Key Information Document
This document provides you with key information about this investment product. It is not marketing material. The information is required by law to help
you understand the nature, risks, costs, potential gains and losses of this product and to help you compare it with other products.
Product name: Santander Stockmarket Linked Savings Bond (Issue 93) - 6 year term
Product manufacturer: Santander UK plc
Contact number for product manufacturer: You can call us on   . Calls may be recorded or monitored.
Competent Authority: UK Financial Conduct Authority
Date: 28 November 2018
What is this product?
The Santander Stockmarket Linked Savings Bond (Issue 93) - 6 year term is a stockmarket linked deposit with a fixed term governed by English law.
This product is designed to return your initial deposit together with an opportunity to benefit from any potential growth in the FTSE 100 Index
(the Index) or at least the minimum interest return at the end of the fixed term.
The FTSE 100 index is made up of the 100 largest publicly-traded companies listed on the London Stock Exchange (LSE). Companies are
included or removed depending on their market capitalisation. This is the combined value of all their shares. The index measures the total
change of all 100 companies’ values and provides an indication of the performance of major companies listed in the UK.
If you leave your money untouched for the 6 year fixed term, you will receive your initial deposit back plus the greater of:
A minimum interest return of 0.50% gross/0.08% AER; or
28% gross/4.20% AER if the final level of the Index (after averaging) is the same or higher than the starting level.
The starting level of the Index will be taken as the closing level of the Index on 25 March 2019, which is the date from which the fixed term begins.
The final index level is calculated using the average of the closing levels of the Index from 27 September 2024 to 27 March 2025 with both
dates inclusive, subject to adjustment in accordance with the terms and conditions of the product. This product is designed to return your
initial deposit plus at least a minimum interest return at maturity.
AER stands for Annual Equivalent Rate and shows what the interest return would be if we paid an interest return and added it to your Bond
each year. The AERs shown above are fixed and whether you get the minimum or maximum interest return depends on the performance of
the Index. Your interest return will only be paid at the end of the fixed term.
The gross rate is the interest rate we pay where no income tax has been deducted.
Intended retail investor
This product is designed for investors who:
Wish to make a deposit where the returns are linked to the performance of an equity index (such as FTSE 100 Index) without investing directly.
Wish to protect themselves from the potential loss of capital due to market movements provided they remain in the deposit until the end of
the term.
Would like returns subject to capital growth and not income.
Can leave their money untouched for the full term of the deposit.
Are willing to forego the returns available from alternative products such as bank and savings accounts in exchange for the potential of a
higher return.
Would like their deposit to be covered by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS).
The term of the product will be 6 years commencing on 25 March 2019 and
ending on 1 April 2025.
There is no right of automatic early termination by either party. This product
is designed to be held for the full term.
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This table shows the money you could get back over the next 6 years under dierent scenarios, assuming a notional amount of £10,000.
The scenarios shown illustrate how the product could perform. You can compare them with the scenarios of other products. The scenarios
presented are an estimate of future performance based on evidence from the past on how the value of this investment varies, and are not an
exact indicator. What you get will vary depending on how the market performs and how long you keep the product. The stress scenario shows
what you might get back in extreme market circumstances, and it does not take into account the situation where we are not able to pay you.
This product cannot be easily cashed in. This means it is dicult to estimate how much you would get back if you cash in before maturity.
You will either be unable to cash in early or you will have to pay high costs or make a large loss if you do so. The figures shown include all the
costs of the product itself, but may not include all the costs that you pay to your advisor or distributor. The figures do not take into account your
personal tax situation, which may also aect how much you get back.
What happens if Santander UK plc is unable to pay out?
Santander UK plc is covered by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS) in the unlikely event that Santander UK plc becomes
insolvent. The FSCS can pay compensation to depositors if a bank is unable to meet its financial obligations. Most depositors, including most
individuals and businesses, are covered by the scheme. In respect of deposits, an eligible depositor is entitled to claim up to £85,000.
What are the costs?
The Reduction in Yield (RIY) shows what impact the total costs you pay will have on the investment return you might get. The total costs take
into account one-o and ongoing costs. The amounts shown here are the cumulative costs of the product itself, for three dierent holding
periods. They include potential early exit penalties. The figures assume a notional amount of £10,000. The figures are estimates and may
change in the future.
Risk Indicator
5 6
Lower risk Higher risk
The risk indicator assumes you keep the product until 1 April 2025. You may not be able to cash in early.
The summary risk indicator is a guide to the level of risk of this product compared to other products. It shows how likely it is that the product
will lose money because of movements in the markets or because we are not able to pay you. We have classified this product as 2 out of 7
which is a low risk class. This rates the potential losses from future performance at a low level, and poor market conditions are very unlikely
to impact our capacity to pay you. You are entitled to receive back at least 100.50% of your capital. Any amount over this, and any additional
return, depends on future market performance and is uncertain. If we are not able to pay you what is owed, you could lose your entire
investment. However you may benefit from a consumer protection scheme (see the section ‘what happens if we are unable to pay you’). The
indicator shown above does not consider this protection.
Performance Scenarios
Investment £10,000
Scenarios 1 year 4 years 6 years
holding period)
What you might get back after costs £10,000 £10,000 £10,050
Average return each year % 0.00% 0.00% 0.08%
Unfavourable What you might get back after costs £10,000 £10,000 £10,050
Average return each year % 0.00% 0.00% 0.08%
Moderate What you might get back after costs £10,000 £10,000 £12,800
Average return each year % 0.00% 0.00% 4.20%
Favourable What you might get back after costs £10,000 £10,000 £12,800
Average return each year % 0.00% 0.00% 4.20%
What are the risks and what could I get in return?
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Costs over time
The person selling you or advising you about this product may charge you other costs. If so, this person will provide you with information
about these costs, and show you the impact that all costs will have on your investment over time.
Investment: £10,000
Scenarios If you cash in after 1 year If you cash in after 4 years If you cash in at the end of the recommended holding period
Total Costs £0 £0 £225
Impact on return
(RIY) per year
0.00% 0.00% 0.40%
This table shows how much the expected costs of the product impact your returns, assuming the product performs in line with the moderate
scenario outlined in the table on page 2 under the section “What are the risks and what could I get in return?”
Composition of costs
The table below shows:
the impact each year of the dierent types of costs on the investment return you might get at the end of the recommended holding period.
the meaning of the dierent cost categories.
This table shows the impact on return per year
One-o costs
Entry costs 0.40% The impact of the costs you pay when entering the product. The impact of the costs
already included in the price. This includes the costs of distribution of your product.
Exit costs 0.00% The impact of the costs of exiting your investment when it matures.
Ongoing costs
Portfolio transaction costs n/a The impact of the costs of us buying and selling underlying investments for the product.
Other ongoing costs n/a The impact of the costs we take each year for managing your investments.
The table above shows the Entry costs as a reduction in yield calculation at the end of the recommended holding period. The actual Entry costs
of the product is estimated to be 2.25%.
How long should I hold it and can I take money out early?
Recommended holding period: 6 years
The terms of the product mean you are not entitled to make withdrawals or close the product early, however we will consider requests in the
event of financial diculty or exceptional circumstances such as bereavement or redundancy. All such requests are considered on an individual
basis. You should therefore have other money available to you during the fixed term which you can use for emergencies. If the product is
closed during the fixed term, the amount you will receive will be your initial deposit. You can change your mind and cancel the product within
14 days of first opening your account. No early exit fee is payable in the event that you sell or cash in the product before the maturity date. If
you need to do this, you can write to us or call:
Santander UK plc, Savings Operations, PO Box 297, Bradford, BD1 1BR.
Call us on   . Calls may be recorded or monitored.
How can I complain?
The best way to contact us when something has gone wrong is over the phone so we can talk to you in person. You can call us free of charge
from a UK landline or mobile on   . Our dedicated complaints team is available Monday to Friday 8am-8pm and Saturday 9am-
4pm. Or you can email us at or you can send us a secure message via your online banking, or visit us in
one of our branches, or write to us at: Complaints, Santander UK plc, PO Box 1125, Bradford, BD1 9PG.
You can find more information about our complaints procedures, including our handling timescales, on our website under our
“Help & Support” tab. Alternatively, you can ask us for our complaints leaflet using one of the contact methods detailed above.
Other relevant information
The full Terms and Conditions of the product are set out in the General Terms & Conditions and Important Information Current Accounts and
Savings Accounts (Including Cash ISAs and Cash Junior ISAs).
The most up to date version of this Key Information Document can be found at the following website:
This product is not sponsored, endorsed or promoted by the provider of any index.
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LIFE  JAN  H
Santander UK plc. Registered Office: 2 Triton Square, Regent’s Place, London, NW1 3AN, United Kingdom. Registered Number . Registered in England and Wales. Telephone
  . Calls may be recorded or monitored. Authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority. Our Financial
Services Register number is . You can check this on the Financial Services Register by visiting the FCA’s website Santander and the flame logo are registered trademarks.
Information correct as at 28 November 2018.
Santander is able to provide literature in alternative formats. The formats available are: large print, Braille and audio CD. If you
would like to register to receive correspondence in an alternative format please visit for
more information, ask us in branch or give us a call.