Minerals and Mining Act , 2006 Act 703
Ownership of minerals and cadastral system
1. Minerals property of Republic
2. Compulsory acquisition of land
3. Land available for application for mineral right
4. Minister may reserve land from mining
5. Power of Minister to grant mineral rights
6. Exportation and disposal of minerals commission
7. Government’s right of pre-emption
8. Cadastral system
Mineral rights
9. Mining activities require mineral right
10. Qualification for grant of mineral right
11. Application for mineral rights
12. Recommendation to the Minister
13. Grant of mineral rights
14. Assignment of mineral rights
15. Amendment of mineral right to add other minerals
16. Obligations of holders of mineral rights
17. Water right
18. Forestry and Environmental protection
19. Records of and reports by mineral right holders
20. Public access to information
21. Copyright in information
Royalties, rentals and fees
22. Application fee
23. Annual ground rent
24. Annual mineral right fees
25. Royalties
26. Recovery of debts
Dispute resolution
27. Dispute resolution
28. Capitalization of expenditure
29. Additional benefits
30. Transferability of capital
Reconnaissance licence
31. Application for reconnaissance licence
Act 703 Minerals and Mining Act, 2006
32. Rights of holder of reconnaissance licence
33. Application for extension of term of reconnaissance licence
Prospecting licence
34. Application for prospecting licence
35. Extensions of the term of a prospecting licence
36. Programme of prospecting operations
37. Rights of holder of prospecting licence
38. Compulsory reduction of area of prospecting licence
Mining lease
39. Application for mining lease by holder of reconnaissance licence or prospecting
40. Application for a mining lease by any other person
41. Terms for the grant of a mining lease
42. Rejection of an application for a mining lease
43. Government participation in mining lease
44. Renewal of mining lease
45. Amendment of programme for mining operations
46. Rights conferred by mining lease
47. Merger and enlargement of mineral rights
48. Stability agreement
49. Development agreement
50. Recruitment and training of Ghanaians
51. Suspension of production
52. Change of control of company holding mining lease
53. Objection to new or increased control
54. Contraventions by controller
55. Restriction and sale of shares
56. Notification of ceasing to be a controller
57. Notification by mining company
58. Investigation on behalf of the Minister
59. Mine support services
60. Special share of Republic
61. Modification of application of Companies Code (Act 179)
Radio-Active minerals commission
62. Radio-active minerals
63. Holder of radio-active mineral right to report operations
64. Export of radio-active mineral
Minerals and Mining Act, 2006 Act 703
65. Offence and penalties under sections 62 to 64
66. Powers of search and arrest
Surrender, suspension and cancellations of mineral rights
67. Surrender of mineral rights
68. Suspension and cancellation of mineral right
69. Suspension or cancellation of mining lease or restricted mining lease
70. Vesting of property on termination of mineral right
71. Delivery of documents to Minister on termination of a mineral right
Surface rights and compensation
72. Surface rights
73. Compensation for disturbance of owner’s surface rights
74. Compensation principles
75. Access to the Court in respect of compensation
Industrial minerals commission
76. Licences and leases for industrial minerals
77. Limits on restricted licences and leases
78. Qualication for application for restricted licence or restricted mining lease
79. Non-citizen’s right to apply for industrial mineral right
80. Special right of owner or occupier with regard to industrial minerals
Small scale mining
81. Application of this Part
82. Licence for small scale mining
83. Qualification of applicant for small scale mining licence
84. Conditions for the grant of a licence
85. Duration of a licence
86. Areas covered by licence
87. Revocation of licence
88. Transfer of licence
89. Designated areas
90. Establishment of District Small Scale mining Centres and functions of Centres
91. Registration of prospective licensees
92. Small Scale Mining Committees
93. Operations of small scale miners
94. Compensation for use of land
Act 703 Minerals and Mining Act, 2006
95. Use of explosives
96. Purchase of mercury
97. Sale of minerals
98. Sale of jewellery
99. Offences and penalties under sections 81-99
Administration and miscellaneous provisions
100. Power of Minerals Commission
101. Inspectorate of Mines
102. Functions of Inspectorate of Mines
103. Register of mineral rights
104. Licence to buy and deal in minerals
105. Preference for local products and employment of Ghanaians
106. Offences
107. Offences by bodies of persons
108. General penalty
109. Penalty to be civil debt
110. Regulation
111. Interpretation
112. Repeal, savings and transitional provisions
Act 703
AN ACT to revise and consolidate the law relating to minerals and mining and to provide
for connected purposes.
March, 2006
ENACTED by the President and Parliament:
Ownership of minerals and cadastral system
Minerals property of Republic
1. Every mineral in its natural state in, under or upon land in Ghana, rivers, streams,
water-courses throughout the country, the exclusive economic zone and an area
covered by the territorial sea or continental shelf is the property of the Republic
and is vested in the President in trust for the people of Ghana.
Compulsory acquisition and land
2. Where land is required to secure the development or utilization of a mineral
resource, the President may acquire the land or authorize its occupation and use
under an applicable enactment for the time being in force.
Land available for application for mineral right
3. Land in the country may be made the subject of an application for a mineral right
in respect of a mineral specified in the application, other than land which is
(a) the subject of an existing mineral right in respect of the specified mineral,
(b) expressly reserved, by or under this Act or any other enactment from
becoming the subject of a mineral right.
Act 703 Minerals and Mining Act, 2006
Minister may reserve land from mining
4. (1) The Minister may, by Executive Instrument declared land, not being the
subject of a mineral right, to be reserved from,
(a) becoming the subject of an application for a mineral right for a mineral, or
(b) becoming the subject of an application for a mineral right in respect of
specified minerals or of all minerals except specified minerals.
(2) An Executive Instrument issued shall be by the authority of the President.
Power of Minister to grant mineral rights
5. (1) Subject to subsections (4) and (5), the Minister on behalf of the President and
on the recommendation of the Commission may negotiate, grant, revoke, suspend
or renew mineral rights in accordance with this Act.
(2) Where the Minister grants a mineral right, the Minister shall determine the
land subject to the grant.
(3) Where the Minister determines not to grant an application or determines to
grant an application over a part of the land applied for, the Minister shall give the
applicant written reasons.
(4) A transaction contract or undertaking involving the grant of a right or
concession by or on behalf of a person or body of persons, for the exploitation of
a mineral in Ghana shall be subject to ratification by Parliament.
(5) Parliament may, by resolution supported by the votes of not less than two-
thirds of all the members of Parliament, exempt from the provisions of subsection
(4) of this section a particular class of transaction, contract or undertakings.
Exportation and disposal of minerals
6. (1) Except otherwise provided in this Act, a person shall not export, sell or
otherwise dispose of a mineral, unless the person holds a licence granted by the
Minister for that purpose.
(2) An application for a licence shall be made in writing to the Minister in the
prescribed manner.
(3) The Minister, on the recommendation of the Commission may issue the
licence in the form and on conditions determined by the Minister.
(4) A licence issued is not transferable.
(5) Shipment of rough diamonds to and from Ghana shall be subject to rules and
Regulations as prescribed and shall be in accordance with the Kimberley Process
Certification Scheme.
Government’s right of pre-emption
7. (1) The Minister has the right of pre-emption of all minerals raised, won or
obtained in Ghana and from any area covered by territorial waters, the exclusive
economic zone or the continental shelf and products derived from the refining or
treatment of these minerals.
(2) The Government may, by an Executive Instrument, appoint a statutory body to
act as its agent for the exercise of the right of pre-emption.
Cadastral system
8. (1) For purpose of this Act, the surface of the Earth shall be deemed to be divided
in accordance with the co-ordinates represented in the official maps of Ghana held
at the Commission at a scale of 1:50,000,
(a) by the meridian of Greenwich and by meridians that are at a distance from
that meridian of 15 or a multiple of 15 seconds of longitude,
(b) by the equator and by parallels of latitude that are at a distance from the
equator of 15 or a multiple of 15 seconds of latitude, into sections
(“geometric sections”) each of which is bounded,
(c) by portions of those 2 meridians that are at a distance from each other of
15 seconds of longitude, and
(d) by portions of 2 of those parallels of latitude that are at a distance from
each other of 15 seconds of latitude.
(2) For purposes of this Act,
(a) a geometric section that is wholly within Ghana constitutes a block and
(b) where only part of a geometric section is within Ghana, that part
constitutes a block.
(3) Despite the provisions of paragraphs (a) and (b) of subsection (2), fractions
of blocks as may be prescribed shall be acceptable in the case of a licence
granted for small scale mining.
Mineral rights
Mining activities require mineral rights
9. (1) Despite a right or title which a person may have to land in, upon or under
which minerals are situated, a person shall not conduct activities on or over land
in Ghana for the search, reconnaissance, prospecting, exploration or mining for a
mineral unless the person has been granted a mineral right in accordance with this
(2) Activities conducted under a mineral right shall be limited to the activities
permitted by the mineral right.
(3) Subsection (1) does not prevent a government institution or agency from
conducting geological activities in accordance with its powers under an
Qualification for grant of mineral right
10. Unless otherwise provided in this Act, a mineral right shall not be granted to a
person unless the person is a body incorporated under the Companies Code 1963
(Act 179), under the Incorporated Private Partnerships Act 1962 (Act 152) or
under an enactment in force.
Application for mineral rights
11. An application for a mineral right shall be submitted to the Minerals Commission
in the prescribed form and shall be accompanied with a statement providing,
(a) particulars of the financial and technical resources available to the
applicant for the proposed mineral operations,
(b) an estimate of the amount of money proposed to be spent on the
(c) particulars of the programme for proposed mineral operations, and
(d) particulars of the applicant’s proposals with respect to the employment
and training in the mining industry of Ghanaians.
Recommendation to the Minister
12. The Commission shall, unless delay occurs because of a request for further
information from an applicant or a delay is caused by the applicant, submit its
recommendation on an application for a mineral right to the Minister within
ninety days of receipt of the application.
Grant of mineral rights
13. (1) The Minister shall within sixty days on receipt of recommendation from the
Commission make a decision and notify the applicant in writing of the decision
on the application and where the application is approved, the notice shall include
details of the area, the period and the mineral subject to the mineral right.
(2) The Minister shall, not less than forty-five days prior to making a decision
under subsection (1), give a notice in writing of a pending application for the
grant of a mineral right in respect of the land to a chief or allodial owner and the
relevant District Assembly.
(3) A notice given under subsection (2) shall
(a) state the proposed boundaries of the land in relation to which the mineral
right is applied for, and
(b) be published in
(i) a manner customarily acceptable to the areas concerned, and
(ii) the Gazette and exhibited at the offices of the District
Assembly within whose district, a part of the area is situated.
(4) The applicant shall within sixty days of receipt of notification of approval,
notify the Minister in writing of acceptance of the offer of the grant.
(5) The Minister shall upon receipt of the notification of acceptance of the offer,
grant the mineral right to the applicant.
(6) An approved application shall lapse if the applicant fails to notify the Minister
of an acceptance in accordance with subsection (4).
(7) Subject to the provision of this Act, a mineral right shall be subject to the terms
and conditions that are prescribed from time to time.
(8) The rights and obligations of a holder of mineral right shall apply to the agents
and employees of the holder.
(9) Subject to sections 73 and 74, a mineral right granted by the Minister under
this section is sufficient authority for the holder over the land and entitles the
holder to enter the land in respect of which the right is granted.
(10) The holder of a mineral right shall not remove or destroy a mineral
obtained by the holder in the course of a mineral operations without the
permission in writing of the head of the Inspectorate Division of the
(11) Despite subsection (10), cores and samples may be retained by a holder
for the purpose of assay, identification or analysis of the mineral.
(12) Where a core is retained under subsection (11), the holder shall maintain
in respect of the core or sample, particulars sufficient for the identification of
(a) the core or sample, and
(b) the location and geological horizon of its origin
as the head of the Inspectorate Division of the Commission may in consultation
with the Director of Geological Survey Department determine.
(13) Geological core samples may after assaying, identification or analysis of a
mineral be disposed of only with the express consent of the Commission
given in consultation with the Geological Survey Department.
Assignment of mineral rights
(14) (1) A mineral right shall not in whole or in part be transferred, assigned,
mortgaged or otherwise encumbered or dealt in, in a manner without the
prior approval in writing of the Minister, which approval shall not be
unreasonably withheld or given subject to unreasonable conditions.
(2) Where the Minister has not given a decision in writing to the applicant,
within thirty days of receipt of an application for approval, the Minister
shall upon a request from the applicant give written reasons to the
applicant for the failure to communicate a decision on the application.
(3) The reasons required under subsection (2) shall be sent to the applicant
within fourteen days of receipt of the request.
(4) A dispute between the Minister and an applicant or holder in respect of a
decision of the Minister under subsection (1), shall be referred for
resolution under section 27.
(5) Subject to the other provisions of this section, an undivided
proportionate part of a mineral right or application for a mineral right
may be transferred, assigned, mortgaged or otherwise encumbered or
dealt with.
Amendment of mineral at right to add other minerals
(15) (1) Where in the course of exercising a mineral right under this Act, the holder
discovers an indication of a mineral not included in the mineral right, the holder
shall within thirty days of the discovery, notify the Commission and Geological
Survey Department in writing of the discovery.
(2) The notification given under subsection (1) shall
(a) contain particulars of the discovery, and
(b) the site and circumstances of the discovery.
(3) The holder of the mineral right may in the prescribed form, apply for the
mineral right to be amended to
(a) include an additional mineral, or
(b) exclude a mineral.
(4) Subject to this Act and unless the land which is the subject of the mineral
right, is subject to another mineral right in respect of the mineral applied for
under subsection (3), the Minister shall amend the mineral right on the terms and
conditions that may be prescribed.
(5) A mineral right shall not be granted for another mineral over the same area of
land subject to an existing mineral right unless the holder of the existing right is
notified and given the first option of applying for the right.
(6) A notification given under subsection (5) shall contain
(a) particulars of the mineral applied for and
(b) the area applied for.
Obligations of holders of mineral rights
(16) (1) The holder of a mineral right shall at all times appoint a manager with the
requisite qualification and experience to be in charge of that holder’s mineral
(2) The holder of a mineral right shall notify the Head of the Inspectorate Division
of the Commission in writing of the appointment of a manager and on each
change of the manager.
Water right
17. Subject to obtaining the requisite approvals or licences under the Water Resources
Commission Act 1996 (Act 552), a holder of a mineral right may, for purposes of or
ancillary to the mineral operations, obtain, divert, impound, convey and use water
from a river, stream, underground reservoir or watercourse within the land the subject
of the mineral right.
Forestry and environmental protection
18. (1) Before undertaking an activity or operation under a mineral right, the holder of
the mineral right shall obtain the necessary approvals and permits required
from the Forestry Commission and the Environmental Protection Agency for
the protection of natural resources, public health and the environment.
(2) Without limiting subsection (1), a holder of a mineral right shall comply with
the applicable Regulations made under this Act and any other enactment for
the protection of the environment in so far as relates to exploitation of minerals.
Records of and reports by mineral right holders
19. (1) A holder of a mineral right shall maintain, at an address in Ghana notified to the
Commission for the purposes of this section, the documents and records that
may be prescribed and shall permit an authorized officer of the Commission at
a reasonable time to inspect the documents and records and take copies of
(2) A holder of a mineral right shall furnish the Commission, Geological Survey
Department and other persons prescribed, with such reports on the mineral
operations of and geological information attained by or on behalf of the holder.
Public access to information
20. (1) Records, documents and information furnished or attained under sections 19
and 63 shall, as long as the holder or the holder’s successor-in-title retains the
mineral right, or any mineral right granted in substitution over the area to which
the records, documents and information relate, be treated as confidential and shall
not be divulged without the prior written consent of the holder.
(2) Subject to subsection (1), the records, documents and reports furnished or
attained under sections 19 and 63 shall be made available for inspection and copy
by the public, on payment of the prescribed fee.
(3) Nothing in this section prohibits the disclosure of confidential information,
(a) where the disclosure is necessary for the purposes of this Act or an
(b) for the purposes of a prosecution under this Act or any other enactment,
(c) to a person being consultant to the Commission or an officer who is
authorized by the Minister to receive the confidential information.
(4) A person to whom disclosure is made under this section is under an obligation
to treat the information as confidential.
Copyright in information
21. Despite a law to the contrary, the copyright in respect of the documents, records
and information furnished or attained under sections 19 and 63 shall pass to and
reside with the Republic on and from the time that the records, documents and
information become available, under section 20(2) for inspection by the public.
Royalties, rentals and fees
Application fee
22. An applicant for a mineral right shall pay a fee as may be prescribed.
Annual ground rent
23. (1) A holder of a mineral right, shall pay an annual ground rent as may be
(2) Payment of annual ground rent shall be made to the owner of the land or
successors and assigns of the owner except in the case of annual ground rent in
respect of mineral rights over stool lands, which shall be paid to the Office of the
Administrator of Stool Lands, for application in accordance with the Office of the
Administrator of Stool Lands Act 1994 (Act 481).
Annual mineral right fees
24. A holder of a mineral right shall pay an annual mineral right fee that may be
prescribed and payment of the fee shall be made to the Commission.
25. A holder of a mining lease, restricted mining lease or small scale mining licence
shall pay royalty that may be prescribed in respect of minerals obtained from its
mining operations to the Republic, except that the rate of royalty shall not be
more than 6% or less than 3% of the total revenue of minerals obtained by the
Recovery of debts
26. A fee, royalty or other payment which falls due in respect of a mineral right or
otherwise under this Act is a debt owed to the Republic and recoverable in the
Dispute resolution
Dispute resolution
27. (1) Where a dispute arises between a holder of a mineral right and the Republic in
respect of a matter expressly stated under this Act is a matter which shall be
referred for resolution, all efforts shall be made through mutual discussion and if
agreed between the parties, by reference to alternative dispute resolution
procedures, to reach an amicable settlement.
(2) Where a dispute arises between a holder who is a citizen and the Republic in
respect of a matter expressly stated under this Act as a matter which shall be
referred for resolution, which is not amicably resolved as provided in subsection
(1) within thirty days of the dispute arising or a longer period agreed between the
parties to the dispute, the dispute may be submitted by a party to the dispute, to
arbitration for settlement in accordance with the Arbitration Act, 1961 (Act 38) or
any other enactment in force for resolution of disputes.
(3) Where a dispute arises between a holder who is not a citizen and the Republic
in respect of a matter expressly stated under this Act as a matter which shall be
referred for resolution under this section, which is not amicably resolved as
provided under subsection (1) within thirty days of the dispute arising or a longer
period agreed between the parties to the dispute, the dispute may, by a party to
the dispute giving notice to all other parties, be submitted to arbitration,
(a) in accordance with a international machinery for the resolution of investment
disputes, as agreed to by the parties, or
(b) if the parties do not reach an agreement under paragraph (a) within thirty
days, or a longer period agreed between the parties, of the matter being
submitted to arbitration, in accordance with
(i) firstly, the framework of a bilateral or multilateral agreement on
investment protection to which the Republic and the country of
which the holder is a national, are parties, or
(ii) secondly, if no agreement contemplated by subparagraph (i)
exists, the rules of procedure for arbitration of the United Nations
Commission on International Trade Law, (UNCTRAL Rules.
(4) Each agreement granting a mineral right shall contain provisions on the
method of resolution of disputes that may arise under the agreement.
(5) Where a holder has notified the Minister in writing that the holder wishes to
refer a dispute for resolution and, but for this subsection,
(a) the term of the mineral right would expire,
(b) the area the subject of the mineral right, would be reduced, or
(c) the rights under the mineral right held at that time would be diminished, the
term the area, the right held, as the case may be, shall continue without
diminution for the period ending thirty days after the determination of the
Capitalization of expenditure
28. The holder of a mining lease is entitled to the capitalization of expenditure on
reconnaissance and prospecting approved by the Minister on the advice of the
Commission where the holder starts development of a commercial find.
Additional benefits
29. The holder of a mineral right may be granted the following:
(a) exemption from payment of customs import duty in respect of plant,
machinery, equipment and accessories imported specifically and
exclusively for the mineral operations;
(b) exemption of staff from the payment of income tax on furnished
accommodation at the mine site;
(c) immigration quota in respect of the approval number of expatriate
personnel; and
(d) personal remittance quota for expatriate personnel free from tax imposed by
an enactment regulating the transfer of money out of the country.
Transferability of capital
30. (1) A holder of a mining lease who earns foreign exchange from mining
operations may be permitted by the Bank of Ghana to retain in an account, a
portion of the foreign exchange earned, for use in acquiring spare parts and other
inputs required for the mining operations, which would otherwise not be readily
available without the use of the earnings.
(2) The Minister for Finance, in consultation with the Minister acting on the
advice of the Commission may, where the net earnings of a holder of a mining
lease from the holder’s mining operations are in foreign exchange, permit the
holder of the lease to open and retain in an account, an amount not less than
twenty five percent of the foreign exchange for
(a) the acquisition of spare parts, raw materials, and machinery and equipment,
(b) debt servicing and dividend payment,
(c) remittance in respect of quotas for expatriate personnel, and
(d) the transfer of capital in the event of a sale or liquidation of the mining
(3) An account opened and operated under subsection (2) shall, with the consent
of the Bank of Ghana, be held in trust by a trustee appointed by the holder of the
(4) Subject to this Act, a holder of a mining lease shall be guaranteed free
transferability of convertible currency
(a) through the Bank of Ghana, or
(b) in the case of a net foreign exchange holder, through the account opened
under subsection (2).
Reconnaissance licence
Application for reconnaissance licence
31. (1) Subject to this Act, the Minister may, on an application made by a qualified
person and on the recommendation of the Commission, grant a reconnaissance
licence in respect of all or a part of the area applied for and in respect of all or
any of the minerals specified in the application.
(2) A reconnaissance licence may be granted for an initial period not more than
twelve months.
(3) The area of land in respect of which a reconnaissance licence may be granted
shall be a block or any number not more than five thousand contiguous blocks
each having a side in common with at least one other block the subject of the
Rights of holder of reconnaissance licence
32. (1) Subject to this Act and the Regulations made under this Act, a reconnaissance
licence confers on the holder and a person authorized, in accordance with this Act
by the holder of the reconnaissance licence, the exclusive right to carry on
reconnaissance in the reconnaissance area for the minerals to which the
reconnaissance licence relates and to conduct other ancillary or incidental
(2) For the purposes of exercising the right conferred under subsection (1), a
holder of a reconnaissance licence and a person authorized in accordance with
this Act by the holder of there reconnaissance licence, may enter the
reconnaissance area and erect camps or temporary buildings.
(3) A holder of a reconnaissance licence shall not engage in a drilling or
Application for extension of term of reconnaissance licence
33. (1) A holder of a reconnaissance licence may, not later than three months before
the expiration of the initial term of the licence, apply to the Minister for an
extension of the term of the reconnaissance licence in respect of all or part of the
reconnaissance area.
(2) The form of the application shall be as may be prescribed.
(3) Where an application for extension of the term of a reconnaissance licence is
made under this section and the applicant has materially complied with the
obligations imposed by this Act with respect to,
(a) the holding of the licence, and
(b) the activities to be conducted under the licence,
the Minister shall extend the term of the licence.
(4) Subject to subsection (5), a reconnaissance licence may be extended once only
and for a period not exceeding twelve months.
(5) Where, at least one month before the end of the extended period, or within the
shorter period that the Minister may allow, the holder of a reconnaissance licence
satisfies the Minister that delay by a government institution in the issuance of a
permit or in carrying out a lawful activity has resulted in delay by the holder in
the discharge of an obligation under the reconnaissance licence, the holder may
apply in writing to the Minister for extension and the Minister may extend the
term of the reconnaissance licence for a period not more than twelve months.
(6) Where a holder of a reconnaissance licence has made an application for an
extension of
(a) the term of the licence, or
(b) the land and for some or all of the minerals the subject of the reconnaissance
(c) immigration quota in respect of the approved number of expatriate
personnel; and
(d) personal remittance quota for expatriate personnel free from tax imposed by
an enactment regulating the transfer of money out of the country.
Transferability of capital
30. (1) A holder of a mining lease who earns foreign exchange from mining operations
may be permitted by the Bank of Ghana to retain in an account, portion of the foreign
exchange earned, for use in acquiring spare parts and other inputs required for the
mining operations, which would otherwise not be readily available without the use of
the earnings.
(2) The Minister for Finance, in consultation with the Minister acting on the advice
of the Commission may, where the net earnings of a holder of a mining lease from the
holder’s mining operations are in foreign exchange, permit the holder of the lease to
open and retain in an account, an amount not less than twenty five percent of the
foreign exchange for
(a) the acquisition of spare parts, raw materials, and machinery and equipment,
(b) debt servicing and dividend payment,
(c) remittance in respect of quotas for expatriate personnel, and
(d) the transfer of capital in the event of a sale or liquidation of the mining
(3) An account opened and operated under subsection (2) shall, with the consent of the
Bank of Ghana, be held in trust by a trustee appointed by the holder of the lease.
(4) Subject to this Act, a holder of a mining lease shall be guaranteed free
transferability of convertible currency;
(a) through the Bank of Ghana, or
(b) in the case of a net foreign exchange holder, through the account opened
under subsection (2).
Reconnaissance licence
Application for reconnaissance licence
31. (1) Subject to this Act, the Minister may, on an application made by a qualified
person and on the recommendation of the Commission, grant a reconnaissance
licence in respect of all or a part of the area applied for and in respect of all or any
of the minerals specified in the application.
(2) A reconnaissance licence may be granted for an initial period not more than
twelve months.
(3) The area of land in respect of which a reconnaissance licence may be granted
shall be a block or any number not more than five thousand contiguous blocks
each having a side in common with at least one other block the subject of the
Rights of holder of reconnaissance licence
32. (1) Subject to this Act and the Regulations made under this Act, a reconnaissance
licence confers on the holder and a person authorized, in accordance with this Act
by the holder of the reconnaissance licence, the exclusive right to carry on
reconnaissance in the reconnaissance area for the minerals to which the
reconnaissance licence relates and to conduct other ancillary or incidental activity.
(2) For the purposes of exercising the right conferred under subsection (1), a holder
of a reconnaissance licence and a person authorized in accordance with this Act by
the holder of the reconnaissance licence, may enter the reconnaissance area and
erect camps or temporary buildings.
(3) A holder of a reconnaissance licence shall not engage in a drilling or excavation.
Application for extension of term of reconnaissance licence
33. (1) A holder of a reconnaissance licence may, not later than three months before
the expiration of the initial term of the licence, apply to the Minister for an
extension of the term of the reconnaissance licence in respect of all or part of the
reconnaissance area.
(2) The form of the application shall be as may be prescribed.
(3) Where an application for extension of the term of a reconnaissance licence is
made under this section and the applicant has materially complied with the
obligations imposed by this Act with respect to,
(a) the holding of the licence, and
(b) the activities to be conducted under the licence,
the Minister shall extend the term of the licence.
(4) Subject to subsection (5), a reconnaissance licence may be extended once only
and for a period not exceeding twelve months.
(5) Where, at least one month before the end of the extended period, or within the
shorter period that the Minister may allow, the holder of a reconnaissance licence
satisfies the Minister that delay by a government institution in the issuance of a
permit or in carrying out a lawful activity has resulted in delay by the holder in the
discharge of an obligation under the reconnaissance licence, the holder may apply
in writing to the Minister for extension and the Minister may extend the term of
the reconnaissance licence for a period not more than twelve months.
(6) Where a holder of a reconnaissance licence has made an application for an
extension of
(a) the term of the licence, or
(b) the land and for some or all of the minerals the subject of the reconnaissance
licence, and the term of the reconnaissance licence would but for this
subsection, expire, the reconnaissance licence shall continue in force with
respect to the land or minerals the subject of the application until the
application determined.
(7) If the holder of a reconnaissance licence transfers the reconnaissance licence
in accordance with this Act after making an application for
(a) an extension of the term of the licence, or
(b) a prospecting licence or mining lease in respect of all or part of the land and
for some or all of the minerals the subject of the reconnaissance licence,
the application shall continue in the name of the transferee, as if the transferee
had made it.
Prospecting licence
Application for prospecting licence
34. (1) The Minister may, on an application duly made by a qualified person and on the
recommendation of the Commission, grant a prospecting licence in respect of all or
any of the minerals specified in the application.
(2) A prospecting licence shall be granted for an initial period not exceeding three
(3) The area of land in respect of which a prospecting licence may be granted shall
be a block or a number not exceeding 750 contiguous blocks each having a side in
common with at least one other block the subject of the application.
(4) If a holder of a reconnaissance licence applies for a prospecting licence over all
or part of the land and for a mineral the subject of the reconnaissance licence and
the holder has materially complied with the obligations imposed by this Act with
respect to
(a) the holding of the licence, and
(b) the activities to be conducted under the licence, the Minister shall within sixty
days of the application, subject to the permits and other obligations required by
law having been complied with, grant the applicant the prospecting licence on
the conditions that shall be specified in the licence.
(5) A dispute between the Minister and a holder in respect of any matter that arises
under subsection (4), shall be referred for resolution under section 27.
Extensions of the term of a prospecting
35. (1) The holder of a prospecting licence may, at any time but not later than three
months before the expiration of the initial term of the licence, apply in the form
that may be prescribed to the Minister for an extension of the term of the
prospecting licence subject to section 38(3), for a further period not more than
three years in respect of all or any number of blocks the subject of the prospecting
(2) On an application duly made under subsection (1), and upon being satisfied that
the holder has complied with the obligation imposed by this Act with respect to
(a) the holding of the licence, and
(b) the activities to be conducted under the prospecting licence, the Minister
shall on the recommendations of the Commission grant an extension of the
term of the prospecting licence.
(3) A dispute between the Minister and a holder in respect of a matter that arises
under subsection (2) shall be resolved under section 27.
(4) Where a holder of a prospecting licence has made an application for an
extension of the term of the licence and the term of the prospecting licence would,
but for this subsection expire, the prospecting licence shall continue in force in
respect of the land the subject of the application until the application is
(5) Where a holder of a prospecting licence has made an application for a mining
lease and the term of the prospecting licence would, but for this subsection expire,
the licence shall continue in force with respect to the land and minerals the subject
of the application until the application determined.
(6) If the holder of a prospecting licence transfers the prospecting licence in
accordance with this Act after making an application for
(a) the extension of the term of the prospecting licence, or
(b) a mining lease in respect of all or part of the land and for some or all of the
minerals the subject of the prospecting licence,
the application shall continue in the name of the transferee as if the transferee had
made the application.
Programme of prospecting operations
36. (1) A prospecting licence may not be granted unless the proposed programme of
mineral operations submitted with the application is, in the Minister’s reasonable
opinion, suitable in the circumstances.
(2) The holder of a prospecting licence shall notify the Minister of an amendment
the holder wishes to make to the programme of prospecting operations and the
amendment shall, unless rejected by the Minister on reasonable grounds, within
two months after receipt of the notice, have effect after that period.
(3) The Minister may, upon an application made by the holder of a prospecting
licence, limit or suspend the obligation of the holder to carry on prospecting
operations, under terms and conditions that the Minister may reasonably determine.
(4) A dispute between the Minister and a holder in respect of a matter that arises
under subsections (1) or (2), shall be resolved under section 27.
Rights and obligations of holder of a prospecting licence
37. (1) The holder of a prospecting licence may in the exercise of the rights under the
licence, enter upon land to which the licence relates to
(a) prospect for the mineral in respect of which the licence is granted,
(b) make boreholes and excavations that may be necessary for the prospecting
(c) erect camps and put up temporary buildings necessary for the prospecting
operations, and
(d) conduct other activity ancillary or incidental to the prospecting.
(2) The holder of a prospecting licence shall
(a) commence prospecting operation within three months after the date of the
issue of the licence, or at a time specified by the Minister,
(b) demarcate and keep demarcated the prospecting area in the prescribed
(c) carry on prospecting operation in accordance with the programme of
prospecting operations,
(d) notify the Minister through the Commission, of any discovery of minerals
to which the prospecting licence relates within a period of thirty days
from the date of the discovery,
(e) notify the Minister through the Commission of the discovery of a mineral
deposit which is of possible economic value within a period of thirty days
from the date of the discovery,
(f) fill back or otherwise make safe to the satisfaction of the Commission a
borehole or excavation made during the course of prospecting operations,
(g) unless the Commission otherwise stipulates, remove within sixty days
from the date of the expiration of the prospecting licence a camp,
temporary building or machinery erected or installed and make good to
the satisfaction of the Commission damage to the surface of the ground
occasioned by the removal,
(h) subject to the condition of the prospecting licence, expend on prospecting
not less than the amount specified in the prospecting licence, and
(i) submit reports of other documents to persons at prescribed intervals and
supporting documents containing required information.
(3) Moneys required to be spent under subsection (2) (h) and which are not yet
spent shall be a debt to the Republic and recoverable from the holder in the Court.
(4) The holder of a prospecting licence shall to the satisfaction of the Minister,
keep full and accurate records of the prospecting operations showing particulars
that the Minister may prescribe.
Compulsory reduction of area of prospecting licence
38. (1) Subject to this section, the holder of a prospecting licence shall, prior to or at
the expiration of the initial term, surrender not less than half the number of blocks
of the prospecting area so long as a minimum of one hundred and twenty five
blocks remain subject to the licence and the blocks form not more than three
discrete areas each consisting of
(a) a single block, or
(b) a number of blocks each having a side in common with at least one other
block in that area.
(2) Where, at least one month before the end of the term or within a shorter period
that the Minister may allow, the holder of a prospecting licence satisfies the
Minister that delay by a government institution or agency in the issuance of permits
or in carrying out a lawful activity have resulted in delay by the holder in the
discharge of an obligation under the prospecting licence, the holder may apply in
writing to the Minister for relief from the obligation to surrender land and the
Minister may exempt that holder from the requirements of this section, either
wholly or in part, for a period, not more than twelve months and on other conditions
and the Minister thinks fit.
(3) A dispute between the Minister and a holder in respect of a matter that arises
under subsection (2), shall be resolved under section 27.
Mining lease
Application for mining lease by holder of reconnaissance licence or prospecting
39. (1) A holder of a reconnaissance licence or a prospecting licence may, prior to the
expiration of the licence, apply in the prescribed form for one or more mining
leases in respect of all or any of the minerals the subject of the licence and in
respect of all or any one or more of the blocks which constitutes the reconnaissance
or prospecting area except that the blocks shall form not more than three discrete
areas, with each consisting of
(a) a single block, or
(b) a number of blocks each having a side in common with at least one other
block in that area,
and each of which could be the subject of a separate mining lease application.
(2) Subject to this Act and upon an application duly made under subsection (1), if
the applicant has materially complied with the obligations imposed by this Act
with respect to,
(a) the holding of the lease, and
(b) the activities to be conducted under the licence,
the Minister on the recommendation of the Commission shall, within sixty days of
receipt of the application and subject to all obligations having been satisfied, grant
the applicant a mining lease on conditions specified in the lease.
(3) A dispute between the Minister and a holder in respect of a matter tht arises
under subsection (2), shall be resolved under section 27.
Application for a mining lease by any other person
40. (1) A person may apply in the prescribed form for mining lease in respect of a
mineral specified in the application over land that is not the subject of a mineral
right for the mineral applied for.
(2) On an application duly made, the Minister on the recommendation of the
Commission, may grant the applicant a mining lease in respect of all or any of the
land applied for and in respect of a mineral specified in the application on
condition prescribed.
Terms for the grant of a mining lease
41. (1) A mining lease shall be for an initial term of thirty years or for a lesser period
that may be agreed with the applicant.
(2) The area in respect of which a mining lease may be granted shall not be less
than one block or more than three hundred contiguous blocks each having a side in
common with at least one other block the subject of the grant.
Rejection of an application for a mining lease
42. (1) The Minister shall not reject an application for a mining lease made under this
(a) unless the concerns of the Minister have been conveyed in writing to the
applicant and the applicant has been given an opportunity to make
appropriate amendments to the application or to the proposed programme of
mineral operations and has within reasonable time that the Minister may
permit, failed to do so, or
(b) on the grounds that the applicant is in default, unless the Minister has given
the applicant notice of the default and the applicant has failed within a
reasonable time that may be specified in the notice to remedy the default.
(2) A dispute between the Minister and an applicant in respect of a matter that
arises under subsection (1) shall be referred for resolution under section 27.
Government participation in mining lease
43. (1) Where a mineral right is for mining or exploitation, the Government shall
acquire a ten percent free carried interest in the rights and obligations of the
mineral operations in respect of which financial contribution shall not be paid by
(2) Subsection (1) does not preclude the Government from any other or further
participation in mineral operations that may be agreed with the holder.
Renewal of mining lease
44. (1) A holder of a mining lease may, at any time but not later than three months
before the expiration of the initial term of the mining lease or a shorter period that
the Minister allows, apply in a prescribed form to the Minister for an extension of
the term of the lease for a further period of up to thirty years in respect of all or any
number of contiguous blocks the subject of the lease and in respect of all or any of
the minerals the subject of the lease.
(2) An application made under subsection (1) shall be accompanied with a
proposed programme of mineral operations.
(3) On an application duly made under subsection (1) and if the holder has
materially complied with the obligations imposed by this Act with respect to the
holding of and activities pursuant to the mining lease, the Minister shall grant the
extension of the term of the lease on conditions specified in writing.
(4) Where the holder has made an application for an extension of the term of the
lease, and the term of the lease would but for this subsection, expire, the lease shall
continue in force in respect of the land the subject of the application until the
application is determined.
(5) A dispute between the Minister and a holder in respect of a matter that arises
under this section, shall be resolved under section 27.
Amendment of programme of mining operations
45. (1) A holder of a mining lease shall notify the Minister of amendments the holder
intends to make to the programme of mining operations and the amendments shall,
unless the Minister on reasonable grounds rejects them within two months after
being so notified, have effect after that period.
(2) A dispute between the Minister and a holder in respect of a matter that arises
under this section, shall be resolved under section 27.
Rights conferred by mining lease
46. Subject to this Act and Regulations made under this Act, a mining lease authorizes
the holder, the holder’s agents and employees and a person authorized by the
holder, in accordance with this Act, to enter upon the land the subject of the mining
lease, to
(a) conduct mineral operations including, without limitation, to mine for the
specified minerals of the mining lease,
(b) erect equipment, plant and buildings for the purposes of mining,
transporting, dressing, treating, smelting or refining the specified minerals
recovered by the holder during the mining operations,
(c) take and remove from the land the specified minerals and dispose of them in
accordance with the holder’s approved marketing plan,
(d) stack or dump a mineral or waste product as approved in the holder’s
Environmental Impact Statement, and
(e) conduct other incidental or ancillary activity.
Merger and enlargement of mineral rights
47. (1) Subject to this Act, if a holder of a mineral right covering contiguous blocks
considers that the efficient and economic management of its operations require the
merger of all or part of its mineral rights, the holder may apply to the Minister for
the merger to be effected on the terms that may be agreed between the holder and
the Minister.
(2) A holder of a mineral right may apply to the Minister for the enlargement of the
area to which the lease relates by the inclusion of additional contiguous blocks and
the Minister may, subject to this Act, approve the application if the Minister is
satisfied on reasonable grounds that the additional area is required for the holder’s
(3) A dispute between the Minister and a holder in respect of a matter that arises
under this section, shall be resolved under section 27.
Stability agreement
48. (1) The Minister may as a part of a mining lease enter into a stability agreement
with the holder of the mining lease, to ensure that the holder of the mining lease
will not, for a period not exceeding fifteen years from the date of the agreement,
(a) be adversely affected by a new enactment, order instrument or other action
made under a new enactment or changes to an enactment, order, instrument
that existed at the time of the stability agreement, or other action taken under
these that have the effect or purport to have the effect of imposing
obligations upon the holder or applicant of the mining lease, and
(b) be adversely affected by subsequent changes to
(i) the level of and payment of customs or other duties relating to the
entry materials, goods, equipment and any other inputs necessary to
the mining operations or project,
(ii) the level of and payment of royalties, taxes, fees and other fiscal
imports, and
(iii) laws relating to exchange control, transfer of capital and dividend
(2) A stability agreement entered into under subsection (1) shall be subject to
ratification by Parliament.
Development agreement
49. (1) The Minister on the advice of the Commission may enter into a development
agreement under a mining lease with a person where the proposed investment by
the person will exceed US$ five hundred million.
(2) A development agreement may contain provisions,
(a) relating to the mineral right or operations to be conducted under the mining
(b) relating to the circumstance or manner in which the Minister will exercise a
discretion conferred by or under this Act,
(c) on stability terms as provided under section 48,
(d) relating to environmental issues and obligations of the holder to safe-guard
the environment in accordance with this Act or another enactment, and
(e) dealing with the settlement of disputes.
(3) A development agreement is subject to ratification by Parliament.
Recruitment and training of Ghanaians
50. (1) In pursuance of a localization policy, each holder of a mining lease shall submit
to the Commission a detailed programme for the recruitment and training of
Ghanaian personnel as prescribed.
(2) The programme to be submitted under subsection (1) shall be a condition for
the grant of a mining lease.
(3) For the purposes of subsection (1) “localization” means a training programme
designed towards the eventual replacement of expatriate personnel by Ghanaian
Suspension of production
51. (1) The holder of a mining lease shall notify the Minister three months in advance
where the holder proposes to suspend production from the mine and shall in each
case, give reasons for the suspension.
(2) Where the holder is unable to give the required notice as provided under
subsection (1) for reasons beyond the holder’s control including, without
limitation, market conditions and the holder suspends production from a mine, the
holder shall, within fourteen day of the suspension notify the Minister.
(3) The suspension of production shall not exceed twelve months and the holder
may apply in writing to the Minister for extension for a period not exceeding
twelve months.
(4) On receiving the notification under subsection (1) or on the Minister becoming
aware of a suspension of production, the Minister shall cause the matter to be
investigated and shall subject to any relevant requirement contained in the mining
(a) give approval for the suspension, or
(b) direct the holder of the mining lease to resume full production at the mine by a
specified date.
(5) Approval of suspension may be given subject to conditions that the Minister
may on the advice of the Commission determine.
Change of control of company holding mining lease
52. (1) A person may not become a controller of a mining company unless
(a) the person has served on the Minister notice in writing stating that the person
intends to become a controller of the mining company, and
(b) the Minister has, before the end of a period of two months beginning with
the date of service of that notice, notified the person in writing that there is
no objection to the person becoming a controller of the mining company or
that period has elapsed without the Minister having served on the person a
written notice of objection to the person becoming a controller of the mining
(2) A notice under paragraph (a) of subsection (1) shall contain information that
the Minister may reasonably direct and the Minister may, after receiving a notice
from a person, by notice in writing, require the person to provide additional
information or documents the Minister may reasonably require to decide whether
to serve a notice of objection or not.
(3) Where additional information or documents are required from a person under
subsection (2), the time between the giving of the notice and the receipt of the
information or documents shall be added to the period specified in paragraph (b)
of subsection (1).
(4) A notice served by a person under paragraph (a) of subsection (1) shall not
have effect if the person fails to acquire the controlling interest within a period of
one year from the date of service of the notice.
Objection to new or increased control
53. (1) The Minister shall serve a written notice of objection under this section on a
person who has given a notice under section 52 if the Minister considers on
reasonable grounds that the public interest would be prejudiced by the person
concerned becoming a controller of the mining company.
(2) Where a person required to give a notice under section 52(1) (a) in relation to
the person becoming a controller, becomes a controller of that description without
having given the notice, the Minister shall serve the person with a written notice of
objection under this section within a period of six months after becoming aware of
that fact and may, for the purpose of deciding whether to serve the notice, require
the person by notice in writing to provide information or documents that the
Minister may reasonably require.
(3) A dispute between the Minister and a person upon whom a notice of objection
is served under subsection (1) shall be referred for resolution under section 27.
Contraventions by controller
54. (1) A person who contravenes section 52 by
(a) failing to give the notice required under paragraph (a) of subsection (1) of
that section, or
(b) becoming a controller of a description to which that section applies, before
the end of the period specified in paragraph (b) of that subsection, unless the
Minister has previously notified the person in writing that there is no
objection to that person becoming such a controller,
commits an offence.
(2) A person who,
(a) contravene section 53 by becoming a controller of any description after
being served with a notice of objection to that person becoming a
controller of that description, or
(b) having become a controller of any description, in contravention of that
section, whether before or after being served with a notice of objection,
continues to be the controller after the notice has been served on the
commits an offence.
(3) A person convicted of an offence under this section is liable on summary
conviction to a fine not more than the cedi equivalent of US$ twenty thousand or
imprisonment for a term not more than three years or to both.
Restriction and sale of shares
55. (1) The powers conferred by this section shall be exercised where a person,
(a) has contravened section 53 by becoming a controller after being served with
a notice of objection to the person becoming a controller, or
(b) having become a controller in contravention of section 53 continues to be
one after the notice has been served on the person.
(2) The Minister acting on the recommendation of the Commission may, by
Executive Instrument, order that specified shares to which this section applies
shall, until further order is made, be subject to one or more of the following
(a) a transfer of, or agreement to transfer those shares or, in the case of unissued
shares, a transfer of or agreement to transfer the right to be issued with them
shall be void;
(b) no voting rights shall be exercisable in respect of the shares;
(c) no further shares shall be issued in right of them or in pursuance of an offer
made to their holder;
(d) except in a liquidation, no payment shall be made for sums due from the
mining company on the shares, whether in respect of capital or otherwise.
(3) The Minister may make an application to the High Court for the sale of
specified shares to which this section applies.
(4) On an application to the Court under subsection (3), the Court may order the
sale of specified shares and where the shares are for the time being subject to
restrictions under subsection (2), order that they shall cease to be subject to those
(5) For the purpose of effecting a sale under subsection (4), the Court may order the
holder or another person to execute a necessary transfer on behalf of a holder and
may order the directors of the relevant mining company to enter the name of the
transfers in the appropriate register, despite the absence of a share or other relevant
certificate being lodged in respect of the shares and to issue a new certificate to the
transferee, and an instrument of transfer executed by the person pursuant to the
order shall be as effective as if it had been executed by the registered holder of the
specified shares.
(6) Neither the Minister nor any other person is liable to a holder or a person who
has an interest in the specified share or other person for an act done pursuant to an
order of the Court or for the consequences of the act.
(7) Where shares are sold in pursuance of an order under this section, the proceeds
of sale, less the costs of the sale, shall be paid into Court for the benefit of the
persons beneficially interested in them and the person may apply to the Court for
the whole or part of the proceeds to be paid to that person.
(8) This section applies
(a) to the shares or rights to be issued with shares in the mining company of
which the person in question is a controller which are held by the person or an
associate of the person and which were not held immediately before the
person became a controller, and
(b) where the person in question became a controller of a mining company as a
result of the acquisition by the person or an associate of the person of shares
in another company, to all the shares or rights to be issued with shares in that
company which are held by the person or an associate of the person which
were not held before the person became the controller.
(9) A copy of the instrument referred to in subsection(2) shall be served on the
person and on the mining company to whose shares it relates and, if it relates to
shares held by an associate of that person, on the associate, except that there is no
obligation to serve a copy of the order if the Minister does not know both the
identity and the address of the person to be served.
Notification of ceasing to be a controller
56. A person shall notify the Minister in writing prior to or within fourteen days of
ceasing to be a controller of the mining company.
Notification by mining company
57. (1) A mining company shall give written notice to the Minister of the fact that a
person has become or ceased to be a controller of the company.
(2) A notice required to be given under subsection (1) shall be given within
fourteen days of the mining company becoming aware of the relevant facts.
(3) A mining company which fails to give the notice required under subsection (1)
is liable to an administrative penalty of the cedi equivalent of US$ one thousand
payable to the Commission.
Investigation on behalf of the Minister
58. (1) Where the Minister considers it desirable to do so in the public interest, the
Minister may appoint one or more competent person to investigate and report to the
Minister on the ownership or control of a mining company.
(2) The Minister shall promptly give to the mining company, written notice of the
(3) A person who is or was a director, controller, employee, agent, banker, auditor
or solicitor of a company which is under investigation must
(a) produce to the person appointed under subsection (1), within the time and at the
place in the country that the Minister may require, the documents which are in
that person’s custody or power, relevant to the shareholding and board of
directors to the company,
(b) attend before the person appointed at the time and place in the country that the
investigator may require, and
(c) give the investigator the assistance in connection with the investigation which
the person is reasonably able to give,
and the investigator may take copies of or extracts from documents produced under
paragraph (a) of this subsection.
(4) For the purpose of exercising the powers under this section, a person
appointed under subsection (1) accompanied by a police officer, may enter the
premises occupied by a company which is being investigated by the person under
this section, but the investigator shall not do so without prior notice in writing
unless the investigator has reasonable cause to believe that if notice were given,
documents whose production could be required under this section, would be
removed, tampered with or destroyed.
(5) A person exercising power by virtue of an appointment under this section
shall, if so required, produce evidence of authority.
(6) A person who,
(a) without reasonable excuse fails to produce documents which it is that
person’s duty to produce under subsection (2),
(b) without reasonable excuse fails to attend before the investigator appointed
under subsection (1) when required to do so,
(c) without reasonable excuse fails to answer a question which is put to the
person by the investigator with respect to the company which is being
investigated, or
(d) intentionally obstructs a person in the exercise of the rights conferred by
subsection (4).
Commits an offence and is liable on summary conviction to a fine not more than
the cedi equivalent of US$ ten thousand or a term of imprisonment not exceeding
three years or to both.
(7) A statement made by a person in compliance with a requirement under this
section may be used in evidence against the person.
(8) Nothing in this section requires disclosure of an information or document by a
person which the person is entitled to refuse to disclose or provide under the
Evidence Decree, 1975 (N.R.C.D. 323) or under some other enactment.
Mine support services
59. Persons or companies providing prescribed services to a holder of a mineral right
and registered with the Commission may be granted concession as prescribed.
Special share to Republic
60. (1) The Minister may by notice in writing to a mining company require the mining
company to issue to the Republic a special share, by whatever name called in the
company for no consideration.
(2) A special share shall constitute a separate class of shares and shall have the
rights that shall be agreed between the Minister and the company, but in the
absence of the agreement shall have the following rights:
(a) a special share is a preference share and shall carry no right to vote but the
holder is entitled to receive notice of and to attend and speak at a general
meeting of the members of the company or a separate meeting of the holders
of a class of shares in the company;
(b) the special share may only be issued to, held by or transferred to the
President, the Minister or another person acting on behalf of the Republic
and authorized in writing by the President or the Minister;
(c) the special share shall not confer a right to participate in the dividends,
profits or assets of the company or a return of assets in a winding up or
liquidation of the company;
(d) the holder of the special share may require the company to redeem the
special share at any time for no consideration or for a consideration
determined by the company and payable to the holder on behalf of the
(e) each of the following matters shall be taken to be a variation of the rights
that attach to the special share, and shall accordingly be effective only with
the prior written consent of the holder of the special share, which consent
may not be unreasonably delayed or withheld or made subject to
unreasonable conditions;
(i) an amendment to or removal of a provision in the constitution,
regulations, bye-laws, articles of association, or other equivalent
document regulating th company which reflect or further the
intention of all or any of the provisions of this section or of
sections 51 to 60;
(ii) the voluntary winding-up or voluntary liquidation of the company;
(iii) the disposal of a mining lease granted under this Act or a repealed
law upon which mining operations are conducted or of the whole
or a material part of the assets of the company which are
attributable to the company’s operations in Ghana but are not held
in the country.
(3) A mining company which fails to comply for a period of two months with a
notice served under subsection (1) commits an offence and is liable on summary
conviction to a fine not more than the cedi equivalent of US$ ten thousand.
(4) A dispute between the Minister and a holder in respect of a matter that arises
under this section shall be referred for resolution under section 27.
Modification of application of Companies Code (Act 179)
61. The provisions of sections 51 to 60 shall apply and be implemented despite
(a) provisions of the Companies Code, 1963 (Act 179),
(b) provisions in the constitution, regulations, bye-laws or articles of association
of any company, or
(c) an agreement to which a company is a party, other than an agreement
between a company and the Republic that relates to the application of the
Radio-active minerals
Radio-active minerals
62. (1) The provisions of this Act which relate to reconnaissance, prospecting and
mining of minerals shall, subject to the provisions contained in sections 62 to 66,
apply to radio-active minerals with the modifications that may be necessary.
(2) Where a radioactive mineral is discovered in the course of exercising a right
under this Act or under another enactment, the holder of the mineral right or
another person shall immediately notify the Commission and the Geological
Survey Department of the discovery.
(3) Where a radio-active mineral is discovered on land other than land subject to a
mining right, the owner of the land shall immediately notify the Commission and
the Geological Survey Department of the discovery.
Holder of radio-active mineral right to report operations
63. A holder of a licence or lease under section 62 shall within the first week of each
month furnish the Commission and the Geological Survey Department with a true
report in writing of the prospecting an mining operations conducted by the holder
in the immediately preceding month with respect to radioactive minerals.
Export of radio-active mineral
64. (1) A person shall not export a radio-active mineral except under and in accordance
with the terms and conditions of a permit granted by the Minister for that purpose.
(2) A permit issued under subsection (1) shall be in the form and shall be subject to
the payment of the fee that the Minister may on the advice of the Commission
Export of radio-active mineral Offence and penalties under sections 62 to 64
65. (1) A person who contravenes section 62 to 64 or obtains a permit by means of a
false statement or representation commits an offence and is liable on summary
conviction to a fine not more than the cedi equivalent of US$ fifty thousand or to
imprisonment for a term not exceeding two years or both.
(2) The Court before which a person is convicted of an offence under subsection
(1) shall order the forfeiture to the State of any radio-active mineral obtained by the
person convicted.
Powers of search and arrest
66. A police officer not below the rank of an Inspector, a senior official of the
Inspectorate Division of the Commission, and an officer authorized by the Minister
may, for the purpose of enforcing section 62 to 66 without warrant,
(a) enter and search a place where the officer has reasonable grounds to suspect
that an offence under section 65 has been or is about to be committed,
(b) search and arrest a person who the officer has reasonable grounds to suspect
to have committed or is about to commit an offence under section 65,
(c) seize radio-active mineral which the officer suspects to have been obtained
contrary to sections 62 and 63,
(d) seize prospecting or mining apparatus, which is used or about to be used in
the Commission of an offence under section 64.
Surrender, suspension and cancellation of a mineral right
Surrender of a mineral right
67. (1) A holder of a mineral right who wishes to surrender all or a part of the land
subject to the mineral right shall apply to the Minister for a certificate of surrender
not later than two months before the date on which the holder wishes the surrender
to take effect.
(2) An application under subsection (1) shall be in accordance with prescribed
(3) Subject to subsection (4), upon an application duly made under subsection (1),
the Minister shall issue a certificate of surrender in respect of the land to which the
application relates.
(4) The Minister shall not issue a certificate of surrender
(a) to an applicant who is in default,
(b) to an applicant who fails to give records and reports in relation to the
applicant’s mineral operations,
(c) where the Minister is not satisfied that the applicant will surrender the land
in a condition which is safe and accords with good mining practice, or
(d) in respect of land, if the remaining area of the land after the surrender
would not be less than one block.
(5) Where a certificate of surrender is issued under this section, the Minister shall,
where only part of the land subject to the mineral right is surrendered, amend the
relevant licence accordingly or cancel the mineral right where the surrender is in
respect of the whole area covered by the mineral right.
(6) Land in respect of which a certificate of surrender is issued, shall be treated as
having been surrendered with effect from the date on which the certificate of
surrender is issued under subsection (3).
(7) The surrender of land under this section shall not affect a liability incurred by
a person in respect of that land before the date on which the surrender took effect.
Suspension and cancellation of a mineral right
68. (1) The Minister on the recommendation of the Commission may suspend or cancel
a mineral right if the holder,
(a) fails to make payment on the due date, whether due to the Republic or
another person, required by or under this Act,
(b) becomes insolvent or bankrupt, enters into an agreement or scheme of
composition with the holder’s creditors, or takes advantage of an enactment
for the benefit of its debtors or goes into liquidation, except as part of a
scheme for an arrangement or amalgamation,
(c) makes a statement to the Minister in connection with the mineral right which
the holder knows or ought to have known to be materially false, or
(d) for a reason, becomes ineligible to apply for a mineral right under this Act.
(2) The Minister shall, before suspending or canceling a mineral right under
subsection (1), give notice to the holder and shall in the notice, require the holder
to remedy a breach of the condition of the mineral right within a reasonable
period, being not less than one hundred and twenty days in the case of a mining
lease or restricted mining lease or sixty days in the case of another mineral right
and what the breach cannot be remedied, to show cause to the reasonable
satisfaction of the Minister why the mineral right should not be suspended or
(3) On cancellation of a mineral right under this section, the right of the holder
shall cease but without prejudice to the liabilities or obligations incurred by
another person in relation to the mineral right prior to the date of the cancellation.
Suspension or cancellation of mining lease or restricted mining lease
69. (1) Without limiting the scope of section 68, the Minister may on the
recommendation of the Commission suspend or cancel a mining lease or a
restricted mining lease if the holder has failed other than for good cause, for a
period of two years or more, to carry out any or a material part of the holder’s
programme or mineral operations.
(2) The Minister shall before suspending or canceling a mining lease give notice to
the holder and shall in the notice, require the holder to remedy the breach within a
reasonable period, being not less than one hundred and twenty days, and where the
breach cannot be remedied, to show cause to the reasonable satisfaction of the
Minister why the mining lease or restricted mining lease should not be suspended
or cancelled.
(3) A dispute between the Minister and a holder of mining lease in respect of a
matter arising under subsection (2) shall be referred for resolution under section 27.
Vesting of property on termination of mineral right
70. (1) When for a reason a mineral right terminates,
(a) the person who was the holder of the mineral right immediately prior to the
termination, or
(b) another person,
who is entitled to a mining plant lawfully erected or brought onto the land to
which the mineral right relates by the former holder, or a predecessor in title,
may, within six months of the termination of the mineral right or a further period
allowed by the Minister, remove the mining plant if the mining plant is removed
solely for the purpose of use by the former holder or a person deriving title
through the former holder, in another relevant mining activity in the country.
(2) A mining plant not removed by the former holder within two months after
notice is given by the Minister to the former holder at any time after expiration
of the period referred to in subsection (1), shall vest in the Republic on the
expiration of the two month notice period, but the Minister may not give a notice
under this subsection if the land upon which the mining plant is located is the
subject of a new mineral right held by the former holder of the terminated
mineral right.
(3) Nothing in this section removes or diminishes an obligation that the former
holder may have under this Act, another enactment or a condition of a mineral
right, to remove a mining plant and rehabilitate the land.
Delivery of documents to Minister on termination of a mineral right
71. (1) On the termination of a mineral right, the former holder shall deliver to the
Minister or as the Minister directs,
(a) the records which the holders is obliged under this Act or Regulations made
under this Act to maintain,
(b) the plans and maps of the area covered by the mineral right prepared by the
holder or at the holder’s instructions, and
(c) other documents, including in electronic format, if available that relate to the
mineral right.
(2) A person who fails to deliver, within thirty days from the date of being called
upon to do so by the Minister, a document which is required to be delivered
under subsection (1) commits an offence and is liable on summary conviction to
a fine not more than the cedi equivalent of US$ ten thousand or imprisonment
for a term not more than three years or to both.
Surface right and compensation
Surface rights
72. (1) The holder of a mineral right shall exercise the rights under this Act subject to
limitations that relate to surface rights that apply under an enactment and further
limitations reasonably determined by the Minister.
(2) In the case of a dispute between a holder of a mining lease and the Minister
concerning the limitations determined by the Minister under this subsection, the
dispute shall be referred for resolution under section 27.
(3) The lawful occupier of land within an area subject to a mineral right shall retain
the right to graze livestock upon or to cultivate the surface of the land if the grazing
or cultivation does not interfere with the mineral operations in the area.
(4) In the case of a mining area, the owner or lawful occupier of the land within the
mining area shall not erect a building or a structure without the consent of the
holder of the mining lease, or if the consent is unreasonably withheld, without the
consent of the Minister.
(5) The owner of a mining lease shall, in the presence of the owner or lawful
occupier or accredited representative of the owner or lawful occupier of land, the
subject of a mining lease and in the presence of an officer of the Government
agency responsible for land valuation carry out a survey of the crops and produce a
crop identification map for the compensation in the event that mining activities are
extended to the areas.
(6) An owner or lawful occupier of land shall not upgrade to a higher value crop
without the written consent of the holder of the mining lease, or if the consent is
unreasonably withheld, without the consent of the Minister.
Compensation for disturbance of owner’s surface rights
73. (1) The owner or lawful occupier of any land subject to a mineral right is entitled to
and may claim from the holder of the mineral right compensation for the
disturbance of the rights of the owner or occupier, in accordance with section 74.
(2) A claim for compensation under subsection (1) shall be copied to the Minister
and the Government agency responsible for land valuation.
(3) The amount of compensation payable under subsection (1) shall be determined
by agreement between the parties but if the parties are unable to reach an
agreement as to the amount of compensation, the matter shall be referred by either
party to the Minister who shall, in consultation with the Government agency
responsible for land valuation and subject to this Act, determine the compensation
payable by the holder of the mineral right.
(4) The Minister shall ensure that inhabitants who prefer to be compensated by way
of resettlement as a result of being displaced by a proposed mineral operation are
settled on suitable alternate land, with due regard to their economic well-being and
social and cultural value, and the resettlement is carried out in accordance with the
relevant town planning laws.
(5) The cost of resettlement under subsection (4) shall be borne by the holder of the
mineral right,
(a) as agreed by the holder and the owner or occupier as provided under subsection
(3) or by separate agreement with the Minister, or
(b) in accordance with a determination by the Minister, except that where the
holder elects to delay or abandon the proposed mineral operation which will
necessitate resettlement, the obligation to bear the cost of resettlement shall
only arise upon the holder actually proceeding with the mineral operation.
(6) Subject to this section, the Minister and a person authorized by the Minister
may take the necessary action to give effect to a resettlement agreement or
Compensation principles
74. (1) The compensation to which an owner or lawful occupier may be entitled, may
include compensation for,
(a) deprivation of the use or a particular use of the natural surface of the land or
part of the land,
(b) loss of or damage to immovable properties,
(c) in the case of land under cultivation, loss of earnings or sustenance suffered
by the owner or lawful occupier, having due regard to the nature of their
interest in the land,
(d) loss of expected income, depending on the nature of crops on the land and
their life expectancy,
but claim for compensation lies, whether under this Act or otherwise
(e) in consideration for permitting entry to the land for mineral operations,
(f) in respect of the value of a mineral in, on or under the surface of the land, or
(g) for loss of damage for which compensation cannot be assessed according to
legal principles in monetary terms.
(2) In making a determination under section 73(3), the Minister shall observe the
provisions of article 20(2)(a) of the Constitution which states that, in the case of
compulsory acquisition of property, prompt payment of fair and adequate
compensation shall be made.
(3) An agreement or determination in respect of a compensation to which an
owner or lawful occupier is entitled, shall take account of payments and the
value of benefits made or given to the owner or occupier in the past or
undertaken to be made or given in the future by or on behalf of the holder and
which are in the nature of compensation including without limitation,
(a) the cost of resettlement,
(b) the annual ground rent, and
(c) work that the holder has carried out or undertakes to carry out to make good
damage to the land and improvements.
Access to the Court in respect of compensation
75. (1) The owner or lawful occupier of land affected by a mineral right shall not apply
to the High Court for determination of compensation to which the person is entitled
unless the person is dissatisfied with the terms of compensation offered by the
holder of the mineral right or as determined by the Minister under section 73(3) or
(2) The person entitled to be compensated or the holder of the mineral right may
apply to the High Court for a review of a determination by the Minister made under
section 73(3) or 73(5)(b).
(3) In proceedings brought before the High Court under subsection (2), the High
Court shall be exercising its supervisory jurisdiction.
Industrial Minerals
Licences and leases for industrial minerals
76. (1) Subject to section 78 a person may,
(a) search for industrial mineral by reconnaissance,
(b) prospect for industrial mineral, or
(c) mine for industrial mineral
by holding a restricted reconnaissance licence, restricted prospecting licence or
restricted mining lease respectively granted by the Minister or a person authorized
by the Minister.
(2) Except as provided and subject to specific provision made in this Act in
respect of industrial minerals, the provisions of this Act relating to mineral rights
apply to industrial minerals subject to the exemptions and modifications that the
Minister may prescribe.
Limits on restricted licences and leases
77. (1) A restricted reconnaissance licence, a restricted prospecting licence and a
restricted mining lease may be granted by the Minister in respect of an industrial
mineral specified in the grant and may be amended to include other industrial
(2) A restricted mining lease shall be valid for the period that is specified in the
lease but shall not be more than a period of fifteen years and may on an application
made to the Minister be renewed by the Minister for further periods not more than
fifteen years at any one time.
Qualification for application for restricted licence or restricted mining lease
78. (1) A restricted reconnaissance licence, restricted prospecting licence or restricted
mining lease shall not be granted to a person who is not a citizen.
(2) The Minister may on the recommendation of the Commission cancel a mineral
right granted under section 76-80, where the Minister is satisfied that the holder has
entered into an arrangement with a person who is not a citizen which arrangement
has the effect of transferring to that person the benefit of the mineral right.
Non-citizen’s right to apply for industrial mineral right
79. (1) A person who is not a citizen may apply for a mineral right in respect of
industrial mineral provided the proposed investment in the mineral operations is
US$ ten million or above.
(2) If the holder of the mineral right fails, within the period of time specified in the
holder’s programme of mineral operations given with the application, or further
time permitted by the Minister, to expend an amount equal to or greater than US$
ten thousand, the Minister may suspend or cancel the mineral right in accordance
with section 68.
Special right of owner or occupier with regard to industrial minerals
80. Nothing in this Act prevents
(a) a local authority on land owned by it,
(b) the owner or lawful occupier of land owned or occupied by the person, or
(c) the holder of a mineral right on land to which the right relates,
from prospecting for and mining an industrial mineral to be used by the owner,
occupier or holder solely for building, road construction or agricultural purposes
on the land, so long as the exercise of the right is not inconsistent with or
detrimental to the right of another person holding a mineral right in respect of the
Small scale mining
81. Section 82 to 99 apply to small scale mining only.
Licence for small scale mining
82. (1) Despite a law to the contrary, a person shall not engage in or undertake a small
scale mining operation for a mineral unless there is in existence in respect of the
mining operation a licence granted by the Minister for Mines or by an officer
authorized by the Minister.
(2) An application for a licence shall be made in a form the Minister may direct to
the office of the Commission in the designated area and shall be submitted with a
fee the Minister may determine.
(3) Where a mineral licence has been granted over a parcel of land, another mineral
licence of the same kind shall not be granted in respect of the same land.
Qualification of applicant for small scale mining licence
83. A licence for small-scale mining opertion shall not be granted to a person unless
that person
(a) is a citizen of Ghaa,
(b) has attained the age of eighteen years, and
(c) is registered by the office of the Commission in an area designated under
section 90(1).
Conditions for the grant of a licence
84. Except otherwise provided in section 82 to 99, a licence granted by the Minister
shall be in respect of the mineral specified in the licence and shall be subject to
conditions specified in the licence.
Duration of a licence
85. (a) A licence granted under section 82 (1) to a person, a group of persons, a co-
operative society or a company shall be for a period not more than five years from
the date of issue in the first instance and may be renewed on expiry for a further
period that the Minister may determine.
(2) The Minister may by legislative instrument and on the advice of the
Commission, prescribe the fees payable for the grant and renewal of licences for
small-scale mining.
Areas covered by licence
86. The size of the area in respect of which a licence may be granted for small-scale
mining shall be in accordance with the member of blocks prescribed.
Revocation of licence
87. The Minister may revoke a licence granted under section 82 (1) where,
(a) the minister is satisfied that the licensee has contravened or failed to comply
with a term or condition of the licence or a requirement applicable to the
(b) the licensee is convicted of any offence relating to the smuggling or illegal
sale or dealing in minerals, or
(c) the Minister is satisfied that it is in the public interest to do so.
Transfer of licence
88. A licence granted under section 82 (1) may be transferred only to a citizen and with
the consent of the Minister.
Designated areas
89. Where the Minister, after consultation with the Commission considers that it is in
the public interest to encourage small scale mining in an area, the Minister may by
notice in the Gazette, designate that area for small scale mining operations and
specify the mineral to be mined.
Establishment of District offices of the Commission
90. (1) The Commission may establish an area designated for mining operations, an
Office to be known as the District Office of the Commission referred to in this Act
as the “District Office”.
(2) There shall be appointed by the Commission a District Officer who shall be the
head of the District Office of the Commission.
(3) A District Office shall among other functions
(a) compile a register of the small scale miners and prospective small scale
miners specifying particulars that may be determined by the Minister,
(b) supervise and monitor the operation and activities of the small scale miners
and prospective small scale miners;
(c) advise and provide training facilities and assistance necessary for effective
and efficient small scale mining operations,
(d) submit to the Commission in a form and at intervals directed by the
Commission, reports or other documents and information on small scale
mining activities within the District; and
(e) facilitate the formation of Small Scale Miners Association.
Registration of prospective licensees
91. (1) A person engaged in or wishing to undertake a type of small scale mining
operation shall register with the District Office of the designated area where the
person operates or intends to operate.
(2) A person shall not be granted a licence under section 82(1) unless the person is
registered under this section.
Small Scale Mining Committees
92. (1) There is established in every designated area a Small Scale Mining Committee.
(2) The Committee consists of the following members:
(a) the District Chief Executive or the representative of the District Chief
Executive who shall be the chairperson of the Committee;
(b) the District Officer appointed under section 90(2);
(c) one person nominated by the relevant District Assembly;
(d) one person nominated by the relevant Traditional Council;
(e) an officer from the Inspectorate Division of the Commission; and
(f) an officer from the Environmental Protection Agency.
(3) The Committee shall assist the District Office to effectively monitor, promote
and develop mining operations in the designated area.
(4) The members of the Committee shall be appointed by the Minister and shall
hold office for a period and on terms and conditions determined by the Minister.
Operations of small scale miners
93. A person licensed under section 82 may win, mine and produce minerals by an
effective and efficient method and shall observe good mining practices, health and
safety rules and pay due regard to the protection of the environment during mining
Compensation for use of land
94. Where a licence is granted in a designated area to a person other than the owner of
the land, the licensee shall pay compensation for the use of the land and destruction
of crops to the owner of the land that the Minister in consultation with the
Commission and the Government agency with responsibility for valuation of public
lands may prescribe.
Use of explosives
95. A small-scale miner shall not without the written permission of the Minister on the
recommendation of the Commission use explosives in the area of operation.
Purchase of mercury
96. A small-scale miner may purchase from an authorized mercury dealer the
quantities of mercury that may be reasonably necessary for the mining operations
of the small scale miner.
Sale of minerals
97. (1) The sale of a mineral won by a licensed small scale miner shall be subject to
Rules and Regulations prescribed by the Minister.
(2) A person is presumed to be lawfully in possession of minerals until the contrary
is proved.
(3) Shipment of rough diamonds to and from the country shall be subject to rules
and regulations as prescribed by the Minister and shall be in accordance with the
Kimberly Process Certificate Scheme.
Sale of jewellery
98. (1) Nothing precludes a person from disposing of personal jewellery to an
authorized dealer or another person.
(2) A person shall dispose of a gold artifact or gold coin only to an authorized
Offences and penalties under section 81 to 99
99. (1) A person who buys or sells minerals without a licence granted under section 81
to 99 or without a valid authority granted under an enactment for the time being in
force commits an offence and is liable on summary conviction to a minimum fine
of three thousand penalty units or to imprisonment for a term not more than five
years or to both.
(2) A person who,
(a) without a licence granted by the Minister undertakes a small scale mining
operation contrary to section 1, or
(b) acts in contravention of provision of this Act in respect of which an offence
has not been specified, commits an offence and is liable on summary
conviction to a minimum fine of one thousand penalty units or to
imprisonment for a term not more than three years or to both
(3) A court before which a person is convicted under this Act may in addition t a
penalty that it may impose, order the forfeiture to the State of the mineral in
respect of which the offence was committed.
Administration and Miscellaneous Provisions
Power of Minerals Commission
100. (1) The Commission shall exercise the powers and perform the functions specified
under this Act in relation to the Commission and shall under the direction of the
Minister generally supervise the proper and effective implementation of the
provisions of this Act and Regulations made under this Act.
(2) The Minister shall obtain the advice and recommendation of the Commission
before exercising a power, discretion or making a determination or agreement
pursuant to this Act and Regulations made under this Act.
(3) Except as provided under section 82 to 99 in respect of small scale mining an
application for a mining right and mineral licence shall be submitted to the
Commission for processing.
Inspectorate Division of the Commission
101. There is established in the Minerals Commission, a division of the Commission to
be known as the Inspectorate Division of the Commission.
Functions of the Inspectorate Division
102. (1) The head of the Inspectorate Division or an officer authorized by the head may
at reasonable times enter a reconnaissance, prospecting, or mining area or premises
in the area other than a dwelling house to
(a) break up the surface of land in the area for the purpose of ascertaining the
rocks or minerals in or under the land,
(b) take samples or specimen of rocks, ore or concentrates, tailings or minerals
situated in an area under a mineral right for inspection or assay,
(c) inspect explosives magazine on a mine and direct in what manner an
explosive shall be stored,
(d) inspect the area of mineral operations to ascertain whether a nuisance is
created in the area by the mineral operations,
(e) examine documents and records required to be kept under this Act,
Regulations made under the Act or the terms and conditions of a mineral
right and take copies of the documents,
(f) enter into or upon land through which it may be necessary to pass for the
purpose of a survey, or
(g) give directions and effect acts that are incidental or conducive to the
attainment of functions of the head of the Inspectorate Division under this
(2) The Inspectorate of the Division of the Commission shall perform functions
as are conferred on the Division by law for the effective implementation of this
(3) The head of the Inspectorate Division of the Commission or an officer
authorized by the head of the Division may hold an inquiry whenever there is an
occurrence on land which is subject to a mineral right.
Register of mineral rights
103. (1) The Commission shall, in accordance with Regulations, maintain a register of
mineral rights in which shall be promptly recorded applications, grants, variations
and dealings in, assignments, transfers, suspensions and cancellations of the rights.
(2) The register shall be open to public inspection on payment of a prescribed fee
and members of the public shall upon request to the Commission and on payment
of the prescribed fee, be given a copy of the records.
Licence to buy and deal in minerals
104. Without limiting the effect of an enactment empowering a person or body to
purchase and deal in a mineral, the Minister in consultation with the Commission
may in writing, licence persons the Minister considers fit, to buy and deal in the
types and forms of minerals and under terms and conditions specified in the
Preference for local products and employment of Ghanaians
105. (1) The holder of a mineral right shall in the conduct of mineral operations, an in
the purchase, construction and installation of facilities, give preference to
(a) materials and products made in Ghana,
(b) service agencies located in the country and owned by
(i) citizens,
(ii) companies or partnership registered under the Companies Code
1963 (Act 179) or the Incorporated Private Partnerships Act, 1962
(Act 152, and
(iii) public corporations
to the maximum extent possible and consistent with safety, efficiency and
(2) The holder of a mineral right shall, in phases of its operations, give preference
in employment to citizens to the maximum extent possible and consistent with
safety, efficiency and economy.
106. A person who
(a) conducts reconnaissance, prospects for or mines minerals otherwise than in
accordance with the provisions of this Act,
(b) in making application for mineral right or renewal of mineral right,
knowingly makes a statement which is false or misleading in any material
(c) in a report, return or affidavit submitted in pursuance of the provisions of this
Act, knowingly includes information which is false or misleading in a
material particular,
(d) removes or disposes of a mineral contrary to the provisions of this Act,
removes a building, fixed machinery or other movable property contrary to
this Act,
(e) removes a building, fixed machinery or other movable property contrary to
this Act,
(f) places or deposits, or causes to be placed or deposited, a mineral in a place
with the intention to mislead another person as to the mineral possibilities of
the place,
(g) mingles or causes to be mingled with samples or ore, substances which will
enhance the value or in a way change the nature of the ore with the intention
to cheat, deceive or defraud.
(h) Being engaged in the business of milling, leaching, sampling, concentrating,
reducing, assaying, transporting or dealing in ores, metals or minerals, keeps
or uses a false or fraudulent scales or weights for weighing the ores, metals
or minerals, or uses a false or fraudulent assay scales or weights or enriched
fluxes used for ascertaining the assay value of minerals, knowing them to be
false or fraudulent,
(i) Fails, neglects or refuses to comply with a direction lawfully given under this
(j) Fails, neglects or refuses to allow or provide reasonable facilities and
assistance to an officer exercising a power under this Act,
(k) Obstructs, hinders or delays an authorized officer in the performance of the
officer’s duties under this Act, or
(l) Contravenes a provision of this Act or Regulations made under this Act,
Commits an offence and is liable on summary conviction to a fine not more than
the cedi equivalent of US$ five thousand and in the case of a continuing offence
after first conviction, t a penalty of the cedi equivalent of US$ five hundred for
each day the offence is continued.
Offences by bodies of persons
107. (1) Where an offence is committed under this Act or under Regulations made under
this Act by a body of persons,
(a) in the case of a body corporate, other than a partnership, each director or an
officer of the body shall also be considered to have committed the offence,
(b) in the case of a partnership each partner or officer of that body shall be
considered to have committed that offence.
(2) A person shall not be considered to have committed the offence by virtue of
subsection (1) if the person proves that the offence was committed without the
person’s knowledge or connivance and that the person exercised due care and
diligence to prevent the Commission of the offence having regard to all the
General penalty
108. (1) A person found guilty of an offence under this Act for which a penalty has not
been provided is on summary conviction liable, on first conviction, to a penalty of
a fine not more than the cedi equivalent of US$ five thousand.
(2) On a second or subsequent summary conviction for an offence under this Act,
the court may impose a penalty which is not more than twice the penalty referred to
in subsection (1).
Penalty to be civil debt
109. Except otherwise provided in this Act, where a fine is imposed on a person under
this Act or Regulations made under this Act and there is failure to pay the fine, the
amount shall be recoverable as a civil debt owed to the State.
110. (1) The Minister may, by legislative instrument, make Regulations for the purpose
of giving effect to this Act.
(2) Without limiting the generality of subsection (1), Regulations make under this
section may provide for,
(a) in circumstances where the Minister is exercising a discretionary power
under this Act, specific criteria which, if satisfied by the holder or other
person bringing an application before the Minister, obliges the Minister to
approve the application;
(b) a matter which, in accordance with this Act, is or may be provided for by
Regulations or which is to be or may be prescribed;
(c) the making of an application for a mineral right or extension of the term of
an application or an application for another purpose under this Act;
(d) the establishment and operation of a mining cadastre;
(e) the rights and the priority between registered dealings in the register of
mineral rights;
(f) the functions of the Inspectorate Division of the Commission;
(g) the examination of a mine or mineral by the Inspectorate Division of the
Commission or a person authorized by the Minister;
(h) the retention of an ore or specimen of a mineral by a person in charge of a
mine or connected with a mine for the identification of that ore or a sample
of the ore and for sampling of the ore by an authorized officer of the
Minister, the Commission and the Inspectorate Division;
(i) directions to be given to a person in charge of a mine or connected with a
mine by an authorized officer of the Minister, the Commission and the
Inspectorate Division for the conservation and development of mines and
(j) the making of returns of minerals won and for the valuation of the minerals;
(k) the returns to be rendered in relation to accounts, books and plans required to
be kept by holders;
(l) the submission by a person in charge of a mine or connected with a mine of
returns and for the maintenance by the person of the records;
(m) the nature and adequacy of a map or plan required for the purposes of this
(n) the restriction of mineral operations in or near a river, dam, lake, forest or
(o) the grazing of cattle or other animals on an area subject to a mineral right;
(p) the gathering of firewood and the cutting down and use of timber for the
purposes of carrying on prospecting and mining operations;
(q) the renewal, transfer, assignment, mortgaging, suspension, cancellation and
surrender of mineral rights;
(r) the protection of pits, shafts and other dangerous places;
(s) the reporting of accidents;
(t) fees payable under this Act, and
(u) forms of applications and licences to be made or issued under this Act.
(3) The Minister may make Regulations fixing all or any fees payable under this
Act, at concessionary rates for mineral rights held by citizens where;
(a) the mineral right is of an area not greater than 2 blocks, and
(b) the total area the subject of mineral right, in which the citizen holds a legal or
beneficial interest does not exceed 20 blocks.
(4) Without limiting the generality of subsection (1), Regulations made under this
section may provide for matters concerning environmental protection, health and
safety including,
(a) ensuring the safety of the public and the safety and welfare of persons
employed in mines and the carrying on of mineral operations in a safe, proper
and effective manner;
(b) preventing employment of incompetent persons to be in charge of machinery,
(c) preventing injury to persons or property in a mining area by chemicals;
(d) regulating the use of explosives in mineral operations, and
(e) the powers and procedures of the Inspectorate of Mines with respect to
matters of health and safety in mining areas particularly as regards small scale
(5) Despite the Statutory Instrument Act 1959 ( No.52), Regulations made under
this Act may impose a penalty not exceeding the cedi equivalent of US$ ten
111. (1) In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires,
“associate” in relation to a person entitled to exercise or control the exercise of
voting power in relation to, or holding shares in, a company means,
(a) the wife or husband or son or daughter of that person and for this purpose
“son” includes stepson, and “daughter” includes stepdaughter;
(b) the trustees of any settlement including a disposition or arrangement under
which property is held in trust under which that person has a life interest in
(c) a company of which that person is director;
(d) a person who is an employee or partner of that person;
(e) if that person is a company;
(i) a director of that company;
(ii) a subsidiary or holding company of that company
(iii) a director or employee of the subsidiary or holding company of
that company; and
(f) that person has with some other person, an agreement or arrangement with
respect to the acquisition, holding or disposal of shares or other interests in
that undertaking or body corporate or under which they undertake to act
together in exercise of their voting power in relation to it, that other person;
“authorized buyer” means a person authorized by the Minister to buy minerals;
“authorized officer” means a person authorized by the Minister, the Commission
or the Inspectorate Division to exercise a power or function under this Act;
“block” means 21 hectares;
“citizens” means,
(a) an individual who is a citizen of Ghana by virtue of a law for the time being in
force in Ghana;
(b) a partnership or association which is composed exclusively of individuals who
are citizens of Ghana;
(c) a body corporate which is incorporated under the Companies Code, 1963 (Act
179), and
(i) which is certified by the Minister to be controlled by the Republic,
(ii) whose membership is composed exclusively of persons who are
(iii) whose directors are exclusively citizens,
(iv) which is controlled by individuals who are citizens; or
(d) a public corporation that is established by or under an enactment;
“Commission” means the Minerals Commission established under section 1 of the
Minerals Commission Act 1993 (Act 450);
“Committee” means a Small Scale Mining Committee;
“company” means a body corporate wherever incorporated;
“continental shelf” or “the exclusive economic zone” means the exclusive
economic zone or continental shelf as provided under the Maritime Zones
(Delimitation ) Law 1986 (PNDCL.159);
“controller” in relation to a company, means a person who, either along or with
an associate or associates, is entitled to exercise, or control the exercise of more
than twenty per cent of the voting power at any general meeting of the mining
company or of another company which it is a subsidiary”
“Court” means the High Court;
“designated area” means an area designated as a small scale mineral operation
area by the Minister by a notice published in the Gazette;
“equity” shares” has the meaning assigned to it under section 48 of the
Companies Code, 1963 (Act 179);
“head of Inspectorate Division” means the Chief Inspector of Mines’
“holder” means the holder of a mineral right under this Act;
“in breach” means in breach of a provision of this Act;
“industrial mineral” means basalt, clay, granite, gravel, gypsum, laterite,
limestone, marble, rock, sand, sandstone, slate talc, salt and other minerals as the
Minister may from time to time declare, by notice published in the Gazette, to be
industrial minerals;
“Kimberley Process” means the international understanding among participants
that was recognized by Resolution 55/56 adopted by the General Assembly of the
United Nations on December, 1, 2000, as amended from time to time;
“Kimberley Process Certificate” means a forgery resistant document with
particular format which identifies a shipment of rough diamonds as being in
compliance with the requirements of the certificate scheme;
“mine” when used as a noun, means a place, excavation or working where, an
operation connected with mining is carried on together with all buildings,
premises, erections and appliance belonging or appertaining to it above and below
the ground for the purpose of winning, treating or preparing minerals, obtaining or
extracting a mineral or metal by a mode or method or for the purpose of dressing
mineral ores, and includes a quarry where building minerals are mined;
“mine” when used as a verb, means intentionally to win minerals, and includes an
operation including prospecting directly or indirectly necessary for mining or
incidental to mining, and “mining” shall be construed accordingly;
“mineral” means a substance in solid or liquid form that occurs naturally in or on
the earth, or on or under the seabed, formed by or subject to geological process
including industrial minerals but does not include petroleum as defined in the
Petroleum (Exploration and Production) Law, 1984 (P.N.D.C.L. 84) or water;
“mineral operations” means reconnaissance, prospecting or mining for or of
“mineral right” means a reconnaissance licence, a prospecting licence, a mining
lease, a restricted reconnaissance licence, a restricted prospecting licence or a
restricted mining lease;
“mining area” means the area designated from time to time by the holder of a
mining lease with the approval of the Commission;
“mining company” means a company which is or whose subsidiary is the holder
of a mineral right granted under this Act but does not include,
(a) a company listed on a stock exchange, or
(b) a company of which the market value of the assets held by the company or its
subsidiary in Ghana represent less than fifty per cent of the market value of all
assets owned by the company;
“mining lease” means a mining lease granted under section 39 or 44;
“mining operations” means the mining of minerals under a mining lease or
restricted mining lease;
“mining plant” means a building, plant, machinery, equipment, vehicle, tool or
other property whether affixed to land or not affixed;
“Minister” means the Minister responsible for Mines;
“participant” is in relation to the Kimberley Process and means a State or an
organization comprised of Sovereign States, or dependency territory of a State or
customs territory;
“pre-emption” means the right to buy a mineral won or missed before it is sold;
“prescribed” means prescribed by Regulations;
“programme of mineral operations” means a programme which accompanies or
follows an application for a mining lease and includes an amendment to it made
under this Act;
“prospect” means to intentionally search for minerals and includes reconnaissance
and operations to determine the extent and economic value of a mineral deposit;
“prospecting area” means the land subject to a prospecting licence;
“prospecting licence” means a prospecting licence granted under section 34;
“qualified person” means a person who qualifies to apply for a mineral right
under this Act;
“radio-active mineral” means a mineral which contains by weight at least one-
twentieth of one per cent (0.05 per cent) of uranium or thorium or a combination
of these elements including but not limited to the following:
(a) monazite sand and other ores containing thorium;
(b) carnotite, pitchblende and other ores containing uranium;
“reconnaissance” means the search for minerals by geophysical, geochemical and
photo-geological surveys or other remote sensing techniques and surface geology
in connection with it including collection of necessary environmental data but
does not include drilling or excavation;
“reconnaissance area” means the land subject to a reconnaissance licence;
“Regulations” means Regulations made under section 110;
“Republic” means the Republic of Ghana;
“restricted mining lease” means a lease to mine industrial minerals;
“restricted prospecting licence” means a licence to prospect for industrial
“restricted reconnaissance licence” means a licence to search for industrial
minerals by reconnaissance;
“rough diamonds” means diamonds that are unworked or simply sawn, leaved or
bruted and fall under the Relevant Hammonized Commodity Description and
Coding System 7102.10, 7102,21 and 7101.31;
“shares” in relation to a company incorporated in Ghana, means equity shares and
in relation to any other company, means shares in the share capital of a company,
and includes stock except where a distinction between stock or shares is expressed
or implied; and the expression “shareholder” includes a stockholder;
“shipment” means one or more parcels of diamonds that are physically imported
or exported;
“small scale mining operation” means mining operation over an area of land in
accordance with the number of blocks prescribed; and
“termination” means the lapse of mineral right by expiry of time, surrender or
(2) The definition of “subsidiary”, “holding company” and “preference share” in
the First Schedule of the Company Code, 1963 (Act 179) shall apply for the
purpose of this Act.
Repeal, savings and transitional provisions
112. (1) The following enactment are repealed
(a) Minerals and Mining Law 1986 (PNDCL. 153);
(b) Minerals and Mining (Amendment) Act 1994 (Act 475);
(c) Administration of Lands (Amendment) Decree 1979 (AFRCD61);
(d) Minerals Export Duty (Abolition) Law 1987 (PNDCL.182);
(e) Mining Operations (Government Participation) (Repeal) Act 1993 (Act 465);
(f) Mining Rights Regulations (Amendment) Ordinance (No.31 of 1957); and
(g) Mining Heal Area Ordinance 1935;
(h) Small Scale Gold Mining Law, 1989 PNDCL.218;
(i) Diamond Decree, 1972 (NRCD 32); and
(j) Diamonds (Amendment) Law 1989 (PNDCL. 216).
(2) Despite the repeal of the enactments mentioned under subsection (1), a
licence, lease or permit granted or issued under an enactment and subsisting
immediately before the coming into force of this Act shall continue under the
laws applicable immediately before the commencement of this Act, except that
the Minister may by legislative instrument make specified leases, licences permit
and agreements subject to this Act or subject to specific provisions of this Act as
shall be stated.
(3) An instrument issue by the Minister under subsection (2) shall not have the
effect of imposing or increasing annual holding costs in respect of mining rights
held or otherwise impose an additional financial burden on the holder for a period
of five years from the date of the coming into force of this Act.
(4) A dispute that arises between the Minister and a holder of a licence, lease or
permit pursuant to an instrument issued by the Minister under subsection (2) shall
be referred for resolution under section 27.
(5) Regulations or Rules made under the repealed enactment and in force
immediately before the commencement of this Act are hereby continued in force
until otherwise dealt with under this Act.
(6) The Chief Inspector of Mines and other persons employed in the Office of the
Chief Inspector of Mines immediately before the commencement of this Act shall
upon the commencement of this Act be considered to be employees in the
Inspectorate Division of the Commission.
(7) A reference in an enactment, document or writing in existence immediately
before the commencement of this Act to the Inspector of Mines or Chief Inspector
of Mines shall on the commencement of this Act be considered as a reference to
the Inspectorate Division of the Commission provided for under section 101.
Date of Gazette notification: 31
March, 2006