Thank You Internship
Thank You Letter for an Internship
It's always a good idea to say thank you after you have finished an internship. It's a way to show your appreciation
for the opportunity and to continue your relationship with the organization. If you play your cards right, it could even
set the stage for turning the internship into a full-time, paying job.
The primary goal, however, is to thank your employer and the people you have worked with for the opportunity to
develop your skills, gain job experience, and learn all that they had to teach you.
Saying Thank You: What to Do
Consider what method to use. If you want to send a personal message, you might give your intern supervisor a
handwritten card or typed letter. If you just want to send a quick note, you might send an email.
Express your gratitude and appreciation. Make sure the phrase “thank you” is actually in your note!
Include specifics about the things you learned and the experiences that were most useful.
Thank everyone who helped you. You might even send separate notes to each individual who worked with you
during your internship. If you go this route, make sure to send different notes, not variations of the same letter. It’s
unlikely people will compare, but it means more if you send a genuine thank you, and not just a form letter.
Provide your contact information including your LinkedIn URL so that the employer and the other professionals
you met during your internship can keep in touch with you should they wish.
Saying Thank You: What Not to Do
Ask for a job outright. Your thank-you letter can certainly set the stage for a job offer down the line, but you don’t
want to seem like you’re only saying thank you in order to get something else. Use this note to keep the connection
strong and express your thanks. If you mention future job opportunities, do so with tact.
Use the letter to vent frustrations or to express negative sentiments about the company, its employees, or the
experience. If you had issues with any aspect of your internship, now is not the time to bring it up.
Include anything that isn’t genuine. False compliments come off as phony, even in the hands of a skilled writer.
Hopefully, even if your experience was less than 100 percent positive, there was something about your internship
that you value. Talk about that, and leave the rest aside.
Sample Content:
I want to thank you for giving me the opportunity to intern at XYZ Business Name. I have learned so much about the ___
industry over the past ___ weeks or months.
You gave me the opportunity to apply and advance my skills while working on a variety of projects. I had the chance to
observe various aspects of your business. You and your staff were extremely welcoming and helpful, and offered me solid
career advice.
This internship has increased my interest in pursuing a career in ____. I truly appreciate all of the time and effort that you
and other staff spent training me. This has been a valuable learning experience. Thank you again for all your support, and
for all of the opportunities you have given me.
Thank you so much for a rewarding __ months while interning at ABC Company.
I really appreciated your willingness to let me explore and learn various aspects of your business. I was able to apply my
knowledge and skills in a real work environment. You allowed me to see how a ____ business or shop works. I have
learned new things and gained skills in ___.
I look forward to going to college and completing further training in the XYZ industry. This internship has helped
increase my desire to work for a company like yours in the future.
Thank you again for all of your support, and for all of the opportunities you have given me.