (evidenced by letter from committee chair
or course coordinator)
Develops and/or conducts professional and peer education programs that serve a state or
regional audience
Effectively incorporates students and residents into practice site activities
Participates as an invited contributor in a national education symposium or workshop
Writes an educational or teaching methodology chapter for a peer reviewed textbook used
regionally or nationally
Sustained record of scholarly work related to teaching and learning including poster and
podium presentations, publications, book chapters, blog essays, webpages/sites, and other
instructional tools used regionally or nationally. (Scholarship of Teaching and Learning
(SOTL) publications/presentations)
Record of self-development in teaching evidenced by obtaining an advanced degree in
education or other closely related field, formal coursework, or certificate program.
Record of sustained service to local, state, or regional efforts that advance teaching and
Teaching in or coordinating a graduate level course (in addition to requirements above)
Other activity listed as a Level 3 teaching contribution
Level 3: Must demonstrate ability to achieve all of the following:
Obtain student and peer evaluations that consistently show highest standards and
excellence in teaching
Receive recognition, teaching awards, and honors for teaching efforts from student,
academic, and/or professional organizations for excellence in teaching
Demonstrate leadership in course and/or curriculum development and revision
Mentor less advanced teachers and oversee their progress
Show evidence of peer reviewed publications that advance the mission of the College in the
area of teaching that reflect intellectual leadership and impact
And > 3 of the following:
Introduce innovative educational efforts that are adopted by peer educators
Participates in multi- and inter-disciplinary/interprofessional teaching activities both on the
UAMS campus and other campuses within and outside the University of Arkansas system
Serves as a role model and leader for teaching innovation and a mentor in pedagogical
Directs theses and/or dissertations
Directs a residency/fellowship program or graduate program
Mentors less experienced practitioners to develop more advanced practice skills
Establishes a record of sustained service to national efforts that advance teaching and
Develops a textbook that is utilized in an academic curriculum
Provides service on teaching/scientific review panels and/or editorial boards of
educational journals
Accepts invitations to produce education-centered papers and/or invited lectures
Develops a course, curricular component, educational software or evaluation materials that
are used nationally or internationally
For clinicians, show sustained and documented excellence in patient care teaching
2. Scholarship
Scholarship is expected of all faculty.
Level 1: Demonstrates ability to conduct scholarly activity by achieving all of the following:
Publication of at least 1 peer reviewed publication per year on average (first or co-author).
Presentation (including posters) of scholarly results at local, national, or international
meetings regularly
Level 2: defined according to faculty distribution of effort as assigned:
Faculty must demonstrate the ability to establish an extramurally supported, nationally
recognized scholarly program by achieving all of the following:
Ongoing publication of at least 12 peer-reviewed papers (while in current rank), with at least
6 as a lead, senior, or corresponding author. Note that the impact of the publications will
be considered as well as the quantity. Quality must be addressed by the faculty candidate
and will be assessed by factors such as h-index and impact factor of journals.
Presentation of scholarly or research results at national or international conferences and
symposia regularly
Obtain peer-reviewed/competitive, intramural or extramural grant or contract funding
And achieve > 1 of the following criteria:
Obtain extramural grants and/or contracts as co-investigator, thus demonstrating successful
Perform innovative research as illustrated by issued patents/patent applications, and/or
copyrighted material (e.g., software, tools) as is consistent with the area of science.
Obtain national recognition of scholarly activity. Examples include invitations to present
research findings outside the university, serve as an ad-hoc reviewer of grant applications
on a major study section(s) (NIH, NSF, Veterans Admin, etc.), presentation awards, oral
podium presentations at national or international conferences.
Adoption of pharmacist directed drug therapy protocols by institution/clinic
Transfer of practice model to other sites/systems
For faculty in a research-intensive, tenure track, non-modified appointment (>67% of effort)
as assigned by appointment letter, the following must also be achieved:
Obtain an extramural peer-reviewed grant or contract as PI. Federal grants, contracts,
foundations, and industry funding apply (e.g., NIH, NSF, AHRQ, PCORI, CDC, CMS, NACDS,
etc.). The cumulative grant/contract funding must be at the R03 level or equivalent (i.e.,
~$100,000 in total direct costs).
Submission of at least 1 grant/contract as PI, -with funding level and scope significantly
greater than ~$100,000 in total direct costs, e.g., multi-year funding, multi-site. The
submission must have received at least a promising review (e.g., for NIH or VA the grant
must be scored or encouraged to revise and resubmit). Federal grants, contracts,
foundations, and industry funding (e.g., NIH, DOD, AHRQ, PCORI, CDC, CMS, NACDS, etc.) all
meet these criteria. In the case a contract is submitted, not obtained, and feedback was not
provided, the candidate must provide convincing rationale for future funding.
Level 3: Establishes an independent, extramurally supported, nationally recognized scholarly
Must demonstrate the ability to sustain and grow an extramurally supported, nationally
recognized scholarly program by achieving all of the following:
Publication of at least an additional 15 peer-reviewed papers (while in current rank), a
minimum of 7 as lead, senior, or corresponding author. Note that the impact of the
publications will be considered as well as the quantity. Quality must be addressed by the
faculty candidate and will be assessed by factors such as h-index and impact factor of
Sustained funding for research, serving as PI on multiple peer-reviewed grants or contracts
as necessary to support and advance their research program. Obtained grants/contracts
need to be greater than ~$200,000 in direct cost for the area of research, as evidenced by
factors such as multi-year and/or multi-site research. Funding sources may include federal
grants, contracts, foundations, and industry funding (e.g., NIH, NSF, AHRQ, PCORI, CDC, CMS,
NACDS, American Heart Association, etc.). In case the funding levels are not consonant with
grants offered/awarded in the faculty member’s field, it is incumbent upon the candidate to
provide context regarding available funding.
Regular presentations of scholarly/research activities at both national and international
conferences and symposia.
And achieve > 2 of the following criteria:
Consulting at the national level on grants/contracts, or serving on national/international
advisory boards.
Invitations to present plenary or other major keynote presentations at
national/international meetings
Investigational new drugs or other technologies approved by the FDA
Drug(s) approved for clinical development (IND)
Perform innovative research as evidenced by patent issued, publications recognized for
excellence and/or impact and/or copyrighted material (e.g., software, tools), as is consistent
with the area of science
Invitation to serve as a regular member of a major federal or equivalent study section (grant
Invitation to serve as a member of editorial board, an associate editor or editor of a scientific
Authoring or editing a book or textbook in your scientific or clinical area
Elected as a fellow in a major scientific organization.
Devises a new method or procedure that receives national or international recognition
R03= 2 years, $100,000 direct costs
R21= 2 years, $275,000 direct costs
R01= 3+ years, $750,000+ direct costs
3. Service
Service is expected of all faculty.
Level 1Must participate in all of these activities:
Serves on at least one UAMS committee continuously during appointment (not required of
faculty in modified appointments; may be different committees during time frame)
Serves as a referee for professional or scientific journal(s) and/or meetings/symposia
Volunteers for activities that require on-demand participation by faculty (e.g., admission
interviews, serving as a preceptor for student screenings, student mentoring, etc.)
(for faculty in non-modified appointments with a clinical practice ) Provides distinct service
or group of services that attempts to optimize therapeutic outcomes for individual patients
to: promote safe and effective medication use, improve quality of care, optimize patient
outcomes, reduce drug costs or other applicable clinical services (i.e program or protocol
development, MUE and intervention data)
And >1 of the following:
Serves at least one term on a committee outside of UAMS during appointment
Professional organization
Community organization
Participates in the establishment/management of UAMS program or activity
Professional program
Clinical program
CE program
Serves as a local consultant (agency, industry, professional group, expert witness, etc)
Serves as a Faculty advisor/co-advisor to a student organization
Member on clinical, hospital and/or other professional committees.
Develops and/or conducts professional development programs or ACPE-accredited
continuing education programs
Contributes to health-related public service programs.
Other activity listed as a Level 2 or Level 3 service contribution
Level 2Must participate in all of these activities:
Serves on >1 regional/state/national/international professional committee continuously
during appointment (may be different committees during the time frame)
Serves on >1 term as Chair/Co-Chair of a standing or major ad hoc professional committee
at the department, college, institution, regional, national, or international level (e.g.,
scholastic standing, curriculum revision, ACPE self-study committee)
***Income generation through contracts and billings with clear potential/ probability for
And > 5 of the following:
Assigned responsibility for broader patient care or system administration
Develops, directs or coordinates a major program, service unit, or project
Elected or appointed as an officer or other leadership role in a professional organization
Serves in a leadership role on departmental, hospital or other professional committees
Election to an officer or on a board in a local or state professional practice organization
Credentialing or additional certifications
Appointed to a statewide task force or committee different than the required expectation
listed above (e.g., governor-appointed task force)
Completion of additional academic work (i.e. MPH, etc)
Serves in a continuous leadership role in a community organization
Expert regional consultant
Consults nationally in a service related capacity
Develops and/or implements a new process or procedure. (therapy, protocol, lab
technique, etc)
Develops new quality management protocol, active in cost containment activities
Develops and implements innovative professional or public programs or policies
Recognized for significant contributions to the College or Campus
Recognized for excellence as a clinician or professional by local and/or regional peers
Exam question writer or reviewer for licensure, certificate, or board exams
Reviewer for grant proposals
Editorial board for professional or scientific journals
Demonstrates practice-related continuous quality improvement
Works with healthcare organizations or insurers to evaluate and select medications based
on objective evidence of therapeutic merit, safety, and costs
Serves as a delegate to the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy (AACP)
Other activity listed as a Level 3 service contribution
(for clinical faculty) Demonstrates impact of clinical service activities on clinical, economic,
and/or humanistic outcomes
Level 3Must be established as an international or national expert and achieve >3 of the
Sustained leadership of multiple college or university committees and in particular to those
committees vital to the college and/or university (e.g., Curriculum, Assessment, Scholastic
Standing, Promotion and Tenure, Graduate Programs, and ACPE self-study)
Makes major sustained service contributions to the profession (e.g., officer, board member
or delegate in a national or international professional organization beyond serving as AACP
Recipient of national or international service awards
Diplomat or Fellow of a national professional organization
Director of clinical or professional program (e.g., pharmacy team coordinator, pharmacy
residency or certificate program director)
Organizes practice-related educational programs for pharmacy and other health
Officer in professional society, national boards, etc.
Elected to a major leadership position in national/international professional organization
Recognized by a university through an honorary degree
Develops and directs health-related public service programs.
Nationally or internationally recognized for organizing clinical or professional educational
Recognized by peers nationally and/or internationally or other outstanding achievement in
Creation of co-funded staff or residency positions with continued potential for funding
VI. Tenure
Tenure ensures the academic freedom that is vital for institutional stability and excellence.
Criteria for granting tenure must be relevant to the missions and goals of the College of Pharmacy,
the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences and the University of Arkansas system. (Please see
UA Board of Trustees policy 405.1, section I.)
An individual in a tenure-track position who was not awarded tenure with any of the first six
academic years or fiscal year appointments must be evaluated during the sixth appointment. If he
or she is not approved for tenure, the seventh appointment shall be a terminal appointment. (Board
Policy 405.1 IV. A. 11.)
A. Special Provisions Concerning Faculty in a Tenure Track Appointment
1. An initial appointment between January 1 and June 30 will not be considered a year
of service in determining the maximum number of years in probationary status.
2. An appointment between July 1 and December 31 will constitute the first
probationary year ending on June 30.
3. A request to suspend the probationary period for a period of one (1) year shall first
be directed in writing to the department chair with the specific reasons identified.
i. The reasons for such a request are the same as required under the Family and
Medical Leave Act of 1993 and are as follows: (1) the birth of a child to the
faculty member or his or her spouse and its care during the first year; (2) the
adoption of a child by the faculty member or placement in the faculty member's
home of a foster child; (3) the care of the faculty member's spouse, child, or
parent with a serious health condition; (4) the serious health condition of the
faculty member.
ii. If approved by the department chair then the request is sent to the dean for
iii. If approved by the dean the request must be passed through the established
administrative channels including the Provost, the Chancellor, and the
4. A faculty member who has been notified that he or she will not be reappointed may
not subsequently request to suspend the probationary period under this policy.
B. New Appointees at Advanced Rank
Upon the recommendation of the department chair, and the Promotion & Tenure
Committee, and with concurrence of the Dean, the Provost, and the President, new
appointees at the rank of associate professor, professor, distinguished professor, or
university professor may be granted immediate tenure.
In regards to courtesy, the Promotion and Tenure Committee expects the Department
Chair to submit a curriculum vitae to the Committee for evaluation and
recommendation. For new appointees being considered for hire at advanced rank
and/or being considered for hire and being granted tenure upon hire, the UAMS College
of Pharmacy Promotion and Tenure Guidelines will be applied.
VI. Interim Review
A. Timeline and Process
1. The Promotion and Tenure Committee will provide a confidential, non-binding
critique of a candidate’s performance documentation (promotion and/or tenure) for
any faculty member who has served a minimum of one and one half years in rank.
2. Since the promotion guidelines state that no certain time must elapse before eligibility
for promotion, the critique is termed “Interim Review”.
3. This process is an assessment of the faculty member by the Promotion and Tenure
Committee and intended as a guide to the faculty member of their progress and
suggestions on how their ultimate candidacy may be strengthened.
4. The Promotion and Tenure Committee chair will remind the faculty by January 15 of
each year that the Interim Review portfolios are due to the Committee chair no later
than March 1.
5. The Committee will offer the individual a confidential, non-binding critique of
the portfolio no later than May 1.
6. A faculty member may submit up to two requests for Interim Review during the
probationary period.
7. All faculty at the rank of assistant professor, regardless of track, will undergo an
interim review a minimum of two years before seeking advancement in rank.
8. Faculty seeking an interim review should electronically submit to the P&T Chair a
cover letter including current rank and tenure-track status, a full CV, and a summary
of the progress while in the current rank.