EnableNSW Seated Mobility Funding Criteria December 2020
SEATED MOBILITY FUNDING CRITERIA: This Guideline has been developed in consultation with
expert clinicians and is designed to specify EnableNSW funding criteria for this group of assistive technology;
items provided; eligible prescribers and provide a basis for consistent and transparent decision making.
SEATED MOBILITY: wheelchairs, strollers, scooters, associated seating, pressure care and accessories
EnableNSW funds the following seated mobility equipment. This list is not exhaustive and EnableNSW reserves the right to make the final decision regarding the
provision of equipment that is not specifically included or excluded. Prescribers should check their eligibility to prescribe specific equipment in this category as
identified in the table below*.
Request process:
Items in this category are available through the Equipment Allocation Program (EAP) and the NSW Government Contract 820: Clinical Furniture.
Prescribers are required to request suitable available items from the EAP website in the first instance.
EnableNSW is required to order products from the NSW Government Contract. Prescribers should request items from contract when equipment from EAP is not
suitable to meet the person’s need.
Non-contract products will only be purchased in the event that there are no items on contract or available through the EAP, to meet a person’s specific clinical
A Seated Mobility Equipment Application Form is required for all requests.
An itemised quote is required for non-contract items requested.
General Information / Allocation:
Allocation of seated mobility equipment will be based on the person’s functional need. Where a person may use
different types of seated mobility equipment in different environments of use, the item to be used within the home will be
the priority for funding.
For residents of Residential Aged Care Facilities (RACF) and who are independent power wheelchair users, a power
wheelchair should be requested through the Equipment Allocation Program.
Consideration of funding equipment earlier than the expected equipment lifespan, will be given where a person’s needs
have significantly changed and a different type of equipment or modifications to the existing equipment is required.
For pressure cushions for use on non-mobility equipment, refer to the Funding Criteria for Pressure Cushions for
Stationary Seated Surfaces.
Seated mobility equipment is not provided to a person, as an alternative for travelling distances commonly travelled by
private or public transport.
Only equipment that complies with the relevant Australian or International Standards and/or Therapeutic Goods
Administration (TGA) registration (class 1 medical devices) is funded.
Only powered mobility equipment that travels at or can be speed limited to travel at speeds 10km/hr or less are funded.
Any queries or questions in relation to this criteria should be directed to a clinical advisor at EnableNSW.
* Registered nurses may request items in this category in circumstances in which an occupational therapist or physiotherapist is unavailable. Please contact
an EnableNSW Statewide Clinical Advisor before submitting a request.
**Previous prescriptions do not need to be for EnableNSW funding
EnableNSW Seated Mobility Funding Criteria December 2020
Included equipment
Funding Criteria
Eligible Prescriber*/Additional
information required
Standard off the shelf manual
wheelchair (MWC)
See Appendix A for standard and non-
standard features and accessories. See
Appendix B for pressure relieving cushions.
Must meet all criteria below:
Person is unable to walk; or is unable to walk required distances to
complete activities of daily living in a functional timeframe
MWC is s able to be used inside the home if required.
Eligible Prescribers:
Registered Occupational Therapist,
Registered Physiotherapist *
Standard Off the shelf power wheelchair
See Appendix A for standard and non-
standard features and accessories. See
Appendix B for pressure relieving cushions.
Must meet all criteria below:
Person is unable to walk; or is unable to walk required distances to
complete activities of daily living in a functional timeframe
PWC is able to be used inside the home if required.
Person is unable to use a manual wheelchair to complete activities of daily
Eligible Prescribers:
Registered Occupational Therapist,
Registered Physiotherapist
Customised Manual Wheelchair (MWC)
See Appendix A for standard and non-
standard features and accessories. See
Appendix B for pressure relieving cushions
and seating componentry
Must meet all criteria below:
Standard off the shelf MWCs investigated and are not clinically suitable
MWC is able to be used in the home if required
Plus must meet at least 1 of the criteria below:
Person uses a wheelchair for positioning for functional activities as person
is unable to sit independently
Person requires customisation/additional postural support to optimize
independent mobility or to complete activities of daily living
Person is full-time wheelchair user
Eligible Prescribers:
Registered Occupational therapist or
Registered Physiotherapist with > 1
year experience and any 3 previous
prescriptions within this category. **
Additional Information:
At least 2 wheelchairs of a similar
category should be trialled or
investigated as part of the
assessment and prescription process
and outcomes documented in
Equipment Request Form (ERF)
Rehabilitation Engineers with the
relevant experience for this category
can apply to be an out of scope
prescriber (see website for details).
Ultra-lightweight manual wheelchair
See Appendix A for standard and non-
standard features and accessories. See
Appendix B for pressure relieving cushions
and seating componentry
Must meet all criteria below:
Full-time wheelchair user
Customised wheelchair trialled
A trial of the ultra-lightweight wheelchair showed evidence of improved
function in mobilising (e.g. endurance, speed), manoeuvrability, or
activities of daily living when compared to using a customised manual
wheelchair of a similar set up.
* Registered nurses may request items in this category in circumstances in which an occupational therapist or physiotherapist is unavailable. Please contact
an EnableNSW Statewide Clinical Advisor before submitting a request.
**Previous prescriptions do not need to be for EnableNSW funding
EnableNSW Seated Mobility Funding Criteria December 2020
Customised Power Wheelchair (PWC)
- occupant operated
See Appendix A for standard and non-
standard features and accessories. See
Appendix B for pressure relieving cushions
and seating componentry
Must meet all criteria below:
Standard off the shelf PWC trialled or investigated and are not suitable
Is able to be used in the home
Plus must meet at least 1 of the additional criteria below:
Person uses a wheelchair for positioning for functional activities as person
is unable to sit independently
Person requires customisation/additional postural support to optimize
independent mobility or to complete activities of daily living
Person is full-time wheelchair user
Eligible Prescribers:
Registered Occupational therapist or
Registered Physiotherapist with > 1
year experience and any 3 previous
prescriptions within this category. **
Additional Information:
At least 2 wheelchairs of a similar
category should be trialled or
investigated as part of the
assessment and prescription process
and outcomes documented in the
Rehabilitation Engineers with the
relevant experience for this category
can apply to be an out of scope
prescriber (see website for details).
Customised Power Wheelchair (PWC)
- assistant operated
See Appendix A for standard and non-
standard features and accessories. See
Appendix B for pressure relieving cushions
and seating componentry
Conditions for customised PWC above are met
Plus at least 1 of the criteria below:
The person’s weight, ancillary equipment (e.g. ventilator) prohibit pushing
an assistant operated manual wheelchair in main environment of use
Family / carer cannot safely push an assistant operated manual wheelchair
Manual wheelchair with power
conversion kit or power assist manual
wheelchair occupant operated
For power assist wheels, the standard
wheels available with the model of
wheelchair will also be provided. Please
ensure that this is included in the quotation.
Must meet all criteria below:
Use of power wheelchair has been considered and is not the most practical
or cost-effective option
There has been a trial in the environment of use or similar that
demonstrates measureable improvement in mobilising (e.g. endurance,
speed) compared to using a manual wheelchair alone to complete
activities of daily living
The MWC with/without power conversion kit, is able to be used in the
The power conversion kit is unable to travel at speeds greater than
10km/hr or is speed limited to a maximum of 10km/hr and cannot be
reprogrammed / changed by the person.
Eligible Prescribers:
Registered Occupational therapist or
Registered Physiotherapist with > 1
year experience and any 3 previous
prescriptions within this category. **
Additional Information:
At least 2 power conversion kits
should be trialled or investigated as
part of the assessment and
prescription process and outcomes
documented in the ERF.
Rehabilitation Engineers with the
relevant experience for this category
Manual wheelchair with power
conversion kit - assistant operated
Must meet all criteria for MWC with power conversion kit self-
propelled/driven PLUS at least 1 of the criteria below:
The person’s weight, ancillary equipment (e.g. ventilator) prohibit pushing
* Registered nurses may request items in this category in circumstances in which an occupational therapist or physiotherapist is unavailable. Please contact
an EnableNSW Statewide Clinical Advisor before submitting a request.
**Previous prescriptions do not need to be for EnableNSW funding
EnableNSW Seated Mobility Funding Criteria December 2020
an assistant operated manual wheelchair
Family / carer cannot safely push an assistant operated manual wheelchair
can apply to be an out of scope
prescriber (see website for details).
Specialised stroller
All strollers should include a 5-point
harness and sunshade as a standard
See appendix A for standard and non-
standard accessories
Meets 1 or more of the criteria below:
Child is unable to walk distance expected of a child of same age due to a
health condition or physical disability
Child is unable to sit independently or requires additional postural support
to participate in functional activities due to physical disability
Eligible Prescribers:
Registered Occupational therapist or
Registered Physiotherapist with > 1
year experience and any 3 previous
prescriptions within this category. **
No pressure cushions, or custom
modifications are provided
Meets all criteria below:
Person requires the scooter to complete community based activities of
daily living
Person walks but is unable to walk expected distances in the community in
a functional timeframe.
The medical questionnaire confirms there are no factors likely to affect safe
The person is not at high risk of developing a pressure injury
Where relevant, the person has not had their driver’s license cancelled/not
renewed due to:
o visual impairments or medical conditions
o a history of multiple car accidents or near miss incidents
The person is able to independently transfer on/off scooter.
The person is able to transfer off scooter into a vehicle seat to travel; and
is aware that they are unable to sit on the scooter when transported in
public or community transport.
Secure, under-cover storage and charging is available in the person’s
Person understands that a scooter is not provided as an alternative to
travel distances expected of a vehicle or public transport
Eligible Prescribers:
Registered Occupational therapist or
Registered Physiotherapist with > 1
year experience and any 3 previous
prescriptions within this category. **
Additional Information:
Prescribers must request a scooter
available in stock.
When a suitable scooter is available,
the scooter will be delivered with the
prescriber present, so an
assessment can be conducted in the
person’s home environment.
* Registered nurses may request items in this category in circumstances in which an occupational therapist or physiotherapist is unavailable. Please contact
an EnableNSW Statewide Clinical Advisor before submitting a request.
**Previous prescriptions do not need to be for EnableNSW funding
EnableNSW Seated Mobility Funding Criteria December 2020
Customised backrests, seating systems,
pressure relieving cushions or seat
See Appendix B for pressure relieving
cushions and seating componentry
Standard off-the-shelf options trialled or considered and are not suitable
Plus at least 1 of the criteria below:
Person is fulltime wheelchair user
Person is unable to sit independently
Person requires additional support in seating in order to take part in
activities of daily living, uses wheelchair for positioning for functional
activities, including independent mobility
Person requires customisation in order to accommodate postural deformity
or body shape and size
Eligible Prescribers:
Registered Occupational therapist or
Registered Physiotherapist with > 1
year experience and any 3 previous
prescriptions within this category. **
Rehabilitation Engineers with the
relevant experience for this category
can apply to be an out of scope
prescriber (see website for details).
Power wheelchairs with integrated
controls for communication devices,
mobility or environmental control units
Refer to Speech Generating Device
Guidelines and/or Environmental Control
Guideline for additional criteria
Person uses an integrated control system for independent mobility, in
addition to access to communication system or to complete self-care
Eligible Prescribers:
Registered Occupational Therapist or
registered physiotherapist with > 3
year experience and 5 previous
prescriptions** plus 1 or more
members of multidisciplinary team or
prescribed in consultation with a
seating service.
Standing wheelchairs and standing features on wheelchairs
Equipment designed for off-road use e.g. 4 x 4 power wheelchairs; off-road power assist devices
Non-disability specific strollers
3- wheeled scooters and strollers
Equipment and accessories used as restrictive practice.
Wheelchairs or accessories primarily for recreational use
Commercially available equipment
Refer to the Appendices for standard and non-standard features and accessories that may be included and
* Registered nurses may request items in this category in circumstances in which an occupational therapist or physiotherapist is unavailable. Please contact
an EnableNSW Statewide Clinical Advisor before submitting a request.
**Previous prescriptions do not need to be for EnableNSW funding
EnableNSW Seated Mobility Funding Criteria December 2020
In order to be considered a pedestrian under the Road & Maritime Service (RMS) NSW Australian Road Rules
wheelchair and scooter users must not travel faster than 10 km/hour.
Suppliers are required to speed limit power wheelchairs, power conversion kits and scooters, prior to delivery by pre-
programming the control box so that they are no longer capable of going over 10 km/hour
Standard off-the-shelf manual wheelchair (MWC):
A MWC with a slung back, standard widths and accessories. A basic level of adjustability to seat depth, footplates and armrests may be
available. Tilt or recline may be available.
Standard off-the-shelf power wheelchair (PWC):
A PWC with a standard slung or padded backrest, with or without tilt in space, folding or non-folding, available in different models, in
standard widths, with/without accessories and non-programmable controller.
Customized MWC or PWC:
Able to be configured using a number of prefabricated components to specifically meet a person’s postural, functional or pressure care
needs. The component parts may be able to be adjusted or re-used to meet the same person’s needs as they change or utilised in
customised solutions in order to be used by another person.
Ultra- lightweight manual wheelchair: Made of lightweight aluminium, titanium or other ultra-lightweight materials.
Custom made: Manufactured specifically for an individual. Generally refers to moulded seating systems or componentry. Refers less
frequently to wheelchair frames. Items are generally not able to be adjusted to be used by another person or as needs change as they are
specifically made to match individual anthropometrics, including body size and shape.
Hybrid Power wheelchair with 4 x 4 functionality:
An all-terrain power wheelchair that is suitable to be used in all environments including in the home and in vehicle transport. Suitability to
use in rough and uneven ground may be achieved by changing the tyres.
4x4 Power wheelchair: A four wheelchair drive power wheelchair designed for use on rough, uneven ground that others may transverse
using a dirt motorbike, quad bike or 4 x 4 vehicle. A 4 x 4 power wheelchair is not compatible with indoor use or transport.
* Registered nurses may request items in this category in circumstances in which an occupational therapist or physiotherapist is unavailable. Please contact
an EnableNSW Statewide Clinical Advisor before submitting a request.
**Previous prescriptions do not need to be for EnableNSW funding
EnableNSW Seated Mobility Funding Criteria December 2020
Home environment:
The person’s residence including within the dwelling, path to main entrance of dwelling; immediate surrounding area of the dwelling
including parking area; path from entry to the boundary of the property or the “home” paddock in rural properties; and/or common property
and lifts in high rise.