Alcohol Withdrawal Protocol
Give Thiamine 100mg IV initially and qd (po, IM/IV), Folate 1mg qd, MVI qd.
Assess current state of withdrawal with CIWA-Ar scoring sheet, attached.
A.CIWA <8 and Low Risk
Monitor CIWA q shift for 2 days
If CIWA >8, go to B.
B.CIWA >8 OR Moderate Risk
Ativan 1-2mg IV or 2-4mg PO x1 stat
Ativan 1mg IV or 2mg PO q4-6h standing
Ativan 1 mg IV or 2mg PO q2h prn
CIWA>8, HR>100 or DBP>100
Hold dose for RR<10, or if patient is
unresponsive to voice(or decreased oximetry, or
other signs of intoxication) -HOLD
dose until no toxicity, resume at lower dose
After first 24 hours, total up 24-hour Ativan
requirement, then split into q4h or q6h standing
dose for the next 24 hours.
Day 3: Begin slow taper of Ativan dose, usually
no more than 15-20% per day. If frequent prn
doses needed, consider stopping taper, raising
dose, achieving stability, resuming at slower rate
C.CIWA> 15 or High Risk
Consider transfer to ICU.
Ativan 2-4mg IV q15 minutes until stable, then use that
dose of Ativan that achieved stability IV q2-3h standing
Hold dose for RR<10, or if pt. is unresponsive to voice (or
decreased oximetry, or other signs of intoxication) -HOLD
dose until no toxicity, resume at lower dose
Goals of treatment:
CIWA<8, HR<100, DBP<100
If this is achieved, total up 24-hour Ativan requirement and
split into q4h or q6h standing dose for the next 24h.
Then begin slow taper of Ativan dose (10-15%/day)
Acknowledgments - Dr. Phyllis Grable
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