April, 2021 (Revised) 1
CHAPTER 1260-02
1260-02-.01 Supervision of Affiliate Brokers
1260-02-.22 Repealed
1260-02-.02 Termination of Affiliation
1260-02-.23 Repealed
1260-02-.03 Offices
1260-02-.24 Repealed
1260-02-.04 Telephone Answering Services
1260-02-.25 Repealed
1260-02-.05 Post Office Boxes
1260-02-.26 Repealed
1260-02-.06 Repealed
1260-02-.27 Repealed
1260-02-.07 “Net Price” Listing
1260-02-.28 Repealed
1260-02-.08 Offers to Purchase
1260-02-.29 Repealed
1260-02-.09 Managing Escrow or Trustee Accounts
1260-02-.30 Repealed
1260-02-.10 Closing Statements
1260-02-.31 Repealed
1260-02-.11 Personal Interest
1260-02-.32 Civil Penalties
1260-02-.12 Advertising
1260-02-.33 Gifts and Prizes
1260-02-.13 Repealed
1260-02-.34 Interpleader Form
1260-02-.14 Repealed
1260-02-.35 Agency Disclosure
1260-02-.15 Repealed
1260-02-.36 Exclusive Buyer Representation Agreements
1260-02-.16 Repealed
1260-02-.37 Septic System Inspection Letters
1260-02-.17 Repealed
1260-02-.38 Death or Extended Absence of Principal Broker
1260-02-.18 Repealed
1260-02-.39 Commissions Earned by Affiliated Licensees
1260-02-.19 Repealed
1260-02-.40 Electronic Records
1260-02-.20 Repealed
1260-02-.41 Licensees Who Hold Themselves Out as a Team, Group, or
1260-02-.21 Repealed
Similar Entity Within a Firm
(1) No licensee shall engage in any real estate activity in any office unless there is a principal
broker who devotes his full time to the management of such office.
(2) A licensee may be engaged only by a principal broker who is:
(a) Engaged primarily in the real estate business; and
(b) Accessible during normal daytime working hours.
Authority: T.C.A. §§ 62-13-203 and 62-13-312(b)(15). Administrative History: Original rule certified
June 7, 1974. Repealed and refiled March 3, 1980; effective April 27, 1980. Amendment filed May 11,
1984; effective June 10, 1984. Amendment filed April 17, 1985; effective May 17, 1985. Amendment
filed November 21, 1988; effective January 5, 1989. Amendment filed June 17, 1991; effective August
11, 1991. Amendment filed July 31, 2006; effective October 14, 2006. Amendments filed January 24,
2017; effective April 24, 2017.
(1) Any licensee or principal broker wishing to terminate the licensee’s affiliation with a firm shall
submit to the Commission a completed Transfer, Release and Change of Status Form
(TREC Form 1) or submit the required information through an online submission. If the
request is made using the TREC Form 1, the form must be hand-delivered, faxed, mailed, or
e-mailed to the Commission to be effective. The principal broker’s supervisory responsibility
for the future acts of the licensee shall terminate upon the Commission’s receipt of the
release form or online submission. The principal broker shall retain a copy of the executed
form or confirmation of online submission, whichever is applicable.
(Rule 1260-02-.02, continued)
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(2) Within ten (10) days after the date of release, the licensee shall complete the required
administrative measures for either change of affiliation or retirement. The licensee shall not
engage in any activities defined in § 62-13-102 until a change of affiliation is received and
processed by the Commission.
(3) With regard to firm transfer requests that are completed through an online submission, the
Commission recognizes the transfer of an affiliated licensee to a new firm as having been
completed at the time that said transfer request is completed online and the transfer
confirmation is printed only if the following conditions are met:
(a) Prior to the submission of the online transfer request, the principal broker who is
receiving the affiliated licensee into his or her firm has verified that the affiliated
licensee has an active Tennessee license and current errors and omissions insurance;
(b) The online submission is complete, the submission contains an electronic signature,
and payment has been received. If the electronic submission is not complete, does not
have an electronic signature, or payment has not been received then the transfer shall
not be considered by the Commission to be a valid transfer and the affiliated licensee
will be placed into broker release status.
(4) When a licensee terminates his affiliation with a firm, he shall neither take nor use any
property listings or buyer representation agreements secured through the firm, unless
specifically authorized by the principal broker in writing.
(5) Upon demand by a licensee for his release from a firm, it shall be promptly granted by the
principal broker and the principal broker shall return the license to the licensee. If the licensee
cannot be located then the principal broker may return the license to the Commission.
(6) If the principal broker is deceased or physically unable to sign the release, or refuses to sign
a release, the licensee requesting termination of affiliation must submit to the Commission a
notarized Affidavit for Release.
(7) If the affiliated licensee is deceased or physically unable to sign a release or make an online
submission, or refuses to sign a release or make an online submission, the principal broker
requesting termination of affiliation must submit to the Commission a completed TREC Form
1 or make an online submission.
(8) The Commission will not intervene in the settlement of debts, loans, draws, or commission
disputes between firms, brokers and/or affiliates.
Authority: T.C.A. §§ 62-13-203 and 62-13-310. Administrative History: Original rule certified June 7,
1974. Repealed and refiled March 3, 1980; effective April 27, 1980. Amendment filed January 21, 1983;
effective February 22, 1983. Amendment filed September 13, 1989; effective October 28, 1989.
Amendment filed June 17, 1991; effective August 11, 1991. Amendment filed March 16, 2010; effective
June 14, 2010. Amendment filed July 20, 2015; effective October 18, 2015. Amendments filed October
18, 2016; effective January 16, 2017.
1260-02-.03 OFFICES.
(1) Signs. Each licensed real estate firm shall conspicuously display on the outside of the firm’s
place of business a sign which contains the name of the real estate firm as registered with
the Commission.
(Rule 1260-02-.03, continued)
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(2) Zoning. An application for a license or change of location shall be accompanied by a written
certification (from the proper governmental authority) of compliance with zoning laws and
(3) Branch Offices.
(a) For purposes of T.C.A. § 62-13-309(d), a licensee is deemed to maintain a “branch” if
the licensee:
1. Advertises the office in any manner for the purpose of attracting the public;
2. Has a mail drop at the office which is registered with and served by the United
States Postal Service; or
3. Invites or solicits telephone calls to the office (by such means as advertising or
listing in a telephone directory).
(b) Model Homes and Modular Units. A model home may be utilized in a subdivision or on
a commercial lot and a modular unit may be utilized in subdivisions which are under
construction for purposes of soliciting business and will not be required to be licensed
as a branch office as long as the model home or modular unit meets the following
1. The model home or modular unit location and/or telephone number is only
advertised in conjunction with advertising the main firm office and such
advertising complies with the statutes, rules and regulations of the Commission;
2. The model home or modular unit does not have a mail drop;
3. The model home or modular unit is not the sole sales office for the firm;
4. The model home or modular unit is not utilized to allow unlicensed activity by
individuals in performing any of the acts requiring licensure under T.C.A. §§ 62-
13-101, et seq.; and
5. The principal broker of the main firm office shall adequately supervise licensees
operating from model homes or modular units as required by T.C.A. § 62-13-312
and any rules promulgated thereunder.
Authority: T.C.A. §§ 62-13-203, 62-13-309, and 62-13-312. Administrative History: Original rule
certified June 7, 1974. Amendment filed November 3, 1977; effective December 5, 1977. Repealed and
refiled March 3, 1980; effective April 27, 1980. Amendment filed January 21, 1983; effective February 22,
1983. Amendment filed May 11, 1984; effective June 10, 1984. Amendment filed April 30, 1987;
effective July 29, 1987. Amendment filed June 17, 1991; effective August 11, 1991. Amendment filed
October 1, 1988; effective December 15, 1998. Amendment filed July 31, 2006; effective October 14,
1260-02-.04 TELEPHONE ANSWERING SERVICES. No broker shall post his license at a telephone
answering service, nor shall any broker conduct the major part of his real estate by or through a
telephone answering service; however, reasonable use of a telephone answering service by a broker is
Authority: T.C.A. § 62-13-203. Administrative History: Original rule certified June 7, 1974. Repealed
and refiled March 3, 1980; effective April 27, 1980.
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1260-02-.05 POST OFFICE BOXES. Use of a post office box as a business location is prohibited.
However, a post office box may be included in a business address for the purpose of receiving mail.
Authority: T.C.A. § 62-13-203. Administrative History: Original rule certified June 7, 1974. Repealed
and refiled March 3, 1980; effective April 27, 1980. Amendment filed May 11, 1984; effective June 10,
1260-02-.06 REPEALED.
Authority: T.C.A. § 63-13-203. Administrative History: Original rule certified June 7, 1974.
Amendment filed November 3, 1977; effective December 5, 1977. Amendment filed September 13, 1978;
effective October 30, 1978. Repealed and refiled March 3, 1980; effective April 27, 1980. Repeal filed
September 16, 1987; effective October 31, 1987. Amendment filed November 21, 1988; effective
January 5, 1989.
1260-02-.07 “NET PRICE” LISTING. No broker or affiliate broker shall accept or enter a listing based
on a “net price” (i.e., a price excluding the customary commission and expenses associated with the
Authority: T.C.A. § 62-1311. Administrative History: Original rule certified June 7, 1974. Amendment
filed September 13, 1978; effective October 30, 1978. Repealed and refiled March 3, 1980; effective April
27, 1980.
1260-02-.08 OFFERS TO PURCHASE. A broker or affiliate broker promptly shall tender every written
offer to purchase or sell obtained on a property until a contract is signed by all parties. Upon obtaining a
proper acceptance of an offer to purchase, or any counteroffer, a broker or affiliate broker promptly shall
deliver true executed copies of same, signed by the seller, to both the purchaser and the seller. Brokers
and affiliate brokers shall make certain that all of the terms and conditions of the real estate transaction
are included in the contract to purchase. In the event an offer is rejected, the broker or affiliate broker
shall request the seller to note the rejection on the offer and return the same to the offeror or the offeror’s
Authority: T.C.A. § 62-13-203. Administrative History: Original rule certified June 7, 1974.
Amendment filed September 13, 1978; effective October 30, 1978. Repealed and refiled March 3, 1980;
effective April 27, 1980. Amendment filed September 16, 1987; effective October 31, 1987. Amendment
filed September 13, 1989; effective October 28, 1989. Amendment filed July 31, 2006; effective October
14, 2006.
(1) Definitions: for purposes of this rule, the following definitions are applicable:
(a) “Commingling” is defined as the act of a licensee maintaining funds belonging to others
in the same bank account that contains his or her personal or business funds.
(b) “Trust money” is defined as either of the following:
1. Money belonging to others received by a licensee who is acting as an agent or
facilitator in a real estate transaction; or
2. Any money held by a licensee who acts as the temporary custodian of funds
belonging to others.
(2) Each principal broker shall maintain a separate escrow or trustee account for the purpose of
holding any trust money which may be received in his fiduciary capacity.
(Rule 1260-02-.09, continued)
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(3) An affiliated broker shall pay over to the principal broker with whom he is affiliated all trust
money immediately upon receipt.
(4) Principal brokers are responsible at all times for trust money accepted by them or their
affiliated brokers, in accordance with the terms of the contract.
(5) Where a contract authorizes a principal broker to place trust money in an escrow or trustee
account, the principal broker shall clearly specify in the contract:
(a) The terms and conditions for disbursement of the trust money; and
(b) The name and address of the person or firm who will actually hold the trust money.
(6) Where a contract authorizes an individual or entity other than the principal broker to hold trust
money, the principal broker will be relieved of responsibility for the trust money upon receipt
of the trust money by the specified escrow agent.
(7) A principal broker may properly disburse trust money:
(a) Upon a reasonable interpretation of the contract which authorizes him to hold the trust
(b) Upon securing a written agreement which is signed by all parties having an interest in
such and is separate from the contract which authorizes him to hold the trust money;
(c) At the closing of the transaction;
(d) Upon the rejection of an offer to purchase, sell, rent, lease, exchange or option real
(e) Upon the withdrawal of an offer not yet accepted to purchase, sell, rent, lease,
exchange or option real estate;
(f) Upon filing an interpleader action in a court of competent jurisdiction; or
(g) Upon the order of a court of competent jurisdiction.
(8) Trust money shall be disbursed in a proper manner without unreasonable delay.
(9) Absent a demonstration of a compelling reason, earnest money shall be disbursed,
interpleaded, or turned over to an attorney with instructions to interplead the funds within
twenty-one (21) calendar days from the date of receipt of a written request for disbursement.
(10) No postdated check shall be accepted for payment of trust money unless otherwise provided
in the offer.
(11) Trust money shall be deposited into an escrow or trustee account promptly upon acceptance
of the offer unless the offer contains a statement such as “Trust money to be deposited by:”.
(12) In addition to the escrow or trustee account referenced in paragraph (2), all trust money
received and held which relates to the lease of property must be held in one (1) or more
separate escrow or trustee accounts.
(13) Commingling of funds contained within firm accounts is expressly prohibited.
(Rule 1260-02-.09, continued)
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(14) Interest-bearing escrow or trustee accounts are neither required nor prohibited by the
Commission. If utilized, however, the following provisions shall be observed:
(a) At the time of contract execution, the licensee shall disclose to the payor that his or her
deposit will be placed in an interest-bearing escrow or trustee account, and the
licensee and the payor shall execute a written agreement indicating the manner of
disposition of any interest earned;
(b) As a depositor of the trust money, the licensee does not own the trust money or
interest earned thereon until properly disbursed to the licensee; and
(c) The licensee shall keep a detailed and accurate accounting of the precise sum of the
interest earned for each separate deposit.
Authority: T.C.A. §§ 62-13-203 and 62-13-321. Administrative History: Original rule certified June 7,
1974. Repealed and refiled March 3, 1980; effective April 27, 1980. Amendment filed September 30,
1980; effective December 15, 1980. Amendment filed January 21, 1983; effective February 22, 1983.
Amendment filed April 17, 1985; effective May 17, 1985. Amendment filed March 16, 2010; effective
June 14, 2010. Amendment filed July 20, 2015; effective October 18, 2015.
1260-02-.10 CLOSING STATEMENTS. If a broker acts as closing agent he shall provide copies of the
closing documents to each customer or client.
Authority: T.C.A. § 62-1311. Administrative History: Original rule certified June 7, 1974. Repealed
and refiled March 3, 1980; effective April 27, 1980. Amendment filed October 1, 1998; effective
December 15, 1998.
(1) No broker or affiliate broker shall, either directly or indirectly through a third party, purchase
for himself or attempt to purchase or acquire any interest in or option to purchase property
listed with him or with his company, or property regarding which he or his company has been
approached by the owner to act as broker, without first making a full disclosure of his true
position to the owner of the property or to any prospective purchaser for which he has acted
for as a client or customer. After acquiring any such personal interest, either directly or
indirectly, the broker or affiliate broker shall make a full disclosure of his true position to
prospective purchasers who tender offers to buy the property.
(2) All licensees shall identify themselves as a licensee when buying or selling property for
Authority: T.C.A. § 62-1311. Administrative History: Original rule certified June 7, 1974. Repealed
and refiled March 3, 1980; effective April 27, 1980. Amendment filed October 1, 1998; effective December
15, 1998.
1260-02-.12 ADVERTISING.
(1) All advertising, regardless of its nature and the medium in which it appears, which promotes
either a licensee or the sale or lease of real property, shall conform to the requirements of
this rule. The term “advertising,” for purposes of this rule, in addition to traditional print, radio,
and television advertising, also includes, but is not limited to, sources of communication
available to the public such as signs, flyers, letterheads, e-mail signatures, websites, social
media communications, and video or audio recordings transmitted through internet or
broadcast streaming. Advertising does not include promotional materials that advertise a
licensee such as hats, pens, notepads, t-shirts, name tags, business cards, and the
sponsorship of charitable and community events.
(Rule 1260-02-.12, continued)
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(2) For purposes of this rule, the term “firm name” shall mean either of the following:
(a) The entire name of the real estate firm as licensed with the Commission; or
(b) The d/b/a name, if applicable, of the real estate firm as licensed with the Commission.
(3) General Principles
(a) No licensee shall advertise to sell, purchase, exchange, rent, or lease property in a
manner indicating that the licensee is not engaged in the real estate business.
(b) All advertising shall be under the direct supervision of the principal broker and shall list
the firm name and the firm telephone number as listed on file with the Commission.
The firm name must appear in letters the same size or larger than those spelling out
the name of a licensee or the name of any team, group or similar entity.
(c) Any advertising which refers to an individual licensee must list that individual licensee’s
name as licensed with the Commission.
(d) No licensee shall post a sign in any location advertising property for sale, purchase,
exchange, rent or lease, without written authorization from the owner of the advertised
property or the owner’s agent.
(e) No licensee shall advertise property listed by another licensee without written
authorization from the listing agent or listing broker.
(f) No licensee shall advertise in a false, misleading, or deceptive manner. False,
misleading, and/or deceptive advertising includes, but is not limited to, the following:
1. Any licensee advertising that includes only the franchise name without including
the firm name;
2. Licensees who hold themselves out as a team, group, or similar entity within a
firm who advertise themselves utilizing terms such as “Real Estate,” “Real Estate
Brokerage,” “Realty,” “Company,” “Corporation,” “LLC,” “Corp.,” “Inc.,”
“Associates,” or other similar terms that would lead the public to believe that
those licensees are offering real estate brokerage services independent of the
firm and principal broker; or
3. Any webpage that contains a link to an unlicensed entity’s website where said
entity is engaged or appears to be engaged in activities which require licensure
by the Commission.
(4) Advertising for Franchise or Cooperative Advertising Groups
(a) Any licensee using a franchise trade name or advertising as a member of a cooperative
group shall clearly and unmistakably indicate in the advertisement his name, firm name
and firm telephone number (all as registered with the Tennessee Real Estate
Commission) adjacent to any specific properties advertised for sale or lease in any
(b) Any licensee using a franchise trade name on business cards, contracts, or other
documents relating to real estate transactions shall clearly and unmistakably indicate
his name, firm name, and firm telephone number (all as registered with the
(Rule 1260-02-.12, continued)
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(5) Internet Advertising: In addition to all other advertising guidelines within this rule, the following
requirements shall also apply with respect to internet advertising by licensees:
(a) The firm name and the firm telephone number listed on file with the Commission must
conspicuously appear on each page of the website.
(b) Each page of a website which displays listings from an outside database of available
properties must include a statement that some or all of the listings may not belong to
the firm whose website is being visited.
(c) Listing information must be kept current and accurate. This requirement shall apply to
“First Generation” advertising as it is placed by the licensee and does not refer to such
advertising that may be syndicated or aggregated advertising of the original by third
parties outside of the licensee’s control and ability to monitor.
(6) Social Media Advertising
(a) For the purpose of this rule, “social media” means internet-based applications or
platforms that allow the public to create and share content and information. Examples
include, but are not limited to: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn.
(b) With regards to social media advertising by licensees, the firm name and firm
telephone number listed on file with the Commission must be no more than one click
away from the viewable page.
(c) Listing information must be kept current and accurate. This requirement shall apply to
“First Generation” advertising as it is placed by the licensee and does not refer to such
advertising that may be syndicated or aggregated advertising of the original by third
parties outside of the licensee’s control and ability to monitor.
(7) Guarantees, Claims and Offers
(a) Unsubstantiated selling claims and misleading statements or inferences are strictly
(b) Any offer, guaranty, warranty or the like, made to induce an individual to enter into an
agency relationship or contract, must be made in writing and must disclose all pertinent
details on the face of such offer or advertisement.
Authority: T.C.A. §§ 62-13-203, 62-13-301, 62-13-310(b), and 62-13-312 Administrative History:
Original rule certified June 7, 1974. Repealed and refiled March 3, 1980; effective April 27, 1980.
Amendment filed January 21, 1983; effective February 22, 1983. Amendment filed April 17, 1985;
effective May 17, 1985. Amendment filed June 17, 1991; effective August 11, 1991. Amendment filed
March 24, 1994; effective June 7, 1994. Amendment filed October 1, 1998; effective December 15, 1998.
Amendment filed July 31, 2006; effective October 14, 2006. Amendment filed March 16, 2010; effective
June 14, 2010. Amendment filed July 20, 2015; effective October 18, 2015. Amendments filed March 24,
2017; effective June 22, 2017. Amendment filed January 22, 2021; effective April 22, 2021.
1260-02-.13 REPEALED.
Authority: T.C.A. § 62-1311. Administrative History: Original rule certified June 7, 1974. Repeal and
new rule filed March 3, 1980; effective April 27, 1980. Repeal filed September 16, 1987; effective
October 31, 1987.
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1260-02-.14 REPEALED.
Authority: T.C.A. § 62-1311. Administrative History: Original rule certified June 7, 1974. Repeal filed
March 3, 1980; effective April 27, 1980.
1260-02-.15 REPEALED.
Authority: T.C.A. § 62-1311. Administrative History: Original rule certified June 7, 1974. Amendment
filed November 3, 1977; effective December 5, 1977. Repeal filed March 3, 1980; effective April 27,
1260-02-.16 REPEALED.
Authority: T.C.A. § 62-1311. Administrative History: Original rule certified June 7, 1974. Amendment
filed September 13, 1978; effective October 30, 1978. Repeal filed March 3, 1980; effective April 27,
1260-02-.17 REPEALED.
Authority: T.C.A. § 62-1311. Administrative History: Original rule certified June 7, 1974. Amendment
filed November 3, 1977; effective December 5, 1977. Repeal filed March 3, 1980; effective April 27,
1260-02-.18 REPEALED.
Authority: T.C.A. § 62-1311. Administrative History: Original rule certified June 7, 1974. Repeal filed
March 3, 1980; effective April 27, 1980.
1260-02-.19 REPEALED.
Authority: T.C.A. § 62-1311. Administrative History: Original rule certified June 7, 1974. Repeal filed
March 3, 1980; effective April 27, 1980.
1260-02-.20 REPEALED.
Authority: T.C.A. § 62-1311. Administrative History: Original rule certified June 7, 1974. Amendment
filed September 13, 1978; effective October 30, 1978. Repeal filed March 3, 1980; effective April 27,
1260-02-.21 REPEALED.
Authority: T.C.A. § 62-1311. Administrative History: Original rule certified June 7, 1974. Repeal filed
March 3, 1980; effective April 27, 1980.
1260-02-.22 REPEALED.
Authority: T.C.A. § 62-1311. Administrative History: Original rule certified June 7, 1974. Repeal filed
March 3, 1980, effective April 27, 1980.
1260-02-.23 REPEALED.
Authority: T.C.A. § 62-1311. Administrative History: Original rule filed November 3, 1977; effective
December 5, 1977. Repeal filed March 3, 1980; effective April 27, 1980.
April, 2021 (Revised) 10
1260-02-.24 REPEALED.
Authority: T.C.A. § 62-1311. Administrative History: Original rule filed November 3, 1977; effective
December 5, 1977. Repeal filed March 3, 1980; effective April 27, 1980.
1260-02-.25 REPEALED.
Authority: T.C.A. § 62-1311. Administrative History: Original rule filed November 3, 1977; effective
December 5, 1977. Repeal filed March 3, 1980; effective April 27, 1980.
1260-02-.26 REPEALED.
Authority: T.C.A. § 62-1311. Administrative History: Original rule filed November 3, 1977; effective
December 5, 1977. Repeal filed March 3, 1980; effective April 27, 1980.
1260-02-.27 REPEALED.
Authority: T.C.A. § 62-1311. Administrative History: Original rule filed September 13, 1978; effective
October 30, 1978. Repeal filed March 3, 1980; effective April 27, 1980.
1260-02-.28 REPEALED.
Authority: T.C.A. § 62-1311. Administrative History: Original rule filed September 13, 1978; effective
October 30, 1978. Repeal filed March 3, 1980; effective April 27, 1980.
1260-02-.29 REPEALED.
Authority: T.C.A. § 62-1311. Administrative History: Original rule filed September 13, 1978; effective
October 30, 1978. Repeal filed March 3, 1980; effective April 27, 1980.
1260-02-.30 REPEALED.
Authority: T.C.A. § 62-1311. Administrative History: Original rule filed September 13, 1978; effective
October 30, 1978. Repeal filed March 3, 1980; effective April 27, 1980.
1260-02-.31 REPEALED.
Authority: T.C.A. § 62-1309. Administrative History: Original rule filed November 14, 1978; effective
December 29, 1978. Repeal filed March 3, 1980; effective April 27, 1980.
1260-02-.32 CIVIL PENALTIES.
(1) The Commission may, in a lawful proceeding against any person required to be licensed by
the Commission, in addition to or in lieu of any other lawful disciplinary action, assess a civil
penalty for each separate violation of a statute, rule, or order pertaining to the Commission
with the following schedule:
Violation Penalty
T.C.A. § 62-13-103(b) $ 50 ---- 1000
T.C.A. § 62-13-301 50 ---- 1000
T.C.A. § 62-13-312(b)
(1) 250 ---- 1000
(2) 200 ---- 1000
(3) 300 ---- 1000
(4) 100 ---- 1000
(5) 300 ---- 1000
(Rule 1260-02-.32, continued)
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(6) 200 ---- 1000
(7) 300 ---- 1000
(8) 100 ---- 1000
(9) 200 ---- 1000
(10) 300 ---- 1000
(11) 250 ---- 1000
(12) 300 ---- 1000
(13) 300 ---- 1000
(14) 50 ---- 1000
(15) 250 ---- 1000
(16) 250 ---- 1000
(17) 200 ---- 1000
(18) 250 ---- 1000
(19) 250 ---- 1000
(20) 200 ---- 1000
(21) 100 ---- 1000
T.C.A. § 62-25-103(a) 50 ---- 1000
T.C.A. § 62-25-107(b)
(1) 250 ---- 1000
(2) 250 ---- 1000
(3) 300 ---- 1000
(4) 50 ---- 1000
T.C.A. § 66-32-121(f)
(1) 250 ---- 1000
(2) 100 ---- 1000
(3) 200 ---- 1000
(4) 300 ---- 1000
(5) 250 ---- 1000
(6) 250 ---- 1000
(7) 400 ---- 1000
(8) 350 ---- 1000
(9) 400 ---- 1000
(10) 250 ---- 1000
Any Commission Rule or Order 50 ---- 1000
(2) With respect to any person required to be licensed by the Commission as a real estate broker
who is not licensed, the Commission may assess a civil penalty against such person for each
separate violation of a statute in accordance with the following schedule:
Violation Penalty
T.C.A. § 62-13-102 $1000
T.C.A. § 62-13-103 $1000
T.C.A. § 62-13-105 $1000
T.C.A. § 62-13-109 $1000
T.C.A. § 62-13-110 $1000
T.C.A. § 62-13-301 $1000
T.C.A. § 62-13-312 $1000
(3) Each day of a continued violation may constitute a separate violation.
(4) In determining the amount of a civil penalty, the Commission may consider such factors as
the following:
(a) Whether the amount imposed will be a substantial economic deterrent to the violation;
(b) The circumstances leading to the violation;
(Rule 1260-02-.32, continued)
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(c) The severity of the violation and the risk of harm to the public;
(d) The economic benefits gained by the violator as a result of non-compliance; and
(e) The interest of the public.
Authority: T.C.A. §§ 56-1-308 and 62-13-203. Administrative History: New rule filed June 4, 1985;
effective July 4, 1985. Amendment filed September 13, 1989; effective October 28, 1989. Amendment
filed October 15, 1990; effective November 29, 1990. Amendment filed October 1, 1998; effective
December 15, 1998. Repeal and new rule filed December 3, 2012; effective March 3, 2013.
1260-02-.33 GIFTS AND PRIZES.
(1) A licensee may offer a gift, prize, or other valuable consideration as an inducement to the
purchase, listing, or lease of real estate only if the offer is made:
(a) Under the sponsorship and with the approval of the firm with whom the licensee is
affiliated; and
(b) In writing, signed by the licensee, with disclosure of all pertinent details, including but
not limited to:
1. Accurate specifications of the gift, prize, or other valuable consideration offered;
2. Fair market value;
3. The time and place of delivery; and
4. Any requirements which must be satisfied by the prospective purchaser or lessor.
Authority: T.C.A. §§ 62-13-203 and 62-13-203(b). Administrative History: New rule filed September
16, 1987; effective October 31, 1987. Amendment filed October 1, 1998; effective December 15, 1998.
Amendment filed December 3, 2007; effective February 16, 2008.
Actions in the nature of interpleader, in which the value of money which is the subject of the action does
not exceed the jurisdictional limit of General Sessions Court, may be filed in General Sessions Court
pursuant to T.C.A. § 16-15-731. The following form may be used, as appropriate, alone, or in conjunction
with forms currently used by the General Sessions Court in which the action is to be filed.
(Rule 1260-02-.34, continued)
April, 2021 (Revised) 13
Plaintiff General Sessions No.______
COUNTY OF______________
_____________________________,being duly sworn, deposes and says:
___________________, the defendant, resides at _________________________, in the above-named
county, and the mailing address of the defendant is______________________.
___________________, the defendant, resides at_________________________, in the above-named
county and the mailing address of the defendant is _________________________.
The Plaintiff has custody or possession of money in the amount of $_______, held pursuant to the
Plaintiff has no interest in this money. The defendants claim or may claim be entitled to such money; the
defendant’s claims to the money are adverse.
The plaintiff deposits herewith into the court $_____which equals the amount of such money to be
invested in accordance with the order of the court and will abide with the judgment of the court as to the
final disposition thereof, and therefore, requests to be dismissed from this action.
Subscribed to and sworn before me this_____day of________________, 19___.
My commission expires___________
To each of the within named defendants:
(Rule 1260-02-.34, continued)
April, 2021 (Revised) 14
You are hereby directed to appear and answer the foregoing claim and to have with you all
books, papers, and witnesses needed by you to establish your claim to such money. This matter shall be
heard on the_____day of______________, 19_____, at_____o’clock___m.
Be advised that failure to appear may result in a judgment adverse to your interests which would
determine or foreclose your claim to the above-described money as well as the disposition thereof, and
for the costs of this action.
Enter this the_____day of__________________, 19_____.
Authority: T.C.A. §§ 16-15-731 and 62-13-203. Administrative History: New rule filed November 21,
1988; effective January 5, 1989. Amendment filed March 24, 1994; effective June 7, 1994.
1260-02-.35 REPEALED.
Authority: T.C.A. § 62-13-203. Administrative History: Original rule filed October 15, 1990; effective
November 29, 1990. Amendment filed November 4, 1991; effective December 20, 1991. Amendment
filed March 24, 1994; effective June 7, 1994. Amendment filed October 1, 1998; effective December 15,
An exclusive buyer representation agreement is an agreement in which a licensee is engaged to
represent a buyer in the purchase of a property to the exclusion of all other licensees. When entering into
any such agreement a licensee must advise and confirm in writing to such buyer the following:
(1) That the buyer should make all arrangements to view or inspect a property through the
licensee and should not directly contact other licensees;
(2) That the buyer should immediately inform any other licensee the buyer may come into
contact with (for example, at an open house) that he or she is represented by the licensee;
(3) Whether the buyer will owe a commission in the event the buyer purchases a property
without the assistance of the licensee through another licensee or directly from an owner.
Authority: T.C.A. §§ 62-13-203, 62-13-401, 62-13-402, 62-13-404, and 62-13-405. Administrative
History: New rule filed July 31, 2006; effective October 14, 2006.
1260-02-.37 SEPTIC SYSTEM INSPECTION LETTERS. A licensee preparing an offer to buy shall
provide in the offer and make the buyer aware that, for a fee, a septic system inspection letter is available
through the Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation, Division of Ground Water
Authority: T.C.A. §§ 62-13-203 and 62-13-403. Administrative History: Original rule filed December 3,
2007; effective February 16, 2008.
(1) The Commission must be notified within ten (10) days of the death, resignation, termination,
or incapacity of a principal broker. In the event of an unexplained extended absence of a
principal broker, the Commission must be notified within a reasonable time period. At the
(Rule 1260-02-.38, continued)
April, 2021 (Revised) 15
time of notification, a plan must be submitted which addresses the continuation of operations
without a principal broker.
(2) The Commission may, in its discretion, based on the merits and circumstances of each case,
permit a real estate firm to continue operating without a principal broker for a period of time
not to exceed thirty (30) days from the date of death, resignation, termination, or incapacity of
a principal broker, subject to conditions imposed by the Commission.
(3) If, within the aforementioned thirty (30) day period, a real estate firm contacts the
Commission demonstrating compliance with their initial approved plan and circumstances
which require additional time to continue operating without a principal broker, the executive
director shall have the authority to grant a thirty (30) day extension to the period originally
allowed by the Commission. In the event that a thirty (30) day extension is granted, a new
principal broker must be in place no later than the sixty-first (61st) day from the date of death,
resignation, termination, or incapacity of a principal broker.
Authority: T.C.A. §§ 62-13-203 and 62-13-309. Administrative History: Original rule filed December 3,
2012; effective March 3, 2013.
(1) The commissions earned by an affiliated licensee while working under a principal broker can
still be paid after one (1) or more of the following circumstances occur:
(a) The affiliated licensee transfers to a new broker;
(b) The affiliated licensee retires his or her license;
(c) The affiliated licensee is in broker release status;
(d) The affiliated licensee allows his or her license to expire; or
(e) The death of the affiliated licensee.
Authority: T.C.A. §§ 62-13-203 and 62-13-309. Administrative History: Original rule filed July 20,
2015; effective October 18, 2015.
(1) Pursuant to T.C.A. § 62-13-312(b)(6), real estate licensees must preserve records relating to
any real estate transaction for three (3) years following the consummation of said real estate
transaction. Real estate licensees may utilize electronic recordkeeping methods to comply
with this requirement, provided that the following conditions are met:
(a) All documents required to be retained must be readily accessible in an organized
format providing ease in document identification within twenty-four (24) hours of any
request for inspection by representatives of the Commission.
(b) In order to ensure proper document retention, the principal broker of all real estate
firms that use electronic recordkeeping methods must develop and utilize a retention
schedule that safeguards the security, authenticity, and accuracy of the records for the
entire required retention period and that also provides for the use of technology and
hardware that ensures the accessibility of records in a readable format.
Authority: T.C.A. §§ 62-13-203 and 62-13-312. Administrative History: Original rule filed July 20,
2015; effective October 18, 2015.
April, 2021 (Revised) 16
(1) Licensees who hold themselves out as a team, group, or similar entity within a firm must be
affiliated with the same licensed firm and shall not establish a physical location for said team,
group, or similar entity within a firm that is separate from the physical location of record of the
firm with which they are affiliated.
(2) No licensees who hold themselves out as a team, group, or similar entity within a firm shall
receive compensation from anyone other than their principal broker for the performance of
any acts specified in T.C.A. Title 62, Chapter 13.
(3) The principal broker shall not delegate his or her supervisory responsibilities to any licensees
who hold themselves out as a team, group, or similar entity within a firm, as the principal
broker remains ultimately responsible for oversight of all licensees within the principal
broker’s firm.
(4) No licensees who hold themselves out as a team, group, or similar entity within a firm shall
represent themselves as a separate entity from the licensed firm.
(5) No licensees who hold themselves out as a team, group, or similar entity within a firm shall
designate members as designated firm agents, as this remains a responsibility of the
licensed firm’s principal broker.
Authority: T.C.A. §§ 62-13-203 and 62-13-312. Administrative History: Original rule filed July 20,
2015; effective October 18, 2015.