Revised September 21, 2018
Integrated Pest Management (IPM) is a sustainable, science-based, decision-making process that
combines biological, cultural, physical and chemical tools to identify, manage and reduce risk from
pests and pest management tools and strategies in a way that minimizes overall economic, health
and environmental risks. Pests are defined as any organism (microbes, plants or animals) that poses
economic, health, aesthetic or environmental risk. Pests are context-specific, so an organism that
is a pest in one environment may be benign or beneficial in others.
IPM uses knowledge of pest and host biology, as well as biological and environmental monitoring,
to respond to pest problems with management tactics and technologies designed to:
Prevent unacceptable levels of pest damage.
Minimize the risk to people, property, infrastructure, natural resources and the
Reduce the evolution of pest resistance to pesticides and other pest management
IPM provides effective, all-encompassing strategies for managing pests in all arenas, including all
forms of agricultural production, military landscapes, public health settings, schools, public buildings,
wildlife management, residential facilities and communities, as well as public lands including natural,
wilderness and aquatic areas. This National IPM Road Map identifies strategic directions for building
and maintaining research, education and extension programs that focus on IPM priorities for each of
these arenas. Examples of programmatic IPM principles for several federal agencies can be found in
Appendix 1.
The goal of the IPM Road Map is to increase adoption, implementation and efficiency of effective,
economical and safe pest management practices, and to develop new practices where needed. This is
accomplished through information exchange and coordination among federal and non-federal
researchers, technology innovators, educators, IPM practitioners and service providers, including land
and natural resource managers, agricultural producers, structural pest managers and public and wildlife
health officials. The IPM Road Map will be updated periodically by the Federal IPM Coordinating
Committee (see pp. 10-11) as the science and practice of IPM evolve, with continuous input from
numerous IPM experts, practitioners and stakeholders.
Pest management systems are subject to constant change, and must necessarily respond and adapt to
a variety of pressures. Pests may become resistant to pesticides, whether they are conventional or
biologically-based, or adapt to crop rotation, trapping or other control methods. The evolution of
weed, microbe, and arthropod pest resistance is a complex problem with consequential costs to food
security and public health that requires innovative solutions. Coordination between federal agencies,
universities, communities and other stakeholders is needed to address the ecological, genetic,
economic and socio-political factors that affect development, communication and effective
implementation of IPM strategies and technologies to manage pests effectively, slow the rate of
resistance evolution, preserve existing control measures and create effective new approaches.
The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regularly reviews registered pesticides
and may restrict or cancel labeled uses when risks outweigh benefits. Environmental concerns,
consumer demands and public opinion can significantly influence pest management practices. New
and invasive disease-causing pathogens, weeds, vertebrate and arthropod pests are introduced more
frequently as global trade and travel increase. Changing environmental conditions pose new challenges
for maintaining effective pest management systems. Pest species expand their geographic and
temporal ranges, occurring in expanded areas and both earlier and/or later in seasons, in response to
changes in climate. Pest species interactions within and among trophic levels, and across landscapes,
must also be considered when IPM strategies are being developed. IPM practitioners must strive to
implement best management practices, using tools and strategies that work in concert with each other,
to achieve desired outcomes while minimizing risks. Current and evolving conditions necessitate
increased development and adoption of IPM practices and technologies. The National IPM Road Map
serves to make these transitions as efficient as possible.
IPM was originally developed to manage agricultural pests but expanded into new arenas as its success
in agriculture became clear. Federal, state and local governments now use IPM in residential,
recreational and institutional facilities, biosecurity and natural wildland areas. A successful IPM in
Schools program was created through state and federal cooperation, and many states and local
governments have adopted IPM policies.
An emphasis of the National IPM Road Map is to prioritize responses that mitigate the adverse impacts
of invasive species: non-native organisms whose introduction causes or is likely to cause economic or
environmental harm, or harm to human, animal or plant health (Executive Order 13751). The arrival
of invasive species often disrupts established IPM programs in the short-term, as emergency
responses are undertaken to limit potential damage caused by the species of concern until scientists
and practitioners become well-informed of the invasive pest’s biology and ecology and management
practices are developed and delivered. Invasive species are currently estimated to cause $140 billion
in economic losses annually. Some species act as vectors of parasites, viruses and bacteria, potentially
leading to the spread of human illnesses, such as Zika.
The impact of invasive species in natural and human-created environments received national attention
and federal support when Executive Order 13112 on Invasive Species was signed by President Clinton
in 1999 and updated in December 2016 by Executive Order 13751, Safeguarding the Nation from the
Impacts of Invasive Species. This Executive Order established the National Invasive Species Council
to ensure that federal programs and activities to prevent and control invasive species are coordinated,
effective and cost-efficient (www.invasivespecies.gov). Federal and state agencies are coordinating
efforts and developing programs and policies in this effort. IPM programs are continually under
development at all levels to minimize the impact of invasive pest organisms, which can disrupt
established and effective IPM practices.
A primary goal of the National IPM Road Map is to increase adoption and efficiency of effective,
economical and safe pest management practices through information exchange and coordination
among federal and non-federal researchers, educators, technology innovators and IPM practitioners,
including pesticide applicators and other service providers. Pesticide safety education that teaches
pesticide applicators sound safety and stewardship practices in the safe and efficacious use of
pesticides is an important component of IPM programming across focus areas.
Production Agriculture
The priority in this focus area is the development and delivery of diverse and effective pest
management strategies and technologies that fortify our nation’s food security and are economical to
deploy, while also protecting public health, agricultural workers and the environment.
IPM experts, educators, practitioners and stakeholders expect pest management innovations will
continue to evolve for food, fiber and ornamental crop production systems that improve their
efficiency and effectiveness. IPM practices that prevent, avoid or mitigate pest damage have reduced
negative impacts of agricultural production and associated environments by minimizing impairments
to wildlife, water, air quality and other natural resources. Fruits, vegetables and other specialty crops
make up a major portion of the human diet and require high labor input for production. Agricultural
IPM programs help maintain high-quality agricultural food and fiber products, and coupled with
pesticide safety and stewardship practices, help protect agricultural workers, consumers and the
environment by keeping pesticide exposures within acceptable safety standards. Agricultural IPM
programs also extend to and consider pest management in areas beyond production field borders, to
places that can harbor or serve as a source of agricultural pests such as adjacent roadsides, rights-of-
way, ditches, irrigation canals, storage and processing areas, compost and mulch piles and gravel pits.
Natural Resources
Our nation’s forests, parks, wildlife refuges, military landscapes and other natural areas, as well as our
public land and water resources, are under constant pressure from endemic pests and aggressive
invasive species. Invasive pests diminish habitat quality by out-competing native species for resources,
reducing biological diversity, richness and abundance; impairing grazing lands for livestock and
foraging habitats for wildlife; and degrading or impairing many other uses of public lands, waters and
natural areas. Americans value, and spend large amounts of time, in natural and recreational
environments like lakes, streams, parks and other open spaces. Protecting the ecosystem functions,
aesthetic standards and values of natural resources and recreational environments is as important as
protecting public health and safety. IPM practices help minimize the adverse environmental effects of
pest species on our natural areas. As we move into the future, commonly used and accepted metrics
are needed to quantify the impact of IPM programs and practices in these environments.
Residential, Structural and Public Areas
For the general public, the greatest exposure to pests and control tactics occurs where people live,
work, learn and recreate. IPM programs for schools and public buildings are excellent examples of
successful education and implementation programs designed for institutional facilities. Priorities in
this area include enhanced collaboration and coordination to expand these programs to other public
institutions and infrastructure. Residential and commercial environments require different tools and
educational materials than schools, and multifamily public housing structures present particular
challenges, including addressing pest issues for people who are unable or unauthorized to manage
pests themselves. Expanding IPM programs in these areas would reduce human health risks posed by
pests and mitigate the adverse environmental effects of potentially harmful pest management practices.
Preventing and controlling bed bug and cockroach infestations in multifamily and public housing and
other built environments is a high priority.
Improve economic and social analyses of adopting and implementing IPM practices, including
assessing the benefits of practice adoption
Improving the overall benefits resulting from the adoption of IPM practices is a critical component of
the National IPM Road Map. Cost-benefit analyses of proposed IPM strategies should not be based
solely on the monetary costs, but also includes consideration of the efficacy of managing the target
pest, environmental and ecological health and function, aesthetic benefits, human-health protection
and pest resistance-management benefits. Additionally, the personal costs of adoption to end users in
terms of time management and other social costs must be considered.
Economics must be considered for IPM practices to be widely adopted and their benefits realized.
Risks and benefits need to be defined and determined. A major factor in the adoption of IPM programs
is whether the benefit to humans and the broader natural systems outweighs the cost of implementing
an IPM practice. Evaluation of short- and long-term risks and benefits is needed. Attention should also
be paid to understanding the social and cultural characteristics of pest management, because in some
systems risks and benefits cannot be monetized and in others the costs and risks of pest management
practices are primarily borne by one party and the benefits realized by other parties.
Reduce potential human health and safety risks from pests and related pest management
IPM plays a major role in protecting human health. Public health is dependent upon a continual supply
of safe, affordable, high quality food and fiber, often referred to as food security. IPM also protects
human health through its contribution to food safety by reducing potential health risks from food-
borne pathogens and reduced pesticide exposure, and further protects human health by reducing
populations of insect vectors that transmit diseases to humans. Mosquito and vector-abatement
districts across the country use integrated pest management practices to control potentially dangerous
disease vectors, while minimizing human and environmental pesticide exposure. Pesticide safety
training and certification programs also help limit the public’s exposure to pesticides.
Historically, the success of IPM adoption and implementation, and resulting benefits to the health of
humans and the environment, was measured by tracking annual changes in the amount of pesticides
used in the United States, measured in pounds of “active ingredient.” For many reasons, pesticide
usage reduction is an inadequate measure of IPM successes when used alone. Pounds of active
ingredient used per acre does not address the evolving nature of pesticide chemistries (differences in
frequency and rate of application, toxicity, modes of action or human exposure), nor does it consider
changes in the pest complex being managed, including the introduction of invasive species or
resurgence of native pests. Also, in many cases, routine usage data are not available.
IPM practices, technologies and innovations have helped pest managers have move away from
calendar-based spray programs to more informed use of integrated management combining pesticides,
biological, mechanical and cultural controls in a way that minimizes economic, health and
environmental risks. These innovations include advances in pest monitoring, use of predictive models
to target vulnerable pest life stages, new spray technologies to reduce off-target drift, new planting
systems, population-suppression strategies such as mating disruption, use of disease resistant cultivars
or weed seed bank management, advances in scientific knowledge of pest and host biology and
ecology, and use of biological controls, biopesticides and biotechnology.
Minimize adverse environmental effects from pests and related management practices
IPM programs are designed to protect agricultural, urban, and natural environments from the damage
incurred from native and non-native pest species while minimizing adverse effects on soil, water, air
and non-target organisms. IPM practices in agriculture promote healthy crop environments while
conserving organisms that are beneficial to those agricultural systems, including pollinators, natural
enemies and soil flora and fauna. By reducing non-target impacts, IPM helps maximize the positive
contributions that agricultural land use can make to watershed health and function and minimize the
impacts pest control can have on non-pest organisms. IPM practices, tools and technologies enable
land managers to target pest species while minimizing environmental risks to natural ecosystems.
Examples include using trained dogs for detecting marsh-destroying nutria or brown tree snakes in
cargo. Other examples include releases of Wolbachia-inserted mosquitoes to reduce risk of mosquito-
vectored avian diseases in the Hawaiian Islands and management of additional species on lands and
structures managed by many federal agencies.
In order to continue IPM development and adoption, and increase the benefits it provides nationally,
it is critical to enhance investment in:
New strategies and tactics for pest management.
Public and private education infrastructure, including existing land-grant university IPM
and pesticide safety education programs.
Communication about the importance and effectiveness of IPM.
Adoption and implementation of IPM plans and programs.
Research Needs
The IPM toolbox is in a continuous state of evolution. Introduction of new pesticides, changes to
existing pesticide labels resulting from EPA registration review, the influx of invasive species,
development of new technologies, and federal, state and local fiscal constraints on funding all
influence the furtherance of IPM research. Research needs in IPM range from basic investigations of
pest and host biology to the development of new pest management strategies and tools, and their
integration into decision support systems.
Technical Development
While there have been dramatic improvements in pest management practices during the last four
decades, there continues to be a critical need for new options that provide effective, economical and
environmentally sound management of pests. Rapidly evolving molecular genetic approaches,
including genetic engineering, gene silencing, gene editing, gene-drive systems and other genetic-
based IPM practices are being developed. Geographic Information Systems that analyze layers of data
from computers, satellites, aerial photography, drones, soil sensors, crop sensors or handheld GPS
units are enabling new mapping capabilities and spatial analyses of soils, crop health and pest and
weed infestations to allow farmers to better predict pest outbreaks and identify problem areas within
their fields. Variable-rate technology tools provide growers with abilities to vary the application rate
of crop inputs, enabling more spatially and temporally targeted management of pests. Drift-reduction
technologies that enable more precise deposition of pesticides and reduce pesticide drift to non-target
areas are being developed and adopted. As these and other technologies are delivered, they are likely
to significantly impact IPM moving forward.
National research and technology development goals and objectives identified by the Federal IPM
Coordinating Committee include (non-prioritized list):
Investigate local and regional climatic effects on all aspects of IPM.
Determine pest biology and biotic/abiotic interactions to develop and deliver tools and
tactics to manage pests across all IPM arenas and localities.
Develop management tactics for specific settings (including crops, parks, homes, forests,
natural landscapes, wetlands, infrastructure and workplaces) to prevent or minimize pest
Develop diagnostic tools for identifying pathogens, arthropods, vertebrates and weed pest
species, and how they may differ in certain geographic areas and crops.
Develop and deliver more rapid diagnostic tools for detection and management of pests and
pesticide resistance in pest populations, including aquatic pests, plant diseases, arthropods,
vertebrates and weeds.
Develop low-risk suppression tactics, including use of biopesticides, biological control and
products of both traditional breeding and molecular genetic technology.
Develop monitoring tools, action thresholds and suppression tactics and tools for existing
and emerging pests that vector human diseases.
Develop efficacious suppression strategies that are cost-effective to implement.
Develop a more thorough understanding of adverse non-target impacts of pest management
tactics and means of mitigating those impacts, including impacts on society and culture.
Develop a more-thorough understanding of beneficial impacts of pest management
strategies, including impacts on society and culture.
Expand web-based resources for IPM systems.
Integrate postharvest pest management approaches for food and fiber products in both field
and storage.
Develop and implement new pesticide chemistries and application technologies.
Encourage and support the development of areawide IPM projects to more effectively
manage pests on regional or landscape scales.
Encourage and support research that addresses barriers to the adoption of promising IPM
technologies like agricultural uses of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, social acceptance of
molecular genetic approaches, etc.
Develop economic models for IPM that inform research on new pest management
strategies, as well as decision tools for growers to implement management.
Develop research-based educational strategies for delivering IPM to practitioners.
Investigate economic and risk-management models that consider the costs, benefits and
risks of IPM adoption.
Encourage and support research to assess economic, environmental, health and social
barriers to, and impacts of, adoption of IPM.
Evaluate and demonstrate the utility of precision agriculture technology to more accurately
monitor and evaluate pest presence and the evolution and spread of resistant pests.
Evaluate and demonstrate the efficacy of precision agriculture IPM tactics deployed within
or across growing seasons and landscapes, including GPS-guided aerial or ground-based
sensing or imagery systems, alone or integrated with tillage; or precision delivery systems
to apply the right pesticide or microbial agent at the right dose, in the right place, at the
right time.
Education and Communication
A diverse and evolving pest complex requires a cadre of trained individuals with enhanced skills that
ensure human health, food security and environmental protection. It is important for practitioners to
have sound knowledge of pest and host biology, soil and ecosystems functioning, and to acquire new
skills to conduct research and implement IPM strategies using new technologies, including
biotechnology, reduced-risk pesticides, cultural practices, resistance management and biocontrols. It
is also important to have an interdisciplinary cadre of researchers and educators that includes natural
and social scientists and educators to engage practitioners in the process this cannot be a top down
process. To be successful, effective IPM communication and education must be both ground up (end-
user led initiatives and communication of issues to the researchers and educators) as well as top down.
The end-user input is critical to identify problems as well as to develop innovative solutions.
Collaboration with pesticide safety education programs will ensure a significant number of applicators
are trained each year on topics critical to the safe use of pesticides. Additional training programs
should be implemented to educate and equip IPM practitioners with up-to-date information ranging
from basic IPM principles to advanced skills in various technical categories.
Significant effort and support is needed for IPM education programs at U.S. universities to ensure
training for the next generation of IPM scientists and practitioners. This effort should include outreach
to the public so that the challenges of pest management and the benefits IPM delivers across multiple
systems is better understood. Goals of this effort include:
Create public awareness and understanding of IPM programs and their economic, health and
environmental benefits through education programs in schools, colleges and the workplace;
through organizations for education, mentoring and technical assistance initiatives for
beginning farmers and ranchers and similar programs; and through creative use of media, with
attention to underserved and disadvantaged populations.
Ensure a multi-directional flow of pest management information by expanding existing and
developing new collaborative relationships with public- and private-sector cooperators,
including end-users.
Spotlight successful IPM programs and practices at the local, regional and national level to
engender support and promote informed discussion and involvement from stakeholders and
consumers who understand the benefits of public investment in IPM.
Adoption and Implementation of IPM
IPM research, education and outreach must continue to be conducted and communicated between
federal, state and local partners to ensure widespread adoption and implementation of evolving IPM
practices. Outreach and education with the public is also critical. Promoting IPM practices and
technology, and communicating relevant information about the value of IPM to producers,
homeowners, land managers and the public, continues to be a major need. The following activities
will contribute to the adoption of IPM:
Engage with user groups to understand the value and challenges of incentive programs, both
those existing and proposed, to adopt IPM practices. Develop user incentives for IPM
adoption reflecting the value of IPM to society and reduced risks to users. Work with existing
risk-management programs, including federal crop insurance, and incentive programs such as
the Natural Resources Conservation Service’s Environmental Quality Incentives Program
(EQIP) and other farm conservation programs to fully incorporate IPM tactics as rewarded
Research how best to provide educational opportunities for IPM practitioners to learn new
communication skills that improve their extension and outreach practices, and enable them to
engage new and unique audiences in ways that help overcome potential barriers such as
language, cultural sensitivities, lack of internet access, disabilities, etc.
Improve public awareness and understanding of IPM programs and their economic, health
and environmental benefits.
Leverage federal and state resources to enable on-site research, extension, education and
training for end users to ensure long-term adoption and implementation of IPM practices
including the safe use of pesticides.
Develop ways to spotlight successful IPM programs, including areawide management efforts.
Through policies, directives, rules, regulations and laws, federal, state and local governments place
high priority on accountability systems. Such systems are based on performance measurements,
including setting goals and objectives and measuring achievement. Federally-funded IPM program
activity performance can also be evaluated.
The establishment of measurable IPM goals and the development of methods to measure progress
should be appropriate to the specific IPM activity undertaken. Performance measures may be
conducted on a pilot scale or on a geographic scale and scope that corresponds to an IPM program or
activity. Examples of potential performance measures are:
Outcome: Effective IPM practices that are economical and lessen environmental risk are
Performance Measures:
Adoption of IPM Practices - Design and conduct surveys that document the adoption of IPM
practices specific to regional production concerns in specific crops or in the management of
specific pests.
Impacts and Outcomes of IPM Adoption - Document and demonstrate the impacts and outcomes
of IPM adoption, including short- medium- and long-term changes.
Economic, Environmental or Health Benefits - Evaluate IPM programs based on their ability to
improve economic, environmental or health benefits, and to project these economic results to a
regional or national basis that predicts large-scale impacts.
Public Awareness - Develop measures of public awareness and acceptance of IPM.
Training and Technology - Document educational training and technology adoption in IPM
programming that mitigates pesticide exposures and reduces the evolution of pesticide resistance.
Outcome: Potential human health risks from pests and the use of pest management practices
are reduced.
Performance Measures:
Pesticide Exposure - Relate dietary exposure to pesticides to IPM practice adoption using U.S.
Department of Agriculture Agricultural Marketing Service Pesticide Data Program and any
other available data.
Human Health Impacts - Document changes in human health impacts caused by pests (such as
asthma cases related to cockroach infestations, insect-vectored diseases, allergic reactions to
plants, etc.) relative to changes in IPM adoption.
Outcome: Adverse environmental effects from pests and the use of pest management practices
are mitigated.
Performance Measures:
Endemic Pest Control - Document the changes in endemic pest levels and damage following
adoption and implementation of IPM practices.
Invasive Species Damage and Invasion - Document the increasing or decreasing rates of incursion
and damage of selected invasive species following adoption and implementation of IPM
Contaminants - Document reduction in the movement and accumulation of contaminants used to
manage pests and relate those to specific IPM tools and practices.
Environmental Health Improvements - Document long-term improvements in environmental
health in local landscapes following adoption and implementation of IPM practices.
The Federal IPM Coordinating Committee (FIPMCC):
The FIPMCC was established in 2001 by USDA Secretary Ann Veneman. It is composed of
representatives of all federal agencies with IPM research, implementation or education programs, and
may include other public and private sector participants as appropriate. The function of the FIPMCC
is to provide interagency guidance on IPM policies, programs and budgets. A key responsibility of the
FIPMCC is to provide strategic direction for IPM by:
(1) Clearly defining, prioritizing, and articulating the goals of the federal IPM effort.
(2) Making sure IPM efforts and resources are focused on the goals.
(3) Ensuring that appropriate measurements toward progress in attaining the goals are in place.
The FIPMCC reports to the Secretary of Agriculture through the USDA Office of Pest Management
Policy. The national IPM effort stems from a partnership of federal governmental institutions working
with stakeholders on diverse pest management issues. Leadership, management and coordination of
these IPM efforts occur at many levels to more completely address the needs of stakeholders. The role
of the committee is to provide guidance in the establishment of goals and priorities for IPM programs
across all IPM focus areas. To achieve this, the FIPMCC regularly communicates with stakeholders,
including the Regional Integrated Pest Management Centers, land-grant universities and other public
and private entities.
The USDA-funded Regional IPM Centers play a major role in gathering information concerning
the practice and status of IPM, and in the development and implementation of an adaptable and
responsive National IPM Road Map. The Regional IPM Centers have a broad, coordinating role
in the communication and regional coordination of IPM.
Federal Membership of FIPMCC:
United States Department of Agriculture
Office of Pest Management Policy
Agricultural Research Service
National Institute of Food and Agriculture
Animal & Plant Health Inspection Service
Natural Resources Conservation Service
National Agricultural Statistics Service
Economic Research Service
Forest Service
Environmental Protection Agency
Department of the Interior
National Park Service
Bureau of Land Management
Fish & Wildlife Service
Department of Defense
Centers for Disease Control
Department of Housing and Urban Development
General Services Administration
Agency for International Development
Smithsonian Gardens
By Invitation of FIPMCC
Western Integrated Pest Management Center
Southern Integrated Pest Management Center
North Central Integrated Pest Management Center
Northeastern Integrated Pest Management Center
IR-4 Project
National IPM Coordinating Committee
Concluding Remarks
The goal of the National Road Map for Integrated Pest Management is to increase the adoption and
efficiency of effective, economical and safe IPM practices. This is facilitated through information
exchange and coordination among federal and non-federal researchers, educators, technology
innovators, IPM practitioners and service providers, including land and natural resource managers,
agricultural producers, structural pest managers, and public and wildlife health officials. The IPM
Road Map is intended to be a living document that will be updated periodically by the Federal IPM
Coordinating Committee as the science and practice of IPM evolves, with continuous input from
numerous IPM experts, practitioners, and stakeholders. We hope that the information in the Road Map
is meaningful and timely, and will help inform the development and implementation of IPM programs
in the future.
Appendix 1. Principles of an Integrated Pest Management Program
A. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Department of the Interior
B. National Park Service, Department of the Interior
C. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
D. U.S. Air Force
Appendix 1A.
Service, Department of Interior
These IPM principles are the foundation for pest management planning and implementation.
Understand the site management objectives; establish short- and long-term
priorities. Decide on your site objectives for pest management; use Specific, Measurable,
Achievable, Realistic, and Time-based (SMART) objectives when choosing tools.
Prevent species from becoming a pest at your site.
Prevention is the first line of defense against any pest species.
Identify and monitor the pest species.
Know the life history and the conditions that support the pest(s).
Understand the physical (air, water, food, shelter, temperature, and light) and
biological factors that affect the number and distribution of pests and any natural
enemies. Conserve natural enemies when implementing any strategy.
Build partnerships and consensus with stakeholders, such as communities and
Review available tools and best management practices (BMP) for pest management.
Tools and strategies can include: 1) no action, 2) physical (manual and mechanical), 3)
cultural, 4) biological, and 5) chemicals.
Establish the “action thresholds.”
Decide at the level of pests/damage you will implement a management action to control
the pest population.
Obtain approval, define responsibilities, and implement preventive, BMPs and
control treatments in accordance with applicable laws, regulations, policies and an
Integrated Pest Management Plan.
Practice adaptive management.
Evaluate results of implemented management strategies through authorized monitoring;
determine if objectives have been achieved, and modify strategies, if necessary.
Maintain written records.
Document decisions and the treatments implemented, and record monitoring results.
Outreach and education.
Inform staff of the pest management issues in and around the site, and prepare
informative materials for outreach to visitors and others, if appropriate.
Appendix 1B.
National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior
11-Step Integrated Pest management Process
The Process
We use the following 11-step process to develop and implement an effective IPM strategy:
1. Describe your site management objectives and establish short and long term priorities.
2. Build consensus with stakeholders-occupants, decision makers and technical experts
3. Document decisions and maintain records.
4. Know your resource (site description and ecology).
5. Know your pest. Identify potential pest species, understand their biology, and conditions
conducive to support the pest(s) (air, water, food, shelter, temperature, and light).
6. Monitor pests, pathways, and human and environmental factors, including population levels
and phenological data.
7. Establish "action thresholds," the point at which no additional damage or pest presence can be
8. Review available tools and best management practices. Develop a management strategy
specific to your site and the identified pest(s). Tools can include: 1) no action, 2) physical, 3)
mechanical, 4) cultural, 5) biological, and 6) chemical management strategies.
9. Define responsibilities and implement the lowest risk, most effective pest management
strategy, in accordance with applicable laws, regulations, and policies.
10. Evaluate results; determine if objectives have been achieved; modify strategy if necessary
(adaptive management).
11. Education and outreach. Continue the learning cycle, return to Step 1.
Questions to Consider:
Some important questions to consider while determining an effective IPM strategy include the
Is it a pest? (Is it interfering with your management objectives?)
Is it a native or non-native organism?
What conditions foster the pest?
What management zone is it in?
What are the chances of successful management?
Appendix 1C.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Principles of IPM
Traditional pest control involves the routine application of pesticides. IPM, in contrast:
Focuses on pest prevention.
Uses pesticides only as needed.
This provides a more effective, environmentally sensitive approach. IPM programs take
advantage of all appropriate pest management strategies, including the judicious use of
pesticides. Preventive pesticide application is limited because the risk of pesticide exposure may
outweigh the benefits of control, especially when non-chemical methods provide the same
results. IPM is not a single pest control method but rather involves integrating multiple control
methods based on site information obtained through:
monitoring; and
Consequently, every IPM program is designed based on the pest prevention goals and eradication
needs of the situation. Successful IPM programs use this four-tiered implementation approach:
Identify pests and monitor progress
Set action threshholds
Identify Pests and Monitor Progress - Correct pest identification is required to:
Determine the best preventive measures.
Reduce the unnecessary use of pesticides.
Additionally, correct identification will prevent the elimination of beneficial organisms. When
monitoring for pests:
Maintain records for each building detailing:
o monitoring techniques;
o location; and
o inspection schedule.
Record monitoring results and inspection findings, including recommendations.
Many monitoring techniques are available and often vary according to the pest. Successful IPM
programs routinely monitor:
pest populations;
areas vulnerable to pests; and
the efficacy of prevention and control methods.
IPM plans should be updated in response to monitoring results.
Set Action Thresholds - An action threshold is the pest population level at which the pest's
presence is a:
health hazard; or
economic threat.
Setting an action threshold is critical to guiding pest control decisions. A defined threshold will
focus the size, scope, and intensity of an IPM plan.
Prevent Pests - IPM focuses on prevention by removing conditions that attract pests, such as
food, water, and shelter. Preventive actions include:
Reducing clutter.
Sealing areas where pests enter the building (weatherization).
Removing trash and overgrown vegetation.
Maintaining clean dining and food storage areas.
Installing pest barriers.
Removing standing water.
Educating building occupants on IPM.
Control Pests - Pest control is required if action thresholds are exceeded. IPM programs use the
most effective, lowest risk options considering the risks to the applicator, building occupants,
and environment. Control methods include:
Pest trapping.
Heat/cold treatment.
Physical removal.
Pesticide application.
Documenting pest control actions is critical in evaluating success and should include:
An on-site record of each pest control service, including all pesticide applications, in a
searchable, organized system.
Evidence that non-chemical control methods were considered and implemented.
Recommendations for preventing future pest problems.
Appendix 1D. U.S. Air Force
From the 2017 U.S. Air Force Pollinator Conservation Reference Guide providing information to
supplement the U.S. Air Force Pollinator Conservation Strategy (Strategy) developed jointly by
Air Force Civil Engineer Center and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.