Alignment of Heal thSmart with National
Health Education Standards and CDCs 2021 HECAT
The National Health Education Standards (NHES) detail what students need to know
and be able to do in order to achieve health literacy. The Standards detail both the functional
knowledge and essential skills required for adopting and maintaining healthy behaviors.
In addition to comprehending concepts, the Standards set age-appropriate performance
indicators for 7 essential health skills:
Analyzing Influences
Accessing Information
Interpersonal Communication
Decision Making
Goal Setting
Practicing Health-Enhancing Behaviors
The Health Education Curriculum Analysis Tool (HECAT) from the Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention identified the most important healthy behaviors for
adolescents to practice by the time they graduate from high school. At each grade range
the HECAT outlines the concepts students need to know and the skills they
need to be able to practice in order to achieve desired Healthy Behavior Outcomes in
each of 9 health content areas:
Mental & Emotional Health
Personal Health & Wellness
Safety/Injury Prevention
Violence Prevention
Healthy Eating
Physical Activity
Alcohol & Other Drugs
Sexual Health
The HECAT is intended as a guide to help schools analyze health curricula to see if they
align with the identified Knowledge and Skill Expectations, which are aligned with the
National Health Education Standards. In theory, if a curriculum enables students to meet
these Knowledge and Skill Expectations, it should impact health behavior in a positive way.
Middle School
Healthy Behavior Outcomes
Abstinence, Puberty & Personal Health
Healthy Behavior Outcome Lesson Number
Personal Health & Wellness 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
PHW-1 Practice appropriate hygiene
PHW-2 Get an appropriate amount of sleep
and rest.
PHW-3 Prevent vision and hearing loss.
PHW-4 Prevent damage from the sun.
PHW-5 Practice behaviors that prevent
infectious diseases.
PHW-6 Practice behaviors that prevent
chronic diseases.
PHW-7 Practice behaviors that promote
mental and emotional well-being.
Covered in Emotional & Mental Health
PHW-8 Practice behaviors that prevent
food-borne and water-borne illnesses.
Covered in Nutrition & Physical Activity
PHW-9 Prevent serious health problems
that result from common chronic diseases
and conditions, such as allergies, asthma,
diabetes, epilepsy.
Covered in High School
PHW-10 Use health care services to
address common infectious diseases and
manage chronic diseases and conditions.
Covered in High School
PHW-11 Seek out health care professionals
for appropriate screenings and examinations.
Covered in High School
PHW-12 Prevent health problems that
result from fads or trends.
Covered in Nutrition & Physical Activity
Sexual Health 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Progress through puberty in a healthy way
SH-1 Recognize developmental changes
experienced by self and others during
childhood and adolescence.
SH-2 Establish and maintain healthy
Covered in Emotional & Mental Health
SH-3 Treat all people with dignity and
respect with regard to their gender identity
and sexual orientation.
SH-4 Give and receive consent in all
SH-5 Be sexually abstinent.
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Middle School
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Healthy Behavior Outcomes
Sexual Health (continued) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
SH-6 Engage in behaviors that prevent
or reduce sexually transmitted infections
(STIs), including HIV.
Covered for abstinence only. Other protective behaviors are addressed in
HIV, STI & Pregnancy Prevention
SH-7 Engage in behaviors that prevent or
reduce unintended pregnancy.
SH-8 Support others to avoid or reduce
sexual risk behaviors.
SH-9 Avoid pressuring others to engage in
sexual behaviors.
SH-10 Use appropriate health services to
promote sexual and reproductive health.
Emotional & Mental Health
Healthy Behavior Outcome Lesson Number
Mental & Emotional Health 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15*
MEH-1 Express feelings in a healthy way.
MEH-2 Engage in activities that are
mentally and emotionally healthy.
MEH-3 Manage interpersonal conflict in
healthy ways.
Covered in Violence & Injury Prevention
MEH-4 Prevent and manage emotional
stress and anxiety in healthy ways.
MEH-5 Use self-control and impulse-
control strategies to promote health.
MEH-6 Get help for troublesome thoughts,
feelings or actions for oneself and others.
MEH-7 Show acceptance of differences in
MEH-8 Establish and maintain healthy
MEH-9 Practice habits that promote mental
and emotional well-being.
*Healthy Behavior Outcomes will vary, depending on which emotional health behaviors students focus on in their goals.
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Middle School
Healthy Behavior Outcomes
HIV, STI & Pregnancy Prevention
Healthy Behavior Outcome Lesson Number
Sexual Health 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
SH-1 Recognize developmental changes
experienced by self and others during
childhood and adolescence.
Covered in Abstinence, Puberty & Personal Health
SH-2 Establish and maintain healthy
SH-3 Treat all people with dignity and
respect with regard to their gender identity
and sexual orientation.
SH-4 Give and receive consent in all
SH-5 Be sexually abstinent.
SH-6 Engage in behaviors that prevent
or reduce sexually transmitted infections
(STIs), including HIV.
SH-7 Engage in behaviors that prevent or
reduce unintended pregnancy.
SH-8 Support others to avoid or reduce
sexual risk behaviors.
SH-9 Avoid pressuring others to engage in
sexual behaviors.
SH-10 Use appropriate health services to
promote sexual and reproductive health.
Nutrition & Physical Activity
Healthy Behavior Outcome Lesson Number
Food & Nutrition 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16* 17*
FN-1 Follow a healthy eating pattern that
meets individual preferences and needs for
growth and development.
FN-2 Choose a variety of options within
each food group.
FN-3 Eat lots of fruits and vegetables.
FN-4 Choose to eat whole-grain products.
FN-5 Choose to eat or drink fat-free or low-
fat dairy or fortified dairy alternatives.
FN-6 Drink lots of water.
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Middle School
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Healthy Behavior Outcomes
Healthy Eating (continued) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16* 17*
FN-7 Avoid sugary drinks.
FN-8 Limit foods high in added sugars,
saturated fats, trans fats, and sodium.
FN-9 Choose to eat or drink nutrient-dense
foods and beverages when dining.
FN-10 Prepare good-tasting, nutrient-
dense foods for yourself and others.
FN-11 Choose and enjoy nutrient-dense
foods and beverages that reflect personal
preferences, culture, and budget.
FN-12 Support healthy eating patterns for
PHW-8 Practice behaviors that prevent
food-borne and water-borne illnesses (from
Personal Health & Wellness).
PHW-12 Prevent health problems that
result from fads or trends (from Personal
Health & Wellness).
MEH-2 Engage in activities that are
mentally and emotionally healthy.
MEH-6 Get help for troublesome thoughts,
feelings or actions for oneself and others
(from Mental & Emotional Health).
Physical Activity 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16* 17*
PA-1 Engage in moderate to vigorous
physical activity for at least 60 minutes
every day.
PA-2 Regularly engage in physical activities
that enhance cardiorespiratory endurance,
flexibility, muscle endurance, and muscle
PA-3 Engage in warm-up and cool-down
activities before and after structured
PA-4 Drink plenty of water before, during,
and after physical activity.
PA-5 Follow a physical activity plan for
healthy growth and development.
PA-6 Avoid injury during physical activity.
PA-7 Support others to be physically
*Healthy Behavior Outcomes will vary, depending on whether students set a healthy eating or physical activity goal.
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Middle School
Healthy Behavior Outcomes
Tobacco, Alcohol & Other Drug Prevention
Healthy Behavior Outcome Lesson Number
Tobacco 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
T-1 Avoid using (or experimenting with) any
form of tobacco.
T-2 Avoid exposure to secondhand smoke
and aerosol.
T-3 Support a tobacco-free environment.
T-4 Support others to be tobacco free.
T-5 Quit using tobacco if already using. Covered in High School
Alcohol & Other Drugs 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
AOD-1 Use prescription and over-the-
counter medications correctly.
AOD-2 Avoid misuse and abuse of over-
the-counter and prescription drugs.
AOD-3 Avoid the use of alcohol.
AOD-4 Avoid the use of illegal drugs.
AOD-5 Avoid driving while under the
influence of alcohol and other drugs.
Covered in High School
AOD-6 Avoid riding in a motor vehicle
with a driver who is under the influence of
alcohol or other drugs.
Covered in Violence & Injury Prevention
AOD-7 Quit using alcohol and other drugs
if already using.
Covered in High School
AOD-8 Support others to be alcohol and
other drug free.
Violence & Injury Prevention
Healthy Behavior Outcome Lesson Number
Safety/Injury Prevention 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
S-1 Follow appropriate safety rules when
riding in or on a motor vehicle.
S-2 Avoid driving a motor vehicle while
under the influence of alcohol or other
Covered in High School
Avoid riding in a motor vehicle driven by
someone under the influence of alcohol or
other drugs.
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Middle School
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Healthy Behavior Outcomes
Safety/Injury Prevention (continued) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
S-3 Use safety equipment appropriately
and correctly.
S-4 Apply safety rules and procedures to
avoid risky behaviors and injury.
S-5 Avoid safety hazards in the home and
S-6 Recognize and avoid dangerous
S-7 Get help for oneself or others when
injured or suddenly ill.
First-aid procedures are not addressed in HealthSmart
S-8 Support others to avoid risky behaviors
and be safe.
Violence Prevention 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
V-1 Manage interpersonal conflict in
nonviolent ways.
V-2 Manage emotional distress in
nonviolent ways.
V-3 Avoid bullying or being a bystander to
V-4 Avoid engaging in violence, including
sexual harassment, coercion, exploitation,
physical fighting, and rape.
V-5 Avoid situations where violence is likely
to occur.
V-6 Avoid associating with others who are
involved in or who encourage violence or
criminal activity.
V-7 Get help to prevent or stop violence,
including harassment, abuse, bullying,
hazing, fighting, and hate crimes.
V-8 Get help to prevent or stop unwanted
or inappropriate touching.
V-9 Get help to stop being subjected to
violence or physical abuse.
V-10 Get help for oneself or others who are
in danger of hurting themselves.
Covered in High School
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Middle School
Alignment with HECAT Knowledge Expectations
Alcohol & Other Drugs
AOD1.8.1 Define and differentiate between over-the-counter medications, prescription medications, and illicit drugs.
TAOD Lesson 5 [types of medicines only]
AOD1.8.2 Distinguish between proper use and abuse of over-the-counter medicines. TAOD Lesson 5
AOD1.8.3 Distinguish between proper use and abuse of prescription medicines. TAOD Lesson 5, TAOD Lesson 7
AOD1.8.4 Describe how to read and interpret directions for over-the-counter and prescription medications.
TAOD Lesson 5
AOD1.8.5 Describe why it is important to use over-the-counter and prescription medications as directed. TAOD Lesson 5
[covered but not an objective]
AOD1.8.6 Explain the dangers of sharing medications. TAOD Lesson 5 [covered but not an objective]
AOD1.8.7 Describe how to safely store medications. Can be addressed in TAOD Lesson 5, but not currently covered
AOD1.8.8 Summarize the physical and mental effects of using alcohol, marijuana, and illicit drugs. TAOD Lesson 2
(alcohol), TAOD Lesson 4 (marijuana), TAOD Lesson 7 (opioids), TAOD Lesson 8
AOD1.8.9 Determine the immediate and long-term impacts of alcohol- and other drug-use on the brain, including impacts
on decision making. TAOD Lesson 2 (alcohol), TAOD Lesson 4 (marijuana), TAOD Lesson 7 (opioids),
TAOD Lesson 8
AOD1.8.10 Explain the potential effects of mixing any type of medication or drug with another (sometimes called poly-drug
use). TAOD Lesson 5 [briefly covered for medicines only]
AOD1.8.11 Determine reasons why people choose to abstain from or misuse alcohol, marijuana, prescription medications,
and illicit drugs. TAOD Lesson 6, TAOD Lesson 11
AOD1.8.12 Explain why using alcohol and other drugs is an unhealthy way to manage stress. TAOD Lesson 6
AOD1.8.13 Determine the benefits of being drug free. TAOD Lesson 11, TAOD Lesson 17
AOD1.8.14 Describe positive alternatives to using alcohol and other drugs. TAOD Lesson 11
AOD1.8.15 Describe the relationship between using alcohol and other drugs and other health risks, such as unintentional
injuries, violence, suicide, sexual risk behaviors, and tobacco use. TAOD Lesson 2; also VIP Lesson 3 [covered
but not an objective]
AOD1.8.16 Explain the relationship between intravenous drug use and transmission of bloodborne diseases such as HIV
and hepatitis. HIV/STI Lesson 7 [covered in relation to HIV but not an objective]
AOD1.8.17 Explain the risks associated with using alcohol or other drugs and driving a motor vehicle. VIP Lesson 2
AOD1.8.18 Explain school policies and community laws about alcohol, marijuana, prescription medications, and illicit
drugs. TAOD Lesson 12
Food & Nutrition
FN1.8.1 Explain the importance of trying new foods. Covered in Grades K–5
FN1.8.2 Describe the importance of eating a variety of foods to meet daily nutrient and energy needs. NPA Lesson 1,
Lesson 2, Lesson 3 [covered but not an objective]
FN1.8.3 Describe the U.S. Dietary Guidelines for Americans. NPA Lesson 3
FN1.8.4 Summarize a variety of nutrient-dense food choices for each food group. NPA Lesson 2
FN1.8.5 Explain why individuals may have different nutritional needs. NPA Lesson 2 [covered but not an objective]
FN1.8.6 Summarize the benefits of eating plenty of whole fruits and vegetables (e.g., fresh, canned, frozen, and dried).
NPA Lesson 3
FN1.8.7 Explain the similarities and differences in nutritional value and food sources for protein, fats, and
carbohydrates. NPA Lesson 1 [covered but not an objective]
FN1.8.8 Identify foods that provide key nutrients including fiber, iron, calcium, potassium, and vitamin D.
NPA Lesson 1; calcium is discussed in NPA Lesson 2 and NPA Lesson 4; fiber is also discussed in NPA
Lesson 3; iron discussed in relation to food label in NPA Lesson 4
FN1.8.9 Identify how different stages of food processing can impact the nutrient profile of food. NPA Lesson 4 [issues
with processed foods in general, stages of processing not discussed]
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Middle School
Alignment with HECAT Knowledge Expectations
Food & Nutrition (c ontinue d)
FN1.8.10 Identify examples of whole-grain foods. NPA Lesson 5
FN1.8.11 Describe how to make good-tasting, nutrient-dense meals and snacks. NPA Lesson 6 [nutrient-dense snacks];
NPA Lesson 7 [adapting fast-food meals]
FN1.8.12 Summarize the benefits of consuming enough water. NPA Lesson 1
FN1.8.13 Identify sugary drinks. NPA Lesson 7
FN1.8.14 Summarize the benefits of limiting the consumption of saturated fat, trans fat, added sugar, and sodium.
NPA Lesson 3; also NPA Lesson 4 [covered but not an objective]
FN1.8.15 Identify ways to prepare and season food using healthy fats, herbs, and spices while reducing sugar and
sodium. NPA Lesson 7
FN1.8.16 Describe the importance of eating breakfast every day. NPA Lesson 5
FN1.8.17 Explain the relationship between access to healthy foods and personal food choices. NPA Lesson 6 [covered
but not an objective]
FN1.8.18 Explain how to select nutrient-dense foods when dining out. NPA Lesson 7
FN1.8.19 Describe major chronic diseases and their relationship to eating and physical activity patterns. ABST Lesson 3
[Describe the behavioral and environmental factors that contribute to the major chronic diseases]
FN1.8.20 Analyze the benefits of following a healthy eating pattern. NPA Lesson 16
FN1.8.21 Identify healthy and risky approaches to weight management. NPA Lesson 12
FN1.8.22 Describe the benefits of eating the amount of food needed to be healthy and energetic. NPA Lesson 3
FN1.8.23 Describe body signals that tell a person when they are hungry and when they are full. Covered in Grades K–5
FN1.8.24 Explain what is enjoyable about eating meals with family and friends. Can be addressed in NPA Lesson 9
Mental & Emotional Health
MEH1.8.1 Describe signs and symptoms that one may be experiencing different feelings or emotions. EMH Lesson 7
[covered but not an objective]
MEH1.8.2 Describe how brain development and emotions change during adolescence. ABST Lesson 7 [emotions]
MEH1.8.3 Describe how emotions can change throughout the day and over time. Can be addressed in EMH Lesson 6
MEH1.8.4 Identify situations that can trigger different thoughts, feelings, and emotions. EMH Lesson 6, Lesson 7
MEH1.8.5 Describe the importance of being aware of one’s own feelings and emotions and how this can influence
behavior. EMH Lesson 6
MEH1.8.6 Explain appropriate ways to express and manage needs, wants, emotions, and feelings. EMH Lesson 6
(emotions/feelings), EMH Lesson 12 (grief)
MEH1.8.7 Discuss how the expression of emotions or feelings can help or hurt oneself and others. EMH Lesson 6
MEH1.8.8 Describe characteristics and behaviors of a mentally and emotionally healthy person. EMH Lesson 3
MEH 1.8.9 Identify role models who demonstrate positive mental and emotional health. EMH Lesson 3 [covered but not
an objective]
MEH1.8.10 Describe the differences and similarities between self-efficacy, self-respect, and self-awareness. EMH unit
supports these SEL competencies, but students don’t define/distinguish between terms
MEH1.8.11 Identify internal and external factors that influence self-efficacy, self-respect, and self-awareness. EMH unit
supports these SEL competencies, but students don’t analyze factors that affect these traits.
MEH1.8.12 Identify personal stressors at home, in school, and with friends. EMH Lesson 9
MEH1.8.13 Describe ways the body can react to stressful situations and ways to reduce these impacts. EMH Lesson 9,
EMH Lesson 10, EMH Lesson 11
MEH1.8.14 Explain the causes, symptoms, and effects of depression and anxiety. EMH Lesson 8 [covered in terms of
getting help but not an objective]
MEH1.8.15 Identify feelings and emotions associated with loss, sadness, and grief. EMH Lesson 12
MEH1.8.16 Describe how mental and emotional health can affect health behaviors. Not covered
MEH1.8.17 Describe self-control. EMH Lesson 7 [covered but not an objective]
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Middle School
Alignment with HECAT Knowledge Expectations
Mental & Emotional Health (continued)
MEH1.8.18 Explain the benefits of practicing self-control in different situations. EMH Lesson 7 [covered but not an
MEH1.8.19 Identify situations where people have demonstrated resilience. Can be addressed in EMH Lesson 3
MEH1.8.20 Identify ways to cope with challenging situations (e.g., losing a game, doing poorly on a test). EMH Lesson 3
[covered but not an objective], Lesson 7 [in relation to anger], Lesson 12 [in relation to loss and grief]
MEH1.8.21 Describe healthy and unhealthy ways to manage challenging emotions such as anger, stress, anxiety,
frustration, disappointment, or sadness. EMH Lesson 3 [stress], EMH Lesson 7 [anger], EMH Lesson 12 [grief];
VIP Lesson 13
MEH1.8.22 Identify warning signs when a person may be at risk for harming themselves or others and may need help.
EMH Lesson 8 (signs that troublesome feelings need help) [covered but not an objective]
MEH1.8.23 Describe characteristics of healthy and unhealthy relationships. EMH Lesson 4
MEH1.8.24 Describe the benefits of healthy family and peer relationships. EMH Lesson 4
MEH1.8.25 Explain how to build and maintain healthy family and peer relationships. EMH Lesson 5 [related to
MEH1.8.26 Describe healthy ways to express affection, love, friendship, and concern. EMH Lesson 12 (expressing concern
when someone is grieving); ABST Lesson 10 (expressing affection)
MEH1.8.27 Identify qualities of healthy dating or romantic relationships. HIV/STI Lesson 1
MEH1.8.28 Identify relationships in the family, school, and community that are caring. EMH Lesson 4 [covered but not an
MEH1.8.29 Identify a parent, caregiver, or trusted adult and use strategies to communicate feelings and emotions with
them. EMH Lesson 8
MEH1.8.30 Summarize the benefits of talking with a trusted parent or adult about feelings. EMH Lesson 8
MEH1.8.31 Identify strategies to effectively communicate feelings to peers. EMH Lesson 5
MEH1.8.32 Describe healthy strategies to manage difficult relationships with family, peers, or partners. EMH Lesson 5
[communication based]
MEH1.8.33 Identify strategies to resolve conflict in a group. VIP Lesson 14 [extension of interpersonal conflict resolution
MEH1.8.34 Describe strategies for managing interpersonal conflicts nonviolently. VIP Lesson 14
MEH1.8.35 Analyze how prosocial behaviors can benefit overall health. VIP Lesson 8; EMH Lesson 2 covers pro-social
behaviors for a positive classroom environment
MEH1.8.36 Describe how power and control differences in relationships can contribute to aggression and violence.
VIP Lesson 9 [in relation to bullying]
MEH1.8.37 Describe different ways to show empathy towards self and others. EMH Lesson 3 [covered briefly but not an
objective]; EMH Lesson 8; EMH Lesson 12
MEH1.8.38 Describe characteristics that make people unique or special. Not covered
MEH1.8.39 Explain the benefits of living in a diverse society. Not covered
MEH1.8.40 Explain how intolerance can affect others. VIP Lesson 8 [covered but not an objective]
MEH1.8.41 Describe how stereotyping, bullying, harassment, bias, prejudice, and discrimination can impact mental and
emotional health. VIP Lesson 9 (bullying), VIP Lesson 11 (hazing); HIV/STI Lesson 2 (stereotyping)
MEH1.8.42 Explain why it is wrong to tease or bully others based on personal characteristics. VIP Lesson 9 [covered but
not an objective]
MEH1.8.43 Identify ways to prevent and address bullying, harassment, bias, prejudice, and discrimination. VIP Lesson 10;
HIV/STI Lesson 2
MEH1.8.44 Analyze how sharing or posting personal information electronically about self or others on social media sites
and other digital communication (e.g., messages, forums, e-mail, websites, phone and tablet applications) can
negatively impact mental and emotional health. EMH Lesson 13
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Middle School
Alignment with HECAT Knowledge Expectations
Personal Health & Wellness
PHW1.8.1 Summarize the benefits of good hygiene practices for promoting health and maintaining positive social
relationships. ABST Lesson 9
PHW1.8.2 Summarize the benefits of getting proper rest and sleep for healthy growth and development. ABST Lesson 2
PHW1.8.3 Identify common causes of noise-induced hearing loss. ABST Lesson 2 [covered but not an objective]
PHW1.8.4 Describe appropriate ways to protect vision and hearing. ABST Lesson 2
PHW1.8.5 Describe proper hygiene practices for healthy eyes and vision (e.g., contact lens hygiene). Can be addressed in
ABST Lesson 2
PHW1.8.6 Summarize actions to take to protect oneself against potential damage from exposure to the sun.
ABST Lesson 2
PHW1.8.7 Explain the difference between infectious, noninfectious, and chronic diseases. ABST Lesson 3 [infectious/
noninfectious only]
PHW1.8.8 Summarize the symptoms of someone who is sick or getting sick. ABST Lesson 3
PHW1.8.9 Summarize the symptoms of someone who is seriously ill and needs immediate medical attention, including
attention for mental health. EMH Lesson 8 (mental health); not covered for other illness until High School
PHW1.8.10 Describe the importance of seeking help and treatment for common infectious diseases, chronic diseases, and
mental illnesses. NPA Lesson 8 (food-borne illness); ABST Lesson 3 (other infectious diseases)
PHW1.8.11 Summarize ways that common infectious diseases are transmitted. ABST Lesson 3
PHW1.8.12 Summarize health practices to prevent the spread of infectious diseases that are transmitted by food, water,
air, indirect contact, and person-to-person contact. NPA Lesson 8 (food-borne illness); ABST Lesson 3 (other
infectious diseases)
PHW1.8.13 Describe food and water safety strategies that can control germs that cause food-borne and water-borne
illnesses. NPA Lesson 8
PHW1.8.14 Identify appropriate situations for using different hand hygiene approaches (e.g., hand washing, alcohol-based
hand rubs and sanitizers). Not covered
PHW1.8.15 Explain when surfaces or objects should be cleaned, disinfected, or both; which cleaning agents are
appropriate; and how to safely apply them. Not covered
PHW1.8.16 Explain ways to prevent the spread of germs that cause infectious diseases by not having sex, not touching
blood, and not touching used hypodermic needles. ABST Lesson 3 (infectious diseases) [covered but not an
objective]; HIV/STI Lesson 7 (spread of HIV)
PHW1.8.17 Explain behavioral and environmental factors that contribute to major chronic diseases and mental illnesses.
ABST Lesson 3
PHW1.8.18 Describe how a sedentary lifestyle contributes to chronic disease. ABST Lesson 3 [covered but not an
PHW1.8.19 Describe the potential health and social consequences of popular fads or trends. NPA Lesson 12 (dieting fads)
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Middle School
Alignment with HECAT Knowledge Expectations
Physical Activity
PA1.8.1 Describe the recommended amounts and types of moderate, vigorous, muscle strengthening, and bone
strengthening physical activity for adolescents and adults. NPA Lesson 14
PA1.8.2 Explain how physical activity can be incorporated into daily life without special exercise equipment.
NPA Lesson 14 [covered but not an objective]
PA1.8.3 Describe ways to increase daily physical activity and decrease inactivity. NPA Lesson 14
PA1.8.4 Summarize the mental, emotional, and social benefits of physical activity and the importance of selecting
appropriate, enjoyable activities. NPA Lesson 15, NPA Lesson 16
PA1.8.5 Differentiate between physical activity, exercise, health-related fitness, and skill-related fitness. Not covered
PA1.8.6 Describe physical activities that contribute to maintaining or improving components of health-related fitness.
NPA Lesson 14
PA1.8.7 Explain the short- and long-term benefits of physical activity, including improving mood, self-esteem, attention,
cognitive performance, cardiovascular health, strength, endurance, flexibility, and reducing the risks for chronic
diseases. NPA Lesson 15, NPA Lesson 16
PA1.8.8 Explain how an inactive lifestyle contributes to chronic disease. ABST Lesson 3 [Describe the behavioral and
environmental factors that contribute to the major chronic diseases]
PA1.8.9 Explain the importance of warming up and cooling down after physical activity. NPA Lesson 15
PA1.8.10 Describe climate-related physical conditions that affect physical activity, such as heat exhaustion, sunburn,
heat stroke, and hypothermia. NPA Lesson 15
PA1.8.11 Summarize the benefits of drinking water before, during, and after physical activity. NPA Lesson 15
PA1.8.12 Describe the use of safety equipment for specific physical activities. NPA Lesson 15; VIP Lesson 4
PA1.8.13 Describe ways to reduce risk of injuries from participation in sports and other physical activities. NPA Lesson
15; VIP Lesson 3
Safety/Injury Prevention
S1.8.1 Describe ways to reduce risk of injuries while riding in or on a motor vehicle. VIP Lesson 2
S1.8.2 Describe how to reduce risk of injuries when riding an all-terrain vehicle (ATV) (e.g., snowmobile,
quad/4-wheeler). Can be addressed in VIP Lesson 2
S1.8.3 Identify protective equipment needed for sports and recreational activities. VIP Lessons 3 and 4 [covered but
not an objective]
S1.8.4 Explain the importance helmets and other safety gear for biking, riding a scooter, skateboarding, and inline
skating. VIP Lesson 4
S1.8.5 Summarize the necessary protective gear for riding ATVs, biking, motorcycling, snowmobiling, inline skating,
riding a scooter, and/or skateboarding. VIP Lesson 4
S1.8.6 Explain the risks associated with using alcohol or other drugs and driving a motor vehicle. VIP Lesson 2
S1.8.7 Describe the relationship between using alcohol or other drugs and injuries. VIP Lesson 3 [covered but not an
S1.8.8 Identify actions to take to prevent injuries during severe weather. VIP Lesson 3
S1.8.9 Describe ways to reduce risk of injuries from falls. VIP Lesson 3
S1.8.10 Describe ways to reduce risk of injuries around water. VIP Lesson 3
S1.8.11 Describe ways to reduce risk of injuries in case of fire. VIP Lesson 3
S1.8.12 Describe ways to reduce risk of injuries when playing sports. VIP Lesson 3
S1.8.13 Explain climate-related physical conditions that affect personal safety, such as heat exhaustion, sunburn, heat
stroke, and hypothermia. NPA Lesson 15 [in regard to physical activity]
S1.8.14 Describe ways to reduce risk of injuries as a pedestrian. VIP Lesson 3
S1.8.15 Describe ways to reduce risk of injuries from firearms. VIP Lesson 3
S1.8.16 Describe actions to change unsafe situations at home. Covered in High School
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Middle School
Alignment with HECAT Knowledge Expectations
Safety/Injury Prevention (conti nued)
S1.8.17 Describe how to avoid injuries when preparing food or cooking. Can be addressed in VIP Lesson 3
S1.8.18 Describe why household products are harmful if ingested or inhaled. Not covered
S1.8.19 Describe potential risks associated with over-the-counter medications. TAOD Lesson 5
S1.8.20 Describe actions to change unsafe situations at school. Covered in High School
S1.8.21 Describe actions to change unsafe situations in the community. Covered in High School
S1.8.22 Describe how sharing or posting personal information electronically about self or others on social media sites
(e.g., chat rooms, e-mail, texting, websites, phone and tablet applications) can negatively impact personal
safety of self and others. EMH Lesson 13 [social media use in general]
S1.8.23 Describe first response procedures needed to treat injuries and other emergencies. Not covered
S1.8.24 Determine the benefits of reducing the risk of injuries. VIP Lesson 1
S1.8.25 Describe ways to encourage others to reduce risk of injuries and stay safe. VIP Lesson 4
Sexual Health
SH1.8.1 Describe the physical, cognitive, emotional, and social changes that occur during puberty. ABST Lesson 7
SH1.8.2 Explain how puberty and development can vary greatly and be normal. ABST Lesson 7 [covered but not an
SH1.8.3 Describe internal and external reproductive body parts using medically accurate terms in a gender-neutral way
(e.g., some people have a penis and some people have a vagina). ABST Lesson 5, ABST Lesson 6
SH1.8.4 Describe the relationship between the menstrual cycle and conception. ABST Lesson 8 [Describe how
pregnancy occurs]; HIV/STI Lesson 5 [Explain how pregnancy occurs]
SH1.8.5 Describe the range of gender identities and expressions (e.g., cisgender, transgender, non-binary/conforming,
expansive). ABST Lesson 4; HIV/STI Lesson 2 [covered but not an objective]
SH1.8.6 Analyze associations between a range of gender identities and expressions (e.g., cisgender, transgender, non-
binary/conforming, expansive) and health. HIV/STI Lesson 2 [covered but not an objective]
SH1.8.7 Differentiate between sex assigned at birth and gender identity and expression. ABST Lesson 4; HIV/STI
Lesson 2 [covered but not an objective]
SH1.8.8 Define sexual orientation (i.e., patterns of emotional, romantic, or sexual attractions to men, women, or both
sexes), including sense of identity, attractions, and related behaviors (e.g., heterosexual, gay/lesbian, bisexual).
ABST Lesson 4; HIV/STI Lesson 2 [covered but not an objective]
SH1.8.9 Analyze associations between sexual orientation and health. HIV/STI Lesson 2 [in terms of stereotypes/
social-emotional health]
SH1.8.10 Describe characteristics of healthy relationships. EMH Lesson 4
SH1.8.11 Describe healthy and unhealthy relationships. EMH Lesson 4; HIV/STI Lesson 4 (romantic relationships)
SH1.8.12 Describe healthy ways to express affection, love, and friendship. ABST Lesson 10 (romantic feelings)
SH1.8.13 Explain the qualities of a healthy dating or sexual relationship. HIV/STI Lesson 4
SH1.8.14 Describe the range of family and peer relationship structures (e.g., nuclear, single, parent, blended,
intergenerational, cohabiting, adoptive, foster, same sex or gender). Not covered
SH1.8.15 Describe the range of dating or sexual relationship structures. Not covered; could be addressed in HIV/STI
Lesson 4
SH1.8.16 Explain the importance of talking with parents, caregivers, and other trusted adults about issues related to
growth and development, relationships, sex, and sexual and reproductive health services. ABST Lesson 4,
ABST Lesson 7
SH1.8.17 Describe how power differences (e.g., age, race/ethnicity, sex, gender, socio-economic status) impact
relationships. HIV/STI Lesson 4 [briefly covered, but not an objective]
SH1.8.18 Describe how gender role stereotypes impact goal setting and decision making in relationships. H I V/STI
Lesson 2 [sexual stereotypes in general]
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Sexual Health (continued)
SH1.8.19 Explain the negative consequences of sending sexually explicit pictures, messages, or media (e.g., texting, chat
groups, social media platforms, e-mail, websites, phone or tablet applications). ABST Lesson 10 [covered but
not an objective]
SH1.8.20 Explain how viewing sexually explicit pictures, messages, or media can influence perceptions of, and
expectations for, relationships. Can be addressed in ABST Lesson 10
SH1.8.21 Explain why it is wrong to tease or bully others based on their gender or sexuality (e.g., gender identity and
expression, sexual orientation, or sexual abstinence and activity), growth and development, or physical
appearance or ability. HIV/STI Lesson 2 (sexual stereotyping) [covered but not an objective]
SH1.8.22 Describe how bias, prejudice, and stigma related to gender and sexuality (e.g., gender identity and
expression, sexual orientation, or sexual abstinence and activity) can impact health. HIV/STI Lesson 2 (sexual
SH1.8.23 Explain the benefits of respecting individual differences in gender and sexuality (e.g., gender identity and
expression, sexual orientation, or sexual abstinence and activity), growth and development, or physical
appearance or ability. ABST Lesson 4; HIV/STI Lesson 2 [covered but not an objective]
SH1.8.24 Describe ways to show dignity and respect for all people with regard to their gender and sexuality (e.g., gender
identity and expression, sexual orientation, or sexual abstinence and activity). ABST Lesson 14 [Identify things
to say that show they respect another person’s refusal]; HIV/STI Lesson 2 [Apply ways to challenge sexual
stereotyping], HIV/STI Lesson 10 [Identify things to say to show they respect another person’s refusal]
SH1.8.25 Describe stereotypes, myths, and stigma about STIs, including HIV, and people living with acquired
immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). Not covered; could be addressed in HIV/STI Lessons 6 and 7
SH1.8.26 Define consent and its importance for decisions about sexual behaviors. HIV/STI Lesson 3
SH1.8.27 Describe how to communicate consent for all sexual behaviors. HIV/STI Lesson 3 [covered but not an
SH1.8.28 Explain how to receive consent and accept a lack or retraction of consent for sexual behaviors. H IV/ST I
Lesson 3; ABST Lesson 14 [respecting another person’s refusal]
SH1.8.29 Describe how consent cannot be fully present when there is an imbalance of power. Can be addressed in HIV/
STI Lesson 3
SH1.8.30 Explain why a person who has experienced any form of sexual violence (e.g., sexual harassment, sexual
assault, incest, rape, domestic violence, coercion, and dating violence) is never to blame for actions of the
perpetrator. VIP Lesson 17
SH1.8.31 Describe how a person can call attention to or leave an uncomfortable and dangerous situation, including
instances of sexual violence. VIP Lesson 16
SH1.8.32 Explain the importance of setting personal limits to avoid sexual risk behaviors. ABST Lesson 10
SH1.8.33 Describe the benefits of being sexually abstinent. ABST Lesson 11; HIV/STI Lesson 1
SH1.8.34 Describe why sexual abstinence is the safest, most effective risk avoidance method of protection from STIs,
including HIV, and unintended pregnancy. ABST Lesson 11; HIV/STI Lesson 6 (STI), HIV/STI Lesson 7 (HIV),
HIV/STI Lesson 14 (pregnancy)
SH1.8.35 Describe the factors that protect against engaging in sexual risk behaviors. ABST Lesson 12
SH1.8.36 Describe the factors that contribute to engaging in sexual risk behaviors. ABST Lesson 12
SH1.8.37 Analyze ways common infectious diseases are transmitted. ABST Lesson 3
SH1.8.38 Explain how the most common STIs, including HIV, are transmitted. HIV/STI Lesson 6, HIV/STI Lesson 7
SH1.8.39 Describe usual signs and symptoms of the most common STIs and HIV. HIV/STI Lesson 6, HIV/STI Lesson 7
SH1.8.40 Explain the short- and long-term consequences of common STIs. HIV/STI Lesson 6
SH1.8.41 Summarize which STIs can be cured and which can be treated. HIV/STI Lesson 6
SH1.8.42 Describe the effectiveness of condoms in reducing the risk of HIV and other STIs (e.g., chlamydia, syphilis).
HIV/STI Lesson 12 [HPV not specifically discussed]
SH1.8.43 Describe how pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) and post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) are safe and effective
ways to prevent HIV infection and transmission. HIV/STI Lesson 7 [covered but not an objective]
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Sexual Health (continued)
SH1.8.44 Describe the role of HIV treatment in preventing HIV transmission. HIV/STI Lesson 7 [covered but not an
SH1.8.45 Summarize ways to decrease the spread of STIs and HIV by not having sex, using condoms consistently
and correctly when having sex, using PrEP, getting treatment for HIV and STIs, not touching blood or using
hypodermic needles. HIV/ STI Lesson 6; HIV/STI Lesson 7; HIV/STI Lesson 8 (testing/treatment), HIV/STI
Lesson 13 (condom use)
SH1.8.46 Describe ways sexually active people can reduce the risk of unintended pregnancy. HIV Lesson 14
SH1.8.47 Describe the effectiveness of condoms in reducing the risk of unintended pregnancy. HIV/STI Lesson 12, also
HIV/STI Lesson 14 [covered but not an objective]
SH1.8.48 Describe methods of birth control [e.g., intrauterine device (IUD) or implant, shot, patch, ring, birth control pills,
condoms, emergency contraception] including their effectiveness, required user action, and possible side
effects. HIV/STI Lesson 14
SH1.8.49 Describe the importance of using a condom for STI/HIV prevention at the same time as using a more effective
contraceptive method (i.e., IUD or implant, shot, patch, ring, birth control pills) for pregnancy prevention.
HIV/STI Lesson 14 [covered but not an objective]
SH1.8.50 Explain the importance of using a condom for STI prevention at the same time as using other effective HIV
prevention options including antiretroviral therapy (ART), PrEP, or PEP. Not covered
SH1.8.51 Explain why the most effective contraceptive methods (i.e., IUD or implant, shot, patch, ring, birth control pills)
do not prevent STIs, including HIV. HIV/STI Lesson 14 [covered but not an objective]
SH1.8.52 Summarize ways to prevent unintended pregnancy, including not having sex and effective use of
contraceptives. HIV/STI Lesson 14
SH1.8.53 Identify the emotional, social, physical, and financial effects of becoming a parent. ABST Lesson 16; HIV/STI
Lesson 5
SH1.8.54 Describe what confidential care is and give specific instances when confidential care cannot be maintained.
Not covered
SH1.8.55 Describe young people’s rights to confidential services in their state. Not covered
SH1.8.56 Describe young people’s legal rights to consent to sexual and reproductive health services, including STI/HIV
testing, treatment (including ART, PrEP, PEP), and contraception. Can be addressed in HIV/STI Lesson 8
SH1.8.57 Explain what to expect from youth-friendly sexual health services and providers (e.g., hours, use of preferred
names and pronouns). Not covered
SH1.8.58 Describe the importance of ‘time-alone’ between young people and the health care provider (e.g., doctor,
nurse) to discuss sexual and reproductive health and other sensitive health topics. Not covered
SH1.8.59 Explain the importance of disclosing sexual activity to a health care provider. Can be addressed in HIV/STI
Lesson 8
SH1.8.60 Explain the importance of preventative care including examinations, checkups, immunizations, and health
screenings (e.g., breast and testicular self-examination, Pap smears, PrEP and PEP) needed to maintain sexual
and reproductive health. ABST Lesson 9 [testicular self-exam only]; others covered in High School
SH1.8.61 Describe how the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination is a safe and effective way to avoid HPV infection,
cancer, and other related health issues. HIV/STI Lesson 6 [covered but not an objective]; also briefly covered
in ABST Lesson 4 and HIV/STI Lesson 1
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Alignment with HECAT Knowledge Expectations
T1.8.1 Describe short- and long-term health effects of using tobacco. TAOD Lesson 3
T1.8.2 Describe the harmful chemicals in e-cigarettes or vaping products. TAOD Lesson 3 [addressed briefly but not
an objective]
T1.8.3 Summarize the dangers of experimenting with tobacco products. TAOD Lesson 6
T1.8.4 Describe situations that could lead to the use of tobacco. TAOD Lesson 9 (influences), TAOD Lesson 15
[covered but not an objective]
T1.8.5 Describe the relationship between using tobacco and using alcohol or other drugs. Not covered
T1.8.6 Summarize the benefits of being tobacco-free. TAOD Lesson 3, TAOD Lesson 11, TAOD Lesson 17
T1.8.7 Describe the social, economic, and cosmetic consequences of tobacco use. TAOD Lesson 8 [Explain how
using tobacco, alcohol and other drugs can negatively affect multiple aspects of a person’s life]
T1.8.8 Summarize the effects of secondhand smoke and aerosol. TAOD Lesson 3
T1.8.9 Describe the difference between air pollutants and emissions from tobacco smoke and aerosol from
e-cigarettes or vaping products. TAOD Lesson 3 [harmful effects of both discussed, but differences between
the two are not covered]
T1.8.10 Analyze environmental impacts of tobacco product waste (e.g., litter). Not covered
T1.8.11 Summarize how the tobacco industry has targeted youth and minority populations. TAOD Lesson 13 [youth
T1.8.12 Explain reasons most individuals do not use tobacco products. TAOD Lesson 3 and TAOD Lesson 11 [covered
but not an objective]
T1.8.13 Explain school policies and community laws related to the sale and use of tobacco products. TAOD Lesson 12
T1.8.14 Summarize that tobacco use is an addiction that can be treated. TAOD Lesson 6 [covered but not an objective]
T1.8.15 Summarize how addiction to tobacco use can be treated. Covered in High School
T1.8.16 Summarize how smoking cessation programs can be successful. Covered in High School
T1.8.17 Describe ways to support family and friends who are trying to stop using tobacco. Covered in High School
Violence Prevention
V1.8.1 Describe ways to identify and label emotions. EMH Lesson 6, Lesson 7
V1.8.2 Describe examples of self-control. EMH Lesson 7 [covered but not an objective]
V1.8.3 Explain how impulsive behaviors can lead to violence. VIP Lesson 8 [covered but not an objective]; EMH
Lesson 7 (self-control)
V1.8.4 Analyze the risks of using violence as an impulsive behavior or response to stress or conflict. EMH Lesson 7;
VIP Lesson 8 [covered but not an objective]
V1.8.5 Identify a variety of nonviolent ways to respond to stress when angry or upset. VIP Lesson 13
V1.8.6 Describe the similarities and differences between violent behaviors (e.g., bullying, hazing, fighting, dating
violence, harassment, sexual assault, family violence, verbal abuse, rape). Not covered
V1.8.7 Describe how stigma, bias, and prejudice can lead to discrimination and violence. VIP Lesson 8 [covered but
not an objective]
V1.8.8 Explain why it is wrong to tease others based on personal characteristics. VIP Lesson 9 [covered but not an
V1.8.9 Explain the role of bystanders in escalating, preventing, or stopping bullying, fighting, and violence.
VIP Lesson 8, VIP Lesson 9 (bullying) [covered but not an objective]
V1.8.10 Describe short- and long-term consequences of violence to perpetrators, victims, and bystanders.
VIP Lesson 8, VIP Lesson 9 (bullying), VIP Lesson 11 (hazing)
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Violence Prevention (continued)
V1.8.11 Describe examples of prosocial behaviors (e.g., using nonviolent conflict resolution, helping others, being
respectful of others, and cooperation) that help prevent violence. VIP Lesson 8
V1.8.12 Describe examples of dangerous or risky behaviors that might lead to injuries. VIP Lesson 1 [Describe
situations that could lead to unsafe risks that cause injuries]
V1.8.13 Describe situations that could lead to physical fighting and violence. VIP Lesson 13
V1.8.14 Analyze techniques that are used to coerce or pressure someone to use violence. Not covered
V1.8.15 Describe how the presence of weapons increases the risk of serious violent injuries. Not covered
V1.8.16 Summarize how participation in gangs can lead to violence. Not covered
V1.8.17 Explain how technology and social media can be used in violent or harmful ways toward others. VIP Lesson 9
(cyberbullying); EMH Lesson 13 [social media in general]
V1.8.18 Describe strategies to avoid physical fighting and violence. VIP Lesson 14
V1.8.19 Describe ways to manage interpersonal conflict nonviolently. VIP Lesson 14
V1.8.20 Determine the benefits of using nonviolence to solve interpersonal conflict. VIP Lesson 14
V1.8.21 Explain why communicating effectively is important to resolving conflicts nonviolently. Addressed in VIP
Lessons 14 and 15, but not an objective
V1.8.22 Describe ways to communicate effectively to manage conflict nonviolently. VIP Lesson 15
V1.8.23 Explain why it is important to understand the perspectives of others in resolving conflicts nonviolently.
VIP Lesson 14
V1.8.24 Describe actions to change unsafe situations at school that could lead to violence. VIP Lesson 10 (bullying),
VIP Lesson 11 (hazing), VIP Lesson 12 (code of conduct)
V1.8.25 Describe actions to change unsafe situations in the community that could lead to violence. Not covered
V1.8.26 Explain why gender stereotypes are harmful and can lead to violence. HIV Lesson 2
V1.8.27 Describe how power and control differences in relationships can contribute to aggression and violence.
VIP Lesson 9 [in relation to bullying]
V1.8.28 Recognize techniques that are used to coerce or pressure someone to have sex. ABST Lesson 14
V1.8.29 Explain that rape and sexual assault are illegal. Not covered
V1.8.30 Explain why individuals have the right to refuse sexual contact. VIP Lesson 16; HIV/STI Lesson 3
V1.8.31 Explain that a person who has been sexually assaulted or raped is not at fault. VIP Lesson 17
V1.8.32 Explain that rape and sexual assault should be reported to a trusted adult. VIP Lesson 17
V1.8.33 Explain the importance of telling an adult if someone is in danger of hurting themselves or others. VIP Lesson
10 (reporting bullying) [covered but not an objective]; EMH Lesson 8 [in regard to anxiety and depression]
V1.8.34 Describe the signs and symptoms of people who are in danger of hurting themselves or others. EMH Lesson 8
(signs that troublesome feelings need help) [covered but not an objective]
V1.8.35 Explain that help is available for people who are feeling sad, hopeless, or thinking of hurting themselves (e.g.,
mental health services). EMH Lesson 8
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