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The Application Audit Process - A Guide for
Information Security Professionals
This paper is meant to be a guide for IT professionals, whose applications are audited, either by an internal
or external IS audit. It provides a basic understanding of the IS Audit process. It is also meant as an aid
for auditors to facilitate the audit process by communicating audit terms and objectives. The document takes
the reader through the different control points of an application audit: Administration, Input, Processing,
Outputs, Logical Security, Disaster Recover Plan, Change Management, User Support, Genera...
Copyright SANS Institute
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© SANS Institute 200 5, Author retains full rights.
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© SANS Institute 2005 Author retains full rights.
The Application Audit Process - A Guide for
Information Security Professionals
GIAC Security Essentials
Certification (GSEC)
Practical Assignment
Version 1.4c
Option 1 - Research on Topics
in Information Security
Submitted by: Robert Hein
Submitted on: 10/31/2004
© SANS Institute 200 5, Author retains full rights.
Key fingerprint = AF19 FA27 2F94 998D FDB5 DE3D F8B5 06E4 A169 4E46
© SANS Institute 2005 Author retains full rights.
Table of Contents
Abstract............................................................................................................... 1
Introduction ......................................................................................................... 2
Application Audit ................................................................................................. 2
Administration.................................................................................................. 3
Inputs, Processing, Outputs............................................................................. 4
Logical Security ............................................................................................... 5
Disaster Recovery Plan ................................................................................... 6
User Support ................................................................................................... 7
Change Management ...................................................................................... 8
General Controls ............................................................................................. 9
Third Party Services ...................................................................................... 10
Conclusion ........................................................................................................ 10
References........................................................................................................ 11
© SANS Institute 200 5, Author retains full rights.
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© SANS Institute 2005 Author retains full rights.
This paper is meant to be a guide for IT professionals, whose applications are
audited, either by an internal or external IS audit. It provides a basic
understanding of the IS Audit process. It is also meant as an aid for auditors to
facilitate the audit process by communicating audit terms and objectives. The
document takes the reader through the different control points of an application
audit: Administration, Input, Processing, Outputs, Logical Security, Disaster
Recover Plan, Change Management, User Support, General, and Third Party
The paper specifies the documentation that the IS auditor will be looking for at
each process to ensure controls are in place. It should be readily apparent to the
reader that the IS Auditor and Information Security Professional are really both
pursuing the same goals but through different terminology. IS audit wants
“control” whereas Information Security pursues “security”. They are, in essence
and practice, the same thing.
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© SANS Institute 2005 Author retains full rights.
Legislative, economic, and organizational pressures are forcing their way into the
historically unencumbered Information Technology (IT) department. Information
security professionals are pushed to the breaking point with new and more
complex challenges. Organizations are looking towards their internal and/or
external audit departments to reign in the challenges. In the current business
climate, it is essential that IT professionals understand the process of Information
Systems (IS) Audit and the concepts of risk and control.
We should first define the two important concepts of risk (business risk) and
control (internal control) as they are used in this paper.
Business Risk – “any event or action that stops an organization from achieving its
goals or business objectives.” (Gallegos et al. 386).
Internal Control – The University of Delaware’s Internal Audit Department
website defines internal control as “a process, effected by an entity's board of
trustees, management, and other personnel, designed to provide reasonable
assurance regarding the achievement of objectives“
IS Auditing involves providing independent evaluations of an organization’s
policies, procedures, standards, measures, and practices for safeguarding
electronic information from loss, damage, unintended disclosure, or denial of
availability. IS audit provides management with an assessment of whether there
exists sufficient controls to mitigate an organization’s risk. The application audit is
an assessment whose scope focuses on a narrow but business critical process
or application.
Application Audit
An application audit is a specific audit of one application. For example, an audit
of an excel spreadsheet with embedded macros used to analyze data and
generate reports could be considered an Application Audit. Application Audits
can also pertain to a business process that heavily relies on various information
technology systems. An example would be the payroll process of a company,
which may span across several different servers, databases, operating systems,
applications, etc. Application audits can also be of a more technical nature like of
a PBX or a single data warehouse.
These audits can be done as the system is developed, at post-implementation, or
on a regularly scheduled basis (annually, every 5 years, etc.). Whichever stage
of audit review is being carried out, the IS Auditor is looking for assurance that
the application provides an adequate degree of control over the data being
processed. The level of control expected for a particular application is dependent
on the degree of risk involved in the incorrect or unauthorized processing of that
data (Oliphant).
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An Application Audit, should, at a minimum determine the existence of controls in
the following areas:
1. Administration
2. Inputs, Processing, Outputs
3. Logical Security
4. Disaster Recovery Plan
5. Change Management
6. User Support
7. Third Party Services
The administration of the application is probably the most important area of the
application audit review. This is because this area focuses on the overall
ownership and accountability of the business to the application. Without
adequate controls around the administration of an application, all the other areas
are more than likely inadequate and cannot assure that controls are in place and
risks are mitigated.
An IT manager, or business owner, should ensure that roles and responsibilities
are clearly defined, and documented, for each individual on their team. This
documentation should be sufficient evidence to demonstrate that an effective
organizational structure is in place. This means, at a minimum, organization
charts are available and current. Several software companies that offer
enterprise wide, organizational chart software. These software tools can greatly
facilitate the process.
Organizational charts and roles and responsibilities documentation are not only
helpful to information system auditors, but the company as a whole. They offer
managers a better understanding of their business, as well as being an excellent
training tool for new associates.
An auditor will most likely request job descriptions for application developers, the
business owners, and any production support groups. It is essential to determine
if application business ownership and custodianship responsibilities are clearly
established. Controls should be in place to ensure that segregation of duties
exists between business owners, developers, and operational support.
Specifically, responsibilities for application development, change approval, and
application access authorization need to be segregated. Neil Jackson, business
manager, internal audits, E*TRADE Financial, in an interview with Ed Hurley,
Assistant News Assistant for SearchSecurity, states that “The most difficult issue
is the evaluation of how system access and system and application privileges are
properly segregated to impose an effective system of control. For example, there
should be a way to restrict a system's administrator from performing specific
application transactions.” (Hurley).
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Any legal or regulatory compliance issues, around the application, should be
stated and addressed. The change management methodology employed by the
company should identify these regulatory and compliance issues. It is important
to ensure that a representative of the company’s legal and/or compliance
department is consulted during the development and implementation of system
changes. Any changes to the application could move a system out of compliance
with laws that it had previously addressed.
Performance metrics should be defined and key processes around these metrics
should be monitored. Service Level Agreements (SLAs) should be required
between each business customer that is dependent on the application for any
aspect of their business function. The SLAs should be documented, up to date,
and be appropriately monitored. The auditor will review the SLA to ensure that it
meets set standards such as defining what service levels will be used and
exactly how they will be measured as well as aligning the supplier's incentives
with the customer's objectives through service level credits and termination rights
Inputs, Processing, Outputs
In this area, the auditor will be looking for evidence of data preparation
procedures, reconciliation processes, handling requirements, etc. Auditors will
need to obtain evidence that controls over manual processes such as user data
preparation procedures are in place. It is essential that manual inputs are
complete and appropriately authorized prior to being processed by the
Be prepared for an auditor to ask to review business processes around the
creation of transactions that will be input into the system. A typical audit practice
is to pull a sample of these transactions and ensure they are properly authorized
and the authorization is documented. The auditor could also request a sample of
source documents and ensure that they are appropriately secured and retained.
Using Computer Assisted Auditing Techniques (CAATs), an auditor can
recalculate and validate the accuracy and completeness of key system
calculations which occur during processing. IT professionals being audited
should be prepared to have their applications and systems tested in such a way
that all processing is reviewed. There should be ample evidence that input
controls, error processing, and output validation are designed into the
application. The majority of licensed CAATs software can perform a very
thorough audit of these controls.
In terms of outputs, the auditor will be seeking documentation that defines the
handling requirements of reports or other hard-copied documents produced by
the application. This documentation should include the retention requirements
(how long this documentation needs to be secured and maintained) and the
distribution procedures (who has permission to see the output, and how they are
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© SANS Institute 2005 Author retains full rights.
to ensure its security). Finally it should also include information disposal /
destruction procedures. As Geoffrey James states in his article, “Get auditors to
help you understand when to cache it and when to trash it”.
The auditor may request a listing of all system generated reports to determine
the owner and business use. From these reports they will validate the need and
effectiveness of current reports. The auditor will determine whether these user
reports are marked with the appropriate security classification according to the
organization’s information protection standard, if applicable.
Balancing and reconciliation (control totals) should be in place to determine that
the desired output is obtained for each application process. Audit trails should be
utilized and processes in place to review them so that errors can be found and
corrected, improper processing can be pinpointed, and any malicious actions
during processing can be caught. The auditor will determine if control totals from
key reports are traceable to upstream or downstream systems in order to follow
the application process in a logical manner. These reports must be available to
prove adequate control over the inputs and outputs.
Logical Security
Application audits usually involve in-depth evaluation of logical security for the
application. This review is done on top of the logical security review performed as
part of the infrastructure review which looks at the enterprise wide systems
(UNIX, Mainframe, LANs, Databases, etc.).
The auditors will need to have your application user ID administration process
documented and evidence that it is being followed. There needs to be specific
processes around new user ID administration. The documentation around user
ID administration should also detail the ongoing maintenance processes such as
access updates and deletions, who is responsible to administer the access, and
who needs to approve it.
A typical test would involve the auditor receiving from the organization’s Human
Resource department a list of new employees and transfers to the department
within a set time period. The auditor would then select a sample of users added
to the system over the same time period and verify that creation of the account
was appropriately authorized by the appropriate personnel (supervisor, manager,
application owner, etc.) They will also verify that the access provided to the
application ID is limited to the access requested on the authorization form.
It is considered a best practice to use access profiles rather than ad hoc access
to applications and systems. The auditor will thus ensure that profiles are being
used and verify that each user ID in the application is linked to a specific
application profile. If there is an ID that is linked to more than one profile, the
auditor will confirm that there is no improper segregation of duties among the
granted profiles.
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© SANS Institute 2005 Author retains full rights.
A likely test would be for the auditor to select a sample of current users of the
application and printout their access rights. They would then review these
printouts with each user’s business management to ensure the access is
appropriate. This is an excellent way to ensure that the ongoing maintenance
processes are effective. This being said, the IT and business owners should
initiate their own security review of the application on a periodic basis to ensure
that it is effective. If IT can provide audit documentation of these reviews, this
gives the auditor confidence that there are sufficient controls around the entire
The auditor will almost surely request the application’s security configuration. In
this context, the configuration should, at a minimum, illustrate the application’s:
Number of allowable unsuccessful log-on attempts
Minimum Password Length
Password Expiration
Password Re-use ability
The auditor will then assess, based on the organization’s security policy, or on
external best practices, whether this configuration is adequate to protect the
application from malicious or fraudulent intent.
The organization should have security surveillance procedures documented at a
company wide level. The auditor would need to provided access tracking /
logging reports to ensure that audit trails are generated, and properly reviewed,
according to the security surveillance procedures. Any violation and security
activity reporting should be in existence and provided to the auditor.
Disaster Recovery Plan
In his article “Holistic Approach is Key to Network and IT Recovery and Security
Success”, Damian Walch states that “Post September 11th, companies have
seen the terms "security," "cyber-security" and "disaster recovery" uttered in the
same breath. They've begun to appreciate the notion that security and business
continuity could be aligned in several ways.” Auditors are particularly aware of
the need for an adequate and performable disaster recovery plan (DRP) that will
provide confidence that the application can be recovered in a reasonable amount
of time after a disaster.
To determine whether the DRP can provide this confidence, the auditor will
request the backup guidelines and processes documentation. The auditor will
ask for offsite storage guidelines and processes and review the current
procedures to determine their adequacy. Offsite storage contingency should be
written out and SLAs with the offsite storage vendors, if applicable, should be
provided to the auditor. Through review of this documentation and discussions
with management, they can form an opinion on whether the necessary control
points are in place to mitigate the effects of a potential disaster.
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In terms of the actual DRP, there needs to be evidence that a plan requirements
identification process exists. This process should be documented, involve the
appropriate business and IT representatives, and be a regularly scheduled event.
The identification process will also be reviewed by the auditor to ensure that all
necessary assumptions have been made (site available with running electricity,
servers up, etc.) and that no requirement has been overlooked.
The most important evidence of control, the DRP itself, should specify the
different stages (initial, interim, and return to normal) of the disaster and their
accompanying steps. These stages should clearly document the roles and
responsibilities of all involved. The specific locations, personnel, phone numbers,
etc. will more than likely be checked by the auditor for their accuracy and
A plan maintenance process should be in place which provides for changes to
the plan when anything that affects the application has been changed. The DRP
should be up to date, accurate, and doable. This process should be either
periodic (biannually) or based on certain events (new releases). Any meeting
minutes or documentation that comes from this process should be provided to
the auditor.
It is essential that DRP training processes are in place. The auditor is at liberty to
ask any staff involved with the application, what their specific roles and
responsibilities during a disaster are, and then match their responses to what the
DRP itself states. The training should be documented and readily available in
each associate’s personnel file. Training documentation and events should also
be recorded and properly stored so that they are readily accessible by the
The surest evaluation of the adequacy of the DRP is documentation of the
recovery testing that is performed. The testing process must be defined and
implemented for the plan. Subsequently, the DRP must be updated to reflect any
deficiency determined in the test results. The auditor will form an opinion on
whether the test process sufficiently determines whether the plan will work in an
actual disaster, and how reliable the test plans assumptions are. From there, the
auditor can then determine if the test results are sufficient to ensure that the DRP
could bring back the application in a time and manner that would prevent any
significant or unnecessary business interruptions.
User Support
One of the most overlooked aspects, of any application, is whether there exists
adequate end user support in order to control risk. Auditors will be looking for
evidence that user documentation around the application, in the form of user
manuals, online help, etc., is readily available and up to date. If the application
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was developed within the organization or has aspects of it that were, there
should be a document update process that is documented and followed.
There should be processes in place, used by management, to identify any
training needs. For example, a process to monitor productivity in terms of the
application should be in place. From this process, management could determine
if a lack of adequate training is the cause for decreasing productivity. Along these
lines, the auditor will expect to see that any issues that users have with the
application are tracked and an escalation process is in place. If a user requests
an enhancement, there should be a process to validate the need and address
with the user the feasibility and/or timetable for the enhancement to be
Most large organizations are moving towards centralized help centers for their
end users. Weber states that support staff “must have a high level of
interpersonal skills so that they can interact effectively with users” (314). It is
likely that the auditor will contact the support staff and assess their ability to
effectively solve any problems that arise in, or around, the application.
Change Management
A page on Tripwire’s website states “Change management and operational
stability go hand in hand”. No IS auditor in today’s business climate could refute
that statement. IT professionals need to understand the basic concept that all
changes to an application must go through a formal, standardized process. The
auditor is first going to ensure that this process is documented and being
That cornerstone of an effective change management system is that all changes
are documented, whether they are break fixes, enhancements, or major revisions
(releases). It is essential that any change to the application is first initiated by a
request that is reviewed and approved by the appropriate associates. The
documentation around the change management process needs to specifically
call out who can request changes, who can approve changes, and who can
move these changes into production. The auditor is looking to ensure that these
three roles are not held by the same people.
Beyond the approval process, the auditor will be looking for evidence that an
assessment of the impact of the change has been completed. Any issues from
this assessment must be addressed through a back-out plan for the specific
change. Performance and security impact reviews will also be requested to show
that the consequences of the change have been looked at in a manner sufficient
to control the risk of the change.
An emergency change process must also be in place to handle the situations
where the normal approval process will take to long in order to sufficiently meet
the business requirements placed on the application. This process should
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document want constitutes an “emergency” as well as demand a more detailed
approval process after the emergency change has been implemented. This is
done to ensure that the change does not detrimentally affect the business
objectives. The auditor will review these documents and probably request a
sample of recent changes, including emergency changes, to ensure that the
proper approval was obtained and process followed.
All changes to the application should be logged, tracked and properly
documented in some centralized system. There are many change management
software products available on the market today. The auditor should have access
to the system, and can provide an opinion on whether the system is effective in
tracking the changes.
IS Auditors will certainly request documentation around the testing of these
changes as well as for the testing process itself. Regression testing is an
important aspect of control around the application that auditors especially like to
see. This type of testing shows that the application’s influence on other business
processes is being monitored effectively.
Auditors will test to ensure that programmers/developers cannot make changes
to the production version of source code and that separate test environments
exist so that development, test, QA, staging environments, and production are all
logically segregated. Furthermore, auditors will look for evidence that
Source/object code are synchronized with production code and that a Software
release process is documented and in place. There should be ample evidence,
provided to the auditor, that code is managed effectively.
Approved test plans should be available for the auditor’s review and have
backing documentation that the approval was done by the appropriate
individual(s). User sign-offs after testing will also be verified. The documentation
around the change itself, including test plans, user sign-offs, walkthroughs, etc.
should be stored in an appropriately secure area.
General Controls
Outside of the application itself, there are processes, standards, systems, etc.
that could have an effect on the application. Auditors define these as
“infrastructure” or “General” controls. These can include:
- System Administration / Operations
- Organizational Logical Security
- Physical Security
- Organizational Disaster Recovery Plans
- Organizational Change control processes
- License control processes
- Virus control procedures
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It is during this process that the auditor will review the controls over the operating
systems (UNIX, Linux, Windows, Novell, etc.), databases (Oracle, Access, etc.),
and hardware (PCs, Mainframes, etc.). The review will be very “high level” and
performed in such a way to rely on other audits of these specific systems within
the organization, to determine that the application being audited is not placed at
risk as a result of inadequacies within these areas. The physical security
component is generally just a checklist to ensure that assets are protected
through sprinkler systems, alarms, security guards, “deadman” doors, etc.
Third Party Services
The auditor will look at the controls around any third party services that are
required to meet business objectives for the application or system. It is important
that a relationship manager role is present for the third party and that this
individual or group is in constant contact with the third party. Auditors will request
the contract with the vendor and review to ensure that: it follows company
procedures, was reviewed and signed off by legal, and is current.
The auditors will be seeking a valuable tool known as a SAS 70 evaluation. The
SAS 70 stands for Statement on Auditing Standards No. 70, and is an auditing
standard developed by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants
(AICPA). According to the “About SAS 70” website, the “SAS No. 70 is the
authoritative guidance that allows service organizations to disclose their control
activities and processes to their customers and their customers' auditors in a
uniform reporting format. A SAS 70 examination signifies that a service
organization has had its control objectives and control activities examined by an
independent accounting and auditing firm. A formal report including the auditor's
opinion ("Service Auditor's Report") is issued to the service organization at the
conclusion of a SAS 70 examination.”
Beyond the SAS 70, the auditor will be looking for evidence that a service level
agreement framework is in place and its metrics are reviewed. Furthermore,
evidence that periodic reviews of SLAs and contracts are performed will be
requested. Appropriate non-disclosure agreements and monitoring / reporting
processes should be in place and continuity of services requirements should be
In the shadow of world terrorism and corporate scandals, IS auditors are fast
becoming a mainstay in the IT department. New legislation and competitive
global economics almost guarantee that organizations will want to be sure that
they have the controls in place to mitigate internal and external risks. Information
security professionals can readily understand that the application audit presented
in this paper simply outlines the controls that they are themselves attempting
through security. It is essential that IT and audit work together in organizations to
better understand the concepts of risk and control and ensure that the business
objectives are met in an effective and appropriate manner.
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© SANS Institute 2005 Author retains full rights.
“About SAS 70.” 2004. 13 Oct 2004
“Best Practices The Key to Risk Reduction, Control, and Operational Stability.” 2004. Tripwire, Inc. 13 Oct 2004
Gallegos, Frederick, Sandra Allen-Senft, and Daniel P. Manson. Information
Technology Control and Audit. Washington, D.C.: Auerbach /CRC Press
LLC, June 1999.
Hurley, Ed. “Auditor: There's nothing to fear.” Search 8 April 2002.
Tech Target. 17 Aug. 2004
Internal Audit Department. Dept. home page. University of Delaware. 4 Oct. 2004
James, Geoffrey. “The Auditors Are Coming...the Auditors Are Coming...And
That Could Be Good News for You.” CIO Magazine. 4 April 2003. 21 Oct
2004 <>.
Le Grand, Charles. “Pressures Changing the Audit Profession.” 1 June
2002. IT Audit. 11 Oct. 2004
Oliphant, Alan. “An Introduction to Computer Auditing - part 6.” Vol. 2,
April 1, 1999. IT Audit. 17 Aug. 2004
Palmquist, Scott. “Decrypt the Keys to Wireless Security.” Wireless Systems
Design. April 2004. Penton Media. 8 Oct. 2004
Peterson, Brad et al. “Ten Key Questions for Developing Effective Service Level
Agreements.” Outsourcing Center. 21 October 2001. Everest Partners,
L.P. 07 Oct. 2004 <>.
Walch, Damian. “Holistic Approach is Key to Network and IT Recovery and
Security Success.” 2004. 11 Aug. 2004 <>.
© SANS Institute 200 5, Author retains full rights.
Key fingerprint = AF19 FA27 2F94 998D FDB5 DE3D F8B5 06E4 A169 4E46
© SANS Institute 2005 Author retains full rights.
Weber, Ron. Information systems control and audit. Upper Saddle River, NJ :
Prentice Hall, 1999.
Last Updated: December 23rd, 2018
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