2BDoD 7000.14-R Financial Management Regulation Volume 4, Chapter 27
* August 2018
Changes are identified in this table and also denoted by blue font.
Substantive revisions are denoted by an asterisk (*) symbol preceding the section,
paragraph, table, or figure that includes the revision.
Unless otherwise noted, chapters referenced are contained in this volume.
Hyperlinks are denoted by bold, italic, blue, and underlined font.
This is the initial publication.
This chapter contains updated policy for internal use
software (IUS) based upon IUS policy contained in
Volume 4, Chapter 6, dated June 2009. As a result, the
existing policy in Volume 4, Chapter 6 related to IUS is no
longer applicable.
The Federal Accounting Standards Advisory Board issued
a new accounting standard for leases with an effective date
for reporting periods beginning after September 30, 2020.
Policy has yet to be fully developed to implement this new
standard, which may result in changes to the capital lease
criteria. Until the new standard becomes effective, the
policy guidance in this chapter must be followed.
Policy Memo
The Deputy Chief Financial Officer policy memorandum,
“Strategy for Internal Use Software Audit Readiness,”
dated September 30, 2015 has been incorporated into the
chapter as applicable and is cancelled.
Added “Authoritative Guidance” paragraph. Addition
Added a definition for software and additional guidance for
distinguishing internal use software from integrated
Added relevant United States Standard General Ledger
accounts and their descriptions.
2BDoD 7000.14-R Financial Management Regulation Volume 4, Chapter 27
* August 2018
Updated guidance for capitalized costs of internally
developed software; treatment of software development
costs; software developed by one activity and used by
others without reimbursement; software development
phases; and documentation. Added guidance for different
software development methods; cross-functional Internal
Use Software (IUS) reviews; determining accounting
treatment of different software development activities; and
capitalizable cost.
Updated guidance for recognition responsibility, including
recognition timing of contractor acquired property and
progress payments. Updated capitalization threshold
amounts and capitalization guidance. Revised recognition
guidance for bulk purchases of software. Added guidance
for IUS developed through a joint venture; for software
licenses; cloud and other subscription based services,
shared services; and guidance on accountable records of
Added guidance addressing IUS enhancements. Addition
Updated guidance for maintenance and repair of IUS. Revision
Added guidance addressing amortization of IUS. Addition
Added guidance addressing impairment of IUS. Addition
Updated guidance addressing the removal/disposal of IUS. Revision
Added guidance on the use of the “Canceled” Treasury
Account Symbol.
Added guidance for reporting requirements. Addition
Figure 27-2
Added a capitalization decision tree for IUS.
Annex 1
Added an annex containing common terms used by
information technology and software programming
professionals, with corresponding examples, that are
relevant to IUS.
Annex 2
Added guidance for use as an alternative methodology for
establishing opening balances for IUS.
2BDoD 7000.14-R Financial Management Regulation Volume 4, Chapter 27
* August 2018
Table of Contents
*VOLUME 4, CHAPTER 27: “INTERNAL USE SOFTWARE” ............................................... 1
1.0 GENERAL (2701) ............................................................................................................. 4
1.1 Overview (270101) ........................................................................................................ 4
1.2 Purpose (270102) ........................................................................................................... 4
*1.3 Authoritative Guidance (270103)................................................................................... 4
2.0 ACCOUNTING FOR IUS (2702) ..................................................................................... 5
*2.1 Definition (270201) ........................................................................................................ 5
Figure 27-1. IUS is Generally One Component of an IT System ......................................... 6
*2.2 Relevant USSGL Accounts (270202) ............................................................................ 8
*2.3 Acquisition/Valuation (270203) ..................................................................................... 8
Table 27-1. Capital versus Expense IUS Activities ............................................................ 12
Table 27-2. Cross-Functional Review Decisions and Timeline .......................................... 14
*2.4 Recognition (270204) ................................................................................................... 17
Table 27-3. Capitalization is Dependent on Term and Aggregate Purchase Amount ......... 20
Table 27-4. Capital Lease Criteria as Applied to Licenses ................................................. 22
*2.5 IUS Enhancements (270205) ....................................................................................... 25
*2.6 Maintenance and Repair (270206) ............................................................................... 27
*2.7 Amortization (270207) ................................................................................................. 27
*2.8 Impairment (270208).................................................................................................... 30
*2.9 Removal/Disposal (270209) ......................................................................................... 32
3.0 ADDITIONAL CONSIDERATIONS (2703) ................................................................. 33
*3.1 Use of Canceled Treasury Account Symbol (270301) ................................................. 33
Table 27-6. Supporting Documentation for IUS Acquisition.............................................. 34
*3.3 Reporting Requirements (270303) ............................................................................... 36
*Figure 27-2. Capitalization Decision Tree for IUS Purchased from Commercial Off-the-
Shelf Vendors; IUS Internally Developed by DoD and IUS Developed by a Third Party on
Behalf of DoD 37
*Annex 1. Definitions and Examples .................................................................................... 1
*Annex 2. Alternative Valuation Methodology for Establishing Opening Balances for
Internal Use Software .................................................................................................................. 1
2BDoD 7000.14-R Financial Management Regulation Volume 4, Chapter 27
* August 2018
1.0 GENERAL (2701)
1.1 Overview (270101)
1.1.1. This chapter prescribes Department of Defense (DoD) accounting policy for
Internal Use Software (IUS), which is a subset of General Property, Plant, and Equipment (PP&E).
This overview paragraph will define and describe the characteristics of General PP&E.
1.1.2. General PP&E items are used in providing goods or services, or support the mission
of the entity, and typically have one or more of the following characteristics: The item could be used for alternative purposes (e.g., by other DoD or
Federal Programs, state or local governments, or nongovernmental entities), but it is used to
produce goods or services, or to support the mission of the entity; The item is used in business-type activities; and/or The item is used by entities in activities whose costs can be compared to
those of other entities performing similar activities (e.g., federal hospital services in comparison
to commercial hospitals).
1.2 Purpose (270102)
The applicable general ledger accounts are listed in the government-wide United States
Standard General Ledger (USSGL) contained in Volume 1, Chapter 7. The accounting entries for
these accounts and the DoD Standard Chart of Accounts are specified in the
DoD USSGL Standard Transaction Library. Unless otherwise stated, this chapter is applicable
to all DoD Components, including Working Capital Fund (WCF) activities.
*1.3 Authoritative Guidance (270103)
The accounting policy and related requirements prescribed by this chapter are in
accordance with the applicable provisions of:
1.3.1. Federal Accounting Standards Advisory Board (FASAB) Statement of Federal
Financial Accounting Concepts (SFFAC) 5, Definitions of Elements and Basic Recognition
Criteria for Accrual-Basis Financial Statements;”
1.3.2. FASAB SFFAC 7, Measurement of the Elements of Accrual-Basis Financial
Statements in Periods After Initial Recording;”
1.3.3. FASAB Statement of Federal Financial Accounting Standards (SFFAS) 1,
Accounting for Selected Assets and Liabilities;”
2BDoD 7000.14-R Financial Management Regulation Volume 4, Chapter 27
* August 2018
1.3.4. FASAB SFFAS 4, “Managerial Cost Accounting Standards and Concepts;”
1.3.5. FASAB SFFAS 10, “Accounting for Internal Use Software;”
1.3.6. FASAB SFFAS 50, “Establishing Opening Balances for General Property, Plant,
and Equipment: Amending Statement of Federal Financial Accounting Standards (SFFAS) 6,
SFFAS 10, and SFFAS 23, and Rescinding SFFAS 35;”
1.3.7. FASAB Technical Release (TR) 13, Implementation Guide for Estimating the
Historical Cost of General Property, Plant, and Equipment;”
1.3.8. FASAB TR 14, Implementation Guidance on the Accounting for the Disposal of
General Property, Plant & Equipment;”
1.3.9. FASAB TR 15, Implementation Guidance for General Property, Plant, and
Equipment Cost Accumulation, Assignment and Allocation;”
1.3.10. FASAB TR 16, “Implementation Guidance for Internal Use Software;”
1.3.11. FASAB TR 17, “Conforming Amendments to Technical Releases for SFFAS 50,
Establishing Opening Balances for General Property, Plant, and Equipment;”
1.3.12. FASAB TR 18, “Implementation Guidance for Establishing Opening Balances;”
1.3.13. Office of Management and Budget Circular No. A-136, Financial Reporting
1.3.14. DoD Instruction (DoDI) 5000.76; “Accountability and Management of Internal
Use Software (IUS);and
1.3.15. Treasury Financial Manual (TFM) Volume1, Part 2, Chapter 4700 "Agency
Reporting Requirements for the Financial Report of the United States Government."
*2.1 Definition (270201)
2.1.1. “Software” includes the application and operating system programs, procedures,
rules, and any associated documentation pertaining to the operation of a computer system or
program. Most often, software is an integral part of an overall system(s) having interrelationships
between software, hardware, personnel, procedures, controls, and data. IUS is software that: Is acquired or developed to meet the entity’s internal or operational needs
(intended purpose); and
2BDoD 7000.14-R Financial Management Regulation Volume 4, Chapter 27
* August 2018
27-6 Is a stand-alone application, or the combined software components of an
information technology (IT) system that can consist of multiple applications, modules, or other
software components integrated and used to fulfill the entity’s internal or operational needs
(software type).
Figure 27-1. IUS is Generally One Component of an IT System
G/L 175000 or
G/L 172000
Software and
Development Labor
G/L 183000 or
G/L 183200
Period Expenses
and General
G/L 610000
IT System
2.1.2. IUS can be: Purchased from commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) vendors and be ready
for use with little or no changes; Internally developed by employees of DoD, including new software and
existing or purchased software that is modified with or without a contractor’s assistance; or Contractor-developed software that a DoD Component paid a contractor
to design, program, install, and implement, including new software and the modification of
existing or purchased software.
2.1.3. IUS includes software that is: Used to operate an entity’s programs (e.g., financial and administrative
software, including that used for project management); Used to produce the entity’s goods and to provide services
(e.g., maintenance work order management and loan servicing); and
2BDoD 7000.14-R Financial Management Regulation Volume 4, Chapter 27
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27-7 Developed or obtained for internal use and subsequently provided to
other Federal Entities with or without reimbursement.
2.1.4. Integrated (embedded) software is not IUS. IUS does not include computer software that is integrated into and
necessary to operate General PP&E, rather than perform an application. Such software must be
considered part of the PP&E of which it is an integral part, and capitalized and amortized
accordingly (e.g., software embedded in airport radar, computer-operated lathes, military
equipment/weapon systems and special test equipment). The aggregate cost of the hardware and
software must be used to determine whether to capitalize or expense the costs. In situations where
software and the hardware on which it runs have independent service lives, the determination of
the useful life of the software must be viewed independently of the useful life of the hardware.
The determination must be made on a case-by-case basis. The rationale for this determination
must be documented. Software used in conjunction with the operation of equipment, which is
not the same as the integrated or embedded software, can be considered IUS if all of the following
criteria apply: The software was developed separately from the equipment; The software is not required for the equipment to perform its
core purpose and functions; and The quantity of equipment items on which the software will
be installed is unknown.
2.1.5. DoD entities may purchase IUS as part of a package of products and services
(e.g., training, maintenance, data conversions, reengineering, site licenses and rights to future
upgrades and enhancements). If the costs are not readily separable between the IUS and the
services on the invoice, contract or other procurement documents, costs should be allocated based
on the relative fair values of the IUS and the services. The cost of the IUS should be capitalized
(assuming it meets the capitalization criteria) and the cost of the training/maintenance should be
expensed. Non-IUS costs (e.g., training and maintenance services) that are not susceptible to
allocation between maintenance and relatively minor enhancements must be expensed.
2.1.6. Materiality, as defined by the SFFAS 1, is the degree to which an item's omission
or misstatement in a financial statement makes it probable that the judgment of a reasonable person
relying on the information would have been changed or influenced by the inclusion or correction
of the item.
2.1.7. Additional definitions can be found in Annex 1.
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*2.2 Relevant USSGL Accounts (270202)
2.2.1. Fund Balance with Treasury (Account 101000). This account is used to record the
aggregate amount of funds on deposit with the United States Department of the Treasury,
excluding seized cash deposited.
2.2.2. Internal Use Software (Account 183000). This account is used to record the
amount of capitalized cost of IUS for those costs that are to be capitalized in accordance with
Table 27-1. It includes (1) purchased COTS software, (2) contractor-developed software, and
(3) internally developed software.
2.2.3. Internal Use Software in Development (Account 183200). This account is used to
record the full cost amount incurred for those costs that are to be capitalized in accordance with
Table 27-1 during the software development phase of (1) contractor-developed software and
(2) internally developed software, (as defined in SFFAS 10). Upon completion, these costs will
be transferred to USSGL account 183000, Internal Use Software. There is no Generally Accepted
Accounting Principles (GAAP) requirement to establish a separate account for each software under
development. However, DoD Components may elect to create separate subaccounts to better
differentiate and track costs.
2.2.4. Accumulated Amortization on Internal Use Software (Account 183900). This
account is used to record the accumulated amount of amortization charges to expense for IUS.
2.2.5. General Property, Plant, and Equipment Permanently Removed but Not Yet
Disposed (Account 199500). The General Property, Plant, and Equipment Permanently Removed
but Not Yet Disposed account is used to record the value of General PP&E assets that have been
permanently removed from service. Upon permanent removal from service, IUS assets must be
recorded at their expected net realizable value (NRV) and must cease to be amortized. See
paragraph 270209 for guidance on reporting IUS assets that have been permanently removed from
2.2.6. Gains on Disposition of Assets Other (Account 711000). This account is used to
record the gain on the disposition (such as sale, exchange, disposal, or retirement) of assets not
associated with investments or borrowings/loans.
2.2.7. Losses on Disposition of Assets Other (Account 721000). This account is used
to record the loss on the disposition (such as sale, exchange, disposal, or retirement) of assets not
associated with investments or borrowings/loans.
*2.3 Acquisition/Valuation (270203)
2.3.1. Recorded Cost. When acquiring IUS, the acquisition cost and other costs necessary
to bring the software to an operable condition must be recognized in accordance with paragraph
2BDoD 7000.14-R Financial Management Regulation Volume 4, Chapter 27
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27-9 COTS Software. The capitalized cost of COTS software must be the
actual purchase price, plus any costs incurred to place the software in service or otherwise make
the software ready for use. Contractor-Developed Software. The capitalized cost of
contractor-developed software must include the amount paid to the contractor to design, program,
install, and implement new software or to modify existing or COTS software, plus any costs
incurred to implement or otherwise make the software ready for use. Internally Developed Software. The capitalized costs of internally
developed software must include the full cost (direct and indirect costs, as described in
subparagraphs 270203.A.4.a, 270203.A.4.b and 270203.A.4.c) incurred after: The DoD Component authorizes and commits to a software
project and believes that it is more likely than not that the project will be completed and the
software will be used to perform the intended function(s), and it will have an estimated service life
of two years or more; and The completion of the conceptual planning/planning and
requirements phase (i.e., project evaluation, concept testing, and evaluation alternatives) as
evidenced by a documented approval decision. Table 27-1. This table provides a matrix of the software project phases
and their related processes. The treatment of costs must be applied based on the nature of the costs
incurred, not the exact sequence of the work. Full cost includes the costs of new software
(e.g., salaries of programmers, systems analysts, project managers, and administrative personnel;
associated employee benefits; outside consultants’ fees; rent; and supplies and overhead) and
technical documentation. The development of technical documentation and manuals must be
capitalized, but the costs of mass-producing manuals should be expensed in the period incurred.
The various types of costs incurred during the software project phases include: Direct Labor Costs. Direct labor costs are typically the labor
costs of project teams (e.g., programmers, engineers, managers) incurred during the
Design/Development and Testing/Implementation Phase and are capitalized as part of the costs of
the software project. Project managers and/or program managers must track direct labor cost and
allocate to individual software projects. The allocation methodology must be consistent between
projects and must be auditable. Indirect Labor Costs. Indirect labor costs are typically the
labor costs associated with the Program Management Office (PMO) personnel responsible for
overseeing more than one software project. In many instances, PMO indirect labor costs are
immaterial when compared with the overall costs of a software project, and if determined to be
immaterial, can be expensed. Decisions regarding the materiality of indirect labor costs, when
such costs are expensed, must be justified, documented, and must be able to stand up to audit
scrutiny. If indirect labor costs are determined to be material to a software project or projects and
are to be distributed to the capitalized costs of such project, the costs must be allocated based on a
distribution methodology that is consistently applied, documented and auditable.
2BDoD 7000.14-R Financial Management Regulation Volume 4, Chapter 27
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27-10 Overhead Costs. Overhead costs are those costs associated
with utilities, building maintenance, and supplies that are essential to the overall accomplishment
of a software project. In many instances, overhead costs are immaterial when compared with the
overall costs of a software project and if determined to be immaterial, the DoD Components should
expense these costs. Decisions regarding the materiality of overhead costs when such costs are to
be expensed must be justified, documented, and must be able to stand up to audit scrutiny. If
overhead costs are determined to be material to a software project or projects and are to be
distributed to the capitalized costs of such project, the costs must be allocated based on a
distribution methodology that is consistently applied, documented and auditable. Contractor Costs. Contractor costs must be evaluated to
determine whether the costs are to be expensed or capitalized. Such determination is based on the
type of work performed by the contractors. Table 27-1 provides a breakdown of the various work
activities and whether the cost of such activities must be expensed or capitalized. Data Conversion Costs. All data conversion costs incurred for
internally developed, contractor developed, or COTS software must be expensed as incurred,
including the cost to develop or obtain software that allows for access or conversion of existing
data to the new software. Such costs may include the purging or cleansing of existing data,
reconciliation or balancing of data, and the creation of new or additional data.
2.3.2. Software Development Phases Determine Recorded Cost (Internally Developed
Software). Software’s life-cycle phases include planning, development, and operations. This
subparagraph provides a framework for identifying software development phases and processes to
help isolate the capitalization period for IUS that the DoD entity is developing. The three phases
of software development described in subparagraph follow a linear software development method.
Generally, costs incurred during the development phase are to be capitalized and costs incurred in
other phases are to be expensed. However, software development under other methods does not
follow this linear approach and capitalization decisions absent distinct phases are more difficult.
Regardless of timing, the cost incurred for development phase activities must be capitalized or
expensed based on their substance/task activity rather than their phase. The three phases of
software development are: Conceptual Planning/Planning and Requirements Phase. In this phase,
the DoD Components will most likely do the following: Make strategic decisions to allocate resources between
alternative projects at a given time. For example, should programmers develop new software or
direct their efforts toward correcting problems in existing software? Determine performance requirements (i.e., what it is that they
need to do)? Invite vendors to perform demonstrations of how their
software will fulfill a DoD Component’s needs.
2BDoD 7000.14-R Financial Management Regulation Volume 4, Chapter 27
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27-11 Explore alternative means of achieving specified performance
requirements. For example, should a DoD Component make or buy the software? Should the
software run on a mainframe or client server system? Determine that the technology needed to achieve performance
requirements exists. Select a vendor if a DoD Component chooses to obtain COTS
software. Select a consultant to assist in the software’s development or
installation. Software Design/Development and Testing/Implementation Phase. In
this phase, the DoD Components will likely to do the following: Use a system to manage the project; Track and accumulate life-cycle cost and compare it with
performance indicators; Determine the reasons for any deviations from the
performance plan and take corrective actions; Test the deliverable to verify that they meet the specifications. Operations and Maintenance/Disposition Phase. In this phase, the
DoD Components will likely to do the following: Operate the software, undertake preventative maintenance,
and provide ongoing training for users; Convert data from the old to the new system; Undertake post-implementation review comparing asset usage
with the original plan; and/or Track and accumulate life-cycle cost and compare it with the
original plan.
2BDoD 7000.14-R Financial Management Regulation Volume 4, Chapter 27
* August 2018
Table 27-1. Capital versus Expense IUS Activities
(Adapted from SFFAS 10, paragraph 11)
Project Phase
Conceptual Planning/
Planning & Requirements
Project Evaluation
Concept testing
Evaluation of alternatives
Project approval
Development & Testing/
Installation to Hardware
Project personnel costs
Technical Acceptance
Quality assurance testing
Overhead costs
Data conversion software
Operations & Maintenance/
Data conversion
Help desk
See “IUS Enhancements
paragraph 270205.
Maintenance/Bug Fix
The costs of program management and the PMO that may be incurred during each phase of
expensed or capitalized, depending on: 1) their materiality to overall costs of individual
software development projects, and 2) in which phase the costs are incurred.
2.3.3. Software Development Methods. Software development methods are ever
evolving, with new methods and techniques being introduced over time. Included in the following
subparagraphs are several descriptive examples of common software development methods. Linear/Waterfall Software Development Method. The linear/waterfall
software development method is a sequential design process, used in software development in
which progress is seen as flowing steadily downwards (like a waterfall) through the software
development phases. The linear/waterfall software development method follows the phases
outlined in Table 27-1 in sequence, whereas the other software development methods as described
in subparagraphs 270203.C.2 through 270203.C.4 can move between phases during the life of the
development. Regardless of the development method (e.g., waterfall, prototyping, agile, or spiral),
the capitalization decisions follow the tasks identified.
2BDoD 7000.14-R Financial Management Regulation Volume 4, Chapter 27
* August 2018
27-13 Prototyping Software Development Method. The prototyping software
development method is a system development method in which a prototype (an early
approximation of a final system or product) is built, tested, and then reworked as necessary until
an acceptable prototype is finally achieved from which the complete system or product can be
developed. This model works best in scenarios where not all of the project requirements are known
in detail ahead of time. An iterative, trial-and-error process takes place between the developers
and the users. Agile Software Development Method. The agile software development
method is a group of software development methods in which requirements and solutions evolve
through collaboration between self-organizing, cross-functional teams. In an agile project, working software is deployed in iterations
of typically one to eight weeks in duration, each of which provides a segment of functionality.
Initial planning regarding cost, scope, and timing is usually conducted at a high level, and the
project status is primarily evaluated based on software demonstrations. The IUS development phases listed in subparagraph 270203.B
could be applied to agile development projects on an iteration basis. If an iteration developed
meets the module or component asset description in accordance with subparagraph 270203.F.3
and the capitalization cut-off period described in subparagraph 270203.F.6, then it could be treated
as an individual IUS project. If the numbers of iterations are dependent on the outcomes of
multiple processes for a complete function, the cost incurred in these iterations should be grouped
together based on the nature of the activities (capital or expense) and treated as one project for the
purposes of recognition, measurement, and disclosure. Any future incremental releases that result
in additional functionality can be treated as an enhancement of the original IUS project and
accounted for in accordance with paragraph 270205. Spiral Software Development Method. The spiral software development
method combines the features of the waterfall and prototyping incremental models, but with more
emphasis placed on risk analysis and management. The spiral methodology projects are typically separated into
phases like the waterfall method: planning, risk analysis, engineering, and evaluation. However,
they are broken up into incremental releases of the product, or incremental refinement through
each time around the spiral and through continuously analyzing the requirements and improving
the definition and implementation. At each iteration around the cycle, the project is improved and
extended. The IUS development phases listed in subparagraph 270203.B
could be applied to a spiral development project on a process iteration basis. If an iteration
developed meets the module or component asset description in accordance with subparagraph
270203.F.3 and the capitalization cut-off period described in subparagraph 270203.F.6, then it
could be treated as an individual IUS project. If the number of iterations are dependent on the
outcomes of multiple spiral processes for a complete function, the cost incurred in these iterations
should be grouped together based on the nature of the activities (capital or expense) and treated as
2BDoD 7000.14-R Financial Management Regulation Volume 4, Chapter 27
* August 2018
one project for the purposes of recognition, measurement, and disclosure. Any future incremental
releases that result in additional functionality can be treated as an enhancement of the original IUS
project and accounted for in accordance with paragraph 270205.
2.3.4. Cross-Functional IUS Reviews. Software development can be complex and
accounting decisions often require a measure of judgment and expertise found throughout an
organization. Examples of these decisions can include identifying assets that meet the IUS
definition, determining the point at which an IUS project is more likely than not to be completed,
whether an enhancement should be capitalized, and determining the useful life. DoD Components
will ensure that key stakeholders from the IUS program, acquisition, and accounting organizations
have adequate visibility into the major milestones throughout the acquisition process to make these
decisions. This could take the form of an IUS acquisition review board, consisting of
knowledgeable stakeholders who assess pending and active IUS projects to make such decisions.
It could also include leveraging portfolio management processes already in place at some
DoD Components. Stakeholders will meet periodically and with enough frequency to make timely
decisions concerning the IUS and the decisions will be documented. Additional cross-functional
decisions and deadlines for making them are found in Table 27-2. This review activity can also
serve as a key control.
Table 27-2. Cross-Functional Review Decisions and Timeline
Decision Timeline
Identify potential IUS
During the budget process and not later than
end of planning phase
Determine that it is more likely than not that
the IUS project will be completed
Prior to the completion of the planning
Assign a useful life
Prior to the end of final technical acceptance
Confirm that cost has been correctly
accumulated and assigned to the asset
Prior to the end of final technical acceptance
Confirm that indirect costs have been
appropriately allocated
Prior to the end of final technical acceptance
Assign an in-service date
Upon completion of final technical acceptance
Determine if licenses meet capital lease
Upon license agreement execution
Decision Timeline
Identify potential capital enhancements
During the budget process and not later than
end of planning phase
Management Oversight Decisions
Evaluation of suspended projects
o More likely than not that the project will
be completed
o More likely than not that the project
will be cancelled
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2.3.5. Capital Versus Expense IUS Activities. Many IUS programs and contracts include
a variety of activities that are conducted by government and/or contractor personnel throughout
the software development life cycle. Some costs associated with these activities should be
capitalized as part of the cost of the IUS and some costs should be expensed. Regardless of the
software development method (e.g., waterfall, prototyping, agile, or spiral), the capitalization
decisions follow the activity. When reviewing contracts and budget documentation, care must be
taken to distinguish between activities that are to be capitalized and those that are to be expensed.
Refer to Table 27-1 for additional details on capital versus expense for IUS activities.
2.3.6. Capitalizable Cost DoD Components must capitalize the cost of software when such
software meets the criteria for General PP&E (see subparagraph 270204.E). Costs related to capitalized activities identified in Table 27-1 must be
accumulated in account 183200 (Internal Use Software in Development), but are not amortized
until the software is placed-in-service. Costs should begin accumulating in this account if the IUS
is anticipated to meet capital criteria and the criteria listed in subparagraph 270203.A.3 have been
met. Accumulated costs must be transferred to account 183000 (Internal Use
Software) when the IUS is placed-in-service (see placed-in-service dates in subparagraph
270207.C). Many larger and more complex software systems, such as Enterprise Resource
Planning systems, are developed and placed-in-service over time. For each module or component
of a software project, costs must be moved from account 183200 (Internal Use Software in
Development) to account 183000 (Internal Use Software), and amortization must begin when a
module or component has been successfully tested. If the use of a module is dependent on the
completion of another module(s), the movement from 183200 to 183000 will take place and
amortization will begin when both that module and the other module(s) have successfully
completed testing. For example, a DoD Component may develop an accounting software system
containing three modules: a general ledger, an accounts payable sub-ledger, and an accounts
receivable sub-ledger. In this example, each module could be analyzed to determine whether it
could be treated as a separate IUS asset. Specifically, if the module provides economic benefit
through distinct, substantive functionality, and meets the tests for capitalization threshold,
ownership, and eligibility for capital treatment, then the module could be treated as a separate IUS
asset. Capitalized IUS costs must have sufficient supporting documentation as
discussed in paragraph 270302, including support for costs incurred in the development of the IUS.
Documentation in the form of narratives, software architectural documentation, user manuals and
other similar documents supporting the functionality of the components/modules of a software
system must be available to substantiate whether the IUS should be treated as separate IUS assets.
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27-16 The full cost (direct and indirect cost as described in subparagraphs
270203.A.4.a through 270203.A.4.d) incurred during the software development phase must be
capitalized. Considering economic feasibility, a cost estimation technique could be developed to
trace the costs to outputs based on the SFFAS 4, paragraph 124, provision that “[in] principle,
costs should be assigned to outputs in one of the methods listed in the order of preference: Directly tracing costs wherever economically feasible; Assigning costs on a cause-and-effect basis; and Allocating costs on a reasonable and consistent basis. Costs incurred after final technical acceptance testing has been
successfully completed must be expensed (see Table 27-1). Technical acceptance testing is testing
undertaken to verify if a software product meets technical specifications. Technical acceptance
testing costs are capitalizable costs. Operational testing and evaluation and other functional testing
conducted after technical acceptance must be expensed. Similarly, if the software consists of
multiple individual components or modules, the capitalization phase must end for each
component/module after technical acceptance testing is complete for that component/module. In
some development practices, each iteration within an IUS development has its own acceptance
testing before moving forward to the next iteration and final acceptance testing may not always be
performed. The entity should identify a pre-determined agency milestone such as the go-live or
in-service date, which is equivalent to a final technical acceptance test for capitalization cut-off
purposes. For COTS software, capitalized costs must include the amount paid to
the vendor for the software. For contractor-developed software, capitalized costs must include the
amount paid to a contractor to design, program, install, and implement the software. Material
internal costs incurred by the Federal Entity to implement the COTS or contractor-developed
software and otherwise to make it ready for use must be capitalized.
2.3.7. Documentation When recording the acquisition of IUS in the Accountability Property
System of Record (APSR) and/or accounting system, the software must be assigned a dollar value
(i.e., recorded cost) as detailed in this chapter. Appropriate documentation must be available to
support the dollar value. Paragraph 270302 includes a complete discussion of supporting
documentation related to IUS.
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27-17 To establish proper PP&E financial control when acquiring IUS from
another DoD Component or Federal Agency, the acquiring DoD Component must request from
the losing DoD Component or other Federal Agency, the necessary source information and
financial transfer documents, to include unique identifier(s) for the software(s); location; original
acquisition cost(s); cost of enhancements; the date the software was developed, or acquired; the
estimated useful life; the amount of accumulated amortization; and other relevant information
linked to that software. If this information is not available, the gaining and losing entities must
develop and document a reasonable estimate to support the financial transfer of the software.
*2.4 Recognition (270204)
DoD Components must recognize all acquired IUS for accountability and financial
reporting purposes. Recognition requires the proper accounting treatment (expense or
capitalization with amortization) and the reporting of capitalized amounts and accumulated
amortization on the appropriate DoD Component’s financial statements. For financial reporting
purposes, all IUS that has a useful life of two years or more and meets the capitalization criteria
described in subparagraph 270204.E must be capitalized. IUS that does not meet the capitalization
threshold must be expensed.
2.4.1. Recognition Responsibility The DoD Component’s financial reporting responsibility can be
determined using a two tier criteria: Exclusive/sole Use. When a DoD Component is the
exclusive/sole user of capitalized IUS, it will report the IUS on its Balance Sheet. If there is no
exclusive/sole user, the DoD Component must apply the second criteria. Control. If an exclusive/sole user does not exist, the
DoD Component that controls the IUS will have financial reporting responsibility. Evidence of
control can include funding the software maintenance, exercising access control, and prioritizing
enhancements. DoD Components that possess and/or control IUS items that materially
contribute to the Component’s mission must maintain accounting and financial reporting for such
items, regardless of the organization that originally acquired or provided the funding for the items.
If a DoD Component prepares financial statements, such IUS items must be appropriately
recognized in its financial statements.
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2.4.2. Recognition Uncertainty It is important that the overall accounting records of the DoD and the
Federal Government are not duplicative. In situations where doubt exists as to which
DoD Component should recognize an item, DoD Components involved must reach agreement
with the other applicable DoD Components or Federal agencies as to which entity will recognize
the item. The process used to reach this agreement and the terms of the agreement must be
documented in a memorandum of agreement and be considered supporting documentation. If an agreement cannot be reached, the matter must be referred to the
Office of the Deputy Chief Financial Officer, Office of the Under Secretary of Defense
(Comptroller) for resolution. Requests for resolution must be accompanied by adequate supporting
documentation to assist in resolution of the matter and be submitted through the Financial
Management and Comptroller of the submitting Military Department or Defense Agency.
2.4.3. Recognition Timing Recognition of the COTS IUS for financial reporting purposes must
occur no later than the technical acceptance of the software. IUS in development must be recorded in the Internal Use Software in
Development account (USSGL 183200) during the design, development and testing, and
implementation phases. After technical acceptance testing is completed, an IUS asset will be
recognized, capital costs will be transferred to the Internal Use Software account
(USSGL 183000), and accountability must be established in the APSR. For IUS assets acquired by a contractor on behalf of a DoD Component
(i.e., the DoD Component that will ultimately hold title/license to the assets), the software must be
recognized upon completion of the technical acceptance testing by the contractor performing the
service, or by the DoD Component. Contract financing payments (e.g., progress payments,
performance-based payments, and commercial interim payments) made to a contractor prior to
completion of final technical acceptance testing must be recorded in a Software in Development
account until the IUS is placed-in-service. Upon completion of technical acceptance testing, the
Contractor Acquired Property (CAP) must be capitalized in the appropriate USSGL account. See
subparagraph 270203.F for guidance on the use of the Software in Development account.
2.4.4. Capitalization Thresholds The current IUS capitalization threshold for all DoD Components is
$250,000, except for the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, for which the
capitalization threshold is $1 million.
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27-19 IUS with a cost that equals or exceeds the appropriate capitalization
threshold must be capitalized according to subparagraph 270204.E as an asset in the appropriate
DoD Component’s accounting records and amortized over its useful life. IUS items with a cost
below the appropriate capitalization threshold must be expensed; with the exception of IUS items
acquired as part of a qualifying bulk purchase (see subparagraph 270204.G). The capitalization threshold described in subparagraph 270204.D.1 is for
financial reporting purposes. The requirement for accountability of IUS is discussed in
subparagraph 270204.K.
2.4.5. Capitalization Criteria IUS is recognized and capitalized if it meets the following criteria for
General PP&E: Useful life of two years or more; Intended for use or being available for use by the entity; Not intended for sale in the normal course of business; and Total cost is greater than DoD Component’s capitalization
threshold (as described in subparagraph 270204.D). As development work accumulates, the costs must be entered into an
Internal Use Software In Development account (183200). When the IUS passes final technical
acceptance testing, the accumulated costs must be removed from the “In Development” account
and transferred to the Internal Use Software account (183000). Accounting entries for this account
are specified in the DoD USSGL Transaction Library.
2.4.6. Joint Ventures
If IUS is developed through a joint venture between two or more entities, including at least
one entity outside of the DoD, the DoD Component must capitalize the IUS asset if it meets the
criteria for capitalization, based on its portion of the development cost in relation to the
capitalization threshold. The DoD Component will only record the portion it funded which will
be capitalized if it meets the criteria for capitalization.
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2.4.7. Bulk Purchases of Software Applications/Programs Bulk purchases must be considered if they may materially affect the
fiscal year financial statements during which they were purchased. The determination of whether
an item is material depends on the degree to which omitting or misstating information about the
item makes it probable that the judgment of a reasonable person relying on the information would
have been changed or influenced by the omission or the misstatement. To ensure that the
statements are not materially affected, new bulk purchases of software with an aggregate cost that
exceeds the capitalization threshold must be capitalized. An exception to this requirement includes license agreements that do not
meet the criteria established for capital leases in subparagraph 270204.H. Costs related to such
purchases must be expensed in the period incurred. When multiple acquisitions of the same IUS application(s)/programs
(for example spreadsheets, word processing programs, etc.) or modules or components of a
software system are made as part of a single contract within a fiscal year, the purchases must be
added together to determine whether they meet the capitalization threshold. Purchases made on a
single contract during separate fiscal years are to be considered separately. DoD Components
must not split bulk purchases into multiple transactions with the intent of avoiding capitalization. Bulk purchases of licensed IUS with terms less than two years in length
do not need to be considered for capitalization. Table 27-3 provides capitalization guidelines for
bulk purchase licenses.
Table 27-3. Capitalization is Dependent on Term and Aggregate Purchase Amount
Bulk Purchased License Terms
Aggregate Purchase Amount
License Term < 2 years
License Term = / > 2 years or Perpetual
Under capitalization threshold
License Term = / > 2 years or Perpetual
Equal to or exceeding capitalization
*Maintenance agreements included in the purchase of licenses are not to be considered part of the
cost for this determination.
2.4.8. Software Licenses Software licenses are defined as licenses for which the license holder is
only entitled to use the software for a specified time period, after which the right to use the software
expires and the license must be renewed or a new license purchased in order to continue using the
software. License agreements to use software come in many forms and vary in length of the license
period. Software licenses can be term or perpetual. Term licenses provide the right to use the software for a
specified period of time. The determination of whether term licensed IUS will be capitalized or
not must be based on lease accounting concepts in which the criteria in Table 27-3 are applied.
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27-21 Perpetual software licenses give the DoD Component the right
to use the software in perpetuity in exchange for an upfront cost, which could be charged as a
one-time payment or financed over a set period of time. If the license is perpetual, then the entity
is purchasing the IUS and must apply the capitalization criteria to determine if the license must be
capitalized or expensed. If one of the following criteria applies, the IUS can be expensed and the
lease criteria analysis does not need to be conducted: The license term is less than two years; The license cost (excluding any maintenance agreements) is
less than the capitalization threshold; or The aggregate cost of a bulk license purchase (excluding any
maintenance agreements) is less than the capitalization threshold. See subparagraph 270204.G for
guidance related to bulk purchases of software. If none of the criteria listed in subparagraph 270204.H.2 is applicable,
the capital lease criteria described in Table 27-4 must be applied. If any one or more of the criteria
listed in Table 27-4 apply, the IUS must be recorded as a capital lease.
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Table 27-4. Capital Lease Criteria as Applied to Licenses
The license transfers ownership of the
property to the licensee by the end of the
license term.
For IUS, this would mean that the license transfers
ownership of the intellectual property (e.g., source
code) to the licensee by the end of the license term.
The license contains an option to purchase
the software at a bargain price.
For IUS, this would mean that the license contains an
option to purchase the software intellectual property
(e.g., source code) at a bargain price.
The present value of minimum license
payments, excluding that portion of the
payments representing executory cost, equa
or exceeds 90 percent of the fair value of the
It is very unusual for software to meet this criteria.
The value of the software itself typically far outweighs
a license to use a copy of it.
The license term is equal to or greater than
75 percent of the estimated economic life of
the software.*
Some licenses may meet this criteria. Economic life is
defined as the estimated remaining period during
which the property is expected to be economically
usable by one or more users, with normal repairs and
maintenance, for the purpose for which it was
intended at the inception of the lease, without
limitation by the lease term. For example, a perpetual
license will always be equal or greater than 75 percent
of the estimated economic life. A license term of 5
years for software that has an economic life of 10
years would not meet this criteria.
* The last two criteria are not applicable when the beginning of the license term falls within the last 25
percent of the total estimated economic life of the software. A license agreement may include executory costs for maintenance and
technical support. DoD Component judgment should apply in determining what portions of
license fees are attributable to software capitalizable costs versus executory costs. Assuming lease
capitalization criteria and thresholds are met, software license capitalization amounts may be
derived from the payment schedule contained in the license agreement. As stated in SFFAS 5, if
the portion of the minimum lease payments representing executory cost is not determinable from
the lease provisions, the amount should be estimated. DoD Components may also want to consider
having each license agreement specifically identify the various costs throughout the license life
cycle, for example, initial license, maintenance, and enhancement. Additional guidance regarding accounting for license agreements
includes: Maintenance costs agreed to as part of the initial license
agreement are to be expensed in the period they are incurred; “True-up” costs associated with unlimited license agreements
or enterprise licenses that may occur (depending on the agreement terms) at the end of each year
to reconcile and account for the actual quantity of users will also be expensed; and
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27-23 Software upgrades that are included in annual maintenance
and security assurance agreements should be expensed, not be capitalized as enhancements or
separate assets. License agreements that do not meet the criteria established for capital
leases set out in Table 27-4 must be expensed by the DoD Component in the period incurred.
2.4.9. Cloud and Other Subscription Based Services A cloud computing service is any resource that is provided over the
Internet. It has the following essential characteristics: on-demand self-service, broad network
access, resource pooling, rapid elasticity, and measured service. The most common cloud service
resources are: software as a service, platform as a service, and infrastructure as a service. Cloud
services can take a number of forms. To determine whether the arrangement includes capitalized
IUS, the DoD Component will need to examine the nature of the arrangement and apply the
capitalization criteria. When a DoD Component pays regular subscription fees to access and
use software that is funded, maintained, and owned by a non-DoD entity, the subscription costs
are to be expensed in the period incurred. This scenario is a service and does not constitute an IUS
asset for the DoD Component. A subscription arrangement using a cloud with a non-DoD entity can
result in DoD-owned IUS if the using DoD Component takes possession, or has the ability to take
possession of a software application without incurring a significant penalty. DoD Components
must capitalize this IUS if it meets the capitalization criteria as described in subparagraphs
270204.D and 270204.E. When a cloud or subscription arrangement exists between
DoD Components, the Component that owns the software (see subparagraph 270204.A) will report
it as IUS. The subscribing DoD Component(s) will expense any fees paid for the service in the
period incurred. If a cloud computing arrangement includes a software license, the
customer must account for the software license element of the arrangement consistent with the
acquisition of other software licenses in accordance with the lease criteria discussed in
subparagraph 270204.H. SFFAS 10 is not applicable to a cloud computing arrangement that does
not convey a contractual right to the IUS or to ones that do not include an IUS license. The entity
that develops and owns the software, platform or infrastructure used in the cloud computing
arrangement would account for the software development in accordance with SFFAS 10. If the
funding to develop cloud computing is shared among entities without clear ownership, the service
provider entity that receives funding and is responsible for maintaining the software, platform or
infrastructure must account for the software in accordance with SFFAS 10 and the full
cost/inter-entity cost requirements of SFFAS 4.
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2.4.10. Shared Services Shared services means a mission or support function provided by one
business unit to other business units within or between organizations. The funding and resourcing
of the service is shared and the providing entity effectively becomes an internal/external service
provider. There are three types of shared service structures in the Federal
Government: Intra-agency. Intra-agency shared services include those
provided within the boundaries of a specific organization such as a Federal Department or Agency,
to that organization’s internal units. Intra-agency shared services would be those between one
DoD Component and another DoD Component. Inter-agency. Inter-agency shared services are those
provided by one Federal Organization to other Federal Organizations that are outside of the
provider’s organizational boundaries. Inter-agency shared services would be those between one
DoD Component and another Federal Agency/Organization outside of DoD. Commercial. Commercial shared services are those provided
by private vendors. For intra-agency shared services, a cost allocation methodology could
be developed in accordance with SFFAS 4, paragraphs 120-125. Additional guidance on cost
allocation methodology can be found in the Volume 4, Chapter 19. For inter-agency shared
services and commercial shared services, the service provider entity that owns
(receives funding/responsible for maintaining) the software must account for the software in
accordance with SFFAS 10. In the event that the entity receiving the service (the customer) has
the contractual right to take possession of the software at any time during the hosting period
without significant penalty, and it is feasible for the customer to either run the software on its own
hardware or contract with another party unrelated to the vendor to host the software, then the
customer must account for the software in accordance with SFFAS 10. If the shared service arrangement includes a software license, the
DoD Component must account for the software license element of the arrangement consistent with
the acquisition of their other software licenses, as discussed in subparagraph 270204.H. SFFAS 10
is not applicable to a shared service arrangement that does not convey a contractual right to the
IUS or to ones that do not include an IUS license.
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2.4.11. Accountable Records of IUS
DoD Components must establish accountable records for all government IUS purchased or
otherwise obtained. IUS which meets the criteria for capitalization must be accounted for in an
APSR. IUS which does not meet the criteria for capitalization must be accounted for in either an
APSR or approved managerial system. Managerial systems must contain all general data elements
that would be contained in a data compliant APSR. In addition, managerial systems must have
documented controls and procedures in place that are sufficient to withstand potential audit
scrutiny and support the audit requirement of a complete universe of assets. The primary
Accountable Property Officer or designated delegate should grant managerial system approval.
See DoDI 5000.76.
*2.5 IUS Enhancements (270205)
2.5.1. An IUS enhancement is a modification to existing IUS that provides it with
significant additional capabilities and enables the software to perform tasks that it was previously
incapable of performing. DoD Components must capitalize an enhancement that increases the
capability of the IUS when its cost meets or exceeds the capitalization threshold. Criteria to
capitalize enhancements to IUS differs from that of other PP&E in that changes that merely extend
the useful life or improve efficiency are to be expensed, irrespective of the cost. (Even though the
costs associated with the extension of useful life are expensed, the amortization of any previously
capitalized amount must be extended to reflect that new useful life period.) Capitalizable
enhancements normally require new software specifications and may require a change to all or
part of the existing software specifications. For example, DoD Components should capitalize the
cost of modifying existing software for making ad hoc queries, if it required new software
specifications and/or changes to existing software specifications and it also exceeds the
capitalization threshold. In addition, the DoD Components should expense the nominal charges
paid for enhanced versions of software in the period incurred.
2.5.2. If one module is dependent upon another to function, then those modules must be
evaluated together as one enhancement. Components must amortize all costs of an enhancement
that have been capitalized based on the IUS capitalization criteria, including any costs carried over
or allocated from the original software, over the enhancements estimated useful life, which should
not exceed five years.
2.5.3. DoD Components must begin accumulating costs for enhancements when it is
determined that it is more likely than not that the enhancement will result in new capabilities; and
the project phase in which the costs are being incurred and the nature of the cost meets the criteria
for capitalization treatment set out in Table 27-1; and the estimated total cost of the enhancement
meets the IUS capitalization threshold. When the development of the enhancement takes place
over multiple periods, the costs will accumulate in account 183200 (Internal Use Software in
Development) until the completion of the enhancement (see subparagraph 270207.C on
placed-in-service dates), at which time the costs are moved to account 183000 (Internal Use
2BDoD 7000.14-R Financial Management Regulation Volume 4, Chapter 27
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2.5.4. DoD Components must separately account for enhancements in a manner that
allows them to specifically identify and support each capitalized enhancement made to the IUS.
2.5.5. An enhancement to IUS that meets or exceeds the capitalization threshold to correct
a design flaw, and in effect doubles its useful life, must be expensed in the period incurred, unless
the enhancement adds new capabilities to the software. However, the useful life of the IUS is
subject to adjustment and must reflect the enhancement. Knowledgeable personnel must
determine and document the additional useful life, which should not exceed five years added to
the existing useful life.
2.5.6. The cost of minor enhancements resulting from ongoing systems maintenance or
incurred solely to repair a design flaw without adding additional capabilities must be expensed in
the period incurred. Examples of minor enhancements include updating data tables, web-enabling,
customizing reports, or changing graphic user interfaces. Enhancements that extend the useful life
of the software without adding significant capabilities are to be considered minor enhancements
and expensed. However, in instances where the useful life of the software is extended, the
amortization period must be adjusted as described in subparagraph 270205.E.
2.5.7. A specific software development project may include expenditures for
enhancements and maintenance that cannot be easily separated but may be reasonably and
consistently allocated. One approach that can be used is a ratio based on the projected work hours
for development phase activities relative to other types of work. Such a ratio can be applied to
determine the expenditures that should be capitalized when the expenses meet the other
capitalization criteria. The basis for allocating costs must be applied consistently and in
accordance with GAAP.
2.5.8. Documentation related to IUS enhancement decisions, such as the justification for
capitalizing the enhancement, a change of useful life, and the amount capitalized must be retained.
Specific documents that support these decisions can vary by organization and asset, but could
include an analysis from software developers or a cross-functional review team that defines the
enhancement’s impact on functionality and useful life.
2.5.9. The cost of enhancements to more than one IUS asset as identified by a unique
identifier, when performed under a single contract or work order that cannot be specifically
identified by asset must be capitalized only if the allocated cost per IUS equals or exceeds the
appropriate DoD capitalization threshold and the enhancements are determined more likely than
not to add additional capability to the existing software.
2.5.10. When a single IUS goes under more than one enhancement and the enhancements
are part of one overall effort to increase the software’s functionality, and/or useful life; the sum of
the costs of the enhancements must be capitalized, if the summed costs equal or exceed the
appropriate DoD capitalization threshold. This is required even when the enhancements are
funded separately. The enhancements must be capitalized when the determination has been made
that it is more likely than not that the enhancements will result in new significant capabilities.
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*2.6 Maintenance and Repair (270206)
2.6.1. Maintenance and repair costs are not considered capital enhancements, regardless
of whether the cost equals or exceeds DoD capitalization threshold. Maintenance and repairs are
activities directed toward keeping IUS asset in an acceptable condition so that it continues to
provide services and achieves its expected useful life. Maintenance and repair activities include
subsequent security accreditations (not included in user acceptance testing); software diagnostics;
repair processing and/or performance failures; updates to documentation; minor software updates;
minor corrections to design flaws; and other activities needed to preserve or maintain the software.
Maintenance and repairs, as distinguished from enhancements, exclude activities directed towards
expanding the capacity of IUS or otherwise upgrading it to serve needs different from, or
significantly greater than, its current use.
2.6.2. The costs of maintenance agreements purchased with a software license are not
included in the historical cost of IUS when determining whether to capitalize the IUS. If
maintenance costs are not distinguishable from the cost of the license itself, reasonable and
documented estimating methods must be used. Upgrades that are included in annual maintenance
and security assurance agreements will not be capitalized as enhancements or separate assets.
*2.7 Amortization (270207)
2.7.1. Amortization is the systematic and rational allocation of the acquisition cost of IUS,
over its estimated useful life. The DoD recovery periods (useful life) for IUS amortizable assets
are set out in Table 27-5. The useful life must be determined during the planning phase of the
software development, based on the length of time it is expected to have economic benefit or
service potential to the DoD Component. The decision on the useful life must be documented and
made with input from personnel familiar with the software’s technical characteristics and planned
use. Software acquired for research and development with no alternative future use will be
amortized over the period of the project as opposed to the normal life-cycle amortization.
2.7.2. The recorded cost of IUS and enhancements to IUS, which have been capitalized
according to the guidance in Table 27-1, must be amortized. Such capitalized amounts, as well as
associated amounts of accumulated amortization and amortization expense, must be reflected in
DoD Component’s financial statements.
2.7.3. DoD Components must document the placed-in-service dates for both acquired
IUS and developed IUS. Documented placed-in-service dates are critical in determining when to
start amortization of capitalized IUS costs. IUS is considered placed-in-service when final
technical acceptance testing is completed. The point at which this milestone is reached can vary
for different types of software acquisitions. For IUS acquired through a Major Automated Information System
acquisition program, the Full Deployment Decision date made by the Milestone Decision
Authority will serve as the placed-in-service date.
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27-28 For other IUS system acquisitions, the Initial Operational Capability
(IOC) date will be used as the placed-in-service date. System’s Capability Development
Document (CDD) and/or Capability Production Document (CPD) often define the IOC.
DoD Components can use other supporting documents for acquisitions that do not require a CDD
or CPD. If knowledgeable parties within a DoD Component determine that a
placed-in-service date other than the ones listed in subparagraphs 270207.C.1 and C.2 better align
to the completion of final technical acceptance testing for a specific software acquisition, the
alternate placed-in-service date can be used. However, the DoD Components must document and
justify the decision.
2.7.4. Before beginning amortization, the IUS must have successfully completed final
acceptance testing. This criteria is necessary, especially for internally developed software but also
for contractor-developed and COTS software because testing plays a major role for software assets
by demonstrating that the software product can meet the requirements and of the need for a clear
point for ending the developmental phase.
2.7.5. When IUS is replaced with new software, the unamortized cost of the old software
must be expensed when the new software successfully completes testing. No adjustments will be
made to the previously recorded amortization. Any additions to the book value or changes in
useful life must be treated prospectively. The change should be accounted for during the period
of the change and future periods.
2.7.6. All IUS must be accounted for in an APSR. Figure 27-2 provides a decision tree
to assist in determining what elements of an IUS project should be capitalized for financial
reporting purposes.
2.7.7. Proper supporting documentation must be retained by the program office to justify
the estimated useful life of the program. Examples of proper documentation are engineering
estimates, operational requirements documents, mission needs statements, commercial
industry-equivalent information, contracts, and acquisition documents (such as the
Select Acquisition Report). See paragraph 270302 for additional information on supporting
documentation requirements.
2.7.8. In the case of IUS assets, after the successful completion of the final technical
acceptance testing described in subparagraph 270270.D, the event that triggers the calculation of
amortization is the date the asset is installed and placed-in-service (regardless of whether it is
actually used). In the case of internally developed IUS, the costs of developing the IUS that are
capitalizable should be recorded in the Internal Use Software in Development account (183200)
but are not amortized until the software is placed-in-service, at which time the balance
(total capitalizable development costs) should be transferred to the Internal Use Software
account (183000). Amortization should begin when a module or component has been successfully
tested. If the use of a module is dependent on the completion of another module(s), the movement
from account 183200 to account 183000 will take place and amortization will begin when both
that module and the other module(s) have successfully completed testing and are placed-in-service.
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2.7.9. DoD policy permits the use of only the straight-line method of amortization.
Straight-line amortization expense is calculated based on the recorded cost divided equally among
accounting periods during the software’s useful life based on recovery periods in Table 27-5. The
salvage value for all capitalized IUS for the DoD Components should be zero.
2.7.10. If an IUS asset remains in use longer than its estimated useful life, it must be
retained in the APSR, as well as the accounting records, and reflect both its recorded cost and
accumulated amortization until disposition of the software.
2.7.11. WCF activities are required to recognize and amortize IUS assets in accordance
with the guidance in this chapter without regard to whether such assets are procured through a
WCF activity’s Capital Purchase/Investment Program budget or whether amortization for such
assets is included in rates charged to customers. The recognition of IUS assets and the amortization
of such assets by WCF activities therefore may be different for financial statement reporting
purposes than the amortization amounts used for WCF rate development and budget presentation.
All IUS asset amortization of WCF activities must be recognized as an expense on the Statement
of Net Cost, reflected in the Statement of Changes in Net Position, included in accumulated
amortization amounts on the Balance Sheet, and reported in the “Defense Working Capital Fund
Accounting Report [Accounting Report (Monthly) 1307] (AR(M)1307).” Accounting Report 1307
is described in Volume 6a Chapter 15. Amortization recorded on IUS assets that was not acquired
nor will be replaced through use of Defense WCF resources must be classified as non-recoverable
for rate setting purposes and reported appropriately on the AR(M)1307. Defense WCF rates
charged to customers are based on guidance in Volume 2B and Volume 11B.
2BDoD 7000.14-R Financial Management Regulation Volume 4, Chapter 27
* August 2018
Table 27-5. DoD Recovery Periods for Amortizable IUS Assets
(IUS is capitalized only if it meets the capitalization threshold)
Description of IUS Assets
Recovery Period
Capitalized IUS
2, 3, 4, 5 or 10 Years*
Term of the license agreement
Perpetual Licenses
5 Years
IUS Upgrades
Not capitalized**
Not more than 5 years***
* The useful life will be determined during the planning phase of the asset’s development based on the
length of time it is expected to have economic benefit or service potential to the DoD Component.
** The amortization period of an IUS must be adjusted (not extending more than 5 years) if minor
upgrades resulting from ongoing systems maintenance or repair of a design flaw extend the useful life
of the software without adding additional capabilities. The cost of the upgrades should be expensed in
the period incurred. Also note
the upgrades that do add additional capabilities would be considered
enhancements and would be capitalized and amortized if they meet the capitalization criteria in
subparagraph 270204.E.
***See paragraph 270205 on the criteria for capitalizing versus expensing of IUS enhancements.
*2.8 Impairment (270208)
2.8.1. Impairment must be recognized and measured when one of the following occurs
and is related to post-implementation/operational software: The software is no longer expected to provide substantive service
potential and will be removed from service; or A significant reduction occurs in the software’s or software module’s
capabilities, functions, or uses.
2.8.2. If the impaired software is to remain in use, the loss due to impairment must be
measured as the difference between the book value and either: The cost to acquire software that would perform similar remaining
functions (i.e., the unimpaired functions) or, if that is not feasible; The portion of the book value attributable to the remaining functional
elements of the software.
2BDoD 7000.14-R Financial Management Regulation Volume 4, Chapter 27
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2.8.3. The loss must be recognized upon impairment, and the book value of the asset
reduced accordingly. If neither criteria listed in subparagraph 270208.B can be determined, the
DoD Component should continue to amortize the book value over the remaining useful life of the
software. However, this decision and associated analyses must be documented and retained.
2.8.4. If the impaired software is to be removed from use, the loss due to impairment must
be measured as the difference between the book value and the NRV, if any. The loss must be
recognized upon impairment, and the book value of the asset reduced accordingly. The NRV, if
any, must be transferred to an appropriate asset account until the software is disposed of and the
amount is realized.
2.8.5. When it is more likely than not that a developmental software project will not be
completed, no further costs are to be capitalized and any costs that have been capitalized must be
expensed. Indications that the software development may no longer be completed include: The expenditures are neither budgeted nor incurred to fund further
development; The discontinuance of the business segment for which the software was
designed; The inability to resolve programming difficulties timely; A decision to obtain COTS software instead and abandon the current
software development; or Major cost overruns occur.
2.8.6. When a developmental software project is suspended pending management’s
evaluation as to whether to resume or terminate the project, the software development cost may
remain capitalized in an Internal Use Software in Development account (USSGL 183200) as long
as it is more likely than not that the developmental software project will eventually be completed
and the cost incurred or expected to be incurred meets the capitalization threshold. The status of
the project must be reevaluated periodically and the capitalized cost must be written off if
management concludes that it is more likely than not that the software will not be placed-in-service
in the future.
2.8.7. The loss from impairment, if any, must be recognized and reported in the Statement
of Net Cost in the period in which the DoD Component concludes that the impairment is both
(1) a significant decline in service utility and (2) expected to be permanent. Such losses may be
included in program costs or costs not assigned to programs. A general description of the IUS for
which an impairment loss is recognized, the nature (e.g., damage or obsolescence) and amount of
the impairment and the financial statement classification of the impairment loss must be disclosed
in the notes to the financial statements in the period the impairment loss is recognized if the amount
is significant to the financial statements.
2BDoD 7000.14-R Financial Management Regulation Volume 4, Chapter 27
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2.8.8. The impairment loss must be reported net of any associated recovery of the net
realizable value when the recovery and loss occur in the same fiscal year. Recoveries reported in
subsequent fiscal years must be reported as revenue or other financing source as appropriate. The
amount and financial statement classification of recoveries must be disclosed in the notes to the
financial statements.
2.8.9. The costs incurred to replace or restore the lost service utility of impaired IUS
remaining in use must be accounted for in accordance with applicable standards (i.e., recognized
according to the nature of the costs incurred and the appropriate capitalization threshold).
*2.9 Removal/Disposal (270209)
2.9.1. In TR 14, FASAB defines removal from service as an event that terminates the use
of a General PP&E asset. Removal from service may occur because of a change in the manner or
duration of use, change in technology or obsolescence, damage by natural disaster, or identification
as excess to mission needs. Removal from service must be considered other than permanent unless
(1) the asset’s use is terminated and (2) there is documented evidence of the DoD Component’s
decision to permanently remove the asset from service. If only one of the two business events has
occurred, permanent removal from service has not occurred (i.e., the removal is considered other
than permanent).
2.9.2. If an IUS’s normal use is terminated (i.e., it no longer provides service in the
operations of the entity) but the DoD Component has not yet decided to permanently remove the
IUS from service, the removal from service is considered other than permanent. Other than
permanent removal from service is evidenced by activities such as continuing low-level
maintenance to sustain the IUS in a recoverable status or until reutilization efforts are exhausted.
For example, IUS taken out of service on a temporary basis is considered other than permanently
removed from service. In such cases, the recorded cost of the IUS will remain in the Internal Use
Software account (USSGL 183000). There is no change in the reported value for IUS that have
been other than permanently removed from service and the IUS must continue to be amortized.
Amortization charges to expense for IUS will continue to be recorded in USSGL 183900.
2.9.3. If (1) an IUS’s use is terminated and (2) the DoD Component has documented its
decision to permanently remove the IUS from service, the removal from service must be accounted
for as permanent. Permanent removal from service is evident from the DoD Component’s
documented decision to dispose of an IUS by selling, recycling, or donating the IUS. The recorded
cost as well as the accumulated amortization of an IUS permanently removed from service must
be removed from the accounts in which they are reported, and the IUS must be recorded at its NRV
in a General Property, Plant and Equipment Permanently Removed But not Yet Disposed account
(USSGL 199500). USSGL account 199500 is defined in the DoD Standard Reporting
Chart of Accounts under the DoD Account Definitions tab as the NRV of General PP&E that is
permanently removed from service but not yet disposed and is reclassified in accordance with
FASAB TR 14, paragraphs 10 and 12. NRV is the estimated amount that can be recovered from
disposing of the asset less estimated costs of completion, holding, and disposal. Any difference
between the net book value of the asset and its expected NRV must be recognized as a gain or loss.
Any gain should be recorded in the Gains on Disposition of Assets Other account
2BDoD 7000.14-R Financial Management Regulation Volume 4, Chapter 27
* August 2018
(USSGL 711000); any loss should be recorded in the Losses on Disposition of Assets Other
account (USSGL 721000). The expected NRV should be evaluated at the end of each fiscal year
and any change in NRV should be recognized as a gain or loss. IUS permanently removed from
service is no longer amortized.
2.9.4. When an IUS is disposed of (e.g., by selling, recycling, donating, or destruction)
the IUS must be written off from the financial records and financial statements and the difference
between any disposal proceeds and the IUS’s net book value must be recognized as a gain or loss
as described in subparagraph 270209.C. In such case, if the DoD Component receives a
consideration (e.g., cash) for the disposal, a receipt of cash should be recorded in the Fund Balance
with Treasury account (USSGL 101000). If the funds (consideration received) are not apportioned
to the DoD Component, the fund must be transferred to miscellaneous receipts of the Treasury.
There will be no consideration received for a donation. The disposal start date is the calendar date
of a legally enforceable and recognizable obligation to complete the disposal action. For transfers
and sales, this represents the date on which the instrument is endorsed or operation is ceased,
whichever comes later. For natural disasters, this represents the actual date of the incident.
*3.1 Use of Canceled Treasury Account Symbol (270301)
3.1.1. The Department of Treasury's Governmentwide Treasury Account Symbol
Adjusted Trial Balance System (GTAS) is a data collection system that replaces the reporting
functionalities of Federal Agencies Centralized Trial-Balance System I and II, Intragovernmental
Fiduciary Confirmation System and Intragovernmental Reporting and Analysis System as the
primary means for DoD Components to report their trial balance data to the Department of
Treasury. Capitalized assets are required to be reported and remain in GTAS after the original
purchasing Treasury Account Symbol (TAS) has expired and been canceled. If a capitalized asset
has not been moved to a “C” TAS as described in 270301.B. GTAS will provide a “C” TAS on
the GTAS Super Master Account File (SMAF) for each fund family represented on the SMAF.
The system generated “C” TAS will have three components: the three-digit agency identifier,
availability type "C", and a four-digit main account.
3.1.2. All DoD Components must use the “C” availability type TAS to report capitalized
assets. Assets may be moved to a C TAS at any time from the purchase date to the date the original
purchasing fund cancels. (Refer to the TFM, Part 2, Chapter 4700 for additional information.)
3.1.3. To transfer an asset to a C TAS: Use USSGL account transaction E510 to transfer-out the asset from the
purchasing fund account. Use USSGL account transaction E606 to transfer-in the asset into the
appropriate C TAS.
2BDoD 7000.14-R Financial Management Regulation Volume 4, Chapter 27
* August 2018
3.2 Supporting Documentation (270302)
Entries to record financial transactions in accounting system general ledger accounts
and/or the supporting subsidiary accountable property records and/or systems must:
3.2.1. Be supported by source documents that reflect all transactions affecting the
DoD Component’s investment in the IUS. All acquisitions, whether by purchase, transfer from other agencies,
donation, or other means, must be supported as of the date the DoD Component takes custody of
the IUS. The documents listed in Table 27-6, where applicable, must be readily available to
support the changes in asset value or physical attributes as a result of new acquisition or capital
Table 27-6. Supporting Documentation for IUS Acquisition
Unique Identification
Assignment of unique identifier
Project Approval
Such as, but not limited to, a Work Order
Obligation on Behalf of
the Government
Such as, but not limited to:
1. For contracts, contract modifications, or change orders:
Statement of Work;
Dollar Amount of Contract;
Source of Funds;
Parties to the Contract; and
Signature Page [Signature of All Parties].
2. Documentation of labor hours;
3. Approved Work Order.
Payment Submitted
Such as, but not limited to:
Approved last invoice reflecting the total amount submitted for
payment and received to date;
2. Evidence of in-house development costs, including labor;
Indirect Costs incurred internally by the gaining activity that relate
to the new acquisition or capital enhancement.
Such as, but not limited to:
1. DoD (DD) Form 250, Material Inspection and Receiving Report;
2. Executed acquisition document and appraisal results for the donated
3. Signed agreement for software licenses;
A signoff document confirming key development milestones such
as technical acceptance tests are met;
5. Documents to support the amount that has been expensed versus
capitalized during the software development phase.
6. Executed reversionary document; and
7. Transfer letter and documents for transferred assets.
2BDoD 7000.14-R Financial Management Regulation Volume 4, Chapter 27
* August 2018
27-35 All disposals or retirements must be supported as of the date the IUS
leaves the custody of the DoD Component to provide an adequate audit trail for the disposal of an
asset. The execution of certain disposal events will generate financial or administrative
accountability transactions. These documents, where applicable, must be readily available to
support disposals: ‘Declaration of excess’ document; Approval documentation for the disposal; Original acquisition documents; Legal instruments (such as a license agreement or contract) to
indicate legal obligation to dispose of an asset; Document showing the disposal start date; Receipt documentation; and Transfer documents for transferred assets or as otherwise
stated. Documents that support the recorded cost of IUS assets must be retained
by the DoD Component in accordance with the requirements contained in Volume 1, Chapter 9 or
as otherwise stated. Documentation (original documents and/or hard and electronic copies of
original documentation) must be maintained in a readily available location during the applicable
retention period to permit the validation of information pertaining to the asset such as the purchase
cost, purchase date, and cost of enhancements. The documentation must also be linked to the
appropriate unique identifier(s). Supporting documentation may include, but is not limited to, the
documentation as outlined in this subparagraph. DoD Component asset managers will maintain
all applicable documentation for the retention period outlined in Volume 1, Chapter 9.
3.2.2. Include sufficient information indicating the quantity (as applicable would include
the number of seats for which the IUS asset is loaded; the number of licenses; and/or the number
of copies of a computer disk purchased), location and unit cost (as measured consistently with the
criteria for quantification) of the IUS. The accountable property records must be designed to be
of maximum assistance in making procurement and utilization decisions, including decisions
related to identifying potential excess IUS that may be available for reuse, transfer to other
DoD Components, or made available for disposal in accordance with current DoD regulations and
other regulatory requirements.
3.2.3. Identify and classify IUS that was capitalized, recorded in the APSR and
accounting system, and reported in the financial statements.
3.2.4. Be based on the same documents, to ensure that entries to the accounting and
accountable property records are the same. This will ensure that the property accountability
2BDoD 7000.14-R Financial Management Regulation Volume 4, Chapter 27
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records are integrated and subsidiary to the accounting system and those records can be reconciled
with the accounting system.
3.2.5. Include documents used to accumulate the cost of developmental projects. Each
document must link to the appropriate asset unique identifier. For a listing of those costs that may
be incurred during the development, see Table 27-1.
3.2.6. Include all IUS possessed by the Department (to include property held by others)
and IUS of others held by DoD through seizure, forfeiture, loss, or abandonment.
3.2.7. Provide information to identify and account for licenses, regardless of whether the
license meets the capital lease criteria or whether the value of the licenses exceeds DoD
capitalization thresholds.
3.2.8. Provide information to identify and account for capitalized enhancements to IUS.
*3.3 Reporting Requirements (270303)
DoD Components with IUS should reference a note on the Balance Sheet that discloses
information about the reported IUS assets. See Volume 6B, Chapter 10 for the specific reporting
2BDoD 7000.14-R Financial Management Regulation Volume 4, Chapter 27
* August 2018
*Figure 27-2. Capitalization Decision Tree for IUS Purchased from Commercial Off-the-Shelf
Vendors; IUS Internally Developed by DoD and IUS Developed by a Third Party on Behalf of
Is the software an
Is software purchased,
internally developed or
Does the
license meet
capital lease
Is the software
intended for internal
Does the software have a
useful life of 2 or
more years?
Evaluate the accounting
treatment based on the
intended purpose of the
software (i.e., not
internal use)
Expense license
Capitalize license
amount + any
Does the historical
cost of the software + any
modifications exceed
the cap threshold?
Capitalize cost of
software + any
Purchase or
Add to
equipment cost
or expense based
on SFFAS 6
2BDoD 7000.14-R Financial Management Regulation Volume 4, Chapter 27, Annex 1
* Date
*Annex 1. Definitions and Examples
The following table contains common terms as they are generally defined by information
technology and software programming professionals. It also includes scenarios relevant to IUS.
Classified as IUS?
DoD Examples*
Access Control Software
This type of software, which is
external to the operating system,
provides a means of specifying who
has access to a system and the
specific capabilities authorized users
are granted.
Include with
equipment costs
Application Software
A software program that performs a
specific function directly for a user
and can be executed without access
to system control, monitoring, or
administrative privileges.
Yes - When
criteria is met
Microsoft Excel,
A cloud based environment that is
generally external to the Department
with infrastructure owned and
managed by a third party. Public
cloud services are generally
subscription based.
A cloud based environment that is
generally internal to the Department
and used solely by DoD
Yes – When the
criteria is met,
the DoD
Component that
controls the IUS
has financial
DISA milCloud
Database Management System (DBMS)
Computer software applications that
interact with the user, other
applications, and the database itself
to capture and analyze data.
Yes - When
criteria is met
2BDoD 7000.14-R Financial Management Regulation Volume 4, Chapter 27, Annex 1
* Date
Classified as IUS?
DoD Examples*
Enterprise Resource Planning System
Commercial software that integrates
business information flowing through
the Component. ERP systems contain
functional modules (e.g., financial,
accounting, human resources, supply
chain, and customer information) that
are integrated within the core system
interfaced to external systems.
Yesportions of
ERP systems are
IUS (excluding
any hardware
acquired as part of
the system)
Yesportions of
ERP systems are
Navy ERP,
A program recorded in permanent or
semi-permanent computer memory.
Nomay be
capitalized as part
of equipment
May be capitalized
a part of equipment
Radar system
Freeware / Open Source Software (OSS)
Software that is offered at no cost.
Internet browser
The physical components of IT,
including the computers, peripheral
devices such as printers, disks, and
scanners, and cables, switches, and
other IT equipment.
May be capitalized
as general
depending on
criteria being met
License Annual
A software license that must be
renewed annually to continue using
the software.
No - an annual
license does not
meet the useful life
criteria of 2 years
for capitalization
License Enterprise
A license that allows use of the
software throughout an organization
or for a specified number of users.
Only if it meets
threshold and
capital lease
Office, Oracle
License Perpetual
A software license that gives the
Department the right to use the
software in perpetuity.
Only if it meets
2BDoD 7000.14-R Financial Management Regulation Volume 4, Chapter 27, Annex 1
* Date
*DoD examples provided may or may not be capitalized
Classified as IUS?
DoD Examples*
Computer software that provides
services to software applications
beyond those available from the
operating system.
Yes - If the system
it is part of meets
capital criteria
Linux Kernel
Web-based application that provides
personalization, single sign-on, and
content aggregation from different
sources, and hosts the presentation
layer of information systems.
criteria is met
Audit Response
Center (ARC)
Simulation Software
Based on the process of modeling a real
proposed system with a set of
formulas that allows the
to observe an operation before
Yes When
is met
F-35 Lightning II
Operating System
The software that controls the
execution of other computer
programs, schedules tasks, allocates
storage, manages the interface to
peripheral hardware, and presents a
default interface to the user when no
application program is running.
Include in
equipment costs
Windows, Linux
System / IT System
The term “system” by itself is not
limited to any specific resource. A
system may be any two resources
that work together to produce a
specific outcome. Internal use
software may or may not be one
component of an overall “system”.
components of a
system or IT
system are IUS
Yes - When
criteria is met
Navy ERP,
Utility Program
System software designed to perform
a particular function or system
Include in
equipment costs
CD burner, Disk
virus scan
Web Application
An application that is accessed via
the web over a network.
Yes (assuming it
is owned by a DoD
Yes - When
criteria is met
2BDoD 7000.14-R Financial Management Regulation Volume 4, Chapter 27, Annex 1
* Date
*Annex 2. Alternative Valuation Methodology for Establishing Opening Balances for
Internal Use Software
1.0 Establishing Opening Balances for Internal Use Software (A20101)
1.1 The alternative valuation method for establishing opening balances for Internal Use
Software (IUS) described in Federal Accounting Standards Advisory Board (FASAB) Statement
of Federal Financial Accounting Standards (SFFAS) 50, “Establishing Opening Balances for
General Property, Plant and Equipment: Amending Statement of Federal Financial Accounting
Standards (SFFAS) 6, SFFAS 10, SFFAS 23, and Rescinding SFFAS 35” is available only once
to each reporting entity. Therefore, prior to the establishment of IUS opening balances,
DoD Components must validate that they are prepared to account for and comply with the
recognition, measurement, presentation and disclosure requirements for IUS in accordance with
FASAB SFFAS 10, “Accounting for Internal Use Software.”
1.2 DoD Components must identify any IUS that they have capitalized prior to establishing
opening balances, including capitalized development costs. All DoD Components that have not
previously undergone a financial statement audit where they received an unmodified (i.e., “clean”)
audit opinion will exclude the value of all IUS, including development costs, from opening
balances of General Property, Plant, and Equipment on their Balance Sheet. This means that
DoD Components who have not undergone a financial statement audit where they received a
“clean” audit opinion will adjust their capitalized IUS, including development costs, opening
balances to zero. A DoD Component that has received a “clean” audit opinion should continue to
account for IUS, including development costs, in accordance with FASAB SFFAS 10 and will not
reduce their balances to zero.
1.3 Entries in the DoD Component accounting systems/records to record IUS opening
balances at zero are subject to the reporting requirements under paragraph 13 of FASAB SFFAS
21, “Reporting Corrections of Errors and Changes in Accounting Principles, Amendment of
SFFAS 7, Accounting for Revenue and Other Financing Sources”. Accordingly, the entries will
be reflected as a change in accounting principle. Any adjustments must be properly documented
and supported to assist ongoing audit efforts.
2.0 Financial Statement Disclosure Requirements (A20102)
DoD Components who adjust their opening IUS balances, including development costs, in
accordance with subparagraphs A.20101.B and A.20101.C, must disclose in their financial
statements that an alternative valuation method was applied in establishing their opening balances.
This disclosure must describe the alternative valuation method used in the first reporting period in
which the reporting entity makes an unreserved assertion that its financial statements, or one or
more line items, are presented fairly in accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting
Principles. An unreserved assertion is an unconditional statement.
2BDoD 7000.14-R Financial Management Regulation Volume 4, Chapter 27, Annex 1
* Date
3.0 Prospective Accounting for Internal Use Software (A20103)
3.1 Once the opening balances for IUS have been recorded at zero as described in paragraph
A.20101.B, the DoD Components shall capitalize IUS costs for IUS placed-in-service and IUS in
development in accordance with the provisions of FASAB SFFAS 10 for which guidance is
provided in Chapter 27. This capitalization requirement includes IUS development costs incurred
after the establishment of opening balances for projects started prior to the establishment of
opening balances. The DoD Components must have sufficient source documentation to support
the capitalized amounts of IUS based on actual historical cost. The DoD Components must apply
the provisions of FASAB SFFAS 10 regarding amortization and impairment to any unamortized
capitalized cost of the IUS.
3.2 The DoD Components should also fully implement the systems, internal controls,
processes and procedures to be compliant with accounting for IUS under FASAB SSFAS 10.
They must also periodically review and update the documentation of the systems, processes, and
procedures as needed.