Soil Science
Professional Practice Exam
Performance Objectives
Soil Science Society of America’s
Council of Soil Science Examiners
Effective November 19, 2012
1. Solid Phase
2. Mineral Weathering
3. Sorption and Precipitation Reactions
4. Acidity
5. Oxidation and Reduction
1. Roles of Nutrients in Plants and their Availability in Soils
2. pH
3. Acidifying and Liming Of Soil
4. Alkaline and Salt Affected Soils
5. Nutrient Sources
6. Nutrient Management
7. Soil and Plant Analyses and Interpretations
1. Physical Properties
2. Soil-Water Relationships
3. Water Movement and Transport Processes
4. Soil Temperature
5. Soil Gases
6. Engineering Properties
1. Soil Forming Factors
2. Horizon Forming Processes
3. Soil Descriptions and Land Use Management
4. Soil Classification Concepts
5. Soil Mapping and Geospatial Information
6. Geomorphology
7. Soils in Landscapes
8. Soil Variability
1. Soil Ecology
2. Biological and Biochemical Activities
3. Soil Organic Matter
4. Environmental and Agricultural Applications
5. Climate Change
1. Erosion and Sediment Control
2. Wetlands and Hydric Soils
3. Soil Quality and Management
4. Waste Management
5. Cropland, Rangeland and Field Management
6. Water Quality and Management
7. Regulatory and Resource Agencies
8. Surface Mine and Mine Spoil Reclamation
9. Urban and Disturbed Soils
10. Forest Soils
This booklet represents the Performance Objectives (POs) for the Soil Science Professional
Practice Examination. The POs presented are the minimal professional competencies needed by
the professional soil scientists. These competencies are given as a list of POs. To be considered
a minimally qualified professional, an individual must also be knowledgeable of the fundamental
performance objectives.
The development of the POs began in 1994 when the Soil Science Society of America (SSSA)
asked the practicing soil consultants, state licensing boards, government officials and
academicians to collectively develop a nationally applicable set of standards fundamental to the
rigorous solution of environmental and agronomic problems. Subsequently, this group evolved
into the Council of Soil Science Examiners (CSSE) which refined that original list of standards
and continues to refine the list on a systematic basis leading to the most recent 2013 edition. The
POs have been developed to assist the student in studying for the Professional Practice Exam.
The CSSE is also charged with the development of the examinations required for certification
and licensure. The examinations are the product of the balanced application of the POs and can
best be studied for by developing a technical understanding of each PO.
The goal of the POs, the examinations and the CSSE is to protect the health and welfare of the
public by insuring only competent soil scientists are certified and /or licensed. In doing so, the
CSSE repeatedly scrutinized the POs to insure we are testing the most pertinent soils knowledge.
In this right, a subcommittee of the CSSE is formed along with an end user group to review and
revise the POs on a routine basis culminating in this document.
Soil Science is a dynamic field where new discoveries and approaches continue to occur at a
rapid pace. The CSSE encourages comments and suggestions concerning possible modifications
to the 2013 edition of the POs. Comments should be sent to: SSSA CSSE, 5585 Guilford Rd.,
Madison, WI 53711.
The SSSA and CSSE would like to thank the many volunteers who contributed to the continuing
refinement of this document. It would not be possible without their dedication to the profession
of soil science.
A note on conversions:
Examinees should be able to convert between metric and English units and vice versa,
as well as understand SI units. Conversion factors will be provided for questions within
the exam.
Competency Area 1. Solid Phase
1. Explain organo-clay complex formation.
2. Differentiate surface charge characteristics for phyllosilicate and hydrous
metal oxides:
a. relationship to shrink-swell properties.
b. suitability for design of physical structures.
3. Infer characteristics of the site based on the secondary clay minerals present.
Competency Area 2. Mineral Weathering
1. Know relative weathering rates of primary minerals.
2. Explain climate effects on the progression of weathering in a soil relative to:
a. soil pH.
b. organic matter.
c. soil depth.
d. salt accumulation.
e. carbonate accumulation.
f. leaching of anions and cations.
3. Explain how weathering affects clay content, distribution, and mineralogy in a
Competency Area 3. Sorption and Precipitation Reactions
1. Relate electronegativity to binding strength between ions in solution with
colloid surfaces.
2. Describe how differences in sorption strengths of lead, cadmium, chromium,
arsenic, and selenium affect their movement through soils.
3. Explain how the following affects the fate of inorganic and organic compounds
in soils:
a. K
b. half-life.
c. solubility.
d. vapor pressure.
e. ionic form.
f. K
4. List soil factors that influence the corrosion of concrete and materials
containing iron placed in soils.
Competency Area 4. Acidity
1. Know the effect of soil pH on speciation and solubility of:
a. aluminum.
b. iron.
c. chromium.
d. copper.
e. zinc.
f. lead.
g. phosphorus.
h. carbonate.
i. arsenic.
j. nitrogen
2. Explain the relationship between soil acidity and each of the following gases:
, CO
, NO
, and NH
Competency Area 5. Oxidation and Reduction
1. Explain the effect of oxidation-reduction reactions on solubility of:
a. iron.
b. manganese.
c. arsenic.
d. lead.
e. phosphorus.
2. Define Eh and how it is measured.
3. Interpret the relationship between pH and Eh.
4. Explain the relationship between microbial activity and Eh.
Competency Area 1. Roles of Plant Nutrients and Their Availability in Soils
1. Explain how chelates (organometallic complexes) are used to increase
bioavailability of plant nutrients.
2. Identify the relative mobility of essential plant nutrients in the soil.
3. Distinguish between mobile and immobile nutrients in plants.
Competency Area 2. pH
1. Explain the effects of drainage on soil pH in acid sulfate soils.
2. Describe the effects of soil pH and aluminum solubility on plant root growth.
3. Analyze the role of pH in solubility of available nutrients.
Competency Area 3. Acidifying and Liming of Soil
1. Explain the effect of adding pyritic material on soil pH.
2. Explain the effects of gypsum on soil:
a. pH.
b. aluminum bioavailability.
3. Explain the effects of organic residue addition and soil organic matter on
aluminum bioavailability.
Competency Area 4. Alkaline and Salt Affected Soils
1. Calculate the leaching requirement to ameliorate saline and/or sodic affected
soils when provided with water quality and soil salinity data.
2. Prescribe management strategies to mitigate or manage salt accumulation in
plant root zones.
3. Describe the effects of gypsum, sulfur and sulfuric acid on chemical and
physical properties when remediating saline-sodic or sodic soils.
4. Calculate the gypsum, sulfur or sulfuric acid required to remediate sodic soils
given the appropriate data.
5. Understand the toxicity effects of chloride and boron in salt affected soils.
Competency Area 5. Nutrient Sources
1. Calculate the quantity of available nutrients when provided with the nutrient
concentrations of organic and inorganic sources.
2. Identify appropriate timing for the application of nutrient sources based on
crop physiology, climate and environmental conditions.
Competency Area 6. Nutrient Management
1. Describe the impact of the following on nutrient cycling:
a. tillage practices.
b. crop selection.
c. cropping rotation.
d. cover crops.
e. green manure.
f. controlled burning.
g. flooding.
2. Evaluate how soil disturbances affect nutrient cycling.
3. Explain how plant removal affects nutrient cycling.
4. Identify the key requirements of a :
a. nutrient management plan.
b. comprehensive nutrient management plan.
c. conservation plan.
5. Explain how irrigation management is important to nutrient management.
6. Explain how drainage water management is important to nutrient
Competency Area 7. Soil, Plant Analyses and Interpretations
1. Describe how to use plant tissue analyses in a soil fertility program.
2. Describe how various soil test methods can affect the soil test result.
3. Describe how various soil test methods can affect the interpretation of the soil
test result.
Competency Area 1. Physical Properties
1. Explain how to mitigate physical limitations of sodic, saline, and saline-sodic
2. Formulate the relationship between the following soil physical properties:
a. bulk density.
b. particle density.
c. porosity.
d. gravimetric water content.
e. volumetric water content.
3. Analyze how the following soil physical properties, both individually or in
groups, affect soil management:
a. particle size distribution.
b. specific surface.
c. soil structure
i. crusting.
ii. aggregate characteristics (size, distribution, stability).
d. bulk density.
e. porosity.
f. mass wetness.
g. volume wetness.
h. hydrophobicity.
Competency Area 2. Soil-Water Relationships
1. Calculate a soil water balance given the pertinent information.
2. Apply information from a soil moisture release curve to land management
3. Determine soil management options given soil moisture and physical property
4. Describe how water input affects water table geometry under a land
application system.
5. Compare and contrast the following soil water potentials:
a. total soil-water potential.
b. gravitational potential.
c. pressure potential.
d. matric potential.
e. osmotic potential.
6. Assess the impact of root water uptake on the soil water potential.
7. Identify and estimate the following vegetation components of the hydrologic
a. stemflow.
b. throughflow.
c. interception.
8. Describe the effects of the following conditions on evapotranspiration
a. soil moisture regimes.
b. ground cover.
c. vegetative characteristics.
d. climate/microclimate.
Competency Area 3. Water Movement and Transport Processes
1. Compare and contrast the rate and pattern of water flow in saturated and
unsaturated soils.
2. Explain water flow through soil horizons with different hydraulic properties.
3. Identify appropriate conditions for using Darcy’s Law.
4. Determine flow rate and/or direction given soil water potentials.
5. Describe the effects of soil texture, structure and matric potential on the
a. hydraulic conductivity.
b. soil water movement.
c. plant available water.
d. water holding capacity.
6. Explain how land use affects water movement, retention and availability.
7. Distinguish between infiltration rate, percolation rate and saturated hydraulic
8. Explain how the following affect infiltration:
a. time from the beginning of rain or irrigation.
b. hydraulic conductivity.
c. antecedent soil moisture.
d. depth of soil.
e. layered soil.
f. surface characteristics.
g. instability of wetting fronts.
9. Explain water movement across landscapes.
Competency Area 4. Soil Temperature
1. Describe how soil characteristics and land use modify soil thermal properties
or vice versa.
Competency Area 5. Soil Gases
1. Assess the composition of soil air with respect to the following under different
a. oxygen.
b. carbon dioxide.
c. methane.
d. hydrogen sulfide.
e. water vapor.
f. nitrous oxide.
2. Differentiate and explain why soil respiration differs:
a. in vegetated versus fallow areas.
b. during different seasons of the year.
c. throughout different times of the day.
d. with varying degrees of microbial activity.
e. with varying degrees of soil moisture content.
3. Compare and contrast movement of soil gases under various atmospheric
and climatic conditions.
Competency Area 6. Engineering Properties
1. Compare and contrast the following particle size classification systems:
a. United States Department of Agriculture (USDA).
b. American Society for Testing and Materials Unified Soil Classification
System (USCS/Unified).
c. American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials
2. Describe shear strength and its relation to soil cohesion and friction forces.
3. Compare and contrast how soil composition affects shear strength.
4. Describe the Proctor Test and interpret its results.
5. Evaluate factors affecting slope stability and soil mass movement hazards.
6. Assess soil compaction under different land use practices, soil texture and
moisture conditions.
7. Identify BMPs to minimize soil compaction.
Competency Area 1. Soil Forming Factors
1. Evaluate the five soil forming factors influence on soil properties.
2. Relate soil properties to the following parent materials:
a. alluvium.
b. colluvium.
c. till.
d. eolian sand.
e. loess.
f. marine sediments.
g. residuum.
h. glacial outwash.
i. coastal sediments.
j. lacustrine sediments.
k. volcanic ash.
l. human transported materials.
Competency Area 2. Horizon Forming Processes
1. Describe and interpret the soil forming processes given morphologic,
hydrologic, and landscape information.
2. Explain the pedogenic processes for a given soil description.
3. Identify how soil forming processes lead to development of diagnostic
Competency Area 3. Soil Descriptions and Land Use Management
1. Evaluate soil morphologic properties for land use decisions.
2. Interpret the seasonal high water table location using soil morphology.
3. Utilize soil profile descriptions to evaluate and make land use decisions.
Competency Area 4. Soil Classification Concepts
1. Distinguish between endosaturation and episaturation.
2. Integrate soil taxonomic information with soil morphology, genesis,
landscapes, and land use decision making.
Competency Area 5. Soil Mapping and Geospatial Information
1. Utilize information found in a modern National Cooperative Soil Survey
Report to evaluate a site for potential uses.
2. Identify scale limitations of soil surveys.
3. Describe how to acquire, integrate, and interpret the following:
a. soil maps.
b. topographic maps.
c. wetland inventory maps.
d. aerial imagery.
e. remote sensing & satellite data.
f. bedrock and surficial geology maps.
g. watershed maps.
h. land cover inventories.
i. hydrology maps.
j. hydrogeology maps.
k. cultural resources information.
l. digital elevation models.
4. Utilize geospatial information to develop best management practices (BMP’s)
a. vegetation management.
b. nutrient management.
c. erosion and sediment control practices.
d. land reshaping.
5. Utilize geospatial information to develop soil testing protocols.
Competency Area 6. Geomorphology
1. Use soil geomorphic and geologic information to predict soil properties.
2. Describe pedologic and hydrologic properties of the following hillslope
a. summit.
b. shoulder.
c. backslope.
d. footslope.
e. toeslope.
3. Differentiate convex, concave, and linear landscape segments and describe
their impact on soil and hydrologic properties for land use decisions.
4. Distinguish convergent and divergent flow.
5. Define and delineate the components of a watershed.
Competency Area 7. Soils Forming Environments
1. Analyze how morphological, chemical and physical soil properties result in
discrete landscape assemblages in:
a. forest.
b. desert.
c. prairie.
d. arctic and alpine.
e. wetlands.
f. agriculture.
g. urban.
Competency Area 8. Soil Variability
1. Differentiate between variability arising from natural and anthropogenic
2. Evaluate sampling designs and metrics to assess soil variability across
3. Describe the influence of the following human activities on soil:
a. mining.
b. hydrologic attenuation.
c. land reshaping.
d. construction.
e. landfills.
f. agriculture.
g. urbanization.
Competency Area 1. Soil Ecology
1. Describe how a change in soil moisture, temperature, aeration, pH and
organic carbon levels will impact populations and activities of key groups of
organisms in soil such as:
a. aerobic organisms.
b. heterotrophic bacteria and fungi.
c. autotrophic bacteria involved in the nitrogen and sulfur cycles.
d. fungi.
e. anaerobic organisms.
2. Describe how the following affect availability of nutrients to microorganisms:
a. soil texture.
b. organic matter content.
c. plant roots.
d. pH.
3. Contrast how soil bacteria and soil fungi form stable aggregates in soil.
4. Discuss the dynamic nature of the rhizosphere with reference to:
a. microbial populations.
b. nutrient transformation.
c. phytoremediation.
d. aggregate development and stability.
5. Compare how soil microbial populations, diversity and activities are affected
by the following:
a. intensive tillage.
b. flooding.
c. compaction.
d. grazing or harvesting of biomass.
6. Discuss the conditions under which one should consider the use of inoculants
for leguminous crops.
7. Discuss how mycorrhizal and rhizobial symbioses are affected by soil:
a. moisture.
b. aeration.
c. fertilizer additions.
d. pH.
8. Discuss how invasive soil organisms affect soil quality (example: invasive
earthworms in forested systems).
Competency Area 2. Biological and Biochemical Activities
1. Describe how microbial activities can affect the oxidation status and/or
chemical form of the following elements:
a. arsenic.
b. iron.
c. manganese.
d. mercury.
e. nitrogen.
f. selenium.
g. sulfur.
h. chromium.
2. Describe how the following soil factors affect the decomposition of organic
materials in soil:
a. pH.
b. moisture.
c. temperature.
d. aeration.
e. oxidation-reduction potential.
f. inorganic nutrients.
g. clay type and amount.
h. tillage.
3. Given data on organic material composition and efficiency of microbial
decomposition, calculate the following:
a. approximate quantity of organic carbon produced.
b. nitrogen mineralization or immobilization.
c. phosphorus mineralization or immobilization.
4. Describe how the nitrification and denitrification processes are affected by
a. pH.
b. moisture.
c. temperature.
d. aeration.
e. available carbon.
5. Discuss the conditions under which inorganic nitrogen can be lost from the
soil in the nitrogen cycle.
Competency Area 3. Soil Organic Matter
1. Discuss how the exchange capacity of stable soil organic matter is affected
by soil acidity.
2. Describe the organic matter mechanisms of retention for nutrients, organic
pollutants, and inorganic pollutants.
3. Explain how soil pH affects the organic matter retention for nutrients, organic
pollutants, and inorganic pollutants.
4. Discuss the mechanisms by which soil organic matter interacts with the
a. acidity (H
or H
b. aluminum.
c. essential plant nutrients.
d. heavy metals.
e. polar and non-polar pesticides.
f. xenobiotics.
5. Describe how organic materials of differing age and chemical composition
influence the rate of decomposition and stable organic matter formation.
Competency Area 4. Environmental and Agricultural Applications
1. Compare and contrast concepts of environmental modification, bio-
augmentation and bioremediation.
2. Describe how to encourage microbial degradation of organic pollutants during
the bioremediation of a contaminated soil.
3. Describe how to encourage microbial transformations of inorganic pollutants
during the bioremediation of a contaminated soil.
4. Calculate how much nitrogen to add to an organic material to avoid nitrogen
immobilization given the C:N ratio of the organic material.
Competency Area 5. Climate Change
1. Examine the soil carbon source-sink relationship between contrasting soil
management practices.
2. Define the short- and long-term potential for soil to sequester carbon.
3. Describe soil factors that affect carbon sequestration.
Competency Area 1. Erosion and Sediment Control
1. For a given site recommend best management practices (BMP’s) for erosion
and sediment control.
2. Discuss the use of the latest version of RUSLE in developing management
3. Assess site vulnerability to soil erosion.
4. Appraise limitations of highly erodible land (HEL).
5. Evaluate and prescribe appropriate BMPs that mitigate:
a. creep.
b. saltation.
c. suspension.
6. Identify co-contaminants associated with suspended soil particulates in the
7. Develop a conservation land use plan.
8. Describe the effects of land management on the hydrologic cycle and soil
Competency Area 2. Wetlands and Hydric Soils
1. Specify/describe criteria used to delineate a jurisdictional wetland.
2. Describe characteristics of wetland environments.
3. Describe how to identify hydric soils.
4. Given morphologic information, distinguish hydric soils from non-hydric soils.
5. Identify methods to measure recharge, discharge and saturation in wetlands.
6. Evaluate methods used to avoid, minimize, or mitigate adverse effects to
7. Contrast constructed versus restored wetlands for wetland mitigation.
Competency Area 3. Soil Quality and Management
1. Calculate the quantity of carbon sequestered in soil given land management
practices and the amount of carbon in the soil amendment.
2. Use bulk density, organic carbon concentration, and soil thickness to
calculate the quantity of organic carbon in a soil.
3. Given C:N:P:S ratio, estimate the quantity of P, N, and S sequestered per ton
of carbon.
Competency Area 4. Waste Management
1. Describe methods and management for the beneficial use of biosolids, animal
wastes, and effluents.
2. Identify major contaminants commonly found in municipal biosolids, industrial
wastes, and effluents and how they are regulated by the EPA.
3. Calculate soil amendment rates given appropriate information such as:
a. biomass requirements.
b. regulatory requirements.
c. soil test data.
d. amendment analysis.
e. biomass removal.
4. Use CaCO
equivalent to adjust lime application rate to meet biosolid
application recommendations.
5. Calculate application rates of biosolids, effluents, and industrial wastes based
on yearly and cumulative identified loading rates.
6. Given site information and soil properties, determine suitability and size of an
on-site waste disposal system.
7. Identify best management practices (BMP’s) for managing soils contaminated
a. cadmium.
b. chromium.
c. lead.
d. zinc.
e. nickel.
f. arsenic.
g. selenium.
h. mercury.
8. Describe the fate of human and animal pathogens and waste products
introduced into the soil environment.
9. Evaluate capacity of constructed wetlands to mitigate outflow contaminants.
Competency Area 5. Cropland, Rangeland and Field Management
1. Evaluate soil physical, chemical and biological properties as affected by soil
tillage and residue management.
2. Describe effects of grazing and overgrazing on rangeland soils.
3. Given information and data, design a nutrient management plan for a
concentrated animal feeding operation (CAFO).
Competency Area 6. Water Quality and Management
1. Explain the impact of land application of organic amendments on the
biological oxygen demand (BOD) on surface and groundwater.
2. Evaluate the use of soil for treating contaminated water.
3. Describe how suspended soil particulates in air or water affect water quality
and human health.
4. Evaluate the impact on surface and groundwater quality of the following land
use practices:
a. agricultural production crops, animal agriculture feedlot, range.
b. construction.
c. waste disposal and remediation.
d. forestry.
e. natural habitats.
f. mine reclamation.
g. residential development.
h. urban development.
5. Evaluate techniques for remediation of soils contaminated by chemical leaks
and spills.
Competency Area 7. Regulatory and Resource Agencies
1. Know aspects related to soil in Federal Programs pertaining to:
a. National Pollution Discharge Elimination Systems (NPDES).
b. Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations/Animal Feeding Operations
c. Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs).
d. Coastal Zone Management Act.
e. Clean Water Act.
f. National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA).
g. Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability
h. Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA).
2. Compare and contrast the responsibilities of federal agencies with respect to
the following programs:
a. National Pollution Discharge Elimination Systems (NPDES).
b. Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations/Animal Feeding Operations
c. Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs).
d. Coastal Zone Management Act.
e. Clean Water Act.
f. National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA).
g. Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability
h. Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA).
i. Swampbuster.
Competency Area 8. Surface Mine and Mine Spoil Reclamation
1. Define the following surface mine and mine spoil reclamation terms:
a. acid/base accounting.
b. top soil substitute.
c. acid forming materials.
d. toxic forming materials.
e. acid mine drainage.
f. sodicity and salinity forming materials.
g. land reshaping.
2. Calculate the lime requirement based upon the acid/base account.
3. List criteria for selecting topsoil substitute material instead of native soil.
4. Describe the role of a soil scientist in a surface mineral extraction reclamation
5. Describe methods of soil restoration in surface mineral extraction reclamation.
6. List sources of acid in acid mine drainage.
Competency Area 9. Urban and Disturbed Soils
1. Identify common physical and chemical properties and concerns associated
with the following fill materials:
a. fly ash.
b. bottom ash.
c. foundry sand.
d. railroad ties.
e. concrete.
f. asphalt.
g. construction debris.
h. biosolids.
i. demolition debris.
2. Compare and contrast characteristics and properties of the following:
a. native soils.
b. urban soils.
c. disturbed soils.
3. Identify common physical properties and chemical soil impacts associated
with the following:
a. organic solvents.
b. heavy metals.
c. petroleum waste products.
d. household waste.
e. fly ash.
f. gypsum.
4. Construct a plan to assess soils on a brownfield site and identify soil and
environmental characteristics associated with brownfields.
5. Describe procedures to ameliorate site compaction.
6. Evaluate substrate materials for suitability as a topsoil substitute.
Competency Area 10. Forest Soils
1. Explain the effect of compaction on a forest soil.
2. Explain how soil erosion differs for the following forest areas:
a. logging roads.
b. landings.
c. skid trails.
d. harvested areas.
e. undisturbed forest.
3. Explain how infiltration differs for the following forest areas:
a. logging roads.
b. landings.
c. skid trails.
d. harvested areas.
e. undisturbed forest.
4. Describe nutrient cycling and losses in the following forest management
a. clear cut harvesting.
b. prescribed burn.
c. wildfire.
d. plantation forestry.
e. undisturbed forest.
5. Explain the effect of forest fires on soil physical, chemical and biological
properties such as:
a. hydrophobicity.
b. nutrient transformations.
c. organic horizons.
d. soil surface.
e. nitrogen losses.
f. carbon losses.
6. Explain the effect of prescribed burns on soil physical, chemical and biological
properties such as:
a. hydrophobicity.
b. nutrient transformations.
c. organic horizons.
d. soil surface.
e. nitrogen losses.
f. carbon losses.
1. Analyze and evaluate applicable field measurement strategies for determining
soil morphological, physical, chemical and biological properties.
2. Analyze and evaluate applicable laboratory measurement strategies for
determining soil morphological, physical, chemical and biological properties.
3. Compare and contrast field and laboratory methods of determining soil
physical, chemical and biological properties.
4. Describe how to collect a representative sample of the solid, liquid and gas
phases in soil.
5. Design and justify a soil sampling strategy for:
a. disturbed sites.
b. nutrient management.
c. reclamation sites.
d. contaminated sites.
e. soil mapping.
f. wetland delineation.
g. urban environments.
h. waste management.
i. site suitability for development.
6. Select and justify sampling methods based on available equipment and soil
properties to be evaluated.
7. Evaluate the proper application of the following sampling equipment:
a. shovel.
b. auger.
c. push-probe.
d. hydraulic probe.
e. hammer probe.
f. split-spoon sampler.
8. Evaluate conditions for proper collection and measurement of field samples
with the following common instruments:
a. tensiometer.
b. constant head permeameter.
c. piezometer.
d. core sampler.
e. infiltrometer.
f. penetrometer.
g. pressure transducer.
h. ground penetrating radar (GPR).
i. time domain reflectometry (TDR).
j. frequency domain reflectometry (FDR).
k. neutron probe/nuclear densitometer.
l. wells.
m. pH meter.
n. electrical conductivity meter.
o. electromagnetic induction meter.
p. turbidimeter/nephelometer.
q. shallow seismic methods.
9. Interpret and apply laboratory and field measurements for data analysis.
10. Understand the application and limitations of data based on analytical
11. Evaluate analytical data for sources of error and variability.
12. Evaluate sources of error, variability, and potential contamination for soil
sample collection and analysis.
13. Understand standard QA/QC protocols for field and laboratory techniques.
1. Understand the obligations a professional soil scientist has to the soil science
2. Describe obligations and limitations a professional soil scientist has to a client
and the interests of the client.
3. Describe a professional soil scientist’s obligation to protect the confidence of
a client.
4. Understand and apply the professional soil scientist’s responsibility to
maintain professional integrity.
5. Resolve professional and personal conflicts of interest.
6. Explain the role of the professional soil scientist in the protection of the
public’s health, safety and welfare, and the environment.