Worcester Polytechnic Institute
This document is primarily about IQP writing, but if you follow these guidelines and suggestions
effectively, you will simultaneously achieve many other learning objectives related to critical
thinking, project formulation, and implementation.
Contents and Structure of a Typical IQP Report
A full IQP report usually has the sequence of sections shown in Table 1; these are similar to those you
use in most scientific writing. The components in bold font are the chapters that comprise the main
body of the report; those chapters could be titled or arranged differently based on the nature of your
project. The rest is standard content, suggested for all IQP reports.
For the main section of the report we have included length guidelines. The purpose of suggesting a
number of pages is to emphasize quality over quantity. It is often more challenging to write concisely!
The wide range in length for some of the chapters reflects the fact that each project is unique.
Section / Chapter
# Words
Pages (single-spaced)
Pages (double-spaced)
Title Page
Executive Summary
Table of Contents
List of Figures
List of Tables*
Conclusions & Recommendations
Appendix A**
Appendix B… etc.
*Everything up to the List of Tables is “forematter” and is numbered with small Roman numerals that begin after the
title page. Arabic numbering (1, 2, 3,…) begins with the Introduction.
**Each Appendix should have a descriptive title (e.g., Appendix A: Interview Protocols). Put project-related
appendices first. Two required appendices are Teamwork Assessments.
Report Submission: WPI requires electronic submission of project reports. The process is described
at www.wpi.edu/Pubs/E-project/
The Writing and Feedback Process
The following sequence describes a suggested process for your continuing development as thinkers
and writers. For each chapter of the report:
Read carefully the guidelines and tips for the chapter in this document, focusing on the
rhetorical purpose and conventions of the chapter (e.g., What do researchers try to establish
in this chapter? How is the chapter typically organized?)
Look over one or more chapters in model IQP reports (see listing below)
Meet as a team to discuss your approach (the substance and sequence of your argument,
what evidence you will draw upon). Request a meeting with advisors if you have major
questions about content and organization.
Submit full draft. Advisors will provide detailed comments on the full draft.
Use advisors’ comments and additional face-to-face discussion as necessary to further
revise each chapter for the full draft of the report.
Model IQP Reports
The following projects were chosen as finalists in the President’s IQP Awards Competition, and can
be found in the Gordon Library’s Electronic Projects Collection:
N. Labbe at al., Erosion and Flood Control in the Informal Settlements of Windhoek,
L. Baldassari et al., Investigation of the Effects of the Built Environment on Patient
Health Outcomes and Staff Satisfaction http://www.wpi.edu/Pubs/E-
R. Eley et al., Two Sides to Every Story: A Case of Environmental Communication in Mae
Moh, Thailand
General Writing Tips
Following are some general tips that will help throughout the report:
Use active voice and a variety of verbs. Almost all effective writers write with VERBS.
Some less effective writers use mostly nouns with over 50 percent of their verbs being some
form of “to be.” As a result, actors fall out of the picture and the real action of the story gets
lost. This issue is not one of style; it is a content issue. Look for examples in the subsequent
sections (particularly Methodology) regarding how to transform from passive to active voice
by making better use of verbs.
Make your references clear. Avoid using “this” as a noun without a clear referent; be
precise. Sometimes you can solve the problem by adding a noun after “this”; other times you
can combine the two adjacent sentences to good effect.
Use helpful, clear formatting. Be mindful of “document design,” and use white space,
headings, lists, figures, etc. in judicious ways to make the report as readable as possible. Do
not have too many sub-sections or sub-sub-sections (no!) Use words, rather than
structure, to connect one section to the next. One or two paragraphs are generally not
sufficient to warrant their own section. Use bold and italic font, vary font size, and consider
annotated lists (like the one you are reading now) to make your document reader-friendly.
The Introduction Chapter: Five Moves to Set Up Your Project
The Introduction chapter of an IQP report serves to introduce the reader to your general area of
inquiry, clarify the specific challenge you will address, and explain why the work is worthwhile. The
Introduction is usually no more than two pages and follows a set of “rhetorical moves” that you may
have seen when reading experimental or research papers. The five moves, in order, are to:
1. Establish the general topic, problem, or field that your project addresses
2. Introduce the specific problem or issue;
3. Define the scope of problem or issue by summarizing previous work, what is already known,
and/or what has already been done;
Background Chapter
Starts with an introductory
paragraph (just introduce;
don’t try to summarize)
Uses descriptive headings
Synthesizes multiple sources
of information (vs. merely
transferring information) and
explains its meaning and
Calls upon authoritative
sources while also
distinguishing between facts
4. Create a research space by identifying a gap in previous work or opportunities for extension
or new work (motivating but not quite declaring your particular project by establishing a
specific need)
5. Establish your project by explicitly stating its goal, how it was achieved (objectives),
justifying it, and suggesting its implications and possible impact.
This chapter is brief but important, and deserves your best writing efforts. Plan one (or at most two)
tight, well-written paragraphs to achieve each move. Since the report will be read in the future, use
past tense to describe your specific efforts, e.g., “The goal of this project was to…” Check the
wording of your goal statement to make sure it is “smart”: specific, measurable, attainable, realistic,
and tangible.
The Background Chapter: Elaborating on the Problem, the Stakeholders, the
Debates, the Setting
The Background, also sometimes called a Literature Review,
can be thought of as a longer and more detailed version of the
first four moves of the Introduction. It presents relevant facts
and interprets previous related researchsome drawn from
articles and books you’ve read and fact-finding interviews
youve conducted, and importantly, some drawn from
interviews and observations during the project—to help the
reader understand the problem at hand and what others have
done. By the end of this chapter, the reader should find your
project important, should understand how your work relates
to previous work, and should have a sense of how you are
likely to proceed (even though you will not have stated that
directly yet.) By drawing on evidence from credible sources,
you will lead the reader up to the point at which your own
work will begin.
Content: Much of this chapter will focus background research you needed to do to understand your
project in context of the work of previous researchers. As the project evolves, you will want to
incorporate new material that you come across, and cut some that is no longer directly relevant. Even
when the project is mature, you may need to incorporate new material. Be willing to rethink the
contents as you adjust your conception of the project.
Remember: The background chapter is for readers, not for you. When deciding on content for this
chapter, consider what readers need to know to understand your project. Here are some useful
Where is the setting for the project? What is its history and geographical context?
Who are the major stakeholders (people who have a “stake” in the subject you are studying)?
What is the gap or problem you are hoping to help with?
What are the causes of the problem?
What approaches have been or could be taken to address the problem?
What are the major points of consensus and the major point of debate on the subject of your
What have others learned elsewhere about these problems? What are the criteria for a
successful project in your field of work?
The Relevance Test: A common weakness is when student writers do not distinguish between what
is vaguely relevant to their project and what is directly relevant. If it’s not directly relevant, cut it. A
related problem is when writers don’t explain or show the relevance of even relevant information. A
relevant detail that appears irrelevant because you haven’t explained its relevance is irrelevant as far
as your reader is concerned; this will undermine your effectiveness. Either explain an article’s
relevance or eliminate it.
Make sure there is a logical “storyline” and sequencing of topics. Proceed from the general to
the specific, and follow the order of the first four moves in your Introduction chapter. The
final sections of your Background chapter should lead the reader “up to the brink” of your
Prepare readers for your storyline with a short introductory paragraph at the start of the
chapter. The purpose of the introductory paragraph is to introduce and motivate—but not to
summarize at lengththe chapter (or section). Following is an abbreviated example:
In this chapter, we begin with a brief overview of the general problem of X and debates about
its sources and possible solutions. Next we will synthesize best practices related to Y that are
agreed upon by experts in this field. We conclude by introducing the [Name of Sponsoring
Organization] and its specific needs for Z.
Similarly, start each major section with a short introductory paragraph explaining what is in
that section and stating your main point.
Use section headings that are descriptive and specific to your project. (This tip applies
throughout the entire report AND in your presentations!)
Example: Mission and Programs of the Massachusetts Department of Environmental
Protection is descriptive and specific. Something like Sponsor Background is NOT
descriptive and conveys no useful information to readers.
Create smooth transitions and logical connections between sections using transitional phrases
and words.
Check each and every paragraph: Is there a topic sentence that conveys the main point of the
paragraph, and is all information in the paragraph related to that theme?
How to Acknowledge and Discuss Source Materials
Often the greatest challenge in writing a Background chapter is to develop a “research voice” that
presents evidence and arguments in a factual, unbiased way. You should have no claims that might
cause a reader to wonder “Says who?” That means you need to explain and back up any knowledge
claim you make and show where you are getting your information. Remember that just providing a
reference is not enough. The source must be reliable and even then you should never treat any source
as “The Truth.” Writing the Background section effectively requires an understanding not only of how
to cite reference materials, but also of when and how to discuss them.
Note that the only parts of a research report that do not require acknowledgement are common
knowledge, facts available in a variety of sources, and your own findings. That implies that
everything else requires acknowledgement! However, certain types of material require more than a
reference; they require explicit discussion of the source in the text, to establish the nature of the
authority behind the assertion. Only then can readers decide whether they can trust your information.
Direct quotations should be used very sparingly; rarely should an entire sentence be quoted. In
general, you should be summarizing and interpreting source materials. However, sometimes the
actual wording itself, or the person who said it, will be of interest to the reader. In that case, it is
typically appropriate to explicitly acknowledge the source in the text as well as providing a citation:
Thai food is very complex; experienced world traveler Seth Tuler has referred to it as “a party in
your mouth.”
Facts not widely known or easily available are cited in the normal way. Because they are facts,
there is typically no need for you to identify the source explicitly in the text:
Pad Thai is a noodle dish with origins in both Chinese and Indian cuisines
Judgments, opinions, claims, and arguable assertions are the most challenging type of content to
properly acknowledge, since they fall on a continuum. The findings of previous researchers often fall
Note that all of the material and sources used as examples in this section have been fabricated. Normally, you
will cite sources using APA citations to your list of referenced works, but here we’ll use footnotes.
Tuler, Seth. Slow Food Around the World. Achewood Press, 1995.
Tantayanon, Supawan. Eat Like Me! Chula House, 1998.
into this category. The more controversial, extreme, or subjective the content, the more necessary it is
to explicitly indicate or discuss the source. Some examples follow.
Although the following statement is not a fact, it is a mild assertion that few would argue with, and
you could probably get away with stating it as long as it was followed by some evidence:
Thai food is considered one of the great cuisines of the world.
However, note that you can actually turn the statement into a fact by attributing it:
Several renowned critics have identified Thai cuisine as one of the world’s greatest
As the assertion, judgment, or opinion gets more controversial or subjective, the writer must get more
careful. The following is one researcher’s conclusion, and probably not agreed on by all:
Demetry concluded that Thais have developed the world’s most complex and interesting
Extreme positions require great care, and perhaps some balance. The following is one writer’s
claim, presented in a way that makes clear its extreme nature:
Vaz has gone so far as to claim that Thai food will bring diners total consciousness
however, most authors have been content with praising the food’s physiological effects.
When you find a particularly relevant piece of previous research, you will want to help the reader
understand both that research and its findings, and to tie those findings to the authors. Note how each
sentence of the following paragraph discusses the source to make clear where the information came
A 2003 study by Tuler described an attempt to categorize the varieties of Tom Yum by
analyzing over 100 versions of the soup in terms of ingredients, preparation, and subjective
effect on tasters. Tuler concluded that no matter how it’s prepared the soup is “damn fine
stuff,” but was able to define three distinct categories based on the extent to which foreign
palates were accommodated. The study also developed a useful scale of spiciness based on
volumetric measurement of forehead perspiration.
When proofreading your background chapter, if you find yourself (or anticipate your advisor) asking
“Says who?” or “Is this a credible source?” then you probably need to provide an explanation of the
nature of the source.
Remember to use APA format for your citations, although the examples above are in footnote style.
For specifics about how to cite both published sources and conversations or interviews, see Lunsford,
the APA Publications manual (on reserve at Gordon Library), or the Purdue Online Writing Lab APA
guide: https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/section/2/10/
The Methodology Chapter: Justifying the “What” and the “How”
The Methodology chapter is often the most challenging to write. The chapter needs to state how you
broke down your project into analytical components and the systematic process you used to achieve
your goal. Typically, the chapter is organized in terms of a set of project objectives that lead toward
the goal. Each objective typically involves answering certain research questions. Research
questions are answered by applying a methodology (research approach) and suitable methods (data
collection techniques). The types of questions asked will determine the appropriate research
approach, and methods. So, despite the name of the chapter, the methods aren’t really the most
important part of this chapter!
This chapter should not read like a diary or timeline of what you did – rather, it should make clear
what you set out to learn, why this information was important, and how you got it, why the methods
Robertson, Thomas. Good Stuff. McGraw-Hill, 2007.
Demetry, Chrysanthe. All My Luncheons. WPI Press, 1999.
Vaz, Richard. Meals and Mysticism. Prentice-Hall, 2001.
Tuler, Seth. “Tom Yum Deconstructed,” Journal of Tasty Things, February 2003.
The Best Methodology
Clarify the goal, objectives,
research questions, and
Describe and analyze the
limitations of the
Describe and analyze the
challenges to learning what
you needed to learn (without
drama or complaints)
Develop issues raised in the
background section in a
consistent and systematic
you chose were a reasonable choice, how you overcame challenges and what limitations remain. The
focus is on information: what you wanted to learn, and how that knowledge was subsequently used.
After you have clearly identified the what, discuss the how. Researchers can choose from, or
combine, many methods to answer research questions and achieve objectives, so your job is not to
present your approach as the only correct one. However, the reader should conclude that everything
you did was intentional, purposeful, planned ahead of time,
and based on good practices.
Start with the purpose. Begin by reminding readers of the
goal of the project.
List the objectives in the introduction to the chapter, and
use them to organize the chapter. For many projects, it
will make sense to have a section for each objective.
Begin each section with an explanation of the purpose of
the objective. This is not what you did but what
information you intended to learn. Readers will not be
able to assess your methods unless they know what you
are looking for. Explain WHY you needed this
information. Make sure each purpose is clear before
jumping into details of technique--the “how.”
Frame each objective in terms of a set of research
questions. These are the “big picture” questions you need
to answer to satisfy that objective.
Describe HOW you got the information you needed. Here is where the methods come in.As you
plan the research, you may initially write up the methods that you will use to collect information,
then change the tense as you report what you did do.
After describing the HOW, justify your choice of methodology and methods (another type of
WHY). Drawing upon best practices for methods in the literature gives you more credibility as
researchers. Provide enough, but not too much detail. Someone should be able to repeat your
work using information provided in this chapter and in associated Appendices. (For example, a
general idea of the nature of interview questions should be evident in this chapter, but you could
put the actual schedule of interview questions in an Appendix.)
Include a discussion of data analysis– that is, describe not only how you collected information,
but also how you planned to use that information to achieve your goal. Wherever possible, think
in terms of CRITERIA that you will use to find meaning in your data or to make decisions using
data. Sometimes lists or tables or charts are helpful for laying out criteria and judging options
with respect to them.
Acknowledge and discuss problems, challenges, limitations, and flaws of your study. This is
important! Your work will not be credible unless you recognize its limitations. Proficient
researchers describe the problems they had in gathering and analyzing information, and avoid
overstated claims of validity. Rather than judging your work to be successful, provide enough
evidence for the reader to make the judgment.
As in the Background chapter, provide a short introductory paragraph, positioned between the
Methodology heading and the first section heading (for objective 1), providing a preview of the
chapter for the reader. Often an exact restatement of your Move 5 (from the overall Introduction)
is a great introduction. Number your objectives.
Here is a good sample introductory paragraph:
The goal of our project was to assess EGAT’s current environmental communication
strategies and make recommendations for improvement specific to Mae Moh’s information
needs. In order to achieve this goal, we developed the following research objectives:
1. Build trust with EGAT employees and the Mae Moh communities to learn about their
perspectives regarding EGAT’s impacts on local residents.
2. Identify EGAT’s communication strategies in terms of content, presentation and
accessibility and identify villagers’ information needs regarding pollution and other
environmental concerns.
3. Develop recommendations by comparing EGAT’s strategies with villagers’ needs to
determine gaps.
In this chapter, we describe the methodology we developed to gather and analyze input from
key stakeholders, and how the results of that analysis were drawn upon to develop
recommendations for EGAT and the Mae Moh villagers.
The chapter should be organized by objective and research question, not method or chronology.
This chapter is not a diary of your project; don’t give a timeline of what you did, but rather
establish what you set out to do and why. This is a subtle issue of voice. Following is an
exaggerated example of the voice to avoid: “First we contacted key government officials who had
knowledge about building regulations…. After speaking to government officials we met with
representatives of advocacy groups for the hearing impaired…. Then we…” See how that sounds
like a diary? Getting rid of the “time stamps” in this passage would help a lot. Keep the focus on
types of information you sought.
Use the past tense in the final IQP report to demonstrate what you have done. . For example, “We
will accomplish our goal by…” should be changed to “We accomplished our goal by….”
Avoid use of “We needed to interview..” or “It was necessary to find information on….” or “It
was important to…” There is no single way to do any project, so these are not very convincing
claims. Just say what you did. You can state things much more clearly in active voice: “We
interviewed…in order to….” “We sought information on…for the purpose of…”
Although the passive voice is common for writing scientific methodologies, we encourage you to
write this chapter in the active voice. For example, use “we interviewed three people” instead of
“three people were interviewed.” For more examples, consult a writing manual.
Example: The following segments from a Methodology chapter illustrate some of the key points
described above. This example shows a strong “research voice.”
3.1 Objective 1
Build trust with EGAT employees and Mae Moh communities to learn about their
perspectives regarding EGAT’s impacts on local residents.
Studies show that outside researchers must overcome obstacles when becoming involved
with and researching a culturally unfamiliar community. Some even believe that outside
researchers cannot understand or represent the experience of the community (Bridges,
2001). Because of this…
As outsiders in Thailand, the biggest challenge that we faced was establishing trust and
credibility with Mae Moh and EGAT. Gaining trust from the villagers was especially difficult
As outsiders with little credibility in the Mae Moh and EGAT communities, we adopted
strategies recommended in our research for achieving open and trusting relationships with
both. These strategies required….
(There was much more to this objective. The team went on to describe and defend their
strategies for gaining trust with each of the stakeholders.)
3.2 Objective 2
Identify EGAT’s communication strategies in terms of content and accessibility and
identify Mae Moh’s information needs regarding pollution and other environmental
We set out to learn about EGAT’s current communication techniques and Mae Moh’s
environmental information needs as a foundation for developing recommendations. To
evaluate communication in Mae Moh, we focused on two particularly important components of
risk communication model development: informational content and accessibility. Knowing
Features of Effective Findings
Move directly to stating claims,
rather than rehashing methods
all over again.
Avoid data dumping (present
new knowledge, not raw data)
Contain in-depth analysis
Have firm but appropriately
qualified claims rather than
overstated claims
Refer and utilize the literature
wherever possible
Are consistent with what you
said you would do in the
Methodology chapter
these components from both perspectives allowed us to compare EGAT’s efforts with the
community’s needs and determine disparities. To determine the problems with content, and
accessibility, we chose historical research and semi-standardized interviews due to limited
information on interviewees. The historical research mentioned earlier allowed us to discover
previous efforts in environmental safety and communication. Interviews at EGAT and
informal discussion with communities helped to bridge the gaps in the literature. Interview
and discussion questions were based on the following research questions used to establish
our information needs:
What informational content does EGAT communicate?
What do Mae Moh villagers want to know?
What is the presentation of information?
Who presents this information?
How does the community receive information?
How does the relationship between EGAT and the community influence reception?
Using our research questions, we formed interview and discussion questions specific to the
interviewees’ responsibilities and knowledge. We were also careful to avoid offensive and
unprofessional language.
We directed interview questions at EGAT employees. In total, we interviewed 18 EGAT
employees in several departments (see Table 1 for details.) Each group member undertook a
task during the interview process….
For interviewing community members, we faced similar language concerns. A translator
minimized such communication problems to the extent possible. Our translator, Hatarat
Poomkachar, is a social science researcher from Chulalongkorn University. She facilitated
communication between our team and the community. She has had experience…We
intended to present our research findings back to the community at the end of our research
process to allow for corrections and feedback. However, due to time limitations and lack of a
translator in our final week in Mae Moh, we could not implement this feedback process….
With these difficulties in mind, we spoke with villagers to determine their understanding of
EGAT’s operations and their awareness of communication efforts. In total, we spoke with 22
villagers, generally in a group discussion format (see Table 2 for details). Personal interviews
usually lasted about one hour while group discussions lasted longer, about 1.5-2 hours. We
visited Pong Chai and Na Sak once, each for approximately 4-6 hours. We visited Hua Fai
twice due to villagers’ eagerness to speak to us and share their opinions. We also spoke with
teachers and students from the local high school, all of which are residents of villages in Mae
Moh district. We gathered general community knowledge of EGAT’s operations and pollution
through informal discussion. We discussed EGATs efforts in order to assess the public’s
comprehension of and access to environmental information. The data collected provided
insight into possible communication improvements. It indicated what informational content
the people are concerned about, which presentation methods best suit their needs, and who
they trust to communicate the information.
The Findings or Analysis Chapter: Making
Meaning from Your Data
The Findings chapter presents what you have found—the
key discoveries and/or creations you have made while
following your project methodology. It is sometimes
called Results and Analysis, or you can give it an even
more informational title specific to your project.
This chapter is the most important part of your entire
project report! It is where you tell what you learned about
the big questions that the previous three chapters set up.
To think about what to include in this chapter, it is helpful
to make a list of the two or three big questions at the heart
of your project. Think about the goals of the IQP: to
examine the relations between science, technology, and
society. What does your project tell us about these
relations? Also, reread your introduction and background. What is this project all about?
Content: This chapter should not be a wholesale information dump of all of your “raw data”
organized by technique (e.g., you should not have section headings of “Interview Results”,
“Questionnaire Results”, etc.), but rather it should tell the reader what your data mean. You need to
process the data and decide what key findings or patterns have emerged. In this chapter, your readers
will want a SUMMARY of where you ended up and why, not every step along the way. “Analysis”
may be a better word than “findings” to describe this chapter.
Note that the following would not be a finding: The average yearly wind speed at the Princeton wind
farm is 13.5 mph.” This would be a piece of data. The finding goes deeper and is supported by data.
For example, the finding might be, “An expansion of the Princeton wind farm to two 750 kW turbines
would pay for itself in eight years.”
Some good questions to think about:
What were your research questions?
How did different groups of people respond to the situation you are describing?
What explains why things turned out the way they did? What evidence can you call upon?
What surprised you about the information you found? How does what you found confirm,
contradict, or supplement your sources in the Background chapter? (Be sure to bring up these
Who will be interested in your findings and why?
What do your findings tell us about the relations between technology and society?
It is critically important to weave in discussion about the limitations of your findings—to distinguish
between what you can and can’t claim—and to acknowledge alternative interpretations and alternative
viewpoints. Although it may seem counterintuitive, your work will seem more credible if you
acknowledge limitations and concede some uncertainty. Your job is not to “sell” any particular
resultsyour job is to help the reader understand how well the results are supported by evidence.
A common question, related to interview results in particular, is “What belongs in the Background
chapter and what belongs in the Findings chapter?” It depends, and often there is no clear answer,
but you do want to avoid repetition. If the information from the interviews provides additional
background information that helps readers understand the problem your project addresses, then you
probably want to include it in the Background chapter. This approach is especially common for
interviews done in the first week or two of the project that provide context about local issues.
However, if the information from your interviews is directly aligned with a research question posed in
your Methodology chapter, then that information should be presented as evidence in the Findings
Prepare the reader for your approach by writing an introductory paragraph to the chapter, prior
to the first section. The introduction of this chapter would be an overview of your findings,
setting up the rest of the chapter to support those findings.
Often you can follow the same sequence of objectives or moves that you laid out in the
Methodology chapter.
Depending on your findings and the nature of your project, other organizational strategies
might be more effective. For example, in a project that gathers opinions from various stakeholder
groups, you could arrange results according to stakeholder group if you want to emphasize those
different perspectives, or you could identify themes in the results and then present the views of
each stakeholder group within each of those themes.
An effective format is to state a finding in an introductory paragraph or topic sentence and
then support it. It is often tempting to do the reverse, but stating the finding first generally works
best for a reader. (See the sample below.)
Be careful about the amount of detail you provide. While you should not present all of your
raw data, you also need to support your claims; be sure to draw upon your data as evidence for
Features of Effective Conclusions &
Recommendations Chapters
Provide a succinct summary of key
Have directly-stated recommendations
that stand out at the beginning of each
paragraph or section
Use formatting that makes it easy for
readers to quickly find specific
conclusions and recommendations
Make clear who the recommendations
are directed toward
Show consistency with Background,
Methodology, and
Findings chapters
Do more than recommend
something; they provide a roadmap
for implementation: What methods?
What criteria should be used? What
sources should be consulted? What
obstacles might come up?
any claims that you make. For example, you could include some quotations from interviews and
present summaries of your data in tables or figures.
Remember that when you include Figures and Tables, you do so to reinforce points you’re
making in the narrative, not to replace narrative. Never present a figure or table unless you refer
to it in the text, explain it, and interpret it for the reader. For example: “Table 2 (not ‘The table
below’) shows a summary of the results of interviews with the various stakeholder groups,
divided into the areas of Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. Note that grass-roots
contacts and interpersonal connections were a theme among strengths identified by both groups A
and B…, whereas …” Then Table 2 should be included in the next available space following this
paragraph, and the table should have a fully descriptive caption that is also included in the List of
Tables and Figures following the Table of Contents at the front of the report.
If you are producing some stand-alone documents as part of your work (manual, website, or other
materials), plan on placing them in an appendix. In the Findings chapter, you would describe the
findings and principles that guided the development of those documents, and point the reader to
them. The audience for those stand-alone documents is whoever will be using them. The
audience for the report is other researchers.
Example: Following is a sample organization for a Findings chapter that illustrates some of the
points above.
By analyzing the information gathered from our site visits and interviews, we developed the following
findings concerning the tree planting projects in Heredia province, and the various stakeholders and
principles which affect their success:
1. Most of the thirteen tree planting sites we visited contained trees that were correctly placed and
watered, but were harmed by pests or other isolated incidents
Summary of evidence, explanation, and analysis
2. Tree maintenance programs varied among the sites and the quality of tree maintenance in the
private planting sites was superior to the quality of tree maintenance in the public planting sites
Summary of evidence, explanation, and analysis
3. Participation was low among business owners, developers, and the ordinary community members
but was high among community leaders and schools
Summary of evidence, explanation, and analysis
4. Community members do not participate in their community’s tree planting projects because there
is no confidence in the national government’s reforestation efforts, sense of ownership, or
opportunity for social interactions
Summary of evidence, explanation, and analysis
5. There were three cases where community members were being empowered, but it appears this is
not a widespread occurrence
Summary of evidence, explanation, and analysis
The Conclusions and Recommendations
Often a reader will want to skim through this final
chapter and be able to pick out quickly your specific
conclusions and recommendations, so this chapter
should be persuasive on its own.
Content: Conclusions can be thought of as a
summary of the key findings of your project. In this
sense, it may seem a bit repetitive from your
Findings chapter. That’s OK, because sometimes
people read only this chapter and not the Findings
chapter. This chapter, however, should be MUCH
MORE SUCCINCT. Instead of giving complete
evidence to back up your findings, just suggest the
nature of the evidence.
Almost all projects will also deliver Recommendations appropriate to your work. Make sure the nature
of this chapter is consistent with what you said you would produce in your goal statement. Generally,
very little in this chapter should come as a complete surprise to the reader since findings have already
been presented; recommendations should fall out naturally from that discussion. Note that there are
two types of recommendations, those made to address the problem you studied, and those made on
next steps of study. Depending on the nature of your project, you might emphasize recommendations
more than conclusions or vice versa.
As with other chapters, start with a good introductory paragraph.
Often you can make this chapter more readable by using formatting like bold, italic, or
underlining. You have different options for organizing and formatting this chapter. Sometimes it
can be effective to present conclusions and recommendations separately. In other cases, it may
work well to present “pairs” of conclusions and recommendations. For example, you could say,
“Our results showed that…. In order to address this problem, we recommend that …”
In a similar manner as the Executive Summary and Findings chapter, make strategic use of
formatted lists in this chapter so that readers can easily identify specific conclusions and
recommendations. (See example given with Executive Summary.)
As always, choose your words VERY carefully. A common mistake for recommendations—
both in writing and in presentations—is to use statements like “We feel that the Patent and
Trademark Office should change its prior art search services by…” No one should take an action
based on how you feel. Rather, you should make clear that your conclusions and
recommendations are based on evidence. Therefore, use wording like “We recommend that…”
and then accompany that with evidence and justification: “Our results showed that …. Moreover,
there was broad support for… Therefore, we conclude…” Keep an objective tone throughout and
focus on developing persuasive arguments. Be careful with the word “should.”
Use active voice, and make clear the audience for each recommendation: We recommend
that Organization X” Use words that convey an appropriate level of confidence in your results
and recommendations.
Point out any limitations of your project, and be careful not to make the scope of your
claims more broad than is justified by your results. Your argument will be more persuasive if
you acknowledge limitations and alternatives you considered.
Often it is difficult to figure out how to conclude this chapter, and a concept that may be helpful is
to think of it as an inverse funnel. The whole report up to that point has been funneling down to
the specific findings and the accomplishment of your goal, but then you want to funnel back out
and point out things like the long-term implications of your work, who will benefit from your
work, possible uses of your findings and recommendations by individuals or groups other than
your project sponsor, and/or interesting questions that your work raises that could be pursued by
others in the future. You’d like the reader to be thinking “WOW!” at the end of this chapter,
which you can only accomplish with meaningful rather than superficial concluding remarks.
The Abstract
The Abstract is one of the last portions of your project to be written. It should mention the sponsor if
you have one, describe the problem and goal of the project, perhaps give an overview of the methods,
and give a sense of the nature of the findings, conclusions, and recommendations. It needs to fit in the
space on the CDR form; this is described as 80 words, but generally a bit more than that can fit in.
Typically that’s 4-6 sentences: perhaps one describing the problem, one stating your goal, one giving
a sense of the methods, and two or so suggesting the nature of conclusions and/or recommendations.
Your IQP abstract will appear on your WPI transcript, so try to convey the significance of your work,
and make clear if it was completed for an external organization.
The Executive Summary
As the name implies, the Executive Summary is intended for the busy person who does not have time
to read your whole report but may make some decisions based on your work. Therefore, the Executive
Summary should be able to stand alone, independent of the report, and be succinct and persuasive.
The Executive Summary may be more widely read than the report, and you are likely to write many
such documents with very similar purposes throughout your professional careers.
You can think of the Executive Summary as a microcosm of your entire report. You should convey an
understanding of the problem succinctly and state your project goal and objectives such that its
importance and relevance is clear; provide an overview of the methods at a level that makes it obvious
that you have used established and valid methods (such that the executive will trust your conclusions);
highlight key findings; compare alternatives where relevant, and present and justify your
Executive Summaries generally end up being in the range of 3-5 pages. The summary begins with
introductory material including the problem or issues your project addresses, your project goal,
objectives, and methods. This part is often between 1- 1.5 pages. (Of course, that varies by project.)
Often you can “borrow” from parts of your report to put together the Executive Summary, using a
subset of the same rhetorical moves. Cutting and pasting is acceptable, since it’s meant to be a stand-
alone document presenting the same information as the report. The bulk of the document should be
Findings, Conclusions, and/or Recommendations. Sometimes they can be combined in creative ways.
Consider carefully the visual design of the Executive Summary. Use headings and descriptive lists to
aid understanding and readability. An example follows:
Based on our findings from X, Y, and Z, we recommend that the Royal Botanical Gardens
Education Division include the following materials in the packet it sends to teachers in advance of
field trips:
A site map. Teachers requested that parking areas, toilets, and the meeting place be clearly
Suggestions for pre-trip activities. These activities should introduce key terminology that will
be used during the excursion. Three example activities have been developed and are
presented in Appendix C.
By vote of the WPI Faculty, an authorship page is required for all team project reports. What do you
do when so many drafts and so many revisions have involved all team members? Following are some
1. Identify one or two (or however many) people who took the lead role in drafting each chapter, even
if the chapter ended up being quite different. Then identify people who participated in revisions or
edits (which could be "All" in some cases) for each chapter.
2. If something like #1 is very difficult or impossible to do, describe your team's collaborative writing
process, including which team members typically took which roles (drafting, editing, etc.)
We do not suggest a statement of "all team members contributed equally to the writing of this project"
since that seems oversimplified given the complexity of collaborative writing.