Curriculum Vitae
Gregory Nagy
born October 22, 1942, Budapest, Hungary; citizen of both US and EU (US passport and Hungarian passport; Ph.D. Harvard
University 1966 (Classical Philology) and A.B. Indiana University 1962 (Classics and linguistics)
current appointments and responsibilities, going forward in time:
1984- Francis Jones Professor of Classical Greek Literature and Professor of Comparative Literature,
Harvard University
1986- Member, Boston Library Society
1987- Senior Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences
1999- Curator (with Stephen Mitchell and then also with David Elmer) of the Milman Parry Collection
of Oral Literature, Harvard University (Associate Curator 1991-1998)
1999- Senior Fellow, Harvard Society of Fellows (Acting Senior Fellow 1998-1999)
2002- Academic Director, Harvard Summer Program in Greece, Harvard Summer School, Division of
Continuing Education, Harvard University
2008- Founder and Member, the General Assembly, Center for Hellenic Studies in Greece, Harvard
2010- President of the Executive Board, Center for Hellenic Studies in Greece, Harvard University
2015- President, Archaeological Society Foundation,
2015- Member, Modern Greek Studies Committee, Harvard University
some honors, going backward in time:
2021, inducted as Doctor honoris causa by the University of Crete, Rethymnon; inaugural lecture
delivered December 3, 2021.
2019, awarded the medal of Commander of the Order of Honor, presented by the President of the
Republic of Greece, H.E. Prokopis Pavlopoulos, at a ceremony held on January 18 in Athens,
https://classics.fas.harvard.edu/news/gregory-nagy-receives-greek-order-honour, also
2017, elected Corresponding Member of the Hungarian Academy of Science, Magyar Tudományos
Akadémia, inducted June 26
2015, elected President of the Archaeological Society Foundation founded in 1837.
2012, elected Vice-President of the “International Society for Epic Studies,” which operates under the
auspices of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing
2011, elected Corresponding Member of the Academy of Athens, inducted April 6
2010, awarded the honorary title Ambassador of Hellenism, by the Prefecture of Attica
2009, inducted as Doctor honoris causa by the Aristotelian University of Thessaloniki, spring,
2009, inducted as Doctor honoris causa by the University of Patras, summer
2006, awarded the Onassis International Prize for the promotion of Hellenic Studies, autumn,
2003, Martin Classical Lecturer, Oberlin College, spring term
2003, inducted as Docteur honoris causa at the Université Charles-de-Gaulle - Lille III, autumn
2002, Sather Classical Lecturer, University of California at Berkeley, spring term
1989, elected President of the American Philological Association
1982, awarded the Goodwin Award of Merit, American Philological Association, for Nagy’s book The Best
of the Achaeans (The Johns Hopkins University Press 1979)
1982, Mary Flexner Lecturer in the Humanities, Bryn Mawr College, autumn
1977, Guggenheim Fellow
1977, elected Fellow at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton (autumn)
appointments, at Harvard University, going backward in time:
2000-2021, Director, Center for Hellenic Studies, Harvard University
1994-2000, Chair, Classics Department
1991-1992, Acting Chair, Classics Department
1991-1992, Chair, Race Relations Advisory Committee, appointed by Dean of Harvard College
1990-1991, Walter Channing Cabot Fellow in the Faculty of Arts and Sciences
1990-1991, Acting Chair, Department of Celtic Languages and Literatures (2
1989-1994, Chair, Literature Concentration = Committee on Degrees in Literature
1986-1991, Faculty Dean (with Olga M. Davison) for Currier House, Harvard College
1986-1990, Chair of Admissions, Department of Comparative Literature
1986-1987, Acting Chair, Department of Celtic Languages and Literatures (1
1981-1995, Director, National Endowment for the Humanities Summer Seminars at Harvard University.
1981, 1984, 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1992, 1994, 1995. Titles of seminars: “The archaic
Greek poet’s vision of the city-state” (1981); “The Greek concept of myth and contemporary
theories” (1984, 1985, 1987); “Principles of Classical Lyric: A Comparative Approach” (1986,
1988, 1989, 1990, 1992, 1994, 1995)
1980-1987, Chair, Committee on Degrees in Folklore and Mythology
1975-1991, Director of Graduate Studies, Classics Department
1975-, member, Committee on Degrees in Folklore and Mythology
still other appointments, going backward in time:
1997-2000, Senior Fellow, Center for Hellenic Studies
1996-1998, Classics Department Graduate Committee and Curriculum Committee
1996-1998, Chair, Comparative Literature Publications Committee
1996-1997, Provost’s Subcommittee on Academic Planning, published final report in May 1997 in the Supplement
to the Interim Report of the University Committee on Information Technology
1996-1997, Hoopes Prize committee
1995-1998, Standing Committee on Expository Writing
1995-1998, Comparative Literature Committees on Admissions and Lectures (2
1995-1998, Committee on Drama (2
1991-1992, Search committee for tenured appointment in Byzantine Philology
1991-1992, Comparative Literature Committees on Admissions and Lectures (1
1991-1992, Committee on Drama (1
1991-1992, Advisory Committee, Department of Celtic Languages and Literatures
1989-1990, Library Priorities Committee
1989-1990, Executive Committee of the Center for Literary and Cultural Studies; one of its two Acting Directors
1988-1991, Committee on Athletics
1987-1990, Goodwin Award Committee, American Philological Association
1986-1989, Faculty Council (2
term; lost track of the years for the 1
1986-1989, Committee on Undergraduate Education (2nd term )
1985-1988, Board of Directors of the American Philological Association
1987, last year as member of what was then called Committee on Women’s Studies (lost track of earlier years as
1980- Undergraduate Literature Concentration (from its inception).
1978-1980 Administrative Board of Harvard College
1975-1991 Administrative Board of Harvard Extension
1975-1989 Library Committee
1975-1980 Committee on Bowdoin Prizes in English
earlier academic appointments
1975-1984 Professor of Greek and Latin, Harvard University
1974-1975 Professor of Classics, The Johns Hopkins University
1973-1974 Visiting Associate Professor, The Johns Hopkins University,
1969-1973 Assistant Professor of Classics, Harvard University
1966-1969 Instructor in Classics, Harvard University
Nagy has directed or co-directed over 50 Ph.D. dissertations. The list of directees includes:
Allen, Emily
Andrews, Nancy
Barnes, Timothy
Batchelder, Ann G.
Beck, Deborah
Beecroft, Alex
Bergren, Ann
Bers, Victor
Bird, Graeme
Burges-Watson, Sarah
Carlisle, Miriam
Ceragioli, Roger
Caswell, Caroline
Clark, Matthew
Collins, Derek
Crane, Gregory
Ćulumović, Maša
Dad, Aisha
Demos, Marian
Dova, Stamatia
Duban, Jeffrey
Dubnoff, Julia
Dué Hackney, Casey
Ebbott, Mary
Edmunds, Susan
Elmer, David
Forte, Alexander
Frame, Douglas
Friedman, Danielle
Goh, Madeleine
Gonzalez, Jose
Hopman, Marianne
Kelly, S. T.
Kouklanakis, Andrea
Levaniouk, Olga
Lowry, Eddie R.
Martin, Richard P.
Menkes, Marny
Michel, Robert
Mondi, Robert J.
Morrell, Kenneth
Muellner, Leonard
Nikkanen, Anita
Nolan, Sarah
Pache, Corinne
Panou, Nikos
Power, Timothy
Raphals, Lisa
Rauf, Ginan
Roth, Catharine P.
Sacks, Richard
Sawlivich, Lynn
Schaberg, David
Schur, David
Schwartz, Ella
Sens, Alexander
Shannon, Richard
Sinos, Dale
Slatkin, Laura
Smoot, Guy
Vodoklys, Edward J.
Wyrick, Jed
Nagy publications
books (pp. 4–6)
Greek Dialects and the Transformation of an Indo-European Process. Cambridge, MA: Harvard
University Press, 1970.
With F.W. Householder. Greek: A Survey of Recent Work. Janua Linguarum Series Practica 211.
The Hague: Mouton, 1972.
Comparative Studies in Greek and Indic Meter. Harvard Monographs in Comparative Literature 33.
Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1974. http://nrs.harvard.edu/urn-
The Best of the Achaeans: Concepts of the Hero in Archaic Greek Poetry. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins
University Press, 1979; 2nd edition of paperback version, with new introduction,
written by the author, Johns Hopkins University Press, 1999.
French version: Le meilleur des Achéens: La fabrique du héros dans la poésie grecque
archaïque, trans. J. Carlier and N. Loraux. Paris: Editions du Seuil, 1994.
Ed. with T.J. Figueira. Theognis of Megara: Poetry and the Polis. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins
University Press, 1985.
Pindars Homer: The Lyric Possession of an Epic Past. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press,
1990; paperback 1994. http://nrs.harvard.edu/urn-
Greek Mythology and Poetics. Cornell University Press, 1990; paperback 1992.
Poetry as Performance: Homer and Beyond. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1996.
French version: La poésie en acte: Homère et autres chants, trans. Jean Bouffartigue. Paris:
Belin, 2000.
Homeric Questions. Austin: University of Texas Press, 1996. http://nrs.harvard.edu/urn-
Ed. with Victor Bers. The Classics In East Europe: From the End of World War II to the Present.
American Philological Association Pamphlet Series, 1996.
Ed. with Stephen A. Mitchell. 40th anniversary 2
ed., 2000, of A. B. Lord, The Singer of Tales.
Harvard Studies in Comparative Literature 24, originally published in 1960; co-authored
with Mitchell the new Introduction, pp. vii-xxix. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University
Press, 2000. http://nrs.harvard.edu/urn-
Ed. Greek Literature, 9 volumes (Routledge 2001), plus nine introductions written by editor:
Volume 1. The Oral Traditional Background of Ancient Greek Literature
Volume 2. Homer and Hesiod as Prototypes of Greek Literature.
Volume 3. Greek Literature in the Archaic Period: The Emergence of Authorship
Volume 4. Greek literature in the Classical Period: The Poetics of Drama in Athens
Volume 5. Greek literature in the Classical period: The Prose of Historiography and
Volume 6. Greek Literature and Philosophy
Volume 7. Greek Literature in the Hellenistic Period
Volume 8. Greek Literature in the Roman Period and in Late Antiquity
Volume 9. Greek literature in the Byzantine period
Ed. with Nicole Loraux and Laura Slatkin. Antiquities: Postwar French Thought, Volume III. New
York: New Press, 2001.
Plato’s Rhapsody and Homer’s Music: The Poetics of the Panathenaic Festival in Classical Athens.
Hellenic Studies Series 1. Cambridge, MA, and Athens: Center for Hellenic Studies and
Harvard University Press, 2002. http://nrs.harvard.edu/urn-
3:hul.ebook:CHS_Nagy.Platos_Rhapsody_and_Homers_Music.2002. For the latest online
version (ed, 3), see https://continuum.fas.harvard.edu/platos-rhapsody-and-homers-
Homeric Responses. Austin: University of Texas Press, 2003. http://nrs.harvard.edu/urn-
Homer’s Text and Language. University of Illinois Press, 2004. http://nrs.harvard.edu/urn-
Greek: Toward an Updating of a Survey of Recent Work. Electronic publication in the Hellenic
Studies series. 2008. http://nrs.harvard.edu/urn-
Homer the Classic. Printed | Online version. 2009|2008. Hellenic Studies Series 36. Cambridge, MA, and
Washington, DC: Center for Hellenic Studies, 2009|2008. http://nrs.harvard.edu/urn-
Homer the Preclassic. Printed | Online version. 2010|2009. Berkeley and Los Angeles, 2010.
Paperback edition 2017. http://nrs.harvard.edu/urn-
The Ancient Greek Hero in 24 Hours. Belknap Press edition, Harvard University Press, 2013;
abridged paperback edition 2020; unabridged online edition
Masterpieces of Metonymy, online and printed versions, Hellenic Studies Series 72. Cambridge,
MA, and Washington, DC: Center for Hellenic Studies and Harvard University Press,
2015. http://nrs.harvard.edu/urn-
Ed. with Douglas Frame, Leonard Mueller, and others, A Homer Commentary in Progress. 2017–.
Comments on the Homeric Iliad and Odyssey. Restarted 2022:
A Pausanias Reader in Progress. 2018–. http://nrs.harvard.edu/urn-3:hlnc.prim-
A Pausanias Commentary in Progress. Restarted 2022–: https://continuum.fas.harvard.edu/a-
editing of academic periodicals and of monographs
Editorial Board, Oral Tradition (1986–)
Editorial Board, American Journal of Philology (1989-1994)
Editorial Board, Harvard Studies in Classical Philology (1989-1990, 1999-2000)
Editorial Board, Trends in Classics, DeGruyter (2009–)
Editor, Myth and Poetics, Cornell University Press (1989–2009), over fifty volumes, including
paperback editions
Editor-in-Chief, Hellenic Studies, Harvard University Press (2002–2021), exactly 100 volumes
Editor, with Leonard Muellner and Laura Slatkin, Myth and Poetics ΙΙ. (2017–), four volumes
Editor, Greek Studies: Interdisciplinary Approaches, Lexington Books / Rowman and Littlefield
(1992-), over forty volumes published; additional Editors (2019-): Madeleine Goh,
Leonard Mueller, Corinne Pache, Eirene Visvardi
Editor, with Stephen A. Mitchell, Milman Parry Studies in Oral Tradition, Harvard University Press
(1995–); additional Editor (2016–): David F. Elmer
books reviewed by Nagy, arranged in chronological order
J. Chadwick, The Decipherment of Linear B (2nd ed. Cambridge 1967), in General Linguistics 9 (1969), 123-132.
D. Fehling, Die Wiederholungsfiguren und ihr Gebrauch bei den Griechen vor Gorgias (Berlin 1969), in American Journal of
Philology 92 (1972), 730-733.
G. P. Edwards, The Language of Hesiod in its Traditional Context (Oxford 1971), in Canadian Journal of Linguistics 21
(1976) 219-224.
W. Meid, Dichter und Dichtkunst in indogermanischer Zeit (Innsbruck 1978), in Kratylos 25 (1981), 209.
W. Burkert, Griechische Religion in der archaischen und klassischen Zeit (Stuttgart 1977), in Classical Philology 77 (1982),
W. Burkert, Structure and History in Greek Mythology and Ritual (Berkeley and Los Angeles 1980), in Classical Philology
77 (1982), 159-161.
M. Detienne, Linvention de la mythologie (Paris 1981), in Annales Economies Sociétés Civilisations (1982), 778-780.
A.M. Bowie, The Poetic Dialect of Sappho and Alcaeus (New York 1981), in Phoenix 37 (1983), 273-275.
G. Dumézil, Camillus: A Study of Indo-European Religion as Roman History (Berkeley 1980), in Classical Outlook 61 (1983),
L. R. Palmer, The Greek Language (Atlantic Highlands 1980), in Classical Journal 79 (1983), 64-65.
D. M. Shive, Naming Achilles (New York and Oxford 1987), in Phoenix 42 (1988), 364-366.
M. L. West (ed.), Homeri Ilias. Recensuit / testimonia congessit. Volumen prius, rhapsodias I-XII continens. (Bibliotheca
Teubneriana, 1998), in Bryn Mawr Classical Review 00.09.12 (2000),
D. Boedeker and D. Sider, The New Simonides: Contexts of Praise and Desire (Oxford 2001), in Classical Review 55 (2005),
M.L. West, Indo-European Poetry and Myth (Oxford 2007).
Part I in Indo-European Studies Bulletin 13 (2008) 60-65. https://chs.harvard.edu/curated-article/gregory-
Part II in Classical Review 60 (2010) 333-338. https://chs.harvard.edu/curated-article/gregory-nagy-the-
R. Lane Fox, Travelling Heroes: Greeks and their Myths in the Epic Age of Homer (Allen Lane 2008), in Journal of Hellenic
Studies 131 (2011) 166-169. https://chs.harvard.edu/curated-article/gregory-nagy-review-of-robin-lane-
M. Skafte Jensen, Writing Homer. A study based on results from modern fieldwork (Copenhagen 2014), in Gnomon 86
(2014) 97-101. https://chs.harvard.edu/curated-article/gregory-nagy-review-of-writing-homer-a-study-
articles and book chapters written by Nagy
1963. “Greek-like Elements in Linear A.” Greek Roman and Byzantine Studies 4:181-211.
1965. “Observations on the Sign-Groupings and Vocabulary of Linear A.” American Journal of
Archaeology 69:295-330.
1968. “On Dialectal Anomalies in Pylian Texts.” Atti e Memorie del 1o Congresso Internazionale di
Micenologia II 663-679. Rome 1968/
1972 (with F. W. Householder). “Greek.” Current Trends in Linguistics IX, ed. T. Sebeok, 735-818.
The Hague.
1973. “Phaethon, Sappho’s Phaon, and the White Rock of Leukas.” Harvard Studies in Classical
Philology 77:137-177.
1973. “On the Death of Actaeon.” Harvard Studies in Classical Philology 77:179-180.
1974. “Six Studies of Sacral Vocabulary relating to the Fireplace.” Harvard Studies in Classical
Philology 78:71-106.
1974. “Perkūnas and Perunŭ.” Gedenkschrift Hermann Güntert, ed. M. Mayrhofer et al., 113-131.
1976. “Formula and Meter.” Oral Literature and the Formula, ed. B.A. Stolz and R.S. Shannon, 239-
260. Ann Arbor.
1976. “The Name of Achilles: Etymology and Epic,” Festschrift Leonard R. Palmer, ed. A. Morpurgo
Davies and W. Meid, 209-237. Innsbruck.
1976. “Iambos: Typologies of Invective and Praise.” Arethusa 9: 191-205.
1979. “On the Origins of the Greek Hexameter,” Festschrift Oswald Szemerényi, ed. B. Brogyanyi,
611-631. Amsterdam: 1979.
1980. “Patroklos, Concepts of Afterlife, and the Indic Triple Fire.” Arethusa 13: 161-195.
1981. “An Evolutionary Model for the Text Fixation of Homeric Epos.” Oral Traditional Literature:
A Festschrift for Albert Bates Lord, ed. J. M. Foley, 390-393. Columbus, OH.
1981. “Essai sur Georges Dumézil et l’étude de l’épopée grecque,” Cahiers Pour un
temps/Georges Dumézil, ed. J. Bonnet et al., 137-145. Aix-en-Provence.
1981. “Another Look at kleos aphthiton.” Würzburger Jahrbücher für die Altertumswissenschaft 7:
1981. “Benveniste’s Contribution to Homeric Studies: A Case in Point.” Semiotica Supplement:
1982. “Theognis of Megara: The Poet as Seer, Pilot, and Revenant.” Arethusa 15: 109-128.
1982. “Hesiod,” Ancient Writers, ed. T. J. Luce, 43-73. New York.
1983. “Sema and Noesis: Some Illustrations.” Arethusa 16: 35-55.
1983. “Poet and Tyrant: Theognidea 39-52, 1081-1082b.” Studies in Classical Lyric: A Homage to
Elroy Bundy, ed. T. D’Evelyn, P.N. Psoinos, and T. Walsh. Classical Antiquity 2: 82-91.
1983. “On the Death of Sarpedon.” Approaches to Homer, ed. C.A. Rubino and C.W. Shelmerdine,
189-217. Austin.
1984. “Oral Poetry and the Homeric Poems: Broadenings and Narrowings of Terms.” Critical
Exchange 16: 32-54.
1984. “On the Range of an Idiom in Homeric Dialogue.” Greek Roman and Byzantine Studies 25:
1984. “Théognis et Mégare: Le poète dans l’âge de fer.” Revue de lHistoire des Religions 201: 239-
1985. “On the Symbolism of Apportioning Meat in Archaic Greek Elegiac Poetry.” Atti of the
Conference Divisione delle carni, organizzazione del cosmo, dinamica sociale, Università di
Siena, LUomo 9: 45-52.
1985. “Theognis and Megara: A Poet’s Vision of his City.” Theognis of Megara: Poetry and the Polis, ed.
T. J. Figuera and G. Nagy, 22-81. Baltimore.
1986. “Ancient Greek Epic and Praise Poetry: Some Typological Considerations.” The Oral
Tradition in Literature: Interpretation in Context, ed. J. M. Foley, 89-102. Columbia, MO.
1986. “Pindar’s Olympian 1 and the Aetiology of the Olympic Games,” Transactions of the
American Philological Association 116:71-88.
1986. “Sovereignty, Boiling Cauldrons, and Chariot-Racing in Pindar’s Olympian 1.” Cosmos 2
(1986) 143-147.
1986. “Poetic Visions of Immortality for the Hero.” Modern Critical Views: Homer, ed. H. Bloom,
205-212. New York.
1986. “The Worst of the Achaeans,” Modern Critical Views: Homer, ed. H. Bloom, 213-215. : New
1987. “The Indo-European Heritage of Tribal Organization: Evidence from the Greek Polis,”
Proto-Indo-European: The Archaeology of a Linguistic Problem. Studies in Honor of Marija
Gimbutas, ed. S. N. Skomal and E. C. Polomé, 245-266. Washington, DC.
1987. “Herodotus the Logios,” Arethusa 20:175-184.
1987. “The Sign of Protesilaos,” METIS: Revue dAnthropologie du Monde Grec Ancien 2:207-213.
1988. “Homerische Epik und Pindars Preislieder: Mündlichkeit und Aktualitätsbezug,” Zwischen
Festtag und Alltag: Zehn Beiträge zum Thema Mündlichkeit und Schriftlichkeit’, ed. W. Raible,
51-64. Tübingen.
1988. “Teaching the Ordeal of Reading,” Harvard English Studies 15:163-167.
1988. “Mythe et prose en Grèce archaïque: L’Aînos,” Métamorphoses du mythe, ed. C. Calame,
229-242. Geneva
1988. “Sul simbolismo della ripartizione nella poesia elegiaca,” Sacrificio e società nel mondo
antico, ed. C. Grottanelli and N. F. Parise, 202-209. Rome/Bari.
1988. “The Pan-Hellenization of the ‘Days’ in the Works and Days,” Daidalikon: Studies in Memory
of Raymond V. Schoder, S.J., ed. R. F. Sutton, 273-277. Wauconda, IL.
1989. “Early Greek Views of Poets and Poetry,” Cambridge History of Literary Criticism, vol. 1, ed.
G. Kennedy, 1-77. Cambridge.
1989. “The Professional Muse and Models of Prestige in Ancient Greece,” Cultural Critique
1990. “The Crisis of Performance,” in The Ends of Rhetoric: History, Theory, Practice (ed. J. Bender
and D. E. Wellbery, 43-59. Stanford.
1990. “Death of a Schoolboy: The Early Greek Beginnings of a Crisis in Philology,” Comparative
Literature Studies 27:37-48. Reprinted, with same pagination, in On Philology (ed. J.
Ziolkowski: Pennsylvania State University Press 1990.
1990. “Ancient Greek Poetry, Prophecy, and Concepts of Theory,” Poetry and Prophecy, ed. J.
Kugel: Cornell University Press 1990) 56-64, 200-203.
1991. “Song and Dance: Reflections on a Comparison of Faroese Ballad with Greek Choral
Lyric.” The Ballad and Oral Literature, ed. J. Harris, in Harvard English Studies 17:214-232.
1992. “Oral Poetry and Ancient Greek Poetry: Broadenings and Narrowings of Terms,” Liverpool
Classical Papers 2:15-37.
1992. Introduction to Homer, The Iliad, translated by Robert Fitzgerald (Everyman’s Library no.
60, Knopf), v-xxi. New York
1992. “Mythological Exemplum in Homer,” Innovations of Antiquity, ed. D. Selden and R. Hexter,
311-331. London.
1992. “Homeric Questions,” Transactions of the American Philological Association 122:17-60.
1992. “Metrical Convergences and Divergences in Early Greek Poetry and Song,” Historical
Philology: Greek, Latin, and Romance. Papers in Honor of Oswald Szemerényi II, ed. B.
Brogyanyi and R. Lipp, in Current Issues in Linguistic Theory 87:151-185.
1992. “Authorization and Authorship in the Hesiodic Theogony,” Ramus 21:119-130.
1993. “Alcaeus in Sacred Space,” Tradizione e innovazione: scritti in onore di Bruno Gentili I, ed. R.
Pretagostini, 221-225. Rome.
1994. “Copies and Models in Horace Odes 4.1 and 4.2.” Classical World 87:415-426.
1994. “The Name of Apollo: Etymology and Essence.” Apollo: Origins and Influences, ed. J.
Solomon, 3-7. Tucson, AZ.
1994. “The Name of Achilles: Questions of Etymology and ‘Folk Etymology’.” Studies in Honor of
Miroslav Marcovich vol. 2. = Illinois Classical Studies 19 :3-9.
1994. “Genre and Occasion,” METIS: Revue d’Anthropologie du Monde Grec Ancien 9-10:11-25.
1994/5. “Transformations of Choral Lyric Traditions in the Context of Athenian State Theater.”
Arion 3.2:41-55.
1994–1995. “A Mycenaean Reflex in Homer: ΦΟΡΗΝΑΙ.” Minos: Revista de Filología Egea 29-30:171-
1995. “An Evolutionary Model for the Making of Homeric Poetry: Comparative Perspectives,”
The Ages of Homer: A Tribute to Emily Townsend Vermeule, ed. J. B. Carter and S. P. Morris,
163-179. Austin, TX.
1995. “Le rossignol d’Homère et la poétique de la mouvance dans l’art d’un troubadour.”
L’inactuel 4:37-63.
1995. “Images of Justice in Early Greek Poetry.” Social Justice in the Ancient World, ed. K. D. Irani
and M. Silver, 61-68. Wesport, CT.
1996. “Aristocrazia: Caratteri e stili di vita,” I Greci: Storia, Cultura, Arte, Società, ed. S. Settis, 577-
598. Torino (Einaudi).
1996. “Metrical Convergences and Divergences in Early Greek Poetry and Song.” Struttura e
storia dell’esametro greco, ed. M. Fantuzzi and R. Pretagostini, II 63-110. Rome.
1996. “Editing Homer, Rethinking the Bard.” Fieldword: Sites in Literary and Cultural Studies, ed. M.
Garber, R. L. Walkowitz, P. B. Franklin, 169-172. New York and London.
1996. “Autorité et auteur dans la Théogonie hésiodique,” Le métier du mythe: Lectures d’Hésiode,
ed. F. Blaise, P. Judet de La Combe, P. Rousseau, 41-52. Paris.
1997. “Ellipsis in Homer.” Written Voices, Spoken Signs: Tradition, Performance, and the Epic Text, ed.
E. Bakker and A. Kahane, 167-189, 253-257. Cambridge, MA.
1997. “Homeric Scholia,” A New Companion to Homer (ed. I. Morris and B. Powell, 101-122. Leiden.
1997. “The Shield of Achilles: Ends of the Iliad and Beginnings of the Polis.” New Light on a Dark
Age: Exploring the Culture of Geometric Greece, ed. Susan Langdon, 194-207. Columbia, MO.
1997. “An inventory of debatable assumptions about a Homeric question.” Bryn Mawr Classical
Review 1997.4.18.
1997. “L’épopée homérique et la fixation du texte.” Hommage à Milman Parry, ed. F. Létoublon,
57-78. Amsterdam 1997.
1998. “Aristarchean Questions.” Bryn Mawr Classical Review 1998, 98.7.14
1998. “The Library of Pergamon as a Classical Model.” Pergamon: Citadel of the Gods, ed. H.
Koester. Harvard Theological Studies 46:185-232.
1998. “Is there an etymology for the dactylic hexameter?” Mír Curad: Studies in Honor of Calvert
Watkins, ed. by J. Jasanoff, H. C. Melchert, L. Oliver, 495-508. Innsbruck.
1998. “Homer as ‘Text’ and the Poetics of Cross-Reference.” Verschriftung und Verschriftlichung:
Aspekte des Medienwechsels in verschiedenen Kulturen und Epochen, ed. Ch. Ehler and U.
Schaefer), 78-87. Scriptoralia vol. 94. Tübingen.
1999. “Homer and Plato at the Panathenaia: Synchronic and Diachronic Perspectives.”
Contextualizing Classics, ed. T. Falkner, N. Felson, D. Konstan, 123-150. Lanham, MD.
1999. “Irreversible Mistakes and Homeric Poetry.” Euphrosyne: Studies in Ancient Epic and its
Legacy in Honor of Dimitris N. Maronitis, ed. J. N. Kazazis and A. Rengakos, 259-274.
1999. “Comments” on “Symbolae Osloenses Debate: Dividing Homer: When and How were the
Iliad and Odyssey Divided into Songs?” Symbolae Osloenses 74 : 64-68.
1999. “Les éditions alexandrines d’Homère au XVIIIe et au XIXe siècles.” Homère en France après
la Querelle (1715-1900), ed. F. Létoublon and C. Volpilhac-Auger, 63-72. Paris.
1999. “Epic as Genre,” Epic Traditions in the Contemporary World: The Poetics of Community, ed. M.
Beissinger, J. Tylus, and S. Wofford, 21-32. Berkeley and Los Angeles .
1999. “As the World Runs Out of Breath: Metaphorical Perspectives on the Heavens and the
Atmosphere in the Ancient World.” Earth, Air, Fire, Water: Humanistic Studies of the
Environment, ed. J. C. Ker, K. Keniston, and L. Marx, 37-50. Amherst, MA.
2000. “Epic as Music: Rhapsodic Models of Homer in Plato’s Timaeus and Critias.The Oral Epic:
Performance and Music, ed. K. Reichl, 41-67. Berlin.
2000. “Homeric humnos as a Rhapsodic Term.” Una nueva visión de la cultura griega antigua hacia el
fin del milenio, ed. A. M. González de Tobia, 385-401. La Plata.
2000. “Distortion diachronique dans l’art homérique: quelques précisions.” Constructions du
temps dans le monde ancien, ed. C. Darbo-Peschanski, 417-426. Paris.
2000. “Reading Greek Poetry Aloud: Evidence from the Bacchylides Papyri.” Quaderni Urbinati di
Cultura Classica 64:7-28.
2000. “Thánatos henós mathêtê: Hoi prô'imes hellênikés aparkhés miâs krísês stê' philología,”
Nea Hestia 148:790-806.
2001. “The Textualizing of Homer.” Inclinate Aurem - Oral Perspectives on Early European Verbal
Culture, ed. J. Helldén, M. Skafte Jensen, and T. Pettitt, 57-84. Odense.
2001. “Reading Bakhtin Reading the Classics: An Epic Fate for Conveyors of the Heroic Past.”
Bakhtin and the Classics, ed. R. B. Branham, 71-96. Evanston, IL.
2001. “Orality and Literacy.”Encyclopedia of Rhetoric, ed. T. O. Sloane, 532-538. Oxford.
2001. “Dream of a Shade”: Refractions of Epic Vision in Pindar’s Pythian 8 and Aeschylus’ Seven
against Thebes. Harvard Studies in Classical Philology 100 (meant to be 2000) 97-118.
2001. “Homère comme modèle classique pour la bibliothèque antique: les métaphores du
corpus et du cosmos.” Des Alexandries I: Du livre au texte, ed. L. Giard and Ch. Jacob, 149-
161. Paris.
2001. “Homeric Poetry and Problems of Multiformity: The ‘Panathenaic Bottleneck’.” Classical
Philology 96:109-119.
2001. “The Sign of the Hero: A Prologue,” Flavius Philostratus, Heroikos, ed. J. K. Berenson
Maclean and E. B. Aitken, xv-xxxv. Atlanta.
2001.“The Idea of the Library as a Classical Model for European Culture.” Europa e Cultura,
Seminário Internacional, Fundaçâo Calouste Gulbenkian, 275-281. Lisbon.
2001. “Η ποιητική της προφορικότητας και η ομηρική έρευνα.” Νεκρά γράμματα· οι κλασσικές
σπουδές στον 21
αιώνα, ed. A. Rengakos, 135-146. Athens.
2001. “Éléments orphiques chez Homère.” Kernos 14:1-9.
2002. “The Language of Heroes as Mantic Poetry: Hypokrisis in Homer.” Beiträge zur
Homerforschung: Festschrift Wolfgang Kullmann, ed. M. Reichel and A. Rengakos, 141-149,
2002. “Can myth be saved?” Myth: A New Symposium, ed. G. Schrempp and W. Hansen, 240-248.
Bloomington, IN.
2003. “Lire la poésie grecque à haute voix: Le témoignage des papyri de Bacchylide.” Des
Alexandries II: Les métamorphoses du lecteur, ed. Ch. Jacob, 131-144. Paris.
2004. “Transmission of Archaic Greek Sympotic Songs: From Lesbos to Alexandria.” Critical
Inquiry 31:26-48.
2004. “L’aède épique en auteur: la tradition des Vies d’Homère.” Identités d’auteur dans
l’Antiquité et la tradition européenne, ed. C. Calame and R. Chartier, 41-67. Grenoble.
2004. “Poetics of Repetition in Homer.” Greek Ritual Poetics, ed. D. Yatromanolakis and P. Roilos,
139-148; Cambridge, MA.
2005. “The Epic Hero.” A Companion to Ancient Epic, ed. John M. Foley, 71-89. Oxford. Fuller
version at https://chs.harvard.edu/curated-article/gregory-nagy-the-epic-hero/.
2005. “An Apobatic Moment for Achilles as Athlete at the Festival of the Panathenaia.” Imeros
2006. “Homer’s Name Revisited.” La langue poétique indo-européenne, ed. G.-J. Pinault and D.
Petit; Actes du Colloque de travail de la Société des Études Indo-Européennes
[Indogermanische Gesellschaft / Society for Indo-European Studies], Paris, 22-24
octobre 2003; Collection linguistique de la Société de Linguistique de Paris, t. 91, 317-
330. Leuven and Paris.
2006. “Hymnic Elements in Empedocles (B 35 DK = 201 Bollack).” Revue de Philosophie Ancienne
2007. “Emergence of Drama: Introduction and Discussion.” The Origins of Theater in Ancient
Greece and Beyond: From Ritual to Drama, ed. E. Csapo and M. C. Miller, 121-125.
2007. “Did Sappho and Alcaeus ever meet?” Literatur und Religion. Wege zu einer mythisch-rituellen
Poetik bei den Griechen, ed. A. Bierl, R. Lämmle, K. Wesselmann, 211-269. Basiliensia -
MythosEikonPoiesis, vol. 1.1. München / Leipzig.
2007. “Lyric and Greek Myth.” The Cambridge Companion to Greek Mythology, ed. R. D. Woodard,
19-51. Cambridge.
2007. “Homer and Greek Myth.” The Cambridge Companion to Greek Mythology, ed. R. D. Woodard,
52-82. Cambridge.
2008. “Convergences and Divergences between God and Hero in the Mnesiepes Inscription of
Paros.” Archilochus and his Age II, ed. D. Katsonopoulou, I. Petropoulos, S. Katsarou, 259-
265. Athens.
2009. “Epic.” The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy and Literature, ed. R. Eldridge, 19-44; Oxford.
2009. “Traces of an ancient system of reading Homeric verse in the Venetus A.” Recapturing a
Homeric Legacy: Images and Insights from the Venetus A Manuscript of the Iliad, ed. C. Dué,
133-157. Cambridge, MA and Washington, DC.
2009. “Performance and Text in Ancient Greece.” The Oxford Handbook of Hellenic Studies, ed. G.
Boys-Stones, B. Graziosi, P. Vasunia, 417-431. Oxford.
2009. “Hesiod and the Ancient Biographical Traditions.” Brill Companion to Hesiod, ed. F.
Montanari, A. Rengakos, and Ch. Tsagalis, 271-311. Leiden 2009.
2009. “Perfecting the Hymn in the Homeric Hymn to Apollo.” Apolline Politics and Poetics, ed. L.
Athanassaki, R. P. Martin, J. F. Miller, 17-44. Athens.
2009. “The ‘New Sappho’ reconsidered in the light of the Athenian reception of Sappho.” The
New Sappho on old age: textual and philosophical issues, ed. E. Greene and M. Skinner, 176-
199. Hellenic Studies Series 38. Cambridge, MA, and Washington, DC.
2010. “Homer Multitext project.” Online Humanities Scholarship: The Shape of Things to Come, ed. J.
McGann, with A. Stauffer, D. Wheeles, and M. Pickard; 2010) 87-112. Rice University
2010. “Ancient Greek Elegy.” The Oxford Handbook of the Elegy. ed. K. Weisman, 13-45. Oxford.
2011. “Asopos and his multiple daughters: Traces of preclassical epic in the Aeginetan Odes of
Pindar.” Aegina: Contexts for Choral Lyric Poetry. Myth, History, and Identity in the Fifth
Century BC, ed. D. Fearn, 41-78. Oxford.
2011. “A second look at the poetics of re-enactment in Ode 13 of Bacchylides.” Archaic and
Classical Greek Song, ed. L. Athanassaki and E. L. Bowie, 173-206. Berlin.
2011. “The earliest phases in the reception of the Homeric HymnsThe Homeric Hymns:
Interpretative Essays, ed. A. Faulkner, 280-333. Oxford.
2011. “The Aeolic Component of Homeric Diction.” Proceedings of the 22nd Annual UCLA Indo-
European Conference, ed. S. W. Jamison, H. C. Melchert, and B. Vine, 133-179. Bremen.
2012. “Signs of Hero Cult in Homeric Poetry.” Homeric Contexts, ed. F. Montanari, A. Rengakos,
Ch. Tsagalis, 17-61. Trends in Classics, Berlin.
2013. “The Delian Maidens and their relevance to choral mimesis in classical drama.” Choral
Mediations in Greek Tragedy, ed. R. Gagné and M. G. Hopman, 227-256. Cambridge.
2013.“Virgil’s verse invitus, regina … and its poetic antecedents.” More modoque: Die Wurzeln der
europäischen Kultur und deren Rezeption im Orient und Okzident. Festschrift f
r Miklós Maróth
zum siebzigsten Geburtstag, ed. P. Fodor, Gy. Mayer, M. Monostori, K. Szovák, L. Takács,
155-165. Budapest.
2015. “Oral traditions, written texts, and questions of authorship.” Chapter 2 of The Greek Epic
Cycle and its ancient reception: A companion, ed. M. Fantuzzi and Ch. Tsagalis, 59-77.
starting at this point, the essays and other works listed will be preceded by Nagy’s initials
(GN) plus date of publication, whether in print or on line.
GN 2015. “A poetics of sisterly affect in the Brothers Song and in other songs of Sappho.”
http://nrs.harvard.edu/urn-3:hlnc.essay:NagyG.A_Poetics_of_Sisterly_Affect.2015. An
unabridged online version appeared in 2016: see below.
GN 2015.04.10. “Who is the best of heroes, Achilles or Odysseus? And which is the best of epics,
the Iliad or the Odyssey?” Classical Inquiries, http://classical-
GN 2015.05.27.“An Experiment in the Making of a Homer Commentary: Taking a Shortcut in
Analyzing the First Song of Demodokos in Odyssey 8.” Classical Inquiries. http://classical-
GN 2015.06.17. “An unnamed woman’s lament as a signal of epic sorrow.” Classical Inquiries.
GN 2015.07.22. “East of the Achaeans: Making up for a missed opportunity while reading Hittite
texts.” Classical Inquiries. http://classical-inquiries.chs.harvard.edu/east-of-the-
achaeans-making-up-for-a-missed-opportunity-while-reading-hittite-texts/. “A Cretan
Odyssey, Part 2.” Classical Inquiries 2015.09.24 http://classical-
GN 2015.10.01. “Genre, Occasion, and Choral Mimesis Revisited—with special reference to the
‘newest Sappho’.” Classical Inquiries. http://classical-inquiries.chs.harvard.edu/genre-
GN 2015.12.24, “Pindar’s Homer is not ‘our’ Homer.” Classical Inquiries. http://classical-
GN 2016. “A poetics of sisterly affect in the Brothers Song and in other songs of Sappho.” The
Newest Sappho (P. Obbink and P. GC Inv. 105, frs. 1-5), ed. A. Bierl and A. Lardinois, 449–492.
Leiden. For an unabridged online version, see GN 2015: http://nrs.harvard.edu/urn-
GN 2016.05.12. “Variations on a theological view of Zeus as god of the sky.” Classical Inquiries.
GN 2016.05.19 . “Cataclysm and Ecpyrosis, two symmetrical actions of Zeus as sky-
god.” Classical Inquiries. http://classical-inquiries.chs.harvard.edu/cataclysm-and-
GN 2016.05.26. “Trying to read the Will of Zeus.” Classical Inquiries. http://classical-
GN 2017.03.16. “A bathtub in Pylos.” Classical Inquiries. http://classical-
GN 2018. “Mages and Ionians.” Antichi Persiani: Storia e Rappresentazione, ed.C. Mora and C. Zizza ,
97-121. Biblioteca di Athenaeum 60, Edipuglia. Bari.
GN 2018. “Different Ways of Saying Historia in the Prose of Herodotus and Thucydides. Pushing
the Boundaries of Historia, ed. M. C. English and L. M. Fratantuono, 7-12. London and New
York 2018)
GN 2019. “A ritualized rethinking of what it meant to be ‘European’ for ancient Greeks of the
post-heroic age: evidence from the Heroikos of Philostratus.” Thinking the Greeks: A
Volume in Honour of James M. Redfield, ed. B. M. King and L. Doherty, 173–187. London and
New York. https://chs.harvard.edu/curated-article/gregory-nagy-a-ritualized-
GN 2019. “On the shaping of the lyric canon in Athens.” The Reception of Greek Lyric Poetry in the
Ancient World: Transmission, Canonization and Paratext, ed. B. Currie and I. Rutherford, 95-
111. Studies in Archaic and Classical Greek Song, Vol. 5. Leiden. See also GN 2021.11.29.
GN 2020. “Orality and Literacy.” John Miles Foley’s World of Oralities: Text, Tradition, and
Contemporary Oral Theory, ed. M. Amodio, 17-22. Berlin and Boston.
GN 2021. “Pre-Hellenistic Greek Poetry in its Social Contexts,” with L. Muellner, last reviewed;
Oxford Bibliographies in Classics,
GN 2021. “Athletic Contests in Contexts of Epic and Other Related Archaic Greek Texts.” The
Oxford Handbook of Sport and Spectacle in the Ancient World, ed. A. Futrell and T. F. Scanlon,
283-304. Oxford.
GN 2021. “Olympism, Culture, and Society.” International Olympic Academy: 60
(edited by Dionyssis Gangas and Konstantinos Georgiadis; Athens 2021) pp. 251-256.
[[Note on the listings that precede for GN 2021 and on the listings that follow, again for GN
2021. In both what precedes and what follows, the list includes only a small selection of articles
by Nagy that were published in Classical Inquiries.. For a complete list, see http://classical-
inquiries.chs.harvard.edu, going as far back as GN_2015.02.14. There are over three hundred
such articles.]]
GN 2021.01.09. “The theo-eroticism of mythmaking about Aphrodite’s love for boys like Adonis
in ancient Greek paintings.” Classical Inquiries. https://classical-inquiries.chs.harvard.edu/the-
DASH: https://dash.harvard.edu/handle/1/37367247.
GN 2021.01.15. “How the first word in Song 1 of Sappho is relevant to her reception in the
ancient worldand to various different ways of thinking about the Greek
word hetairā.” Classical Inquiries. https://classical-inquiries.chs.harvard.edu/how-the-first-
DASH: https://dash.harvard.edu/handle/1/37367248
GN 2021.01.20. “When self-praise connects the speaker to the universe: A diachronic view
of the word eukhomai (εὔχομαι) in its Homeric contexts.” Classical
Inquiries. https://classical-inquiries.chs.harvard.edu/when-self-praise-connects-the-
DASH: https://dash.harvard.edu/handle/1/37367195.
GN 2021.01.22. “Imagining a courtesan in the songs of Sappho.” Classical
Inquiries. https://classical-inquiries.chs.harvard.edu/imagining-a-courtesan-in-the-songs-
DASH: https://dash.harvard.edu/handle/1/37367194.
GN 2021.01.29. “Imagining a sensually self-assertive singing bridewhile reading the songs
of Sappho.” Classical Inquiries. https://classical-inquiries.chs.harvard.edu/imagining-a-
DASH: https://dash.harvard.edu/handle/1/37367196.
GN 2021.02.06. “Starting with Anacreon while preparing a compendium of essays on
Sappho and her ancient reception.” Classical Inquiries. https://classical-
DASH: https://dash.harvard.edu/handle/1/37367198
GN 2021.02.13. “How a girl dances in an Aeolic way, whether she is wearing sandals or
not.” Classical Inquiries. https://classical-inquiries.chs.harvard.edu/how-a-girl-dances-in-
DASH: https://dash.harvard.edu/handle/1/37367197.
GN 2021.02.20. “About Euripides the anthropologist and his imaginings about wandering
minds of female intiands.” Classical Inquiries. https://classical-
DASH: https://dash.harvard.edu/handle/1/37367192
GN 2021.02.27. “Some variations on the theme of a recomposed performer in ancient Greek
prose and poetry.” Classical Inquiries. https://classical-inquiries.chs.harvard.edu/some-
DASH: https://dash.harvard.edu/handle/1/37367191
GN 2021.03.06. “A sampling of comments on Pindar Olympian 14: highlighting Thalia as one
of the three ‘Graces’.” Classical Inquiries. https://classical-inquiries.chs.harvard.edu/a-
DASH: https://dash.harvard.edu/handle/1/37367193
GN 2021.03.12. “Olympism, Culture, and Society: On Pindar’s poetic lessons about heroic
Olympism in myths ahout Herakles.Classical Inquiries. https://classical-
GN 2021.03.20. “Pausanias tries to visualize the three ‘Graces’ of Orkhomenos in
Boeotia.” Classical Inquiries. https://classical-inquiries.chs.harvard.edu/pausanias-tries-to-
GN 2021.03.27. “On visualizing heavenly origins for particularized icons in the Greek-
speaking world of today.” Classical Inquiries. https://classical-inquiries.chs.harvard.edu/on-
GN 2021.04.03. “On ‘connecting the dots’metonymicallybetween a shield and a garland
presented to Achilles.” Classical Inquiries. https://classical-inquiries.chs.harvard.edu/on-
DASH: https://dash.harvard.edu/handle/1/37369567
GN 2021.04.10. “Envisioning Aphrodite inside the living wood of a myrtle tree.” Classical
Inquiries. https://classical-inquiries.chs.harvard.edu/envisioning-aphrodite-inside-the-
DASH: https://dash.harvard.edu/handle/1/37369568
GN 2021.04.17. “On the idea of dead poets as imagined by T. S. Eliot, compared with some
more recent ideas about reperformance, Part I.” Classical Inquiries. https://classical-
GN 2021.04.24. “On the idea of dead poets as imagined by T. S. Eliot, compared with ideas
about reperformance, Part II.” Classical Inquiries. https://classical-
GN 2021.04.30. “On the idea of dead poets as imagined by T. S. Eliot, compared with ideas
about reperformance, Part III.” Classical Inquiries. https://classical-
GN 2021.05.10. “How Pindar’s Homer might save from harm the heroic glory of
Ajax.” Classical Inquiries. https://classical-inquiries.chs.harvard.edu/how-pindars-homer-
GN 2021.05.17. “How even a Classical Homer might save from harm the heroic glory of
Ajax.” Classical Inquiries. https://classical-inquiries.chs.harvard.edu/how-even-a-classical-
GN 2021.05.24. “How a Classical Homer occasionally downgrades the heroic glory of Ajax in
order to save it: Part 1.” Classical Inquiries. https://classical-inquiries.chs.harvard.edu/how-
GN 2021.06.01. “How a Classical Homer occasionally downgrades the heroic glory of Ajax in
order to save it: Part 2.” Classical Inquiries. https://classical-inquiries.chs.harvard.edu/how-
GN 2021.06.07. “How a Classical Homer occasionally downgrades the heroic glory of Ajax in
order to save it: Part 3.” Classical Inquiries. https://classical-inquiries.chs.harvard.edu/how-
GN 2021.06.14. “On the eclipse of Ajax as a most eligible suitor of Helen.” Classical
Inquiries. https://classical-inquiries.chs.harvard.edu/on-the-eclipse-of-ajax-as-a-most-
GN 2021.06.21. “What on earth did Helen ever see in Ajax, her former suitor?” Classical
Inquiries. https://classical-inquiries.chs.harvard.edu/what-on-earth-did-helen-ever-see-in-
GN 2021.06.24. “Text and reperformance: do you really need a text for your
reperformance?” Classical Inquiries. https://classical-inquiries.chs.harvard.edu/text-and-
DASH: https://dash.harvard.edu/handle/1/37369826
GN 2021.07.05. “How are the epic verses of the Hesiodic Suitors of Helen relevant to Achilles
in our Homeric Iliad?” Classical Inquiries. https://classical-inquiries.chs.harvard.edu/how-
GN 2021.07.12. “Sappho’s looks, and how Sappho looks at beauty.” Classical
Inquiries. https://classical-inquiries.chs.harvard.edu/sapphos-looks-and-how-sappho-
GN 2021.07.19. “Can Sappho be freed from receivership? Part One.” Classical
Inquiries. https://classical-inquiries.chs.harvard.edu/can-sappho-be-freed-from-
GN 2021.07.26. “Can Sappho be freed from receivership? Part Two.” Classical
Inquiries. https://classical-inquiries.chs.harvard.edu/can-sappho-be-freed-from-
GN 2021.08.02. “Sappho’s Aphrodite, the goddess Chryse, and a primal ordeal suffered by
Philoctetes in a tragedy of Sophocles.Classical Inquiries. https://classical-
GN 2021.08.09. “Glimpses of Aeolian traditions in two different myths about two different
visits by Philoctetes to the sacred island of the goddess Chryse.” Classical
Inquiries. https://classical-inquiries.chs.harvard.edu/glimpses-of-aeolian-traditions-in-
GN 2021.08.16. “How myths that connect the hero Philoctetes with the goddess Chryse are
related to myths about a koúrē ‘girl’ named Chryseis.” Classical Inquiries. https://classical-
GN 2021.08.23. “Jaufré Rudel, his ‘distant love’, and the death of the distant lover in
his vida.” Classical Inquiries. https://classical-inquiries.chs.harvard.edu/jaufre-rudel-his-
GN 2021.08.30. “A question of “reception”: how could Homer ever outlive his own moments
of performance?” Classical Inquiries. https://classical-inquiries.chs.harvard.edu/a-question-
GN 2021.09.07. “Trying to read Sappho out loud without running out of breath.” Classical
Inquiries. https://classical-inquiries.chs.harvard.edu/trying-to-read-sappho-out-loud-
[[In the list that follows, all of Nagy’s articles published in Classical Continuum for 2021 are
GN 2021.10.01. 3
ed. Plato’s Rhapsody and Homer’s Music: The Poetics of the Panathenaic
Festival in Classical Athens. Classical Continuum. https://continuum.fas.harvard.edu/platos-
GN and Olga M. Davidson. 2021.10.11. “On the problem of envisioning Homeric composition: A
co-authored essay highlighting some relevant comparative observations.” Classical Continuum.
GN 2021.10.18. “About Ajax and the armor of Achilles in a passage from Pausanias and in two
poems from the Greek Anthology.” Classical Continuum. https://continuum.fas.harvard.edu/a-
GN 2021.10.26. “About online annotation as an academic genre designed to track ongoing
research.” Classical Continuum. https://continuum.fas.harvard.edu/about-online-annotation-
GN 2021.11.01. “On the etymology of προοίμιον (prooímion).” Classical Continuum.
GN 2021.11.10. “On the etymology of ὕμνος (húmnos).” Classical Continuum.
GN 2021.11.15. “Thinking about Herakles, ‘Dactyl’ of Mount Ida.” Classical Continuum.
GN 2021.11.22. “Two essays about the Epic Cycle.” Classical Continuum.
GN 2021.11.29. “On the Shaping of the Lyric Canon in Athens.” Classical Continuum.
GN 2021.12.06. “Jean Bollack in English, a standalone essay based on a foreword to his book The
Art of Reading: From Homer to Paul Celan (2016).” Classical Continuum.
GN 2021.12.13. “The so-called Mother of the Mountain and a possible reference to her in Linear
A inscriptions found on two Minoan double-axes.”Classical Continuum.
GN 2021.12.20. “On the picturing of an eagle flying down from Mount Ida.” Classical Continuum.
GN 2021.12.27. “Things I have learned from students who have taken my seminar in
Comparative Literature, Part 1.” Classical Continuum.
GN 2022.01.03. “Observations on Greek dialects in the late second millennium BCE: the original
essay of 2011, updated in 2022 via annotations.” Classical Continuum.
GN 2022.01.10. “Annotations about archaic Greek lyric, Part 1: Archilochus, poet and cult-
hero”. Classical Continuum. https://continuum.fas.harvard.edu/planning-for-annotations-
GN 2022.01.17. “Poetics of Repetition in Homer, second edition, ready for annotation.” Classical
Continuum. https://continuum.fas.harvard.edu/poetics-of-repetition-in-homer-second-
GN 2022.01.24. “A Pausanias commentary in progress, restarted.” Classical Continuum.
GN 2022.01.28. “A Pausanias Reader in progress: Description of Greece, Scrolls 1–10.” Classical
Continuum. https://continuum.fas.harvard.edu/primary-source/a-pausanias-reader-in-
GN 2022.01.31. “Pausanias 2.32.3-4, on the hero cults of Phaedra and Hippolytus at Troizen.”
Classical Continuum. https://continuum.fas.harvard.edu/annotation-for-pausanias-2-33-34-on-
GN 2022.02.07. “Nick Allen of Oxford, anthropologist extraordinaire: some comments on his
thinking about myth and epic, Part I.” Classical Continuum.
GN 2022.02.14. “Comments on comparative mythology 1, about Apollo.” Classical Continuum.
GN 2022.02.21. “Comments on Nick Allen’s thinking about myth and epic, Part II: On the
dyadism of Achilles and Odysseus in the Homeric Iliad and Odyssey.” Classical Continuum.
GN 2022.02.28. “A reader for travel-study in Greece, starting at 2022.02.28.” Classical Continuum.
GN 2022.03.07. “Pausanias 5.13.7, on Aphrodite and her myrtle tree.” Classical Continuum.
GN 2022.03.18. “A reader for travel-study in Greece: preparing for annotation of §14.” Classical
Continuum. https://continuum.fas.harvard.edu/a-reader-for-travel-study-in-greece-preparing-
GN 2022.03.21. “Pausanias 5.10.1, on Olympia viewed together with Eleusis.” Classical Continuum.
GN 2022.03.28 [replacing 2018.04.20].“A sampling of comments on the Herakles of Euripides:
ready for annotation.” Classical Continuum. https://continuum.fas.harvard.edu/a-sampling-of-
GN 2022.03.28. “Pausanias 5.10.6–8, on the pediments of the Temple of Zeus at Olympia.”
Classical Continuum. https://continuum.fas.harvard.edu/pausanias-5-10-6-8-with-translation-
GN 2022.04.04. “Pausanias 3.25.5–6, with translation and comments: on Herakles and Cerberus”
Classical Continuum. https://continuum.fas.harvard.edu/pausanias-3-25-5-6-with-translation-
GN 2022.04.11. “Pausanias 5.10.9, on the Labors of Herakles.” Classical Continuum.
GN 2022.04.18. “Pausanias 10.12.1–11, Part I: on the Sibyls of Delphi and Cumae.” Classical
Continuum. https://continuum.fas.harvard.edu/pausanias-10-12-1-11-with-translation-and-
GN 2022.04.25. “Pausanias 10.12.1–11, Part II: on Sibyls in general.” Classical Continuum.
GN 2022.04.27. “ ﺑﻮطﯿ ی ﺗﮑار در ھﻮﻣﺮ .” Classical Continuum.
https://continuum.fas.harvard.edu/ ھﻮﻣﺮ - در - ﺗﮑار - ﺑﻮطﯿ ی /.
GN 2022.05.02. “Pausanias 9.23.2–4, on the tomb of Pindar.” Classical Continuum.
GN 2022.05.09. “Pausanias 9.22.3, on Corinna and Pindar.” Classical Continuum.
GN 2022.05.16. “Ancient Greek heroes, athletes, poetry – An introduction, Phase 1: Hippolytus
the hero as a charioteer.” Classical Continuum. https://continuum.fas.harvard.edu/ancient-
GN 2022.05.23. “Ancient Greek heroes, athletes, poetry – An introduction, Phase 2: Hippolytus
the hero as son of an Amazon.” Classical Continuum.
GN 2022.05.30. “Ancient Greek heroes, athletes, poetry – An introduction, Phase 3: Hippolytus
the hero as a hunter.” Classical Continuum. https://continuum.fas.harvard.edu/ancient-greek-
GN 2022.06.06. “Ancient Greek heroes, athletes, poetry – An introduction, Phase 4: Phaedra the
hero as a would-be hunter.” Classical Continuum. https://continuum.fas.harvard.edu/ancient-
GN 2022.06.13. “Ancient Greek heroes, athletes, poetry – An introduction, Phase 5: Death of an
Amazon.” Classical Continuum. https://continuum.fas.harvard.edu/ancient-greek-heroes-
GN 2022.06.19, ed. 2 (GN 2021.08.09, ed. 1). “Glimpses of Aeolian traditions in two different
myths about two different visits by Philoctetes to the sacred island of the goddess Chryse.”
Classical Continuum. https://continuum.fas.harvard.edu/glimpses-of-aeolian-traditions-in-two-
GN 2022.06.20. “Ancient Greek heroes, athletes, poetry Part I: Twelve Olympian Essays – Essay
1: Hēraklēs, Mount Olympus, and the Olympia of the Olympics.” Classical Continuum.
GN 2022.06.27. “Ancient Greek heroes, athletes, poetry Part I: Twelve Olympian Essays – Essay
2: A Mycenaean background for Hēraklēs as a model for athletes.” Classical Continuum.
GN 2022.07.04. “Ancient Greek heroes, athletes, poetry Part I: Twelve Olympian Essays – Essay
3: On the roles of Hērā and Zeus in shaping the destiny of Hēraklēs as a model for athletes.”
Classical Continuum. https://continuum.fas.harvard.edu/ancient-greek-heroes-athletes-poetry-
GN 2022.07.11. “Ancient Greek heroes, athletes, poetry Part I: Twelve Olympian Essays – Essay
4: The Labors of Hēraklēs as a heroic model for athletes.” Classical Continuum.
GN 2022.07.18. “Ancient Greek heroes, athletes, poetry Part I: Twelve Olympian Essays Essay 5,
Excursus on methods of reconstruction.” Classical Continuum.
GN 2022.07.25. “Ancient Greek heroes, athletes, poetry Part I: Twelve Olympian Essays – Essay
6: Reconstructing Indo-European mythological traditions that shaped the role of Hēraklēs as
athlete.” Classical Continuum. https://continuum.fas.harvard.edu/ancient-greek-heroes-
GN 2022.08.01. “Ancient Greek heroes, athletes, poetry Part I: Twelve Olympian Essays – Essay
7: Prototyping Hēraklēs as a model athlete.” Classical Continuum.
GN 2022.08.08. “Part I: Twelve Olympian Essays – Essay 8: A Mycenaean Hēraklēs, always a
kingmaker and never a king.” Classical Continuum. https://continuum.fas.harvard.edu/part-i-
GN 2022.08.15. “Ancient Greek heroes, athletes, poetry Part I: Twelve Olympian Essays – Essay
9: Three Phases of Hēraklēs, from Indo-European to Mycenaean to post-Mycenaean.” Classical
Continuum. https://continuum.fas.harvard.edu/ancient-greek-heroes-athletes-poetry-part-i-
GN 2022.08.22. “Ancient Greek heroes, athletes, poetry Part I: Twelve Olympian Essays – Essay
10: Variations of Mycenaean phases in the prototyping of Hēraklēs as a Strong Man.” Classical
Continuum. https://continuum.fas.harvard.edu/ancient-greek-heroes-athletes-poetry-part-i-
GN 2022.08.29. “Ancient Greek heroes, athletes, poetry Part I: Twelve Olympian Essays – Essay
11: An Olympian man.” Classical Continuum. https://continuum.fas.harvard.edu/ancient-greek-
GN 2022.09.05. “Ancient Greek heroes, athletes, poetry Part I: Twelve Olympian Essays – Essay
12: Olympian women, Olympian girls, Olympian running.” Classical Continuum.
GN 2022.09.12. “Ancient Greek heroes, athletes, poetry Part II: Viewing the Olympics through
the lens of Olympia – Essay 1: A rhetoric for visualizing Zeus and Hērā as overseers of the
Olympics.” Classical Continuum. https://continuum.fas.harvard.edu/ancient-greek-heroes-
GN 2022.09.19. “Ancient Greek heroes, athletes, poetry Part II: Viewing the Olympics through
the lens of Olympia – Essay 2: The Chest of Kypselos and a rhetoric of inclusiveness in
visualizing the Olympics.” Classical Continuum. https://continuum.fas.harvard.edu/ancient-
GN 2022.09.26. “Ancient Greek heroes, athletes, poetry Part II: Viewing the Olympics through
the lens of Olympia – Essay 3: The metopes of the Temple of Zeus and a rhetoric of
occlusiveness in visualizing the Olympics.” Classical Continuum.
GN 2022.10.03. “Ancient Greek heroes, athletes, poetry Part II: Viewing the Olympics through
the lens of Olympia – Essay 4: What Pausanias saw when he looked up at the pediments of the
Temple of Zeus in Olympia.” Classical Continuum. https://continuum.fas.harvard.edu/ancient-
GN 1011.10.10. “Ancient Greek heroes, athletes, poetry Part II: Viewing the Olympics through
the lens of Olympia – Essay 5: About a defeat of the Centaurs, and how to imagine such an
event in Olympia.” Classical Continuum. https://continuum.fas.harvard.edu/ancient-greek-
GN 2022.10.17, 10.24, 10.31. “Ancient Greek heroes, athletes, poetry Part III: Athleticism beyond
Hēraklēs – Essays 1-3.” Classical Continuum. https://continuum.fas.harvard.edu/ancient-greek-
GN 2022.11.07. “Ancient Greek heroes, athletes, poetry Part III: Athleticism beyond Hēraklēs –
Essay 4.” Classical Continuum. https://continuum.fas.harvard.edu/ancient-greek-heroes-
GN 2022.11.14. “Ancient Greek heroes, athletes, poetry Part III: The hero’s engagement in
athletic competitions – Essay 5.” Classical Continuum.
GN 2022.11.21. “Ancient Greek heroes, athletes, poetry Part III: The epinician or epinikion:
singing the athlete’s victory – Essay 6.” Classical Continuum.
GN 2022.11.28. “Ancient Greek heroes, athletes, poetry Part III: Athletics at Panhellenic
festivals – Essay 7.” Classical Continuum. https://continuum.fas.harvard.edu/ancient-greek-
GN 2022.12.01. “Comments on the Homeric Iliad and Odyssey, by Gregory Nagy, restarted 2022.”
Classical Continuum. https://continuum.fas.harvard.edu/a-sampling-of-comments-on-the-
GN 2022.12.05. “The Dancing Peacock in the Buddhist Jātaka-s: a link with Herodotus?” Classical
Continuum. https://continuum.fas.harvard.edu/the-dancing-peacock-in-the-buddhist-jataka-s-
GN 2022.12.11. “A List of Online Short Writings by Gregory Nagy.” Classical Continuum.
GN 2022.12.12. “Ancient Greek heroes, athletes, poetry Part III: Combinations of competition in
athletics and competition in the performance of epic – Essay 8.” Classical Continuum.
GN 2022.12.19. “Five essays, ready for newer annotations, centering on theories about oral
traditions: Orality and literacy – Essay One.” Classical Continuum.
GN 2022.12.26. “Ancient Greek heroes, athletes, poetry Part III: “The apobatic moment”: An
interaction between an athletic event and a heroic experience – Essay 9.” Classical Continuum.
GN 2022.12.29. “Sacred Space as a Frame for Lyric Occasions.” Classical Continuum.
GN 2023.01.02, “Ancient Greek heroes, athletes, poetry Part III: Achilles the charioteer – Essay
10.” Classical Continuum. https://continuum.fas.harvard.edu/ancient-greek-heroes-athletes-
A sampling of information about lectures, papers presented at conferences, and the like;
the listing goes backward in time, year-to-year, but not going farther back than the year
2/18, lecture “Heroic Ideals” for the Phoenix arts and cultural salon group, convening in
Cambridge; 3/11-19, led a travel-study program to Greece for Harvard students as well as for
alumni, during Harvard Spring Break, organized by the Harvard Alumni Association and
Harvard University’s Center for Hellenic Studies in Greece, lecturing every day; 3/31, e-lecture
for conference at the University of Genova, Seminario di Dottorato “L’autore sonnecchia?
Incoerenze interne e corruttele in testi letterari”; 4/8, e-participated in the Mycenaean and
Aegean Studies Conference, hosted at Copenhagen; 6/18–21, delivered lecture, in person, on
myths about Philoctetes at the conference of the Network for the Study of Archaic and
Classical Greek Song, held in Venice, 18-20 June, 2022, at the Università Ca’ Foscari, Venice
International University, San Servolo; 7/11-15, after recovering from a brief illness, managed
to teach a five-day seminar on “Olympism” and Athenian history for the Harvard Comparative
Cultural Studies course in Olympia, Greece (under the aegis of the Harvard Summer School);
9/30, e-attended a Comparative Global Humanities Seminar organized at M.I.T.; 12/3, e-
presented a paper for the Annual Meeting of the Middle East Studies Association, at Session IX-
10, “Premodern Fables and their Audience”: https://continuum.fas.harvard.edu/the-dancing-
1/1115, e-participated in virtual event “Teaching in Unprecedented Times, Learning to Adapt,
Adapting to Learn”; 1/20, delivered an e-lecture for the Academy of Athens, “When self-praise
connects the speaker to the universe: A diachronic view of the word eukhomai (εὔχομαι) in its
Homeric contexts,” https://classical-inquiries.chs.harvard.edu/when-self-praise-connects-
the-speaker-to-the-universe/; 1/30, lecture for the Prometheas Hellenic Society on the
Olympian Odes of Pindar; 3/18, e-attended the CHS/Greece Board Meeting; 4/19–24: e-
attended conference "Performance in Late Antiquity and Byzantium" in Athens, and gave a
keynote address, “On visualizing heavenly origins for particularized icons in the Greek-
speaking world of today,” https://classical-inquiries.chs.harvard.edu/on-visualizing-heavenly-
origins-forparticularized-icons-in-the-greek-speaking-world-of-today/; 6/27, e-delivered a
keynote address at the 20
anniversary celebration for the Comparative Cultural Studies
Program in Nafplio/Olympia; 6/29–7/04, e-delivered a lecture 7/03, “Text and reperformance:
do you really need a text for your reperformance?” = https://classical-
reperformance/, hosted in Athens/; e-participated and chaired the panel “In the
Contemporary World” at the conference “The Greek Epic Cycle and its Reception in the Arts,
Literature, Vase-Painting, Theatre, Film, and Video Games (in Antiquity, as well as in the
Contemporary World), held at the University of Patras, https://chs.harvard.edu/kyklos-2021-
contributors-and-abstracts/; 10/21–23, presented keynote lecture, co-authored with Olga M.
Davidson, at Panel 1 10/21, of the colloquium, “Homer 2021,” hosted by the Université Côte
d’Azur in Nice, France, and the preprint title of the lecture is posted here,
co-authored-essay-highlighting-some-relevant-comparative-observations/; 12/3, awarded an
honorary doctorate, honoris causa, by the University of Crete in Rethymno, Greece, and e-
presented an inaugural lecture, https://continuum.fas.harvard.edu/on-the-picturing-of-an-
eagle-flying-down-from-mount-ida/; 12/9, e-participated in an international conference,
under the aegis of the Bibliothèque nationale suisse en collaboration with the University of
Fribourg, Switzerland, where I presented a paper, the preprint version of which is here,
1/21: lecture sponsored by the Society for the Promotion of Education and Learning, at the
Arsakeia Schools in Ioannina, “Do we Need Classical Languages Today?”; 1/24: lecture at the
Qatar Sports Museum in Qatar, on ancient Greek athleticism ; 4/11: lecture at the University of
Missouri at St. Louis, on the poetics of Sappho; 6/13: lecture at the University of Paris,
Nanterre, on the reception of the Fables of Aesop at Delphi; 7/14-16: lecture at International
Olympic Academy, in Olympia, Greece, lecture, on Heroic models for athletes; 9/17: tele-
lecture “Reflections on References to Textile Technology in the Diction of Archaic Greek Lyric
and Epic” at a conference held in Copenhagen on the Archaeology of Textile Production and
Consumption in Archaic Greece. On the program, see https://penelope.hypotheses.org/homo-
textor-programme; 9/20: lecture at Rutgers University on ancient Greek source-criticism as
exemplified by the research of Thomas J. Figueira; 12/04: tele-lecture, keynote, at the
University of Wrocław, at a conference on the topic “orality and literacy.”
1/6: I chaired a session on Homer and Hesiod at the annual convention of the Society for
Classical Studies; 2/13: I chaired a seminar given at the Yenching Institute by Professor Yi Na
on Buddhist traditions of iconography in China; 4/24: I organized a panel at the Center for
Hellenic Studies, Washington DC, on “The Classical is Political”; participants included
Professors Jonathan Hsy of George Washington University and Caroline Stark of Howard
University; also Dr. Donna Zuckerberg, editor of the Classics journal Eidolon. See
https://www.chs.harvard.edu/CHS/article/display/6926.events/. 7/24-30: I organized a week-
long seminar, at the Center for Hellenic Studies, Washington, D.C., on the topic of the Greek
hero in Classical Greek Literature; over 20 college teachers participated, and they were
selected in coordination with the Consortium of Independent Colleges. See
https://www.chs.harvard.edu/CHS/article/display/6978. This information is repeated from
above. 10/18: I organized a panel at the Center for Hellenic Studies, Washington DC, on
“Anthropological Writing as Activism”; participants included Professor Michael Herzfeld; also
Dr. Manuela Pellegrino, who concentrated on minority Greek dialects surviving in southern
Italy. See https://archive.chs.harvard.edu/CHS/article/display/6978. 11/08, I organized, with
Dr. Rachele Pierini of the University of Bologna, an intergenerational workshop at the Center
for Hellenic Studies, Washington DC, on Mycenaean Greek as reflected in the Linear B script;
attending, besides fellows at the Center, was Professor Thomas Palaima, University of Texas at
Austin; also Professor Roger Woodard, State University of New York at Buffalo. 12/8: a second
workshop on Mycenaean Greek; same participants; 12/9: I organized, with Dr. Rostislav
Oreshko of the University of Leiden, an intergenerational workshop at the Center for Hellenic
Studies, Washington DC, on the ancient Lydians; among the participants, besides fellows at the
Center, was Professor Brian Rose, University of Pennsylvania.
Other academic projects in calendar year 2019.
- I am preparing a multitext edition of the Homeric Iliad and Odyssey in conjunction with an
intergenerational team of colleagues. -I do not include here a track record of my activities in
editing or co-editing academic books and journals, since there is a cumulative report on that
record at an earlier point in this curriculum vitae.
Invited talks at other institutions in calendar year 2018.
February 8, Trinity University in San Antonio, lecture on Sappho June 27-29, in Spetses, Greece,
participated in an international conference on "Lyric and the Sacred," and presented a paper
on the iambic poetry of Archilochus.
Invited talks at other institutions in calendar year 2017.
January 20, Center for Hellenic Studies in Greece in cooperation with the Thessaloniki
Archaeological Museum, speech on “Disintegration and Reintegration of Society in Archaic
Greek Poetry”, as part of Harvard University’s Center for Hellenic Studies in Greece annual
Events Series, Archaeological Museum, Thessaloniki, Greece
March 11, Society for Promoting Education and Learning (Φιλεκπαιδευτική Εταιρεία) in
cooperation with Harvard University’s Center for Hellenic Studies, one day conference under
the auspices of the Greek Ministry of Education, Research, and Religious Affairs, entitled “From
Homer to Modern Greek: diachronic approaches to Greek language, of the hero in antiquity
and its diachronic evolution”, Stoa Vivliou, Athens, Greece
March 11-19, led a travel-study program to Greece during Harvard Spring Break for Harvard
Alumni Association and Harvard University’s Center for Hellenic Studies, lecturing every day.
April 18, 2017, Pourdavoud Center, UCLA, keynote address marking the grand opening of the
Center: “Iranians and Greeks”
June 26, 2017, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, Hungary, inaugural lecture: “Mages
and Ionians”
August 8, 2017, Princeton University, lecture: "Sappho and the new papyri"
Academic honors, awards, and named lectureships in calendar year 2017 (indicating the
granting organization).
Elected to the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, Hungary, and delivered inaugural
lecture there in June 2017
Other academic projects in calendar year 2017.
July 3-7, gave seminar on the Athenian empire at the Comparative Cultural Studies course in
Olympia, Greece (under the aegis of the Harvard Summer School)
July 9-13, led a symposium on Sports Society and Culture, co-organized by the International
Olympic Academy and Harvard University’s Center for Hellenic Studies, and gave seminar on
“The experience of athletic competition as a link to ancestral values” at the International
Olympic Academy of Olympia
Invited talks at other institutions in calendar year 2016.
January 11, McDiarmid Lecturer, University of Washington, lecture on Sappho
January 23, Society for Promoting Education and Learning (Φιλεκπαιδευτική Εταιρεία) in
cooperation with Harvard University’s Center for Hellenic Studies, one day conference under
the auspices of the Greek Ministry of Education, Research, and Religious Affairs, on the concept
of the hero in antiquity and its diachronic evolution, Arsakeia Schools of Thessaloniki, Greece
March 11-19, led a travel-study program to Greece during Harvard Spring Break for Harvard
Alumni Association, lecturing every day.
April 15, Penn State University, lecture on Homer
June 9-20, led a travel-study program to Greece for Harvard Alumni Association and Harvard
University’s Center for Hellenic Studies, lecturing every day.
September 2, University of Lausanne, lecture on archaic Greek lyric
October 8, University of Venice, lecture on Sappho
Other academic projects in calendar year 2016.
June 27-July 1, gave seminar on the Athenian empire at the Comparative Cultural Studies
course in Olympia, Greece (under the aegis of the Harvard Summer School)
July 9-13, led a symposium on Sports Society and Culture, co-organized by the International
Olympic Academy and Harvard University’s Center for Hellenic Studies, and gave seminar on
“The symbolism of a reference to a local athletic festival in the Alcestis of Euripides” at the
International Olympic Academy of Olympia.
Invited talks at other institutions in calendar year 2015
January 6, Council for Independent Colleges, convention in San Diego, keynote speech on
leadership as portrayed in Virgil's Aeneid.
March 8, Boston Museum of Fine Arts, lecture on heroes as represented in vase paintings.
March 9, University of Massachusetts at Amherst, "Grose Lecture" on the new fragments of
March 13-21, led a travel-study program to Greece during Harvard Spring Break for Harvard
Alumni Association, lecturing every day.
April 30, lecture at McGill University, Montreal, on Homeric poetry.
July 31, gave a lecture at Glimmerglass Opera, Cooperstown NY, on the opera _Cato in Utica_,
by Vivaldi
September 25, gave a lecture at Berkeley at a conference on Greek lyric poetry
October 15, gave a lecture on Greek lyric poetry at the University of Chicago.
October 29, gave a lecture on the new Sappho fragments at Georgetown University
Academic honors, awards, and named lectureships in calendar year 2015 (indicating the
granting organization).
elected President in 2015 of the Archaeological Society Foundation
Other academic projects in calendar year 2015.
July 3 to July 13, in Athens and Olympia, Greece, taught seminar on Athenian civilization for
the Cross Cultural Studies program organized by the Center for Hellenic Studies (under the
aegis of the Harvard Summer School).
July 20-25, conducted a seminar on choral lyric in Greek drama for the Consortium of
Independent Colleges in Washington DC.
Invited talks at other institutions in calendar year 2014.
presented a paper in Athens, Greece, at Το Κέντρο Οδυσσειακών Σπουδών, on the Homeric
Odyssey, January 20
presented a paper "A Poetics of Sisterly Affect in the 'Brothers Poem' of Sappho and Beyond"
at an international conference on Greek lyric poetry, held at the University of Basel,
Switzerland, June 27
gave seminar on the ancient Olympics at the International Olympic Academy of Olympia, July
gave seminar on the Athenian empire at the Comparative Cultural Studies course in Olympia,
Greece (under the aegis of the Harvard Summer School), July 10-15
gave seminar on Homeric Odyssey at the Consortium for Independent Colleges, Washington,
DC, July 21-26
Invited talks at other institutions in calendar year 2013.
presented a paper in Athens, Greece (at the Arsakeion school) on the poetics of lament in
Greek epic and lyric, July 6, 2013
gave seminar on the Athenian empire at the Comparative Cultural Studies course in Olympia,
Greece (under the aegis of the Harvard Summer School), July 8-12
gave seminar on the ancient Olympics at the International Olympic Academy of Olympia, July
gave seminar on Homeric Iliad at the Consortium for Independent Colleges, Washington, DC,
July 22-26
gave a paper on the _Ion_ of Euripides at an international conference on Greek Lyric organized
at the University of Reading, England, September 7
gave a paper on the Cyrus Cylinder at the Getty Museum, October 27
Academic honors, awards, and named lectureships in calendar year 2012 (indicating the
granting organization).
elected Vice-President of the International Committee of Epic Studies, based in Beijing.
Conferences organized or chaired in calendar year 2012.
Other academic projects in calendar year 2012.
chaired the Homer panel at the American Philological Society annual meeting, January 8
Invited talks at other institutions in calendar year 2011.
University of Miami, February 25, invited speaker at symposium <<Humanities Through
Classics: What Does the Future Hold?>>
Yale University, July 6-9, invited panelist at conference on archaic Greek lyric
Glimmerglass Opera Festival, August 6, invited lecturer on <<Cherubini's Medea and its
antecedents, especially Euripides' Medea>>
University of Basel, September 23, invited lecturer: <<Achilleus, Meister der Klage>>(in
Academic honors, awards, and named lectureships in calendar year 2011 (indicating the
granting organization).
April 12, inducted as Corresponding Member of the Athens Academy in Athens,
gave an inaugural address at the Academy, entitled <<Observations on Greek Dialects in the
late second millennium BCE>>
presented paper at the Ecole Normale Supérieure on May 30 IT and the study of the humanities
gave seminar on the Athenian empire at the Comparative Cultural Studies course in Olympia,
Greece (under the aegis of the Harvard Summer School), June 25-29
gave seminar on the ancient Olympics at the International Olympic Academy of Olympia, July
gave seminar on choral lyric at the Consortium for Independent Colleges, Washington, DC, July
attended international congress of the Institute of Ethnic Literature of the Chinese Academy of
Social Sciences, November 19-21, presented paper on lyric traditions in 5th-c. Greece.
presented paper for the Committee on Comparative Literature, University of Peking,
November 22
Invited talks at other institutions in calendar year 2010.
University of Thessaloniki, April,
gave conference paper on <<Signs of Hero Cult in Homeric Poetry>>
UCLA, 22nd Indo-European Conference, November 6
gave paper on <<Traces of Aeolic dialect>>
Conferences organized or chaired in calendar year 2010.
November 24-27, co-organizer of Athens Dialogues, sponsored by the Onassis Foundation in
Invited lectures in 2009:
June 1, 2009: University of Patras (on the occasion of the conferral of a doctoral degree honors
causa): <<kuklos as a symbol for collegial research.>>
April 1, 2009: Aristotelian University, Thessaloniki (on the occasion of the conferral of a
doctoral degree honoris causa): <<The poetics of metabasis in a Hellenistic Hymn to Zeus.>>
March 4, 2009: Wesleyan University of Illinois, <<The Fragmentary Muse.>>
Invited lectures in 2008:
November 22, 2008: University of Tallinn, Estonia, <<Language and Meter: the ancient Greek
April 16, 2008: Howard University. Frank Snowden Memorial Lecture, <<The reception of
Homer in the era of Vergil.>>
April 25, 2008: Bryn Mawr College, Agnes Michels Memorial Lecture: <<The edition of Homer by
June 20, 2008. Oxford University, Corpus Christi College: <<The Aiakidai in Song 13 of
March 28, 2008: Yale University: <<Traces of Heroic Romance in Archaic Greek Epic.>>
[[From here on down, the sampling is far more selective.]]
Feb. 23, 2007: Stanford University: “Mousike, Performance, and Culture in Plato's Laws.”
Dec. 7, 2007: Harvard University: Christopher Memorial Lecture: “Egyptian Myth and the
Poetics of C.P. Cavafy.”
Nov. 5, 2007: The Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore: gave a seminar on Pindar's Aeginetan
Oct. 25, 2007: Chicago Art Institute: Readings from the Homeric Odyssey, sponsored by the
Onassis Foundation
Oct. 11, 2007: Parthenon Museum in Nashville TN: Readings from the Homeric Odyssey,
sponsored by the Onassis Foundation
Oct. 9, 2007: Harvard Club in Boston: gave a talk on the ancient Olympics and other athletic
July 23-30, 2007: Harvard Olympia Summer Program in Greece: I taught a block seminar on
June 5, 2007: University of Basel in Switzerland: “The Fragmentary Muse and the Poetics of
June 1, 2007: Museum of Fine Arts in Houston: Readings from the Homeric Odyssey, sponsored
by the Onassis Foundation
May 26, 2007: University of Rethymno in Crete: “Ibycus and Anacreon.”
February-March, 2002. Sather Classical Lectures, University of California at Berkeley
May 25, 2000: 11th annual Cornell-Harvard-Lille International Colloquium, University of
Lausanne, “Orphic Elements in the Text of Homer.”
May 6, 2000: Furman College, seminar on the applications of Information Technology to the
April 28, 2000: NYU, Rose-Marie Lewent Conference on Ancient Studies, “Rethinking Postwar
French Thought on Antiquity.”
April 14, 2000: SUNY Buffalo, “Mantic Elements in Homeric Poetry.”
April 8, 2000: Yale University, “Homeric Poetry as Genre.”
March 19, 2000: Université de Montréal, “Homère et Platon à la Fête de la Déesse.”
March 18, 2000: McGill University, “The Textualization of Homer.”
March 16, 2000: Gordon Gray Lecture at Harvard, “Writing as a Classicist: The Art of Reading
March 10, 2000: Humanities Center at Harvard, joint lecture with Patrick K. Ford, “Ulaid and
February 4, 2000: Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City, “Sappho and Other Poets of
Greek Lyric.”
June 23-25, 1999: “The Library of Alexandria,” sponsored by the new National Library in Paris,
in conjunction with the Centre National de Recherche Scientifique, International
May 14-16, 1999: Indiana University, A Symposium on Myth, “Overview and Concluding
May 1999: Cornell University, 10th annual Cornell-Harvard-Lille International Colloquium,
“The Semiotics of the Shields in the Seven Against Thebes.”
April 15, 1999: Case Western University, Cleveland, convention of the Classical Association of
the Middle West and South, “Technology and the Teaching of Classics.”
April 1, 1999: University of Washington, Seattle, “The Idea of the Library as Cosmos and
November 10, 1998: University of Odense, Denmark, “Textualizing Homer.”
May 30, 1998: University of Lille, 9th annual Cornell-Harvard-Lille International Colloquium,
“Bacchylides and Ancient Classical Scholarship.”
May 4-6, 1998: Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, Lisbon , International Seminar on “Europe and
Culture,” “The Idea of the Library as a Classical Model.” Participated in a panel with
Jacqueline de Romilly and Hélène Ahrweiler on “The Classical and Humanist Matrix in
the 20th Century.”
September 7, 1997: University of Bonn, colloquium “Oral Epic: Performance and Music,”
keynote lecture, “Epic as Music: Rhapsodic Models of Homer in Plato’s Timaeus and
June 7, 1997: Princeton , Cornell-Harvard-Lille International Colloquium IX , “Homeric humnos
as a rhapsodic term.”
April 16, 1997: The Johns Hopkins University, sponsored by the Classics Department, “The
Poetics of cross-reference in Homer.”
March 22, 1997: Harvard Divinity School, International Conference on Pergamon, “The Library
at Pergamon.”
March 7-9, 1997: University of Georgia, Augusta, sponsored by the Classics Department,
“Homer at the Panathenaia: Synchronic and Diachronic Perspectives.”
January, 23-24, 1997, University of Tennessee at Knoxville, sponsored by the Classics
Department, “Did Sappho and Alcaeus ever meet?”
March 27, 1996, King’s College, University of London, “Mimetic Aspects of the first person in
November 9, 1995: Colgate University, John E. Rexine Memorial Lecture, “Improvising at Greek
Drinking Parties.”
October 23-26, 1995: Université Stendhal (Grenoble III), “Sappho as a Singer of Songs.”
October 23, 1995: Colloque international “Homère en France après la Querelle (1715-1900),”
“Les éditions alexandrines d’Homère au XVIIIe et au XIXe siècle.”
June 22, 1995: University of Freiburg i/B, Verschriftung - Verschriftlichung: Aspekte des
Medienwechsels in verschiedenen Kulturen und Epochen, Symposium des Teilprojekts
C1 im SFB 321, “Epic as ‘Script’ in the Hellenic World of Late Antiquity.”
March 28 and 30, 1995: Indiana University, Patten Foundation Lectures, “Archaic Lesbian
Poetics” and “The Poetic Worlds of Sappho and Alcaeus.”
December 29, 1994: American Philological Association Annual Convention, Presidential Panel,
“Classical Graduate Programs as a Paradigm for the Humanities and Social Sciences.”
December 28, 1994: American Philological Annual Convention, Linguistics Panel, “Traces of
‘Normal Mycenaean’ in the First Millennium [BCE],” “Editing Homer, Rethinking the
Bard,” (also panel chair).
October 21, 1994: colloquium on “Literary and Cultural Studies Today, A Tenth Anniversary
Celebration of the Center for Literary and Cultural Studies at Harvard,” “Textual
Editing: The Most Conservative Practice, or the Most Radical?”
June 20-2, 1994: University of Arizona, Tucson, National Endowment for the Humanities
Summer Institute, “Homer and Panhellenism,” and “Homer and Cult Heroes.”
May 29, 1994: University of California at Berkeley, Heller Homer Colloquium (invitation from
Classics graduate students at Berkeley), “Aristarchus’ Homer.”
May 9-11, 1994: Cornell, 5
Annual CORHALI conference, “The First Song of Demodokos.”
April 27, 1994: Harvard University, M. Victor Leventritt Memorial Lecture, “The End of the Iliad
and the Beginnings of the City-State.”
January 13, 1994: Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris, “Démétrius et les rhapsodes.”
January 7, 1994: Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris, “Le rossignol des
troubadours et la mouvance homérique.”
March 28-31, 1993: Washington University, St. Louis, Henry and Penelope Biggs Resident
Classics Scholar, “The Poetics of Mouvance,” “Sappho’s Song 1,” and “The Seal of
October 22, 1993: University of Missouri, “The End of the Iliad and the Beginning of the Polis.”
October 7, 1993: Center for Hellenic Studies, Washington, D.C., “An Evolutionary Model for the
Making of Homeric Poetry.”
September 30 - October 2, 1993: Johns Hopkins University, Conference on Apollo and Dionysus,
“The Poetics of Cinara in Horace Odes 4.1.”
September 13-16, 1993: University of Grenoble, France, International Colloquium on Milman
Parry, “The Text-Fixation of Homeric Epos.”
May 19,1993: Oxford University, “Evolutionary Models for the Making of Homeric Poetry.”
May 10-14, 1993: University of Cambridge, Gray Lectures, “Poetry as Performance: Ancient
Greece and Beyond,” a series of three lectures; 1: “Aristarchus’ Quest for the Real
Homer and the Poetics of Mouvance in the Art of a Troubadour; 2: “Mimesis and the
Making of Identity Through Poetic Performance”; 3: “Dead Poets and The Seal of
May 15-17, 1993: University of Lille, 4
Annual CORHALI Conference, “Genre and Occasion in
Sappho and Alcaeus.”
April 17, 1993: University of Pennsylvania, Conference on “Recovering Horace for the
Curriculum,” “Genre and Occasion in Horace.”
March 12, 1993: CCNY/CUNY Confeence on Social Justice, “The Poetics of Dikê.
January 15, 1993: University of Calgary, “The Making of Homeric Poetry and the Peisistratean
January 14, 1993: University of Victoria, “Linear B and the Shield of Achilles.”
January 13, 1993: University of British Columbia, Vancouver, “Linear B and its Usefulness for
January 12, 1993: University of Saskatchewan, “Metaphorical Perspectives on the Heavens and
the Atmosphere.”
January 11, 1993: University of Alberta, Edmonton, “Evolutionary Models for the Making of
Homeric Poetry.”
October 27, 1992: MIT Forum, “Metaphors for Self-Reference in Oral Poetics: Examples from
Classical Persian and Greek,” with O. M. Davidson.
September 10, 1992: State University of New York, Buffalo, “Authority and Authorship in
October 1-3, 1992: Athens, Greece, International Congress of the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en
Sciences Sociales and the Revue dAnthropologie du Monde Grec Ancien, Plenary Address,
“Genre and Occasion.”
April 25-26, 1992: 3
Annual CORHALI Conference, “Aristotle on Homer and Tragedy: Brief
Remarks on the Poetics.
April 8-10, 1992: University of Wisconsin, “Evolutionary Models for the Diffusion of Epic.”
April 3, 1992: Harvard/Boston University Conference on the Greek Chorus, “Aspects of
Performance in Archaic Greek Choral Lyric.”
February 29, 1992: Harvard Alumni in Chicago, “Greek Heroic Ideals: Imitation and Re-
January 15-18, 1992: Bad Homburg, Germany, International Conference on Greek Tragedy,
“Lyric Genres in Tragedy.”
December 29, 1991: American Philological Association, Chicago, Presidential Address, “Homeric
December 12-13, 1991: University of California, Irvine, “The Poetics of Memory in Ancient
November 7, 1991: Harvard, Scientific Club, “Concepts of Truth in Ancient Greek Civilization.”
October 25, 1991: St. John’s College, Annapolis, “Myth and Exemplum in Homer.”
October 16, 1991. M.I.T., Workshop on Humanisitc Perspectives on Atmospheric Change,
“Ancient Views of Nature and Culture.”
June 19, 1986: Albert-Ludwigs-Universität, Freiburg , “Homerische Epik und Pindars
Preislieder: Mündlichkeit und Aktualitätsbezug,” also served as Gastprofessor for the
Sonderforschungsbereich on Oral Poetics.