Rubric for PowerPoint Presentation- Time Travels
43 2 1
Background does not
detract from text or
other graphics. Choice
of background is
appropriate for this
Background does not
detract from text or
other graphics. Choice
of background could
have been better suited
for the project.
Background does not
detract from text or
other graphics. Choice
of background foes not
fit project.
Background makes it
difficult to see text or
competes with other
graphics on the page.
Text - Font
Choice &
Content -
Spelling and
Use of
Font formats (e.g.,
color, bold, italic) have
been carefully planned
to enhance readability
and content.
All content throughout
the presentation is
accurate. There are no
factual errors.
Presentation has no
misspellings or
grammatical errors.
All graphics are
attractive (size and
colors) and support the
theme/content of the
Project includes all
material needed to gain
a comfortable
understanding of the
time period chosen.
Student presented
the material with
Font formats have been
carefully planned to
enhance readability.
Most of the content is
accurate but there is
one piece of
information that might
be inaccurate.
Presentation has 1-2
misspellings, but no
grammatical errors.
A few graphics are not
attractive but all
support the
theme/content of the
Project includes most
material needed to gain
a comfortable
understanding of the
time period chosen.
Student presented
material but could have
been more confident.
Font formatting has
been carefully planned
to complement the
content. It may be a
little hard to read.
The content is generally
accurate, but one piece
of information is clearly
flawed or inaccurate.
Presentation has 1-2
grammatical errors but
no misspellings.
All graphics are
attractive but a few do
not seem to support the
theme/content of the
Project is missing more
than two key elements.
Student had many
difficulties presenting
Font formatting makes it
very difficult to read the
Content is typically
confusing or contains
more than one factual
error. It is difficult to
understand the time
period that was chosen.
Presentation has more
than 2 grammatical
and/or spelling errors.
Several graphics are
unattractive AND detract
from the content of the
Project is lacking
several key elements
and has inaccuracies
Student was unable to
complete presentation
before the class.