Kofax OmniPage Server
Installation Guide
Version: 3.0.0
Date: 2020-12-03
2020 Kofax. All rights reserved.
Kofax is a trademark of Kofax, Inc., registered in the U.S. and/or other countries. All other trademarks
are the property of their respective owners. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored, or
transmitted in any form without the prior written permission of Kofax.
Table of Contents
Product documentation.......................................................................................................................5
System requirements..........................................................................................................................5
License Requirement............................................................................................................... 5
Overview............................................................................................................................................. 6
OmniPage Server components............................................................................................... 6
External components............................................................................................................... 6
Chapter 1: Prepare for installation............................................................................................................8
About Installation topology................................................................................................................. 8
Simple installation.................................................................................................................... 8
Advanced installation............................................................................................................... 8
About installation security...................................................................................................................9
About choosing authentication......................................................................................................... 11
About choosing MS SQL server authentication............................................................................... 11
Chapter 2: Installation.............................................................................................................................. 12
General installation steps................................................................................................................. 12
Start the OPS - Installation Web Assistant........................................................................... 12
Check hardware and build prerequisites...............................................................................13
Accept the license agreement...............................................................................................13
Enter customer information................................................................................................... 13
Review detected installations................................................................................................ 13
Select topology...................................................................................................................... 14
Steps for Simple installation.............................................................................................................14
Select applications................................................................................................................. 14
Steps for Advanced installation........................................................................................................15
Select applications................................................................................................................. 15
Configure the server.............................................................................................................. 16
Configure the server environment......................................................................................... 18
Configure the database type................................................................................................. 19
Closing installation steps..................................................................................................................20
Specify destination.................................................................................................................20
Chapter 3: Verify installation................................................................................................................... 21
Verify Service API.............................................................................................................................21
Kofax OmniPage Server Installation Guide
Verify Swagger API.......................................................................................................................... 21
Verify the administration console..................................................................................................... 22
Chapter 4: Licensing.................................................................................................................................23
Migrate OPS 2 licenses................................................................................................................... 23
Chapter 5: MS SQL Server configuration...............................................................................................25
About installing MS SQL Server...................................................................................................... 25
Firewall settings................................................................................................................................ 25
Configure SQL authentication.......................................................................................................... 26
Configure remote connection to the MS SQL Server...................................................................... 26
Configure SQL login......................................................................................................................... 27
Create a database instance............................................................................................................. 27
Chapter 6: Cloud environment................................................................................................................ 28
Configure SQL Azure....................................................................................................................... 28
Chapter 7: High-availability installation and configuration.................................................................. 30
Important recommendations............................................................................................................. 30
About high availability in general..................................................................................................... 30
About high availability in OPS..........................................................................................................31
OmniPage clustered services...........................................................................................................31
Node diagnostic for OmniPage Server............................................................................................ 31
Common configuration steps for HA deployments.......................................................................... 32
Chapter 8: Troubleshooting..................................................................................................................... 33
Services cannot start........................................................................................................................33
Verify port...............................................................................................................................33
Verify user..............................................................................................................................33
This document describes the installation of OmniPage Server (OPS), a solution that supports document
conversion services while optimizing scalability and reliability. OPS is an application service solution built
using conventional enterprise architectural components and approaches, while still offering a high level of
availability with scaling functionality.
Product documentation
The full documentation set for Kofax OmniPage Server is available online:
The Kofax OmniPage Server documentation set includes:
Kofax OmniPage Server Installation Guide
Kofax OmniPage Server Administrator's Guide
Kofax OmniPage Server API Reference Guide
Kofax OmniPage Server API Sample Reference Guide
Kofax OmniPage Server Folder Watcher Administrator's Guide
Help for Kofax OmniPage Server Conversion Client
Help for Kofax OmniPage Server Folder Watcher
Kofax OmniPage Server Release Notes
Kofax OmniPage Server Technical Specifications
System requirements
The primary source of information about Kofax OmniPage Server system requirements and dependencies
on other products is the Technical Specifications document, which is available on the Kofax OmniPage
Server 3.0.0 Product Documentation page. The document is updated regularly, and we recommend that
you review it carefully to ensure success with your Kofax OmniPage Server product.
The installation requires the authority and personal skills of an IT administrator, including basic knowledge
of SQL Server products, and the Windows Domain Authentication.
License Requirement
OmniPage Server version 3.0.0 requires version 3.0 license. Version 1.0 licenses cannot be used. You
can convert version 2.0 licenses to version 3.0 with the Activation Server.
Kofax OmniPage Server Installation Guide
OmniPage Server is a client-server application involving a single or multiple server computers working in a
networked environment.
OmniPage Server components
The architecture of the OPS relies on the following components:
Master: the main service component that manages the conversion jobs.
Worker: the OCR conversion processing unit.
Folder Watcher: monitors network folders for new input documents and gets conversion results into
output sub-folders.
Conversion Client: a web application that utilizes OPS to process documents for results right in the web
External components
Database server contains the operational database of OPS. The external database is optional; you can
install it to the server where the Master is running or to another separate SQL server/cluster.
File Server is the file storage responsible for the safe and systematic storage of conversion related
documents. This component is optional; the file system of the Master can be used to store the
SMTP Mail Server is required to send notifications to the configured administrator user.
Kofax OmniPage Server Installation Guide
System architecture
AD: Active Directory
OPS: OmniPage Server
OPSHA: OmniPage Server High Availability
HA: High Availability
WG: Work Group
OS: Operating System
Chapter 1
Prepare for installation
Before starting the installation of OmniPage Server, you need to select the installation type and mode.
Your current choice projects the capacity and flexibility of your installed system. You can also prepare the
installer for secure HTTPS communication.
About Installation topology
You may choose between Simple and Advanced topology during installation.
Simple installation
You can quickly install everything you need and set OmniPage Server up and running on a single
computer. This topology suits low-volume applications that do not require load balancing or failover.
Important You cannot convert a Simple installation later to a multi-server environment.
Advanced installation
Advanced topology offers a wider flexibility setting up the different components of OPS. You can
customize the OPS installation to your exact needs even for high-volume, high-availability applications.
The Database type determines the database engine to use:
Lite mode: recommended for small businesses.
No SQL server installation is required. The configuration, the operational and historical data are
stored on the file system of the Master server.
This mode is recommended only if the deployment contains only one or two machines.
This mode cannot be used in high-availability cluster or failover cluster environments.
Kofax OmniPage Server Installation Guide
Robust mode: recommended where higher loads expected, or failover clustering is a requirement.
Requires MS SQL Server or SQL Azure. A central MS SQL database stores the configuration, the
operational and historical data.
Recommended for multi-server environments.
We recommend you to prepare the MS SQL Server and configure the firewall before starting the
OmniPage Server installer.
Robust architecture example
About installation security
OPS - Installation Web Assistant uses plain HTTP communication by default. If you want to secure the
network communication for the whole installation process, you need to set up HTTPS before starting
InstallationWebAssistant.exe. This requires an SSL certificate installed on the computer.
Create an empty plain text file and save it as appsettings.json, next to
This .json file should contain HTTP security settings for the OPS installer. You can set up the file
content starting with the sample below:
"WebPort": 5020,
//"SSLWebPort": 5021, // The port of the HTTPS communication (if set then only
https protocol is enabled for installation)
//"SSLCertHash": "2959b4bc5d7d3918fb3a0297da503afdf1b42323", // The thumbprint
of your SSL certificate (important: 40 characters without spaces)
Kofax OmniPage Server Installation Guide
//"SSLHttpProtocols": 1, // default: Http1 = 1, other possible values: None = 0,
Http2 = 2, Http1AndHttp2 = 3
//"SSLCertAllowInvalid": true // defaults to true to enable using self-signed
Edit the file to adjust the settings to your network and certificate.
Delete the leading "// " characters in front of "SSLWebPort". Edit the port number as you prefer. The
installer uses this port for HTTPS communication.
Note If "SSLWebPort" is specified, the installer disables plain HTTP communication.
Delete the leading "// " characters in front of "SSLCertHash" and specify the thumbprint of your
certificate, which should be a hexadecimal code, exactly 40 characters long. This setting is
Tip You can use the certificate manager to get the thumbprint for a certificate already installed on
the computer.
Delete the leading "// " characters in front of "SSLHttpProtocols" and specify the HTTP protocol
0: None
1: HTTP 1 (default)
2: HTTP 2
3: HTTP 1 and HTTP 2
Delete the leading "// " characters in front of "SSLCertAllowInvalid" and set the value to "false" to
disable the use of self-signed certificates. The default value for "SSLCertAllowInvalid" is "true", so
self-signed certificates are enabled if you do not edit this line.
Save the changes.
Kofax OmniPage Server Installation Guide
About choosing authentication
OmniPage Server components can be installed with either using Windows Domain Authentication based
on Windows Active Directory or Windows Authentication without Active Directory.
Windows Domain Authentication: OmniPage Server requires a domain account with the following
The password for the account should not expire.
The account should have the required rights.
Windows Authentication (without Active Directory): In this case there is no central authentication; you
need to create an account on all machines where OmniPage Server components (Master, Worker,
Folder Watcher service) are installed. These accounts should meet the following conditions:
The accounts must have the same account name and password on all the machines.
The password for the account must not expire.
The account must have the required rights.
OmniPage Server components will run under this account. The installer requests to enter the password
for this account.
Note OmniPage Server does not store the password in any form.
In the case of Windows Authentication, the OPS RESTFul API and the Conversion Client will be
available without authentication.
About choosing MS SQL server authentication
In case you are installing OmniPage Server in Robust mode, you need to decide the authentication
method of the SQL Server.
Integrated Windows authentication
This way the user of the service needs to have the right to log on and authenticate to the MS SQL
Server and the database of the OmniPage Server.
SQL Server authentication
The SQL Server system administrator should create an SQL user that has the right to log on and
authenticate to the MS SQL Server and the database of the OmniPage Server.
For further details, see MS SQL Server configuration.
Chapter 2
OmniPage Server installation consists of the following parts:
General installation steps
Steps for Simple installation
Steps for Advanced installation
Closing installation steps
General installation steps
OmniPage Server installation process starts with the following steps, regardless of installation topology.
Start the OPS - Installation Web Assistant
Check hardware and build prerequisites
Accept the license agreement
Enter customer information
Review detected installations
Select topology
Start the OPS - Installation Web Assistant
Important Before starting the installer make sure that the default web browser is a supported version of
either Chrome or Firefox. OPS - Installation Web Assistant does not support Internet Explorer.
1. Download your installation pack onto the computer on which you want to install OPS.
2. Browse to the installation pack and extract it into a new folder.
3. Open the folder and double-click the "InstallationWebAssistant" application to run it.
4. As User Access Control asks for a permission, click Yes.
5. If Windows Defender Firewall blocks "InstallationWebAssistant.exe", click Grant access to allow
the installer to access the network.
The OPS - Installation Web Assistant opens in the default browser.
Kofax OmniPage Server Installation Guide
Check hardware and build prerequisites
As you start OPS - Installation Web Assistant, it opens in the web browser, the Welcome page appears,
and you can start with the general steps of the installation.
1. Review the Welcome page that contains some important information.
a. On the left of the top bar, click About to open the About dialog box, where you can find the
build number of the OmniPage Server application.
b. Review the name of the computer on witch you are about to install OmniPage Server. This
information prints on the top bar like this:
"Host: computername"
Note You can continue the installation in a web browser on another computer, so it is
important to review the name of the computer carefully.
Example "Host: xy881.acme.com"
c. Review the type of the installed OS, which can be either Desktop or Server.
Example "OS: Desktop"
2. Click Next in the lower left corner of the page to proceed to the next page.
Accept the license agreement
As you click Next on the Welcome page, the License agreement page appears.
1. Review the license agreement.
2. At the bottom of the text, select I accept the terms in the License agreement.
3. Click Next in the lower left corner of the page to proceed to the next page.
Enter customer information
As you click Next on the License agreement page, the Customer information page appears.
1. Enter customer information.
a. Enter User name.
This field is mandatory.
b. Enter Organization.
2. Click Next in the lower left corner of the page to proceed to the next page.
Review detected installations
As you click Next on the Customer information page, the Detected installations page appears.
1. If there is no OmniPage Server already installed on the computer, the Nothing was detected.
message appears on the page. In this case, click Next to move to the next page.
a. Enter User name.
This field is mandatory.
b. Enter Organization.
Kofax OmniPage Server Installation Guide
2. Otherwise, the list of installed OPS components appear on the page. Review the list.
Details display in the following order for each item:
Service indicator ( or ) The green play symbol ( ) indicates that the
component runs as a service. The red stop symbol
( ) indicates that the component is already installed,
but the service is not running.
Link ( ) The blue arrow symbol ( ) works as a link, and starts
the pertaining component.
Component name The name of the component, such as OmniPage
Admin Console Portal.
Version number ( ) The info symbol ( ) leads a version number, showing
which version of OmniPage Server installed the
pertaining component.
Installation path The folder where the component is installed.
3. Click Next in the lower left corner of the page to proceed to the next page.
Select topology
As you click Next on the Detected installations page, the Topology page appears.
1. Select the topology that best suits your needs.
a. Click Simple installation to proceed with a streamlined installation process most suitable for
lower-volume applications. See Simple installation for details.
b. Click Advanced installation to proceed with a detailed installation process for higher-volume,
fail-safe applications. See Advanced installation for details.
2. Click Next in the lower left corner of the page to proceed to the next page.
Steps for Simple installation
If you selected Simple installation on the Topology page, the installation process continues with the
following step:
Select applications
Select applications
As you click Next on the Topology page when you selected Simple installation, the Select applications
page appears.
The installer lists all applications and their components, using the following indicators to describe the
installation status of each component:
To be installed ( ) The green arrow up sign ( ) indicates that the
component will be installed.
Kofax OmniPage Server Installation Guide
Missing and will not be installed ( ) The gray X ( ) indicates, that the component is not yet
installed, and it is not selected for installation.
To be repaired ( ) The green circular arrow ( ) indicates an older version
of the component, which upgrades to the current version.
To be actualized ( ) The blue circular arrow ( ) indicates an unidentified
version of the component, which upgrades to the current
Already installed and will not be modified ( ) The green no entry sign ( ) indicates, that the
component is installed, and the installer leaves it intact.
Tip OPS - Installation Web Assistant cannot uninstall any application: use the application management
features of the operating system for that purpose.
In the Simple application process, the following applications are preselected for mandatory installation:
OmniPage Server Master
OmniPage Server Worker
1. Select further applications to add to the installation according to your preference:
OmniPage Server Folder Watcher
OmniPage Server Conversion Client
2. Click Next in the lower left corner of the page to proceed to the next page.
Steps for Advanced installation
If you selected Advanced installation on the Topology page, the installation process continues with the
following steps:
Select applications
Configure the server
Configure HTTPS
Configure the server environment
Configure the database type
Configure SQL settings
Select applications
As you click Next on the Topology page during Advanced installation, the Select applications page
The installer lists all applications and their components, using the following indicators to describe the
installation status of each component:
To be installed ( ) The green arrow up sign ( ) indicates that the
component will be installed.
Kofax OmniPage Server Installation Guide
Missing and will not be installed ( ) The gray X ( ) indicates, that the component is not yet
installed, and it is not selected for installation.
To be repaired ( ) The green circular arrow ( ) indicates an older version
of the component, which upgrades to the current version.
To be actualized ( ) The blue circular arrow ( ) indicates an unidentified
version of the component, which upgrades to the current
Already installed and will not be modified ( ) The green no entry sign ( ) indicates, that the
component is installed, and the installer leaves it intact.
Tip OPS - Installation Web Assistant cannot uninstall any application: use the application management
features of the operating system for that purpose.
In the Advanced application process, the following applications are preselected for mandatory installation
by default:
OmniPage Server Master
OmniPage Server Worker
Important In the Advanced installation topology, you can select OmniPage Server Master only for
server operating systems. Use the Simple installation topology to install both Master and Worker servers
onto a desktop operating system.
1. Select further applications to add to the installation according to your preference:
OmniPage Server Folder Watcher
OmniPage Server Conversion Client
2. Click Next in the lower left corner of the page to proceed to the next page.
Configure the server
As you click Next on the Select applications page during Advanced installation, the Server
configuration page appears.
1. In the Log file location box, edit the default path for storing log files, or click Browse to specify
another location.
2. If you did not select OmniPage Server Master for installation, then in the Server URL box, provide
the URL of the server where the Master is running.
A green check mark indicates if the server path is valid. Otherwise, a red exclamation mark appears.
Kofax OmniPage Server Installation Guide
3. If you selected OmniPage Server Master for installation, then proceed with the following steps:
a. In the Storage location box, edit the default path for working files, or click Browse to specify
another location.
The Master server uses this folder for input file uploads and work files.
b. To disable unencrypted HTTP communication, clear Use plain HTTP protocol. This feature is
enabled by default.
c. To enable encrypted communication, select Use secured HTTPS protocol. This feature is
disabled by default.
For HTTPS configuration steps, see Configure HTTPS.
4. Under the HTTP version, a table of the affected applications and ports appears.
The default port values are the following:
Application HTTP HTTPS
Service API 5002 5003
Admin Console 5004 5005
Conversion Client 5010 5011
Folder Watchers Folder
Configuration Editor
5008 5009
Folder Watchers System
Configuration Editor
5006 5007
Socket for OPLA 18019
OPLA Web UI 5000 5001
Edit the default port values as you prefer.
Important Make sure you use ports that your system administrator enabled on the network. Enable
the same ports in the firewall software installed on the host computer, if necessary.
Table headers for applications and ports
Applications The name of the application. Only the applications affected by the installation appear in
the table.
HTTP port The port number for plain HTTP communication. This column appears only if plain HTTP
protocol is enabled.
HTTPS port The port number for secure HTTPS communication. This column appears only if plain
HTTPS protocol is enabled.
Socket port The socket port to use. This column appears for the OmniPage Licensing Agent
application only.
5. Click Next in the lower left corner of the page to proceed to the next page.
Kofax OmniPage Server Installation Guide
Configure HTTPS
As you select Use secure HTTPS protocol on the Server configuration page during Advanced
installation, you should configure HTTPS.
1. To disable self-signed certificates, clear Allow invalid certificate (e.g. self-signed certificate). This
feature is enabled by default.
2. In the Certificate thumbprint box, enter the hash of the SSL certificate, which should be a
hexadecimal code, exactly 40 characters long. This field is mandatory. You can use the certificate
manager to get the thumbprint for a certificate already installed on the computer.
a. In Windows Control Panel, either start Manage user certificates or Manage computer
certificates. Click Yes if the User Acount Control confirmation dialog box appears.
The certification manager (certmgr) opens with the pertaining certifications.
b. Select your certification in the left list, then double-click to open the Certificate dialog box.
c. On the Details page, select the Thumbprint field in the list to show the certificate hash in the
bottom box.
d. Select the hash in the box, copy it and paste into the Certificate thumbprint box. The installer
automatically removes the unnecessary spaces from the hash as you paste it.
Configure the server environment
As you click Next on the Server configuration page during Advanced installation, the Server
environment page appears.
1. Under Network environment, select the network authentication in use.
Windows Domain with Active Directory
Windows workgroup
2. Under OmniPage Server Service Account, specify the credentials for the service user account
that will run the components. This user account should have administrator privileges. The database
administrator should assign the same user as the OmniPage Server database owner.
a. In the User name box, specify the user account name to use to start component services.
A green check mark indicates if the user name looks formally correct. Otherwise, a red
exclamation mark appears.
Note The installer only accepts user names in the domain\username format.
b. In the Password box, specify the password for the user account.
A green check mark indicates if the box is not empty. Otherwise, a red exclamation mark
Important When you click Next, the installer attempts to use the provided user name and
password, so providing a wrong password multiple times may result in a user lock.
Kofax OmniPage Server Installation Guide
3. Under Admin Console administrator account, in the User names (comma separated list) box,
enter the user names to grant Admin console administrator rights. Use colon as a separator.
If you leave this field empty, then the Admin console asks for an admin user name at first run.
Note The installer only accepts user names in the domain\username format.
4. Under Admin Console administrator group, in the User groups (comma separated list) box,
enter the user groups to grant Admin console administrator rights. Use a colon as a separator.
Note The installer only accepts user names in the domain\username format.
5. Click Next in the lower left corner of the page to proceed to the next page.
Configure the database type
As you click Next on the Server environment page during Advanced installation, the Database type
page appears.
1. Select the databaset type.
Lite mode: Requires no MS SQL Server installation. Installs a lightweight local database solution
that does not require further configuration. Typical for a topology based on a single Master server
with an optional Worker server. This solution is appropriate when the deployment consists of a
maximum of three machines.
Robust mode: Relies on MS SQL Server to maintain a high-availability installation with failover
capabilities. Suits multi-server scenarios with high-volume use and load balancing.
2. Click Next in the lower left corner of the page to proceed to the next page.
Configure SQL settings
As you click Next on the Database type page during Advanced installation and you select Robust mode,
the SQL settings page appears.
1. In the Database server box, enter the MS SQL server instance.
A green check mark indicates if the database server looks correct. Otherwise, a red exclamation
mark appears.
Use the following scheme: computername\instancename.
Example For example:
2. In the Database name box, enter the name of the database created for OmniPage Server.
A green check mark indicates if the database name looks correct. Otherwise, a red exclamation mark
3. Under Use database server with, select the authentication method in use for the database.
Integrated Windows authentication: The installer uses the user specified as the Omnipage
Server Service Account to access the MS SQL database. This Windows user should be
authenticated to use the database.
SQL Server authentication using Logon ID and Password: The installer uses the Logon ID
and Password specified by the MS SQL Server administrator to access the MS SQL database.
The specified SQL user is usually the database owner.
Kofax OmniPage Server Installation Guide
4. If you selected SQL Server authentication using Logon ID and Password, enter the MS SQL
database credentials in the Logon ID and Password boxes.
A green check mark indicates if the credentials look correct. Otherwise, a red exclamation mark
Important When you click Next, the installer attempts to use the provided user name and
password, so providing a wrong password multiple times may result in a user lock.
Important For important details on SQL Azure Login ID configuration, see Configure SQL Azure.
5. Click Next in the lower left corner of the page to proceed to the next page.
Closing installation steps
OmniPage Server installation process ends with the following step, regardless of installation topology.
Specify destination
Specify destination
As you perform the steps of either a Single or Advanced installation, the Destination page appears.
1. In the Destination box, edit the default destination path or click Browse and choose a valid folder.
2. Click Install in the lower left corner of the page to start the installation.
OPS - Installation Web Assistant moves to the Installation progress page and copies all components to
the host computer. When finished, the Installation finished page appears, offering links to all installed
components. The installer adds a Desktop shortcuts for all the components.
Chapter 3
Verify installation
After OmniPage Server the installation finished, you can verify whether the core elements are installed
and working.
Verify Service API
Verify Swagger API
Verify the administration console
Verify Service API
To check if the Service API component is installed properly, do the following:
1. Start your Internet browser.
2. Type the URL of the Service API into the address bar, and press Enter.
Note Ask your system administrator for the actual URL, which follows the schema below:
The https://{hostname}:5002/v3/status calls of the Web API to get status information about the
service. It also tests the access of the storage and the connection to the repository.
Verify Swagger API
To check if the Swagger API component is installed properly, do the following:
1. Start your Internet browser.
2. Type the URL of the Swagger API into the address bar, and press Enter.
Note Ask your system administrator for the actual URL, which follows the schema below:
3. Discover the API functions and test them in your browser without any implementation.
Any simple conversion job can be performed from this API documentation page, except uploading
the input files, which is not a part of the REST API, but this can be accomplished using another tool.
Kofax OmniPage Server Installation Guide
Verify the administration console
To check if the administration console component is installed properly, do the following:
1. Start your Internet browser.
2. Type the URL for the Admin Console into the address bar, and press Enter.
Note Ask your system administrator for the actual URL, which follows the schema below:
3. Log in. If there were no admin user provided during installation, Admin Console asks you to register
an admin user before login.
Chapter 4
You can manage OmniPage Server licenses with OmniPage Licensing Agent (OPLA). To open the OPLA
web application in a new browser page, start Admin Console and log in, click Licensing, then click the link
of the agent.
You can perform the following tasks with this application:
Activate a license
Activate license in OPLA, using the web interface, online mode
Activate license in OPLA, using the web interface, offline mode
Activate license in OPLA, using the command line interface, online mode
Activate license in OPLA, using the command line interface, offline mode
Move a license
Move license in OPLA, using the web interface, online mode
Move license in OPLA, using the web interface, offline mode
Move license in OPLA, using the command line interface, online mode
Move license in OPLA, using the command line interface, offline mode
Refer to the Licensing overview in the CSDK Help for details on license management.
Important OPS supports PagePack licenses only.
Migrate OPS 2 licenses
Do the following to migrate your existing OPS 2.x licenses.
1. Export your old OPS 2 license from the Nuance Central Licensing Service (NCLS) into a moving
package file with a .lcxp file name extension.
2. Enter the address of the Kofax Activation Server into your browser. (https://licenses.kofax.com/
The Migrate license package page shows up.
3. Click Choose file and browse to the previously created .lcxp package file.
4. Open OPLA on the OPS 3.0 server and find Hardware fingerprint at the top-right of the page and
copy the code to the clipboard.
5. Return to the Migrate license package web page of Kofax Activation Server, and paste the code
from the clipboard into the Hardware Fingerprint field.
6. Select I understand that this is an irreversible process.
Kofax OmniPage Server Installation Guide
7. Click Migrate License Package.
Important If you click this button, you migrate the license package definitively and finally, so you
cannot use your license any more with OPS 2, and you cannot migrate it back.
8. Download the migrated license file and bring it to the target computer where OPLA is hosted.
9. Log in to OPLA, then select Load on the top menu.
The Load license package page appears.
10. Click Choose file and browse to the migrated package file downloaded in step 8, and click Upload.
You can use your OmniPage Server 3.0 installation as soon as the license is activated.
Chapter 5
MS SQL Server configuration
Note If you plan to use a cloud database, see Cloud environment.
To use OmniPage Server in Robust deployment mode requires an MS SQL Server installation properly
configured. Verify the following criteria before starting the installation of OmniPage Server in a Robust
Microsoft SQL Server is installed.
The firewall is configured.
SQL authentication is configured.
Remote connection to the MS SQL Server is allowed.
An SQL Login is configured.
There is a database set up for OPS.
About installing MS SQL Server
If you have an installed Microsoft SQL Server/SQL Express instance to use with OPS, you can skip this
If you install the OPS environment in a Robust deployment mode, then an MS SQL Server or SQL
Express is a required component.
We recommend that you install the SQL Server with SQL Server Management Studio. The SQL Server
Management Studio is the official client user interface which can be used to manage the SQL Server
If you install Microsoft SQL Express, verify that the installation package includes the SQL Management
Firewall settings
If you have a firewall between the OPS machines and your database server, check if the ports are
opened. By default, the following port numbers are in use:
1433 for the default SQL Server instance
1434 for the SQL Server Browser
Kofax OmniPage Server Installation Guide
Configure SQL authentication
OPS can access the SQL Server with two authentication models.
Windows Authentication means that the user identity is managed as part of the Windows handshake,
so the user name and password are not handled by the client applications.
SQL Authentication means that you must store a user name and a password in the client applications.
In this case no Active Directory service is necessary.
If you want to access the SQL Server with SQL user authentication (not with Windows Authentication),
then you should enable the SQL Server and Windows Authentication mode. It is asked at installation time,
but you can set it later from the Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio by doing the following:
1. Select your SQL instance in the Object Explorer of the Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio.
2. Right-click the instance and select Properties in the context menu.
The Server properties dialog box appears.
3. On the Security page, under Server authentication, select SQL Server and Windows
Authentication mode.
4. Click OK to save changes and close the dialog box.
Configure remote connection to the MS SQL Server
If you want to access the MS SQL Server remotely, for example, in case of an OPS multi-server
installation, you should enable the TCP/IP communication to the SQL Server and start the SQL Server
Browser service which is a part of your SQL Server installation.
1. Enable the TCP/IP protocol by proceeding with the following steps:
a. Start the SQL Server Configuration Manager.
b. Select your SQL instance in SQL Server Network Configurations.
c. Set the TCP/IP protocol to Enabled.
d. Restart the SQL Server instance.
Kofax OmniPage Server Installation Guide
2. Start SQL Server Browser by proceeding with the following steps:
a. Start the SQL Server Configuration Manager.
b. On the left, select SQL Server Services.
The list of available services appears on the right.
c. Right-click SQL Server Browser and select Properties in the context menu.
d. in the SQL Server Browser Properties dialog box, select the Service page.
e. Set Start Mode to Automatic, then click OK to close the dialog box.
f. Right-click SQL Server Browser and select Start from the context menu.
Configure SQL login
To connect to the SQL database, you should either create an SQL Login and User or use an existing one.
A Login provides entry into the SQL Server, while a User grants access to an SQL Database.
To create a Login, do the following:
1. Start the Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio.
2. In the Object Explorer, under Security, right-click Login, then select New login in the context
The Login - New dialog box appears.
3. Enter the new Login name.
4. Select the preferred authentication method.
5. In case of SQL Server authentication, enter the password and clear the Enforce password
expiration check box.
6. Click OK to save changes and close the dialog box.
Create a database instance
You should create a database for OmniPage Server.
1. Start the Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio.
2. In the Object Explorer, right-click Databases, then select New Database in the context menu.
The New Database dialog box appears.
3. Enter the new Database name, for example: OmniPageServer.
4. In the Owner box, select the Login created earlier, so you can give access to the database for that
SQL Login.
5. Click OK to save changes and close the dialog box.
Chapter 6
Cloud environment
OmniPage Server can run in cloud environments such as Azure and Amazon Cloud. It is possible to use
Master, Worker, Conversion Client and Folder Watcher. You can also set up a scale set for Worker servers
based on the load of the environment. You can install the server in Lite or Robust mode. If you select a
Robust mode, you can use an SQL Azure database.
Configure SQL Azure
If you want to use an SQL Azure database in your OmniPage Server deployment, you should create a
database user for the OPS service. The following steps give you an example how to create and configure
your database user for OPS.
1. Connect to the SQL Azure server. For example, with SQL Management Studio with the server
administrator user.
2. Switch to the master database and open a New Query.
Note In SQL Azure queries, the USE statement does not support switching between databases, so
you should open a Query Window right on the relevant database. If you connect to the database
with Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio, click the New Query button from the pertaining
database. To verify tha name of the database, check the caption of the query window or use the
select db_name() command.
3. In the master database, create a Login and then add a user for that login to the master database.
You can use the following script with changing the opslogin Login identifier and opsuser user
names as you prefer:
FOR LOGIN opslogin
4. Open a new query window on your OmniPage Server database. Connect to your database service
with the user and create a user for this database with the following script:
FOR LOGIN opslogin
EXEC sp_addrolemember N'db_owner', 'opsuser'
Kofax OmniPage Server Installation Guide
Note When you install OmniPage Server, on the Database type page of the installer, use the SQL
user Login in the following format:
Here servername is the first part of the azure database name.
5. Click OK to save changes and close the dialog box.
Chapter 7
High-availability installation and configuration
OmniPage Server can be deployed with High Availability (HA) services. The following sections detail HA-
related features and guidelines.
Important recommendations
About high availability in general
About high availability in OPS
OmniPage clustered services
Node diagnostic for OmniPage Server
Common configuration steps for HA deployments
Important recommendations
Although this documentation provides general guidance, the steps for creating your failover environment
may vary significantly. Please use this document only as a general reference to set up highly available
We recommend that you consult an experienced HA expert and IT professional to ensure success in
creating a high availability environment.
To deploy high availability features for use with OPS, you must use SQL Server in Clustered mode.
Also, be sure to cluster the Common File Storage for OPS. If these services are not configured for high
availability, OPS cannot operate properly.
OPS HA installation clusters only OPS Master server and its web services. It does not clusters workers,
folder watchers or anything else.
About high availability in general
High availability (HA) means that one or more services can operate even if one or more computer
becomes unavailable in the cluster for any reason. In brief, a cluster is a group of computers that have
the same service installed and configured to collaborate to present services together for the end-user.
A computer in a cluster is called a node. If at least one node can serve queries then the whole service
appears to be available for the end-user. The cluster offers services on a dedicated virtual address called
cluster IP, and only this endpoint is visible for end-users.
Kofax OmniPage Server Installation Guide
About high availability in OPS
OPS can run in high availability environments to ensure the best availability at any time. This means that
the front-end applications like Conversion Client can be clustered. Because of the general architecture
of the software, the only services that need to be clustered are located on the OPS Master server. The
workers and folder watchers can run in parallel without any clustering. Therefore, the only required
component for clustering is the OPS Master server. In practice this means two or more separate
installations of the OPS Master server which will be clustered later. Workers and folder watchers run on
different machines.
OmniPage clustered services
All the clustered services are located on each node in each OPS Master installation. These are the
following, the ports were specified during installation:
Main OPS API as web service. For example:
OPS Administration Console as web application. For example:
OPS UI for converting documents as web application. For example:
Workers manage load balancing by design, so no further optimization is required.
Node diagnostic for OmniPage Server
The status service retrieves information about the current status of the Master services and its backends.
Note Before diagnosing nodes, make sure that in the Clustering Server Name box on the Configuration
page of the Admin Console, you set the name or IP of the clustering server.
Enter or copy the following URL into your browser address bar, then press Enter to obtain the status
information in JSON format. Replace {OPS_SERVER_NAME} with the name of the server to diagnose.
The result looks like:
"serviceStatus": "OK",
"version": "3.0.20568.300",
"hasDatabaseAccess": true,
"hasStorageAccess": true,
"queueLength": 12,
"averageWaitingTimeInQueue": 4.18,
"averageProcessingTime": 7.28,
"hosts": [
Kofax OmniPage Server Installation Guide
"id": "ops-server",
"type": "mixed",
"workerTaskCount": 4,
"managerServiceStatus": null,
"workerServiceStatus": "running",
"masterServiceStatus": "running"
"errors": [],
"warnings": []
You can analyse the status information and find and resolve the problem. A couple of examples:
If hasDatabaseAccess is false, check the connection to the database.
If workerServiceStatus is not running, restart the related Worker service.
If the Status Service does not respond, then restart the Master.
If hasStorageAccess is false, make sure the folder exists and the service user has full access to this
Note For detailed description of the returned JSON object please refer to the API Reference Guide.
Common configuration steps for HA deployments
The following sections describe general steps of configuration in a HA OPS deployment.
1. Make sure you have the following:
An accessible Domain Controller and at least 2 machines dedicated to OPS as a member of the
Access to the MS SQL Database server.
A dedicated user for OPS, who is part of the domain and has administrative rights on the
dedicated OPS Servers.
2. Create the OPS Database in SQL and grant access to it for the user created above. It is
recommended to allow DBO privileges only on the OPS database.
3. Grant the “Logon as a service” right for the dedicated OPS user under Local Security Policy > User
rights assignment.
4. Install OPS Server as a single seat deployment. Use the dedicated OPS user. Use the SQL
Database created above for all OPS Server installation. Optionally install Conversion Client and
Folder Watcher if you need it.
5. Create a network file share which is accessible for all OPS nodes.
6. Open OPS Admin Console and update the Storage path in the configuration.
7. Apply OPS licenses.
8. Restart Windows on all OPS nodes.
Chapter 8
This section provides the information needed to troubleshoot OPS.
Services cannot start
The following sections may help you to recognize what blocks services and provide a solution.
Verify port
Make sure that the ports that the service wants to use are not reserved by another program. If the port is
busy, there will be a related entry in the Windows Event Log.
You can check this in the Event Viewer, after selecting Windows Logs/Application in the list on the left.
Verify user
The service user, which was specified at installation time under OmniPage Server Service Account,
should be able to register processes as a service. You can check if your service user account has rights to
run windows services.
Start Local Security Policy from Administrative Tools.
Select Local Policies, then click User Rights Assignment.
In the list on the right, look for the Log on as a service policy. Verify if your service user or group is
Kofax OmniPage Server Installation Guide
If the service user is not in the Log on as a service policy, then add it.