Ruthin and District U3A Group Acvies and Details Page 1
Ruthin and
Group Activities and Details
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The Backyard Chicken Group
This group welcomes any member who has chickens, would like to have
chickens or would like to know what having a few feathered friends entails.
As the group is rather small I am able to hold the monthly meengs at my
home in Derwen. Everyone just bringing ideas, stories about what has been
happening to their ock and of course cake.
We can cover everything from helping the rst me chicken owners, feed,
ailments, general daily care, the highs & lows, dierent breeds, incubang
eggs, infact anything you need to know. We have even had few ‘chicken
oungs’. I have now added guinea fowl to our programme and owners of a
few ducks, turkeys, quail etc would be most welcome. Its just a shame that
Coronavirus has caused us all into lockdown and I don’t expect that we will
meet up again this year. Thank goodness we can keep in touch by email.
During one meeng my eggs were due to hatch, we watched as a small crack
grew bigger and an enormous foot began to appear, by the me we had
nished our tea and cake the chick was out and about supporng the largest
feet I’ve ever seen on a chick.
I have missed these happy, chay meengs and look forward to safer mes.
Isabel Stewart isyhst[email protected]om
The hatching of Bigfoot!
Away Days Group
We are a small group of individuals who meet once per month - usually on
the 3rd Thursday of the month - and go out together for the day, usually
including lunch! To keep costs down we car share ..... thats more dicult
at present! Some trips are quite local and others further aeld, usually a
maximum of 1.5 to 2h. We are a diverse group and welcome anyone to join
us and bring some new ideas. See below the list for some of the places we
have visited:
Gladstone Library and Hawarden airport, Ironbridge. Secret Bunker in
Nantwich, Ness gardens, Trefriw Woollen Mill and Fn y Parc gallery, Gwydir
castle, Styal Mill, Bird of Prey centre, Guide dog training centre, Chester
including trip on the river, Emma Bridgewater poery, Penrhyn castle, Plas
Newydd on Anglesay etc
A Naonal Trust membership card can be useful but not essenal. As you
can see a very varied list oering something for everyone.
Since lockdown was eased we have ventured out just once to ‘test the
waters’ and visited Errdig House. We mostly travelled in our own cars
but there were a couple of people who each travelled as a passenger and
observing all the guidance available.
If you are interested in joining this friendly and welcoming group then do
contact me (see below) and try it out.
Dorothea Harber email: mob: 0781 3722 654
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Badminton, Table Tennis and Snooker group
The above group will be restarng on Thursday 17th September, 2pm unl 4
pm, in Neuadd Eleanor village hall, Llanfair D C.
Neuadd Eleanor has done a very comprehensive risk assessment, as has the
group. Instead of playing doubles we will be playing singles and any waing
parcipants will score.
In the snooker room, with two tables, social distancing is very easy.
Parcipants are encouraged to bring their own equipment if they have it.
Alternavely, equipment is available to use. The hall is providing all saniser,
disinfectant and paper towels to clean any equipment or surfaces touched.
Bring your own refreshments should you require it.
We look forward to meeng up again aer such a dierent 6 months.
If you would like further informaon please contact Phil Webb 01824 704163
Bird Watching.
This group started out by accident. I went on a U3a Hill Walk(nearly killed
me) in Snowdonia, during which I kept stopping to look at and listen to birds,
which slowed the others considerably, they very politely asked me to try bird
watching instead.
We usually meet the rst Wednesday of each month. We have access to
some of the nest sites in the country, the Dee Estuary, the North Wales
Coast, Anglesey but we have also been up to West Lancashire, down to
Shropshire and over to Cardiganshire.
The group members are all really nice people, their bird watching skills have
developed immeasurably, a coee stop on the way out and aernoon tea on
the way back, makes for a very enjoyable trip. The day out doesn’t involve
too much walking, the company is superb.
Contact. Lyn Evans. Mobile. 07523 341985
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Creave Wring During Co.vid19 Crisis
The format and aims of the group remain the same although we are unable
to meet as before. Quite a number of our group suer from deafness, so
holding a meeng with social distancing is not an opon. It is clear that
members miss the enjoyment of sharing their wring pieces with each other
although some have been able to contribute pieces for the ‘Covid Collecon’
during this me.
The feeling among the group seems to be a cauous wish to return to some
kind of meeng, even if not face to face and that it would be an idea to give
Zoom a try.
Further details from:
Gill Jones 01824 703379 gillian712jones@b
Members of group reading Christmas poems at U3A party, December 2019
CANASTA is a card game played by 2, 3, or 4 people with two packs including
the jokers with wild cards. Making it an interesng skilled game. At present
we have 7 members and meet in Wetherspoons every other Wednesday
at 10.00am. If you would like to join phone 01824705580 or email Bob
Musical Appreciaon Group
The group is for classical musical enthusiasts wanng to explore music of
all kinds ranging from early medieval to contemporary. We meet in each
others homes on a Tuesday aernoon once a month for two hours. Usually
one or two people lead the session having chosen the music to listen to and
giving some background informaon on each piece. This is followed by what
is a lively discussion and exchange of views. Contact either David Canter
on 07968 032336 or Sandra Canter –s.canter@b if you are
interested in joining.
Creave Wring For Pleasure
The aim of our group is to share our pleasure in wring in a friendly and
supporve atmosphere. Members explore all kinds of wring, ranging
from con, poetry, autobiographical wring and drama. Each members
contribuon is appreciated and given posive feedback. The usual format
is that at the end of the meeng a wring prompt is given for members to
use to write a piece for next me. There is no compulsion, however! If me
allows we will do a wring exercise, or discuss other aspects of wring.
In 2018, in conjuncon with Flintshire U3A wring Group we produced an
anthology, ‘Reecons from a Third Age’ which was very well received.
Meengs are held on the third Friday of the month in Llys Goodman meeng
room, Church Walks, Ruthin between 2,00pm – 4,00pm. The cost of hire
of the room is divided among the members present, usually no more than
£3.00 per person.
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We cycle on road or designated routes (not o-road). Distances covered
will probably be 10 - 15 miles - but avoiding serious climbs. Mostly local but
further aeld if the group wishes
We meet on second Wednesday in the month with possibility of extra rides
over summer months.
For more details please contact Geraint Jones on
ger[email protected] or 01824 707168
Disco dancing
I’ve been in touch with my dance group and they would like to connue
with the disco classes. I’ve also contacted Sarah at the Rugby club. She says
the commiee hasn’t decided when to open up the room for hire so at
the moment can’t give a start date for our group. When it does restart the
classes will be every other Tuesday from the rst Tuesday in each month
from 10.30 to 11.45.
Contact Beverley Williams Email [email protected]
The cribbage group of U3a met on a Monday
aernoon. The day, me and locaon may well
be re-arranged by members shortly.
For up to date informaon please contact
Rosanne Jarvis on 01824 704500.
All levels of play knowledge or indeed no
knowledge at all are welcome to join the
group. It is a fun game which can become quite
excing as people in small groups interact over
the aim to win!
The bowling group from U3a meets by agreement when 2 or more
parcipants wish to enjoy a game. The green is situated at the Llanfwrog
centre opposite Ruthin Rugby Club and members of the group can aend
and bowl for a small fee any day of the week in season.
For detail please contact Rosanne Jarvis on 01824 704500. She can advise
on the availability of equipment and mes when other bowlers may be
available to play or advise on technique! The game is a lovely way to enjoy
gentle exercise in beauful surroundings.
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Flower Arranging Group.
Meet 3rd Friday Morning of each month. Venue may be changed aer
At the start of September, January, and April the group decides on a
theme for the following weeks. This may be seasonal, colour, containers
etc. Each member brings along owers and containers and constructs an
Members are encouraged to parcipate in the Ruthin show each August and
several members have won prizes.
No previous experience is necessary we all learn from each other. Basic
supplies are available.
Facilitator Dian Moulsdale. [email protected]
The group meet fortnightly to share interests in Drama in all of its forms
through devising scripts which could then be performed for a wider U3A
audience. Presentaons would involve staging, set and prop creaon,
lighng and sound eects and of course acng. Once a script was devised
it would then be rehearsed fortnightly increasing to weekly in the weeks
before performance. Unlike many other groups where it is much easier to
dip in,’ once a producon is planned a degree of commitment is necessary
which may frequently not t with other demands on group members me.
At the present me with social distancing guidelines, acng and performing
are not currently possible.
Contact Mike Vandereijk on mikevandereijk1112@b
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Fun with Canines
Fun with Canines is a self help dog club, with walks, chat at a cafe or
such,operates once a month oen joining up with strolers, not necessary to
have a dog to join. We pop to gardens and the seaside the idea is to enjoy
the oung, it is possible for members to look aer other members dogs, if
some problem arrives I can be contacted by phone 01824 710677 or mob
0786565840 or email hacked1o Bernard
French Life and Language
This is a group for people who love France and the french way of life. Within
the Group there are sub groups to cater for the dierent levels of language
skills, ranging from the beginner to the improver to the uent. In each group
we adopt the approach which the members favour. This may be more formal
language learning or a group conversaon. But in all cases the objecve
is to use and improve our language and to share our interest in aspects of
french life. Generally each sub group meets monthly and shares a piece of
text, perhaps from a newspaper, magazine or on line resource. This will be
translated, discussed and lead on to sharing our experiences, using whatever
language skills we have (usually lapsing into English when neccessary).
Each year we celebrate July 14th with a garden party where all the
subgroups meet together. We enjoy lots of lovely french food provided by
members, french wine (of course) and some sort of entertainment provided
by ourselves. This year we were, unfortunately, in lockdown. The photograph
shows baslle Day 2019.
No meengs are taking place at present although some of us are keeping
in contact on WhatsApp and sharing our interest and experiences. Lets
hope that we will soon be able to resume some acvies, observing Corvid
protocols. I think we may have to adapt to the current circumstances and
nd innovave ways to meet our objecves. Even so we would be delighted
to welcome new members. Anyone interested in joining us please contact
Patricia Lyne, 01824 704269
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Geology Group.
If you ever see some odd looking rocks, a quarry or wonder why some areas
are at but others nearby are hilly you should join our extremeley interesng
group. We meet monthly with eld trips or visits from March to October and
presentaons or hands on sessions in Ruthin library during the winter. We
are a very friendly, welcoming group.
At the moment due to the Covid-19 outbreak and the expected winter u
epidemic I have closed the meengs for the rest of this year. All our past
visits & talks can be found on the geology group website, including our
wonderful visit to Iceland.
So we have visited many geological sites in Snowdonia, Anglesey, Ruthin,
Bala, Mold, Wrexham, Llangollen, GreatOrme and more, usually with a
geologist guiding us. We have been in quarries, up mountains, in mines ,
Liverpool Museum and many more delighul places. Not forgeng Iceland,
well who could forget that!
As soon as its safe to venture out and about I will have a full programme for
us all. There is plenty of geological informaon on Google which is great for
those of us who can’t do without it.
Stay safe,
Isabel Stewart isyhst[email protected]om
Garden Interest Group
Meet 2nd Monday aernoon each month.
Venue various.
This group encompasses a wide range of garden interest acvies. When
possible we visit gardens, small and large. The year usually begins with a
visit to a garden specialising in snowdrops. Members contribute ideas for
places to visit oen gardens featured in the Yellow Book. Members oen
open up their own gardens where we can pick up ps, ideas and plant
swaps. Acvies in the winter months include garden centre visits or talks
by local garden enthusiasts. All of our meengs include coee or tea and
very oen cake!
Visits are usually within a 10 mile radius of Ruthin and we operate a car
share scheme.
Facilitators, Morfudd contact [email protected] and Dian
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The Hillwalking Group meets on the rst Friday of the month. Winter walks
may be in the local hills, in summer we hope to walk in Snowdonia. Walks
are led by volunteers from the group, but there is no pressure. Please
contact Jill Marson if you have any quesons. Once you are on the contacts
list you will be emailed a descripon of the next Hillwalk.
Jill Marson jillandraymond@
The Go Group
Go is a 2-player strategy board game, in which the aim is to capture pieces
and surround territory. It was invented in China over 2,500 years ago and
said to be the oldest connuously played board game in the world. It is
played with black and white stones on a board marked in a grid paern
Prior to Covid, the Go group met every 2 weeks to play. You can google “Go
(game)” on Wikipedia for an overview of the game. To study in detail, try
Sensei’s Library at hps://
New and old members can try playing on line against a computer (“bot”) or
live player via “GoQuest”, which is free from the App Store or Google Play.
Choose the 9x9 board to begin, and you get a 3 minute game. Pick up the
rules as you go along. You can play against strangers or friends. Then, when
groups start meeng again, you’ll be ready to join us face to face!
For more informaon on how to play, email or
message 07812 439479
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We meet monthly (the last Thursday) in the Library from 9am ll noon.
On average (over the last year) 13 members have been present.
Over a few years we have been looking at English polical history from the
16th century onwards. At our last meeng before lockdown we
considered events in the 1930s leading up to WW2.
Usually the facilitator gives a paper but others have also given papers
on subjects relevant to the period that interest them.
We are at a point where we need to decide in which direcon
to go next. Some wish to look at some Welsh history, others the history of
USA or some medieval history, ( we deliberately don’t do local history
as there is a society in Rhuthun that does this). A decision will be made
about the way forward at our next meeng.
With best wishes,
Eric. (01824 702757)
iPads for Beginners
This group is for people who have either just
bought their iPad or perhaps have had one for
a while and are struggling with it. We will look
at common tasks that can be carried out with
your iPad such as Email, taking photographs,
browsing the Internet and perhaps delve into
internet shopping - it depends on what the
group wants to do.
For further details contact David Hislop 01824
705331 or dav[email protected]
Lan and Greek
Our small, but beaufully formed, group connues to meet via Zoom at
2.30pm every Wednesday, one week Lan, one week Greek.
However we have plans to meet in our gardens whenever the weather is
kind. In Lan, we have nished our course up to GCSE, and are condent
we could pass it quite well. We are now considering pushing on to A level
We nd Greek prey dicult, and what with the funny leers and the weird
grammar, we are progressing more slowly.
But we have a laugh, enjoy each others’ company, and get pleasure from
knowing that we may not be uent in these old languages, but we know
more of them than most people do!
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Low Level Walking Group
We walk on the second Friday of each month. Wherever possible starng at
a pub or cafe at 10.00. Our walks are between 2.5 and 3 hours depending
on the terrain and length of walk, usually 4.5/5 miles. Walkers should wear
appropriate clothing including footwear. There is a rst aid kit which is
passed to the walk leader of the day. Dogs are not allowed on our walks.
We usually have lunch (sandwiches or more) at the conclusion of the walk.
Since lockdown in March we have exchanged emails with photographs of the
beauful scenery around Ruthin/our gardens etc. and describing how we
are lling our me. We are pung our walking boots on for the rst Covid
19 restricted walk in October. We are meeng the Welsh Government Covid
19 Regulaons, Naonal U3A and The Ramblers’ protocols. This walk and
the next in November (depending on walkers’ views) will again be limited
to10 (including walk leader and back marker). There will be no “turn up and
walk” gatherings unl next year. Walkers’ safety and well being during the
Covid 19 period is of the upmost importance to everyone.
To parcipate in our walks please ensure you are a fully paid up member of
U3A, otherwise your insurance cover will be invalid.
For further informaon please contact the current walk co-ordinator: Mary
Johnson at mary194johnson@b
Mens Lunch Group
We meet on the last Wednesday of the month in Wetherspoons at 12.30
aer whist.
Please contact David Humphreys for further details or to join this group
Our u3a group meet on a Monday aernoon at 2.30 all welcome.
However the court is available any me to members and any potenal
members who might wish to use it.
The court will have to be taken up when the rugby season starts.
Eorts are connuing to nd a permanent base.
Contact Jack Shakespeare for more details on jackshak[email protected]om
Poetry Reading for Pleasure Group
The Poetry Group have usually met monthly in person but currently meet
over the ether, sending in poems by email to the member who is collang
contribuons that month. Those without email are included by post or
delivery, usually via myself. Contributors are welcome to give very brief
details about the poet and perhaps why the poem/s have been chosen, if
The collator role circulates between those who are willing to undertake it, in
alphabecal order of rst name, or by arranging an alternate if unavailable.
The next Collator usually suggests a theme at the previous session for ‘their
month’s session; happily, a wide range of poems seems to emerge each
me, including members’ own creaons in some cases.
For more details please contact Jean Leith on [email protected]
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We are a group interested in asking questions and thinking about themes such
as knowledge, reason, truth, freedom, God, science, ethics, justice. ese are
things that most of us wonder about naturally from time to time because they
structure the ways we think about the world and our place in it.
Weve looked at (and continue to do so) the development of philosophy from
Plato and Aristotle through to philosophers of the present day.
No previous knowledge is required and all opinions and views are welcomed.
In normal times we meet on the 2nd Wednesday of each month at the Naylor
Leyland Centre, Ruthin but over the last few months we have been communi-
cating through e mail.
For our next project we plan to read and discuss a short book (essay?) by the
philosopher Bernard Williams on Morality.
For more details contact Buddug Pritchard through
Reading / Book Club
The U3A Reading Group has now been running for just over 12 months.
There are currently 18 members with a normal aendance of 8 - 12 people
each month.
The group now meets rst Wednesday of each month from 10 - 12 in the
meeng room at Ruthin Library. Room hire is £15 per session with the cost
being shared between aendees.
Coee making facilies are available to the group and each session starts
with coee and a chat before we start to discuss the book we have been
Discussion tends to be wide ranging and everybody is able to parcipate.
Every few months the group spends some me agreeing book choices for
the coming months. Not everyone likes every book but most members have
said that part of the fun has been the opportunity to read books by writers
that they have not considered before and hear what others think about
For further details please contact Helena Thomas
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The Recorder Group
e group is for people wanting to enjoy and improve their recorder playing
as an ensemble. We are able to play a whole range of music as we have peo-
ple who can play descant, treble, tenor, bass and great bass recorders. Players
practice pieces at home and come together as an ensemble usually conducted
by the leader of the group. We welcome all that want to try, regardless of level
of experience or how rusty you may be. We meet in the Ruthin area but loca-
tion can vary.
Contact Sandra Canter at or 07787 563198
Rubber Bridge
A game for 4people to play in pairs, an expanded form of Whist where a con-
tract is made to win a declared number of tricks.
Wednesday 2 to 4pm At Weatherspoons Ruthin
We will be starting from the basics. I suggest that people buy the essential
guide for those new to the game “Bridge for Complete Beginners” by Paul
Mendelson.£6.99 or cheaper by Amazon.
For more details please contact Ann Daniels (01824 705640)
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Singing Group
We are a small group of about 12 members, all female at the moment. We are
lucky to have a piano accompanist, and we sing a variety of mostly light heart-
ed songs ranging from old folk to old pop songs. We have a break half way
through for tea and biscuits, chat and laughter!
We meet on the rst Tuesday of the month from 2:00 until 3:30 pm. e venue
is the Presbyterian church hall next door to the Co-op. e cost of the hall
hire is shared between members present at the session.
If you are interested in joining please contact:-
Buddug Pritchard at
Spanish Beginners Group
e U3A Spanish Beginners group meets 10.30am, 1st and 3rd Tuesday of
month, at Ruthin Wetherspoons. If you would like to nd out more, please
message your name and mobile number to:
(07812 439479)
Weve been blighted by the weather and havent really met since lockdown
eased. In truth, though: ‘We are mostly now part of the Fun with Canines
Group, giving and receiving more scenic suggestions, usually with a refresh-
ment stop at the end. We rarely walk for over 1 hour 15 minutes over easy
terrain, but with footwear suitable for wet or muddy conditions. Lis, of
usually less than 45 minutes, can be available if compliant with current Covid
For more details please contact Jean Leith on [email protected]
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Sunday Lunch Group
Meet last Sunday in each month.
Variety of venues attended.
Good food and conversation.
Contact Sylvia McCabe for more details:
U3A ‘Sustainable Living’ group - outline
Would you like to reduce your environmental impact but dont know how
best to go about it? Are you unsure where to concentrate your eorts? Do you
want to do something about climate change, but wonder what an individual
can actually achieve? Are you boggled by all the information and advice thats
Well this might be the group for you! e intention is to inspire members
(and maybe through them, their friends and families) and explore the infor-
mation and tools needed to make a dierence.
e plan is for the group to meet monthly, with a mixture of speakers, lms,
discussions, sharing of members’ knowledge and site visits. Members could
also research a particular topic and then report back to the group.
Topics to be covered could include the following. ese are shown in the
order of priority indicated by a show of hands at the preliminary meeting held
on 3rd October – the intention being simply to give us guidance on which
topics to address rst. It is clear however that many of the topics are complex
& inter-related.
Waste – reduce / reuse / recycle including which materials really are recy-
Plastics, especially single use plastics and how to avoid them.
Food – growing / buying local, reducing food miles, impact of dierent
ingredients (e.g. Palm Oil).
Climate change – what can the individual do?
Shopping, fashion, ethical products.
What can the individual do, at home?
Travel – including carbon o-setting for air travel, diesel vs petrol, electric
vehicles, etc.
Renewable energy and energy eciency, switching suppliers etc.
Biodiversity, nature conservation and soils.
Air quality and pollution.
Carbon footprinting – what is it and what tools are available?
Local authority activities, policies and projects
Water and water quality.
Noise and light pollution
Ethical investment – what is it and what are the options?
To register your interest in the group or for more information, contact Carol
or Nick Ward on or 01824 703796.
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Ukulele Group
In normal times the Ukulele group meet weekly on a Monday morning in
Keiths house. In total there are about 11 of us although about 8 meet very
You would really need a little basic knowledge of at least 3 chords to join this
group as we have been meeting for a couple of years.
We call ourselves e Pleasant Pluckers. Over the couple of years we have
been meeting we have played at many Charity and Community events for
which we make no charge.
For more details please contact Keith Moulsdale on 01824 707506 or
e group meets on alternate Wednesdays at 10:00 in Weatherspoons. Please
contact Jack Shakespeare for further details jackshakespear[email protected]m
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