Xavier University of Louisiana
Office of Student Health Services Office: (504) 520-7396
1 Drexel Drive Box 36 Fax: (504) 520-7962
New Orleans, LA 70125
Revocation of Authorization to Disclose Health Information Form
This form is used to revoke previously authorized disclosure. The Health Insurance Portability and
Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) provides an individual the right to revoke a previous
authorization to disclose protected health information at any time.
Patient Information:
Name: ___________________________________ D.O. B. ______/______/______
ID# or SSN: _______________________________ Phone #: __________________
Statement of Revocation:
I hereby revoke any previous authorizations to disclose my protected health information (PHI)
I understand that this revocation of my authorization will only apply to further disclosures
regarding my personal health information and cannot cancel actions or disclosures made before
receiving this written notice of my revocation.
Description of Authorization Revoked:
Date of original authorization (if known): _____/_____/_____
Copy of authorization attached: Yes ___ No ___
Person or Entity authorized to receive the information:
Specific description of information to be revoked. (Information you authorized to be released)
This authorization must be signed and dated below by the patient or legal guardian to be
valid. Parents or legal guardians must also include their name and relationship to the
Patient Signature: _____________________________________________ Date: ____/____/____
Parent/Legal Guardian Name: ______________________________________________________
(Please Print)
Legal Guardian Relationship to Patient: ______________________________________________
Parent/Legal Guardian Signature: ________________________________ Date: ____/____/____
Please retain a copy of the revocation form for your records and a copy will be kept on file
in your medical record for the time period according to Louisiana record retention law.