Thomas D. Beamish
Department of Sociology University of California, Davis One Shields Ave. Davis, CA 95616
Wk: 530 754 1036 Fax: 530 752 0783 tdbeamish@ucdavis.edu http://sociology.ucdavis.edu/people/tdbeamis
2015-Present Professor, Department of Sociology, University of California, Davis
2006-2015 Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, University of California, Davis
2003/2006 Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, University of California, Davis
2001/2003 Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, University of Georgia
1999/2001 Post-Doctoral Fellow, Institute of Governmental Affairs & Graduate School of Management,
University of California, Davis
1999 Ph.D. Department of Sociology, University of California, Santa Barbara
1992 M.A. Department of Sociology, University of California, Santa Barbara
1990 B.A. Department of Sociology, Western Washington University
1990 Minor Social Psychology, Department of Psychology, Western Washington University
Risks, Hazards, & Environment; Community Politics and Social Movements; Institutions, Organizations,
& Economy; Science, Technology, & Innovation Studies
2015 Dean's Innovation Award for exceptional innovation in research and scholarship, College of Letters and
Science, Division of Social Sciences, University of California, Davis.
2014 Mentoring Award, Mentorships for Undergraduate Research in Agriculture, Letters, and Science
(MURALS). Office of Student Affairs, College of Letters and Science, University of California, Davis.
2012/2013 Environmental Governance and Climate Change. (Co-organizer w/ Debbie A. Niemeier and Ryken
Grattet) National Science Foundation, Grant Number #1244252, Law and Social Sciences Directorate,
National Science Foundation, Arlington, VA.
2012 Grant recipient, California Cultures Initiative, Summer Research Support, “Making the Invisible, Visible:
Comparing California and EU Response to Crescive Environmental and Health Risks.” Davis
Humanities Institute, University of California, Davis. Summer/Fall.
2011/2012 Grant recipient, (w/ Julie Sze) California the Great Exception? Conversations on Environment, Health &
Risk. Part of the California Cultural Initiative’s, Thinking Regionally Research Seminars,Davis
Humanities Center, University of California, Davis. Fall/Winter/Spring.
2011/2012 Grant recipient, Grant in Aid of Research, Academic Senate, University of California, Davis:
2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2005, 2004.
2009 Collaboration Award, Co-Chair, Project Team, implementation of UC Davis’ Wide Area Rapid
Notification System (WARN), Office of Administration, University of California, Davis.
2005-2009 Grant recipient, “Biosafety or Biohazard: Organizational Pursuit and Community Response to a
Safety and Preparedness Initiative.” National Science Foundation. Grant Number #0509812, Division
of Civic, Mechanical, and Manufacturing Innovation, Subsection Infrastructural Systems Management
and Hazard Response, National Science Foundation, Arlington, VA.
2004 Excellence in Education Award. Associated Students, Academic Affairs Commission, University of
California, Davis.
2003-2005 Research Fellowship, Hazards and Disaster Research Fellows, National Science Foundation,
Arlington, VA. (see http://www.ncsu.edu/project/nextgen/ )
2003/2004 Grant Recipient, Teaching Resources Center Instructional Grant, University of California,
2003/2004 Grant Recipient, Junior Faculty Research Grant, Institute for Governmental Affairs, University
of California, Davis.
2002/2003 Speakers Series Grant Funds, The Georgia Workshop on Culture and Institutions, Faculty
Seminar Program, Center for Humanities and Arts, the University of Georgia.
2000 Best Dissertation of 2000, “Silent Spill.” Dissertation Competition, Organizations and the Natural
Environment, Academy of Management.
1999-2001 Post-Doctoral Research Fellowship, U.S. Department of Energy, Lawrence Berkeley Labs,
California Institute of Energy Efficiency in conjunction with the California Energy Commission. Project
title: Energy, Technology, and Organization in the Commercial Construction Industry. Principal investigators Nicole
W. Biggart (UCD), Loren Lutzenhiser (WSU) and Rick Kunkle (WSU). Project report is available at
http://ciee.ucop.edu/ and http://ciee.ucop.edu/docs/market_struc.pdf
1999 Spaulding Dissertation Endowment, “Silent Spill,” Department of Sociology, University of California,
Santa Barbara.
1996-1998 Research Fellowship, University of California Toxic Substances Research and Teaching Fellowship, Project
title: “Silent Spill: Responsible Party, Remedial Agency, and Community Response to a Case of
Creeping Contamination.” The Toxic Substances Research and Teaching Program, University of
California, Davis.
1991/1992 Grant Recipient, Project title: “Collective Recollections: The Creation and Effect of Collective
Memory on War Time Dissent.Institute for Global Conflict and Cooperation Grant, University of
California, San Diego. See, Journal of Social Problems “Who Supports the Troops? Vietnam, the Gulf War
and the Making of Collective Memory” Vol. 42, No. 3. (August 1995): 344-360.
Community at Risk? Biodefense and the Collective Search for Security. (2015) Stanford University Press: Palo
Alto, California.
Silent Spill: The Organization of an Industrial Crisis. (2002) Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Excerpted in Leslie King and Deborah McCarthy. Environmental Sociology: From Analysis to Action. (2005)
Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield.
Excerpted in Ron Matson (ed.). The Spirit of Sociology: A Reader (Penguin Academics Series). (2005) Allyn
& Bacon.
Articles & Chapters
Capital and Carbon: The Shifting Common Good Justification of Energy Regimes. (w/ Nicole W.
Biggart) Research in the Sociology of Organizations. (Forthcoming 2017).
Climate Change and Legitimate Governance: Land Use and Transportation Law and Policy In
California.” (w/ Deb Niemeier and Ryken Grattet.) The Brooklyn Law Review. Vol. 82, No. 2
(Forthcoming 2017).
Deb Niemeier, Ryken Grattet, & Thomas D. Beamish. 2015. “Blueprinting for Climate Change? When
Promise of Regional Transportation and Land Use Planning Outruns Performance Outcomes." (w/
Deb Niemeier and Ryken Grattet) Environment & Planning C: Government & Policy. Volume 17, pp.
Institutionalization: Social Heuristics, Economic Decisions, and Innovation Adoption.” (w/ Nicole W.
Biggart). In Institutions and Ideals: Phillip Selznick’s Lasting Legacy for Organizational Scholarship.
Matthew S. Kraatz (ed.). Research in the Sociology of Organizations. (2014) Vol. 44, Emerald Group
Publishing Limited.
“The Role of Social Heuristics in Project Centered Production Networks: Insights from the Commercial
Construction Industry.” (w/ Nicole W. Biggart) Engineering Project Organization Journal. (2012) Vol.1, No.4.
“A Roadmap for Research - Characterizing the Impacts of Uncertainty in the Policy Process: Climate
Science, Policy Construction, and Local Governance Decisions.” (w/ D.A. Niemeier, A. Kendall, C. de
la Pena, R. Grattet, J. London, M. Rios, J. Sze). In Transition towards Sustainable Mobility: the Role of
Instruments, Individuals and Institutions. Harry Geerlings, Yoram Shiftan, and Dominic Stead (eds.). (2012)
Surrey, UK: Ashgate Press.
"Mesoeconomics: Business Cycles, Entrepreneurship, and Economic Crisis in Commercial Building
Markets." (w/ Nicole W. Biggart) in Markets on Trial: The Economic Sociology of the U.S. Financial Crisis: .
Research in the Sociology of Organizations. Michael Lounsbury and Paul Hirsch (eds.). Bingley. (2010) UK:
Emerald Group Publishing.
“Alliance-Building Across Social Movements: Bridging Difference in a Peace and Justice Coalition.” (w/
Amy J. Luebbers) Social Problems. (2009) November, Vol. 56, No. 4.
“The Logic of Risk Distribution: Site Fights and Resisting Global Toxics." A Review Essay. Social
Movement Studies. (2009) Vol. 8, No. 3, August, pp. 295-298.
“Economic Sociology in the Next Decade and Beyond.” American Behavioral Scientist. (2007) Vol. 50, No. 8,
“Economic Development.” Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology. (w/ Nicole W. Biggart). George Ritzer (ed.)
(2006) Malden, MA and Oxford, UK: Blackwell Press.
"Economic Worlds of Work: Uniting Economic Sociology with the Sociology of Work." (w/ Nicole W.
Biggart) In Social Theory at Work. Marek Korczynski, Randy Hodson, and Paul Edwards (eds.). (2006)
New York and Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
"Mental Models." In International Encyclopedia of Economic Sociology. Jens Beckert and Milan Zafirovski (eds.).
(2005) London, UK: Routledge Press.
“The Economic Sociology of Conventions: Habit, Custom, Practice and Routine in Market Order.(w/
Nicole Biggart) Annual Review of Sociology. (2003) 29:44364.
“Waiting For Crisis: Regulatory Inaction and Ineptitude and the Case of the Guadalupe Dunes Oil Spill.”
Social Problems. (2002) Vol. 49, No. 2. May: 150-177.
“Environmental Hazards and Institutional Betrayal: Lay Public Perceptions of Risk in the San Luis
Obispo County Oil Spill.” Organization and Environment. (2001). Vol. 14, No. 1, March: 5-33.
“Accumulating Trouble: Complex Organization, a Culture-of-Silence, and a Secret Spill.” Social Problems.
(2000) Vol. 47, No. 4. November: 473-498.
“Who Supports the Troops? Vietnam, the Gulf War and the Making of Collective Memory.” (w/ Harvey
Molotch, and Richard Flacks) Social Problems. (1995) Vol. 42, No. 3. August: 344-360.
Reprinted in Moulder, Frances. Social Problems of the Modern World: A Reader. (2000) Belmont, CA:
Wadsworth Press.
“Capital and Carbon: The Shifting Common Good Justification of Energy Regimes.” w/ Nicole Woolsey
Biggart. Research in the Sociology of Organizations. Under Review.
Published Essays, Published Book Reviews, & Alternative Media
“Putting Social Movements in their Place: Explaining Opposition to Energy Projects in the United States,
2000-2005.” by Doug McAdam and Hilary Schaffer Boudet. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University
Press. In Contemporary Sociology: A Journal of Reviews. American Sociological Association, Thousand Oaks,
CA: SAGE Press. (2014)
“Calculating Risk: Status Quo is The Enemy.” 2012. Featured, Executive Education Blog, Published
online at http://gsm.ucdavis.edu/blog-feature/calculating-risk. (July 24, 2012).
“The BP Disaster and Hobson’s Choice of Oil Production." in Climate Progress (http://climateprogress.org)
Washington DC: Center for American Progress Action Fund. Also published online at MIT Press Log,
http://mitpress.typepad.com/mitpresslog/ and in the American Sociological Section’s Environmental and
Technology Quarterly Newsletter. (Summer 2010)
"Oil vs. People." A published Q&A in the Socialogue section of Wonderlance: the Monthly Digital Magazine
http://www.wonderlance.com/mdm_july2010.html. East Sussex, United Kingdom: MDM
Wonderlance Wonderlance Ltd. (Summer 2010). See and
“Minding the Machine: Preventing Technological Disasters.” William M. Evan and Mark Manion.
(Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall). Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management, (2005) Vol. 13, No. 1, pp.
“Polanyi Symposium: A Conversation on Embeddedness.” Krippner, Greta, Mark Granovetter, Fred
Block, Nicole Biggart, Thomas D. Beamish, Youtien Hsing, Gillian Hart, Giovanni Arrighi, Margie
Mendell, John Hall, Michael Burawoy, Steve Vogel and Sean O’Riain. Socio-Economic Review (2004)
“Organizations, Policy, and the Natural Environment: Institutional and Strategic Perspectives.” By
Andrew J. Hoffman and Marc J. Ventresca (eds.). (Stanford University Press). American Journal of
Sociology. (March 2003)
“Failure Is Not an Option: Mission Control from Mercury to Apollo 13 and Beyond.” By Gene Kranz.
(New York: Penguin Putnam). Technology and Culture. Volume 43, Number 3, July, pp. 645-646 (July
“The Case for Corporate Responsibility: Corporate Violence and the Criminal Justice System.” By David
Bergman (Disaster Action: London, UK). The Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management. 241-242.
(December 2001)
“Why Innovation Happens: Structured Actors and Emergent Outcomes in the Commercial Buildings
Sector.” (w/ Rick Kunkle, Loren Lutzenhiser, and Nicole W. Biggart) Consumer Behavior: 2000 American
Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy. Washington, DC: ACEEE. August: 8.13 - 8.25.
“The Tri-Counties as Technological Innovation Motivator.” California Islands Symposia Compendium. Cost
Mesa, CA: MBC Environmental Sciences. Vol. 5, pp. 686-694. (February 2000)
“Santa Barbara Channel Post-Petroleum Economy: Environmental Consulting Proliferates.” (w/ Krista
Paulson) California Islands Symposia Compendium. Santa Barbara, CA: MBC Environmental Sciences. Vol.
5, pp. 698-702. (February 2000)
“The Spitting Image: Myth, Memory, and the Legacy of Vietnam.” By Jerry Lembcke (New York
University Press). Contemporary Sociology: A Journal of Reviews. pp. 433-434. (July 1999)
“1941-1945 Indochina at the Crossroads: Colonialism, Trusteeship, or Independence?” Electronically
published, University of California, Santa Barbara. (July 1998)
See at http://www.soc.ucsb.edu/projects/casemethod/sitemap.html
Published Book Length Reports
The New Commercial Buildings Industry. Report for the California Institute for Energy Efficiency. (Lutzenhiser, Loren,
Nicole W. Biggart, Rick Kunkle, Thomas D. Beamish and Thomas Burr)
http://ciee.ucop.edu/docs/market_struc.pdf (2001)
Petroleum Extraction in San Luis Obispo County: An Industrial History. (Thomas D. Beamish, Harvey Molotch,
Perry Shapiro, and Randolph Bergstrom) Final Report, Project 14-35-0001-30796, Department of
Interior, Minerals Management Service, Pacific OCS Region. Camarillo, CA: Ocean Coastal Policy
Center, Marine Science Institute, University of California, Santa Barbara. (December 1998) (See
http://www.mms.gov using “Beamish” as the search term.)
UCSB Employees Grade Their Medical Plans. (Bruce C. Straits, Steven Velasco, Timothy Wun, Jeremy
Teitelbaum, Elizabeth Jackson, Mathew Mutchler, Thomas D. Beamish and Sherre Neal). A Report to the
Academic Senate’s Welfare Committee and the Administrative Services’ Benefits Office, University of California,
Santa Barbara. (October 1997)
Invited Speaker
“Community at Risk: Biodefense and the Collective Search for Security.” Book presentation sponsored by
the Department of Sociology, SLA Center of Scholars, and the Environmental Studies Program,
Tulane University, New Orleans, LA. April 9, 2016.
Climate Change and Legitimate Governance: Land Use and Transportation Law and Policy in
California.Invited Speaker. The Post-Carbon World: Advances in Legal and Social Theory.
Convened at the Brooklyn School of Law. Brooklyn, NY. February 19, 2016.
“Environmental Movements, Inaction, and Inertia.” Invited Discussant, American Sociological
Association Meetings, San Francisco, CA. Aug. 16-19, 2014.
“Organization, Culture, Risk.” Invited Workshop Organizer, Convener, and Speaker. Genentech
Corporation/Executive Education UC Davis Graduate School of Management, UC Davis Conference
Center. February 5, 2012.
“Community at Risk? Biodefense and Civic Action after the Anthrax Attacks.” Invited speaker. The
Groupe de Sociologie Pragmatique et Réflexive, École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, Paris,
France, November 2012.
“Managing Organizational Risks.” Invited Speaker. Genentech Corporation, Vacaville CA, August 16,
“Community at Risk? Biodefense and Civic Action after the Anthrax Attacks.” Reckoning with the Risk of
Catastrophe, 7th Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (German Research Foundation) and the National
Science Foundation collaboration, “DFG-NSF Research Conference,National Academies:
Washington, DC. October 3-5, 2012.
Community at Risk? Biodefense and Civic Action After the Anthrax Attacks.37th Annual Natural
Hazards Research and Application Workshop, Broomfield, Colorado, Saturday, July 14 - Tuesday, July 17,
“The Science & Politics of Environmental Crisis” Invited Discussant, Thematic Session: Conflict,
Controversy and Science. American Sociological Association Meetings. Las Vegas, NV, Aug. 2011.
“Social Heuristics: Decision Making and Innovation in a Networked Production Markets.” Presentation
to Collaboratory for Research on Global Projects, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering,
Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA. May and October 2010.
Nature and the Organization of Economic Life. Invited Discussant, American Sociological Association Meetings,
San Francisco, CA. Aug. 9, 2009.
What’s Happened to Environmental Activism? Invited Speaker, Session 5 Chair and Presenter at 45 Years of
Democratic Activism: Legacies and Learning, University of California Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara
California, May 5, 2006.
Economic Sociology in the Next Decade and Beyond. Invited Panelist, American Sociological Association
Meetings, Philadelphia, PA August 15, 2005.
Death of Environmentalism Roundtable. Invited panelist and Presentation, John Muir Environmental Institute,
University of California, Davis, CA. February 28, 2005.
Silent Spill. Presentation, Campus Authors Celebration, Peter J. Shield Library, University of California
Davis, Davis, CA. October 28, 2003.
Project Bioshield: ‘Bio-Safety’ or ‘Bio-Hazard’? Proposal idea presented at Enabling the Next Generation of Hazard
Research, National Science Foundation Fellowship and Workshop. Wood Hole, MA. July 24-28, 2003.
Constructing Markets. Presentation to the Department of Sociology, University of California, Davis. Davis,
CA. December 2002.
Silent Spill. Presentation to the Department of Sociology, University of Georgia, Athens, GA. January
Silent Spill. Presentation to the Department of Sociology, University of California Riverside. Riverside,
CA. January 2001.
The Construction Industry as Risk Averse and Innovation Constraining. Guest lecture in Innovations and
Organization. Graduate School of Management, University of California, Davis, Instructor Professor
Nicole W. Biggart. March 2000.
Risk and Risk Research. Presentation to Pricewaterhousecoopers Fellowship Committee, Centre for Analysis
of Risk and Regulation Risk, London School of Economics. London, UK. December, 2000.
Silent Spill. Presentation to the Department of History, Technology and Society, Georgia Institute of
Technology, Atlanta, GA. November 2000.
Silent Spill. Presentation to the Department of Sociology, University of California, Davis. Davis, CA.
January 2000.
Silent Spill. Presentation to the Department of Sociology, University of California, Santa Barbara. Santa
Barbara, CA. February 1999.
Organizations, Work, and Bounded Rationality. Guest Lecture: An Introduction to Sociology. Department of
Sociology, University of California, Santa Barbara. Professor Leonard Nevarez, Instructor. May 1999.
Creeping Contamination: Remedial Agency, Responsible Party, and Community Response to a Large Scale, Long Term, Yet
Silent Spill. University of California Toxic Substances Teaching and Research Symposia. San Diego,
CA. April 1997.
Mobilizing Information, a Spiral of Silence, and the Agenda Setting Function of Mass Media. Guest lecture, Sociology
of Mass Communications. Department of Sociology, University of California, Santa Barbara. Professor
Krista Paulsen, Instructor. October 1997.
Forecasting Oil into the Future: The Oil Industry, Environmentalism, and Pollution Interdiction as an ‘Industrial’ Pursuit.
Quality Review Board Meeting, University of California, Santa Barbara, Ocean Coastal Policy Center,
Marine Sciences Institute, sponsored by Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Services,
Pacifica OCS region. November 1996.
A Critique of the Mass Media. Guest lecture, Sociology of Mass Communications. Department of Sociology,
University of California, Santa Barbara. Professor Steven Spencer-Stiegner, Instructor. July 1995.
Conference Presentations
“Community at Risk? Biodefense and Civic Action after the Anthrax Attacks.” Reckoning with the Risk
of Catastrophe, 7th DFG-NSF Research Conference, National Academies: Washington, DC, October
3-5, 2012.
"Blueprinting Efficiencies: Planning Against Sprawl, Traffic Congestion, and Climate Change in
California’s Central Valley." (w/ Ryken Grattet, and Deb Nemeier) in Energy, Organization, Society
Workshop. Gallagher Hall, University of California, Davis, California: The Energy Efficiency Center,
Graduate School of Management, and Department of Sociology. October 2011.
“The Gulf Spill: The Hobson's Choice of Oil Production.” In the Human Dimensions of Oil Spills.
Annual Meetings of the American Association of Geographers. Seattle, Washington, April 2011.
“Social Heuristics: Decision Making and Innovation in a Networked Production Market.” 2nd Joint
Seminar Organized by Stanford CRGP and Aalto University, Seminar on Global Projects, Business
Networks and Project Business, Conveners Raymond Levitt, Karlos Artto, Kim Wikstrom, Jaakko
Kujala, Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA. October 6-8
, 2010.
“Social Heuristics: Decision Making and Innovation in a Networked Production Market.” Sub-theme 08:
Institutions and Knowledge: Sources and Consequences. Annual Meeting of the European Group for
Organizational Studies, Department of Economics Management, the Universidade Nova de Lisboa,
Lisbon, Portugal. June 30 July 3, 2010.
“Business Cycles, Entrepreneurship, and Economic Crisis in the Commercial Building Market: Toward a
Mesoeconomics.” The Markets on Trial Workshop, Convened by Michael Lounsbury (University of
Alberta) and Paul Hirsch (Northwestern University), Kellogg Graduate School of Management,
Northwestern University, Evanston, IL. October/November 2009.
“Peace and Justice: Learning from an Alliance to Stop a Hot Lab in Boston’s South End.” Presented at
the Annual Meetings of the American Sociological Association. Boston, MA. Aug. 2008.
“BioSafety or BioHazard? A 'Hot Lab' LULU in Boston's South End.” (w/ Amy Luebbers) Faculty Diversity
and Environmental Justice Research Symposium. University of Michigan, School of Natural Resources and the
Environment. June 2007.
“Grounding Innovation in Social Process.” Paper presented at the European Group on Organizations,
Journal of Organizational Studies Summer Workshop. Conveners Robert Chia, Ann Langley, and
Haridimos Tsoukas. Santorini, Greece. June 12-13, 2005.
“Project Bioshield: ‘Bio-Safety’ or ‘Bio-Hazard’?” Presentation at Enabling the Next Generation of Hazard
Research, National Science Foundation Fellows Workshop. Pleasant Valley, CO. July 7-10, 2004.
“Theorizing Exchange as Organizing Work.” Regular Session. Economic Sociology: New Approaches to
Network Formation and the Evolution of Exchange Systems. Annual Meetings of the American
Sociological Association. San Francisco, CA. August 2004
“Markets as Regimes: Explaining Change and Stability, Competition and Consensus in Economic
Contexts.” SCANCOR Institutions Conference. CERAS, Stanford University. March 26-27, 2004.
“The Economy as Inter-subjective Process.” Paper presented to the Georgia Workshop on Culture and
Institutions. University of Georgia, Athens, GA. February 28, 2003.
“Constructing a Market: Conventional Practice and Market Order in the U.S. Commercial Buildings
Industry" Paper presentation, Economic Sociology: Inter-firm Networks. American Sociological Association.
Chicago, ILL. August 2002.
"Constructing a Markets.” Mini-conference. The Next Great Transformation? Karl Polanyi and the
Critique of Globalization. Alumni and Visitors' Center, University of California Davis. Co-Conveners:
Nicole Biggart, Fred Block, and Sean O'Riain. April 12-13, 2002.
“Constructing a Field: Conventional Practice and Coordinated Economic Action.” Paper presentation:
Research Workshop on Institutions, Conflict, and Change (ICC3), James L. Allen Center, Kellogg Graduate
School of Management, Northwestern University. Co-Conveners: Matt Kraatz and Marc Ventresca.
December 8-10, 2000.
“The Resource Agency Beat: Waiting for a Tanker on the Rocks.” Paper presentation. Section:
Organizations and Technological Disasters at the Annual Meetings of the American Sociological Association.
Washington, DC. August 2000.
“Incrementalism and Habituation: The Social Anatomy of a Chronic Pollution Event.” Paper submission
and presentation. Session 5.6: Inscribing Nature: Discovery, Disclosure, and Reaction at the Annual Meetings of
the Society for Social Studies of Science. San Diego, CA. October 1999.
“A Case of Contamination.” Paper submission and presentation. Section: Environmental Sociology at the
Annual Meetings of the American Sociological Association. San Francisco, CA. August 1998.
“Silent Spill: Responsible Party, Remedial Agency, and Community Response to a Case of Creeping
Contamination.” Paper submission and presentation. Section: Environmental Sociology at the Annual
Meetings of the Pacific Sociological Association. San Francisco, CA. April 1998.
“Community Identity, Environmental Aesthetics, and Industrial Negligence.” Paper submission and
presentation. Session: Art, Science, and Politics at the North American Interdisciplinary Conference on
Environment and Community. University of Nevada-Reno. February 1998.
Collective Behavior/Collective Action
Social & Political Ecology
Environmental Sociology
Greening Business: Moving Beyond
Compliance towards Green Strategy
Institutions & Organizations
Organizations & Technology Management
Sociology of Complex Organizations
Sociological Research Traditions & Field
Instructor Training
1997 “Sociological Case Work Group. Under the supervision of Dr. John Foran, with grant sponsorship from
the Institute of Global Conflict and Cooperation and UCSB Instructional Development, participated in
a year long work-shop that developed cases for social science curriculums.
1996 “Preparation for Faculty Roles in Higher Education.” Interdisciplinary Studies Workshop. University of
California, Santa Barbara.
1995 “Teaching the Case Study Method.” Workshop Facilitator, Dr. John Boehrer, Kennedy School of
Government, Harvard University. Sponsored by University of California, Santa Barbara.
Professional/Campus/Division Service Work
Committee Member, Deans Advisory Committee. Division of Social Sciences, University of California,
Committee Member, Science and Technology Studies Program Committee. University of California,
Editorial Board, Qualitative Sociology, Current Editor David Smilde, Department of Sociology, Tulane
Committee Member, Division of Social Sciences Steering Committee. Division of Social Sciences,
University of California, Davis.
Board Member, Mellon Research Initiative in Environments & Societies, Davis Humanities Center,
University of California, Davis
Committee Member, Science and Technology Studies Program Committee. University of California,
Editorial Board, Qualitative Sociology, Current Editor David Smilde, Department of Sociology, Tulane
Committee Member, Division of Social Sciences Steering Committee. Division of Social Sciences,
University of California, Davis.
Board Member, Mellon Research Initiative in Environments & Societies, Davis Humanities Center,
University of California, Davis
Committee Member, Science and Technology Studies Program Committee. University of California,
Editorial Board, Qualitative Sociology, Current Editor David Smilde, Department of Sociology, Tulane
Convener. Environmental Governance and Climate Change. Co-organizer w/ Debbie A. Niemeier and
Ryken Grattet, National Science Foundation, Grant Number #1244252, Law and Social Sciences
Directorate, National Science Foundation, Tahoe Research Center, University of California, Davis.
June 2013.
Convener. Managing Organizational Risks, Workshop for Senior Managers and Engineers, Genentech
Corporation held at the UC Davis Conference Center. Co-organizer w/ Executive Education,
Graduate School of Management, UC Davis. February 2012.
Committee Member. Science and Technology Studies Program Committee. University of California,
Editorial Board, Qualitative Sociology, Current Editor David Smilde, Department of Sociology,
University of Georgia.
Organizer. California the Great Exception? Conversations on Environment, Health & Risk. Co-
Organizer (w/ Julie Sze, American Studies). California Cultural Initiative, Thinking Regionally
Research Seminars, Davis Humanities Center, University of California, Davis. April June 2012.
Convener. The Energy, Organization, Society Workshop. (w/ Nicole W. Biggart, Energy Efficiently
Center and Graduate School of Management). Gallagher Hall, University of California, Davis: The
Energy Efficiency Center, Graduate School of Management, and Department of Sociology. October
Committee Member, Science and Technology Studies Program Committee. University of California,
Board Member/Participant, Mellon Research Initiative in Environments & Societies, Davis Humanities
Center, University of California, Davis
Editorial Board, Qualitative Sociology, Current Editor David Smilde, Department of Sociology,
University of Georgia.
Department Alternate, Academic Senate Assembly Representative, Department of Sociology, University
of California Davis.
Editorial Board, Qualitative Sociology, Current Editor David Smilde, Department of Sociology,
University of Georgia.
Review Board, “Innovation in Sustainable Construction Process,” Eva Boxenbaum, Director,
Copenhagen Business School, Frederiksberg, Denmark. Jointly funded research Denmark and France.
Board review (2011).
Science and Technology Studies Program Committee. University of California, Davis.
REACH Trainer, (REsponding to RApid Environmental Change) Integrative Graduate Education and
Research Traineeship (IGERT) program funded by the National Science Foundation, University of
California Davis.
Session Organizer, Open Paper Session, “Social Organization and Risk” for the American Sociological
Association annual Meetings in Atlanta, Georgia. August 14-17.
Science and Technology Studies Program Committee. University of California, Davis.
REACH Trainer, (REsponding to RApid Environmental Change) Integrative Graduate Education and
Research Traineeship (IGERT) program funded by the National Science Foundation, University of
California Davis.
Science and Technology Studies Program Committee. University of California, Davis.
Wide Area Rapid Notification System (WARN), Co-Chair, Implementation Project Team, University of
California Davis.
REACH Trainer, (REsponding to RApid Environmental Change) Integrative Graduate Education and
Research Traineeship (IGERT) program funded by the National Science Foundation, University of
California Davis.
Nominations Committee, Organizations, Occupations, and Work Section of the American Sociological
Reviewer, Grant Review for The UC France-Berkeley Fund. Winter 2008
Science and Technology Studies Program Committee. University of California, Davis.
Session Organizer (w/ Patrick Carroll) of Open Paper Session, “Science, Technology, and Environments”
for the American Sociological Association annual meeting in New York, New York. August 2007.
Science and Technology Studies Program Committee. Department Science and Technology, University
of California, Davis.
Program Chair, Economic Sociology Section, American Sociological Association Meetings, Philadelphia,
PA. August 2005.
Department of Sociology Liaison, Science and Technology Search Committee, University of California
Transitioning to and Thriving in the First Faculty Year, Professors for the Future Program, University of
California Davis, Davis CA. January 5, 2005.
Session Recorder, Annual Boulder Hazards Workshop. Boulder, CO. July 11-14.
Presider, Disasters. Regular Paper Session, American Sociological Association Meeting, San Francisco,
CA. August 2004.
Awards Committee, Student Paper Competition, Environment and Technology Section of the American
Sociological Association, Annual Meeting. Atlanta, GA. August.
Co-founder and organizer, The Georgia Workshop on Culture and Institutions, University of Georgia-
Athens, Athens GA
Awards Committee, Dissertation Competition, Organizations and the Natural Environment Section,
Academy of Management, Annual Meeting. Seattle, WA. August 2003.
Emergency Management Group, Planning and Intelligence, Academic and Personnel Representative,
University of California, Davis.
Roundtable Presider. Negotiating Rationality in Organizations. American Sociological Association
Annual Meeting. Chicago, ILL. August 2002.
Newsletter Editor, Organizations, Occupations, and Work Section of the American Sociological
Session Organizer. Organizations, Innovations, and Technological Change. Pacific Sociological
Association Annual Meeting. San Francisco, CA. March-April 2001.
Newsletter Editor, Organizations, Occupations, and Work Section of the American Sociological
Session Organizer. Organizations and Technological Disasters (co-sponsored session Organizations,
Occupations, and Work & Science, Knowledge, and Technology sections of the American Sociological
Association). American Sociological Association Annual Meeting. Washington, DC. August.
Nominations Committee. Science, Knowledge, and Technology section of the American Sociological
Association. Fall.
Department Committees/Service Work
Chair, Graduate Program Committee, Department of Sociology, University of California Davis
Chair, Graduate Program Committee, Department of Sociology, University of California Davis
Chair, Graduate Program Committee, Department of Sociology, University of California Davis.
Chair, Graduate Program Committee, Department of Sociology, University of California Davis.
Undergraduate Advisor, Department of Sociology, University of California Davis.
Graduate Program Committee, Department of Sociology, University of California Davis.
Merit Committee, Department of Sociology, University of California Davis.
Sabbatical. Winter/Spring 2010
Merit Committee, Department of Sociology, University of California Davis.
Chair, Undergraduate Program Committee, Department of Sociology, University of California Davis.
Merit Committee, Department of Sociology, University of California Davis.
Chair, Undergraduate Program Committee, Department of Sociology, University of California Davis.
Graduate Student Professionalization Committee, Department of Sociology, University of California
Parental leave. Winter/Spring 2006
Urban and Community Sociology Search Committee, Department of Sociology, University of California
Colloquium Committee, Department of Sociology, University of California Davis.
Colloquium Committee, Department of Sociology, University of California Davis.
Graduate Program Committee, Department of Sociology, University of California Davis.
Department News Letter (w/ Vicki Smith), Spring 2004, Department of Sociology, University of
California, Davis.
Colloquium Committee (w/ David Kyle), Spring/Fall 2004, Department of Sociology, University of
California Davis.
Graduate Group, Ad hoc Membership Committee, University of California, Davis.
Commencement, Organizational Studies Representative, University of California, Davis.
Undergraduate Program, University of California, Davis.
Colloquiums Committee, Chair, Department of Sociology, University of Georgia-Athens.
Colloquiums Committee, Department of Sociology, University of Georgia-Athens.
Work, Organizations, and Occupations Area Committee, Department of Sociology, University of
Science and Technology Search Committee. Graduate Student Representative, Department of Sociology,
Faculty Hire, University of California, Santa Barbara.
Reviewing Duties
2015 Contemporary Sociology, Social
Problems, National Science Foundation
2014 - Oxford University Press, International
Journal of Mass Emergencies and Disasters,
Sage Press
2013 - Ashbury Publishing, Qualitative
Sociology, International Journal of Mass
Emergencies and Disasters, Contemporary
2012- Contemporary Sociology, Mobilization,
Qualitative Sociology
2011 - MIT Press, Administrative Science
Quarterly, Mobilization, Qualitative Sociology,
Journal of Transportation Research Part A:
Policy and Practice
2010 - Organization and Environment,
American Journal of Sociology, Social Problems,
City and Community
2009 - Mobilization, Social Problems, Social
Movement Studies, American Journal of
Sociology, Sociological Inquiry, National
Science Foundation, Administrative Science
2008 - Social Problems, Sociological Inquiry,
Organizational Studies, and Journal of
Environmental Management, National Science
Foundation, University of Minnesota Press
2007 - Social Forces, Journal of Organizational
Studies, Social Problems
2006 - Social Forces, Journal of Organizational
Studies, Social Problems
2005 - Sociological Forum, Administrative
Science Quarterly, Journal of Contingencies and
Crisis Management
2004 - Social Problems, Administrative Science
Quarterly, Social Forces
2003 - American Journal of Sociology, Social
Problems, Rutledge Press, Humanity and
Society, Technology and Culture, Journal of
Business Research
2002 - Social Problems, Organization Science,
Sociological Forum, Qualitative Sociology,
Journal of Contingencies and Crisis
Management, Journal of Business Research
2001 - Social Problems, Social Sciences
Quarterly, Academy Management Journal
1999 - Contemporary Sociology
(Past and present)
American Sociological Association
The Academy of Management
European Group on Organizations
Society for the Study of Social Problems
Pacific Sociological Association
Association for Environmental Studies and