Mentor Tips for Classroom Time
Students in upper elementary grades need structured, focused academic support in
order to build basic study habits and prepare for middle school and beyond. UCSD
mentors are role models in every sense of the word. You must model appropriate
academic behavior at all times. The students are watching you and take cues from your
engagement and attitude. Below are some suggestions for ways to be helpful in the
During Whole Class Instruction:
Stay engaged in the lesson.
Model taking notes.
During Independent Work Time:
Help students stay focused on their work.
Ask guiding and focusing questions:
What are you working on?
How’s it going?
What’s the next step?
What do you understand about the job?
What’s tricky or confusing?
How can you figure out what to do?
Getting Students Focused/Refocused on Their Work:
Students might try to engage you in side conversations during class time. While it is
tempting to chat, you must redirect the students to their classwork. Some appropriate
responses might be:
I’d like to talk to you about that but let’s wait until recess.
What are you supposed to be doing right now?
During class time I want to help you with your work.
I really want to help with your schoolwork. If you don’t need my help right now I’ll
go find someone else to work with and we can talk later.
What Not To Do:
Text or use any technology
Appear bored or disengaged
Distract your mentees or any other students in the class
Do your own school work
Interrupt the teacher
Socialize with other mentors/adults in the room
Communicating With Your Host Teacher:
Classroom teachers have very busy schedules. They rarely have open time during the
day. Therefore it is imperative that you find a way to stay in contact with your host
teacher while avoiding interruptions or last minute requests. Find your host teacher’s
preferred method of communication and use it throughout the quarter. Some options
might be:
an interactive journal that is left in the classroom
scheduling meetings before or after school
leaving a note on the teacher’s desk