International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ISSN 0973-4562 Volume 13, Number 8 (2018) pp. 6089-6097
© Research India Publications.
Digital Marketing & SMEs: An Identification of Research Gap via Archives
of Past Research
Ms. Priyanka Pradhan
Research Scholar, AKTU, Lucknow, India.
Dr. Devesh Nigam
Professor, Bundelkhand University, Jhansi, India.
Dr. C.K. Tiwari
Associate Professor, STEP-HBTI Kanpur, India
As per the report of Boston Consulting (BCG) and internet
mobile association of India (IAMAI) 2015, the internet
population increased 25 times in the last 12 years. The
reinvention of marketing requires a re-examination of existing
techniques and practices to assure their appropriateness for
changing global digital environment. The need to carry out
research on usage of digital marketing in the Small and medium
enterprises is utmost importance.
The main objective of this research is to develop a clear
understanding about existing research related to SMEs and
digital marketing. This paper aims to empirically explore all the
different research points related to studies of digital marketing
published between 2005 and 2016 and explore different
methodologies adopted by researchers in the field of SMEs.
For analyzing, review of the literature concerning the usage of
digital marketing in SMEs, the author used systematic analysis
and classify the published data of marketing journals,
economic, business and management journals and IT journals
along with online accessible newspapers and reports. In this
paper, author proposes a model of DOI (Diffusion of
Innovation), Everett Rogers’ five dimensional model, for
understanding the studies on Indian SMEs’ decisions to use
digital marketing.
The result indicated lack of structured research studies in order
to use digital marketing in small businesses in India. The study
covers many related areas such as: Electronic commerce,
electronic platforms, Mobile marketing, E-marketing and many
other research areas. There are clear research gap in field of
digital marketing, to fill the same, there is need to conduct
research to investigate the opportunities created by digital
marketing for Indian SMEs. The use of different methods in
reviewing the similar phenomenon should lead to greater
validity and reliability than single method. Authors’
recommends that triangulation approach will help in answering
future researcher’s questions and filling the research gap in this
This paper may give clearer view towards the published work
in the field of digital marketing. Beneficiaries of this research
may be industrialists, policy maker, practitioners, researchers
and academicians.
Originality/ Value
The outcomes of the study illustrate the research gap
between digital marketing and its usage in SMEs. It may
also facilitates better approach towards accumulated
knowledge in the field.
Keywords: Digital marketing, Small to medium enterprises,
Innovation, Internet, research Gap.
Google India (2012) showed that in India over 40% of SMEs
used internet for advertising and over 58% of SMEs used their
website to generate direct business leads. According to Digital
India 2016, a report by Octane Research, 80 % of Indian
advertisers’ trust that integrated campaigns (email, social, and
versatile) can bring about direct to-noteworthy increments in
conversion rates. This means businesses need a digital
marketing strategy that is in sync with academic research.
Digital marketing conceptualizes one for all digital campaign
providing numerous benefits to n number of customers at one
click. Not merely marketing products and services using digital
technologies moreover seeking efficiencies and effectiveness
through our campaigns, operations and management. SMEs
have demonstrated a considerable strength maintaining a
consistent rate of growth and employment generation during
the years and have shown an appreciable performance. In
recent years we have seen a gradual development of e
marketing and other e mediums in marketing efforts to certainly
connect with our conscious customers. An SME’s ability to
learn and acquire knowledge prepares it for further steps of
growth, which ultimately determines whether the SME is able
to progress to the next stage of development (Blackburn, 2016)
International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ISSN 0973-4562 Volume 13, Number 8 (2018) pp. 6089-6097
© Research India Publications.
Merging SMEs with digital marketing will definitely get a new
kick to its working and efficiency helping us to reach our
customers and getting their feedbacks within no time. The
author sights implementing digital marketing in small and
medium enterprises can change both the shape and nature of its
business all over the world. The further study will talk about
SMEs and digital marketing and scope of digitization in India.
SME (Small Medium Enterprises)
What constitutes an SME? It streamlines non-subsidiary
independent firms employing less than a given number of
employees as this number varies across different countries.
Small and micro enterprises (SMEs) section 7 of MSMED Act
2006 provides us the basis of classification between the
activities and the investment size. Manufacturing Enterprise
over here is defined in terms of investment in Plant &
Machinery. Whereas enterprises engaged in rendering of
services are defined in terms of investment in equipment.
MSME comes up with a second highest ratio of workforce after
agriculture providing benefits and employment within the
country. According to Fruhling and Siau (2007), the human
capital accessible within the organization is likely to be a
fundamental factor in effective innovation. Consequently,
management strengths should be focused on nurturing and
exploiting these strategic resources (Wernerfelt, 1984). The
census rose up to 40% this year and generated 3.25lakhs of
jobs. As a report claims that MSMEs contribution in GDP
(Gross Domestic Product) will be raised by 22% in 2020 from
17% in 2011. Indeed MSME is the triggering point in the
economy and provoking the other sectors as well to compete
with the usage of digital marketing. SMEs should merge up
with digital marketing to enhance its working, to boost up its
skills and have significant results. The ever evolving trend in
the market and the changing needs mounts up the core working
in both the sectors. The research renders relevant actions to be
taken on the usage of marketing in SMEs and even studies the
past researches done by scholars in the field from last 10 years.
Digital marketing outlines the use of technologies in marketing
efforts and business practices with the marketing of goods,
services, information and ideas via internet, mobile phones,
display advertising and other e mediums. Data driven
marketing uncovers various tactics to approach, attract, aware,
delight and lead customers to online marketing. Digital
marketing has been cited by many acknowledged writers and
unlikely state their views to the same. Making reference to this
Strauss and Frost define it as: “The use of electronic data and
applications for planning and executing the conception,
distribution and pricing of ideas, goods and services to create
exchanges that satisfy individual and organizational goals”
(Strauss and Frost, 2001: 454). Smith and Chaffey define it as:
“Achieving marketing objectives through applying digital
technologies”. (Smith and Chaffey, 2005: 11). Digital
marketing advances business development and brand value
ensuring growth and better visibility.
Table 1: Definition of Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises
Manufacturing Sector
Investment in plant & machinery
Does not exceed twenty five lakh rupees
More than twenty five lakh rupees but
does not exceed five crore rupees
More than five crore rupees but does not
exceed ten crore rupees
Service Sector
Investment in equipment’s
Does not exceed ten lakh rupees:
More than ten lakh rupees but does not
exceed two crore rupees
More than two crore rupees but does not
exceed five core rupees
Source: (Development Commissioner MSME)(Mathew,
2014)(RBI) (MSME, 2014)
With this study author wants to associate the working of digital
marketing with SMEs and the past researches in order to fulfil
the gap between digital marketing and its usage in SMEs.
SMEs need to be ready on the status of digital marketing as
comprehensive winning strategies adopted will give a vigorous
start on marketing campaigns.
The root cause of this study is to develop a thorough
understanding about the existing researches associated with
SMEs and digital marketing. The objective is to explore past
researches and methodologies as adopted. Preparing the
complete archive of past and existing work will further help us
a bridge the gap and create opportunities for research work and
even for SMEs to get familiar with digital marketing. The
research believes that digital marketing still needs to be
analyzed and get a knowhow for the same.
Accordingly, the questions that study attempts to answer are:
Different research points as of studied from 2005 to
2016 in context with digital marketing and SMEs.
International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ISSN 0973-4562 Volume 13, Number 8 (2018) pp. 6089-6097
© Research India Publications.
Reviewing related platforms and decisions taken for
the use of digital marketing in Indian SMEs along with
research points
The study aims to advance a comprehensive framework related
with the past archives and methodologies of digital marketing
and SMEs published between 2005 and 2016. Research
explores and analyzes the different approaches adopted by
researchers intended to contribute knowledge in the field.
Propositioning a model of DOI (Diffusion of
Innovation) with categories of researchers;
Providing archives of past research in context with
digital Marketing and SMEs: to analyze the gap
between them.
Exploring the methodologies implemented by
Since the research studies past methodologies by the scholars it
will thus help us to have a holistic understanding of the use of
digital marketing in Indian SMEs.
Qualitative research facilitate academics to cultivate a deeper
understanding of experiences, procedures, difficulties, and
events (Bluhm, Harman, Lee & Mitchell, 2011). The paper is
a descriptive analysis of the literature of digital marketing
with regard to SMEs.The research will offer an observation
and an insight into the subject of SMEs embarking digital
marketing. Digital marketing is an unclear concept for
researchers, it needs further research. Various researchers and
practitioners misusing it and mixing some other concepts like:
Electronic commerce, electronic platforms, Mobile marketing,
E-marketing and many other research areas. Researchers
agreed that the qualitative method is suitable for understanding
the business activities in SMEs because it helps explain rather
than predict or measure the phenomena (Bettiol, Di Maria, &
Finotto, 2012; O’Donnell et al., 2011). A majority of the
sources used in this paper are peer reviewed articles extracted
from various databases published between 2005 and 2016.The
journals and case studies of following database has been
reviewed :
Emerald data Base
Sage data Base
Spinger data base
Others / Reputed indexed journals
In addition to article, accessible e-newspapers and reports have
been studied. An attempt has been made to link various recent
researches to present an integrated picture and identify the gaps
in the existing research. The study also provides a direction for
future researches.
The author reviewed the literature by executing three stages of
the search. The author initiated by determining the database
that could be considered as the potential publications in the area
of digital marketing. The study further states the size of the
database, collections of management journals, newspapers;
provides a comprehensive bibliography of digital marketing
literature. The other stage investigates the different research
points and methodologies applied in the literature of digital
marketing and Small and medium enterprises (SMEs). Using
Electronic commerce, Electronic platforms, Mobile Marketing,
E marketing as key points provide broader insights in the
research. Sample size of the study is;
Articles published in journal (44) Articles published in
accessible e-newspapers (8) Reports (8)
Lastly relevant research studies were identified to come up with
an accurate and fair representation of the literature
characteristics and to investigate the research points,
methodologies and methods used in contemporary Digital
Marketing research.
Diffusion of Innovation Model
Innovation is a social rather than a solely individual
process...occurring among a variety of stakeholders rather than
as a matter of transfer or dissemination of technology or ideas’
(Engel 1997, p.125). Innovation is ‘an idea, practice or object
that is perceived as new by an individual or other unit of
adoption’ (Rogers 1995, p.11). The diffusion of innovation
model (Rogers 1995) identified a number of categories of
adopter, based on the speed with which they adopted the
innovation. The SMEs can easily bring in the innovative
marketing practices as they don’t have layers between the
decision makers and the people who implement these
decisions. With the perspective of connection and change,
the paper is to come up with a model for studies on digital
marketing with respect to Indian SMEs. Within the academic
research points, there are five categories of researchers,
following table will represent.
International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ISSN 0973-4562 Volume 13, Number 8 (2018) pp. 6089-6097
© Research India Publications.
Represent by 2005-07,
researchers in the academic
research and they discover
uses for the new technology.
i.e Digital marketing
Represent by 2008-09, they are opinion researchers and theorists.
Represent by 2010, researchers are taking digital marketing as research point into
deliberation at most.
Represent by 2011-13, researchers in the academic research and they are used to
reconsideration of existing theories generated by early researchers.
Represent by 2014-15, they used to wait until everyone else has examined the topic,
representing 16% of consumers.
Figure 1: Diffusion of Innovation Model: Categories of researchers
However, the diffusion of innovation model derived by Roger,
as well as the study of Digital marketing in Indian SMEs is still
in its infancy. After completing the literature review survey, the
next stage is the development of theoretical framework, along
with the discussion of the methodologies and research points.
Research designs adopted for Past research’s Archives
Although limited in background knowledge, this paper presents
a brief literature review on digital marketing from 2005 to 2015
in order to explore how digital marketing and applications have
studied in this period. It was analyzed that the majority of the
researchers depended on Survey and literature review method
of study with percentage of 30% and 27%, respectively, of the
total number of studies and a percentage of 5% of the
experimental studies. On the other hand while 18 % of the
exploratory Studies, 11 % of them case study and Conceptual
strategy is only 9%. This represent that, budding research
studies are conceptual, case studies and experimental in the
Figure 2: Research Design adopted by researchers
Methodologies adopted for Past research’s Archives
Figure 3: Qualitative Vs. Quantitative
By studying the literature, it is found that the majority of
researchers in the field of Digital marketing depended on
Quantitative and Qualitative methodologies from 2005 to 2015.
In this respect, researchers depended on Qualitative
methodologies in 48% of the total number of studies and on
Quantitative methodologies in 52 %of the total number of
Content Analysis of Past research’s Archives
SMEs require proper guidance in making the right choice of
technology suited to their needs. It has been observed that 32%
studies out of the total academic researchers were based on
digital marketing. Authors analyzed that there were 41%
studies based on mixed contents like ICT, Information systems,
mobile marketing etc. It can represent there is lack of studies
which may reflect the clear picture of Digital marketing, E-
commerce and Internet marketing.
Taxonomy of Research Studies: 2005-2016
Table 2 illustrates the distribution of articles published in the
online database of journal related to the research topic i.e.
digital marketing and SMEs from 2005 to 2015.
Early researchers
Late majority
Early majority
2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
Case Study
International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ISSN 0973-4562 Volume 13, Number 8 (2018) pp. 6089-6097
© Research India Publications.
Table 2: Journals and its articles related with digital marketing and SMEs
Journal of Small
Business and Enterprise
Journal of Indian
Business Research
International Journal
of Emerging Markets
Journal of Enterprise
International Journal
of Educational
Measuring Business
Journal of Research in
Marketing and
Benchmarking: An
International Journal
Journal of
The Marketing Review
Management Research
Journal of Business &
Industrial Marketing
Industrial Management
& Data Systems (
Emerald )
Social Responsibility
Business Process
Management Journal
Asia Pacific Journal of
Marketing and
International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ISSN 0973-4562 Volume 13, Number 8 (2018) pp. 6089-6097
© Research India Publications.
Telematics and
Procedia Economics and
Journal of International
Electronic Commerce
Small Business
International Journal of
Management and
Enterprise Development
International Journal of
Innovation of
Engineering and
Research Journal of
Management Sciences
Management Decision
International Journal of
Business and Social
International Journal of
Engineering Research
and Applications
Indian Journal of
International Journal of
Applied Research
International journal
Management and
International Journal of
Computer Sciences
and Engineering
Indian Journal of
Science & Technology
Articles as on Newspapers and Research Reports
The various agencies, including government, have to create a
support to SMEs for enabling their participation in the digital
economy. The interventions could be to allow SMEs to exploit
business information resources, turning them into accessible,
visible products, thus creating favorable conditions for firms to
access business information, know-how, training and
technology (Said, 2000)
International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ISSN 0973-4562 Volume 13, Number 8 (2018) pp. 6089-6097
© Research India Publications.
Table 3: Articles published in e-newspaper and reports; Short examination
Business standard December 26, 2014
Sokrati eyes SMEs for digital marketing business
Business Standard Magzine September 28,
Digital India has opened a new window for growth: Rajiv Srivastava
Business Standard April 25, 2016
Digital India fillip for IT MSMEs
Business Standard
Karan Chodhury New Delhi April 17, 2016
E-commerce firms ride Make in India to reach rural markets. Paytm to
induct 5,000 manufacturers and sellers; has started programmes to
identify and train new sellers
Hindu Business Line
November 23, 2015
E-lala to take small traders online. The portal will serve nearly 5.77
crore small traders in the country.
Press information bureau
July 27, 2015
NSIC launched a B2C e commerce portal
VC Circle
April 17, 2013
Digital marketing and analytics service provider (SOKRATI)
introduced performance based commission model for small and
medium businesses focusing social online marketing.
Economic Times
July 14, 2015
Financial help provided to India’s MSMEs through e-commerce
platform. SIDBI and Snapdeal partnered together to render financial
and non-financial support to small and medium sized business.
‘Social Media in India 2013’ Internet and
Mobile Association Of India (IAMAI)
The number of social media users in Urban India would reach 86
million in October this year, and 91 million by the end of this year.
Marketing Analytics Benchmark Report by
Marketing Sherpa 2013
66% of surveyed marketers report acting on data to improve marketing
performance is the most important objective for marketing analytics in
We are social 2016 by US Central Bureau,
136 million users are active social media users in India.
116 million are active mobile social users in India.
Digital India 2016 by
For 50% Indian Marketers, e-Marketing income commitment is over
85% of the Marketers are following incomes produced through e-
Marketing exercises for their business.
50% of Respondents report that e-Marketing exercises are contributing
over 10% of shares of their incomes.
80% of Indian Marketers trust that integrated campaigns (Email, Social
and Mobile) can bring about direct to critical increment in conversation
NSS Report 2014
Usage of computer in Uttar Pradesh (Age wise Analysis)
Literary percentage at Uttar Pradesh
Report by Boston Consulting Group(BCG)
and Internet and Mobile Association of
India(IAMAI) 2015
The internet population increased 25 times in last 12 years. The internet
population estimated to reach half billion in 2018, making India the
second largest population of Internet users in the world.
National Skill Development Report 2013
Potential and Skill Gap in Uttar Pradesh
ASSOCHAM Report , 2016
MSME Sector in Uttar Pradesh: Exceeds its Target in 11th FYP both
in Number and Employment
International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ISSN 0973-4562 Volume 13, Number 8 (2018) pp. 6089-6097
© Research India Publications.
The author reviewed the literature on digital marketing and its
usage on SMEs. Were it can be seen that the past research work
done is on focusing social media and social users in country.
Rather Government need to work upon its potential usage on
these sectors to uplift the effectiveness of small business. The
statistics provided by these reports are easily inference about
the lack of studies in the sector of SMEs and digital marketing.
Thus there is a need to create a proper blend of statistics and
digital marketing in small and medium business enterprises in
Research methodologies employed in Digital Marketing
research from 2005 2016 could be a very helpful resource to
guide researchers searching for a suitable methodology in the
area of Digital Marketing through providing a good
understanding for the methodologies used by other researchers
in the field.Despite of the rapid growth of digital marketing in
the industry we can see a little advancement in SMEs. The
literature work need to be progressed to give advancement to
other beneficiaries of this research.Findings and issues of the
paper will be highly useful for SSIs in framing their
strategies, and academia for further research in the context
of changing market scenario.
Limitations represent the potential shortcomings of the study.
The foremost is even after having many medium to go for a
research the author based on newspaper study and journals
available. This is due to the time limit of this study, and
therefore, generalizations cannot be made.
There is still a need for further academic research within the
field of digital marketing and SMEs participation. A suggestion
for further research is to perform a quantitative, qualitative and
conceptual research, where one can provide a new dimension
to the study. This paper will help SMEs in shaping their
competitive strategies and policy formulation by respective
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