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Evolving Monetary Policy Frameworks in Low-Income and Other Developing
CountriesBackground PaperCountry Experiences
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Washington, D.C.
October 2015
Over the past two decades, many low- and lower-middle income countries (LLMICs)
have improved control over fiscal policy, liberalized and deepened financial markets,
and stabilized inflation at moderate levels. Monetary policy frameworks that have
helped achieve these ends are being challenged by continued financial development
and increased exposure to global capital markets. Many policymakers aspire to move
beyond the basics of stability to implement monetary policy frameworks that better
anchor inflation and promote macroeconomic stability and growth.
Many of these LLMICs are thus considering and implementing improvements to their
monetary policy frameworks. The recent successes of some LLMICs and the experiences
of emerging and advanced economies, both early in their policy modernization process
and following the global financial crisis, are valuable in identifying desirable features of
such frameworks.
This paper draws on those lessons to provide guidance on key elements of effective
monetary policy frameworks for LLMICs:
Countries should develop a coherent and transparent monetary policy framework.
The central bank should have a clear mandate that assigns primacy to the goal of
price stability, and it should follow a forward-looking strategy that promotes that
goal while fostering macroeconomic and financial stability.
An explicit inflation objective should serve as the cornerstone for monetary policy
actions and communications. Such an objective anchors inflation and provides a
clear benchmark against which to measure the central bank’s performance.
Tradeoffs may at times arise between price stability and other policy goals, e.g.,
macroeconomic or financial stability. These are difficult to manage, though credibly
establishing the primacy of the price stability objective can give central banks more
room to take other objectives into account in their policy decisions.
The central bank’s procedures for implementing monetary policy should be framed
in terms of a specific short-term interest rate. Such operating procedures can reduce
interest rate volatility, promote financial market development, and enhance the
transmission of monetary policy to the broader economy.
Given that prevailing domestic conditions vary markedly, the appropriate sequencing of
reforms will differ across countries. Progress in many areas can be self-reinforcing,
arguing for efforts to press ahead on as many fronts as possible. The central bank
October 23, 2015
should play a guiding role in the reform process but needs to work with other
stakeholders to build and maintain a consensus for reforms.
The Fund will continue to support LLMICs in their process of strengthening and
modernizing their frameworks through policy advice on institutional issues, both in
surveillance and program contexts, as well as technical assistance (TA) and training.
Approved By
Siddharth Tiwari,
Maurice Obstfeld, and
José Viñals
Prepared by a staff team lead by Andrew Berg (RES), Catherine Pattillo
(SPR), and Ghiath Shabsigh (MCM), comprising Rafael Portillo,
Siddharth Kothari, and Adam Remo (all RES), Filiz Unsal, Sarwat Jahan,
Botir Baltabaev, and Ran Bi (all SPR), Darryl King, Nils Maehle,
Bernard J. Laurens, and Tommaso Mancini Griffoli (all MCM),
Maxwell Opoku-Afari (AFR), Rahul Anand (ICD), Andrew Levin and
David Vavra (all RES/SPR Visiting Scholars) with contributions from
Luisa Charry (AFR) and Alfredo Baldini (ICD). Country case studies from AFR,
APD, EUR, MCD, and WHD are included in a separate background paper.
Overall guidance was provided by Dong He (MCM), Seán Nolan (SPR) and
Jonathan D. Ostry (RES). Research assistance was provided by Carla Intal
(SPR) and production assistance by Anne Williams, Monica Devi, and
Dilcia Noren (all SPR).
ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ____________________________________________________________________ 5
BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE _________________________________________________________________________ 6
PRINCIPLES _____________________________________________________________________________________________ 7
REALITIES _____________________________________________________________________________________________ 11
A. The Monetary Policy Landscape ______________________________________________________________________ 11
B. Challenges in Policy Design and Implementation ____________________________________________________ 15
C. The Macro and Financial Environment for Monetary Policy __________________________________________ 19
MAKING PROGRESS __________________________________________________________________________________ 22
A. Institutional Considerations and Operationalizing the Price Stability Mandate (Principles I-III) ______ 26
B. Monetary Policy Operations, Strategy, and Communications (Principles IV–VII) _____________________ 29
C. Priorities and Synergies in the Policy Modernization Agenda ________________________________________ 42
THE ROLE OF THE FUND _____________________________________________________________________________ 45
1. The Role of Traditional Reserve Money Targeting ____________________________________________________ 17
2. Implementing an Interest Rate Operating Target ____________________________________________________ 34
3. Developing FPAS Frameworks ________________________________________________________________________ 36
4. The Role of Broad Money ____________________________________________________________________________ 37
1. Index of Intervention in Foreign Exchange Markets in LLMICs and EMs ______________________________ 13
2. De Jure Monetary Policy Regimes in LLMICs _________________________________________________________ 14
3. De Facto Monetary Policy Regimes in LLMICs, 2003–2013 ___________________________________________ 15
4. Interest Rate Spreads Between Policy Rate and Interbank Rates _____________________________________ 16
5. Degree of Central Bank Transparency ________________________________________________________________ 18
6. Fiscal Performance and Debt in LLMICs ______________________________________________________________ 20
7. Capital Flows to Emerging Markets and LLMICs, 1990-2013 _________________________________________ 21
8. A Stylized Reform Agenda ____________________________________________________________________________ 23
1. Primary Objectives of Monetary Policy _______________________________________________________________ 12
2. Consensus Table of De Jure and De Facto Monetary Policy Regimes ________________________________ 13
3. Key Principles and Impact on Economic Structures ___________________________________________________ 25
4. Key Principles and Key Stakeholders _________________________________________________________________ 43
I. Primacy of Price Stability and Multiple Objectives ____________________________________________________ 47
II. Traditional Reserve Money Targeting in Practice: Selected LLMICs ___________________________________ 51
III. Monetary Policy Transmission in LLMICs ____________________________________________________________ 55
IV. Monetary Policy and Food and Fuel Price Shocks ___________________________________________________ 59
V. Key Transition Steps in Modernizing Monetary Policy Frameworks—Lessons from Experiences _____ 61
VI. Capacity Development to Support Modernization of Monetary Policy Frameworks _________________ 64
References ______________________________________________________________________________________________ 68
Acronyms and Abbreviations
AE Advanced Economies
AFRITAC African Regional Technical Assistance Center
IMF's African; Asia and Pacific; European; Institute for Capacity Development;
Middle East and Central Asia; Monetary and Capital Markets; Research; and
Strategy, Policy, and Review Departments respectively
ATI Africa Training Institute
BNR National Bank of Rwanda
BoT Bank of Tanzania
CBK Central Bank of Kenya
CFA franc zone Communauté Financière d’Afrique
CFMs Capital Flow Management Measures
CPI Consumer Price Index
DSGE Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium
EM Emerging Market
FPAS Forecasting and Policy Analysis System
FPP-IT Financial Programming and Policies-Inflation Targeting
FTEs Full Time Equivalents
FY Fiscal Year
GFC Global Financial Crisis
IT Inflation Targeting
LICs Low-income Countries
LIDCs Low-income Developing Countries
LLMICs Low- and Lower-middle Income Countries
LMICs Lower-middle Income Countries
MERP Monetary and Exchange Rate Policy
MPA Monetary Policy Analysis
MPC Monetary Policy Committee
MPCC Monetary Policy Consultation Clause
OMOs Open Market Operation
PSI Policy Support Instrument
QPM Quarterly Projection Model
RTACs Regional Technical Assistance Centers
RTCs Regional Training Centers
SSA Sub-Saharan Africa
TA Technical Assistance
TRMT Traditional Reserve Money Targeting
VAR Vector Autoregression
1. Many low- and lower-middle income countries (LLMICs) have made substantial
progress in achieving price and macroeconomic stability.
They have succeeded in reducing
inflation to single digits, while also deepening financial markets and achieving high growth, due in
no small part to better macroeconomic management. Monetary policy has gained traction due to
increased central bank independence, reduced fiscal dominance, and greater reliance on market-
based procedures. However, with lower inflation policymakers in LLMICs are now called upon to
focus more closely on tradeoffs among inflation, growth, and exchange rate stability.
2. Some LLMICs have and will continue to choose fixed exchange rate regimes. These
regimes, which include currency unions, currency boards, and hard pegs in which an explicit
exchange rate commitment represents the main nominal anchor, have advantages and represent a
viable choice for many countries. Indeed for some of these countries, strengthening their fixed
exchange rate regime may be the preferred direction of policy reform.
3. Most LLMICs, however, have regimes without such an explicit commitment and with
some degree of exchange rate flexibility. These countries are the topic of this paper. To make
further progress in anchoring inflation and inflation expectations and in promoting macroeconomic
and financial stability, many of the LLMICs in this group have moved or are moving toward forward-
looking policy frameworks for formulating, implementing, and communicating monetary policy.
Financial sector development and innovation, as well as closer integration in global capital markets,
have also motivated this transition.
4. The environment that shapes monetary policy in LLMICs can differ significantly, at
least in degree, from those of emerging market (EM) or advanced economies (AE). LLMICs face
frequent, large shocks (domestic supply shocks; global food and fuel price shocks) that raise the
volatility of inflation and can pose complex tradeoffs. They are also subject to several constraints
including relatively low financial depth, and lack of adequate and timely data.
5. At the same time, LLMIC monetary policy frameworks often suffer from a number of
drawbacks. These include opacity regarding policy objectives and decision processes, weak liquidity
management and policy analysis capacity, and poor communication strategies. Therefore, a majority
of central banks do not have a well-articulated forward-looking framework for assessing how policy
should respond to shocks, or a coherent strategy that effectively maps objectives to monetary
operations. Moreover, a pursuit of multiple objectives complicates policy formulation and reduces
policy effectiveness.
We use low and lower middle income countries (LLMICs—65 countries) to describe the merged sample of low-
income developing countries (LIDCs) based on the IMF classification and LMICs based on the World Bank
classification. The term “other developing countries” refers to LMICs. The LLMIC and EM country groups are not
mutually exclusive; some LLMICs are EMs. Monetary policy frameworks issues discussed in this paper do not apply to
all LLMICs as countries have different structural characteristics.
6. This paper discusses how LLMICs can enhance policy frameworks in these conditions. It
aims to help LLMICs with some scope for independent monetary policy strengthen their monetary
frameworks, and provide guidance on how the process can be managed.
The paper (i) sets the
background by laying out sound principles of monetary policy; (ii) reviews the policy and
operational environment and the characteristics of monetary frameworks in LLMICs, whether they
are evolving, and if so, why and how; (iii) discusses how LLMICs can adjust their frameworks to
incorporate sound monetary policy principles, with attention to the role of monetary aggregates
and exchange rate interventions during the process; and (iv) looks at how the Fund can support
LLMICs in this process.
7. The monetary policy framework is composed of a few basic building blocks. These
include the institutional structure of the central bank as well as the specification of its goals,
instruments, strategy, operating targets and procedures, and communications. The institutional
setup encompasses the central bank’s statutory mandate, governance structure, and decision-
making processes. The legal mandate specifies the goals of monetary policy and a set of supporting
policy instruments. The monetary policy strategy guides the setting of the central bank’s operating
targets, and its operating procedures specify how its policy instruments should be adjusted to
implement those targets. Central bank communications aid the public in understanding the policy
framework as well as the rationale for specific policy decisions and help shape market expectations.
8. A general consensus has emerged on the set of principles that characterize effective
policy frameworks in countries with scope for independent monetary policy.
It should be
noted that these principles are not intended to provide policy prescriptions in any particular
situation. A brief summary of these principles is as follows:
I. The central bank should have a clear mandate in terms of its goals, and operational
independence to pursue these goals, within the context of public accountability. The
central bank’s monetary policy mandate should be set in the law. The central bank should have
an effective governance and organizational structure. It should be free from fiscal dominance
and political pressures to ensure a clear separation between fiscal and monetary policy, so that
monetary policy has the operational space to attain its goals. Given a clear goal, operational
The Fund has adopted a new framework for monetary policy conditionality for countries with evolving monetary
policy regimes (i.e., the monetary policy consultation clause (MPCC)). Eligibility for MPCC is judged against certain
standards and on a case by case basis (IMF (2014a)). This paper’s guidance could help LLMICs strengthen their
monetary policy frameworks, in which case, if they have a Fund-supported program, an MPCC may be an option. This
paper does not provide a definition of evolving monetary policy framework countries eligible for MPCC conditionality
in their Fund supported program.
Many of these principles also apply to fixed exchange rate regimes (e.g., see the case study on selected Sub-
Saharan African currency unions in the Background Paper).
independence, and appropriate transparency arrangements, the central bank should be
accountable for fulfilling its objectives.
II. Price stability should be the primary or overriding objective of monetary policy over the
medium term. The consensus view is that (i) monetary policy is one policy instrument that
cannot be expected to deliver on multiple inconsistent objectives, and (ii) monetary policy is
ultimately limited in its ability to directly influence real variables in the long-term (such as output
growth) and is instead most effective in providing a nominal anchor. Clarifying that price
stability is the overriding objective of monetary policy over the medium-term provides a focal
point for policy deliberations and helps ensure that policy decisions are consistent with this
III. Consistent with the primacy of price stability, the central bank should have a medium-
term inflation objective that serves as the cornerstone for its monetary policy actions and
communications. Establishing and maintaining an explicit numerical inflation objective
operationalizes the price stability mandate. The numerical inflation objective should be distinct
from the near-term inflation forecast. The inflation objective should only be modified rarely, and
not due to short-term political pressures or conjunctural circumstances, but rather as part of a
systematic and transparent review of the entire monetary policy framework. The central bank
should clearly explain to the public how the inflation objective facilitates price stability, thereby
bolstering the transparency and credibility of this objective. A transparent and credible inflation
objective can in turn help anchor inflation expectations and provide a simple and transparent
benchmark against which to measure performance. The focus on the medium-term recognizes
that inflation in the short-run is beyond the direct control of the central bank. The inflation
objective needs to be both achievable and, over time, achieved to be credible. Therefore the
medium-term horizon should be soon enough to shape current instrument setting and long
enough so that inflation can be reasonably expected to converge to its objective under
appropriate monetary policy.
IV. In determining the magnitude and pace of monetary policy adjustments warranted by the
inflation objective, the central bank should carefully take into account the implications for
macroeconomic activity and financial stability. The level and volatility of output,
unemployment, and the exchange rate may be important factors that the central bank should
consider when determining the course of monetary policy. Consideration may also be given to
financial stability issues, including the quantity of credit and asset prices. While it is important to
take into account other economic and financial variables, this should not come at the expense of
undermining the central role of the medium-term inflation objective for policy formulation
(Appendix I). Any significant erosion of the central bank’s credibility can unhinge inflationary
expectations, with related undesirable effects on real activity and financial stability.
Laurens and others (2009) and Alesina and Stella (2010) comprehensively review the theoretical and empirical
literature on central bank independence, accountability and transparency. See also Dincer and Eichengreen (2014).
Bernanke and others (1999) and Levin (2014) discuss the benefits of a clearly articulated medium-term objective.
V. The central bank should have a clear and effective operational framework and it should
align market conditions with its announced policy stance. It should choose an operating
target, with the policy stance being set and announced in terms of a specific level for this target.
The operating target should facilitate the communication of the policy stance, and its setting
should be clearly linked to the attainment of the medium-term inflation objective. Central bank
operations should align market conditions with this announced policy stance. An effectively
implemented operational framework supports the functioning of money markets, allowing
banks to predictably place surplus liquidity with, and obtain short-term funding from each other
or the central bank at rates that are reasonably stable.
VI. The central bank should have a transparent forward-looking monetary policy strategy that
reflects timely and comprehensive assessments of the monetary transmission mechanism.
Given the dynamic nature of monetary policy and the lags with which it affects the key economic
variables (output, inflation, exchange rate), policy should be formulated in terms of a forward-
looking strategy that encompasses: (i) a full assessment of the economic outlook; (ii) a path for
policy that is consistent with the inflation objective, while allowing for the macro and financial
stability considerations noted above; and (iii) evaluation of future risks and contingency plans in
the event of large shocks. The central bank should also assess the extent to which intermediate
targets may be useful in formulating and communicating the monetary policy strategy. All
available information and analytical tools should be used in devising the policy strategy,
including an up-to-date evaluation of the transmission mechanism.
VII. The central bank’s communications should be transparent and timely, because clear
communication enhances the effectiveness of monetary policy. The focus of communication
should be on explaining past outcomes and actions necessary to align expected inflation
outcomes with the policy objective, with emphasis on the variables that matter for private sector
behavior. Effective communication helps reduce uncertainty, improves monetary policy
transmission, and facilitates accountability, thereby building credibility. Clear communication can
also help anchor inflation expectations when “words” are confirmed by actions and outcomes
(“say what you do and do what you say”). It is also important to explain deviations from targets,
and remedial actions.
9. These principles encapsulate the key characteristics of any sound forward-looking
monetary policy framework, including those that assign prominence to monetary aggregates
or the exchange rate. Frameworks may differ substantially in terms of their exact characteristics,
especially with respect to instruments, operating targets, and intermediate targets. What is essential
(and should not differ across frameworks) is a clear statement of internally consistent goals of policy,
the institutional arrangements that give the central bank the freedom to pursue these goals, and
transparency and effective communication with respect to its goals and policy actions.
Blinder and others (2008) provides a review of the literature on central bank communication.
10. These principles are consistent with inflation-targeting frameworks (IT) but it is
emphasized that IT frameworks are not the only way to implement them. A number of
advanced and emerging economies that have adopted IT have been largely successful in anchoring
inflationary expectations and stabilizing the real economy.
However, the meaning of the term “IT”
varies and has evolved over time.
For example, some early IT regimes had an excessively narrow
and short-term focus on inflation, with little flexibility to consider the broader impact of monetary
policy. The principles stated in this paper stress the primacy of a medium-term inflation objective,
but do not require an unduly narrow focus on inflation at the expense of considering the impact on
the real economy and the financial system.
11. The global financial crisis (GFC) has reinforced the importance of principles-based
monetary policy, while also revealing important gaps in pre-crisis frameworks. The crisis has
reinforced the importance of Principles III and IV, with the experience of many countries
demonstrating that having an effective monetary policy framework resulted in better
macroeconomic outcomes in the face of the financial crisis.
The prospect of deflation, and the
recognition that inflation misses in both directions can be costly, has highlighted the importance of
having a clear medium-term inflation objective. At the same time, recent years have been a stark
reminder that financial crises are costly. Policy should aim to decrease the likelihood of crises, not
only rely on dealing with their repercussions once they occur. To do so, well-targeted prudential
policies (including micro and macroprudential policies, and regulation) should be pursued actively;
while interest rate policy (leaning against the wind) should only be used if benefits are greater than
costs. In most circumstances this will likely not be the case, though more research is needed.
However, central banks should monitor and openly discuss financial stability risks, and continuously
evaluate the costs and benefits of potential policy action (see IMF (2015b)).
12. In considering the implications of these principles for LLMICs, it is essential to take
into account the specific conditions and challenges facing each individual country.
The principles provide a guide towards achieving a sound and well-functioning framework; the
actions to be taken, and the appropriate sequencing of measures, will depend on country
circumstances. Policy-makers will need to proceed at their own pace, taking into account local
conditions. They should also realize that the principles are interconnected—that progress towards
one can greatly facilitate the achievement of others. Most notably, full operational independence
coupled with agreement on the primacy of the medium-term inflation objective can greatly facilitate
transparency of the monetary policy strategy and operational implementation. An in-depth
discussion of how the principles can be applied to LLMICs and the implications for the policy
modernization process in these countries is provided in section IV.
See Batini and Laxton (2007) and Ball (2010).
As an example, recent changes in monetary policy frameworks in AEs can be interpreted as either a move toward or
away from IT, depending on the elements that are emphasized, e.g., greater clarity and guidance on inflation
objectives as an example of the former, versus greater focus on financial stability as an example of the latter.
See De Carvalho Filho (2011).
13. This section describes the monetary policy frameworks and the policy environment in
LLMICs. It covers the key features of LLMICs’ monetary policy frameworks, as well as common
challenges to monetary policy, both specifically related to the design and implementation of
monetary policy and more generally related to the macro and financial environment in which
monetary policy operates.
A. The Monetary Policy Landscape
14. While most LLMIC central banks place price stability as the primary objective of
monetary policy, its role in the policy framework varies widely:
LLMIC central banks often follow other objectives in addition to price stability. More than two-
thirds of the survey respondents had two or more objectives (Table 1).
These range from
attempting to support economic growth and, at times, to explicitly targeting financial sector
development and credit growth, and exchange rate stability.
The primacy of the inflation objective is generally not well established. A majority of surveyed
countries (81 percent) identify price stability as the primary or overriding objective of monetary
policy. However, most central banks in non-IT countries do not have an explicit numerical
inflation objective. And those that do (38 percent) typically align their objective with the near-
term inflation forecast, rather than using a stable inflation objective as a guide for policy.
The policy horizon in most LLMICs is often very short. Many LLMICs insofar as they pay attention
to inflation (even some "IT-lite" or new "IT" countries) tend to have excessively short horizons,
which makes it difficult to focus on underlying pressures and trends rather than only current or
recent developments.
A few countries, however, are evolving. Mongolia has an explicit medium-term inflation target
(7 percent); Nigeria has a medium-term inflation objective of 6–9 percent. Not surprisingly all IT
countries have an explicit inflation objective, with most countries setting targets over the
Table 1 and Figure 2 draw on a short IMF country desk survey on monetary policy frameworks—covering de jure
and de facto frameworks, objectives, targets, instruments, transparency and accountability covering 61 LLMICs
(41 LICs, 20 LMICs). The rest of the tables and figures in this section use a sample of 65 LLMICs (44LICs, 21 LMICs).
Currency unions are excluded in both samples.
All but one of the respondents with a single objective identified price stability as their sole focus. These countries
with a single objective feature an exchange rate anchor (24 percent), monetary aggregate targets (35 percent), or an
inflation targeting regime (29 percent) as their de facto framework.
Many AE and EM central banks also often follow multiple objectives.
medium-term (two to five years). A few countries have yet to move away from focusing on the
short-term, including a few IT countries.
Table 1. Primary Objectives of Monetary Policy
Source: IMF desk survey.
Note: “Other” refers to one or more of the following objectives: stability of the financial sector, promoting
macro-economic development, maintaining external reserves, and supporting government policies. XR
refers to exchange rate stability. The regime classification is based on responses by IMF country desks.
15. Exchange rate management also has an important role in the monetary policy
frameworks in LLMICs, including in some IT countries. No LLMICs conduct pure floats;
all use
interventions at least from time to time, for various purposes.
The survey results show that most
LLMICs with independent monetary policy have exchange rate-related issues as one of their
This short-term focus also applies to IT countries. Moldova, for example, targets an inflation rate of 5 percent
+/- 1.5 percentage points over a 12 month period. Until recently, Ghana announced an end-of-current year inflation
target, which led to confusion with its inflation forecast, but now has a medium-term inflation target.
In the IMF classification of foreign exchange regimes, a floating regime involves a largely market-determined
exchange rate where the authorities may intervene to moderate the rate of change or to prevent undue volatility.
This type of arrangement is often referred to as a managed float.
In a number of LLMICs, central bank FX transactions may involve intermediating foreign currency received by the
government or government controlled businesses (e.g., Sudan and Nigeria due to oil proceeds, Afghanistan due to
donor proceeds). These transactions are not targeted at influencing the price or the volatility of the exchange rate
and as such, are not considered as FX intervention.
Exchange rate
Money aggregate
Price stability Burundi Congo Armenia Egypt
Morocco Mozambique Georgia
São Tomé Sierra Leone Ghana
Single and Príncipe Sri Lanka Guatemala
objective Sudan Kenya
Ukraine Moldova
XR Cape Verde
Price and XR Liberia Afghanistan Indonesia Kyrgyz
Tajikistan Madagascar Republic
Price and growth Cambodia Guinea India
Dual Philippines
objective XR and other Nicaragua
Price and other Bolivia Tanzania Paraguay Vanuatu
Guyana Romania
Honduras Uganda
Timor Leste
Price, growth, XR Ethiopia Bangladesh
Price, growth, other Vietnam Malawi Mongolia
Myanmar Papua New
3 or more Price, XR, other Nigeria Guinea
objectives Yemen, Rep. of
Price, other Solomon Islands Pakistan
Price, growth, Gambia
XR, other Rwanda
There is also a divergence between the de jure and de facto floater classification: only
about 40 percent of countries that are de jure floaters actually let the exchange rate float freely
(Table 2). Intervention measures by Levy-Yeyati and others (2013) indicate that interventions are
commonly used in LLMICs, though the average amount has declined by more than half over the last
decade (Figure 1).
Table 2. Consensus Table of De Jure and De Facto Monetary Policy Regimes
Source: IMF Annual Report on Exchange Arrangements and Exchange Restrictions.
Note: Each year for each country counts as one observation, i.e., each country could have a maximum of ten
observations for the ten year period. Highlighted portions indicate that the country's de jure regime matches its de
facto regime.
Figure 1. Index of Intervention in Foreign Exchange Markets
in LLMICs and Ems
Sources: International Financial Statistics; and IMF staff calculations.
Note: Following Levy-Yeyati and others (2013), the index is calculated as the annual average
absolute change in net international reserves relative to the monetary base in the previous
quarter, both in US dollars.
16. A majority of LLMICs with floats rely on a de jure traditional reserve money targeting
regime (TRMT)
, with only a few featuring explicit IT frameworks (Figure 2). The prevalence of
TRMT reflects a legacy of money-based stabilization policies and the influence of the IMF’s financial
programming approach to balance of payment adjustment and macroeconomic policy coordination
See also IMF (2008) for a monetary policy survey of countries in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA).
Adam and O’Connell (2005) find that substantial foreign exchange intervention is the norm among SSA countries.
A TRMT is defined here as one in which quarterly or higher-frequency targets on reserve money (end-of-period or
averaged) are characterized as the operating target of the central bank. This label excludes regimes such as, for
example Germany in the 1970–1990s, in which monetary aggregates served as information variables or intermediate
targets (see Clarida, Gertler, and Gali (1999) on this case), though many LICs typically feature both types of targets.
1985-1995 1995-2005 2005-2014
Hard peg Intermediate Floating Hard peg Intermediate Floating
De Facto Hard peg 271 31 12 301 23 9
Intermediate 42 210 153 43 253 89
Floating 0 9 128 0 74 68
Total 313 250 293 344 350 166
% Consensus
87% 84% 44% 88% 72% 41%
De Jure Classification (1995-2004) De Jure Classification (2005-2014)
(see the Albania and Armenia case studies).
It also reflects concerns with limited financial market
development and the monetary transmission mechanism. Yet, a growing number of LLMICs are
Figure 2. De Jure Monetary Policy Regimes in LLMICs
Source: IMF country desk survey.
17. In practice, however, LLMICs display considerable flexibility relative to their de jure
frameworks (Figure 3). Traditional reserve money targeting framework (TRMT) is typically
implemented in a flexible manner, manifested by frequent deviations from money targets (see
Appendix II). IT frameworks also deviate at times in significant ways from the textbook version; most
notably central banks often intervene in the foreign exchange market either to smooth exchange
rate fluctuations, or to defend the exchange rate. Flexibility vis-à-vis TRMT has been increasing over
time, as shown by the de facto classification of policy regimes in LLMICs. Many LLMICs have
experienced significant changes in their policy frameworks over the last two decades: some of these
countries (e.g., Ghana and Uganda) are frontier economies that have adopted or announced the
adoption of a formal IT framework.
A number of other countries implement eclectic regimes with
some role for monetary aggregates and/or exchange rates. This change was preceded by a shift to
more flexible exchange rates (de facto managed floating exchange rate in LLMICs increased from
under 10 percent in 1990s to 30 percent in 2000s).
18. The flexibility with which TRMT frameworks are implemented may not necessarily
reflect policy errors. At least in LLMICs with reasonably low inflation, deviations from money
targets are generally not associated with deviations from projected inflation (see IMF (2014a) and
Appendix II). This fact and the way policymakers discuss these deviations, including in the context of
Fund-supported programs, is consistent with a view that deviations may reflect (implicit) policy
decisions to accommodate unforeseen changes in economic conditions—money demand in
Throughout the paper the term “case studies” refers to the discussion of country experiences in the accompanying
Background Paper.
See Berg and others (2015) for an overview of monetary policy frameworks in SSA.
It is also possible that such deviations reflect unintended inaction on the part of the central bank, e.g., unexpected
changes in the autonomous components of their balance sheet, rather than explicit policy decisions. Either way, such
deviations do not appear to be costly from an inflation perspective in low inflation countries. Appendix II shows that
Exchange rate anchor Monetary aggregate target Inflation-targeting
Other monetary framework
Figure 3. De Facto Monetary Policy Regimes in LLMICs, 2003–2013
Source: IMF Annual Report on Exchange Arrangements and Exchange Restrictions.
Note: 81 Lower and lower-middle income countries excluding 29 currency boards and hard pegs.
19. Although the majority of LLMICs follow TRMT, some have introduced policy rates for
signaling the stance of monetary policy. However, they often do not have the operational support
required to align market rates with the policy rate (Figure 4 and the Kenya case study). The resulting
large and persistent deviations of market rates from the policy rate and corresponding large
differences between the de facto and de jure policy stance weaken policy transmission.
20. Many LLMICs have strengthened their legal frameworks through reforms and the
adoption of new central bank charters. Many have de jure (legislated) independence (Lucotte
(2009) and MCM’s Central Banking Legislation Database), and have also made significant progress in
achieving de facto independence (Laurens and others 2009). This evolution of central bank
independence has coincided with a move to more coherent and forward looking regimes, often in
the form of IT.
B. Challenges in Policy Design and Implementation
21. Despite the success in reducing inflation to single digits, most LLMIC central banks do
not have an effective framework for formulating and implementing policy. The frameworks
lack several critical elements: a clear inflation objective, a coherent strategy that maps objectives to
operations. The absence of a clear policy framework is an important factor behind policymakers’
dissatisfaction and the motivation for the ongoing modernization efforts.
22. The pursuit of multiple objectives complicates policy design and is often the source of
policy slippages. At times, concerns over the exchange rate or the level of credit take precedence
over price stability considerations. As a result, monetary policy in many LLMICs can go through
periods of excessive accommodation or tightening and contribute to inflation and output volatility.
Although these challenges are present for all central banks, they are more pronounced in some
LLMICs, given the absence of clear frameworks.
periods when money aggregates exceed targets are typically associated with higher-than-usual interest rates,
suggesting responses to money demand shocks rather than money supply shocks.
2003 2013 2003 2013 2003 2013 2003 2013
Exchange rate Monetary aggregate Inflation-targeting Other monetary
anchor target framework framework
Figure 4. Interest Rate Spreads between Policy Rate and Interbank Rates
(selected countries, January 2002–December 2014)
Source: Maehle (forthcoming).
23. Policy effectiveness in many LLMICs is hampered by the existing operational
arrangements. This is perhaps most visible (though not exclusively) in the case of TRMT. This
regime reflects important historical realities and has its advantages, but many LLMIC central banks
recognize a need to modernize these frameworks. In particular, money demand shocks can create
noisy and uninformative interest rate movements. More flexibility with respect to money targets can
reduce this volatility but at a cost of increased opacity (see Box 1 on advantages and challenges of
TRMT, and the Albania, Armenia, and Kenya case studies).
2011 2012 2013 2014
2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 201
2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
2011 2012 2013 2014
2012 2013 2014
Interbank rate minus policy rate
(percentage point differences)
Interbank rate minus policy rate
(percentage point differences)
Interbank rate minus policy rate
(percentage point differences)
Box 1. The Role of Traditional Reserve Money Targeting
There are limited circumstances under which TRMT may be justified:
It could help re-anchor inflation in the face of severe fiscal dominance. When the central bank balance
sheet is determined by the need for seigniorage, the only available policy option may be to set
quantitative limits on reserve money growth.
A central bank with limited independence may avoid some political or public pressure under TRMT.
Reserve money targeting frameworks are inherently opaque, as the stance of policy is often unrelated to
the deviations from the target (see below). In this context, the central bank might be able to tighten
policy without taking responsibility for interest rate increases.
Targets on reserve money may also play a monitoring role in Fund-supported programs, as discussed in
IMF (2014a).
TRMT nonetheless raises a number of challenges:
Liquidity shocks can lead to volatile short-term interest rates, increasing liquidity risks and hampering
monetary transmission. Partly for this reason, most central banks do not strictly adhere to the targets and
deviations can be frequent and economically significant (Appendix II).
Flexibility with respect to the targets makes deviations difficult to interpret, thus complicating the
assessment and signaling of the policy stance. Deviations from operational targets may be advisable,
either due to unexpected changes in the demand for money or because a policy adjustment is in order. It
is difficult for observers to sort out whether target misses reflect policy adjustments (advisable or not) or
accommodation of money demand shocks. This opacity greatly reduces the effectiveness of policy
signaling, as discussed in Appendix III.
TRMT tends to conflate policy and operations. Target misses may not be the outcome of explicit policy
decisions, e.g., by the central bank’s monetary policy committee, but instead may result from purely
operational choices. The inherent difficulty in disentangling this distinction undermines the role of the
policy-making process.
24. The limitations of existing LLMICs frameworks reflect a number of challenges:
Limited data availability and central bank analytical capacity hamper policy formulation. Many
LLMICs face severe statistical constraints and large uncertainty regarding the state of the
economy, e.g., as illustrated by very large revisions to national accounts data in recent years.
addition, many central banks lack the capacity to analyze the drivers of inflation and derive
implications for policy, and in most cases, efforts to correct this shortcoming are in their infancy.
Some central banks suffer from ineffective governance and inappropriate organizational structures.
Poor internal organization and lack of cohesion between different divisions can hamper the
formulation and implementation of policy. Daily operational decisions based on prevalent
market conditions can result in changes in the policy stance that are not intended by the
monetary policy committee (see Box 1). Making the most effective use of existing analytical
capabilities requires close and continuous interactions between the research team and the
See Levy and Misch (2014) and Grigoli and others (2015).
monetary policy committee so as to focus attention on the most policy relevant issues, a
practice that is often missing in LLMIC central banks.
Many central banks have limited operational capacity. Sufficiently accurate liquidity forecasting
remains a serious challenge, most notably because of persistent weaknesses in government cash
flow management. This makes it difficult for central banks to adequately manage overall
liquidity conditions. Together with restrictions on access to central bank standing lending and
deposit facilities,
excessive spreads between central bank lending and deposit rates, short
reserve maintenance periods and insufficient averaging, the result is high liquidity risk and
interest rate volatility that in turn weakens policy transmission. In particular, large variances
between policy rates and the market rates relevant for commercial bank liquidity management
risk rendering the policy rates irrelevant for commercial bank pricing and lending decisions.
Some central banks are constrained by a weak balance sheet, potentially posing a challenge to
their operational independence. Where structural excess liquidity persists, central banks can incur
high costs of open market operations, weakening their balance sheet. Where losses exceed
sustainable seigniorage revenue, or where laws or perception require a minimum central bank
net worth, a weak balance sheet can challenge the ability of the central bank to operate
independent of fiscal pressures. In the absence of systematic recapitalization, ongoing
sterilization costs—and the often-resulting need for fiscal transfers—can eventually undermine
central bank independence to the point where the monetary policy objectives are compromised.
Limited central bank transparency and accountability. LLMIC central bank transparency indexes,
while improving, remain behind those of EMs and AEs (Figure 5). In particular, a clear
communication strategy centered on the inflation outlook is generally missing. Countries with
forward looking policy regimes also have higher de jure transparency. The lack of transparency
in some LLMICs might also reflect multiple inconsistent objectives.
Figure 5. Degree of Central Bank Transparency
Sources: Dincer and Eichengreen (2014) and IMF (2014d).
Note: The de jure transparency index was developed by Dincer and Eichengreen (2014). It ranges
from 0–15, and is the sum of scores to questions ranging from political, economic, procedural,
policy and operational transparency.
By Level of Income
By LIC Classification
Commodity exporting
Higher central bank transparency
Higher central bank transparency
C. The Macro and Financial Environment for Monetary Policy
25. The macro and financial environment that LLMICs operate in imposes another set of
constraints on the conduct of monetary policy. This section reviews these LLMIC specific
characteristics and discusses how they influence the way in which monetary policy is carried out.
26. While there are reasons to think that the transmission mechanism in LLMICs may be
more uncertain than in other countries, the evidence is mixed (Appendix III). Weak credit
culture and financial development may impair policy transmission.
Characteristics of the policy
regime itself—including operations, objectives, policy formulation, and communication—decisively
shape the nature of transmission. For example, when interest rate movements mainly reflect money
demand shocks (as in an operational framework that emphasizes base money), it cannot be
expected that these rates would affect the economy as strongly as they would in a regime that
communicates policy intentions through a policy rate.
Where exchange rates are heavily managed
or the capital account closed, transmission through exchange rates is also likely to be attenuated.
Some empirical evidence supports the view that monetary policy actions have limited impact on
inflation and output in LLMICs.
Other studies, however, have found evidence of a functioning
transmission mechanism in LLMICs, especially where the stance of monetary policy was
communicated clearly.
27. Uncertain monetary policy transmission does not justify inaction. The modernization
process inevitably involves an element of “tatonnement”: assess the state of the economy and the
outlook; adjust policy if it seems too tight or too loose; and repeat. Some confidence about the sign
of the effect of monetary policy is critical, and one of the best ways to improve understanding is to
learn by doing. Yet, uncertainty about the transmission mechanism may have implications for some
aspects of the policy regime, such as the width of any confidence bands around—and perhaps the
level of—the inflation objective, and how it is communicated.
28. The complex interaction between monetary and fiscal policy means that pressures
arising from the fiscal authority can substantially complicate the task of monetary policy. The
extent of fiscal pressures and its impact on monetary policy can vary depending on the stance of
fiscal policy and the institutional setup of the country. Two broad types can be identified:
The presence of fiscal dominance undermines the central bank’s control of inflation. Fiscal
dominance refers to a situation where monetary policy is used to ensure fiscal solvency, with the
Asymmetric information and limited contract enforceability are often found in LLMICs. As a consequence banks
tend to rely predominantly on customer relationships and are less likely to pass on small changes in the policy rate.
High credit risk premiums have a similar effect. The effect of financial system structure on the monetary transmission
mechanism is discussed in IMF (2012b).
Appendix III and Box 5 discuss the relationship between monetary frameworks and the strength of transmission.
See Mishra and others (2012), Mishra and Montiel (2013), and Appendix III for a formal analysis of this argument.
See Berg and others’ (2013) study of four members of the East African Community (EAC) (Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania,
and Uganda), and Abuka and others’ (forthcoming) analysis based on loan-level data for Uganda.
central bank typically required to finance the fiscal deficit by directly or indirectly lending to the
government. The monetization of the government deficit results in large increases in money
supply, too low interest rates, and increased inflation. Although quite prevalent a couple of
decades ago, fiscal dominance in LLMICs has decreased in recent years, as attested by: (i) efforts
to separate monetary from fiscal policy (a decline by more than half in central bank credit to the
government), and (ii) better fiscal discipline (reflected in considerable decline in fiscal balances
and government debt-to-GDP ratios); see Figure 6.
Figure 6. Fiscal Performance and Debt in LLMICs
Source: IMF World Economic Outlook.
Even in the absence of fiscal dominance (strictly defined), other fiscal considerations
affect the conduct of monetary policy. Loose fiscal policy creates aggregate demand
pressures that require a monetary policy response. In addition, higher interest rates resulting
from tighter monetary policy can increase the government’s debt service burden, and the fiscal
authority might try to put pressure on the central bank to undertake less tightening than
29. Policies aimed at forcing reductions in lending rates and facilitating credit growth are
making a comeback in several countries, further adding to pressures on monetary policy. This
can involve direct regulation or guidelines linking banks’ base lending rates to the central banks’
policy rate. Political pressures to lower lending rates can then result in the central bank keeping
policy interest rates lower than warranted given economic conditions. In countries that pay attention
to monetary aggregates, credit growth objectives can also be reflected in high broad money growth
targets, which are then justified by optimistic assumptions about velocity.
30. Headline inflation is much more volatile in LLMICs given high CPI food shares and more
volatile relative food prices, due in large part to shocks to agricultural production. As a result,
output and inflation tend to be more negatively correlated in LLMICs than in AMs where the opposite
is true. The negative correlation makes the tradeoff between inflation and output stability potentially
1985-1995 1995-2005 2005-2014
Fiscal Balance (Percent of GDP)
(average, 1985-2014)
1985-1995 1995-2005 2005-2014
Public Debt (Percent of GDP)
(average, 1985-2014)
Public debt/GDP
Growth rate of debt/GDP (RHS)
more severe. The prevalence of supply-side shocks reduces the ability of monetary policy to influence
inflation in the short run, though it also underscores the value of a clear medium-term inflation
objective, as discussed in Appendix IV.
31. The rise and size of capital flows complicates monetary policy and macroeconomic
stabilization more generally (Figure 7).
The impossible trinity has become a stark reality in
LLMICs with greater capital account openness. Even in the absence of an exchange rate objective,
monetary autonomy has to contend with the co-movement in capital flows, asset prices, and interest
rates across countries (Rey, 2013). Capital flows can have substantial benefits but also complicate
the conduct of policy. For instance, raising interest rates to contain inflationary pressures risks
attracting inflows, which in turn push up asset prices and credit growth. Also, in partially dollarized
economies, credit growth, and to some extent consumption, can be driven by foreign interest rates
independently of the domestic monetary policy stance. Inflows can also create currency mismatches
with firms and banks borrowing in foreign currency. This can increase financial fragility as a sudden
reversal of inflows can lead to a large and disorderly depreciation of the local currency. Central
banks may need to increasingly pay attention to financial stability issues stemming from these risks
and develop the appropriate macro-prudential tools.
Figure 7. Capital Flows to Emerging Markets and LLMICs, 1990–2013
Sources: IMF World Economic Outlook; and World Development Indicators.
Note: The data excludes China and India.
In recent years the top quartile of LLMICs has been receiving the same level of inflows as EMs.
To safeguard the sustainability of financial sector growth, several LLMICs have employed macroprudential tools,
including loan to value ratio in Nepal and Mongolia, capital surcharges in Mongolia, liquidity ratio in Nigeria, limits
on FX loans in Uganda and Mongolia, and limits on FX positions in Bangladesh and Honduras. However, the
adoption and implementation of macroprudential policy should acknowledge weak supervisory capacity, limited data
availability, volatile economic conditions, and the need for financial development (IMF, 2014b). LLMICs may need to
give priority to strengthening the supervisory framework and statistical and analytical capacity, and adopt simple,
rules-based approaches that increase the resilience of the system rather than active management of the credit cycle.
1990 1995 2000 2005 2010
1990 1995 2000 2005 2010
Remittances ODA
32. Resource rich and highly dollarized economies face unique challenges that add
another layer of complication for monetary policy, and for the coordination of monetary and
fiscal policy.
For resource rich countries with managed floats, exposure to large external shocks leads to large
changes in equilibrium real exchange rates as a result of shocks to their terms of trade. Central
banks face potentially-difficult tradeoffs between price and exchange rate stability, as
movements in either the nominal exchange rate or inflation are required to bring about such
equilibrium movements. In addition, attempts to offset real exchange movements and
simultaneously achieve both objectives (via sterilized reserve accumulation) put strain on central
bank balance sheets and monetary policy operations. Navigating through these challenges is
particularly difficult in frameworks that do not have a clear hierarchy of objectives. Finally, as
governments are typically the direct recipients of commodity revenues, the fiscal policy response
has a direct bearing on these challenges; therefore good fiscal-monetary coordination is critical.
In countries with a high degree of financial dollarization the effectiveness of monetary policy may
be partly limited because a sizeable part of the domestic financial system may not be sensitive
to domestic monetary policy, although the exchange rate channel may be stronger. At the same
time, vulnerability of corporate and household balance sheets to large changes in the exchange
rate and potentially high pass-through (of exchange rates to domestic prices and foreign
interest rates to domestic interest rates) can make exchange rate flexibility very costly. Country
cases suggest that pervasive financial dollarization, however, does not appear to be an
impediment to price stability, although it can have important implications for the choice of
policy instruments (see the Peru, Albania and Armenia case studies).
33. Driven partly by growing dissatisfaction with existing regimes, many LLMICs have
been striving to reform their monetary policy regimes. This section draws on their experience,
and that of many advanced and emerging countries that went through a similar process, to provide
guidance. The modernization process involves adopting a primary objective—price stability—while
moving to an interest rate-based operating framework and greater exchange rate flexibility. The
development of analytical tools for policy making and techniques for effective communication is
also critical (Figure 8).
Throughout the paper “EM/AE transitions study” refers to the study of the experience of selected EMs and AEs
during the modernization process of monetary policy regimes, included in the accompanying Background Paper. This
section draws on case studies and the EM/AE transitions study.
Figure 8. A Stylized Reform Agenda
34. Although there is substantial heterogeneity in how countries have proceeded (see the
case studies), four key lessons relevant for LLMICs can be drawn from these experiences:
There are no set of preconditions that countries need to meet. However, critical first steps
include a commitment to (i) the primacy of price stability, and (ii) the operational independence
of the central bank to pursue that goal. Even these commitments are generally only nascent in
early stages of transition, with ambiguities on both points (see the Uganda case study). Only
sustained performance consistent with both commitments over time can fully establish the
effectiveness of the policy regime.
Enhance Monetary Policy Transmission
Develop domestic financial markets
Establish a coherent interest rate-based
operational framewor
Introduce a policy rate
Develop analytical tools for policy making
Build economic analysis and inflation forecasting capacity
Develop robust macro-economic forecasting model
Launch a research agenda
Increase exchange rate flexibilit
Develop deep and liquid FX markets
Formulate coherent intervention
Develop an appropriate alternative
intermediate target
Money guides
policy and
Combine Monetar
and Economic Analysis
nflation forecast
Cross checking role of
monetary analysis
Flexible exchange rate
Intervention strateg
aimed at supporting
market functioning
Interest rate based
operating framework
Operations align
market rates with the
policy rate
The exchange rate
guides policy
and operations
Many of the challenges come from the coexistence of multiple inconsistent targets and
objectives (see the Rwanda case study). Eventually countries were forced to prioritize inflation
and demote secondary targets, typically the exchange rate (e.g., Poland and Israel in EM/AE
transitions study). This brought greater clarity to the new regimes.
The well established consensus on many of the features of effective monetary policy frameworks
means that LLMICs do not have to “reinvent the wheel.” Learning from early reformers should
help them speed up their modernization process.
From the start of the policy modernization process, the central bank should work towards
ensuring that all stakeholders share a common view on the way forward.
35. LLMICs can make progress on the principles from any starting point, though initial
conditions—and policymakers’ preferences—influence where, how, and how fast to proceed.
The implications of initial conditions for making progress on the principles, as well as synergies
across principles are summarized in Table 3.
36. The remainder of this section discusses how central banks can align their monetary
policy frameworks with the principles. As legal and governance issues may take time to address,
progress is considered in two separate areas: (i) institutional, and (ii) operations, strategy and
communication. A final sub-section discusses priorities and synergies in the modernization agenda.
Table 3. Key Principles and Impact on Economic Structures
Principle LLMIC characteristic and
Steps for Making
Benefits of
Modernizing/Synergies across
I & II: Independence and Price Stability Mandate
Universally applicable
Build consensus among
stakeholders—essential for
Take legislative actions—establish de
jure operational and financial
independence, and price stability
Cornerstone of modern monetary
Insulates against political pressures
III: Inflation Objective
Frequency and volatility of
shocks, limited analytical
capacity, limited
understanding of
transmission—inflation band
may need to be wide, may
delay announcement of
inflation objective
Initially high inflation might
require specifying a
disinflation path
Choose inflation index
headline CPI
Specify level of target and bands
around it
Specify policy horizon
Anchors expectations and create policy
Acts as focal point for formulating
policy and for communications
IV: Multiple Objectives
Fear of floating—fx objective
Development goals— credit
growth targets, interest rate
targets, etc
Establish clear hierarchy
objective primary
Pace of transition—gradual or cold
By clarifying framework, can anchor
expectations and provide more space
to stabilize output
Aids communication
V: Operational Framewor
Severe fiscal dominance or
very underdeveloped
financial markets (no
information content in
interest rates)— may
consider TRMT
Move from TRMT to interest rate
based system
Fast transition possible—can skip
intermediate steps
Stable interest rates promote financial
development and strengthens
Improves transparency—separates
policy formulation from
VI: Role of Intermediate or Informational Variables
Limited data availability,
analytical capacity, and very
underdeveloped financial
markets—may consider some
role for broad money
High dollarization and/or
very high pass-through—
important role for exchange
Role likely to diminish with financial
deepening, opening of capital
account, and development of
analytical capacity
Inflation objective should guide role
of money and exchange rate
Clarify framework—hard to explain
monetary aggregates to public
Enhance credibility—frequent fx
intervention to meet exchange rate
targets can hamper credibility
Strengthen monetary policy
VI: Analytical Capacity
Limited data availability—
hampers assessment,
forecasting, and modeling
Invest in data collection
Even in initial stages, use a variety of
indicators to assess the need for
policy adjustment.
Develop forecasting capacity,
Allows for forward-looking and well-
informed policy
Aids communication by providing
assessment of economic conditions
VII: Communication
Communication challenging
because of (i) incoherent
frameworks, (ii) limited
analytical capacity (iii)
financial illiteracy
Use press conferences, monetary
policy reports
Tailor communication to differed
target audiences
Clarifies framework
Clarifies strategy—can make policy
more effective
Maintain credibility in the face of large
shocks and in the presence of
subsidiary objectives
A. Institutional Considerations and Operationalizing the Price Stability
Mandate (Principles I-III)
Central Bank Mandate, Operational Independence, and Accountability (Principle I)
37. Establishing operational independence of the central bank is a catalytic step in the
modernization process (see the case studies on Albania, Armenia, and Kenya).
This typically
requires legislative changes, though de facto progress often comes first. Legislation should codify the
institutional and organizational setup to guarantee the central bank’s operational independence. This
will help assure the public of the government’s commitment to the principles. Central bank senior
officials should have reasonably long terms of office that are not linked to the political cycle, and with
clear rules covering the circumstances for removal from office.
38. Operational independence needs to be underpinned by financial independence and a
fiscal environment that supports monetary autonomy.
If necessary, changes to the legal framework should ensure that the central bank is not only
insulated from the government’s fiscal activities (i.e., restrictions on direct lending), but also that it
always has adequate financial strength to carry out its mandate. Therefore, legal provisions should
cover the calculation of distributable profits and the circumstances where the government is
required to recapitalize the central bank.
Monetary policy autonomy and price stability require that fiscal policy be sustainable without
reliance on seigniorage (see the case studies on Albania and Uganda). There is evidence, however,
that improvements in fiscal positions in some countries either followed the implementation of
enhanced monetary policy regimes or took place simultaneously (Tapsoba, 2010), suggesting that
the process of framework modernization can have a positive feedback effect on fiscal discipline.
39. In addition to legal changes, building and maintaining political commitment is critical to
ensure de facto independence over the long term. Experience suggests that political resolve is
crucial for successful modernization, while other supporting conditions can develop during the
transition. To foster credibility and durable modernization, policymakers should strive to reach
consensus among stakeholders, including the general public. Such consensus can ensure that central
bank independence is maintained even in the face of adverse shocks. Gaining support from the
government is not easy—some have moved gradually to build public consensus (e.g., Poland in EM/AE
transitions study), while others managed to achieve their objectives despite government restrictions
(e.g., Israel in EM/AE transitions study).
While there is a consensus that central banks should be operationally independent in conducting monetary policy,
there is little agreement about the appropriate institutional arrangements for financial system oversight. In some
countries the central bank is responsible for the regulation and supervision of financial markets and institutions, while in
others separate agencies play this role. When the central bank has such responsibility, there is a consensus that it should
be given a high degree of operational independence with respect to its supervisory functions, whereas the appropriate
degree of operational independence for its regulatory functions is still an open question.
40. The broader institutional arrangement should not undermine the central bank’s ability to
fulfill its mandate. This can be the case when other government institutions (deposit insurance funds,
regulators) have undue influence on monetary conditions, e.g., certain interest rates.
41. Operational independence must take place within a context of clear accountability to the
government and the public. The balance between operational independence and accountability is
particularly important in designing the institutional structure of the central bank, including the
regulations that govern the appointment and removal of central bank officials. Moreover, transparency
is an essential element of strengthening both operational independence and accountability. Central
bank officials should explain the rationale for their decisions with specific reference to the inflation
outlook and the implications for macroeconomic activity and financial stability. In particular, in
circumstances where inflation has been deviating persistently from the central banks’ objective, policy
makers should explain the extent to which adjustments to its policy strategy are warranted.
Operationalizing the Price Stability Mandate (Principles II and III)
42. Establishing and announcing a medium-term inflation objective should not be delayed.
The (medium-term) objective needs to be clearly distinct from the near-term forecast, which is likely to
deviate from the objective. However, the impact of announcing the inflation objective should not be
overstated as the announcement itself does not seem to yield up-front benefits in terms of price
stability and well-anchored inflation expectations. Rather, the benefits accrue over time, as credibility is
established and as the other principles are adhered to (see paragraphs 144–148 of the Background
43. The approach to specifying the numerical value of the inflation objective should depend
on a country’s institutional setting, but there are advantages to making this determination
through joint consultations between the government and the central bank. According to a recent
survey of 27 countries that have explicit inflation objectives, the numerical value of the objective was
determined jointly in more than half of the cases.
Such an approach may help ensure that the setting
of the inflation goal is insulated from short-term political pressures, thereby bolstering its credibility
and durability.
44. The inflation objective should be revised rarely and only for sound economic reasons,
and not due to short-term political pressures. Frequent revisions of the objective undermine its
credibility as an anchor for inflation expectations (e.g., Turkey and Brazil in EM/AE transitions study).
The revision of the target should be a part of a systematic, transparent, regular but infrequent (once
every five or more years) review of the entire monetary policy framework.
45. The exact value of the inflation objective, say 4 or 6 percent, is not as important as clearly
communicating its meaning and significance. The point target should be positive and high enough
(given inflation volatility) to reasonably rule out the possibility of reaching a zero-lower bound on
See Hammond (2012). Out of the 27 countries, the objective was set jointly by 15 countries, by the central bank alone
in 9 countries, and by the government alone in 3 countries.
nominal interest rates and facilitate relative price adjustments, which can be large in LLMICs
undergoing structural changes. On the other hand, the inflation objective should be low enough to
avoid excessive costs from rising uncertainty, discourage indexation of wages and prices, and to allow
economic agents to be able to disregard inflation in their daily life.
46. Central banks should carefully consider the horizon over which inflation would converge
to the medium-term objective. This “policy” horizon depends on a number of factors, including the
size and duration of shocks driving inflation, the transmission of monetary policy, and the sensitivity of
inflation to movements in the nominal exchange rate. In countries that have stabilized inflation, the
horizon may be shorter, typically one to two years, as the anchoring of expectations allows inflation to
reach its objective over that period without excessive output costs.
Establishing a Clear Inflation Objective: The Case of India
In 1998, India adopted a “multiple indicator approach” where a number of quantity and rate variables served as
anchor but there was no explicit nominal anchor or clear primacy of price stability over other objectives. While
initially successful, persistently high inflation in recent years led to increased dissatisfaction with the approach.
Flexible inflation targeting was put forward in early 2014, and was officially adopted by the Reserve Bank of India
in February 2015, with CPI inflation as the nominal anchor and a medium term inflation objective of 4 percent with
a band of +/- 2 percent. A two-year “glide path” for reducing inflation toward this target was also laid out (also
see IMF 2014c, 2015a). Although disinflation is ongoing and challenges remain, India’s experience thus far
suggests that a clear inflation objective can strengthen policy communications and help anchor expectations.
47. Countries starting with high and persistent inflation typically face a different and more
difficult problem. These countries need to build credibility and anchor expectations, which has several
implications. First, it extends the horizon over which the central bank can reasonably expect to achieve
its medium-term inflation objective, as the lack of policy credibility typically increases inflation inertia.
Second, central banks tend to emphasize disinflation paths in their communications, to provide better
guidance about their intentions. Sometimes central banks go one step further and treat this path as a
sequence of targets. This can be counterproductive because short-term deviations are inevitable and
may impair credibility. It may also unnecessarily constrain the room for opportunistic behavior, e.g.,
faster disinflations if there are favorable supply shocks. A better strategy is to distinguish the
These considerations are generally taken to argue for higher inflation objectives in LLMICs than in advanced
economies. IMF has often recommended inflation objectives in the “single digits,” on the basis of these considerations,
including cross-country evidence on threshold effects in the long-run inflation/growth relationship.
A related issue is whether central banks should treat deviations above and below the inflation objective differently.
Many advanced and emerging economies have symmetric bands around the target, though whether this implies a
symmetric response to inflation deviations is unclear. The ECB is one important exception: its target of “below but close
to 2 percent” suggests an asymmetric approach. In the case of LLMICs, the limited credibility mentioned above suggests
that above target deviations are likely to be the main challenge. This is supported by the model-based analysis in Alichi
and others (2010), which shows that inflation deviations above target should elicit a stronger policy response when
credibility is low. More research is needed on these issues however.
disinflation forecast from the medium-term objective, and to acknowledge that the disinflation path
may change as economic conditions change.
48. Despite the prevalence of frequent supply shocks in LLMICs, specifying the inflation
objective in terms of the 12-month headline CPI inflation would seem appropriate. Headline
inflation is more transparent and easier to communicate to the general public. Inflation measures that
exclude volatile components and/or regulated prices tend to eliminate a significant share of the
consumer’s basket (e.g., food and energy) in LLMICs, thus rendering the restricted inflation measure
less relevant for determining the real well-being of economic agents (see Background Paper for an
overview of the policy response to supply shocks, and the India case study).
B. Monetary Policy Operations, Strategy, and Communications
(Principles IV–VII)
49. Determining, signaling and implementing the appropriate stance of monetary policy are
particularly challenging during the modernization process. This section provides guidance on how
central banks can improve capacity to better formulate and implement policy. Appendix V lists some
“dos” and “do nots” for the transition process.
Dealing With Multiple Objectives (Principle IV)
50. While price stability should be the primary objective of monetary policy, central banks
should carefully consider the effects of policy on macroeconomic activity and financial stability.
Situations will inevitably arise in which these goals will come into conflict with price stability. These
situations can pose difficult challenges in determining the appropriate course of monetary
policy. Nonetheless, as discussed in Appendix I, a key lesson of country experiences is that credibly
establishing the primacy of the price stability objective, and the related anchoring of inflation
expectations, gives the central bank more room to take its other objectives into account in determining
the magnitude and the pace of monetary policy adjustments.
51. The experience of AEs and EMs provide some useful lessons for LLMICs on how to think
about the inherently difficult tradeoffs that inevitably arise when other policy goals conflict with
price stability:
Another reason for specifying the objective in terms of headline CPI inflation, rather than a narrower index, is that in
LLMICs there are often persistent trends in relative prices between, say, food and the rest of the CPI basket. In such
circumstances, focusing on a narrower index would bias the overall level of inflation and inflation expectations.
The India and Rwanda case studies illustrate the need for a clear inflation objective that takes precedence over other
See among others Bernanke and others (1999).
See Appendix I for further discussion, and paragraphs 66-72 on the role of the exchange rate.
Supply shocks provide the most visible example of the tradeoff between price and macroeconomic
(output) stability. As discussed in Appendix IV, these shocks typically result in higher inflation, yet
efforts to offset these pressures by tightening monetary policy will negatively affect output. The
experience over the last thirty years has helped clarify how central banks should respond to these
shocks. First, a temporary increase in inflation—first-round effects—is inevitable and need not elicit
a policy response. However, further or more persistent increases—second-round effects—are
undesirable and must be counteracted with some degree of policy tightening. Second, the degree
of tightening should provide a reasonable balance between the goal of price and output stability,
with the understanding that greater weight on output stability implies all else equal a more
moderate policy tightening and a more gradual return of inflation to the target. Third, central banks
with limited credibility should give greater prominence to price stability to assuage concerns over
the commitment to the inflation objective. Navigating through these various considerations
requires a coherent framework, clear communication, and underscores the need for strong
analytical capacity.
Tradeoffs could also arise between price and financial stability. More often, risks to financial stability
will surface during periods of economic expansion, in which case there is no such tradeoff.
However, in some cases, financial stability risks may not coincide with higher inflationary pressures.
As argued earlier, such risks should primarily be addressed by prudential policies (regulation,
supervision and macroprudential policy). Where capacity is weak, central banks may instead be
tempted to fall back on monetary policy, by increasing interest rates more than warranted by price
stability. However, the costs of doing so are likely to be greater than the benefits (IMF, 2015b),
perhaps even more so for LLMIC central banks in the process of building and maintaining policy
credibility. Moreover, limited analytical and operational capacity in LLMICs need not invalidate the
use of macroprudential policy tools, though it may call for simpler, rules-based approaches that
increase the resilience of the system rather than active management of the credit cycle. The
relatively less sophisticated nature of the financial system in many of these countries also suggests
that financial risks may be relatively easier to identify and address with specific micro-prudential
tools, rather than with monetary policy.
However, supervisory capacity and data availability in
LLMICs need to be strengthened to lay the foundations for effective macroprudential policy.
Modernizing the Operational Framework (Principle V)
General considerations
52. The modernization process typically involves moving away from quantity-based
operating targets (in particular TRMT) to interest-rate based frameworks. Examples of such a
transition are presented in the case studies on Albania, Armenia, and Uganda. Moving toward interest-
rate frameworks improves financial market functioning and development as well as policy signaling and
At the same time, LLMICs are striving to deepen their domestic financial system and increase financial inclusion, which
complicates the assessment of financial stability.
Monetary operations that stabilize and align short-term market rates with the policy rate reduce
liquidity risks, assisting banks with their liquidity management and pricing policies.
When short-
term rates are stable, discrete changes in the policy rate will have a greater impact on banks’
pricing behavior as they will have more confidence that changes in the structure of interest rates
will be sustained. Banks then are more likely to quickly reflect changes in the policy rate in their
own deposit and lending rates thereby aiding monetary transmission.
More stable and predictable short-term interest rates, combined with effective policy
communication, facilitate the development of the longer-term securities markets (notably the
government securities market), strengthening policy transmission along the yield curve. Longer-
term rates that incorporate actual and expected changes in the policy rate will further strengthen
transmission to longer-term bank lending and deposit rates, and to private sector securities
53. Increasing the efficacy of the operational framework with reduced interest rate volatility
should therefore be a central focus of the modernization process. From a starting point where
operations are focused on quantities, the challenge is to increase control over short term market
interest rates while not announcing interest rate targets before being ready to shift the operational
focus from quantities to market interest rates. One pitfall is to force superficial consistency by letting
market rates (dictated by quantity interventions) deviate from announced “policy” rates, which
introduces market distortions and serves no useful monetary policy purpose. In such cases, actual
market rates often better represent the true stance of monetary policy than the level of the
“announced” policy rate. This makes communicating the policy stance and linking it to policy objectives
almost impossible.
Improving the Operational Framework: The Case of Uganda
Short-term interest rates in Uganda were very volatile under the money targeting framework, especially before
October 2009. A move to more flexible money targeting in 2009, the introduction of the policy rate at the time of
the transition to inflation targeting, and a move to fixed price full allotment in 2012 have resulted in the interbank
rate being more closely aligned with the central bank rate (see Figure 4) and have set the stage for changes in the
central bank rate to have a larger impact on the economy.
The Kenya case study discusses challenges associated with large deviations of the interbank rate from the policy rate.
Other factors vital for transmission to bank rates include a well regulated, stable, and competitive banking system, and
good contract enforceability and credit culture.
Moving from quantities to prices
54. When moving from an operating framework focused on quantities to one with
reliance on interest rates, a country might consider the steps described below, though the
pace at which they are traced, and indeed whether some can be skipped, may vary:
Step 1. Reduce undue interest rate volatility
55. In countries that use reserve money operating targets, short-term interest rates often
exhibit high volatility arising from four sources: (i) operations are often focused on achieving
period-end quantitative targets with little regard to managing liquidity on a day-to-day basis or to
how these targets relate to the day-to-day liquidity management—in this case period-end interest
rate volatility can be high; (ii) Operations are sometimes focused on keeping reserve money on a
pre-determined path on a daily basis—in this case daily swings in currency demand generate
corresponding fluctuations in excess reserves and short-term interest rates; (iii) weak central bank
capacity to offset autonomous changes in liquidity conditions can also generate fluctuations in
excess reserves and interest rates, in particular if; and (iv) banks are also required to meet their
reserve requirement on a daily basis. Addressing these constraints increases certainty about liquidity
conditions, reduces intermediation costs and interest rate spreads, improves policy transmission and
paves the way for increased emphasis on interest rates. Attention to the following points will help:
Effective operations that seek to stabilize excess reserves and keep total reserves on the path
implied by the reserve money target could be the first step to reduce short term volatility.
Important in this process is for operational staff to continuously monitor and assess the level of
total and excess reserves—the only component of reserve money that the central bank can
influence in the short-term—while keeping reserve money as the operating target.
Instrument design and liquidity management should aim at increasing certainty about liquidity
conditions. For example, allowing banks to meet their reserve requirement on average over a
sufficiently long period reduces liquidity risks and therefore volatility in overnight interbank
rates. Improving central banks’ capacity to better anticipate liquidity conditions can also help,
although difficulties in this area arise largely because of poor coordination with government, in
particular when the government is allowed to receive direct credit from the central bank.
56. These measures should reduce high-frequency volatility caused by day-to-day liquidity
management, but they do not address lower-frequency volatility caused by shifts in the
money demand schedule. Without further reforms, it is difficult to fully resolve the tensions
involved in attempting to smooth interest rates while steering towards reserve money targets at
monthly or quarterly frequencies.
See Maehle (forthcoming). Uganda has managed to stabilize short-term interest rates and use a policy rate to
signal its policy stance, despite low levels of financial development (see Uganda case study).
Step 2. Set up a corridor without specifying a point target for interest rates, while retaining reserve
money as the operating target
57. The central bank can introduce an interest rate corridor for interbank rates to further
limit volatility. A corridor is implemented by the combination of an unlimited access standing
lending facility (which all countries have to support the functioning of the payment system that puts
a ceiling on rates) and a standing deposit facility that puts a floor under rates.
The corridor at the
outset could be relatively wide (circa 500 basis points) as there will likely be uncertainty about the
relationship between reserve money and interest rates, but over time the corridor should be
narrowed as the focus shifts from money aggregates to interest rates.
58. A corridor system should reduce interest rate volatility and uncertainty, thereby
strengthening signaling and transmission. It also allows the central bank to be flexible within the
corridor; at the same time, it sets a limit on how much the interest rate can move before requiring
an explicit policy decision. Where interbank rates are at either edge of the corridor for a period, then
there is an inconsistency between interest rates and the reserve money target. This conflict must be
resolved through either a revision of the reserve money target and/or repositioning of the interest
rate corridor, the latter of which may be used to signal a change in the policy stance. The decision
about whether to move the interest rate corridor or the reserve money target (or both) would
require judgment and will depend on the central bank’s assessment of the state of the economy (are
interest rates changes caused by money demand shocks for example).
59. However, combining quantity targets with meaningful attention to interest rates is
challenging. The judgments and associated actions required to resolve potential inconsistencies will
be difficult to establish and communicate. For this reason, countries should either skip this step or
move on to Step 3 as soon as is possible. However, this step may be a suitable interim framework
for countries that want to only gradually transition towards fully interest-rate based operations.
Step 3. Move to fully-fledged interest rate-based framework with an announced point policy rate as the
operating target
60. Quantities are no longer the operational focus and policy is signaled with a “policy
rate” aimed at anchoring short-term interest rates. There are several ways in which the interest
rate based operational framework can be implemented, with the choice influenced by (i) the
functioning of the money market, and (ii) weaknesses in the central bank liquidity forecasting
framework. These options are discussed in Box 2.
Access to the standing lending facility should be automatic at the initiation of banks on the basis of clear ex-ante
collateral requirements and clearly separated from banking supervision requirements.
The coexistence of quantity and interest rate targets has occasionally led to inconsistent signaling of the policy
stance (see Rwanda case study).
Countries may wish to retain indicative quantitative ceilings as `tripwires’ in the early stages of Step 3.
Supporting measures
61. The development of a robust short-term liquidity forecasting capacity at the central
bank is critical for a good coordination of liquidity with government cash management and
improving the operating framework.
It allows the central bank to decide on how much liquidity
to provide or withdraw from the market with the objective of smoothing undesirable interest rate
fluctuations. Floor and full allotment systems do not require the central bank to determine the
amount of its short-term monetary interventions, although the floor system requires that the central
bank keep the market structurally long and the full allotment system requires that the central bank
keeps the market either persistently structurally long or structurally short.
Box 2. Implementing an Interest Rate Operating Target
There are several ways to implement an interest-rate based operational framework, depending on money market
functioning and the quality of the central bank liquidity forecasting framework:
a. Announcing a target for a market rate (e.g., overnight interbank rate). This approach usually entails fixed-
quantity variable-rate open market operations (OMOs) to align that market rate with the policy rate. The
target rate is typically positioned in the middle of the corridor formed by the standing facilities and the
facility rates are moved in tandem with the policy rate. To make well informed decisions on the amount of
OMOs, the central bank must have a robust short-term liquidity forecasting framework. This framework also
requires a well functioning interbank market.
b. Attaching the “policy rate” to a central bank instrument. There are two main approaches
A floor system, whereby the central bank’s standing deposit facility rate serves as policy rate. This system is
simple to operate and robust to market imperfections and liquidity forecasting weaknesses typically found in
LLMICs. It primarily requires maintaining a structural liquidity surplus, and allows for interest rate based
operations even when the interbank market is shallow. However, this system reduces banks incentives for
overnight interbank trading. Yet, by anchoring the short end of the yield curve it helps develop the markets
for longer term securities and thereby transmission along the yield curve.
A fixed-rate full-allotment, mid-corridor system, whereby the central bank conduct (weekly or bi-weekly)
OMOs at the policy rate set in the middle of the corridor. The full amount demanded by banks is supplied by
the central bank and therefore similar benefits accrue as with floor systems. However, because the central
bank’s operations are not conducted on a daily basis there is more liquidity risk and therefore increased
incentives for interbank trading. This approach requires and stimulates a better functioning overnight
interbank market than in the case of a floor system.
Liquidity forecasting involves the centralization of a wide range of information on financial transactions which
affect the main items of the central bank’s balance sheet. In particular, the capability of the central bank to project
currency demand and of the government to prepare accurate cash-flow projections and share them with the central
bank on a timely basis are vital for overall liquidity projections, since variations in currency and the net position of the
government often account for the most significant changes in liquidity conditions. See Schaechter (2000).
Enhancing the Formulation of Monetary Policy (Principle VI)
62. As part of the transition process, LLMICs need to develop a forward-looking monetary
policy strategy. This section focuses on the need to build analytical capacity. It discusses the role of
broad money and the exchange rate.
Building Analytical Capacity
63. Enhancing central bank analytical capacities should be an ongoing part of the entire
modernization process (see the case studies on Albania, Armenia, Kenya, and Uganda).
Building the analytical capacity to support a forward-looking approach to monetary policy is likely to
be a never-ending effort; it should be a continuous part of—and not a prerequisite for—
IMF technical assistance and training for central banks have helped close capacity
gaps. Particular recommendations include:
Improve central bank capacity to interpret data, produce coherent medium-term forecasts,
analyze foreign exchange (FX) and money market rates, and provide policy recommendations
consistent with the state of the economy and policy objectives.
Building capacity should include developing a coherent quantitative framework for monetary
policy analysis and forecasting. The quantitative framework can comprise a suite of models and
approaches but should be centered on a core medium-term forecasting model (see Box 3).
Central banks should also adopt suitable organizational structures and processes to make their
analytical capacity sufficient, sustainable, and relevant for policy making.
Countries also need to invest in data compilation, management, and dissemination. Central
banks and national statistical offices should work on improving quality and timeliness of already
available data (national accounts, price indexes and balance of payment data in particular), and
produce additional high-frequency data (e.g., on economic activity). The institutions compiling
the data should adopt procedures to allow for seamless access to the data.
Investing in Central Bank Analytical Capacity: The Case of Kenya
Since 2012, the Central Bank of Kenya (CBK) has invested considerable resources in a suitable forecasting and policy
analysis system (FPAS). CBK staff have developed a set of tools for forward looking analysis, including systematic use of
inflation surveys, near-term forecasting approaches that rely on high frequency data and a quarterly model for medium-
term projections. Forecasts based on these tools are now presented every two months to the Monetary Policy Committee
as a key input into its policy deliberations. Moreover, the creation earlier this year of an Inflation Modeling and
Forecasting Unit in the reorganized Economics Department should help ensure that the FPAS is well integrated in the
internal processes of the CBK and appropriately staffed.
Evidence suggests that better analytical capacities can make the transition smoother and helps to overcome some
of the credibility challenges. However, a number of successful transitions began with very limited analytical capacity
(e.g., Brazil, Colombia, and Czech Rep., also see Box 2 in the Background Paper and the Uganda case study).
Moving Away from Broad Money
64. As monetary policy-making is refined during the modernization process, the role of
money as intermediate targets will likely diminish. Broad monetary aggregates have traditionally
played a role in monetary policy frameworks in many LLMICs and there may be cases in which broad
money growth could serve as a guide for policy going forward (Box 4). However, analysis of
monetary aggregates is no substitute for articulating a clear view on the channels through which
various shocks affect the economy, and the mechanisms through which policy decisions help steer
inflation. As reforms proceed, monetary aggregates will likely play more of an indicator role, and
perhaps provide a cross-check for monetary policy analysis.
Box 3. Developing FPAS Frameworks
Despite limited availability and reliability of the macroeconomic data, and regardless of monetary policy
framework in place, there is significant room for improvement in macroeconomic analysis in LLMICs. With the help
of IMF technical assistance and training, several central banks are developing or upgrading their forecasting and
policy analysis systems (FPAS). An FPAS equips central banks with the tools and procedures necessary for
providing policymakers with a coherent assessment of current state of the economy, a recommended policy path
to achieve the policy objective, and a forecast consistent with such a path. IMF TA assists central banks in
developing a core medium-term forecasting model and other satellite models, training their staff in conducting
model-based policy analysis and communicating its outcomes to policy makers, reorganizing forecasting and
policy analysis processes and the policy formulation cycle, and improving internal data collection and data
management procedures (see the case studies on Kenya and Uganda).
Existing forecasting systems at many central banks in LLMICs exhibit weaknesses that prevent staff from providing
policy makers with well-articulated policy recommendations. These weaknesses include lack of suitable tools and
capacity for medium-term policy analysis, resulting in an emphasis on simple data reporting. In addition,
uncoordinated forecasting processes lead to insufficient interactions between staff and policy makers.
The main challenge in adopting coherent quantitative frameworks has been the lack of a dedicated forecasting
team that coordinates the forecasting process, operates the core forecasting model, and communicates with the
policy makers. Getting policymakers to internalize their staff’s analyses and policy judgments (based on the FPAS)
in their policy decisions is also a challenge. Central banks must overcome these challenges to reap the full benefits
of their capacity building efforts.
More broadly, gaining more experience with the use of modern analytical tools (including core medium-term
forecasting models) in LLMICs is also needed. Although these tools have proven useful in AMs and EMs, LLMIC’s
practical experience with using them is limited so far. There are growing efforts to adapt these tools to
characteristics of LLMICs (see Andrle and others (2013b), Berg and others (2010)) and their applications to answer
policy relevant questions (see Andrle and others (2013a), Clinton and others (2010)). However, practical experience
gained from the systematic use of these tools to support policy decision-making will only build over time.
See Laxton and others (2009) for a description of a generic FPAS development.
The Albania, Armenia, and Kenya case studies illustrate the problems with policy formulation and implementation
that arise in money targeting regimes, especially when target misses are common.
65. Intermediate targets are tools to assist in achieving policy objectives, and not policy
objectives in themselves. Focus on the Principles can help countries that retain a role for monetary
aggregates assign their proper weight in the framework. In particular, the primacy of the medium-
term inflation objective can help provide the right perspective (and flexibility) on intermediate
targets on money.
Box 4. The Role of Broad Money
The following factors are relevant to decide on reliance on broad monetary aggregates to guide policy as an
intermediate target or information variable.
Monetary aggregates can provide timely information about the state of the economy and inflation pressures.
This informational role may be important in countries with incomplete high-frequency data and where concepts
such as the output gap are fraught with uncertainty. It may also be more important in high inflation countries as
changes in monetary aggregates are more likely to reflect inflationary pressures.
Monetary aggregates can provide a gauge of financial conditions. This is likely to be the case in LICs, as many of
these countries have very limited financial markets or little experience with interest rates serving a market-
clearing role. Quantities, in this case the size of nominal liabilities in the domestic banking system, may provide
an indicator of the overall tightness or looseness of financial conditions. Note that other financial variables could
conceivably serve this role, e.g., credit. Of course, the role of price signals in the financial system is not invariant
to the policy regime, as discussed in the context of reserve money targeting, and may change as countries
modernize their frameworks.
The potential benefits of broad money aggregates need to be weighed against possible drawbacks:
Implicit in an informational role for money is the idea that shocks to velocity are either small or easy to forecast.
In practice most central banks targeting broad money have found it difficult to forecast velocity accurately, at
the frequency that is relevant for monetary policy decisions, which makes target misses difficult to interpret and
communicate, and ultimately uninformative for policy. This is one reason why most if not all advanced and
emerging economies no longer feature intermediate targets on broad money in their policy frameworks.
An informational role for broad money does not necessarily imply a central role for broad money targets. As
emphasized by Mishkin (2010), modern monetary policy formulation draws on all available sources of
information, including monetary aggregates but also many other variables. Although central banks in LLMICs
face important informational challenges, they do have access to considerable data or could collect such data if
Focusing on a single variable may increase the risk of policy mistakes. Kenya provides a case in point in 2010-
2011, as optimistic assessments about financial deepening and credit growth, based on pre-global financial crisis
trends, resulted (in hindsight) in large broad money growth targets. Efforts to meet such targets led to overly
accommodative policies, inflation overruns and subsequent large policy corrections.
Of course, all central
banks are subject to such mistakes, but the above example stresses that excessive focus on one variable can be
See among others the findings in Thornton (2008) of a strong relation between money and inflation for high-inflation countries,
but only a weak long-run relation when inflation was low, and in IMF (2014a) showing that the relationship between money growth
and inflation has weakened over time. This could be due to financial innovations and market developments, as well as the relatively
higher importance of exogenous shocks when inflation is low.
See Andrle and others (2013a).
Shifting Focus from the Exchange Rate
66. The role of the exchange rate differs depending on the exchange rate regime and
monetary policy framework of the country, though heavy intervention in the foreign
exchange market is common. In many LLMICs with de jure exchange rate flexibility, the exchange
rate is the de facto anchor, with clear primacy over any inflation objective, if one is even articulated.
Many others heavily manage the exchange rate in the context of an opaque regime with multiple
objectives. Often, the distinction between the exchange rate as operating or intermediate target and
objective is unclear, as is the relative primacy of the exchange rate and price stability.
67. The central role assigned to the exchange rate in the frameworks of many LLMICs with
de jure flexibility is problematic. Some attention to the exchange rate is inevitable given its impact
on inflation dynamics and expectations formation. However, countries that manage the exchange
rate outside of a formal exchange rate peg, without a policy framework with a clear hierarchy of
objectives, often run into problems.
In the case of opaque regimes, there is often no coherent
framework to guide interventions or coordinate them with monetary policy operations. As a result,
interventions can have unintended consequences for monetary conditions (e.g., high interest rate
volatility is not uncommon in countries that intervene heavily), which undermines credibility,
transparency, and effectiveness of policy.
68. Most LLIMCs transitions will involve a move towards more flexibility with respect to
the exchange rate. Financial account liberalization and capital flow movements complicate the
conduct of monetary policy in achieving both inflation and exchange rate objectives. As modernizing
central banks have adopted price stability as the primary mandate for monetary policy, the role of
the nominal exchange rate as an anchor has diminished and increased exchange rate flexibility has
ensued. In a number of countries, the transition involved the exchange rate moving away from being
an intermediate target to becoming an important part of the transmission mechanism, and an
information variable among others.
69. Nonetheless, the recent experience of some emerging and advanced economies
suggests that varying degrees of exchange rate management may endure. Some central banks
use sterilized interventions in an attempt to influence the real exchange rate, while maintaining their
inflation targets.
Others try to avoid significant exchange rate volatility because (i) short-term
exchange rate movements can become shock amplifiers, triggering adverse financial market
dynamics and/or adverse effects on balance sheets, and more generally because exchange rate
volatility may induce undesirable inflation, output, and interest rate volatility, and (ii) exchange rate
misalignments may have large real costs. Sterilized interventions may affect the real exchange rate
As mentioned in the introduction, regimes with an explicit nominal exchange rate anchor are outside the scope of
this paper, except insofar as they are transitioning to some sort of floating regime.
On this point see Epstein and Portillo (2014) for the case of Kazakhstan.
See Ostry and others (2012) and Benes and others (2013) for further discussion.
through different channels than monetary policy, perhaps through portfolio balance effects, or
where the capital account is closed by regulation.
Transiting from Exchange Rate Targeting to Inflation Objectives:
The Case of Poland and Israel
Both Israel and Poland chose a gradual approach to exchange rate flexibility, moving from exchange rate targeting
to full-fledged IT over a prolonged period (twenty and ten years respectively). Initially, it involved a tight horizontal
peg with step adjustments and a small trading band, followed by a crawling band with fixed as well as widening
limits (also asymmetric in the case of Israel). Eventually, the inherent conflicts between the exchange rate and IT in
an environment of increasing capital flows made the move to a floating regime necessary. Supporting steps, such
as the development of the FX market, improved operations focused on interest rates, a supportive FX intervention
strategy, good communication practices, risk management and prudential regulation, and a sequencing with
capital account liberalization played important roles in managing the transition.
70. There are nonetheless potentially important drawbacks and risks associated with
exchange rate management. The authorities need to be able to identify situations in which the real
exchange rate deviates substantially from equilibrium, which is challenging.
In addition, heavy
exchange rate management can reduce the exchange rate’s shock-absorbing role (particularly where
persistent real shocks require real exchange rate adjustment). Importantly, central banks can easily
stray from a strategy to mitigate disorderly conditions or volatility to one of managing the exchange
rate away from fundamentals. In these cases, protracted, large-scale, one-sided intervention may be
difficult to abandon without serious disruptions. Frequent use of intervention could undermine the
clarity and credibility of the framework, especially if transparency is poor. When intervention is a
substitute for macroeconomic adjustment policies or the various objectives of the central bank turn
out to be internally inconsistent, credibility and the effectiveness of intervention can also be
impaired. Therefore, finding the right role for the exchange rate is likely to be an unsettled, evolving,
and ultimately country-specific challenge.
71. While the experience of countries that have transitioned to greater flexibility has
varied greatly, some lessons emerge—the most important of which emphasizes the need for a
consistent framework.
Some countries have moved gradually, for example by widening exchange
rate bands (see Chile and Israel in EM/AE transitions study). Other countries have moved rapidly,
often under pressure, to flexible regimes (for instance, Brazil, Czech Republic and Uruguay). More
recent transitions have been faster still.
The most important is to liberalize the exchange rate within
the context of a well-structured and clearly communicated strategy that emphasizes the primacy of
the medium-term inflation objective. In addition, central banks need to have a clear and unified
There is some evidence to this effect. See, for example, Blanchard and others (2015), Adler and others (2014), and
Daude and others (2014) for recent studies on the impact of FX intervention on exchange rates.
It is hard to identify in practice the source of exchange rate volatility and whether the associated shocks are in fact
See Otker-Robe and Vavra (2007), and Duttagupta and others (2004)—which advanced a framework for transition
subsequently endorsed by the IMF Executive Board in 2004.
See Otker-Robe and Vavra (2007).
framework within which to evaluate monetary policy and exchange rate interventions decisions. This
adds to the demands for greater analytical and operational capacity.
72. Additional lessons arise:
Good policies pay off. A strong financial sector will diminish risks of a bumpy transition.
Responsible fiscal policies will alleviate pressure on the transition. And coordinating the exit
strategy with capital account liberalization may reduce the pressure on macroeconomic policies
and help avoid disorderly exits.
Deep and liquid foreign exchange markets facilitate exchange rate flexibility. A well-
functioning market allows the exchange rate to respond to market forces, helps minimize
disruptive day-to-day fluctuations and facilitates risk management, but it requires promoting the
necessary technical infrastructure for the development of FX spot and derivative markets.
Capacity of market participants to manage exchange rate risks and of the supervisory
authorities to regulate such risks. Market participants need to develop analytical and
information systems to measure and manage risks, which will likely arise in response to the
exchange rate flexibility itself. And the authorities need to develop adequate prudential and
supervisory capacity to monitor and limit banks’ direct and indirect exposures.
Rules-based interventions can promote coherency of the regime and consistency with
monetary policy. They can be devised for accumulating reserves, intermediating government-
related foreign exchange revenues and donor flows or managing the exchange rate level and its
volatility. Making interventions predictable facilitates clear central bank communication about
their objectives and their alignment with the primary objective of the central bank. Properly
designed rules can also help ensure that the central bank does not succumb to old reflexes to
intervene heavily, if a strategic decision has been taken to intervene only to limit volatility. Rules-
based tools also limit the potential for real or perceived preferential treatment on the part of the
central bank towards certain market participants. This does not mean, however, that the central
bank must not undertake unannounced interventions.
Discretionary interventions can also be undertaken in the context of a clear operating
policy framework. There is a trade-off between transparency (under rules-based intervention)
and flexibility to respond to changing market conditions (under discretionary intervention). To
maintain credibility, central banks should clearly communicate the reason for interventions,
including their temporary nature.
Otherwise they may undermine the coherence and credibility
In a number of LLMICs, central bank interventions may run against pre-commitments by the government to
regularly provide the market with foreign exchange received by the government or government controlled
businesses. In sufficiently illiquid markets, interventions may be undermined by countervailing sales of foreign
currency. In these cases, the central bank could interrupt or attenuate such sales.
A common feature among EMs is that the true motivation behind FX intervention is not communicated or is
deliberately obfuscated. For instance, many central banks would routinely refer to ‘market volatility’ or ‘FX reserve
accumulation’, even if the true reason is to support the monetary policy objective or protect dollarized balance
of the monetary policy regime, partly because they can lead to greater confusion about the
objectives of the central bank.
In the face of surges in capital inflows LLMICs may need to take additional measures to
support macroeconomic adjustment and safeguard financial stability. Capital Flow
Management Measures (CFMs) and similar macroprudential measures, while not a substitute for
warranted macroeconomic adjustments, can in some circumstances be appropriate to counter
inflow surges, such as when the room for adjusting macroeconomic policies is limited, the surge
raises risks of financial system instability, where there are rapidly changing underlying conditions
that make the macroeconomic stance difficult to assess quickly, or when the needed policy
measures require time to be effective. CFMs should be transparent, targeted at the instability as
directly as possible, temporary and preferably non-discriminatory (between residents and non-
residents). With respect to capital outflows, CFMs may play a temporary role in crisis-type
circumstances, while fundamental policy adjustment is being implemented.
Enhancing Communications (Principle VII)
73. The central bank should have a holistic communication strategy covering various areas.
These should include: (i) the inflation objective and its rationale; (ii) the monetary policy strategy—
how the central bank links its actions to inflation outcomes; and (iii) the expected future trajectory of
the key policy rate and how it is consistent with the inflation objective.
74. There are a number of tools that central banks can use to effectively communicate to
the wide range of stakeholders, These include (i) holding regular meetings with financial market
analysts; (ii) strengthening the role of the monetary policy report as the main communication vehicle
and making it more forward-looking; and (iii) establishing a firm cycle of communication events
following each policy decision making meeting according to a pre-announced calendar (such as,
decision press release, press-conference, minutes, monetary policy report, events with specific
audiences and journal articles
58, 59
Furthermore, the communication strategy should aim at reaching
a wide range of target groups (including labor unions, financial market participants, politicians and
opinion-makers), with the message being tailored to each audience to help improve financial literacy
and understanding of the monetary policy framework (see the Background Paper for a detailed
discussion on benefits of effective communications).
75. While always critical, communication is especially important during regime transitions.
Initial communication efforts during the transition would need to focus on explaining the changes in
the framework and the rationale. Tailoring the communication strategy to country specific
sheets. Sometimes a practical compromise, such practices nonetheless reduce the credibility of the primacy of the
inflation objective and threaten to jeopardize the central bank’ credibility.
See IMF (2012a) and IMF (2013a).
Central banks focused on policy transparency have learned that admitting to own mistakes can foster
accountability and improve credibility. What matters most is for markets to understand well how the central bank will
behave under particular circumstances, including when mistakes were made.
Case studies on Armenia, India, Kenya and Uganda provide examples of how to improve communication.
circumstances is also vital, including taking account of the central bank’s technical capacity. For
example, the central bank may initially provide rather broad guidance on the inflation outlook, and
only when it become comfortable with its forecasting capacity may it decide to provide detailed
inflation forecasts in order to further strengthen forward guidance and policy transparency.
C. Priorities and Synergies in the Policy Modernization Agenda
Overall modernization process
76. While there is no single or standard sequencing of reforms that could be followed by
all LLMICs, some guideposts can be identified:
Each country should evaluate its own monetary policy framework in light of the principles.
This assessment should lead to a comprehensive set of actions (e.g., covering all stakeholders).
Periodic stocktaking is useful if the roadmap for reforms includes a large number of items, and
the expected timeframe for implementation is likely to be long. They can also facilitate a public
announcement of a shift in the monetary regime when a critical mass of reforms has been
Countries should try to move forward on as many fronts as possible, as progress can be
self-reinforcing. Synergies, with one principle helping another, and the environment itself
changing as the policy framework modernizes, supports a reform agenda covering a broad
range of issues.
Those reforms that can have a catalytic role should be conducted early on in the
modernization process. Most notably, having a clear inflation objective can help clarify the
monetary policy strategy, and focus communication. Improving the operating and policy
framework will strengthen transmission, making policy more effective.
77. The variety of country experience provides little unambiguous overall guidance on the
appropriate pace of modernization. Once minimal central bank operational independence and the
primacy of the price objective are established, reform can proceed on a variety of fronts in many
cases quickly. Many countries have made rapid progress after existing regimes broke down, often in
the context of crises. However, there are clearly advantages to modernizing beforehand, in part to
avoid or mitigate future crises (see the experiences of AEs and EMs in the Background Paper). Yet,
modernization is not easy and presents risks, and some countries—perhaps those with regimes that
currently provide a reasonably successful degree of nominal stability or where (political) scope for
more comprehensive reform may be limited at first—may wish to introduce elements of reform
while preserving much of their existing framework. In particular, care is needed to avoid the loss of
effective monetary control by, for example, exiting from a de facto peg when an alternative anchor is
still missing.
Building a broad-based consensus
78. From the start of the policy modernization process, the central bank should work
towards ensuring that all stakeholders share a common view on the way forward. While the
central bank should lead, several issues lie outside its direct responsibility. Therefore, the central
bank should play a catalytic role, and the process should build a long-term commitment from all
relevant authorities. That will facilitate the understanding and acceptance of the principles, as well as
their broader impact on the country’s economic structures (Table 4).
Guideposts for the sequencing and pace of reforms
79. Making progress hinges crucially on the extent to which the government provides the
central bank with sufficient operational independence, and with a sufficiently clear mandate
assigning primacy to price stability in the conduct of monetary policy (Principles I-II).
Achieving an optimal balance between operational independence and accountability is a task never
completed, and the balance between price stability and other goals may need to be reassessed as
conditions evolve. Nonetheless, the country case studies demonstrate that severe fiscal pressures,
frequent political interference, and murky objectives are significant obstacles to the modernization
process. Therefore, ensuring an adequate degree of consistency with Principles I and II is essential to
serve as catalyst for making substantial progress in fostering Principles III through VII.
Table 4. Key Principles and Key Stakeholders
Principles Stakeholders
The CB has a clear mandate in terms of its goals, and
operational independence to pursue its goals.
Requires consensus in society.
Government/Ministry of Finance
Price stability is the primary overriding objective of
monetary policy.
Government. Requires consensus in
CB has a medium-term inflation objective. Central bank and Government
Policy actions take into account implications for
macroeconomic activity and financial stability.
Central bank, statistics office
The CB has a clear and effective operational framework. Central bank, financial regulator,
The CB has a transparent forward-looking strategy. Central bank, statistics office
CB communication is transparent and timely. Central bank
80. There is also a high degree of mutual complementarity between the first two principles
and others. For example, improving the transparency of the policy framework can be helpful in
preventing political interference or fiscal pressures from impinging on monetary policy decisions.
Clarity about how to manage the other objectives of the central bank can also help make clear the
primacy of the price stability mandate.
81. Establishing a medium term inflation objective (Principle III) is essential, though the
formal role that the objective may play along the modernization process may vary (Table 3).
Unfortunately the meaning of “adequate” here is difficult to pin down. Many countries have made important
progress with only uncertain achievement of principles I and II, for example a degree of de facto but not de jure
operational independence, or substantial questions about whether fiscal dominance has been eliminated (e.g., Brazil
in 1999). However, countries that are clearly relying on high levels of segniorage to finance spending or that do not
even claim to have and prioritize the inflation objective will have great difficulties making further progress.
Two approaches may be considered, mainly related to the role of the inflation objective in policy
Some central banks may feel that an explicit commitment early on may help. Centering the
communication strategy on the inflation objective would provide guidance both internally and to
financial markets about the central bank’s approach to policy, and would help identify the most
pressing areas for improvement. The framework would have to reflect the fact that stabilizing
inflation over the short run is both costly and (especially in LLMICs) unfeasible, while confidence
bands around the inflation objective may have to be relatively wide.
Other central banks may wish to further strengthen their overall capacity before focusing
their public communications on the numerical inflation objective. A central bank might start
using a medium-term inflation objective for its internal deliberations but refrain from
emphasizing it publicly until other elements of the framework are in place. Some of these
countries may still wish to introduce the explicit inflation objective in their existing regimes, even
if communication remains focused on intermediate targets such as monetary aggregates. This
could help provide coherence during the transition.
82. There are advantages and challenges to each of these approaches. Earlier adoption of a
visible commitment to the inflation objective would add much clarity to the framework and would
serve as the organizing principle underpinning the reform agenda. It would also force central banks
to clarify their thinking about how to deal with multiple objectives. This may coincide with the way
some central banks think about policy de facto, and by speeding the transition to more modern
regimes, it may better prepare the authorities for eventual crises. For other central banks, however, it
implies a significant change in their approach to policy and communication that they may not be
ready to adopt. Therefore, a more gradual approach may be preferred in the context of the existing
de jure framework. The risk is that the framework remains opaque and that the reform agenda may
stall in the absence of an explicit commitment.
83. Retaining a prominent role for intermediate targets on other nominal variables is
consistent with a more gradual approach, especially if these intermediate targets are part of
the existing framework. There may be benefits in announcing an explicit intermediate or
transitional framework that emphasizes intermediate targets in order to bring clarity to the conduct
of monetary policy.
If well understood, this could help ensure a smooth transition. The risk is that
the coexistence of targets on various nominal variables may create confusion about policy and
complicate communication. Experience with intermediate targets is that these are eventually de-
84. Ultimately, the pace of transition will likely be determined by countries’ initial
conditions, as well as the policymakers’ own preferences and public perceptions. If faced with
high and rising inflation, the central bank might want to announce the inflation objective
immediately. However, cautious central bankers not facing a crisis situation may prefer a more
gradual approach, in particular if there is no broad political and public support for reforms. In all
See Laurens and others (2015).
cases, communication strategies can be designed to educate the public about the powers and limits
of monetary policy, and thus contribute towards building support for the modernization process.
85. Although central banks will always have other objectives in addition to price
stability, the experience of many EMs underscores the importance of moving away from
frameworks featuring multiple and inconsistent targets, or where the primacy of inflation
is not well established (Principle IV)
. These frameworks may work for some time, but they
typically lead to conflicts between objectives and can result in inconsistent policy actions and
ultimately the de-anchoring of inflation. It may be preferable not to wait until the tensions become
more evident, as the latter could affect credibility and make progress more difficult.
86. Central banks can make (rapid) progress on Principles V-VII independently, but
comprehensive reform will benefit from the synergies between the principles. While improving
operations supports financial development, effective interest rate policy needs to be guided by clear
objectives and a proper assessment of the state of the economy, which in turn require improvements
in analytical capacity. Better communication can make policy more effective but it requires good
analysis of the inflation prospects, and consistency between words and actions. Similarly,
improvements in analytical capacity will have a larger impact on policy if they are consist with the
way policy is designed and implemented.
87. Enhanced central bank capacity for monetary policymaking is needed in evolving
monetary regime countries. Building institutional capacity for forward-looking monetary policy
analysis and implementation requires in-depth training and TA. The Fund’s strategy to strengthen
monetary policy frameworks in LLMICs includes (i) a new review-based conditionality for Fund-
supported programs with such countries, which may include LLMICs; (ii) building capacity through
TA/training; and (iii) fostering interdepartmental collaboration within the Fund to exploit synergies
between TA and training.
88. The Fund’s review-based conditionality toolkit was adapted to support countries’
efforts in strengthening their monetary policy frameworks. In 2014, the IMF’s Executive Board
approved a new policy review-based conditionality for Fund-supported programs in countries with
evolving monetary policy frameworks that have a good track record of policy implementation, or are
committed to a substantial strengthening of their policy framework, through the introduction of a
monetary policy consultation clause or MPCC (IMF, 2014a). This aim is to help align conditionality in
Fund-supported programs to the policy reality in some LLMICs.
89. The new review-based conditionality option is being integrated in Fund-supported
programs, building on countries’ progress in modernizing frameworks. Notably, Kenya’s 2015
SBA arrangement was the first to adopt a MPCC, and the country team has been incorporating
forward looking monetary policy analysis since 2013. The Ghana 2009 ECF included an inflation
consultation clause and supported the implementation of policies to strengthen the monetary policy
framework and exchange rate regime, and reforms to increase the efficiency of the IT framework.
Uganda’s policy support instrument (PSI) incorporates an inflation consultation clause, with
increased focused on forward-looking monetary policy analysis. Reviews under Rwanda’s PSI have
drawn on model-based tools to discuss inflation developments and determine the appropriate
policy stance, as well as reforms to improve the monetary transmission mechanism.
90. The Fund will continue to support LLMICs in the process of strengthening their
monetary policy frameworks through reforms and a tailored program of TA/training activities
in the context of both surveillance and Fund-supported programs. Further, the Fund will provide
support to ministries of finance and debt offices to help address weaknesses in governments’ cash
flow forecasting and management, while continuing work with central banks and market regulators
to deepen the money, debt and foreign exchange markets; covering where needed, both the cash
and derivative segments (e.g., forward foreign exchange) of relevant markets. This includes policy
advice on institutional issues as well as TA and training on macroeconomic analysis and forecasting,
and on operating procedures and policy implementation (Appendix VI). The Fund’s engagement has
been interdepartmental in nature, featuring the collaborative work of AFR, RES, MCM, ICD, STA, LEG
and the Regional Technical Assistance Centers (RTACs)/Regional Training Centers (RTCs). Support
has been delivered through a variety of means, including sustained TA and training, appointment of
long term experts, high-level conferences and seminars, workshops for practitioners, and online
collaborative sites. RTACs and training centers, catering to regional needs, are fostering greater
integration of TA and training. Exploiting the synergies between MCM, RES and ICD has allowed the
Fund to provide wide-ranging capacity development support, and will remain the key mode of
assistance going forward.
91. Several efforts are underway to increase interdepartmental coordination and exploit
synergies between TA and training. Establishment of an Interdepartmental Collaborative Group on
Monetary Policy Analysis Frameworks is helping foster a closer and more systematic coordination of
TA and training activities, including MCM-RES TA missions to India, Thailand, Kazakhstan, Georgia,
and Armenia. Similarly, Regional Strategy Notes, designed to help training plans, reflect regional and
area department priorities and are well coordinated with TA.
92. The Fund is also helping LLMICs to improve macroeconomic statistics. STA and RTACS
have developed a technical assistance program to assist countries in producing high-frequency
indicators and quarterly national accounts. STA has provided training on high frequency indicators in
a number of SSA countries and will extend these efforts to other regions.
93. Relevant training for country officials and Fund staff could do more to support policy
modernization efforts. Aligning training for country officials, drawing from cross-country
experiences and best practices, and organizing high-level seminars for policymakers, will help to
ensure institutional buy-in from the top. Complementary training for Fund staff could also do more
to support the absorption of training and TA by member countries. ICD is collaborating with other
departments to strengthen the Fund’s learning environment to enhance the existing internal training
program. Moreover, ICD’s external training curriculum is being revamped to adapt to members’
Appendix I. Primacy of Price Stability and Multiple Objectives
Most central banks have multiple high-level objectives, but there are very strong reasons to
keep price stability as the focal point of monetary policy. In addition to price stability, central
banks may care about growth, financial stability, the exchange rate, and/or and financial sector
development. These objectives can be complementary; however they can also come into conflict. A
key lesson from the international experience is that keeping the price stability objective as the focal
point of monetary policy, and the resulting anchoring of inflation expectations, can provide the
central bank with more room to manage the difficult trade-offs involved and to decide on the
preferred magnitude and pace of policy adjustment and horizon for bringing inflation back to
There are many compelling reasons for establishing a monetary policy framework in which
the central bank has a clear legal mandate that assigns primacy to the goal of price stability.
In the absence of such a mandate, the monetary regime may exhibit greater susceptibility to short-
term political pressures, e.g., boosting the money supply in order to finance government deficits or
stimulating the economy in advance of a major election. In addition, the transparency and
accountability of monetary policy can be significantly enhanced by the adoption of a medium-term
inflation objective as the CPI and other aggregate price indices can be easily monitored. For
example, when an exogenous disturbance causes a substantial swing in inflation, the central bank
can explain its strategy for ensuring that the inflation rate converges back to its objective over the
medium-term, thereby ensuring that the private sector’s inflation expectations remain anchored.
Finally, an opaque and erratic regime with no clear mandate is not conducive to sustained economic
growth, because an elevated degree of uncertainty about the future level of prices dampens the
willingness of households and firms to engage in productive investments.
Of course, the central bank’s mandate often encompasses other important goals, including
macroeconomic and financial stability, and financial market development; indeed, all of these
goals are generally complementary to the goal of price stability. For instance, a focus on the
inflation objective with a credibly flexible exchange rate and improved operations helps the
development of financial markets by making the short term interest rate trajectory more predictable
and therefore useful for pricing of longer-term financial instruments in the domestic currency. It also
reduces incentives for saving and pricing in a foreign currency, thus reducing the dollarization of the
economy and currency mismatches on private and corporate balance sheets. Especially in the EM
context, the focus on price stability increases the resilience of the financial sector to swings in the
exchange rate and capital flows.
However, conflicts involving short-run trade-offs between price stability and other goals can
arise and pose significant challenges to the conduct of monetary policy. The central bank
Discussing the lessons from the financial crisis, Fischer (2013) concludes that focusing on inflation targets in a
flexible manner (allowing for output and financial stability concerns in the short-term) is still the best way of
conducting monetary policy.
should have sufficient flexibility to adjust the pace and horizon for bringing inflation back to target
when hit by a shock in order to support its other objectives. Developing analytical capacity is crucial
for assessing tradeoffs between different objectives and determining the appropriate adjustments to
the path of monetary policy. In particular, the central bank needs to identify the various types of
disturbances affecting the economy, gauge their relative magnitude and duration, and analyze the
implications for the economic outlook.
When price stability comes into conflict with macroeconomic stability, policymakers can
balance these goals by adjusting the horizon over which inflation is allowed to deviate from
its target, subject to the proviso that monetary policy actions and communications must be
sufficient to ensure that inflation expectations remain firmly anchored. For example, in the face
of temporary negative supply shocks (perhaps due to weather or other transitory factors), it is
generally inadvisable for the central bank to aim at fully offsetting the inflationary impact by sharply
tightening the stance of monetary policy, because such a policy reaction induces strong pressure on
the exchange rate as well as severe effects on economic activity and financial stability (see
Appendix IV).
Thus, in responding to supply shocks, policy maker can consider allowing inflation to
stay above the target for a longer period of time than in other circumstances (such as demand
shocks, for instance).
Deploying additional policy instruments can also be helpful when price stability comes in
conflict with exchange rate stability—but the use of multiple instruments can be fraught with
difficult challenges for decision-making and communication. In the context of LLMICs, the
preference for exchange rate stability is likely to reflect concerns about competitiveness as well as
financial stability in a potentially dollarized environment.
For instance, rising domestically
generated inflation may require a tight policy stance, but a declining world economy may compel
easing the conditions for the exporting industry. In this situation the central bank may be raising
interest rates, while attempting to keep the exchange rate weak, as Israel did in 2009. However,
when multiple instruments are pulling in different directions, it may be very difficult to determine
the appropriate policy stance and to explain it clearly to the public. Simple policy rules can be
helpful under such circumstances. For instance, rules-based FX interventions aimed at building FX
reserves or smoothing exchange rate volatility are more likely to be understood as consistent with
price stability than opaque over-the-counter interventions.
For instance, the initial inflation targeting strategy in New Zealand involved large fluctuations in the exchange rate,
so the market participants did not trust the framework could survive, putting a large expectations premium on long-
term interest rates and thus threatening the success of the strategy. However, in many EMs, raising interest rates
aggressively is circumscribed by the fears of budgetary implications. In such circumstances, long-term inflation
expectations are likely to be above the central bank’s objective.
Paragraphs 66 to 72 discuss the role of exchange rate interventions and that of the exchange rate more generally.
In a similar fashion, the central bank should also be predictable in its role as the market maker of the last resort (a
part of the financial stability mandate) in both domestic and FX liquidity and create a set of rules and processes of
dealing with market participants, which will help to distinguish such operations from those setting its policy stance.
Conflict might also arise between price and financial stability, as financial risks need not
always reflect in higher inflation in the short term. In most circumstances and based on current
knowledge, the costs of using monetary policy to support financial stability are greater than the
benefits (IMF, 2015b) perhaps even more so for LLMIC central banks in the process of building and
maintaining policy credibility. As financial markets are relatively less sophisticated in LLMICs, it may
be easier to identify risks and address them with direct measures, rather than using the blunt tool of
monetary policy. Prudential policies should continue being used as the first line of defense against
financial risks (IMF, 2013b). Limited analytical and operational capacity need not invalidate the use of
macroprudential policies, though it may call for simpler, rules-based approaches that increase the
resilience of the system rather than active management of the credit cycle.
While the central bank should take into account other objectives in determining the
appropriate pace of policy adjustment, there are compelling reasons why price stability
should be maintained as the overarching goal of the monetary policy framework. The central
bank has the ability to determine the inflation rate over the medium run, whereas the sustainable
path of the real economy—including the growth of employment and the longer-run level of the real
exchange rate—is largely determined by nonmonetary factors that cannot be directly observed or
Furthermore, resolving conflicts in favor of other objectives also carries substantial risks to
the ability of the central bank to meet any of its objectives, most notably because of a loss of
credibility. Sustained deviations from the inflation objective can result in a loss of credibility and
with it the ability of the central bank to fulfill its price stability mandate. Once the public and
financial markets lose trust in the central bank to deliver stable inflation, achieving this objective
becomes near-impossible, because credibility is central in the conduct of monetary policy and a
successful transmission of its instruments. Experience shows that prioritizing the price stability
objective is a necessity, especially when the credibility of the central bank to deliver price stability is
Allowing inflation expectations to become unanchored in such cases can pose severe risks to
the stability of the real economy and the financial system, thus impairing the capacity of the central
bank to fulfill any of these objectives, and undermining the economy’s long-run growth and the
welfare of its population. Therefore, in considering the appropriate policy response, the central bank
should also internalize the credibility effects of being off-target.
Experience shows that central banks with sufficient credibility have more room to manage the
policy trade-offs arising from conflicting objectives. When inflation expectations remain firmly
anchored, the central bank has enhanced flexibility to take actions to promote macroeconomic and
financial stability.
Such central banks may more easily afford to ignore sharp increases in inflation,
For instance, the Czech Republic (in the late 1990s) and Turkey (in the early 2000s) each kept the stance of
monetary policy relatively tight despite a crisis-stricken economy in order to foster a sustainable disinflation process;
indeed, in both cases the inflation rate actually fell below its target.
De Carvalho Filho (2011) shows that during the financial crisis countries that had well-established IT regimes
lowered nominal and real interest rates more sharply than other countries, better avoided deflationary scares, and
had sharp real depreciations without adverse risk assessment by markets. This study cannot fully disentangle cause
which they consider temporary. For example, in mid-2008 (prior to the intensification of the global
financial crisis) the Czech National Bank cut interest rates despite the fact that inflation was almost
twice as high as the inflation target—reaping the benefits of anchored medium-term inflation
expectations. The oil price shocks of the 1970’s caused a large spike in inflation, but similar shocks
since the late 1990’s have had much smaller effects in developed countries. Blanchard and Gali
(2007) find that the stronger proven commitment to maintaining low inflation and enhanced
credibility of central banks was an important factor in improving the trade-offs associated with oil
shocks. On the other hand, for a less credible regime prioritizing price stability may mean
responding more aggressively to inflationary shocks than would have seemed appropriate from the
perspective of other objectives. For instance, the initial response of many economies to the global
food and oil price shock of 2007/8 was muted, expecting that the shock would be temporary and
given the already difficult situation of the real economy. Unfortunately, in many cases, the
persistence of the shock and unanchored inflation expectations led to soaring inflation, causing
unnecessary macroeconomic volatility and requiring sharp policy responses later on.
Consistently prioritizing the price stability objectives may be needed over an extensive period
of time before sufficient credibility is established and other objectives can be given more
weight. For example:
Both the Czech Republic and Israel have used FX interventions since the financial crisis
without jeopardizing their credibility, but only after many years of a pure float, during which
the low inflation environment and inflation expectations were successfully entrenched. In
other economies, which had not yet gained enough price stability credentials, the more
frequent use of FX interventions may have at times challenged the price stability objective
by providing implicit exchange rate guarantees, and derailing the efforts to develop local
financial markets (see experiences of Armenia and Serbia in EM/AE transitions study).
Historically, external crises in many Latin American countries were usually accompanied by
muted and ambivalent monetary policy reactions and often by policy tightening for the fear
of currency depreciation. The rigidities in the exchange rate regimes provided implicit
guarantees to building up FX mismatched positions in the private sector, in turn aggravating
the fear of float. Refocusing policy on an inflation objective accompanied by intensive
capacity building during 1990s and 2000s have made many of the Latin American economies
and central banks more resilient to external shocks. During the latest financial crisis, Latin
American central banks were able to cut interest rates to historic lows for extended periods
and large exchange rate depreciation helped fight the external shock without engineering
bouts of exchange rate speculation as in the past (De Gregorio, 2014). This was a product of
strengthening the pillars of effective monetary policy in the recent decades, in particular the
focus on price stability, flexible exchange rates and building more resilient financial markets
with a capacity to hedge FX exposures. These policies, backed up by strong FX reserve
buffers, became credible tools by the time the crisis struck.
and effect, but the results suggest that regimes with a clear primacy of the price objective were able to better
manage external shocks during the global financial crisis.
Appendix II. Traditional Reserve Money Targeting in Practice:
Selected LLMICs
A majority of LLMICs with flexible exchange rates feature a traditional de jure reserve money
targeting regime (TRMT), which is defined as a regime in which quarterly or higher-frequency
targets on reserve money serve as the de jure operating target of the central bank. This
Appendix makes two points about how these TRMT regimes work in practice:
They often exhibit substantial de facto flexibility: deviations from reserve money targets are
frequent, significant in an economic sense, and generally accommodated by adjustments to
subsequent targets.
There is little evidence that these deviations are indicative of loose monetary conditions. On the
contrary, on average positive deviations from money targets are if anything associated with
higher-than-average interest rates and generally exhibit a weak and ambiguous relationship
with subsequent inflation. This is consistent with the view that they may often reflect
accommodation of money demand shocks.
These features point to the flexibility with which these frameworks operate in practice. This
flexibility permits a degree of responsiveness to macroeconomic conditions and to various shocks,
including to money demand. The cost, however, is the complexity and tendency to opacity,
including a lack of separation between policy and operations that often characterize such regimes.
Deviations from targets may sometimes reflect money demand shocks or operational
considerations, but at other times they may reflect shifts in policy (appropriate or not). And it is very
difficult to tell which is which in practice.
The focus is on a sample of four SSA LLMICs with reserve money target (as in some cases one
of) the CBs operational targets: Kenya, Mozambique, Rwanda, and Tanzania. This sample
ranges from countries with CBs following relatively strictly their money targets (Tanzania and
Rwanda) to a country in an advanced stage of adopting an interest rate-based policy framework
Flexibility with respect to targets in practice
Deviations of actual money stocks from their target values are frequent. Deviations of at least a
1 percent range occur about 40 percent of the time in Rwanda and most of the time in the other
three countries, and they are often large (Table 1, column 1).
For example, the 12.5
and 87.5
percentile of the distribution of deviations (i.e., deviations that might be expected to happen about
The fact that the targets often operate as ceilings rather than point targets complicates the analysis. To adjust for
this, the deviations from target have been demeaned. This fact, however, ultimately underscores the flexibility of the
regime and the opacity of the mapping from the level of the targets, and of actual money, to the stance of monetary
policy itself.
once per year given that the targets are quarterly) range from -1.7 and 1.1 percent of the target in
Rwanda to -7.6 and 5.9 percent of the target in Mozambique (Table 1, columns 2 and 3).
These deviations are economically significant. It is useful to consider the counterfactual of how
much interest rates would have had to move had the monetary authorities chosen to push the
money stock so as to eliminate the deviations, all else held equal. For this back-of-the-envelope
calculation, it is enough to have an estimate of the interest elasticity of money demand, that is, of
how much money demand shifts for a given change in the interest rate.
A reasonable estimate for
that number is 0.2, implying that a 1 percentage point increase in interest rates reduces money
demand by 0.2 percent.
With this assumption, eliminating even the very common 1 percent
deviations of money from target reported in column 1 of Table 1 would have caused interest rate
movements on the order of 5 percentage points. The roughly annual deviations observed in
columns 2 and 3 would have required interest rate adjustments ranging from 5.5 percentage points
in Rwanda to 30 percentage points in Mozambique.
A second manifestation of flexibility is the way money targets and the evolution of the money
stock tends to react to these deviations. In a “textbook” form of money targeting, for example, or
where a constant growth rate of the money stock serves as the “nominal anchor”, deviations of
money targeting would be fully undone in subsequent quarters as the actual would be brought back
to the predetermined target path. In general, though, this is not what happens. Rather, the new
targets tend to accommodate, at least partly, deviations from the previous targets. To show this,
Table 1 shows the results of estimating a simple VECM
where ∆M
is a growth of reserve money, and ∆M
is a growth of reserve money target. For all four
countries, the effect of the error correction term
on the growth of money target—
—is positive and statistically significant (see the third column of Table 1). This means that
overshooting/undershooting of the money target is in general followed by faster/slower growth of
the target, thus accommodating the previous deviation.
This is “back-of-the-envelope” in part because the calculation take as given real output and inflation, asking only
about how a different money stock would call for a different interest rate to equilibrate money demand. In general
equilibrium, the different interest rate would presumably move output and inflation and thereby change money
demand through this channel as well. However, these effects are likely to emerge with a lag. And of course their
explicit consideration would only underscore that the deviation is significant economically.
Andrle and others (2013a) estimate/calibrate the elasticity of 0.56 in case of Kenya. However, most estimates for
developing countries in the literature actually seem to be much smaller (see Kumar and Rao (2012), Sriram (2001),
and Sichei and Kamau (2012)), though this is hard to establish because estimated coefficients are often imprecisely
estimated, and most of the attention is on broader money aggregates and often on long-term elasticities. It is
plausible that short-term elasticities and those on base money are lower than for these broader aggregates. In this
case, the interest rate movements associated with a given change in money would be larger.
Note that this calculation does not assume that the only reason for the money deviations from target is to account
for money demand shocks. Whatever the reason for the deviation, the idea is that to move money stocks back to
target would have required an adjustment in money demand, and (holding output and other factors constant) would
have required interest rate movements that can be backed out from the money demand equation.
In contrast, actual money growth does not tend to move so as to reduce earlier deviations
from the targets. The effect of the error correction term on the growth of reserve money—∆M
statistically and economically insignificant (Kenya and Mozambique) or large enough to be
economically significant but positive (Rwanda and Tanzania; see the fourth column of Table 1). This
suggests that overshooting/undershooting of money target has no effect on subsequent money
growth in Kenya and Mozambique, and is likely to be followed by higher/lower reserve money
growth in Rwanda and Tanzania. The latter case is additional evidence that money deviations are
being accommodated rather than corrected in subsequent periods.
Loose conditions or reactions to money demand shocks?
The deviations from money targets surely reflect a wide range of considerations in individual
circumstances. Some light can be shed, though, by looking at some simple stylized facts. First,
Table 2 reports correlations between money deviations from targets and deviation of interest rates
from trend.
If on average the money deviations were due to money supply shocks, one would
expect these correlations to be negative. If they tend to represent at least partial accommodation of
money demand shocks, the correlation would tend to be positive. In fact, they are either negligible
or positive. This is at least consistent with an interpretation according to which the money deviations
on average partly accommodate shocks to money demand, smoothing interest rates to some extent.
A second piece of evidence comes from looking at what happens to inflation in countries that
observe deviations of money stocks from target. As shown in IMF (2014a), in LLMICs with
reasonably low inflation, deviations from money targets are not systematically associated with
deviations from inflation objectives. Here, this analysis is complemented by a look at the dynamics:
are deviations from money targets systematically associated with subsequent movements in
inflation. Estimated VAR models for Kenya, Mozambique, and Tanzania suggest no strong
relationship between money deviations and subsequent inflation.
In Kenya and Tanzania the
reaction of inflation to the money deviation shock is ambiguous, while in Mozambique, inflation
declines in reaction to a positive shock to money deviations. For illustrative purposes, Figure 1 also
reports the dynamic effects of shocks to the interest rate deviation from trend. These have the
expected values.
Interest rates used in the computations are overnight interbank rates. Trend interest rates are obtained by simple
smoothing using a Hodrick-Prescott filter with parameter λ = 1, 10, and 100.
The VAR for each country includes GDP growth, inflation, foreign exchange depreciation, overnight interbank
interest rate, money deviation, and money growth. The impulse response functions are computed using a Cholesky
decomposition with ordering as listed above. The money deviation and money growth are listed last as is common
for policy variables. The money deviation is listed before money growth so as to capture with the money growth
shock a growth in money consistent with the money target (because it does not create a money deviation in the first
period). The autoregressive order of these quarterly VARs was set to 2.
Table 1. Characteristics of Deviations from Reserve Money Targets for Selected SSA LLMICs
Country Share of observations
with absolute
deviations bigger
than 1% (in percent)
percentile (in
percent of the
percentile (in
percent of the
Error correction
term for growth of
reserve money
Error correction
term for growth
of reserve money
Kenya 94.9 -6.8 5.7 0.575*** -0.07
Tanzania 71.7 -4.9 4.1 0.924*** 0.346*
Mozambique 94.1 -7.6 5.9 0.345** -0.054
Rwanda 40.0 -1.7 1.1 5.841** 5.016*
Source: IMF staff calculations.
Table 2. Contemporaneous Correlations Between Nominal Interest Rate Deviations (from
HP Filter Trends with Different Smoothness Parameters λ) and Money Deviations
λ=1 λ=10 λ=100
Kenya 0.2547 0.2005 0.0605
Mozambique 0.0398 0.1073 0.1184
Tanzania 0.1124 0.0636 -0.0582
Source: IMF staff calculations.
Figure 1. VAR-Based Reaction Functions of Quarter-on-Quarter
Inflation on Unit Shocks to Money Deviations from Target to
Interest Rates
Source: IMF staff calculations.
Percent, annualized
Kenya: Money deviations shock
Kenya: Nominal IR shock
Mozambique: Money deviations shock
Mozambique: Nominal IR shock
Tanzania: Money deviations shock
Tanzania: Nominal IR shock
Appendix III. Monetary Policy Transmission in LLMICs
There are many reasons to think that the transmission mechanism in LLMICs may be different
and, in particular, relatively weak. Thin interbank, debt, and money markets may impair the
transmission of policy instruments to the rest of the financial market, while small financial systems
are likely to weaken the impact of policy on the wider economy.
Characteristics of the policy
regime itself—including operations, objectives, policy formulation, and communication—decisively
shape the nature of transmission. For example, when interest rates are volatile, mainly reflecting
money demand shocks (as in an operational framework that emphasizes base money) or incoherent
operations, it cannot be expected that these rates would affect the economy as strongly as they
would in a regime that effectively communicates policy intentions through a policy rate.
exchange rates are heavily managed or the capital account closed, transmission through exchange
rates is also likely to be attenuated.
Some empirical evidence is consistent with the view of relatively weak transmission in LLMICs.
Mishra and others (2012) show that the correlation between money market rates and lending rates
are lower in LLMICs compared to advanced economies. Mishra and Montiel (2013) survey the VAR
literature on LLMICs, which uses identification strategies developed for AEs to try and ascertain the
impact of monetary shocks on inflation and output. They conclude that most LLMIC studies find
weak and statistically insignificant effects of monetary shocks on inflation and output.
However, this evidence may result from difficulties in applying standard empirical approaches
to LLMICs rather than a lack of underlying transmission. A number of LLMIC-specific features of
regimes and the economies themselves are likely to make transmission hard to detect even when it
is there.
Regimes with multiple targets and objectives make identification of monetary policy shocks
especially challenging. This is because no single variable (or linear combination of variables) can
properly capture the intended stance of policy. For example, interest rate movements may signal
money demand shocks in a money targeting regime but policy shocks when the interest rate is
the operating target, and particularly in incoherent regimes it may be hard to know which is
which in a given episode. The erratic nature of policy in these regimes can make it difficult to
For example, Mukherjee and Bhattacharya (2015) find that interest elasticity of private consumption and
investment increases with financial development, suggesting that the transmission mechanism strengthens as
countries’ financial systems develop.
Box 5 discusses the relationship between monetary policy framework and the strength of transmission.
Li and others (forthcoming) show that typical features of LLMIC data are enough to make transmission very hard to
find with standard regression approaches, even when in fact it is there in the underlying data generating process.
They use a model that assumes a well-functioning transmission mechanism to generate synthetic data and then
apply VAR techniques on the simulated data. They find that the short sample lengths, measurement error, and high
frequency of supply shocks and policy regime changes that are characteristic of LLMICs can greatly reduce the power
of VARs to uncover the monetary transmission mechanism.
empirically identify policy shocks and can result in weak estimates of the transmission
Changes in regime, e.g., shifting from reserve money to interest-rate operating targets, will
change the strength of transmission and the empirical specifications required to identify it. This
implies that effective sample sizes—over which parameters can be expected to be stable and a
given empirical specification correct—are likely to be very short.
Other factors that make it hard to discern transmission include short time series, measurement
errors, and frequent supply shocks.
More granular analyses have found evidence for a well-functioning transmission mechanism
in LLMICs. One insight is the importance of focusing on large monetary policy shocks in the context
of regimes that are reasonably coherent and in which both market participants and the
econometrician can identify the policy shocks. Techniques that accommodate short data samples
and that pay careful attention to country-specific features are also warranted.
Berg and others (2013) use the narrative approach to identify the effects of monetary tightening
in selected LLMICs. The focus is on the large and arguably unexpected tightening of monetary
policy by four members of the East African Community (Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, and Uganda)
in 2011. They find a well-functioning transmission mechanism; especially in countries where the
stance of monetary policy was communicated clearly (see Box 6 for a formal analysis of this
argument). The depth of financial markets is a less clear indicator of the strength of transmission
than the clarity of the regime: transmission was clearest in Kenya and Uganda, and while Kenya
was a standout in terms of financial depth Uganda was not.
Abuka and others (forthcoming) use Ugandan supervisory data on loan-applications and loan-
grants to study the bank lending channel of monetary policy. The micro-data facilities better
control for changes in credit demand and therefore isolates the impact of monetary shocks on
credit supply. They find that monetary tightening leads to a reduction in credit supply by banks,
both in terms of number of loans given and the size of granted loans. There is also evidence for
a bank capital channel—the supply of credit by banks with weak capital positions is impacted
It remains plausible that transmission in LLMICs is generally weaker and more uncertain than
in other countries, but this is not a reason for inaction. Weak transmission is sure to produce
It may be helpful to recognize a further difference between LLMICs and more advanced countries: the vastly
greater amount of research effort that has gone producing empirical work that yields the “right” signs. Arguably, the
strongest evidence that monetary policy “works” in developed countries comes not from VARs but from the history
of the Volcker disinflation and the Great Depression.
Even in the U.S., with its uniquely long, stable data series and
policy regimes, economists experimented for many years before arriving at acceptable results, e.g., solving the “price
puzzle” that inflation seemed to rise after a monetary policy shock and the “liquidity puzzle” that interest rates
tended to rise in response to an increase in the money supply. On these points see Summers (1991), Sims (1992) and
Leeper and Gordon (1992).
uncertainty among policymakers, which in turn can suggest caution in trying to fine-tune monetary
policy. However, this point can easily be overemphasized, and should be viewed in the context of
two qualifications. First, deep uncertainty about the transmission mechanism is not unique to
LLMICs but rather is a general characteristic, particularly of countries implementing new policy
frameworks, often in the face of rapid structural change or financial crises.
And second, this
uncertainty does not in general justify inaction.
The idea that policy action requires a precise and
reliable quantitative understanding of transmission represents an excessively idealized view of the
monetary policy-making process. There is a critical element of “tatonnement” for all countries,
including LLMICs: assess the state of the economy and the outlook; adjust policy if it seems too tight
or too loose; and repeat. For this process only some confidence about the sign of the effect of
monetary policy is critical.
More broadly, uncertainty about transmission should not deter central banks from improving
their policy frameworks. First, one of the best ways to improve understanding is to learn by doing.
Forward-looking policy implementation combined with continuously updated assessments of the
economic outlook and the policy stance promotes better understanding of transmission over time.
Second, countries that adopt a coherent and clear monetary policy framework—such as
modernizing the operational framework, clarifying the objectives of policy, and improving
transparency and communication—are likely to reap the benefit of a stronger and more stable
transmission mechanism. Although weakness and uncertainty about transmission should not
prevent central banks from modernizing, it may have implications for some aspects of the policy
regime, such as the width of any confidence bands around—and perhaps the level of—the inflation
See Battini and Laxton (2007) for the case of inflation targeting.
The recent experience with quantitative easing in advanced countries is a (distant) case in point. Furthermore,
uncertainty about the transmission mechanism is one of the main reasons that central banks in advanced economies
use simple policy rules (like the Taylor rule) as benchmarks in determining the course of monetary policy (see Levin
Box 1. Operating Frameworks and Signaling of the Monetary Policy Stance
It has long been recognized in advanced countries that the “expectation” channel—based on the private
sector’s expectation of future policy decisions, which allows changes in very short-term interest rates to
transmit to longer rates, real economic activity and inflation—is the key element of the monetary
transmission mechanism. Yet the relevance of the expectation channel and how it may interact with the
operational framework in shaping policy effectiveness in LLMICs has not received much attention.
As documented in this paper, many LLMICs have traditional reserve money targeting (TRMT) frameworks in
which reserve money serves as the operational target of the central bank yet target misses are common.
While such flexibility is both inevitable and welcome, the opacity of the framework makes it difficult for
financial market participants to understand policymaker’s true intentions, especially when combined with
incipient or insufficient communication efforts. Regimes that implement policy by controlling interest rates
do not suffer from this weakness.
Output Gap and Inflation Responses to 1 Percent Monetary Policy Shock Under Flexible
Money Targeting vs. Interest-rate Based Policy
Source: O’Connell and others (2015).
With the help of a simple new-Keynesian model with incomplete information, O’Connell and others (2015)
show that, through such opacity, TRMT reduces the expectations channel and the overall effectiveness of
monetary policy in these countries. Model-based simulations serve to illustrate this point. Monetary policy
decisions have a smaller impact on inflation and output (and long term rates) under TRMT, compared to
interest rate based operational frameworks, even when policy intentions are the same.
These results cast some doubt on the pessimistic view of monetary policy in LLMICs, as well as on the
validity of the empirical evidence for drawing policy conclusions.
It also emphasizes the importance of the
operational framework for shaping the effects of monetary policy.
1/ This is a version of the Lucas critique.
Flexible money targeting
Output gap
Interest-rate based policy
Appendix IV. Monetary Policy and Food and Fuel Price
Supply shocks, such as shocks to food and fuel prices, confront policymakers with difficult
choices. These shocks typically result in inflation, yet efforts by the central bank to offset these
pressures will also affect output, thus creating a tradeoff between inflation and output stabilization.
Although all central banks face these challenges, LLMICs are particularly vulnerable, given: (i) the
large share of food in consumption; (ii) the exposure of their agricultural sector to weather-related
shocks; and (iii) their exposure to international food and fuel price shocks, given their net importer
status (in many cases). Developing a coherent monetary policy response to these shocks is therefore
of first order importance.
The experience with monetary policy over the last thirty years has helped clarify how central
banks should respond to supply shocks. The recommended policy response is captured by the
adage “allow for first-round effects but respond to second-round effects,” which acknowledges that
some increase in inflation is inevitable (and necessary from a macro perspective) but that further (or
persistent) increases are undesirable. Implicit in the initial increase in inflation (first round) is the idea
that the supply shock is a real shock to the economy, and relative prices, including relative food or
fuel prices and real wages and exchange rates, need to adjust in response. The effect on inflation
should be short-lived: it should cease once relative prices have adjusted. However, further and
persistent increases in inflation may arise if there are economy-wide efforts to preserve real income
levels, or if the original surge in prices is perceived as a de facto change in the inflation objective of
the central bank. These persistent increases in inflation or generalized price pressures pose a threat
to price stability and must be counteracted with some degree of policy tightening.
Whether supply shocks lead to generalized price pressures depends on various features of the
economy, some of which are under the influence of monetary policy. Countries with widespread
wage indexation are more likely to display second-round effects. Although these practices are
beyond the influence of (current) monetary policy, they typically reflect a history of high and volatile
inflation. On the other hand, recurrent supply shocks, e.g., stemming from seasonal weather
patterns, and their temporary nature may be well understood and accepted by the general public, in
which case second round effects need not occur. This may be of particular importance in LLMICs.
Finally, countries with opaque policy frameworks, in which the primacy of price stability and the
inflation objective is not made clear, are more likely to experience inflationary spillovers from supply
shocks. Under these opaque frameworks it may be difficult for the public at large to ascertain
whether increases in inflation mainly reflect supply shocks or changes in monetary policy.
If confronted with second round effects, central banks need to consider various factors in
their policy response. Policymakers need to develop a view of the desired degree of policy
tightening by taking into account: (i) the effect of policy on inflation and output, and (ii) their own
preferences over the pace at which inflation should return to its medium term objective. The latter
should reflect the central bank’s preferences over output stability in the short-to-medium term. In
LLMICs with incipient policy credibility or at early stages of a disinflation process, it makes sense to
give greater prominence to price stability, which all else equal would imply a tighter policy response,
in order to assuage concerns over the central bank’s commitment to its inflation objective. As
inflation is stabilized and credibility is earned, the central bank can be more flexible in its policy
Adopting frameworks that are consistent with the principles can help central banks respond
to supply shocks appropriately:
A focus on the medium-term inflation objective can help central banks find the right balance
between allowing for first round effects while guaranteeing price stability. A focus on the
medium-term acknowledges that there are limits in monetary policy’s ability to influence
inflation over the short-term, including with regard to supply shocks. At the same time, it makes
the central bank responsible for delivering stable inflation (on average). Achieving this balance is
of particular importance in LLMICs given the prevalence of supply shocks. The latter may also
require enlarging the bands around the inflation objective, relative to advanced countries or
EMs, to signal what the range of inflation outcomes in a LLMIC is likely to be.
A coherent framework can help central banks assess the nature of inflationary pressures and
tailor the monetary policy response accordingly. The distinction between first and second round
effects is a useful construct but fraught with uncertainty and requires an understanding of the
structural features of the economy, and a thorough assessment of available data and the state of
the economy. In addition, the mapping from achieving the medium-term inflation objective (and
concerns with output stability) to the implications for policy instruments requires a suitable
analytical and quantitative framework. This further justifies the importance of investing in LLMIC
central banks’ data and analytical capacity.
An effective communication strategy can educate the public about the nature of the supply
shock, its effect on the economy, and the central bank strategy for bringing inflation back to its
desired level over the medium term. By reducing the uncertainty in the economy, such a strategy
can limit the inflationary spillovers from the shocks and help build credibility in the central
bank’s commitment to price stability.
Appendix V. Key Transition Steps in Modernizing Monetary
Policy Frameworks—Lessons from Experiences
How to build and maintain credibility during the transition (and well after that)
Dos Do nots
Declare medium-term inflation objectives early
Do not change inflation objectives too often
Define inflation objectives as continuous point
Do not increase inflation targets, even when
inflation seems ‘persistently’ above target
Make the decision makers terms independent
of political cycle; give them strong irrevocable
mandates independent of the governor’s
Do not have multiple numeric objectives
Invest early in external communication,
emphasizing the medium-term inflation
objective and central bank independence and
Avoid using complicated ‘escape clauses’ in
explaining inflation performance relative to
Invest in analytical capacities early on Do not wait for the perfect model or regression
Address institutional arrangements to enshrine
operational independence, including phasing
out direct credit to government
Do not expect to be able to declare “mission
accomplished” on operational independence
and fiscal pressures
Communicate forward, but also explain current
situations. Explain policy decisions in terms of
policy objectives and economic outlook. Admit
and explain the target misses and plans to
address it
Do not exclude from the definition of the
inflation objective items important for large
parts of the society, such as foods in most
LLMICs; do not focus on narrow ‘core’ inflation
indices too much
Try to extend policy horizons, as forecasting
capacities improve. The minimum is one year
Do not use past inflation in indexing exchange
rate movements
Make policy decisions at pre-announced dates Do not start the transition process without at
least basic political consensus
Encourage staff participation in the policy
decision making process
Do not finance the government and do not
make profit transfers to the budget (if at all
Integrate all decision making using various
instruments (e.g., key policy rate, exchange rate,
reserve requirements, net open position limits)
into a single process
Do not overly rely on FX interventions, and do
not use FX intervention to defend certain
exchange rate level
Focus on de facto regimes when conducting
internal analysis, not the de jure one or the
regime you would like it to be
Do not get ‘behind the curve’ when responding
to inflation outbursts, at least in the early years
before inflation expectations are anchored.
Credibility is quickly lost, but hard to gain
Take active measures (even administrative) to
reduce and or prevent dollarization
Do not let sterilization costs impede on the
resolve to change monetary policy stance
deemed consistent with the objectives
Show a strong resolve to make policy more
effective even in difficult times (rather than
waiting for ‘better moments’). Unless absolutely
necessary, do not wait for legal changes, but
start applying the principles in practice, as soon
as there is a sufficient political consensus
Avoid having two nominal anchors. If they
already exist, resolve conflicts consistently in
favor of the inflation anchor
Split monetary policy formulation from
implementation and supervision
When using several instruments with a primary
impact on the monetary policy stance, use
them consistently; avoid using these
instruments for different objectives
Do not be pre-occupied with complicated
financial stability concepts. Financial stability in
LLMICs mostly means solvent banks and
functioning FX markets thanks to the simplicity
of the LLMIC financial systems
How to move away from exchange rates as intermediate targets during the
modernization process
Do Do not
Set up a high-level coordination task force with
enough authority
Do not over-prepare, but move steadily seizing
every opportunity (in particular increase the
flexibility under appreciation pressure)
Invest into a functional spot and derivative FX
market, including by supporting market making
activity by banks, encouraging the functioning of
trade organizations (such as the forex club, ACI
Do not liberalize the capital account too fast
(before sufficient exchange rate flexibility is put
in place). Liberalization should follow (rather
than precipitate) greater exchange rate flexibility
Keep the exchange rate flexible in both
directions, even if in a narrow corridor (minimum
+/- 3%) to help the market develop
Do not provide implicit exchange rate
guarantees: (a) always conduct
interventions/construct bands so that there is a
two-way risk for market participants, (b) refrain
from referring to the exchange rate in policy
communication, (c) the interest rate should react
to inflation, not the exchange rate per se.
Make efforts to channel the FX proceeds from
the transactions with the government back to
the market
Don’t blame rapid exchange rate movements on
the speculative behavior of banks. They rarely
are the culprits (especially when tight net open
position and trading limits are in place)
Encourage the government to issue domestic
currency debt at benchmark maturities in
sufficient quantities to form a yield curve and
help integration of the money and FX markets
Avoid pulling in different directions with FX
interventions and the key policy rate
Actively promote money market development,
e.g., by instituting master repo agreements,
promoting the establishing of the reference
Do not use FX intervention to defend exchange
rate levels. Communicate FX interventions as a
consistent part of the policy framework working
rates and market infrastructure in general, etc. aiming at price stability
Allow foreigners to take part in the domestic
markets, contributing volumes as well as
practices and standards of conduct
Hasten the resolve to implement an alternative
anchor and a more effective monetary policy,
especially after an exchange rate/balance of
payments crisis
Make interest rates the operating target
Resolve the conflicts between the exchange rate
and inflation anchors consistently in favor of
inflation. Gradually move the exchange rate from
being a target to being a monitoring
transmission variable
Take a leading role in promoting good standards
in hedging FX risks by the banks and the
corporate sector
Appendix VI. Capacity Development to Support
Modernization of Monetary Policy Frameworks
ICD Monetary Policy Training Programs
ICD has developed a number of
intermediate to advanced-level training
courses in model-based monetary policy.
These courses are aimed at central bank staff
that use models for policy analysis and
forecasting. By end-2016, three new courses
on Monetary, Exchange Rate, and Capital
Account policies will be added to the external
curriculum. The advanced courses target
model operators, analysts writing monetary
policy reports, as well as policymakers (MPA,
DSGE), while the intermediate courses target a
broader audience (FPP-IT, MERP). To date,
around 2,000 participants from LICs and EMs
have participated in these model-based courses, and around 450 in the MPA and DSGE courses
(Figure 1).
MCM Technical Assistance in Monetary Policy
MCM is providing extensive support to central banks around the world in their efforts to
strengthen conformity with the principles for effective monetary policy (Figure 2). Over the
last 5 fiscal years (FYs) MCM TA on monetary policy related issues has totaled an annual average of
about 19 full time equivalents (FTEs). Through headquarters-led missions and together with work
undertaken by RTACs, MCM is providing tailored advice to countries to help them modify their
central banking mandates and improve governance in support of their independence in the conduct
of monetary policy. TA is provided to countries with different monetary policy regimes, as well as
levels of institutional and market development. Responding to specific requests from the country
authorities, MCM TA recommendations are tailored to suit each country’s specific conditions. More
than half of MCM TA was devoted to strengthening of central bank’s operational capacity to
conduct monetary and foreign exchange policy and operations. TA activities in central bank
governance (i.e., accounting, internal controls, and organization) have expanded over the last five
years, absorbing close to 30 percent of the envelope, with TA activities in financial market
infrastructure and reserves management accounting for the rest.
Figure 1. Number of Participants in ICD
Training Program Courses
(MERP and MPA, Fiscal Year 2007-2015)
Source: IMF database and staff calculations.
Note: FPP-IT - Financial Programming and Policies-Inflation Targeting; DSGE - The Use
of DSGE Models in the Policy-Making Process; MERP - Monetary and Exchange Rate
Policy; MPA - Monetary Policy Analysis.
Figure 2. Technical Assistance Central Banking by MCM
(FY 2011-2015, FTEs)
Source: IMF staff calculations.
FY11 FY12 FY13 FY14 FY15
Long-term Experts
Monetary policy design and implementation
Financial market infrastructure
Reserves management
Central bank governance
FY11 FY12 FY13 FY14 FY15
Missions and Short-term Experts
Monetary policy design and implementation
Financial market infrastructure
Reserves management
Central bank governance
FY11 FY12 FY13 FY14 FY15
Long-term Experts
FY11 FY12 FY13 FY14 FY15
Missions and Short-term Experts
FY11 FY12 FY13 FY14 FY15
Central bank governance
Reserves management
Financial market infrastructure
Monetary and fx policy
SSA has received close to half of MCM TA in central banking.
Monetary and FX policies and operations absorbed more than half of the TA. The share of TA in central bank
governance has expanded over the years.
The growing share of TA via long-term experts reflects to a large extent the creation of new RTACs.
Capacity Development Initiatives by RES
RES has assisted central banks in Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, Tanzania, Ghana, and Mozambique
in developing a modern FPAS to support monetary policy analysis. With TA support from RES,
the CBK developed, in 2012, a forward-looking policy recommendation process to support the
Monetary Policy Committee (MPC), underpinned by model based forecasts. The CBK has also made
changes to its organizational structure to institutionalize the forecasting team and has also
reorganized the policy formulation process by instituting a series of meetings between the
forecasting team and the MPC. Progress in Uganda has also been positive. The FPAS project has
facilitated the development of a Quarterly Projection Model (QPM), which is now being used to
inform the MPC process. The FPAS development project at the National Bank of Rwanda (BNR) is at
an earlier stage. TA experts have assisted the BNR staff in developing a QPM, and core BNR experts
are being trained in using the model to support the MPC process.
The FPAS project in Tanzania and Mozambique has focused on developing a modeling
capacity to complement the TRMT framework in place. Banco de Mocambique staff uses the
QPM to prepare regular shadow forecasts in addition to their official forecasts to support the
monetary policy decision process. A similar core forecasting model has also been developed at the
Bank of Tanzania (BoT).
RES continues to support several staff working on SSA countries with their monetary policy
discussions with authorities. RES has contributed to the preparation of medium-term inflation
projections and broad analyses of economic conditions to assess the appropriateness of policy
stance for the Uganda, Ghana, and Rwanda country teams. RES is looking forward to institutionalize
this initiative across the Fund.
LEG TA and Training of Central Banks
LEG has been helping LLMICs in modernizing their central bank laws. The overall focus of LEG’s
TA effort is on assisting the authorities in establishing a sound (including a well-drafted) legal basis
for the monetary institutional framework in line with international best practice. In collaboration with
FIN on safeguards assessments of central banks, LEG helps identify weaknesses in central bank laws
(mostly governance-related) that often evolve into conditionality in countries with Fund-supported
programs, (such as in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Jordan, and Tunisia) and follow up with TA
on implementing such conditionality. In addition, LEG is supporting central bank law reforms in new
states (e.g., Kosovo, South Sudan, East Timor), states in transition (Iraq, Afghanistan, Myanmar), and
states moving toward regional monetary union (East African Community).This law reform effort is
backed up by a specific training program for central bank counsels in several regional training
institutes (Joint Vienna Institute, Singapore Regional Training Institute, Middle East Center for
Economics and Finance), to build human capacity in the legal departments of central banks to
interpret and implement central bank law reforms. Other TA on legal frameworks—such as, payment
system soundness, banking supervision and regulation, and bank resolution and crisis management
–are helping improve the effectiveness of monetary policy.
Increasing interdepartmental coordination and synergies between TA and training
RTACs and training centers are catering to regional needs and fostering greater integration of
TA and training. Synergies between TA and training delivered by TA departments and RTACs occur
by design. The experience of TA delivered jointly by MCM and African Regional Technical Assistance
Center (AFRITAC) South is a good example of such synergy. Training tends to focus on cross-country
experiences, international best practices, and practical, hands-on workshops. MCM training is geared
to supporting the implementation of TA advice on topics such as financial stability, stress testing,
and risk-based supervision. TA missions often include a training component in the form of hands-on
workshops. Africa Training Institute (ATI) staff delivered customized training on modernizing
monetary policy frameworks to Mauritius, South Africa, and Tanzania in support of TA delivered by
AFRITAC East and RES. In addition, ATI organized a peer-to-peer learning conference on monetary
policy frameworks with RES and three AFRITACs. ATI also provided training to the senior
management of the BoT in support of AFRITAC East/RES TA. Central American Technical Assistance
Center experts and ICD staff delivered a course (in Spanish) and related TA on banking supervision
and regulation in Central America.
While AFR, in collaboration with RES and ICD, has started an initiative to train selected
country economists, further advances could be made.
Two customized internal workshops have
been held as a supplement to ICD’s MERP and MPA courses, focusing on the use of model-based
forecasts for policy analysis. However, the Matlab-based model forecasts imply that the sunk-costs
of learning how to operate the models may be large. Country teams in AFR would also find
integration of aspects of the model-based forecasts within the Financial Programming exercise very
About 10 country economists have been trained so far.
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