Careers Guidance in
Schools and Colleges:
A Guide to Best Practice and Commissioning
Independent Career Guidance Services
September 2021
The Career Development Institute (CDI) is committed
to making sure that everyone receives the highest
quality career guidance. That support begins in
schools and colleges, ensuring young people are
equipped to take successful next steps in education,
training or employment.
college leaders new to commissioning high quality,
independent careers support. This is the second
Guidance for schools and colleges published by the
Department for Education (the DfE) in July 2021.
careers education and guidance is critical to young
people’s futures” and recognises the value that
help schools and colleges commission independent
careers guidance for students”.
This guide provides practical information and
advice, including a step-by-step approach and useful
templates, to help schools and colleges secure
careers services that not only meet the statutory
requirements but also the professional standards
set by the CDI. The guide also places the provision
of individual careers guidance in the wider context
of a planned programme of careers education,
information, advice and guidance.
This commissioning guide is best used alongside
the CDI’s Career Development Framework of
recommended outcomes, developed to support
schools when planning careers programmes in
line with the Gatsby benchmarks. We also strongly
endorse the commissioning of services from
whether through external career guidance providers
or employed directly. We recommend using the
UK Register of Career Development Professionals,
providers and practitioners.
With the Covid-19 pandemic adding to the effects of
leaving the European Union, climate change and new
employment practices, providing high quality careers
support has rarely been so critical in helping young
people make choices about their future education,
training and employment. I hope that this guide,
along with our other frameworks and services,
enables you to establish the best career arrangements
for the young people you work with.
David Morgan
Chief Executive, Career Development Institute
The Career
Development Institute
(CDI) is committed
to making sure that
everyone receives the
highest quality career
Careers Guidance in Schools and Colleges: A Guide to Best Practice
Chief Executive, Career Development Institute
Introduction to the Guide
The Statutory Duty
Best Practice
Assuring Quality
The Career Development Institute
A Step-by-Step-Guide to Commissioning Careers Guidance
Sources of Further Information
Annex A – Template for identifying services the school, or college,
needs to commission
Annex B – Template for researching potential providers
Annex C – Join Us!
Careers Guidance in Schools and Colleges: A Guide to Best Practice
This guide has been written and edited by David Andrews, formerly CDI Policy Associate and Honorary
Life Member of the CDI.
© CDI, 2021
to the Guide
In 2012 provision for the delivery of careers support
for young people underwent one of the most
profound changes in four decades. For almost forty
years schools and colleges had worked in partnership
with the local careers guidance service to provide
careers education, information, advice and guidance
to young people. The service was universally available
across England and free of charge to schools and
colleges. It was a national service, locally delivered
and funded by government.
The Education Act 2011 transferred responsibility
for careers guidance from local authorities to schools
been required to secure access to independent and
impartial careers guidance for their students, and in
This guide has been published to assist schools and
colleges with meeting their responsibilities to put in
place arrangements that will best support students’
choices and transitions as they progress through
learning and into work.
subsequently revised in 2018 following the
publication of the DfE’s careers strategy, which placed
the duty to provide independent careers guidance
in the wider context of the Gatsby Benchmarks.
Benchmark 8 states that every student should
have the opportunity for guidance interviews with
a careers adviser, trained to level 6, whenever
This third edition has been produced following the
in July 2021. The updated guidance replaces, and
brings together into a single publication, the formerly
separate documents for schools and colleges. The
requirements to ensure that pupils and learners are
provided with independent careers guidance remain
in place and all maintained schools, academies,
further education colleges and sixth form colleges
carrying out their duty. The guidance sets out both
By following the step-by-step approach outlined
in this guide, schools and colleges can ensure they
meet government requirements and offer careers
their students.
Updated to incorporate
the Department for
Education’s Statutory
Guidance for schools and
colleges published in
July 2021.
Careers Guidance in Schools and Colleges: A Guide to Best Practice
The Statutory Duty
Maintained schools and Pupil Referral Units
(PRUs) have a statutory duty to ensure that all
registered pupils, from year 8 to year 13, are
provided with independent and impartial careers
external to the school and ‘impartial’ as showing
no bias towards a particular institution, education,
training or work option. Governing bodies must
also ensure that the guidance provided includes
information on the full range of education and
training options, including apprenticeships and
technical education, and promotes the best interests
of the pupils to whom it is given. The DfE’s statutory
guidance goes on to say that personal careers
guidance does not have to be external – it can be
delivered by school staff, if trained
– but where it is
internal it must be supplemented by external sources
of support to ensure compliance with the legal duty.
These requirements also apply to academies and
free schools, through their funding agreements. The
Department for Education encourages academies
without the requirement in their agreement to
follow the guidance as a statement of good practice.
Although independent schools are not subject to the
made the provision of impartial careers guidance a
factor in determining compliance with regulatory
requirements and advises schools in the private
the DfE.
In its Skills for Jobs White Paper published in January
2021 the DfE stated its intention to lower the age
range for the duty on schools to provide independent
subject to legislation, this is likely to come into effect
introduced an additional requirement (commonly
referred to as ‘the Baker Clause’) on all schools and
academies to ensure that there are opportunities
for a range of education and training providers
purpose of informing them about T levels and other
2. This means that a school could choose to employ their own careers adviser to
deliver personal guidance. In such cases the CDI recommends employing only
careers advisers who are Registered Career Development Professionals as they
FE and Sixth Form Colleges
All FE and sixth form colleges in England are
required, through their funding contracts, to secure
access to independent and impartial careers guidance
for all learners up to and including the age of 18,
and 19-25 year-olds with an Education, Health and
Care Plan. Colleges also have a legal requirement to
provide all learners with a wide range of up-to-date
reference materials relating to careers education and
career opportunities. The DfE’s guidance goes on to
say that personal careers guidance does not have to
be external – it can be delivered by college staff, if
trained – but where it is internal it
must be supplemented by external sources of support
to ensure compliance with the requirement in the
funding agreements.
Other providers of post-16 education and training,
including apprenticeship providers and independent
learning providers, are encouraged to follow the
guidance as good practice.
Local authorities
Local authorities continue to have responsibility for
providing support for vulnerable and disadvantaged
students: this includes students with special
birthday and those 16-19 year-olds who are
not engaged in employment, education or training
National Careers Service
information and advice for young people through
its website,
telephone helpline and web chat service.
The Careers & Enterprise
Company has published
research on what works
in the provision of
personal guidance in
schools and colleges
Careers Guidance in Schools and Colleges: A Guide to Best Practice
The Careers & Enterprise Company
In 2018 the remit of The Careers & Enterprise
Company was extended to providing support to
schools and colleges for all eight Gatsby Benchmarks.
The Company published research on what works
in the provision of personal guidance in schools
and colleges and followed this up with a personal
guidance fund to support the development of
different models of delivering personal guidance.
Both the ‘What works?’ document and the evaluation
report on the funded projects can be downloaded
from the Company’s website.
The Gatsby benchmarks
International research, funded by The Gatsby
practice for careers guidance in schools:
1. A stable careers programme
2. Learning from career and labour market
5. Encounters with employers and employees
6. Experiences of workplaces
8. Personal guidance.
benchmarks. In 2018 a version of the benchmarks for
colleges was produced
With reference to Benchmark 8 the expectation is
that every student should have opportunities for
guidance interviews with a careers adviser, who
could be internal (a member of the school or college
staff) or external, provided that they are trained to an
appropriate level, whenever study or career choices
of training as being at least the full QCF Level 6, which
to the Institute’s Register of Career Development
In schools every student should have at least one
interview by the age of 16, and the opportunity for a
further interview by the age of 18. In colleges every
learner should have at least one interview by the end
of their study programme.
Best Practice
expectations of governors, school and college leaders
and careers leaders.
The guidance from the DfE is permissive in that it
allows schools and colleges to decide how best to
guidance. There is, however, a clear message that
the school’s or college’s provision of advice and
guidance should comprise a coherent programme of
activities that cover all eight Benchmarks and that
help young people to choose their pathways, improve
their life opportunities and contribute to a productive
and successful economy. Access to good quality,
independent and impartial personal career guidance
is seen as a key component of such support.
Career guidance has become more important than
ever as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic which
has had an unprecedented impact on the economy,
education and the opportunities open to students.
Pupils in schools and learners in colleges all need
help to make choices and manage transitions: they
need good quality careers education, information
advice and guidance.
comprehensive and up to date information on
the full range of options in education, training
and work, accompanied by information on the
progression opportunities and possible destinations
that follow from each of those options;
• timely and impartial advice and guidance;
programmes of careers education that equip them
to understand their strengths and interests, to
make effective use of the information, advice and
guidance provided and to develop their career
management and employability skills.
As a result of the
Covid-19 pandemic
career guidance has
become more important
than ever
Careers Guidance in Schools and Colleges: A Guide to Best Practice
The CDI believes that schools and colleges
should have in place a co-ordinated programme
of careers support that includes the following
Careers information
Information on the full range of options available in
education, training and work, and the progression
opportunities that follow those options. Careers
information can be provided through a range
software, websites; social media and telephone
helplines; information talks from colleges,
universities, apprenticeship providers and
employers; visits to colleges, universities, training
providers and businesses.
[ref. Gatsby benchmarks 2 and 7]
Career advice and guidance
Advice helps students to interpret information
and apply it to their own situation; guidance is the
professionals to help students explore their options
and make informed choices that are best for them.
Advice and guidance are closely linked to related
activities such as tutoring, progress reviews,
academic monitoring and mentoring. Through these
activities school and college staff begin to help
students look at future options and identify when
students need to be referred to careers advisers for
more in-depth guidance. Advisers offering career
guidance theory and practice. Guidance from the
DfE supports the CDI’s view that they should hold a
Registered Careers Professionals. They should also
be able to act impartially and this is a key principle
in the CDI’s Code of Ethics. A later section of this
guide provides detailed guidance on commissioning
independent career guidance services.
[ref. Gatsby benchmarks 3 and 8]
Careers education
Planned and progressive programmes of activities in
the curriculum which help students to understand
themselves, research the opportunities available,
make decisions and move successfully on to the
next stage. The CDI has published a new Career
skills, knowledge and attitudes that should form
the recommended outcomes of an effective careers
Guidance refers to the Framework and also
recognises that career learning can be provided as a
subject in its own right, alongside work embedded in
other subjects.
[ref. Gatsby benchmarks 1 and 4]
Advisers offering career
guidance should be
professionally qualified
in guidance theory and
Careers Guidance in Schools and Colleges: A Guide to Best Practice
Effective engagement with employers
‘The careers programme should include
opportunities to be inspired, informed and advised
by employers through talks and workplace visits.
Employers can also enhance programmes of careers
education through contributing to classroom-
based lessons, running CV workshops, conducting
mock interviews and supporting enterprise
activities, plus offering work experience and work
integrated into the programme of careers support
and complemented by access to impartial career
[ref. Gatsby benchmarks 5 and 6]
Assuring quality
The CDI supports the three aspects of quality
assurance for careers support in schools and
1. Professional qualifications for careers
As the UK-wide professional association for all
career development professionals, the CDI believes
that all advisers employed or contracted to provide
career guidance to young people should hold an
development and be registered on the UK Register of
Career Development Professionals, the public register
that can be searched through the home page of the
CDI’s website
The pages that follow provide further information on
Development Professionals held by the CDI and the
other services available from the Institute.
2. Reviewing and evaluating the CEIAG
programme in the school or college
The CDI is a member of the Consortium Board
that oversees the national quality award for career
guidance in England, the Quality in Careers Standard.
The award, which is fully aligned to the Gatsby
Benchmarks, provides a framework for school or
college self-review and evaluation and offers a means
of externally assessing and accrediting careers
programmes. There are 11 licensed awarding bodies
for the standard. Information about the standard
and contact details for the 11 awarding bodes can be
found at
The DfE strongly recommends that all schools and
colleges should work towards achieving the Quality in
Careers Standard.
3. Quality assured providers of career
The quality standard for the guidance sector is
. The CDI recommends that only organisations
with matrix accreditation should be used. This is
in line with the requirements placed by the DfE
on providers of career guidance to adults through
not expect independent careers advisers working
as sole traders to gain matrix accreditation but
instead expects them to be on its Register of Career
Development Professionals.
The CDI is a member
of the Consortium
Board that oversees the
national quality award
for career guidance in
England, the Quality in
Careers Standard.
Careers Guidance in Schools and Colleges: A Guide to Best Practice
How to have the career that you want
Career describes our journey through life, learning and work.
We need to actively develop our careers to make the best of
them. This process of career development takes skill as well
as knowledge and the right attitude. You will need to work
on these career development skills throughout your life.
The Career Development Institute has undertaken extensive research and
consulted with career development experts and practitioners to identify
the six career development skills that you need to have the career that
you want.
Work on your career development skills
Whether you are in education, in work, unemployed or involved in caring
or voluntary activity there will always be opportunities to work on your
career development skills.
Career development skills can be improved by taking courses, trying new
things, learning through doing, reading and engaging with the media
and by reflecting on what you do well (and not so well).
Try and talk about your career with as many people as possible and take
the opportunity to see a registered career professional when you can.
For a positive career
you need to...
Manage career
Manage your career
actively, make the most
of opportunities and
learn from setbacks.
Create opportunities
Create opportunities
by being proactive
and building positive
relationships with others.
Grow throughout life
Grow throughout life by
learning and reflecting
on yourself, your
background, and your
Balance life and work
Balance your life as
a worker and/or
entrepreneur with your
wellbeing, other interests
and your involvement with
your family and community.
Explore the full range
of possibilities open to
you and learn about
recruitment processes
and the culture of different
Explore possibilities
See the big picture by
paying attention to how
the economy, politics
and society connect
with your own life and
See the big picture
More than ever, it’s important
people manage their careers
through their working life. The
CDI framework gives a clear,
structured approach to help you
develop your career.
Stephen Isherwood (CEO),
Institute of Student Employers
How to have the career that you want
Career describes our journey through life, learning and work.
We need to actively develop our careers to make the best of
them. This process of career development takes skill as well
as knowledge and the right attitude. You will need to work
on these career development skills throughout your life.
The Career Development Institute has undertaken extensive research and
consulted with career development experts and practitioners to identify
the six career development skills that you need to have the career that
you want.
Work on your career development skills
Whether you are in education, in work, unemployed or involved in caring
or voluntary activity there will always be opportunities to work on your
career development skills.
Career development skills can be improved by taking courses, trying new
things, learning through doing, reading and engaging with the media
and by reflecting on what you do well (and not so well).
Try and talk about your career with as many people as possible and take
the opportunity to see a registered career professional when you can.
For a positive career
you need to...
Manage career
Manage your career
actively, make the most
of opportunities and
learn from setbacks.
Create opportunities
Create opportunities
by being proactive
and building positive
relationships with others.
Grow throughout life
Grow throughout life by
learning and reflecting
on yourself, your
background, and your
Balance life and work
Balance your life as
a worker and/or
entrepreneur with your
wellbeing, other interests
and your involvement with
your family and community.
Explore the full range
of possibilities open to
you and learn about
recruitment processes
and the culture of different
Explore possibilities
See the big picture by
paying attention to how
the economy, politics
and society connect
with your own life and
See the big picture
More than ever, it’s important
people manage their careers
through their working life. The
CDI framework gives a clear,
structured approach to help you
develop your career.
Stephen Isherwood (CEO),
Institute of Student Employers
The Career
Development Institute
If you care about being a careers professional -
join the Career Development Institute
The Career Development Institute (CDI) is the UK-
wide professional body for the career development
education and skills policy as it affects those with
whom career development practitioners work and a
clear purpose to improve and assure the quality and
availability of career development opportunities for
all throughout the UK.
We have a strong and growing membership of
– over 5000 - all of whom subscribe to a Code of
Ethics and are committed to the principles of CPD.
We manage the UK Register of Career Development
Professionals and produced the CDI Blueprint of
Learning Outcomes for Professional Roles in the
We provide:
A powerful brand supported by an comprehensive
website; social media (Twitter
quarterly magazine Career Matters and twice yearly
A schedule of online and face-to-face events and
conferences based on the needs of members; free
webinars; digital bytes, costed expert training, a
CPD resources area and a monthly CPD newsletter;
Understanding the role of the Careers Adviser within
Communities of Practice:
A strong media presence with the CDI as the expert
voice 
conferences and commenting on policy;
The UK Career Development Awards – sponsored
awards including Careers Adviser/Coach of the Year
and Careers Leader of the Year;
‘Careers in Careers’ job board, advertising current
vacancies in the sector.
For more information visit the website - . You can apply online
support you in your role.
UK Register of Career Development
as a means of assuring the quality of provision of
independent career guidance. It is seen as the sector’s
Registration requires the individual to hold a
or above. Many registrants also hold postgraduate
diplomas in career guidance and development and
some hold Masters degrees.
Diploma in Career Guidance
Post Graduate Diploma in Career Guidance/
Career Development/Career Management/ Career
Education and Coaching/Career Development and
Post Graduate Diploma in Career Education,
Information and Guidance in Higher Education
We have a strong and
growing membership
of individuals,
students and affiliate
organisations – over
5000 - all of whom
subscribe to a Code
of Ethics and are
committed to the
principles of CPD.
Careers Guidance in Schools and Colleges: A Guide to Best Practice
QCF Level 6 Diploma in Career Guidance and
Units or HE Modules in Career Guidance Theory;
career and labour market information with clients
All registrants are currently practising and must keep
their skills, knowledge and understanding up to date
by undertaking a minimum of 25 hours Continuous
Professional Development per year. This is planned,
the CDI website and monitored as part of the CDI’s
ongoing commitment to maintain professional
standards across the sector.
A critical condition of registration is adherence to
the CDI Code of Ethics. This Code is detailed and
covers for example, adherence to professional
standards; impartiality; maintenance of professional
boundaries; updating skills and knowledge; accuracy
of information provision; working in an open and
transparent manner and in the best interests of
the client; promotion of equality and diversity and
where there is clear evidence of risk. As such it is the
cornerstone of the practice of a career development
By using careers advisers who are on the Register you
can be assured of the high quality of the independent
career guidance provided. They are entitled to use
the post nominal RCDP and a bespoke logo which can
be used to promote the quality of the independent
career guidance on offer in the schools and colleges in
which they work.
By using Careers
Advisers who are on
the Register you can
be assured of the
high quality of the
independent career
guidance provided.
Careers Guidance in Schools and Colleges: A Guide to Best Practice
A Step-by-Step Guide to Commissioning
Careers Guidance
This section of the guide offers information and advice to schools and colleges on how to commission career
guidance services from external providers.
independent and impartial career guidance. In the past schools and colleges were used to having available just
one service for their locality; now they are free to purchase services from a range of providers operating in a
market that includes both established careers organisations and new providers that have emerged since 2012.
Whether schools, or colleges, decide to commission career guidance from a local authority, careers company or
Step 1:
Determine the school’s, or
colleges, policy decision to
commission independent career
guidance services
Step 4:
Review the current provision of
careers support, including career
Step 5:
Identify the services that need to
be commissioned
Step 8:
Research potential providers
Step 9:
Draw up a shortlist of providers,
invite bids and agree a contract
Step 2:
Decide whether to commission as
an individual school or college, or
as part of a multi-academy trust
(MAT) or other grouping
Step 3:
Identify a senior leader to
take responsibility for the
commissioning process
Step 6:
Confirm the budget for career
guidance services
Step 7:
Identify possible providers
Step 10:
Monitor and keep under review the
services provided
The Statutory Guidance
makes it clear that
schools and colleges are
free to decide how best
to meet the requirement
to secure access for
students to independent
and impartial careers
Careers Guidance in Schools and Colleges: A Guide to Best Practice
Step 1:
Determine the policy decision to
commission independent career guidance
The careers leader in the school or college, together
with the senior leader with overall responsibility for
careers, should study the guidance from the DfE and
brief the governing body or corporation. They should
then seek formal approval to commission career
guidance services. It will be helpful at this stage to
determine an indicative budget although the detail of
Step 2:
Decide whether to commission as an
individual school or college, or as part of a
MAT or other grouping
arrangements for commissioning career guidance
services for students or they may decide to do so
in partnership with other establishments. There is
a strong tradition of collaborative working among
secondary schools, and with colleges, in many
areas. Commissioning career guidance services as
a member of a MAT, consortium, partnership or
federation brings several advantages. Firstly, there
are economies of scale; secondly, the commissioning
process could be led by one senior leader working
on behalf of all the schools and colleges in the group;
thirdly, the arrangement enables careers advisers to
move across the different establishments at various
times during the year to meet particular demands
and to cover for any absences.
Step 3:
Identify a senior leader to take responsibility
for the commissioning process
If the school, or college, is planning to commission
services on its own, it will be important to identify
who will lead the commissioning process, taking
advice from the careers leader. Where schools and
colleges decide to collaborate to commission services,
the individual establishments will need to agree on
a senior leader who will lead the process on their
behalf and a mechanism for consulting with each of
the partners.
Step 4:
Review current provision
Before starting the process of identifying needs
and selecting an appropriate provider, schools and
colleges will need to take stock of their current
arrangements. This requires a review of what is
provided and some evaluation of how effectively it is
meeting the needs of all students.
The statutory arrangements place schools and
colleges at the centre of the process, proactively
determining what is needed, from whom, rather than
responding to a menu of pre-determined services.
The commissioning process, therefore, presents an
opportunity to look afresh at the existing support
offered to students and to take greater control over
the strengths of their current provision and any
improvements they wish to make, taking account of
feedback from the young people themselves.
Step 5:
Identify the services that need to be
This stage involves looking at the total provision of
careers education, information, advice and guidance
that the school or college considers students should
have access to and determining which elements the
school or college itself will provide, what the local
authority continues to provide in terms of more
targeted support for vulnerable or disadvantaged
students, before then identifying what services the
school or college needs to purchase.
guidance they could provide in-house. They should
also clarify what support they will continue to receive
from the local authority, for certain groups of young
Over the time that the new arrangements have been
in place, it has become apparent that local authorities
differ in how they interpret the requirement to
and colleges should ask their local authority to
support, and what services they can expect.
Schools and colleges
may choose to make
their own arrangements
for commissioning
careers guidance
services for students or
they may decide to do
so in partnership with
other establishments.
Careers Guidance in Schools and Colleges: A Guide to Best Practice
provision of advice and guidance they can make
available internally, and what access to targeted
support they will continue to have, they can then
determine what additional career guidance they need
to commission.
When schools and colleges begin to think about
service, the starting point is often one-to-one careers
guidance interviews. This is understandable as
this is the aspect of careers support that schools
and colleges often have neither the time nor the
professional expertise to provide. Individual guidance
although schools and colleges can also think
differently or more widely about the services needed.
Thinking differently about face-to-face guidance
interviews means looking afresh at who needs
guidance and when. Under the statutory duty, the
only priority groups are those that the school or
college decides.
Thinking more widely about the services needed
means looking at other activities for students
additional to careers interviews: these could include
groupwork sessions, drop-in surgeries and support
on results days, mentoring, coaching and support in
liaising with employers. It also means considering
what services should be provided for parents and for
the staff involved in careers education, information,
advice and guidance. For parents or carers, activities
could include information talks at options meetings
and access to careers advisers at consultation
evenings; for staff, services might include in-service
training for tutor teams and access to network
meetings for careers leaders.
A template for identifying the services that the
school or college wishes to commission and
A to this guide.
Individual institutions
are expected to find
the money to purchase
careers guidance
services from within
their existing budgets.
Careers Guidance in Schools and Colleges: A Guide to Best Practice
Step 6:
Confirm the budget for career guidance
additional funding to meet the new requirement.
money to purchase career guidance services from
within their existing budgets including, in the case of
schools, the pupil premium funding. Clearly, however,
any school or college will need to identify a budget
for services before entering into negotiations with
providers and the economies of scale that follow
when working in a group may help to secure better
Step 7:
Identify possible providers
external career guidance service for state schools
was free of charge, but schools and colleges were
schools and colleges are free to use a provider of their
choosing. This is an evolving market and includes
a range of providers of careers guidance services,
Local Authorities
All local authorities in England are required to
continue to provide targeted support and several
have also continued to offer a universal career
latter local authorities offer services only to schools
and colleges within their area, while others may sell
services to institutions in neighbouring areas.
Careers companies
Most of the careers companies that previously
provided services under commission to local
authorities are offering services to schools and
colleges. At the same time, new organisations,
including social enterprises established by groups
of careers advisers, have entered the marketplace.
Many of the careers companies are members of the
trade body for career guidance organisations, Careers
Individual careers advisers
Many careers advisers who worked with schools
as part of local authorities or large companies are
now offering services to schools and colleges as sole
Education - Business Partnerships (EBPs)
schools and colleges on work experience and
enterprise activities, have recruited careers advisers
to offer schools and colleges integrated services for
career guidance and work-related learning.
FE and sixth form colleges and universities
Colleges have within their student services
universities have their own careers advisory services.
A few offer career guidance services to schools.
The Career Development Institute (CDI) holds a
register of career guidance professionals which can
be accessed and searched via its website,
work as part of partnerships, social enterprises or for
small or large organisations.
Step 8:
Research potential providers
Commissioning career guidance services is still
relatively new territory for most schools and
colleges. There are several options available and the
market for providers working with young people is
unregulated. In researching the possibilities schools
and colleges are advised to ask about the following
Range of services
This is the obvious place to start: to clarify the range
of services that the provider can offer and to check
the list against the services that the school or college
wishes to commission.
Many careers advisers
who worked with
schools as part of local
authorities or large
companies are now
offering services to
schools and colleges as
sole traders.
Careers Guidance in Schools and Colleges: A Guide to Best Practice
Quality standards
individual or organisation is a reputable provider
of career guidance services. The recognised UK
quality standard for the guidance sector is the matrix
If the provider is not matrix accredited, the school or
college should ask what alternative quality assurance
arrangements the provider uses. The matrix quality
website and provide a useful checklist to assess
potential providers.
and CPD
Another important question is whether the
individuals who would be providing career guidance
recognised Code of Ethics.
admission to the CDI’s UK Register of Career
Development Professionals are listed in an earlier
section of this guide. To join the Register individuals
are required to hold a relevant careers guidance
that is not recognised by the Register without three
additional QCF Level 6 units or HE modules:
• Career guidance theory
Use of career and labour market information with
The CDI advises schools and colleges to check that
can demonstrate that they have achieved the three
additional units or HE modules above.
In addition to holding an appropriate initial
regular continuing professional development to
update their knowledge and skills. Careers advisers
on the Register must complete and record at least
25 hours of CPD annually. The worlds of education,
training and employment are constantly changing
and guidance practice is continually developing.
intends to keep up to date, so that the career
guidance offered to students remains relevant and
guidance provided to students must be impartial.
This means that the guidance offered is in the best
If the provider is not
matrix accredited, the
school or college should
ask what alternative
quality assurance
arrangements the
provider uses.
Careers Guidance in Schools and Colleges: A Guide to Best Practice
interests of the young person and does not favour any
to ask how the provider ensures impartiality. Being
a member of CDI requires the practitioner to work
towards an agreed Code of Ethics which includes
impartiality as a key requirement.
Experience of working with schools and colleges,
and with young people
the provider has experience of working not only
with schools and colleges but also with students of
different ages and across the whole ability range.
Local knowledge
Although students today choose to pursue
opportunities in education, training in work further
from home that previous generations, initial
destinations are usually within the local area. It is
important for careers advisers working with the
school or college to have up to date knowledge of the
local labour market and the education and training
colleges should ask providers how they will ensure
that careers advisers have access to this information.
This will be particularly important if the school or
college is considering commissioning services from
an organisation that has not previously operated
Referral and support
Even experienced careers advisers can be presented
with questions from students, or their parents,
that they have not encountered before and require
colleges should ask what arrangements the provider
has for supporting advisers in these situations,
particularly when considering working with a sole
Cover for absence
There will, inevitably, be occasions when careers
advisers are not available for work, including illness
should ask the provider what cover will be available
in such circumstances.
DBS checks
Careers advisers working in schools and colleges
are usually in situations where they are with young
people, often one-to-one, without an adult present.
It follows that schools and colleges should ask to
see documentary evidence that any careers adviser
who will be working in the school or college has
Public liability and professional indemnity
In the context of career guidance given to young
people by external providers, public liability
insurance provides cover for claims for damage or
injury caused by a careers adviser while working in
the school or college, and professional indemnity
insurance provides cover for claims for losses caused
as a result of the information or advice provided
insurance are combined into a single policy for
ask for evidence that the provider has adequate
insurance cover.
5. The CDI provides information on insurance for careers professionals -
Of course, having determined whether or not the
provider can supply the services needed, to the
quality required, the school or college needs to decide
whether it can afford them. Each provider will have
its own tariff of charges: schools and colleges will
need to negotiate the costs of what they wish to
Costs might be per interview or group session, or
others might breakdown delivery from preparation
time. Always be clear as well if the price includes any
follow up and agree what format and timescale any
reports will be provided in.
Careers Guidance in Schools and Colleges: A Guide to Best Practice
Even experienced
careers advisers
can be presented
with questions from
students, or their
parents, that they have
not encountered before
and require ongoing
supervision and support.
Step 9:
Draw up a shortlist of providers, invite bids
and agree a contract
Having researched potential providers, schools and
colleges should follow their usual procedures for
obtaining quotations, seeking tenders and awarding
A template for researching providers can be
found as Annex B to this guide.
Step 10:
Monitor and keep under review the services
Prior to the change in careers policy in 2012 only a
few schools evaluated their careers provision with
any degree of rigour. Gatsby Benchmark 1 highlights
the need for regular evaluation and collecting
feedback from students and parents. Any evaluation
should pay particular attention to elements
colleges are advised to monitor the contract they
agree with a provider, review it at least once a term
and evaluate the impact annually, before making
decisions about re-commissioning for the following
Finally, we should not lose sight of the fact that the
main reason for commissioning career guidance
services is to ensure that young people receive
the best possible support for progression and the
transitions they face. Except in cases where the school
or college commissions career guidance services
from the local authority that is also providing the
targeted service, schools or colleges will be working
with at least two providers: the local authority, for
young people considered vulnerable, and another
provider, for the universal career guidance service.
It will be important for the school or college to
establish a means of monitoring which students
have been provided with guidance, by whom, so that
young people do not slip through the net and so that
individuals can be cross-referred where necessary.
Finally, we should not
lose sight of the fact
that the main reason for
commissioning careers
guidance services is
to ensure that young
people receive the best
possible support for
progression and the
transitions they face.
Careers Guidance in Schools and Colleges: A Guide to Best Practice
Careers Guidance in Schools and Colleges: A Guide to Best Practice
Services for students
One-to-one guidance interviews
Groupwork sessions
Drop-in surgeries
Support on results days
Which year groups? Numbers? When?
Which year groups? On what topics?
Annex A:
This section of the guide provides a template for schools and colleges on how to
commission careers guidance services from external providers
Services for parents
Presentations at information evenings
Availability at consultation evenings
Which year groups? Dates
Which year groups? Dates
Services for staff
Careers information support
Support for careers education
Professional development
Publications. Advice on library
Resources. Curriculum advice. Training.
CPD. Network meetings
Careers Guidance in Schools and Colleges: A Guide to Best Practice
Careers Guidance in Schools and Colleges: A Guide to Best Practice
Services available
Quality standards e.g. matrix
Professional qualifications of careers advisers and professional development eg
Diploma in Career Guidance
Post Graduate Diploma in Career Guidance/Career Development/Career Management/ Career Education
and Coaching/Career Development and Coaching Studies
Post Graduate Diploma in Career Education, Information and Guidance in Higher Education
Qualification in Career Development/Career Guidance/Career Guidance and Development
QCF Level 6 Diploma in Career Guidance and Development
S/NVQ Level 4 in Guidance/Advice and Guidance/LDSS plus the QCF Level 6 Units or HE Modules in Career
Guidance Theory; Reflect on and improve professional practice; Use career and labour market information
with clients
Diploma in Career Guidance combined with the NVQ Level 4 in Guidance
Costs Notes
Annex B:
Template for researching potential providers
Name of provider:
Contact person:
Email: Tel:
Membership of the Career Development Institute (CDI) and Registration on the UK Register of
Career Development Professionals
Experience of working with schools, colleges and young people
Local knowledge
Referral and support
Cover for absence
DBS checks
Public liability and professional indemnity insurance
Other notes
Careers Guidance in Schools and Colleges: A Guide to Best Practice
Careers Guidance in Schools and Colleges: A Guide to Best Practice
Annex C
Join Us!
information, advice and guidance and are passionate
about providing high quality services to your
students and want to network with like-minded
people, now is a key time to be part of your
professional membership organisation – the Career
Development Institute.
Types of Membership and Prices
The membership fee is £105 for individuals and
to pay a one-off admin fee of £25.
If you would like to join the UK Register of Career
Development Professionals as a Registered
Professional Member this costs £160 and includes
your register fee of £55.
type of membership are on the website. Joining is
easy, you can:
Complete the online membership form on the
Download a membership form from the website
• Complete a membership form at any CDI event
Bulk Membership
organisations and groups wishing to enrol 10 or more
members. This method of payment is particularly
popular with employers and groups of practitioners
because it means that employers and members can
memberships are purchased through a single invoice.
Methods of Payment
Credit/debit card: we take card payments over the
Direct debit - see website for details -
Cheque: made payable to the Career Development
Institute. Please write the name of the member
that the cheque covers on the reverse side, eg
application form to - Career Development Institute,
member clear as the reference.
Number of
101 +
Bulk Membership
Now is a key time to be
part of your professional
organisation –the
Career Development
Join Us
The Career Development Institute
(CDI) is the UK-wide professional
membership body for the career
development sector. Our members
are careers advisers, careers leaders,
career coaches, career managers
and other professionals working in
the public, private, voluntary and
community sectors.
We have a key role to play in influencing
UK careers and skills policy and a
clear purpose to improve and assure
the quality and availability of career
development opportunities for all
throughout the UK.
Joining is easy
For full details of the member benefits,
including joining the UK Register of
Career Development Professionals,
Apply online:
CDI 120
Ground Floor,
Copthall House,
1 New Road,
West Midlands
Tel: 01384 376464