Sunsetting Traditional NOAA Paper Charts
End of Paper and Raster Nautical Chart Production
Introduction of NOAA Custom Charts
Office of Coast Survey November 14, 2019
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
This document has been superseded by a
new Nautical Charting Plan, available at
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Cover photo: Commander John Bortniak, NOAA Corps (retired)
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Table of Contents
INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................................................................................... 4
THREE PARTS OF THE SUNSET ................................................................................................................................................ 4
AFFECTED PRODUCTS ............................................................................................................................................................. 4
VECTOR ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 4
RASTER ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 5
NOAA CUSTOM CHART (NCC) ................................................................................................................................................. 5
THIRD-PARTY DATA PROVIDERS............................................................................................................................................. 8
SCHEDULE .............................................................................................................................................................................. 8
CRITERIA FOR CANCELLING INDIVIDUAL CHARTS ..................................................................................................................................... 8
SUNSET RATIONALE ............................................................................................................................................................... 8
CHANGING CHART FORMATS AND REGULATIONS.................................................................................................................................... 9
ADVANTAGES OF FOCUSING ON ENC PRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................ 9
USCG CHART CARRIAGE REQUIREMENTS AND OTHER REGULATIONS .................................................................................. 10
TRANSITION OF LNM AND NM ....................................................................................................................................................... 10
ANNEX A - DESCRIPTION OF NOAA RASTER CHART PRODUCTS ............................................................................................ 11
NOAA PAPER NAUTICAL CHART ....................................................................................................................................................... 11
OTHER RASTER CHART PRODUCTS AND SERVICES ................................................................................................................................. 12
ANNEX B - GLOSSARY ........................................................................................................................................................... 14
ANNEX C SAMPLE USCG LOCAL NOTICE TO MARINERS ENTRIES ........................................................................................ 15
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As was noted in the National Charting Plan, released in November 2017, NOAA has been
reviewing different approaches for making paper nautical charts more efficiently
. This
Sunsetting Traditional NOAA Paper Charts document or "Sunset Plan" describes NOAA's
decision to sunset that is, gradually and completely end production of the traditional
NOAA paper
nautical charts and related raster products by January 2025. This is part of a
strategy to improve the availability of the most up-to-date data for marine navigation in
other NOAA products.
This strategy includes the development of an alternative paper product called the NOAA Custom Chart (NCC),
which as the National Charting Plan predicted will be, "a slightly different looking nautical chart product."
This document provides an overview of activities that NOAA is undertaking to facilitate the transition.
Three parts of the sunset
The sunset effort will wind down and ultimately stop production of all traditional NOAA paper nautical charts
within five years. To facilitate the transition of paper and raster chart users, and other stakeholders to Electronic
Navigational Chart (NOAA ENC®) based products, NOAA is soliciting feedback from chart users and commercial
entities that provide navigational products and services based on NOAA raster chart and ENC products.
Information gathered from these discussions will inform and shape the manner and timing in which the sunset
process will proceed. Comments and suggestions about improving the paper chart sunsetting process may be
submitted through the ASSIST feedback form at
There are three major components of the sunset effort that will facilitate a successful transition while continuing
to support safe navigation.
Improve the consistency and level of detail provided by NOAA's primary chart product, the Electronic
Navigational Chart.
Promote use of paper chart products based on ENC data, either through the NOAA Custom Chart web app
being developed by NOAA or through third-party commercial providers selling ENC-based chart products.
The orderly shutdown of all traditional NOAA paper and other raster nautical chart production.
Efforts to improve ENCs and develop the NOAA Custom Chart web application have been ongoing for several
years now. The shutdown of paper and raster chart production may start as early as mid to late 2020.
Affected products
NOAA maintains over 1,200 individual ENC charts (also called cells). These range from small scale "overview"
charts used for voyage planning to large scale "berthing" charts. NOAA is undertaking a multi-year program to
rescheme all ENCs into a standard, rectangular, gridded layout. This will ultimately result in an ENC product suite
of over 9,000 ENCs. Many of these will be compiled at larger scales than the ENCs they replace, providing more
detailed coverage than ever before. More information about ENC rescheming is available in the “Advantages of
See pages 29 and 30 of the National Charting Plan: A Strategy to Transform Nautical Charting at URL:
NOAA ended Federal Government printing of paper nautical charts in April 2014, but continued partnering with commercial,
NOAA certified, Print-on-Demand (POD) vendors to continue providing traditional paper nautical charts to the public. The
availability POD traditional paper nautical charts will end by January 2025.
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focusing on ENC production” section in this document and in the separate Transforming the NOAA ENC®
NOAA also maintains a suite of over 1,000 paper nautical charts, which are printed and distributed through
NOAA's certified print-on-demand (POD) chart agents. Other NOAA products, based on the paper chart images
created for POD, consist of Raster Navigational Charts (NOAA RNC®), full-size nautical chart images in Portable
Document Format (PDF), and reduced scale 8.5" x 11" size BookletCharts™. The RNC Tile Service and online RNC
Viewer are also part of NOAA's raster chart production.
All paper and raster chart production, as well as the RNC Tile Service and the online RNC Viewer, will be shut
down by the end of the sunset period.
Raster and Vector Charts
Raster charts are digital or paper images of traditional nautical charts. The image comprises rows of color
pixels or dots of ink on paper charts which form the text and symbols that make up the chart.
Vector charts, such as ENCs, are digital data that store features as pairs of latitude and longitude coordinates
(as opposed to a matrix of pixels). Records associated with each feature provide detailed information, such as
the feature's color, shape, purpose, quality of position, and other attributes.
Although the base data used by NOAA to create raster and vector chart products is the same, a significant
amount of product "finishing" is needed to output a paper or raster chart that is not required for ENCs.
NOAA Custom Chart (NCC)
The online NOAA Custom Chart application enables users to create their own charts from the latest NOAA ENC
data. Users may define the scale and paper size of custom-made nautical charts centered on a position of their
choosing. NCC then creates a geospatially referenced Portable Document Format (GeoPDF) image of a nautical
chart. Chart notes and other marginalia are placed on a separate PDF page. Users may then download, view, and
print the output. NCC is an easy way to create a paper or digital backup for electronic chart systems or other
Global Positioning System (GPS) enabled chart displays.
A comparison of NOAA Chart 11412 and the corresponding NOAA Custom Chart is shown in Figures 2 and 3 on the
following pages. Although it looks a bit different from a traditional NOAA chart, NCCs show the latest data as
compiled in the NOAA ENCs. NOAA's existing paper charts can be months behind the corresponding ENC chart.
The prototype is in the early phases of development and
many improvements are needed to make NCC a viable
replacement for traditional paper nautical charts. Some
ideas that we are working on are shown in Figure 1.The
sunsetting of traditional NOAA paper nautical charts
makes optimizing NCC more important than ever. We
hope you will try out the NCC prototype at
and tell us what
you think through the ASSIST feedback form at
Figure 1. Some NOAA Custom Chart Improvement Ideas
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Figure 2. "Traditional" NOAA paper nautical chart
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Figure 3. NOAA Custom Chart
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Third-party data providers
In addition to the NOAA Custom Chart web app providing users with PDF nautical charts that can be printed,
existing NOAA print-on-demand (POD) paper chart agents may also be able to print and ship NCC style charts to
customers. Some other commercial vendors also sell paper charts derived from ENC data.
Ultimately, NOAA will cancel all traditional paper nautical charts and their corresponding raster chart products,
but this will not occur all at once. The early part of the transition will include time for coordinating with customers
and partners, as well as planning the many details of how the raster sunsetting process will proceed. The later
part of the transition will include making the final modifications to websites, brochures, and other product
promotional materials; updates to chart production specifications and databases; and other actions needed to
reflect the commitment to enhancing and maintaining the NOAA ENC product. Table 1 provides a general
overview of the timeline.
2019 - 2020
Consult and coordinate with nautical chart data providers, users, POD
agents, and other stakeholders.
Complete development of policies and procedures for the orderly
cessation of raster chart production.
2020 - 2023
Systematically cancel NOAA paper and raster nautical charts.
Cancel remaining NOAA paper and raster nautical charts.
Make final modifications to the chart production system and
documentation for ENC-only production.
Make final modifications to NOAA websites and other chart related
informational and education materials.
Table 1. General five-year timeline for cancelation of NOAA raster chart products.
Criteria for cancelling individual charts
The criteria for canceling individual charts are still being developed and may change as the paper and raster
sunsetting proceeds. No comprehensive schedule, list, or prioritization of pending chart cancelations will be
published. However, when a chart is identified for cancellation, the print-on-demand version of the chart will be
updated with a note stating that it is the last edition of the chart and it will be cancelled 6 to 12 months later.
Final notification of a chart's cancelation will be posted on the NOAA List of Latest Editions
webpage and in the
Local Notice to Mariners.
The following criteria will likely be the basis for the order in which most chart cancellations take place. A chart
may be canceled when any of the following conditions exist:
New, larger-scale, reschemed ENC coverage is available.
Compilation of a large amount of new depth or shoreline data is applied to the corresponding ENC.
Volume of chart sales indicate a low rate of use for a particular chart.
Some cancellations may be regionally based, especially if all or most of a particular chart's adjoining,
similar-scale chart coverage is cancelled.
Sunset rationale
Rather than continue producing two nautical chart products (ENCs and paper/raster charts) that serve essentially
the same purpose, NOAA is now focusing efforts on keeping up with the demand for more detailed ENC coverage
for ever larger commercial vessels and other users. ENCs provide the most efficient means of delivering updated
navigational information to the public, while paper and raster chart products have become out of sync with their
Raster Sunset | 9
corresponding ENCs. Ending paper and raster chart production will enable NOAA to improve and expand ENC
coverage beyond what would be possible otherwise.
Changing chart formats and regulations
Coast Survey
created and published the first paper charts more than 180 years ago. Over the years the
techniques and equipment employed to produce nautical charts has changed, but the means by which paper
charts are used on the bridge is quite similar today.
However, voyage planning and route monitoring
changed significantly with the advent of the Global
Positioning System, development of Electronic Chart
Display and Information Systems (ECDIS), and the
digitization of paper nautical charts to create
electronic navigational charts.
In 2018, the International Maritime Organization
(IMO) requirement for most commercial ships on
international voyages to use ECDIS and ENCs came
into full effect.
In 2016, the U.S. Coast Guard
allowed commercial ships on domestic voyages in
U.S. waters to use ENCs in lieu of paper nautical
Both of these factors have contributed to
significant decline in paper nautical chart use and rise
in ENC use, as shown in Figure 4.
Advantages of focusing on ENC production
The legacy of the paper charts from which ENC data were first digitized, starting in the early 1990s, lives on in the
current suite of ENCs. The footprints and scales of NOAA ENCs were inherited directly from corresponding paper
charts and the resulting ENC product suite now consists of over 1,200 irregularly shaped cells compiled at 131
different scales.
Adjoining paper charts, even with the same navigational purpose (harbor, approach, coastal, etc.) are often
compiled at slightly different scales to accommodate different chart orientations, paper sizes, or a desire to
extend a chart's coverage to include harbors or other key features at opposite sides of a chart. Different depth
contour intervals are often used on different scale charts and the process of "edge matching" adjoining ENC cells
of different scales can be challenging.
The new NOAA ENC re-scheming program is replacing the current irregular layout of ENCs with a regular grid of
rectangular shaped ENCs. This multi-year effort will increase the size of the ENC product suite to about 9,000 ENC
cells. Many of these will be compiled at larger scales than the ENCs they replace and some of the new coverage in
larger ports will be "High Definition charts" or HD charts. HD charts provide more detailed 1:5,000 scale coverage
with depth contour intervals as dense as half a meter.
The new ENC scheme reduces the set of compilation scales to just 12. This reduction makes reviewing and
resolving discontinuities much easier, because new adjoining ENCs with the same navigational purpose are likely
Established by Pres. Thomas Jefferson in 1807, the organization was originally called the "Survey of the Coast."
As specified in the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS), Chapter V, Regulation 19, "Carriage
requirements for shipborne navigational systems and equipment."
USCG Navigation and Vessel Inspection Circular No. 01-16 (NVIC 01-16), "Use of Electronic Charts and Publications in Lieu of
Paper Charts, Maps and Publications," COMDTCHANGE NOTE 16700.4
, July 10, 2017.
Raster Sunset | 10
to be of the same scale. Alignment errors among features on adjoining ENCs will be fixed as new ENC cells are
created and a standard set of depth contours in integer meter units will be recompiled.
No corresponding raster charts will be created for the new larger scale ENC coverage. In fact, NOAA will depend
on the reduction in NOAA raster and paper chart coverage as rescheming progresses. This will free resources
needed to create and maintain improvements to the ENC product. More information about ENC rescheming is in
Transforming the NOAA ENC® at
USCG chart carriage requirements and other regulations
There are currently two NOAA products that meet U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) chart carriage requirements for
regulated vessels, electronic navigational charts and standard "traditional" paper nautical charts. NOAA and the
USCG are currently discussing if and what paper chart carriage the USCG may have in the future.
Transition of LNM and NM
The Local Notice to Mariners (LNM), published weekly by the USCG, is the primary means for disseminating
information concerning aids to navigation, hazards to navigation, dangers, obstructions, channel condition
reports, anchorages, restricted areas, construction and modifications of bridges, and other information of interest
to mariners on U.S. waters. These notices enable mariners to make hand corrections on paper nautical charts,
light lists, coast pilots, and other nautical publications to keep them up-to-date. The National Geospatial-
Intelligence Agency (NGA) publishes a similar weekly Notice to Mariners (NM) that primarily addresses changes to
charts covering foreign waters, but also includes notices for some domestic charts.
LNMs typically consist of eight sections. Although any section may reference a nautical chart number, sections II,
III, and IV are the ones that typically key changes to specific charts. A summary of each section's content is shown
in Table 2.
LNM Section
Refers to
General Description of Section Content.
Special Notices
No Information of special concern to the Mariner.
Lists all reported and corrected discrepancies related to aids to navigation. A discrepancy is a change
in the status of an aid to navigation that differs from what is published or charted.
Changes and
Changes Corrected
Temporary changes and corrections to aids to navigation. When charted aids are temporarily
relocated for dredging, testing, evaluation, or marking an obstruction, a temporary correction shall
be listed in Section IV giving the new position.
Chart Corrections
Corrections to federally and privately maintained aids to navigation, as well as NOAA corrections.
Corrective actions affecting charts appear by chart number, and pertain to that chart only.
Advance Notices
Advance notice of approved projects, changes to aids to navigation, or upcoming temporary changes
such as dredging, etc. Mariners are advised to use caution while transiting these areas.
Proposed Changes
Notices of proposed projects open for comment. Periodically, the Coast Guard evaluates its system
of aids to navigation to determine whether the conditions for which the aids to navigation were
established have changed. When changes occur, the feasibility of improving, relocating, replacing, or
discontinuing aids are considered.
Information of general concern to the Mariners, who are advised to use caution while transiting
these areas.
Light List
No Changes to aids to navigation in the USCG Light Lists, keyed to the aid's light list number
Table 2. Description of USCG Local Notice to Mariners sections.
Excerpts of a typical USCG Local Notice to Mariners (USCG District 1, LNM 30/19, issued on July 24, 2019) are shown in
Annex C.
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After NOAA paper nautical chart production ends there will likely no longer be a need for LNM Section IV, "Chart
Corrections." There may ultimately be a means to relate changes to NOAA Custom Charts, but that has yet to be
determined. Other sections that use chart numbers to help identify the general location of features will have to
use other means, because traditional charts and chart numbers will no longer exist. Defining a standard set of
references, such as the extents of inlets, bays, harbors, etc., that are associated with the physical environment in
lieu of chart numbers might be one way to order the listings of notifications in the other remaining sections.
NOAA will work with the USCG and NGA to help define an appropriate method.
ANNEX A - Description of NOAA raster chart products
NOAA paper nautical chart
NOAA paper nautical charts are the only NOAA raster chart product that meet USCG chart carriage requirements
for commercial vessels. Figure A-1 shows an image of NOAA Chart 13246 of Cape Cod Bay, Massachusetts.
NOAA provides digital images of each of its raster charts to several NOAA certified chart agents. Charts purchased
from any NOAA chart agent are assured to be printed at the proper scale and quality to meet USCG carriage
requirements for commercial vessels. These print-on-demand (POD) charts include all critical corrections and
other routine data compilations that have been made since the last new edition was released, up to the week that
the chart is purchased.
Figure A-1. NOAA Chart 13246 of Cape Cod Bay, Massachusetts.
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Other raster chart products and services
NOAA produces four other raster nautical chart products that are derived from the same chart image used to
produce the files provided to NOAA certified chart agents. However, these other raster products do not meet
USCG carriage requirements.
Full-size nautical chart PDF files
Full-size nautical charts can be downloaded in PDF format. Each is a single, large chart image identical to the
official NOAA paper nautical chart. Most, but not all, charts may be printed at true chart scale on plotters that
accommodate 36” wide paper.
Paper plots of full-size nautical chart PDFs do not meet USCG chart carriage requirements for commercial vessels.
Only NOAA paper nautical charts printed by a NOAA certified chart agent, who will ensure that the charts are
printed at the proper scale and quality, meet USCG chart carriage requirements.
Booklet Chart™ PDF files
Booklet Charts are reduced scale copies of NOAA paper
nautical charts divided into a set of a dozen or more
8.5” x 11” pages, each of which shows a different
portion of a chart. Figure A-2 shows the index of the
chart content pages of Booklet Chart 13246 of Cape
Cod Bay. Figure A-3 shows page 6 of the Booklet Chart.
The extent of each page extends past the boundaries
shown in the index, so that the coverage of each page
overlaps a bit with adjoining pages.
Other pages in the booklet include excerpts from the U.S. Coast Pilot® and other information such as descriptions
of navigational aids and hazards in the area. Emergency information for the charted area appears on the last page.
Booklet Charts can be downloaded from the chart locator in the Coast Survey website in PDF format and can be
printed on an ordinary office or home color printer and assembled into a booklet.
NOAA raster navigational chart (NOAA RNC®)
The same digital raster chart images used to print paper charts are used to produce the georeferenced NOAA
raster navigational chart or NOAA RNC® product. RNCs can be used with GPS-enabled electronic chart systems
(ECS) and other chart plotter systems to provide real-time vessel positioning.
Figure A-2. Index of the chart content pages of Booklet Chart 13246
of Cape Cod Bay.
Figure A-3. Page 6 of the Booklet Chart displayed in Figure A-2.
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The NOAA RNC tile service comprises 15 million individual chart tile images. Each full RNC is cut into thousands of
smaller “tiles” that display on a computer much faster than full RNC images. The tile service provides geo-
referenced, nautical chart tilesets for the public that comply with several web map and map tile standards. These
tilesets may be ingested directly into several commercial electronic chart systems, mobile apps, and third party
nautical data integration websites. NOAA also provides a "quilted tileset" version of the tile service that provides a
unified display of multiple charts compiled at similar scales. The charts are quilted together to provide a seamless
view. Figure A-4 shows an image from the NOAA RNC ® Viewer, which displays quilted RNC tiles.
Figure A-4. Chart image from the NOAA RNC ® Viewer, which displays quilted RNC tiles.
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ANNEX B - Glossary
ECDIS (Electronic Chart Display and Information System) A navigation information system which with adequate
back-up arrangements can be accepted as complying with the up-to-date chart required by regulations V/19 and
V/27 of the 1974 SOLAS Convention, as amended. Use of ECDIS is now mandatory by most SOLAS vessels on
international voyages.
ECS (Electronic Chart System) A navigation information system that electronically displays vessel position and
relevant nautical chart data and information from the ECS data base on a display screen, but does not meet all
IMO requirements for ECDIS, and does not satisfy SOLAS Chapter V requirement to carry a navigational chart.
ENC (Electronic Navigational Chart) The database, standardized as to content, structure and format, issued for
use with ECDIS on the authority of government authorized hydrographic offices. The ENC contains all the chart
information necessary for safe navigation and may contain supplementary information in addition to that
contained in the paper chart (e.g. sailing directions) which may be considered necessary for safe navigation. The
format and encoding of ENC data is specified by the S-57 IHO Transfer Standard for Digital Hydrographic Data. The
recently developed S-101 ENC Product Specification will eventually be phased in to replace S-57 based ENCs.
LNM (Local Notices to Mariners) are published weekly by the U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) to provide marine
information affecting the safety of navigation. Notices include changes in aids to navigation, depths in channels,
bridge and overhead cable and pipeline clearances, reported dangers and other useful marine information.
Specific corrective changes are identified for the current edition of each NOAA paper nautical chart, as necessary.
Mariners must apply the changes by hand to their paper charts to keep them up to date. LNMs may be
downloaded from the USCG Navigation Center website at:
NM (Notice to Mariners) are published weekly by the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA). They are
prepared jointly by NGA, NOAA, and USCG. These notices contain selected items from the LNM and other
reported marine information required by oceangoing vessels operating in both foreign and domestic waters.
Paper nautical chart or paper chart A printed chart specifically designed to meet the requirements of marine
navigation, showing the depth of water, nature of bottom, elevations, configuration and characteristics of coast,
dangers and aids to navigation, and other features.
POD (Print-on-Demand) The means of duplicating and distributing paper charts (or other hardcopy materials) in
which a single copy or small quantities of charts are printed as an order for a particular chart is received.
Distribution is either directly from a retail nautical supply store or chart agent facility in which a customer walks in
to buy a chart; or by mail to satisfy orders placed online.
Raster chart A printed paper nautical chart, a scanned image of a paper chart, the digital image from which a
paper chart is made, or other digital representations of a "traditional" nautical chart stored as rows and columns
of color pixels. Raster charts include both paper charts and digital charts that use a raster format, such as raster
navigational charts.
Sunsetting The intentional phase out or termination of an outdated or obsolete product or service.
Definitions are adapted from the International Hydrographic Organization (IHO) Hydrographic Dictionary (S-32) at
, accessed May 7, 2019 and the IHO Nautical Cartography Working Group, "Preliminary
Report on Future of the Paper Nautical Chart," at
20Chart_v1.pdf, accessed May 7, 2019.
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ANNEX C Sample USCG Local Notice to Mariners Entries
The heading and some sample entries from each of the eight sections of a typical USCG local notice to mariners
were extracted from the USCG District 1, LNM 30/19, issued on July 24, 2019. It covers the waters from Eastport
Maine to Shrewsbury, New Jersey.
This section contains information of special concern to the Mariner.
NOAA Fisheries announces that a voluntary vessel speed restriction zone (Dynamic Management Area - DMA) has
been established 3 nautical miles south of Nantucket to protect an aggregation of right whales sighted in this area
on July 15, 2019. This DMA is in effect through July 29, 2019. Mariners are requested to route around this area or
transit through it at 10 knots or less.
This section lists all reported and corrected discrepancies related to Aids to Navigation in this edition.
A discrepancy is a change in the status of an aid to navigation that differs from what is published or charted.
Aid Name
Chart No.
BNM Ref.
Seguin Light
Cape Elizabeth Light
Boston Lighted Whistle Buoy B
Raster Sunset | 16
This section contains temporary changes and corrections to Aids to Navigation for this edition. When charted aids
are temporarily relocated for dredging, testing, evaluation, or marking an obstruction, a temporary correction
shall be listed in Section IV giving the new position.
This section contains corrections to federally and privately maintained Aids to Navigation, as well as NOS
This section contains corrective actions affecting chart(s). Corrections appear numerically by chart number, and
pertain to that chart only.
It is up to the mariner to decide which chart(s) are to be corrected. The following example explains individual
elements of a typical chart correction.
This section contains advance notice of approved projects, changes to aids to navigation, or upcoming temporary
changes such as dredging, etc.
Mariners are advised to use caution while transiting these areas.
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Periodically, the Coast Guard evaluates its system of aids to navigation to determine whether the conditions for
which the aids to navigation were established have changed. When changes occur, the feasibility of improving,
relocating, replacing, or discontinuing aids are considered. This section contains notice(s) of non-approved,
proposed projects open for comment. SPECIAL NOTE: Mariners are requested to respond in writing to the District
Office unless otherwise noted (see banner page for address).
This section contains information of general concern to the Mariners. Mariners are advised to use caution while
transiting these areas.
An Asterisk *, indicates the column in which a correction has been made to new information
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