DRAFT Consensual and Voluntary Relationship Agreement
American Indian Model Schools (the “School”) is committed to maintaining a work environment free from harassment,
discrimination, retaliation, conflicts of interest, exploitation and favoritism. Accordingly, the parties referenced herein
agree as follows:
1. School Policy: It is against School policy to use a position of authority to induce another person to enter into a
non consensual relationship. Indeed, even consensual relationships in the workplace can cause disruption and
other problems in violation of School policy.
2. Consensual/Voluntary Agreement: This is a Consensual and Voluntary Relationship Agreement (“Agreement”)
between the following Parties (hereinafter referred to as the “Parties” or each “Party”):
___________________________________________ and ___________________________________________
(Name of Employee) (Name of Employee)
3. Purpose of Agreement: The purpose of this Agreement is to affirm that both Parties to this Agreement have
agreed to engage in a consensual and voluntary relationship.
4. Acknowledgement of Current School Policy: Both Parties have received copies of the Employee Handbook
which prohibits unlawful harassment, discrimination, and retaliation.
5. Public Display of Affection at Workplace: Both Parties understand and agree that conduct or speech in the
workplace that is sexual or amorous may be objectionable or offensive to others. Therefore, they agree not to
engage in such conduct on School property or when performing work-related tasks in public areas. Examples of
such conduct include, but are not limited to, holding hands or touching in an affectionate or sexually suggestive
manner; kissing or hugging; romantic or sexually suggestive gestures; romantic or sexually suggestive gestures;
romantic or sexually suggestive oral or written communications; and display of sexually suggestive objects or
pictures. Regardless of the status of this relationship, the Parties agree to behave professionally and
appropriately at work, consistent with School policy and this Agreement.
6. No Favoritism: Both Parties agree that neither Party will engage in conduct that could be regarded by others as
providing favored treatment to the other.
7. No Conflicts of Interest: Both Parties agree that neither Party will engage in conduct that could be regarded by
others as a perceived or actual conflict of interest with respect to the terms and conditions of employment for
either Party.
8. School Contact In Event of Relationship Termination: Both Parties agree that, should any issues that may
impact the workplace arise or if the relationship terminates, the following authorized School employee should
be advised:
(Name of Authorized School Employee): ___________________________________________
9. No Direct Supervisor/Reporting Relationship While Relationship Continues: While a relationship continues
between them, neither Party will request, apply for, seek in any way, or accept a direct supervisor or reporting
relationship with the other.
10. No Retaliation If Relationship Terminates: Both Parties acknowledge and agree that either has the right and
ability to end their relationship at any time without repercussion of any work-related nature, and without
retaliation of any form by the other.
11. Future Work Performance/Conduct: This Agreement represents a commitment by the Parties to continue to
follow School policies and procedures and act in a professional manner at all times.
12. Liaison For Contact Purposes: The Parties each understand that the following authorized School employee is
available to discuss any issues relating to this Agreement or matters impacting their ability to work effectively:
(Name of Authorized School Employee): ___________________________________________
13. Confidential Agreement: This Agreement is confidential and is not intended as an invasion of privacy; rather it
is intended as an affirmation that both Parties have been provided with all relevant School policies, have had an
opportunity to discuss the policies, agree to follow these policies, and the terms of this Agreement.
Name of Authorized School Employee