Prior Lake Girls Swim and Dive Booster Club By-Laws (Revised September 2018) Page 1
July 2017
Prior Lake Girls Swim and Dive Booster Club By-Laws (Revised September 2018) Page 2
1. Name, Purpose and Mission
2. Membership
3. Club Year
4. Officers and Coordinators
5. Executive Board and Committees
6. Meetings
7. Finances
8. Adoption and Amendment of These Bylaws
9. Dissolution of Club
Prior Lake Girls Swim and Dive Booster Club By-Laws (Revised September 2018) Page 3
ARTICLE 1 Name, Purpose and Mission
Section 1.01 Name The name of this organization shall be the Prior Lake High School Girls
Swim and Dive Booster Club, hereafter referred to as the “GSDBC”. The Girls Swim and Dive
Booster Club participates under the Laker Athletic Booster Club (LABC). These Bylaws relate
only to the operational aspects of the Girls Swim and Dive Program.
Section 1.02 Purpose The purpose of the GSDBC is to promote and support the Girls Swim
and Dive program for the students of Prior Lake High School (PLHS). The GSDBC will
establish an ongoing dialogue and working relationship with the PLHS Athletic Director and the
PLHS coaching staff to ensure the GSDBC’s participation in and support of the Girls Swim and
Dive program is at all times consistent with the highest goals and aspirations of the athletic
competition among high school students.
Section 1.03 Mission Statement - The mission of the GSDBC is to raise funds to enhance
and expand the Girls Swim and Dive program; to promote and publicize the high school swim
and dive program in the community; and to recognize accomplishments and support the team,
the players and the coaches in order to help the team achieve its full potential.
ARTICLE 2 Membership
Section 2.01 Membership Membership in the GSDBC is open to the following: Parents or
legal guardians of players and coaching staff. Membership is automatic, but voluntary.
Membership is open to PLHS Girls Swim and Dive alumni and their families.
Section 2.02 Membership Purpose The purpose of membership is to empower participation
and involvement in the program for all eligible members.
Section 2.03 Members Right to Privacy - Any personal information gathered or requested by
the Club is for the sole use of the Club and will not be made available to any other organization.
ARTICLE 3 Club Year
Section 3.01 Term of Officers and Coordinators The business year for purposes of the term
of officers and coordinators shall run from July 1
through June 30th.
Section 3.02 Budget Management The business year for purposes of budget management
shall run from July 1
through June 30
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ARTICLE 4 Officers and Coordinators
Section 4.01a Officers The GSDBC officers, other than the Head Coach, are volunteer
positions and will be named at its business meeting in July and shall hold office for one year,
commencing in July. The officers shall consist of the President, Vice President, Treasurer,
Secretary, and Head Coach of the Prior Lake High School Girls Swim and Dive program.
Officers may hold the same position for two consecutive terms and may also hold Committee
Coordinator positions, in conjunction with an Officer role.
Section 4.01b Committee Coordinators Committee Coordinators are volunteer positions,
appointed by the Head Coach and subject to the approval of the Executive Board. Committee
Coordinators shall be named from the membership in July and shall hold office for one year.
Committee Coordinators may hold the same position for two consecutive terms. Committee
Coordinators may also share their role among no more than two individuals, in anticipation of
future succession. It may not be necessary to fill all Committee Coordinator roles each year, as
roles are dependent on annual goals of the Girls Swim and Dive program.
Section 4.01c Executive Board The Officers will constitute the Executive Board. Vacancies
will be decided by appointment of the Head Coach. Between the Officers and Committee
Coordinators, ideally there is at least one parent to represent Freshmen, Sophomore, Junior and
Senior classes.
Section 4.02a President and Communications/Publicity Coordinator shall preside at all
GSDBC meetings and shall perform other duties pertaining to the office of President. The
President shall carry out the decisions of the Head Coach and decisions expressed by the
majority of the Executive Board. The President shall be authorized to direct the Treasurer to
issue checks consistent with the budget. The President shall serve as ex-officio member of all
committees. The President must attend all LABC meetings to understand general business items,
roles & responsibilities, new policies, etc. The President shall oversee general team
communications through multiple mediums including email, team website and social media sites;
and shall be responsible for both photographic and written media/publicity to assure promotion
and attention to anything relating to PLHS Girls Swim and Dive.
Section 4.02b Vice-President shall act as the President in the absence of the President and when
so acting, have the power and authority of the President. The Vice President shall be responsible
for reviewing and updating the By-Laws, recommending revisions as deemed appropriate. It is
anticipated the Vice President may succeed the President upon the President’s end of term. The
Vice President shall be responsible for other duties, as assigned.
Section 4.02c Secretary shall prepare and maintain full minutes of all meetings of the Executive
Prior Lake Girls Swim and Dive Booster Club By-Laws (Revised September 2018) Page 5
Board and general membership meetings of the GSDBC. A summary of the decisions made in
these meetings shall be communicated to the general membership after each meeting through
electronic communication. All communications sent on behalf of the GSDBC to the membership
are first to be cleared through the President. The Secretary shall keep and maintain all member
information, including names, addresses, phone numbers and email addresses.
Section 4.02d Treasurer shall maintain a complete set of books of account in accordance with
generally accepted accounting principles and practices; receive and deposit monies of the
GSDBC in the checking and/or savings accounts; request disbursements, along with the
President, from the GSDBC funds through the LABC treasurer and pay expenses approved by
the Executive Board and secure proper vouchers thereof; report the amount of money available
in the general fund at each meeting; submit a fiscal year-end statement; issue tax exempt forms;
interface with the LABC as appropriate; and perform such other duties as pertains to the office of
Section 4.02f Volunteer Coordinator shall be responsible for all aspects of recruiting
volunteers for all volunteer needs of the GSDBC including interacting with other GSDBC
officers and members to understand volunteer needs, creating a list of volunteer needs for each
season, creating signup and reminder communications and reporting status and needs to the
Executive Board on a frequent basis; along with other duties, as assigned.
Section 4.02g Concessions Coordinator shall plan, purchase, coordinate, setup and store all
concessions products that are sold at meets; work with the Treasurer to ensure products are
priced favorably and concession monies are accounted for and provided to the Treasurer for
Section 4.02h Fundraising Coordinator, in collaboration with the Treasurer and Executive
Board, shall be in charge of planning, recruiting subcommittee teams, organizing and optimizing
revenue stream from events, overseeing other fundraising events, as well as finding new sources
of revenue, along with other duties as assigned.
Section 4.02i Spirit Coordinator shall work with the Head Coach and team captains to identify,
offer, order and distribute team spirit wear for both the team and parents of the team. The Spirit
Coordinator will work with third-party vendors to secure favorable pricing on all items.
Section 4.02j Meet Director shall work with team coaches to oversee all components of the
meet operation, including meet setup and teardown, equipment operation, running of the meet,
and general meet troubleshooting.
Section 4.03 Officer or Coordinator Resignation Any officer or coordinator may resign at
any time by giving written notice of such resignation to any member of the Executive Board.
Unless otherwise specified in such written notice, resignation shall take effect upon receipt
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thereof by the Executive Board and the acceptance of the resignation shall not be necessary to
make if effective.
Section 4.04 Officer or Coordinator Removal Any officer or coordinator may be removed by
three-fifths (3/5) vote of the Executive Board, subject to limitations imposed by law. The
Secretary shall notify any officer or coordinator who misses three (3) consecutive regular
meetings that their removal shall be automatically proposed and voted upon at the next Executive
Board meeting.
Section 4.05 Officer or Coordinator Vacancy When a vacancy occurs among an officer or
coordinator position, the vacancy shall be filled as soon as possible from the membership. The
Secretary and Communications/Publicity Coordinator will notify membership of the vacancy.
The individual who volunteers and is appointed shall hold office until the end of the term and
may volunteer for the same or other positions for the next year.
ARTICLE 5 Executive Board and Committees
Section 5.01 Executive Board Members The Board will be responsible to act on behalf of the
GSDBC in the management of the business affairs of the organization. The Board shall consist
of all Officers, including President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Head Coach of the
Prior Lake Girls Swim and Dive Program.
Section 5.02 Executive Board Responsibilities The Executive Board will:
a. Review all Club duties and sponsored activities and take the necessary actions to promote
and support the mission of the Club;
b. Approve the expenditure of all non-budgeted general funds up to $1000 per request. Any
non-budgeted expenditure of general funds above $1000 shall require an advance
discussion and approval by the Executive Board;
c. Approve the President’s and/or Head Coach’s creation and dissolution of all necessary
Committees and Coordinators;
d. Set the time, date and agenda for General Meetings and give members timely
e. Approve goals and budget targets annually;
f. Review the annual budget, monthly financial reports and monthly financial statements
issued by the LABC or Head Coach utilized to manage the funds of the Club, at a
minimum, every other month.
g. Review and approve, by majority vote, all proposed By-Law changes prior to distributing
or posting any such changes to the Membership.
h. Support all rules and regulations set forth by Minnesota State High School Athletics and
Prior Lake High School governing bodies.
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Section 5.03 Interim Events If action on behalf of the Club is necessary before it is reasonable
to convene an Executive Board Meeting, the President will take such action based on the
majority vote of the Executive Board, comprised of the four officers and Head Coach. The
request for interim events must be presented to the Executive Board in writing via email, with
voting gathered via email reply. A report of the action taken will be made at the next meeting.
Section 5.04 Committee Coordinator Responsibilities Committee Coordinators may recruit
as many members as necessary to accomplish the responsibility of the Committee. The
Committee Coordinator will keep a historical file of the year’s proceedings, financial records,
vendor contacts, etc. for turnover to his/her successor. All Committee financial records must be
made available to the Executive Board Treasurer upon request but at least once a year. At the
end of each fiscal year, these committee records will be turned over to the Committee
Chairperson successor. All Committee Coordinator positions are described in Article 4.
ARTICLE 6 Meetings
Section 6.01 Annual Business Meeting The Annual Business Meeting of the GSDBC will be
held within the first two weeks of the start of the season unless otherwise specified by the
Executive Board. Any change to the Annual Business meeting date, time or location will be
announced a minimum of two weeks in advance of the proposed change.
Section 6.02 Executive Board Meetings Executive Board Meetings will be held the third
Monday of each month, unless otherwise specified by the Executive Board, from July through
December. A summary of the decisions reached and Executive Board members present at each
meeting will be distributed to all Executive Board members within a reasonable timeframe
following the meeting and before the next meeting.
Section 6.03 Quorum A quorum for Executive Board Meetings shall be three-fifths (3/5) of
the Board members. In all voting instances, majority rules for those present.
Section 6.04 Robert’s Rules of Order Robert’s Rules of Order, the latest edition, shall be
recognized as the authority governing the meetings of the Club, its Executive Board and its
ARTICLE 7 Finances
Section 7.01 Budget The Executive Board will prepare a preliminary budget based on results
from the prior year, input from the various Committee Coordinators and other known events or
economic factors. The budget will include an allocation of funds to execute the Club activities
and fund specific requests presented by the Head Coach, to the extent possible. Any funds
provided to support or enhance the Prior Lake High School Girls Swim and Dive Program will
be provided exclusively in accordance with the rules and guidelines set forth by Independent
Prior Lake Girls Swim and Dive Booster Club By-Laws (Revised September 2018) Page 8
School District 719.
Section 7.02 Budget Approval The preliminary budget will be presented at the meeting in
August. Approval of the final budget will take place at the following Executive Board meeting.
Section 7.03 Budget Modifications The budget may be modified by the Executive Board,
upon a majority vote, during the year as dictated by changing conditions. Any modifications to
the budget will be communicated to the Executive Board.
Section 7.04 Deposits and Receipts All monies received by the GSDBC will be given to the
LABC Treasurer for deposit to the credit of the Club. All receipts for reimbursement by the
GSDBC will be submitted to the Treasurer within fourteen business days for payment.
Section 7.05 Specific Funds Funds raised by the Club that have a specific advertised purpose
will be deposited and separately tracked in the Club’s general fund to ensure that these monies
are disbursed for the advertised purpose and to safeguard the integrity of the Club and the
Section 7.06 Purpose Funds raised by any of the Club fundraising programs can only be
directed toward activities of the Club in support of the Girls Swim and Dive program, unless
otherwise specified. Funds may be utilized for the following items including additional funding
for transportation and to defray the cost of day or overnight travel meets; team apparel for state
championships, uniforms and team-issued warm ups; team events including dinners and
banquets; season awards, gifts not to exceed $100 per student, equipment, coaches training, and
capital budget needs as voted upon by the Executive Board. All requests to direct money
elsewhere must have prior approval of the Executive Board.
ARTICLE 8 Adoption and Amendment of These Bylaws
Section 8.01 Adoption The following are hereby adopted as the bylaws of the Prior Lake High
School Girls Swim and Dive Booster Club. They will be reviewed annually after election; by
subject to amendment, alteration and revision under MN Statute 217A.181 Subd 2 (Needs to be
verified and coordinated with the PLHS Booster Club Bylaws) and be dated to indicate when last
Section 8.02 Amendments Amendments to the bylaws are to be submitted in writing to an
Executive Board member and will be reviewed via email or at a regular Executive Board
Meeting. If changes to the bylaws are approved by a majority of the Executive Board, notice of
the amendments will be publicized by email to the membership at least two weeks prior to the
next General Membership meeting.
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ARTICLE 9 Dissolution of the Club
Section 9.01 Dissolution of the Club entity Should the Prior Lake High School Girls Swim
and Dive Booster Club cease to operate, all of the Club assets and cash will be distributed to the
Prior Lake High School Girls Swim and Dive Program or any successor organization or
program. In the event that no apparent successor organization exists, the Executive Board may
identify any local non-profit organization that supports youth swimming programs.