A Quantitative Study of the Impact of
Social Media Reviews on Brand Perception
A Thesis Presented to
the Faculty of the Weissman School of Arts and Sciences
Baruch College, The City University of New York
In partial Fulfillment of the Requirements of the Degree of
Neha Joshi
A Quantitative Study of the Impact of
Social Media Reviews on Brand Perception
Copyright by
Neha Joshi
Dad, your little angel did it! Mom, I did what it takes to complete my degree! Thank you
to both of you. Your incredible support at crunch time and beyond cannot be expressed in few
A sincere thank you to my beloved husband, Dr. Aniruddha Marathe. I appreciate your
support, encouragement, and sense of humor especially when I kept saying, “I don’t know where
I am heading with my thesis, and do I really have this under control?” Thank you for listening to
this over and over, even at midnight!
I sincerely extend my gratitude to my maternal grandma. She was a woman of vision,
dedication, and an immense love for life! Aji, I lived your dream. Grandpa, thank you for
embedding in me a keen curiosity for knowledge.
A heartfelt thank you to my in-laws, uncles, aunts, cousins, and my closest friends. I
dedicate this thesis to all of you.
I would like to extend my most sincere appreciation for my advisor Professor Peter
Horowitz. Thank you for believing in my thesis. I truly appreciate your valuable guidance,
support, and words of encouragement. Your advice helped me focus on some of the most
important contributions for this work.
I would also like to thank my reader Professor Caryn Medved. I sincerely treasure your
most articulate and impeccable timely suggestions. Additionally, your interest in my work kept
me motivated and keen to study the research problem more.
Thank you to my graduate advisor Cathy Levkulic. Your help was very crucial for a
smooth Masters experience.
Thank you, Dr. Michael Goodman for all your support during the two years of my
Masters degree. I would also like to take the opportunity to appreciate all my professors. Thank
you also to all my friends at Baruch College, my Master’s was much more doable because of
Finally, I would like to thank Jennifer Dessert of Endnotes Editing Services. Thank you
for proofreading my work.
This thesis can be categorized under the Influencer Marketing industry with respect to social
media initiatives. Influencer marketing is a modern tactic used by brands to enhance their
visibility to their target audience by using the services of influential people. The objective of this
thesis is to quantify the impact of social media reviews on brand perception. Specifically, this
thesis focuses on two diverse media platforms commonly used for sharing opinions about
products or services by publishing audio-visual or textual reviews: YouTube and Yelp. First, we
quantitatively analyze the impact of YouTube reviews of Smartphones on the audience through
their response to these video reviews. Second, using our findings from 942 YouTube
Smartphone reviews, we introduce a statistical model to predict audience engagement on a given
video. Finally, we apply our method of quantifying the impact of reviews on the content
published on Yelp.com in the restaurant industry. The results from this validation show that our
method can be generically applied to other social media platforms and consumer-focused
industries. Our method can be employed by brand managers to turn social media reviews into
real-time feedback mechanism in order to improve brand perception in the minds of their target
List of Figures ................................................................................................................................ vi
List of Tables ............................................................................................................................... viii
CHAPTER 1 ................................................................................................................................... 1
INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................... 1
Background of Study ................................................................................................................... 9
Framework ................................................................................................................................ 12
CHAPTER 2 ................................................................................................................................. 15
LITERATURE REVIEW ............................................................................................................. 15
Diffusion of Innovation and Influence of Content .................................................................... 15
Study of YouTube Statistics ...................................................................................................... 16
Comments and View Counts ..................................................................................................... 16
Prediction Model and the Importance of Content Creators....................................................... 18
Previous Work around Yelp.com .................................................................................................................. 19
CHAPTER 3 ................................................................................................................................. 20
METHODOLOGY ....................................................................................................................... 20
Step I: Data Collection .............................................................................................................. 21
Scraping YouTube Review Attributes ................................................................................... 21
Scraping Yelp.com Review Attributes .................................................................................. 21
Step II: Understanding the Correlation and Interaction of Various Reviews Attributes Data
Representation: Box Plots (also known as ‘Error Plots’) .......................................................... 24
Dependent and Independent Variables .................................................................................. 24
Positive and Negative Words in Yelp Reviews ..................................................................... 27
Step III: Modeling the Performance of Video Reviews from Independent Variables .............. 28
Using Linear Regression ....................................................................................................... 28
R Language to Apply Linear Regression Model ................................................................... 29
Linear Regression-Based Model to Predict Views-per-Like ................................................. 31
CHAPTER 4 ................................................................................................................................. 32
DISCUSSIONS AND FINDINGS ............................................................................................... 32
Findings ..................................................................................................................................... 38
Findings on YouTube.com .................................................................................................... 38
The Impact of Resolution on the Popularity of the Reviewer ............................................... 41
Views-per-Like by Date Published........................................................................................ 43
The Impact of Popularity of a Brand on Positive Audience Engagement ............................. 46
Successful case study: OnePlus One ......................................................................................... 48
Brand Performance Correlation Model ..................................................................................... 55
Results ................................................................................................................................... 55
Word-Count-per-Positive-Word by Quarter .......................................................................... 55
CHAPTER 5 ................................................................................................................................. 59
FUTURE WORK AND CONCLUSION ..................................................................................... 59
Future Work .............................................................................................................................. 59
Conclusion ................................................................................................................................. 60
BIBLIOGRAPHY ......................................................................................................................... 62
List of Figures
Figure 1. 240p Low Resolution .................................................................................................... 35
Figure 2. 2160p/4K High Resolution ............................................................................................ 35
Figure 3. Views-per-like by Resolution ........................................................................................ 38
Figure 4. Views per Like by Video Duration ............................................................................... 39
Figure 5. Likes by Date Published ................................................................................................ 40
Figure 6. Views by Date Published............................................................................................... 40
Figure 7. Views-per-like by Resolution ........................................................................................ 41
Figure 8. Views-per-like by Tonality............................................................................................ 42
Figure 9. Views-per-like by Video Duration ................................................................................ 42
Figure 10. Video Duration by Date Published .............................................................................. 42
Figure 11: Views-per-like by Date Published ............................................................................... 43
Figure 12. Views by Date Published for Jon Rettinger ................................................................ 44
Figure 13. Views by Date Published for Todd Haselton .............................................................. 44
Figure 14. Comments by Date Published for Jon Rettinger ......................................................... 45
Figure 15. Comments by Date Published for Todd Haselton ....................................................... 45
Figure 16. Dislikes by Date Published for Jon Rettinger .............................................................. 45
Figure 17. Llikes by Date Published for Jon Rettinger ................................................................. 45
Figure 18. Likes by Date Published For Michael Fisher .............................................................. 46
Figure 19. Views-per-like by Resolution ...................................................................................... 48
Figure 20. Likes by Date Published .............................................................................................. 48
Figure 21. Shares by Date Published ............................................................................................ 48
Figure 22. Views-per-share by Resolution ................................................................................... 48
Figure 23. Video Duration by Date Published .............................................................................. 49
Figure 24. Views-per-like by Video Data Points for Blackberry ................................................. 52
Figure 25. Views-per-like by Video Data Points for Nokia ......................................................... 52
Figure 26. Wordcount-per-positive by Date Published in Quarter - Per Restaurant .................... 55
Figure 27. Wordcount-per-positive by Date Published in Quarter For CT .................................. 56
Figure 28. Wordcount-per-positive by Date Published in Quarter For HI ................................... 56
Figure 29. Wordcount-per-negative by Date Published in Quarter For CT ................................. 57
Figure 30. Wordcount-per-negative by Date Published in Quarter For HI .................................. 57
Figure 31. Wordcount-per-positive by Date Published in Quarter Per Restaurant.................... 57
Figure 32. Wordcount-per-positive by Date Published in Quarter Per Restaurant.................... 57
List of Tables
Table 1 Categories and their examples of social media platforms ................................................. 2
Table 2 Attributes indicate techniques used by YouTube content creators in video production .... 6
Table 3 Reaction of the audience to videos produced by YouTube content creators ..................... 6
Table 4 Values assigned to independent variables used by YouTube content creators................ 21
Table 5 Values assigned to dependent variables that indicate the reaction of the audience ....... 21
Table 6 Locations of universities for Yelp.com reviews ............................................................... 23
Table 7 Dependent and independent variables for Yelp.com reviews .......................................... 23
Table 8 Box plot data components ................................................................................................ 24
Table 9 Variables used in the study .............................................................................................. 26
Table 10 YouTube video reviewers and channels studied ............................................................ 33
Table 11 Values assigned to the R program for resolution .......................................................... 34
Table 12 Values assigned to tonality of speech ............................................................................ 36
Table 13 Components of the Prediction model ............................................................................. 37
Table 14 Prediction model ............................................................................................................ 51
Social media has grown beyond its original purpose of connecting people all over the
globe. Today, the ease of interacting with millions of social media users in a cost effective and
real-time manner has given rise to the creation of highly engaging online content by users from
diverse professional and personal backgrounds. An all-encompassing definition of social media
is “Social Media is a group of Internet-based applications that build on the ideological and
technological foundations of Web 2.0, and that allow the creation and exchange of User
Generated Content” (Kaplan & Haenlein, 2010 p.61). Successful social media platforms today
are structured to incorporate a fast and cost-effective message delivery system that is globally
accessible. Popular social media websites can be characterized by an ever-growing network of
participants that interact through highly engaging content. Because of this ability to host
persuasive content, social media platforms have become a powerful tool for brand managers to
reach their target audience.
Recent advancements in technology, arts, and economics have greatly improved the
usability and reach of social media platforms. For instance, a report by 2015 Pew research
informs that there was a 7% rise in the usage of social media from 2005 to 2015. The report
informs that 65% adults use social media (Perrin, 2015). As social media evolves into a more
sophisticated tool for interaction and global reach, many individuals and companies are
leveraging their influence using it to their benefit. As a consequence, the field of social media
provides a viable career option for content creators who talk, sell, promote, and respond to
audience effectively.
Keeping the competitive landscape in mind, the social media platforms are being leveraged not
only by the content creators to maximize their reach to the target audience, but also by the
companies selling the product being reviewed. To capture the interest of such a vast audience, a
brand manager must measure the effectiveness of the channels that divulge brand information to
that audience. In this thesis, we propose a formal technique to measure the effectiveness of these
channels in conveying the brand message to their audience by using relevant user-relevant
Social media primarily attracts the attention of the millennial generation. According to
the 2010 Pew Research report, the millennial is defined as having been born between 1977 and
1992 (Norén, L. 2011). The reviewers of the millennial generation have a high power of
influence on the audience that thinks and acts like them. For the millennial generation, various
social media channels have become inseparable part of every phase of their lives. Table 1
provides a broad classification of social media platforms (arranged in no particular order or
feature preference):
Type of Platforms
Text interaction and review
WhatsApp, Snapchat.com, Yelp.com
Personal space and entertainment
Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Yammer.com
Audio and video
YouTube.com, 8tracks.com, Hubbub.com
Instagram, Flickr
Amazon.com, BestBuy.com
Special topics
Runkeeper, interactive games, dating websites
These platforms have enabled the millennial generation and others to become a part of
their most personal interests and opinions. In this thesis, we specifically focus on two social
media platforms used by the millennial generation: YouTube (video sharing) and Yelp
(experience sharing).
The millennial generation is largely engaged in creating and viewing video content on
popular video hosting websites such as YouTube. Due to the availability of inexpensive mobile
and wireless internet to the millennial generation in the United States, the reach of YouTube
content is enormous and the reaction of YouTube users to the videos is measureable. A
comprehensive research by Statista.com shows that 53.6% of high-school graduates (graduated
in June 2015) consider YouTube as the most favorite social networking website. In comparison,
Twitter.com and Netflix.com attract 36.9% and 39.3% of the online population, respectively
(Statista.com, 2015). According to Statista.com, the number of YouTube users in the United
States has increased from 163.5 million in 2014 to 170.7 million in 2015, which is a significant
increase of 7.2 million users per year. Statista predicts that the total users for YouTube will reach
187.8 million in 2019. These results complement with another insight that calculates the number
of hours spent by people watching YouTube videos (Statista.com, 2015). According to
YouTube.com statistics, The number of people watching YouTube each day has increased by
40% y/y since March 2014 (YouTube Statistics).
Many reasons justify this growth in the total time spend on YouTube. One of the most
crucial reasons is the advancement of YouTube from a channel that offers music to a full-fledged
platform for online enthusiasts to upload opinion based video blogs or vlog on their own
YouTube channels.
According to Oxford dictionary, a vlog is “A blog in which the postings are primarily in video
form” (Oxford Dictionary). An individual using these vlogs are called vloggers. Vloggers belong
mostly to the millennial generation and strive to attract maximum number of followers to their
YouTube channels. Vloggers start their online presence as ordinary people. But, with the
progression of time, some of them succeed in attracting a large number of views from the
audience who can relate to the content in the videos over mutual interests. YouTube has helped
ordinary people to turn into online celebrities in a short time.
Because of the way these vloggers have a powerful influence on altering the opinions of
their followers, marketers can no longer ignore the possibility of employing these channels for
brand promotion and reach. There is a professional aspect to vlogging that has evolved into a
serious career choice for many of these vloggers that belong to the millennial generation.
Because YouTube is so popular and provides a way to earn through creating and posting viral
content, there is an opportunity to make a career as a video content creator. For example, The
Guardian report states that, “YouTube star Felix ‘PewDiePie’ Kjellberg earned $7.4 million from
his YouTube channel” (Dredge, 2015). Consequently, word-of-mouth promotion of popular
brands has risen over years, especially after 2005 after the launch of YouTube.
While YouTube is a powerful tool, many reviews generate audience reaction in the form
of comments that might be unrelated to the content of the video. To study the impact of reviews
on the reaction of audience, this thesis focuses on an industry which might almost exclusively
attracts audience engagement in the matter related to the content. Therefore, apart from a small
number of unrelated comments, the industry selected for this study covers directly related
reactions to the videos studied.
Within this framework, with 80 total number of channels, the technology industry is a
popular market segment crowded by reviewers (YouTube). The fast-paced world of technology
is seeing a rapid evolution in the products that substantially improve the quality of life of the
users. For example, you can now experience augmented reality with Microsoft’s HoloLens,
which changes the way people perceive and interact with reality. The world of technology has
always improved human-computer interaction to save time and draw the world closer.
For this thesis, we focus specifically on the smartphone reviews. The smartphone
industry is a cluttered market with overwhelming information for potential buyers. Most buyers
want their daily drivers
to have the best performance and style while being budget friendly. It is
common place that smartphone companies launch new products or update their old products
often, which is overly confusing for potential buyers when choosing a smartphone that fits their
requirements. Smartphone buyers almost always rely on an advice from someone who has used
their desired phone. Technology reviewers on YouTube offer their opinions about the features
that the audience can relate to.
Because the users of technology products must be convinced about the effectiveness of
features before making a buying decision, brand managers of technology companies must reach
the most influential reviewers to convey the brand message of their product to their target
audience. Empirically, research has been conducted on the impact of online content on the total
number of views, subscription, and comments in isolation.
While these studies succeeded in measuring the impact of online content on websites like
YouTube, they were limited in measuring the impact of content creators on YouTube on the
audience in their full potential. For example, the total number of views taken in isolation may not
be a sufficient indicator of the true potential of a reviewer’s influencing capability. This is
because views do not necessarily indicate audience retention and, therefore, do not categorize
casual viewers from influenced audience.
A daily driver is a popular term used by reviewers as a phone they use daily.
Research on the reaction of audience on YouTube must include a correlation between likes,
dislikes, shares, and comments along with other factors for a truly inclusive measurement of
brand performance.
This thesis uses a statistical technique to measure the correlation between attributes characterized
by the techniques used by YouTube reviewers and the metrics indicating the response of the
audience to these reviews. We use the following attributes (termed as ‘variables’ in the rest of
the thesis) for our study:
Resolution of the video: The size and number of pixels/sharpness of the video
Tone of voice: The quality of voice including intonations used by the reviewer
Length of the video: The total video time in minutes
Published date of the video: The date when the video was broadcast
Channel: Uploader’s online space for collection of his/her videos
Smartphone brand: The technology companies of study
Views: Number of distinct views for the video
Likes: Number of positive response to the video
Dislikes: Number of negative response to the video
Shares: Total number of shares of the video
Comments: Positive, negative or neutral response to the content of the video
Subscription: Number of followers of the channel
Our research methodology can be explained in two parts: First, we classify video
attributes crucial to the YouTube content creators and brand managers of the smartphone
industry. We classify the video attributes as dependent variables (views, likes, dislikes, shares,
comments, subscriptions) and independent variables (resolution of the video, tone of voice of the
reviewer, length of the video, published date of the video, channel, and smartphone brand).
Dependent variables enable us to understand the reaction of the audience to video attributes
(independent variables) used by the reviewers to create the video. We use the well-known
technique of simple linear regression to measure the correlation between the independent and the
dependent variables.
This analysis demonstrates the brand perception and affinity before online content was
produced and after it became viral. We present a linear regression-based model to predict the
reaction of the audience (also called audience engagement in this work) on a video using only the
attributes of the video in terms of views-per-like metric. We show that the predicted performance
in views-per-like fairly follows the trend of actual performance on the videos of reviews on two
smartphone brands: Nokia and BlackBerry.
Second, we apply our methodology by testing the correlation between brand performance
in the restaurant industry and the reviews of diners on Yelp.com. We do not consider the reaction
of the audience on the reviews for the restaurant since the intention was to manipulate the
attributes to test the reaction of audience in the form of reviews to brand message delivered by
companies especially because of its service nature. This is because, unlike the technology
industry where reviewers would express their experience with the performance of the brand, in
the restaurant industry the reviewer experiences the performance of the brand directly through
the food and service (carried by the restaurant staff) in the restaurant outlets. The results from the
second part of the method demonstrate that with minimal modifications, we were able to
effectively apply the same methodology to the restaurant industry and quantify the impact of
brand performance on the reaction of the audience.
The method used in our thesis is beneficial for both brand managers and reviewers
particularly in the field of social media. Brand managers can use the method to understand the
performance of the reviewers before investing enormous budget in on-line promotion. Brand
managers may benefit from our study by filtering data that will help them make a more informed
decision about using the service of the reviewers. On the other hand, reviewers can use our
method for self-assessment to improve their performance, retain their followers, and work
cohesively with the companies they review. Our method can work as a live mentor for the
reviewers while they attract a meaningful audience engagement.
Background of Study
The purpose of this study was to quantitatively examine the impact of social media
reviews contributed primarily by the millennial generation on reaction of the audience to the
commodities or services being reviewed. Specifically, this research quantified the way in which
brand managers working for smartphone companies can leverage the services of highly
influential YouTube content creators to reach a large set of online audience. Another key
contribution of this work was a statistical model that predicts the impact of social media content,
which can be beneficial to the communication team of a company. We described the usefulness
of the statistical model in analyzing the interaction between a brand and its audience effectively
for any industry other than smartphone. We demonstrated the usefulness of our impact
quantification method by applying it to the social media reviews on Yelp.com focused on the
Tex-Mex category of restaurants.
An increasing population of consumers is now relying on online reviews before buying a
product or a service. This increasing trend compels brand managers to use social media
platforms to promote their products and interact with their audience either directly or through
popular influencers on social media. This research studied the content created by these social
media reviewers, considered because of their popularity and ability to quickly make an online
brand message viral.
Today, it is common to find companies using social media marketing as their primary
strategy. One of the most impactful ways to communicate online is through audio-video
According to a report in The Guardian, “Nielsen claims 64% of marketers expect video to
dominate their strategies in the near future” (Trimble, 2015). Companies focused on
communication have social media experts (individual or group of professionals) who come
together to plan, implement, and evaluate the social media initiatives in a time-sensitive manner.
Marketers are willing to explore new techniques to improve their brand’s social media presence
to constantly keep up with the emerging markets. According to a recent report by
Salesforce.com, “70% of marketers plan to increase their dollars for organic social or content
marketing” (Heine, 2015). Consistent and integrated content marketing strategy is beneficial to
the development of a strong relationship between a brand and the audience. Forrester Research
defines content marketing as “a marketing strategy where brands create interest, relevance and
relationships with customers by producing, curating and sharing content that addresses specific
customer needs and delivers visible value (Gerard, 2015).
Content creation on various social media platforms enables brands to promote visibility,
audience interaction, promotion, reputation, and much more. Content creators are the catalysts of
highly sharable brand advocacy messages as they guide their audience to generate opinions about
these brands. Companies that use the services of influential reviewers get access to instant
feedback and recommendations from their audience.
Various social media platforms facilitate easy and effective video content creation.
YouTube provides content creators their online space in the form of channels that helps them
publish free and high-definition videos on topics of their choice. Many research reports claimed
that YouTube.com is the second largest search engine on the Web.
In a report, YouTube was shown as the most frequent video snippet domain compared to its
competition (including hulu.com) (Edward, 2015). To help content creators stand out, YouTube
provides several tutorials through their YouTube creator academy (YouTube Creator Academy)
including lectures on high-definition visual designs, framing, lighting, and sound techniques.
Content creators use production attributes such as resolution, tone of voice, lighting, and
sound to attract a large number of followers that respond to the video through metrics such as
views, likes, dislikes, shares, comments, and subscriptions. Much research has been conducted
on quantifying the views, subscription, and comments (in isolation) generated through a more
generic set of videos. But no research has been conducted to quantify the correlation between
video attributes used by content creators and the video metrics/reaction of the audience to these
videos. Studying this correlation may help brand managers understand the technique of
leveraging the services of content creators to improve the promotion of their brand.
In this research, we also examined the impact of brand performance on the reviews
published on Yelp.com for the restaurant industry. On average, Yelp.com attracts 135 million
monthly users (Wiideman). Yelp reviews benefit restaurant owners to interact with their
customers, get feedback, watch their competitors and promote their popularity on Yelp.com. For
this research, we focused on the Tex-Mex category of restaurants. We studied the reviews of
Tex-Mex restaurants generated by the millennial generation located in a 10-miles radius of dense
university campus areas in 8 major states.
Content creators on YouTube start their career typically with a simple video using
average quality video production equipment. As they gather subscriptions, content creators
venture into advancing their production techniques to enhance the quality of their video. A well-
designed plan to use the most advanced attributes for their YouTube content fetch them more
followers. Companies looking to invest in online marketing primarily consider the popularity of
these content creators as the deciding factor to approach them. In the smartphone industry, the
strategy to promote their product on YouTube through these content creators is adopted at the
earliest stage, typically even before the official launch of the product in their target market.
Smartphone companies give out early editions of their upcoming phones to popular YouTube
reviewers with a high subscription rate. While still in the pipeline, products reach those content
creators that attract the maximum number of subscriptions and companies use additional
analytics such as views and comments to decide which reviewer will benefit them the most. The
performance evaluation techniques presented in our work can be readily adopted by brand
managers to help leverage the attributes used by content creators to their benefit.
A good phone review are often produced with high-definition sound and visual quality
since these attributes improve the effectiveness in detailing the visual features of a given
smartphone through the video review. Use of correct lighting brightens up the room giving the
phone a fresh look. The tone of voice used by the content creator helps them deliver a clear
message. The length of the video syncs with the attention span of the audience, and the date the
video was published justifies the reaction of the audience since technology is a time-sensitive
In terms of these attributes, content creators have the power to influence the opinions of their
audience about the brand and motivate healthy discussion about the phone features in the
comments section of the video. The most popular metrics that show the reaction of the audience
are views, likes, dislikes, shares, comments, and subscriptions. These metrics indicate the
interaction of the audience with the brand and also the content creator.
A video view indicates a “conscious human choice to view a video”. Views on YouTube
are considered validated after the first 300 views on a video (Couzin, 2014). At this point, brand
managers need to understand that considering the number of views in isolation does not cover
the entire landscape of the reaction by audience. For example, one of the parameters used for this
research is views-per-like, which shows number of views required for one like. Comments on
YouTube could bring positive or negative response to video attributes that may influence fellow
viewer/commenter. Likes and dislikes show audience loyalty and expectations respectively.
Content creators work as influencers by presenting their stories and opinions to their
audience convincingly. Our research found that high production value results in higher
subscriptions, which make content creators popular. These creators connect with like-minded
followers who can understand the message in their content. Increased subscriptions motivate the
content creators to constantly upgrade their methods and skills to convince popular brands to use
their product review services before anyone else is given a higher priority.
Consequently, the audiences for these content creators feel a sense of privilege and belonging
when connecting with these YouTube influencers and relate to their stories. Popular content
creators on YouTube are considered celebrities and influencers by both the audience and the
brand manager. Hence, studying the performance of these content creators is important. The next
chapter explains the methodology used for this research.
Understanding the impact of social media platforms in influencing opinions of the users
has been an active area of research in the intersection of the fields of Computer Science and
Marketing/Brand Management. This research was primarily focused on understanding how
brand managers can leverage the knowledge of attributes of social media reviews to predict the
popularity of their brand.
For YouTube, previous research was focused on modeling views, comments, and
subscription to examine the popularity of video content in specific categories using sophisticated
data mining tools.
Diffusion of Innovation and Influence of Content
In their thesis Examining the Diffusion of User-Generated Content in Online Social
Networks, Jeong et al. (Susarla & Tan, 2008) focused on diffusion of user generated content for
social media influence for videos that are not genre specific. Diffusion of innovations is a theory
that seeks to explain how, why, and at what rate new ideas and technology spread through
cultures (Wikipedia). This research studied the impact of social media network among like-
minded individuals on social learning and conformity. In contrast, our thesis examined the
impact of content creators responsible for generating content conducive to expanding their social
network. We studied specific attributes employed by content creators specifically on YouTube
that enabled a successful social media network of like-minded individuals. Our research focused
on the reasons for diffusion of innovation if considered in that framework.
Study of YouTube Statistics
Research by Cheng et al. examined the correlation between videos published by content
creators and algorithmically generated recommended videos by YouTube (Dale & Liu, 2008).
While the research focused on the importance of content creator’s choice, it emphasized the
snowball effect by YouTube rather than the impact of these content creators on the choice by the
audience. Additionally, this research also focused on measuring the total number of views
generated by the videos as the most important metric of popularity. In contrast, as will be
discussed later in this thesis, we prove that views alone cannot be a measurement of the
popularity of the content creator because the total number of views do not cover influenced
audience. Our research examined views-per-like and other parameters as crucial metrics to study
the performance of the content creators.
Comments and View Counts
Research was conducted on the impact of video content on view counts, comments, and
video sharing for general categories by using linear regression and R model analysis to predict
these parameters. A paper by Siersdorfer et al. focused on comments for published videos and
meta-ratings for those comments. The research also analyzed sentiments in these comments
using the sentiment-analysis tool, SentiWordNet Thesaurus (Siersdorfer et al, 2010). Further, this
research predicted future community acceptance for comments that are not yet rated.
Richier et al. presented models to study the impact of the popularity of a video and its
category based on evolution of the view-counts for the video (Richier et al, 2014). Their research
focused on the views generated by YouTube users and how the prediction model can work to
formulate the future view counts.
Haridakis and Hanson studied whether the motives (sentiments) of YouTube users can be
used to predict viewing and sharing videos with others (Haridakis & Hanson, 2009). Their
research was a quantitative study that was based on how audiences react to videos on YouTube.
While these efforts involved analysis of the impact of videos on the response of the audience
specifically for views, comments, and sharing; they did not study the correlation between these
parameters. Furthermore, their work lacked a detailed examination of the reasons for the
popularity of a video from the perspective of the content creator on YouTube.
Prediction Model and the Importance of Content Creators
Very limited research had been conducted on the impact of the content creators on the
audience engagement. In their work, Broadcast yourself: understanding YouTube uploaders,
Ding et al. claimed that their research on the importance of content creators had never been done
before (Ding et al, 2011). While they did focus on content creators, their work was not supported
by substantially relevant quantitative analysis. Although their study offered a different approach
to understanding YouTube reviews, they only presented a hypothesis.
While previous researchers focused on video length, video age (similar to date published
that we studied for this thesis), and specific content (topic) discussed in YouTube videos with no
specific focus on a genre or industry, current literature lacked a study of the attributes employed
by content creators and how brand managers can leverage the knowledge of the techniques used
by these content creators to capture audience engagement.
Previous Work around Yelp.com
In Chapter 3, we validate our methodology by analyzing restaurant reviews on Yelp.com.
Previous research focused on sentimental analysis of YouTube reviews with a focus on positive
and negative words (Hicks et al, 2012). However, previous work did not capture the performance
of location specific outlets in close proximity to a specific target audience. Our thesis is unique
in two aspects: First, we focused on specific locations within 10-mile radius of densely populated
university campuses. Second, we specifically evaluated the performance of Tex-Mex restaurants
across states in the United States with unique cultural diversities. Targeting outlet staff (carriers
of restaurant experience in terms of food and services) and reviewers (restaurant diners) revealed
unique insights that may help brand managers to efficiently invest their resources for a better
return on investment.
This research used hypothesis testing to collect data that signified a relationship between
dependent and independent variables. The type of investigation used was the correlation method.
We used the interval scale within a linear regression model. An interval scale allows researchers
to “perform certain arithmetic operations on the data collected from the respondent (Mir p.16).
We use this interval scale to measure the distance between two points on the scale. We collected
942 YouTube videos produced by tech content creators using the R language tool. These videos
were published by 69 YouTube reviewers from United States and Canada for six smartphone
brands. For the Yelp.com data, we collected 894 customer reviews for four Tex-Mex restaurants
in eight states in the United States using Kimono labs software.
The rest of this chapter is organized as follows. First, we explain our method to gather
review attributes on YouTube.com and Yelp.com. Second, we present our method to visually
understand the correlation and interaction between various interesting attributes of reviews.
Some interesting interactions between review attributes that arise in this step suggest potential
for trivial as well as non-trivial correlations. Third, we present our attempt to formally quantify
these correlations using the well-known method of Linear Regression. Finally, we present our
method for applying the same method to quantify the performance of reviews on Yelp.com.
Step I: Data Collection
Scraping YouTube Review Attributes
To evaluate the reviews on YouTube, we divided the data in two parts: independent and
dependent variables. We collected the independent and dependent variables, which are
represented in Table 4 and Table 5.
Resolution of the video
Value points for high quality (pixels) to low quality (pixels) videos
Tone of voice with manually assigned values that indicate the intonation used by the
Video duration
Calculated every 5 minutes of the total time of the video
Date published
Calculated as value point from assumed as Jan 01, 2016
Space for collection of reviews by content creators
Smartphone brand
A balance of successful, underperforming, and a new brand
The total number of distinct views for the video
The total number of positive responses to the video
The total number of negative responses to the video
The total number of times the video was shared on other social media platforms
Positive, negative or neutral response to the content of the video that generates discussion
The total number of followers to independent reviewers or reviewing company
The smartphone brands include:
1. BlackBerry (Before Microsoft acquisition)
2. LG Electronics - Nexus
3. HTC Corporation
4. OnePlus (Before OnePlus two)
5. Nokia Corporation
Scraping Yelp.com Review Attributes
Kimono labs (Kimonolabs.com) software is a free web crawler that is used in this thesis
to work with the Yelp.com reviews. A web crawler “is a program that visits Web sites and reads
their pages and other information in order to create entries for a search engine index (Rouse,
2005). We used Kimono labs to crawl Yelp.com reviews for the Tex-Mex restaurants in selective
locations close to the university campus of selected cities and towns in the United States.
Kimono labs use their technique to help users create their own application programming
interfaces (APIs). These APIs are sets of requirements that govern how one application can talk
to another (Proffitt, 2013). We could create our own API without writing a code, which was easy
for us to understand data crawling and collection. The software is online, which makes it
accessible through any device with the only requirement of an internet connection.
We registered for Kimono labs software with a login and password followed by installing
a Kimono plug-in. On the main page, we copied and pasted the URL of the website that Kimono
needed to crawl. After a few seconds, Kimono indicated that we needed to build our API page
where we selected the required variables to be crawled. After Kimono labs scraped the data, we
were instructed to save the API online, which we then transferred to an excel sheet for use.
Additionally, Kimono lab allows users to set a timer for continuous scraping of data on the
selected websites. We used this data to input the values in R language and used linear regression
to build a linear regression model. We observed that with minimum modifications, we could
produce a linear regression model for Yelp.com reviews similar to YouTube data.
For the Yelp.com analysis we studied the correlation between the performances of four
brands across universities in eight major states of the United States, as shown in Table 6.
Alabama A&M University, Alabama State University, and University of South Alabama
University of Arizona
University of Connecticut and Trinity College
Hawaii Pacific University
North Carolina State University
Grace University,
The Ohio State University
University of Houston, Texas Women’s University, and Rice University
We analyzed the performance of four brands in outlets within a 10-mile radius of these
universities. These brands were Chipotle Mexican Grill, Moe’s Southwest Grill, Qdoba Mexican
Grill, and Taco Bell.
We collected over 10 years of data from 2005 to 2015 using the following dependent and
independent variables for Yelp.com data:
Dependent variable
Independent variable
Wordcount for Positive and Negative words
State Positive Words
Date published
Restaurant Date published
Step II: Understanding the Correlation and Interaction of Various data points for
Data Representation: Box Plots (also known as ‘Error Plots’)
Box plotting is a commonly used way of representing the statistical characteristics of a
set of discrete numerical values. These characteristics primarily include the mean, median, best-
case and worst-case values of the data series being considered. Through box plots, one can
derive correlation patterns in two or more data series. The graphical representation of data is
called a box plot because it is a rectangle with lines dividing this box into groups of data called
‘quartiles’ (typically 25% of each quartile makes a box). The quartiles are median, interquartile
range, upper quartile, lower quartile, and whiskers. Box plot shows the range of values on the
Y-axis and categorization based on the other data series on the X-axis. Table 8 is an explanation
of these components.
The median (middle quartile) marks the midpoint of the data and is shown by the line that
divides the box into two parts. Half the scores are greater than or equal to this value and half
are less
Inter Quartile
The middle “box” represents the middle 50% of scores for the group. The range of scores
from lower to upper quartile is referred to as the interquartile range. The middle 50% of
scores fall within the interquartile range
Upper Quartile
75% of the scores fall below the upper quartile
Lower Quartile
25% of scores fall below the lower quartile
The upper and lower whiskers represent scores outside the middle 50%. Whiskers often (but
not always) stretch over a wider range of scores than the middle quartile groups
(Wellbeing@school). Box plot (or Error plot) is one way of seeing the spread of various data
points to graphically represent the correlation between two data series.
Dependent and Independent Variables
A variable is any given data series that is considered to be a component for statistical
measurement. An independent variable is an attribute that describes the fundamental
characteristic of the entity being described. On the other hand, a dependent variable is any
variable that is influenced by the independent variable due to causality relationship. At this point,
the change in the dependent variable is observed and recorded. For example, in this thesis the
dependent variable of views on YouTube can potentially change (increase or decrease) with the
change in the independent variable duration of the video, as we explore later. Independent
variables are exclusively controlled by the reviewer. In formal scientific methods, independent
variables are changed or controlled in the mathematical/scientific experiment to measure how
they affect the dependent variables (Marie).
Any dependent variable is preferably represented on the Y axis and independent variables
are likewise represented on the X axis to measure the impact of changing the latter on the former.
In this thesis, we considered either one dependent variable at a time, such as views, or a
combination of dependent variables such as views-per-like.
Table 9 lists the dependent and independent variables used in this study (smartphones and
Variable Type
Resolution of the video
Video duration
Date published - smartphones
Date published Restaurants
Positive and Negative Words in Yelp Reviews
In case of Yelp.com reviews, we found two additional dependent variables for the
completeness of the study: total positive words and total negative words in the review. The
correlation between positive/negative words and other variables in Yelp reviews show direct
correlation of the reaction of the audience to the brand performance and the brand message
delivered by the restaurant staff through food and service in the outlets. Positive and negative
words in the reviews are a direct feedback describing first-hand user’s experience. Quantifying
positive and negative words in the review itself is important because unlike YouTube, the
interaction on Yelp.com is directly between the brand and the user of the service.
Step III: Modeling the Performance of Video Reviews from Independent Variables
Using Linear Regression
In their book Introduction to Linear Regression Analysis, authors Montgomery, Peck, and
Vining define linear regression as “a statistical technique for investing and modeling the
relationship between variables” (Montgomery et al, 2013). Regression-based models are used
extensively by statisticians to solve real-life problems in many fields including management and
other social sciences. Linear regression is a mathematical technique used to analyze how change
in one variable can affect the other variable.
In this thesis, we use linear regression to analyze the following:
1. Correlation between the attributes used by content creators on YouTube.com for
smartphone companies and the reaction of the audience to those videos measured
through YouTube audience metrics. For example, we try to find the correlation
between resolutions used by content creators and likes generated by the audience on
that video.
2. Correlation between the performance of the brand and the reaction by the audience in
form of reviews on Yelp.com for Tex-Mex restaurants. For example, we try to find a
correlation between the positive words and the date published of the review. Date
published is an important attribute to understand the age of the video and the trend of
influence over time.
Linear regression is a commonly used statistical method used to measure the correlation
between two (related or unrelated) data series. Although the correlation may not necessarily
indicate causality
, quantifying the correlation is crucial to understand the impact of important
characteristics of the data sets being compared. We present techniques to apply linear regression
to the social media content attributes and properties of the reaction of the audience/metrics. This
study may help brand managers understand their customers and the performance of their brand
most effectively.
Results delivered with the use of the linear regression technique illustrate a possible
relationship between two variables typically illustrated with a scatter plot. “Scatter plots are used
to plot data points on a horizontal and a vertical axis in the attempt to show how much one
variable is affected by another (Spotfire.com). For this thesis, we use a box plot instead of
scatter plot to simplify the visual aspects of the results.
R Language to Apply Linear Regression Model
R is a computer programming language in a system for ‘statistical computation and
graphics’ (Becker, Chambers & Wilks, 1988 p. 1). R language helps statisticians and data
scientist to find astonishing insights into the data by simply plugging the acquired numbers in the
R system. R is an open-sourced language available to download for free and many online
tutorials are available on how to use R most effectively to transfer raw data into graphical
representations. In his article Big Data: What is R? R Explained in less than Two Minutes, to
Absolutely Anyone, Bernard Marr of Advanced Performance Institute explained that
Casual analysis in linear regression determines whether change in independent variable really affects dependent
Rs strengths as a statistical programming language draw from the fact it is
designed from the ground up to facilitate matrix arithmetic - carrying out
complex, often automated calculations on data which is held in a grid of rows and
columns. R is very good for creating programs which can carry out calculations
on these datasets, even when the datasets are constantly growing in size at an
ever-increasing rate, and producing real-time visualizations based on this data
Marr further stated that R helps statisticians represent their data graphically through
charts, graphs and complex multi-dimensioned matrices. Through this thesis we found that
statistics is incomplete without programming. R programming language is important for
businesses because of its open-sourced nature. Additionally, transferring big quantities of data
from an excel sheet (collecting and adding data to the excel sheet as the first step) to graphs can
be tedious and expensive for companies trying to understand the impact of their business model
and the framework of the reaction of their audience (Amirtha, 2014). In this thesis, we use the R
language to (a) transfer dependent and independent variables into combinations of several
graphical results, and (b) to predict a linear regression model that shows changes to the
dependent variable with modifications in the independent variable for the future YouTube videos
and Yelp reviews.
Linear Regression-Based Model to Predict Views-per-Like
Linear regression model is provided as a readily available tool in the R language. The
components of linear regression model are as follows.
Best fit line. The best-fit line is the ‘mean’ of the data. Mean is calculated by adding all
the values of the data points and dividing the total by the number of data points.
Residual. A residual is the distance from the mean to the observed value on a graph.
Simply put, residuals also called ‘errors’ are values that are scattered on a graph plot at a position
that is near or far away from the mean of the data or best-fit line. When the residuals are added
they always result in zero. Residuals are squared to make the distance positives and to emphasis
a larger deviation (similar to standard deviation). The squaring exaggerates the points that are
further away. The goal of simple linear regression is to create a linear model that minimizes sum
of squares of the residuals (Foltz, 2013).
Coefficients. These are the constants (value that do not change) that give you the best
case estimation of predicted values using the model. The use of this model and the actual model
will be explained in the next chapter.
The data is divided into two parts. (a) Attributes used by content creators to publish a
video and (b) the metrics used for measuring the reaction of the audience to the videos (see Table
4 and Table 5). As discussed earlier, the primary purpose of this thesis is to find a correlation
between the dependent variables and the independent variables for 942 YouTube videos.
While views and likes are important metrics to measure the reaction of the audience to
videos, our work found that they are not sufficient to understand the true potential of what is
preferred by the audience. Views, for example, do not capture audience reactions, i.e. views are
merely the total amount of validated time spent watching a video, but does not include the total
number of influenced viewers. While likes is a better parameter to show the positive response to
the videos, we found that likes in isolation does not cover viewership. For example, consider a
video received 1000 views and only 100 likes. The content of this video clearly failed to attract
maximum positive reaction from the audience. Through this result, we found that views-per-like
metric captures the influence of content on the audience more effectively than other candidate
composite metrics. Consider the following analogy: views-per-like are similar to miles-per-
gallon calculated to assess the performance of a car in terms of mileage. Through views-per-like,
we essentially capture the mileage of the videos.
We studied the correlation of views-per-like and other variables for six smartphone
brands. We picked three contrasting brand categories: old and successful, old and unsuccessful,
and new brands in the smartphone industry. The reason for this selection was to identify the
impact of YouTube reviewers on audience with content of varied brands with varied
backgrounds and experience in the industry. Table 10 outlines the video attributes of the
following reviewers/channels we examined.
Aaron Baker
Austin Evans
Austin Evans
Brandon Miniman
Chris Pirillo
Chris Pirillo
Danny Winget
Danny Winget
Erica Griffin
Erica Griffin
Flossy Carter
Flossy Carter
John Velasco
Jon Rettinger
Joshua Vergara
Android Authority
Linus Sebastian
Linus Sebastian
Lisa Gade
Mobile TechReview
Marco Hanna
Marques Brownlee
Michael Fisher
Michael Kukielka
Sassy Tech Girl
Sassy Tech Girl
Todd Haselton
We carefully monitored the performance of these content creators for the brands
discussed in the Data Collection section.
As mentioned earlier, our research measured the influence of smartphone reviewers on YouTube
based on selective attributes and metrics. Since the R language can operate primarily on data
series consisting of numbers, we assigned values for our attributes. We measured the impact of
views-per-like on resolution of the video and tone of voice
(also called tonality in this thesis)
used by the content creator. Table 11 presents the values that were provided to the R program for
Maximum Resolution
Values Assigned
In this thesis, we use tone of voice and tonality interchangeably
Our study found that a high-resolution video is pleasing to the eye and can immediately
bring a sense of reliability. For example, Figure 1 shows a snapshot of a video with a low
resolution of 240 pixels and Figure 2 shows a snapshot of the same video with the maximum
resolution of 2160 pixels (also known as 4K). In these figures, the difference in the pixels and
hence the difference in quality of the picture is evident. Our study found that the resolution is
crucial in audience engagement and retention.
The next important variable is the tone of voice used by the content creators. Tone of
voice or ‘tonality’ is characterized by the intonations and pitch used in a video produced by the
content creators. As mentioned earlier, since R program understands numeric values, we
assigned assumption values to categorize tonality. We manually watched every video for the first
60 seconds and noted down the most relevant category of tonality. This was based on the
sharpness in the voice and the intonation used by the speaker. We found that the sharpness in the
voice is a very important element in not only attracting the audience but also sustaining them as
followers. On the other hand, the quality of intonation makes the content sound either interesting
or dull.
We assumed the following categories and values to those categories, which are reflected
in Table 12.
Manually Assigned Categories
Effective Quality
High Crispness/clarity - High intonation
High Crispness/clarity - Normal intonation
High Crispness/clarity - Low intonation
Normal Crispness/clarity - High intonation
Normal Crispness/clarity - Normal intonation
Normal Crispness/clarity - Low intonation
Low Crispness/clarity - High intonation
Low Crispness/clarity - Normal intonation
Low Crispness/clarity - Low intonation
Not audible
We also studied the correlation between the date published attribute and views-per-like.
For simplicity, we calculated date published backwards by quarter, i.e. the number of days
between the date published recorded on a video and January 1, 2016 (alternatively, each quarter
from January 1, 2011) and then grouped the videos according to the quarters in which the new
date published fitted. This helped us understand the trend of the video over time since it was
published first.
As outlined in the previous chapter, our methodology also included a linear regression
based model to predict the performance of the video in terms of views-per-like. Table 13
provides components of the prediction model.
To establish a correlation between views-per-like (dependent variables) and the
independent variables
Best-case error between the actual and the fitted values of views-per-like
These are the constants (value that does not change) that give you the best case
estimation using the model.
(-1.051e+00) x tonality + (-4.190e+00) x resolution + 1.565e+01 x video duration +
5.456e-03 x date published + (-6.326e+01).
The findings of our YouTube study are discussed in the next section of the chapter. We
validated our method by applying it to the reviews for Tex-Mex restaurants on Yelp.com. Just
like views-per-like for YouTube reviews, we studied wordcount-per-one-positive-word for
Yelp.com. Similar to views-per-like, this metric focused on the number of positive words
numerically divided by the total word count/number of words in each review. For example, 15
positive words in a review with 20 wordcount makes it a powerful review compared to a review
consisting 5 positive words per 20 total number of words. We present our findings in the next
Our research findings give brand managers a guideline to use the potential of content
creators to the fullest. Through the graphs presented in this section, we demonstrate that brand
managers can delegate work of gathering data and mapping the results to be used for their study
before any change in branding strategy. As a brand manager, carefully reading the outcome of
the data gathered enables an unbiased and filtered selection of the best scenario to reach their
audience most effectively. This section examines a few graphs generated by our method and
guide brand managers with a way to understand and read these data carefully.
Findings on YouTube.com
Views-per-like by resolution.
Contradictory results. As discussed
earlier, a high-resolution video results in
positive audience engagement. However, we
found a few baffling graphs that challenged
this claim.
For instance, in Figure 3, though
Chris Pirillo (a reviewer) used the highest
available video resolution of 1080p, the
response he received from the audience diminished in views-per-like. Views-per-like is the total
number of views required to receive one like, and show the total number of views converted into
influenced audience (based on likes).
We observe that the highest resolution of 6 (1080p) generates high views-per-like. We
investigated this graph further by comparing it with a correlation between views-per-like and
duration of the Chris’ videos as seen in Figure 4. We estimated that the reason for high views-
per-like at high resolution of video (bad result) might be a result of longer videos produced at the
1080p resolution. Our estimation was
close to the results generated after
analyzing further.
On investigating further, we
found that the worst performing video for
Chris Pirillo is between 35 and 40
minutes (see points 7 and 8 on the bar
graph, Figure 4). Though we were getting
closer to our finding, the results were still
redundant. At this point, we manually watched these videos and noticed (a) most of these videos
used a resolution of 6 (1080p) and (b) Chris Pirillo called these videos “live” videos. We found
that this was the cause of Chris Pirillo’s audience losing their attention and interest in his videos
in spite of a high resolution.
Live YouTube videos are unedited and longer videos produced by content creators. We
found that producing a live video could be a good step towards high interaction with the
audience only if the video does not stay longer in the content creators channel. This could be
because the viewers of a live video might not watch the video live but much later. But, because
the video was aired live, it will
have unedited content susceptible
to flaws.
To prove that this observation is
true, we looked at two supporting
graphs that included (a) likes by
date published (See Figure 5) and
(b) views by date published (See Figure 6).
Notice in Figure 5 the first quarter Chris Pirillo’s videos generate less than 1000 views. In the
second quarter, the total number of views increased dramatically followed by a bumpy curve.
However, there was a significant increase in the views generated in Quarter 17 (notice a very
high rise).
On further investigation we found that as
seen in Figure 6, increase in the total number
of views did not affect the total number of
likes (See Figure 5), i.e. there was no
significant improvement in the likes
especially for the most recent videos.
Based on the data collected, we noticed that the most recent videos were mainly
unboxing videos, longer and live videos. The results indicate that: (a) To be successful, a good
unboxing video must be short and focused on unboxing and should cover relevant details about
the features of the smartphone reviewed (b) A reviewer should not keep a live video on his
channel for a long time because it might hurt the reaction to their performance for two reasons (i)
viewership to live videos can increase much after the video goes live (ii) because it is live, the
video is an unedited version i.e. could lack clarity of thoughts, expression, and resolution.
Hence, brand managers must look at views-per-like and dwell deeper if they see an
unusual result to make a more informed decision about the choice of a reviewer. They must also
remember that every type of video generated by a reviewer must follow certain rules to attract an
unbiased and unfiltered attention of their audience. To further investigate the impact of a poor
choice by a reviewer on the reaction of the audience, we examined videos by Sassy TechGirl.
The Impact of Resolution on the
Popularity of the Reviewer
To establish our findings about
the correlation between views-per-like
and resolution and also to examine the
impact of the decision taken by
reviewers on audience engagement
studied another case. Observe Figure 7,
the views-per-like generated by videos
We use reaction of the audience and audience
engagement interchangeably.
with a low resolution are around 150 whereas, those generated by a higher resolution are 800.
This shows that, although Sassy TechGirl improved the resolution of her videos, her audience
did not accept the change. This proves that, Sassy Tech Girl’s popularity diminished over time.
Her service would only hurt the brands she reviews. We studied supporting drafts such as
tonality of speech, video duration, and date published.
As seen in the figure 8, observe that Sassy Tech Girl makes use of a consistent tone of voice i.e.
a low tonality of 2 (assigned the value that indicates bad tonality) i.e. low crispness/clarity and
low intonation of speech.
However, as we investigated in-depth, we
found that with changes in the attributes
used, YouTube reviewers can improve their
performance, hence reaction to their videos.
We found that the potential solution for
Sassy TechGirl to improve the response of
her audience to her content could be (a) improving her tonality and increasing the duration of her
videos. We based this by observing views-per-like by video duration (See Figure 9) and date
published by video duration (See Figure 10).
These figures illustrate a positive audience reaction to a set of 20-minute videos produced in the
quarter. This could indicate that a longer video duration that covers more features with a
much better tonality could be the solution for Sassy TechGirl to achieve a good set of followers
and positive reactions in the future. Sassy TechGirl is a very important example of the impact of
YouTube production attributes on the performance of the reviewer and the impact of that
performance on the reaction to the videos.
Views-per-Like by Date Published
For an industry as time-sensitive as
that of smartphones, it was crucial for us to
examine the correlation between views-per-
like and date published. Our case study was
a company that consisted of four reviewers,
two of which made some impact on
audience engagement.
We observed the performance of TechnoBuffalo in terms of views-per-like by date published.
This was an interesting case since that provided us with two findings:
First, the performance of TechnoBuffalo videos was not good in the first quarter and it
continued its downturn. In short, the views were high in the quarters between 11 to 13 and then
dropped drastically. We considered that this could be because of the performance of the
reviewers. To understand this further, we studied individual reviewer performance of Jon
Rettinger and Todd Haselton of TechnoBuffalo.
We further investigated these reviewers to understand the impact of their performance on the
response of the audience. Note Figures 13 and 14, we observed that Jon had higher views
compared to Todd. However, he also had fluctuating likes and higher dislikes for those views.
We also observed that Jon received more comments (See Figure 14) compared to Todd
(See Figure 15). But, because Jon received subsequently higher dislikes (See Figure 16)
inconsistent likes (See Figure 17), there was a possibility that these comments could be inclined
toward criticism of his content. It could be a possibility that the highest views-per-like in the 11
quarter could be because of an unsatisfactory performance by Jon. This could also mean that, in
spite of a company publishing videos by their trained and hired staff, the audience might react to
the reviewer independently and that the interaction between the reviewer and audience, both
through his content and his response through videos that followed, could affect the reputation of
the company that reviews brands on YouTube. While there is a limitation in proving this claim
without analyzing the content and sentiments in the comments through more sophisticated
analytical tools like Natural language processing, our study provides a direction for brand
managers to conduct further research based on some guidelines that we provide.
The Impact of Popularity of a Brand on Positive Audience Engagement
TechnoBuffalo’s case opened a broader question for us. Can a brand play an equally
important role in getting the attention of people towards a reviewer/video? Consider Figure 17:
observe a sudden rise in the 13
quarter for likes in Jon Rettinger’s video. We noticed this exact
rise at the 13
quarter for almost all the reviewers in terms of attributes taken in isolation
(Views, likes etc…). On looking closer, we found that this was the time when almost all the
reviewers were reviewing Samsung Galaxy Note II. As we examine the graphs and watch some
videos, we notice that the reason for a sudden spike was the brand itself.
However, our study indicates that some reviewers did not attract positive feedback during
that span through Samsung Galaxy Note II reviews. This shows that brand managers need to be
aware of their choice.
As stated above, observe Figure 18 where Michael Fisher is a contrasting example. We
see a spike in the 19
quarter for videos produced by Michael Fisher. This may or may not be
because of a case similar to Samsung Galaxy Note II reviews.
The crucial point to draw here is that there was a spike in the 19
quarter only for
Michael Fisher’s videos. This could also be because probably he caught high attention of the
audience through his content or his interaction with the audience during that time. Hence, brand
managers need to be aware that in a case like this, comparison between reviewers will help them
make a much informed decision about the choice of their reviewers. By using a prediction model
that we propose in this thesis, brand managers can now compare the actual values with the
predicted values to understand the performance of the reviewers and use them to their best
Successful case study: OnePlus One
We added OnePlus much later to our study. The reason to include OnePlus was to
analyze the impact of independent variables in videos for a new brand on the reaction received.
For example, the advancement in video capture technology (i.e., video resolution) and its use in
product reviews may lead to different trends in the performance.
The impact of OnePlus One (the first OnePlus phone) videos kept improving over time.
These findings are crucial to our research to understand the movement of trend between the old
and the new video attributes as the video production techniques improve. Apart from the purpose
of balancing the results, we decided to include OnePlus for the following three reasons: (a)
OnePlus did not use traditional media for advertising and marketing (Rosenstein, 2015).
Therefore, almost all of the promotion for
OnePlus One was through online reviews,
blog conversations and online campaigns
(b) OnePlus is considered to be a ‘flagship
killer’ (Kumar) because it was designed to
be technologically and architecturally
competitive (in some aspects, superior) to the
flagship products by other popular smartphone
companies, yet sold at a comparatively lower price (c) OnePlus was available by invitation only.
We found that, OnePlus One’s performance in terms of views-per-like improved over time as
reviewers adopted higher resolution (See Figure 19) technology. Figure 22 shows improved
views-per-share of OnePlus One reviews as resolution of the videos improved. Therefore it was
interesting to further study the video attributes, especially shares and comments, of the video
reviews on OnePlus because the brand seemed to generate curiosity and brand popularity among
the technologically sound audience. Figures 20 and 21 show that the likes and shares of OnePlus
One videos increased significantly during the 22
quarter and remained fairly high afterward.
Figure 22 shows an almost consistent views-per-share by resolution. Additionally, Figure 23
shows consistent video duration across time. This indicates that the brand has a well-crafted
branding/marketing strategy.
Brand Performance Correlation Model
The graphs explained above provide the intuitive understanding of dependent and the
independent variables in the statistical model that is presented in this section. For example, let’s
consider the potential correlation between views-per-like (dependent variables) and three
different independent variables: Resolution, Video duration, and Date published. In the following
model, we statistically present the following findings using the technique of Linear Regression
through the programming language R (Commonly used by Statisticians). R provides a built-in
method that implements linear regression-based model. It accepts, as input, various dependent
and independent data points and outputs the following:
1. The correlation and statistical significance between independent variables and
dependent variables.
2. Coefficients and an error constant (e) to derive dependent variables using the
independent variables.
The input that we provided to the linear regression model was all data points/brands
except Nokia and BlackBerry. Based on the previous chapter, restating the output of the linear
regression model in R is:
1. Formula: To establish a correlation between views-per-like (dependent variables) and
the independent variables.
2. Residuals: Best-case error between the actual and the fitted values of views-per-like
3. Coefficients: These are the constants (value that do not change) that give you the best
case estimation using the model.
Formula. Views/likes == a x tonality + b x resolution + c x video duration (seconds) + d
x date published + e
a, b, c, d, and e (intercept) are constants generated by the linear regression model.
Residuals (Difference between estimated and actual views per like):
Meaning. This is the range of difference between actual and modeled values for views-
per-like. Minimum is the worst case underestimation of views-per-like. Max is the worst case
overestimation of views-per-like. Median value is the common case estimation; in this case the
estimation may be incorrect by -16.71 views-per-like. The minus is overestimation.
Coefficient (e, a, b, c, d)
** = Views per like moderately correlated to Video
*** = Views per like highly correlated to Date Published
Meaning of ‘e’
6.326e+01 (value) = 6.32 * 10
6.326e+02 (value) = 6.32 * 10
6.326e+03 (value) = 6.32 * 10
Video Duration
Date Published
Note: If the value is negative to the left, the right will also be negative.
So based on the formula, the model becomes,
Estimated views-per-like = (-1.051e+00) x tonality + (-4.190e+00) x resolution +
1.565e+01 x video duration + 5.456e-03 x date published + (-6.326e+01)
Prediction. We use the above model to predict views-per-like for videos that include
reviews on BlackBerry and Nokia. We generated two plots (for BlackBerry and Nokia) each of
which shows the predicted (blue) and actual (red) views-per-like for all videos that were studied.
As seen in Figure 24 and Figure 25 actual vs predicted, the model is able to capture the
trend in views-per-like, and the predicted values follow the actual values in majority of the cases.
In fact, in case of some videos the model is accurately able to predict the actual views-per-like
(See Figure 24). Recall that the model was constructed based on all videos except Nokia and
BlackBerry. This shows two interesting findings: First, as seen in Figure 24, the graphs shows
that the model is useful in predicting views-per-like of a given video review. Second, the model
is a useful tool to improve future performance of video reviews.
However, as seen in Figure 25, the model is not able to predict the trend as effectively as
for BlackBerry. Therefore, the graph for Nokia suggests that a model that works for a particular
brand may not work for another brand even if the reviewer and attributes of the video remain the
same. Hence, this indicates that a model could be constructed for individual brands instead of
constructing one model for all brands combined.
With our method, brand managers can leverage the services of the reviewers to generate
high audience attention. To prove this, we validated the method on another platform for a
different industry. As discussed earlier, we used the Linear Regression method on a data set
collected through Yelp.com for restaurant industry reviews.
While we considered views-per-like as our parameter to analyze the impact of YouTube
reviewers on the reaction of their audience, we looked at words used in the Yelp reviews as a
reaction to performance by restaurant staff as they are the carriers of the brand’s message and
hence contribute in brand perception. We considered the correlation between numbers of words
i.e. wordcount and the number of occurrences of positive (or negative to support the analysis,
similar to considering dislikes for YouTube videos in some cases) words similar to views-per-
like. We based our assumption by drawing similarities between a restaurant visit and viewing a
video on YouTube.com. We observed that, writing positive about the outlet is similar to like,
comments, or shares for the outlet. In order to cover a very specific data, we based our
investigation on areas highly dominated mostly by the millennial. We studied Tex-Mex outlets in
a 10-mile radius around selective densely populated college campuses in the United States. For
this research, we considered the following parameters:
1. Wordcount-per-positive-word (also covers negative words): The correlation between
the number of words used and the occurrences of positive or negative words. Less
wordcount and more positive words is an indication of a positive reviews towards the
restaurant. Likewise, less negative words in more wordcount is a good indication of
less complaints about the restaurant. We consider these metrics to measure
performance of the restaurant also in terms of food and service.
2. Days/Quarter: This represents a moment in the plot i.e. it calculates the number of
days required for an addition positive or negative word generated through the review.
We study the gap between two data points for the days to calculate average number of
days required to receive one extra positive word or negative word. This show a direct
reaction to the performance of the outlet within specific states. Lesser the gap, better
the response of the audience.
Wordcount-per-Positive-Word by Quarter
Wordcount-per-positive is the number of positive words generated compared to the total
number of words in the review. We study the correlation between wordcount-per-positive and
days measured in set of Quarters. High number of positive words in a low wordcount represents
a positive response towards the brand. We collected the data from 2006 to January 2016 (similar
to date published in the smartphone analysis). As we observe in Figure 26, Moe’s had a good
review rate in the beginning until the 22
quarter when wordcount-per-positive-words increased
and remained higher compared to the set before the 22
quarter. This shows that either Moe’s
performance in terms of service and food diminished over time or they did not get the required
feedback from their audience in some states. To verify, we examined Wordcount-per-positive by.
Quarter for each state (consider HI and CT) for Moe’s Southwest Grill. We observed that in the
quarter backwards from January 2016 i.e. in the year 2010 and 2011, Moe’s Southwest Grill
generated 27 reviews in Connecticut (Figure 27) and 22 reviews in Hawaii (Figure 28) which
were more than other states. Observe that the wordcount-per-positive-words is high, which
means that the spread of positive words were more throughout the quarter. To further investigate,
we looked at wordcount-per-negative by Quarter for outlets in Connecticut and Hawaii for
Moe’s Southwest Grill. Observe in the Figures 29 and 30, the wordcount-per-negative is low,
which means that the reviewers talk negatively about a brand in few words. This is extremely
hurtful for any company since the words used in the review are crisp and can be remembered by
the reader of the review for a long time. This will hurt any company most specifically a company
in an industry like restaurant where most of the word spreads through people. To support these
claims, we manually read the number of wordcount-per-positive-words and number of
wordcount-per-negative-words for reviews in 2010 and 2011 for Moe’s Southwest Grill, Hawaii.
We found that while the positive comments covered reviews about food and value for
money, negatives comments were focused on customer service. Here is an example of a
Yelp.com review by Jojo T:
“Both times I went there: customer service was horrible!!!!! Seriously they need
to retrain their staff. They always seem so grumpy and I felt like I was a bother to
them. Food wasn't bad: better than Taco Bell. I ordered a beef and chicken burrito
to go. The grouchy lady named TABITHAH helped me. Since it was a take out
order: she dumped chips in a paper brown bag on top of my burritos. That's so
ghetto but oh well. Main thing is that I'm never going back unless they drop their
BAD ATTITUDES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
Observe that Jojo T was clearly disappointed by the customer service while he was okay
with the food as he compared it with Taco Bell. It is clear from this example that the number of
words used in the criticism were not only high, but also clearly written, which certainly is
harmful to the reputation of the company especially because Jojo’s 130 Yelp friends were
notified about his review.
Given this situation, a brand manager’s next step need to be towards (a) avoiding further
harm to the brand perception by replying directly to Jojo (on Yelp) and (b) following-up with the
performance of the outlet staff since they are the carrier of the brand message. Our method will
enable brand managers to keep a track of the most important reviews and respond to sustain a
good brand experience.
A successful brand can be identified by high number of positive words in lesser number
of word count. We present two graphs to show the best and worst case examples. A good
example is Chipotle Mexican Grill. Observe, in Figure 31, Chipotle Mexican Grill has a
consistent performance. In contrast, as seen in Figure 32, Taco Bell shows inconsistency in the
correlation between the spread of wordcount-per-positive-words through all quarters from 2007.
The next section discusses future work in this area and offers a conclusion.
Future Work
This research can be expanded locally as well as globally. For this thesis, we considered
YouTube content creators based in United States and Canada. Prospective researchers can apply
our method to find the impact of content creators on brand perceptions located in countries other
than United States and Canada. Our research does not categorize the response by audience based
on specific locations within United States and Canada for smartphone reviews, it will be
interesting to identify (and probably categorize) specific locations of commenters (audience) to
measure the reach of the content creators especially in the technology industry. Our research also
does not cover views-per-share since we restricted our study only on data generated through
YouTube.com and Yelp.com and not the one carried forward to other social media platforms.
Sharing a YouTube video or Yelp review is an advanced analysis since it gives an opportunity
for researchers to measure the impact of YouTube and Yelp sharing on the audience engagement
through other platforms. For example, further research can be conducted on measuring audience
engagement on a YouTube video through measure the impact of sharing it on Facebook.com. We
also believe that as YouTube grows in popularity, the advancement of product comparison
videos will be more significant. These videos are already a part of the YouTube data set but they
are not yet popular among YouTube users. Researchers/brand managers can use our method to
find the impact of content creators covering a comparison between two products/brands on the
response of the audience.
On Yelp.com, our method will also benefit researchers and brand managers to understand
the correlation between reviews and star ratings of those reviews.
Our research analyze the impact of content creators on the audience engagement through
YouTube.com and Yelp.com. In this thesis, we quantify specific attributes or YouTube video
production techniques used by content creators like resolution, tonality, date published, and
duration of the video to understand their impact on views-per-like for those videos. Our study is
based on smartphone reviews by content creators in the United States & Canada. We prove that
views-per-like is an important metric to understand the audience engagement through YouTube
videos to its full potential. Views-per-like is a metric that quantifies the number of views
required to receive one like for a specific video. Our major contribution is a prediction model
based on these attributes and metrics for six smartphone companies.
We validate our method by applying it to the restaurant industry specifically four Tex-
Mex outlets located in a 10-miles radius of densely populated (randomly selected) university
campuses in the United States. Just like the content creators are carriers of the brand message in
the smartphone industry, the staff working at these restaurant outlets are carriers of the brand
message for popular Tex-Mex restaurants. Our research quantifies the impact of this brand
message delivered through food and service on the response of the audience through Yelp.com
reviews. While views-per-like is an important parameter for YouTube.com study, we found that
wordcount-per-positive or wordcount-per-negative is an important measurement metric for
Yelp.com reviews. This metric analyze a positive or negative word in the total number of words
of the review. Through Yelp.com, we presented our next contribution which was the validation
of our method used on YouTube.com reviews. We found that with minor changes in the
attributes and metrics used to quantify Yelp.com data, we can help brand managers get real-time
feedback from the audience on their products.
Our research is useful for brand managers and marketers to most effectively use social
media content creators and impact the brand perception in the minds of their current and
prospective customers/target audience. This will also enable companies to experience high level
of interaction with their audience and an enhanced online promotion orchestrated by content
creators and carried forward by their target audience.
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