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Curriculum Vitae
__________________________ _____________
George Kelly Siberry, MD, MPH February 16, 2021
Current Appointments: Medical Officer, Adult Care & Treatment Branch, Prevention Care
and Treatment Division, Office of HIV/AIDS, Global Health Unit,
United States Agency for International Development (USAID).
(Aug 2018-present)
Associate Clinical Professor, Adjunct Faculty, Department of
Pediatrics, Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, CT
(Feb 2019-present)
Personal Contact Data: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)
500 D Street SW, Washington, DC 20547
Phone: 202-808-5849
Education and Training:
1984 1988 Sc.B., Neuroscience, Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island, Magna cum
1989 1994 M.D./M.P.H. Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and School of
Hygiene & Public Health, Baltimore, Maryland.
1994 1997 Residency in Pediatrics, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine,
Department of Pediatrics, Baltimore, Maryland. Initial Board Certification: 1997.
1998 1999 Chief Resident in Pediatrics, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine,
Department of Pediatrics, Baltimore, Maryland 1998-1999. Co-editor of the
Harriet Lane Handbook, fifteenth edition.
2000 - 2003 Fellowship in Pediatric Infectious Diseases, Johns Hopkins University School
of Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland. Initial Board Certification: 2003.
Professional Experience & Employment:
1988-1989 Country Director, The Haitian Project, Port-au-Prince, Haiti.
-Louverture-Cleary Secondary School: supervised school construction, hired and
managed faculty and support staff, developed a curriculum and system to select
meritorious students for this tuition-free boarding school in its founding year.
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-Foyer St. Michel (orphanage): responsible for 40 homeless boys and staff.
1990 Project Coordinator, Long-term follow-up study of HIV transmission, Port-au-
Prince, Haiti. Preceptor: Neal Halsey, MD, Johns Hopkins School of Hygiene &
Public Health, Baltimore, Maryland.
1991, 1993 Project Coordinator, Long-term follow-up studies of early high-titer vs. standard
measles vaccines, Haiti. Preceptor: Neal Halsey, MD, Johns Hopkins School of
Hygiene & Public Health, Baltimore, Maryland.
1997 - 1998 Director, Children’s Health Center, Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania. Supervised physicians & staff of primary care pediatrics clinic for
DuPont/Jefferson Pediatric residency training program. Division Director: Gary
Emmett, MD.
1997 - 2000 Instructor, Department of Pediatrics, Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia,
1999 - 2000 Inpatient Pediatrician, Bryn Mawr Hospital, Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania. Pediatric
Chief: Eric Sundel, MD.
2003 - 2008 Director, Harriet Lane Clinic, Department of Pediatrics, Johns Hopkins Medical
Institutions, Baltimore, Maryland. Division Chief: Tina Cheng, MD.
2001 - 2008 Co-Chair, Infection Control, Kennedy Krieger Institute, Baltimore, Maryland.
2003 - present Assistant Professor, Department of Pediatrics, Johns Hopkins University,
Baltimore, Maryland. (Full-time 2003-2008; Part-time Aug 2008-present)
2008 - 2018 Medical Officer (designation changed to Physician in 2018), Maternal and
Pediatric Infectious Disease (MPID) Branch, Eunice Kennedy Shriver National
Institute of Child Health and Human Development, National Institutes of Health,
Bethesda, Maryland. GS-15 (2015). COR (Contracting Officer Representative)
certified: Level II, March 2011; Level III, May 2013.
2015 - 2018 Secondment (detail) from NIH to State Department: Senior Pediatric Technical
Advisor for PEPFAR, Office of the Global AIDS Coordinator (S/GAC),
Department of State, Washington, DC (Nov 2015-Aug 2018). Promoted to
Director (supervisory), HIV Treatment, Care & TB Unit (Sept. 2016-Aug 2018).
S/GAC Chair for Kenya and Lesotho PEPFAR country programs (from Sept.
2016- Aug 2018).
2018- present Medical Officer, Adult Clinical Branch, Division of Prevention, Care and
Treatment, Office of HIV/AIDS (OHA), and Deputy Principal (2019-present) for
OHA, Global Health Bureau, United States Agency for International
Development (USAID), Washington, DC.
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2019 - present Associate Clinical Professor, Adjunct Faculty, Department of
Pediatrics, Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, CT
Peer-reviewed Scientific Articles
1. Holt EA, Moulton LH, Siberry GK and Halsey NA. Differential mortality by measles
vaccine titer and sex. J Infect Dis 1993;168(5):1087-1096.
2. Utset TO, Golden M, Siberry GK, Kiri N, Crum RM, and Petri M. Depressive
symptoms in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus: association with central
nervous system and Sjogren’s syndrome. J Rheumatol 1994;21(11):2039-2045.
3. Livingston RA, Siberry GK, Paidas CN and Eiden JJ. Appendicitis due to
Mycobacterium avium complex in an adolescent infected with the human
immunodeficiency virus. Clin Infec Dis 1995;20(6):1579-1580.
4. Siberry GK, Costarangos C and Cohen BA. Destruction of the nasal septum by
Aspergillus infection after autologous bone marrow transplantation. New Engl J Med
5. Siberry G, Brahmadathan KN, Pandian R, Lalitha MK, Steinhoff MC, and Jacob John T.
Comparison of different culture media and storage temperatures for the long-term
preservation of Streptococcus pneumoniae in the tropics. Bull World Health Organ
6. Siberry GK, Diener-West M, Schappell E and Karron RA. Comparison of temple
temperatures with rectal temperatures in children under two years of age. Clin Pediatr
2002; 41(6):405-414.
7. Siberry GK, Tekle T, Carroll K, Dick J. Failure of clindamycin treatment of methicillin-
resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) expressing inducible clindamycin resistance in
vitro. Clin Infect Dis 2003;37(9):1257-60.
8. Persaud D, Siberry GK, Ahonkhai A, Kajdas J, Monie D, Hutton N, Watson DC, Quinn
TC, Ray SC, Siliciano RF. Continued production of drug-sensitive HIV-1 in children
with undetectable viral loads on combination antiretroviral therapy. J Virol
9. Jain SJ, Gupta A, Glanz B, Dick J, Siberry GK. Antimicrobial-resistant Shigella sonnei:
Limited antimicrobial treatment options for children and challenges of interpreting in
vitro azithromycin susceptibility. Pediatr Infect Dis J. 2005;24(6):494-7. [Mentored
fellow first author, Jain]
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10. Rutstein RM, Gebo KA, Siberry GK, Flynn PM, Spector SA, Sharp VL, Fleishman JA.
Hospital and Outpatient Health Services Utilization Among HIV-Infected Children in
Care 2000-2001. Med Care. 2005;43(9 suppl):31-39.
11. Rutstein RM, Gebo KA, Flynn PM, Fleishman JA, Sharp VL, Siberry GK, Spector SA.
Immunologic Function and Virologic Suppression Among Children With Perinatally
Acquired HIV Infection on Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy. Med Care. 2005;43(9
12. Siberry GK, Paquette NR, Ross TL, Perl TM, Valsamakis A. Low prevalence of
pertussis among children admitted with respiratory symptoms during Respiratory
Syncytial Virus season. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol. 2006;27(1):95-7.
13. Parsons GN,
Siberry GK, Parsons JK, Christensen JR, Joyner ML, Lee SL, Kiefner
CM, Hutton N. Multidisciplinary, inpatient directly observed therapy for HIV-1 infected
children and adolescents failing HAART: a retrospective study. AIDS Patient Care
STDS. 2006;20(4):275-84.
14. George-Agwu A, Pasternak R, Joyner, M, Carver C, Francis H, Siberry GK.
Nontypeable Haemophilus Influenzae Meningitis Complicated by Hearing Loss in a 9-
year-old HIV-infected Boy. AIDS Patient Care STDs 2006;20(8):531-5.
15. Siberry GK, Tessema S. Immune Reconstitution Syndrome Precipitated by Bacille
Calmette-Guerin After Initiation of Antiretroviral Therapy. Pediatr Infect Dis J.
16. Chen AE, Goldstein M, Carroll K, Song X, Perl TM, Siberry GK. Evolving
Epidemiology of Pediatric Staphylococcus aureus Cutaneous Infections in a Baltimore
Hospital. Pediatr Emerg Care. 2006;22(10):717-723. [Mentored fellow first author,
17. Arrington-Sanders R, Hutton N, Siberry GK. Ritonavir-Fluticasone Interaction Causing
Cushing Syndrome in HIV-Infected Children and Adolescents. Pediatr Infect Dis J
2006;25(11):1044-48. [Mentored fellow first author, Arrington-Sanders]
18. Gillenwater KA, Sapp SC, Pearce K, Siberry GK. Increase in Tuberculin Skin Test
Converters among Healthcare Workers after a Change from Tubersol to Aplisol, Am J
Infect Control 2006;34(10):651-4.. [Mentored pediatric resident first author,
19. Milstone AM, Dick J, Carson B, Siberry GK. Cerebrospinal Fluid Penetration and
Bacteriostatic Activity of Linezolid against Enterococcus faecalis in a Child with a
Ventriculoperitoneal Shunt Infection. Pediatric Neurosurgery 2007;43:406-409.
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20. Persaud D, Ray SC, Kajdas J, Ahonkhai A, Siberry GK, Ferguson K, Ziemniak C,
Quinn TC, Casazza JP, Zeichner S, Gange SJ, Watson DC. Slow Human
Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 Evolution in Viral Reservoirs in Infants Treated with
Effective Antiretroviral Therapy. AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses 2007;23(3):381-90.
21. Szczesiul JM, Shermock KM, Murtaza UI, Siberry GK. No Decrease in Clindamycin
Susceptibility Despite Increased Use of Clindamycin for Pediatric CA-MRSA Skin
Infections. Pediatr Infect Dis J 2007; 26(9):852-4.. [Mentored pharmacy resident first
author, Szczesiul]
22. Siberry GK, McMillan JA. Corticosteroids for bacterial meningitis [letter]. N Engl J
Med 2008; 358(13):1400.
23. Siberry GK, Coller RJ, Henkle E, Kiefner C, Joyner M, Rogers J, Chang J, Hutton N.
Antibody Response to Hepatitis A Immunization Among Human Immunodeficiency
Virus-Infected Children and Adolescents Pediatr Infect Dis J 2008; 27(5): 465-8.
[Mentored medical student Coller]
24. Zimmer KP,
Solomon BS, Siberry GK, Serwint JR. Continuity Structured Clinical
Observations (CSCO): Assessing the Multiple Observer Evaluation in a Pediatric
Resident Continuity Clinic. Pediatrics 2008;121(6):e1633-45.
25. Chen AE, Cantey JB, Carroll KC, Ross T, Speser S, Siberry GK. Discordance Between
S. aureus Nasal Colonization Skin Infections in Children in the Era of Community-
Associated MRSA. Pediatr Infect Dis J 2009;28(3):244-6. [Mentored first author, Chen]
26. Siberry GK, Williams PL,
Lujan-Zilbermann J, Warshaw MG, Spector SA, Decker MD,
Heckman BE, Demske EF, Read JS, Jean-Philippe P, Kabat W, Nachman S for the IMPAACT
P1065 Protocol Team. Phase I/II, Open-Label Trial of Safety and Immunogenicity of
Meningococcal (Groups A, C, Y, and W-135) Polysaccharide Diphtheria Toxoid Conjugate
Vaccine in HIV-Infected Adolescents. Pediatr Infect Dis J 2010;29: 391396.
27. Brady TM, Solomon BS, Neu AM, Siberry GK, Parekh RS. Patient-, Provider-, and
Clinic-Level Predictors of Unrecognized Elevated Blood Pressure in Children.
Pediatrics 2010;125:e1286e1293.
28. Oliveira R, Krauss M, Essama-Bibi S, Hofer C, Harris DR, Tiraboschi A, de Souza R,
Marques H, Succi R, Abreu T, Della Negra M, Hazra R, Mofenson LM, Siberry GK, for
the NISDI Pediatric Study Group 2010. Viral load predicts new WHO Stage 3 and 4
events in HIV-infected children receiving highly active antiretroviral therapy,
independent of CD4 T-lymphocyte value. Clinical Infectious Diseases 2010;
51(11):1325-1333. [senior author]
29. Chen AE, Carroll KC, Diener-West M, Ross T, Ordun J, Goldstein MA, Kulkarni G,
Cantey JB, Siberry GK. Randomized controlled trial of cephalexin versus clindamycin
for uncomplicated pediatric skin infections. Pediatrics 2011;127(3):e573-80.[Mentored
first author, Chen]
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30. Steenhoff AP, Josephs J, Rutstein RM, Gebo KA, Siberry GK, Gaur AH, Warford R,
Korthuis PT, Spector SA, Shah SS. Incidence of and Risk Factors for Community
Acquired Pneumonia in US HIV-Infected Children, 2000-2005. AIDS 2011;25(5):717-
31. Malee KM, Tassiopoulos K, Huo Y, Siberry G, Williams PL, Hazra R, Smith RA,
Allison SM, Garvie PA, Kammerer B, Kapetanovic S, Nichols S, Van Dyke R, Seage
GR, Mellins CA for the Pediatric HIV/AIDS Cohort Study Team. Mental Health
Functioning among Children and Adolescents with Perinatal HIV Infection and Perinatal
HIV Exposure. AIDS Care 2011;23(12):1533-44.
32. Tamhane M, Gautney B, Shiu C, Segaren N, Jeannis L, Eustache C, Simeon-Fadois
Y, Chen YH, De D, Irivinti S, Tamma P, Thompson CB, Khamadi S, Siberry GK,
Persaud D. Analysis of the optimal cut-point for HIV-p24 antigen testing to
diagnose HIV infection in HIV-exposed children from resource-constrained
settings. J Clin Virol 2011;50(4): 338-41.
33. Van Dyke RB, Patel K, Siberry GK, Burchett SK, Spector SA, Chernoff MC, Read
JS, Mofenson LM, Seage GR 3rd; for the Pediatric HIV/AIDS Cohort Study.
Antiretroviral Treatment of U.S. Children with Perinatally Acquired HIV
Infection: Temporal Changes in Therapy between 1991 and 2009 and Predictors of
Immunologic and Virologic Outcomes. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr 2011; 57(2):165-
34. Siberry GK, Patel K, Van Dyke RB, Hazra R, Burchett SK, Spector SA, Paul ME,
Read JS, Wiznia A, Seage GR 3rd; for the Pediatric HIV/AIDS Cohort Study (PHACS).
CD4+ Lymphocyte-Based Immunologic Outcomes of Perinatally HIV-Infected Children
During Antiretroviral Therapy Interruption. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr 2011;
35. Agwu AL, Fleishman JA, Korthuis PT, Siberry GK, Ellen JM, Gaur AH, Rutstein R,
and Gebo KA for the HIV Research Network. Disparities in Antiretroviral Treatment: A
Comparison of Behaviorally-HIV-Infected Youth and Adults in the HIV Research
Network. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr 2011;58(1):100-107.
36. Setse RW, Siberry GK, Gravitt PE, Moss WJ, Agwu A, Wheeling T, Bohannon B,
Dominguez K and LEGACY Consortium. Correlates of Sexual Activity and Sexually
Transmitted Infections among Perinatally HIV-Infected Youth in the LEGACY Cohort,
United States, 2006. Pediatr Infect Dis J 2011; 30(11):967-973.
37. Jacobson DL, Patel K, Siberry GK, Van Dyke RB,. DiMeglio LA, Geffner ME Chen JS,
McFarland EJ, Borkowsky W, Silio M, Fielding RA, Siminski S, Miller TL, for the
Pediatric HIV/AIDS Cohort Study. Body fat distribution in perinatally HIV-infected and
HIV-exposed but uninfected children in the era of highly active antiretroviral therapy:
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Outcomes from the Pediatric HIV/AIDS Cohort Study (PHACS). American Journal of
Clinical Nutrition 2011; 94(6):1485-1495.
38. Siberry GK, Li H, Jacobson D. Fracture Risk by HIV Infection Status in Perinatally
HIV-Exposed Children. AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses 2012;28(3):247-50.
39. Agwu AL, Siberry GK, Ellen JM, Fleishman JA, Rutstein R, Gaur AH, Korthuis PT,
Warford R, Spector SA, and Gebo KA. Predictors of HAART Utilization for
Behaviorally HIV-1 Infected Youth: Impact of Adult vs. Pediatric Clinical Care Site. J
Adolesc Health 2012; 50(5):471-7.
40. Setse RW, Siberry GK, Moss WJ, Gravitt PE, Wheeling JT, Bohannon B, Dominguez
K, and the Legacy Consortium. Cervical Pap Screening Cytological Abnormalities
among HIV-Infected Adolescents in the LEGACY Cohort. Journal of Pediatric and
Adolescent Gynecology 2012; 25(1):27-34.
41. Williams PL, Van Dyke RB, Siberry GK, Griner R, Seage GR, Tassiopoulos K,
Yildirim C, Read JS, Huo Y, Hazra R, Jacobson DL, Mofenson LM, and Rich K for the
Pediatric HIV/AIDS Cohort Study A Trigger-Based Design for Evaluating the Safety of
in utero Antiretroviral Exposure in Uninfected Children of HIV-Infected Mothers.
American Journal of Epidemiology 2012;175(9):950-61.
42. Miller TL, Borkowsky W, DiMeglio LA, Dooley L, Geffner ME, Hazra R, McFarland
EJ, Mendez AJ, Patel K, Siberry GK, Van Dyke RB, Worrell CJ, Jacobson DL for the
Pediatric HIV/AIDS Cohort Study (PHACS). Metabolic Abnormalities and Viral
Replication Associated with Biomarkers of Vascular Dysfunction in HIV-Infected
Children. HIV Medicine 2012;13(5):264-275.
43. Siberry GK, Warshaw MG, Williams PL, Spector SA, Decker MD, Jean-Philippe P,
Yogev R, Heckman BE, Manzella A, Roa J, Nachman S, Lujan-Zilbermann J; for the
IMPAACT P1065 Protocol Team. Safety and Immunogenicity of Quadrivalent
Meningococcal Conjugate Vaccine in 2- to 10-year-old Human Immunodeficiency
Virus-infected Children. Pediatr Infect Dis J. 2012;31(1):47-52.
44. Siberry GK, Leister E, Jacobson D, Foster SB, Seage GR, Lipshultz SE, Paul ME,
Purswani M, Colin AA, Scott G, and Shearer WT, for the Pediatric HIV/AIDS Cohort
Study (PHACS) Group. Increased risk of asthma and atopic dermatitis in perinatally
HIV-infected children and adolescents. Clin Immunol. 2012;142(2):201-8.
45. Miller EK, Hernandez JZ, Wimmenauer V, Shepherd BE, Hijano D, Libster R, Serra ME,
Bhat N, Batalle JP, Mohamed Y, Reynaldi A, Rodriguez A, Otello M, Pisapia N, Bugna
J, Bellabarba M, Kraft D, Coviello S, Ferolla FM, Chen A, London SJ, Siberry GK,
Williams JV, Polack FP. A mechanistic role for type III interferon-λ1 in asthma
exacerbations mediated by human rhinoviruses. American Journal of Respiratory and
Critical Care Medicine 2012;185(5):508-16.
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46. Rice ML, Buchanan AL, Siberry GK, Malee KM, Zeldow B, Frederick T, Purswani
MU, Hoffman HJ, Sirois PA, Smith R, Torre P 3rd, Allison SM, Williams PL; for the
Pediatric HIV/AIDS Cohort Study. Language Impairment in Children Perinatally
Infected with HIV Compared With Children Exposed and Without Infection. J Dev
Behav Pediatr. 2012;33(2):112-123.
47. Siberry GK, Harris DR, Oliveira RH, Krauss MR, Hofer CB, Tiraboschi AA, Marques
H, Succi RC, Abreu T, Della Negra M, Mofenson LM, Hazra R. Evaluation of viral load
thresholds for predicting new WHO Stage 3 and 4 events in HIV-infected children
receiving highly active antiretroviral therapy. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr 2012;
48. Siberry GK, Williams PL, Mendez H, Seage GR, Jacobson DL, Hazra R, Rich KC,
Griner R, Tassiopoulos K, Kacanek D, Mofenson LM, Miller T, DiMeglio LA, Watts
DH. Safety of Tenofovir Use During Pregnancy: Early Growth Outcomes in HIV-
Exposed Uninfected Infants. AIDS 2012; 26(9):1151-9.
49. Torre P 3rd, Zeldow B, Hoffman HJ, Buchanan A, Siberry GK, Rice M, Sirois PA,
Williams PL; for the Pediatric HIVAIDS Cohort Study. Hearing Loss in Perinatally
Human Immunodeficiency Virus-Infected and Human Immunodeficiency Virus
Exposed but Uninfected Children and Adolescents. Pediatr Infect Dis J. 2012; 31(8):835-
50. Flynn PM, Nachman S, Muresan P, Fenton T, Spector SA, Cunningham CK, Pass R,
Yogev R, Burchett S, Heckman B, Bloom A, Utech LJ, Anthony P, Petzold E, Levy W,
Siberry GK, Ebiasah R, Miller J, Handelsman E, Weinberg A; for the IMPAACT P1088
Team. Safety and Immunogenicity of 2009 Pandemic H1N1 Influenza Vaccination in
Perinatally HIV-1 Infected Children and Youth. J Infect Dis. 2012; 206(3):421-430.
51. Lujan-Zilbermann J, Warshaw MG, Williams PL, Spector SA, Decker MD, Abzug MJ,
Heckman B, Manzella A, Kabat B, Jean-Philippe P, Nachman S, Siberry GK;
International Maternal Pediatric Adolescent AIDS Clinical Trials Group P1065
Protocol Team. Immunogenicity and Safety of 1 vs 2 Doses of Quadrivalent
Meningococcal Conjugate Vaccine in Youth Infected with Human Immunodeficiency
Virus. J Pediatr. 2012;161(4):676-81.
52. Nielsen-Saines K, Watts DH, Veloso VG, Bryson YJ, Joao EC, Pilotto JH, Gray G,
Theron G, Santos B, Fonseca R, Kreitchmann R, Pinto J, Mussi-Pinhata MM, Ceriotto M,
Machado D, Bethel J, Morgado MG, Dickover R, Camarca M, Mirochnick M, Siberry
G, Grinsztejn B, Moreira RI, Bastos FI, Xu J, Moye J, Mofenson LM; for the NICHD
HPTN 040/PACTG 1043 Protocol Team. Three Postpartum Antiretroviral Regimens to
Prevent Intrapartum HIV Infection. N Engl J Med 2012; 366:2368-2379.
53. Wong FL, Hsu AJ, Pham PA, Siberry GK, Hutton N, Agwu AL. Antiretroviral
Treatment Strategies in Highly Treatment Experienced Perinatally HIV-Infected
Youth. Pediatr Infect Dis J. 2012; 31(12):1279-1283.
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54. Siberry GK, Frederick T, Emmanuel P, Paul ME, Bohannon B, Wheeling T, Barton
T, Rathore MH, Dominguez KL. Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus
Infections in Human Immunodeficiency Virus-Infected Children and Adolescents.
AIDS Res Treat. 2012; 2012:627974.
55. Tassiopoulos K, Moscicki AB, Mellins C, Kacanek D, Malee K, Allison S, Hazra
R, Siberry GK, Smith R, Paul M, Van Dyke RB, Seage GR 3rd; for the Pediatric
HIV/AIDS Cohort Study. Sexual Risk Behavior Among Youth With Perinatal HIV
Infection in the United States: Predictors and Implications for Intervention
Development. Clin Infect Dis. 2013 Jan;56(2):283-290.
56. Dimeglio LA, Wang J, Siberry GK, Miller TL, Geffner ME, Hazra R, Borkowsky W,
Chen JS, Dooley L, Patel K, van Dyke RB, Fielding RA, Gurmu Y, Jacobson DL; for
the Pediatric HIVAIDS Cohort Study (PHACS). BMD in Children and Adolescents with
HIV Bone Mineral Density in Children and Adolescents with Perinatal HIV
Infection. AIDS. 2013 Jan 14;27(2):211-20.
57. Wilkinson JD, Williams PL, Leister E, Zeldow B, Shearer WT, Colan SD, Siberry
GK, Dooley LB, Scott GB, Rich KC, Lipshultz SE; for the Pediatric HIVAIDS Cohort
Study (PHACS). Cardiac Biomarkers in HIV-Exposed Uninfected Children: The
Pediatric HIV/AIDS Cohort Study (PHACS). AIDS. 2013;27(7):1099-108.
58. Hosek S, Siberry G, Bell M, Lally M, Kapogiannis B, Green K, Fernandez MI,
Rutledge B, Martinez J, Garofalo R, Wilson C; the Adolescent Trials Network for
HIVAIDS Interventions (ATN). The Acceptability and Feasibility of an HIV
Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) Trial with Young Men who Have Sex with Men
(YMSM). J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2013;62(4):447-56.
59. Purswani M, Patel K, Kopp JB, Seage GR 3rd, Chernoff MC, Hazra R, Siberry GK,
Mofenson LM, Scott GB, Van Dyke RB; for the Pediatric HIVAIDS Cohort Study.
Tenofovir Treatment Duration Predicts Proteinuria in a Multi-Ethnic United States
Cohort of Children and Adolescents with Perinatal HIV-1 Infection. Pediatr Infect Dis J.
60. Joao E, Gouvea MI, Freimanis-Hance L, Cohen RA, Read JS, Melo V, Duarte G,
Ivalo S, Machado DM, Pilotto J, Siberry GK; for the NISDI/LILAC Protocol.
Institutional prevention policies and rates of Group B Streptococcus infection
among HIV-infected pregnant women and their infants in Latin America. Int J
Gynaecol Obstet. 2013;120(2):144-147.
61. Weinberg A, Muresan P, Fenton T, Richardson K, Dominguez T, Bloom A, Petzold
E, Anthony P, Cunningham C, Spector SA, Nachman S, Siberry GK, Handelsman E,
Flynn P, Study Team FI. High proportions of regulatory B and T cells are associated
with decreased cellular responses to pH1H1 influenza vaccine in HIV-infected
children and youth (IMPAACT P1088). Hum Vaccin Immunother. 2013;9(5):957-968.
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62. Gaur AH, Cohen RA, Read JS, Hance LF, Dominguez K, Alarcon JO, Menezes J,
Peixoto MF, Mussi-Pinhata MM, Coelho DF, Mitchell C, Siberry GK. Prechewing and
prewarming food for HIV-exposed children: A prospective cohort experience from Latin
America. AIDS Patient Care STDS. 2013 Mar;27(3):142-5.
63. Spector SA, Qin M, Lujan-Zilbermann J, Singh KK, Warshaw MG, Williams PL, Jean-
Philippe P, Fenton T, Siberry GK for the IMPAACT P1065 Protocol Team. Genetic
variants in TLR -2, -4 and -9 and FCγRII are associated with antibody response to
quadrivalent meningococcal conjugate vaccine In HIV-infected youth. Clin Vaccine
Immunol. 2013 20(6):900-6.
64. Rice ML, Zeldow B, Siberry GK, Purswani M, Malee K, Hoffman HJ, Frederick T,
Buchanan A, Sirois PA, Allison SM, Williams PL for the Pediatric HIV/AIDS Cohort
Study (PHACS). Evaluation of risk for late language emergence after in utero
antiretroviral drug exposure in HIV-exposed uninfected infants. Pediatr Infect Dis J.
65. Lindsey JC, Shah SK, Siberry GK, Jean-Philippe P, Levin MJ. Ethical Tradeoffs
in Trial Design: Case Study of an HPV Vaccine Trial in HIV-Infected Adolescent Girls
in Lower Income Settings. Dev World Bioeth. 2013;13(2):95-104.
66. Izbudak I, Chalian M, Hutton N, Baskaran V, Jordan L, Siberry GK, Gailloud P,
Agwu AL. Perinatally HIV-infected youth presenting with acute stroke:
Progression/evolution of ischemic disease on neuroimaging. J Neuroradiol.
67. Succi RC, Krauss MR, Harris DR, Machado DM, de Moraes-Pinto MI, Mussi-Pinhata
MM, Ruz NP, Pierre RB, Kolevic L, Joao E, Foradori I, Hazra R, Siberry GK; for
the NISDI Pediatric Study Group 2012. Undervaccination of Perinatally
HIV-infected and HIV-exposed Uninfected Children in Latin America and the
Caribbean. Pediatr Infect Dis J. 2013;32(8):845-50.
68. Nesheim SR, Hardnett F, Wheeling JT, Siberry GK, Paul ME, Emmanuel P, Bohannon
B, Dominguez K, for the LEGACY Consortium. Incidence of opportunistic illness
before and after initiation of highly active antiretroviral therapy in children. Pediatr
Infect Dis J. 2013;32(10):1089-1095.
70. Pass RF, Nachman S, Flynn PM, Muresan P, Fenton T, Cunningham CK, Borkowsky W,
McAuley JB, Spector SA, Petzold E, Levy W, Siberry GK, Handelsman E, Utech LJ,
Weinberg A for the IMPAACT 1089 Team. Immunogenicity of Licensed Influenza A
(H1N1) 2009 Monovalent Vaccines in HIV-Infected Children and Youth. J Pediatric
Infect Dis Soc 2013;2(4):352-360.
71. Englund JA, Karron RA, Cunningham CK, Larussa P, Melvin A, Yogev R, Handelsman
E, Siberry GK, Thumar B, Schappell E, Bull CV, Chu HY, Schaap-Nutt A, Buchholz U,
SIBERRY, page 11
Collins PL, Schmidt AC; the International Maternal Pediatric Adolescent AIDS
Clinical Trials (IMPAACT) P1096 Study Group. Safety and infectivity of two doses
of live-attenuated recombinant cold-passaged human parainfluenza type 3 virus
vaccine rHPIV3cp45 in HPIV3-seronegative young children. Vaccine 2013;31(48):5706-
72. Ransom CE, Huo Y, Patel K, Scott GB, Watts DH, Williams P, Siberry GK, Livingston
EG for the P1025 Team of International Maternal Pediatric Adolescent AIDS
Clinical Trials (IMPAACT) Group. Infant growth outcomes after maternal tenofovir
disoproxil fumarate use during pregnancy. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr 2013;
73. Hosek SG, Green KR, Siberry G, Lally M, Balthazar C, Serrano PA, Kapogiannis B for
the Adolescent Medicine Trial Network for HIV/AIDS Interventions (ATN). Integrating
behavioral HIV interventions into biomedical prevention trials with youth:
Lessons from Chicago’s Project PrEPare Journal of HIV/AIDS & Social Services
74. Siberry GK, Cohen RA, Harris DR, Santos Cruz ML, Oliveira R, Peixoto MF, Cervi
MC, Hazra, R, Pinto JA for the NISDI PLACES Protocol. Prevalence and predictors of
elevated aspartate aminotransferase-to-platelet ratio index in Latin American perinatally
HIV-infected children. Pediatr Infect Dis J. 2014;33(2):177-82.
75. Patel K, Wang J, Jacobson DL, Lipshultz SE, Landy DC, Geffner ME, Dimeglio LA,
Seage GR 3rd, Williams PL, van Dyke RB, Siberry GK, Shearer WT, Young L, Scott
GB, Wilkinson JD, Fisher SD, Starc TJ, Miller TL. Aggregate Risk of
Cardiovascular Disease among Adolescents Perinatally Infected with the Human
Immunodeficiency Virus. Circulation 2014 129(11):1204-12.
76. Machado ES, Krauss MR, Megazzini K, Coutinho CM, Kreitchmann R, Melo VH,
Pilotto JH, Ceriotto M, Hofer CB, Siberry GK, Watts DH; for the NICHD
International Site Development Initiative (NISDI) Pediatric Protocol.
Hypertension, preeclampsia and eclampsia among HIV-infected pregnant women from
Latin America and Caribbean countries. J Infect 2014;68(6):572-80.
77. Kreitchmann R, Li SX, Melo VH, Fernandes Coelho D, Watts DH, Joao E, Coutinho
CM, Alarcon JO, Siberry GK. Predictors of adverse pregnancy outcomes in women
infected with HIV in Latin America and the Caribbean: a cohort study. BJOG 2014;
78. Okelo SO, Siberry GK, Solomon BS, Bilderback AL, Yamazaki M, Hetzler T,
Ferrell CL, Dhepyasuwan N, Serwint JR; CORNET Investigators. Asthma Treatment
Decisions by Pediatric Residents Do Not Consistently Conform to Guidelines or
Improve With Level of Training. Acad Pediatr. 2014;14(3):287-93..
SIBERRY, page 12
79. Siberry GK, Patel K, Pinto JA, Puga A, Mirza A, Miller TL, Van Dyke RB for the
Pediatric HIV/AIDS Cohort Study (PHACS). Elevated aspartate aminotransferase-to-
platelet ratio index in perinatally HIV-infected children in the United States. Pediatr
Infect Dis J. 2014, 33(8):855-7.
80. Persaud D, Patel K, Karalius B, Rainwater-Lovett K, Ziemniak C, Ellis A, Chen
YH, Richman D, Siberry GK, Van Dyke RB, Burchett S, Seage GR 3rd, Luzuriaga K;
for the Pediatric HIV/AIDS Cohort Study. Influence of Age at Virologic Control on
Peripheral Blood Human Immunodeficiency Virus Reservoir Size and Serostatus in
Perinatally Infected Adolescents. JAMA Pediatr. 2014;168(12):1138-1146.
81. Brady TM, Neu AM, Miller ER 3rd, Appel LJ, Siberry GK, Solomon BS. Real-Time
Electronic Medical Record Alerts Increase High Blood Pressure Recognition in
Children. Clin Pediatr (Phila). 2015;54(7):667-75.
82. Monteiro JP, Cruz ML, Mussi-Pinhata MM, Salomão RG, Jordão Junior A, Read JS,
Pilotto JH, Cohen RA, Stoszek SK, Siberry GK. Vitamin A, vitamin E, iron and zinc
status in a cohort of HIV-infected mothers and their uninfected infants. Rev Soc
Bras Med Trop. 2014;47(6):692-700.
83. Lipshultz SE, Williams PL, Zeldow B, Wilkinson JD, Rich KC, van Dyke RB, Seage
GR 3rd, Dooley LB, Kaltman JR, Siberry GK, Mofenson LM, Shearer WT, Colan SD;
Pediatric HIVAIDS Cohort Study (PHACS). Cardiac effects of in-utero exposure to
antiretroviral therapy in HIV-uninfected children born to HIV-infected mothers.
AIDS. 2015;29(1):91-100.
84. Torre P 3rd, Yao TJ, Zeldow B, Williams P, Hoffman HJ, Siberry GK; Pediatric
HIVAIDS Cohort Study (PHACS). Distortion product otoacoustic emission data in
perinatally HIV-infected and HIV-exposed but uninfected children and adolescents
in the Pediatric HIV/AIDS Cohort Study. Pediatr Infect Dis J. 2015 ;34(3):276-8.
85. Jao J, Freimanis L, Mussi-Pinhata MM, Cohen RA, Monteiro JP, Cruz ML, Sperling
RS, Branch A, Siberry GK; NISDI LILAC Protocol. Low vitamin D status among
pregnant Latin American and Caribbean women with HIV Infection. Int J Gynaecol
Obstet. 2015;130(1):54-8. doi: 10.1016/j.ijgo.2015.01.017.
86. Kreitchmann R, Coelho DF, Kakehasi FM, Hofer CB, Read JS, Losso M, Haberer JE,
Siberry GK, Harris DR, Yu Q. Long-term postpartum adherence to antiretroviral
drugs among women in Latin America. Int J STD AIDS. 2016 Apr;27(5):377-86
87. Himes SK, Wu JW, Jacobson DL, Tassiopoulos K, Hazra R, Kacanek D, Van Dyke
RB,Rich KC, Siberry GK, Huestis MA; Pediatric HIVAIDS Cohort Study(PHACS).
Meconium Tenofovir Concentrations and Growth and Bone Outcomes in Prenatally
Tenofovir Exposed HIV-Uninfected Children. Pediatr Infect Dis J. 2015;34(8):851-7.
88. Himes SK, Huo Y, Siberry GK, Williams PL, Rice ML, Sirois PA, Frederick T,
SIBERRY, page 13
Hazra R, Huestis MA; Pediatric HIVAIDS Cohort Study (PHACS). Meconium
Atazanavir Concentrations and Early Language Outcomes in HIV-Exposed Uninfected
Infants With Prenatal Atazanavir Exposure. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr.
89. Siberry GK, Jacobson DL, Kalkwarf HJ, Wu JW, DiMeglio LA, Yogev R, Knapp KM,
Wheeler JJ, Butler L, Hazra R, Miller TL, Seage GR 3rd, Van Dyke RB, Barr E,
Davtyan M, Mofenson LM, Rich KC; Pediatric HIV/AIDS Cohort Study. Lower
Newborn Bone Mineral Content Associated With Maternal Use of Tenofovir Disoproxil
Fumarate During Pregnancy. Clin Infect Dis. 2015;61(6):996-1003.
90. Siberry GK, Patel K, Bellini WJ, Karalius B, Purswani MU, Burchett SK, Meyer
WA 3rd, Sowers SB, Ellis A, Van Dyke RB; Pediatric HIV AIDS Cohort Study
(PHACS); Pediatric HIV AIDS Cohort Study PHACS. Immunity to Measles, Mumps,
and Rubella in US Children With Perinatal HIV Infection or Perinatal HIV Exposure
Without Infection. Clin Infect Dis. 2015;61(6):988-95.
91. Fairlie L, Karalius B, Patel K, van Dyke RB, Hazra R, Hernán MA, Siberry GK,
Seage GR 3rd, Agwu A, Wiznia A; Pediatric HIV AIDS Cohort Study (PHACS), The
International Maternal Pediatric Adolescent AIDS Clinical Trials (IMPAACT). CD4+
and viral load outcomes of antiretroviral therapy switch strategies after
virologic failure of combination antiretroviral therapy in perinatally
HIV-infected youth in the United States. AIDS. 2015;29(16):2109-19.
92. Kreitchmann R, Megazzini K, Melo VH, Coelho DF, Watts DH, Krauss M, Gouvea MI,
Duarte G, Losso MH, Siberry GK. Repeat pregnancy in women with HIV infection in
Latin America and the Caribbean. AIDS Care. 2015;19:1-9.
93. Purswani MU, Karalius B, Yao TJ, Schmid DS, Burchett SK, Siberry GK, Patel K,
Van Dyke RB, Yogev R; Pediatric HIV/AIDS Cohort Study (PHACS); Pediatric
HIV/AIDS Cohort Study PHACS. Prevalence and Persistence of Varicella Antibodies in
Previously Immunized Children and Youth With Perinatal HIV-1 Infection. Clin
Infect Dis. 2016;62(1):106-14.
94. Setse RW, Siberry GK, Moss WJ, Wheeling J, Bohannon BA, Dominguez KL;
LEGACY Consortium. Meningococcal Conjugate and tetanus Toxoid, Reduced
Diphtheria Toxoid, and Acellular Pertussis Vaccination Among HIV-Infected Youth.
Pediatr Infect Dis J. 2016;35(5):e152-7.
95. Kapogiannis BG, Leister E, Siberry GK, Van Dyke RB, Rudy B, Flynn P, Williams PL;
REACH Study and the PACTG 219219C Study. Prevalence of and progression to
abnormal noninvasive markers of liver disease (aspartate aminotransferase-to-platelet
ratio index and Fibrosis-4) among US HIV-infected youth. AIDS. 2016;30(6):889-898.
96. Spaulding AB, Yu Q, Civitello L, Mussi-Pinhata M, Pinto J, Gomes IM, Alarcon J,
Siberry G, Harris DR, Hazra R. Neurologic outcomes in HIV-exposed/uninfected infants
SIBERRY, page 14
exposed to antiretroviral drugs during pregnancy in Latin America and the Caribbean.
AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses. 2016;32(4):349-56.
97. Agwu AL, Yao TJ, Eshleman SH, Patel K, Huang W, Burchett SK, Siberry GK, Van
Dyke RB; Pediatric HIVAIDS Cohort Study. Phenotypic Coreceptor Tropism in
Perinatally HIV-infected Youth Failing Antiretroviral Therapy. Pediatr Infect Dis
J. 2016;35(7):777-81.
98. Adachi K, Klausner JD, Xu J, Ank B, Bristow CC, Morgado MG, Watts DH, Weir F,
Persing D, Mofenson LM, Veloso VG, Pilotto JH, Joao E, Gray G, Theron G, Santos
B, Fonseca R, Kreitchmann R, Pinto J, Mussi-Pinhata MM, Ceriotto M, Machado DM,
Bryson YJ, Grinsztejn B, Bastos FI, Siberry G, Nielsen-Saines K; NICHD HPTN 040
Study Team. Chlamydia trachomatis and Neisseria gonorrhoeae in HIV-infected
Pregnant Women and Adverse Infant Outcomes. Pediatr Infect Dis J. 2016;35(8):894-
99. Aarons GA, Sommerfeld DH, Chi BH, Ezeanolue EE, Sturke R, Guay L, Siberry GK.
Concept Mapping of PMTCT Implementation Challenges and Solutions Across 6
sub-Saharan African Countries in the NIH-PEPFAR PMTCT Implementation Science
Alliance. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2016;72 Suppl 2:S202-6.
100. Ezeanolue EE, Powell BJ, Patel D, Olutola A, Obiefune M, Dakum P, Okonkwo P,
Gobir B, Akinmurele T, Nwandu A, Torpey K, Oyeledum B, Aina M, Eyo A, Oleribe O,
Ibanga I, Oko J, Anyaike C, Idoko J, Aliyu MH, Sturke R, Watts H, Siberry G;
Nigeria Implementation Science Alliance. Identifying and Prioritizing
Implementation Barriers, Gaps, and Strategies Through the Nigeria Implementation
Science Alliance: Getting to Zero in the Prevention of Mother-to-Child
Transmission of HIV. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2016;72 Suppl 2:S161-6.
101. Price JT, Wheeler SB, Stranix-Chibanda L, Hosek SG, Watts DH, Siberry GK,
Spiegel HM, Stringer JS, Chi BH. Cost-Effectiveness of Pre-exposure HIV
Prophylaxis During Pregnancy and Breastfeeding in Sub-Saharan Africa. J Acquir
Immune Defic Syndr. 2016;72 Suppl 2:S145-53.
102. Jourdain G, Ngo-Giang-Huong N, Cressey TR, Hua L, Harrison L, Tierney C,
Salvadori N, Decker L, Traisathit P, Sirirungsi W, Khamduang W, Bowonwatanuwong
C, Puthanakit T, Siberry GK, Watts DH, Murphy TV, Achalapong J, Hongsiriwon S,
Klinbuayaem V, Thongsawat S, Chung RT, Pol S, Chotivanich N. Prevention of
mother-to-child transmission of hepatitis B virus: a phase III, placebo-controlled, double-
blind, randomized clinical trial to assess the efficacy and safety of a short course of
tenofovir disoproxil fumarate in women with hepatitis B virus e-antigen. BMC Infect Dis.
103. Hosek S, Rudy B, Landovitz R, Kapogiannis B, Siberry G, Rutledge B, Liu N, Brothers
J, Mulligan K, Zimet G, Lally M, Mayer K, Anderson P, Kiser J, Rooney J, Wilson CM;
SIBERRY, page 15
Adolescent Trials Network (ATN) for HIVAIDS Interventions. An HIV Pre-Exposure
Prophylaxis (PrEP) Demonstration Project and Safety Study for Young MSM. J Acquir
Immune Defic Syndr. 2017;74(1):21-29.
104. Levin MJ, Lindsey JC, Kaplan SS, Schimana W, Lawrence J, McNeal MM, Bwakura-
Dangarembizi M, Ogwu A, Mpabalwani EM, Sato P, Siberry G, Nelson M, Hille D,
Weinberg GA, Weinberg A. Safety and immunogenicity of a live attenuated pentavalent
rotavirus vaccine in HIV-exposed infants with or without HIV infection in Africa. AIDS.
2017 Jan 2;31(1):49-59.
105. Jao J, Freimanis L, Mussi-Pinhata MM, Cohen RA, Monteiro JP, Cruz ML, Branch
A, Sperling RS, Siberry GK; NISDI LILAC Protocol.. Severe Vitamin D Deficiency in
Human Immunodeficiency Virus-Infected Pregnant Women is Associated with Preterm
Birth. Am J Perinatol. 2017;34(5):486-492.
106. Melvin AJ, Montepiedra G, Aaron L, Meyer WA 3rd, Spiegel HM, Borkowsky W,
Abzug MJ, Best BM, Crain MJ, Borum PR, Graham B, Anthony P, Shin K, Siberry GK;
P1063 Study Team.. Safety and Efficacy of Atorvastatin in Human Immunodeficiency
Virus-Infected Children, Adolescents and Young Adults with Hyperlipidemia.
Pediatr Infect Dis J. 2017;36(1):53-60.
107. Jacobson DL, Patel K, Williams PL, Geffner ME, Siberry GK, Dimeglio LA, Crain
MJ, Mirza A, Chen JS, McFarland E, Kacanek D, Silio M, Rich K, Borkowsky W, Van
Dyke RB, Miller TL; Pediatric HIVAIDS Cohort Study.. Growth at Two Years of Age
in HIV-Exposed Uninfected Children in the US by Trimester of Maternal
Antiretroviral Initiation. Pediatr Infect Dis J. 2017; 36(2):189-197.
108. Fowler MG, Qin M, Fiscus SA, Currier JS, Flynn PM, Chipato T, McIntyre J,
Gnanashanmugam D, Siberry GK, Coletti AS, Taha TE, Klingman KL, Martinson FE,
Owor M, Violari A, Moodley D, Theron GB, Bhosale R, Bobat R, Chi BH, Strehlau R,
Mlay P, Loftis AJ, Browning R, Fenton T, Purdue L, Basar M, Shapiro DE, Mofenson
LM;for the IMPAACT 1077BF/1077FF PROMISE Study Team. Benefits and Risks of
Antiretroviral Therapy for Perinatal HIV Prevention. N Engl J Med 2016; 375:1726-
109. Shepherd JA, Sommer MJ, Fan B, Powers C, Stranix-Chibanda L, Zadzilka A, Basar
M, George K, Mukwasi-Kahari C, Siberry G. Advanced Analysis Techniques Improve
Infant Bone and Body Composition Measures by Dual-Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry. J
Pediatr. 2017;181:248-253.e3.
110. Redmond SM, Yao TJ, Russell JS, Rice ML, Hoffman HJ, Siberry GK, Frederick T,
Purswani M, Williams PL; Pediatric HIV/AIDS Cohort Study. Longitudinal
Evaluation of Language Impairment in Youth With Perinatally Acquired Human
Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and Youth With Perinatal HIV Exposure. J Pediatric
Infect Dis Soc. 2016;5(suppl 1):S33-S40.
SIBERRY, page 16
111. Weinberg A, Mussi-Pinhata MM, Yu Q, Cohen RA, Almeida VC, Amaral F, Pinto J,
Teixeira ML, Succi RC, Freimanis L, Read JS, Siberry G; NISDI Perinatal, LILAC,
CIRAI Protocols.. Excess respiratory viral infections and low antibody responses
among HIV-exposed, uninfected infants. AIDS. 2017;31(5):669-679.
112. Rainwater-Lovett K, Ziemniak C, Watson D, Luzuriaga K, Siberry G, Petru A,
Chen Y, Uprety P, McManus M, Ho YC, Lamers SL, Persaud D. Paucity of Intact
Non-Induced Provirus with Early, Long-Term Antiretroviral Therapy of Perinatal
HIV Infection. PLoS One. 2017;12(2):e0170548.
113. Lee S, Siberry GK, Alarcón JO, Reyes Vega M, Kolevic Roca L, Gutierrez C,
Celia de Menezes Succi R, Ferreira Peixoto M, Stoszek SK, Hazra R, Harris DR.
Prevalence and Associated Characteristics of HIV-Infected Children in Latin
America Who Know Their HIV Status. J Pediatric Infect Dis Soc. 2018;7(1):78-81.
114. Shearer WT, Jacobson DL, Yu W, Siberry GK, Purswani M, Siminski S, Butler L,
Leister E, Scott G, Van Dyke RB, Yogev R, Paul ME, Puga A, Colin AA, Kattan M;
Pediatric HIV/AIDS Cohort Study.. Long-Term Pulmonary Complications in
Perinatally HIV-Infected Youth. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2017;140(4):1101-1111.
115. Huo Y, Patel K, Scott GB, Van Dyke RB, Siberry GK, Burchett SK, Shearer WT.
Lymphocyte Subsets in HIV-Exposed Uninfected Infants and HIV-Unexposed
Uninfected Infants. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2017;140(2):605-608.
116. Warshaw MG, Siberry GK, Williams P, Decker MD, Jean-Philippe P, Lujan-Zilbermann
J. Immunogenicity of a Booster Dose of Quadrivalent Meningococcal Conjugate Vaccine
in Previously Immunized HIV-Infected Children and Youth. J Pediatric Infect Dis Soc.
117. Smith C, Jalbert E, de Almeida V, Canniff J, Lenz LL, Mussi-Pinhata MM, Cohen RA,
Yu Q, Amaral FR, Pinto J, Alarcon JO, Siberry G, Weinberg A. Altered Natural Killer
Cell Function in HIV-Exposed Uninfected Infants. Front Immunol. 2017;8:470.
118. Agwu AL, Warshaw MG, McFarland EJ, Siberry GK, Melvin AJ, Wiznia AA, Fairlie L,
Boyd S, Harding P, Spiegel HML, Abrams EJ, Carey VJ; P1094 Study Team. Decline in
CD4 T lymphocytes with monotherapy bridging strategy for non-adherent adolescents
living with HIV infection: Results of the IMPAACT P1094 randomized trial. PLoS One.
119. Hosek SG, Landovitz RJ, Kapogiannis B, Siberry GK, Rudy B, Rutledge B, Liu N,
Harris DR, Mulligan K, Zimet G, Mayer KH, Anderson P, Kiser JJ, Lally M, Brothers
J, Bojan K, Rooney J, Wilson CM. Safety and Feasibility of Antiretroviral
Preexposure Prophylaxis for Adolescent Men Who Have Sex With Men Aged 15 to 17
Years in the United States. JAMA Pediatr. 2017;171(11):1063-1071.
SIBERRY, page 17
120. Pinto JA, Capparelli EV, Warshaw M, Zimmer B, Cressey TR, Spector SA, Qin M,
Smith B, Siberry GK, Mirochnick M; IMPAACT P1083 Team. A Phase II/III Trial of
Lopinavir/Ritonavir Dosed According to the Who Pediatric Weight Band Dosing
Guidelines. Pediatr Infect Dis J. 2017;37(2):e29-e35.
121. Succi RC, Krauss MR, Harris DR, Machado DM, de Moraes-Pinto MI, Mussi-Pinhata
MM, Pavia Ruz N, Pierre RB, Kolevic Roca LA, Joao E, Foradori I, Scotta MC, Hazra
R, Siberry GK; NISDI Pediatric Study Group 2012. Immunity Following Childhood
Vaccinations in Perinatally HIV-Exposed Children with and without HIV Infection
in Latin America. Pediatr Infect Dis J. 2018 37(4):304-309.
122. Rice ML, Russell JS, Frederick T, Purswani M, Williams PL, Siberry GK, Redmond
SM, Hoffman HJ, Yao TJ; Pediatric HIV/AIDS Cohort Study (PHACS). Risk for Speech
and Language Impairments in Pre-school Aged HIV-Exposed Uninfected Children with
in utero Combination Antiretroviral Exposure. Pediatr Infect Dis J. 2018;37(7):678-685.
123. McFarland EJ, Karron RA, Muresan P, Cunningham CK, Valentine ME, Perlowski C,
Thumar B, Gnanashanmugam D, Siberry GK, Schappell E, Barr E, Rexroad V, Yogev
R, Spector SA, Aziz M, Patel N, Cielo M, Luongo C, Collins PL, Buchholz UJ. Live-
Attenuated Respiratory Syncytial Virus Vaccine Candidate With Deletion of RNA
Synthesis Regulatory Protein M2-2 is Highly Immunogenic in Children. The Journal of
Infectious Diseases 2018; 217(9):1347-1355.
124. Buchholz UJ, Cunningham CK, Muresan P, Gnanashanmugam D, Sato P, Siberry GK,
Rexroad V, Valentine M, Perlowski C, Schappell E, Thumar B, Luongo C, Barr E, Aziz
M, Yogev R, Spector SA, Collins PL, McFarland EJ, Karron RA. Live Respiratory
Syncytial Virus (RSV) Vaccine Candidate Containing Stabilized Temperature-Sensitivity
Mutations Is Highly Attenuated in RSV-Seronegative Infants and Children. The Journal
of Infectious Diseases 2018; 217(9):1338-1346.
125. Jourdain G, Ngo-Giang-Huong N, Harrison L, Decker L, Khamduang W, Tierney C,
Salvadori N, Cressey TR, Sirirungsi W, Achalapong J, Yuthavisuthi P, Kanjanavikai
P, Na Ayudhaya OP, Siriwachirachai T, Prommas S, Sabsanong P, Limtrakul A,
Varadisai S, Putiyanun C, Suriyachai P, Liampongsabuddhi P, Sangsawang S,
Matanasarawut W, Buranabanjasatean S, Puernngooluerm P, Bowonwatanuwong C,
Puthanakit T, Klinbuayaem V, Thongsawat S, Thanprasertsuk S, Siberry GK, Watts
DH, Chakhtoura N, Murphy TV, Nelson NP, Chung RT, Pol S, Chotivanich N. Tenofovir
versus Placebo to Prevent Perinatal Transmission of Hepatitis B. N Engl J Med.
126. Weinberg A, Mussi-Pinhata M, Yu Q, Cohen RA, Almeida VC, Amaral FR, Freimanis
L, Harris DR, Smith C, Siberry G. Factors Associated with Lower Respiratory Tract
Infections in HIV-Exposed Uninfected Infants. AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses 2018;
127. Cressey TR, Harrison L, Achalapong J, Kanjanavikai P, Patamasingh Na Ayudhaya
O, Liampongsabuddhi P, Siriwachirachai T, Putiyanun C, Suriyachai P, Tierney C,
SIBERRY, page 18
Salvadori N, Chinwong D, Decker L, Tawon Y, Murphy TV, Ngo-Giang-Huong N,
Siberry GK, Jourdain G; iTAP study team. Tenofovir exposure during pregnancy and
postpartum in women receiving tenofovir disoproxil fumarate for the prevention of
mother-to-child transmission of hepatitis B virus. Antimicrob Agents Chemother.
2018;62(12) pii: e01686-18.
128. Hanan NJ, Paul ME, Huo Y, Kapetanovic S, Smith E, Siberry G, Brouwers P, Graham
B, Johnston B, Capparelli EV, Best BM. Sertraline Pharmacokinetics in HIV-Infected
and Uninfected Children, Adolescents, and Young Adults. Frontiers in Pediatrics
129. Salvadori N, Fan B, Teeyasoontranon W, Ngo-Giang-Huong N, Phanomcheong S,Luvira
A, Puangsombat A, Suwannarat A, Srirompotong U, Putiyanun C, Cressey TR, Decker L,
Khamduang W, Harrison L, Tierney C, Shepherd JA, Kourtis AP, Bulterys M, Siberry
GK, Jourdain G. Maternal and Infant Bone Mineral Density 1 Year After Delivery in a
Randomized, Controlled Trial of Maternal Tenofovir Disoproxil Fumarate to Prevent
Mother-to-child Transmission of Hepatitis B Virus. Clin Infect Dis. 2019;69(1):144-146.
130. Ezeanolue EE, Iheanacho T, Patel DV, Patel S, Sam-Agudu N, Obiefune M, Dakum
P, Okonkwo P, Olutola A, Khamofu H, Oyeledun B, Aliyu S, Aina M, Eyo A, Oko J,
Akinmurele T, Oleribe O, Gebi U, Aliyu MH, Sturke R, Siberry G. Challenges and
Strategies for Improving Training of Mid-Level Research Personnel in Nigeria. Ann
Glob Health. 2019;85(1):87.
131. Jacobson DL, Lindsey JC, Gordon C, Hazra R, Spiegel H, Ferreira F, Amaral FR,
Pagano-Therrien J, Gaur A, George K, Benson J, Siberry GK; IMPAACT P1076 Study
Team. Alendronate improves bone mineral density in perinatally HIV-infected
children and adolescents with low bone mineral density for age. Clin Infect Dis.
132. Aizire J, Brooks KM, Mirochnick M, Flynn PM, Butler K, Kiser JJ, Siberry GK,
Fenton T, Cababasay M, Fowler MG; PROMISE Study Team. Antenatal Intracellular
Concentrations of Tenofovir Diphosphate and Emtricitabine Triphosphate and
Associations Between Tenofovir Diphosphate and Severe Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes:
IMPAACT-PROMISE (1077BF) Trial. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2020;83(2):173-
133. Phillips AN, Bansi-Matharu L, Venter F, Havlir D, Pozniak A, Kuritzkes DR, Wensing
A, Lundgren JD, Pillay D, Mellors J, Cambiano V, Jahn A, Apollo T, Mugurungi O,
Ripin D, Da Silva J, Raizes E, Ford N, Siberry GK, Gupta RK, Barnabas R, Revill P,
Cohn J, Calmy A, Bertagnolio S. Updated assessment of risks and benefits of
dolutegravir versus efavirenz in new antiretroviral treatment initiators in sub-Saharan
Africa: modelling to inform treatment guidelines. Lancet HIV. 2020 Mar;7(3):e193-e200.
134. João EC, Morrison RL, Shapiro DE, Chakhtoura N, Gouvèa MIS, de Lourdes B Teixeira
M, Fuller TL, Mmbaga BT, Ngocho JS, Njau BN, Violari A, Mathiba R, Essack Z,
SIBERRY, page 19
Pilotto JHS, Moreira LF, Rolon MJ, Cahn P, Prommas S, Cressey TR, Chokephaibulkit
K, Werarak P, Laimon L, Hennessy R, Frenkel LM, Anthony P, Best BM, Siberry GK,
Mirochnick M. . Raltegravir versus efavirenz in antiretroviral-naive pregnant women
living with HIV (NICHD P1081): an open-label, randomised, controlled, phase 4 trial.
Lancet HIV. 2020;7(5): e322-e331.
135. Lindsey JC, Jacobson DL, Spiegel H, Gordon CM, Hazra R, Siberry GK; IMPAACT
P1076 Study Team. Safety and efficacy of 48 and 96 weeks of alendronate in children
and adolescents with perinatal HIV infection and low bone mineral density for age. Clin
Infect Dis. 2020 Epub ahead of print.
136. Ezeanolue EE, Iheanacho T, Adedeji IA, Itanyi IU, Olakunde B, Patel D, Dakum P,
Okonkwo P, Akinmurele T, Obiefune M, Khamofu H, Oyeledun B, Aina M, Eyo A,
Oleribe O, Oko J, Olutola A, Gobir I, Aliyu MH, Aliyu G, Woelk G, Aarons G, Siberry
G, Sturke R; Nigeria Implementation Science Alliance. Opportunities and challenges to
integrating mental health into HIV programs in a low- and middle-income country:
insights from the Nigeria implementation science Alliance. BMC Health Serv Res.
137. Stranix-Chibanda L, Tierney C, Sebikari D, Aizire J, Dadabhai S, Zanga A, Mukwasi-
Kahari C, Vhembo T, Violari A, Theron G, Moodley D, George K, Fan B, Sommer MJ,
Browning R, Mofenson LM, Shepherd J, Nelson B, Fowler MG, Siberry GK; PROMISE
P1084s study team. Impact of postpartum tenofovir-based antiretroviral therapy on bone
mineral density in breastfeeding women with HIV enrolled in a randomized clinical trial.
PLoS One. 2021;16(2):e0246272.
Invited Editorials & Journal Supplements
1. Siberry GK, Joyner M, Hutton N. Growing up with perinatal HIV infection: Time for a
HAART to heart. J Pediatr 2008;153:456-7.
2. Siberry GK, Tindyebwa D. Commentary: When to start and what to use in children -
Recommendations and rationale. AIDS 2014, 28 Suppl 2:S133-5.
3. Supplement Co-editor. Infections Transmitted From Mother to Child During Pregnancy,
Delivery, and Breastfeeding. Journal of the Pediatric Infectious Disease Society (JPIDS)
2014;3(1): S1-40.
4. Supplement Co-editor. Advancing Implementation Science in Prevention of Maternal-
Child HIV Transmission. Sturke R, Siberry G, co-editors. J Acquir Immune Defic
Syndr.2016 Aug 1;72 Suppl 2.
5. Rakhmanina N, Siberry GK. In Search of the Right Time and Right Place: Screening
Adolescents and Youth for Human Immunodeficiency Virus in the United States. J
Adolesc Health. 2018; 62(1):3-4.
SIBERRY, page 20
6. Siberry GK. Beyond Prevention of Vertical HIV Transmission Improving Outcomes
of HIV-Uninfected Infants Born to Mothers with HIV Infection. Pediatr Infect Dis J.
7. Supplement Co-Editor: Post-program Learning and Knowledge from the Acclerating
Children’s HIV/AIDS Treatment (ACT) Initiative. Siberry GK, Amzel A, Watts DH,
Ahmed S. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2018;78 Suppl 2: S63-S146.
8. Siberry GK, Amzel A, Watts DH, Ahmed S. Supplement Introduction: Accelerating
Children's HIV/AIDS Treatment (ACT) Initiative: Using What We Learned to Maintain
the Pace to Close the Pediatric HIV Treatment Gap (Supplement Introduction). J Acquir
Immune Defic Syndr. 2018;78 Suppl 2:S63-S64.
9. Supplement Co-Editor. Mind the Gap: Filling Knowledge Gaps in Paediatric and
Adolescent HIV for an AIDS Free Generation. Bekker LG and SiberryGK, . J Acquir
Immune Defic Syndr. 2018;78 Suppl 1:S1-S62.
10. Bekker LG, Siberry GK, Hirnschall G. Ensuring Children and Adolescents Are Not Left
Behind (Supplement Introduction). J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2018 Aug 15;78 Suppl
11. Powis KM, Siberry GK. Optimising HIV antiretrovirals for mothers and infants. Lancet
HIV. 2019 May;6(5):e272-e273.
12. Siberry GK, Reddy UM, Mofenson LM. SARS-COV-2 Maternal-Child Transmission:
Can It Occur Before Delivery and How Do We Prove It? Pediatr Infect Dis J. 2020
13. Siberry GK. Keeping Your Diagnostic Mind Open During the COVID-19 Pandemic.
Pediatr Infect Dis J. 2020;39(12):e444
Review Articles
1. Siberry GK, Cohen BA, and Johnson B. Cutaneous polyarteritis nodosa. Arch Dermatol
2. Siberry GK. Complications of influenza infection in children. Pediatr Ann
2000;29(11): 683-690.
3. Siberry GK, Ruff A, Black R. Zinc and human immunodeficiency virus infection. Nutr
Res 2002;22(4):527-38.
SIBERRY, page 21
4. Siberry GK. Papular-purpuric gloves and socks syndrome due to acute parvovirus B19
infection: case report and review [Clinical Insights, Contemporary Topics]. MD Consult
Infectious Disease. October 1, 2003. Available at:
5. Siberry GK, Parsons G, Hutton N. Management of infants born to HIV infected
mothers. The Hopkins HIV Report 2003;15(6):7-9,12.
6. Siberry GK, Carroll KC. In vitro inducible clindamycin resistance in Staphylococcus
aureus. ASCP Tech Sample Microbiology No. MB-3, pp. 19-23.
7. Siberry GK. Fighting a rising ride of MRSA in the young. Contemporary Pediatrics
2005; 22(7): 1-10.
8. Chandran A, Heinzen RR, Santosham M, Siberry GK. Nosocomial Rotavirus
Infections: A systematic review. J Pediatr. 2006;149(4):441-7.
9. Bhat N, Siberry GK. Influenza in infants and children. eInfluenza Review, Bartlett JG,
Farley JE, eds., May 2007.
10. Singh HK, Gupta A, Siberry GK,
Gupte N, Sastry J, Kinikar A, Shah I, Gangakhedkar
RR, Bollinger RC, Kulkarni V.
The Indian Pediatric HIV Epidemic: a Systematic
Review. Curr HIV Res. 2008 Sep;6(5):419-32..
11. Brady TM, Siberry GK, Solomon BS. Pediatric hypertension: A review of proper
screening, diagnosis, evaluation, and treatment. Contemporary Pediatrics
14. Simpkins EP, Siberry GK, Hutton N. If you don’t think about it, you won’t look for it:
HIV infection in children and adolescents. Pediatrics in Review 2009; 30:337-49.
15. Mofenson LM, Oleske J, Serchuck L, Van Dyke R, Wilfert C. Recommendations from
the Centers for Disease Control, the National Institutes of Health, the HIV Medicine
Association of the Infectious Diseases Society of America, and the Pediatric Infectious
Diseases Society. Guidelines for Prevention and Treatment of Opportunistic Infections
among HIV-Exposed and HIV-Infected Children, Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report
(MMWR) August 26, 2009;58:1-166. [Served as member of working group who
authored this document.]
16. Hazra R, Siberry G, Mofenson LM. Growing up with HIV: Children, Adolescents and
Young Adults with Perinatally-Acquired HIV Infection. Annual Review of Medicine
2010; 61:169-85.
17. Pace JE, Siberry GK, Hazra R, Kapogiannis BG. Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP)
for Adolescents and Young Adults at Risk for HIV Infection: Is an Ounce of
Prevention Worth a Pound of Cure? Clin Infect Dis. 2013;56(8):1149-55.
SIBERRY, page 22
18. Puthanakit T, Siberry GK. Bone health in children and adolescents with perinatal HIV
Infection. J Int AIDS Soc. 2013;16:18575 (1-10).
19. Siberry GK (Executive Secretary), Abzug MJ, Nachman S, Brady MT, Dominguez KL,
Handelsman E, Mofenson LM, Nesheim S; and the Panel on Opportunistic Infections in
HIV-Exposed and HIV-Infected Children (Bhattacharya D; Bohannon B; Clarke D.;
Edwards KM; Esbenshade JC; Flynn P; Gaur A; Gigliotti F; Harrison G; Hobbs CV;
Kimberlin D; Kleiman MB; Koumans EH; Kroger A; Levin MJ; Mack CL; Marais BJ;
Maron G; McAuley J; Menzies HJ; Moscicki A; Narkewicz MR; Rutstein R; Seward J;
Shimamura M; Steinbach WJ; Wilson GJ). Guidelines for the Prevention and Treatment
of Opportunistic Infections in HIV-Exposed and HIV-Infected Children:
Recommendations from the National Institutes of Health, Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention, the HIV Medicine Association of the Infectious Diseases Society of
America, the Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society, and the American Academy of
Pediatrics. Pediatr Infect Dis J. 2013; 32 (Supplement 2): i-KK4.
20. Siberry GK. Preventing and Managing HIV Infection in Infants, Children and
Adolescents in the United States. Pediatrics in Review 2014;35(7):268-86.
21. Sturke R, Harmston C, Simonds RJ, Mofenson LM, Siberry GK, Watts DH, McIntyre
J, Anand N, Guay L, Castor D, Brouwers P, Nagel JD. A Multi-Disciplinary Approach
to Implementation Science: The NIH-PEPFAR PMTCT Implementation Science
Alliance. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2014;67 Suppl 2:S163-7.
22. Munoz FM, Weisman LE, Read JS, Siberry G, Kotloff K, Friedman J, Higgins RD,
Hill H, Seifert H, Nesin M. Assessment of safety in newborns of mothers
participating in clinical trials of vaccines administered during pregnancy. Clin
Infect Dis. 2014;59 Suppl 7:S415-27.
23. Ford N, Meintjes G, Pozniak A, Bygrave H, Hill A, Peter T, Davies MA,
Grinsztejn B, Calmy A, Kumarasamy N, Phanuphak P, deBeaudrap P, Vitoria M,
Doherty M, Stevens W, Siberry GK. The future role of CD4 cell count for
monitoring antiretroviral therapy. Lancet Infect Dis. 2015;15(2):241-7.
24. Allison SM, Siberry GK. National Institutes of Health investment in studies of HIV
disclosure to children. AIDS. 2015;29 Suppl 1:S109-18.
25. Essajee S, Vojnov L, Penazzato M, Jani I, Siberry GK, Fiscus SA, Markby J. Reducing
mortality in HIV-infected infants and achieving the 90-90-90 target through innovative
diagnosis approaches. J Int AIDS Soc. 2015;18(7 Suppl 6):20299.
26. Barlow-Mosha L, Musiime V, Davies MA, Prendergast AJ, Musoke P, Siberry G,
Penazzato M. Universal antiretroviral therapy for HIV-infected children: a review of the
benefits and risks to consider during implementation. J Int AIDS Soc. 2017;20(1):1-7.
SIBERRY, page 23
27. Sturke R, Siberry G, Mofenson L, Watts DH, McIntyre JA, Brouwers P, Guay
L.Creating Sustainable Collaborations for Implementation Science: The Case of the NIH-
PEPFAR PMTCT Implementation Science Alliance. J Acquir Immune Defic
Syndr.2016;72 Suppl 2:S102-7.
28. Siberry GK, Amzel A, Ramos A, Rivadeneira ED. Impact of Human Immunodeficiency
Virus Drug Resistance on Treatment of Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection in
Children in Low- and Middle-Income Countries. J Infect Dis. 2017 216(suppl_9):S838-
29. Beste S, Essajee S, Siberry G, Hannaford A, Dara J, Sugandhi N, Penazzato M. Optimal
Anti-Retroviral Prophylaxis in Infants At High-Risk of Acquiring Human
Immunodeficiency Virus: A Systematic Review. Pediatr Infect Dis J. 2018;37(2):169-
30. Clarke DF, Penazzato M, Capparelli E, Cressey TR, Siberry G, Sugandhi N,
Mirochnick M; WHO Paediatric Antiretroviral Working Group. Prevention and
Treatment of HIV Infection in Neonates: Evidence Base for Existing WHO Dosing
Recommendations and Implementation Considerations. Expert Rev Clin Pharmacol
31. Penazzato M, Lewis L, Watkins M, Prabhu V, Pascual F, Auton M, Kreft W, Morin S,
Vicari M, Lee J, Jamieson D, Siberry GK. Shortening the decade-long gap
between adult and paediatric drug formulations: a new framework based on the HIV
experience in low- and middle-income countries. J Int AIDS Soc. 2018 Feb;21 Suppl
1. doi: 10.1002/jia2.25049.
32. Ehrenkranz PD, Calleja JM, El-Sadr W, Fakoya AO, Ford N, Grimsrud A, Harris
KL, Jed SL, Low-Beer D, Patel SV, Rabkin M, Reidy WJ, Reinisch A, Siberry GK,
Tally LA, Zulu I, Zaidi I. A pragmatic approach to monitor and evaluate
implementation and impact of differentiated ART delivery for global and national
stakeholders. J Int AIDS Soc. 2018;21(3) doi: 10.1002/jia2.25080.
33. Penazzato M, Watkins M, Morin S, Lewis L, Pascual F, Vicari M, Lee J,
Hargreaves S, Doherty M, Siberry GK. Catalysing the development and introduction
of paediatric drug formulations for children living with HIV: a new global
collaborative framework for action. Lancet HIV. 2018 May;5(5):e259-e264.
34. Medley AM, Hrapcak S, Golin RA, Dziuban EJ, Watts H, Siberry GK, Rivadeneira
ED, Behel S. Strategies for Identifying and Linking HIV-Infected Infants,
Children, and Adolescents to HIV Treatment Services in Resource Limited Settings.
J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2018 Aug 15;78 Suppl 2:S98-S106.
35. Kapogiannis BG, Nelson RM, Siberry GK, Lee S, Hazra R. Advancing HIV
Biomedical Prevention Research for At-Risk Adolescents. J Acquir Immune Defic
Syndr. 2018; 15;79(5):535-542.
SIBERRY, page 24
36. Indolfi G, Easterbrook P, Dusheiko G, Siberry G, Chang MH, Thorne C, Bulterys M,
Chan PL, El-Sayed MH, Giaquinto C, Jonas MM, Meyers T, Walsh N, Wirth S,
Penazzato M. Hepatitis B virus infection in children and adolescents. Lancet
Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2019;4(6):466-476.
37. Indolfi G, Easterbrook P, Dusheiko G, El-Sayed MH, Jonas MM, Thorne C,
Bulterys M, Siberry G, Walsh N, Chang MH, Meyers T, Giaquinto C, Wirth S, Chan PL,
Penazzato M. Hepatitis C virus infection in children and adolescents. Lancet
Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2019;4(6):477-487.
38. Mofenson LM, Pozniak AL, Wambui J, Raizes E, Ciaranello A, Clayden P,
Ehrenkranz P, Fakoya A, Hill A, Khoo S, Mahaka I, Modi S, Moore C, Phillips A,
Siberry G, Sikwese K, Thorne C, Watts HD, Doherty M, Ford NP. Optimizing
responses to drug safety signals in pregnancy: the example of dolutegravir and
neural tube defects. J Int AIDS Soc. 2019;22(7):e25352.
39. Alemnji G, Pati R, Chun H, Zeh C, Mosha F, Siberry G, Ondoa P. Clinical/Laboratory
Interface Interventions to Improve Impact of Viral Load and Early Infant Diagnosis
Testing Scale-Up. AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses. 2020;36(7):550-555.
40. Wilkinson L, Siberry GK, Golin R, Phelps BR, Wolf HT, Modi S, Grimsrud A. Children
and their families are entitled to the benefits of differentiated ART delivery. J Int AIDS
Soc. 2020;23(4):e25482.
41. Golin R, Godfrey C, Firth J, Lee L, Minior T, Phelps BR, Raizes EG, Ake JA, Siberry
GK. PEPFAR's response to the convergence of the HIV and COVID-19 pandemics in
Sub-Saharan Africa. J Int AIDS Soc. 2020;23(8):e25587.
42. Vrazo AC, Golin R, Fernando NB, Killam WP, Sharifi S, Phelps BR, Gleason MM, Wolf
HT, Siberry GK, Srivastava M. Adapting HIV services for pregnant and breastfeeding
women, infants, children, adolescents and families in resource-constrained settings during
the COVID-19 pandemic. J Int AIDS Soc. 2020;23(9):e25622.
43. Emmanuel PJ, Mansfield J, Siberry GK. HIV Infection: An Update for Pediatricians.
Pediatrics in Review 2021 in press.
44. Golin R, Samuel JM, Phelps BR, Persaud U, Malati CY, Siberry GK. The promise of
paediatric dolutegravir. J Int AIDS Soc. 2021(1):e25660.
Book Chapters
1. Iannone R and Siberry GK, eds. The Harriet Lane Handbook, 15
edition, Mosby-Year
Book, Inc., 2000, Baltimore.
SIBERRY, page 25
2. Siberry GK. Varicella, in Primary Pediatric Care, 4
edition, Hoekelman RA, Adam
HM, Nelson NM, Weitzman ML, Wilson MH, eds., pp. 1385-92, Mosby, 2001,
3. Siberry GK and Steinhoff MC. Neonatal sepsis and infections, in Reese and Betts’ A
Practical Approach to Infectious Diseases, 5
edition, Betts RF, Chapman SW and Penn
RL, eds., pp. 67-96, Lippincott Williams & Williams, 2003, Philadelphia.
4. Siberry GK and Gray R. Neurologic complications of HIV infection in children. In:
Treatment of Pediatric Neurologic Disorders. Singer HS, Kossoff EH, Hartman AL,
Crawford TO, eds., Taylor and Francis Group, 2005, New York.
5. Siberry GK. Parvovirus, in Red Book: 2006. Report of the Committee on Infectious
Diseases 27
edition. Pickering LK, et al. American Academy of Pediatrics: 2006.
6. Laufer M and Siberry GK. Gastrointestinal Illness, in Comprehensive Pediatric
Hospital Medicine. Zaoutis LB, Chiang VW, eds., Elsevier, 2007, Philadelphia.
7. Siberry GK and Dumler JS. Spotted Fever Group Rickettsioses, in Nelson Textbook of
Pediatrics, 18
edition, Kliegman RM, Behrman RE, Jenson HB and Stanton BF, eds.
Elsevier Saunders, 2007, Philadelphia.
8. Siberry GK and Dumler JS. Ehrlichioses and Anaplasmosis, in Nelson Textbook of
Pediatrics, 18
edition, Kliegman RM, Behrman RE, Jenson HB and Stanton BF, eds.
Elsevier Saunders, 2007, Philadelphia.
9. Dumler JS and Siberry GK. Scrub Typhus, in Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics, 18
edition, Kliegman RM, Behrman RE, Jenson HB and Stanton BF, eds. Elsevier
Saunders, 2007, Philadelphia.
10. Dumler JS and Siberry GK. Typhus Group Rickettsioses, in Nelson Textbook of
Pediatrics, 18
edition, Kliegman RM, Behrman RE, Jenson HB and Stanton BF, eds.
Elsevier Saunders, 2007, Philadelphia.
11. Dumler JS and Siberry GK. Q Fever, in Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics, 18
Kliegman RM, Behrman RE, Jenson HB and Stanton BF, eds. Elsevier Saunders, 2007
12. McMillan JA, Siberry GK, Lee CK, Dick J, eds. Harriet Lane Pediatric Antimicrobial
Therapy Handbook (First edition), Elsevier, 2009, Philadelphia.
13. Weinberg GA and Siberry GK. Pediatric Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection , in
Mandell, Douglas, and Bennett’s Principles and Practice of Infectious Diseases, 7th ed,
Mandell GL, Bennett JE, Dolin R, eds. Elsevier Saunders, Philadelphia, 2010.
SIBERRY, page 26
14. Siberry GK and Hazra R. Management of HIV Infection, in Principles and Practice of
Pediatric Infectious Diseases, 4
ed., Long SS, Pickering LK and Prober CG, eds.
Elsevier Saunders, 2012, Philadelphia.
15. McMillan JA, Siberry GK, Lee CK, Carroll K., eds. Harriet Lane Pediatric
Antimicrobial Therapy Handbook (Second edition), Elsevier, 2013, Philadelphia.
16. Weinberg GA and Siberry GK. Pediatric Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection, in
Mandell, Douglas, and Bennett’s Principles and Practice of Infectious Diseases, 8th ed,
Mandell GL, Bennett JE, Dolin R, eds. Elsevier Saunders, Philadelphia, 2016.
17. Siberry GK. Management of HIV Infection, in Principles and Practice of Pediatric
Infectious Diseases, 5
ed., Long SS, Pickering LK and Prober CG, eds. Elsevier
Saunders, 2018, Philadelphia.
18. Siberry GK, Paul ME, Shearer WT. Pediatric HIV Infection, in Middleton's Allergy:
Principles and Practice, 9th Edition, Elsevier Saunders, 2019, Philadelphia.
19. Weinberg GA and Siberry GK. Pediatric Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection, in
Mandell, Douglas, and Bennett’s Principles and Practice of Infectious Diseases, 9th ed,
Mandell GL, Bennett JE, Dolin R, eds. Elsevier Saunders, Philadelphia, 2019.
20. Griffith D, Siberry GK. Management of HIV Infection, in Principles and Practice of
Pediatric Infectious Diseases, 6
ed., Long SS, Pickering LK and Prober CG, eds.
Elsevier Saunders, 2021, Philadelphia. (in press)
Extramural Sponsorship (Johns Hopkins University):
2000: Detection of pertussis infection by pertussis PCR among children admitted with
respiratory symptoms during RSV season. 2001-2003 Sponsor: Thrasher Research Fund PI:
Siberry [Collaborators: Trish Perl, Alexandra Valsamakis] $12,440 direct costs.
05/01/05 04/30/07 LEGACY: Longitudinal Epidemiologic Study to Gain insight into HIV
and AIDS in Children and Youth. Sponsor: Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention/WESTAT. PI: Siberry
7/01/05-06/30/06 Creation of a Dental Home within the Harriet Lane Clinic. Sponsor: Thomas
Wilson Sanitarium Award Total direct costs: $15,000. PI: Siberry [Collaborator: John Taylor,
7/01/06-6/30/08 Comparison of cephalexin versus clindamycin in the empiric treatment of
community-acquired methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (CA-MRSA) cutaneous
infections Direct cost: $25,000 Thrasher Research Fund. PI: Aaron Chen, MD. Primary
Mentor: George Siberry
SIBERRY, page 27
3/1/07-6/1/09 The Role of Human Metapneumovirus infection in asthmatic exacerbations in
pediatric patients. Direct Cost: $399,428. Thrasher Research Fund. PI: Fernando Polack,
MD. Role: Co-Investigator.
11/1/06-6/30/2008 Technical Advisor for development of program content and personnel for
JHPIEGO’s Center of Excellence (COE) for Maternal and Child’s Health (MCH) program to
develop PMTCT+ services at several sites throughout Haiti. Train health coordinators on the
PMTCT+ service package and ensure compliance with the package as well as get feedback from
providers once program implementation has begun. Ensure that service providers have the
competence and confidence they need to implement the PMTCT+ package so that program goals
are attained. Award: $62,000
06/1/06 -5/31/08 IMPAACT P1065: Phase I/II Study of Safety and Immunogenicity of
Quadrivalent Meningococcal Conjugate Vaccine in HIV-Infected Youth. Protocol Co-Chair:
Siberry Award: $16,350
12/1/07-11/1/2012 NICHD/Westat/IMPAACT: sub-site PI for International Maternal
Pediatric Adolescent AIDS Clinical Trials Group (IMPAACT) network site (consortium with
Children’s National Medical Center; PI: Steve Zeichner). This project deals with the
identification and study of complications and novel treatment for HIV-1 infection in infants,
children, adolescents and pregnant women domestically and internationally. Responsible for
leading site research team to recruit patients from pediatric, adolescent and obstetric HIV clinics
at Johns Hopkins for participation in IMPAACT network studies. Additional IMPAACT roles
include Co-Chair of Protocol P1065 (Safety and Immunogenicity of Conjugated Meningococcal
Vaccine in HIV-Infected Youth); Complications Scientific Executive Committee Voting
Member; Vice-Chair, P1075 Study of Maraviroc in HIV-Infected Children and Youth; Chair,
P1076 Study of Alendronate in HIV-Infected Youth with Low Bone Mineral Density. Turned
over PI role to Jonathan Ellen when I assumed full-time NIH position in August 2008.
Major Research Activities and Programs (USG: National Institutes of Health, State
Department Office of the Global AIDS Coordinator, United States Agency for
International Development)
2008-2016 Program Officer/Medical Officer/Project Scientist (NIH/NICHD). Guidance to
applicants and development of initiatives and to build portfolio of innovative
grants in areas of prevention and treatment of HIV infection and its
complications, prevention and treatment of other infections in pregnant women
and children, and implementation science.
- RFA-HD-12-197. Disclosure of HIV-Status to Children in Low- and Middle-
Income Country Settings (R01). Funded 6 grants (one grant with additional
funding from NIMH) in Ghana, Kenya, Zimbabwe, Uganda, South Africa and
China. (2012)
-RFA-HD-12-205 Disclosure of HIV-Status to Children in Low- and Middle-
Income Country Settings (R21). Funded 3 grants in Haiti/Dominican Republic,
China and Namibia. (2012)
SIBERRY, page 28
-RFA-HD-12-210: NIH/PEPFAR Collaboration for Advancing Implementation
Science in Prevention of Maternal-Child HIV Transmission (PMTCT) (RO1).
Joint PEPFAR and NIH (NICHD-led; FIC, NIMH, ORWH participation) effort
and funding, including FIC-led twice yearly meetings of RFA grantees and
PMTCT implementers and policy-makers to enable a cross-fertilization of ideas,
insights and experiences in PMTCT Implementation Science research. Funded 9
grants in Nigeria, Democratic Republic of Congo, South Africa, Zambia, Cote
d'Ivoire, Kenya and Mozambique. (2012)
-RFA-HD-14-027: Safety and Effectiveness of Triple Antiretroviral Drug
Strategies for Prevention of Mother to Child HIV Transmission (R01). Funded 8
grants (one grant with additional funding from PEPFAR) in Kenya, South Africa,
Malawi, Uganda, Zimbabwe and Botswana. (2014)
-U.S.NIH - Brazil Biomedical Collaborative Research Initiative. Represented
NICHD in this FIC/NIAID-led effort to stimulate research collaborations between
NIH-funded investigators and Brazilian investigators. Initial opportunity: PA-14-
328, Administrative Supplements for U.S. - Brazil Biomedical Collaborative
Research. (2014)
2008-2015 International Maternal Pediatric Adolescent AIDS Clinical Trials Group
(IMPAACT) network (NIH/NICHD). DAIDS-led, NICHD-cofunded cooperative
agreement for HIV prevention and treatment clinical trials in children and
pregnant women.
-NICHD Representative for IMPAACT Leadership Committee (2013-2015)
Complications Scientific Committee Member (2008- 2015)
-Medical Officer, 2-3 new protocols per year; 6-8 ongoing protocols per year.
-Protocol Principal (Co)Investigator:
P1065: Safety and immunogenicity of quadrivalent meningococcal conjugate
vaccine in HIV-Infected children and youth (2008-2013)
P1076: Alendronate for HIV-infected children and youth with low bone density
P1084s: Maternal and infant monitoring for evidence of toxicity related to
tenofovir use during pregnancy and breastfeeding (2009-2015)
2008-2015 Pediatric HIV/AIDS Cohort Study (PHACS) (NIH/NICHD). NICHD-led, multi-
site domestic study (cooperative agreement), compromised of Surveillance
Monitoring for Antiretroviral Treatment Toxicity (SMARTT) cohort study of
infants born to women with HIV infection and Adolescent Master Protocol
(AMP) cohort study of complications of perinatal HIV infection.
-Project Scientist (secondary)
-Scientific working group member (Cardiopulmonary, Hearing-Language,
Complications and Leadership Group).
-Substudy Co-Principal Investigator, PH101: Newborn Evaluation for Effects of
Maternal Tenofovir Use During Pregnancy
SIBERRY, page 29
2008-2015 NICHD International Site Development Initiative (NISDI) perinatal and pediatric
HIV multi-site cohort study in Latin America and the Caribbean. (Funded through
Westat contract see below) (NIH/NICHD).
-Investigator, Pediatric/PLACES cohort.
-(2011-2015) Principal Investigator, Perinatal /LILAC cohort
-Monitored study conduct. Co-led annual meetings. Led analyses and supported
site investigator leadership of other analyses. Facilitated external investigator
collaboration for projects using NISDI data/specimens, such as studies of vitamin
D status in HIV-infected pregnant women, determinants of vertical hepatitis C
transmission, and immunologic disturbances in HIV-exposed uninfected children.
2012-2015 Contract Officer’s Representative (COR), NICHD Pediatric and Maternal HIV
Clinical Trials Network (NIH/NICHD).
- Primary responsibility for running monitoring meetings with contractor
(Westat), providing feedback and guidance on clinical research site performance
and other activities for this large (>$30M annually) contract.
-Responsible for technical aspects of developing RFP and making technical
recommendations to Contract Officer after review of offeror proposals for
recompetition of coordinating center contract (2012).
-Supervised development of Westat RFP to recompete NICHD/Westat clinical
trials sites and supervise Westat conduct of site review meeting and process in
- Active promotion of participation of the NICHD clinical trials sites in studies of
high priority that are developed by IMPAACT and other networks.
2015-2018 Senior Pediatric Technical Advisor for PEPFAR, Office of the Global AIDS
Coordinator (S/GAC), Department of State (2016-2019). Director, HIV
Treatment, Care and TB unit. Long-term secondment (detail) from NIH to State
Department (2015-2018).
- Primary pediatric accomplishments have included leadership, direction and
technical oversight of the $200 million, 2-year Accelerating Children on
Treatment (ACT) Initiative and prevention, care and treatment activities for
children/adolescents within PEPFAR country programs.
-(2016-2019)Pediatric and treatment representative for OGAC/PEPFAR in multi-
stakeholder meetings, proposal development and document writing with WHO,
UNICEF, Global Fund, Clinton Health Access Foundation, Elizabeth Glaser
Pediatric AIDS Foundation, International AIDS Society, Gates Foundation, other
USG agencies and other partners. [See Awards section: State Department
Meritorious Honor Award, June 2018]
-(2017-2019) Major role in multi-stakeholder engagement, including with faith-
based partners, in advancing progress in pediatric ARV drugs and diagnostics.
-(2016-2018) As Director of the HIV Treatment, Care and TB unit, act as direct
supervisor for 3-5 senior staff members in adult treatment, TB/HIV, commodities
and orphans-vulnerable children (OVC) activities.
SIBERRY, page 30
-(2016-2018) S/GAC chair for the Kenya (>$500M per year) and Lesotho
PEPFAR country programs.
-(2017-2019) Co-lead of Epidemic Control Team 2, part of interagency strategic
reorganization of PEPFAR headquarters technical support to country programs.
2018-present Medical Officer, Adult Clinical Branch, Office of HIV/AIDS (OHA), Division of
Prevention, Care and Treatment, Global Health Bureau, USAID.
- Senior Pediatric Technical Advisor for PEPFAR, Office of the Global AIDS
Coordinator (S/GAC), Department of State (2018-2019).
- Pediatric and treatment representative for PEPFAR in multi-stakeholder
meetings, proposal development and document writing with WHO, UNICEF,
Global Fund, Clinton Health Access Foundation, Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS
Foundation, International AIDS Society, Gates Foundation, other USG agencies
and other partners.
- (2018-2020) Senior Country Advisor (SCA) for the Kenya USAID PEPFAR
country programs.
- (2018-2019) Co-lead of Epidemic Control Team 2, part of interagency strategic
reorganization of PEPFAR headquarters technical support to country programs.
- (2019-present) OHA Deputy Principal. Focus countries: Lesotho, Kenya,
Cameroon, Angola.
SIBERRY, page 31
Classroom Instruction
1985-1988 Teaching Assistant, Neurosciences, Brown University
1988-1989 Teacher, Director & Principal. Louverture-Cleary School, Port-au-Prince, Haiti
1997-1998 Weekly pediatric resident lecture, Thomas Jefferson University
1998-1999 Pediatric Chief Resident, Johns Hopkins University
Twice weekly “Chief Resident Rounds” for medical students
Organize and facilitate weekly case conference
Monthly “mock codes” for physician & nursing staff
2000-2003 Pediatric Infectious Diseases Fellow, Johns Hopkins University
Pediatric Resident Noon Lectures: Medical complications of Influenza
Pediatric Pulmonary Conference: Treatment of Influenza
Pediatric Medical Student Conference: Respiratory Infections
2003-2008 Pediatric Resident Noon Lectures: MRSA (once yearly)
Pediatric Medical Student Conference: Respiratory Infections (once yearly)
2006-2007 Course Lecturer, Second Year Medical Student Microbiology Course:
Staphylococci (once yearly)
2006-2007 Doris Duke Fellowship Medical Students: Core pediatric HIV lectures (twice
2008-2010 Course lecturer, Rational Therapeutics course (Director: Brent Petty). Annual
lecture about issues in medication prescribing in pediatrics.
2006-2013 Panelist, Ethiopian-Hopkins Telemedicine HIV Clinical Conference (once
2009-2011 Course lecturer, Tropical Medicine. West Virginia University Global Health
Program, Lectures: Overview of HIV Epidemiology; Perinatal/Pediatric HIV
Infection. (annual)
2012-2016 Course lecturer (Overview of research on antiretroviral treatment of HIV infection
in children) for Pediatric HIV/AIDS (PubH 6099), Department of Epidemiology
and Biostatistics, George Washington University School of Public Health. Course
Director: R.J. Simonds, MD (2012-2014), Laura Guay (2015-2016). Washington,
DC (once yearly).
2015 Course faculty and lecturer. American Academy of Pediatric Committee on
Pediatric AIDS & St. Jude’s Children’s Research Hospital Pediatric HIV/AIDS
Training Course, Feb. 17-18, 2015, Memphis, TN.
2016 Course lecturer. Mortality in Children Under 5 Years Old in Low- and Middle-
Income Settings. For PUBH 396: Maternal & Child Health: A Global Imperative.
Department of Health Studies, American University, Washington, DC.
2017 Course faculty and lecturer. American Academy of Pediatric Committee on
Pediatric AIDS & St. Jude’s Children’s Research Hospital Pediatric HIV/AIDS
Training Course, March 7-8, 2017, Memphis, TN.
2019 Course faculty and lecturer. American Academy of Pediatric Committee on
Pediatric AIDS Pediatric HIV/AIDS Training Course, May 20-21, 2019, Chicago,
SIBERRY, page 32
Clinical Instruction
1997-1998 Preceptor, Pediatric Resident Clinic, Thomas Jefferson University
1997-1998 Preceptor, Pediatric Inpatient Service, Thomas Jefferson University
2004-2005 Pediatric Resident Early Morning Report (once weekly)
2003-2008 Preceptor, Pediatric Infectious Diseases Service
2003-2019 Preceptor, Harriet Lane IPC (HIV) Clinic
2019-present Preceptor, Yale-New Haven Hospital Pediatric Primary Care Center, 3-4 sessions
per month.
CME Instruction & Invited Lectures
2002 Anthrax, for Franklin Square Hospital Pediatric Grand Rounds
2003 Tick-borne Illnesses, Johns Hopkins Pediatric Trends
2003 Rational Use of Antibiotics, Johns Hopkins Pediatrics for the Practitioner
2004 Prevention of Opportunistic Infections in HIV Infected Children, VI Brazil: JHU
Conference on HIV/AIDS, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
2004 Immunization of HIV Infected Children, VI Brazil: JHU Conference on HIV/AIDS, Rio
de Janeiro, Brazil
2004 Staphylococcal Aureus Infections in Children, Baltimore, MD
Pediatric Grand Rounds, St. Agnes Hospital
Pediatric Grand Rounds, Greater Baltimore Medical Center
Johns Hopkins Pediatric Trends
2004 Pulmonary Complications of Pediatric HIV Infection. Johns Hopkins Pediatric
Pulmonary Conference, Baltimore, MD.
2004 Initiation of HIV Therapy in Newly Infected Youth, for Maryland Ryan White Title IV
Initiative “Meeting the Needs of Youth Conference, Baltimore, MD.
2004 MRSA (Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus: Not Just for Hospitals Anymore.
Pri-Med Mid-Atlantic Conference & Exhibition: Current Clinical Issues in
Primary Care, Washington, DC, November 2004.
2004 Otitis Media Update. Pri-Med Mid-Atlantic Conference & Exhibition: Current Clinical
Issues in Primary Care, Washington, DC, November 2004
2005 MRSA Infections in Children, Grand Rounds, Department of Dermatology, Johns
Hopkins, March 2005.
2005 Pediatric/Adolescent HIV Infection, Johns Hopkins 15
Annual Clinical Care of the
Patient with HIV Infection, Baltimore, MD, April, 2005.
2005 Antibiotic Treatment of Common Infections, Johns Hopkins Pediatrics for the
Practitioner, Baltimore, MD.
2005 Panelist. Interactive Session: Challenging Cases in Pediatric Infectious Diseases.
Infectious Diseases Society of America, San Francisco, October 2005.
2005 MRSA Infections in Children, Trends in Patient Management CME Conference for
Maryland Academy of Physician Assistants, Maryland, October 2005.
2006 Pediatric HIV diagnosis and management training seminar for physicians, nurses and
pharmacists; weeklong course, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, February, 2006.
2006 Pediatric Adolescent and HIV Infection, VII Brazil: JHU Conference on HIV/AIDS, Rio
de Janeiro, Brazil, March, 2006.
2006 Pediatric Adolescent and HIV Infection, Johns Hopkins 16
Annual Clinical Care of the
Patient with HIV Infection, Baltimore, MD, April, 2006.
SIBERRY, page 33
2006 MRSA Infections in Children, Johns Hopkins Bayview Department of Pediatrics Grand
Rounds, Baltimore, MD, April, 2006.
2006 MRSA Infections in Healthy Children: Impact on Athletes, Primary Care Approach to
Treating Injured Athlete, Baltimore, MD, May 12, 2006.
2006 MRSA Infections in Children, Grand Rounds, Department of Pediatrics, SUNY Medical
School, Stonybrook, New York, July 12, 2006.
2006 MRSA Infections in Children, Johns Hopkins Pediatrics for the Practitioner, Baltimore,
MD, September 29, 2006.
2007 MTCTPlus: Family-centered approach to diagnosis and management of HIV infection.
Principal instructor in week-long seminar for Healthcare professionals, Jacmel,
Haiti, March 22-28, 2007.
2007 Meet the Professor: MRSA Infections, Society for Healthcare Epidemiology of America
(SHEA) Annual Meeting, Baltimore, April 15 and 17, 2007.
2007 Mononucleosis in the Athlete, Primary Care Approach to Treating Injured Athlete,
Baltimore, MD May 18, 2007.
2007 Pediatric Adolescent and HIV Infection, Johns Hopkins 17
Annual Clinical Care of the
Patient with HIV Infection, Baltimore, MD, May 22, 2007.
2007 MRSA Infections: Not Just for Hospitals Anymore, Grand Rounds, Johns Hopkins
Department of Dermatology, Baltimore, MD, June 6, 2007.
2007 MRSA Infections: Not Just for Hospitals Anymore, Grand Rounds, Anne Arundel
Medical Center, Department of Pediatrics, Annapolis, MD, June 19, 2007.
2007 Co-Developer, Lecturer and Expert Panelist, Management of Pediatric HIV/AIDS in
India, June-July 2007, Pune, India (on-line and videoconference) for Center for
Clinical Global Health Education. Author and presenter for following lectures:
Global Epidemiology of Pediatric HIV Infection; Prevention of Mother to Child
Transmission of HIV; Diagnosing HIV in Infants and Children; Preventing
Opportunistic Infections; Immunizations in HIV-Infected Children; Drug
Interactions in Pediatric HIV Infection; Neuro- and Ophthalmologic
Complications of HIV; Pulmonary Complications of HIV Hematologic
Complications of HIV.
2007 Management of HIV-Infected Children in Low-Income Settings. Invited lecture for
JHPIEGO, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD August 3, 2007.
2007 Evaluation of Fever in Young Infants, Pediatrics for the Practitioner, Johns Hopkins
University, Baltimore, Maryland, September 28, 2007.
2007 Evaluation of Fever in Young Infants, Grand Rounds, Department of Pediatrics, St.
Agnes Hospital, Baltimore, MD, October 26, 2007.
2008 Pediatric Adolescent and HIV Infection, VIII Brazil: JHU Conference on HIV/AIDS, Rio
de Janeiro, Brazil, March, 2008.
2008 Pediatric Adolescent and HIV Infection, Johns Hopkins 18
Annual Clinical Care of the
Patient with HIV Infection, Baltimore, MD, May 15, 2008.
2008 Management of Suspected Staphylococcal Infections in Children in the Era of
Community MRSA. American Academy of Pediatrics-sponsored national webinar. May
15, 2008. Available at:
2009 The U.S. President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR), Johns Hopkins
Department of Pediatrics Grand Rounds. Joint presentation by Andrea Ruff, M.D.,
SIBERRY, page 34
George Siberry, M.D., M.P.H., Nancy Hutton, M.D., Larry Wissow, M.D., M.P.H., and
Harold Lehmann, M.D. Baltimore, MD January 28, 2009.
2009 Pediatric Adolescent and HIV Infection, Johns Hopkins 19
Annual Clinical Care of the
Patient with HIV Infection, Baltimore, MD, May 5, 2009.
2009 Moderator, Session on Addressing Health Needs of Persons Living with HIV, Catholic
Relief Services HIV Continuum of Care Conference, Washington, DC, Sept 15-16, 2009.
2009 Immunization of Perinatally HIV-Infected Infants and Children (invited lecture).
Infectious Diseases Society of America Annual Meeting. Philadelphia, PA, November 1,
2010 Pediatric Adolescent and HIV Infection, IX Brazil: JHU Conference on HIV/AIDS, Rio
de Janeiro, Brazil, April, 2010.
2010 The Impact of HIV Infection and Treatment on Bone Health in Children and Youth,
Pediatric Grand Rounds, Tampa General Hospital, University of South Florida, Tampa,
Florida, May 13, 2010.
2010 Immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome (IRIS) in HIV-infected children.
Florida/Caribbean AIDS Education and Training Center (AETC) 19
Annual HIV
Conference, Orlando, Florida, May 14, 2010.
2010 Controversial Topics in Immunization of HIV-infected Children. 2nd International
Workshop on HIV Pediatrics, 16-17 July 2010, Vienna, Austria.
2010 The Bare Bones of HIV, Vitamin D, Tenofovir and Bone Mineral Density. Lunch-n-
Learn Webinar for St Jude Research Hospital (Memphis) and University of South Florida
(Tampa). 7 September 2010.
2010 Immunizations in Pediatric HIV Infection. World AIDS Day Grand Rounds, Childrens
National Medical Center, Washington, DC. 1 December 2010.
2011 Evaluation of HIV-Related Bone Mineralization Problems in Infants and Children.
International Society for Clinical Densitometry (ISCD) Annual Meeting, Miami, Florida.
7 April 2011.
2011 Pediatric HIV Update: Implications for Pediatric HIV Care and Treatment. PEPFAR
Annual Meeting, Johannesburg, South Africa. 4 May 2011.
2011 Bone health in HIV-infected children. Florida/Caribbean AIDS Education and Training
Center (AETC) 20
Annual HIV Conference, Orlando, Florida. 13 May 2011.
2011 Dyslipidemia and Insulin Resistance in Pediatric HIV Infection: Implications for
Cardiovascular Health. Florida/Caribbean AIDS Education and Training Center (AETC)
Annual HIV Conference, Orlando, Florida. 13 May 2011.
2011 Update on Prevention of Maternal-to-Child HIV Transmission. 10th National
Meeting on Pediatric AIDS, São Paulo, Brazil. 17 November 2011.
2011 Pediatric HIV Morbidity and Mortality in the HAART Era. 10th National
Meeting on Pediatric AIDS, São Paulo, Brazil. 17 November 2011.
2012 Session moderator at 19
Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections
(CROI), Recognizing Risk in HIV-Exposed and Infected Infants. Seattle, March 5-8,
2012 Aging Perinatally Infected Youth: Co-morbidities and Implications. Conference: The
Graying of HIV: An Aging and Growing Population, Johns Hopkins AIDS Education and
Training Center (AETC), Baltimore, MD, March 20, 2012.
2012 Management of children with HIV infection: Progress and gaps. Presentation for
JHPIEGO, Washington, DC, Dec. 19, 2012.
SIBERRY, page 35
2013 Pediatric HIV Infection: Past Successes, Current Challenges, Future Directions. Johns
Hopkins School of Medicine, Department of Pediatrics Grand Rounds, Baltimore, MD,
April 3, 2013.
2013 Vitamin D and Adolescents with HIV Infection, Florida/Caribbean AIDS Education and
Training Center (AETC), Webinar, Nov. 14, 2013.
2013 Vitamin D and Adolescents with HIV Infection, HIV Lunch-n-Learn Series, St. Jude
Children’s Research Hospital, Webinar, Dec. 3, 2013.
2014 Presentation and Meet the Professor session on progress and remaining barriers in
PMTCT. II International Conference CICAL (Coordinacion de Investigacion Clinica
Academica en Latinoamerica) 2014 “Present and Future of Science Applied to Infectious
Diseases” Buenos Aires, Argentina, July 2-3, 2014
2014 Invited plenary presentation: Persistent Inflammation despite effective ART in Children
with controlled HIV-infection. 6th International Workshop on HIV Pediatrics, 18-19
July 2014, Melbourne, Australia.
2014 Invited to deliver the Grand Rounds Barrett Lecture for UT-Southwestern Medical
Center. Pediatric HIV Infection: Past Successes, Current Challenges, Future Directions.
October 22, 2014, Dallas, Texas.
2016 High Rates of HIVDR Complicate ART Choices for Children and Adolescents, for
Consultation on Global Trends of HIV Drug Resistance, National Institute of Allergy of
Infectious Diseases, May 3-4, 2015, Bethesda, Maryland.
2016 Keynote speaker for Ugandan 8th National Pediatric & Adolescent HIV Conference. 90-
90-90 for Children: Progress & Barriers. October 5, 2016. Kampala, Uganda.
2017 Invited speaker : Overview of timing and methods for infant HIV testing. WHO-
convened Regional workshop on innovating and strengthening the Post-Natal package of
HIV services in the African Region. June 20-23, 2017, Johannesburg, South Africa.
2017 Invited plenary presentation: What We Have Learned from the ACT Initiative
Identifying and Treating Children with HIV Infection. 9th International Workshop on
HIV Pediatrics, 20-21 July 2017, Paris, France.
2017 Invited speaker: Providing Antiretroviral Drugs to People Living with HIV in PEPFAR-
supported programs. American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists (AAPS) Annual
Meeting, 14 November 2017, San Diego, California.
2017 Invited speaker: What Have We Learned from the ACT Initiative Identifying and
Treating Children with HIV Infection. WHO/EGPAF Conference: Accelerating efforts
to scale up timely diagnosis and treatment for children and adolescents living with HIV. 3
December 2017, Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire.
2017 Invited speaker: Reaching Men - Using data to focus programs on specific locations and
populations for maximal impact. UNAIDS/Sonke Gender Justice Organization session:
‘Innovative partnerships to drive male engagement for the ending of AIDS’, 5 December
2017, 19th International Conference on AIDS and Sexually Transmitted Infections in
Africa (ICASA 2017), Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire.
2019 Invited speaker: PEPFAR Where we’ve been and where we’re headed. Center for
Interdisciplinary Research on AIDS (CIRA), Yale University, 2019 February5, New
Haven, Connecticut.
2021 Invited Panelist: COVID & Adolescent HIV: What now? NIH Joint AHISA, PATC3H,
AGYM Forum Meeting. 2021February16, Bethesda, MD (Virtual).
SIBERRY, page 36
2005-2010 Aaron E. Chen, MD. Present Position (2014): Assistant Professor of Clinical
Pediatrics, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia and Perelman School of Medicine,
University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine. Mentored during Emergency Medicine
fellowship and while junior faculty member in MRSA clinical epidemiology project that
resulted in publication (Chen AE, Goldstein M, Carroll K, Song X, Perl TM, Siberry GK.
Pediatr Emerg Care. 2006;22(10):717-723) and that formed basis for successful funding
by Thrasher Foundation (PI: Chen; Mentor: Siberry. 7/01/06-6/30/08) for randomized
trial. Trial successfully completed with primary outcomes reported in major journal
(Chen AE, Carroll KC, Diener-West M, Ross T, Ordun J, Goldstein MA, Kulkarni G,
Cantey JB, Siberry GK. Pediatrics 2011;127(3):e573-80).
2005-2006 Renata Arrington-Sanders, MD. Present Position (2014): Assistant Professor,
Department of Pediatrics, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. Mentored as
adolescent medicine fellow in clinical project assessing clinical consequences of drug
interaction between antitretroviral ritonavir and inhaled corticosteroids, resulting in peer-
reviewed publication (Arrington-Sanders R, Hutton N, Siberry GK. Pediatr Infect Dis J
2006;25(11):1044-48. ).
2005-2006 Kari Gillenwater, MD. Present Position (2014): Clinical Associate Professor,
Department of Pediatrics, University of Washington. Mentored during residency in
project to evaluate PPD conversion trends in children’s rehabilitation hospital, resulting
in peer-reviewed publication (Gillenwater KA, Sapp SC, Pearce K, Siberry GK. Am J
Infect Control 2006;34(10):651-4.).
2006-2007 Jillian Szczesiul, PharmD. Present Position (2014): Clinical Specialist,
Emergency Medicine, Mt. Sinai Hospital (Chicago). Mentored during pharmacy
residency in clinical epidemiology project to evaluate trends in clindamycin susceptibility
in pediatric community-associated MRSA infections, resulting in peer-reviewed
publication (Szczesiul JM, Shermock KM, Murtaza UI, Siberry GK. Pediatr Infect Dis J
2007; 26(9):852-4.).
2018-2019 Steven Towers, Candidate, Masters of Public Health Degree, Department of
Epidemiology and Biostatistics, The George Washington University School of Public
Health and Health Services, Washington, DC. Site preceptor for development of Masters
2020-present Mentor for International AIDS Society (IAS) Abstract Mentor Program (AMP).
Program objective is to help young or less experienced researchers improve their
abstracts before submitting them, to increase the chance of their work being accepted for
presentation at International AIDS or IAS conferences.
SIBERRY, page 37
Certification & Licensure:
1995 Diplomate, National Board of Medical examiners
1997 Diplomate, General Pediatrics, American Board of Pediatrics (1997-2004)
1997 Pennsylvania Medical License MD061593-L [expired]
1997 Delaware Medical License C1 0005057 [expired]
2001-present Maryland Medical License D0058090
2003 Diplomate, Pediatric Infectious Diseases, American Board of Pediatrics(2003-
2004-present Maintenance of Board Certification, General Pediatrics
2010-present Maintenance of Board Certification, Pediatric Infectious Diseases
2018-present Connecticut Medical License - 61686
Clinical Program Leadership
2003-2008 Medical Director, Harriet Lane Clinic. Led successful re-design of and relocation
into new clinical building of the principal ambulatory pediatric training site at
Johns Hopkins (2005-2006), including reorganization of patient care process;
development and adoption of new technologies for patient tracking, ordering and
documentation; and institutionally recognized leadership of multidisciplinary,
interdepartmental team to reach successful outcome. Additional accomplishments
Establishment of HLC Research Review Committee process to review,
monitor, and assist with all clinical research activities taking place in HLC
Establishment of HLC Resident Advisory Committee (RAC), a monthly
meeting of housestaff, preceptors, and nursing which developed proposals
for improving clinic processes, planning initiatives, and enhancing patient
care and resident educational experiences in HLC
Establishment of HLC website to facilitate access of providers and staff to
clinic policies and procedures, important forms, and educational and
patient-care resources
Establishment of HLC Community Advisory Board (CAB) under
leadership of senior social worker Carrie Vick. Quarterly meetings of
HLC parents and caretakers and adolescent patients, drawn from all care
groups (HLPC, Adolescent Medicine, IPC), to provide input about HLC
quality of care, initiatives and services.
Launching of “Quality Dashboard” initiative to provider real-time and
multi-level feedback about immunization rates in HLC, together with
Center for Innovation.
Establishment (together with HLC Nursing) of HLC as a CDC sentinel
surveillance site for monitoring influenza (one of only 2 sites in the State
of Maryland)
Receipt of annual Baltimore City Health Department Awards for
Excellence in Immunization Practice: 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008
Establishment of expanded on-site services in HLC, including dentistry,
Infant & Toddlers developmental evaluations, WIC
SIBERRY, page 38
Clinical Service Responsibilities:
2003-2006 Harriet Lane Clinic, half-day session per week
2003-2008 Intensive Primary Care (Pediatric/Adolescent HIV) Clinic, 2 sessions per week
2003-2008 Pediatric Infectious Diseases, Consultation Service, 4 weeks per year
2008-2018 Intensive Primary Care (Pediatric/Adolescent HIV) Clinic, 1 session per week
2019-present Preceptor, Yale Pediatrics Yale New Haven Hospital Primary Care Center, 3-4
sessions per month.
Institutional Committees and Appointments:
2003-2008 Director, Harriet Lane Clinic (JHU)
2003-2008 Pediatric Clinical Practice Association- Pediatric Finance Committee(JHU)
2004-2006 Pediatric Clinical Practice Association (elected 2004) (JHU)
2006-2008 Member, Pharmacy & Therapeutics Committee, Johns Hopkins Healthcare
2006-2007 Steering Committee Member, Microbiology Laboratory Information System
2006-2008 Representative, Johns Hopkins Medical School Council [Elected 2006]
2009-2015 Member, Office of AIDS Research (OAR) Working Group-Training,
Infrastructure and Capacity Building (NIH)
2010-2015 Member, Federal Working Group on Bone Diseases(NIH)
2011-2015 NICHD representative, Trans-NIH Committee on Viral Hepatitis (appointed by
NICHD Director) (NIH)
2012-2015 Member, DAIDS Grading Table Working Group (NIH)
2013-2015 NICHD representative, NIH Director’s Office Liaison to the US Preventive
Services Task Force (USPSTF) (appointed by NICHD Director) (NIH)
2013-2015 NICHD representative, NIH DSMB Working Group (convened by NIH Office of
the Director) (NIH)
2014-2015 Member, Office of AIDS Research (OAR) Working Group-Research in
International Settings(NIH)
2013-2016 Member, Pediatric Adverse Events Terminology Working Group (led by
NICHD). Co-chair, Pediatric Infectious Disease Working group.
2014-2017 NICHD liaison to American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) Committee on
Pediatric AIDS (COPA).
Scientific Reviewer for Research Proposals
2010 Reviewer, Wellcome Trust. Review of applications in 2010, 2014.
2011 Reviewer, Fogarty International Center (FIC), Global Health Initiative / Women’s
Health Supplements.
2011-2014 Reviewer, South Africa Medical Research Council. Review about one research
application per year.
2012-2014 Reviewer, Office of AIDS Research (OAR), NIH. Intramural-to-China
applications (2012). Intramural-to-India applications (2013).
SIBERRY, page 39
2013 Reviewer, Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research, Innovational
Research Incentives Scheme Veni Grants.
2018-present Reviewer, International AIDS Society, (IAS) Collaborative Initiative for
Paediatric HIV Education and Research (CIPHER) annual grant proposals.
Professional Societies (active):
1998-present Fellow, American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP)
-NICHD liaison to Committee on Pediatric AIDS (COPA) (2014-2018)
-Section on International Child Health (SOICH) member of Committee on
Pediatric AIDS (COPA) (2018-present)
2000-present Member, Infectious Disease Society of America (IDSA). HIV Medical
Association (HIVMA)
2000-present Member, Pediatric Infectious Disease Society (PIDS)
Advanced to Fellow in 2014
-PIDS Communications Committee Member (May 2010-2015)
-Chair, PIDS Communications Committee (December 2010-2014). Duties
include oversight and management of all blast emails to PIDS members and the PIDS
website; writing/editing articles for monthly PIDS newsletter; twice yearly written reports
to the PIDS Council.
2020-present Member, European Society for Pediatric Infectious Disease (ESPID).
Editorial Activities:
Editorial Board Appointments
2002-2013 Section Editor, Pediatric Puzzler, Contemporary Pediatrics. Review submissions
and work with contributors to produce monthly didactic teaching case.
2011-present Associate Chief Editor (HIV/AIDS), Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal
Journal Peer Review Activities (initial year)
2003 Manuscript reviewer, Pediatric Infectious Diseases Journal
2004 Manuscript reviewer, Pediatric Blood and Cancer
2004 Manuscript reviewer, Clinical Microbiology and Infection
2004 Manuscript reviewer, Clinical Infectious Diseases. (awarded outstanding reviewer
designation by editors February 2008; April 2010)
2005 Manuscript reviewer, AIDS Research and Human Retroviruses
2005 Manuscript reviewer, Journal of Perinatology
2005 Manuscript reviewer, Journal of Pediatrics
2006 Manuscript reviewer, AIDS Patient Care and STDs
2006 Manuscript reviewer, American Journal of Infection Control
2009 Manuscript reviewer, Expert Opinion on Drug Safety
2009 Manuscript reviewer, Bulletin of the World Health Organization
2010 Manuscript reviewer, Lancet Infectious Diseases
2010 Manuscript reviewer, Journal of the Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome
2010 Manuscript reviewer, Vaccine
2011 Manuscript reviewer, Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition
2011 Manuscript reviewer, International Journal of STDs and AIDS
2012 Manuscript reviewer, Journal of the Pediatric Infectious Disease Society
SIBERRY, page 40
2012 Manuscript reviewer, AIDS
2012 Manuscript reviewer, HIV Medicine
2012 Manuscript reviewer, Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology
2015 Manuscript reviewer, Journal of the International AIDS Society
2003- 2009 Faculty Member, Johns Hopkins AIDS Service Expert Q&A Interactive, Q & A services designed to
provide clinicians and patients the opportunity to draw on the expertise of HIV
specialists at The Johns Hopkins AIDS Service by posting questions that will be
answered on line.
2004 Question writer for certifying exam of Pediatric Infectious Diseases
2008-2010 Peer Reviewer, UpToDate (Pediatrics), UpToDate, Inc, Waltham, MA. Topics:
Methicillin-resistant S. aureus. Fever.
2010-present Abstract reviewer, International AIDS Society.
2011-present Abstract reviewer, International Workshop on HIV Pediatrics.
2018 Reviewer, Screening for HIV Infection in Pregnant Women: A Systematic
Review for the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF).
Advisory & Scientific Committees:
2007-2010 Member, DHHS Working Group: Guidelines for the Prevention and Treatment of
Opportunistic Infections in HIV-Exposed and HIV-Infected Children.
2007-present Member, DHHS Panel on Antiretroviral Therapy and Medical Management of
HIV-Infected Children. Guidelines for the Use of Antiretroviral Agents in
Pediatric HIV Infection.
2009 Participant and Rapporteur in Expert Consultation on Operational Research on
PMTCT and paediatric HIV Care, Support and Treatment, organized by UNICEF,
WHO and UNAIDS, in collaboration with the Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS
Foundation and George Washington University, Washington, DC, Sept 9-11,
2009-2015 Member, Pediatric-PMTCT Technical Working Group, PEPFAR. NIH
representative and speaker/moderator at PEPFAR Implementer Meetings: 2009
(Windhoek, Namibia); 2010 (Arusha, Tanzania); 2011 (Johannesburg, South
Africa); 2014 (Durban, South Africa), Member, HHS Day organizing committee.
2010 HIV/AIDS Bureau, Pediatric Quality Measures Workgroup, Washington, DC, Jan
11-12, 2010.
2010-2018 Member (2010-2018), Executive Secretary (2010-2018), DHHS Working
Group: Guidelines for the Prevention and Treatment of Opportunistic Infections
in HIV-Exposed and HIV-Infected Children.
2012-present Member, World Health Organization (WHO) Maternal Child Health Guideline
Development Group for Antiretroviral Treatment.
2013-present Member (2013-present), Executive Secretary (2014-2017): DHHS Panel on
Treatment of HIV-Infected Pregnant Women and Prevention of Perinatal
Transmission. Recommendations for Use of Antiretroviral Drugs in Pregnant
SIBERRY, page 41
HIV-1-Infected Women for Maternal Health and Interventions to Reduce
Perinatal HIV Transmission in the United States.
2013-present Member, Pediatric Antiretroviral Working Group (PAWG), WHO.
2013 CoChair, WHO expert panel to review role of CD4 monitoring in HIV care
programs. Geneva, Switzerland, Sept. 16-17, 2013.
2013 CoChair, WHO expert panel to review infant HIV diagnosis in HIV care
programs. Geneva, Switzerland, Sept. 18-19, 2013.
2014 Member, WHO Consultation on Chronic Comorbidities in People Living with
HIV Infection. Geneva, Switzerland, July 8-9, 2014.
2014-present Member, Scientific Committee, International Workshop on HIV Pediatrics.
Annual meetings.
2016-present Member, WHO Pediatric Antiretroviral Drug Optimization (PADO) group.
2017 Panelist and Moderator, FDA Workshop: Developing Rabies Monoclonal
Antibody Products as a Component of Rabies Post-Exposure Prophylaxis. White
Oak, Maryland. July 17, 2017.
2018-present Scientific Advisory Board Member, African Cohort Study (AFRICOS), US
Military HIV Research Program, Bethesda, Maryland.
2019-present Member, Advisory Antimicrobial Drugs Advisory Committee, U.S. Food and
Drug Administration (FDA), White Oak, Maryland.
Honors & Awards:
1988 Award for Excellence in Teaching in Neuroscience, Brown University
1988 Phi Beta Kappa, Brown University
1988 Sigma Xi Science Honor Society, Brown University
1991 Pediatric AIDS Foundation Summer Internship
1994 Alpha Omega Alpha Medical Honor Society, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine
1994 Harrison Award in Pediatrics, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine
1994 Delta Omega Public Health Honor Society, Johns Hopkins School of Hygiene
1997 Kamsler Resident Award in Pediatrics, Department of Pediatrics, Johns Hopkins
2000 Family Practice Residency Teaching Award, Bryn Mawr Hosp., Bryn Mawr, PA
2001 Harriet Lane House Staff Fellow Appreciation Award
2003 Travel Grant for Excellence in abstract submission, IDSA, October 2003
2005 General Pediatrics Division Resident Teaching Award
2008 Baltimore Mayor Sheila Dixon proclamation of June 11, 2008 as “Dr. George
Kelly Siberry Day” in Baltimore City, in recognition of “achievements and
contributions of Dr. Siberry”
2010 NIH Director’s Award, July 15, 2010, Bethesda, MD. “For leading [with co-
recipients] a comprehensive and coordinated response to the H1N1 influenza
2010 NIH Merit Award, NICHD Director’s Award Ceremony, December 8, 2010,
Bethesda, MD. In recognition of leadership in the evaluation of the effects of
intrauterine antiretroviral drug exposure on infants and children”
2011 NICHD Collaboration Award (2011) with Rohan Hazra and Yasaman Shirazi,
SIBERRY, page 42
NICHD Director’s Award Ceremony, January 18, 2012. “For leadership in the
development of successful multi-institute partnerships in the PHACS Study that
have led to exceptional multi-disciplinary research and scientific excellence.”
2017 NIAID Merit Award, February, 2017, Bethesda, MD. “For outstanding leadership
and teamwork [with co-recipients]in advancing NIH's collaboration with
PEPFAR on implementation science projects to reverse the AIDS epidemic.”
2018 State Department Meritorious Honor Award, June 2018, Washington, DC: “In
recognition of Dr. George Siberry’s outstanding technical contributions to the
field of global pediatric HIV/AIDS. He has translated his superior knowledge to
practice in representing the Department of State and Office of the Global AIDS
Coordinator as a global thought leader with UNAIDS, WHO and other key global
partners in the development and implementation of critical policies and guidelines
for children infected and affected by HIV/AIDS”
Haitian Creole Written and spoken, moderate proficiency
Spanish Written and spoken, moderate proficiency
French Written and spoken, limited proficiency
Portuguese Written, limited proficiency