The following format may be used
when conducting a class meeting:
1. Compliments and appreciations
2. Follow up on prior solutions
3. Agenda items
a. Share feelings while others
b. Discuss without fixing
c. Ask for problem-solving help
4. Future plans (field trips, parties,
Experience the Difference...
Example Class
Meeting Format
Example of a Class
Meeting Agenda Example
Class Meeting Format
portunities for assuming responsibilities.
Class meetings may help children to
take ownership for their actions by involv-
ing them in the process of understanding
and questioning rules, guidelines, limits,
and consequences.
Children are able to reason/reflect on
their actions, think about the consequences
of their behavior, and comprehend the im-
pact they have on others.
Even though its an excellent strategy if its
not implemented and carried out properly
it will result in chaos. Possible reasons
why class meetings fail:
1. Not forming a circle.
2. Not having them regularly (at least 3
times per week at the primary level) to
give students a chance to absorb and prac-
tice the skills.
3. Not allowing time for students to learn
the eight skills for class meetings.
4. Not allowing a student to choose the
solution he/she thinks would be the most
5. Control and expediency are seen as
more important than teaching children life
Class meeting is an excellent multipurpose
tool for the classroom. This simple strate-
gy of setting aside time for students to
discuss classroom issues as a group can
yield far-reaching benefits.
Class meetings get students involved in
constructive decision-making in their
classrooms and schools. They build a cli-
mate of trust and respect between teacher
and students, as well as among students
and help students take ownership and re-
sponsibility for their classroom.
Class meetings pro-
vide an opportunity
for students to de-
velop valuable so-
cial and life long
skills. Such as:
1. Listening, brain
storming and prob-
lem solving skills.
2. Mutual respect
for each other.
3. The value of cooling off before solv-
ing a problem.
4. Boost students self-esteem as they make
decisions that impact their world in important
Forming a circle.
Practicing compli-
ments and appreciations.
Respecting differ-
Using respectful com-
munication skills.
Focusing on solutions.
Role-playing and
Using the agenda and
class meeting format.
Understanding and
using the mistaken goals.
The following benefits can be derived from reg-
ular class meetings:
Just as families can use family meetings as
times to connect and reflect on their goals and/
or problems as a family, class meetings can
achieve similar results.
Class meetings provide children with op-
Students engaged in class
What is Class Meetings?
Building block # 1 for class
meeting: forming a circle.
Why Class Meetings?
Eight Building Blocks for
Effective Class Meeting
Benefits of Class Meetings
Road Blocks of Class