Big Ten Postgraduate Scholarship
Applications Due to Angela Montie by: March 8
, 2024
Each Big Ten institution will annually present two student-athletes (1 male and 1 female) with one-time postgraduate
scholarships of $7,500 each. The applicants will be evaluated based primarily on their achievements in academics.
Nomination Sections/Components:
1. Student-athlete statement of purpose - a one to two page personal statement addressing graduate school
plans and how such study ties into his or her undergraduate experience.
2. Professor recommendations two letters of recommendation from professors that directly address the
capability of the student-athlete for graduate study.
3. Head Coach or athletics administrator recommendation.
4. Student-athlete resume.
5. Transcript (may be unofficial).
Eligibility Requirements:
The student-athlete is in his/her final season of NCAA athletics eligibility or will not be using any remaining
athletics eligibility.
Has an overall undergraduate minimum cumulative grade-point average of 3.200 (based on a 4.000 scale) or
its equivalent, including all hours earned at all institutions attended.
Is a member of a varsity team, serves as an example to other students and demonstrates leadership qualities.
The scholarship is not limited to top athletic achievers. While being a member of a varsity team is a
requirement, the student-athlete’s achievement as an excellent role model for the team and institution as a
whole is primary to athletics ability.
The student-athlete intends to continue or is continuing academic work beyond the baccalaureate degree and
will enroll or is enrolled in a graduate degree program on a full-time basis at an academically accredited
graduate or degree-granting professional school.
International student-athletes are eligible to receive a Big Ten Postgraduate Scholarship.
Full-time enrollment. The recipient must enroll as a full-time graduate student (as determined by the graduate
institution). He or she must be accepted for matriculation into a graduate degree program of an academically
accredited graduate or professional school within three years from the fall semester after selection. For
example, an award recipient from the 2022-23 academic year has until August 31, 2026, to use the award. The
full $7,500 will be distributed to the institution once the completed original certification of graduate school
enrollment form has been received by the Big Ten Conference.
The Big Ten Postgraduate Scholarship must be used to pay expenses of the student's postgraduate education
to include such related activities as research and teaching; other expenses include, but are not limited to,
tuition, fees, room and board, required course- supplies, and books.
Big Ten Postgraduate Scholarships may be used at international universities.
If the student withdraws from the graduate degree program before the entire award has been used, the
unused portion of the scholarship is to be refunded to the Big Ten Conference office for return to the Big Ten
Postgraduate Scholarship fund.
If the student transfers to another academically accredited institution, he or she is entitled to use any funds
remaining of the Big Ten award at the institution or program to which the individual transfers, as long as the
student enrolls in a graduate degree program of an academically accredited graduate or professional school.
Upon certification of enrollment at the subsequent institution, the Big Ten will issue the remaining funds
received from the original institution from which the student transferred.