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A Statement of Work (SOW) is typically used when the task is well-known and can be
described in specific terms. Statement of Objective (SOO) and Performance Work Statement
(PWS) emphasize performance-based concepts such as desired service outcomes and
performance standards. Whereas PWS/SOO's establish high-level outcomes and objectives
for performance and PWS's emphasize outcomes, desired results and objectives at a more
detailed and measurable level, SOW's provide explicit statements of work direction for the
contractor to follow. However, SOW's can also be found to contain references to desired
performance outcomes, performance standards, and metrics, which is a preferred approach.
The Table of Content below is informational only and is provided to you for purposes of
outlining the PWS/SOO/SOW. This sample is not all inclusive, therefore the reader is
cautioned to use professional judgment and include agency specific references to their own
BACKGROUND ....................................................................................................................................... 3
1.1 OBJECTIVE ............................................................................................................................................. 3
1.2 TASK ORDER TYPE ............................................................................................................................... 3
1.3 PERIOD OF PERFORMANCE ................................................................................................................ 3
1.4 APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS ................................................................................................................. 3
2.0 OBJECTIVE ............................................................................................................................................. 3
3.0 SCOPE ...................................................................................................................................................... 4
3.2 SUPPORT FOR SURVEILLANCE DATA RECEIVED BY THE AGENCY: ....................................... 5
INFORMATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (IMS). ............................................................................. 6
ELECTRONIC TEST ORDERS AND RESULTS (ETOR) ..................................................................... 7
SYSTEM TO LINK DATA AS OBTAINED THROUGH THE NETWORK. ........................................ 8
4.0 PERFORMANCE CRITERIA MATRIX ................................................................................................. 9
5.0 TASK ORDER DELIVERABLES ......................................................................................................... 17
5.1 METHOD OF DELIVERY ..................................................................................................................... 17
5.2 RIGHTS IN DATA ................................................................................................................................. 17
6.0 INITIAL BUSINESS AND TECHNICAL (KICK-OFF) MEETING..................................................... 18
6.1 INSPECTION AND ACCEPTANCE ..................................................................................................... 18
6.2 PLACE OF INSPECTION AND ACCEPTANCE ................................................................................. 18
6.3 CONTROL ............................................................................................................................................. 18
6.4 QUALITY ASSURANCE ...................................................................................................................... 19
6.5 MEETINGS AND REPORTS ................................................................................................................. 19
6.6 MONTHLY STATUS REPORT (MSR) ................................................................................................. 19
6.7 SECTION 508 COMPLIANCE .............................................................................................................. 20
6.8 PROBLEM RESOLUTION .................................................................................................................... 20
7.0 TASK ORDER TERMS AND CONDITIONS ....................................................................................... 20
7.1 PLACE OF PERFORMANCE ................................................................................................................ 20
7.2 HOURS OF OPERATION ...................................................................................................................... 21
7.3 CONTRACTING OFFICER’S REPRESENTATIVE (COR) DESIGNATION ..................................... 21
7.4 TECHNICAL DIRECTION .................................................................................................................... 21
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7.5 MODIFICATION AUTHORITY ........................................................................................................... 22
7.6 GOVERNMENT FURNISHED EQUIPMENT AND INFORMATION ............................................... 22
7.7 CONTRACTOR FURNISHED ITEMS .................................................................................................. 23
7.8 REIMBURSABLE COSTS ..................................................................................................................... 23
7.9 PRIVACY ACT ...................................................................................................................................... 25
7.10 ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS .......................................................................................................... 25
7.11 PERSONAL SERVICE ........................................................................................................................... 28
7.12 TASK ORDER FUNDING ..................................................................................................................... 28
7.14 CEILING PRICE MANAGEMENT ....................................................................................................... 29
7.15 ORGANIZATIONAL CONFLICT OF INTEREST ............................................................................... 29
7.16 SUBCONTRACTOR TERMS AND CONDITIONS ............................................................................. 30
8.0 INVOICING AND PAYMENT .............................................................................................................. 30
8.1 LABOR ................................................................................................................................................... 31
8.2 TRAVEL (INVOICING) ........................................................................................................................ 31
9.0 REQUIRED RESOURCES ..................................................................................................................... 32
10.0 TASK ORDER CLOSEOUT .................................................................................................................. 32
11.0 PAST PERFORMANCE INFORMATION ............................................................................................ 33
12.0 CONTRACTOR’S PURCHASING SYSTEMS ..................................................................................... 33
13.0 DEFINITIONS ........................................................................................................................................ 33
14.0 TASK ORDER CLAUSES AND PROVISIONS ................................................................................... 33
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Project Name & ID: ______________
May 1, 2011
This project addresses the need for a more robust, comprehensive information and data management plan that
can improve the efficiency for sharing, storing and analyzing information related data throughout the Division.
This project will focus on these areas: (1) information system that includes management and data storage, (2)
electronic transmission of data between agency and its public health partners (3) linking information and (4) the
development of an information portal. These infrastructure improvements will without doubt greatly enhance
response activities of the agency.
The objective of program is to:
Strengthen the infrastructure of the information management and related processes
Link critical data
Develop information portal to increase the efficiency of sharing data
It is expected that the Division will
meet the demands of public health more readily and efficiently by
successfully utilizing information technology enhancements that serve division-wide information processes. This
goal will be achieved by
enhancing the divisional information systems to allow staff in all
branches/activities to retrieve centrally located data for further analysis, testing or research.
The task order will be awarded as a Time and Materials.
Duration of this task is from date of award through 12 months with two (2) twelve month option periods.
The objective of this task order is to acquire programming/data management/scientific information support
services included but not limited to the functional categories below.
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The Government requires the contractor to provide support in planning, designing, developing, implementing
information systems, within the XXX Division scientific setting.
Tasks may include systems and application modifications, including:
Requirements analysis
Unit testing
Quality assurance for integration testing
Preparing documentation
User training
These tasks will include reviewing the need for data system development in proposed projects, evaluating
existing systems or systems under development, and developing justifications and plans for the development or
upgrade of proposed data systems. Development activity shall include developing new systems, and adapting
existing systems to current standards and capabilities.
The three focus areas include:
Implementation of a selected IMS
Continue currently functioning task of enhancement of an influenza laboratory data repository
including a) integration of currently unrepresented laboratory data , b) providing electronic transmission
of orders and results (ETOR) capability as part of electronic laboratory messaging, c) associating key
epidemiological data from external sources such as provider clinical specimen data through Network
Develop of information portal. The main information technology tasks associated with these key areas
are: System and Database Architecture Development, Database Structure and Data Entry
Development, and User Interface Development. Tasks may require occasional travel to public health
laboratories and/or health care provider sites.
3.1.1 The contractor shall provide project management support for the key development activities of the
project as defined in the scope in Section 3.0 above.
3.1.2 The contractor shall review the Project Charter for Informatics improvements and insure that project
execution occurs in accordance with the overall ID strategic plan.
3.1.3 The contractor shall conduct interviews with staff to determine specific requirements for execution of
tasks associated with the scope of this project.
3.1.4 The contractor shall work with program lead to develop a comprehensive project plan (roadmap) that
identifies the tasks, defines project staff roles/responsibilities, and provides a timeline for completion of
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3.1.5 The contractor shall develop a communication plan for project information sharing and comments on a
routine basis as well as monthly briefings for leadership.
3.1.6 The contractor shall be responsible for preparing Enterprise Performance Lifecycle (EPLC) and Capital
Planning and Investment Control (CPIC) documentation in accordance with reporting requirements that
will be associated with execution of the project.
3.1.7 The contractor shall be responsible for directing task performance in collaboration with the contracting
officer representative (COR).
3.1.8 The contractor shall assist the staff with identifying problems and providing solutions for both technical
and other project related issues.
3.1.9 The contractor will be responsible for providing on-going evaluation of project work, quality, and
timeliness for completion of projects.
3.1.10 The contractor shall provide support in the following areas:
Strong project management skills
Experience with implementation of IT Systems
Strong database architecture skills
Background in programming skills
Knowledge of system architecture
Experience equivalent in Information Systems
Strong interpersonal and communications skills
3.2.1 The contractor shall become familiar with the surveillance reporting to agency.
3.2.2 The contractor shall perform a systems analysis and develop a plan for linking surveillance reports data
with receipt data.
3.2.3 The contractor shall ensure that information received as a result of ILI.Net are flagged in the receipt
3.2.4 The contractor shall develop a project plan with resources and times to accomplish enhancement of the
divisional MS SQL database to include integration of currently unrepresented data. This enhancement
will allow staff in all branches/activities to retrieve centrally located data for further analysis, testing or
research. The contractor shall support the data managers and staff to integrate data derived from the
following activities as needed: resistance susceptibility testing, diagnosis, and population surveillance.
3.2.5 The contractor shall work to enhance the divisional MS SQL database to include integration of
currently unrepresented data. This enhancement will allow staff in all Branches/activities to retrieve
centrally located data for further analysis, testing or research. The contractor shall support the data
managers and staff to integrate data derived from the following sources as needed.
3.2.6 The contractor will ensure connectivity/interoperability of MS SQL database enhancements with
bioinformatics management systems in the Facility.
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3.2.7 The contractor shall develop an integrated database system for to share surveillance data and results
3.2.8 The contractor shall provide support in:
System analysis
Database architecture and management
Programming skills
Strong interpersonal and communications skills
3.3.1 The contractor shall design and present a plan for integrated data storage with the assistance of the
program. This data repository will work in conjunction with the division MS SQL database and will
contain a higher level of data that is designed specifically for specialized reporting situations.
3.3.2 The contractor shall work with Divisional SMEs to determine the type of specialized reports needed,
the data to be included, and from what database system the data is pulled to populate the data storage.
3.3.3 The contractor shall include as a part of the design, storage of all data and reports. These data become
part of the historical records. The final organizational structure of the storage system will be
determined by COR and contractor.
3.3.4 The contractor shall document the design and all technical details for maintenance purposes.
3.3.5 The contractor shall provide support in the following areas:
Database architecture
User Interface Design and Development
Experience with data warehouses or repositories
3.4.1 The contractor shall provide informatics support to facilitate implementation of the IMS that the agency
selects for management. The contractor will work with the Surveillance and Diagnosis Branch (VSDB)
Subject Matter Expert (SME) staff during and after the installation to assure adequate Division input is
3.4.2 The contractor shall assess IMS as needed.
3.4.3 The contractor shall ensure the connectivity/interoperability between the selected IMS and existing
3.4.4 The contractor shall develop a project plan with resources and times to accomplish the configuration
and customization of XXX select IMS that will allow staff in all Branches/activities to retrieve centrally
located data for further analysis, testing or research. The contractor shall support the data managers and
staff to integrate data derived from the following sources as needed.
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3.4.5 The contractor shall work to configure and customize agency select IMS in accordance with the policies
and requirements set forth by the Division.
3.4.6 The contractor shall maintain documentation related to design, development testing and implementation
of the IMS, including details on customization and/or configuration, programming, codes, scripts, etc.
3.4.7 The contractor shall be responsible for the tracking of problem resolution with documentation such as
keeping a correction logbook or files.
3.4.8 The contractor shall provide support in the following areas:
Experience with IMS implementation
Laboratory experience or knowledge
Strong programming skills with expertise in customizations/configurations; in-process and future lab
configurations activities
Solving problems with functionality or performance; tracking and providing progress reports against
change and issue requests
Strong data management skills
Quality Management skills
Experience in providing training
Strong interpersonal and communications skills
3.5.1 The contractor shall research and become familiar with the Public Health Laboratory Interoperability
Project (PHLIP), its implementation in State Public Health Laboratories and its technological
architecture, as well as related agency-supported laboratory interoperability work in the Office of
Surveillance, Epidemiology, and Laboratory Services (OSELS).
3.5.2 The contractor shall travel as needed to a state PHL to review a functional implementation of electronic
records exchange as part of the R&D effort for implementation.
3.5.3 The contractor shall develop the capability within the divisional IMS and/or database system to send
and receive HL7 electronic messages to support Electronic Test/Order Reporting (ETOR), based on the
system being developed by APHL, designated Public Health Laboratory Interoperability Project
3.5.4 The contactor shall work with the agency to facilitate the electronic exchange of laboratory data and
3.5.5 The contractor shall participate in the ETOR weekly calls and the monthly PHLIP Change Order
Control Board calls orchestrated by APHL.
3.5.6 The contractor shall provide support in the following areas:
Technical knowledge for the development of IMS to accept and receive HL7 messages
Experience or knowledge of PHLIP (preferred)
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Expertise in HL7 messaging and vocabulary
Laboratory experience or knowledge
Experience in providing training
Strong interpersonal and communications skills
3.6.1 The contractor shall research the surveillance system with SMEs to gain an understanding of the
concept and to identify the technical issues related to the lack of linkage of data to the information
submitted for testing.
3.6.2 The contractor shall travel as needed to three provider sites to develop requirements for resolving the
problem if necessary.
3.6.3 The contractor shall work with SMEs to develop a project plan that clearly addresses the technical
requirements for ensuring clinical data/specimen linkage from the point of origin to agency.
3.6.4 The contractor will estimate resources needed to implement the project.
3.6.5 The contractor shall develop and implement a technical solution for ensuring linkage of data from the
point of origin to the agency; system must function as a component of the information enhancement
project by integrating with IMS and/or the ID MS SQL database as necessary.
3.6.6 The contractor shall provide support in the following areas:
Systems analysis
Project planning skills
Strong interpersonal and communications skills
3.7.1 The contractor shall consult with Division Office of the Director (OD) staff to determine the scope, the
critical data elements (content), and the work plan for continuation of current development of the
Sharepoint divisional portal.
3.7.2 The contractor shall consult with the SMEs in order to finalize the work plan for the portal. The work
plan shall include phased implementation and that functional phases will be released as soon as they
have been validated and certified.
3.7.3 The contractor shall generate design requirements for the portal based on standard usability guidelines
and in accordance with agency policies working with the National Center Informatics service team.
3.7.4 The contractor shall work in collaboration with the National Center Informatics service team to
program and test portal phases within the independent development environment.
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3.7.5 The contractor shall complete functional testing and validate all portal components
3.7.6 The contractor shall work with the National Center Information Systems Security Officer to test and
validate security functions of the portal
3.7.7 The contractor shall work with the National Center Information Systems Security Officer to complete
required security forms.
3.7.8 The contractor shall modify and/or enhance the portal as new requirements arise in accordance with
Division needs. The contractor shall obtain approval from the COR before modifications or
enhancements are made.
3.7.9 The contractor shall serve as the main point of contact for inquiries and communications.
3.7.10 The contractor shall maintain the portal, in compliance with IT support services, for the duration of the
3.7.11 The contractor shall develop standard operating procedure (SOP) documentation for configuration,
development, and maintenance of portal and should gain approval for final documentation from COR.
3.7.12 The contractor shall consult and collaborate with IT support services to troubleshoot portal functional
problems such as response time, connectivity, and missing content.
3.7.13 The contractor shall provide training to end users at the completion of portal phases before going into
3.7.14 The contractor shall submit the training plan to the COR or approval before training begins.
3.7.15 The contractor shall provide support in the following areas:
Knowledge in information architecture
Experience in web development
Experience in web design
Programming skills in client-side and server side scripting language
Knowledge in database technologies
Strong interpersonal and communications skills
Deliverable or Services
Measures of Success and
Standards - Criteria
Method of Surveillance
PWS Paragraph
Provide support for general
project planning and
Provide appropriate levels of
support for overall project
management functionality to
ensure continued enhancement
and success of the Program
including: planning,
development, implementation,
review, risk management, and
97% accuracy Bi-weekly and Monthly
customer review of
deliverables and customer
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Ensure appropriate level of
communication with project
team, program COR, and other
program colleagues to facilitate
execution of tasks and sustain
Ensure appropriate level and
quality of reporting activities to
facilitate execution of tasks,
encourage collaboration, and
sustain progress
Ensure that all new IT
development products and any
enhancements of existing
systems, databases, and/or
platforms are tested and
validated for functionality,
accuracy, and adherence to
security standards.
Provide special reports for IT
investment planning and
implementation as required by
Ensure that documentation for
process development and task
execution is up-to-date and made
available to project team and
Division contacts as required.
Ensure on-site contractor
personnel uphold and comply
with all site security and other
Conduct daily reviews and issue
requested reporting of contractor
personnel and their functions.
PWS Paragraph
Support for linking
surveillance data
Provide appropriate level of
support for review of internal
and external database and
surveillance systems and their
associated service mechanisms.
Provide timely and appropriate
level of support for process
planning and implementation of
database enhancements.
99% accuracy Bi-weekly and Monthly
customer review of deliverables
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Provide appropriate level of
support for daily implementation
of project tasks to encourage
overall success and efficient
implementation of the project.
Provide appropriate level of
support for communication and
report generation to encourage
overall success and efficient
implementation of the project.
Ensure that documentation for
process development and task
execution is up-to-date and made
available to project team and
Division contacts as required.
Ensure that documentation for
process development and task
execution is up-to-date and made
available to project team and
Division contacts as required.
Ensure that all new IT
development products and any
enhancements of existing
systems, databases, and/or
platforms are tested and
validated for functionality,
accuracy, and adherence to
security standards.
PWS Paragraph
Support for development,
implementation, and
maintenance of integrated
data storage, retrieval, and
reporting applications
Provide appropriate level of
support for review of internal
and external databases,
surveillance systems, and IMS
for identification of service
mechanisms related to laboratory
processes and laboratory
information management.
Provide timely and appropriate
98% accuracy Bi-weekly and Monthly
customer review of deliverables
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level of support for process
planning and implementation of
database enhancements.
Provide timely and appropriate
level of support for process
planning and implementation of
tasks to improve general
laboratory information
management within the
Provide timely and appropriate
level of support for process
planning and implementation of
tasks to improve automation of
laboratory reporting.
Provide appropriate level of
support for daily implementation
of project tasks to encourage
overall success and efficient
implementation of the project.
Provide appropriate level of
support for communication and
report generation to encourage
overall success and efficient
implementation of the project.
Ensure that documentation for
process development and task
execution is up-to-date and made
available to project team and
Division contacts as required.
Ensure that all new IT
development products and any
enhancements of existing
systems, databases, and/or
platforms are tested and
validated for functionality,
accuracy, and adherence to
security standards.
PWS Paragraph
Support for development,
implementation, and
maintenance of a
Information Management
Provide appropriate level of
support for review of internal
and external databases,
surveillance systems, and IMS
for identification of service
mechanisms related to laboratory
98% accuracy Bi-weekly and Monthly
customer review of deliverables
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System (IMS).
processes and laboratory
information management.
Provide timely and appropriate
level of support for process
planning and implementation of
tasks to improve general
information management within
the Division.
Provide timely and appropriate
level of support for process
planning and implementation of
tasks to improve automation of
laboratory reporting.
Provide timely and appropriate
level of support for process
planning and implementation of
database enhancements.
Provide appropriate level of
support for daily implementation
of project tasks to encourage
overall success and efficient
implementation of the project.
Provide appropriate level of
support for communication and
report generation to encourage
overall success and efficient
implementation of the project.
Ensure that documentation for
process development and task
execution is up-to-date and made
available to project team and
Division contacts as required.
Ensure that all new IT
development products and any
enhancements of existing
systems, databases, and/or
platforms are tested and
validated for functionality,
accuracy, and adherence to
security standards.
PWS Paragraph
Support for the
implementation, and
Provide appropriate level of
support for review of internal
and external databases,
surveillance systems, and IMS
for identification of service
98% accuracy Bi-weekly and Monthly
customer review of deliverables
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Maintenance of electronic
test orders and results
mechanisms related to electronic
data exchange.
Provide timely and appropriate
level of support for process
planning and implementation of
database/IMS enhancements.
Provide timely and appropriate
level of support for process
planning and implementation of
tasks to improve exchange of
Provide timely and appropriate
level of support for process
planning and implementation of
tasks to support electronic
Test/Order Reporting.
Provide appropriate level of
support for daily implementation
of project tasks to encourage
overall success and efficient
implementation of the project.
Provide appropriate level of
support for communication and
report generation to encourage
overall success and efficient
implementation of the project.
Ensure that documentation for
process development and task
execution is up-to-date and made
available to project team and
Division contacts as required.
Ensure that all new IT
development products and any
enhancements of existing
systems, databases, and/or
platforms are tested and
validated for functionality,
accuracy, and adherence to
security standards.
PWS Paragraph
Support for the
implementation, and
maintenance of a system to
link data
Provide appropriate level of
support for review of internal
and external databases,
surveillance systems, and IMS
for identification of service
mechanisms related to linkage of
clinical and specimen data
98% accuracy Bi-weekly and Monthly
customer review of deliverables
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Provide timely and appropriate
level of support for process
planning and implementation of
database/IMS enhancements.
Provide timely and appropriate
level of support for process
planning and implementation of
tasks to improve exchange of
Provide timely and appropriate
level of support for process
planning and implementation of
tasks to support data.
Provide appropriate level of
support for daily implementation
of project tasks to encourage
overall success and efficient
implementation of the project.
Provide appropriate level of
support for communication and
report generation to encourage
overall success and efficient
implementation of the project.
Ensure that documentation for
process development and task
execution is up-to-date and made
available to project team and
Division contacts as required.
Ensure that all new IT
development products and any
enhancements of existing
systems, databases, and/or
platforms are tested and
validated for functionality,
accuracy, and adherence to
security standards.
PWS Paragraph
Support for development,
implementation, and
maintenance of an
Information Portal
Provide timely and appropriate
level of support for process
planning and implementation of
tasks to support integration of
Divisional data into Sharepoint
Provide appropriate level of
support for daily implementation
of project tasks to encourage
98% accuracy Bi-weekly and Monthly
customer review of deliverables
SOW_Service Platform and Infrastructure_System and Database Architecture Page 16 of 35
overall success and efficient
implementation of the project.
Provide appropriate level of
support for communication and
report generation to encourage
overall success and efficient
implementation of the project.
Ensure that documentation for
process development and task
execution is up-to-date and made
available to project team and
Division contacts as required.
Ensure that all new IT
development products and any
enhancements of existing
systems, databases, and/or
platforms are tested and
validated for functionality,
accuracy, and adherence to
security standards.
PWS Paragraph
Monthly Status Reports
Provide accurate reports
reflecting required information
in the prescribed format and
delivered on or before the due
98% accuracy Monthly customer review of
PWS Paragraph
Quality Control
Well defined and easily
understood plan with reporting
and corrective action
instructions. Quality Control
Plan must be delivered within
ten (10) business days following
Task Order award date.
No deviation from
standard is allowed
100% Government inspection
and acceptance
PWS Paragraph
Quarterly Assurance
The Government will quarterly
review contractor’s performance
and quality assurance plan to
ensure compliance.
98% accuracy Quarterly customer review of
deliverables and customer
PWS Paragraph
Monthly Invoicing
Perform comparison of Billed
labor rates to proposal. All
invoices will be reviewed to
ensure the contractor is billing
per the ceiling rates under the
Alliant contract, and that the
contractor is not exceeding the
ceiling of the Task Order.
100% accuracy 100% Government surveillance
of invoices.
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The following schedule of milestones will be used to monitor timely progress on the task order. In this schedule,
DOA designates “Date of Award”. The number of days referenced below is in calendar days unless otherwise
Services under this Task Order will include services requested and controlled by means of work orders or
production control logs which will delineate specific objectives, deliverables, desired completion time frames,
and constraints. The contractor shall be responsible for delivering all end items specified in the work orders as
well as the work control documentation. These items shall be provided to the COR
Deliverables shall be contingent on the technical direction for a particular effort. For example, the form, content
and required delivery for equipment installation shall be dependent on the scheduled shipping and type of
system. The complexity of the system will dictate the complexity of the installation efforts which will in turn
impact the complexity of the installation plan. Deliverables associated with work orders shall be described in
the work order direction.
Documentation of deliverables must be submitted through agency’s Web-Based Order Processing System for
client approval. All deliverables should be provided to the Government COR for review and acceptance. The
contractor’s Project Manager shall review, approve and sign all draft and final document deliverables. The
contractor shall provide all deliverables in media and file formats required by the client.
In accordance with FAR 52.227-14, the architecture, implementation plan, unique capabilities, materials and
other items designed and/or developed for this task order and related projects and the complete data rights to
these items shall be the sole property of the U.S. Government.
All information derived and used for development is considered Government proprietary and shall not be used or
shared with any other materials, briefings, development, or non CDC support by the contractor or its agents.
This information is considered intellectual property of the U.S. Government and shall not be released. After
completion and acceptance, all information held by the contractor will be deleted from the contractor’s system(s)
and the contract Security Officer will validate in writing to the Government COR that all documentation and
information derived from the contract has been purged from all systems, whether administrative or program
related. Only the contractual and budgetary (cost, invoicing, etc) information required by law shall be retained
by the contractor.
PWS Section
Planned Completion/Due Date
Initial Kickoff Meeting 3.8 10 calendar days after award
Monthly Status Report (MSR) – Including
Functional Activity Progress and Cost and
Performance Status
3.11.1 10 Business days following the end
of the contractors accounting
Biweekly Updates and review of documentation
as specified in each PWS section
3.1,3.2, 3.3,
3.4,3.5, 3.6, 3.7
Every other Monday
Complete Documentation 3.1,3.2, 3.3,
3.4,3.5, 3.6, 3.7
Due at Project end
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Within ten (10) business days following the task award date, contractor shall attend a Kick-Off Meeting to
review task order goals and objectives, and to discuss technical requirements, administrative matters, security
requirements, project transition, Government Furnished Information/Materials/Equipment (GFI/GFM/GFE), the
milestone schedule, review cycles, and invoicing. At the meeting the contractor shall present their plan for
controlling the task costs and schedules. The meeting shall be attended by all contractor key personnel and shall
be held at the Government facility.
Inspection and acceptance will occur in accordance with FAR 52.212-4(a). In the absence of other agreements
negotiated with respect to time provided for government review, deliverables will be inspected and the
contractor notified of the COR findings within five (5) work days of normally scheduled review. If the
deliverables are not acceptable, the COR will notify the Customer Account Specialist (CAS) immediately.
Non-conforming products or services will be rejected. Deficiencies will be corrected, by the contractor, within
10 work days of the rejection notice. If the deficiencies cannot be corrected within ten (10) work days, the
contractor will immediately notify the COR of the reason for the delay and provide a proposed corrective action
plan within 10 work days. If the contractor does not provide products or services that conform to the
requirements of this task order, the Government will document the issues associated with the non-conforming
products or services in the determination report.
Inspection and acceptance of all work performance, reports, and other deliverables under this task order shall be
performed by the Government COR at the applicable Government facility.
The contractor shall provide and maintain a Quality Control Plan (QCP) that contains, as a minimum, the items
listed below to the CR and PM for acceptance not later than ten (10) calendar days after award. The PM will
notify the contractor of acceptance or required modifications to the plan. The contractor shall make appropriate
modifications and obtain acceptance of the plan within thirty (30) calendar day from the date of award.
The QCP shall include the following minimum requirements:
A description of the inspection system to cover all major services and deliverables. The description
shall include specifics as to the areas to be inspected on both a scheduled and unscheduled basis,
frequency of inspections, and the title of inspectors.
A description of the methods to be used for identifying and preventing defects in the quality of service
A description of the records to be kept to document inspections and corrective or preventative actions
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All records of inspections performed shall be retained and made available to the Government upon
request throughout the task order performance period, and for the period after task order completion,
until final settlement of any claims under this task order.
The Government will evaluate the contractor’s performance of this task order. For those tasks listed in the
Performance Matrix, the COR or other designated evaluator will follow the method of surveillance specified in
this task order. Government personnel will record all surveillance observations. When an observation indicates
defective performance, the COR or other designated evaluator will require the contractor manager or
representative at the site to initial the observation. The initialing of the observation does not necessarily
constitute concurrence with the observation. It acknowledges that the contractor has been made aware of the
non-compliance. Government surveillance of tasks not listed in the Performance Matrix or by methods other
than those listed in the Performance Matrix (such as provided in the Inspection clause) may occur during the
performance period of this task order. Such surveillance will be done according to standard inspection
procedures or other task order provisions. Any action taken by the CO as a result of surveillance will be
according to the terms of the task order.
The contractor shall notify the Government COR and as soon as it becomes apparent to the contractor, that a
scheduled delivery will be late. The contractor shall include the rationale for the late delivery, the expected date
for the delivery and the project impact for the late delivery. The COR will review the new schedule and provide
feedback to the contractor. Such notification in no way limits the Government’s right to any and all rights and
remedies up to and including termination.
All Task Order related reports shall be submitted in the agency’s electronic Web-Based Order Processing
The contractor shall conduct In Progress Reviews as required by the COR. These reviews shall provide, at a
minimum, oral and written summaries of the cost, schedule and performance status.
The contractor shall provide a MSR ten business days following the end of the Contractor’s accounting period in
lieu of Not Later Than`` the tenth workday following the close of each calendar month. This report shall analyze
the current task order and provide task order accounting information. The MSR shall include, but is not limited
to, the following elements:
A summary of work performed by task functional area for the reporting period
Milestones and updates against task activities
Progress toward open efforts
New work started during the reporting period
Deliverables submitted or progress on deliverable products
Brief summary of activity planned for the next reporting period.
Total billed hours
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Travel costs and charges - including the traveler’s name, dates of travel, destination, purpose of travel
and cost for each trip (original receipts, travel vouchers, etc. completed in accordance with Government
Travel Regulations shall be maintained by the contractor to support charges other than labor hours and
made available to Government auditors upon request)
The contractor shall also provide a rolled-up summary of the task order to date. The contractor shall also
reconcile within the monthly report the above contractor provided information with each invoice such that they
can be matched month-by-month.
The contractor shall maintain and report time worked at the project/task level in a monthly. The contractor shall
pass this requirement to subcontractors.
Upon task order completion, the Contractor shall assemble in an orderly and logical manner, and deliver to the
Government, all working papers prepared during the contract term. These working papers shall include
background studies, research documents, drawings, charts, diagrams, and any other documents developed at
Government cost. Any final report(s) due shall be submitted within ten (10) calendar days after the last month
of performance.
All electronic and information technology (EIT) procured through this task order must meet the applicable
accessibility standards at 36 CFR 1194. This regulation (36 CFR 1194) implements Section 508 of the
Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, and is viewable at .
The contractor shall support the Government in its compliance with Section 508 throughout the development
and implementation of the work to be performed. Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended (29
U.S.C. 794d) requires that when Federal agencies develop, procure, maintain, or use electronic information
technology, and Federal employees with disabilities have access to and use of information and data that is
comparable to the access and use by Federal employees who do not have disabilities, unless an undue burden
would be imposed on the agency. Section 508 also requires that individuals with disabilities, who are members
of the public seeking information or services from a Federal agency, have access to and use of information and
data that is comparable to that provided to the public who are not individuals with disabilities, unless an undue
burden would be imposed on the agency.
The contractor shall bring problems, or potential issues, affecting performance to the attention of the COR as
soon as possible. Verbal reports will be followed up with written reports when directed. This notification shall
not relieve the contractor of its responsibility to correct problems for which they are responsible. The contractor
will work cooperatively with the Government to resolve issues as they arise.
Work will be performed on-site at the XXX. The contractor is notified that some contractor employees may be
working in off-site government or commercial facilities/areas with varying safety standards and conditions, such
as where hazardous materials are stores or are in use; construction zones; areas where heavy machinery and
equipment are in use, etc. and employees must comply with safety codes, regulations and standards appropriate
for the conditions.
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Contract employees will provide coverage between the hours of 7:00 AM – 6:00 PM, Monday through Friday,
except government observed holidays. Contractors may be required to access facility weekends and after hours.
Contract employees shall work hours associated with the requirements of the task as determined by the
Technical Monitor.
This project may potentially require work that extends beyond normal working hours. The contractor must
obtain authorization from the client representative, or his designee, prior to anyone working extended hours.
Under no circumstances shall the contractor exceed the daily hour allotment. If additional extended hours are
required, the vendor or agency will request that the task be amended accordingly. The contract employee shall
complete the extended hour authorization document and submit it to the client representative or his designee for
After task order award, the Contracting Officer will appoint a COR and issue a COR Designation Letter stating
the authority of the COR. The contractor will receive a copy of the written designation.
Management of this task will primarily be performed by the COR. The COR will participate in project
meetings, represent the CO in the technical phases of the work, and receive task order deliverables. The COR
will provide technical assistance and clarification required for the performance of this task. The COR will not
provide any supervision or instructional assistance to contractor personnel.
The COR is not authorized to change any terms or conditions of the Contract or task order. Changes in the task
order requirements, price or terms and conditions shall only be made by the CO via properly executed
modifications to the Contract or task order.
Performance of the work under this Task Order shall be subject to the technical direction of the CO or COR.
The term "technical direction" is defined to include, without limitation:
Directions to the Contractor which fill in details or otherwise serve to accomplish the PWS.
Provision of written information to the Contractor which assists in the interpretation of drawings,
specifications or technical portions of the work description.
Review and, where required by the Task Order, approval of technical reports, drawings, specifications
and technical information to be delivered by the Contractor to the Government under the Task Order.
Technical direction must be within the scope of work stated in the Task Order. The COR does not have the
authority to, and may not, issue any technical direction which:
Constitutes an assignment of additional work outside the PWS
Constitutes a change as defined in the Task Order clause entitled "Changes"
In any manner causes an increase or decrease in the total price or the time required for Task Order
Changes any of the expressed terms, conditions or specifications of the Task Order
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Interferes with the Contractor's right to perform the terms and conditions of the Task Order.
All technical directions shall be issued in writing by the CO or COR.
The Contractor shall proceed promptly with the performance of technical directions duly issued by the CO or
COR in the manner prescribed by this article and within his authority under the provisions of this clause. If, in
the opinion of the Contractor, any instruction or direction falls within one of the above categories, the Contractor
shall not proceed but shall notify the CO in writing within five (5) working days after receipt of any such
instruction or direction and shall request the Contracting Officer to modify the Task Order accordingly. Upon
receiving the notification from the Contractor, the Contracting Officer shall:
Advise the Contractor in writing within thirty (30) days after receipt of the Contractor’s letter that the
technical direction is within the scope of the Contract effort and does not constitute a change under the
"Changes" clause of the Task Order
Advise the Contractor within a reasonable time that the Government will issue a written change order.
A failure of the Contractor and Contracting Officer to agree that the technical direction is within the scope of the
Contract, or a failure to agree upon the Contract action to be taken with respect thereto, shall be subject to the
provisions of the clause entitled "Disputes - Alternate I" of the Task Order.
Notwithstanding any of the other provisions of this Task Order, the Contracting Officer shall be the only
individual authorized to:
Accept nonconforming work
Waive any requirement of this Task Order
Modify any term or condition of this Task Order
Government Furnished Information (GFI) and GFE will be provided in conjunction with completion of work
under this PWS. All such GFI and GFE are the property of the Government. At no time do GFI and GFE
belong to the contractor, and at no time may the Government be denied access to this equipment and data. All
data on Government equipment or contractor equipment used for this task order will be the property of the
Government and the Government shall have full rights to use, disseminate, and dispose of the information.
Office space, office equipment, utilities and facilities required for the performance of this task will be provided
by the Government. Government integration information and descriptions of hardware and software including
workstations and related software tools necessary to perform all tasks under this PWS shall be provided by the
Government. This equipment includes the necessary individual workstations to perform the tasks identified in
this PWS as well as any authorized and pre-configured GFE for teleworking. Teleworkers shall use
Government-Furnished Equipment (GFE) that has been properly configured for security by Information
Technology Services Office (ITSO). The Government’s inability to provide GFE for telework shall preclude the
use of telework but shall not constitute an excusable delay. The Government shall provide maintenance and
technical support for GFE used by Teleworkers. A Teleworker’s use of GFE and government information shall
be for contractual performance only, and shall be protected from unauthorized access, disclosure, sharing,
transmission, or loss.
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The Government, from time to time, may make certain software acquired under license available to the
Contractor for its use in the performance of this Contract.
The Contractor recognizes and acknowledges that such software or data contained therein may be proprietary
and confidential to a third party.
The Contractor agrees that it and its employees will not use, copy, disclose, modify, or reverse engineer such
software except as permitted by the license and any other terms and conditions under which the software is made
available to the Contractor.
The Contractor is not authorized to violate any software licensing agreement, or to cause the Government to
violate any licensing agreement. If, at any time during the performance of this Task Order, the Contractor has
reason to believe that its utilization of Government furnished software may involve or result in a violation of the
Government’s licensing agreement, the Contractor shall promptly notify the CO, in writing, of the pertinent facts
and circumstances. Pending direction from the CO, the Contractor shall continue to perform to the full extent
possible without utilizing the software in question.
Except for those items or services stated in section 7.6 Government Furnished Equipment and Information as
Government furnished, the contractor must furnish everything needed to perform this contract according to all its
All reimbursable costs must be authorized by the COR and be in conformance with contract
7.8.1 TRAVEL
Travel is anticipated during the performance of this requirement. Since the anticipated travel cannot be
accurately forecasted, it shall be awarded on a reimbursable basis for actual allowable costs that apply over the
life of the Task Order. All travel shall be in accordance with the Federal Travel Regulations (FTR) and the Joint
Travel Regulations (JTR) and adhere to FAR 31.205-46. The contractor shall ensure that the requested travel
costs will not exceed the amount authorized in this task order. Travel must be submitted through agency’s Web-
Based Order Processing System for approval. This is a reimbursable CLIN subject only to an ODC Multiplier. PRIOR APPROVAL
Requests for travel approval shall:
Be prepared in a legible manner
Include a description of the purpose of the trip
Be summarized by traveler
Identify the task order number
Identify the task order CLIN
Be submitted in advance of the travel with sufficient time to permit review and approval
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All travel must be authorized by the COR or other authorized approving official and be in compliance with the
task order and all other applicable requirements.
The contractor shall use only the minimum number of travelers and rental cars needed to accomplish the trip
purpose. Travel shall be scheduled during normal duty hours whenever possible. Airfare will be reimbursed for
actual common carrier fares which are obtained by the most reasonable and economical means.
The contractor shall provide a Trip Report for each trip associated with a travel approval. The contractor shall
maintain a summary of all approved travel, to include at a minimum, the name of the traveler, location of travel,
duration of trip, total cost of trip. TRAVEL FOR CONTRACTOR PERSONNEL
The estimated budget for contractor travel under this task order is:
Base Period
Option Period One
Option Period Two
This is a reimbursable CLIN subject to the ODC Indirect Rate Multiplier.
Training of contractor employees assigned to this task order shall be performed by the contractor at its own
expense, except:
When the Government has given prior approval for training to meet special requirements that are
peculiar to its environment and/or operation;
Limited training of contractor employees may be authorized when the Government changes hardware
or software during the performance of this task order, and it is determined to be in the Government’s
best interest;
The Government will not authorize training for contractor employees to attend Seminars, Symposiums,
or User Group Conferences unless certified and approved by the COR that the attendance is mandatory
for the performance of the task requirements.
In the event the government has approved and paid for a contractor employee’s training, reimbursement shall not
be authorized for costs associated with retraining of any replacement individual(s) should the contractor
employee terminate from this task order. Costs that are not authorized include, but are not limited to, labor,
travel and any associated retraining expenses.
It is anticipated that contractor employees may be authorized by the agency to attend conferences, symposiums
and government-specific and unique training sessions to provide interface and attain knowledge necessary for
the performance of client requirements. Travel may be required to fulfill the requirements of this task. The
contractor shall ensure that the requested travel costs will not exceed what has been authorized in the task order.
Locations and duration of training cannot be fully defined at this time. All training must be authorized by the
COR or other authorized approving official and be in compliance with the task order and all other applicable
The estimated budget for Training under this task order is:
Base Period
Option Period One
Option Period Two
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This is a reimbursable CLIN subject to the ODC Indirect Rate Multiplier.
The contractor may be required to obtain materials for the performance of this task. Those materials must be
associated with the overall functions being performed through this task order. The Contractor shall abide by the
requirements of the FAR in acquiring supplies and/or materials. The Government is not obligated to satisfy its
IT software/hardware or maintenance requirements through this task order, but if deemed in its best interest to
do so, the need will be satisfied on a cost reimbursement basis allowing an ODC Indirect Rate Multiplier only.
All IT hardware must be authorized by the COR or other authorized approving official and be in compliance
with the task order and all other applicable requirements. The Contractor must maintain files in such a manner
that the Contracting Officer could review them upon request to ensure compliance with federal procurement
regulations. All supplies must be authorized by the COR or other authorized approving official and be in
compliance with the task order and all other applicable requirements.
The estimated budget for IT software/hardware, maintenance and supplies under this task order is:
Base Period
Option Period One
Option Period Two
This is a reimbursable CLIN subject only to an ODC Indirect Rate Multiplier.
Work on this project may require that personnel have access to Privacy Information. Personnel shall adhere to
the Privacy act, Title 5 of the U.S. Code, Section 552a and applicable agency rules and regulations.
The contractor shall provide personnel with expertise to successfully perform this task with minimal oversight
by the Government. The contractor shall maintain a qualified staff at all times. The Contractor shall maintain a
training program to ensure their staff is adequately trained and current on required skills, certifications and
Contractor personnel shall demonstrate good communication skills and shall be flexible and adaptable in a
dynamic environment. The contractor shall effectively participate in planning and strategy sessions. The
contractor shall effectively interact with customers, resolve complaints and problems, and keep management
properly informed as to operational issues, problems, future needs, and technological developments. The
contractor shall work effectively alongside other contract analysts, network specialists, engineers and
Due to the criticalness of the functions being supported by this task order, all new positions (key or non-key) on
this task order must be staffed within 30 calendar days, and all replacement positions must be staffed within 21
calendar days. The Contracting Officer must approve any exceptions to this staffing requirement.
The contractor shall not make any changes to the skill level categories, numbers of positions, or tour of duty
hours without coordinating with the COR and written approval from the Contracting Officer. The government
reserves the right to reject any changes within a functional area of support.
Key Personnel must be assigned for the duration of the Task Order subject to the terms contained in the Alliant
Contract. The Government reserves the right to review resumes of key personnel candidates prior to their
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assignment. The Government shall not pay any costs associated with removing existing key personnel from the
The Offeror may propose other individuals, regardless of labor category, as "key personnel" whenever the
individual performs a function or functions that the Offeror believes are critical to successful performance on
any segment of this Task Order.
The Contractor is responsible for verifying proof of U.S. Citizenship for all assigned personnel classified as U.S.
Citizen, but were not born in the United States.
Contract personnel who are not a U. S. Citizen (resident alien, foreign nationals) must be preauthorized to enter
and/or work at any campus or facility (leased or owned). The Office of Security and Emergency Preparedness
(OSEP) must review and approve access to all facilities by all foreign nationals (visitors, employees, and
contractors). Contractor shall provide the following information for all non-U.S. citizen contract employees
prior to onsite assignment:
Visitor’s Full Name (Official)
Date of Birth
Place of Birth (city, province, state, country)
Citizenship (if U.S., skip to number 10; if not U.S., continue at #6
Passport Number
Date of Passport Issue
Date of Passport Expiration
Type of visa
U. S. Naturalization Number (if a naturalized citizen)
U. S. Naturalization Date (if a naturalized citizen)
Visitor’s Organization
Organization Address
Organization Telephone Number
Visitor’s Position/Title within the Organization
Host’s Name
Host’s CIO, Division, Branch, Etc
Host’s campus, Building, Room Number, and Telephone Number
Date(s) of Visit
Purpose of Visit
Select Agent Access (yes/no): Laboratory Access (yes/no):
Will any portion of the visit include laboratory work or training (yes/no):
Will any portion of the visit include work or training in animal areas (yes/no:
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Personnel working without proper clearance are in violation of agency's security requirements.
Subject to existing law, regulations, and/or other provisions of this contract, illegal or undocumented aliens shall
not be employed in any and all subcontracts or subordinate agreements issued in support of this contract.
The Government reserves the right to deny and/or restrict entrance to Government facilities, prohibit employees
from assigned work under the contract, and deny and/or restrict the handling of classified and/or sensitive
documents and/or material to any Contractor employee who the Government determines may present a risk to
classified and/or sensitive Government information.
The Contractor shall report to the Government Security Office any and all adverse information brought to its
attention concerning employees performing under this contract. The subsequent termination of employment of
an employee does not obviate the requirement to submit this report.
The Government Security Office shall be notified of the termination of all personnel on this contract within five
(5) days of occurrence. The Contractor shall return to the Contracting Officer’s Representative (COR) all
Government issued identification cards and building passes from terminated employees or that have expired. If
an identification card or building pass cannot be returned, a report must be submitted to the COR noting the card
or pass number, the name off the employee to whom the card or pass was issued, and their last known location
or disposition.
Contract employees assigned to this task order will be required to complete the National Agency Check Inquiry
(NACI) through the Human Resources Management Office (HRMO). This background investigation will be
processed by the HRMO and must be completed before the contract employees are issued a permanent
identification badge (not prior to assignment). All "unfavorable information" security check results will be
reported to and the Government and appropriate action will be taken. Contract employees are required annually
to complete a mandatory Safety Survival Skills course prior to issuance and renewal of identification badge.
Contract employees shall take the course online or in-class environment. Due to the sensitive nature of the
information involved, each year the contractor will be required to review and sign a Confidentiality Agreement.
The contractor will ensure that contract employees adhere to the requirements contained in the Confidentiality
Agreement. Under unique circumstances, contract employees may be required to have special clearance for
access to building on weekends and after hours upon authorization and as directed by client representative.
Contract employees assigned to this task order will be required by the agency to have a Georgia Criminal
Investigation Check (GCIC). This background investigation will be accomplished by the contractor and must be
completed prior to assignment and before issuance of temporary identification badge. Official notification of
GCIC completion and status for all contractors shall be provided to the client representative prior to start date.
All "unfavorable information" security check results will be reported to the agency and appropriate action for the
situation will be taken.
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All Contractor employees using Government automated systems or processing sensitive information shall be
required to receive Security Awareness Training during the In-Processing process. The SAT refresher course
must be completed at least annually. Contractor employees with significant security responsibilities shall
annually receive specialized training specific to their responsibilities. The level of training shall be certified to be
commensurate with the employees’ duties and responsibilities.
The client has determined that use of the GSA contract to satisfy this requirement is in the best interest of the
government, economic and other factors considered, and this task order is not being used to procure personal
services prohibited by the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) Part 37.104 titled “Personal Services
To counter the circumstances that infer personal services and to preserve the non-personal nature of the contract,
the contractor shall adhere to the following guidelines in the performance of the task:
Contractor provides for direct supervision of all contract employees assigned to the task.
Refrain from discussing the issues such as skill levels and hours, salaries, cost and funding data, or
administrative and personnel matters affecting contractor employees with the client.
Ensure close communication/coordination with the Contracting Officer and COR, reporting problems to
the COR as they occur (not waiting for a monthly meeting).
Do not permit government officials to interview potential contractor employees, discuss individual
performance, approve leave or work scheduling of contractor employees, terminate contractor
employees, assist contractor employees in doing their jobs or obtain assistance from the contractor in
doing Government job.
Do not assign contractor personnel to work under direct government supervision.
Maintain a professional distance from government employees.
Provide contractor employees with badges, if appropriate, identifying them as contractors.
Ensure proper communications with the government (technical discussion and government surveillance
is okay, but the Government cannot tell the contractor how to do the job).
Assign a task leader to the task order. The task leader or alternate should be the only one who accepts
tasking from the assigned Government point of contact or alternative.
The government has the right to reject the finished product or result and this does not constitute
personal services.
When travel is required for the performance on a task, the contractor personnel are only to travel as
directed by their contract management.
It is anticipated that the task will be incrementally funded.
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The project may be incrementally funded. If incremental funded, funds shall be added to the contract/order via a
unilateral modification as the funds become available. The contractor shall not perform work resulting in
charges to the Government that exceed obligated funds.
The Contractor shall notify the Contracting Officer in writing whenever it has reason to believe that the costs it
expects to incur under this contract in the next 60 days, when added to all costs previously incurred, will exceed
75 percent of the total amount so far allotted to the contract/order by the Government. The notice shall state the
estimated amount of additional funds required to continue performance of the contract/order for the specified
period of performance or completion that task.
Sixty days before the end of the period specified in the Schedule, the Contractor shall notify the Contracting
Officer in writing of the estimated amount of additional funds, if any, required to continue timely performance
under the contract or for any further period specified in the Schedule or otherwise agreed upon, and when the
funds will be required.
The Government is not obligated to reimburse the contractor for charges in excess of the contract/order funded
amount and the contractor is not obligated to continue performance or otherwise incur costs that could result in
charges to the Government in excess of the obligated amount under the contract/order.
The task order will be managed based on the total task order ceiling price.
In accordance with FAR 9.505-4, whereas performance of this task order PWS may require access to proprietary
data of other companies, the contractor must agree with the other companies to 1) protect their information from
unauthorized use or disclosure for as long as it remains proprietary, and 2) refrain from using the information for
any purpose other than that for which it was furnished. Prior to accepting proprietary data, the contractor shall
execute agreements with the respective companies, which obligate the Contractor to protect the data from
unauthorized use or disclosure. The Contractor shall furnish copies of these agreements to the Contracting
Officer prior to accepting proprietary data
For the purpose of this clause, the term “contractor” means the Contractor, its subsidiaries and affiliates, joint
ventures involving the contractor, any entity with which the contractor may hereafter merge or affiliate, and any
other successor or assignee of the contractor.
The Contractor shall, within 15 days after effective date of this task order, provide, in writing, to the Contracting
Officer, a certification that all employees, agents and subcontractors involved in the performance of this task
order have been informed of the provisions of this clause.
Any subcontractor which performs any work relative to this task order shall be subject to this clause. The
Contractor agrees to place in each subcontract affected by these provisions the necessary language contained in
this clause.
If as part of this task order, the contractor provides acquisition support under this task order (including but not
limited to requirements development, acquisition planning, advice to proposal evaluators, and/or evaluations of
technical proposals), then the contractor (and any of its subcontractors, teaming partners, or similarly situated
supporting entities) acknowledge and agree, subject to the Organization Conflict of Interest (OCI) Risk
Mitigation procedures provided in this Section, to not submit a proposal (e.g., bid, quote, etc.) or provide any
support (as a prime, subcontractor, team member, consultant, etc.) to any entity which is submitting any proposal
for any solicitation that results from the work associated with the acquisition support provided by the contractor
in this task order. Failure to abide by this clause could result in a potential OCI per FAR 9.5. All potential
conflict of interest situations shall be handled in accordance with FAR 9.5. The contractor’s attention is directed
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to this restraint clause which is consistent with and in accordance with FAR 9.507-1 and 9.507-2. The terms of
this restraint clause are not subject to negotiation; however, any desired clarifications or explanations concerning
this clause may be directed in writing to the Contracting Officer. The restraint imposed by this clause shall be
for the duration of and limited to the last date of any period of performance (to include any option periods) of
any task orders that may result from the work associated with the acquisition support provided by the contractor
in this task order.
Relative to OCI Risk Mitigation procedures, the Contractor may submit a proposal or provide support to
contractors submitting proposals for solicitations for requirements that may result from the work associated with
the acquisition support on a resulting solicitation-by-solicitation basis, provided that: (1) Contractor successfully
mitigates any actual or potential OCIs through the preparation and implementation of a pre-proposal OCI Risk
Mitigation Plan; and (2) the Contracting Officer determines that the Contractor's OCI Risk Mitigation Plan is
acceptable and approves Contractor's participation in the subject solicitation.
If this task requires the contractor to act on behalf of or provide advice with respect to (including any phase of)
an agency procurement as defined in FAR 3.104-4; resultantly, all contractor personnel (to include employees,
subcontractors, consultants and similarly situated persons) that will personally and substantially be involved in
the contractor’s performance of this task order shall execute and submit an “Employee/Contractor Non-
Disclosure Agreement” Form that will be supplied upon request by the Contracting Officer. Execution and
submission of this Form is required prior to the commencement of any work on such task order. The
requirement to execute and submit such Form is equally applicable whenever replacement personnel, if any, are
proposed under an ongoing task order.
In the event the Contractor, or any of its employees, agents, or subcontractors fail to comply with the provisions
of this clause, such non-compliance shall be deemed a material breach of contract for which the Government
reserves the right to terminate the task order for default and/or resort to such other rights and remedies as
provided for under the basic contract and under the Federal law of contracts. Non-compliance with the
provisions of this clause may also adversely affect the determination of contractor responsibility in future
Government acquisitions.
All applicable task order terms and conditions associated with this task order shall apply to all subcontracts. The
prime contractor shall include all applicable terms and conditions in all subcontracting agreements.
The contractor shall submit invoices for payments in accordance with the format contained in the Invoice
Requirements, to be considered proper for payment. In addition, that data elements indicated below shall be
included on each invoice.
Task Order Number: (To be provided upon award)
Paying Number (ACT Number): (To be provided upon award)
Project Number:
Project Title:
Remittance Address
Period of Performance for Billing Period
Point of Contact and Phone Number
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The contractor shall provide invoice backup data in accordance with contract type, such as labor categories, rates
and number of labor hours.
Charges shall not exceed the authorized cost limits established for the task order. The government will not pay
any unauthorized charges.
Invoices for final payment must be so identified and submitted when the task has been completed and no further
charges are to be billed.
The contractor’s information in the Central Contractor Registration (CCR), , must always
match the contractor’s information in agency’s electronic Web-Based Order Processing System. Incorrect or
non-matching information is the contractor’s responsibility and will result in rejected invoices or other similar
delays in payment.
The invoice shall include the period of performance covered by the invoice and the CLIN number and name. All
hours and costs shall be reported by the contractor employee. The invoice shall include separate columns and
totals for the current invoice period and the project totals to date. The contractor shall provide the invoice on
official letterhead and in a spreadsheet format with the following detailed information:
Employee Name (current and past employees)
Employee Company Labor Category
Employee Millennia Labor Category and Number
Hours Worked (Billing Period and Cumulative Total)
Billing Rate (as quoted in the cost quote)
Corresponding Millennia Ceiling Rate
Costs Incurred but not Invoiced
All costs provided by the contractor shall include applicable overhead charges and General and Administrative
(G&A) charges.
The contractor may invoice monthly on the basis of cost incurred for the Travel CLIN. The invoice shall include
the period of performance covered by the invoice, the CLIN number and name. In addition, the contractor shall
provide the following detailed information for each invoice submitted, as applicable. This information shall be
submitted in MS Excel format and have separate columns for each data element. The information shall be
provided for both the current invoice period and the cumulative task total.
Current Invoice Period
Names of Individuals Traveling
Purpose of Trip
Location of Travel
Dates of Travel
Number of Travel Days
Number of Days Per Diem Charged
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Applicable Per Diem Rate for Trip Location
Per Diem Rate Charged
Applicable Lodging Rate for Trip Location
Lodging Rate Charged
Mode of Transportation
Cost of Transportation
Miscellaneous Expenses
Total Changes
All costs provided by the contractor shall include applicable overhead charges and General and Administrative
(G&A) charges.
The Government estimates that the base year plus two option years will involve a level-of-effort delineated
below. Offerors shall quote only those personnel possessing qualifications and experience requirements which
reflect an ability to perform all responsibilities for the specified labor category.
This estimate is only a “guide” designed to assist potential offerors in developing their staffing plan and
subsequent price quote. Offerors may propose differing labor categories, number of personnel and number of
labor hours from those provided in this planning estimate. The planning estimate is not intended to limit a
potential offeror’s ability to offer alternative solutions to task performance. However, if an offeror quotes a
labor mix (labor categories, number of personnel and labor hours) that differ significantly from those in this
planning estimate; then, the offeror shall provide detailed description explaining their rationale for the deviation.
Failure to provide a detailed rationale explaining any significant variations, shall impact the Government’s
evaluation of the offeror’s solution.
Task Description/SOW Section Estimated No. of Hrs
3.1 – Project Manager 2080
3.2 – Database Linkage (WHO) 1560
3.3 - Database Integration 1560
3.4 - IMS 2080
3.5 - Electronic Messaging 1040
3.6 - Database Linkage 2080
3.7 - Web Development (Sharepoint) 2080
The contractor shall submit a final invoice within forty-five (45) calendar days after the end of the Performance
Period. After the final invoice has been paid the contractor shall furnish a completed and signed Release of
Claims to the Contracting Officer. This release of claims is due within fifteen (15) calendar days of final
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In accordance with FAR 42.15 Contractor Performance Information, past performance evaluations shall be
prepared for each task order that exceeds the simplified acquisition threshold placed against a Government-wide
Acquisition Contract. For severable task orders, interim evaluations will be required prior to exercising any
option periods. For non-severable task orders, evaluations must be collected, coordinated and reported upon
completion of the task order.
The Government will provide and record Past Performance Information for acquisitions over $100,000 utilizing
the Contractor Performance Assessment Reporting System (CPARS). The CPARS allows contractors to view
and comment on the Government's evaluation of the contractor's performance before it is finalized. Once the
contractor’s past performance evaluation is finalized in CPARS it will be transmitted into the Past Performance
Information Retrieval System (PPIRS).
Contractors are required to register in CPARS, so contractors may review and comment on past performance
reports submitted.
Contractors must register at the following websites:
The objective of a contractor purchasing system assessment is to evaluate the efficiency and effectiveness with
which the contractor spends Government funds and complies with Government policy with subcontracting.
Prior to the award of a task order the Contracting Officer shall verify the validity of the contractor's purchasing
system. Thereafter, the contractor is required to certify to the Contracting Officer no later than 30 calendar days
prior to the exercise of any options the validity of their purchasing system. Additionally, if reviews are
conducted of the purchasing system after the exercise of the option, the contractor shall provide the results of the
review to the Contracting Officer within 2 weeks from the date the results are known to the contractor.
Section I of the contractor’s Basic Contract is applicable to this task order and is hereby incorporated by
reference. In addition the following clauses apply.
FAR 52-217-5, Evaluation of Options
Except when it is determined in accordance with FAR 17.206(b) not to be in the Government’s best interests, the
Government will evaluate offers for award purposes by adding the total price for all options to the total price for
the basic requirement. Evaluation of options will not obligate the Government to exercise the option(s).
FAR 52.217-8, Option to Extend Services. (Nov 1999)
The Government may require continued performance of any services within the limits and at the rates specified
in the contract. These rates may be adjusted only as a result of revisions to prevailing labor rates provided by the
Secretary of Labor. The option provision may be exercised more than once, but the total extension of
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performance hereunder shall not exceed 6 months. The Contracting Officer may exercise the option by written
notice to the Contractor within thirty (30) calendar days of the end of the task order.
FAR 52.217-9, Option to Extend the Term of the Contract. (Mar 2000)
(a) The Government may extend the term of this contract by written notice to the Contractor within thirty
(30) calendar days before the contract expires; provided that the Government gives the Contractor a
preliminary written notice of its intent to extend at least sixty (60) calendar days before the contract
expires. The preliminary notice does not commit the Government to an extension.
(b) If the Government exercises this option, the extended contract shall be considered to include this option
(c) The total duration of this contract, including the exercise of any options under this clause, shall not
exceed five (5) years.
FAR 52.234-4 Earned Value Management System. (July 2006)
The Contractor shall use an earned value management system (EVMS) that has been determined by the
Cognizant Federal Agency (CFA) to be compliant with the guidelines in ANSI/EIA Standard - 748 (current
version at the time of award) to manage this contract. If the Contractor’s current EVMS has not been determined
compliant at the time of award, see paragraph (b) of this clause. The Contractor shall submit reports in
accordance with the requirements of this contract.
(b) If, at the time of award, the Contractor’s EVM System has not been determined by the CFA as complying
with EVMS guidelines or the Contractor does not have an existing cost/schedule control system that is compliant
with the guidelines in ANSI/EIA Standard - 748 (current version at time of award), the Contractor shall:
(1) Apply the current system to the contract; and
(2) Take necessary actions to meet the milestones in the Contractor’s EVMS plan approved by the
Contracting Officer.
(c) The Government will conduct an Integrated Baseline Review (IBR). If a pre-award IBR has not been
conducted, a post award IBR shall be conducted as early as practicable after contract award.
(d) The Contracting Officer may require an IBR at:
(1) Exercise of significant options; or
(2) Incorporation of major modifications.
(e) Unless a waiver is granted by the CFA, Contractor proposed EVMS changes require approval of the CFA
prior to implementation. The CFA will advise the Contractor of the acceptability of such changes within 30
calendar days after receipt of the notice of proposed changes from the Contractor. If the advance approval
requirements are waived by the CFA, the Contractor shall disclose EVMS changes to the CFA at least 14
calendar days prior to the effective date of implementation.
(f) The Contractor shall provide access to all pertinent records and data requested by the Contracting Officer or a
duly authorized representative as necessary to permit Government surveillance to ensure that the EVMS
conforms, and continues to conform, with the performance criteria referenced in paragraph (a) of this clause.
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(g) The Contractor shall require the subcontractors specified below to comply with the requirements of this
clause: [
Insert list of applicable subcontractors.]
_____’ALL SUBCONTRACTORS”___________________
Clause (s) by Reference
FAR 52-237-3 Continuity of Services Clause