Accidents and First Aid Policy, April 2023 Page 1 of 12
Accidents and First Aid Policy
Document name
Accidents and First Aid Policy and
Version number
Health and Safety
Relevant policies
ICO Health and Safety Policy
Mike Collins
Approved by
Mark Brennan
Date of sign off
Review by
Security classification
Key messages
The main objective of this policy is to:
Ensure that the ICO has systems in place to minimise the risk of
accidents, and adequate provisions in place for the treatment of
people who are injured or ill.
Provide staff and users of ICO buildings with details of
arrangements for the provision of First Aid at ICO premises.
Inform staff how to report an accident.
Confirm how accidents will be investigated.
Describe the circumstances in which an accident will be reported to
the local enforcing authority under the Reporting of Injuries,
Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (RIDDOR).
Does this policy relate to me?
This policy applies to all ICO staff, and users of ICO buildings including
visitors, agency staff, consultants and contractors.
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Table of contents
1. Introduction .............................................................................. 2
2. Policy position and purpose ......................................................... 3
3. Accident prevention .................................................................... 3
4. Accident reporting and recording in and around our offices .............. 4
5. First Aid Provision....................................................................... 5
6. Accidents and First Aid whilst working at home .............................. 7
Feedback on this document ............................................................. 7
Version history .............................................................................. 7
Appendix A RIDDOR guidance ....................................................... 8
Appendix B FAQs ....................................................................... 10
1. Introduction
1.1. Accidents can take place in any organisation. The ICO’s offices are
a low risk environment, but it is still important to ensure that we
take action to minimise the risk of accidents, and have the right
provisions in place to treat people who are injured or become ill at
1.2. This policy and procedure sets out the ICO’s commitment to
preventing accidents, investigating when they happen (or could
have happened), and dedicating resources for First Aiders to be
1.3. There are several pieces of legislation which impact on this this
policy including:
The Health and Safety (First-Aid) Regulations 1981
Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 (
The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999
The Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences
Regulations 1995 (
1.4 This policy and procedure applies to all ICO staff, agency workers,
secondees, contractors and visitors to ICO sites.
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1.5 It is the responsibility of the Head of Facilities and Estates, and the
Health and Safety Manager to ensure that ICO offices have
adequate first aid provision.
1.6 This policy will be made available to staff via the ICO intranet, and
also published on the ICO external website.
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2. Policy position and purpose
2.1 The ICO seeks to minimise the potential for accidents to arise in our
workplaces or from our work activities. We will do this by ensuring
that we have suitable systems in place for assessing and reducing
risks and hazards which arise from our work.
2.2 We will ensure that we have adequate provision of trained people
and physical resources to provide first aid in the event of an
accident or ill-health taking place at work.
2.3 We will investigate accidents to identify root causes and take
remedial action to minimise the potential for accidents to re-occur.
2.4 This policy and procedure is intended to:
Ensure that the ICO is compliant with relevant legislation;
Minimise the risk of accidents taking place;
Inform staff how to report an accident, incident or near miss;
Inform staff about the provisions of the Reporting of Injuries,
Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences (RIDDOR) regulations.
3. Accident prevention
3.1. All staff are expected to report potentially dangerous situations.
This can be done by emailing the Health And Safety mailbox or
contacting the Estates and Facilities Team.
By reporting near misses, even if they do not result in an accident
or injury, we can help to better understand hazards arising in the
workplace and prevent potential accidents from happening.
3.2 The Estates and Facilities Team will ensure that offices are kept in
a safe and tidy state, to reduce the risk of accidents such as slips,
trips and falls; burns/scalds from hot drinks; and cuts/abrasions.
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3.3 Contractors, such as those undertaking repairs and maintenance
on building infrastructure or equipment, will be required to provide
method statements and risk assessments where necessary. This
will help to reduce the potential for accidents or unintended actions
taking place.
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4. Accident reporting and recording in and around our offices
4.1 If an accident happens in or around our offices which causes
injury, a First Aider should be alerted.
In Wilmslow, details of First Aiders on site can be found with the
office sign-in sheets. First Aiders can also be identified by signage
at their workstation.
If there are no First Aiders present in Kings Court, Sandfield House
or Venture House, a call should be made to Wycliffe House
Reception on 01625 549 913. A First Aid trained member of staff
will be sent to the relevant building.
At the Edinburgh Office, the First Aiders are identifiable by
signage close to their workstation or their lanyards. If no first aider
is immediately available, staff should call Security Control on
03000 530 387.
The Belfast, Cardiff and London offices staff who have received
First Aid training are identified on a sign-in sheet the office or can
identify themselves if needed. If no first aid trained staff are
available, the a member of staff must take responsibility for calling
an ambulance if necessary. First Aid support may also be available
from other tenants or building reception staff.
4.2 All accidents must be reported, even if they have not resulted in
injury. This can be done using the Electronic Accident Form which is
hosted in the Health and Safety Hub on IRIS, or by completing a
page in the office Accident Book, which held on Wycliffe House
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Each Regional Office also has an accident book. The completed
page needs to be sent to the Health and Safety Manager, or can be
scanned and emailed to: [email protected]
Accidents must be reported as soon as possible after they have
Even if an accident seems to be trivial it needs to be reported. By
knowing about incidents we will be better able to understand if
there are patterns or trends which could help to prevent more
serious issues happening in the future.
4.3 The ICO will need to report information about serious accidents to
the local enforcing authority. This is required under the Reporting
of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations
(RIDDOR). Details of circumstances that must be reported can be
found in Appendix 1.
4.4 Accidents will be investigated. The depth and nature of the
investigation will depend on the circumstances involved. This could
range from informal discussions to establish the circumstances, to
highly structured investigations involving the appointment of
external experts.
4.5 Details of accidents, suitably anonymised, will be provided to the
Health, Safety and Wellbeing Committee to provide oversight of
the incidents occurring at the ICO.
4.6 Accident records will be held securely in a central H&S/Facilities
file. A copy of an accident report concerning a member of staff will
also be held on their Human Resources record.
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5. First Aid Provision
5.1 Staff will be informed about how to contact a First Aider and the
whereabouts of First Aid kits in the office through signage and
information on the ICO intranet.
5.2 The ICO will make three types of First Aid training available for
First Aid at Work (FAW): a comprehensive three day course.
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Emergency First Aid at Work (EFAW): a one day course
providing essential training to deal with severe emergencies.
Online training: a 3-4 hour on-line course providing an overview
of first aid basics.
Staff trained in FAW or EFAW will need to re-qualify every three
years. Refresher training will be made available periodically.
5.3 The number of First Aiders, and their level of training, for each site
will depend on the typical office attendance. A First Aid Needs
Assessment will be conducted for each of the offices where the ICO
has responsibility for First Aid provision on site to inform the
numbers required.
The ICO will adhere to the HSE’s recommended First Aider
provision for low risk environments, which is as follows:
On days of low attendance in Wilmslow, First Aid cover may be
provided from other buildings in the campus if there are no First
Aiders within the building.
5.4 First Aid kits will be made available in each floor and wing of our
offices. They will be adequately stocked with provisions to reflect
the nature of the risks and types of injuries which could occur.
Stock levels will be checked on a regular basis by the Health and
Safety/Facilities teams using British Standard BS 85599-1 (Jan
2019) as a guide for content.
5.5 ICO offices will also be equipped with an Automated Electronic
Defibrillation Machine (often called an AED or Defib) which will
enable a swift response in the event of a person having a heart
attack. First Aid trained staff will be trained to use an AED, though
the products used by the ICO will be automated enough to allow
them to be used safely without formal training.
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6. Accidents and First Aid whilst working at home or travelling
6.1. The HSE state that when work at home is desk based and low risk,
staff will not need first aid equipment beyond their normal
domestic needs.
6.2 If you have an accident whilst working at home, whether you need
to report it will depend on the circumstances. An accident is
reportable if occurred as a result of the work activity being done,
or has involved the equipment you have been provided to work at
home. If you do have an accident whilst working at home, it can
be reported using the Electronic Accident Form.
6.3 If you have an accident whilst travelling for work or attending the
premises of another organisation, it must be reported upon your
return to work using the Electronic Accident Form. If you have had
an accident whilst on site with another organisation, you must also
follow their accident reporting procedures.
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Feedback on this document
If you have any feedback on this document, please click this link to
provide it.
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Version history
Changes made
Made by
Content reviewed and
format updated
March 2023
Mike Collins
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Appendix A RIDDOR guidance
Not all accidents need to be reported, other than for certain gas incidents.
A RIDDOR report is required only when:
the accident is work related
it results in an injury of a type which is reportable
Types of reportable injury
1. The death of any person
All deaths to workers and non-workers, with the exception of suicides,
must be reported if they arise from a work-related accident, including an
act of physical violence to a worker.
2. Specified injuries to workers
The list of 'specified injuries' in RIDDOR 2013 are:
fractures, other than to fingers, thumbs and toes
any injury likely to lead to permanent loss of sight or reduction in
any crush injury to the head or torso causing damage to the brain or
internal organs
serious burns (including scalding) which either a) covers more than
10% of the body, or b) causes significant damage to the eyes,
respiratory system or other vital organs
any scalping requiring hospital treatment
any loss of consciousness caused by head injury or asphyxia
any other injury arising from working in an enclosed space which
either a) leads to hypothermia or heat-induced illness; or b) requires
resuscitation or admittance to hospital for more than 24 hours
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3. Over-seven-day incapacitation of a worker
Accidents must be reported where they result in an employee being away
from work, or unable to perform their normal work duties, for more than
seven consecutive days as the result of their injury. This seven day period
does not include the day of the accident, but does include weekends and
rest days. The report must be made within 15 days of the accident.
4. Occupational diseases
Employers must report diagnoses of certain occupational diseases, where
these are likely to have been caused or made worse by their work: These
diseases include:
carpal tunnel syndrome;
severe cramp of the hand or forearm;
occupational dermatitis;
hand-arm vibration syndrome;
occupational asthma;
tendonitis or tenosynovitis of the hand or forearm;
any occupational cancer;
any disease attributed to an occupational exposure to a biological
5. Dangerous occurrences
Dangerous occurrences are certain, specified near-miss events. Not all
such events require reporting. There are 27 categories of dangerous
occurrences those most relevant to ICO workplaces are:
the collapse, overturning or failure of load-bearing parts of lifts and
lifting equipment;
Any explosion or fire caused by an electrical short circuit or overload
(including those resulting from accidental damage to the electrical
plant) which either a) results in the stoppage of the plant involved for
more than 24 hours; or b) causes a significant risk of death
Structural collapse arising from, or in connection with, ongoing
construction work (including demolition, refurbishment and
Any unintentional explosion or fire in premises which results in the
suspension of normal work in those premises, for more than 24 hours
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Appendix B FAQs
Do I really have to record all accidents? I only got a small scald
when I made a cup of tea.
It may seem trivial, but it is very important to report all accidents. This
helps us to build up a picture of health and safety in the office and
sometimes the most trivial of injuries can become something quite serious
in the future. By recording all accidents you are helping to protect
Can I help myself to a plaster from the first aid kit?
You can take a plaster from the first aid kit if you need one. The stock in
the kits are checked regularly, but do let Facilities know if you notice that
the stock is looking to be low.
What will happen if I am off work for more than seven days due to
an accident at work?
A report will be sent to the enforcing authority as required by RIDDOR.
The enforcing authority (which is usually the local council, but can
sometimes be the HSE) will decide if they need to conduct their own
investigation into the accident when they have received the report.
Does the ICO have to provide a first aid room?
A first aid room does not have to be provided in a low risk environment
like an office. However, where possible the ICO will provide a private
space for first aid treatment or for staff who are feeling unwell to rest. At
some sites this may need to be a private office or meeting room.
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Can a first aider give me a paracetamol or asprin if I have a
Tablets are not allowed in first aid kits. Though the HSE does not
necessarily bar first aiders from giving out paracetamol or asprin, it is the
ICO’s policy that they should not dispense them. This is because there is
a danger that a person may have an allergy or intolerance to them that
could endanger health.
What if I have an accident on another organisation’s premises or
whilst working at home?
If you have an accident whilst at another organisation’s premises you
should follow their accident reporting procedure. In addition it is
recommended that you submit an accident report as soon as you can.
This is likely to be the Electronic Accident Report form, but if you are
returning to the office, it could be a physical form from the accident book.
If you have an accident whilst working at home you must report this as if
you were working at one of the ICO’s premises. This will involve
completing an Electronic accident report form to ensure that it is
submitted as soon as possible.
What do I do if I’m involved in a car accident whilst driving for
This needs to be reported as if you were working at one of the ICO’s
If you are involved in a road traffic accident on your normal commute to
and from work you do not have to report this. If you have an accident on
the way to a work meeting or appointment, even if you have not visited
the office first, or if the meeting is closer to your home than the office,
you should ensure that you report the accident.
As a rule of thumb, if you are claiming mileage or travelling time for the
journey when the accident occurred, you should report it.
What do I do if I’m involved in an accident whilst on public
transport whilst travelling for work?
You should ensure that the accident is reported to the public transport
company and also recorded using the Electronic Accident Reporting form
or an physical accident reporting form upon your return to the office.
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