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Resource ID: w-014-0345
Sources of Available Project Financing:
Term Loan B Facilities
A Practice Note discussing how Term Loan B
(TLB) facilities, a loan product geared toward
the non-bank investor market and designed
to provide borrowers more flexibility than
commercial bank debt, are used to finance
projects on a limited recourse basis. This Practice
Note includes information on the types of
projects these loans finance, the investors that
typically provide this type of financing, and the
effect of these facilities on US project finance.
The development and construction of large-scale projects such as
pipelines, mines, natural gas liquefaction facilities, and thermal
power plants typically require significant capital that usually cannot
be obtained from a single financing source. As a result, sponsors
of these projects may seek capital from several different sources
to complete the financing package, including commercial bank
syndicates, institutional investors, and the capital markets. Where
appropriate, financing may also be provided by export credit
agencies (ECAs), bilateral and multilateral institutions, tax equity
investors, and under municipal, state and federal government loan
and grant programs. This Note focuses on one of these sources, Term
Loan B (TLB) facilities.
The sources project sponsors use to finance their projects depend on
several factors, including the project’s risk profile, the lenders’ risk
appetite, and the degree of funding and operational flexibility the
project sponsor requires (see Practice Note, Project Finance: Sources
of Available Financing: Factors Affecting the Availability of Different
Sources of Financing (8-422-4846)). For more information on the
other sources of capital that may be used to finance projects on a
limited recourse basis, see Practice Notes:
Sources of Available Project Financing: Project Bonds
Sources of Available Project Financing: Tax Equity (3-601-6606).
Sources of Available Project Financing: The International Finance
Corporation (3-527-6445).
Sources of Available Project Financing: The Overseas Private
Investment Corporation (3-603-6746).
TLBs are syndicated loans typically made to companies that are
below investment grade. They are a hybrid of high-yield bonds and
Term Loan A(TLA) facilities, with some similarities to both products.
Like high-yield bonds, TLBs are rated instruments that are bought
and sold on the secondary market, although the TLB investor pool is
a smaller and more restricted group of domestic and international
investors than high-yield debtholders. They also have fewer financial
covenants that restrict the borrowers operation of its business. Like
TLAs, TLBs are generally senior debt secured with a first priority lien
on the borrower’s assets. The mechanics for requesting a loan under
a TLB facility are also akin to those of a TLA facility, including the
timing for making loan requests, the amount and type of the loans
that may be requested, and how interest on the loans is determined
and calculated.
However, there are significant differences between TLBs and these
other debt instruments that make these loans a unique financial
product. The primary distinction between TLBs and these other
instruments is that TLBs amortize more slowly. TLBs typically have
scheduled amortization of 1% per year with a balloon payment for the
remaining principal at maturity. By contrast, TLAs would generally
require more amortization, with regularly scheduled principal
payments that result in either payment in full by scheduled maturity
or a reduction of the principal to a level that would more easily
accommodate a refinancing with project bonds (see Practice Note,
Sources of Available Project Financing: Project Bonds (9-548-8227)).
In a project that is financed with both TLAs and TLBs, the TLBs also
generally mature after the TLAs.
While they incorporate some of the attributes of high-yield debt,
including allowing borrowers to access a wider investor pool, TLBs
are not public debt. As a result, borrowers do not have to comply
with, or incur the costs of, the registration requirements of the
Securities Act or the reporting requirements of the Exchange Act
(see Practice Notes, Registration Process: Overview (7-380-8736)
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Sources of Available Project Financing: Term Loan B Facilities
and Periodic Reporting and Disclosure Obligations: Overview
(7-381-0961)). Borrowers also have more control over the holders
of their TLB debt. TLBs typically include provisions that allow the
borrower to disqualify or exclude certain institutions from holding
their debt (see Practice Note, Assignments and Participations of
Loans: Eligible Assignees (8-381-8532)).
For more information on these differences and similarities, see:
Practice Note, Lending: Overview: Classifications of Bank Loans
Article, Term Loans and High Yield Bonds: Current Status of the
Convergence (3-577-7447).
Standard Clause, Loan Agreement: Borrowing Mechanics
Most investors in the TLB market are institutional or non-bank
lenders, including:
Collateralized loan obligations (CLOs), the largest segment of the
TLB market representing about 60% to 65% of TLB deal volume.
Hedge funds.
Private equity funds.
Insurance companies.
Mutual funds.
Prime funds. These are money market funds that primarily invest
in corporate debt securities.
Pension funds.
Business development companies (BDC). As defined in the
Investment Company Act of 1940, a BDC is a domestic closed-
end company that operates to make investments in certain
specified securities and, with limited exceptions, makes available
“significant managerial assistance” with respect to the issuers of
these securities and has elected BDC status. For more information
on BDCs, see Practice Note, Business Development Companies
These institutions are involved in the US project finance market to
varying degrees. Private equity and hedge funds are very active in
the US power sector. US power projects are also attracting Asian
investors, most notably from South Korea and China, increasing the
diversity and depth of the lending market. This is especially the case
for projects that sell power into deregulated electricity markets like
the PJM Interconnection (PJM) and the Electric Reliability Council of
Texas (ERCOT). Several commercial banks also operate in this market.
The large number of institutional investors and banks operating in
the TLB market has resulted in significant liquidity for US project
financings which has not yet been fully absorbed. This liquidity has
increased competition among TLB investors for projects and resulted
in more borrower-friendly terms. For more information on Term B
Lenders in the project finance market, see:
Current State of the Market.
Effect of TLBs on Traditional Project Finance.
Article, US Project Finance: Key Developments and Trends from
2012 and the Outlook for 2013: Return of the Term B Loan Market
Article, US Project Finance: Key Developments and Trends from
2017 and the Outlook for 2018 (W-013-0120).
TLBs generally attract investors that are looking for yield and are thus
principally focused on the loan facility’s key economic terms. They are
ordinarily less concerned about the borrower’s operations (including
ongoing compliance with financial covenants). They are also usually
not set up to monitor compliance with financial covenants.
But this is where the Term B Lenders’ similarities end. Unlike
commercial banks, which generally have similar approaches to loan
underwriting, costs of funds and regulatory requirements, there is
considerably more diversity among Term B Lenders. A CLO is quite
different from a pension fund and a BDC. All have different risk
appetites, costs of capital, time horizons, and investor mandates.
Asa result, the specifics of the types of projects in which they invest,
the requirements they impose and the financial terms they need vary.
In project finance transactions, some Term B Lenders (for example,
BDCs) are willing to accept construction risk while others (for
example CLOs) limit their investments to projects in operation, with
the effect that they are essentially lending only to fund refinancings
of construction debt. Similarly, some TLB lenders prefer single asset
financings while others are willing to finance project portfolios.
Certain Term B Lenders (for example, loan funds) are also more
willing to participate in covenant-lite or covenant-loose deals (see
Practice Notes, Covenant-Lite Loans: Overview (4-507-4687) and
What’s Market: Covenant-Lite Loans (8-506-5054)).
Funds advanced under TLB facilities can be used to finance a
wide array of businesses and for a variety of purposes, including
acquisitions, refinancings, general corporate purposes, and dividend
recapitalizations. Starting with the 2012 financing of Panda Power
Funds’ Temple I project—a 758 MW natural gas-fired combined cycle
electric generating facility in Texas—TLBs are also being used to
finance greenfield projects on a limited recourse basis.
US project finance has historically been dominated by European
commercial banks interested in financing projects that have
long-term fixed-price offtake agreements with a creditworthy
offtaker (for example, power purchase agreements (PPAs) with
a utility). These banks rely on the revenues earned by the project
company under these agreements to service the debt and to pay
the other obligations of the project company (see Practice Note,
Project Finance: Overview (7-382-7004) and Practice Note, Offtake
Agreements: Issues and Considerations (W-001-5216)).
But in 2008, in the immediate wake of the global financial crisis, the
US project finance market started to change. This shift was driven by
several notable developments:
The imposition of more stringent capital requirements on banks by
government regulators.
Diminished confidence in the financial integrity and viability of
many European banks.
The introduction of Basel III, which established new liquidity ratios
to encourage banks to hold higher levels of unencumbered, high-
quality liquid assets and imposed new capital requirements.
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Sources of Available Project Financing: Term Loan B Facilities
For more information, see:
Practice Note, What’s Market: Increased Costs from the Dodd-
Frank Act and Basel III (3-504-6666).
Article, The Eurozone Crisis and Loan Agreements (2-515-8268).
Article, Basel III: Overview and Implementation in the US
Article, Basel III and the New US Capital Framework Proposals
As a result, many European commercial banks began pulling back
from the US project finance market (see Article, US Project Finance:
Key Developments and Trends from 2012 and the Outlook for
2013: Continued Retreat of European Commercial Bank Lenders
(0-523-1991)). Around the same time, however, project sponsors
were still developing projects to take advantage of certain market
trends, including:
Increased demand for new generation in certain markets.
Many state public utility commissions, Regional Transmission
Organizations (RTOs) and Independent System Operators
(ISOs) were predicting load growth in the markets under their
jurisdictions requiring new power plants to be built.
The need for a more diverse generation mix. Many load serving
entities (LSEs) sought to source more of their electricity from
renewable sources in response to new regulatory requirements
(for example, renewable energy incentive programs). Somewhat
counterintuitively, the quick growth of wind and solar farms in the
US at the beginning of the 21
century led to additional natural
gas-fired plants being built to address the intermittency of wind
and solar power generation.
The rapid pace of coal-fired plant retirements. In the last 10 years
many coal-fired plants have been retired because of low natural
gas prices and emissions regulations that are rendering coal
generation uneconomical in some areas.
For more information on these issues, see:
Practice Note, Power Dynamics: Forces Shaping the Future of Coal
in the United States (W-000-7118).
Practice Note, Renewable Energy: Overview (US): Wind Energy
(4-518-1338) and Solar Energy (4-518-1338).
Article, Update on the US’s “All of the Above” Energy Strategy.
Legal Update, Renewable Energy Update: Renewable Portfolio
Standards 2016 Review (W-005-3456).
The unabated pace of development by project sponsors, despite the
retreat of the European commercial banks, created a financing gap
for some large projects. While some of this gap was closed by new
banks entering the project finance market (for example, Canadian,
Japanese, and US regional banks), they too are subject to regulations
that limit the types of projects in which they can or want to invest.
These banks also typically require long-term offtake agreements to
support the financing.
For natural gas-fired plants in the US, however, PPAs have become
difficult to secure. Low natural gas prices caused by new methods
of extracting abundant natural gas have depressed electricity
prices in some US markets (see Practice Note, Understanding
Hydraulic Fracturing: Issues, Challenges, and Regulatory Regime
(8-518-4410)). As a result, many utilities are unwilling to enter into
long-term PPAs for natural gas-fired projects for fear that they will
be locked into prices that are significantly higher than prevailing
market prices. Without a reliable and steady revenue source,
many commercial banks are unwilling to finance these so-called
merchant” projects.
Still in need of new sources of capital, investment banks and
project sponsors turned to institutional investors. While many of
these investors were initially unfamiliar with project finance paper,
they were attracted to its stable returns and low default rates.
Moody’s Investors Service conducts an annual study on default and
recovery rates for project finance bank loans globally. According to
its findings, these default rates are consistent with a speculative-
grade rating during the project’s construction phase and tend
towards a low investment grade rating after the project has been
operational and generating revenue for a number of years. For the
most recent survey, see Moody’s, Default Research: Default and
Recovery Rates for Project Finance Bank Loans, 1983-2016 on the
Moody’s website.
Institutional investors were more willing to assume the revenue and
demand risk uncontracted or merchant gas projects presented. The
diversity of the investor groups in this market, combined with their
different funding costs, lack of regulatory restrictions, and greater
risk tolerances enabled these investors to price the risk of these
projects in a way that commercial banks could not.
TLBs are used in many different ways in the project finance market.
They are usually incurred at the project level, where the borrower is
the project company that owns the project. In this case, the TLBs are
repaid and secured by the revenues the project company earns under
an offtake agreement, market sales or other agreements. They may
also be incurred at the holding company level (the direct or indirect
parent of the project company), where the holding company or
“holdco” can use the proceeds to finance:
The construction of a portfolio of projects.
Dividend recapitalizations.
Project acquisitions (whether single assets or project portfolios).
In these arrangements, the holdco lenders rely on dividend
distributions made by the project company to the holdco to repay
the loans. Holdco loans made where there is project level debt raise
several issues that are beyond the scope of this Note. But, at the
most basic level, holdco lenders need to understand:
The conditions under which the project company may be prevented
from making cash distributions to the holdco. Project finance
credit agreements typically include dividend traps that prevent
these distributions upon an event of default (see Project Finance
Waterfall Provision Flowchart (9-500-7520)).
That they have no direct rights to the assets of the project
That they are structurally subordinated to the rights and interests
of the project company’s lenders and other creditors.
There is, therefore, a greater risk of non-payment or default in
holdco loan transactions than in traditional project finance loans.
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Sources of Available Project Financing: Term Loan B Facilities
To compensate these lenders for the increased risk, the interest
onthese holdco loans is typically higher than on similar project-
level debt.
TLB facilities are used in the US project finance market to:
Finance greenfield merchant and quasi-merchant natural
gas-fired projects. In this context, neither “merchant” nor
“quasi-merchant” projects have PPAs, but “quasi-merchant
projects have substitutes for PPAs. While Term B Lenders are
willing to invest in projects with riskier profiles, they nevertheless
require mechanisms to mitigate the uncertainty created by the
lack of a long term offtake agreement. These loans are typically
supported by hedges that ensure the project receives some
minimum revenue for a portion of the loan term (see Practice
Note, Mitigating Merchant Risk in Power Projects: Hedging
Contracts (5-607-8325)). Where hedges are unavailable or only
cover a portion of the loan term, TLB lenders finance projects
in markets where there is sufficient demand or support. As a
result, many new natural gas-fired projects in the US sell power
into ERCOT or PJM, mature wholesale markets with strong
fundamentals. The market forces underpinning growth in these
two markets differ:
In ERCOT, there is consistent load growth requiring more
generation to come online. In addition, there is significant
wind energy penetration requiring natural gas generation to
balance out supply and avoid brownouts and blackouts due
to intermittency; and
In PJM, the rapid pace of coal retirements has created a need for
new generation to replace these plants.
Finance fully contracted renewable energy and other types of
projects. While quasi-merchant gas projects dominate the TLB
market, they are not the only projects being financed. Project
sponsors that require more operational and financial flexibility
are also turning to this market even when commercial bank debt
is available. They are also turning to this market where public
pressure or public relations issues are causing banks to rethink
certain projects. Following the controversy surrounding the Dakota
Access Pipeline, some sponsors turned to the TLB market to
finance their pipeline projects, including:
the Utopia pipeline project, a pipeline being developed
by Kinder Morgan and Riverstone Holdings to transport
ethane from the Utica and Marcellus Shale to petrochemical
companies in Ontario; and
the Rover pipeline project, a pipeline partially owned by Traverse
Midstream Partners that is expected to transport 3.25 billion
cubic feet per day of natural gas from the Marcellus and Utica
Shale production areas.
For more information on these and other pipelines, see Article,
Natural Gas Pipelines: 2017 in Review (W-011-7878).
Refinance existing commercial bank debt. Many commercial
bank loans are structured as mini perms that require the project
company to refinance the loans using project bonds or another
financing source within a few years of construction being
completed. Project sponsors use TLBs for this purpose across a
variety of industry sectors.
Finance acquisitions of single assets or portfolios of projects.
Finance dividend recapitalization transactions to allow project
sponsors to recoup a portion of their investment without selling
the asset.
The project finance TLB lending market has changed significantly since
the Panda Temple project was financed in 2012. It is no longer solely
for the riskier projects that commercial banks would not underwrite.
While the commercial bank market is still the go-to financing source
for complex, single asset new construction projects with long-term
offtake agreements, project sponsors are increasingly turning to the
TLB market to finance projects that until recently would have been the
exclusive domain of the commercial banks. Thedistinction between
deals that can be financed in the commercial bank market versus the
TLB market is, therefore, blurred.This is because:
Commercial banks and TLB lenders are both financing quasi-
merchant projects on a limited recourse basis and making holdco
loans, sometimes on the same projects.
TLB lenders are financing fully contracted renewable energy
projects more regularly.
The spread between commercial bank debt and TLB facilities is
narrowing as the large number of investors competing for projects
in this market puts downward pressure on pricing. In 2012, these
loans were pricing at 600 basis points (bps) to 1000 bps above
LIBOR. The high costs of financing limited the number of projects
that could be financed with TLBs. These loans are now pricing at
anywhere from 300 bps to 500 bps above LIBOR, depending on
the project’s risk profile.
The increased involvement of private equity is also changing
the project finance market. Funds have been raising significant
amounts of capital to invest in the energy and infrastructure
sectors and are bringing to the project finance market some of
the structures and features they are used to from the standard
leveraged loan market, such as covenant-lite terms (see Effect
ofTLBs on Traditional Project Finance).
For more information on the current state of the TLB lending market,
see Article, US Project Finance: Key Developments and Trends from
2017 and the Outlook for 2018 (W-013-0120).
There can be significant variations in TLB credit agreements, and
this applies to project finance style credit agreements as well. These
loans do, however, share some common features.
Broadly speaking, the target for the US project finance bank market
is a low investment grade credit rating (Baa2/BBB to Baa3/BBB-).
Companies with less favorable credit ratings generally cannot
access the commercial bank market and must seek capital in the
more expensive high-yield debt, TLB lending and mezzanine debt
markets. TLB lenders provide financing to companies rated from
B2/B to investment grade, although these loans are typically
made to borrowers that are below investment grade. In the case
of project financings, these loans are typically rated from B2/B to
Ba1/BB+. While most natural gas-fired projects that seek financing
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Sources of Available Project Financing: Term Loan B Facilities
in this market are quasi-merchant and have mechanisms in place
to mitigate revenue and demand risk—for example, revenue puts
and other types of hedging arrangements—the partial reliance on
merchant sales increases the risk profile of these projects.
Ratings agencies consider several factors when rating project finance
TLB facilities, including:
The project’s construction risk.
The experience and creditworthiness of the project’s construction
contractor and operator.
The extent of the project’s merchant exposure. In the case of
power projects, this includes an analysis of energy prices, capacity
factors and heat rates (or efficiency of the project in converting
natural gas to electricity).
The level of sponsor support. The debt to equity ratio in project
finance transactions is typically 70:30 or even 80:20 for well-
structured projects, but riskier projects may have a ratio as low as
50:50 (see Practice Note, Financial Covenants: Project Finance
Transactions: Debt to Equity (DTE) Ratio (2-578-6126)).
These loans may also be assigned a recovery rating if the credit
rating is BB+ or lower. Recovery ratings (which are categorized from
1 to 6) focus solely on expected recovery in the event of a payment
default under the loan. The recovery rating is not linked to, or limited
by, the issuer credit rating or any other rating, and provides a specific
opinion about the expected recovery. A recovery rating of ‘1’ denotes
an expectation of very high recovery (for example, 90% to 100%)
in the event of a default. Most project finance TLB loans receive a
recovery rating of ‘2’, which denotes an expectation of substantial
recovery (for example, 70% to 90%) in the event of a default.
In the traditional leveraged loan market, TLBs have longer tenors
than TLAs. TLBs generally mature within five to seven years while
TLAs mature within three to six years. However, these generalities
around tenor do not always hold true in the project finance market.
Commercial bank loans (TLAs) made in connection with a project
finance transaction often mature within seven to ten years, which is
sometimes expressed as construction plus five (or seven) years. Many
of these loans are structured as mini perm financings where there is
pressure on the project company to refinance the loans within a few
years of the completion of project construction. However, depending
on the project and the lending group, these loans can have maturities
as long as 15 to 18 years. For example, some banks have been willing
to provide long tenors to projects that have PPAs with 20 to 25 year
terms. While this was more common in projects that were financed in
the 1990s, it is not unheard of in recent years.
Project finance TLBs generally have tenors in the six to eight year
range, with seven years being the most common. While these loans
generally remain outstanding until they are refinanced or repaid at
maturity, they may be refinanced or repriced much earlier depending
on the state of the credit markets (and subject to compliance with
certain other requirements (see Call Protection)).
TLB facilities are generally valued at a minimum of $250 million to
justify the additional costs of the loan process. For project finance
transactions, this includes the added expense of the ratings agencies
reviewing loan and project documents to furnish the required rating
(see Credit Ratings). Project finance TLBs can be significantly smaller
for certain projects, however. For example, TLBs for renewable
energy projects can be as low as $100 to $150 million.
TLBs have minimal scheduled amortization of about 1% annually
during the early years of these loans. Unless paid earlier with cash
sweeps or to maintain a target debt balance, most of the principal
does not become due until final maturity.
Interest rates on TLBs are usually higher than on traditional bank
term loans, although still lower than what would be typical on
mezzanine debt. For project financings, TLB loans are priced at
LIBOR plus 300 to 500 bps. That is compared to LIBOR plus 125 to
200 bps for commercial bank loans for fully contracted single asset
projects in operation. However, for projects with riskier profiles (for
example, projects with volatile revenue streams), the interest on the
TLB loans can be as high as LIBOR plus 600 bps. The higher rates
are intended to compensate Term B Lenders for the increased risk
ofnon-payment or default.
This is due to:
The demand and revenue risk many of these projects present.
Looser financial covenants that impose fewer restrictions on
project cash flows.
In the case of some holdco loans, the structural subordination of
these loans to project-level debt which may increase the likelihood
of these loans not being repaid in the event of a bankruptcy of the
project company.
The margin on the loans is only one part of the TLB lenders’ return,
however. When analyzing their return, TLB lenders must consider the
all-in yield of these facilities. The all-in-yield takes into account the
following components:
The loan’s original issue discount (OID). Although historically
a standard feature of high-yield debt, OID is now a standard
component of TLB pricing. Project finance TLBs typically have an
OID between 1% and 1.5%.
LIBOR floors. In many cases, LIBOR may not accurately reflect a
lender’s cost of funds in the London interbank market. To minimize
the likelihood of funding loans at a loss, many loan agreements
provide that LIBOR cannot be lower than their actual cost of funds
or a certain percentage. This is typically 1% for TLBs. For more
information, see Practice Note, Finance Fundamentals: LIBOR
(2-622-0716) and Article, Current Trends in LIBOR Successor Rate
Provisions (W-013-6542).
Prepayment premiums. TLB credit agreements typically require
the borrower to pay a prepayment premium or penalty (also known
as call protection) if it prepays or reprices all or a portion of the
loans within a specified time period after closing.
Typically, borrowers negotiate the right to prepay loans at par.
In a commercial bank loan, the borrower may be required to pay
breakage costs with a prepayment, but usually no penalties or
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Sources of Available Project Financing: Term Loan B Facilities
premiums are otherwise payable. By contrast, in TLB transactions
borrowers are typically required to pay a premium to the lenders
if they prepay, refinance or reprice their loans. This is because
many TLB lenders expect to hold their loans long term and these
transactions reduce their overall returns.
A TLB transaction may include the following types of protections
forTLB lenders:
Soft call. In transactions that have a “soft call”, the prepayment
premium is payable only with respect to repricings and
Hard call. In transactions that have a “hard call”, the prepayment
premium is payable in connection with all prepayments whether
as a result of a refinancing, repricing, an initial public offering or
achange of control.
The call protection period is typically between 6 and 12 months
for a traditional commercial bank loan. This period is the same in
project finance TLB transactions, although this period may be longer
in limited cases (see No-Call Provisions). The premium is generally
equal to 1% to 2% of the outstanding principal amount of the loan
being repriced or refinanced.
For more information on call protection, see What’s Market: Current
Trends in Call Protection (as of August 2016) (W-003-1234).
The TLB lending market is more liquid than the commercial bank
market with a wide and varied investor base interested in acquiring
project finance paper. Many borrowers take advantage of this
liquidity and the competition it creates to reprice their loans. This
may occur even within a few months of the initial closing of the
facility. Repricing refers to the prepayment or refinancing of all or
a portion of a TLB loan by incurring long-term debt financing that
has an effective interest cost or weighted average yield (excluding
any arrangement or commitment fees that may be payable) that is
less than the effective interest cost or weighted average yield of the
existing TLB loan. A repricing may be effected by either amending
the credit agreement or entering into a new loan transaction.
Depending on when the loan is being repriced, the borrower may
have to pay 1% to 2% of the amount being repriced as a penalty. The
new interest rate the borrower achieves following the repricing must,
therefore, be low enough to justify payment of this premium and the
transaction costs incurred to consummate the transaction.
While the ability to reprice or refinance is a benefit to borrowers—
enabling them to reduce their costs of financing and the overall
costs of the project—it is not as advantageous for lenders since it
reduces the return the investors can expect to earn on the loans. The
inclusion of a call protection provision gives investors some cover,
although limited, against this reduced return, ensuring some income
stream while still affording borrowers the flexibility they come to the
TLB market to secure.
The scope of the call protection provision and the exceptions tothe
payment of the premium are highly negotiated issues between
the borrower and its TLB lenders. But generally, the premium is
payable if the purpose of the transaction is to lower the interest
rate on the loans.
For more information on repricing project finance TLBs, see Article,
US Project Finance: Key Developments and Trends from 2017 and the
Outlook for 2018: Term Loan B Market (W-013-0120).
No-Call Provisions
TLB facilities incorporate many of the benefits of the high-yield
debt market (see Defining TLBs). One key attribute of the high-yield
debt market that has not been widely accepted in TLB transactions,
however, is the no-call period. The no-call period prohibits the
borrower from prepaying the loan for a specified amount of time.
However, some TLB credit agreements that were entered into when
the TLB market emerged as a major source of financing for power
projects did include this provision. In these transactions, after the
termination of the no-call period, the loans are typically callable
subject to the payment of the prepayment premium which decreases
in each successive year for which the premium is payable. The total
call protection period in these cases is typically two to three years.
For example, in:
January 2015, M3 Midstream closed a $350 million TLB facility for
its Stonewall Gas Gathering project that was non-callable in the
first year and callable at 1% in the second year.
January 2014, Panda Power Funds closed a $385 million TLB
facility to back its Moxie Patriot project that was non-callable for
2.5 years. After the no-call expired, the loan was callable at 2%
and 1% each succeeding year.
November 2013, Northeast Wind Capital closed a $320 million
TLB facility to back a portfolio of operating wind assets. This loan
was non-callable in the first year and callable at 2% and 1% in the
next two years.
November 2012, a Riverstone Holdings’ portfolio company closed
a $175 million TLB facility to finance the acquisition of three
coal-fired power plants which was non-callable in the first year and
callable at 2% in the second year.
September 2012, Panda Power Funds closed a $350 million TLB
facility for its Sherman natural gas project which was non-callable
for the first two years, and callable at 2% in the third year and 1%
in the fourth year.
Again, recent deals have not included no-call provisions.
Loans in the TLB market are generally secured. In the case of non-
project finance TLBs, the collateral is typically the assets and equity
interests of the borrower and its subsidiaries. In a project finance TLB
transaction, however, the collateral may vary depending on the type
of financing:
In the case of single asset and portfolio financings, the collateral
typically consists of equity interests in the project company and all
the project company’s rights under the contracts for the project
(including, the offtake agreements, the engineering, procurement
and construction contract, the operation and maintenance
agreement, and any hedge contracts).
In the case of holdco loans (for portfolios with project level debt),
the collateral usually consists of the holdco’s equity interest in the
Sources of Available Project Financing: Term Loan B Facilities
Sources of Available Project Financing: Term Loan B Facilities
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projects, including its rights to receive any dividend distributions
from the project companies under the terms of the waterfalls set
out in the project companies’ loan documents.
Project finance transactions tend to include waterfall provisions that
set out how revenues generated by the project will be applied to
meet the project company’s obligations (including debt service). In a
commercial bank loan agreement the amount the project company
is required to pay is fixed and, provided that no event of default
has occurred, any amounts remaining once the project company’s
operating costs and debt service are paid can be distributed to the
project sponsor (see Project Finance Waterfall Provision Flowchart).
TLB credit agreements operate differently.
TLB agreements have minimal amortization. As a result, depending
on the projects cash flows, the project company may have significant
cash in its accounts after paying scheduled debt service and operating
costs. To address this issue, these credit agreements typically include
a cash sweep that requires the borrower to use all or some percentage
of this cash to pay down loans. The specified percentage is a matter to
be agreed by the parties, but this provision may be fairly non-restrictive
in more liquid credit markets when borrowers can negotiate looser
covenants and more borrower-friendly financial terms.
In addition to prepaying loans with the excess cash generated from
normal business operations, the borrower may also be required to
prepay the loans if it:
Sells or otherwise disposes of certain assets. This obligation is not
absolute, however. The requirement to prepay the TLB with the
net proceeds of these dispositions is subject to many carve-outs,
including per-transaction and aggregate materiality thresholds
(below which the prepayment requirement does not apply) and
permissive reinvestment rights during 12 to 18 month periods
following the receipt of the relevant net proceeds.
Issues additional equity.
Receives insurance proceeds from the loss of assets, subject to
reinvestment provisions.
Is required to achieve a target debt balance. For example, a target
debt balance may be lower if the market price for capacity drops.
Traditional project finance credit agreements typically include
several provisions that are intended to protect the project’s revenue
flow and ensure it is available to pay debt service. TLB loans are far
less restrictive on these issues.
The increased involvement of private equity investors as owners
ofpower and other energy projects has brought to the project
finance market terms that may be standard in the leveraged loan
market but which are relatively new to project finance. These new
terms include:
Looser or no financial covenants.
Dividend distribution flexibility.
Relaxed defaults.
Broader asset sales permissions.
Incremental debt provisions.
In the quest for yield in a tight market for deals, many Term
B Lenders are willing to accept these provisions for certain
TLBs are documented largely like bank loans, but the broader
investor pool may make it harder to get consent from investors than
from a bank syndicate. As a result, the documents tend to be more
sponsor-friendly, affording more running room before amendments
are required to the loan documents than what might be typical in a
more closely-held loan.
TLB transactions close fairly quickly once they go to market. Unlike
traditional project finance commercial bank loans that can take
months to negotiate and close, a TLB transaction can close in three
months or less, with most of the time spent producing the materials
needed to secure a rating. After the rating is received, these loans
typically close within 10 to 14 days.